Today's Daring Woman - February 2019

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DARING WOMAN February 2019



YWoman EAR

The Girl with the Permanent Smile

Can You Be a Leader & a Follower? Today’s Daring Woman



Today’s Daring Woman



Today’s Daring Woman


In this Issue... Cover Stories 11 | The Girl with the Permanent Smile 17 | Can You Be a Leader & a Follower? 28| The Year of the Woman

Women’s Issues

Health & Wellness

Daring Woman Podcast

23 | It Takes Health, Vitality & Energy to be a Daring Woman

21 | From Recovery to Discovery 21 | Stop Killing Yourself in the Gym

Empowered Reading


32 | 10 Titles to Pick Up

39 | Horoscopes

35 | The Confident Woman 38 | Inclusive World

Catch us on Instagram @ ImADaringWoman


Today’s Daring Woman

Letter from the Editor Now, more than ever women around the world are coming together to create change. Change in how society views and treats women. Change in how media portrays women. This issue encompasses women of all shapes, sizes, colors, races...and every single one is breathtakingly beautiful. (Especially sweet Sophia - read her story in The Girl With the Permanent Smile on page 11) Not only am I immensely proud to be a woman in this day and age, to see the wonder of our gender working side-by-side to make this world a safer, more loving place...but I am delighted that I can be part of that change with Daring Woman. This issue by far is my absolute favorite, and I hope it’s yours too. I was so excited to see this issue put together. It’s funny how life works. I’ve been very sick and was behind on this issue. It was shaping up to be a very small publication. But the Universe had other ideas in store. I started receiving emails about these amazing projects focusing on women as they are and as they want to be. These projects were absolutely perfect for this issue..The Year of the Woman.

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Editor-in-Chief @traceycosborne







Today’s Daring Woman


TRACEY OSBORNE Editor-in-Chief


Team Assistant Editor MARK OSBORNE Design Director HEATHER TERWILLIGER Graphic Designer SUSANN TRAXEL-ROBINSON Social Media Manager JESSICA WESTPHAL Web Designer CHRISTIANE JECHOUX Executive Assistant CHARLOTTE BELLIS Special thanks to Natalie for sharing her and Sophia’s story!


Today’s Daring Woman

From tanks and tees to posters and mugs, surround yourself with positivity to stay motivated day in and day out.

S H O P DAR I N G W O M AN. C O M Today’s Daring Woman


Contributors Isabel Hundt

Isabel Hundt is a successful Inspirational Speaker, Founder of the #ISeeUMovement, Sociologist, certified Transformation Coach working with Highly Sensitive Visionaries and World Changers aka Empath-Warriors™, Emotions Clearing Practitioner, published Author of The Power of Faith-Driven Success and Amazon Bestselling Co-Author. Her expertise revolves around navigating your emotional world, the power of intuition and the importance of trust and perseverance in today’s society. Isabel has been featured on close to 100 TV shows, well-known radio and podcasts shows.

Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage is known as the “no-nonsense, common sense” business strategist, speaker, author, content marketer, and owner of Power Up For Profits. Kathleen loves working with those who are on a mission and committed to raising their own personal bar. Her obsession with business, animals, health, and the environment align perfectly with her desire to raise awareness about how a plant based eating protocol can literally save lives.

Meagan Copelin

Meagan is an expert in the areas of forgiveness, women empowerment, career achievement, mindset mastery, women in leadership, self-love, positive affirmations, networking, and walking in faith. Throughout her career, Meagan has given back to the community by volunteering with numerous non-profits organizations, in addition to serving on local boards in a variety of capacities. She is also an active member of several professional organizations throughout Houston and the United States. Meagan holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Liberty University, an MBA from American Intercontinental University, and is currently a doctoral student at Grand Canyon University, focusing on writing her dissertation. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, volunteering within the community, reading, writing, going to the movies and traveling. She is a Christian and avid Saints fan.

Julee Hunt

Julee Hunt is a Worthiness Warrior who inspires audiences to transform hopelessness, exhaustion, and depression into purpose, playfulness, and meaning. She has a vision to create a world where worthiness is the way for everyone. After a job loss and lifepausing illness, she devoted herself to reclaiming her worthiness becoming the leader of her life. She has appeared on the Oprah Show, the Hay House “A Trainer’s Guide to Infinite Possibilities Certification Course,” Infinite Possibilities conferences, and on multiple podcasts. Julee authored the #1 Best Selling book “You Are WORTHY! Even When You Believe Otherwise: A Guide for the Overwhelmed Perfectionist.


Today’s Daring Woman

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Today’s Daring Woman

The Girl with the Permanent Smile by Tracey Osborne Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life that is truly magical. We experience the wonder and joy of growing a life within us. Feeling the butterfly flutters when they are moving. Watching our bellies expand with the growth of our precious babe. We spend months preparing…picking out names, decorating nurseries. Wondering what will he/she be like? Who will they look like? What will they be when they grow up? It’s a time of wonder and enchantment. Until it’s not. When Natalie Weaver was pregnant with her daughter, Sophia, it was everything she dreamed. A typical pregnancy. Excited to meet her precious daughter, Natalie went for her 34-week ultrasound to make sure all was

progressing fine. That day changed her life forever in ways she’d never even begun to imagine. Rushed to a specialist, the doctors spent 2 hours examining Sophia through an ultrasound. “You could tell they hadn’t seen any baby like Sophia before. They finally told me that Sophia would be born with facial, hand and feet deformities and that she may not survive birth. I had four weeks to try to prepare myself and it was the heaviest weight and fear I’ve ever felt,” says Natalie. Sophia is a rare gem in this world. Being the only one in the world with her facial features and combination of deformities has caused her team of doctors to learn how to think outside the box in terms of her care. At age one, she was diagnosed with Rett syndrome,

Today’s Daring Woman


a neurological disorder that impairs brain development, permanently robbing her of language and motor functions. As a result, Sophia depends on her family for 24/7 care. The Weavers have several full-time nurse aides to help with Sophia’s full-time care. Because Sophia is unable to go out and enjoy many of the typical family fun things as it puts her at risk, they make sure to have fun family time and activities all together at home. Despite her differences, Sophia is an amazing human being. She is so sweet and loves to cuddle, laugh, have books read to her, she gives Natalie attitude and rolls her eyes. “Holding her and spending time with her forces you to be in the moment. She’s a powerful little girl and all your worries melt away when in her presence.” Sophia can’t speak, though sometimes when the neurological storms subside, she can say a word here and there. She called her mom annoying last month and Natalie thought it was glorious. She says Sophia laughed and laughed after saying it. Natalie shares that it’s amazing how few words they actually need to communicate. Sophia communicates with her eyes, her soul and her heart. She also has various communication devices that allow her to communicate, as well as movements and other methods. Her mom says that she is really expressive. When I first discovered Natalie on Twitter, my interest was piqued. She was talking about yet another insensitive person who called Sophia a monster and told Natalie she should kill her. I was floored. How could anyone be so cruel? As


Today’s Daring Woman

a mom I can’t imagine hearing someone say I should have killed my baby. I realized instantly that this is the global mentality that needs to change around people who are different. “There is nothing to fear. We are all human beings inside. If you take a moment to

acknowledge your discomfort, explore why it’s there, move beyond it, and take the time to get to know someone who isn’t like you, your life will be changed for the better. People who are considered different based on deformities or disabilities really aren’t that different from you at all. Take the time to smile and say hello. Teach your children from a very early age and do not shush them away, “ says Natalie. I began to pay attention to what Natalie had to say on her Twitter. I scrolled through her photos of Sophia and family. I started to see Sophia in a new light. Not as a monster, but as a beautiful girl with a permanent smile. People with deformities aren’t monsters. They look different. They behave different. It’s not their fault. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just nature. And they need to be accepted and loved and treated like any other human being on this planet. The monsters are the heartless beings urging Natalie to destroy this precious, bright light

who will only be with us for a short time as it is. “People, they seek you out and want to hurt you,” Natalie says. “Some people go out of their way to make sure you see their cruelty. I get people telling me to kill my child, to put her out of her misery.” I believe all things happen for a reason and Sophia’s existence has a very definite purpose. She is here to help Natalie use her voice as an advocate for people with deformities and disabilities. And advocate she does. Three years ago, Natalie’s state of North Carolina was planning to decrease the home and communitybased Medicaid program that helps thousands of NC kids, including Sophia. Many of these children have private insurance, but it doesn’t cover a lot of extensive medical needs that allow kids like Sophia to be cared for in their home. Natalie publicly fought, along with two other moms, to protect thousands of medically complex kids’ healthcare. She turned her fight to national healthcare. In May, 2017, she delivered a speech at a press conference on Capitol Hill advocating for affordable healthcare. As Natalie fought to protect healthcare for disabled kids, she realized her advocacy needed to expand and began advocating for basic human rights, inclusion, acceptance, dignity, and respect for profoundly disabled kids and kids with facial deformities. In 2018, a Twitter user started circulating an image of Sophia with the following message, “It is okay

Natalie’s Speech When my husband and I decided to start a family nine years ago, we were excited about our future and never even considered the possibility that our child would be born with numerous complications – also known as “pre-existing conditions”. Ever since Sophia’s birth, we’ve learned to be her voice and her advocate. Sophia requires constant care. Her condition has robbed her of the ability to walk, talk and do anything for herself. She’s had countless hospitalizations, 21 surgeries, daily therapies and frequent doctor’s visits. She suffers from daily seizures, tremors, Type 1 Diabetes and an immune deficiency, just to name a few. At just 8 years old, she is the strongest human being I know and has the sweetest spirit I have ever seen. My husband has a great job, works full time & our family has private insurance. Despite that, it doesn’t cover our daughter’s in-home nursing, life saving medical equipment or portions of her life saving medications. Thankfully, my daughter receives secondary insurance through Medicaid’s Home and Community Based services. This amazing program helps cover the many costs that private insurance won’t and allows us to have a hospital-style setup in Sophia’s bedroom, so that she can remain safe and cared for in our home. Not only would the AHCA put this program at risk by reducing funding for Medicaid, it may also allow states to get rid of the protections for those with pre-existing conditions that families like mine rely on to be able to afford insurance. Lifetime maximums and caps could come back -- and for some medically fragile children, they could hit their maximum limits within the first year of their life. What happens to these children and their families when they lose health insurance? Simply put - these changes are the difference between life and death for our medically fragile children. Families would be forced to make the awful decision to institutionalize their children, just to keep them alive. Not only is institutionalization devastating for children and families, but it also costs more than home- or community-based care. Many families with medically fragile children are faced with unimaginable challenges. They do not have the means to speak out, which is why I, along with two other warrior moms, have co-founded Advocates for Medically Fragile Kids NC. We are fighting for ALL families and their medically fragile children too! I have fought for Sophia’s life since the day she was born. I know that one day I will lose her to one of her conditions. My heart will be absolutely shattered when that day comes. But if I lose my sweet Sophia because our government decided her life wasn’t important enough to protect, well that, THAT will destroy me. It is a senseless tragedy no parent or innocent child should EVER have to face. Today’s Daring Woman


to think that every child matters however a lot of them do not hence the amnio test which should be a mandatory test and if it proves negative and the woman does not want to abort then all bills accrued after that is on her and the father.” Making sure Natalie saw, the user even tagged her in the post. It was quickly reported and the user blocked but Twitter told Natalie it was not in violation of their policies. Twitter’s rules against hateful conduct forbid harassment against people with disabilities, but the social media company’s reporting tool doesn’t include disability as an option when reporting an offensive tweet. Currently, Twitter only specifies gender, race, religion, and “orientation” as targeted harassment categories. For days that image circulated being used to advocate abortion and eugenics. Natalie and her supporters were not silent, and Twitter finally listened removing the post and suspending the account. She also has the social media giant adding disability to their reporting tool.


Today’s Daring Woman

In January of this year, it was Instagram’s turn. Natalie is currently being harassed by a ‘gang of internet trolls’. She was even told to drown Sophia. Instagram deemed the posts not against their policies. I know Natalie won’t give up this fight and she has my full support in her battle. When I asked Natalie how it affected her seeing these horrific messages about her baby, she replied, “It has been hard road to get myself to a place where I can move passed the hateful comments. The first seven years of Sophia’s life I was private and protective because going out in public was difficult. We were met with cruelty, discrimination, and hate. There are times when the online hate doesn’t bother me, but there are still times it hurts me really bad. I tend to try to be strong but have realized the best thing to do is to allow myself to feel the sadness and then it can pass more quickly. I also use the hate to expose the people and hold them accountable for their actions. I also share it to educate others. Many people don’t realize it exists so I like to expose it so we can change it.”

In the meantime, Sophia has her own battles to fight. At age ten, Sophia has undergone over 20 surgeries to correct various issues and help alleviate some of her chronic pain. In fact, as I sit and write this article, Sophia is in the hospital yet again, recovering from another surgery. Only this time, she’s struggling. Natalie updates her thousands of followers on Twitter and Instagram as to Sophia’s progress as much as she can from the hospital. Her latest update on January 28, 2019 says, “It’s been 5 days since Sophia had a 5-hour surgery. We were expected to go home after a couple of days but instead, she has experienced being completely unresponsive for days, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, lung collapse, pneumonia, and waiting on confirmation of another infection. Whewwwww that is a lot but my girl is incredibly strong and resilient. Today I got to hold her, see a small glimpse of her sweet personality, and hear her voice even though it is very soft and quiet right now. Such a sweet sweet sound. We are seeing improvement and a light at the end of the tunnel. We don’t know when she will be well enough to come home yet but she always surprises us. I’ve read her some of your loving and encouraging messages/comments and I know she (& my family) appreciates the large community of supporters throughout the world that surround us with love, encouragement, and hope. Thank you.” Sophia is a little firecracker and I have no doubt that she’ll pull through and grace us all with her beautiful smile soon. TD W

To follow and support Natalie and Sophia you can find them on social media at the handles below!




Today’s Daring Woman


Sophia’s Voice helps people with chronic illness and disabilities get various medical needs met by providing medical equipment(not covered by insurance), help with financial difficulties, medical debt, and various other hardships. We also focus on helping caregivers, disability activists, people with chronic illness and/or disabilities by providing support, respite and things that bring them joy. Sophia’s Voice also provides resources to individual advocates to help them find their voice and participate in advocacy. We focus on advocates for disability rights, advocates fighting to protect healthcare, and those that wish to educate & raise awareness to encourage inclusion and acceptance. I started my organization Sophia’s Voice in Sophias honor. Though she can’t speak, she has a powerful voice. She is the reason I have found my voice and she is the reason I’ve been able to help others through my new organization. Sophia’s voice has been able to provide medical equipment, pay medical bills, help with financial burdens due to medical issues, provides respite to caregivers and supports individual advocates. We work to encourage acceptance, inclusion and to normalize facial deformities and profound disabilities.


Today’s Daring Woman

Can You Be a

leader and a

follower? by Isabel Hundt

Growing up, I struggled with being a leader. I’m the oldest of five siblings, which means that I was automatically put into the leadership position by taking care of my younger brothers and sister. Outside of our home, however, I didn’t want to lead. I was the girl that sat in the last row at school to avoid being called to the front. A successful day was any day I didn’t have to share my opinion in class or at other gatherings. I quietly participated in being the follower and was okay with it. I was comfortable.

Today’s Daring Woman


A follower who listens deeply to their heart becomes a leader who leads from the heart.

Around the age of twelve, I had a profound dream in which I observed my adult self speaking, in English (which is not my native language), in front of thousands of people on a beautiful stage. Surprisingly, when I woke up I felt truly at ease and experienced a deep feeling of bliss. I was called to be a leader, but I wanted to be a follower. Years went by and I made a shift from being an introvert 100% of the time to being an ambivert. That means I’m quite balanced between being an introvert vs. an extrovert. However, I still rather wanted to be a follower. Being a leader seemed to require a whole lot of responsibility that I didn’t want to take on and attention I didn’t need. The older I got the more I learned about leadership. At first, I heard people preach that if you want to be a leader, you can’t be a follower or vice versa. Just hearing it made me feel queasy. So, if I choose to be a leader, is being a follower wrong? Did that mean that me being so good at following instructions is a bad thing? My head was spinning and I tried to figure out the position I wanted to take on the matter. Nothing really felt right. Then I began my deep spiritual journey. Gifts and visions had been revealed to me to


Today’s Daring Woman

prepare me for my role as a leader. But the one thought that truly rang true with me was when I discovered for myself that if I wanted to be a servant leader, I had to be a servant follower of my heart and soul. Being a follower requires trust and faith in the one who leads. A great follower is the backbone of a great leader. Most people struggle being a true servant leader simply because they’ve never learned to be a powerful follower. An empowered follower becomes an empowering, yet humble leader. A loyal follower becomes a leader of integrity. An obedient follower becomes a leader who knows how to listen. A follower who listens deeply to their heart becomes a leader who leads from the heart. But all great leaders and followers have one thing in common: They all know and understand that life is about expanding, evolving, and learning to live out our soul’s journey. Both stand for something. Both the leader and the follower stand up for a cause and purpose. The questions that remain, however, are these: Can you justify what you stand for with clear consciousness? Is what you stand for in alignment with your innate essence? The question has never been about either/or, but about whether or not I can embody both

wisely and with integrity. Each day I would ask for the wisdom and strength that is required of me to understand how to use the skill set of a leader and a follower. I asked what it is I am called to stand up for, to be a warrior for. I didn’t know. A few years ago I was in the midst of journaling when I heard this quiet and gentle voice repeating, “Take a look at the gifts I’ve given you.” And it suddenly clicked and my head and heart merged together, revealing the idea of what I was so passionate about. The idea that I can wholeheartedly stand for and embody whatever may come. To understand the idea, I will have to first explain to you the gift that I have: I’ve identified objects, numbers, letters, places, and people in color my whole life, but I always thought it was normal so I didn’t think much of it nor did I understand how to use it for the greater good. From a more medical perspective, this phenomenon is called “synesthesia” and is a neurological condition in which two different senses are paired in the brain. For instance, you see colors when you hear a piece of music or you taste words. In my case, my brain “pairs up” the received vibration with a color that is on a similar frequency. At first, I thought I was just able to see auras, but that’s not the case. I tried that and no matter how much I practice I can’t see them. The more I meditated the clearer my visions became and one step at a time people were

brought into my life that either developed the idea with me or pointed me towards it. Today, I can fully understand that the color that I see in my head is a received message from the soul/essence of whoever or whatever I focus on. The color is visible almost like another piece of clothing that one wears. In particular with people, the deeper meaning behind it though is not being revealed to me unless I take the time and tune in. However, I never go that far without permission. The gift itself isn’t even of such importance, but the message behind it is. It calls me forth to see the individual on a heartand-soul level instead of the general focus on appearance, race, and education. I admit, it is a practice every single day due to my own bias, but I swore to myself to do whatever it takes to evolve and to expand this gift, creating a strong message around my experience and help shift our world perception from separation towards connection and unity. Imagine a world where we don’t appear in the physical body but vibrate as different colors. The radiance of this painting would be marvelous. It would be like a beautiful dance of colors that only exist because the other does. After all, you can’t create the color purple without blue and red. The same goes for humanity. When we connect on a soul level we can only see pure love and acceptance. We recognize that I AM because YOU ARE. TD W Today’s Daring Woman




We all have a story within us. Some stories are full of love and laughter. Others are full of fear, trauma and obsession. And yet others are a combination of the two. Stories of overcoming the challenges life has thrown our way, and how we walked through hell and came out on top. On the Daring Woman Podcast, I have the privilege to talk with these incredible women who have walked through nightmares, and used those experiences to rise, shine and become powerful, inspiring and amazing women. I am honored to be able to share their stories with you. You can listen to each episode at



Today’s Daring Woman

From Recovery to Discovery Felicia Lee-Sexton knows a lot about being stuck. At the age of 20, she met a man who treated her like a queen and she fell deeply and dangerously in love with one of the city’s biggest drug dealers. It wouldn’t be long before she was dealing for him, and using all the cocaine she wanted. Her life spiraled out of control and she had to escape to Houston to get away from other drug dealers to whom she owed money. January 23, 2019

Stop Killing Yourself in the Gym In 2003, Cristy “Code Red” Nickel became a federally licensed professional boxer and fought in 15 professional fights all over the world. She was named one of the “Top 3 Most Dangerous Females on the Planet” by Ring Magazine, which landed her a coaching role on MTV’s hit series “MADE.” The success of that show propelled her to New York City to train top celebrities, business tycoons, models and professional athletes. In 2008, Cristy was awarded “New York’s Best Trainer,” by Allure Magazine. But even though Cristy knew all about exercise and worked out 5 hours a day, she started gaining weight. When her knees would hit her belly while cycling, Cristy knew she had to figure this out. Today she helps thousands of men and women lose the weight without shakes, diet pills, diet foods, or exercise…and they keep it off. January 30, 2019

Today’s Daring Woman


wellness HEALTH &


Today’s Daring Woman

It Takes Health, Vitality, & Energy to be a Daring Woman by Kathleen Gage When you hear the term “Daring Woman” chances are you think of someone who is a risk taker, a trailblazer, an influencer and a woman who has come into her own. Yet, there’s one aspect of being a Daring Woman that many people give little thought to; their health. Truth be told, daring women have a big job to do. More today than ever before. Being able to answer the calling of a Daring Woman requires being in optimal health. What would happen if the women you consider to be daring experienced failing health? They may be able to do a lot, but within a period, they would falter.

The fact is, more every day women are succumbing to loss of energy, focus and vitality. Never mind diseases that will surely take them down. The very diseases that are preventable and even reversible. That’s a pretty daring statement to make. Yet, as a daring woman myself, I’m willing to make such a bold claim.

Who You Surround Yourself with Matters!

Understand though, I’m not a health expert, nutritionist, fitness guru or doctor. I’m a woman who will soon turn 65. Amazingly, I’m

Today’s Daring Woman


likely in likely the best shape of my life. My recent annual physical revealed my health is at its best. I exercise on a regular basis including running, spin classes, Kundalini yoga and weight training. This didn’t happen by chance, it happened by design. I attribute success in anything to a number of factors including mindset, goals, actions, who we surround ourselves with, beliefs of what is possible and our willingness to do what it takes to step out of the status quo. I tend to surround myself with a lot of Daring Women. Some younger than me, some older. One thing most of us have in common is an awareness that without our health, we cannot do what we are here to do… at the highest level. When you have your health, you could do so much more than if you are struggling with pain, inflammation, low energy, excess (unhealthy) weight, low libido, and risk of disease. I’ve had periods in my life where I’ve been very healthy and periods where I’ve gained lots of weight, felt tired all the time, didn’t have the motivation to implement ideas, was at risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes and struggled to get through the day. Because of weight (and energy) fluctuations, I’ve likely been on every diet you can think of. Over the years, my weight has fluctuated as much as 75 pounds from the low end to the high end. Neither end of the spectrum was particularly healthy.

One Thing Led to Another


Today’s Daring Woman

Several months ago, I was dealing with severe inflammation in my hand and wrist. As a writer, I found myself restricted from writing for more than a few minutes at a time due to the amount of pain I experienced. Not only that, but my weight was steadily increasing causing a domino effect, resulting in a less than vibrant life. Desperate to minimize the pain, I researched possible solutions. I watched hours of videos, read blog posts and articles and read several books. I noticed a common theme. A plant-based diet was likely the best natural solution for inflammation due to this type of protocol having the ability to lower chronic inflammation levels in the body that lead to chronic disease. “Just as the phrase “plant-based diet,” is the latest buzzword in the field of nutrition, “antiinflammatory diet” is also making waves. Interestingly enough, these two diets go handin-hand.” Sharon Palmer, RD With nothing to lose, other than the pain, I decided to give 100% to a whole food, plantbased eating protocol for seven days. Within two days the pain was completely gone. At the end of seven days, I had dropped 4 pounds. Wondering if it was a fluke, I decided to give it another seven days. By the end of the second week, I had dropped a total of seven pounds, felt better than I had in a while, had incredible energy, noticed I was much more productive and felt almost euphoric. All of these outcomes were fabulous byproducts of eating plant-based. From that point forward, I dug deep into researching everything I could about a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. Not only was it scientifically proven to fight, reduce and reverse many diseases we have come to accept as inevitable such as heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, high blood pressure, low libido, and many cancers, millions of people swore by this type of protocol.

Study after study indicated a plant-based lifestyle was, hands down, the best eating protocol available. Additionally, eating this way aligned with my compassion for animals and my love of our amazing planet. But I digress.

Health is My Passion

Without a doubt, being a healthy woman IS my passion. More accurately, health is my obsession. When I look at the books I read, blogs I subscribe to, YouTube Videos I watch, a great many of them are health related. I’m always consuming health and nutrition information as well as exercise ideas.

Committing to Plant Based

After reading several books like Eat Green, Make Green; Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman; The China Study by Dr. Colin Campbell; Vegan Fitness for Mortals by Ellen Jaffe Jones and many more, I was inspired to make a complete change in my eating regime. Rather than seven-day blocks of time, I decided to commit to not eating meat, fish, poultry or dairy as a lifestyle choice. I also see it as a choice that supports my goals as a Daring Woman. I have big dreams and goals and absolutely must have the energy and health to accomplish what I want. I’m at a very healthy weight, I don’t obsess on the scale and focus on nurturing my health in a way that I can step up to whatever plate (figuratively and literally) I need to. What are the dreams and goals you have? Are you consuming (or not consuming) the foods and beverages that will give you the health you need to play big, really big? If not, consider this; “If you say you are here to do big things, but your actions keep you small, what will it take for you to honor your path?” Only you know for sure what needs to happen. Personally, since going whole food, plantbased, I am on top of the world. I have more energy, more passion, more excitement and more hope for myself and Daring Women everywhere. TD W Today’s Daring Woman



REBOOT Lose weight without dieting while increasing heart health, reducing inflammation, and reversing disease. Ready to make change?

The Daring Woman P O D C A S T Showcasing incredible women who have heartwarming stories to tell of their journey to becoming an empowered woman.


Today’s Daring Woman

Questions on your health? Don’t know which financial move to make? Wondering when your soul mate will come along?



New questions answered every Tuesday! Today’s Daring Woman




YWoman EAR by Tracey Osborne


Today’s Daring Woman

We live in a world of diversity, wonder, and enlightenment. Technology allows us to explore the world from the comfort of our homes. It’s also a new age…an age where we as women will no longer stand for being treated as inferior. We will no longer tolerate ignorance around women’s issues. It’s a fantastic time to be a woman. More and more we are banding together to empower, support, and help one another. The world is evolving and 2019 is the year of the woman. The ideology of what the perfect woman looks like has changed drastically over time. 25,000 years ago, she was robust, curvy, and what today we’d consider obese. Just a few years ago she was rail thin, a size zero. Today we are becoming more and more accepting of women as they are. Embracing our flaws, our curves, our beauty. For years, mainstream media has airbrushed, photoshopped, and altered images to adhere to an idea of perfection. The beauty industry is booming with products and services to “make us look like models”. Women undergo extensive transformation in an effort to become “perfect”. Here’s a little secret…perfection is an illusion. It does not exist and can never be attained. We are all beautiful regardless of what we consider our flaws. But we are brainwashed to believe that unless you have perfectly straight teeth, a tiny nose, a size 0 body, luscious hair and flawless skin, you’re not beautiful. A few years ago, singer Alicia Keys ditched the makeup for good. “I don’t want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing,” she says. Companies are starting to take notice of the

fact we are tired of the hype and lies. We want raw and real. Getty Images, one of the world’s largest companies for stock photos has banned the use of photoshop in their company. CoverGirl recently had an ad campaign with different skin types and featured their first ever model with the skin disorder, vitiligo. Canva, an online design tool for creating awesome designs, has recently launched a new campaign of natural women stock photos that authentically depicts the women that these images are truly meant to reflect: our mothers, sisters, colleagues, and friends. Women who are as unique as they are beautiful. Every woman in their collection reflects an important yet under-represented minority in stock photography. Women whose distinctive body shapes, facial features, or tattoos may not conform to the traditional norms of beauty, but who deserve to be seen and given proper representation. “Despite this progress, a familiar caveat remains: these women, though taking on

Today’s Daring Woman


more fully-fleshed out roles, are still cast for their appearances. In 2017, the most commonly-seen models were still young, still Caucasian, and still in possession of the most commercially-prized requirements: flawless skin, slim physiques, and long, flowing hair. A damagingly narrow standard of beauty that fails to reflect the genuine range of cultural and ethnic diversity that exists in the real world” writes Elle Hughes for Canva.

Check out the latest Canva Collection!

It’s time to embrace our natural beauty. It’s us. It’s real. It’s what makes us the incredible, powerful, amazing women we are today. TD W


Today’s Daring Woman

It’s a fantastic time to be a woman.

1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be

diagnosed with BREAST CANCER

in her lifetime.

Who’s Your


“When I found out my mom had breast cancer, my heart just

shattered in a million pieces.” Chloe and her mom, Paula Schneider

Where the end of breast cancer begins.™

Hear their story at Today’s Daring Woman




Today’s Daring Woman


10 Titles To Pick Up

Is That The Shirt You’re Wearing? A Memoir in Essays by Kristen Brakeman

From Recovery to Discovery My Journey Through Addiction by Felicia Lee-Sexton

The Code Red Revolution

How Thousands of People are Losing Weight and Keeping It Off WITHOUT Pills, Shakes, Diet Foods, or Exercise


Fat Girl Walking

Sex, Food, Love, and Being Comfortable in Your Skin…Every Inch of It by Brittany Gibbons

The Power of Intention

Learning to CoCreate Your World Your Way by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

by Cristy “Code Red” Nickel

Eat, Pray, Love One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert

Thinner in 30

Small Changes That Add Up to Big Weight Loss in Just 30 Days by Jenna Wolfe

If I Have to Tell You One More Time...

The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids To Listen Without Nagging, Reminding, or Yelling Sabotage Your Success by Amy McCready

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition

What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and CommitmentYour Fierce and Feminine SHE Power

The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People by Jordan Reid

by Steve Harvey

Today’s Daring Woman





Today’s Daring Woman

The Confident Woman by Meagan Copelin

I love being a woman. I love being around confident and powerful women who stand tall and embrace every obstacle with a smile. I believe that whenever a woman is confronted with feelings of lack of confidence, it is so important to have a couple of strong, independent women she can look up to. They can inspire all to become a strong woman yourself that approaches life with confidence. The confident woman has no need to feel threatened or belittled by others within her circle. The confident woman already has a support group ready to go. The confident woman is not afraid to stand in her truth and challenge the norm. The confident woman is authentic and intentional in all that she sets

out to do. As a young girl, I never understood what it meant to be confident. This was not a topic of conversation in my household, nor a learned behavior. Over the years, I had to learn to tap into the confidence I was born with. Confidence was a trait that I believe was always there but got lost along the way. I really had to dig deep in order to understand who I was in order to build that confidence in myself that has allowed me to be the woman that I am today. The confident woman walks into a room and commands the room with her presence. The confident woman has a warm ambiance

Today’s Daring Woman


about her. She has an ambition about her and is full of motivation and determination, and continuously achieves her goals. Below are some qualities of the confident woman:

Embraces the unknown.

Life happens. The world we live in is constantly changing. The reality is, we simply don’t know what life may throw at us. I remember losing my job in 2017 and spending my savings on starting my own business. I was scared as my job was my bread and butter and was funding my dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. I realize I had to make moves and stick my chest out and hold my head high in order to build the business I knew I had in me. The confident woman embraces humility and has the courage to embrace the experience of the unknown and the unknowable.

Takes risks.

We’re pre-conditioned to avoid risk even though we deal with it on a regular basis.


Today’s Daring Woman

The confident woman does not allow others to inspire self-doubt and understands that failure is necessary for growth opportunities. I love taking risks. Smart ones, that is. I love to strategize and attempt to out hustle the people who tell me my ideas are crazy and won’t work. The confident woman understands she must crawl before she can walk and walk before, she can run. This always the necessary steps to become comfortable vulnerability and conflict.

Practices confidence.

Like anything else in life, your confidence will improve with practice. A great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people. The confident woman allows opportunities to challenge herself and focus on the positive. I remember when I first started speaking, I would stop in the middle of a speech because I had to gather my thoughts. I didn’t know what the audience thought of me and if my story was relevant. I began to write positive affirmations on the mirror and practice my speeches in front of

A woman who has everything has nothing, yet a woman who believes in herself has everything.

family and friends, in order to get over that stage fright. At times it can be hard to find the motivation to set goals for yourself, especially when you don’t feel confident or worry about what other people may think. The confident woman reminds herself that she doesn’t have to be perfect at it to enjoy herself and make a difference.

Admits Her Flaws

No one is perfect. We were all born into imperfection. The confident woman not only admits her imperfections, she applauds them as well. She understands where her strengths lie, where she can improve and when to allow others take the lead. I am the first to ask for help if I need it and I understand that I am only one person and can’t do everything myself. It is impossible. The confident woman understands that trying to be perfect at everything is inefficient and is willing to step back. The confident woman loves herself for who she is and for who she is not.

Good Listener

Good listeners have more positive interactions and healthier relationships with others because their skills are a sign of respect and caring. While the confident woman trusts her own judgment, she is also secure enough to listen to others’ opinions. Over the years, becoming a good listener is a trait I had to embrace. I had to learn that there may be times that I won’t necessarily like what I hear all the time but must understand that a difference of opinion may be healthy is certain situations. The confident woman understands that criticism should be taken as constructive, and that listening to others’ answers is a good way to get her question resolved.


As a confident woman, you are able to transform and to change, which allows you to leave all negativity behind. Don’t allow others to decide about your life, but instead seize the power that lies within you. YOU GOT THIS!!! TD W

Today’s Daring Woman


Inclusive World by Julee Hunt It is not designed to be an “us” versus “them” world You can plug whatever you want into the “us” or “them” Black or white Jadaism or Christianity Israeli or Palestinian Right or left Men or Women There is only “us” The world is meant to be inclusive To honor all paths to enlightenment To be a melting pot of backgrounds and tradition To see and hear all sides of a story There is only “us” We are not here to judge, that is the job of the courts We are here to love, respect, and help each other Regardless of race, color, faith, or sex We are here to shine our light and radiate love There is only “us” We are here to search for truth Our lives are meant to have meaning and purpose That purpose is not to condemn others but to include everyone For you see, we are all one, connected by DNA from one source Kindness, acceptance, and love is our language There is only “us” We have a choice We can divide and separate with fear or join hands and connect with our hearts We can listen, hear, and honor and in so doing be inclusive We can live together in peace or constantly fight What is your choice? I hope you will choose and include “all of us”


Today’s Daring Woman


febrauary 2019


by Jill Dahne, America’s Most Amazing Psychic

Jan 21-Feb 19

This is a good time to invest in new business ventures since the planets seem to be favoring your cash flow. Your communication skills are high. Meetings and presentations will go well, but production mistakes and other obstacles at work may challenge your patience. Try to maintain your harmony. It’s time to be on your best behavior, especially with your life partner.

As I Predicted: 25 years ago I made a prediction that Cuba will start to be free and become paradise for these upcoming years. I have always said to save your money to buy land in Cuba. Throughout the years on radio, television, magazines and lectures I kept this prediction going. My Cuban clients back then said, “Jill Dahne from your mouth to God’s ears.” Be excited for them as my prediction is unfolding As I said before save your money...that’s where you want to invest It will be HUGE. Monthly Predictions: • Lady Gaga will win best actress in A Star is Born. • There will be a cure for cervical cancer where women won’t have to go through chemotherapy. • Many people will start using plant based foods that will prevent many illnesses in this world. They will find out that drugs that they have been taking cause illnesses instead of preventing illnesses in the long run.

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20) Cash flow will not be very smooth this month - but it IS possible you’ll receive an unexpected gift, raise, or payment. Be careful with carrying costly items or cash. You’re apt to be forgetful this month. Misunderstandings make romance rocky until the end of the month. Listen to others. Discipline and endurance are required now. Resist the urge to control.

Today’s Daring Woman


Aries (Mar 21- Apr 20) There can be delays around work matters, but this will ultimately lead to more stability. Relationships are flowing smoothly at the moment and you should be feeling more content. This is the perfect time for combining business with pleasure. You are able to communicate your ideas in a positive manner ensuring you a more receptive audience. Luck rides in a red station wagon.

Taurus (Apr 21-May 21)

Two people don’t need to see eye-to-eye on everything to have a successful relationship, but they need to be respectful. Bite your tongue! It is a good time for scheduling a romantic dinner or catching up with friends. Get your eyes checked. The stars indicate some problems, but nothing serious. Your numbers are 10,18, 33, 36 and 41.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

This month can prove very profitable. All it takes is a willingness to try. If you are approached to invest in a partnership, make sure you do your homework before proceeding. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime but you need to know the risks before making a decision. Opportunities for love abound. Talk to a woman with golden hair.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You discover that something wasn’t quite the way you believed. Desires can clash with reality this month, and the biggest reality is likely to be lack of funds to pay for your pleasure. Take heart as this area is likely to replenish fast. There can be changes around work and career which will ultimately be positive. Careful when walking on stairs!

Leo (July 23-Aug 21)

It is important to remember the damage done as soon as the words are out of your mouth! So zip it unless you want to start a war. Contacts from the past can suddenly reappear over the coming weeks and you will enjoy the opportunity to extend your network. There is a need for you to be more creative in your work environment.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sep 23)

You have felt under pressure of late trying to juggle between commitments at home and work. Even though this pressure may increase early in the month, it will soon be replaced by an overwhelming feeling of achievement You seem to be at the top of everyone’s party list at the moment. Enjoy! You deserve a break from all the worries. A person who owns a parrot has an important message.


Today’s Daring Woman

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23)

You are feeling more playful and will enjoy spending time with others who share your joy. This can be expressed beautifully through the eyes of a child! Your desire for more time and independence is likely to be challenged by career commitments. Rewards arrive at the end of the month. Chilly weather brings joint pain. See a doctor to make sure you nip any problem in the bud.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22) It is a challenging time and you must take your financial dealings seriously. Things may seem to get out of hand if you are running on empty already. The relationship zone may be somewhat slow this month. Meetings should be handled carefully. Be diplomatic in your dealings with others. There is a desire to relax at home and hang with friends. Your lucky number is 37. Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22)

This is a promising month financially. You can receive the benefits from your work. It is a positive time to reach and make the last payment. Relationships will undergo some highs and lows. Professional meetings boost your recognition. Slow down and rest. Pay attention to the subtle areas in your life. Bring balance in your daily routine.

Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20)

This is a promising month financially. You can receive the benefits from your work. It is a positive time to reach and make the last payment. Relationships will undergo some highs and lows. Professional meetings boost your recognition. Slow down and rest. Pay attention to the subtle areas in your life. Bring balance in your daily routine.

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.

- Oprah Winfrey #IMADARINGWOMAN Today’s Daring Woman


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