Evo35_layout 06.05.14 14:23 Pagina 1
N. 35 May - June 2014
EVOLUTION N. 35 May - June 2014
Cencini SA
Piacere di guidare
Cencini SA Via Ceresio 2 6963 Lugano Pregassona Tel. 091 971 28 26 www.cencini.ch
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30.04.14 16:13
sommario_layout 07.05.14 11:15 Pagina 3
Official in-flight magazine ETIHAD REGIONAL www.etihadregional.com COMMUNICATION MANAGER Massimo Boni massimo.boni@etihadregional.com
May - June 2014 PUBLISHER Società editrice Ticino Management SA Valerio de Giorgi (CEO) vdegiorgi@ticinomanagement.ch CP 749 CH - 6903 Lugano www.ticinomanagement.ch EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elisabetta Calegari escalegari@ticinomanagement.ch LAYOUT Lavinia Cardi Cigoli impaginazione@ticinomanagement.ch EDITORIAL STAFF Simona Manzione, Anna Martano Grigorov, Marzio Molinari, Angela Mollisi, Donatella Révay, Elena Steiger, Claus Winterhalter redazione@ticinomanagement.ch CONTRIBUTIONS Annamaria Barbato Ricci, Rita Brebbia, Aleksandar Crnogorak, Federica De Luca, Claudio Fantuzzi, Edoardo Granata, Chicca Magri, Giovanni Mereghetti, Marzio Molinari, Emilia Regazzoni, David Suter, Luca Venturi, Uwe Zimmermann TRANSLATIONS Scriptum, Rome English: Karen Tomatis Français: Claude Sophie Mazéas Deutsch: Gertrud Ruth Prucker
Ibiza, pag. 46
Europe agenda
Golf at the Etna’s feet
Lugano calls Russia
Germany agenda
Spain agenda
Finance: future in the cards
Water city Leipzig and its new lakekand area
Ibiza’s softer side 78
Belgrade: the city at a crossroads
Restaurant La Brezza reopens in Ascona
Serbia agenda
A coffee-break with Carlo Rampazzi
Sky-high spa 86
Safe hands: Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
Russia plays Polo in Ascona
16 18
Tourist attractiveness: Germany more and more popular France agenda Marseille, a Mediterranean capital
EDITING AND ADVERTISING Valerio De Giorgi Ticino Management Via Vergiò 8 CH - 6932 Breganzona Tel. +41(0)91 / 610 29 29 Fax +41(0)91 / 610 29 10 pubblicita@ticinomanagement.ch CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION 38.000 copies: all Etihad Regional flights, european airports, 4 and 5 star hotels, associations, boards and institutions
On the cover: Bordeaux, Pont de Pierre (Stone bridge).
Boutique N. 35 May - June 2014
Provence & Co.
Bordeaux is more than taste
Switzerland agenda
Ecole Hôtelière of Lausanne: a world leader
Italy agenda
Expo 2015 - Germany
Oh Romeo, Romeo...
Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino in Florence
Loyalty Programme: Etihad Guest
Red Cross Museum 96
Charter service
A perfect day in Zurich
The fleet
Canton of Ticino agenda
EDITORIALE_layout 06.05.14 14:29 Pagina 4
DEAR READERS, Summer is at the gates and the time has come to plan your weekends and holidays by making the most of the many suggestions on our network. Having expanded our presence in Europe through our new brand, Etihad Regional, we are now ready to offer new flight opportunities and greater comfort. Four new ATR72-500 aircrafts decked with the new Etihad Regional livery have just joined our fleet. These modern aeroplanes feature a specially conceived on-board design that will allow you to enjoy even more space during your flights. With our expanded fleet we can now offer you destinations such as the recently launched Turin-Zurich route, which is the fourth destination in Italy after Bolzano, Rome and Florence. Moreover, from the month of June onwards we will also be flying from Verona. We are confident that these new routes will be well received and much appreciated both by our business clients and by leisure travellers eager to discover the new destinations. Talking of summer, this year too our company will be taking you to all the top spots across the Mediterranean. From Lugano you will be able to easily reach Olbia and Cagliari, to discover some of the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia. Other destinations include Pantelleria – a Sicilian island boasting a unique landscape marked by natural features such as grottoes and rock stacks, plus many man-made attractions – and Ibiza, a young and bustling destination in the Balearic archipelago in Spain. France too will be within a comfortable flight distance from Geneva via connections with Biarritz, the French Basque town famous for its delicatessens and relaxing atmosphere; Bordeaux, with its 18th-century architecture, gardens and especially its celebrated wines; and Toulouse, a city tinted pink by its old buildings – a brand new addition to our network, served by two connections per week. From Geneva it is also possible to reach Valencia, the third most populous city in Spain and an ideal starting point to explore the coastline or admire the beauty of the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Santiago Calatrava’s architectural masterpiece. You need but choose your point of departure and book your trip with us. Enjoy your flight
CARE LETTRICI, CARI LETTORI, L’estate è alle porte ed è tempo di pianificare weekend e vacanze approfittando delle tante novità del nostro network. Espandendo la nostra presenza in Europa con il nostro nuovo brand Etihad Regional siamo pronti a offrirvi nuove opportunità di volo con un maggiore comfort. Di recente hanno fatto il loro ingresso nella nostra flotta 4 nuovi velivoli ATR72-500, decorati con la nuova livrea Etihad Regional. Si tratta di aeromobili moderni, caratterizzati da un design di bordo pensato ad hoc per voi che sicuramente vi permetterà di avere ancora più spazio a bordo. Con una flotta ora più ampia possiamo offrirvi nuove mete come la tratta Torino – Zurigo recentemente inaugurata che rappresenta la quarta destinazione in Italia dopo Bolzano, Roma e Firenze. Inoltre dal mese di giugno, inizieremo a volare anche da Verona. Siamo certi che queste nuove tratte saranno ben accolte e apprezzate sia dai nostri clienti business, sia dai viaggiatori leisure, interessati a scoprire queste nuove mete. Parlando di estate, la nostra compagnia vi porta anche quest’anno nelle migliori località del Mediterraneo. Da Lugano potrete comodamente raggiungere Olbia e Cagliari, per scoprire le più belle spiagge della Sardegna, poi Pantelleria - l’isola siciliana che si caratterizza per la singolarità del suo paesaggio nel quale agli elementi naturali come cave e faraglioni si aggiungono i manufatti creati dall’uomo - e ancora Ibiza, la giovane e frizzante meta delle isole Baleari in Spagna. Anche la Francia sarà a portata di volo da Ginevra con collegamenti verso Biarritz, cittadina basca francese famosa per le sue botteghe gastronomiche e per l’atmosfera rilassata, Bordeaux per le sue architetture del diciottesimo secolo, i giardini e soprattutto per i suoi rinomati vini, e Tolosa, la città rosa per il colore dominante degli antichi edifici nuovissima destinazione nel nostro network, servita con due collegamenti alla settimana. Inoltre sempre da Ginevra è possibile viaggiare verso Valencia, terza città della Spagna per numero di abitanti e punto di partenza ideale per esplorare la costa o ammirare la bellezza de la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, capolavoro architettonico di Santiago Calatrava. Insomma non vi resta che scegliere dove partire e prenotare il vostro viaggio con noi. Buon volo!
Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
Capitano Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
EDITORIALE_layout 06.05.14 14:30 Pagina 5
CHERES LECTRICES, CHERS LECTEURS, L’été est à nos portes et le temps est venu de planifier les weekends et les vacances en profitant des nombreuses nouveautés offertes par notre réseau. En élargissant notre présence en Europe à travers la nouvelle dénomination Etihad Regional, nous sommes prêts à vous offrir de nouvelles opportunités de vol avec davantage de confort. Récemment, notre flotte s’est enrichie de 4 nouveaux avionsATR72500, ornés du logo Etihad Regional. Il s’agit d’avions modernes, caractérisés par un design de bord conçu exprès pour vous, qui permettra d’avoir encore plus de place à bord. Avec cette plus grande flotte, nous pouvons vous offrir de nouvelles destinations telles que la route Turin-Zurich, récemment inaugurée, et qui représente la quatrième destination en Italie après Bolzano, Rome et Florence. En outre, à partir du mois de juin, nous commencerons à voler également sur Vérone. Nous sommes certains que ces nouvelles destinations sauront susciter l’intérêt et l’appréciation de nos clients business ainsi que des voyageurs de catégorie tourisme. Mais pour revenir à l’été, cette année également notre compagnie vous emmènera dans les localités les plus réputées de la Méditerranée. De Lugano, vous pourrez facilement rejoindre Olbia et Cagliari et découvrir ainsi les plus belles plages de la Sardaigne, mais aussi Pantelleria – île sicilienne célèbre pour la singularité de son paysage où les éléments naturels côtoient les constructions créées par l’homme – ou encore Ibiza, destination jeune et pleine de vie des îles Baléares, en Espagne. La France aussi sera à portée de vol à partir de Genève, avec des liaisons vers Biarritz, ville du Pays Basque célèbre pour sa gastronomie et son atmosphère détendue, Bordeaux, avec son architecture XVIIIe, ses jardins et surtout ses vins de renom, et Toulouse, appelée la ville rose en raison de la couleur du matériau de construction traditionnel local, qui constitue une toute nouvelle destination de notre réseau, avec deux vols par semaine. En outre, toujours à partir de Genève, il est possible de voyager vers Valence, troisième ville d’Espagne en nombre d’habitants et point de départ idéal pour explorer la côte ou admirer la beauté de la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, chef-d’œuvre architectural de Santiago Calatrava. Bref, il ne vous reste qu’à choisir votre destination et à réserver votre voyage avec nous. Bon vol !
LIEBE LESERINNEN, LIEBE LESER, Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und es wird Zeit, Wochenendausflüge und Urlaub zu planen und dabei von den Neuigkeiten zu profitieren, die unser Netzwerk bietet. Nachdem wir unsere Präsenz in Europa durch unsere neue Marke Etihad Regional erweitert haben, können wir Ihnen nun neue Flugmöglichkeiten mit noch grösserem Komfort anbieten. Erst kürzlich kamen zu unserer Flotte 4 neue Flugmaschinen ATR72-500 hinzu, lackiert in den Farben und mit dem Logo der neuen Marke Etihad Regional. Es handelt sich um moderne Flugzeuge mit einem Kabinendesign, bei dem besonders an Sie gedacht wurde und das Ihnen noch mehr Bewegungsfreiheit an Bord bietet. Mit dieser erweiterten Flotte können wir Ihnen nun neue Strecken anbieten, zum Beispiel die Linie Turin – Zürich, die kürzlich eingeweiht wurde. Turin ist unser viertes Flugziel in Italien nach Bozen, Rom und Florenz. Ab Juni werden wir dann auch von Verona aus Flüge anbieten. Wir sind sicher, dass diese neuen Verbindungen sowohl von unseren Businesskunden als auch von den Freizeitreisenden gut angenommen und geschätzt sein werden, die Interesse daran haben, diese neuen Ziele zu erkunden. Und wenn wir vom Sommer sprechen, erinnern wir Sie daran, dass unsere Gesellschaft Sie auch in diesem Jahr an die besten Orte im Mittelmeer bringt. Von Lugano erreichen Sie bequem Olbia und Cagliari, von wo aus Sie die schönsten Strände Sardiniens entdecken können, ausserdem Pantelleria – die sizilianische Insel mit der ganz besonderen Landschaft, in der natürliche Formationen wie Höhlen und Klippen eine einzigartige Kombination mit den vom Menschen geschaffenen Elementen eingehen – und ebenso Ibiza, das jugendliche und prickelnde Reiseziel der spanischen Balearen-Inseln. Auch Frankreich können Sie von Genf aus problemlos ansteuern, mit Verbindungen nach Biarritz, das baskisch-französische Städtchen, das für seine Gastronomie-Läden und die entspannte Atmosphäre bekannt ist, Bordeaux mit seiner Architektur des 18. Jahrhunderts, den Gärten und vor allem seinen berühmten Weinen, und Toulouse, das wegen der dominierenden Farbe seiner antiken Gebäude ‚die Stadt in Rosa’ genannt wird und in unserem Netzwerk ein neues Reisziel darstellt, das zweimal wöchentlich angeflogen wird. Von Genf aus bieten wir ausserdem Valencia an, die drittgrösste Stadt Spaniens, ein idealer Ausgangsort, um die Küste zu erforschen oder die Schönheiten der ‚Stadt der Künste und der Wissenschaften’ zu entdecken, dem architektonischen Meisterwerk von Santiago Calatrava. Zielort zu wählen und Ihre nächste Reise bei uns zu buchen! Gute Reise!
Capitaine Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
Guten Flu Kapitän Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline 5
pubblicita_layout 08.05.14 09:33 Pagina 16
LUGANO L UG ANO VIA NASSA N ASS A 5 91-923 ++41 41 91 -9 2 3 51 56
GINEVRA GINE VR A RUE RHテ年E 62 R UE DU R Hテ年E 6 2 +41 + 41 22 318 62 6 2 22
ST-MORITZ S T-MORIT Z PALACE PALA CE GALERIE G ALERIE +41 + 41 81-833 8 1 -833 51 77
pubblicita_layout 08.05.14 09:33 Pagina 17
AGENDA_EUROPE_layout 06.05.14 09:42 Pagina 8
EUROPE AGENDA leisure & business International scientific workshop: Risk assessment for RNAibased GM plants - 04.06.2014 The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is organising a scientific workshop on RNA interference (RNAi) based genetically modified (GM) plants on the 4th and 5th June 2014 (Brussels, Belgium). The objectives of this workshop are to discuss: (1) RNAi mechanisms in plants, mammals and invertebrates; (2) current and future RNAi applications in GM plants; and (3) their risk assessment approaches. The Queen’s official birthday 14.06.2014 - London London celebrates The Queen’s official birthday in June each year with Trooping the Colour, a fantastic military parade that has taken place in London since 1820. Trooping the Colour is an annual event that takes place on Horse Guards Parade in London’s St James’s Park in June, marking The Queen’s official birthday. The ceremony of Trooping the Colour is full of military pomp and pageantry as The Queen carries out an inspection of the troops from the Household Division. The Queen then leads the troops down the Mall to Buckingham Palace. Festival until 01.06.2014 - Luxembourg The “Printemps Musical” jazz and world music festival is an annual event organised by the Luxembourg City Tourist Office. Each year the Luxembourg city plays host to an innovative programme featuring the best of jazz and world music, with international artists familiar to local audiences as well as some new faces worth discovering. After 27 years, the festival has now established itself as a veritable evergreen and has become an essential institution in the Luxembourg culture calendar. St. John’s Festival 24.06.2014 - Portugal, Porto The most important festival on the calendar for Porto attracts visitors from all over the country. The streets become filled with music and fireworks displays take place at night. Huge barbecues are prepared and attendees partake in the rather odd custom of hitting each other over the head with a rubber mallet, but who is to argue with tradition. This street party pays homage to St. John the Baptist. Bloomsday 16.06.2014 Dublin – Ireland Dublin celebrates Joyce’s epic novel Ulysses with a week of events across the city. A relatively recent addition to the events calendar, the Bloomsday traditions were started by a group of James Joyce fans in 1954 to remember the day their hero first took his wife Nora on an outing in 1904 and the day that provided the setting for the epic masterpiece of the brilliant irish writer, Ulysses. The tradition that has been established involves participants visiting the scenes also visited by the writers’ protagonist, Leopold Bloom. 8
Ip Business Congress 22/24.06.2014 - The Okura Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands The Ip Business Congress, organized by the Intellectual Asset Management (IAM), covers areas like the next generation of corporate IP leaders,The skill sets required, Looking beyond the lawyers, Outsourcing monetisation programmes, Emerging trends, Looking beyond patents, Why and when benchmarking is necessary, What to measure and how, Interpreting the information collected many more.
IMATS International Make-up Artist Trade Show - 27/29.06.2014 - Olympia National Hall Kensington - London IMATS is the make-up world’s biggest gathering. Thousands of make-up artists, vendors and enthusiasts discuss, display and collect the best the industry offers. Make-up pros from fashion and film (including Oscar, BAFTA and Saturn award winners) provide education and demonstrations, and new products often debut there. IMATS also features a make-up museum and an Afterglow party, where trade-show guests can socialize.
FLEXFORM SPA MEDA (MB) ITALIA www.flexform.it info@flexform.it
CH_EVOLUTION_GP_3P_2014_S.indd 1
groundpiece design by ANTONIO CITTERIO
A.D. natalia corbetta / fotografia mario ciampi
made in italy
04/03/14 13.20
AGENDA_GERMANIA_layout 06.05.14 10:10 Pagina 10
ISC-International Supercomputing Conference and Exhibition 22/26.06.2014 - CCL - Congress Center Leipzig International Supercomputing Conference and Exhibition is held. The trade show’s frequency is annually held in Leipzig.. The venue hosting ISC is CCL - Congress Center Leipzig. As trade show organizer Prometeus GmbH is responsible for organising and managing ISC. Information Technology, Communication Technology are the business sectors on which ISC focuses.
Automatica. 6th International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics 03/06.06.2014 - Messe München This trade fair presents automation solutions to visitors from all segments of the manufacturing industry and it is the industry’s most important gathering. Manufacture higher-quality products faster and more affordably: Automatica is the leading platform for the latest solutions for optimizing your production processes. It gives the opportunity to discover the latest developments in the automation sector and meet the industry’s most important representatives. ILA - International Air Show 20/25.05. 2014 - Berlin Located right next to Berlin Schönefeld Airport at one of the most popular exhibition venues in Europe, the ILA Berlin Air Show provides an insight into the international aerospace industry. The ILA Berlin Air Show is a trade show for professionals of the aerospace industry. Like no other event of this sector, it combines the in depth content of a segmented trade 10
Interzoo 29.05/01.06.2014 Nürnberg Messe Interzoo is the world’s largest exhibition for pet food and supplies. It is the ideal platform for companies within the pet food and supplies sector that are interested in expanding their international sales. It takes place every other year in Nuremberg, Germany. Interzoo is an excellent opportunity for firms to showcase their products to an international audience and meet with prospective business partners from all over the world.With more than 1,500 exhibitors from 54 countries and 36,800 visitors from 111 countries the 2012 Interzoo once again highlighted its international character. Intersolar Europe - 04/06.06.2014 - International Congress Center München - Munich The main exhibit sectors of the trade show Intersolar Europe - the World's Largest Exhibition for the Solar Industry since 1991 - are: Photovoltaics Cells and Modules. Photovoltaics Applications. Photovoltaics Balance of Systems. Photovoltaics Energy Storage. Photovoltaics Components, Mounting and Tracking Systems. Photovoltaics Manufacturing Equipment, Materials and Components. Solar Thermal Technologies Manufacturing Machinery.
fair with the synergy potential of a leading aviation and aerospace exhibition. More than 100 conferences cover the current industry topics. With more than 1,100 exhibitors from 47 countries, about 235,000 visitors and business agreements approximately worth 16.5 billion dollars (14 billion Euros), the ILA belongs to one of the largest trade fairs worldwide.
AGENDA_GERMANIA_layout 06.05.14 10:10 Pagina 11
Carnival of Cultures 06/09.06.2014 - Berlin Berlin is a multicultural city, with over 450,000 people living in the capital who do not have German citizenship. As with any ethnically diverse city, conflict often arises, therefore in 1995 this carnival was founded to celebrate the different cultures that inhabit side by side. Taking place in Kreuzberg (one of Berlin’s most diverse areas) the streets become awash with colour and music as processions of acrobats, stilt walkers and percussionists march through the city.
Richard Strauss April-July 2014, Opera House - Leipzig To mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of composer Richard Strauss, Leipzig Opera and the Leipzig Gewandhaus present a Strauss cycle from April through July 2014. In June 2014, one of the composer’s most important operas, “Die Frau ohne Schatten“ premieres with a world-class cast on the Leipzig stage. Furthermore “Elektra“ and “Der Rosenkavalier“ from Leipzig Opera’s repertoire will be resumed. The Vienna Philharmonic under conductor Christoph Eschenbach performs a Strauss programme in the Gewandhaus with Lang Lang on 24 May while the actual birthday concert on 11 June is reserved to Riccardo Chailly and the Gewandhaus Orchestra. Rock am Ring Music Festival 05/08.06.2014 More than 150,000 rock music fans gather each summer at the race track of the Nürburgring to get up and get down at “Rock am Ring”, Germany’s biggest open air music festival. The star-studded lineup of international rock bands keeps the fans dancing for all three days. Berlin Biennale 29.05/03.08.2014 The Berlin Biennale was founded in 1998 on the initiative of Eberhard Mayntz and Klaus Biesenbach in order to promote an international forum for contemporary art in Berlin. Held every other year, the Berlin Biennale turns various locations in the city into galleries for contemporary art. The Berlin Biennale is an “open space” that critically examines and experiments with the latest trends in the art world. The innovative character of this “art lab” is expanded with the particular aim of giving young artists the opportunity to present their art.
Konstantin Grcic – Panorama Until 14.09.2014 - Vitra Design Museum - Weil am Rhein Konstantin Grcic is one of the leading designers of the present day. Some of Grcic’s designs – such as “Chair_One” (2004) or the “Mayday” lamp (1999) – have already attained the status of design classics. With “Konstantin Grcic – Panorama”, the Vitra Design Museum shows his largest solo exhibition to date. It provides a comprehensive overview of Grcic’s oeuvre and is at the same time a new design project in its own right. Grcic is developing spatial installations that set in scene his personal visions for life in the world of tomorrow.
LEIPZIG2_layout 06.05.14 10:17 Pagina 12
WATER CITY LEIPZIG AND ITS NEW LAKELAND AREA eipzig is extending its broad network of waterways. Just in time for the summer holidays, the first continuous water route between the Leipzig City Marina and Lake Cospuden was opened in July 2011 – the so-called Route 1. On a total length of 11 kilometres, the course is framed by beautiful park landscapes left and right, magnificent late19th century villas and finally the unparalleled flora and fauna of the Leipzig © Leipzig Tourismus / PUNCTUM / Bertram Kober
floodplain forest. Paddlers and canoeists should plan two to three hours for the route – two locks included. As environmental protection is the city’s top priority, motorized boats will require special permits. Lake Cospuden, also known as the “bathtub of Leipzig” and located about 10 km south of Leipzig‘s city centre, is one of 19 lakes around Leipzig that developed and are still developing from former opencast mines. The flooding of Lake Cospuden, Lake Markkleeberg and Lake Hain is already complete. Lake Störmthal and Lake Zwenkau have reached their target water levels. Then the New Lakeland area south of Leipzig will spread on a surface of about 44 square kilometers and will be connected with the Pleiße, Weiße Elster and Neue Luppe rivers as well as the canals. Several cafés and restaurants have already settled along the canals. Especially young people and artists feel drawn to this fascinating mix of impressive industrial architecture and diverse leisure activities. There will be a total of eight water routes. The passage between city centre and Lake Cospuden is the first section of “Route 1” of the waterways network which is now navigable all the way up to Lake Zwenkau. A unique recreation area, Leipziger Neuseenland (Leipzig New Lakeland) does not only offer various activities for nature lovers and water sports fans but also invites to discover the region’s diverse history and culture during a guided tour – by land or by water. Opened in June 2011, the floating church VINETA on Lake Störmthal commemorates the region’s turbulent history. The shape of this art object, which was created by artist Ute Hartwig-Schulz, resembles the steeple of the church of the erased village of Magdeborn. VINETA
© Leipzig Tourismus / LTM - Schmidt
By boat from the city centre into the green surroundings
In this picture, the west quarter of Plagwitz in Leipzig crossed by many water courses and canals. Left, the area of the new Leipzig lakes: popular site for sailing, water sports, walks.
is a memorial for all 14 villages that once had to yield to opencast mining. This special highlight of the Leipzig New Lakeland area is also attractive as an event location, e. g. for weddings. www.kunst-statt-kohle.de Visitors can reach VINETA with the amphibious vehicle “Krysta”, the latest attraction in the New Lakeland Area. The Krysta is an American troop carrier, a DUKW 353 from the year 1942, which was already used in World War II and which is both landworthy and seaworthy. A unique driving experience is granted. The owner of the Leipzig Krystallpalast variety theatre bought the amphibious vehicle in good condition at an auction from an English collector. There is only a dozen of these tours worldwide. During the “Amphibious Tour”, which is unrivalled in Germany, guests can learn interesting facts about the region’s history and enjoy a picnic on the viewing platform of the floating church. Further information and dates: www. amphibientour.de. Chicca Magri
LEIPZIG2_layout 06.05.14 10:17 Pagina 13
Lipsia dispone di una vasta rete di corsi d'acqua. La prima via d’acqua ininterrotta tra la città di Lipsia e il lago Cospuden è stata inaugurata nel luglio del 2011 . Su una lunghezza totale di 11 chilometri, la via d’acqua è incorniciata da splendidi parchi, magnifiche ville del tardo XIX secolo. Il Lago Cospuden, è situato a circa 10 km a sud del centro di Lipsia, ed è uno dei 19 laghi vicino a Lipsia che si sono sviluppate e stanno ancora sviluppando da ex miniere a cielo aperto. Si prevede un totale di otto vie d’acqua. Il passaggio tra il centro città e il lago Cospuden è la prima parte di una rete che sarà interamente navigabile fino al lago Zwenkau entro la fine del 2014. Un’area ricreativa (il Leipziger Neuseenland) offre varie attività per gli amanti della natura e gli appassionati di sport acquatici, e invita anche a scoprire la e la cultura della regione con visite guidate, via terra o via acqua.
La ville de Leipzig se caractérise par un vaste réseau de canaux. La première voie d’eau directe reliant la ville de Leipzig et le lac de Cospuden a été inaugurée au mois de juillet 2011. La longueur totale de cette voie d’eau est de 11 kilomètres: celle-ci traverse des parcs splendides et sur ses rives se dressent de magnifiques villas bâties à la fin du XIXe siècle. Le lac de Cospuden se situe à environ 10 km au sud du centre de Leipzig ; il s’agit d’un des 19 lacs des alentours de la ville, un lac artificiel qui s’est formé dans ce qui fut une mine de charbon à ciel ouvert. L’on prévoit un total de huit voies d’eau, et la liaison entre la ville et le lac de Cospuden est la première partie d’un réseau entièrement navigable conduisant au lac de Zwenkau d’ici à la fin de l’année 2014. Le Leipziger Neuseenland propose différentes activités pour les amants de la nature et les passionnés de sports aquatiques. On peut aussi y découvrir la culture de la région grâce à des visites guidées des chemins ou sur les canaux.
Leipzig verfügt schon seit jeher über ein weites Netz an natürlichen Wasserwegen. Im Juli 2011 wurde nun auch die erste ununterbrochene Wasserstrasse von Leipzig bis zum Cospudener See eingeweiht. Auf einer Gesamtlänge von 11 Kilometern verläuft diese durch herrliche Parks und vorbei an herrschaftlichen Villen aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert. Der Cospudener See liegt etwa 10 km südlich des Stadtkerns von Leipzig und ist einer der 19 Seen in der Umgebung der Stadt, die im Zuge der Rekultivierung alter Tagebaugebiete entstanden oder im Entstehen sind. Insgesamt sind acht Wasserstrassen geplant, und dieVerbindung zwischen Leipzig und dem Cospudener See stellt den ersten Teil eines Netzwerkes dar, das es spätestens Ende des Jahres 2014 ermöglichen wird, bis zum Zwenkauer See zu fahren. Das Leipziger Neuseenland bietet Naturliebhabern und Wassersportlern viele verschiedene Freizeitmöglichkeiten und lädt gleichzeitig dazu ein, die Geschichte und Kultur der Region in geführten Wanderungen oder Bootstouren zu entdecken. 13
TURISMO_GERMANIA_layout 06.05.14 10:23 Pagina 14
TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS: GERMANY MORE AND MORE POPULAR erlin, Munich and Hamburg are as popular as never before with tourists and travelers. In 2013 alone, the 120 biggest German cities have managed to accrue more than 132 million overnight stays – that’s almost 6 million more overnight stays than during the reference period in 2012. In all of Germany, a plus of 4.5 million to more than 411 million overnight stays could be registered. Regarding local overnight stays, Berlin has managed to extend its lead even further. Germany’s capital registered 26.9 million overnight stays in the year of 2013 – that’s 2.0 million more overnight stays than the previous year (+8.2%). Berlin has therefore continued the positive trend of the past years (2012: +11.3%, 2011: +7.5% in overnight stays). Germany’s tourist city no. 2, Munich, has attracted more travelers than ever before. Almost 12.9 million overnight stays could be counted around St. Mary’s church – 528,000 (+4.3%) more than in 2012. Not only European, Japanese and American guests are taking to Munich, the Bavarian capital is also gaining popularity with wealthy Arabs. Contrary to its everyday football life, Hamburg’s tourist life is not ruled by prolonged melancholy. In 2013, the hanseatic city has attracted almost one million more tourists to stay overnight (+9.1%), now totalling 11.6 million overnight stays. Most appealing to national and international visitors are the Hafengeburtstag (harbour anniversary) or the “saucy-suggestive lifestyle” of St. Pauli. Even though Frankfurt/Main still maintains the image of a rich but “grubby architectural urchin” amongst Germany’s big cities, it still belongs to Germany’s touristic hot spots counting 7.5 million overnight stays in 2013. The metropolis on the river Main registered a plus of 6% in overnight stays. Cologne, on the contrary, has fallen a
little in the tourists‘ favour in 2013. Around 5,500 overnight stays less than in 2012 have been registered in the city famous for its cathedral. These are not a lot with a total of more than 5 million overnight stays but compared to its ancient rival Düsseldorf (4.2 million overnight stays), it’s almost a major decline. A few kilometres down the Rhine, the “snobby” capital of North RhineWestphalia, Düsseldorf, registered a considerable plus of 189,000 overnight stays (+4.7%). For years, Cologne, the “nepotistic” city on the Rhine, has counted on its Cathedral as a tourist magnet and its significance as a trade fair city. However, this does not seem to be enough in the long term. Dresden ranks similarly to Düsseldorf. Even though the Saxonian capital does not own the title of Unesco World Heritage anymore its tourists stay loyal. “Florence on the Elbe” has registered a little more than 4 million overnight stays in the year of 2013 – after all, that’s 2.3% more than the previous year. Dresden is followed by Stuttgart, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Hanover and Rostock. Leipzig, however, proves that you have to go big to earn the tourists’ favour. Alongside existing tourist attractions (Gewandhaus, St. Thomas‘ Church and also the St. Nicholas’ Church), the artificial tropical enclosure “Gondwanaland” in the Leipzig Zoo has been attracting visitors into the city for almost three years. The old trade fair city has registered almost 2.7 million overnight stays in 2013 – that’s 8.7% more than the previous year and scores Leipzig a top rank amongst the cities in East Germany. Regarding data collection: The tourism survey is based on information provided by the State Statistical Offices in Germany and individual cities, as of March 10, 2014. All information is subject to change.
AGENDA_FRANCIA_layout 06.05.14 10:26 Pagina 16
International Fair 24.05/01.06. 2014 - Parc des Expositions - Bordeaux By attending this expo the home owners can get acquainted with furniture and household appliances of different designs and structures. At the same time this expo brings forward the modern changes which are taking place in the sector of fitness and wellness, household appliances, furniture, gifts and handicrafts, jewelry and construction. Face to face interaction between the manufacturers and suppliers will give rise to new ideas.
Preshow jouets & jeux permanent 24/25.06.2014 - Disneyland Resort Paris The Preshow is business meetings based on a specific concept: an event on a human scale that favours quality and personal contact; a business meeting place between the suppliers and the purchasing decision-makers of the Toy retail trade. During 2 days, mass and specialist retailing manufacturers and buyers meet in display areas set up in the hotel rooms, function rooms and suites of the Radisson Blu Hôtel at Disneyland® Paris.
Cardiostim-World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Cardiac Techniques 18/21.06.2014 - Palais des Congrès & des Expositions Acropolis - Nice Cardiostim/EHRA Europace congress is a very complete and comprehensive program on Cardiac Electronic Devices and Cardiac Electrophysiology and you’ll move forward into medical technology. One hundred and ninety sessions are set up to cover all aspects of Cardiac Electrophysiology.This program reflects the dynamicity of our specialty that keeps on evolving quickly. As examples, leadless pacemakers are now tested in pre-market protocols, new EP catheters and navigation systems enhance the safety and efficacy of ablation procedures, imaging techniques have a major role in the advances of Electrophysiology. www.cardiostim.com
IDEF Interactive and Digital Entertainment Festival - 24/26.06.2014 - Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes IDEF, the annual video game trade event for all of Europe, is a great show at a great place and its always a pleasure to be a part of it. Well organized with very high quality visitors, it provides the best value of any form of advertising for the area. IDEF presents in preview and for the first time in Europe all the new releases of the industry! IDEF sets a date for all video game industry players. 16
Tradexpo 18/21.05.2014 - Parc Chanot - Marseille The entire spectrum of family and home products at a BtoB trade show.Tradexpo is the place to meet suppliers and partners, the place to negotiate and do deals, the place where your business gets a new lease of life. Tradexpo takes place in an exhibition space of 6,500 sqm; 100 manufacturers, importers and wholesalers present more than 120,000 separate items to 3,000 decision-makers from all the retail networks we expect to attend. This market place, set up three times a year, is where the big players in the retail trade get together. All of these specialists gather to do deals and get the best quality-price ratio. After 20 years’ experience and 59 editions, Tradexpo has accumulated unrivalled expertise in bringing together the various players in the home-making, family and garden equipment markets.
AGENDA_FRANCIA_layout 07.05.14 11:17 Pagina 17
French Open 25.05/08.06. 2014 Roland Garros Stadium - Paris One of the four tennis Grand Slams, invites the best World players and is France’s biggest sporting events. Watching matches live is the ultimate fashion statement! TIP: Book well in advance for a decent seat (buy your tickets from the French Open website). Leftover tickets can be bought at the stadium two weeks before the games start.
Fête de la musique 21.06.2014 - Paris On 21st June, the longest day of the year, Paris celebrate music. The Fête unites a mix of professionals and amateurs and festival policy is to give an equal place to rock, jazz, singing and classical music.Rock music is usually held at the Place de la Republique, classical orchestras can be heard in the courtyard of the Palais Royal and indie bands at place Denfert-Rochereau. New groups and singers are performing on street corners and cafes around Paris. All concerts are free. Festival de Cannes 14/25.05.2014 Ever since its creation, the Festival de Cannes has remained faithful to its founding purpose: to draw attention to and raise the profile of films with the aim of contributing towards the development of cinema, boosting the film industry worldwide and celebrating cinema at an international level. While maintaining a solid connection with its past, the Festival is very ready to take on board new and original concepts. Over the years, it has evolved, all the while seeking to preserve its core values: a passion for cinema, the discovery of new talent, and the bringing together of professionals and journalists from around the world with the aim of contributing to the creation and distribution of films.
Fête de Mai Until 25.05.2014 - Nice Literally translated as “Festival of May”, this event commemorates the history of Nice with music, exhibitions, food and kid’s entertainment. Artists from around the world are invited to submit works to the festival, which are then exhibited all year round. As well as art and entertainment, visitors to the event can also take part in various guided wildlife walks. Taking place every weekend throughout the month of May, some of the performances are ticketed but most events are free.
Wine Festival 26/29.06.2014 - Bordeaux One of the world’s greatest wine producers, it’s no wonder Bordeaux has a yearly wine festival where visitors can meet manufacturers and taste many varieties. It is also possible to travel to the vineyards by coach with the aid of a tour guide. The wines on show are from the Aquitaine and Bordeaux regions, but don’t think it’s all wine however - there are taste workshops which involve food as well as wine, stalls offering regional dishes and a giant banquet where attendees bring food to share with each other on the banks of the Garonne river. 17
MARSEILLE_layout 06.05.14 10:45 Pagina 18
n 600 B.C., the Greeks were the first to realize the potential of its shores (57 km) nested at the foot of the hills, colonizing the northern shore where the Old Port is today. Since then Marseille has become a light house, a point of reference, a boundary city, with a strong temperament and endless contradictions. Exuberant and generous, it has always welcomed those who made Marseille the place for a new start, a new life. During the Second World War many sought asylum here: André Breton, Marc Chagall, Max Ernst…artists who even though leading a clandestine life to escape from the conflict, found in Marseille a way to express their art. Multiethnic and multicultural, to the point that even the language spoken here has different nuances with sounds and words from every continent: one for every population that has found refuge here throughout the centuries, making everybody feel at home, integrated, but always a foreigner to some extent… A rather chaotic urban structure, different sized roofs, popular housing, with elegant buildings here and there in the residential areas and large blocks of flats on the outskirts… Nothing like a traditional French ville. Depending on the hour of the day, the light, and the season Marseille might look like a North African city in fact. A place of light and wind, not a destination for conventional tourists in search of obvious beauties
– a city that like anything with a strong personality you either love or hate. Marseille’s passionate charm is one you must breathe in and discover in its markets full of Mediterranean herbs and exotic spices, or in its atmospheres often described by the many authors who were born here. 2013 European Capital of Culture, home to the second largest National Research Division, Marseille attracted over 5 million tourists. Expanding on an area that is twice as big as Paris, it stands at the heart of the third most productive and one of the most touristic regions of France, with the naturalistic attractions of Camargue, the first industrial and tertiary district of the Midi and an important University centre with 45.000 students. An opportunity that has triggered a true “genetic mutation” is the ongoing second edition of the Euromediterranée project that is redesigning over 400 hectares of the city along the port area, with a 7 million Euro investment, which has already created new city symbols such as the CMA-CGM tower and the Joliette business quarter. The most evident signs of the new Marseille are concentrated there where it all began, in the picturesque Panier quarter: here you find Fort Saint Nicolas, erected in the 12th century and extended during the 17th century by order of King Louis XIV to control the port. Fifteen thousand square meters of battlements, lookout posts,
In this picture, a wonderful view of Marseille by night. Above, the Cathedrale La Major
Mediterranean gardens now connected by a futuristic footbridge on the sea at J4, named after the pre-existent building of the ancient port dock, with its spectacular MuCEM, that seems to float between the sky and the sea. Three sites for a total 45 thousand square meters where art, history, anthropology, traditions and creativity give rise to a cultural, social and scientific combination of all the populations that throughout the centuries have contributed to the creation of Mediterranean culture.
MARSEILLE_layout 07.05.14 11:19 Pagina 19
INFORMATION All you want to know about Marseille on www.marseilletourisme.com. Main Tourist Office: 4, La Canebière (opening hours Mon.-Sat. 9 -19; Sun. & public holidays 10 -17). The City-Pass is dedicated to individual visitors who wish to discover Marseille with an all-in “package”. This pass is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours and allows access to many attractions.
An authentic architectural challenge is Villa Mediterranée (www.villa-mediterranee.org) designed by Stefano Boeri next to the MuCem: spaces and transparencies over and under the sea providing a meeting and exchange point for the foundation of a common history shared by all the peoples of the Mediterranean. From the Porte Royale of the Fort a second footpath leads to the pink stone church of Saint Laurent, a rare example of Provence Romanesque architecture and one of the symbols of the old Panier.
In the most interesting quarter of Marseille, now redesigned and painted in bright colours, another must see is the oldest house of the city, the Hôtel de la Cabre (1535) and the Vielle Charité (1640), one of the most beautiful works by Pierre Puget saved from destruction by Le Corbusier during the 1950s and later used as a seat for museums, a library, tea rooms and activity centre. And then there are the Roman Byzantine style Old Major (12th century) and the New Major built under Napoleon III, not to mention the shady Places des Moulins, a quiet area where once there were about forty wind mills. Now filled with vintage workshops and ateliers of artists of the new and old generation, the Panier is packed with caves, chocolate shops, bars and restaurants. Marseille, the town where Fernandel was born and that recalls memories of Borsalino & Co., is today the stage of the Plus belle la vie sitcom, the most popular French sitcom. Marseille is in fact the second French city for film productions (1200 films and TV productions were shot here during the last 10 years) and the city has recently launched the “Charte Film Friendly” a contract to attract production companies and new studios in the old tobacco factory in the Belle de Mai quarter. Here is la Tour, five floors of large exhibition and commercial spaces built in 19th century industrial architecture. From the fourth floor you gain access to the
MARSEILLE, A MEDITERRANEAN CAPITAL Twenty-six centuries of history. A long and passionate life on many levels, and an ongoing drive to stay in the game.
MARSEILLE_layout 07.05.14 11:20 Pagina 20
In this picture, one of the narrow lanes of the VIeux Port.
Devinant les potentialités du littoral de Marseille (long de 57 km) aux pieds des collines tombant dans la mer, les Grecs colonisèrent le nord du rivage en 600 av. J.-C., et fondèrent ce qui est aujourd’hui le Vieux-Port. Depuis lors, Marseille est un « phare » ; une référence ; une ville-frontière au fort tempérament et aux mille excès. En 2013, en sa qualité de Capitale Européenne de la Culture, elle a attiré plus de 5 millions de touristes. Les éléments les plus significatifs du nouveau Marseille se concentrent là où tout commença, en contrebas du quartier pittoresque du Panier. De l’autre côté du Vieux-Port, avant d’arriver au palais du Faro, la fastueuse résidence de Napoléon III construite à pic sur la mer, on mentionnera la merveilleuse abbaye SaintVictor (Vème siècle) où le 2 février, pour la Chandeleur, se déroule la procession de la Vierge noire. 20
Panorama, a space dedicated to large contemporary art works also offering a beautiful view on the city and the port (www.lafriche.org). The emblematic Canebière, a name deriving from the word cannabis, that is the hemp used to make ropes during the 19th century, is a road flanked by a long row of elegant Haussmann style buildings currently being restored. The road leads directly to the old port, a partially pedestrian area used as venue for concerts and events. At the other end of Le Panier, before reaching the sumptuous Lighthouse Palace, Napoleon III’s residence overlooking the sea, you can find the charming Saint Victor Abbey (5th century) where every 2 February, on the day of Candlemas there is the traditional Black Virgin procession with the blessing of the Navettes, the boat shaped biscuits with orange flower flavouring, a specialty baked in the nearby Navette Bakery, the oldest in Marseille. From here you can walk up to the new sacred art museum of Notre Dame de la Garde (1853-54), the Bonne Mère of Marseille that from the top of the hill guards the city. The wind of change can be felt every-
A intuire le potenzialità del litorale di Marsiglia (57 Km) accoccolato ai piedi delle colline furono i Greci, che, nel 600 a.C., ne colonizzarono la riva nord ponendo le basi del Vecchio Porto. Da allora Marsiglia è “faro”, punto di riferimento, una città di frontiera, dal forte temperamento e dai mille eccessi. Nel 2013, in veste di Capitale Europea della Cultura, ha sedotto oltre 5 milioni di turisti. I segni più evidenti della nuova Marsiglia si concentrano dove tutto cominciò, a ridosso del pittoresco quartiere del Panier. Dall'altro lato del Panier, prima di raggiungere il Palazzo del Faro, fastosa residenza di Napoleone III a picco sul mare, la suggestiva Abbazia di Saint-Victor (V sec.) dove il 2 febbraio, per la Candelora, si svolge la tradizionale processione della Vergine Nera.
where around the city that seems to have found new enthusiasm and is trying live it up. The fashion industry that here counts on many emerging labels – supported by the Istitut Mode Méditerranée (www.institutmode.org) and by the Syndicat de l’habillement (Fashion Industry Union) – and the rue de la Mode, near the Opéra, has found a home at the museum of ceramic decorative arts and fashion at Château Borely, a 18th century aristocratic residence surrounded by a beautiful French style garden. Even the Fine Arts Museum has reopened at Palais Longchamp, one of the most important examples of II Empire French architecture. Opened in 1869, it remained closed for many years, but now it once again exhibits a cleverly displayed collection of paintings by 16th and 17th important Italian, French and North European masters. From another but nonetheless interesting period is the stunning Mamo (Marseille Modulor), in an old gymnasium at the top of the Cité radieuse, built between 1945 and 1952 by Le Corbusier and now a hotbed of creativity and futuristic design. Federica De Luca
Das Potential des 57 km langen Küstengebietes von Marseille erkannten bereits die Griechen, die 600 v. Chr. dort siedelten und die Grundlage für den alten Hafen schufen.Seit damals ist Marseille Leuchtturm, Bezugspunkt und Grenzstadt, mit einem starken Temperament und einem deutlichen Hang zum Exzess. Im Jahr 2013 war Marseille Kulturhauptstadt Europas und begeisterte 5 Millionen Touristen. Das neue Marseille zeigt sich insbesondere dort, wo alles begann: in unmittelbarer Nähe des malerischen Viertels Quartier du Panier. Auf der anderen Seite des Panier, kurz bevor man die malerisch auf einem Felsplateau über dem Meer gelegene kaiserliche Residenz Palais du Pharo erreicht, liegt die aus dem 5. Jahrhundert stammende Abtei Saint-Victor, wo am 2. Februar zum Kirchenfest von Mariä Lichtweih traditionell die Prozession der Schwarzen Madonna stattfindet.
Societe Generale Private Banking è il nome commerciale della linea di business di private banking di Société Générale e delle sue filiali all’estero. Société Générale è autorizzata e regolata dall’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel e dall’Autorité des Marchés Financiers francesi.. Non tutti i prodotti e servizi offerti da Société Générale sono disponibili in tutte le giurisdizioni. Per maggiori informazioni, si prega di contattare l’ufficio locale. 2014 Gruppo Société Générale e le sue filiali. © Hugo Stenson. FRED & FARID
16/04/14 10:20
FRANCIA_SUD_layout 07.05.14 11:24 Pagina 22
PROVENCE & CO. A journey across the South of France on a fascinating itinerary full of colour, perfumes, art and culture. trip to the South of France is bound to please most holiday makers. Art, archaeology, nature, water sports, nightlife or simple relaxation on the beach? You name it. To give you a taste of the extraordinary richness and variety of the touristic offer of the region, Evolution offers you an ideal tour that might appeal to different tourist targets. The perfect period to fully enjoy the infinite beauties of this area is the end of spring/beginning of summer, when the weather is warm but not too hot, the lavender is in bloom, and you can go for a swim without the beaches being too crowded.
Art lovers can visit Aix-en-Provence, where Paul Cézanne was born, go for a walk under the sycamores of the old town, stop for a hearty lunch in one of the many restaurants, visit the Granet Museum with some of the painter’s works, and step into his house and studio, both turned into museums. At Cagnes-sur-mer, the charming fishermen’s town where Renoir was born, there is the Renoir Museum surrounded by olive trees with a beautiful view on the sea. Here is where the artist lived and where most of his sculptures are kept as
Below, the gentle hills of Provence with their unique colour palette of the season.
well as his studio, preserved exactly as it was when he worked in it. At Vence must see are the Chapelle du Rosaire designed by Matisse, and Chagall’s Moses Mosaic in the cathedral’s chapel, one of the smallest churches in France. In the medieval town of Saint-Paul de Vence, with its characteristic narrow streets, fortified walls, and many workshops and artists’ studios, one stop not to miss is the Maeght Foundation with its collection of works by the most important masters of the 20th century including Mirò and Chagall. Picasso fans must go to Vallauris, home to the Musée National Picasso, and carry on to Antibes, that besides having another Picasso Muse-
Societe Generale Private Banking è il nome commerciale della linea di business di private banking di Société Générale e delle sue filiali all’estero. Société Générale è autorizzata e regolata dall’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel e dall’Autorité des Marchés Financiers francesi.. Non tutti i prodotti e servizi offerti da Société Générale sono disponibili in tutte le giurisdizioni. Per maggiori informazioni, si prega di contattare l’ufficio locale. 2014 Gruppo Société Générale e le sue filiali. © Hugo Stenson. FRED & FARID
16/04/14 10:19
FRANCIA_SUD_layout 06.05.14 10:49 Pagina 24
Above, Saint-Tropez: a perfect blend of sea, nightlife, tradition and culture bound to please even the most difficult visitors.
um also has a beautiful market, meandering walks across its narrow streets and, why not, offers a refreshing swim in one of the small town bays. In Provence the Romans left important and perfectly preserved traces of their power. Like at Nîmes for example, a city built in the 6th century B.C., with its amphitheatre, one of the largest of Roman Gaul where animals and gladiators fought in front of 20 thousand people; the Maison Carrée, the only wholly preserved ancient temple; and the grandiose and awe inspiring Diana Temple, the most romantic and enigmatic monument of the city. But there is more: the Pont du Gard, a technical and architectural masterpiece, part of the Unesco World Heritage, built to make the about 50 km aqueduct span the River Gard. More stunning Roman monuments are in Arles: the arena, the Roman theatre, and the cryptoporticus, an underground passage dating back to the 1st century B.C. In the 4th century Arles experienced its golden age, as testified by its Constantine Baths and the Alyscamps Necropolis. Another truly extraordinary city is Avignon, also part of the Unesco World Heritage. Avignon was seat of the papacy from 1309 to 1423 and is dominated by its imposing Palais de Papes, a beautiful example of Gothic architecture, an austere look24
ing fortress preserving lavish frescoes by Simone Martini and Matteo Giovannetti. The Petit Palais, ancient residency of the archbishops and the Notre-Dame-des-Doms Romanic cathedral complete the city’s monumental complex. Famous for the popular “Sur le Pont d’Avignon” song, this bridge crossing the River Rhône was built between 1177 and 1185 and became the boundary between the Papal State and the Reign of France and was many times destroyed and rebuilt. Nowadays it remains incomplete and does not reach the other side of the river. Nature lovers will not want to miss Camargue, now Unesco Biosphere Reserve. Camargue requires time, it is no touch-and-go destination. You must immerse yourself in its natural pace, forget about your watch and adjust to the times of sunrise and sunset, only then will its treasures reveal themselves to you. How to explore it is a matter of choice, either walking along the marked pathways, cycling (a day on the Digue à la Mer, amidst stretches of water, sand and flamingos flying over your head is an unforgettable experience), or horse riding on white sandy beaches at sunset. If you try you will not be disappointed. A typical Provence view that might
take you into a pleasant bubble of suspended time are the lavender fields. Luberon and Vaucluse is a very popular region but its rural charm has remained untouched. From the terraced town of Gordes, spectacularly perched on the cliff of the Vaucluse plateau, passing by the Notre dame de Sénanque 13th century Abbey, you can visit the lovely Saint-Saturnin-les-Apt country town with its ancient ruins with a grandiose view on the plateau; next stop at Sault, a quiet country town all the way to Forcalquier, a town with a slightly bohemian edge and home to the European University of Scents and Flavours, well worth the walk up steep steps leading to the citadel and the octagonal chapel which also offers an extraordinary view. After this full immersion in art, countryside and nature, the nightlife lovers will be itching to dive into the glamorous Saint-Tropez and those more inclined towards a restful holiday will be in need of a break. The new Saint Amour La Tartane Hotel, with two restaurants, one yacht for memorable cruises, a Spa, and not far from one of the best beaches of Pampelonne, will please all offering relaxation and pampering in a luxury hotel surrounded by a luxuriant park, only a few minutes away from the vibrant centre of Saint-Tropez, with its clubs and
Societe Generale Private Banking è il nome commerciale della linea di business di private banking di Société Générale e delle sue filiali all’estero. Société Générale è autorizzata e regolata dall’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel e dall’Autorité des Marchés Financiers francesi.. Non tutti i prodotti e servizi offerti da Société Générale sono disponibili in tutte le giurisdizioni. Per maggiori informazioni, si prega di contattare l’ufficio locale. 2014 Gruppo Société Générale e le sue filiali. © Hugo Stenson. FRED & FARID
16/04/14 10:19
FRANCIA_SUD_layout 07.05.14 11:25 Pagina 26
Tous ceux qui se passionnent pour l’art, l’archéologie, l’architecture ; tous ceux qui aiment la nature, les sports aquatiques, la vie mondaine ou juste le farniente au bord de la mer, trouveront leur bonheur dans le sud de la France. La fin du printemps et le début de l’été est la meilleure période pour profiter au maximum des infinies beautés de cette région. Les amateurs d’art pourront emboîter le pas des nombreux – et grands – peintres ayant laissé des traces dans la région. Nîmes et Arles s’enorgueillissent en outre de vestiges romains parfaitement conservés. Quant à Avignon, la cité des papes, c’est une ville tout à fait remarquable. Ceux qui aiment la nature ne peuvent rater les paysages de la Camargue, ou la route de la lavande. Les fondus de mondanités, impatients de connaître les lieux glamour de Saint-Tropez et Cannes, n’en seront certes pas pour leurs frais, notamment durant la seconde moitié du mois de mai, au cours de laquelle se tient le Festival du cinéma.
Chiunque sia appassionato di arte, archeologia, architettura, oppure ami la natura, gli sport acquatici, la vita mondana o semplicemente il dolce far niente in riva al mare, troverà quello che fa per lui nel sud della. E sul finire della primavera/inizio estate, è il momento migliore per godere al massimo le infinite bellezze che la zona offre. Gli appassionati di arte potranno seguire le orme dei numerosi grandi pittori che hanno lasciato tracce di sé in quella regione. A Nîmes e ad Arles ci sono vestigia romane perfettamente conservate. Una città veramente degna di nota è Avignone, la citta dei Papi. Gli amanti della natura non possono perdersi i paesaggi della Camargue, oppure la via della lavanda. I fanatici della mondanità, impazienti di tuffarsi negli ambienti glamour di Saint-Tropez, e Cannes, avranno pane per i propri denti, soprattutto nella seconda metà di maggio, nel periodo del Festival del cinema.
Jeder Liebhaber von Kunst, Archäologie und Architektur, jeder, der die Natur geniessen oder Wassersport treiben möchte, und jeder Freund des mondänen Lebens oder des süssen Nichtstuns am Strand wird in Südfrankreich sein Paradies finden. Und die Zeit um Frühlingsende und Sommeranfang ist der beste Moment, die unendliche Schönheit der Region zu geniessen. Kunstliebhaber wandeln auf den Spuren der vielen grossen Künstler, die hier lebten und arbeiteten. In Nîmes und Arles finden sich zahlreiche perfekt erhaltene Überreste aus der Römerzeit. Eine ganz besonders bemerkenswerte Stadt ist Avignon, die Stadt der Päpste. Naturfreunde dagegen sollten sich die wilde Landschaft der Camargue und die Lavendelstrasse nicht entgehen lassen. Wer Mondänität liebt und es kaum erwarten kann, sich in das Glamour-Ambiente von SaintTropez und Cannes zu stürzen, findet vor allem in der zweiten Maihälfte beim Filmfestival die perfekte Kulisse.
© JM Rosier
Left, the famous Cours Mirabeau, in Aix-enProvence under the shade of secular sycamores. Below, the historic centre of Avignon, with the Papal Palace and the Episcopal Ensemble.
celebrity clientele. Cannes is another destination of choice for the jet set, where one is sure to find VIP, especially in the second half of May. That’s when the Cannes Festival brings new energy to the city with countless cinema stars wandering around the hotels along the Croisette, near the Palais des Festivals, hoping (those that have not yet done it) to leave their hand print in the fresh cement of the Allée des Etoiles (a French version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame). Once you have had enough of stars and starlets, you can relax on the long beaches and go for a trip to the Îles de Lérins only a few miles off the coast. Anna Martano Grigorov
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HÔTEL SAINT AMOUR LA TARTANE « Une Ame.. Une Atmosphère.. Un Art de vivre.»
Only a few minutes away from the vibrant St.Tropez, nestled in a luxuriant tropical park, the Hôtel Saint Amour La Tartane is an exclusive oasis of relaxation. A select destination for a dream holiday or a romantic break, this exclusive 5 star hotel offers a unique atmosphere, where Mediterranean perfumes and colours blend with touches of Middle-eastern taste with furniture and décor emphasizing natural and exclusive materials, such as leather, inlaid wood, cotton and Frette fabrics. Twenty-eight rooms and suites with private terrace, separate independent access, air conditioning, flat screen satellite television, separate shower and bathtub, safe and mini bar; attention to detail and tasteful and precious décor creating a unique and relaxing atmosphere: the suites all include elegant living rooms open on wide terraces where one can sip a cocktail or enjoy a candlelight dinner. Guests can also relax and indulge in the exclusive
Spa services. A team of professionals will guide the clients in the choice of the right products and treatments. The luxury and recently restored outdoor heated pool offers the perfect and dreamlike setting for relaxing and rejuvenating massages. The Hôtel Saint Amour la Tartane can also please the most refined tastes. The recently enlarged Asian restaurant Le Grand Café, with its fine oriental décor, offers exotic menus, while for a gourmet lunch, Le Saint Amour Lounge Bar welcomes its guests with elegant and al fresco tables with a selection of tasty and refined dishes. Back from the beach, it is time for an ice tea or an aperitif by the pool at the Saint-Amour Lounge Bar, on the notes of a pleasant musical accompaniment. To make the sojourn unforgettable, the Hotel also offers a magical experience on board of the Chato luxury yacht, moored in the port of St.Tropez and available for private cruises in the Mediterranean.
Hôtel Saint Amour la Tartane - Route des Salins, 83990 Saint-Tropez - Ph. +33 (0)4 94 97 21 23 - www.saintamour-hotel.com
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BORDEAUX IS MORE THAN TASTE A name synonymous with wine, but commerce, culture and… Mirage fighters play a role ordeaux is a handsome commercial city, with fine old 18thcentury buildings overlooking the yellow Garonne” Henry James wrote when he visited this south-western French city, home of some of the finest wines in the world. The Garonne River cuts Bordeaux in two and links the city to the Atlantic and the world. Along its banks, many refined buildings rival places like Bath, or even Prague, for architectural quality. Victor Hugo, the writer, once said: “take Versailles, add Antwerp, and you have Bordeaux”. When Emperor Napoleon III wanted to transform Paris into a “modern” capital, Baron Haussmann, a prefect of Bordeaux, used Bordeaux’s 18th-century big-scale rebuilding as a model. Bordeaux, has a lot to offer in addition to wine. Take the typical local cannelés or chocolate, throw in a lunch at an outdoor terrace by the river, or in one of the lively little streets of Vieux Bordeaux; there’s an endless palette to choose from, including a cruise along the river to view the façades along the
In this picture, Place de la Bourse
riverbanks. Not to speak of business, such as the defence and aviation industry, including Rafale and Mirage jets. Bordeaux is served by the Aéroport de Bordeaux Mérignac, 8 km. from the city center. Seasonal festivals reflect France’s joie de vivre, like the Swing Art Festival at the Halle des Chartrons in early January, the Bordeaux Rock Festival at the end of January, Bordeaux Wine Festival at the end of June, the Bordeaux Chocolate Festival, a fireworks festival on the Quais de Bordeaux, and the Bordeaux Music Festival on the Esplanade des Quinconces at the end of June. The city of Bordeaux, with a population of some 240,000 inhabitants, is the ninth largest in France and the capital of the Aquitaine region. A part of the old city, Le Port de La Lune, was completely renovated and the historic part of the city is on the Unesco World Heritage List. Bordeaux is second only to Paris in its number of historical monuments. Among its jewels, visit the Es-
planade des Quinconces, the largest square in Europe, the Grand Théâtre, admired by Thomas Jefferson when he called in 1787 at the Bordeaux Academy, founded by the philosopher Montesquieu. Recently restored, the opera house is distinguished by 12 monumental Corinthian columns on its façade and the acoustics of its gilded interior. Many historical squares and bridges are worth a sight, like Saint-André Cathedral and Tour Pey-Berland (1440–1450), and at least another dozen churches, like Eglise Sainte-Croix on the site of a 7th-century abbey destroyed by the Saracens and rebuilt under the Carolingians only to be again destroyed by the Normans and rebuilt once more, and the Basilica of Saint-Seurin, the oldest in Bordeaux. The Roman heritage relives in the Palais Gallien, the remains of a 2nd-century Roman amphitheatre, and strolling along Rue Sainte-Catherine may remind you that it is the longest pedestrian street in France that also offers great shopping options, especially towards Place de la Comédie and Cours
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de l’Intendance. Contemporary architecture boasts the la Benauge Fire Station, 1951–1954, the Court of first in-
Bordeaux, la capitale dell’Aquitania, con 240mila abitanti è la nona città francese ed è seconda solo a Parigi per il numero di monumenti storici. La città vecchia è patrimonio dell’Unesco. La cattedrale di Saint-André e la Torre Pey-Berland valgono una visita, come pure almeno un’altra dozzina di chiese, il palais Gallien, i resti dell’anfiteatro romano del II secolo e le vestigia romane. Di architettura contemporanea, si segnala la caserma dei pompieri della Benauge, il tribunale di prima istanza di Richard Rogers e il giardino botanico de la Bastide. Il clima mite, il suolo ricco di calcio, il know-how senza rivali fanno di Bordeaux la capitale mondiale del vino: alcuni dei vini più cari del mondo sono prodotti qui, e qui si svolge la principale fiera del vino al mondo, Vinexpo. Bordeaux ha sempre vissuto, e vive tuttora, principalmente di commercio. 20mila persone lavorano per l’industria aeronautica. stance, by Richard Rogers, 1998, the Jardin botanique de la Bastide, and many more. The Musée des Beaux Arts
Bordeaux, die Hauptstadt der Region Aquitanien, ist mit 240.000 Einwohnern die neuntgrösste Stadt Frankreichs und kommt, was die Anzahl der historischen Denkmäler betrifft, gleich nach Paris. Die Altstadt ist UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Die Kathedrale Saint-André mit dem Turm Pey-Berland ist einen Besuch wert, ebenso wie mindestens ein weiteres Dutzend Kirchen, der Palais Gallien, die Reste des römischen Amphitheaters aus dem 2. Jahrhundert und andere Überreste aus der Römerzeit. Als Sehenswürdigkeiten der zeitgenössischen Architektur sollen die Feuerwehrkaserne imViertel Benauge, das Gerichtsgebäude von Richard Rogers und der Botanische Garten der Bastide genannt werden. Das milde Klima, der kalkhaltige Boden und ein konkurrenzlos hohes Know-Howmachen Bordeaux zur Hauptstadt des Weines. Einige der teuersten Weine der Welt werden hier hergestellt, und hier findet die international wichtigste Weinmesse statt,dieVinexpo.Bordeaux lebte und lebt immer noch hauptsächlich vom Handel, und 20.000 Personen arbeiten in der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie. hosts some of the finest paintings in France by Tiziano, Veronese, Rubens, Van Dyck, Frans Hals, Delacroix, Renoir, Bordeaux Tourisme © Thomas Sanson
Bordeaux, la capitale de l’Aquitaine, est avec ses 240 mille habitants la neuvième ville de France, mais se situe juste derrière Paris pour le nombre de monuments historiques. La vieille-ville est inscrite au Patrimoine de l’Unesco. La cathédrale SaintAndré et la tour Pey-Berland valent une visite, tout comme au moins douze autres églises, ainsi que le palais Gallien, les ruines de l’amphithéâtre romain du IIe siècle et les vestiges également romains. L’architecture contemporaine est représentée par la caserne des pompiers de la Benauge, le tribunal de première instance, conçu par Richard Rogers, et le jardin botanique de la Bastide. Son climat agréable, ses sols calcaires, et le savoir faire sans égal de ses vignerons, font de Bordeaux la capitale mondiale du vin : certains nectars les plus chers du monde sont produits dans la région, et c’est à Bordeaux que ce tient la principale foire au vin du monde,Vinexpo. Bordeaux a toujours vécu principalement du commerce, et c’est encore le cas aujourd’hui. Vingt mille personnes travaillent pour l’industrie aéronautique.
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In this picture, castel and vineyards near Bordeaux.
Bordeaux Tourisme - © Deepix
Seurat, Matisse and Picasso. Several other museums include the Musée d’Aquitaine, the wine trade museum Musée du Vin et du Négoce and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the Centre d’arts plastiques contemporains (CAPC) and an architecture exhibition and research center, Arc en rêve, while Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas is Europe’s largest lift bridge. Bordeaux lived, and lives, for trade. In ancient times, Bordeaux was a Celtic settlement, the city fell under Roman rule, who introduced vine, around 60 BC, its importance lying in the commerce of tin and lead. Since 276 through 498 the city was sacked by the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Franks, and by Abd er Rahman in 732. From the 12th to the 15th century, the city gained importance following the marriage of Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine with Count Henri Plantagenet, who became King Henry II of England. The popularity of Bordeaux wines in England thus increased enormously, but the export of Bordeaux was interrupted by the Hundred Years’ War between France and England in 1337 and as a consequence France retook control in 1453. A mild climate and a soil rich in calcium make Bordeaux the world’s wine capital and the venue of the main wine fair, Vinexpo. Some of the most expensive wines in the world are produced here, including the area’s five premier cru red wines as established by the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855: Château Lafite-Rothschild, Château Margaux, Château Latour, Château Haut-Brion and Château Mouton-Rothschild. The red wines produced are usually blended from Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and sometimes Cabernet Franc. Bordeaux also makes dry and sweet white wines, from the Sauternes appellation, such as Château d’Yquem. In the seventeenth century, Dutch traders drained the swamps in the Médoc that surpassed Graves as the most prestigious region of Bordeaux. Malbec was dominant until the early 19th century, when it was replaced by Cabernet
Sauvignon. The annual production is of approximately 960 million bottles on 116,000 hectares (287,000 acres) of vineyards, with 10,000 wine-producing estates, or châteaux, 13,000 grape growers, 60 wine appellations, 300 shippers and 93 brokers. The quality and rich diversity of Bordeaux wines are based on unique terroirs, unrivalled know-how, and expertise in the art of blending of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc grapes, which produces subtle, well-balanced, and elegant wines. 20,000 people work for the aeronautic industry in Bordeaux, for companies like Dassault, EADS Sogerma, Snecma, Thales, SNPE, and others. The Dassault Falcon private jets are built there as well as the military Rafale and Mirage 2000, the Airbus A380 cockpit, the boosters of Ariane 5, and the M51 SLBM missile. Other major companies of interest include Ford Motor Company, Marie Brizard, Oxbow, Ricard, Sanofi Aventis. The Laser Mégajoule will be one of the most powerful lasers in the world, allowing fundamental research and the development of the laser and plasma technologies. A major project of regional planning will concentrate in Bordeaux the largest optical and laser expertise in Europe. Sports have a key reference point in the 35,000capacity Stade Chaban-Delmas a venue for the FIFA World Cup in 1938 and 1998, as well as the 2007 Rugby World Cup. There are two major sport teams Girondins de Bordeaux is the football team, while Union Bordeaux Bègles is a rugby team. Bordeaux is also the home of one of the strongest cricket teams in France. Skateboarding, rollerblading, and BMX biking are activities enjoyed by many along the Gironde river in a skatepark. Notable personalities from Bordeaux also include king Richard II of England (1367–1400), the philosopher Montesquieu (1689-1755), the Nobel laureate writer François Mauriac (1885–1970), the essayist Michel de Montaigne (1533– 1592) and the painter Odilon Redon. Luca Venturi
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AGENDA_ITALY_layout 06.05.14 11:45 Pagina 32
Pitti Immagine 17/20.06.2014 - Fortezza da Basso - Firenze PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO-Men’s Clothing and Accessories Collections Fair. This is the world’s most important platform for men’s clothing and accessory collections and for launching new projects in men’s fashion. Created in 1972 Pitti Uomo is held in Florence twice a year. And PITTI IMMAGINE W – Woman Precollections’ Fashion Fair. This fair, dedicated to special innovative, experimental projects in women’s fashions, single-product and capsule collections. 26/28.06.2014 PITTI IMMAGINE BIMBO - This is the only international fair in the world that offers a complete picture of every aspect of children’s fashions. Created in 1975, Pitti Bimbo launched the first runway shows and events dedicated to this market.
Mineral Show Geo Business 23/25.05.2014 Fiera di Verona Exhibition for precious hard decorative stone, fossils and similar, as well as stone giftware, that in the last edition could boast over 200 exhibitors and 13800 visitors (14% and 18% more than the previous year). 32
Milano Moda Uomo - Men’s Fashion Show 21/25.06.2014 - Milan Along with Milano Moda Donna, Milano Moda Uomo is the International event with all the innovations of prêt-à-porter for men presented by the most important maisons of Italian fashion; during the event more than 100 fashion shows and presentations take place; Italian and foreign journalist attending are more than 1000, buyers are almost 10.000. With two annual appointments: January (Autumn/Winter Collection) and June (Spring/Summer Collection), the fully booked calendar of the event is the proof of the interest shown by market operators toward men’s Fashion.
7th Annual Global Pipe Tech Summit 2014 16/18.06.2014 - Sheraton Roma Hotel - Rome Pipe Tech World Summit is the platform to learn how to overcome the key challenging on new construction, pipeline integrity management, technology innovation & operational excellence with senior oil & gas industry peers
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Focaccia di Recco Festival 01.06.2014 - Recco (Genoa) This curious event is entirely devoted to focaccia, the flat Italian bread. It’s not any old focaccia either, focaccia di Recco is covered in a layer of creamy melted cheese, it has even obtained European Protected Geographical Status, so imitators beware. This one day event starts early in the morning, with local bakers handing out different varieties flavoured with onion or herbs – roughly 25,000 pieces of focaccia are distributed each year, for free. This popular event has been going strong on the outskirts of Genoa since 1960.
Rolling Stones 22.06.2014 - Circo Massimo - Rome The Rolling Stones will play at Rome’s Circus Maximus, a huge venue that used to be a chariot-racing stadium in ancient Roman times, on June 22 as part of their 14 ON FIRE European tour. The group, now made up of Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ron Wood, are on tour around the world to mark the band’s 50th anniversary since its formation. The Rome concert this year also marks 47 years since their first Italian performance in 1967. On that occasion, they held two concerts of 40 minutes each and toured such cities as Rome, Bologna and Genova. International Festival of Contemporary Dance 19/29.06.2014 - Biennale di Venezia - Venice The 9th International Festival of Contemporary Dance is directed by Virgilio Sieni. Virgilio Sieni’s project included in 2013 a series of training and creation courses ending in short performances open to the public. The program devised by Virgilio Sieni continues: Living in the World - transmission and practices will present its new chapters in 2014 and in 2015. Moreover, a strategic programme for the training of young artists is foreseen: the Biennale College is already underway in the various sections of the Biennale. To encourage young talents, offering them the opportunity to work side by side with the masters to develop creations: this is the spirit of the Biennale College - Dance 2014, that is open to dancers between the ages of 18 and 35, and includes 8 training workshops.
Architecture Biennale 07.06/23.11.2014 - Biennale di Venezia Venice The 14th International Architecture Exhibition, entitled Fundamentals, directed by Rem Koolhaas and organized by la Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, opens to the public from June 7th through November 23rd, 2014. The preview is held on June 5th and 6th and the award ceremony and inauguration takes place on June 7th. 65 National Participations are exhibiting in the historic pavilions of the Giardini, the Arsenale, and the city of Venice. Among these, 11 countries are participating in the Exhibition for the first time: Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, and Turkey. “With Rem Koolhaas, our aim is to create an exceptional, research-centred Architecture Biennale, Paolo Baratta states. It will be innovative as Rem has conceived a project that involves the entire Biennale, which exploits its potential. 33
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DEVELOPMENT WILL GROW All the news on the German participation in the 2015 Expo in Milan. ermany focuses completely on the Expo and prepares its ultra modern and interactive pavilion Fields of Ideas, an evocative name describing a vital landscape projected towards the future showcasing the highlights of German production. The direction of this project is in the hands of Frankfurt Fair Group, holder of a great experience in the exhibition sector and that shares a close relation with Milan. Forty-eight million Euros: this is the sum allocated by the German Ministry of Economy for Expo, the international exhibition open in Milan from 1st May to 31st October 2015. Germany believes in this maxi event involving (up to today) 142 countries and has invested a considerable budget for the realization of an enormous pavilion, almost 5000 square meters (the largest of all). This pavilion, Fields of Ideas, will be a carefully designed space ready to present the visitors with the best technology has to offer today. Some news is already circulating about the themes that Germany will address: the pavilion will include four theme areas: water, earth, climate and biodiversity, and as the promoters explain, visitors will be able to actively relate to a vital landscape. The entire project is managed by the Frankfurt Fair Group, the public company entrusted with the organization of the most important international events of the coming years. The vital landscape will include grassy sloping hills, fertile fields with buds, and seeds growing into large trees stretching high up forming a large leafy roof: a metaphor of the ideas that will blossom in the Expo environment, with no concession to synthetic materials and full space given to wood, steel and fabric structures in a perfectly organic style. There will be two exhibition itineraries, one outside the pavilion on a 12 meter high elevated platform, pre-
senting the sixteen federal lander and their typical products and food, and another one inside, with a play of light and shade forming in the folds of the large stylized flower-umbrellas, and a terrace with an all round view on the vast Expo area. To make the stand interactive every visitor will be given a SeedBoard (a platform for the projection of tests, images, videos and games) trans-
forming the visit into an extraordinary individual adventure. Peter Feldmann, mayor of Frankfurt since 2012 and President of the City Fair went to Milan last October to meet his Milanese colleague Giuliano Pisapia (Milan and Frankfurt have been sister-cities since 1970) to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the activity of the Italian branch of the Frankfurt Fair Institute. This occasion was the natural
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IN A FIELD OF IDEAS Forty-eight million Euros allocated for the event. continuation of the previous meetings between German authorities and the Expo managers after the official agreement signed by general commissioner Dietmar Schmitz, Roberto Formigoni (general commissioner at the time) and Giuseppe Sala. Germany was in fact the first European nation to sign on for the Expo, proving its great consideration for the event and its total commitment to this
world-scale project. But why is Germany so interested in the 2015 Exposition? The answer is simple: in a period of widespread distrust towards the future economy, all we have to do is look around for signs of recovery and inspiration to seize the right occasions. In other words Germany wants to prove that Expo can boost the outlook onto the next decade and it does so by relating to those nations
capable of promoting growth and profit, unlike self-enclosed Europe. So this could be the lesson that Milan has to offer: learn to innovate, relate to grow. This is why Germans have greatly invested on a pavilion that will present the best national production and that the organizers are sure will not fail to thrill every visitor. Rita Brebbia
In this picture, a digital reconstruction of the German pavilion for Expo 2015.
VERONA_layout 06.05.14 11:51 Pagina 36
O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet. 'Tis but thy name that is my enemyf […]
uliet’s passionate cry is Verona’s first emblem. The beautiful Verona reflecting in the waters of the River Adige, the city that as a whole has been declared part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Yes, because Verona’s urban layout is imbued with traces of over two thousand years of history.
Verona, a site of strategic importance uninterruptedly inhabited throughout the centuries, was probably founded by Cenomani Gauls and later occupied by the Romans who gave it its current urban structure. Still known as the “Gateway to Italy” for those arriving from north-east, one can only imagine the role Verona had during the pax romana period, when it was head of a 3.700 square kilometer Municipium. Not that in the following ages it lost any of its importance: just think of Emperor Theodoric, known as Theodoric of Verona, for the city’s strategic role, and when during the
rule of the Langobardi which lasted up to 571, Verona was the capital of Italy and where King Authari (the famous legislator), married the legendary Theodelinda. In 1136 Verona became a city-state and, just like in Florence, two factions formed with Guelphs and Ghibellines (of which the Montagues – Romeo’s family! – were the most important representatives). But this is not all of course: Verona was also a Papal Seat for five years (1181 – 1185) and staged many bloody battles under the domain of Ezzelino da Romano, known as The Terrible, who was defeated by
OH ROMEO, ROMEO... History, art and culture of Verona, a gem among Italian cities.
In this picture, a glimpse of Verona at sunset from the Adige river. 36
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a Crusade ordered by Pope Alexander 6th between 1256 and 1259, after which he died in Soncino having been mortally wounded. Then came the time of the Scala Signoria. To one of the members of this family, Cangrande della Scala, Dante even dedicated the entire Paradise section of his Divine Comedy! After a dark and uncertain period, in 1405 Verona became part of the Republic of Venice, and later conquered by the Austro-Hungarian Empire after a brief Napoleonic phase. Finally Verona became Italian in 1866, after the Third Independence War. After this speedy summary of twen-
ty-two centuries of history, let’s take a tour around the city to see the memorable sites of Verona. First of all the Verona Arena, the Roman amphitheatre, the world third biggest after the Coliseum and the Capua amphitheatre, which still today plays a vital role in the Italian and international cultural scene, with an extraordinary seasonal programme of lyrical shows and ballet. On www.arena.it we can find out about the thrilling programme opening 20th June and including A Masked Ball, Carmen, Aida (that with its 14 performances is the mainstay of the programme), Turandot, Madame
Butterfly, plus three special events, Placido Domingo sings Verdi (17th July), Roberto Bolle & Friends (22nd July) and Carmina Burana (9th August). The three ballet performances between August and September will stage a homage to the city with Romeo et Juliette. Prokof’ev’s music will accompany us to Juliet’s house in Via Cappello 23, that according to legend corresponds to a 13th century building in the center of Verona, with the famous balcony and the bronze statue of the ill-fated girl in the courtyard. A little further on, in via del Pontiere, 35, we can visit the Museo degli Af-
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© Archivio Provincia di Verona Turismo - T. Weimar
Above, the legendary balcony of Juliet. Below, the Arena, the Roman amphitheatre with a summer programme of lyrical and ballet performances.
© Archivio Provincia di Verona Turismo - T. Weimar
freschi G.B. Cavalcaselle (Museum of Frescos) containing Juliet’s Tomb, set in a beautiful location that will touch your heart. Another site of remarkable funerary monuments is the Scaliger Tombs complex, nearby the Church of Santa Maria Antica celebrating the Scala dynasty that ruled Verona from 1262 to 1387. Generation after generation, these monuments to power even after death, became magnificent works of art. The Torre dei Lamberti, the highest tower of Verona (83 m) which used to be part of the Podestà’s palace at the time of the city-
state, is also very imposing and overlooks the famous Piazza delle Erbe from Via della Costa 1. Piazza delle Erbe: the most ancient city square, a meeting point and home to a lively market. Signs of the past adorn it: the Madonna Verona Fountain, for example, and the Capitello, also known as Tribuna, here since the 13th century, under which the Podestà used to sit during his nomination ceremony. Then we must not forget to visit Castelvecchio, built by Cangrande II della Scala in 1354, with a beautiful fortified bridge (which has
been defined a “triumphal arch across a water stream”), and seat of a noteworthy Museum of Modern Art. The Duomo (the cathedral of Santa Maria Matricolare) built on top of ruins of two Early-Christian churches, is stunning. Its façade juxtaposes Gothic and Romanic style, and its three majestic naves are framed by pillars in red marble, the so called Verona Marble. To San Zeno, patron of the city, is dedicated the homonymous church (San Zeno Maggiore) known since the early Middle Ages. Legend has it that the 589 flood of the River Adige stopped before the doors of this sacred church, saving the population from disaster. Here the Romanesque style prevails and inside is the funerary monument of the Saint. The extremely rich collection of artworks spanning from the 12th to the 16th century makes the Duomo a must see. Here we can admire the illustrious San Zeno Altarpiece (1459) by Andrea Mantegna, the first example of the Sacred Conversation iconography. Verona has many more treasures that cannot fit onto these pages, but this city, with its charm, will surely cast a spell on you. May your curiosity lead you in your “treasure hunt”! Annamaria Barbato Ricci
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La ville de Vérone a été inscrite par l’Unesco au Patrimoine mondial de l’humanité. L’un des monuments incontournables de Vérone est l’Arène, l’amphithéâtre romain, qui, aujourd’hui encore est un lieu-phare de la vie culturelle italienne et internationale. A voir également : la Maison de Juliette, qui remonte au XIIIe siècle ; la tombe de Juliette, située dans un cadre évocateur qui vous ira droit au cœur ; les « Arches des Scaliger », à savoir l’ensemble de tombeaux de la dynastie des Scala. La Tour des Lamberti, haute de 83 mètres, domine la célèbre place aux Herbes (piazza delle Erbe), la plus ancienne de la ville, lieu de rencontre où se tient un marché chamarré. Il est aussi conseillé de visiter le Castelvecchio, avec son splendide pont fortifié, qui abrite un magnifique musée d’Art Moderne. La cathédrale Santa Maria Matricolare est un chef-d’œuvre. C’est au saintpatron de la ville (saint Zénon) qu’est consacrée l’église San Zeno Maggiore, bâtie durant le haut Moyen Âge.
Verona è stata proclamata dall’Unesco Patrimonio dell’Umanità. I luoghi memorabili della città cominciano dall’Arena, l’anfiteatro romano, ancor oggi faro della vita culturale italiana internazionale. Da vedere: la Casa di Giulietta, risalente al XIII secolo; la tomba di Giulietta, in uno scorcio suggestivo che vi toccherà il cuore; le ‘Arche scaligere’, il polo sepolcrale della dinastia dei della Scala. Imponente è la Torre dei Lamberti, che coi suoi 83 metri sovrasta la famosa piazza delle Erbe, la più antica della città, luogo d’incontro urbano in cui si svolge un coloratissimo mercato. Il Castelvecchio, con il suo splendido ponte fortificato, è sede di un bellissimo Museo di Arte Moderna. Stupendo è il Duomo (la Cattedrale di Santa Maria Matricolare). Al protettore della città, San Zeno, è dedicata l’omonima Chiesa (San Zeno Maggiore), di cui si hanno notizie sin dal primo Medioevo.
Verona wurde von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe ernannt. Die Reihe der bemerkenswerten Orte, die diese Stadt zu bieten hat, beginnt mit der Arena, dem römischen Amphitheater, heute noch ein Highlight der italienischen und internationalen Kulturszene. Sehenswert sind weiterhin: das Haus der Julia aus dem 13. Jahrhundert; das Grab der Julia in einem malerischen Klostergewölbe; die ‚Arche Scaligere’ genannten Gräber der Dynastie der Scaliger (della Scala). Beeindruckend ist der Turm ‚Torre dei Lamberti’, der mit seinen 83 Metern über die berühmte Piazza delle Erbe wacht, den ältesten Platz der Stadt mit seinem beliebten malerischen Markt. Es empfiehlt sich ein Besuch der Burg Castelvecchio aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, die heute ein sehenswertes Museum für moderne Kunst beherbergt. Die schönsten Sakralbauten sind der Dom (Cattedrale di Santa Maria Matricolare) und die dem Stadtpatron San Zeno gewidmete romanische Kirche San Zeno Maggiore.
Thinning hair? How a new pill can boost your hair and self-confidence Hair loss can be a nightmare for both men and women. It can make you look less attractive, and also lead to disadvantages within your career and limit you in your partner choice. It can lead to depression, loss of self-confidence and even identity change. Scientists in Oxford promise that they can help keep your hair thick and healthy. Their pill TRX2 is currently one of Europe’s bestselling hair supplements and is sold in over 90 countries. TRX2 is a food supplement based on organic compounds and compared to medicinal products has no side effects whatsoever. Also it does what it says. “Your hair will look much bigger;�it becomes heavier and thicker. You maintain your healthy hair,” says Oxford Biolabs CEO Dr Thomas Whitfield. Hair treatments often promise a lot without delivering, but TRX2 is backed by cutting-edge science and has been thoroughly tested. According to a study, 87% of men and women see positive results when taking TRX2. The effects can be impressive – hair thickness may increase by 22.5 % after nine months and 38.7 % after 18 months of treatment. Start TRX2 as early as possible in order to increase the chances of fully recovering your hair.
“Your hair becomes much heavier and thicker. You maintain your healthy hair.” TRX2 is suitable for men and women of all ages. The crystalline white capsules come in a brown glass bottle, which is sufficient for one month of treatment and costs approximately €49. The manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee if ordered via TRX2’s official website, and ships worldwide. www.trx2.com, contact@trx2.com Oxford Biolabs Ltd,�The Oxford Science Park, Oxford, UK
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FIRENZE_layout 06.05.14 11:56 Pagina 40
PONTORMO AND ROSSO FIORENTINO IN FLORENCE In the Renaissance Palazzo Strozzi in Florence opens an exhibition on two great artists of the 16th century. Two twin artists almost, yet offering different interpretations of Mannerist painting. n the other side of the Arno River, along the road that leads to Palazzo Pitti just by Ponte Vecchio, there is a small simple piazza. A tourist information stand, a column with a Corinthian capital with bikes locked around it, two al fresco trattorias, and a small road that climbs up to the Giardino Bardini and Forte Belvedere, and a church. Santa Felicita, one of the many Florentine churches, which would appear slightly dull if it was not for its three arch portico supporting part of the Vasari Corridor that catches the eye inviting us to step inside: this is where I would start the story of the “Pontormo e Rosso Fiorentino, divergenti vie della Maniera” exhibition (Palazzo Strozzi, until 24 July, www.palazzostrozzi.org). This church in fact presents us with a first contact with one of these two ‘revolutionaries’ of the early 16th century Florentine painting: Pontormo’s Deposition (1528) inside the Capponi Chapel where we can admire its beauty and ruthless innovation, still within its original collocation. I would then add a few notes from chronicles of the time, saying that Pontormo was a painter that was rather taken with his own persona (as we can see in his British Museum Adam-like self-portrait), but also slightly unsocial, moody and particularly hypochondriac, all absorbed by echoes of the past all the way back to Hellenism. His alter ego (in this exhibition at least) Rosso (a name maybe given him for his ginger hair), was instead more connected to the 14th century tradition although he was harshly disapproving of the works of his predecessors; a stance that made him rather unpopular in Florence, compromising his business as a painter. Pontormo was the Medici’s favourite painter. The anti-Medici republican aristocracy of Florence instead supported
Rosso, who first moved to Rome and then settled in France at Fontainebleau, as painter at the court of Francis I. The exhibition presents a sharp and significant comparison between the two Mannerist painters, as underlined by Carlo Falciani, one of the two curators. A comparison that words cannot express but can only be seen, as we can finally do today at this exhibition with over 80 paintings (some of which restored) – almost the entire production of the two artists. Also of importance is the definition of Mannerism given by the other curator and Uffizi director Antonio Na-
tali: «a term that chiefly identifies a temporal shift in the Florentine art of the early 16th century; a period that these works of art will help us understand and appreciate, especially those visitors that know nothing or very little about Pontormo and Rosso». The exhibition is truly fascinating, starting from its majestic “overture” with the three large frescos taken from the Sanctuary- Basilica of SS Annunziata. Once having left the exhibition, we can visit the place where it all began, in the homonymous Piazza SS Annunziata by Brunelleschi, nearby the Duomo, where
In this picture, Palazzo Strozzi, that hosts the exhibition on two great painters Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Opposite page, the poster of the exhibition.
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17 year olds Pontormo and Rosso (they were both born in 1494) were admitted to 23 year old Andrea del Sarto’s workshop, participating in the making of the above mentioned frescos in the Chiostrino dei Voti. We won’t need to go all the way to the Pieve di San Michele Arcangelo in Carmignano, a hamlet on the hills towards Prato, for its charming and touching Visitation by Pontormo (1530) has been restored and included in the exhibition; to admire Rosso’s dramatic Deposition (1521) instead we must travel to Volterra’s Pinacoteca Civica, embarking on a trip along what might well be one of the most beautiful Tuscan itineraries (take the Impruneta exit from the Autosole motorway; then follow Vecchia Volterrana, Province Road SP n. 4, via Montespertoli: about an hour drive from Florence). Claudio Fantuzzi
MORE TO SEE IN FLORENCE There are many new exhibitions in the city museums too: the exhibition on the 16th century sculptor Baccio Bandinelli at the Museo del Bargello (until 13 July), with a renovated Sala Michelangelo; the precious and exquisite reliquaries of the Museo degli Argenti at Palazzo Pitti – (from 20th May to 28th September), where the Galleria Palatina holds an exhibition on Jacopo Ligozzi (27th May-28th September), a late 16th century painter and scientific illustrator, along with the 11 Raphael paintings of the permanent collection. Great news at the Uffizi too: since 2011 the passionate director Antonio Natali has opened the Blue, Red, Yellow and Green rooms, creating a certain curiosity and anticipation as to which colour will come next, but mostly offering us an important example of industriousness and dynamism in the field of Italian art. The Uffizi would not be the illustrious museum we know today if the last of the Medici Anna Maria Luisa had not made the In Lorraines this picture, xxxxxxxx (the new xxxxxxxxxx reigning xxxxxxxxxx family) sign the Family Pact, obliging them not to rexxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx. move the works of art of her family from Florence. An exhibition in the Cappelle Below, xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Medicee is dedicated to her (until 2nd November, www.polomuseale.firenze.it ) xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx.
GOLF_layout 06.05.14 12:00 Pagina 42
A few kilometres from Catania in the inland area of beautiful Taormina at the feet of Etna, the Golf Club Picciolo (650m) offers an 18 hole golf course on the lava slopes that have formed this territory through the centuries. ou land at Fontanarossa Catania Airport almost touching the ridge of Etna, the highest active European volcano (3340 m). Etna once was an underwater volcano at the centre of a wide gulf, and six hundred thousand years of ongoing activity has filled the gulf with lava and have raised its cone to a height of over 3000 meters creating a frame of green hills all around. The sea today is about 20 km away from the main peak from where one can enjoy a breathtaking view embracing the Ionian sea, the Calabrian coast and the Aeolian Islands to the north. To reach the Picciolo Golf Club from the airport you must follow the coast towards the north-eastern side of Sicily, towards the Straits of Messina between the sea and the mighty Etna on the left. Before reaching the volcano, you must stop in the beautiful and charming Taormina, a terrace overlooking the emerald and blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The Picciolo Golf Club is located in the Etna inland at 650 m, in the territory of the millenary town of Castiglione di Sicilia. A town rich with history and legends that was founded in 403 B.C. by the Greeks, and whose name derives from the Roman name, Castrum Leonis that today has evolved into Castiglione. The fortress, originally built by the Greeks, dominated the valley of the River Alcantara and controlled the only access route to the Sicilian inland. Throughout the centuries, Castiglione saw the domination of the Greeks, the Romans who built the bridges, Arabs that revolutionized the irrigation systems and even managed to rear crocodiles in the River Alcantara, the Normans and the Swabians, under whose rule Castiglione became a royal town. Castiglione grew and flourished under
In this picture, aerial view of the Picciolo golf club. Opposite page, the club house
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all the dominations: the castle improved its fortifications, and thanks to the wealth deriving from the fields and the working of linen and hazelnuts, more and more churches and palaces were built. Nowadays this Medieval town is among the most visited and popular with tourists. From Castiglione the road to the Picciolo Golf Club gently climbs up towards the imposing Etna, where the snow that covers its top during the winter is crossed by smears of lava from the latest eruption, almost looking like an ink stain – a reminder of the volcano’s constant activity. The Picciolo Golf Club is 650 m over the sea on the northern slope of the Etna, nested among the many flows of black lava that have followed one another throughout the years, some of which have even reached Linguaglossa and the valley forming striking lava monuments cut through by the road leading to the golf course. The view all around the golf course is not what one might expect to find in Sicily: the Pleoritani and Nebrodi Mountains all around with the beautiful old Club House and Etna that can be admired in all its might from the 10th hole. The plume of smoke from the central crater is quite stunning and is sometimes accompanied by quiet mumbles, and
gushes of ash and lapilli. A unique scenery among pine trees, chestnut trees and large trees and hazel nut plantations that have struggled to grow among the lava flows that the volcano has erupted all around the 18 hole golf course. A very varied 5.881 m Par 72 course, with many slopes, holes degrading towards valley, others up the volcano slopes, such as the 17th hole where from the green players can admire the whole golf course. The 14th hole is one of the most fascinating, with black lava obstacles contrasting against the deep green of the fairway and the green. The 9th and 18th hole are both sloping left dog legs and offer a view on the 19th century Club House immersed in a green landscape with grandiose trees. The Picciolo Guestrooms will make you feel at home offering a warm welcome and an excellent cuisine (booking required) , as well as a very pleasant climate even in the hottest season. The breeze coming down from the volcano reaches the Picciolo and from the Club House terrace you will enjoy the green landscape all around and the puffs of the volcano while sipping a glass of white wine from the vineyards growing around the golf course where the lava and the Sicilian sun add taste and body to this sweet nectar.. Edoardo Granata
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El Greco 2014 Toledo and all Spain 2014 celebrates 400 years since the death of world renowned Spanish Renaissance artist El Greco. Spain and in particular the historic city of Toledo pays homage to the artist and his creative legacy. El Greco, born Doménikos Theotokópoulos, moved to Toledo in 1577 aged 16, where he remained for the rest of his life. He is best known for his tortuously elongated figures and bright colouring.
Pop Art Myths Exhibition 10.06/14.09.2014 - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum - Madrid The permanent Collections of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum conclude with Pop Art, represented through important works by Rauschenberg, Wesselmann, Lichtenstein and Hockney. For the first time in Spain the exhibitionPop Art Myths will offer a new assessment of this artistic trend from a 21st-century perspective. The approximately 70 works in the exhibition will include examples of pioneering British Pop Art as well as classic American works. Cordoba May feasts 24/31.05.2014 - Cordoba May is a month of endless festivities in Cordoba, with a feast for the senses on offer, as flowers fill patios and balconies, and adorn crosses throughout the city, music is played, food and drink is served, and springtime exerts its intoxicating influence on allcomers. A stroll through night-time Cordoba in May, with its balmy temperatures, beautifully lit courtyards, secret corners, floating guitar songs and infectious atmosphere, is an experience every visitor to Andalucia should enjoy.
Palau de les Arts Reina Sofìa May and June 2014 - Valencia The 2014 VII Festival del Mediterrani returns to the Palau de les Arts in Valencia with operas and concert. The programme includes operas such as “La forza del destino” by Giuseppe Verdi (May 31st, June 5th, 10th, and 14th) and “Turandot” by Giacomo Puccini (June 11th, 13th, 15th) and a concert with works by Richard Strauss (June 4th) for the 150th anniversary of the composer’s birth. Conductor: Zubin Metha.
Sónar – 21st Festival of Advanced Music and New Media Art 12/14.06.2014 - Barcelona This music and multimedia festival has gained international recognition thanks to its forward-thinking programme that focuses on electronic music – it’s a definite must for fans of this genre. As numerous different venues participate there is a multitude of performances to attend, and to give you an idea previous editions have featured artists of the calibre of Aphex Twin, Richie Hawtin, The Gaslamp Killer and Jeff Mills. There are also screenings of short films, mostly to do with music, interactive art exhibitions, and other terribly avant-garde activities. 44
Gestisafe_layout 06.05.14 12:07 Pagina 60
Maximum safety for valuable items Gestisafe, a private company from Locarno, provides safes for those seeking maximum security and discretion. Safeguarding valuable objects and documents in safes, ensuring the same degree of confidentiality and insurance cover as a bank, in a perfectly legal way, yet without imposing stringent rules on clients or forcing them to open a bank account: this is the innovative service provided by the Locarno-based company Gestisafe Sa. In business since 2009, the company meets the requirements of both small savers and wealthy professionals wishing to store valuables or documents for any given period of time. Notary deeds, stocks & shares, artworks and any other valuable objects will be kept by Gestisafe in a vault, in the centre of Locarno, previously owned by a famous bank. “Like a bank, Gestisafe offers an insurance cover for the
valuables it is entrusted with equal to the level of a 'Type 1 treasure', covering all damage caused by fire, flooding, burglary or robbery”, explains Stefania Auciello, the company's Customer Service manager. Gestisafe has a videosurveillance system, a sophisticated alarm system, and a (24-hour) fire and burglar alarm system, which ensure top protection for the safes and their content. Clients can access the Gestisafe safes from Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 6 pm. They can choose to keep the keys or leave them with the company. “The service we are providing today is one that only banks used to provide, precisely because they had vaults. Gestisafe's asset is to offer a service comparable to that of a bank, but free from the stringent rules governing the sector”, Stefania Auciello explains. “As the company does not control or manage the funds deposited, it is not subject to the rules of the FINMA, the federal Swiss financial market surveillance authority”, Gestisafe's Customer Service manager concludes – emphasizing that confidentiality and privacy are guaranteed by the complete discretion of the company, combining the security of a bank with the convenience of a private safe.
Info: Gestisafe SA - Via della Posta, 2 - 6600 Locarno - Tel. +41 (0)91 751 70 21 - info@gestisafe.ch - www.gestisafe.ch
IBIZA_layout 06.05.14 12:13 Pagina 46
© Turespaña
© Turespaña
itage site is one of Europe’s finest examples of medieval military architecture. The museum by the cathedral provides an interesting insight into the island’s history as it tracks the remains of Roman, Vandal and Byzantine rulers who followed the Phoenicians, as well as the two centuries of Arab rule that preceded the Catalan arrival in 1235. Nearby is also a Phoenician burial ground with tombs dating from the 7th century B.C. Starting from Dalt Vila hit the route C-733 and in a few minutes you will be certain that the party posters and
hen you think of Ibiza, relaxation and solitude most probably do not cross your mind. But beyond the high-rise hotels, the wild club scene and the package tours, a totally different world awaits its visitors. For a small island, there’s plenty to keep non-clubbers amused. As long as you can tear yourself away from the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean coast for a few hours, the heart of the island is virtually untouched with a picturesque countryside, and not a club in sight. Crossing the island which stretches around 600 square-kilometers, takes about half an hour by car, so it is easy to reach many of its more remote areas. The hinterland is blessed with pinecovered mountains, rural wine estates, wild walking trails and ancient churches. Everywhere along the trip through Ibiza’s adventurous paths and secret hideouts there are the traditional whitewashed stone and mud farm houses which inspired many artists, who visited or even moved to Ibiza over the years. One place to escape from the modern and buzzing Ibiza is it’s old city, Dalt Vila. The Unesco World Her-
Right, Ibiza’s capital, with its old quarter, Dalt Vila. Above, the enchanting town of Santa Eulalia del Río.
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tour buses will have faded away. The route takes you northeast to the enchanting town of Santa Eulària, with its 16th-century church and peaceful cemetery. The short distances make it easy to continue north to the sleepy village of Sant Carles de Peralta. Lined with almond, fig and carob trees, it is home to small bars, restaurants and boutique shops. Just outside the village is the quirky Las Dalias market. It’s one of the most lively shopping experiences on the island. Ibiza has strong artistic roots going back to the early 1960ies when arti-
sans, painters and designers flocked to the island to experience its unique atmosphere and freedom of expression. All of this comes through in the market where handmade items of clothing, jewelry and artifacts can be bought. One of the largest inland villages, Sant Miquel de Balansat, in the north of the island, is overlooked by a shimmering white 14th-century church, with its magnificent 17thcentury frescoes inside. The views of the surrounding countryside from the village hilltop make the climb well worthwhile. Each Thursday
evening from June to September, there is also a traditional dancing on the village’s patio. A hidden gem awaits visitors at Cala Mastella on the island’s northeastern side. Just a stone-through away from the main beach, a tiny cove hosts the restaurant ‘Cala Mastella’ where fishing boats bring the day’s catch right up to the grill. The chairs and tables are set up on the edge of the cove and are not visible from the first beach. The pale green seawater is so clear that it reveals its sea life as if in an aquarium. Moving west, another set of back
IBIZA’S SOFTER SIDE Long regarded as the ultimate party island, Ibiza has alternative appeal and hidden treasures.
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© Turespaña
Left, Calle de la Universidad, Ibiza. Above, a view on Santa Eulalia del Río.
roads lead to the Santa Agnes valley, filled with almond groves. Just on the other side of the valley, the steep cliffs overlooking Ses Margalides offer memorable sunset views. A trip to this part of the island is recommended, as some of Ibiza’s more remote locations are on the southwestern coast. The beach of Cala d’Hort for example is a wonderfully basic, bohemi-
an spot lined with ramshackle fishermen’s huts, serving as reminder of what the locals did for a living before the gold rush of mass tourism arrived on the island. Cala d’Hort also offers unique views of the island Es Vedra a few hundred meters offshore, with its sheer cliffs rising out of the sea. Legend has it that this mystical island was home to the Sirens, who lured sailors to
their doom in Homer ’s tale of ‘Odysseus’. A few kilometers beyond lies one of southern Ibiza’s most laid-back beaches. Despite its gorgeous setting, Cala Vadella has escaped the worst vestiges of mass tourism. Its fine white-sand beach is backed by only a string of low-key bars, understated restaurants and deep-sea diving outfits. Even if Cala Vadella can no longer be treated as a secret, the almost complete lack of hotels and apartment blocks means that once the day-trippers have headed home, the Ibizan idyll is restored. Life on Ibiza’s bumpy dirt roads continues at a pace closer to that of the ancients. When the road becomes impassable the adventurous visitor continues on foot through the pines. This is where %one starts to feel close to the land and the true hart of the island. David Suter
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Depuis longtemps considérée comme l’île de la fête, Ibiza possède cependant d’autres charmes et trésors cachés. Outre les grands hôtels, la movida et les paquets touristiques, un monde complètement différent attend les visiteurs. Bien que petite, l’île offre bien des ressources qui satisferont les défenseurs d’un contact plus authentique avec la nature. Son cœur est pratiquement sauvage et le paysage pittoresque est formé par des montagnes couvertes de pins où se nichent des fermes et des entreprises viticoles. Les sentiers qui sillonnent ces reliefs permettront aux marcheurs de découvrir de vieilles églises. L’arrière-pays est ponctué de fermes traditionnelles, blanchies à la chaux, qui ont inspiré bien des artistes, amoureux d’une île où certains se sont même installés au cours des années. Autre endroit pour fuir l’Ibiza moderne et tapageuse :la ville haute, la DaltVila, classée au patrimoine l'Unesco et l’un des meilleurs exemples européens d’architecture militaire médiéval
Considerata a lungo come l’isola dei party, Ibiza ha un fascino alternativo e tesori nascosti. Al di là dei grandi alberghi, della movida e dei pacchetti turistici, un mondo completamente diverso attende I suoi visitatori. Pur essendo una piccolo isola, ha molte risorse che soddisfare gli amanti di un contatto più autentico con la natura. Il cuore dell’isola è praticamente incontaminato, e il suo pittoresco paesaggio offre montagne coperte di pini, aziende vinicole rurali, sentieri selvaggi da percorrere a piedi e chiese antiche. L’entroterra di Ibiza è punteggiato di tradizionali bianche case agricole in pietra e fango che hanno ispirato molti artisti, innamorati dell’isola o che o addirittura vi si sono stabiliti nel corso degli anni. Un posto per fuggire dalla Ibiza moderna e vivace è la sua città vecchia, Dalt Vila, patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco e uno dei migliori esempi in Europa di architettura militare medievale.
Ibiza, lange als Party-Insel verschrien, hat auch eine ganz andere Seite und versteckte Schätze. Neben den grossen Hotels, der Club-Szene und dem Massentourismus gibt es eine vollkommen andere Welt zu entdecken. Auch wenn die Insel recht klein ist, kann sie Naturfreunden doch vieles bieten. Im Inneren ist sie praktisch unberührt, und die malerische Landschaft erfreut mit kleinen Weingütern, pinienbewachsenen Bergen, urwüchsigen Wanderwegen und antiken Kirchlein. Das Hinterland Ibizas ist gesprenkelt mit den traditionell weissgetünchten Bauernhäusern aus Lehm und Stein, die viele Künstler inspirierten. Einige verliebten sich in die Insel und kommen immer wieder, andere liessen sich sogar ganz dort nieder. Einer der Orte, an denen man das moderne und hektische Ibiza vergessen kann, ist Dalt Vila, Unesco-Welterbe und eines der schönsten Beispiele für mittelalterliche Militärbaukunst in ganz Europa.
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BELGRADE: THE CITY AT A CROSSROADS Let’s get acquainted with the capital of Serbia! n the past decade ever since the end of the bloody Balkan wars which led to the brake up of Yugoslavia, Belgrade has gone a far way in managing to leave its recently dark past behind, instead affirming its self as one of the new top travel European city destinations. Though Serbia like all of the other newly founded Balkan republics is still currently struggling financially, in many ways Belgrade its self can be characterized as a sort of an oasis in the region. It is a truly cosmopolitan city and a place where things are fast moving forward promising its inhabitants a brighter future. Of course Belgrade has always been a vibrant city and more then anything a place of high strategic value since its
location at the confluence of two major European rivers, the Danube and Sava, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans Peninsula guaranteed it an important role throughout history. It was named Singidun by the Celts who founded the city in 297 B.C., while its present day name, Beograd (beo- white, grad- city) was given by the invading Ottoman forces in the early middle ages, in their attempts to push north into the Austro Hungarian Empire. It was briefly the capital of an independent Serbia though throughout the 20th century it was more known as the capital of the Kingdom of the South Slavs, and the capital of the Federal Communist Republic of Yugoslavia.
Regardless of whom it belonged to at any given time in history, Belgrade always remained at a crossroads of different cultures, peoples, religions, ideologies and even today this remains one of its strongest attributes helping make any visitor feel welcomed. There truly is something for everyone in Belgrade. A city of some two million people, Belgrade is the third largest city in South Eastern Europe exceeded only by Istanbul and Bucharest. Of course it is not to suggest that its mere size makes it an attractive destination, rather, it is to point out that it is one of the few cosmopolitan cities in this corner of Europe, certainly the only one in the Balkan region.
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In this picture, a view of Belgrade by night. Below, the fortress complex of Kalimegdan. .
Considering its turbulent history the fact it was often the location of great battles and clashes of different civilizations helps any visitor understand Belgrade and in particular its esthetic. It is certainly not the prettiest city one can visit in this part of Europe and in fact in terms of architecture, places such as Budapest beat Belgrade in a blink of an eye. However, when considering Belgrade as a tourist, and taking into consideration the fact this city was fought over in more then 140 wars and was razed to the ground some 44 times during its turbulent history, one quickly realizes that Belgrade’s biggest attribute besides its vibrant inhabitants and their endless energy is in effect its resilience and the ability to reinvent its self time after time. Nowadays, Belgrade is commonly referred to by many as the new Berlin or Berlin of the East not only because of its well known vibrant night life, but also because it has become a regional center for the arts, culture commerce and education, helping bring in young people from the Balkan Peninsula. Some have even dared suggest it is the city which has the most potential for development in Europe due to its largely unutilized riverfronts, and vast natural spaces in its vicinity yet to be developed. It also boosts a very young population, 40% of its inhabitants are bellow the age of 40, and due to the particularity of
Yugoslavia’s Communist system, a large population even if unemployed still remain highly educated. All of these facts, combined with its rich history and geographical location have helped make Belgrade a very interesting tourist destination today. If it was once the buffer zone between the Russian East and the Capitalist West, today, Belgrade is a city of contrast, a city of incredible energy, above all a vibrant city that unlike many of its European counterparts is still evolving and continuing to grow. But let’s get to details, what is a visitor who only has a few days supposed to do in Belgrade? If history is your point of interest, Belgrade’s old fortress, or citadel called Kalimegdan is the place to start. It is the birthplace of Belgrade and remains the largest European fortification today. Its oldest components date back to 3 century B.C., but it is important to say that each great power or invader who concurred Belgrade, amongst which the Goths, Huns, Romans, Ottomans and Austro Hungarians, added their own mark on this impressive fortress. Today, it has been transformed into a park area, hosting some museums as well as the Belgrade Zoo. It also is the location where the “Pobednik” (Survivor) statue, the symbol of Belgrade is found, and the best place from which to observe the cityscape as well as the confluence of the two rivers Sava and Danube. The Old Town and in particular the street of Knez Mihajlo, which is the city’s largest pedestrian zone connecting the Republic Square, where the national Museum and Theatre are to Kalimegdan park is well worth a stroll as it offers shopping and dining opportunities. Very close by is yet another old quarter of Skadarlija, which is Belgrade’s response to Paris’s Montmartre. It is a bohemian quarter, largely left untouched by the World War two bombardments and its old charm has in fact contributed to making it the most frequented tourist gathering space in the city, with many typical Serbian restaurants, Kafanas, where you can taste the delicious tradi51
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tional meals and listen to the sounds of live Serbian brass bands. Close by, is the Serbian Parliament, Skupstina, as well as the two Old Royal Palaces, the King’s and Queen’s, which are presently being used as the offices for the city council. Also close by is the start of the largest and oldest street in Belgrade called the Boulevard of King Aleksandar. This street, which stretches for kilometers, is said to have been built on the remains of the ancient road which used to connect Singidun, to Constantinople (present day Istanbul). It offers a nice stroll during which you can see many of Belgrade’s gems such as the Saint Marko Church, the National Serbian Archive, and the Tasmajdan Park amongst others. Other city quarters worth visiting are Dorcol and Vracar. Dorcol is very centrally located close to the Republic square heading towards the banks of the Danube, and was found-
ed by the Jewish community centuries ago, on the outskirts of Kalimegdan, which back then was the city of Belgrade. Today it is a vibrant neighborhood, full of both historical importance as well as modern day commercial attributes. Vracar on the other hand, is the sight of the Saint Sava Cathedral, the largest Orthodox Church in Serbia and is located on top of a hill which for years has made it one of the favorite residential locations of the local elite. Amongst its most important attractions are the Nikola Tesla Museum, also the location of the Tesla Tomb, as well as one of Belgrade’s prettiest open air food markets called Kalenic. If your visit to Belgrade instead is more motivated by your thirst for a different kind of fun, less cultural and more oriented towards the night life, Belgrade will surely not disappoint you. The street of Strahinjica Bana used to be the center of night life in Belgrade during the 1990s and 2000s but in fact,
over the past few years a new spot has emerged as the city’s favorite hang out location. It is called Sava Mala and is found at the banks of the river Sava, just underneath the Kalimegdan fortress and the Branko Bridge. Though one of the oldest urban areas in modern Belgrade, during the Communist regime this area was left in decay. In fact, until recently it was a transit zone towards the main Belgrade bus and train stations terminals while today it has some of the best art galleries in town, hippest restaurants and just as many thriving bars and clubs. To name a few one should not miss KC Grad and the Mixer house, both cultural institutions as well as some delicious Serbian or modern cuisine at Public or Pire. If nightlife is what you are after, certainly do stop by at any near by bars, and clubs amongst which are Brankov, Mladost, Ludost, Radost, Apartman. Above all what makes Belgrade one of the top destination cities of today is the relative low coast of life (for western standards), relative vicinity to Western Europe, but above all it is the spirit of its people which make this city fearless and fantastic. Belgrade after Milosevic, just like Spain after Franco, is hungry for fun, bustling with a wave of new social and cultural movements and above all its streets are full of young people who are craving freedom and are in a rush to catch up on, or one can even say make up for all of the things they feel they have lost or missed out on in the past two decades. This alone makes the city of Belgrade a
Above, Saint Marko Church. Below, Strahinjica Bana old street, the city’s favorite hang out location for night life.
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Depuis la fin des guerres balkaniques qui entraînèrent l’éclatement de la Yougoslavie, la ville de Belgrade a énormément évolué et réussit à tourner le dos à son obscur passé, devenant une nouvelle et intéressante destination européenne. Quelque soient les aléas de son histoire et ses différents conquérants, Belgrade a toujours été au carrefour de multiples cultures, peuples, religions, idéologies ; et cet aspect la caractérise encore puissamment aujourd’hui. Si l’on songe qu’on s’est disputé cette ville qui a connu plus de 140 guerres et fut rasée 44 fois au cours de son histoire mouvementée ; l’on doit reconnaître que le plus grand mérite de cette ville est sa capacité de résilience, son aptitude à se réinventer au fil du temps. Aujourd’hui, la ville de Belgrade est généralement considérée comme une sorte de Berlin de l’Orient, du fait de sa trépidante vie nocturne et parce que la ville est devenue un centre d’activités artistiques, culturelles, commerciales, universitaires, attirant des jeunes venus de toute la péninsule balkanique. very special and unique place in Europe today. It is not to down play the importance of Belgrade’s history which is self evident or its beauty, but for me what truly makes Belgrade unique and certainly worth a visit is its energy, its endless resurgence and above all its strong minded and determined people. Even if for some the name Belgrade still conjures up images of war or ousted dictator Milosevic, the wider picture really paints a very different image. This is
Dopo la fine delle guerre balcaniche che hanno portato al crollo della Yugoslavia, Belgrado ha fatto grandi passi riuscendo a lasciarsi dietro il suo passato oscuro e affermandosi come una nuova interessante destinazione Europea. A chiunque sia appartenuta nel corso della storia, Belgrado è sempre rimasta al crocevia di diverse culture, popoli, religioni, ideologie e ancora oggi questa rimane uno delle sue più forti caratteristiche. Se si considera che è stata contesa in più di 140 guerre e fu rasa al suolo 44 volte nel corso della sua storia turbolenta, ci si accorge subito che il più grande merito di è la sua resilienza e la capacità di reinventarsi nel corso del tempo. Oggi Belgrado è indicata da molti come la Berlino d’Oriente non solo per la sua vivace vita notturna, ma anche perché è diventato un centro per l'arte, la cultura del commercio e l'istruzione, attirando giovani provenienti da tutta la penisola balcanica. the city which gave Marina Abramovic, currently the most well known World performing artist its education and a start. It is the city in which Emir Kusturica, though originally from Bosnia, calls home and a city which has inspired many of his early and some of his most acclaimed works. It is the first city in Eastern Europe to have commissioned a Zaha Hadid building and also the home town of the top rated men’s tennis player, Serbia’s current poster boy,
Nach dem Balkankonflikt, den der Zusammenbruch Jugoslawiens mit sich brachte, hat Belgrad seine dunkle Vergangenheit mit grossen Schritten hinter sich gelassen und ist zu einem neuen interessanten Reiseziel in Europa geworden. Im Verlauf der Geschichte wurde die Stadt von vielen Herren regiert, und so war sie stets ein Kreuzungspunkt für verschiedene Kulturen, Völker, Religionen und Ideologien. Bis heute ist dies eine der auffälligsten Eigenschaften Belgrads.Wenn man bedenkt, dass mehr als 140 Kriege um die Stadt geführt wurden und man sie im Verlauf ihrer turbulenten Geschichte 44 Mal dem Erdboden gleichmachte, wird einem klar, dass ihr grösster Vorzug ihre Widerstandskraft ist – die Fähigkeit, sich immer wieder neu zu erfinden. Heute bezeichnen viele Belgrad als das Berlin des Ostens, nicht nur wegen seines regen Nachtlebens, sondern auch, weil die Stadt sich zu einem Zentrum der Kunst, der Kultur, des Handels und der Bildung entwickelt hat und junge Menschen von der gesamten balkanischen Halbinsel in ihren Bann zieht. Novak Djokovic. Belgrade in fact has a lot to offer, more then one can expect. It is a city on the rise, and regardless of Serbia’s young and underdeveloped democracy and transitional economic hardships, any visitor to this city will be pleasantly surprised by what Belgrade has become and will no doubt notice the strong winds of change which are blowing thorough this only Balkan metropolis. Aleksandar Crnogorac
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SERBIA AGENDA leisure & business
Museum night 17.05.2014 The “museum night” is a unique event, held annually in the middle of may, in Belgrade and major cities across Serbia, when museums, galleries and other exhibition spaces are presented to the public in ways they have never seen it before. Unusual and interesting events, concerts, performances, fashion shows and thematic exhibitions, along with permanent museums exhibitions take place in just one night, during unorthodox hours, offering great time and unforgettable festive feel. Choirs among frescoes Hosting of choral sacred music presentation. The promoter of the event is MMC agency. Held in the period June-July, at the Frescos Gallery, that boasts a fantastic collection of copies of medieval frescoes from monasteries and churches across Serbia. Kalemegdan Twilights Kalemegdan Twilights are a series of performances of popular classic music held from June-July in Kalemegdan Park, on the plateau in front of the Belgrade City Institute for the protection of Cultural Monuments. 54
Belgrade meetings of translators and interpreters The meetings are of international type. The meetings host presentation of translational literary works, theoretical and practical accomplishments in translating. The founder and the promoter is the association of literary translators of Serbia. Held in the second half of May, in the premises of the association and at the National Library of Serbia.
58th International Fair of technique and technical achievements (UFI) 12/16.05.2014 Integra - 21st Century Computer Integrated Factory, Electrical Engineering, Lighting, Electronics (power, industrial, home), Telecommunications, ME-RE-KO (measuring equipment and instruments, regulation, process management), KGH – heating, ventilation and air conditioning devices and equipment, Processing Equipment, Trans-Balkan (logistics and transport), Shipbuilding, Welding, Materials, Profesional and scientific equipment, Innovations, New technologies, Scientific-technical literature, National exhibitions
Rosemberg_intera_Layout 1 13.03.14 09:54 Pagina 1
Studiare al Rosenberg: l’inizio di una carriera internazionale?
mparare a vivere è il fine ultimo di ogni processo educativo”. L’Institut auf dem Rosenberg (San Gallo) si sente impegnato al rispetto di questa filosofia di Heinrich Pestalozzi fin dalla sua fondazione nell’anno 1889. Crediamo che saper vivere significhi anche saper comunicare in diverse lingue, acquisire competenze sociali, senso del dovere, un alto livello di autodisciplina, saper risolvere conflitti nel pieno rispetto delle opinioni altrui e individuare i punti di incontro. Queste abilità, acquisite dai nostri allievi con naturalezza nella vita di tutti i giorni, sono senz’altro indispensabili per chi debba occupare future posizioni dirigenziali. Ma saper vivere significa anche avere interesse per il Grande e il Bello, guardare la meraviglia della creazione con profondo rispetto, imparare ad apprezzare gli ambienti curati e l’arte in tutte le sue manifestazioni. Nel corso di più di un secolo migliaia di giovani sono stati preparati in questa cornice al lavoro e alla vita. La scuola e i suoi obiettivi L’offerta scolastica comprende i seguenti indirizzi: Sezione italiana, comprendente • Liceo Scientifico paritario • Liceo Linguistico paritario Il diploma finale, conseguito in quattro anni, consente lo studio nelle università svizzere, in quelle italiane e naturalmente nelle università di tutto il mondo. Sezione internazionale Diplomi britannici (IGCSE/GCE), e diplomi di maturità americani (High School Diploma & AP examinations). Il nostro „College Counselling Service“ offre consulenza nella scelta dei College e nella presentazione delle relative domande. Sezione tedesca Deutsches Abitur e Schweizer Maturität Corsi di lingue estivi e invernali per giovani e adulti Gli allievi, parallelamente ai loro corsi di studi, possono conseguire le principali certificazioni linguistiche (Università di Cambridge, SAT, IELTS, Goethe, DELF). Organizziamo inoltre corsi di lingue estivi e invernali in Svizzera (San Gallo, Arosa) e Austria (Seefeld).
Per informazioni Preside Camilla Cafagna · Direttrice Monica A. Schmid Höhenweg 60 · 9000 St. Gallen - Switzerland Tel. + 41 71 277 92 18 · Fax + 41 71 277 92 32 · www.instrosenberg.ch Corsi estivi: Tel. + 41 71 277 92 91 · www.ariana.ch
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ABU DHABI SKY-HIGH SPA With its spectacular views, Abu Dhabi’s Rayana Spa is known for its renewal swedish massage. We put it to the test
In this picture, one of the rooms of the “sky spa”, on the 19th floor of the hotel Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi.
ayana Spa is located in the world’s furthest-leaning tower – the Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi. This outlandish building, designed to absorb and channel forces created by wind and seismic loading, has a record-breaking 18-degree incline to the west and was designed by architectural firm RMJM. It stands out from the rest of Abu Dhabi’s dusty skyline, and with the weekend’s heat slowly rising, the cool, dimly-lit and award-winning Rayana Spa is a welcome escape. Known as the “sky spa”, it sits on the 19th floor of the hotel and its décor suggests an authentic desert theme with plenty of natural ambience. I’m led by the spa therapist into the treatment room with a hydra bath and massage table already prepared and looking welcoming. Filled to the top with bubbles, the view from the hydra bath is spectacular – you can see right across the capital on a clear day – and taking in this vista whilst simultaneously being ensconced in bubbles, is a one-of-a-kind experience. Traditionally, hydrotherapies were used to treat pain, utilising water tempera-
ture and pressure to improve blood circulation. And they’re becoming increasingly popular as the trend towards choosing alternative cures, rather than resorting to medicinal remedies, grows. The water in the bath is at just the right temperature and it’s infused with decadently scented bath oils. I soak happily for 20 minutes while drifting into a sensory haze. As my mind wanders away from the work stresses of the past week, I think about Abu Dhabi and how diverse and different our capital has become over the years. Just a generation ago this nation had to resort to other means to relax, such as seaside camping, family barbecues in the desert or fishing off the beautiful UAE waters. Fast forward 20 odd years and we can opt for sumptuous treatments at internationally-renowned hotels. The therapist interrupts my philosophical thought of the day to lead me to the massage bed where the Swedish massage begins. The soothing hydro bath complements the firm techniques used in traditional Swedish massage to loosen the muscles prior to kneading. Originally developed by Dutch practi-
tioner Johann Georg Mezger, there are five basic strokes to the massage itself – petrissage (kneading), effeurage (sliding), shaking, friction and tapotement (tapping). The long flowing strokes are thought to stimulate the lymphatic system as well as assist with painful but common conditions including such maladies as arthritis, muscle-fatigue and cramps. The treatment is accompanied by a variety of aromatherapy oils that can be chosen according to personal preferences. I opt for botanical oil, scented with frankincense and argan oil. Aromatherapy oils were historically used to alter a person’s mood or mind, and research has shown that there is a synergy between the body and aromatic oils – true or not, it’s certainly working this time. I’m massaged from head to toe, front and back. My therapist is firm, yet gentle, slowly easing out the knots and tension. My stress has disappeared. This wonderful treatment is just what the doctor (or naturopath) ordered. I leave Rayana Spa feeling rejuvenated and reborn. Courtesy and Copyright Etihad Airways / Reem Fekri
pubb_layout 05.03.14 12:25 Pagina 60
Fontana Fontana Sotheby’s Sotheby’s International Realty
via G.. Luvini 4 - 6900 6 Lugano (CH) - Tel. Teel.. +41 +4 91 911 97 20 www.fontanasothebysrealty.com - info@fontanasothebysrealty.com www.ffo ontanasothebysrealtyy.com . inffo@f o fo ontana ontanasotheb ysrealtyy.com . ))EGL 3J½GI MW MRHITIRHIRXP] 3[RIH ERH 3TIVEXIH EGL 3J½GI MW MRHITIRHIRXP] 3[RIH ERH 3TIVEXIH
ABU_DHABI_35_layout 06.05.14 12:34 Pagina 58
SAFE HANDS IN ABU DHABI The opening of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi will revolutionise healthcare in the UAE. We talk to CEO Dr Marc Harrison about the promise of this development, and the challenges that lie ahead r Marc Harrison has one of the most exciting jobs in the healthcare industry. As the CEO of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, he’s part of an elite team tasked with bringing one of the world’s best hospitals to life in the UAE capital. Abu Dhabi is taking a long-term view on healthcare. Its investments into new, world-class infrastructure are set to sustain its evolving healthcare requirements and help reverse the trend of UAE patients travelling abroad for complex care. And Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is helping to set the benchmark for the changes to come.
Developed by Mubadala Healthcare – a business unit of Abu Dhabi government-owned investment group, Mubadala Development Company – Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is the first true replication of Cleveland Clinic outside of North America, bringing with it more than 170 leading physicians, medical best practices, technologies, and the values that the 93-year-old institution stands for. “When Mubadala Healthcare chose Cleveland Clinic [in the US] it was not only because it is one of the largest and most respected hospitals in the world,
but it also specialises in treating the health challenges affecting Abu Dhabi, such as cardiovascular and neurological diseases,” he says. “We are combining Cleveland Clinic’s unique models of patient care and legacy of clinical excellence with Mubadala Healthcare’s local expertise and understanding of the complex and critical healthcare needs of the UAE.” Dr Harrison is keen to point out that this is no mere branding exercise. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi will share much of Cleveland Clinic’s illustrious DNA, bringing over staff and technology in order to build a healthcare culture that puts
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Above, the Clevelend Clinic Abu Dhabi. Below right, Dr Marc Harrison, CEO of the clinic.
patients at the centre of everything they do. “Among our clinical chiefs, 80 percent have Cleveland Clinic experience,” says Dr. Harrison. “We have replicated processes from main campus, and are following the same practices on how to train caregivers and set course work. Our caregivers regularly travel between Cleveland and Abu Dhabi for training and support, knowledge-sharing and clinical culture transfer.” But while the Cleveland Clinic informs the clinical culture, Abu Dhabi will set the agenda when it comes to healthcare provision. Mubadala Healthcare works with the regulator to proactively identify and address gaps and needs for specialised care in Abu Dhabi. An
undertaking which has led to the establishment of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi’s five Centers of Excellence – Heart & Vascular, Neurological, Digestive Disease, Eye and Respiratory & Critical Care – designed to address many of the critical care requirements local patients would otherwise have to travel abroad for. It’s an ambitious remit and one supported by cutting-edge facilities. As the first US multi-speciality hospital to be recreated outside North America, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi will house 364 beds, with five clinical floors, three diagnostic and treatment levels, and 13 floors of critical and acute inpatient units. Physicians will either have a North American board certification, or equivalent qualification, ensuring patients know they’re getting the best care on the planet. And they’ll be working with state-ofthe art medical equipment, including surgical robots for minimally invasive surgeries. All this will be backed by clever IT systems that should enable real-time reporting and decision making, keeping patients in the loop at all times. Just in case that all sounds a bit cold, it’s worth pointing out that Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi and Mubadala Healthcare poured a great deal of time into making the hospital as friendly as possible, with spacious patient rooms,
quiet zones, family areas, and a raft of other thoughtful features that should help it nestle into the local culture. In fact, local culture is something of a watchword for Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Even as the UAE works to develop a world-class healthcare infrastructure, it’s battling high levels of obesity, diabetes and coronary conditions. Dr. Harrison believes the creation of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi could prove a valuable tool in pushing the UAE’s health agenda. “We see it as our responsibility to provide education and to help drive preventative care,” he says. “We regularly provide health tips on our Facebook page, such as identifying heart-healthy diets. We have sponsored a number of sporting events across the Emirate, including sponsorship of the Abu Dhabi Striders Half Marathon and 10K, as well as a sponsoring of 50 bikes and helmets for complimentary use at weekly TrainYAS and GoYAS training activities held at Yas Marina Circuit.” Construction of the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi will be complete next month, after which they’ll start bringing in medical equipment and furnishings, while introducing thousands of staff to the medical campus. After that, everything has to be tested to make sure it’s ready for the first wave of patients. It’s going to be a busy time for Dr. Harrison, but he’s relishing the opportunity ahead of him. “I was really excited for the opportunity to help build the clinical culture of the organisation and replicate Cleveland Clinic in a way that’s never been done before,” he says. “On a personal note, I am thrilled to be sharing everything with my wife and children, who live here in Abu Dhabi with me. We’ve been exposed to exciting opportunities and learned so many new things together. It really allows us to be ambassadors when we visit our family and friends in the US, by sharing our experiences from Abu Dhabi, our multicultural home. It’s been a bonding experience unlike any other.” Courtesy and Copyright Etihad Airways / Stuart Turton
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Crowne Plaza Geneva - Geneva The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Geneva has a new look. After 20 months of work and a 40 million Francs investment, it is now ready to welcome its business clientele. Very near to the airport, this four star hotel has been restored, renovated, and enlarged with the addition of two extra top storeys with 60 rooms and “Club”suites with breath-taking views on one of Geneva’s most dynamic business quarters. The original 306 rooms and suites, the reception, the lobby, the bar and the Seventy5 restaurant now boast a markedly contemporary look. EBACE 2014 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition - 20/22.05.2014 Geneva This Europe's premier business aviation event showcases nearly 500 exhibiting companies from around the world and covers more than 36,000 square meters of indoor exhibit space plus 18,000-square-meter of outdoor display space at nearby Geneva International Airport. The 4th Global Infrastructure Basel Summit 21/22.05. 2014 - Congress Center Basel GIB is a leading global non-profit foundation promoting sustainable infrastructure financing practices. GIB achieves its aims by conducting GIB Sustainability Grading for infrastructure projects and Capacity Building for sustainable infrastructure investment.
9th ESA Round Table on Micro and Nano Technologies for Space Applications 10/13.06.2014 - Swiss Tech Convention Center - Lausanne Today Micro and Nano Technologies (MNT) have proven themselves in Earth-based applications by showing outstanding performance and reliability figures and there are now several ESA projects and scientific missions enabled through the use of MNT. With this 9th MNT round table, the European Space Agency (ESA) is promoting the use of state-of-the-art technologies for space applications and reporting on these experiences. The audience is expected to include members from national delegations, space agencies, space and MNT industries, research centres and universities in multiple roles as users and as providers of MNT-based equipment and systems. EPHJ-EPMT-SMT - Palexpo - 17/20.06.2014 - Geneva The most important Annual Trade Show in Switzerland, incorporating EPHJ (Watch and Jewelry Professional Environment Exhibition), EPMT (Microtechnologies international Exhibition), SMT (International Medical technologies) Expo. EPHJ is the fair where watch-making know-how manifests itself, offering business opportunities to watch making and jewellery industry, exhibitors and visitors, in a space open to exchange and synergies. Innovation, technology and high-precision meet at the EPHJ fair. This event assures visibility among the professionals of the micro-technology sector. SMT is an appointment for medical technologies, from conception to device production – an occasion to cultivate the existing connections and synergies with the EPHJ and EPMT sectors.
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International Jazz Festival Bern until 24.05.2014 - Bern The Swiss capital offers you jazz music at its best. The first festival took place in 1976, and it has been thrilling jazz fans every year since. For ten weeks, leading stars will be appearing in Marian's Jazzroom, channeling jazz greats like B.B. King, Michel Camilo, Oscar Peterson, Fats Domino, Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald and Etta James.
Art Basel 19/22.06.2014 - Basel Art Basel has been described as the ‘Olympics of the Art World’. Over 300 leading galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa show the work of more than 4,000 artists, ranging from the great masters of Modern art to the latest generation of emerging stars. The show’s individual sectors represent every artistic medium: paintings, sculpture, installations, videos, multiples, prints, photography, and performance. Each day offers a full program of events, including symposiums, films, and artist talks. Further afield, exhibitions and events are offered by cultural institutions in Basel and the surrounding area, creating an exciting, region-wide art week.
Rodin The accident and the random 20.06/28.09.2014 - Geneva Auguste Rodin revitalized modern sculpture by introducing into the notion of random and the accident. Accepting chance outcomes, he incorporated elements into his artistic approach that owed nothing to his own personnal initiative. The accident thus became the creative process...
1900-1914 Foray into happiness until 13.07.2014 - Landesmuseum Zurich Up until the outbreak of the First World War, few suspected that a catastrophe was about to befall Europe and much of the rest of the world. People believed that they were living in the ‘golden age of security’, as the writer Stefan Zweig called it. It was an era that gave rise to the avant-garde, the breaking down of gender roles, groundbreaking inventions, increasing prosperity, investigations into the unconscious, and a misguided belief in lasting peace. Although ‘the new’ triggered a surge of euphoria, under the surface there were feelings of insecurity and fear. The exhibition explores this rollercoaster of feelings — of exhilaration and being overwhelmed, which has parallels in our own time. It brings together exhibits from the Swiss National Museum’s collection and works from major museums. Expo 64, the spring of Swiss architecture Public events organized by the Architecture Institute of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and Archizoom. Until 29.07.2014 - at Vidy, Lausanne. The exhibition intends to give rightful importance to emblematic unpublished images of the setting that made Expo 64 the most beautiful exposition of the century according to Time Magazine. While the architecture of the Swiss National Exposition had been characterized by traditionalism and technological exploits, Expo 64 escaped this trend expressing a joyful creativity. 61
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A WORLD LEADER The Ecole Hôtelière of Lausanne is the undisputed world leader for the training of luxury hotel staff. acket and tie, suits and well-cut dresses are the current uniform of the students attending l'Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne. From the very beginning these students adapt to their future roles in the top positions in the most important hotels in the world. L'Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne was founded in 1893 by the far sighted Jacques Tschumi, hôtelier and member of the Swiss Hotel Association. He became aware that there was a lack of trained personnel that could suitably manage the unprecedented booming tourist trade and, not heeding his colleagues’ scepticism, he began practical lessons in his hotel cellar creating Switzerland’s and the world’s first Hotel School. From the outset the school
based its teaching on the excellence of both the technical and the practical aspects. Today the school’s programme has been expanded, diversified and kept up to date making it a point of reference for all hotel management schools, and it has never betrayed the philosophy and the spirit that have lived on for over one hundred years. “The founder’s spirit and his guide lines” explains Michel Rochat EHL’s CEO, “have remained unaltered and are still followed today: in order to achieve professional excellence there must be a combination of art and science. This implies knowledge, competence with technical and practical techniques, but also a true passion and an authentic desire to relate to others,
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In this picture, the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne. Below, students of the school during a break.
the clients”. Swiss hotel directors, or directors who have been trained in Switzerland, in particular at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, are, or have been running the most prestigious hotels in the world. Swiss hotellerie is in fact famous for its distinguishing characteristics: Swiss spirit, innovation, business capacity, order, etc. Many students want to attend the Lausanne EHL courses. The initial admission evaluation of the candidates is very strict. Attitude and interest make the difference. “We select those with a passion and we teach them to become leaders in the hospitality sector”, says Michel Rochat. The chosen candidates are young people who act effectively, who are aware that working in a hotel means having to embrace the guest’s viewpoint and needs. They must speak various languages, be good listeners and be able to understand the development of the hospitality market, young people motivated to innovate the business and provide a service. Today there are about two thousand students attending the school, from 88 different countries. The teachers too come from 30 different countries. There is only one programme, from the first preparatory year to the baccalaureate to the final Master’s Diploma: “hospitality and catering” Students can apply to the school in two ways. After obtaining the Swiss High School or Professional School Diploma, or if they are foreign students, with an International Bachelor Diploma. Bilingual teaching is in French and English and is structured to offer a three year Bachelor course. Another year for the preparatory year, depending on the student’s prior schooling, High School or Professional School. The preparatory year is dedicated to practical teaching and acquiring the knowledge required for the hospitality sector through weekly workshops dealing with various specific skills. For six months the students come to grips with the highest quali-
ty standards in the kitchen from the most humble tasks to high-class cuisine. They are also instructed in welcome and reception skills and all that is necessary to make a top level hotel work. Students who want to attain the Bachelor Diploma can choose from three courses: finance, marketing and business. Many students, having absorbed the “entrepreneurial spirit” of the school, choose the “business” course, in order to start their own businesses after finishing their studies. After the Bachelor Diploma students can take a Master’s course in Arts and Business Administration. A recent and successful post-diploma programme in hotel management has been introduced: the one year Executive MBA in Hospitality Administration course. This course is aimed at those who would like to change, having already operated in other areas and having other training. It is a highly personalised programme being structured on the student’s previous experience, and teaches how to elaborate financial and strategic management in the hospitality sector. The sector needs trained personnel at all levels, even at the less prestigious levels. “We have recently acquired, in Passugg in the Grisons area, 75% of the SSTH Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality” states EHL’s CEO. “Thanks to this collaboration, we can today guarantee teaching continuity, spanning the internship, the bachelor programme to the master programme. We are the only school to offer a complete and integrated hospitality programme starting at the lowest level with the possibility of arriving at the MBA course”. The whole system is subject to the same quality guidelines: students can enter at different levels and at the end of each cycle they can obtain a diploma certifying the grades reached. Ties with the hotel industry are strong, they allow us to not only provide opportunities for the students but to adapt the programmes to the needs of employers and to the rapidly changing 63
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Left, students tasting wine during enology lesson.
market. Michel Rochat underlines two important points: one is the international nature of the school. Not only because the students come from all over the world but because EHL manages various hotel schools in countries such as South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Lebanon, Dubai, Brazil and Mexico. Soon schools in Azerbaijan, Algeria and the Philippines will open. “An international network and teaching that is completely and perfectly integrated with Swiss quality, teaching that has the same characteristics as the instructing here, and at the same time
relating to the specific territory of each country”, explains Rochat. The second point is the role played by the Lausanne Hospitality Consulting LHC, a department stemming from EHL, created to take care of the development and teaching of the trades tied to hospitality and concentrating on researching new markets and products. As confirmation of their recognized excellence, many high level representatives of the hôtellerie sector hold conferences or lesson in the Chalet-à-Gobet Hospitality School on the Lausanne hills.
In the near future the campus will be enlarged, allowing a greater number of students to attend. An international competition for the architectural design of the campus involving 300 young Swiss and foreign architectural students aged between 22 and 28 was won by 3 students, a Brazilian, an Argentine and a Swiss. The final innovative and ground-breaking project embodies their 3 projects: a large terrace overlooking the city below divided into various areas, connected by a long underground corridor, from the study and leisure/relaxation areas, to the dormitories, the swimming pool and the gym. A harmonious play of well devised spaces including open air relaxation areas. Once again a challenge to attain excellence, a foretaste of the best hospitality, of savoir faire and savoir vivre. Donatella Révay
L'Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, la première au monde, a été fondée en 1893. Aujourd’hui, l’école accueille environ deux mille étudiants de 88 nationalités. Quant aux professeurs, ils proviennent de 30 pays différents. Il n’y a en revanche qu’un seul programme, depuis l’année préparatoire jusqu’au baccalauréat et au master : « accueil et cuisine ». L’enseignement, français-anglais, se structure de manière à ce que les étudiants se diplôment en trois ans – ou en quatre ans compte tenu de l’année préparatoire, consacrée à l’enseignement pratique et à la connaissance des métiers de l’hôtellerie et de l’accueil. Les étudiants désireux d’obtenir un diplôme peuvent choisir entre les options finance, marketing et entreprise. Dernièrement, l’école a également proposé un programme de formation post-diplôme en management hôtelier : l’Executive MBA en « Hospitality Administration » d’un an.
L’Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, la prima scuola alberghiera al mondo, è nata nel 1893. Sono circa 2’000 oggi gli studenti di 88 nazionalità che la frequentano. I professori provengono da 30 differenti Paesi. Il programma è uno solo, dall’anno introduttivo di preparazione per continuare al baccalaureato e fino al Master: ‘ospitalità e cucina’. L’insegnamento, in francese e in inglese, è strutturato in modo da far conseguire il bachelor in tre anni, che diventano quattro con l’anno introduttivo di preparazione. L’anno preparatorio è dedicato all’insegnamento pratico e alla conoscenza dei mestieri che concernono l’hôtellerie e l’accoglienza. Chi vuole ottenere il bachelor, può scegliere tra tre direzioni: finanza, marketing e impresa. Ultimamente è stato proposto anche un programma di formazione post-diploma in management d’albergo: l’Executive MBA in Hospitality Administration, di un anno.
DieEcoleHôtelièredeLausanneentstand1893 alsweltweitersteHotelfachschule.Heutewird sievonrundzweitausendSchülernaus88Ländern besucht, und auch die Dozenten kommenaus30verschiedenenNationen.DasProgramm ist vom einführenden ersten Jahr bis zumBachelor-AbschlussundzumMasterstets eines:‚GastlichkeitundguteKüche’.Derzweisprachig in Französisch und Englisch gehaltene Unterricht ist so strukturiert, dass der Bachelor-Abschluss in drei Jahren abgelegt werden kann, aus denen mit dem Vorbereitungsjahr vier Jahre werden. Das einführende ersteJahrdientderpraktischenAusbildungund dem direkten Kennenlernen der verschiedenen Berufe, die mit Hotelwesen und Unterbringungzutunhaben.WerdenBachelor-Abschluss machen möchte, kann zwischen drei Richtungenwählen:Finanz,MarketingundUnternehmen. Seit Kurzem wird auch ein PostDiplom-Ausbildungsprogramm in Hotelmanagement angeboten: das einjährige Executive MBA in Hospitality Administration.
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lmost one hundred years after its founding in 1914, the Kurhaus Cademario is being reopened to the public thanks to a radical renovation that makes it unique of its kind, an enchanted destination in which to rediscover our deepest connection to our own selves and to nature. Located just twelve kilometres away from Lugano, at an altitude of 850 metres, the Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa affords a charming view of the Lugano lake and the verdant mountains of the Malcantone region. With eightytwo rooms and suites, a three-hectare park, a splendid spa of 2,200 square metres and two restaurants, this wonderful four star superior hotel ranks among the top relaxation and wellness destinations in Switzerland. The brand new DOT.Spa follows the motto “the place at the centre of being” and makes use of the natural energy of
the site on which the Kurhaus stands. Everything here speaks of serenity and harmony with the surrounding environment. The renovation work was intended to lend a modern touch to the original building and furnish it with all the comforts of our age, while preserving its naturalistic spirit. Everything has been planned and developed according to geomantic principles: the materials chosen for the interior are the same as those on the exterior of the building – water, like the natural spring water and waterfalls that shape the environs; wood, which stands for the birches and forests surrounding the building; fire, represented by the many chimneys; earth, which inspired the stone inserts; and metal, which recalls the precious natural resources of the local spring water.
Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa Tel. +41 (0)91 610 51 11 Fax +41 (0)91 610 51 12 info@kurhauscademario.com www.kurhauscademario.com
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RED CROSS MUSEUM A year after its re-opening, the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent narrates human suffering through art.
© MICR photo Alain Germond
The Museum’s permanent exhibition space has been enlarged from 1,400m2 to 2000 m2 and there is a new 500 m2 space for temporary exhibitions. The new setting up, The Humanitarian Adventure, intends to break away from traditional museology. The museum route is divided into three sections which have been developed by three world famous architects from different cultural backgrounds, coordinated by atelier oi (Switzerland), that designed the common spaces. Gringo Cardia from Brazil designed the section Defending Human Dignity; Diébédo Francis Kéré from Burkina Faso directed the set up of Reconstructing Family Ties, Shigeru Ban from Japan attended to the section entitled Limiting Natural Risks. Principles (dignity), loved ones (family) and our environment are the fundamental elements that must be preserved in order to open the way to hope and the healing of many of the world’s ailments. Roger Mayou, director of the Museum, affirms that “these three themes, regardless of the difficult historical periods or of existing war zones, concern each one of us, and more generally, our common long term future”. The future: this new exhibition attempts to shift a historically oriented outlook towards a perspective embracing the new generations. Each of the three areas offers an experience that leaves an emotional imprint on each visitor’s consciousness before even discovering the contents of the information. The many interactive facilities allow the visitor to be engaged in a personal discovery of what humanitarian action entails. “Each of the three sections of the exhibition ends with a – witness room -. These witnesses with their personal commitment, their resilience, the strength of their collective actions, are Henry Durant’s heirs and key players in the International Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement. Their examples remind us that the unacceptable must never be accepted. These people therefore send a strong message of hope to the younger generations”, explains the Museum director. The Museum presents now its new temporary exhibition, which has been mounted in cooperation with the Geneva Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Mamco). While art often affords us moments of delight, it can also recall difficult times and testify to individuals’ suffering. For “All too human. 20th and 21st century artists and suffering”, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum and Mamco have come together to exhibit a selection of works that look at the suffering inflicted by human beings on other human beings. The exhibition provides an opportunity to delve into the history of the world and of humanity by embarking on a veritable journey through modern and contemporary art. Rare artists, such as Leon Golub and Felix Nussbaum, and even some real finds, such as Nikolai Getman are presented alongside some of the leading figures of modern and contemporary art: Otto Dix, Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Picasso and Zoran Mušič. Anna Martano Grigorov ©MICR photo Alain GermondFrancis Kéré
etween 1988 and 2011 the Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has welcomed 1,796,249 visitors of 174 different nationalities, 51% of which under the age of 25. During this period the museum has held 47 temporary exhibitions, 106 conferences that have created debates on current affairs, with 14,602 guided tours in ten different languages. After remaining closed for 22 months, the completely renovated museum re-opened to the public exactly one year ago.
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In this picture, the poster of the exhibition. Opposite page (1), Chamber of witnesses, by architect Gringo Cardia; (2), Cyclone, théâtre optique,by architect: Shigeru Ban; (3), the children of Rwanda, by architect Diébédo Francis Kéré
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A PERFECT DAY IN ZURICH An itinerary exploring everything is to be seen in the city on the Limmat.
ometimes falsely considered Switzerland’s capital, Zurich is the center for banking and commerce. But instead of loud and busy, this city expresses its prosperity in a subtle way. It's not a large metropolis by international standards, but certainly flaunts a very cosmopolitan lifestyle. From the moment you land at the air-
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port in Kloten and work your way through the granite-clad corridors, you are surrounded by a very Swiss kind of luxury. The frequent trains take you straight to the Hauptbahnhof, Zurich’s main station, making it a comfortable and convenient way to start your visit. Zurich has a very compact city center, so you will be surprised how much you
can see in one day. Walking down the Bahnhofstrasse, the main street leading from the imposing central station, the shop windows are filled with understated displays of astonishingly expensive watches and jewelry. As can be expected from a major destination, Zurich offers much in the way of retail therapy. Even the most discerning elite shop-
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FLIGHTS TO ZURICH EVERY DAY FROM GENEVA from 1 st May to 25 th October
In this picture, a view on the city from the Limmat.
per will find something they love. But if you prefer more individual stores and boutiques, just swerve off of the main street and head up the Rennweg. You will find many small and individually curated boutiques. Take the few steps up the Strellgasse to the Lindenplatz, where an enchanted garden awaits, overlooking the river and the Old Town
opposite the Limmat river. The walk back down the cobble stone streets leads you to the Storchengasse with its elegant shops. Many of the wold-know fashionbrands have chosen this discreet and charming street for their boutiques, making it the focal point of Zurich’s luxury designer shopping. No trip to Zurich is complete without
having tried some of the world’s best chocolate. Located on one corner of the Paradeplatz, otherwise predominantly in the hands of the famous Swiss Banks, is the flagship store of Zurich’s true institution ‘Confiserie Sprüngli’. In business for the past 170 years, Sprüngli is one of the world’s most renowned Maitre Chocolatier. Choose from irresistible pralines and truffles, or perhaps the famous macaroons called Luxemburgerli or any of the delicious cakes. The best solution is to just pause the frenzy and stop for coffee and dessert at the café on the first floor. The family run company uses only the finest ingredients and asserts that its recipe for success has always been the same – unsurpassed quality. Sprüngli is a perfect place when you seek for gifts to bring home to your loved ones. The Paradeplatz is the center of the city where several tram lines converge. It is therefore easy to just hop onto one of the pretty blue and white trams, which are in any case the best way to get around town. Be adventurous and head out to the ‘Kreis 5’ district with its many stores and ateliers run by independent designers. Start your trip at the ‘Freitag’ Flagship Store located on Geroldstrasse. The architectural oddity is unique, same as the product you find inside it. The two Freitag-brothers who founded the business together, chose five stacked freight containers to contain the accessories made of recycled truck tarps. Located on either side of the Freitag store are the furniture stores ‘Bogen 33’ and ‘Walter’. Both stores specialize in vintage pieces, selling design classics from the 1950is onwards. Further down the street you cannot miss IM Viadukt, a new commercial and shopping destination. Housed underneath 36 former railway arches are a market, more than sixty individual boutique stores, studios as well as social and cultural amenities. Trendy fashion, accessories, furniture, books and music can be found in almost every corner, while food lovers will enjoy the daily farmer’s market and the various restaurants located around it. You get the best experience visiting the area in the early evening, when its stunning arches and brickwork are illuminated. 69
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© by Switzerland Tourism By-line: swiss-image.ch/Samuel Mizrachi
In this picture, the Freitag Tower, in the ‘Kreis5’ district. Below from left to right, IM Viadukt, with the Market Hall where 20 farmers and food vendors from the area offer their wares; chocolate in the famous Confiserie Sprüngli; shopping spree at Augustinergasse off Bahnhofstrasse.
If you have some energy left walk over to ‘Manu Propria’, a spectacles store founded by two opticians who design and construct their own frames. They have made a name for themselves in Zurich and are considered one of the trendiest places to go to for new glasses. The frames come in different materials, from traditional bone to synthetic, and are tailored based on your prescription to any of their designs. A charming part is the little spectacle museum within the shop with vintage examples from different eras. Just two doors down is the award-winning ‘Senior Design Factory’, a collaboration between Zurich's older citizens and young designers. The scope is to teach skills like knitting, crochet, soap-making, resulting in exciting design fusions and contemporary product. The seniors involved also hold workshops for the public (course schedules are available on their website). You can see the products in action at their cafe/restaurant called the ‘Senior Design Café’, where huge embellished tea cozies adorn the tables and customers can lean on embroidered seat cushions. Close the day at the nearby cozy, woodpaneled restaurant Josef. It is considered one of the best and most reasonablypriced restaurants in the city. So after a well deserved drink (the vast gin selection is unsurpassed in Zurich), you will enjoy a pleasant dinner, which does not require you breaking the bank. David Suter
swiss image.ch/Samuel Mizrachi
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Zürich peut s’enorgueillir d’un style de vie très cosmopolite. Le centre de Zürich est très compact ; il est donc possible de voir bien des choses en un seul jour.A commencer par la Bahnhofstrasse, la rue la plus élégante de la ville en matière de shopping. Si l’on préfère les petits magasins et les boutiques, il suffit de sortir de l’artère principale et de remonter le Rennweg. Encore quelque pas et en empruntant la Strellgasse, l’on débouche sur la Lindenplatz, où nous attend un jardin enchanté avec vue sur la rivière et sur la vieille-ville. L’on ne peut se rendre à Zürich sans avoir goûté le meilleur chocolat au monde, notamment à la pâtisserie Sprüngli, une véritable institution. Le visiteur peut également pousser jusqu’au quartier « Kreis 5» avec ses nombreux magasins et ateliers gérés par des designers indépendants, comme le flagship store Freitag, qui a été aménagé dans cinq containers superposés et qui vend les célèbres sacs cousus dans de la toile de bâche pour camion.
Zurigo non è una grande metropoli ma di sicuro vanta uno stile di vita molto cosmopolita. Il centro di Zurigo è molto compatto, quindi è possibile vedere moltissimo in un solo giorno. Iniziando dalla Bahnhofstrasse, la via più esclusiva dello shopping. Se si preferiscono piccoli negozi e boutique, basta deviare dalla strada principale e salire per Rennweg. Ancora pochi passi e da Strellgasse si arriva a Lindenplatz, dove ci aspetta un giardino incantato, con vista sul fiume e la città vecchia. Non si può andare a Zurigo senza aver provato il miglior cioccolato al mondo, meglio ancora se nella pasticceria Sprüngli, una vera e propria istituzione. Salendo su uno dei tanti tram, vale la pena spingersi fino al quartiere ‘Kreis 5’ con i suoi numerosi negozi e atelier gestiti da designer indipendenti, come il flagship store Freitag, che ha sede in cinque container sovrapposti e vende le famose borse ottenute dai teloni dei camion.
Zürich ist eigentlich keine grosse Metropole, und doch ist der Lebensstil der Stadt ausgesprochen kosmopolitisch. Das Stadtzentrum ist sehr kompakt, so dass man an einem einzigen Tag eine Menge zu sehen bekommt. Man beginnt in der Bahnhofstrasse, einer besonders exklusiven ShoppingAdresse. Wenn man kleine Läden und Boutiquen bevorzugt, braucht man von der Hauptstrasse nur in den Rennweg einzubiegen. Nach wenigen Schritten gelangt man von der Strellgasse zum Lindenplatz mit seinem Blick auf den Fluss und auf die Altstadt. Natürlich darf man Zürich nicht verlassen, ohne die beste Schokolade der Welt gekostet zu haben, am besten in der Konditorei Sprüngli.Auch eine Fahrt mit einer der vielen Trambahnen lohnt sich, zum Beispiel in das Viertel Kreis 5 mit seinen vielen Geschäften und Ateliers, wie dem Freitag Flagship Store in fünf übereinander gestapelten Containern, wo die berühmten aus LKW-Planen hergestellten Taschen verkauft werden.
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© Massimo Pedrazzini - swiss-image.ch
30th JazzAscona 20/28.06.2014 - Ascona JazzAscona is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary. For this special occasion, the motto “Hello, Dolly!” has been chosen in order to commemorate Louis Armstrong, who is the Festival’s main focus. Each year, the festival’s program contains over 200 concerts and more than 400 hours of live music, from New Orleans Traditional Jazz to Chicago, from swing to mainstream, from ragtime to gospel, not forgetting excursions into blues, R&B, soul and latin, and funk rhythms. Artists and bands are set to perform in bars, restaurants and hotels during the day, and on the stages on the lakeside in the evenings, transforming the town of Ascona into a maze of small ‘jazz clubs’, producing a wonderful atmosphere between musicians and the diverse audience of fans and aficionados. Two weekends of great music. From Sunday to Thursday, the evening performances on the lakeside stages are free of charge whereas 5 special events with top stars of the jazz and international scene have admission fees. LongLake Festival 02.06/02.07.2014 - Lugano A summer of fun, music and entertainment to discover. LongLake Festival offers many free events under six themes: Art, International, Jazz, Street, Waves and Words. Lugano Estival Jazz - 04/05.07.2014 in Mendrisio - 10/12.07.2014 in Lugano Lugano Estival Jazz is the premier musical event in Southern Switzerland (Canton Ticino). Set in the heart of Lugano, in the beautiful 19th century Piazza della Riforma, and in the surrounding town of Mendrisio in star architect Mario Botta's “Piazzale alla Valle”, Lugano Estival Jazz attracts thousands of Jazz and World Music fans each year. Lugano Estival Jazz is promoted by local music loving citizens and funded with private and some public money. All concerts are open air and totally free. Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Keith Jarrett, Ray Charles, Bobby McFerrin, Herbie Hancock, BB King, Friedrich Gulda, Tito Puente, Chick Corea, The Manhattan Transfer, Take 6, Gato Barbieri, Maynard Ferguson, Cesaria Evora, Dee Dee Bridgewater Carla Bley, Barbara Hendricks, Wynton Marsalis, Cheb Mami, Noa, Oscar D'Leon, Jon Hendricks, Paco de Lucia, Van Morrison, Buddy Guy, Taj Mahal, Khaled are only some of the over 300 groups/artists that have performed since 1979. Lugano Estival Jazz is promoted by local music loving citizens and funded with private and some public money. 72
Jean Arp – Osvaldo Licini Until 20.07.2014 - Museo d’arte - Lugano The Museo d’Arte is proposing a visual dialogue whose interpreters are the Alsation-born sculptor Jean Arp (Strasbourg 1886–Basel 1966), although Swiss by ‘adoption’, and the Italian painter Osvaldo Licini (Monte Vidon Corrado, Ascoli Piceno, 1894–1958), the protagonists of the Central-European and Italian artistic debate of the first half of the Twentieth Century. Even though Arp and Licini created completely personal languages, their works present surprising points of contact which the exhibition intends to evidence. At the same time tit underlines their profound autonomy and originality.
Martha Argerich Project (Lugano Festival) 09/30.06.2014 - Lugano For many years, Lugano has been playing host to a very special music festival: the Martha Argerich project. This is an event based on the charismatic character of the Argentinian pianist, who despite no longer giving solo public performances herself, remains a myth. Through her wonderful genius, Argerich has created in Lugano an ‘artistic family’ which spans the generations, transforming the city on Lake Ceresio into a gathering place, a melting pot of ideas and a training centre for ensemble music. This Lugano Festival event is a fascinating international laboratory which challenges the experience of renowned artists and the fierce preparation of young talents.
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LUGANO CALLS RUSSIA The first ”Swiss-Russian Investment Forum” will be held in Lugano on June 11th. n the frame of the celebration of the Two Centuries of Diplomatic Relations between Russia and Switzerland, on June 11th, Lugano will host the 1st Edition of the “Swiss-Russian Investment Forum”, a high level initiative focused on the mutual opportunities offered by both countries to international Investors. A selected group of qualified Promoters, under the patronage of the Municipality of Lugano and coordinated by the Swiss publisher Ticino Management, launched the very first idea of this Forum in 2013, and, after almost a year of preparatory works, together with Swiss Associations of private companies and financial operators, is ready to welcome the official Delegations coming from Russia that will attend this international meeting. In the current era of deep social and economic changes, there are plenty of European Actors looking for opportunities to better understand the Russian market in its many different sectors. Meanwhile, after a careful analyses, the need has arisen to better integrate both information and occa-
sions that come out from the confrontation of the European economy with the Russian one. Members from Saint Petersburg Authorities and a Delegation of Russian Private Investors will present the Master Plan Investment Strategy of their respective Regions. Traditionally, the main flow of economic and cultural interests carried on until today, mainly relied on the efforts made at institutional level, while for the future it is widely perceived the need to speed up the process of integration between the economic and cultural Players, including the Private Sector’s interests. The “Swiss-Russian Investment Forum” consists of a Plenary Session, and of six different Specific Panels dedicated to the direct confrontation between Participants. It will offer to the Guests the unique occasion to meet and discuss, with no barriers and in an appropriate environment, on the major economic issues, as well as on several opportunities represented by the Art’s market too, and its performances that hugely improved in these last years.
Interview with Chairman Professor Alessandro Leto (in the photo on the right)
Professor Leto, how was conceived the idea of the “Swiss-Russian Investment Forum”? More the one year ago, Ticino Management publisher Valerio De Giorgi, who takes care also of a magazine in Russian, invited me to think over the fact that, despite the long historical tradition, both Russia and what we can call as the Western Europe were not updated enough on the mutual opportunities they can offer each other. Due to the almost 70 years of communism, this two separate parts of Europe lost their tradition of inner communication and deep cultural exchanges. And then? Well, taking the occasion of the celebration of the two centuries of Diplomatic Relations between Russia and Switzerland, we realize that there were and still there is indeed, a huge space to play a role in promoting the mutual opportunities as well as the capabilities offered by Europe on one side, and Russia on the other. Precisely, what does it mean?
In this picture, a view of Lugano, that hosts the first “Swiss Russian Investment Forum”. Opposite page, Moscow, the Cremlin complex. 74
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It simply means that Russia has what Europe misses, and vice versa. Russia itself represents an incredible market for qualified European products and services, and Europe can find in Russia all those raw material and technologies needed by it production processes. Moreover, there should be a growing space to integrate a long-term cultural co-operation, which is the base for a stable and peaceful cooperation. In which fields? Just simply think about Art & Culture, or even more to the great advantages given by an increase of exchange in Science. Many European private companies, as well as many of the most important Research Institutes all over Europe can benefit from the discoveries and applications made by Russian Scientific Institutions, and vice versa. For instance, in the field of Artic’s explorations, Russia is the most important player, as well as in many of the space fields of activities. Which are the main Economic Sectors involved in this initiative?
The Forum has been carefully conceived to concentrate its efforts in some specific fields: • Finance and Project Financing • Trading • Pharmaceutical • Science • Euro Life Style (Luxury Goods) • Real Estate • Arts and Cultural related activities With a particular attention to all those activities that are representative of a real, authentic Europe made Life Style, not only in terms of items, but mainly in term of “philosophy”. Europe can better play its cards only by promoting its way of life, which include an unprecedented capability to merge respect of the human being and excellence in the creation of updated products and services, with a growing attention to the environmental issues. Since the ambition of the Forum is at continental level, why Lugano? The correct answer should be: why not Lugano? This amazing Swiss town in these last years developed a proper way to promote itself at international level. Just think about the increasing number of multinational private companies hosted in town, or to the efforts done to create the premises for a stable, well grounded presence in the field of Education, with USI, SUPSI and major International Schools. Besides, Lugano is the heart of
the so called “Regio Insubria”, a wide area that includes the most outstanding part of the Italian economy, full of private firms called “Pocket Multinational Companies”, because they are able to compete and affirm themselves as the best Players in several different “Niche Markets”. Well, Lugano is naturally vocated to better represent this instances, to select them, organize specific offers and finally promote all this “package” to the Russian Delegates. In the next coming years, the Lugano Swiss-Russian Investment Forum will be one of the most qualified places to be if and when interested in exploring the incredible opportunities offered by Russia and by all the Russian speaking markets. And of course for the Russian Operators it twill represent a unique opportunity to develop very first hand business relations at the highest level. In this period the international tension is growing... Yes, this is sadly true, but we are sure that the contribution offered by our Forum is important in order to understand the importance of mutual co-operation. For this reason we decided to invest so many resources in the field of Art and Culture, since only grounding these important pillars, we can build the premises of a stable and peaceful mutual exchange. Emilia Regazzoni
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cards». A market, whose current and possible future developments Seralvo concisely outlines as follows: «A first and very clear factor is the continuous growth of e-commerce, that today represents about 15% of credit card payments, which depends firstly on the rapid drop of concerns related to this practice – quite strong only a few years ago. Today e-commerce is in fact considered a safe way of spending money». In second place,
FUTURE IN THE CARDS Cornèr Bank has significantly contributed to the structuring of the Swiss market of credit cards uring the last forty years the Ticino Cornèr Bank has significantly contributed to the structuring of the Swiss market of prepaid credit cards. Cornèr Bank was in fact the first to issue the Visa credit card in Switzerland in 1975, adding Mastercard to its offer in 1998, and launching the Cornèrcard brand in 2006 (with its logo appearing on the Visa and Mastercard cards). This year Cornèr Bank received the license for Diners Club cards. «The Diners Club operation testifies the level of maturity reached by Cornèrcard. Today Cornèrcard is no longer a simple brand but an important player on the market, strong enough to launch its own card», as underlined by director of Cornèrcard Alessandro Seralvo, who also adds, «it is important to highlight that we have a completely new and exclusive license for Switzerland». Diners Club International is part of Discover Financial Services, a society operating in the direct banking and payment services, and one of the most recognized brands in U.S. financial
services. «Established in 1950, Diners Club International became the first credit card issuer in the world, launching a financial revolution in how consumers and companies paid for products and services», affirms Seralvo, «payments without cash are something Diners Club and Cornèrcard have had in common for several decades. For this reason we are particularly pleased to be able to continue in the wake of the pioneering spirit of Diners Club, combining our innovative profile with this longstanding brand, that offers its members a range of excellent services, great advantages and impeccable assistance». For Diners Club International, Switzerland is an important market «where we intend to further affirm our presence», explains Eduardo Tobon, president of Diners Club International. «We are sure», he continues, «that Cornèrcard is the right partner to meet this goal, thanks to its ongoing effort in offering innovative services, standing as one of the pioneers on the Swiss market of payment
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Seralvo notes how e-commerce is spreading in more and more sectors, as proved for instance by the cases of the Migros and Coop chains in the food sector. In third place, the rising presence of the m-commerce (mobile commerce) must be acknowledged, a factor that has tangibly strengthened e-commerce all together. «A second important change that I would like to underline is the spreading of the contactless cards, which
must simply be held in front of the reader in order to carry out the payment», explains Seralvo, who adds «there are also other technologies developed for smartphones that can transform the device itself into a sort of ‘electronic purse’. This is a sector we are working on to find new solutions in collaboration with Swisscom, allowing us to extend the use of cards to a supplementary device». Marzio Molinari
CORNERCARD With about 1.6 million payment cards issued and about 300 employees, Cornèrcard is, with private and universal banking, one of the three pillars of Cornèr Bank.
Opposite page on top, director of Cornèrcard Alessandro Seralvo. Below, the main entrance of Cornèr Bank headquarters in Lugano.
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menu dreamt up by Head Chef Salvatore Frequente in the Restaurant Marina also includes popular evergreens like Caesar’s Salad, tomato focaccia and the original club sandwich. The master chef regales guests with meat and fish specialities from the grill which can be combined with a wide range of accompaniments and sauces to suit any taste. And, of course, this close to the Italian border, no menu would be complete without a selection of freshly-prepared home-made pasta dishes. The restaurant offers In this picture , Salvatore Frequente, the new head chef of the Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona Above left, Restaurant La Brezza
alvatore Frequente is the new head chef at the gourmet restaurant La Brezza (16 Gault&Millau points) and the romantic lakeside Restaurant La Casetta in the Hotel Eden Roc in Ascona. He is flanked, in time-honoured fashion, by maître d'hôtel and sommelier Giovanni Ferraris whose attention to detail ensures that guests enjoy meticulous service and provides the perfect counterpoint to the culinary art. With a cellar boasting a selection of 500 different wines, aficionados will be spoilt for choice. The philosophy of the restaurant is “il piacere del sud” (the pleasure of the south), which appeals to all the senses, as guests can look forward to light, refined Mediterranean cooking conjured up by Salvatore Frequente. Sicilian by birth, he exercises his profession with evident passion, choosing products with great care and an emphasis on quality and origin. By using local ingredients, skilfully presented on the plate with attention to detail, the master chef creates taste sensations rich in contrast to whet guests’ appetite for more. Other ingredients are drawn from the entire Mediterranean basin, making every dish an exotic culinary delight. The
yacht owners the use of its own landing stage. The lounge area right on the lakeshore is the perfect place to enjoy a cocktail at sunset. And Restaurant La Casetta? Light breeze, light cooking. This little lakeside paradise is also under the culinary direction of Salvatore Frequente. In the warm summer months, La Casetta offers guests the chance to enjoy light cuisine on the magnificent terrace on the water ’s edge. The lunchtime and evening fare includes home-made pasta and delicious
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RESTAURANT LA BREZZA REOPENS WITH A NEW HEAD CHEF Salvatore Frequente takes the culinary reins at the gourmet restaurant in the Hotel Eden Roc in Ascona grilled fish and meat dishes together with a Mediterranean antipasti buffet, while guests can enjoy stunning views of Lake Maggiore while dining. Right beside the restaurant is the hotel’s own marina – supervised by the harbour master – where outside
guests can weigh anchor throughout the day. Since winter 2010, from December to April Salvatore Frequente can also be found in the kitchens of the Carlton Hotel St. Moritz creating culinary delights in the Romanoff Restaurant (15
Gault&Millau points) on the historic. Bel Etage, where classic gourmet cuisine is given a new, delicate, Italian twist. Guests can enjoy a first-class culinary roundtrip whose main attractions are regional and seasonal products. Salvatore focuses on the four elements: fire is represented by specialities from the grill, water by noble fish and seafood, and earth by topquality vegetables and side dishes, while air is cunningly incorporated as the point of origin of the delicious poultry dishes. Salvatore Frequente exercises his profession with passion, carefully selecting his products on the basis of quality and origin. Relying on local basic products skilfully presented on the plate with attention to detail, the master chef succeeds in conjuring up taste sensations that are rich in contrast and give guests a desire for more. Back in the fold of the Tschuggen Group, he took over the culinary reins as head chef of the newly-opened lifestyle restaurant Marina in the Hotel Eden Roc in spring 2010. During the winter season 2010/2011 in St. Moritz as head chef responsible for the culinary delicacies, with the opening of the “Da Vittorio – St Moritz” restaurant (1 Michelin star and 17 Gault&Millau points) in the Carlton Hotel under the direction of the brothers Enrico and Roberto Cerea with their three Michelin stars, Salvatore Frequente gained an insight into the stringent requirements of award-winning cooking. Since March 2014, he holds next to the Restaurant Marina the culinary reins in a further two restaurants, regaling guests of the Hotel Eden Roc in Ascona at the gourmet restaurant La Brezza and the lakeside restaurant La Casetta Claus Winterhalter 79
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A COFFEE BREAK WITH CARLO RAMPAZZI, THE ECLECTIC SWISS DESIGNER AND ARCHITECT OF INTERNATIONAL RENOWN Coming up in the spring, the annual International Furniture Fair in Milan, the global design showcase at which the creations by Carlo Rampazzi, the well-known architect and designer born in the Canton of Ticino, have always been stand-outs
hat went into making Carlo Rampazzi who he is, but above all, who is Carlo Rampazzi today? Today, after numerous career experiences, and life experiences, I am a person who would like to have his own road clearly marked. A “kaleidoscopic” artist; a highly imaginative creative professional; a person with a particular lifestyle all his own. Uniquely my own. I was born with art in my blood, and I’ve never gone off in any other directions. This is why I live on another planet; that’s what I think and I have no qualms about saying so. Thanks to my parents, who grasped this natural talent of mine and
accepted it, I have always been able to see the world through different eyes. My wife often says, “You are from another planet. One day I’ll take your hand and show you what the ‘real’ world is like, because you don’t know it at all.” I have no interest in getting to know the ‘real’ world’, however. I’m fine in my own universe: it’s the Eden where I was born and raised and became an artist. Your art often has the overwhelming impact of a scream. The shapes and colours envelop the viewer and transport him or her to another world which is often surreal, a fantasy. Which artists inspired you when you got your start? And today, do you believe creativity
is the product of one’s own experience, or does an artist need a guiding spirit who allows one’s own creative ideas to materialize? Creative people are born that way. Until I became a professional artist, I had a fabulous vision of art. Any thing I saw was beautiful, and I appreciated it for what its lines gave me. I would see the works of unknown artists and fall in love with them. Only much later, when these painters became famous, did I realize that my instincts and feelings about art were not there by chance, and they always took me in the direction I wanted to go. I had the freedom to”photograph” whatever my instincts suggested. Fol-
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lowing my heart was natural to me, and I knew it. Now that my artistic career has moved into furniture design and that’s become my profession, that inner freedom of painting and “photographing” is gone. As a painter, nothing other than inner freedom – mental freedom – could have guided my instincts. My eyes were able to observe and instantly sense the innovative potential of new talents before the rest of the world realized it, and the secret was liberty, the ace up my sleeve. As a creative professional, I’ve never been inspired by any other artist. Perhaps, in this absolute freedom I felt, I was unaware of having ties to other philosophical and chromatic worlds. The colour chart is infinite, just as the space it finds itself in is infinite. Gazes inevitably do not intersect in the universe. Originality, though, is something else again. Being original means creating a system. A unique system. I have always loved Lucio Fontana. His monocrome canvases, often spray-painted, bear the signs of clearly-marked gestures. The interplay of raking light and shadow underscore the discontinuity. With his “slashes” in his canvases, Fontana inaugurated a new view of art. Space stopped being an object bound by the rules of conventional representation, and art now interacted directly with real space and light. Freedom is a precious asset. One day I’ll “cut my ties” as well. With life. Your furnishings can be found all over the world. Do you think that the kind of art you create can be considered part of globalization, or should it remain more localized, so the originality of its roots won’t be lost? Art can never be globalized, and its origins will always be respected for what
Opposite page, two works by Carlo Rampazzi displayed at the trade show HOMI. Right, Carlo Rampazzi.
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they are. It would be a crime to manipulate the natural essence of a place, or its traditions. An artist’s imagination can’t blend together years of history and culture that are connected with a person’s life. I don’t feel that my creative hallmark is linked to my own land alone. My template was made to be versatile. It’s a sort of chameleon that feeds on light, flavours, aromas, interlocking gazes as well as piercing gazes that prompt an inner elaboration and give rise to new material creatures in harmony with the place they are in. Every place releases different energies. Places have a face, a body and a soul. They have the ability and the power to create markedly different, even opposing inner emotional forces. For example, I simply could not design and build a Swiss chalet in Beirut, even though I get asked to. Your studio in Ascona is located in an alley that “ends” at Lake Maggiore, facing Italy. How important an influence on your own creativity was the nearness of this country, so famed for its art and incomparable artists? Even though I was born in Ascona along with the rest of my family, I do have Italian blood in my veins. My grandfather was from Naples, the city of “O sole mio”, Pulcinella and street artists, not to
mention the School of Posillipo in the 1800s, one of the most important schools of painting in its day. I now live in the house where I was born and to which I came back to after years of wanderings. When I’m asked if I feel more Swiss or Italian, I can’t come up with an exact reply. Personally, I feel very disciplined. And Italian. Your love of photography as an artistic medium is well known. Do you happen to remember if any of your creations sprang from a temporary “snapshot” connected with your personal life and not your artistic career? Over the course of my life I’ve had the occasion to take many photographs with my eyes alone. The most beautiful are definitely snapshots from when I was young, in Tuscany, experiences that I memorized: the meadows in bloom, the landscapes, the unique quality of the light, the scent of the land. When I design or create, I reactivate the hard disc of my mind and reconnect to those places and that era. I also have intense memories of twilight in South Africa. Even in my garden in the Ticino I’ve pinpointed emotional moments of great importance. The key visual files of my life are all stored in my human experience.
Today I leave photography, materially speaking, to the photographers, who can interpret my creative ideas and read my mind, as it were. I am an artist in my own work; photography is a different art. In this globalized world, with its allpervasive technology frenzy, after your first cup of coffee tomorrow morning, how will you imagine the evolution of shapes and colours over the course of the third millennium? I’ll definitely see a “new” chaotic world, and it’s not a chaos I like. In the past we have created the most extraordinary things; today we have lost that skill. We are missing something crucial, or simply the desire and curiosity to investigate. In the future I see utter destruction and absolute calm. The past will disappear, and a thorough reconstruction will be in order. Even my colours and shapes will undergo a metamorphosis: my art will take on a quite linear, geometrical form, and the colours will be more forceful, but without any shading. The chaos of the third millennium will drive my creations to the frontiers of Optical Art. My lines will be mixed with colours, like works by Mondrian or Vasarely; their essentiality will only be a semblance. Giovanni Mereghetti
Below, other projects by the internationally famous designer Carlo Rampazzi exhibited at HOMI, the fair dedicated to lifestyles.
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V illa,A rt& Gastronomy Viale Castagnola 3 1 6906 Lugano, Switzerl and Tel. + 41 (0)91 973 25 55 i n f o @ v i l l a c a s ta g n o l a . c o m w w w. v i l l a c a s ta g n o l a . c o m
EA_BIANCA_layout 06.05.14 13:26 Pagina 84
L’EA BIANCA LUXURY RESORT Well-being in a natural style. he resort where every element is designed in harmony with the nature that surrounds it. The hotel is set in 8000 square meters of maquis on a gentle hill in front of the islands of La Maddalena archipelago, the building embracing the freshwater swimming pool with sea view protect the all area offering privacy and tranquility to its guests. The large and wellkept park leads directly, 150 mt, to the beach of Cala dei Ginepri. The 31 comfortable bright rooms, are all furnished in a modern style enriched by Oriental and Sardinian décors, all have a spacious and elegant sea-view balcony overlooking to the pool and colorful gar-
dens. Bathrooms are differently designed with the magnificent colours of Cerasarda, they are all fitted with shower and some include whirlpool tubs with cromotherapy features, while others offer a Jacuzzi or a double shower cabin. The resort also has 5 villas, for those who prefers the independence along with the comfort and services of a 5 stars Hotel. The Villas, 2 and 3 double bed with large veranda al fresco to dine out, are disposed on different levels and all offer a stunning view on La Maddalena’s archipelago. The fine dazzling light “Lunaria Restaurant” offers a personalized service on the wide space overlooking the breath-
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CALA DEI GINEPRI/BAJA SARDINIA (OT), tel (+39) 0789 974311 info@eabianca.it www.eabianca.com
In this picture, the entrance to the resort. Left, the swimming pool facing the beach of Cala dei Ginepri. Below, a view of the wellness centre “Recrea Experience Care”.
taking emerald sea views. The Chefs of Lunaria Restaurant, with their experience and knowledge of the best Mediterranean and International cuisine wisely reworks the tradition and taste of Sardinian cuisine with delicate fantasy for the most demanding palates. The best dishes are always keen on the taste of a fine wine, in fact, the maitre always guides his guests through a wide selection of local and national wines. The sea view restaurant also has a veranda with direct access to gardens. On request there is the possibility to have an extraordinary romantic dinner for two people only, on a private place on the hotel roof overlooking Cala dei Ginepri and the islands of the Archipelago of La Maddalena. The wellness centre “Recrea Experience Care” is a unique place where tranquility can be found on a multi sensorial peace cocooned and cuddled by skilful
hands. The wellness path offers a wide and comfortable hydro massages swimming pool, a relax area, a sauna, a gym space and a great selection of massages and beauty treatments. The Recrea SPA staff, studied personalized massages, extraordinary fusion of oriental techniques with aromatic oils of natural essences, producing the best results on muscles relaxing. The particular lights will be part of this emotion for a personal private wellness. The hotel also has a comfortable and versatile meeting room of 110 square meters, with natural light, views of the sea and garden, direct access to the swimming pool and the restaurant, which hosts up to 80 people in a theater set-up. The resort is just a few minutes from Porto Cervo, and is easily accessible from the airport Costa Smeralda, 35 km and the port of Olbia 35 km. 85
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RUSSIA PLAYS POLO IN ASCONA or the 5th Hublot Polo Cup Ascona which is taking place from July 18th till 20th, we invited our polo friends from Moscow to join us. Our intention is to celebrate the sport and the 200 years of diplomatic relationship and the friendship with our Russian friends. The Russian polo team from Moscow includes Anastasia and Victor Huaco, a Russian-Peruvian couple and their Argentinian polo pro Martin Estrada. I have met them for the first time almost 20 years ago, while visiting the snow polo tournament in St. Moritz. Ever since, we have played together on various occasions, at
many clubs and in many countries around the world. Introducing every year new players, guests and spectacular entertainment in Ascona, makes this polo event so special and of course extremely interesting for national and international sponsors. The Polo sport has not a long tradition in Russia. It started in the mid-90s, just after the political changes and lifting of the Iron curtain. Today there are two Clubs in Moscow with regular activities and about 30 active polo players in all Russia: the President Club, for which the Huaco family is playing and the Moscow Polo Club.
In these pictures, two moments of last years competition
There are several tournaments held during the rather short Russian polo season and a few years ago they also started playing on the snowy surface. Being Polo an exclusive sport, it attracts more and more attention from wealthy enthusiasts in Russia. The Polo Club Ascona is known to be very active in the international polo society with its members participating in tournaments in America, India, Africa and all over Europe. As mentioned, this year we are celebrating our 5th anniversary. With the support of our sponsors (Engel&Voelkers, Styger&Partner, Podium Swiss, Ecovis, Fipa, Bent-
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HUBLOT POLO CUP ASCONA 2014 Europe Polo elite will offer you three fascinating days FROM 18TH JULY TO 20TH JULY
ley Loris Kessel, just to name the teams sponsors), we are able to organize this high-class event which attracts many international guests and contributes to our goal to promote Switzerland and Ticino as a polo destination. For us Polo is not just a sport but a lifestyle and one of the last “secrets” remaining in sports. It is our pleasure and honor to continue this mission to introduce this unique sport to the public and to prove how exciting and dynamic it can be. Together with the polo teams from Russia, Denmark, Germany, Argentina and Switzerland, we would like to invite you to come and see for yourself at the 5th Hublot Polo Cup 2014 from July 18th, 2014 to July 20th, 2014 at the Aerodrome in Ascona,
Switzerland and dive into the world of polo. Please join and enjoy the fun, speed, excitement and elegance of this game as well as the first class catering and beverages. Another highlight will be the cool and hip players party at the Lido in Ascona, the Russian night and the family Brunch at the polo field. VIP-Tickets can be purchased via info@eventsdesigner.ch. EventsDesigner is a Swiss Event agency which has been helping us for the past three years to organize and establish these activities around the Polo Cup Ascona. They strongly contributed to make this such an unique event of the premium class. Uwe Zimmermann President Polo Club Ascona
Hublot Engel&Völkers FIPA GROUP Podium Swiss Styger & Partner Bentley Lugano Ecovis ws&p AG La Martina, official supplier
Co-Sponsor: Al Porto Bucherer Delea Vini Distillati Eden Roc ET Lago Maggiore Fior da Lisa Klinik Gut, Fisioterapia Ascona Harley Davidson Ticino Henniez Hotel Boutique Rinascente La Prairie Ladoga Imperial Wodka Laurent Perrier Le Gourmet Mevisto GmbH Municipio di Ascona Rapelli SA Rarity Sauer Real Estate Selvaggio Swiss Diamond Hotel Swiss Polo Association Ticinella Tropenhaus Villiger Cigarren Vivaio
Media Partner: Ticino Management Equestrio Polo +10 Polo Luxury and country life magazin Madame Studio Stars 87
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Cambiaghi Clelia, a tote-bag in impalpable suede with inserts and double napped handle.
Sisley Joyful, colourful and fresh, Eau Tropicale is a fragrance with a blend of tempting and natural essences.
Cartier From the Odyssée de Cartier collection, an extraordinary collier that can transform into a brooch. Platinum, a 27.02 carat incised Brazilian emerald, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds.
A fres versa elegan a casu
Omega The birth of Constellation ‘Pluma’, with its state of the art complication and impeccable style, has enriched the Constellation collection that has always been appreciated for its elegant and essential design.
Sportmax Calf length and V neck silk dress in deep amethyst. A feminine and minimal model suitable for every occasion.
Jo No Fui A light and delicate aqua green nuance for the new creations of the Italian Maison.
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Emporio Armani Patek Philippe Since its launch, the Golden Ellipse has immediately and predictably become a classic: a rounded rectangle or a linear oval case proportioned on the golden section.
The man of the future: chic, minimal, free from fixed structures.
Lacoste A fresh and versatile blazer, elegant with a casual twist.
Zenith The new El Primero Synopsis line invests in a legendary movement interpreted in three models, retaining some iconic features of the Zenith Maison. The special opening on the dial, highlighted by a screwed gasket, leaves visible the silicon components with their superb mechanical movement.
Louis Vuitton Laptop and tablet aluminium briefcase, the must have accessory for the modern businessman.
Bvlgari A silk scarf with snakes, emblem of the Maison, dancing in all their beauty among colourful butterflies.
Boggi Goodyear leather lace ups: a refined, elegant and comfortable choice.
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antelleria island, 1875. The building of the ancient Palazzetto Errera upper floor dates back to this period, while the ground floor and the ancient dammuso(*), located in the garden, date back to 1700. Nowadays the building is seat of Resort Acropoli. A learned and rigorous restoration of the rooms has kept the charm of the ancient severe house, but at the same time able to seduce our guests giving them an intriguing and magic atmosphere. The two-floor main building, unchanged in time, comprehends four apartments; other two apartments, of which one without any barrier, are independent and located in the gar-
den. All the apartments are built according to the perfect pantesco(*1) style of dammusi: big walls of stone skillfully cut by hand, vault ceilings and dome roofs. It is located in a place called S. Francesco, near the Phoenician Acropolis of the ancient Cossyra and S. Marco and S. Teresa hills archeological region, where important Roman finds have been found out (three marble heads of Julius Caesar, Agrippina and Titus are very famous), with a wide view on the port and urban area of Pantelleria. At dusk, on the horizon, it is possible to glimpse Africa with Tunisia mountains. The Resort, easily reachable from
RESORT ACROPOLI - Via Madonna della Margana 83/85/87 - 91017 - Pantelleria (TP) - Fraz. Margana -
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RESORT ACROPOLI Pantelleria island
the airport and port, is provided with pool with Jacuzzi, Turkish bath and a wide garden where in a dig it is possible to admire the Roman-Carthaginian ancient building rests. Pantelleria is the right place to relax and bronze yourself. Resort Acropoli make a private pool with Jacuzzi located in a wide garden with palms and Mediterranean vegetation available to its guests. In addition it is possible to enjoy the coolness, guarding against winds, inside the dry stone walls of a traditional pantesco garden (characteristic building used as citrus grove), ideal place to dedicate yourself rea-
ding your favourite book or looking at the starry sky at night, maybe with a glass of passito in your hands. To complete its guests well-being, the Resort is also provided with Turkish bath. Our guests will have a private parking at their disposal. Spending a holiday in Pantelleria, 110 km far from Sicily and only 70 km far from African coasts, far from the cities chaotic life, represents an authentic immersion in a no-time place, a sort of Eden where finding yourselves through the beauty of nature, intense colours, the strength of winds and sea, the splendour of lava rock, the ancient tastes.
Ph: 0923 913458- 0923 912718 | Mob: 333 8009457 | E-mail: info@resortacropoli.com - www.resortacropoli.com
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096_097_ISTITUZIONALI_charter_RUB 4 c 06.05.14 13:49 Pagina 96
Charter Service
“The Charter Business requires remarkable versatility and organizational skills. Our specialized department is dedicated exclusively to achieving these goals.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, offers an exclusive ad hoc charter service and is dedicated to fulfill its client’s requirements. As a company we have been working in this field for several years and have the experience to offer a tailor-made product to meet the needs of a wide range of costumers (companies, tour operators, sport teams and religious tourism). Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline provides high quality, cutting edge standards and guarantees a unique product for its clients.
“L’attività nel settore Charter richiede una notevole versatilità e capacità di organizzazione. Per questo motivo abbiamo un dipartimento specializzato che si dedica esclusivamente a questo settore della nostra compagnia aerea.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, compagnia aerea regionale svizzera, offre un esclusivo servizio di voli charter ad hoc adatto a molteplici necessità. Richiesti ed apprezzati da diversi anni, questi particolari voli vengono operati per conto di diversi clienti quali aziende, operatori turistici, team sportivi, turismo religioso, ecc. Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline punta ad elevati standard di qualità e professionalità per garantire ai propri clienti un prodotto di alto livello offrendo un servzio che si adatti al meglio alle esigenze dei propri passeggeri. Scegliere Etihad Regional significa avere numerose soluzione personalizzate.
Etihad Regional can provide a customized catering service and crews speaking the language of your choice (Italian, English, German, French). We will be glad to accomodate any additional requirements you may have.
A bordo avrete la possibilità di scegliere un servizio catering personalizzato. Potrete richiedere assistenti di volo di lingua italiana, francese, tedesca o inglese. Siamo inoltre lieti di valutare richieste di personalizzazione del prodotto (annunci a bordo, salviettine rinfrescanti, appoggia testa con il vostro marchio, ecc.).
The characteristics of the aircrafts in fleet allow Etihad Regional to reach a vast majority of European airports which major airline are unable to operate to (like Engadin airport Samedan (CH), Pantelleria airport (I), Calvì airport, etc.). This enables our customers to enjoy a direct service, arriving as close as possible to their chosen destination.
Le caratteristiche degli aeromobili in flotta permettono di raggiungere la maggior parte degli scali europei compresi aeroporti minori sui quali le major airline non riescono ad operare (tra cui l’aeroporto Samedan in Engadina (CH), l’aeroporto di Pantelleria (I), l’aeroporto di Calvì (F), ecc.). Ciò vi permetterà di scegliere l’aeroporto più vicino alla vostra destinazione.
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096_097_ISTITUZIONALI_charter_RUB 4 c 06.05.14 13:54 Pagina 97
The fleet
Car go Cargo Compa rtm ment m Compartment
A W A Av As
vengono voli Etihad Etihad Regional vengono I voli 2000, potenti operati con Saab 2000, operati voli Etihad vengono I voli Etihad vengono oli a Regional turbopropulsione. veliv velivoli turbopropulsione. oper ati con Saab 2000, potenti operati 2000, oduzione sv edese, di pr Macchina produzione svedese, veliv turbopr velivoli a turbopropulsione. aerei il oli Saab 2000 éopulsione. uno degli aerei Macchina produzione svedese, pr oduzione edese, ormanti perfdi più performanti della sv sua il Saab 2000 élauno degli aerei aer creiociera velocità categoria, velocità di crociera piùraggiunge suakm/h, perf ormanti atti 690 rperformanti aggiunge infdella infatti categoria, velocità crociera velocità di crociera mentre la l’altitudine mentre l’altitudine massima raggiunge infatti km/h, raggiunge infatti consentita è di690 9’450 metri. mentre mentr e l’altitudine l’altitudine La conf ortevole massima La confortevole cabina è dotata consentita è di 9’450 metri.sedili di 50 comodi e spaziosi La confortevole cabina è dotata La conf ortev ole in pelle. di 50 comodi e spaziosi sedili
Car Cargo go door
Passenger door
Technical Technical data Drive Drive propulsion propulsion system Pr opellers Propellers Wing span LLength ength High Number of seats Pitch Cruising speed Maximum altitude Stage length
A completamento della flotta si a aggiungeranno ggiungeranno a partir partire e quattro ATR dal 2014 quattr oA T TR 72, velivoli velivoli estremamente grado estr emamente moderni in gr ado mentre di rraggiungere aggiungere 500km/h, mentr e l’l’altitudine altitudine massima consentita confortevole é di 7500 metri. LLa a conf ortevole cabina é dotata di 68 comodi e spaziosi sedili in pelle.
2 Rolls Royce Allison AE2100A ((4 4150 Shp) 6-bladed 24.76 m 27.28 m 7.73 m 50 81 cm 690 km/h 9450 m Ca. 3 hours/2200 km
Etihad Etihad Regional charter flights are are oprated oprated with the Swedish E tihad Regional flights Etihad acturedcharter 2000 , the manufactured Saab 2000, manuf ar efastest opr ated with the Swedish are oprated cial turboprop fastest commer commercial turboprop manuf actur ed Saab , the manufactured 2000, in the world, with a2000 maximum commercial turboprop astest commer cial op ffastest cruising speed ofturbopr 690 km/h in the withaamaximum maximum kts), and (370world, kts), cruising speed of 690 feet). altitude of 9’450 m km/h (31’000 feet). kts), ), and isa fitted maximum (370The kts cabin with 50 altitude of 9’450leather m (31’000 ffeet). eet). comfortable comfortable seats, Theclimate cabin iscontrol fitted contr ol with and 50 a noise comfortable ortable leather comf reduction reduction system.seats, control climate contr ol and a noise eduction system. rreduction di 50 comodi e spaziosi se in pelle.
46 cm 41 cm cm
57 cm
108 cm
47 cm
43 cm
Four ATR Four A TR T 72 will join the fleet within 2014, extremely extremely modern aircrafts aircrafts able to reach reach 500 km/h and a maximum altitude of 7500m. The cabin is fitted with comfortable 68 comf ortable leather seats. L
Cargo Cargo Compartment Compartm ment m
A W A Av As
Passenger door
Car Cargo go door
35,5 cm 191 cm
45,7cm 45 45,7 7cm 226,3 cm 257 cm 286,5 cm
Technical T echnical e data Drive Drive propulsion propulsion system Wing span Length Length High Number of seats Cruising speed Maximum altitude Stage length
2 Pratt & Whitney Canada PW124B (2160 Shp) 27.05 m 27.16 m 7.65 m 68 509 km/h 7620 m 1400 km
098_ISTITUZIONALI_network_layout 06.05.14 13:57 Pagina 98
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 10-11, 14-17-18-19
From Lugano LUG GVA LUG From Geneva GVA FLR
30.03.14 - 24.10.14
F7 130-131
05.04.14 - 25.10.14
F7 350-351-352-353
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 154-155-158-159
LUG: LUGANO GVA: Ginevra FLR: Firenze
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 260-261
01.05.14 - 25.10.14
F7 20-21-22-23
01.05.14 - 25.10.14
F7 394-395
VLC: Valencia
FCO: Roma Fiumicino
01.04.14 - 24.10.14
F7 464-465
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 160-161
28.04.14 - 25.10.14
F7 334-335
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 468-469
From Zurich ZRH FLR
02.05.14 - 24.10.14
F7 132-133
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 250-251
01.05.14 - 25.10.14
F7 498-499
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 992-993
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 164-165
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 994-995
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 282-283
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 272-273-274-275-279
01.06.14 - 25.10.14
F7 280-281
From Dusseldorf
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 252-253
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 254-255
30.03.14 - 25.10.14
F7 112-113-114-115-116-117-
From other bases
BEG: Belgrado TLS: Tolosa VRN: Verona BOD: Bordeaux MRS: Marsiglia LEJ: Leipzig
LNZ: Linz LYS: Lione
118-119 CBG VRN CBG
ZRH: Zurigo
TRN: Torino
From Leipzig
STR: Stoccarda
17.05.14 - 20.09.14
F7 166-167
STN: Londra Stansed CDG: Parigi Charles De Gaulle AMS: Amsterdam
CBG: Cambridge
01.06.14 - 28.09.14
F7 140-141
CAG: Cagliari
31.05.14 - 27.09.14
F7 100-101
31.05.14 - 27.09.14
F7 180-181
01.06.14 - 28.09.14
F7 390-391
PNL: Pantelleria IBZ: Ibiza
From Lugano
From Geneva
01.06.14 - 28.09.14
F7 380-381-382-383
06.06.14 - 29.09.14
F7 470-471
21.06.14 - 21.09.14
F7 1162-1163
24.05.14 - 27.09.14
F7 1440-1441
OLB: Olbia
BIQ: Biarritz CLY: Calvi
098_ISTITUZIONALI_network_layout 06.05.14 13:57 Pagina 99
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