DAR AgNor Publication Issue No. 1, 2016

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Department of Agrarian Reform

Province of Agusan del Norte

Ang Opisyal nga Mantalaan Sa DAR Provincial Office - Agusan del Norte 1st Quarter, January-March 2016 J. Rosales Avenue Butuan City; Tel./fax : (085) 341-3154;

website: www.dar.gov.ph

ARB-Organizations bag national recognition


wo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries organizations in Agusan del Norte recently bagged the excellent performing organizations award from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP). The award was in recognition of excellent performance of the associations based on their outstanding 100% repayment of loans under the Agrarian Production Credit Program (APCP) held during the 2nd National Agri-Fisheries Credit Program Assessment and Planning Workshop for Visayas and Mindanao in Cagayan del Oro City. During the ceremony, Baleguian Organic Farmers Irrigators Association (BOFIA) and Taguibo Integrated Pest Management Irrigators’ Association (TIPMIA) were made awardees as good borrowers of APCP from Caraga Award / page 7 >>>

In this issue ARB-organizations bag national recognition

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ARB Organizations receive P2.4 million loan

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DAR AgNor intensifies campaign against graft

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DAR Agnor holds seminar on integrating Work, ..... 3 Family and personal life DAR AgNor nominates BOFIA as 2016 outstanding organization DAR AgNor conducts gender sensitivity symposium for women ARBs DAR AgNor supports women empowerment

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P2.4 million loan


Chairman Wenifredo Maldo of Baleguian Organic Farmers’ Irrigators Association (BOFIA) (3rd from left) and Chairman Romy S. Lasco of Taguibo Integrated Pest Management Association (extreme left) proudly showing off their award during the 2nd National Agri-Fisheries Credit Program Assessment and Planning Workshop for Visayas and Mindanao held at Cagayan del Oro City. Also in the Photo are DAR Caraga Regional Director Julita A. Ragandang (2nd from left), and Luningning B. Ycoy of DAR Agusan del Norte.

he Baleguian Organic Farmers Irrigators Association (BOFIA) in Jabonga and Maong Agrarian Farmers Cooperative (MAFCO) in Cabadbaran City received P2 million and P400 thousand, respectively, from Agrarian Production Credit Program (APCP) of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and Department of Agriculture (DA) Credit Program. The loan package is assistance


graft / page 6 >>> JAN-MAR 2016


PARPO’s Message CARP continues in moving forward amid the heat of the campaign season. DAR Agusan del Norte never stops at implementing activities even if the program is not spared in the political brickbats and intrigues that this or that candidate is out to put an end to the program. To stop CARP means to amend the constitution which mandates for the state to continually undertake and agrarian reform program based on social justice principle. Should agrarian reform stakeholders worry and take side in the campaign and debate to ensure agrarian reform continuance? The task for DAR is to prepare for the next administration. What will be the focus? What activities should be prioritized? Questions whose answers remain on who will be running the government after the next two months. Bracing for uncertainties we take refuge in prayer: Laborare est Orare! (To work is to pray!). Our work has brought land to the farmers, increase income of poor families, and even developed communities with roads, irrigation systems and rural enterprise structures. There were complaints and problems in the process which were made specious arguments for abolition of CARP. But the mistakes cannot, should not, be made a basis for termination of the only asset redistribution program that significantly improves the chances of the poor in having equal chances to survive, feed and educate their children, in a harsh and competitive world.

ANDRE B. ATEGA, CESO V Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II


Department of Agrarian Reform - Province of Agusan del Norte

DAR AgNor intensifies campaign against graft


n li n e wi t h t h e n at i onw i d e campaign of President B e n i gn o S . A q u i n o III f or g ood go v e r n a n c e a n d f i gh t a g a i nst gr a f t p r a c t i c e s a mo n g p u b l i c servants, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Agusan del N o r t e c o n d u c t e d a t w o-d a y Public Accountability and Values Enhancement Seminar (PAVES) held in one of the convention centers here. The activity was aimed to identify the goals of public accountability and to challenge ever y participant to un d e r s t a n d t h e d o c t r i n e o f professional conduct and ethical standar d s o f e v e r y g o v e r n m e nt official and employee. The activity also recognized and discussed the importance o f F i l i p i n o v a l u e s t o remind the participants regarding respect for authority, love of Almighty God, selfless love, stewardship, wisdom of truthfulness and sanctity of marriage. DAR in Agusan del Norte employees strike a pose after a long-day seminar on Integrating Work, Family and Personal life spearheaded by the Gender and Development (GAD) and in partnership with DAR Ladies Association (DARLA) held at the Luciana Convention Center on March 30, 2016.

DAR Agnor holds seminar on

To p i c s d i s c u s s e d a r e t h e laws on Anti-Graft and Corrupt Values / page 6 >>>


Work, Family & Personal


mployees of the Depar tment of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Agusan del Norte attended the Seminar o n “ Inte grati ng Wor k, Family a n d Personal Life” held recently in one of the convention centers here. The seminar was part of the month-long activities in line with the National Womens’ Month with the theme “Kapakanan ni Juana, Isama sa Agenda!” organized by the Gender and

DAR-ADN employees strike a pose after a long-day seminar on Integrating Work, Family and Personal life spearheaded by the Gender and Development (GAD) and in partnership with DAR Ladies Association (DARLA) held at Luciana Convention Center on March 30, 2016.

work / page 7 >>>


JAN-MAR 2016



BOFIA as 2016 outstanding organization nominates


he Baleguian Organic Farmers’ Irrigators Association (BOFIA) is being eyed by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) as this year’s outstanding organization for its excellent performance and impressive growth. The coop has now an asset worth P40.5 million, an achievement done in just three years when they were just worth P1.9 million in 2013. BOFIA was registered in 1977, since then, it has been the agency’s partner in providing basic services to farmers and in managing projects like irrigation facilities with the National Irrigation Association (NIA), provincial government, the local government unit of Jabonga, and other stakeholders. Because of BOFIA’s performance, DAR turned-over four projects worth more than P51 million. Some of these interventions were under the Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project phase III (ARISP-III) composed of Irrigation System (IS) and Farm-toMarket road (FMR) amounted to more than P33 million and P12 million, respectively. Th e i rri g a ti o n system h as a p ot e n ti a l ser vi ce are a of 180 hectares that served more than a hundred farmer-beneficiaries. Connecting the farmers and market is a well cemented 1.892 kilometer FMR which was completed and


income and productivity to the farmers of Jabonga. “BOFIA is fortunate being one of the recipients of the ARISP III projects. It could bring progress and uplift the socio-economic condition of the farmers,” Dagdag added.

DAR Caraga regional director Julit a A . R agan dan g s a i d t h a t DAR’s partnership with NIA and the local government resulted in more development projects for the agrarian turned over in 2011. reform community in Jabonga. “But it is the unity and the strong will of the BOFIA’s success and effectiveness i s n o t o n l y i n m a n a g i n g a n d farmer-beneficiaries that prompt this accessing infrastructure projects. It project to be realized,” Ragandang also availed credit under the Agrarian added. Production Credit Program (APCP) DAR Agusan del Norte Provincial amounting to P3 Million for rice Agrarian Reform Program Officer production inputs to match the farm Andre B. Atega congratulates BOFIA equipment funded under Agrarian for this year’s excellent performance in Reform Community Connectivity realizing its dream, as it could bring and Economic Support Ser vices a great help to the farmers in Jabonga (ARCCESS) worth P4.3 Million. town. In a ceremonial turned-over of CIS and common service facilities last February 4, 2016, BOFIA chairman Winefredo Maldo expressed gratitude to DAR ARISP-III and NIA for the support services provided to BOFIA. “This is a blessing to the farmers in Jabonga . . . indeed, it’s a dream come true,” Maldo added.

Board Member Danny Moran, representing the Governor Maria Angelica Rosedell Amante-Matba said that the provincial government is a crucial ally in rural development in partnership with DAR, NIA and other stakeholders.

Under the President Aquino administration, these support services ARISP III National Project Manager bring socio-economic benefit to Cristy Dagdag, urged BOFIA to the farmers as well as total human take care of the projects as it would development in the countryside. greatly contributed in raising farm

Department of Agrarian Reform - Province of Agusan del Norte


conducts gender sensitivity symposium


women ARBs


he Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Agusan del Nor te in coordination with the Gender and Development ( G A D ) c o o r d i n a t i n g t e a m conducted a Gender-Awareness symposium for rural-women Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) held recently at Luciana Convention Center, this city. A total of 104 rural women ARB leaders and members participated in the said activity from the different organizations in the province. Some participants were DAR gender and development point persons from city and municipal women’s desk stations. The a cti vi ty i s a c on tin uin g e f f o r t o f D A R ’s G e n d e r a n d Development Coordinating Team in the advancement of rural women Ag r a ri a n R efo r m Ben e f ic iarie s (ARBs). Ang luna sa yuta nga gitagana alang kanimo usa ka gasa nga gipaawasan og dugo sa atong mga kaliwatan, ayaw ibaligya, hinunoa palamboa ug ampingi kini.

The said event is in line with the commemoration of the month-long celebration of Women’s month in March with the theme, “Kaayuhan ni Juana, I-apil sa adyenda.” Provincial GAD point person Luningning B. Ycoy said that the activity was aimed to promote selfreliance for women ARBs so that they can actively make decisions for themselves, for community and able to participate for organizationbuilding efforts. “This activity will enhance awareness among rural women ARBs to become gender-responsive

within family, organization and community,” Ycoy said. Topics discussed were the Role of Women towards family, organization and community; Inputs on intensifying w o m e n ’s r e p r o d u c t i v e h e a l t h Rights and Nutrition services; and protection and fulfillment of women’s human rights under Family Code of the Philippines. During the activity, the participants were challenged in realizing the objectives of the program and in creating gender focal points in their respective area.


ANDRE B. ATEGA, CESO V, PARPO II Editor-in-Chief GIL E. MIRANDA, PIO Contributor / Photographer / Layout

For comments/suggestions/contributions, please contact us at Fax # (085) 341-3154 or e-mail rec_adn@yahoo.com or andraga_2004@yahoo.com.


JAN-MAR 2016


DA R A g N o r su pp o r t s women empowerment


he Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Agusan del Norte joined the observance of National Women’s Month celebrated each year to recognize working and rural women with the theme, “Kaayuhan ni Juana, I-apil sa adyenda.” Series of activities have already lined-up in line with the national w o m e n ’s m o n t h c e l e b r a t i o n , spearheaded by the DAR-Gender and Development (GAD) Coordinating Team involving full participation of DAR women personnel and a group o f r u r al wo m en Agrarian Re f or m Beneficiaries (ARBs), who represented their respective organizations. O n e o f these a ctivities w as a s ymposium for rural women ARBs highlighting on promoting women equality and their role in society and development. The event conducted last March one with more than a hundred of women participated from different municipalities in the province. “The symposium for ARB women was conducted to unlock their potentials so that they can respond to the everyday challenges confronting women in every community,” Ellen J. Torralba, GAD point person said. Other activity was free medical checkup that included fasting blood sugar (FBS), cholesterol test and blood pressure test held at DAR Provincial

office. Also, a fun walk and a fun games conducted to promote camaraderie and strengthen social relationship among employees. “Hataw or Zumba” was also provided enjoying the health benefits for every working women of DAR from a busy-working days. Meanwhile, a forum on Marriage Stre n gt h en in g S emin ar w as als o conducted last March 30. It was a vital activity that implies a redefinition of the women’s role towards her husband and in the family. The said event participated in by all DAR employees. It discussed the clear understanding between men and women differences that might affect poor performance among employees in the workplace. DAR GAD Coordinating Team and employees in the province are onboard to fight and retrieve women’s dignity. It is not taking power from women to men, but its about alltogether working toward genderequality.

>>> from page 1 / graft

for Integrated Rice Production and Marketing Program of the said Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) that will benefit 77 association-members in BOFIA and 11 members in MAFCO. BOFIA contracted the same loan from APCP in 2014 and 2015 worth of Php813 thousand and one million, respectively, with 100 percent repayment before the maturity date, which made BOFIA an awardee in March 2016 repayment performance recognition ceremony. BOFIA Chairman Wenifredo Maldo said “the credit program of the government enable the irrigatormembers to sustain and improve rice production.” The APCP is a partnership credit program of DAR, DA and managed by Land Bank of the Philippines.

>>> from page 3 / Values

P r a c t i c e s , A n t i - R e d Ta p e A c t , Anti-Sexual Harassment, and the Revised Schedule of Penalties for Administrative Offenses Committed by Government Employees. During the activity, the participants were challenged to live exemplary li v e s a n d b e a p a r t n e r i n t h e campaign to fight the temptation of graft.

DAR Ladies Association (DARLA) in Agusan del Norte joins the National Women’s Month celebration activity last March 8, 2016. Photo shows DAR Ladies strike a pose during the said activity held at Balanghai Hotel, Butuan City on March 8, 2016.


Department of Agrarian Reform - Province of Agusan del Norte

In his message, Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II Andre B. Atega said that the seminar is a two-day break from expediency and opportunism or the usual style in performing public service. “This seminar will bring closer to our true worth as public servant,” he said.

>>> from page 1/... award


said, “The award we received is now a The said awarding was led by DA great source of pride for our association. Secretary Proceso Alcala, DAR Secretary It signifies our dedication to serve farmerRosalinda Bistoyong and Land Bank beneficiaries of CARP in Jabonga town.” Board Gerardo Bulatao. APCP aimed to address the credit BOFIA Chairman Wenifredo Maldo needs of the farmer-organizations. A and Chairman Romy S. Lasco of TIPMIA capacity development program of the received the awards on behalf of the DA, DAR and Land Bank will ensure that the credit fund provided will put to good farmer-organizations. use by the farmers. BOFIA Chairman Winefredo Maldo >>> from page 3 / work

Development (GAD) technical working group of this province in partnership with DAR Ladies Association (DARLA). Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II Andre B. Atega, represented by Chief Agrarian Reform Program Of f i c e r f o r L a n d Te n u r e Improvement Division Laudecia F. Acquiatan in her message encouraged every employee to p u t i n t o p r a c t i c e w h a t they have learned during the seminar. T he a cti vi ty aime d on ho w to m a i nta i n n ot on ly a productive workplace bu t a l s o a h a r m o n i o u s family relationships. It also brings personal growth and development in order to live a well-balance work and life coupled with inner satisfaction from relationships with God.

speaker, said that “in this busy w orld, th ere ar e alw ay s competing demands for time. If the quality of our work affects the quality of time spend with our family, then, this seminar will give a perfect balance on integrating work, family and personal life.” Topics discussed were Complementar y Roles of Husband and wife; Healthy Communication in the family and in the workplace; Affair Proofing of your marriage; Understanding men and women’s differences; and Makin g an d man agin g money.

Honey Jane Dadula, DARLA officer and one of the organizers, said that this seminar will do in balancing the value of work while keeping their family’s relationships strong and healthy behind the everyday challenges in the office and home. Jobert Tolentino, the resource TUBURAN PUBLICATION

JAN-MAR 2016



2014 Most Outstanding Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Family for Mindanao

Kinsa sa inyo ang gusto mausab ang financial life ning tuig 2016?

during the celebration of the 2014 International Year of Family Farming (IYFF)

Ang pangutana, ngano kaha aduna pa gihapon mga tawo nga dili motuo na pwede nila maabot ang financial freedom nga ilang gidamgo?

1st Runner-up “Ulirang Magsasaka”

during the Land Bank’s 24th annual Ginintuang Gawad sa Pinakatanging Kooperatiba Award (Gawad Pitak 2014)

Kabalo ka? Dili ingon nga dili nila gusto nga maharuhay ilang kinabuhi. Usahay sa sobra nga kapit-os nga ilang natagamtaman nawad-an na sila og pag-laom para makalingkawas sa pag-kalimid sa kalisod sa kinabuhi. Ug ang kasagarang hinungdan mao ang UTANG o DEBT. Ikaw ba daw murag nawad-an na og pag-laum tungod sa sobra kadako sa utang? ikaw ba nga bisag nabayran na ang imong utang, mobalik pa gihapon sa pagpangutang? ikaw ba daw dili na makahibalo unsay angay buhaton sa sobra kagamay sa nahibilin sa sweldo padulong pa sa pambayad sa interest sa imong utang? kon ikaw anaa niana nga kahimtang, then, unsa angay buhaton? HOW TO GET OUT OF DEBT? CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE - You do not ask your income to adjust your lifestyle.You tell your lifestyle to adjust to your income. SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE - Admit that you are in financial need. Ayaw pakaaron-ingnon. Magpakatotoo ka! LIVE IN SIMPLICITY NOT DUPLICITY - Dapat maantigo makuntento sa kinabuhi.Ayaw pag-damgo sa mga butang kung dili nimo kaya o wa pay sakto nga timing.Kaya kaayo nimo makalingkawas sa utang! Layo pa sa stress ug maka-ipon kapa!

I am one of the agrarian reform beneficiaries who value land from CARP program. I am really thankful to DAR for its continuing intervention. In return, I am now their success story. They are now proud of me as I am proud of being a farmer.

Mr. Ruben M. Ragas Agrariran Reform Beneficiary Sanghan, Cabadbaran City


ng DAR Logo nagpakita sa acronym sa departamento diin nag-representar sa institusyon ug sa tahas isip namunoan sa ahensya sa pag-implementar sa Komprehensibong Programa sa Repormang Pangkabukiran o Magbaba-ol kun (CARP). Ang kasanag sa adlaw mibusilak ngadto sa lunhaw nga umahan diin nabahin kini sa 12 (dose) ka pikas nga nagrepresentar sa orihinal nga dose ka mga rehiyon nga nahisakop sa maong programa. Ang Green o lunhawng kolor nag-representar sa kaabunda ug kamauswagon ug ang dalag kun yellow nag-representar sa paglaum ug bulawanon nga ani sa mga agrarian reform beneficiaries kinsa maoy mga tigdawat sa mga serbisyong gihatag sa Departamento sa DAR pinaagi sa CARP. Ang duruha ka mga color nag pasabot sa ekonomikanhong pag-uswag ug diha sa nag-ugong nga banikanhong kalambuan nga nakab-ot pinaagi sa agrarian reform.

MANDATO (MANDATE) Ang Departamento sa Repormang Agraryo namuno sa pag-implementar sa Komprehensibong Programa sa Repormang Pangkabukiran o Magbaba-ol kun (CARP) pinaagi sa pagbaton og kauswagan sa pangyuta, hustisya ug kaangayan, ug pag-koordinar sa pag-hatod sa mahinungdanon nga suportang serbisyo ngadto sa mga mag-uumang benepisyaryo. TAHAS (MISSION) Mamunoan sa pagpatuman sa Repormang Agraryo ug sa paghatag sa malahutayong suporta diha sa banikanhong kalambuan pinaagi sa pagapod-apod sa kayutaan ug mga probisyon sa serbisyong pangkalambuan ngadto sa mga saop nga benepisyare, mag-uumang tigtikad og yuta, agalong mag–uugmad sa gagmay nga luna ug paghatod sa hustisyang agraryo. PANLANTAW (VISION) Usa ka nasod nga adunay makiangayon nga pagpanag-iya sa yuta ug adunay katakos nga mga Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries kinsa epektibo nga nagdumala sa ilang ekonomikanhon ug katilingbanon pangkalambuan para sa maarang-arang nga kalidad sa kinabuhi.


Department of Agrarian Reform - Province of Agusan del Norte

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