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© Sven Döring

EVOLUTION N. 37 October - November 2014

N. 37 October - November 2014





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Official in-flight magazine ETIHAD REGIONAL www.etihadregional.com HEAD OF MARKETING Massimo Boni massimo.boni@etihadregional.com

October - November 2014 PUBLISHER Società editrice Ticino Management SA Valerio de Giorgi (CEO) vdegiorgi@ticinomanagement.ch CP 749 CH - 6903 Lugano www.ticinomanagement.ch EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elisabetta Calegari escalegari@ticinomanagement.ch LAYOUT Lavinia Cardi Cigoli impaginazione@ticinomanagement.ch EDITORIAL STAFF Simona Manzione, Anna Martano Grigorov, Marzio Molinari, Angela Mollisi, Donatella Révay, Elena Steiger, Claus Winterhalter redazione@ticinomanagement.ch

© Düsseldorf Tourismus

CONTRIBUTIONS Steward Bell, Rita Brebbia Prevosti, Federica De Luca, Edoardo Granata, Chicca Magri, Emilia Regazzoni, Maya Ruff Faullend, Lara Schweizer Boschetti, David Suter, Luca M. Venturi. TRANSLATIONS Scriptum, Rome English: Karen Tomatis Français: Claude Sophie Mazéas Deutsch: Gertrud Ruth Prucker

Düsseldorf, pag. 16

TRAVEL Europe agenda


Germany agenda


Dresden, multifaceted historical city


Living in Düsseldorf


France Agenda


Very Nice


The Foundation Louis Vuitton opens in Paris


United Kingdom agenda


London trending


Italy agenda


A heritage built on wine


Florence, the Godmother of Haute Couture


Peggy Guggeheim Collection in Venice


Segantini at Palazzo Reale in Milan


Expo Milano 2015. French pavilion


Thermal Baths in Northern Italy


2014 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix


Archduke Géza von Habsburg’s career devoted to Fabergé


Swiss Indoors Basel


Studiyng at ETH Zurich


Golf in Andermatt


Canton of Ticino agenda


The BSI Swiss Architectural Award



On the cover: view from the Dresden Zwinger to Schinkel’s Guardhouse; the Royal Palace and the Cathedral. © Sven Döring N. 37 October - November 2014






Loyalty programme



Charter service

Switzerland agenda

CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION 38,000 copies: all Etihad Regional flights, Lugano airport, 4 and 5 star hotels, associations, boards and institutions


Welcome back, Meg!


The fleet


Tennis in Geneva




© Sven Döring


EDITING AND ADVERTISING Valerio De Giorgi Ticino Management Via Vergiò 8 CH - 6932 Breganzona Tel. +41(0)91 / 610 29 29 Fax +41(0)91 / 610 29 10 pubblicita@ticinomanagement.ch






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DEAR READERS, Welcome back on board the Etihad Regional Fleet, operated by Darwin Airlines. As you will gather from the range of destinations included in this issue, our winter network has been increased with several new connections improving our presence on the Swiss and German market. Of great importance for our internal market is the ZurichLugano route that from November 1st will be covered by four daily flights, making us the only Swiss airline company to serve three important cities such as Lugano, Geneva and Zurich. In order to meet the growing demand registered during the summer months, we will increase the Geneva-Nice flights from three to five weekly connections, while the Geneva-Bordeaux route will be covered by six weekly flights, doubling the current offer. There will be daily flights from Geneva to Venice and Toulouse too. We are also continuing our expansion on the German market with our new routes connecting Dresden to Amsterdam, Zurich, and Vienna, starting from November 3rd. We hope that these new connections will better meet your business and leisure needs. Lastly, as you may have noticed from our cover, our flights and those of the other Etihad Airways will now be more recognizable thanks to our new logo: a new brand which connects not only the equity partners but also the flight companies that share a common business approach, network alignment, and service standards. The new logo is therefore a further sign of the global collaboration among the partner companies and of the excellence of their services.

CARE LETTRICI, CARI LETTORI, Benritrovati a bordo della flotta Etihad Regional, operata da Darwin Airline. Come potrete notare anche dalle destinazioni trattate all’interno di questo numero, il nostro network invernale si presenta con diversi nuovi collegamenti, che ci vedranno ancora più presenti soprattutto sul mercato svizzero e tedesco. Di grande rilievo per il nostro mercato interno infatti, è la Zurigo-Lugano che dal 1°novembre opereremo con quattro voli giornalieri. Saremo così l’unica compagnia svizzera a servire con i nostri collegamenti tre città di rilievo come Lugano, Ginevra e Zurigo. Sempre in Svizzera, per far fronte alla crescente domanda registrata nei mesi estivi su questi collegamenti, incrementeremo la frequenza dei nostri voli sulla rotta Ginevra-Nizza che da tre collegamenti settimanali passerà a cinque voli settimanali, mentre la tratta Ginevra-Bordeaux proporrà sei voli settimanali, rispetto agli attuali tre. Inoltre offriremo dei collegamenti giornalieri da Ginevra su Venezia e su Tolosa. Stiamo poi continuando ad espanderci sul mercato tedesco con le nuove rotte da Dresda verso Amsterdam e Zurigo e dal prossimo 3 novembre verso Vienna. Ci auspichiamo che questi nuovi collegamenti soddisfino al meglio le vostre esigenze sia business, che leisure. Infine, come forse avrete notato anche in copertina, potrete oggi riconoscere ancora più facilmente i nostri voli e quelli degli altri partner Etihad Airways grazie al nuovo logo: un nuovo brand che raggrupperà non solo gli equity partner ma anche le compagnie aeree che condividono un comune approccio di business, l’allineamento dei propri network e gli stessi standard di qualità dei servizi offerti. Sarà pertanto un ulteriore segno distintivo della collaborazione a livello globale delle compagnie che ne fanno parte e dell’eccellenza dei servizi offerti.

I look forward to having you on board to share these new flight experiences with all of us.

Vi aspetto quindi a bordo dei nostri aerei per vivere al meglio queste nuove esperienze di volo con noi tutti.

Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline

Comandante Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline


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CHERES LECTRICES, CHERS LECTEURS, Bienvenue à bord de la flotte Etihad Regional, gérée par Darwin Airline. Comme vous le constaterez en prenant connaissance de nos nouvelles destinations dans ce numéro, notre présence sur le marché suisse et allemand devient plus importante dès cet hiver. La liaison Zurich-Lugano, avec quatre vols quotidiens à partir du 1er novembre est d’une particulière importance pour notre marché intérieur. Nous serons ainsi la seule compagnie suisse à desservir les trois aéroports de Lugano, Genève et Zurich. Toujours en Suisse, pour faire face à la demande croissante enregistrée au cours des mois estivaux sur ces vols, nous augmenterons la fréquence de la liaison Genève-Nice qui passe de trois à cinq vols hebdomadaires et proposerons sept vols hebdomadaires sur la ligne Genève-Bordeaux au lieu de trois, actuellement. En outre, nous vous proposons des vols quotidiens entre Genève et Venise et Genève et Toulouse. Parallèlement, nous continuons notre expansion sur le marché allemand avec une nouvelle liaison entre Dresde et Amsterdam, Dresde et Zurich ainsi que Dresde et Vienne à partir du 3 novembre prochain. Nous espérons que ces nouvelles liaisons répondront au mieux à vos attentes qu’il s’agisse de voyages d’affaires ou d’agrément. Enfin, comme vous l’avez sans doute noté en page de couverture, notre nouveau logo vous permettra de reconnaître plus facilement nos vols ainsi que ceux des partenaires d’Etihad Airways : une nouvelle marque qui regroupe en son sein non seulement nos partenaires associés mais aussi les compagnies aériennes qui partagent une vision commune de l’entreprise, de l’harmonisation de leurs propres réseaux ainsi que de la qualité des services proposés. Un signe reconnaissable de la collaboration entre les compagnies qui en font partie et de l’excellence du service offert à leur clientèle.

LIEBE LESERINNEN, LIEBE LESER, Gerne heissen wir Sie wieder willkommen an Bord der Flotte Etihad Regional, deren Flüge von Darwin Airline durchgeführt werden. Wie Sie erkennen können, wenn Sie in diesem Heft die Texte zu den Reisezielen lesen, bietet unser Winterflugplan verschiedene neue Verbindungen, die unsere Präsenz vor allem auf dem Schweizer und dem deutschen Markt verstärken. Von grosser Bedeutung für unseren Binnenmarkt ist in der Tat die Verbindung Zürich-Lugano, auf der wir ab 1. November vier Mal täglich fliegen. Damit sind wir die einzige Schweizer Fluggesellschaft, die mit ihren Verbindungen drei bedeutende Städte wie Lugano, Genf und Zürich bedient. Ebenfalls für die Schweiz werden wir, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach diesen Verbindungen gerecht zu werden, die wir in den Sommermonaten registriert haben, die Strecke Genf – Nizza häufiger fliegen, mit fünf Flügen pro Woche. Auch die Verbindung Genf – Bordeaux bietet nun sechs Flüge pro Woche statt der aktuellen drei. Ausserdem fliegen wir von Genf aus täglich Verbindungen nach Venedig und nach Toulouse. Auch auf dem deutschen Markt geht die Expansion weiter. Dort fliegen wir neue Strecken von Dresden nach Amsterdam und nach Zürich und ab dem 3. November auch nach Wien. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn diese neuen Verbindungen ihren Bedürfnissen noch besser entsprechen, sowohl im Business- als auch im Leisure-Bereich. Zu guter Letzt können Sie – wie Sie vielleicht schon auf der Titelseite bemerkt haben – unsere Flüge und die der anderen Partner Etihad Airways Dank eines neuen Logos noch leichter erkennen. Die neue Marke umfasst nicht nur die equity partners, sondern auch die Fluggesellschaften, die einen neuen gemeinsamen Business-Ansatz verfolgen, nämlich die Angleichung der Netzwerke und der Qualitätsstandards der angebotenen Dienste. So wird das Markenzeichen zu einem weiteren Erkennungszeichen der globalen Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Fluggesellschaften und der hervorragenden Dienste, die wir alle bieten.

Je vous retrouverai avec plaisir à bord de nos appareils pour vivre ensemble ces nouvelles expériences.

Wir erwarten Sie also an Bord unserer Flugzeuge, wo Sie mit uns allen diese neuen Flüge am besten erleben können.

Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline

Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline


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EUROPE AGENDA leisure & business

Mid-November/December: St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas) Amsterdam, The Netherlands With more than a kilometre of floats and boats, Amsterdam hosts the largest Saint Nicholas parade in the world. Every year, Sinterklaas sails into Amsterdam with 600 black-painted assistants (Zwarte Pieten) and plenty of small-spiced biscuits (pepernoten). At least 400,000 spectators line the canals to welcome him to the city. From his arrival until December 6th Sinterklaas makes a number of appearances throughout the city where he hosts exhibitions and meets children. The big gift-giving day is then December 5 (sinterklaasavond) when St. Nicholas drops off presents on children’s doorsteps before leaving for Spain. Brussels Light Festival Brussels, Belgium, 31.10/03.11.2014 Brussels is a melting pot of cultures and languages. Despite this great diversity, it is still a united city. The light festival will bring people from the city and far beyond together by means of an international light festival. The 2nd edition of the Brussels Light Festival takes place along the Brussels canal. This free festival is an unforgettable light show. Prepare yourself for the imaginative light installations, spectacular performances and welcoming winter barbecue. Vital Art Nuoveau - Prague Municipal House, Czech Republic, until 31.12.2015 The exhibition presents a selection of the most outstanding works of Czech and European Art Nouveau art from the holdings of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. It intends to show the Art Nouveau arts and crafts as part of the ground-breaking, forward-looking trends and emancipation efforts that evolved in the late 19th century, as a reformist art movement that strove for “the multiplication and intensification of life”. The display explores the Art Nouveau aesthetic both in terms of modern artist designers' creative ambitions and the new zest for life that swept society as a whole. 6

Expogast – International trade show for gastronomy 22/26.11.2014 Luxembourg Aware of the issues represented by the Greater Region in the economic development of the catering sector, Expogast is located in Luxembourg, the business heart of the region. The opportunities offered by the international dimension of Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Germany are enhanced by the features of Luxembourg where 43.20% of residents are foreign, expecting the highest added value to be offered, but demonstrating the particularly high level of loyalty among traditional Luxembourg visitors. The social criteria of current and potential visitors to Expogast: the international community, multiculturalism, multilingual skills and a high purchasing power are some of the factors favouring the economic development of gastronomy, culturally embedded in custom and usage.

Belgrade MBA Event 24th November 2014 - Individual Meetings with the World's Top Business Schools The prestigious MBA degree is your key for a career switch, a top management position and a 100% salary increase on average*. The extensive network with like-minded professionals that the MBA experience provides will broaden your career perspectives and entrepreneurial ventures. Access MBA gives business professionals around the world the opportunity to meet with leading international MBA programmes. By registering for the One-to-One event, your profile will be hand-selected and matched to the best business schools for you by our team of expert consultants.

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Bazaar Berlin - 12/16.11.2014 - Messe Berlin Bazaar Berlin, is an exhibition created in order to present local products in an international environment. Every year, importers and exporters, buyers, traders and artisans meet in Berlin to witness and learn about new proposals, including apparel, accessories, textiles, leather, furniture, but also porcelain, jewelry, cosmetics and wooden toys. Also solutions designed to relax and aimed at eco-sustainable lifestyles will be on display, thanks to the presence of a selection of Zen and Ayurvedic products, mineral products, recycled and ecologic apparel showcased in in the area named Natural Living. In the area Art + Style, instead, will be presented unique design items ranging from clothing to furniture, a forum where exclusivity and quality come together in perfect harmony. Finally, Winter at Home, is the section dedicated to Christmas decorations and gift ideas.

AIRTEC 2014 - International aerospace supply fair Exhibition center Frankfurt - 28/30.10.2014 Airtec shows the entire aerospace supply chain from design, engineering, testing, simulation via materials, production, tools, components and systems, electronics, sensors up to lifecycle support at one exhibition place. The trade exhibition presents in a focussed way new technologies, innovations and trends and provides a comprehensive overview about the aerospace supply industry. MUTEC 2014 06/8.11.2014 - Leipzig Mutec 2014 will again be held parallel to denkmal - European Trade Fair for Conservation, Restoration and Old Building Renovation in Leipzig from 6th - 8th November 2014. Two complementary shows in one venue – new and positive accents are being set for both exhibitors and visitors through this combination. An immense, complementary range of exhibits, saving of time due to only one date and venue and contacts with experts from all significant areas of museum work and conservation. Besides, thanks to Leipzig’s proximity to Eastern Europe, many visitors from Poland, Russia and the Baltic states come to the Mutec. 88

Bio Europe - 03/05.11.2014 Portalhaus Messe, Frankfurt Building value through partnerships BIO-Europe® is Europe’s largest partnering conference serving the global biotechnology industry. The conference annually attracts leading dealmakers from biotech, pharma and finance along with the most exciting emerging companies. Produced with the support of BIO, it is regarded as a“must attend”event for the biotech industry. Featuring EBD Group’s sophisticated, web-based partnering system, partneringONE®, the event enables delegates to efficiently identify, meet and get partnerships started with companies across the life science value chain, from large biotech and pharma companies to financiers and innovative start-ups.

55th Hamburg International Boat Show 25.10/02.11. 2014 More sailing sport, more motor boats, more trend sports, more premieres and more expert forums. With numerous attractions for visitors from the whole of Europe. Meet the market leaders and opinion leaders of the industry. Get in touch with customers who are keen on watersports and ready to buy. There is more space than ever before for yacht builders and dealers, designers, outfitters and charterers to present their ideas – in the most modern exhibition halls with 75,000 square metres of exhibition space, for a complete maritime experience.

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24.09.14 10:46

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25 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall - 9th November 2014 Many special events and exhibitions to commemorate the anniversary of this historic event are planned across the city. Themes include the division of the city, the Cold War and the events leading up to peaceful reunification in 1989-1990. Berlin visitors will also have the chance to gain some insight into the history of Berlin as a divided city and the significance of the Wall for the city's residents. Events will include guided cycling tours along the Wall Trail, visits to the former watchtowers, the East Side Gallery and a tour of former East Berlin in a real East German Trabant car. The high point will be in the autumn during the weekend of 9 November. A special light installation will be set up along the former course of the Wall as a “symbol of hope for a world without walls”. St. Martin’s day - 11th November St. Martin’s Day is the feast day of Martin of Tours, who began his life as a Roman soldier and ended up a monk. On St. Martin’s Day, which is celebrated in many areas in Germany, children go from house to house with paper lanterns and candles. Many places also have public festivals to celebrate the sain. The 57th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film 27.10/02.11.2014 It is one of Germany’s largest film festivals of this type, featuring films from all over the world. Under the motto of „The HeArt of Documentary“, the DOK Festival is to facilitate the promotion and further distribution of international documentary and animated films, to create opportunities for filmmakers, producers, distributors, commissioning editors, journalists, media scientist and the Leipzig cinema audience to meet and to exchange views with each other. The Festival programme consists of: International Competition Documentary Film and Animated Film, Young Cinema Competition, International Short Documentary Competition, German Competition Documentary Film and International Programmes Documentary and Animated Film. 10


Alvar Aalto, Second Nature Until 01.03.2015 - Vitra Design Museum Weil am Rhein Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) is the bes known Finnish architect of his generation and one of the most important proponents of organic design in the twentieth century. His architecture continues to captivate with its natural materials and sculptural, curved forms. For the Paimio Sanatorium, Aalto designed the first wooden cantilevered chair in 1932 while his Savoy Vase (1936) remains a quintessential symbol of Finnish design. The exhibition provides comprehensive insights into Aalto’s oeuvre, presenting his most significant buildings, furniture and lighting designs and exploring the inspirations that shaped his work. Key themes are Aalto’s dialogue with important artists, his extensive international collaborations and activities, his investigations of rational architecture and his constant concern for the human factor.

6th European Month of Photography Berlin - 17.10/16.11.2014 Museums, exhibitions sites and project room throughout the city This year’s festival edition focusses on “Upheavals and Utopias”. On display are photographs that deal with caesurae in Europe, such as the two world wars, the global economic crisis of 1929, the founding of the two German state and the peaceful revolution of 1989. Mdf-berlin.de

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19/06/14 11.17

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DRESDEN A MULTIFACETED HISTORICAL CITY The city is known as the Jewel Box, because of its baroque and rococo city center he city of Dresden is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Germany with millions of visitors coming every year to admire its many attractions. So what is the city all about? The Frauenkirche, the Semper Opera House, the Residential and Zwinger Palace, the Elbe



river, over 50 museums and more than 30 theatres – this is Dresden, a city that boasts a great history and uncountable cultural treasures. It fascinates with its own distinctive character owing its description as ‘Florence on the Elbe’ to the combination of the riches to be found in its art col-

lections and the Italian influence on its architecture built under Augustus the Strong. Dresden is the capital of the Free State of Saxony, the most south-eastern state in Germany. Only two hours drive to the north lies the capital Berlin and to the south Prague. The city with its some 530,000

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© Frank Exß

in and around Dresden encourage its inhabitants and visitors to spend time outdoors, and influence the quality of life in the city. The green landscapes are further complemented by the vineyards on the slopes of the Elbe valley. Wine is even grown in the city of Dresden itself, a fact that makes Dresden the most northerly city with a tradition of wine growing. The colorful side of Dresden is to be seen in the artistic quarter of ‘Äußere Neustadt’ with its characteristic buildings, many of them dating back to the end of the 19th century. The numerous bars, cafés, restaurants, clubs, galleries and small theatres make this lively area the undeniable centre of the young, alternative Dresden scene. Particularly in the summer, hardly a week goes by without a major event taking place. Firmly established highlights in the local’s calendar of events are Film Nights on the banks of the Elbe, the ‘Long Night of Theatre and Museums’ and the Elbhangfest. The city’s festivals, including the Dresden Music Festival, the Moritzburg Festival, the Jazztage Dresden, the Dixieland Festival and the Johann Strauss Festival, are among the highlights of the European cultural scene. This year and continuing in 2015, Dresden will mark the 25th anniversary of the ‘Peaceful Revolution’ and of the German reunification. The occasion will be commemorated at various key sites as some of the decisive events which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and German reunification in 1990 took place in Saxony. It was here that popular resentment about the discrepancy between the rhetoric and the reality of life under communism in the German Democratic Republic first boiled over into protest and resistance. It is generally less well known what an important part Dresden played in the Peaceful Revolution, where protests were held significantly earlier than in East Berlin. On 4th October 1989, a number of East Germans who had taken refuge in the embassy of the German

© Frank Exß

inhabitants not only has a strong cultural attraction, it is also the political, economic and scientific centre of Saxony. Dresden is home to numerous well known research institutes and universities, among them the TU Dresden, which in 2012 was honored with the title of ‘elite university’. But besides being Saxon’s capital for business and science, it is also one of the greenest cities in Europe. The Great Garden, the broad meadows along the Elbe river, the Heide Forest, numerous palaces with parks and meadows

© Frank Exß


Above from top,the International Congress Center with view of the Old City; Neumarkt (New market) square in Dresden; the Frauenkirche (Our Lady Church), seen form the Elbe river; Hauptstrasse, one of the most popular shopping areas in Dresden's Neustadt quarter. Left, Golden Horseman Blockhaus (once a guardhouse), Augustusbrücke Bridge, George Gate


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La ville de Dresde est l’une des destinations touristiques les plus populaires d’Allemagne avec des millions de visiteurs venant chaque année y admirer ses nombreuses beautés. La Frauenkirche, la Semper Opera House, le Château de la Résidence et le Zwinger, le fleuve Elbe, plus de 50 musées et plus de 30 théâtres – Dresde est une ville vantant une grande histoire et d’innombrables trésors culturels. Un charme qui tient à sa combinaison entre les richesses abritées par ses collections d’art et l’influence italienne sur son architecture, lui ayant valu le surnom de « Florence sur l’Elbe ».

La città di Dresda è una delle più popolari destinazioni turistiche in Germania con milioni di visitatori provenienti ogni anno per ammirare le sue numerose bellezze. La Frauenkirche, la Semper Opera House, il Castello Residenziale e lo Zwinger, il fiume Elba, più di 50 musei e più di 30 teatri - ecco Dresda, una città che vanta una grande storia e innumerevoli tesori culturali. La città affascina con la combinazione delle ricchezze si trovano nelle sue collezioni d’arte e l’influenza italiana sulla sua architettura, che le ha valso l’appellativo di ‘Firenze sull’Elba’.

Dresden ist eines der ganz besonders beliebten Reisziele in Deutschland. Millionen von Besuchern kommen jedes Jahr, um die zahlreichen Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bestaunen, die die Stadt zu bieten hat. Die Frauenkirche, die Semperoper, das Residenzschloss und der Zwinger, die Elbe, mehr als 50 Museen und über 30 Theater – das ist Dresden, eine Stadt mit großer Geschichte und unzähligen kulturellen Schätzen. Faszinierend ist vor allem der Reichtum der vielen Kunstsammlungen, welcher, kombiniert mit dem von Italien beeinflussten Baustil, der Stadt dem Namen „Elbflorenz“ einbrachte.

would take place with the Mayor Wolfgang Berghofer on the following day. Several delegates were chosen from those present, and their names were to be immortalised as the ‘Gruppe der 20’ (Group of 20). Dresden was thus the first city in East Germany where dialogue replaced violence and insurrection turned into the ‘Peaceful Revolution’. Not long after, on 19th December 1989, Dresden was

© Frank Exß

Federal Republic in Prague were due to be transported by special trains to freedom in the West. On hearing the news, around 5,000 Dresdeners flocked to the main railway station. This event was followed by daily demonstrations. On October 8th, thousands of protesters were surrounded by the police. Some of the demonstrators approached the police officers and arranged with them that talks

back in the news when Chancellor Helmut Kohl gave a speech to around 100,000 people assembled on the Dresden Neumarkt against the backdrop of the ruins of the Frauenkirche. Up until that point, the protesters had been seeking to bring about a reform of the GDR, an aspiration that was expressed in the rallying call “Wir sind das Volk” (we are the people). On the occasion of Helmut Kohl’s visit, this transmuted into “Wir sind ein Volk” (we are one people). Subsequent events culminating in the German reunification broadly followed the same pattern seen in the other large cities of the former GDR. Mementos of Dresden’s communist past can still be found in various landmarks around the city. Despite all the modernisation that has taken place since, the cityscape still shows the telltale signs. Today various key sites associated with the end of communist rule have been linked to form the Dresden Revolution Trail. Aluminium plaques mark the main events of 1989 and 1990. David Suter Left, the city’s most beautiful and largest park with Dresden’s oldest Baroque palace, nestled right in the middle of the park



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16/09/14 17:40

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LIVING IN DÜSSELDORF Trade fairs and industries cannot hide the lively appeal of this surprising city by the Rhine ho ever said that Germany is boring? The, well, perceived predictability of Germany is one of its charms. Fly to Düsseldorf and land a mere 8 kilometers from the city itself, over 350 trains serve Düsseldorf Airport Station, at the eastern end of the airport. From the terminal, the SkyTrain, an automated cable railway, takes you straight to the railway station and to the car park. Discover one of the liveliest cities on the Rhine in Germany, considered by many arguably more appealing than, say, ‘Bank’furt. Düsseldorf is, mainly, an industrial and business city. The Messe Düsseldorf fair organizes many of the world’s premier trade shows and the city headquarters five Fortune Global 500 and several DAX listed companies. But where Düsseldorf shines is in its exclusive atmosphere along the river promenade and on Königsallee, called the “Kö,” home to some of the most luxurious shops in Germany. Unless yours is just a touch-andgo business trip, it is worth getting a Düsseldorf Welcome card at the Tourist Information offices, the cheapest and simplest way of getting to know the city, including free public transportation on


buses, trams and trains as well as discounts on some attractions and on the “hop on hop off” bus tour. Considered one of the art hubs of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf offers a diverse museum scene, ranging from the Kunsthalle to the Kunstsammlung NRW to the Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf and the Gallery of the Academy of Arts, where the legendary, and disconcerting, Fluxus master Joseph Beuys used to teach, including to myself. Literature is proudly represented by Heine (17971856), whose poetry was set to music in the form of Lieder by composers such as Robert Schumann and Franz Schubert, at the Heinrich-Heine Institute on Bolker Street, today also famous for its nightlife, which features the “longest bar in the world,” with over 260 bars lined up. Try and drink Altbier, the specialty of Düsseldorf since 1862, brewed after a method dating back to 1516. Located at the heart of the old city center, the traditional Uerige brewery is a must for travelers, including a traditional meal of crispy knuckle of pork with coleslaw, paired with delicious beer and, last but not least, they may give you a decorative glass as a souvenir, a set of

beer mats and a bottle of unfiltered Uerige. In the narrow streets, like the Schneider-Wibbel-Gasse, you can also try local dishes from Rhineland, such as the “Halven Hahn,” a rye roll with cheese traditionally served with the beer. The disasters of war, in the form of Allied carpet bombings, reshaped most German cities’ layout, this tragedy being reflected by the unusually wide avenues in several cities, but the old town of Düsseldorf is well preserved, despite the heavy destruction, and was rebuilt with Teutonic attention to detail. Buildings such as St. Lambertus Basilica and the Town Hall, at the end of Bolkerstraße, are among the landmarks of the Rhine metropolis. The Altstadt (Old Town) also boasts St. Andreas, one of the Rhineland’s most beautiful baroque churches, and the monument to Palatine Elector Jan Wellem on horseback, which is not only Düsseldorf’s landmark, but also one of the most important baroque statues worldwide. Baroque rules also in Kaiserswerth, in the northern part of Düsseldorf, with its charming baroque houses from the 17th and 18th centuries. In the evening, the MedienHafen (me-

Below, a view of Düsseldorf’s Altstadt (Old Town), a wondrous square kilometre that has more to offer than any other district in the town. Opposite page above, the Rheinhafen centre of arts and the media by Frank O. Gehry (USA) consists of three contrasting building complexes and appears like a gigantic sculpture.The Gehry buildings are considered Düsseldorf’s new landmark


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dia harbour) is the place to be for visitors looking for a respite from mid-European baroque. Eat, stroll, see and be seen among the architectural wonders by David Chipperfield, Frank O. Gehry, Claude Vasconi, who -somewhat surprisingly- were given a completely free hand in the design of the Rhine River promenade. Here media publishers rule, among a number of fashion designers, restaurants and bars along the Rhine where river boat tours to Cologne or to the Dutch border are available at the Marina or along the quay of MedienHafen. Classic car enthusiasts will be proud to discover and visit the Classic Remise

Düsseldorf on Harffstasse 110 a, boasting a collection, meetings and shows of vintage and old-timer automobiles. Among characteristic venues, Burgplatz lies where the diminutive river Düssel, which gave the town its name, flows into the Rhine, while Carlstadt is the city’s quarter of galleries and antique shops. After the Filmmuseum and the Hetjens-Museum/German museum of ceramics, Citadellstraße hosts elegant residences from the 18th and 19th centuries. Other romantic views can be gained along Bäckerstraße, Orangeriestraße and Benrather Straße, reaching Carlsplatz with a lively food market

(Monday to Saturday). Food being an integral part of a true German experience, you may indulge yourself at the Zum Schiffchen Brewery in the heart of the old town, one of Düsseldorf’s oldest pubs. Mongo’s is specialised in meat dishes from Asia with a remarkable view of the MedienHafen, as an added value, where Meerbar is located in one of the Gehry buildings. Schaukelstühlchen on the Kurze Straße offers the relaxed atmosphere of a typical student bar. The picturesque ruins of the Kaiserpfalz are nothing less than Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa’s royal palace, on the banks of the Rhine, but enough said of histo-


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© Düsseldorf Tourismus

Left, the Fernsehturm (televisIon tower) or Rheinturm (Rhine Tower), a symbol of Düsseldorf


Düsseldorf est d’abord une ville industrielle et commerciale. La Messe Düsseldorf organise beaucoup des salons les plus importants du monde et la ville accueille le quartier général de cinq entreprises classés au Fortune Global 500 et d’un grand nombre de sociétés cotées à l’indice DAX. Mais Düsseldorf fascine aussi par son atmosphère exclusive le long de la promenade du fleuve et sur la Königsallee, affectueusement surnommée la « Kö », qui réunit plusieurs des plus luxueuses boutiques d’Allemagne. La ville offre en outre un panorama muséal très varié, qui va de la Kunsthalle à la Kunstsammlung NRW, sans oublier le Kunstmuseum et la Galerie de l’Académie des Beaux Arts. L'Altstadt (vieille ville) abrite San Andreas, l’une des plus belles églises baroques de la Rhénanie, et le monument équestre au Prince-électeur du Palatinat Jan-Wellem, célèbre statue baroque et point de référence citadin à Düsseldorf. 18

ry. Shopping reigns on the Königsallee, locally called Kö, the kilometer-long royal boulevard sports high-end shops, antiques, watches, jewellery and books and a popular meeting point is at ‘Slim Matilda’, the clock that has been one of the city’s landmarks since time immemorial. On Mardi Gras, partygoers stream down the avenue and throw carnival sweets into the crowd, while during the gourmet festival, star chefs from all over the world display their talent on the promenade. Königsallee was originally called Kastanienallee or chestnut avenue and was renamed king’s avenue in 1851, in typical German style, following the incident when horse dung was thrown at King Friedrich Wilhelm IV in 1848, the year of Europe-wide political turmoil. Something to be remembered indeed. Where Kö meets Schadowstraße, the Triton fountain offers a view of the whole moat and the Kaufhof building opposite, one of Germany’s first department stores at the beginning of the 20th century designed by Josef Maria Olbrich; other notable ‘modern’ archi-


Düsseldorf è principalmente una città industriale e commerciale. La Messe Düsseldorf organizza molte delle fiere più importanti del mondo e in città hanno il quartier generale cinque Fortune Global 500 e molte società quotate nell’indice DAX. Ma Düsseldorf affascina con la sua atmosfera esclusiva, lungo la passeggiata del fiume e sulla Königsallee, affettuosamente chiamata il “Kö”, sede di alcuni dei più lussuosi negozi della Germania. La città offre inoltre un panorama museale variegato, che va dalla Kunsthalle alla Kunstsammlung NRW al Kunstmuseum e alla Galleria dell'Accademia di Belle Arti. L'Altstadt (città vecchia) vanta San Andreas, una delle più belle chiese barocche della Renania, e il monumento equestre al Principe-elettore del Palatinato Jan Wellem, importante statua barocca e punto di riferimento di Düsseldorf.

tectural highlights include Wilhelm Kreis’ early ‘skyscraper’ which now looks to most as a brown high-rise, Wilhelm-Marx-House (1922-24) and CarschHaus department store, designed by the art-nouveau architect Otto Engler. Less-than-obvious points of interest in a city where Baroque rules supreme, are the Lorettostraße, in the district of Bilk, a showcases for alternative fashion designers in particular, with sophisticated delicatessens and restaurants. Taking a more distant look, the Neanderthal Museum, is focused on the history of primitive mankind and of our earliest ancestors in a building designed by Günter Zamp Kelp, Julius Krauss and Arno Brandlhuber. Lastly, and not to be missed, is Düsseldorf’s Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, the contemporary art museum featuring first rate avant-garde art, with the attached museum entirely devoted to glass works: goblets, dishes, vases, and object d’art from the era of the pyramids through the 21st century. Luca M. Venturi


Düsseldorf ist vor allem eine Industriestadt und ein Handelszentrum. Die Messe Düsseldorf organisiert viele der weltweit wichtigsten Messen, und fünf der Fortune Global 500 sowie viele im DAXIndex quotierte Börsenunternehmen haben ihren Firmensitz in der Stadt. Doch Düsseldorf bietet auch eine faszinierende Atmosphäre exklusiver Eleganz mit der Rheinuferpromenade und dem Shoppingboulevard Königsallee, der einfach „die Kö“ genannt wird und einige der luxuriösesten Geschäfte Deutschlands beherbergt. Bemerkenswert sind auch die vielen Museen, von der Kunsthalle zur Kunstsammlung NRW, vom Kunstmuseum zur Akademie-Galerie der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. In der Altstadt sind St. Andreas, eine der schönsten Barockkirchen des Rheinlandes, und das Jan-Wellem-Reiterstandbild auf dem Marktplatz vor dem Rathaus zu bewundern.

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FRANCE AGENDA business Salon de la photo 13/17.11.2014 Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles The Salon de la Photo brings together the world’s top photography brands, equipment manufacturers, importers, schools, and professional groups. It showcases the art of photography and the photography profession with the “Grandes Rencontres”, the ZOOMS Awards for emerging photographers, special photography exhibitions, portfolio sessions, and technical presentations organized and presented by top professionals from the photography press.

Créations & Savoir faire 19/23.11.2014 - Paris Porte de Versailles Creativity is important to remain active, achieve personal fulfilment and develop self-pride. For five days, the the leading show for doing it yourself welcomes the creative community, focusing on the following themes: Trends, Sewing and customising Paper, scrapbooking and Colours Creative Home and Tasty ideas Needles and tradition Happy times and DIY wedding. Game Connection Europe 2014 29/31.10.2014 - Porte de Versailles, Paris Game Connection is an international event offering the opportunity for professionals in the video game industry to interact with other professionals, expand their network, and promote their products. Since 2001, they have gathered twice a year to do business together and exchange information about current and future issues in the industry. The next edition takes place at Paris Games Week in Hall 4 of the Porte de Versailles. The conference will offer high quality content with more than 100 conference sessions and Master Classes, as well as unique networking opportunities through the gathering of top management from the entire industry: from development, publishing, and funding, to production, middleware, marketing, and distribution.

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Maredimoda - 11/13.11.2014 - European Beachwear ad Underwear Fabrics Collection - Palais des Festivals - Cannes The enormously successful MarediModa-IntimodiModa fair that is held in Cannes is now in its 13th year. It is the top event for the beachwear and lingerie fabrics and accessories, boasting the presence of international exhibitors and visitors whose numbers continue to grow year after year. As a result, it is a key event for sector professionals in terms of contacts, exchanges and business, old and new.

Tourism Equipment & Techniques Trade Show + Congress Professional Tourism and Outdoor - 04/06.11.2014 - Parc des Expositions Montpellier Tourism Equipment & Techniques Trade Show - SETT is conducted in strict accordance with international professional standards. Buyers and exhibitors are local and international renowned enterprises. Congress Professional Tourism and Outdoor showcases products like Equipment and Techniques of Tourism, various equipments and latest technologies related to Tourism and Outdoor in the Sporting Goods, Toys & Games, Travel & Tourism industries.

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Le Salon du Chocolate, P 29.10/02.11.2014 Porte de Versailles, Paris Chocolate lovers who visit Paris at the end of October can enjoy the delights of dozens of chocolatiers and see how chocolate is produced from the picking of the cocoa beans to the end product. Manufacturers from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Japan, Canada to name but a few come and present their wares on more than 400 stands. A heavenly delight for children and sweet lovers of all ages. www.salonduchocolat.fr

The Festival d’Automne a Paris - September, 2014 - December, 2014 - Paris With so many festivals focused on the history and heritage of a place, the Festival d’Automne in Paris is a refreshing blend of contemporary art styles. Promotion of new, original works is the mainstay of this event that has been held since 1972. The pieces are in the form of cinematic, dance, theatrical and musical works, and artists are encouraged to combine art forms. Marcel Duchamp. Painting until 05.01. 2015 - Pompidou Centre The Pompidou Centre is dedicating an exceptional exhibition to the pictorial work of Marcel Duchamp through a hundred or so works, from 1910 to 1923. Taking an unprecedented and deliberately paradoxical approach, the exhibition displays the paintings of the man who, according to general consensus, “killed painting”. Marcel Duchamp, iconoclastic “anartist” from the 1920s, nonetheless conscientiously gathered his previous paintings in the hands of a small circle of collectors and replicated them in his Boîte-en-valise (Box in a Valise). Little known in Europe, these paintings, for the most part preserved at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will thus be reunited. Banlieue Tango October, 2014 - November, 2014 - Paris Tango takes over Paris during the tango in the Suburbs Festival. Both spectator and participant events take place from dance clinics and films involving tango, to performances that turn up the heat in any setting. There are many variations of this romantic partner dance that have evolved over time, and you can see them all here.

International Contemporary Art Fair - FIAC Grand Palais, Tuileries Gardens, Jardin des Plantes, Esplanade des Invalides, Paris - 23/26.10.20014 One of the most important annual events in Paris’ contemporary art scene, the FIAC showcases works this year from over 180 international galleries and over 3,000 artists at different locations on the city’s right bank. A “galleries’ night out event” brings dozens of the city’s smaller galleries into the heart of the event. See pictures from the 2009 edition of the FIAC here to get a sense of the spirit of this iconic event. 21

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VERY NICE and also a fantastic springboard to Monte-Carlo and Saint-Tropez very mild winter climate, glorious summers, superlative lifestyle, the Côte d’Azur is a key destination for both business travelers and socialites. Your choice of endless glamour: Nice, Cannes, Monte-Carlo, Saint-Tropez… you name it. Land on the Nice runway, literally on the sea, the second in French commercial traffic after Paris (Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly) and the second French airport for business aviation traffic after Paris-Le Bourget. Nice Côte d’Azur Airport is on the Promenade des Anglais. Due to its proximity to the Principality of Monaco, it also serves as that city-state’s airport with frequent helicopter links, while the Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur company also owns Saint-Tropez Airport. Facilities and services at Nice Airport also include a medical and vaccination centre at Terminal 1, open daily with no appointment required, good to know for last-minute voyagers, just in case… The city was founded around 350 BC by the Greeks of Marseille and named Nikaia, as in Nike, goddess of victory, after a battle over the neighbouring Ligurian tribes. Through the ages, the town has changed hands many times: a dominion of Savoy, then part of France between 1792 and 1815, again returned to the Savoy kings of Piedmont-Sardinia until its reannexation by France in 1860 in exchange for military alliance against the Austrians. By the way, Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807 –1882) the Italian general who led to a unified Italy was born in Nice. The beauty and the mild climate of the Nice area appealed to English aristocrats since the 18th century, when took to spending their winter there, witness the name of ‘Promenade des Anglais’ of the city’s elegant waterfront. Nice, and its spectacular sunlit surrounding area, have also attracted painters such as Picasso, Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse, Niki de Saint Phalle, Ar-



man, Ben Vautier, and many others, whose work is to be seen in the Musée Marc Chagall, Musée Matisse and Musée des Beaux-Arts and in neighboring Antibes. Things to do in Nice: everything from sunbathing to socializing to shopping… so we might take a look at some business venues, for a change. The city boasts several business parks, including l’Arenas, Nice the Plain, Nice Méridia, Saint Isidore, the Northern Forum and the Palais des Congrès Acropolis. Greek names recur in nearby Sophia Antipolis, the technology park northwest of Antibes, named after the wife of the founder of the park, and, incidentally, Sophia, the greek goddess of wisdom. Antipolis being the ancient Greek name of Antibes which lies opposite to Nice. Established between 1970 and 1984, it primarily houses comput-

ing, electronics, pharmacology and biotechnology enterprises and higher learning schools, along with the European headquarters of the World Wide Web Consortium W3C and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. The human factor intends to distinguish the park as a landmark of science, invention, innovation and research, interaction, networking and cross fertilization of ideas. Accenture, Air France, American Express Business Travel, Capgemini, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, Honeywell, IBM, Luxottica, Toyota and many others bearing witness to this. On top of this food for thought, the cuisine of Nice reflects the Provence, but also Liguria and Piedmont, lavish on olive oil, anchovies, fruit and vegetables, with accents from Northern Europe, imported by the shipping trade: olive oil against

In this picture, a beautiful autumn image of the Promenade des Anglais, the famous boulevard along the Mediterranean Sea at Nice

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Que faire à Nice ? Tout : culture, bains de soleil, rencontres ou shopping. Mais pour changer, pourquoi ne pas aussi aller visiter les centres d’affaires, comme la toute proche Sophia Antipolis, le parc technologique conjuguant science, innovation et networking. Depuis Nice, il est également facile de pousser jusqu’à Monte-Carlo pour découvrir ce qui fait son essence : casinos, night clubs, restaurants, hôtels de luxe, boutiques exclusives. Une autre perle touristique se trouvant à un jet d’hélicoptère est SaintTropez qui, depuis les années 60, et grâce à Brigitte Bardot, est un lieu de rendez-vous de la jet set internationale.

Cosa si può fare a Nizza? Un po’ di tutto, da un itinerario culturale ai bagni di sole, dal socializzare allo shopping. Ma per cambiare si potrebbero anche visitare luoghi di affari, come la vicina Sophia Antipolis, il parco tecnologico punto di riferimento di scienza, invenzione e networking. Da Nizza è facile spingersi fino a Monte-Carlo per scoprire la sua essenza: casino, night club, ristoranti, hotel di lusso, boutique esclusive. Un’altra perla turistica facilmente raggiungibile in elicottero da Nizza è Saint-Tropez, il grazioso borgo di pescatori che a partire dagli anni 60, complice Brigitte Bardot, è diventato un punto d’incontro del jet set internazionale.

Was man in Nizza tun kann? Alles, von der Kulturtour zum Sonnenbad, vom Leute Kennenlernen zum Shopping. Aber wer etwas Neues ausprobieren möchte, kann auch Businessplätze besuchen wie die nahe gelegene Sophia Antipolis, den Technologiepark, der für Wissenschaft, Erfinder und Networking zum Anziehungspunkt geworden ist. Von Nizza erreicht man auch ganz leicht Monte-Carlo und kann alles entdecken, was diesen mondänen Ort ausmacht: Casino, Nachtclubs, Restaurants, Luxushotels, exklusive Boutiquen. Eine weitere Perle am Mittelmeer, die man von Nizza aus im Hubschrauber schnell erreichen kann, ist Saint-Tropez, seit den sechziger Jahren und Dank Brigitte Bardot ein Treffpunkt für den internationalen Jet Set.

dried haddock. Salade niçoise is a tomato salad with olives, Corne green peppers, baked eggs, tuna or anchovies. and Nice has a few

local dishes. Socca to be savoured in the twisting alleys close to the Modern Art Museum MAMAC is a (oily) chickpea flour pancake. Farcis niçois presents

vegetables stuffed with breadcrumbs, sausage and ground beef, and herbs. Pissaladière is a local tart made with onions and anchovies.


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Above, the Oceanographic Museum (Musée océanographique) is a very well known museum of marine sciences in Monaco-Ville

You may land in Nice, but also take off to… Monaco. Monte-Carlo Heliport is the only aviation facility within the Principality of Monaco, in Fontvieille. Helicopter flights are available to and from Nice, Saint-Tropez beach set-downs (20 minutes from Nice or Monaco), Cannes, Corsica, Sardinia, the exclusive mountain resort of Courchevel, Isola 2000, Auron, Fréjus, Estérel, Lac de Saint Cassien, Gorges du Verdon and many more. Discover the essence of Monte-Carlo: its casinos, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels and boutiques. Take advantage of helicopter flights from Nice to Monaco to do some shopping and have a wonderful evening amongst the jet set. Visit the famous prehistoric anthropology museum or the renowned oceanographic museum, the Cathedral and the church of Sainte Devote. Discover the Rock, the old town, the Grimaldi Palace square with its gardens and fountains. Sports include the Formula 1 Grand Prix, the Monte-Carlo tennis tournament, the rally, the athletics meeting or football matches at the Louis II stadium. You can also attend the international circus festival, film and television festivals and many other events hosted by Monaco which also offers an English language radio station. Completely surrounded by France, the princely microstate of Monaco is just over two square kilometers (0.78 sq mi)


with a population of some 37 000, like Lockport, NY, making it the most densely populated country in the world and the second smallest. Monaco is a constitutional monarchy albeit with immense political power in the hands of the Prince; Albert II is the head of state, after his father Rainier III and yes it was he who married actress Grace Kelly. When you meet the Prince, the correct form to address him is ‘Monseigneur’. Despite all appearances, Monaco’s name isn’t originally Italian, but it derives from a greek colony of the 6th century BC, when the area was known as Monoikos, or “single house” due to a temple (‘house’) of Hercules constructed there. Formerly a colony of the maritime republic of Genoa, Monaco was first ruled by the Grimaldi family in 1297, when Francesco Grimaldi, known as Il Malizia or “The Cunning” captured the Rock of Monaco dressed as a Franciscan monk. Hence, the Italian word for monk, Monaco, is vindicated. After decades of disputes, in 1419 the Grimaldis purchased Monaco from the kings of Aragon ruling the rock until the French Revolution. In 1814, the Grimaldis returned to the throne as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia and later as a French protectorate. In 1869, to this day, the principality stopped collecting income tax from its residents thanks to the amazing success of the Casino attracting the rich

and famous, and their money, from all over the world. Another international gem in tourism you can reach from Nice by helicopter is Saint-Tropez. Back in 1950, the Parisian artistic and intellectual socialites, attracted by the beauty of the tiny port and by the vast beaches, began to move down to “Saint-Trop”. A legend was born with the arrival of actress Brigitte Bardot in the 60s, the legend becoming a myth, increased in status by playboys such as Gunther Sachs and Gigi Rizzi or artist Mimmo Rotella. Since then, the international elite, and millions of followers, favoured SaintTropez as ‘the’ venue of all-night private parties in the luxurious villas, discotheques and beaches. Café terraces are ideal spots to see and be seen, facing gigantic yachts, several of them with an helicopter aboard. At La Môle, 5 kilometres from the town, Saint-Tropez Airport is a busy business aviation center with full technical and rapid passenger handling, free parking in the immediate vicinity of the terminal. Another general aviation airport focused on general tourist and business aviation is nestled between the Estérel massif, the bay of Cannes and the Grasse region. Cannes Mandelieu Airport offers a gateway to the French Riviera, complementing Nice Côte d’Azur Airport, close to golf courses, shopping centers and yachting marinas. Luca M. Venturi

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THE FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON OPENS IN PARIS he Fondation Louis Vuitton opens its doors in Paris on 27 October 2014, on the site of the Jardin d’acclimatation in the Bois de Boulogne. This extraordinary space for art and culture was conceived by architect Frank Gehry as a vessel whose sails soar amidst the trees of the Bois de Boulogne. Its construction represents unprecedented technological challenges. The building counts twelve immense glass sails, joining a longstanding tradition of glass architecture in Paris, including the Grand Palais. Frank Gehry also drew inspiration from the Palais d’Hiver and the Palmarium, two glass and steel structures that graced the Jardin d’Acclimatation in the 19th century, bringing Parisians opportunities for discovery and elegant promenades. The architecture is a bold dialogue between tradition and modernity, expressing “the artistic vision of the Foundation”, notes


Bernard Arnault. The Fondation Louis Vuitton will be principally associated with artistic creation in all its forms. At the heart of the spaces, the public is invited to discover the permanent collection made up of works belonging to the Fondation or the Arnault collection, as well as temporary exhibitions – two a year – and musical events in the auditorium. For the opening of the Fondation Louis Vuitton, the artistic programme unfolds in three successive stages between October 2014 and July 2015, each stage includes a temporary exhibition, a partial presentation of the collection and a series of events. The first stage – October to December 2014 – invites the public to a ‘voyage of creation’ essentially devoted to the discovery of the architecture of the building with: • An exhibition on the architecture of

Frank Gehry for the Fondation Louis Vuitton. This exhibition is presented in dialogue with the first major European retrospective of the work of Frank Gehry, organised simultaneously at the Centre Pompidou. • The presentation of some emblematic works from the permanent collection. • A group of special commissions related to the architecture of the building including a work by Olafur Eliasson. The auditorium of the Fondation presents several performances, most particularly two musical events: • A recital by the pianist Lang Lang on 28 October 2014. • A series of 8 retrospective concerts by Kraftwerk, the pioneering electronic group, from 6 to 14 November 2014. The two following stages, opening in December 2014 and July 2015, will be announced shortly. Angela Mollisi

In this picture, the building of the Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation, started in 2006, is an art museum and cultural center sponsored by the group LVMH and its subsidiaries, but run as nonprofit entity as part of its promotion of art and culture






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UNITED KINGDOM AGENDA leisure & business The Luxury Travel Fair 06/09.11.2014 - Olympia Exhibition Centre, London

Fashion Rules, Dress from the collections of HM The Queen, Princess Margaret and Diana, Princess of Wales - until summer 2015 - Historic Royal palaces, Kensington Palace, London. Featuring rare and exquisite dresses from HM Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret and Diana, Princess of Wales, this exhibition will provide a feast for the eyes and a nostalgic glance back at recent decades. Elegant dress displays will explore how these royal figures were representative of the spirit of each decade, reflecting and inspiring everyday fashions. Photography and film footage will take us back to the optimistic 1950s, rebellious 1960s and 70s, through to the extravagant 80s. Allen Jones RA 13.11. 2014/ 25.01.2015 - at Royal Academy, London The artist’s reputation was established while he was a student at the Royal Academy of Arts during the 1960s as part of a generation of renowned Pop artists. Jones has since gone on to forge a brilliant career. A great deal of his imagery has been drawn from both advertising and performance. This exhibition looks at his entire career, featuring prints, paintings and some of the iconic figurative sculptures that he has produced from the ‘60s to the present day. Looking to highlight the constant use of drawing in his work, this exhibition demonstrates his talents as a draughtsman; something that is sometimes obscured in the finished works. The EY Exhibition: Late Turner: Painting Set Free - until 25.01.2015 - Tate Britain, London This exhibition examines the achievements of Turner’s body of work during his final period (1835-50). It shows work produced after the artist turned 60 - a time when some of his most revered paintings were created. The pictures on display show how a comparatively elderly man channelled exceptional energy and vigour into his work following an extensive tour around Europe. Exhibiting more than 150 works from both the UK and abroad, the show looks to counter the idea of the elderly artist being a spent force. 28

The Luxury Travel Fair is a one-stop destination for all travel and holiday enthusiasts,and draws in leading professionals from this sector as well.The trade show features a number of top travel companies,looking to promote their services. A number of attractive travel images is showcase , while complementary spa treatment is offered to the attendees too. One of the chief highlights of the fair is the exclusive meetings that are held with widelyrenowned travel personalities, at the Meet The Experts Theater. Top-notch dining facilities are also present at the show,and a large number of hotel service providers,travel agencies,airline and luxury cruise experts and related personnel are present as exhibitors. World Travel Market 2014 03/06.11.2014 - ExCeL, London

World Travel Market - the leading global event for the travel industry is a vibrant must attend business-tobusiness event presenting a diverse range of destinations and industry sectors to UK and International travel professionals. It is a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. It is a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. WTM Celebrates 35 years of business...it launched in 1980.Two venue changes and 34 years later the event has grown from 350 exhibitors to around 5,000 agreeing deals worth £2.2 billion.

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LONDON TRENDING Nowadays London is at the forefront of the dining trends that are appearing all around the globe ften when asked what they think of the city, people who have made trips to London respond that the city is amazing, there are a million things to see, the weather is better or worse than expected and... English food is not that appetising. Up until about ten or fifteen years ago this statement may have rung true, however these days the British, and particularly, London culinary scene has been made a disservice and stereotyped according to past experiences which no longer bear credence. The capital has a vivid selection of eateries that emulate the cultural variety of London and in the vast choice of dining, be it on a rooftop, impromptu and alfresco, there is something available to accomodate even the most discerning palette. London is at the forefront of the dining trends that are appearing all around the globe, attracting both known chefs and up-andcoming entrepreneurs who are eager to give diners a tantalising new experience. What makes the gastronomical offering in London so appealing is the sheer variety of locations and the quality of the food that is served. But there is something more to it than that: it is the imaginative ways in which the eateries present themselves and their menus. Going out to brunch, lunch or dinner or drinks in London has become an event in its



own right, from the fast-spreading phenomenon of pop-up restaurants to quintessential afternoon tea; from cityscape dining to drinks in the city’s hidden speakeasies; from classic cuisine with a twist to edible works of art. All this can be experienced in London – beckoning all food and drink lovers to indulge to their heart’s content. Amongst the many restaurants that are currently trending in London a few to note are: The Ledbury in Notting Hill, Nobu in Mayfair, Hibiscus in Mayfair, Madison’s Bar and restaurant in Mayfair, and Dinner in Hyde Park. At the Ledbury one can have cutting edge, contemporary British, European and French cuisine that has won it two Michelin Stars. Nobu offers exquisite Japanese cuisine while the two-Michelin-Star Hibiscus is all about modern French cuisine. Madison’s Bar and Restaurant, situated in the Washington Mayfair Hotel, has a beautifully-styled interior offering fabulous European, Pan Asian and British gastronomical delights. Of the vast selection of restaurants with enviable views of the city, Sushi Samba has an unsurpassed cityscape and proposes tantalising unique tapas-style dishes that fuse together Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian cuisines. The Babylon at The Roof Gardens in Kensington

also gives stunning views of the London skyline and serves high quality British comtemporary food. Another contender for incredible views is the Duck and Waffle situated in the heart of financial London and it suggests an innovative take on British cuisine. One restaurant that should perhaps be the definition of ‘skydining’ due to being situated on the 31st floor of the epic Shard building is ‘Aqua’ in London Bridge which likewise has heart-stopping views and a mouthwatering offering of British cuisine to match. One not to be missed is the OXO Tower Restaurant situated on the South Bank, catering to the tastes of the metropolis for ten years now, it is renowned for its panoramic views and for British cooking with a twist where Eastern and Western flavours are juxtaposed. For those seeking a more unique dining experience, there are a number of restaurants that fit the bill. The Parlour in Mayfair has an eccentric flair with its Louis XV interior and eminates the fusion movement in cuisine by introducing jarring combinations of flavours, tastes, textures, and ingredients to classic French cooking. Then there is The Glade in Mayfair, an up-scale brasserie offering European dishes in, as they put it, an enchanted fairy-tale forest. Prominent in recent times is the esteemed chef

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On top of these pages, from left, the Aqua Shard English restaurant by London Bridge; Kench and Bibesy Restaurant in Smithfields; the quarter of Mayfair is one of the richest in trending restaurants and pubs in London. Below, from left, the OXO Tower Restaurant; the Babylon at the Roof Gardens in Kensington

Heston Blumenthal. He has a number of restaurants, notably Dinner at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hyde Park and The Fat Duck located in Bray, just outside of London. There is an offering of curiously wonderful tea party menus unlike any other at The Fat Duck and it is definitely worth the trip. Just to get a hint of what to expect, such concoctions that can be found on the menu are the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (Mock Turtle Soup, Pocket Watch and Toast Sandwich), Clove Caramelised Blackberries (Hojicha Tea Ice Cream Cornet) and Jelly of Quail, Crayfish Cream (Chicken Liver Parfait, Oak Moss and Truffle Toast). His reputation precedes him and dining at his restaurants is a one-of-akind experience. Of course, when strolling through the best, dynamic eateries of London one must not forget that thirst must also be

quenched. And where better, and more sublime than at some of the enigmatic speakeasies dotted around the city. These hidden bars hail back to the era of prohibition and are full of tales and character. To name but a few, Purl, located in Marylbone is a gem of a find for creating drinks that stimulate the senses on multiple levels, enhanced by the use of dry ice and liquid nitrogen not to mention aromas, fogs, airs and foams. To quote the purveyors themselves „the aim of the bar was to bring classic cocktails back to the forefront of London’s drinking scene, whilst adding new flare and creativity to forgotten libations from the prohibition era.“ The name Purl itself is a reference to an old English drink made of warm ale, gin, wormwood and spices. The Chelsea Prayer Room at Goat in Chelsea is another hidden treasure and is in fact a

members bar making it a bit of a challenge to get in. However, it is claimed that if you go upstairs to Goat and state you have come to ‘repent for your sins’ you are then led to a secret keypadded door. The easier way in is if you know someone that is a member. Then there is Kench and Bibesy in Smithfields. At first glance just a restaurant upstairs offering daily dishes made from produce from the famous Smithfields market next door, but should you go to the bookcase at the back and lean against the wall you will suddenly find yourself in a back bar with some of the most edgy coctails available in the capital. Now, when addressing the gastronimical scene in London, one cannot overlook afternoon tea – the epitome of Englishness. Hotels such as Claridge’s and The Ritz are musts on the itinerary. Afternoon Tea at Claridge’s is a mesmerising experience. It has been eminating this aspect of British culinary heritage for close to 150 years. Influenced by 1930s’ art deco it is set in Thierry Despont’s wondrous Foyer. Then there is The Palm Court at the Ritz which remains as the pivotal venue for the famed Afternoon Tea which has become an institution in itself. Items that can be found on the menu include a choice of sixteen


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Above, the Ledbury Restaurant in Notting Hill, another glamorous London district

loose leaf teas, traditional sandwiches, a selection of cakes and other sweet delights and of course scones with strawberry preserve and Devonshire clotted cream, afterall it would not be a proper afternoon tea without strawberry preserve and clotted cream! Afternoon Tea at the Ritz is theatrical, it is set in a delectable interior, it is a glamorous experience and the resident pianist playing in the background just adds to the delight. At The Crazy Bear in Beaconsfield, one can indulge in a choice of Traditional


Autrefois, quand on demandait aux visiteurs de Londres ce qu’ils pensaient de la ville, les réponses étaient : « C’est incroyable » ; « Il y a des millions de choses à voir » ; « Le temps est meilleur – ou pire – que prévu » et… « On ne mange pas très bien ». Cette dernière affirmation n’a à présent plus lieu d’être. La capitale dispose désormais d’une très large sélection de restaurants reflétant la variété culturelle de Londres et dans ce vaste choix d’établissements on pourra satisfaire les palais les plus exigeants. Londres est à l’avant-garde des tendances-déjeuner du monde, et elle attire déjà depuis longtemps aussi bien des chefs renommés que des entrepreneurs souhaitant offrir aux commensaux une expérience nouvelle et unique. 32

Afternoon Tea, Champagne Afternoon Tea and Dim Sum Tea Party. A more contemporary take on afternoon tea is at the Primrose Bakery, with two shops located in Primrose Hill and Convent Garden, offering a range of scrumptious cakes as well as coffees and teas. If seeking a completely new experience then look no further than the pop-ups that are currently trending in London. They are also known as London Supper Clubs. These are temporary eateries set in intriguing places offering novel ways to dine and are run by notable restaurateurs, chefs and entrepreneurs. They can be one-off occurrances or regular events. Reservations are made online and the restaurant activities are tracked via social media websites and even newspaper ad listings. Locations chosen for hosting these temporary eateries include plazas, parks, galleries and rooftops and greatly rely on buzz for promotion. Some promote local culinary staples, while others strive to create a theatrical setting, taking diners to another place and time. With dishes being less constricted and more creative, it has become a challenge to secure a reservation before all tables are sold out. An upcoming pop-up event, The Wizard of Oz, with the location in


Una volta, quando si chiedeva ai visitatori di Londra cosa pensassero della città, le risposte erano: “È incredibile”; “Ci sono milioni di cose da vedere”; “Il tempo è migliore – o peggiore – del previsto” e… “Il cibo non è un granché”. Quest’ultima affermazione ultimamente non ha più motivo di essere. La capitale ora ha un’enorme selezione di ristoranti che emulano la varietà culturale di Londra e nella vasta scelta di ristoranti c'è sempre qualcosa che possa soddisfare anche i palati più esigenti. Londra è all'avanguardia delle tendenze-pranzo del mondo, e ormai da tempo attira sia chef rinomati che imprenditori desiderosi di fornire ai commensali una nuova e allettante esperienza.

London yet to be revealed, is currently taking reservations. It is a themed dining spectacle with live props, acting and games to accompany the evening. The meal will be cooked by a Michelin Star chef, and will take place on three dates: 31 October, 1 November and 2 November 2014. Of the more regularly organized Supper Clubs there is The Art of Dining which takes place every few months and mixes food and art to make a unique impact on the senses. Banquet, a new supper club, organizes dinner events on a monthly basis, offering modern British food with an emphasis on dramatic and unusual presentation. The Cadrega Italian Supper Club is a small supper club in Marylebone that has places for 8 guests and pops-up once a month. Only the finest produce is used, often sourced locally where available,while other ingredients are delivered from Italy. For those that are food enthusiasts and open to new avenues of dining, London is the prime destination to surprise the senses. No longer the home of stodgy, tasteless food, eating out in London can truely be a memorable experience. Bon appetit! Maya Ruff Faullend


Bisher erhielt man, wenn man Menschen, die London besucht hatten, nach ihrer Meinung fragte, Antworten wie: „Einfach unglaublich“; „Es gibt Millionen von Dingen, die man besichtigen kann“; „Das Wetter war besser – oder schlechter – als ich dachte“, und... „Das Essen ist wirklich nichts Besonderes“. Diese letzte Feststellung hat nun keine Berechtigung mehr. In London gibt es inzwischen eine enorme Auswahl an Restaurants, die die ganze kulturelle Vielfalt der Stadt abbilden, und auch für die größten Feinschmecker ist etwas dabei. London ist Avantgarde, was die neuesten Lunch-Tendenzen weltweit angeht, und es zieht schon seit geraumer Zeit sowohl renommierte Chefköche an als auch Unternehmer, die ihren Gästen ein neues, verlockendes Genusserlebnis bieten möchten.

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SMAU Milano 2014 22/24.10.2014 - Fieramilanocity, Milan Smau is the most important Italian event dedicated to Information&Communication Technology designed to help main national and international suppliers of ICT solutions meet entrepreneurs, corporate and public administration decision makers and ICT channel operators: a meeting during which the cutting-edge technological novelties and benefits for business deriving from adoption of digital technologies are presented.


EICMA - 06/09.11.2014 - Fiera Milano Rho - Milan International Motorcycle Exhibition The limited company Eicma is the marketing tool of Confindustria Ancma, the National Association of Bicycles Motorcycles and Accessories, through which Italy consolidates its role on the international scene.

SAIE - 22/25.102.014 - Fiera di Bologna SAIE - International building exhibition - is one of the best forums that enable comprehensive discussions on building solutions, projects and technologies for building architecture. Combining environmental sustainability with locating the key areas of development, this event creates outstanding possibilities for networking and building connections within the sector. SICAM - Fiera di Pordenone - 14/17.10.2014 Sicam, now at its sixth edition, is an international trade fair for components, technology products and accessories for the furniture industry, where international exhibitors present the latest products and trends in the industry. The particular format of the fair is an absolute plus factor: the efficacy of this event for all producers of accessories and components operating in the international furniture market is also shown by the constant number of visiting companies from all over the world also in the last edition. This exhibition is an ideal platform for manufacturers and suppliers to establish new contacts.

ENADA Rome - 15/17.10.2014 - Rome, Expo Centre 42nd International Amusement and Gaming Show A unique appointment together with Enada Spring as far as business opportunties and foreign market openings are concerned. It ensures an all-round insight on the game and gaming world. It showcases the entire scenario of the gaming and amusement world, from all the new products, to the technologies and to the services from the most important Italian and foreign companies, useful for updating trade members' knowledge: new slot machines, VLT and video games, but also pinball machines, billiards, table soccer and all the equipment for amusement, including technologies, payment systems, furnishings, fittings and services for amusement arcades and bingo halls. 34

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La Salute - 21 November - Venice La Salute - a religious festival at the beautiful Basilica Santa Maria della Salute. Festival della Salute is held November 21. The festival, held at Madonna della Salute Church, commemorates Venice’s deliverance from the plague in 1621. A temporary bridge is erected across the canal and thousands of pilgrims cross to the church. Marc Chagall - Una Retrospettiva 1908-1985 - Palazzo Reale Milan, until January 18, 2015 The Palazzo Reale in Milan presents the largest exhibition ever dedicated to Marc Chagall in Italy. Over 220 works, mostly paintings, guide visitors from his first painting Le Petit Salon (1908) to the last monumental works of the 1980s. It includes works from the collection of the heirs and masterpieces from major museums around the world, some of which have never been displayed before. The theme of the exhibition is built around a new interpretation of the language of Chagall, whose poetic vein has been building over the course of the twentieth century through a mixture of major Western European traditions. Truffle Festivals Piemonte Region: Alba White Truffle Festival ends the first weekend of November. The Alba White Truffle Festival in the Piedmont town of Alba is one of the biggest truffle festivals in Italy. Tuscany: San Miniato Truffle Fair - La Sagra del Tartufo Bianco, a truffle fair, is held in the medieval town of San Miniato in the Pisa Province of Tuscany on the second, third and fourth weekends in November.

Rome Film Festival 16/25.10.2014 - Rome - Auditorium Parco della Musica The International Rome Film Festival has already become an important event in the world of film. It brings together cinema’s finest actors, directors, industry professionals and film lovers for a series of world class talks, discussions and international premieres across Rome. Past guests have included Robert de Niro, Meryl Streep, Martin Scorsese, Tim Burton, Spike Lee, Terry Gilliam, the Coen Brothers, Susan Sarandon...

Picasso and Spanish Modernity until 25.01.2015 - Palazzo Strozzi, Florence Palazzo Strozzi in Florence is focusing on modern art once again with a major new event devoted to one of the greatest masters of 20th century painting, Pablo Picasso. The exhibition presents a broad selection of works by this great master of modern art: art reflecting on art and on the relationship between the real and the surreal, the artist’s heartfelt involvement in the tragedy of unfolding history, the emergence of the monster with a human face, and the metaphor of erotic desire as a primary source of inspiration. 35

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A HERITAGE BUILT ON WINE A journey across vineyard landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato ach year, as soon as the summer weather and colours grow more subdued, many people – and not just those lucky enough to live in the region – turn their thoughts to the Langhe: to the rites and events accompanying the autumn season. Dates are carefully marked on the calendar, as though in anticipation of rediscovering – amid the countless uncertainties of our age – points of reference, places and atmosphere that will regenerate the spirit. This year, however, brings some very significant novelties. The Langhe, along with the Roero and Monferrato areas, the stretch of Piedmont between Asti and Alba, now officially boast a shared identity to be protected – while each remains loyal to its own distinctive features. On 22 June these areas were proclaimed a Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) heritage site, the first “protected vineyard landscape of universal value” in Italy (which has now reached the record number of fifty acknowledged heritage sites, - ed.). These eleven thousand hectares of vineyards surround picturesque towns across three provinces – Asti, Alessandria and Cuneo – with a buffer zone of 76,000 hectares that helps ensure a greater protection for the area. This is a unique rural picture, a dynamic, productive, wellmanaged and charming countryside shaped and preserved through the skilful and painstaking work of man. Six areas have been added to the Unesco World Heritage List: three in the Langhe, two in the Alto Monferrato and another in the Basso Monerrato. Each is distinguished by its famous wines: the Langa of Barolo, the Hills of Barbaresco, the Castle of Grinzane Cavour, Canelli and Asti spumante, Nizza Monferrato and Barbera, and finally Monferrato and its infernot (or underground cellars). Visitors now have a further excuse to roam the hills and villages dotted with



medieval castles and ridges overlooking expanses of vineyards that have inspired distinguished writers such as Cesare Pavese and Beppe Fenoglio, and chansonniers such as Giorgio and Paolo Conte – true sons of Asti. These little worlds of the past are still shaped by families of wine-makers who have made the history of wine with their long-standing farmhouses, many of which have been redeveloped as charming hotels. Each of these families has written a chapter in the long history of Piedmontese

wine which is now the focus of the Unesco list. The first act in this play with a happy ending was written, in 2000, by Canelli – the world’s capital of spumante and wine-making techniques - when the municipality decided to promote its ‘underground cathedrals’, over fifteen kilometres of historic wineries with fair-faced brick vaults branching out beneath the urban centre (the wineries may only be visited in certain periods of the year or, by prior reservation with two days notice). This unique itinerary, which is not

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© Archivio Ente Turismo Alba Bra Langhe Roero


© Archivio Ente Turismo Alba Bra Langhe Roero

On this picture, Barbaresco landscape in Piemonte Region Above, maturing wines in wooden barrels in Langhe district

widely known, takes visitors through silent passageways filled with the scents of must, where to this day the noble and fragrant Moscato is aged according to a specific method invented by the Piedmontese oenologist Federico Martinotti in the late 19th century. Wineries included are: the Cantine Gancia (www.gancia.it), which a hundred and fifty years ago witnessed the birth of the first Italian spumante; Bosca (www.bosca.it), that offers a combination of rare wines and interesting artworks; Coppo (www.coppo.it), recently renovated and brought back to its original appearance; and finally the Contratto winery (www.contratto.it), established in 1867 and marked by a graceful Art Nouveau cellar with gilt stucco decorations. These are all more aristocratic versions of the crutin, or domestic wine cellars, which are a distinguishing feature of the medieval town of Calosso. A splendid additional feature of the Canelli area is a range of Romanesque churches, scattered between the vineyards in the province of Asti, in the silent countryside surrounding Montechiaro (San Nazario), Cortazzone (San Secondo) and Montiglio (San Lorenzo). Through a joint effort made by a number of institutions, other pieces have progressively been added to this rural patchwork, starting from the Langa of Barolo, with the towns of Barolo, Castiglione

ALBA WHITE TRUFFLE FESTIVAL The highlight of the autumn season is the National White Truffle Fair in Alba, now into its 84th edition (11 October – 16 November: www.fieradeltartufo.org). On 12 November, the noble tuber is the focus of the Regional Truffle Fair of Canelli. On the same day, visitors can access the ‘underground cathedrals’ (www.comune.canelli.at.it). For some general information on the various areas of the Unesco heritage site and local events, visit www.paesaggivitivinicoli.it. Throughout the Unesco area, the Tourist Board of Langhe Monferrato and Roero(www.tartufoevino.it) offers original packages, winery tours, simulated truffle hunts, cooking classes and a range of other sporting and cultural activities.

Falletto and Serralunga d’Alba. This area revolves around the cultivation of Nebbiolo grapes, which yield that aged red wine – Barolo – one of the masterpieces of Piedmontese oenology. The outstanding WI MU museum (www. wimubarolo.it), inaugurated in the Castle of the Falletti Marquises of Barolo in 2010, is entirely devoted to this wine. Barolo and other refined red wines also feature prominently at Grinzane Castle, which in the former half of the 19th cen-


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Above, from left, bottles of wine of the region: Barolo, Barbera and Dolcetto; ravioli with plin cheese and truffles, a recipe of the local gastronomy

tury was the abode of Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, the champion of Italian unification. Today, the castle houses an exclusive restaurant and the first regional wine library in Piedmont, the Enoteca Regionale del Piemonte. Every two years it hosts the international white truffle fair of Alba. The halls of the castle are also home to one of the most complete ethnographic museums devoted to wine-making in the region. The vineyards at the foot of the castle boast one of the largest collections of grape varieties in Europe and constitute an important centre for research and experimentation on the viticultural heritage of Piedmont. An offspring of Nebbiolo and a close relative of Barolo, the renowned Barbaresco is an ambassador for the hills surrounding the town which lends the wine its name. The urban centre is marked by a charming medieval tower overlooking the Tanaro river and a unique cellar in a deconsecrated church. Barbera, the most widely exported local red wine, is inextricably linked to its ‘capital’, Nizza Monferrato, an outstanding example of a medieval trading town, as well as to Vinchio – where a dynamic cooperative winery has been established – and Vagli Serra. The history of the wine is chronicled by the Bersano


Museum’s display of a collection of vineyard tools. The last area – a case unto itself, in a way – is Monferrato with its infernot: a peculiar geological formation (known as “Pietra da Cantoni”) that is used for the domestic storage of bottles. After eleven years of expectation and postponements, this acknowledgement granted by the Unesco on the eve of the Expo represents not so much a point of arrival as a point of departure. While the cities of Alba and Asti are the main points of reference for the newly established heritage site, and although wine is certainly its primary attraction, many other factors provide countless reasons for rediscovering this area: the suggested secluded stops along the Strada Romantica (Romantic Road) or the route of honey, which wends its way through the woods of the Roero district; the mouth-watering veal sausage – to be enjoyed raw after unravelling it like a ball of yarn – that is a symbol of Bra, the “gate” to the Roero and one of the cradles of the Slow Food philosophy; and finally the appealing Fiera del Bue Grasso (Fair of the Fat Ox) that is the highlight of the December calendar of events at Moncalvo and Carrù. The more secluded and rustic area of the Alta Langa is instead home to the Parco Enogas-

tronomico (Wine & Food Park), which in recent years has been promoting local products such as goat and sheep cheeses, and especially hazelnuts – acknowledged to be the best in the world. The real highlight, however, is truffle: the ‘diamond’ of this land, which reaches the peak of its fame each November. From one weekend to the next, truffles feature as the theme of countless local or regional fairs – such as the one at Canelli – or even international ones, as in the case of the Alba fair, which has become a real showcase for anything related to this precious subterranean fungus. Nourished by a welcoming spirit that offers ever new opportunities of experiencing things first hand, the number of people joining simulated truffle hunts is steadily growing. Led by expert trifulau, people explore the woods, guided only by the dog’s keen sense of smell and its master’s instinct, in the hope of finding even just a single small white diamond, to be savoured at home or cooked on the spot. People out of luck will still be able to cherish the memory and cheer themselves up in one of the many piole (typical taverns) and genuine restaurants that still constitute an added bonus for any autumn holiday in Piedmont. Federica De Luca

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A partir du 22 juin, les Langhe, associées à Roero et Monferrato, ruban de Piémont entre Asti et Alba, tout en restant fidèles à leurs diversités naturelles, vantent une identité commune à défendre. Elles sont officiellement un site Unesco, premier « Paysage viti-vinicole protégé à valeur universelle » en Italie (qui atteint ainsi le primat considérable de 50 sites reconnus).Onze mille hectares de vignes et de villages amènes, à cheval sur trois provinces – Asti, Alessandria et Cuneo. Un cadre bucolique unique, plein de vitalité, d’énergie, délicat et imposant, modelé, modulé et préservé par le travail sage et patient de l’homme. Chacune des zones de la région est associée à des vins célèbres : la Langa du Barolo, les collines du Barbaresco, Canelli et l’Asti Spumante, Nizza Monferrato et le Barbera et le Monferrato des caves des Infernot.


Dal 22 giugno le Langhe, insieme a Roero e Monferrato, lembo di Piemonte fra Asti ed Alba, pur fedeli alle naturali diversità, vantano una comune identità da difendere. Sono ufficialmente un sito Unesco, primo “Paesaggio vitivinicolo protetto di valore universale” in Italia (che raggiunge così il considerevole il primato di 50 siti riconosciuti). Undicimila ettari di vigne a paesi ameni, suddivisi fra tre province – Asti, Alessandria e Cuneo – . Un quadro agreste unico, vitale, operoso, curato e gentile, modellato, modulato e preservato dal lavoro sapiente e paziente dell’uomo. Ognuna delle zone della regione è connotata da vini celeberrimi: la Langa del Barolo, le colline del Barbaresco, Canelli e l’Asti Spumante, Nizza Monferrato e il Barbera e il Monferrato degli Infernot.


Seit dem 22. Juni haben die Gebiete Langhe, Roero und Monferrato in der Weinbau-Landschaft des Piemonts zwischen Asti und Alba trotz aller natürlicher Unterschiede, denen sie treu bleiben werden, eine gemeinsame Identität zu verteidigen. Sie wurden als erste italienische „geschützte Weinbau-Landschaft von universellem Wert“ in die Unesco-Welterbeliste aufgenommen, so dass Italien nun auf den beachtlichen Rekord von 50 anerkannten Welterbestätten stolz sein kann. Elftausend Hektar Weinberge liegen in lieblicher Landschaft, aufgeteilt auf die drei Provinzen Asti, Alessandria und Cuneo – eine einzigartige, lebendige, fleißige, gepflegte und freundliche Kulturlandschaft, geschaffen und erhalten durch die geschickte und geduldige Arbeit des Menschen. Jede einzelne der Zonen dieser Gegend hat große Weine hervorgebracht und ist mit ihren Namen

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© Emilio Pucci Archive, Florence


With its rich handicraft tradition, Florence is one of the world's leading fashion capitals. A Mecca for high-end shopping, the capital of Tuscany is home to some of the most famous designers in the fashion sphere, from Guccio Gucci to Roberto Cavalli n 12 February 1951, in the sumptuous halls of Villa Torrigiani in Florence, Marquis Giovanni Battista Giorgini welcomed a large group of journalists and buyers from around the world, who had

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come to Florence to admire the creations of Italy’s top couturiers. The event, which was held no less than seven years before the first ‘zero edition’ of the Milan Fashion Week, marked the pre-eminence of Italian

couture on the international fashion scene: Italian creations had far more competitive prices than those by French designers, which up until then had been the undisputed protagonists of haute couture.

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© Emilio Pucci Archive, Florence


The connection between Florence and the fashion world, however, runs much deeper: renowned for centuries for its hand-crafted straw and leather items, the capital of Tuscany and the surrounding area houses some of the world’s most famous artisan workshops, many of which are located between Piazza Santa Croce and Borgo dei Greci. The Florentine high-end leather sector, regarded as a genuine luxury district by now, currently employs a fourth of Italy’s leather-workers and covers an area that extends southwards from Scandicci, Lastra a Signa and Impruneta to Pontassieve and the whole Sieve valley. Here top designers such as Gucci, Ferragamo and Prada, as well as brands part of the LVMH group, operate alongside local SMEs with brands of their own. The area also includes a dense network of small enterprises that cover all the various production phases, as part of the supply chain for retailer companies. Working alongside these are specialist suppliers of components and accessories, along with retailers of leather-processing machinery and companies that provide consultancy services on matters of style and factory management in the leather and shoe sector. With its haute couture boutiques, concentrated in the city centre and espe-

cially in Via de’ Tornabuoni and Via della Vigna, each day Florence draws thousands of tourists and ‘fashion addicts’ from every corner of the world. It is precisely at 73r-81r Via de’ Tornabuoni that Gucci’s legendary boutique has been standing since 1967. The history of the maison, one of the world’s most famous fashion houses, is inextricably linked to that of Florence: a pioneer of Florentine luxurious leather goods, in his home city Guccio Gucci founded a company specializing in leather products inspired by the world of horse-riding, which immediately elicited an enormous success with the refined international crowd visiting the Tuscan capital. Braces, stirrups and canvas girths became the symbols of an Italian luxury built on high-quality hand-crafted products deeply connected to their land. The year was 1921 and the Florentine designer opened up the gates of Florence to a whole new world: that of international haute couture. In the same period, Salvatore Ferragamo, the ‘divas’ shoemaker’, made his début on the Florentine scene. Born into a humble family in Campania, Ferragamo charmed America with his savoir-faire, soon becoming the favourite shoe designer of all the greatest film stars. After moving to Florence in 1927, the young Salvatore made it

through the 1929 crisis thanks to his creative flair: in this period, marked – among other things – by a dearth of raw materials, the brilliant designer came up with some of his most famous models, such as the cork wedge heels dressed in multicolour leather he created for Judy Garland. In the aftermath of the war and the years of the Dolce Vita, Palazzo Spini Feroni, the company’s headquarters, became a meeting point for the international jet set. Here Salvatore Ferragamo himself would cater to his customers by recommending the best

UPCOMING FASHION EVENTS IN FLORENCE Modaprima, November 21-23 Pitti Immagine Uomo and Pitti Immagine Donna, January 13-16 Pitti Immagine Bimbo, January 22-24 Pitti Immagine Filati, January 28-30 Immagine Italia & Co., February 6-8

Opposite page, models on the roof of Palazzo Pucci in Florence, wearing evening dresses, palazzo pyjamas and terrycloth capes from the Emilio Pucci Spring/Summer 1967 Collection Above right, Salvatore Ferragamo with his shoemakers in the Fifities. Right, an image of Atelier Gucci in Florence in 1947


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models to correct their posture, revealing a real interest in orthopaedics. In 1995 Palazzo Spini Feroni became the venue for the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, which to this day is one of the most authoritative points of reference for Florentine fashion. The city also houses the only muse-


um in Italy devoted to couture and its history: the Galleria del Costume. Located in the evocative framework of Palazzo Pitti, it features a collection of over 6,000 creations – historical and stage costumes, accessories and items of clothing designed by stylists the likes of Giorgio Armani, Emilio Puc-

Nuova sala teatrale e concertistica


Above, the exhibition Pitti Immagine hosts fashion shows,meetings and international events in Florence

ci, Valentino and Gianni Versace. Complementing the cultural offering related to the world of high-end fashion are the Gucci Museum, inaugurated in Piazza della Signoria in 2011, and the Capucci Museum, which since 2008 has housed the famous sculpture-dresses designed by the stylist Roberto Capucci for the Venice Biennale of 1995. Other museums devoted to more specific aspects of haute couture are the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio (Lisio Silk Art Foundation), the Museo della paglia e dell’intreccio (Straw and Weaving Museum) at Signa and – for jewels – the Museo degli Argenti (Silver Museum) and Museo Torrini. Period costumes are also on display in the Stibbert Museum, while in Prato – only a short distance away from Florence – stands the Museo del Tessuto (Textile Museum). Florence also hosts some top fashion events: each year, the Pitti Immagine fair features thousands of invitation-only exhibits, catwalks, launches and exclusive parties that draw many personalities of the international fashion world. Alternatively, tourists and fashion lovers may enjoy the Percorsi di moda (Fashion Itineraries) in Florence, a series of guided tours exploring the places that have made the history of Florentine couture and craftsmanship: twenty itineraries divided into over sixty tours per year enable visitors to discover ateliers, museums and art venues related to Florentine fashion. Finally, the city offers a range of training programmes for aspiring professionals in the sector: Florence is home to the international fashion design and marketing institute Polimoda, the Accademia italiana di moda, arte e design (Italian Academy of Fashion, Art and Design), the Scuola del cuoio (School of Leather), the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio (Lisio Silk Art Foundation) and the IED Moda Lab, which hosts three-year, master and post-graduate courses in Fashion Design. Angela Mollisi

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Avec sa riche tradition artisanale, Florence est l’une des capitales de la mode les plus importantes du monde. Paradis du shopping haut de gamme, la ville a vu naître quelques-uns des stylistes les plus célèbres du fashion system : de Guccio Gucci à Roberto Cavalli. Via de’ Tornabuoni, se trouve la boutique historique de Gucci, qui a ouvert ici en 1967. Le musée Ferragamo constitue depuis 1995 l’un des points de repère fondamentaux de la mode florentine. La ville abrite le seul musée italien consacré à la couture et à son histoire, la Galleria del Costume, avec une collection de plus de six mille créations. Il y a ensuite le musée Gucci, qui s’est ouvert en 2011 place de la Seigneurie, et le musée Capucci, inauguré en 2008. Le chef-lieu toscan accueille en outre quelques-uns des événements les plus fameux du monde de la mode, comme la kermesse Pitti Immagine.

Con la sua ricca tradizione artigianale, Firenze è una delle capitali della moda più importanti al mondo. Mecca dello shopping di alta gamma, la città ha dato i natali ad alcuni degli stilisti più famosi del fashion system, da Guccio Gucci a Roberto Cavalli. In via de’ Tornabuoni ha sede la storica boutique Gucci, aperta per la prima volta nel 1967. Il Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, dal 1995 è uno dei punti di riferimento più autorevoli della moda fiorentina. La città ospita poi l’unico museo italiano dedicato alla couture e alla sua storia, la Galleria del Costume, con una collezione di oltre 6mila creazioni. Troviamo poi il Museo Gucci, dal 2011 in Piazza della Signoria, e il Museo Capucci, aperto nel 2008. Il capoluogo fiorentino ospita anche alcuni dei più famosi eventi legati alla moda, come la kermesse Pitti Immagine.

Mit seiner langen handwerklichen Tradition ist Florenz eine der bedeutendsten Modehauptstädte der Welt. Dieses Mekka des Shoppings im Luxussektor brachte einige der berühmtesten Designer des Fashion Systems hervor, von Guccio Gucci bis Roberto Cavalli. In der via de’ Tornabuoni hat die alteingesessene GucciBoutique ihren Sitz, die 1967 eröffnet wurde.Das Museum Ferragamo ist seit 1995 einer der wichtigsten Bezugspunkte für die Florentiner Mode. Die Stadt beherbergt außerdem das einzige italienische Museum der Couture und ihrer Geschichte, die Galleria del Costume, in deren Sammlung sich mehr als sechstausend Kreationen befinden. Außerdem gibt es seit 2011 an der Piazza della Signoria das Museum Gucci, und bereits 2008 wurde das Museum Capucci eröffnet. In Florenz finden auch einige der wichtigsten Mode-Events statt, wie die Modemesse Pitti Immagine.

Nuova sala teatrale e concertistica



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PEGGY GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION IN VENICE How Peggy Guggenheim and her world-famous museum came to Venice arguerite Guggenheim, known to all as Peggy Guggenheim, was one of the most important collectors of modern art of the twentieth century. She collected works of the era ranging from 1910 until the 1960s, covering major movements of the time such as abstract art, cubism, dada and surrealism as well as U.S. abstract expressionism. The museum she founded

M 44

to house her collection is one of the finest private collections of modern art in the world exhibiting amongst it pieces by well known artists such as Picasso, Cocteau, Dali, Kandinsky, Brancusi, Moore and Giacometti. Many artists were discovered by her and supported

financially, most notably Jackson Pollock, whom she considered her ‘most honorable achievement’. Born in New York in 1898, Peggy was the granddaughter of a Jewish magnate who had created a family fortune from the mining and smelting of metals. In 1921 she visited Europe and thanks to Laurence Vail soon found herself at the heart of Parisian bohemia and Ameri-

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TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS Against this rich collection of modern and contemporary art, the museum also organizes temporary exhibitions based on loans from the collections of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and other public and private collections. The exhibition program was inaugurated in 1985 with a presentation of Francisco Goya’s and Pablo Picasso’s etchings dedicated to the bullfight Tauromachia. On September 20th the Guggenheim Foundation will inaugurate the exhibition AZIMUT/H. Continuity and the New. It is a tribute to the post World War II neo-avantgarde in Italy, currently of widespread interest to critics, curators and the general public, and in particular to Azimuth, the gallery and review founded in 1959 in Milan. The exhibition reveals Azimuth’s central position in the panorama of Italian and international art of those years: like a creative earthquake it was one of the great catalysts of Italian and European visual and conceptual culture of the time and an intellectual bridge between a new, revolutionary generation and the most contemporary developments in art. In this picture, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, which is among the most important museums in Italy for European and American art of the 20th century, is located in Peggy Guggenheim's former home, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the Grand Canal in Venice. Below, Artist's Shit ( is a 1961 artwork by the Italian artist Piero Manzoni; with an exhibition dedicated to AZIMUT/H, the gallery and eponymous review founded in 1959 by Piero Manzoni and Enrico Castellani, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection celebrates the neo avant-gardes

OPENING HOURS: Daily 10am–6pm Closed on Tuesdays and December 25 EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIONS:

Presentations regarding the life of Peggy Guggenheim, daily at 12am and at 4pm. Presentations on individual works daily at 11am and at 5pm. Presentations are free and are held in various languages depending on availability. e-mail: visitors@guggenheim-venice.it

can ex-patriot society. They had two children, son Sindbad and daughter Pegeen, who later became an artist herself. She left him in 1928, but by that time he had already introduced her to the world of avant-garde artists and writers. When she found the love of her life, the tormented British writer John Homs, the couple moved to England. Devastated by his sudden death in 1934 but encouraged by her friend Peggy Waldman, she opened an art gallery in London. The inaugural show presented works by Jean Cocteau and the second was the first one-man show of Vasily Kandinsky in England. 45

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In this picture, a detail of the decorations of Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, headquarters of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice

Tired of capricious artists and after Peggy conceived “the idea of opening a modern museum in London” she closed the gallery. With a list compiled by the art critic Herbert Read and being already acquainted with some of the artists, she purchased many pieces at bargain prices. In the coming years apparently oblivious of the war, Peggy busily acquired works for the future museum, keeping to her resolve to “buy a picture a day”. Some of the masterpieces of her collection, such as works by Francis Picabia, Georges Braque, Salvador Dalí and Piet Mondrian, were bought at that time. She astonished Fernand Léger by buying his Men in the City on the day that Hitler invaded Norway and acquired Brancusi’s Bird in Space as the Germans approached Paris. In July 1941, Peggy fled


Nazi-occupied France and returned to her native New York. Back in her home town Peggy began looking for a new location to host her modern art museum, while she continued to acquire works for her collection. In October 1942, she opened her museum/gallery designed by the Austrian architect Frederick Kiesler. The gallery was composed of innovative exhibition rooms and soon became the most stimulating venue for contemporary art in the city. Peggy exhibited there her collection of Cubist, Abstract and Surrealist art, which was already substantially that which we see today in Venice. In 1947, Peggy returned to Europe where her collection was shown during the first post-war Venice Biennale one year later. She bought Palazzo Venier dei Leoni,



Peggy Gugenheim fut l’une des collectionneuses d’art moderne les plus importantes du XXe siècle. Elle rassembla les œuvres des mouvements les plus représentatifs qui se sont succédés entre 1910 et les années 1960 : l’art abstrait, le cubisme, le dadaïsme, le surréalisme, sans oublier l’expressionnisme abstrait nord-américain. Née à New York en 1898, elle vécut à partir de 1921 à Paris, où elle découvrit l’avant-garde artistique et littéraire, et à Londres, où elle a ouvrit une galerie et conçut l’idée d’un musée. En 1941, Peggy Guggenheim revint à New York, où elle continua de collectionner des œuvres et inaugura l’année suivante son musée. En 1947, elle s’installa à Venise, où sa collection fut exposée dans le cadre de Biennale. Elle acheta alors le palais Venier dei Leoni et ouvrit sa collection au public en 1949, avec une exposition de sculptures dans le jardin.

Peggy Guggenheim fu tra i più importanti collezionisti di arte moderna del XX secolo. Raccolse opere risalenti dal 1910 agli anni ’60, che coprivano i maggiori movimenti del tempo, come l’arte astratta, il cubismo, di dadaismo, e il surrealismo, nonché l’espressionismo astratto USA. Nata a New York nel 1898, dal 1921 visse a Parigi dove conobbe l’avanguardia artistica e letteraria, e a Londra, dove aprì una galleria e concepì l’idea di un museo. Nel 1941 Peggy tornò a New York, dove continuò a collezionare opere e l’anno dopo inaugurò il suo museo.Nel 1947 si stabilì a Venezia, dove la sua collezione fu esposta alla Biennale. Comprò Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. Nel 1949, con una mostra di sculture nel giardino, Peggy Guggenheim aprì la sua collezione al pubblico. La sua casa è ora uno dei più bei piccoli musei al mondo.

an unfinished 18th century palace on the Grand Canal of Venice, where she was to live for the remaining years of her life. Beginning in 1949 with an exhibition of sculptures in the garden, she opened her collection to the public. For her protégé Jackson Pollock she organized the first exhibition in Europe. During her 30-years in Venice, Peggy Guggenheim continued to collect works of art and to support artists, and in 1962 was nominated Honorary Citizen of Venice. Peggy Guggenheim died at the age 81. Her ashes are placed in a corner of the Sculpture garden of Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, alongside the grave of her beloved dogs. After Peggy passed away, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation took ownership of the palazzo and converted as well as expanded her private house into one of the finest small museums of modern art. Today the collection has over 300 objects which are often borrowed for exhibitions around the world, but their permanent home remain the Venetian palace. David Suter


Peggy Guggenheim war eine der bedeutendsten Sammlerinnen moderner Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie trug zwischen 1910 und den 1960er Jahren entstandene Werke zusammen, welche die wichtigsten Kunstströmungen der Zeit vertraten, wie die Abstrakte, den Kubismus, Dadaismus, Surrealismus oder den abstrakten Expressionismus der USA. 1898 in New York geboren, lebte sie ab 1921 in Paris, wo sie die gesamte Avantgarde in Literatur und Kunst kennenlernte, und in London, wo sie eine Galerie eröffnete und das Konzept für ein Museum entwickelte. 1941 kehrte sie nach New York zurück, wo sie weiter Kunst sammelte und ein Jahr später ihr Museum eröffnete. 1947 ließ sie sich in Venedig nieder, wo ihre Sammlung auf der Biennale ausgestellt wurde. Sie kaufte Palazzo Venier dei Leoni und öffnete ihn und ihre Sammlung dem Publikum 1949 mit einer Skulpturenausstellung im Garten.

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Roma e Vaticano, dal 22 al 29 Ottobre 2014

Giovedì 23 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura Franz Schubert, Oratorio Lazarus Wiener Singverein • Wiener Philharmoniker Ingo Metzmacher, direttore

Domenica 26 ottobre 2014 ore 16 Basilica di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio Concerto di musica sacra contemporanea Joseph Julian Gonzalez, Misa Azteca The Continuo Arts Festival Chorus Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta Teresa Russell, direttore Mark Hayes, Requiem The Continuo Arts Festival Chorus Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta Mark Hayes, direttore

Venerdì 24 ottobre 2014 ore 17 Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano Santa Messa celebrata da Sua Em.za Rev.ma Cardinale Angelo Comastri IlluminArt Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra Tomomi Nishimoto, direttore Coro della Cappella Musicale Pontificia “Sistina” Massimo Palombella, direttore

Domenica 26 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura Concerto di Musica Sacra al servizio della carità organizzato in collaborazione con la FONDAZIONE SOFIA ONLUS Giuseppe Verdi, Messa da Requiem IlluminArt Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra Tomomi Nishimoto, direttore

Venerdì 24 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore Anton Bruckner, Messa n. 3 in fa minore e Te Deum in do maggiore Palatina Klassik Vocal Ensemble • Philharmonischer Chor an der Saar Coro e Orchestra del Conservatorio Statale di Kazan Leo Krämer, direttore

Martedì, 28 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Cappella Corsini nella Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano Concerto riservato solo ai benefattori della Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra Coro della Cappella Musicale Pontificia “Sistina” Massimo Palombella, direttore

Sabato 25 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Basilica Papale di San Giovanni in Laterano Johannes Brahms, Ein deutsches Requiem Palatina Klassik Vocal Ensemble • Philharmonischer Chor an der Saar Coro e Orchestra del Conservatorio Statale di Kazan Leo Krämer, direttore

Mercoledì 29 ottobre 2014 ore 21 Basilica di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio Jubilate Deo - mottetti sacri e corali Mädchenchor am Kölner Dom Vincitore al IX Concorso Corale Tedesco 2014 a Weimar nella categoria cori giovanili a voci pari Oliver Sperling, direttore

Mercoledì 22 ottobre 2014 ore 20 Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva Georg Friedrich Händel, Oratorio Saul Kantorei Schlosskirche Weilburg • Capella Weilburgensis Doris Hagel, direttore

Per avere maggiori informazioni: Via Paolo VI, 29 - 00193 Roma - Tel. +39 06 6869187 - Fax +39 06 687 33 00 - dir@promusicaeartesacra.it www.festivalmusicaeartesacra.net - www.fondazionepromusicaeartesacra.net - www.musica-artesacra.org

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SEGANTINI AT PALAZZO REALE IN MILAN From 18 September 2014 to 18 January 2015, 120 works of late 19th-century art n artist of extraordinary renown during his lifetime, forgotten and then partially rediscovered by Italian and international critics at various times in the 20th century, Giovanni Segantini is the subject of the major exhibition planned for the coming autumn by the Milan Municipal Council, Palazzo Reale and the Skira publishing house with the Fondazione Antonio Mazzot-


In these pictures, three of the Segantini’s paintings displayed in the exhibition that takes place in Milan. Above, On the terrace, 1892, Chur, Bündner Kunstmuseum. Right, Portrait of Signora Torelli, 1885-1886, oil con canvas, Private collection. Opposite page, on top, Love at the Fountain of Life (Lovers at the Fountain of Life), 1896, Milan, Galleria d’Arte Moderna


ta. The curators are Annie-Paule Quinsac and Diana Segantini, the artist’s greatgranddaughter and one of the organizers of the show held at the Beyeler Foundation in 2011. Featuring 126 works from museums and private collections in Europe and the US, the exhibition in divided into eight sections, each devoted to an aspect of Segantini’s art. The aim is to foster the discovery – or rediscov-

ery – of Segantini and his powerful contribution to fin de siècle art by offering the general public and scholars alike the most complete overview possible. Milan played a central part in the brief but intense life of the artist, who was born in 1858 at Arco di Trento, then still a part of the Italian territory ruled by the Hasburg Empire, and died in the Engadin at the age of 41 in 1899. Seganti-

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ni always regarded Italy as his native land dispite of the fact that he was unable to obtain Italian citizenship or even a passport due to a veto from Austria, the nation who, once he became famous, refused to exonerate him of national link. As a result, he found himself in the condition of a stateless person, denied the possibility of free circulation in other countries and did not have direct access to foreing contemporary art. He arrived in Milan at the age of 7 in 1865 and left it in 1881 for Brianza and then Switzerland, first in Savognin and then Engadin. The period of 17 years thus spent in Milan was crucial to the development of his frmation and artistic career. The city was to remain the fulcrum of his trajectory and his window onto the world of the art. Segantini devoted few works, however, to the city itself, all of which are shown in Section 1, The Early Years. In any case, as from 1886, Segantini remained an outsider with respect to the Milanese culture despite the crucial influence it continued to have on his choices and development as an artist and a man, but he managed nevertheless to influence Italian art from a distance. An orphan born in great poverty, he served his apprenticeship in a studio and at the Brera Academy, quickly developing a prodigious artistic and intellectual ability, as attested by brilliant theoretical writings that – though ungrammatical due to a lack of formal education as a child – bear witness to a lucid intellect capable of formulating a highly personal aesthetic. Section 2 is divided into two parts. The Artist as prophet, which includes nearly all his self-portraits, traces

the evolution from the realistic image the painter gives of himself in the Selfportrait at the Age of Twenty (1879–80) to its Symbolist transformation into a Byzantine icon in the charcoal on canvas of 1895. Segantini left Milan for Brianza in 1881 to immerse himself in nature as against the metropolitan idea of life and art embodied by the Scapigliatura movement. He immediately took the unusual approach of painting landscapes outdoors in rich tonal nuances conceving nature as the center of paysan life. He had, however, no intention of sharing in the everyday rural existence and adopted from the outset an upper middle-class lifestyle with villa and servants. He moved from Brianza to Switzerland and chose to live in increasingly luxurious residences: Savognino in the canton of Grisons in 1886 and the wonderful Kuoni chalet in Maloja in 1894, spending the long, cold winters at Soglio in Val Bregaglia. Section 3, The working of Realism: Still Life, presents a series of powerful stilllifes, an almost obligatory genre in the late 19th century, that Segantini addressed with authentic mastery both in decorative panels. Section 4, Nature and Life of the Fields showcases paintings dedicated to rural life in which the female presence dominates. Segantini took up the tradition of rural painting derived from Millet and the French painters of the mid-19th century and went beyond it to achieve a naturalist symbolism in which the human presence is merely incidental. He also depicted the religious feeling of the humble, as attested in Section 5, Nature and Symbol, by funda-

mental works such as one of his materpieces, the celebrated Ave Maria at the Crossing of the lake. It was after moving to Switzerland in 1886 that Segantini developed his peculiar form of divisionism in which the brush work is broken in long filaments of color that design the form and coexist with larger impasto. While his primary subject was the mountain chain of the Alps, always foreshortened, women appear as well as men in his landscapes. However nature became increasingly dominering in his vision, as from 1890, in huge compositions, where the human presence is merely incidental. Motherhood, delt with in Section 6, is the unifying force beyond Segantini symbolism, be it naturalistic or allegorical. It is illustrated by a selection of absolute masterpieces which allow the visitors to understand the passage from naturalism to allegorical visons. Section 7, Literary Sources and Illustrations, traces the evolution of Segantini’s modus operandi. The closing section, devoted to the Triptych of Nature, regarded as the artist’s spiritual testament, will present drawings, preparatory studies and a video to reconstruct the genesis of the monumental work created between 1896 and 1899 as a substitute to the Panorama of Engadina for the Exposition Universelle of 1900. Segantini died on 29 September 1899, at 41, at the peack of fame, one of the most expensive painters of his time, author of works hanging in many important Dutch, Belgian, German, Austrian, Hungarian and British public and private collections, and an undiscussed reference for the future masters of the European avant-garde movements in the first decade of the 20th century. With World War I, the cultural isolation of Fascist Italy and the francocentric view of the history of the European avant-gardes developed in the 20th century, Segantini was relegated to the limbo of provincialism. The politicized condemnation of Italian Futurism contributed also to the world neglect Palazzo Reale exhibition in Milan seeks to pay a tribute to one of the greatest European artists of the second half of the 19th century. Chicca Magri 49

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WELCOME TO THE BELLY OF PARIS IN MILAN A journey to explore the French pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015, focusing on agriculture and the market mile Zola called it “The Belly of Paris”, which became the title of a famous novel describing the secrets and intrigues of Les Halles – the capital’s main market. For centuries this area had stood as a crossroads for trade




and social encounters: in other words, as the heart of a modern, active city that exemplified a continent and world increasingly projected towards the future. And this is precisely the spirit of the French pavilion for the 2015 Expo. The

architectural project is a tribute to the Parisian Halles as a place of exchange and production, and an ideal ground for sowing the seeds of new development perspectives. It would be difficult to find a better way of representing the

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spirit of France at this international showcase. Developed across the 3,600 square metres of the pavilion is a lifesized ‘upside-down’ landscape with a wooden structure that can be dismantled and reused. In line with this approach, the pavilion engages with the issue of commitment raised by the world fair, and expressed by the slogan “Different ways of producing and providing food”. Much room is therefore devoted to agricul-

ture, fishing and the national food industry. This is a thriving sector, considering the overall recession. In Milan, in 2015, the sector will be setting the course by opening up new scenarios and showing what path is to be followed to ensure a future of equality and development. But are these just empty words? Far from it. When France enters the field, it does so with good ideas and the broad shoulders to implement them. It is hardly surprising that the French government invested twenty million euros to create a spare yet striking structure, made of wood from the Jura district and set in place according to free lines and invisible joints. The X-Tu Architects team was inspired by the idea of low tech, which led to the use of local materials and the development of a natural, energy-saving ventilation system. Visitors will be guided on a tour to explore a garden that encloses the rich uniqueness of each region. The structure will be developed across three floors. A baker’s shop will be featured on the ground floor and a brasserie on the top floor, with a terrace overlooking the 110 hectares of the Milanese fair. The French pavilion is located only a short distance away from the Italian one, and is expected to welcome a thousand visitors per hour. The pavilion will be a remarkable calling card for France, a candidate country for the 2025 world fair. The pavilion therefore exemplifies French genius, but also Italian efficiency, given that the structure will be built by the CMC cooperative from Ravenna. The public presentation of the event in April was also attended by the president of the CMC, Massimo Matteucci, and the director of the Divisione Costruzioni Italia (Italian Construction Division), who illustrated the pioneering nature of the project designed for the Expo. The French pavilion, however, proves particularly significant for another reason as well. In 1900 the Exposition Universelle was hosted in Paris. One hun-

dred and fourteen years on, on 15 April 2014, the French pavilion was presented within its natural framework: the Petit Palais, originally designed and built for the Expo that inaugurated this new world. Less than 380 days away from the launching of the French showcase, General Commissioner Alain Berger has explained why France has chosen to focus on agriculture. He has done so with the help of Minister Stéphane Le Foll, who is responsible for this sector, destined to become the lifeblood of this everdeveloping country. The primary sector is what will feed the world. It is crucial, therefore, to put forward new solutions on an international level, to ensure that production will take on different forms from the past. Production must mean increasing the quantitative targets that have been set, while at the same time preserving the natural resources. After all, the idea of sustainable agriculture implies that production and competitiveness go hand-in-hand with the saving of resources (such as water, energy and fertilizers). Is this calling for a miracle? Perhaps. But in order to find out whether the commitments made by France will produce an effect, we need wait less than a year, until the opening of the event in Milan. A rich preview was offered last September in Rome, when the General Commissioner Alain Berger signed the contract for the participation of France in the presence of the French Ambassador to Italy Alain Le Roy, the President of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Guillaume Garot, and the President of the French National Assembly Claude Bartolone. This parterre de roi launched a grand event that seeks to set a new course based on a straightforward principle which may be summed up as follows: better production, greater production. For the sake of the entire planet. Rita Brebbia Prevosti

Left, last may the French pavilion was presented within its natural framework at the Petit Palais in Paris


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© Hotel Principe Terme, Abano


HEALTH CURES AT THE THERMAL BATHS A journey to discover some of the most charming spas in northern Italy talian spas are famous throughout the world because of their effective treatments, the range of services they provide and the charm of their natural settings. In recent years, thermal tourism has once again become a centre of vivid interest, partly because of the spread of the culture of wellness and hence the desire – or need – people feel to re-establish a physical and psychological balance that is often broken by the frantic pace of everyday life. In Italy the healing properties of spring waters were already known in antiquity: Hippocrates is believed to have been the first to have written a medical treatise discussing these properties from a scientific standpoint. Let us not forget, moreover, that the Roman Empire witnessed a real boom in thermal baths. Today, Italy’s spas are wonderful wellness and relaxation retreats, as well as valuable healthcare centres equipped with state-of-the-art machinery to provide specific medical



treatments, be they conventional or alternative ones. Thermal waters are widely appreciated for the benefits they can bring to people suffering from a wide range of physical ail(1)

ments and illnesses. In particular, these waters are reputed to have therapeutic properties for the treatment of respiratory, rheumatic, bone and joint problems. They may be used in

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many different ways: for drinking, irrigation, inhalation and bathing – or in combination with other elements or treatments. Also widely employed in wellness centres are mud baths, which are useful for anti-inflammatory and pain treatments, as well as for muscle relaxation and stimulating the immune system. The application of mud is an excellent treatment for dermatitis, but also constitutes an advanced beauty treatment which tones up and revitalizes the skin, while helping get rid of toxins and reducing the dreaded cellulite. Today the hundreds of spas throughout Italy – where a Swiss health insurance will often cover medical fees – take care of every detail to make their guests’ stay a pleasant experience. The charming natural environment, wide food choice, range of treatments available and healing properties of the thermal waters constitute an ideal formula to ensure the kind of psychological and physical balance which is the foundation of personal well-being.

Northern Italy is an area replete with natural spring and thermal waters. Particularly active in the field of thermal tourism is the QC Terme group, comprising five wonderful centres that make up one of the most striking and innovative offerings in the Italian spa sector. The group provides all-round wellness experiences for anyone wishing to improve his or her life quality. The QC Terme centres are located in Bormio (Bagni Nuovi and Bagni Vecchi), Pré Saint Didier, Milan and Turin. All these centres harmoniously combine elegant architecture and the most advanced technologies, so as to offer multi-sensory programmes guarantee delightful moments of utter relaxation. Bormio, in the Alta Valtellina area, is a location that has been offering a combination of wellness, nature and history ever since the 1st century BC. The charm of the centuries-old Roman baths – located in a unique environmental setting – is enhanced by the use of the most innovative thermal treatments. A five-star hotel

(Grand Hotel Bagni Nuovi), a fourstar one (Hotel Bagni Vecchi) and two spas a short walk away from one another promise a plunge into the past through their vintage ambience. Another QC Terme mountain destination is the recently opened Pré Saint Didier Spa & Resort, a hotel located at the foot of Mont Blanc, near the Terme di Pré Saint Didier – another thermal centre managed by the same group. The hotel enjoys a unique position and offers a full view of Mt Blanc – one of the world’s most charming panoramas, shaped by the rich history of Valle d’Aosta. The resort is an ideal place in which to regenerate and pamper oneself by enjoying a special moment – whatever the season – only a short distance away from the famous pistes of Courmayeur and La Thuile. Not all wellness enthusiasts know, however, that the same quality thermal water found at Bormio and Pre Saint Didier may also be enjoyed in an urban context: at the Terme di Milano, in the Porta Romana district at the heart of Milan, and in Palaz-

Opposite page, on top, in the thermal centres mud baths are widely used for medical purposes. Below from left, several thermal structures of the QCTerme Group in Northern Italy: the Old Bathes and the Grand Hotel Bagni Nuovi, both in Bormio (1, 2), the thermal centre in Pré Saint Didier, in Val d’Aosta at the foot of Mont Blanc (3)




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TRAVEL (4) zo Abegg, in the shadow of the Mole Antonelliana, in Turin. QC Terme Milano, a spa located in an Art Nouveau building complex surrounded by the 16th-century walls erected by Ferrante Gonzaga, offers a wide range of wellness treatments for a perfect remise en forme. To fight everyday stress, guests of the Terme di Milano can resort to a relaxing wellness programme that includes bio-saunas, a Turkish bath, jacuzzis, hydrojets, relaxation rooms and a Theatre Hall of Wonders, along with a spacious solarium in the unique setting of the Spanish Garden. Also located here is the Tram del Benessere (Wellness Tram), the world’s only bio-sauna inside a vintage Milanese tram. The QC Terme Torino resort too constitutes a genuine urban spa. Located in a former cellar with a vaulted ceiling, the spa features Turkish baths, a Kneipp course, jacuzzis, footbaths, geysers, shower beds, wall hydrojets, a cold water tub, waterfalls, and submerged chaises longues. The offering ends


on the second floor with a hall decorated with hand-written words, where guests can sit back and listen to stories about Turin. Another favourite thermal destination is Abano Terme, at the heart of the Euganean Hills. The therapeutic

benefits ensured by the local thermal waters, combined with a highly organized network of hotels, welcoming over 250,000 tourists per year, make Abano one of the world’s top destinations for mud baths and thermal treatments.




L’Italie du Nord est une région très riche en sources thermales naturelles. Le groupe QC Terme joue un rôle extrêmement actif dans le tourisme thermal, avec cinq superbes centres qui comptent parmi les plus importants et novateurs du secteur du bien-être thermal italien. Les centres de QC Terme se trouvent à Bormio (Bagni Nuovi e Bagni Vecchi), Pré Saint Diidier, Milan et Turin. Un des lieux privilégiés du tourisme thermal est Abano Terme, au cœur des monts euganéens. Les bienfaits thérapeutiques des eaux thermales, unis à l’excellente organisation des structures hôtelières (tel que l’Hotel Terme Principe ou le Bellavista Park Hotel Thermal SPA à Montegrotto), font d’Abano l’une des localités de thérapie par la boue et plus généralement l’une des stations thermales les plus fameuses du monde.

Il Nord Italia è un'area ricchissima di fonti e sorgenti termali naturali. Molto attivo nel turismo termale è il gruppo QC Terme, con cinque bellissimi centri, che rientrano a pieno diritto tra le più importanti e innovative offerte nel settore del benessere-termale italiano. I centri QC Terme sono a Bormio (Bagni Nuovi e Bagni Vecchi), Pré Saint Didier, Milano e Torino. Una località privilegiata nel turismo termale è Abano Terme, nel cuore dei colli Euganei. I benefici terapeutici che si ricavano dalle acque termali, uniti alle organizzatissime strutture alberghiere, (come l’Hotel Terme Principe ad Abano, o il Bellavista Park Hotel Thermal SPA a Montegrotto), fanno di Abano una delle località fango-terapeutiche, e termali in genere, più famose del mondo.

In Norditalien gibt es eine an natürlichen Heilquellen und Thermalbädern ausgesprochen reiche Gegend. Besonders aktiv im Sektor des Bädertourismus ist die Gruppe QC Terme. Sie besitzt fünf herrliche Thermalzentren, die zu den bedeutendsten und innovativsten im Wellness-Bereich in Italien gehören. Die QC Terme-Center liegen in Bormio (Bagni Nuovi und Bagni Vecchi), Pré Saint Didier, Mailand und Turin. Ein ganz besonderer Ort für Thermentourismus ist Abano Terme im Herzen der Hügelkette Colli Euganei. Wegen der therapeutischen Effekte des Thermalbades und der bestens organisierten Hoteleinrichtungen (wie z. B. Hotel Terme Principe oder Bellavista Park Hotel Thermal SPA in Montegrotto) wurde Abano zu einem der weltweit bedeutendsten Orte für Fangotherapie und Thermaltherapie generell.

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Located on the main boulevard of Abano Terme – an ideal point of departure for trips to the nearby art cities of Padua, Venice and Verona – and only a short walk away from magnificent boutiques, romantic cafés and refreshing verdant parks, the elegant yet homely Terme Principe Hotel welcomes its guests in a grand style. An ideal place for anyone wishing to combine health and wellness treatments with moments of relaxation and culinary enjoyment, the hotel offers a wide range of conveniences. The jewel in its crown is the spa running on its own thermal spring of salt-bromide-iodine water, at a temperature of 87 degrees. With all the benefits of this valuable natural resource, the spa offers mud and hydrotherapy treatments for people suffering from arthrosis, osteoporosis, rheumatisms and arthritis, as well as inhalation therapies. Situated at the heart of the Euganean Hills, not far from the centre of Montegrotto and Abano Terme, stands the Bellavista Park Hotel Thermal


SPA, an elegant four-star hotel which combines the local tradition of thermal treatments with refined hospitality, offering guests moments of perfect relaxation. The utmost attention to detail and a family atmosphere promise to make any stay at the Bellavista Park Hotel a unique and regenerating experience. A lush Mediterranean garden serves as the backdrop for the hotel’s three thermal pools: a covered pool, an open

one and a third connecting pool, with hydromassages and a vascular treatment path. Aside from a spacious solarium, the hotel is furnished with a modern spa – the Nuvola Spa. Thermal treatments with the mud and water from the hotel’s own springs ensure physical and psychological well-being, not least thanks to a team of professional masseurs and physiotherapists. Emilia Regazzoni


Above from left, QC Terme Milano (4), QCTerme Torino (5), the Hotel Terme Principe in Abano terme (6). Right, the Bellavista Park Hotel Thermal in Montegrotto (7) 55

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ALL CHANGE Expect new beginnings at the 2014 Formula 1ETIHAD AIRWAYS ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX, which will be held at the Yas Marina Circuit from 21 – 23 November here’s no doubt about it: Formula 1 is different this year. It’s greener, meaner, and leaner – with an all-new deeper, harmonic sound that has the whole world talking. There are some new names winning, and world champions who aren’t. All in all, it’s a brave new world. And Abu Dhabi is about to get its taste. The big, sweeping changes could not have come at a better time. Rewind to the end of the season last year, and Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel



was dominating the sport with his Renault-powered RB9. There were 19 rounds and Vettel won 11, nine of them in a row, from Belgium to the final round in Brazil. And that’s just a snapshot of Red Bull’s F1 stronghold that really began in mid-2009. It’s that sort of performance by a single driver that makes people – both inside the paddock, and out – yearn for something different. And in 2014, they’ve got it. A new engine formula has shaken up the establishment,

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© TCA Abu Dhabi

© TCA Abu Dhabi


Left, Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi is the location for the Middle East's Biggest Formula One MotorSport Event, the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in Association with Etihad Airways

made the sport far more relevant to automotive manufacturers and – surprisingly – intensified the racing. The new “power unit”, as they’re now known, is a gutsy 1.6-litre turbocharged V6, complete with multiple energy recovery systems. These energy recovery systems include kinetic energy harvested under braking, and waste heat that is generated from the turbocharger. Confused? Essentially, these two energy sources are then converted into battery power, and duly fed back into the power unit, creating an extra 160bhp for 33 seconds per lap – and a real hybridpower kick. The technology is therefore revolutionary. The old 2.4-litre V8 engines used to shriek loudly, all the way up to 18,000rpm and around 145 decibels. The new 1.6-litre V6 turbocharged engines produce a deep, harmonic rumble, and are around 11 decibels quieter. While opinion has been divided on the new sound, with the FIA investigating ways to increase the volume, the best place to judge is trackside – and it’s there that the sound is undeniably cool. All you need is an open mind. On-track this season, it’s been Mercedes AMG F1 almost all the way, with their drivers Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton taking all but one win (split 3-4, up to and including Austria). The pair, friends since their karting days, have been locked in battle all the way, using any advantage to get the upper hand, and though it hasn’t turned bitter yet, it seems inevitable as the stakes rise ever higher. “Racing drivers will never be friends because we are not going to the weekends and doing a little bit of fun racing,” says Mercedes AMG F1’s executive director of business Toto Wolff. “This is their job, and Formula 1 is a very competitive environment. Everything that has been said about the great friendship is probably a nice story but it isn’t actually how it is in reality. They are colleagues and as long as they respect each other, treat

each other fairly, and represent the brand in the way we expect the brand to be, then for us it is fair and square.” Mercedes’ incredible speed, and solid reliability has also extended to their engine customers with podiums already for Force India (care of Sergio Pérez), Williams (Valtteri Bottas) and McLaren (Jenson Button and Kevin Magnussen). Naturally, rival manufacturers Renault (who supply Red Bull, Toro Rosso, Lotus and Caterham) and Ferrari (with their works team, along with customers Sauber and Marussia) are desperate to match Mercedes on pace. That’s not easy to do when the engine design is essentially frozen, with upgrades only allowed on account of reliability. Approaching mid-season, Renault and Red Bull have the edge. However, the real story is the world champion team’s new driver Daniel Ricciardo. The Aussie with the perma-smile has stolen the limelight, regularly outqualified Vettel, and taken his maiden win in Canada. Talk about a breath of fresh air. Regardless, while the two Mercedes drivers are striding out front, behind them, the competitive order will continue to shuffle like a deck of cards. You can expect that to continue all the way to the final round in Abu Dhabi, where double points will be offered for the first time in history. Supporting F1 on track at Abu Dhabi’s glamorous Yas Marina Circuit will be the stars of tomorrow in GP2, the official feeder series, and GP3. As you’d expect, GP2 is not much less than a bloodbath – with the cream of the international open-wheel racing crop competing in equal machinery in front of the F1 paddock. And they are watching, with 25 of the 136 drivers to have raced in GP2 having gone on to take the premier-class’s grid. After four events, it’s DAMS’ Jolyon Palmer – son of former Grand Prix driver and commentator Jonathan – in front, with Carlin’s Felipe Nasr and Trident’s Johnny Ce57

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cotto in pursuit. However, keep a look out for Carlin’s Julián Leal, ART’s Stoffel Vandoorne (being groomed by McLaren) and Russian Time’s Mitch Evans (who is a protégé of ex-F1 star Mark Webber). “In GP2, if you don’t qualify well then you (will) have a very difficult first race,” said Vandoorne after the recent feature race in Austria. “It’s just very difficult to score points over the (entire) weekend.” Just one step below in GP3 is another grid full of promise; with drivers keen to prove their talent and step up to GP2. Again, they have equal equipment at their disposal – with the GP3/13 car featuring a Dallara chassis and AER 3.4-litre 6-cylinder engine that puts out 400bhp and sorts the men from the boys. After two events, it’s Carlin’s Alex Lynn leading the way, with the Briton having taken two pole positions, two race wins and two fastest laps. Lynn’s teammate and fellow countryman Emil Bernstorff, along with


© TCA Abu Dhabi


Marussia Manor Racing’s Dean Stoneman have claimed the remaining victories. But keep your eyes on contenders Koiranen GP’s Jimmy Eriksson and

Status Grand Prix’s Richie Stanaway – who are dark horses with seven events to go. “I’m in a really nice flow at the moment with a good car,” Lynn said af-




Et c'est la partie pour le plus excitant dans Grands Prix de F1 Etihad Airways D'Abu Dhabi ! Avec la dernière course de la saison et, pour la toute première fois, des doubles points pour les conducteurs. Cette année, la capacité d'accueil du Grand Prix sera revue à la hausse et s'élèvera jusqu'à 60 000 personnes - soit 5 000 places en plus que l'année passée (3 000 places en plus sur l'herbe confortable de l'Abu Dhabi Hill, tandis que le Club Paddock pourra accueillir jusqu'à 1 500 invités supplémentaires). Les billets sont en vente sur www.yasmarinacircuit.com , via le centre d'appel du Yas Marina Circuit (800 927), dans toutes les boutiques Etihad, ainsi que sur www.ticketmaster.ae. Pour nos visiteurs étrangers, Etihad Airways offre un grand nombre de forfaits tout inclus comprenant les billets d'entrée, les vols, l'hébergement, et d'autres. Vous pouvez passer vos réservations sur www.etihad.com et dans les boutiques Etihad.

Quest’anno, il Gran Premio di Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi sarà più spettacolare che mai: oltre a essere l’ultima gara della stagione, ci saranno in palio il doppio dei punti per i piloti! L’evento potrà ospitare un massimo di 60.000 spettatori, ben 5.000 in più dello scorso anno. Altri 3.000 posti saranno disponibili sul prato dell’Abu Dhabi Hill, mentre il Paddock Club potrà ospitare altri 1.500 spettatori. È possibile acquistare i biglietti sul sito internet www.yasmarinacircuit.com oppure chiamando il call center del circuito di Yas Marina (800 927) oppure ancora in tutti gli Etihad Shop e sul sito internet www.ticketmaster.ae. La compagnia aerea Etihad offre ai visitatori stranieri pacchetti all-inclusive comprensivi di biglietto in tribuna, volo, sistemazione in hotel e molto altro, che possono essere prenotati sul sito internet www.etihad.com e nei punti vendita Etihad.

In diesem Jahr werden wir den aufregendsten Etihad Airways Formel 1 Grand Prix Abu Dhabi aller Zeiten erleben, denn die Rennstrecke wird das letzte Rennen der Saison erstmals mit doppelten Punkten für die Fahrer veranstalten. Die Anlage wurde vergrößert und kann nun 60.000 Besucher aufnehmen - 5.000 mehr als im Vorjahr. Weitere 3.000 Plätze stehen auf der beliebten Grünfläche am Abu Dhabi Hill zur Verfügung, während der Paddock Club weitere 1.500 Besucher aufnehmen wird. Tickets stehen unter www.yasmarinacircuit.com und beim Yas-Marina-Circuit-Callcentre (800 927) zum Verkauf, außerdem in allen Etihad Shops und auf www.ticketmaster.ae. Für Besucher aus Übersee bietet Etihad Airways eine Reihe von All-Inclusive-Paketen aus Karten zur Haupttribüne, Flug, Hotel und mehr an. Buchbar auf www.etihad.com und in allen Einzelhandelsgeschäften von Etihad.



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Above, a pit-stop of McLaren team, by Mercedes, during the F1 Grand Prix 2013 in the Yas Marina circuit of Abu Dhabi

ter his win in Austria. “Every weekend has been so good and it’s been a really nice transition into the GP3 car – I’m really enjoying driving it. At the moment I’m in a dream scenario and now we just have to make sure we keep working hard to make sure it stays like this for the rest of the year. But yes it has been a great start and I’m just loving every minute.” Naturally, you can expect fireworks on-track at Yas Marina every year as part of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, but when the sun goes down the party starts, with the world’s best musical acts playing at the mega Yasalam after-race concerts at Yas Island’s du Arena. While the international acts will be announced next month, the best of the Arab world have already been confirmed for 20 November. Egyptian movie star and singer Tamer Hos-

ny, award-winning Lebanese musician Carole Samaha, Emirati singer Fayez Al Saeed and also Mohammed Assaf of Arab Idol fame from Palestine will take to the du Arena stage. It’s a fantastic way for the weekend to get underway, and the perfect chance to unwind after the working week. An all-new F1, the best of the world’s young drivers battling it out in the support categories GP2 and GP3 and an incredible Arabic music line-up set for Thursday – it can only get better with more to be announced in the coming months. It’s the 2014 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Don’t miss it. For more information on F1 tickets and Etihad Holidays F1 packages please visit www.etihad.com Courtesy and Copyright Etihad Airways/Stewart Bel

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TREASURES TO BE (RE)DISCOVERED Archduke Géza von Habsburg discusses his career, devoted to the masterpieces created by Peter Carl Fabergé, the Russian goldsmith who charmed the Romanovs as Fabergé specialist. Why do Fabergé’s objects continue to exert a magnetic pull on collectors and enthusiasts? Would you argue that this is due – at least to some extent – to a fascination with the history of the Romanovs? The fascination that Fabergé’s art in general, and his imperial Easter Eggs in particular, exercise over the public is that they form part of fairytale world of mighty emperors and queens, beautiful princesses and evil genies. Huge prices and exhibitions help boost their fame:

of the 50 eggs created, some are lost, most are in museums. The remaining few are eagerly sought after, chiefly by Russian Oligarchs keen on acquiring a piece of their own history. The only egg presently on the market – not necessarily the best – has a price-tag of $40 million. The last Fabergé exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in New York in 1996 attracted 400,000 visitors. Films too add to the excitement surrounding Fabergé’s eggs – James Bond’s Octopussy (1984) and Ocean’s Twelve (2004), come to

© Fabergé Museum, St. Petersburg

he name Fabergé immediately conjures up the pomp and tragic fate of the Russian Romanov dynasty: his famous eggs, the symbol of an enchanted, luxury world that vanished almost a hundred years ago, are among the most sought-after collector’s items. A descendant of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and grandson of King Frederick, Archduke Géza von Habsburg has devoted his life to the study of these legendary art objects. Today, he is the world’s foremost Fabergé expert. The author and co-author of 13 books and numerous article on Peter Carl Fabergé’s work, Géza von Habsburg has curated the majority of the major international exhibitions on the Russian goldsmith. He was the Chairman of Christie’s in Geneva in the years in which Fabergé’s eggs made their triumphal entry in the halls of the most prestigious auction houses around the world. In this interview, the expert paints a vivid picture of a world which continues to cast its spell on thousands of scholars and collectors in every corner of the globe. How did you first become acquainted with Fabergé’s world? What aspects of the art of the Russian jeweller and goldsmith were you most struck by at the beginning of your career? The coup de foudre was quite unexpected. While Chairman of Christie’s in Geneva in 1970, I was asked to appraise the contents of a humble villa in Clarens on Lac Léman. Unknown to me then, it had belonged to a couple of former French Ambassadors to the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1931, who had used the Diplomatic Pouch, somewhat shamelessly, to smuggle large quantities of imperial treasures out of Russia. Apart from finest porcelain, glass, beautiful early icons, 18th century silver, there was a safe in the kitchen with no key. It turned out to contain a group of most delightful baubles of great originality, exquisite design and craftsmanship. Never having seen anything similar, I was smitten! Their sale at auction was a landmark event and the beginning of my career

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© Fabergé Museum, St. Petersburg

© LaPresse - AP Photo/Wartski, PA

© Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond (Lillian Thomas Pratt Bequest)


mind. There is no doubt that the cruel fate that overtook the innocent Romanovs, the story of the missing Grand Duchess Anastasia, the mystery of the re-discovery of their remains, their iden-

tification and the Beatification of the murdered Romanov family all add to the spell cast by these relics of bygone splendour. The 1970s and 1980s are no doubt remembered as the beginning of the legendary auctions of Fabergé objects. Is there any one auction that stands out in our mind? Of the sales of thousands of Russian art objects and Fabergé which I organized in Geneva and New York, one particular moment stands out in my mind, that of the auction of Fabergé’s 1900 Imperial “Cockerel Egg” which in 1973 fetched a world record price of Sfr. 620,000, sold by an eminent American collector, and acquired by another of his countrymen. In 1985 the same egg fetched a new record price of $1.9 million. What are the most interesting discoveries you have made in your career? My never-ending quest for treasure has brought me my share of breathtaking discoveries - multi-million Sfr. jewelled tabatières in the vault of a turreted German castle, spectacular 18th century tureens by the greatest French silversmith in a Spanish kitchen, an undocumented historic collection of royal Meissen porcelain in a Portuguese basement, a treasure of ancient jeweled and enam-

eled objects in the palace of an Indian Maharaja… After over forty-five years of experience in the field of the decorative arts, as the world’s foremost Fabergé expert, are there any aspects of your work that you still find especially astonishing or enthralling? What is so mind-boggling about Fabergé is the incredible diversity of his works of art. Over 300,000 jewels, silver and objects of art were produced by the firm, yet there are virtually no duplicates. Each object is an individual creation. One is forever amazed! Such a feat has never before, or ever after been achieved! Aside from your work of research, study and criticism, are you also interested in collecting? In Fabergé’s day one did not collect his art. This was not considered chic. One acquired his creations as ideal, relatively inexpensive gifts in their little wooden boxes, destined for others. The idea of collecting Fabergé is a modern concept. To form a truly worthy collection today, many tens of millions of dollars are required. I only own a silver vide-poches. Instead we collect affordable Habsburg memorabilia – paintings, sculpture, medals, minia-

Left, Archduke Géza von Habsburg, the world’s foremost Fabergé expert. Above, from left, Coronation Coach Egg. Presented by Tsar Nicholas II to his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in 1897; Egg with Clock. Presented by Tsar Alexander III to his wife, Empress Maria Feodorovna in 1887; Peter the Great Egg. Presented by Tsar Nicholas II to his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in 1903


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Courtesy Dr. Geza von Habsburg

Left, Fabergé workshop in St. Petersburg, about 1910

tures - to replace the works which were left behind in Hungary. Over the years, forgers have improved their skills to a striking degree. How can a counterfeit Fabergé object be distinguished from a genuine one? Forgeries (or as I have dubbed them: Fauxbergé) are the bane of all Fabergé specialists. I am asked for advice over the Internet about a smorgasbord of diverse objects on a daily basis, some made in the USA, others in Russia. To discern between genuine and false it is necessary to acquire long-term experience – even decades – ceaselessly


L’archiduc Géza von Habsburg raconte sa carrière consacrée aux chefs-d’œuvre de Peter Carl Fabergé, l’orfèvre russe qui enchanta les Romanov. « Le coup de foudre pour ses précieuses oeuvres d’art – déclare-t-il – a eu lieu de manière inattendue, en 1970, alors que, en ma qualité de président de Christie’s, j’évaluais l’ameublement d’une villa à Clarens, sur le lac Léman. La vente aux enchères d’une collection d’objets d’art par Fabergé y contenue marqua le début de ma carrière comme spécialiste de ce grand orfèvre russe ». Dans cet entretien, l’expert nous décrit habilement un univers, celui de Fabergé, qui ne cesse encore aujourd’hui de fasciner et d’attirer des milliers de spécialistes et de collectionneurs du monde entier.


comparing one object against another under a 10-fold loupe. Fabergé’s superlative glossy enamels and the peerless quality of his gold chasing are inimitable. What advice would you give collectors approaching the Fabergé world for the first time? In view of the great abundance of forgeries, a budding collector must seek the advice of a seasoned specialist. The leading auction houses, a handful of reputable dealers and a small group of experts are the sole reliable sources of such information. I know personal-


L’arciduca Géza von Habsburg racconta la sua carriera dedicata ai capolavori di Peter Carl Fabergé, l’orafo russo che ha incantato i Romanov. «Il colpo di fulmine per i suoi oggetti d’arte – dichiara l’esperto – avvenne inaspettatamente, nel 1970, mentre come presidente di Christie’s effettuavo la valutazione degli arredi di una villa a Clarens, sul Lago Lemano. La vendita all’asta di una bella raccolta di piccoli tesori Fabergé scoperti fu l’inizio della mia carriera come specialista del grande orafo russo». In questa intervista, l’esperto dipinge sapientemente il profilo di un universo, quello di Fabergé, che ancora oggi non smette di affascinare e attrarre migliaia di esperti e collezionisti di tutto il mondo.

ly of collectors who have spent millions – even tens of millions – of dollars without asking for help, tempted by apparently very reasonable prices and trumped-up royal provenances. A single telephone call should suffice to avoid an often tragic financial loss. Aside from Fabergé, what other artists do you appreciate and follow with interest? And what are your views on the contemporary decorative arts scene? The nearest historic comparisons to Fabergé are the 18th century ingenious inventions of Johann Melchior Dinglinger, court goldsmith to my ancestor, Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland. His extraordinary creations, which once belonged to our family, can be admired in the famous Green Vaults in the royal palace in Dresden. Today, originality of design and great craftsmanship are exceedingly rare. I admire the creations of JAR in Paris, of Hemmerle in Munich, and of the revived Fabergé Company in London. Angela Mollisi


Erzherzog Géza von Habsburg erzählt von seiner Karriere im Dienst der Meisterwerke von Peter Carl Fabergé, dem russischen Goldschmied, der die Romanovs verzauberte. „Die Liebe zu den wertvollen Kunstobjekte – so erklärt der Adelige – kam ganz unerwartet, im Jahr 1970, als ich als Vorstand von Christie’s die Einrichtungsgegenstände einer Villa in Clarens am Genfersee sichtete. Die Versteigerung einer Sammlung von Kunstgegenständen von Fabergé darin war der Beginn meiner Karriere als Spezialist für den grossen russischen Meister Goldschmied“.In diesem Interview beschreibt der Experte das ganze Universum der Werke Fabergés, das heute noch wie einst fasziniert und Tausende Sammler und Experten aus aller Welt anzieht.

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lmost one hundred years after its founding in 1914, the Kurhaus Cademario is being reopened to the public thanks to a radical renovation that makes it unique of its kind, an enchanted destination in which to rediscover our deepest connection to our own selves and to nature. Located just twelve kilometres away from Lugano, at an altitude of 850 metres, the Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa affords a charming view of the Lugano lake and the verdant mountains of the Malcantone region. With eightytwo rooms and suites, a three-hectare park, a splendid spa of 2,200 square metres and two restaurants, this wonderful four star superior hotel ranks among the top relaxation and wellness destinations in Switzerland. The brand new DOT.Spa follows the motto “the place at the centre of being” and makes use of the natural energy of


the site on which the Kurhaus stands. Everything here speaks of serenity and harmony with the surrounding environment. The renovation work was intended to lend a modern touch to the original building and furnish it with all the comforts of our age, while preserving its naturalistic spirit. Everything has been planned and developed according to geomantic principles: the materials chosen for the interior are the same as those on the exterior of the building – water, like the natural spring water and waterfalls that shape the environs; wood, which stands for the birches and forests surrounding the building; fire, represented by the many chimneys; earth, which inspired the stone inserts; and metal, which recalls the precious natural resources of the local spring water.

Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa Tel. +41 (0)91 610 51 11 Fax +41 (0)91 610 51 12 info@kurhauscademario.com www.kurhauscademario.com

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Travel Expo - 31.10/02.11.2014 - Lucerne Travel Expo in Switzerland is held this year in the Lucerne Exhibition Centre. It is a great place to organize a travel event, as it is one of most beautiful places in the world to see. The show helps the companies which deal in the travel industry like travelling agencies, travel insurance companies, airlines, hotels as they have a chance to show off their products and services to the customers and to expand their business while on the other hand the show will give a chance to visitors to observe and to understand what can be suitable for them if they decide to go for a travel.

European Antibody Congress 10/12.11.2014 - Starling Geneva Hotel & Conference Geneva European Antibody Congress is Europe's largest and most influential antibody event. Companies already supplying this market are clamouring to be the supplier of choice as pharma and biotech take developments to the next level. European Antibody Congress are currently the fastest growing sector of the biopharmaceutical industry.

Leadership and Management Master Class 3/14.11.2014 - Geneva This 10 day seminar is a comprehensive development programme that addresses the key skills, qualities and attributes of both Leadership and Management. The seminar covers all aspects of leadership and management with the main emphasis. Highlights include: •Understanding the skills required for contemporary Management and how to apply them •Understanding the role of the modern Leader in its forms •Discovering & practicing different styles Leadership such as Coaching •Gaining and using workplace skills for Managing people more effectively •Understanding the need for motivation and how to apply it to self, individuals and teams •Developing enduring human relationships to benefit business performance

Mercedes Benz fashion days 12/15.11.2014 - Zurich Discover the fascination of prêt á porter: In 2014 the international MercedesBenz Fashion Days Zurich are turning the Swiss city into a hot spot of this year’s fashion season. After the shows in New York, London, Milan and Paris, the 2015 spring and summer fashion trends are presented in Zurich – embedded in a stunning event in Switzerland.

HarbourClub. Symposium 2014 27.11.2014 - Zurich Development Center - Zurich .HarbourClub. brings together Chief Communications Officers committed to help the business world and wider society understand the importance of communications in strategic terms by exchanging personal experiences and knowledge and organizing inspirational events, such as the .HarbourClub. symposium which takes place on November 27th in Zurich. 64

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Gustave Courbet 07.09.2014/18.01.2015 Fondation Beyeler, Riehen - Basel The Fondation Beyeler devotes many of its exhibitions to artists whose oeuvre had a determining influence on the development of modern painting. One such key figure is Gustave Courbet. With his provocative canvases and his emphasis on his individuality as an artist, he developed into a precursor of Modernism. It is 16 years since Courbet’s work was last presented in Switzerland. The exhibition, which includes around 50 of his most important works, concentrates on his role as the first avantgarde painter. The show features his selfportraits, seascapes, snowscapes and landscapes. Basel Autumn Fair - 25.10/09.11.2014 - Basel The Basel Autumn Fair, the largest and oldest amusement fair in Switzerland, is taking place from the 25th October to the 9th November 2014 (to the 11.11.2014 on the Petersplatz). The Basel Autumn fair, an over 540-year-old tradition, is more than just the usual funfair or amusement park. It is really a part of the city’s living heritage. This traditional inner-city fair, also radiates far into the threecountry region and attracts around a million people to Basel from home and abroad. The charm of this public festival surely emanates from the extremely high appreciation the Basel population bestow on it. The Tie. men fashion power Landesmuseum, Zürich until 18.01.2015 The tie reveals a lot about its wearer, his social position, his aesthetic tastes or political stance. From the start of the 17th until the beginning of the 20th century, a diverse combination of fabrics, colours and knots adorned the male – and occasionally also the female – neck. Today, the tie is back in fashion. Egon Schiele - Jenny Saville Exhibition at Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich until 18.01.2015 The distinctive works of Austrian artist Egon Schiele (1890 – 1918), produced in less than a decade, confront the large paintings and drawings by British artist Jenny Saville (*1970). This is a meeting between two young stars, separated by many years and divergent artistic methods, who distil in their work a strong sense of the body as the locus of lived experience. Schiele’s poses imbue his mostly smallscale self-portraits with a concentrated strength that is as intense as that of Saville’s gigantic formats.

Zibelemärit, traditional onion market with popular festival 24.11.2014, Bern The “Zibelemärit” (Onion Market) is a traditional folk festival held on the fourth Monday of every November. Farmers from the surrounding area bring over 50 tons of onions – artistically woven into braids – to the federal capital, along with garlic. Colorful market stalls offer ceramic pots, vegetables, traditional market goodies and mementos. To help resist the winter cold, don’t miss the Glühwein stand!


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Left, three renderings of Geneva Ethnography Museum (MEG), which reopens to the public after a big renovation

WELCOME BACK, MEG! The new Geneva Ethnography Museum is inaugurated on October 31 our years after its closure, the Geneva Ethnography Museum (MEG) reopens to the public. Visitors are welcome to a new building, designed by the architectural firm Graber Pulver in Zurich, which shows a shiny metal roof, punctuated by diamond-shaped windows. These new spaces give visitors the opportunity to view ethnographic collections from five continents, presenting 1,000 objects, selected from the existing 80,000 which make up the collections of the MEG. The works on display represent 1,500 different cultures, offering a diverse appreciation of the genre. A major cultural challenge for Geneva, the MEG 2014 project grew out of a shared determination to design an ambitious, contemporary museum infra-



structure that will give the ethnographic collections from the five continents a showcase worthy of their value and make them accessible to the widest possible audience. The new museum holds out the promise of profoundly human experience. Through exhibitions, research and mediation, it explores the diversity of cultures and the wealth of the differences between them. A new cultural hub forging links at local, regional and international level and taking an interactive approach to all categories of visitors, the MEG comes to grips with today’s complex, plural world. Next Exhibitions Permanent Collection, The Archives of Human Diversity, from 1 November 2014 Over 1,000 objects, remarkable messengers from cultures all over the world, have been selected from the 80,000 items in the museum’s collections to feature in the permanent display. Its museographic and scientific design spotlights objects of exemplary historic or anthropological value, works likely to be admired for their aesthetic qualities, but also for their affective and emotional dimensions. Alongside this exhibition, a rich and daring multidisciplinary program of concerts, workshops, shows, lectures and visits will make this new outward-looking museum an attractive cultural venue. The Mochica Kings, Divinity and Power in Ancient Peru, from 1 November 2014 to 3 May 2015 To celebrate its reopening to the public, the MEG presents the treasures from the tomb of the Lord of Ucupe and the splendour of the Mochica kingdom in the world première of the exhibition “The Mochica Kings. Divinity and Power in Ancient Peru.” Sacrifice, power, ritual ecology and symbolism are explored through these masterpieces, giving a glimpse of a luxurious culture regarded as one of the most flourishing and complex of its time, over eight centuries before the famous Inca Empire. Anna Martano Grigorov









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eneva is a lively city with a range of sports opportunities for everyone. To encourage such activities, not least as a source of social interaction, the city council has taken some serious steps to promote certain sports – especially tennis. In the wake of the enthusiasm which followed the worldwide success of the brilliant Geneva-born player Marc Rosset, the winner of a gold medal at the Olympic games in Barcelona and a prominent figure who continues to play an active and highly appreciated role in the region, tennis has now become a very popular sport in Geneva. This is actually a lucky season for tennis throughout the country. The spread of the game has largely been influenced by the positive effect and feelings of national pride which Roger Federer – “The Master”, as he is known by his fans – has exercised on the Swiss population. The same applies to the success enjoyed by Stan Wawrinka, a native and long-time resident of the Suisse Romande who stands as a fine role model for the young. Thanks to its Palexpo congress centre, strategically located near the airport and railway station, Geneva has witnessed a real boom in tennis events. The Regional Tennis Association of Geneva, founded in 1929 by a group of players from different clubs with the aim of promoting the sport, hosts matches and tournaments for all categories and has been given the honour of organizing Davis Cup events on a number of occasions. This year, in particular, Geneva has had the honour of hosting rounds of the Cup Davis on two separate occasions. The last consisted in the semifinal, which was played out in front of 18,000 spectators, with Switzerland beating Italy. The Geneva Canton boasts a large number of tennis courts located in beautiful green areas just outside the city, as well as other urban sports centres. Some of these are open to the public, while others are reserved to



PLAYING TENNIS IN GENEVA The Geneva Canton boasts a large number of tennis courts located in beautiful green areas just outside the city, as well as other urban sports centres

club members. So as to promote sport, the city's sports facilities are made accessible to the public at very competitive rates. Below is a list of the main facilities in the Canton. Centre sportif du Bois-des-Frères, Châteleine (022 418 87 00) www.villegeneve.ch/plan-ville/sports/centresportif-bois-freres A sports complex located near the airport that covers a wide range of sports. It includes six floodlit tennis courts with an artificial surface, with another three inside its multi-sports hall. Centre sportif des Evaux, Onex (022 879 85 85) www.evaux.ch/contact

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In this picture, the Tennis Club Drizia-Miremont in Geneva. Below, the Vessey Sport Center, at the foot of the Salève mountain

Located in a magnificent park outside the city, this centre brings together a range of different and interesting sports and leisure facilities for adults and children alike. It currently includes six outdoor professional tennis courts with an artificial surface. Centre sportif de Vessy, Vessy (022 418 48 70) www.ville-geneve.ch/planville/sports/centre-sportif-vessy/ This luxury complex on the banks of the Arve, at the foot of the Salève, offers spacious green areas for the enjoyment of all the family and includes ten non-lit outdoor courts with Green Set and Tartan surfaces.

Centre sportif du Bout-du-Monde, Geneva (022 418 48 50) www.ville-geneve.ch/plan-ville/sports/centresportif-bout-monde/ Over fourteen sporting activities can be practised in this centre, one of the largest in the Canton. With three tennis courts in its multi-sports hall, it complements the offering of the Vessy centre, located only two minutes away. In addition to the offering from the municipal administration, several private clubs make their facilities available to the general public at a fee of 30 to 40 francs per hour. However, during the lunch break and after 6 pm almost all of these sports centres give priority to people with a subscription or active club members. Complexe sportif municipal de Maisonnex, Meyrin (022 782 91 31) www.tcmeyrin.ch/htlm_php/complex.html This fine venue, only a short distance away from the airport and the CERN, is equipped with eleven tennis courts. The one-hour booking of a court also gives access to the open-air swimming pool in the summer. Centre sportif de Cologny, Cologny (022 349 81 19) www.cs-cologny.ch/tennis Located in the residential area of Cologny, this complex offers six outdoor courts – four with a clay (Somclay) surface, two with a Setpoint Albatros (granulated carpet) surface – plus three indoor courts with a Greenset Confort surface. Tennis Club Drizia-Miremont, Geneva (022 347 76 49) www.tcdrizia.ch/NewSite/base.htm Twelve clay tennis courts in summer; six covered courts and three outdoor ones in winter. Tennis Club de Genève-Champel, Vessy (022 784 25 66/68) www.tc-geneve.ch/champel/club/infrastructure Five covered courts throughout the year, with a Royal Slide (carpet/granulated) surface, and six outdoor courts: three with a Royal Slide surface that are covered in winter and three artificial clay ones. Lara Schweizer Boschetti 69

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SWISS INDOORS BASEL Big tennis in Basel from 18 to 26 October 2014 with Atp World Tour 500

In this picture, the Swiss champion Roger Federer playing a match at the Swiss Indoors in Basel Opposite page, above, a Center Court atmosphere unique to Basel: each year, the global tennis elite come together in the magnificent St. Jakobshalle for a superstar showdown


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witzerland’s largest sporting event and one of the most important indoor tournaments in the world, the Swiss Indoors traditionally takes place in Basel and always forms part of the end-of-season run-up to the World Finals. The magnificent St. Jakobshalle is the setting for this annual gathering of the elite of the tennis world. In 2009, after having received several annual ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) awards, the Swiss Indoors was promoted to the newly created 500 series of world tournament. This has underlined its status not only as Switzerland’s leading sporting event with an annual budget of CHF 18.5 million, but also as the world’s third-largest indoor tournament after Paris and Shanghai. As the world’s third-largest indoor tournament, the status of the Basel event has also been upgraded by the Association’s governing body. It is now part of the premium platform of the ATP World Tour 500 series, a status which – alongside the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 events – is shared by just ten other tournaments worldwide. In 2012, the Association Board of Directors confirmed that the Swiss Indoors Basel will retain its status as an ATP 500 event until 2016. The tournament will therefore remain the world’s third-largest indoor competition in the Champions League of premium events. One year later, as a result of Association’s specifications, the total prize money on offer at the Swiss Indoors Basel was increased to the record sum of 1,988 million of Euro.During times of great change in the sporting world and global uncertainties, Basel is confidently guiding the Swiss Indoors into its fifth decade, as the third-largest indoor tournament of the World Series. As part of the Association’s reform agenda, the Swiss Indoors Basel was promoted to the premium class of ATP Formula 500 tournaments, the tennis equivalent of football’s Champions League. This, together with the efforts made to continuously develop the event, is the reason why this year Basel will once again boast an elite world-class field headed by Rafael Nadal, who has re-


gained his top position in the global rankings. The Swiss Indoors can also be proud of its status as an ATP 500 event, confirmed until 2016. The organisation appreciates the culture of tennis, the fascination of this game characterised by fairness where, at the end of each match, the players shake hands at the net. This noble spirit is what gives the Swiss Indoors its strength. Basel is still the name of the game, the focal point in Switzerland for world tennis. From 18 to 26 October 2014, the Swiss Indoors Basel is once again showcasing world-class tennis as part of the ATP World Tour 500. In the end-of-season run-up to the World Tour Finals in London, the superstars of today and the champions of tomorrow meet at the highlight event in the Swiss tennis calendar and one of the world’s most prestigious indoor tournaments. The national broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen provides live programming from the event for the whole week, allowing millions of viewers both in Switzerland and abroad to follow the world-class matches on television. More than 70,000 spectators follow the games live at the St. Jakobshalle, creating a center court atmosphere that is unique to Basel. Many world stars are taking to the Center Court at the Swiss Indoors Basel from 18 to 26 October 2014. The world’s No.2 Rafael Nadal (ATP 2) leads a fantastic and explosive line-up, followed by the outstanding Roger Federer (ATP 3), Stanislas Wawrinka (ATP 4) and rising stars Milos Raonic (ATP 7) and Grigor Dimitrov (ATP 9). Before music and tennis unite in harmonious mixed doubles, the first high-

light of the tournament has been scheduled for Super Monday on 20 October 2014. Under theauspices of sponsors Manor, Blick and L’illustré, Canada’s iconic singer Paul Anka and his orchestra opens the Swiss Indoors, followed by the opening match between French Open winner Rafael Nadal and Australian Open champion Stan Wawrinka. Watching the world number 2 and number 4 on the same night as an overture is not something that tennis fans experience every day. The elite field at Basel sees appearances by three of the four Wimbledon semifinalists as well as Nadal and Wawrinka. Record-holder Roger Federer (ATP 3) contested the Wimbledon final for the tenth time and was only defeated by Novak Djokovic after a top-class match. And the young stars Milos Raonic (ATP 6) and Grigor Dimitrov (ATP 9), on their way to the top, could only be stopped in the semi-finals by the titans Federer and Djokovic. For four decades, the traditional autumn date for the Swiss Indoors has been responsible for its popularity on the global tennis scene. On the Association’s tour calendar for 2014 and 2015, there is a free week between the tournaments in Paris (Paris-Bercy) and London (ATP World Tour Finals). In previous years, the tournaments in Basel/Valencia, Paris-Bercy and London have followed one another back-to-back. Tournament president Roger Brennwald says: “The new arrangement may be advantageous for us, if the stars are still chasing points in the World Championship and need to put on a final spurt.” Emila Regazzoni


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STUDYING AT ETH ZURICH Focus on the top university in mainland Europe idgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich, universally known as ETH Zurich, is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. It is famous for its excellent education, groundbreaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice. Founded in 1855, today it has more than 18,000 students from over 110 countries, including 3,900 doctoral students. To researchers, it offers an inspiring working environment, to students, a comprehensive education. This year’s QS rankings confirm ETH Zurich’s reputation as an excellent academic institution: it has once again been ranked 12th in the world achieving its highest overall rating of the past three years with a score of 95.3 in this year’s QS World University Rankings, placing it 12th in the world. Twenty-one Nobel Laureates have studied, taught or conducted research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, underlining the excellent reputation of the university. Presently, 497 professors teach there, with an average age of 51. More than 10,000 people overall work at ETH Zurich, of whom 52% are from other countries. The proportion of foreign staff has grown by 15 % in the last 10 years. The percentage of female professors is 35%, and, in 2013, 10.8 % more women were in the highest salary class than in 2012. 2,805 students – the highest number of first-semester students in the institution’s history – have begun their Bachelor’s degrees in september. More and more new students are choosing degree programmes in computer science, electrical engineering and health sciences. Master’s programmes have also seen record numbers of applicants and admissions. This year, 1,939 men and 866 women have accepted places in the 23 undergraduate programmes . These preliminary figures represent a 3.7% jump over



last year and a new record. The proportion of female students, at 30.8%, is almost unchanged from last year’s share of 30.4%. The highest proportion of female students is found in food sciences (74%), pharmaceutical sciences (70.6%) and health sciences and technology (58%). The share of international students in the incoming class of Bachelor’s students has risen slightly to 19.5%. With 477 students in the incoming class, mechanical engineering remains by far the most popular course of study this year, despite a slight drop from last year’s peak. Architecture is again the second most popular programme, with 279 incoming students. Behind the front-runners, another trend is emerging in both computer science and electrical engineering and information technology: these disciplines faded after their initial boom in the 1980s and 1990s, but they have once again grown in popularity among first-semester students. With 238 incoming students, computer science has joined health sciences and technology, which was formed in 2011, as the third most popular programme for new students, followed by electrical engineering and information technology with 205 new students. “Student numbers in the engineering subjects have been rising for years,” explains Dieter Wüest, head of the Rectorate. In light of the current and future labour market demand for qualified graduates, he notes, this is a positive development. Wüest adds that the more balanced distribution of students among the different disciplines is also positive in terms of staff/student ratios in the various departments. The academic institution is prominent at the Master’s level, too – not only among internal graduates but also with graduates from other universities. Generally, about two thirds of Master’s students have received their first degree from ETH Zurich. This year some 1,400

Bachelor’s graduates will continue on to a Master’s programme at the university. Precise figures are not yet available since Bachelor’s students can also transfer to the consecutive level of their programmes, i.e. the Master’s level, after the start of the semester. The university also received 2,489 Master’s applications from holders of external Bachelor’s degrees, another record. Admission was granted to 1,066 applicants, and some two thirds of that number, about 700, will take up their places at the university – also a new high. As in previous years, most incoming students from external undergraduate programmes will join the architecture, computer science, and electrical engineering and information technology Master’s programmes. Due to the high numbers of undergraduates moving up from ETH’s ranks, mechanical engineering is the largest programme overall at the Master’s level. Integrated building systems is being offered for the first time as a Master’s programme. The four-semester programme

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Left, the main building of ETH in the heart of Zurich. Below, the solid-state NMR group led by Professor Dr. Beat Meier uses and develops solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods to study materials and biological systems, as well as fundamental phenomena in physical chemistry

for architects and engineers aims to train specialists in the design of more energyand resource-efficient buildings. The number of students continues to

rise. Together with doctoral students, of which there are now more than 4,000, some 18,500 people will be studying at ETH Zurich this semester.

This autumn semester foresees 135 exchange students visiting the academic institution from European partner universities, compared with 150 in autumn semester 2013/14. At the same time, 64 ETH students plan to study at a European university (autumn semester 2013/14: 72). The European student exchange now takes place as part of the SwissEuropean Mobility Programme, which the Swiss government established as an alternative to the Erasmus+ programme since Switzerland can no longer participate. The numbers are thus some 10% lower than the previous year for exchanges within Europe, within the range of normal fluctuation. Partner universities in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands are the most popular destinations for ETH exchange students staying in Europe. Outside Europe, North America (US/Canada) accounts for the lion’s share; semesters in Singapore, Australia and Japan are also popular. Anna Martano Grigorov


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he Unsern Valley is located in the Canton of Uri in the Lepontine Alps, which are here named after Mt Adula – at 3402 m above sea level, the highest and most important mountain in the area. The valley extends around the summer and winter health resort of Andermatt, about an hour’s drive away from Lugano Airport. For centuries this was one of Switzerland’s most secluded valleys and could only be reached – not without much difficulty – from the north, through the Reuss Valley. Here the Schöllenen Gorge used to provide the only possible access prior to the construction of the Devil’s Bridge, which cut across one of the most impenetrable stretches. The 1881 railway tunnel and the 1980 Gotthard Road Tunnel ensured a greater tourist influx for Andermatt. The Alpine resort now attracts many holidaymakers through a steady flow of cars, tourist coaches and

T PLAYING GOLF IN ANDERMATT An hour’s drive away from Lugano Airport, the health resort of Andermatt is undergoing serious development in an environmentally sustainable way. The new eighteen-hole golf course and soon-to-be-opened connection with the Sedrum skiing facilities will make Andermatt even more appealing – yearround – to an international, sophisticated crowd of visitors who can already enjoy the new five-star Chedi luxury hotel


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Opposite page top, the center Andermatt village. Below, a wonderful picture of the golfing area. Left, architect Kurt Rossknecht, (on the left) who designed the 18-hole course at Andermatt, and Bernard Russi, unforgettable skiing champion and ambassador for all sporting activities in Andermatt, his hometown

motorcyclists keen on Alpine passes. People who prefer to travel by train can reach Andermatt with the red train from St Moritz or Zermatt. It was possibly when visiting Andermatt as a tourist that the Egyptian entrepreneur Samih Sawiris came up with the idea of establishing – through Orascom Development – his first tourist complex in Switzerland, an integrated village and holiday resort. This large-scale project was added to the list of resorts which Sawiris had created on the Red Sea in Egypt (El Gouna and Taba Heights), in Montenegro (Luštica Development AD), and in the United Kingdom (Eco-Bos Development, Cornwall). The new all-round project,

which takes the name of Andermatt Swiss Alps, is being developed in the area to the north-west of the historic centre of Andermatt, without affecting the old village. Plans have been made for six new luxury hotels, one of which – the Chedi Hotel – is already open, along with forty-two buildings with 490 spacious apartments and twenty-five villas. The project also includes the creation of some sports facilities, an eighteen-hole golf course – already open – and a new infrastructure connecting Andermatt to the ski resort of Sedrum. Thanks to the commitment of Orascom Development to the growth of Andermatt and the Canton of Uri, this significant investment has been made exempt from the federal law known as the “Lex Koller”, which imposes restrictions on the ownership of landed property in Switzerland on the part of non-residents. This exemption makes any property investment in Andermatt Swiss Alps a particularly valuable opportunity for private individuals around the world. As guests at the five-star Chedi Andermatt luxury hotel, the first hotel to have been opened among those included in the project, we had the privilege to practice on the interestingly challenging Andermatt Swiss Alps Golf course. This 6327 metre-long eighteen-hold Championship Course was designed by architect Kurt Rossknecht. For the moment, the course is reserved for residents, guests at any of the hotels in Andermatt, and members of nearby golf clubs. This varied links course unfolds southwards across most of the valley bottom, surrounded by spontaneous vegetation, ponds and brooks springing from the mountains that dominate the landscape. The string of putting greens is interspersed with pastures, which the municipal administration has decided to preserve out of concern for local farms and the ecology of the area. The first nine holes extend

southwards across the valley. Holes three and four are among the most interesting and challenging: two par-four holes on the hill slope, the only part of the course rising to an elevation of around 80 metres. This lookout point offers a stunning view over the whole course, Andermatt, and the spectacular amphitheatre of mountains that encloses the valley to the north. Frontal and side water obstacles are to be found throughout the course and especially near the greens of the last holes of the two ninehole rings. It is important to keep clear of the fairway here, since the rough consists of tall mountain grass that will “swallow up” the ball, even if it strays only by a few centimetres. There are five tee boxes, making the 5940 metre yellow par-72 course open to all players with a handicap. This interesting and highly enjoyable mountain links course, with its spacious greens, has been carved out of a “pristine natural environment ideal for enjoying a little fresh air and recovering one’s strength”, as Bernard Russi emphasizes. This unforgettable skiing champion is now a designer of stunning tracks – including the downhill Olympic one at Sochi – and a dynamic ambassador for Andermatt. The altitude helps hit amazing drives, often curbed by the wind, which blows from the north in the morning and from the south in the afternoon – something to be taken into account, to avoid veering off into the rough. On making our way back to the luxury five-star Chedi Andermatt Hotel, we get a foretaste of the style and quality of what Orascom Development is to bring with its Andermatt Swiss Alps project. The hotel is a sophisticated building designed by architect Jean Michel Gathy. With their cosy atmosphere, combining Alpine elegance and Asian gracefulness, the main hall and adjacent rooms are designed to make guests feel at home. Edoardo Granata


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TICINO AGENDA leisure & business Meeting Luxury 31.10/02.11.2014 Exhibition Center, Lugano

Pink The Space -1, Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati, Lugano - Until 7.12.2014 The City of Lugano has made arrangements with the collectors Giancarlo and Danna Olgiati for 157 pieces of work belonging to their Collection to be stored in the underground rooms of Central Park. The warehouse, which is a temporary exhibition area at the same time, is called “-1”.The third edition of Spazio -1 is devoted to the women artists in the Giancarlo and Danna Olgiati Collection. At the very heart of the thirty works produced by women is a special space reserved for Carla Accardi (1924-2014), including some of her most important creations. Bramantino and the French Rule in Renaissance Lombardy (1499-1522) Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano, until 11.01. 2015 The Museo Cantonale d’arte hosts a major exhibition consecrated to Bartolomeo Suardi, known as Bramantino. The exhibition traces the artist’s entire cultural and expressive itinerary, from the onset of his career to his very last works. Works of Bramantino are shown in a tightlyknit web of exchanges and interferences, the most important Lombard figurative tendencies.

Meeting Luxury is the new international event that, in the marvellous frame of the city of Lugano, expresses, interprets and proposes the new trends of Luxury travels. Meeting Luxury presents the best international offer of the sector, embodying a very high-level event, addressed to Industry professionals and aiming to create a global platform for exclusive networking of operators and elite destinations. Edilespo - 18/22.11.2014 Exhibition Center, Lugano The event is entirely based on buildings and constructions. Over 150 exhibitors provide their new latest innovative range of products, very useful for the development of construction and building industry. Over 20,000 visitors will expected in five days to learn about the innovations and technologies which are well showcased by this trade fair. ExpoGusto - 15/17.11.2014 Exhibition Center, Lugano

Castellinaria - International Youth Film Festival 15/22.11.2014 - Bellinzona Born in 1988, The International Youth Film Festival in Bellinzona focuses on film based on the theme of the transformations of the world of youngsters, favouring either easy, insubstantial or glamorous productions. The Castellinaria program features both competitive and non-competitive sections, for school pupils and others open to the public, witih both fiction and animated movies. The Festival is also offering retrospectives and exhibitions, conferences and meetings of varied kinds. Hans Richter. The rythm of the Avant-Garde Until 23.11.2014 - Museo d’Arte, Lugano The Hans Richter exhibition, was organized in cooperation with LACMA, Centre Pompidou Metz and Martin-Gropius-Bau. Featuring almost 200 works including paintings, drawings, photographs, films, books and magazines, the exhibition represents a unique occasion to rediscover the work of this remarkable representative of Twentieth Century art who spent much of the last twenty years of his life in Locarno. 76

The fair of food&wine excellences, aims to highlight small artisan businesses or those business producing products of excellence, typical and of high quality. The initiative intends to promote the excellence of food and wine production as the unique expression of history, quality, taste and tradition.









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© Daniele Marucci

The Spanish architect José María Sánchez García is the winner of the fourth BSI Swiss Architectural Award, one of the most lucrative architecture prizes in the world today


he BSI Swiss Architectural Award is presented every two years and aims to draw the public’s attention to architects not older than 50 from all over the world whose work contributes to contemporary architectural theory and practice and who have


shown particular sensitivity to landscape and the environmental context. The 2014 winner, José María Sánchez García, was selected from 27 candidates coming from 16 countries. The jury voted unanimously to award the BSI Swiss Architectural Award 2014 to José María

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THE BANK MEETS ARCHITECTURE Established in Lugano (Switzerland) in 1873, BSI Ltd is one of the oldest banks in Switzerland and specialises in private wealth management. BSI Architectural Foundation is BSI Ltd’s foundation for the promotion of knowledge, education and research in the field of architecture. It presents a biennial architecture award (BSI Swiss Architectural Award) and sponsors activities and projects as part of that event, including exhibitions, publications and presentations. Charles Kleiber (Chairman), Mario Botta (Vice Chairman), Alfredo Gysi, Franco Polloni and Marco Solari are members of the Foundation Board.

Sánchez García for the restoration of the archaeological site around the Temple of Diana in Merida (2005-2008), the centre for sports innovation “el Anillo” in Guijo de Granadilla (Cáceres, 2008-2009), and the rowing centre in Alange (Badajoz, 2008- 2010). In the words of Mario Botta, chairman of the BSI Swiss Architectural Award jury, the works presented by José María Sánchez García “are evidences to the maturity of an architect who, though under the age of 40, is able to work with rigour and precision in a wide variety of contexts, from restoring archaeological sites in urban areas to building sports facilities in a striking landscape. His works are both well-measured and powerful at the same time, devoid of formal complacency. He is able to give order and shape to a location while highlighting its specific features. The formal reduction that he creates is accompanied by a great sensitivity in interpreting the site, thereby opening up a rich dialogue. He has won this award among very strong competition coming from a wide range of contexts and styles, which serves to confirm the validity of the selection procedure, based

on the nominations provided by the advisors, and the truly international character of this award”. The jury for the fourth BSI Swiss Architectural Award was chaired by Mario Botta (Switzerland) and comprised of Alberto Campo Baeza (Spain), Marc Collomb (Switzerland, director of the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio), Charles Kleiber (Switzerland, chairman of the BSI Architectural Foundation) and Bruno Reichlin (Switzerland). The secretary of the award is Nicola Navone (Switzerland). The candidates for the 2014 BSI Swiss Architectural Award were nominated by a committee of advisors comprised of internationally renowned architects and critics such as Solano Benitez (Paraguay – winner of the first BSI Swiss Architectural Award), Barry Bergdoll (USA), Ole Bouman (Netherlands), Luis Fernandez Galiano (Spain), Sean Godsell (Australia), Diébédo Francis Kéré (Burkina Faso/ Germany – winner of the second BSI Swiss Architectural Award), Shelley McNamara (Ireland), Rahul Mehrotra (India), Mohsen Mostafavi (USA), Valerio Olgiati (Switzerland): a highly representative

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

Left, rowing centre in Alange (Badajoz, 2008- 2010) Below, the centre for sports innovation “el Anillo” in Guijo de Granadilla (Cáceres, 2008-2009)


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© Enrico Cano


Above, this project by Sánchez García retrieves the environment of the Temple of Diana in Merida, which was the forum in Roman times

group further enriched by two recent winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, Toyo Ito (Japan) and Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal). The candidates for the 2014 BSI Swiss Architectural Award were: Boyd Cody Architects (Ireland), Arno Brandlhuber (Germany), Tom de Paor (Ireland), Anne Feenstra / Office Arch i platform (Netherlands / India), Toni Gironès (Spain), Hall McKnight (Northern Ireland) Go Hasegawa (Japan), Akihisa Hirata (Japan), Hollmén, Reuter, Sandman (Finland), Höweler + Yoon Architecture (USA), Kumiko Inui (Japan), johnstonmarklee (USA), Carla Juaçaba (Brazil), LTL ARCHITECTS (USA), MAP Studio – Magnani Pelzel Architetti Associati (Italy), onishimaki + hyakudayuki architects (Japan), Lassila Hirvilammi Architects / OOPEAA – Office for Peripheral Architecture (Finland), Sameep Padora (India), Smiljan Radic (Chile), Camilo Restrepo Ochoa (Colombia), Rintala Eggertsson Architects (Norway), Mauricio Rocha (Mexico), José María Sánchez García (Spain), Sergison Bates Architects (Eng-

land), Studio Weave (England), TYIN tegnestue Architects (Norway), Raphael Zuber (Switzerland). This international award is sponsored by the BSI Architectural Foundation, under the aegis of the Swiss Federal Office for Culture in Bern and the Mendrisio Architecture Academy, and in cooperation with the Archivio del Moderno in Mendrisio. BIOGRAPHY José María Sánchez García was born in 1975 in Don Benito (Badajoz, Spain). He graduated in 2002 from the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM), where he is currently an associate professor of projects. In 2006 he opened his own professional studio in Madrid. He has won several prizes: the AR+D Architectural Review Awards for Emerging Architecture (2009), the Design Vanguard 2009 Award, the IX European Prize for Architecture Philippe

Rotthier (2011), the distinction for young architects at the XI BEAU Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning, and the award of the VII Iberian-American Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning; his work was selected for the X Contractworld Award 2010, the Zumtobel Group Award 2012 and the Mies van der Rohe Award 2013, and was published in numerous reviews in Spain and internationally. He has given lectures and attended conferences at numerous universities in Spain and internationally. Some of his most important works include: The restoration of the archaeological site of the Temple of Diana in Merida (Spain, 2005-2008); the sports innovation centre “el Anillo” in Guijo de Granadilla, Cáceres (Spain, 20082009); the rowing centre in Alange (Spain, 2008-2010); tourism facilities in Castillo de la Luna ad Albuquerque, Badajoz and at the convent of San Juan de Dios a Olivenza, Badajoz (Spain, under construction). Simona Manzione


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C’est l’architecte espagnol José María Sánchez García qui a remporté la quatrième édition du BSI Swiss Architectural Award. Ce prix, organisé tous les deux ans par la BSI Architectural Foundation, avec le soutien de l’Office fédéral de la culture de la Confédération helvétique et de l’Acaademia di architettura – Université de la Suisse Italienne et avec la coordination des Archives du Moderne de Mendrisio, signale au public des architectes du monde entier qui ont offert, à travers leur travail, une contribution importante à la culture architecturale contemporaine en faisant preuve d’une sensibilité particulière vis-à-vis de l’environnement et de son équilibre.

È l’architetto spagnolo José María Sánchez García il vincitore della quarta edizione del BSI Swiss Architectural Award. Promosso con cadenza biennale dalla BSI Architectural Foundation, con il patrocinio dell’Ufficio federale della cultura della Confederazione elvetica e dell’Accademia di architettura - Università della Svizzera Italiana e il coordinamento dell’Archivio del Moderno, a Mendrisio, il premio BSI Swiss Architectural Award segnala all’attenzione del pubblico architetti di tutto il mondo che abbiano offerto, attraverso il loro lavoro, un contributo rilevante alla cultura architettonica contemporanea, dimostrando particolare sensibilità nei riguardi dell’equilibrio ambientale.

Gewinner der vierten Edition des BSI Swiss Architectural Award ist der spanische Architekt José María Sánchez García. Der Preis wird alle zwei Jahre von der BSI Architectural Foundation unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundesamtes für Kultur und der Architekturakademie der Universität der italienischen Schweiz verliehen, koordiniert vom Archiv der Moderne in Mendrisio. Der BSI Swiss Architectural Award möchte einem internationalen Publikum Architekten aus aller Welt näher bringen, die mit ihrer Arbeit einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur zeitgenössischen Architektur geleistet und dabei besondere Rücksicht auf die Umwelt genommen haben.

Lugano, an amazing holiday experience Ente Turistico del Luganese Riva Albertolli – Palazzo Civico CH-6900 Lugano

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info@luganoturismo.ch www.luganoturismo.ch luganoinblog.ch discoverlugano

EMERALD_EVO.qxp_Opinioni 07.10.14 13:24 Pagina 82

Ail Aziende Industriali Città di Lugano · Via ai Molini 2 6933 Muzzano · 058 866 75 70 · info@ail.Ch Azienda Elettrica

Cabiancardi SA Via al Mulino 22A · 6814 Cadempino 091 985 70 60 · info@cabiancardi.ch Imprese di pulizie

Emerald Casa SA Via Cassarinetta 10 · 6900 Lugano 091 985 20 50 · info@emerald-casa.ch Immobiliare di vendita

Alpiq InTec Ticino SA Via Cantonale 43 · 6802 Rivera 058 261 00 00 · info.ait.ticino@alpiq.com Impianti Sanitari, Riscaldamento, Ventilazione

Capoferri SA Via Motta 61 · 6826 Riva San Vitale 091 648 11 28 · capoferri@capoferri.ch Davanzali e soglie

Enea Gmbh Buechstrasse 12 · 8645 Jona 055 225 55 55 · info@enea.ch Progettazione ed esecuzione giardino

Arca Ceramiche Srl V.le Belforte 154 · 22100 Varese +39 0332 33 13 00 · info@arcaceramiche.it Fornitore di pavimenti, rivestimenti e marmi

CISPI Sagl Via San Salvatore, 6 · 6900 Lugano Paradiso 091 980 32 17 · info@cispi.ch Consulenza antincendio

Fimex Distribution AG Werkstrasse 36 · 3250 Lyss (BE) 058 551 05 05 · info@fimex.ch Fitness

Artech SA Via Degli Albrizzi 1 · 6900 Lugano 091 924 06 07 · info@artech.ch Project manager

Conconi Sud SA Via Pozzi Artisti · 6873 Corteglia 091 646 50 44 · info@conconi.com

Galli Sicurezza SA via Ciani 14 · 6900 Lugano 091 973 50 50 · info@gallisicurezza.com Serrature, cilindri e chiavi

Ascensori Schindler SA Centro Nord-Sud Via Campagna · 6934 Bioggio 091 611 95 95 · ticino@ch.schindler.com Ascensori

Dionea SA Via Praccio 5 6900 Massagno 091 945 09 03 dionea@dionea.ch Studio di consulenza ambientale, ingegneria forestale e pianificazione

Grano Giardini SA Via San Gottardo 22 · 6943 Vezia 091 968 16 09 · info@granogiardini.com Esecuzione giardino, viali e parti esterne comuni

Bertoni Bruno SA Via Boscherine 6 · 6853 Ligornetto 091 647 14 53 · info@bertonisa.ch Posa porcellanati - marmi - graniti

Drytech SA Via Industrie 12 · 6930 Bedano 091 960 23 40 · ticino@drytech.ch Strutture sotterranee impermeabili

Griesser AG Tänikonerstrasse 3 · 8355 Aadorf 0848 888 111 · info@griesser.ch Schermature solari

Btf SA Costruzioni Metalliche Via al Mulino 4 · 6943 Vezia 091 960 70 90 · info@btf.ch Serramenti e strutture metalliche

Elettronorma SA Via Cortivallo 22 · 6900 Lugano 091 968 10 54 · lugano@elettronorma.ch Progettazione elettrica

ICR Industrie Chimiche Riunite Via Privata Soldati 5 · 6830 Chiasso 091 682 36 21 · info@icrch.ch Impermeabilizzazioni blocco B e asfalto

EMERALD_EVO.qxp_Opinioni 07.10.14 13:28 Pagina 83

Emerald Living a Corner of Paradise in Lugano Canton Ticino truly is a corner of paradise, a sunny region that enjoys a mild climate throughout the year. With its ideal location at the heart of Europe, on the one hand it is perfectly connected to the rest of Switzerland, while on the other it is very close to north Italian cities: from Lugano it is possible to reach Milan in just over half an hour. Canton Ticino's many assets make it a popular destination with visitors from across the world, and the number of people who choose to take up residence in the Canton is on the rise. The Emerald Living residential complex – the latest 'creation' of Emerald Casa, which has been operating in the luxury housing sector for over thirty years – stands as an accomplished testimony to the building boom currently underway in the Canton, and especially Lugano. The residential complex is located in Paradiso, a municipality that is politically and administratively independent from Lugano, while constituting an integral part of it from the point of view of urban development. These sumptuous apartments offer a view of the Gulf of Lugano on the one side and of the wooded slopes of Mount San Salvatore on the other. Roughly sixty companies – all of them Swiss – have contributed to the development of the building complex, whose various stages have been followed by the Lugano-based architecture studio Luca Gazzaniga Architetti. The aparthotel, an integral part of the complex, includes twenty-odd suites and a high-class restaurant. Adjacent to the restaurant are a lounge bar, meeting and events halls, a fitness area, a covered swimming pool, a spa and a thalassotherapy area. The interior of the aparthotel has been designed by Architect Galloni from the IHD company of Lugano, which has been specializing in luxury hotels, cruise ships, private homes and fashion boutiques for the past forty years.

for further information

Via Cassarinetta 10 CH • 6900 Lugano Tel. 091-985 20 50 www.emerald-casa.ch info@emerald-casa.ch

EMERALD_EVO.qxp_Opinioni 07.10.14 13:17 Pagina 84

IFEC Consulenze SA Via Lischedo 9 · 6802 Rivera - Monteceneri 091 935 97 00 · contact@ifec.ch Energia e fisica della costruzione, acustica e vibrazioni, impianti e infrastrutture, ambiente

Medici Dario ed Eros Impresa di costruzioni SA Via Balbio 28 6834 Morbio inferiore 091 683 25 10 info@impresamedici.ch Impresario costruttore

MN Elektro Engineering Via Penate 16 · 6850 Mendrisio 091 970 28 68 mm.elektro.engineering@gmail.com Elettricisti Ihd Interior Haut Design Via Nassa 29 · 6900 Lugano 091 911 96 66 · info@ihd-design.com Interior aparthotel

Moggio Giuliano Via sotto il Monte 4 · 6934 Bioggio 091 950 83 58 · gmoggio@ticino.com Direttore lavori Immobiliare Promotion SA Via Cassarinetta 10 · 6900 Lugano 091 985 20 56 info@immobiliare-promotion.ch Progettazione e direzione lavori Pavicem SA Via Védeggio 1 · 6928 Manno 091 930 91 29 · info@pavicem.ch Betoncini

Impresa Barella SA Corso San Gottardo 106 · 6830 Chiasso 3 091 695 80 40 · info@impresabarella.ch Impresario costruttore

Linarredo Via Maggio 19 · 6900 Lugano 091 971 13 12 · linarredo@bluewin.ch Posa pavimenti in legno

Longhini Nadia Ing. Via Alla Campagna 9 · 6924 Sorengo 091 993 02 20 · nlonghini@bluewin.ch Geometra

m Medat Fiduciaria SA Via G. Guisan 16 · 6900 Paradiso 091 993 39 93 · info@medat.ch Amministrazione

P.L. Valli SA Via Grancia 6 · 6916 Grancia 091 985 95 10 · info@valli.ch Rivestimenti in pietra

Progetto Camino Via Cantonale · 6805 Mezzovico 091 946 20 51 · info@progettocamino.ch Caminetti


The apartments of the residential complex feature spacious terraces and the interiors have been carefully planned, with the greatest attention to detail. The aparthotel, an integral part of the complex, includes twenty-odd suites, a high-class restaurant, a spa, a covered swimming pool and a well-equipped fitness area.


Ruggero Canonica e Figli SA Zona Industriale 4 · 6807 Taverne 091 945 32 41 · info@rcanonica-e-figli.ch Intonaco, gessatura e controsoffitti metallo

Sanitas Troesch SA Corso Elvezia 37 · 6904 Lugano 091 912 28 50 · lugano@sanitastroesch.ch Sanitari e cucine

EMERALD_EVO.qxp_Opinioni 07.10.14 13:18 Pagina 85

Emerald Living a Corner of Paradise in Lugano

Selva Interior SA Riva Antonio Caccia 1C · 6900 Lugano 091 994 45 44 · info@selvainterior.com Arredamenti d’interni

Tyco Integrated Fire & Security (Svizzera) SA Via Cantonale Galleria 3 · 6928 Manno 058 445 47 00 · tyco.ch@tycoint.com Impianti di sicurezza

Veragouth SA Via Industrie 24 · 6930 Bedano 091 935 79 79 · info@veragouth.com Porte in legno

Valsecchi SA Via Vallemaggia 29 · 6600 Locarno 091 751 16 47 · info@swiss-stone-group.com Rivestimenti in pietra

Via Cassarinetta 10 CH • 6900 Lugano Tel. 091-985 20 50 www.emerald-casa.ch info@emerald-casa.ch


Torsetta SA Via Santa Maria 60 · 6596 Gordola 091 743 15 48 · info@torsetta.ch Lattoneria

TICINO_HEALTH_new_layout 07.10.14 13:32 Pagina 86

Ticino: a new jewel for health and relaxation Society nowadays is growing increasingly health-conscious. For many people this awareness includes a balanced diet, enough good exercise and regular check-ups. This is a daily goal for almost everyone. Things, however, are often very different in reality, and it is difficult to reconcile these good intentions with everyday life. The only moment in which it becomes possible to pamper oneself and one's body is when on holiday. Within this context, the promotion of health and wellness tourism is gaining increasing im-

portance and popularity. A rapidly growing market, the health and wellness sector includes all kinds of options: from simple check-ups to the most sophisticated surgery, consumers are spoilt for choice. However, “health destinations” are the real yardstick today. The attractiveness of a region constitutes an important factor in the choice of a holiday location. Since May, Canton Ticino too has been offering all-inclusive, customized health holidays. Long known to be an inviting region


for anyone looking to relax and enjoy a mild climate, as well as for sports enthusiasts and lovers of the Mediterranean lifestyle, Canton Ticino now also wishes to promote its high-quality medical services at an international level. “Ticino Health”, a reference platform for the promotion of health and wellness, was established as a cantonal project and has recently started operating on the national and international market. Wishing to find out more about it, we met Janine Lenares, the CEO of Ticino Health.

Where is it possible to find information on Ticino as a health destination and on the services provided by Ticino Health? JL: The website www.ticinohealth.ch is the linchpin of the platform. It provides detailed and constantly updated information. First impressions are crucial for establishing a bond of trust with potential health travellers, so it's something we pay particular attention to. The perfect combination between the destination itself and the high-quality services is intended to capture visitors’ attention. Swiss healthcare is internationally

renowned for its high quality. Why should someone choose Canton Ticino in particular? JL: The combination of flawless healthcare services, a mild climate and an Italian atmosphere in the very heart of Europe is what makes Ticino a unique destination. The customized all-round services offered by Ticino Health in turn significantly add to the attractiveness of Ticino as a region. The health and well-being of each individual patient is our chief concern. More specifically, how should a person interested in your customized offerings

organize his or her health holiday? JL: Booking a wellness treatment or package directly through our site and requesting a customized offering online, by filling in the relevant form, are the easiest ways of organizing a holiday. We do our best to meet each specific demand and ensure a pleasant stay in Ticino by taking care of every organizational or bureaucratic requirement.

AN INTERVIEW WITH CARLOS ZANOTELLI Mr Carlos Zanotelli, Managing Director of Chameleon Asset Management AG in Basel, is one of Ticino Health's clients. He was enjoying a health holiday in September when we met up with him. What were your health goals? I needed to relax and undergo a medical check-up. In my profession I must cope with stress on a daily basis and it had been a while since I'd made some time for my own health and well-being. So I turned to Ticino Health and was immediately impressed by their customized, all-inclusive offering. They have met all my requirements. From spas to fitness, from the check-up to the private stressmanagement (yoga) course, they have taken care of everything. What was your experience with Ticino Health and regional services like? Excellent, I would say. The various expert check-ups were carried out to my complete satisfaction within a few hours by a medical team that immediately won my trust. The setting and décor of the hotel were just perfect. The Kurshaus Cademario is a “balcony” overlooking Lugano Lake: the rooms, spa and heated outdoor pool offer a wonderful view. Ticino Health has delivered what it promised and met all my expectations.

TICINO HEALTH SA • Viale Carlo Cattaneo 23 • 6900 Lugano - Switzerland • Phone n.. +41 (0)91 921 06 07


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b•o•u•t • Dries Van Noten Flowers in bloom on the Belgian couturier’s catwalk

dior An ode to the serenity of blue, from the deepest denim and a spike of electric blue, to soft, powdery shades the colour of a summer’s day

chanel Oval acetate sunglasses with metal temples laced with baguette strass and CC signature

WHERE IN LUGANO Boutique Cartier Piazzetta Emilio Maraini 1 www.cartier.com Patek Philippe Boutique Mersmann Via Nassa 5 www.mersmann.ch & Gübelin Via Nassa 7 www.guebelin.ch Boutique Louis Vuitton Via Nassa 31 www.louisvuitton.com Boutique Bulgari Via Nassa 27 www.bulgari.com Boutique Baldinini Piazza Riforma boutiquelugano@baldinini.it Dries Van Noten Antonioli Donna Via Nassa 29 www.antonioli.eu

Caran d’Ache The 849 PopLine Metal-X ball-point pen turns writing into a glamorous moment

Cartier From the iconic Tortue collection, this timepiece in grey gold has a case set with diamonds and a brightly-coloured alligator leather strap, giving a summery feel

bvlgari Blue Hidden Roman Eden scarf in fine twill silk

Boutique Hermès Via Nassa 2 - Piazzetta Maraini www.hermes.com Boutique Bally Via Nassa 42 www.bally.ch Chanel Ottica Belotti Via Soave 2 www.belottiswiss.com & Ottico Michel Via Nassa 9 Tel. 091 923 36 51

Louis Vuitton The fashionable mini size of Capucines BB lends an intense pop of contrasting colors to wardrobe styles from classic to daring

La rubrica di tutti i periodici della casa editrice Ticino Management: Ticino Management • Swiss Money



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t •i•q•u•e


samsung New NX1 camera and fast 50-150mm lens combine DSLR strengths with compact camera competencies

Omega Hermès A leather and metal cartridge-holder from the Maison’s new writing collection

The Seamaster Aqua Terra 150 M Master Co-Axial is the new Omega timepiece for sports lovers. The lacquered blue dial is decorated with the unmistakable teak patterns that has always been a distinctive feature of the Aqua Terra collection

Bally These double-breasted check coats wrap up to flawless effect

baldinini A refined yet functional briefcase, perfect for business meetings

Patek Philippe The Patek Philippe World Time watch (ref. 5130P020) features the Caliber 240 HU mechanical automatic movement

Ports 1961 The Maison's new collection is synonymous with hi-tech and refinement

Management • TicinoManagement Donna • Ticino Management in lingua russa • Evolution • Shirkah


BORGO_EGNAZIA_layout 07.10.14 13:43 Pagina 60

BORGO EGNAZIA, nowhere else!


At Borgo Egnazia they succeeded win a challenge: to combine tradition and modernity, authenticity and contemporaneity, majesty and simplicity. The guest experience is placed at the center of this magical place nestled among the olive trees, bouganvillea and prickly pears, permeated by the Mediterranean smell. Borgo Egnazia, therefore, has an active soul, expression of the land and its rural traditions that is full wof refinement and elegance: the charme of authenticity and simplicity. And than it will be for this charme that… Justin Timberlake e Jessica Biel have chosen Borgo Egnazia as the location for the best day of their lives, their wedding.

The guest will be kidnapped by the colours and architecture of Borgo Egnazia; by numerous activities such as fascinating bike rides by the excavations of Egnathia, the relaxing yoga among the olive tree and cooking classes with housewives; the gastronomy of its various restaurants, different in atmosphere and dishes, but only made with local ingredients at KM 0. Stefano Santo, Executive Chef of Borgo Egnazia, offers dishes in which you feel the love for the land and the respect for the products, combining international culture and origins of Puglia. Not to forget the excellent wines from Puglia who conquer the most demanding wineslovers.

During the fall and winter BE change colours, smells, atmosphere and … becomes a perfect retreat, an oasis of peace, an escape from the city to relax between the holes of the prestigious golf course and/or for a dive in the fantastic VAIR Spa. Ideal place to take care of themselves: a laboratory for the body and for the mind, a workshop of secret to break free from the stress and chaos, but also to detox from everyday life, to recharge the batteries with the partner or to get in shape. And than you say…NOWHERE ELSE B.E. FREE: from € 290 double room + breakfast + spa treatment and a round of golf. www.borgoegnazia.com

Savelletri di Fasano • 72015 Fasano Brindisi - Italy • Phone n. +39 080 225 5000 • www.borgoegnazia.com


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Amsterdam London Stansted Leipzig/Halle Dusseldorf


Paris CDG



Zurich Bolzano Geneva

Lugano Venice



Nice Marseille





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Loyalty Programme: Etihad Guest



This table outlines the benefits you can enjoy depending on your membersh hip tier:

Flying with Etihad Airways is an experience that stays with you long after you get off the plane. Which is why we’ve designed our loyalty programme around the one aspect that truly matters: you. With Etihad Guest*, your opportunities to earn and spend Etihad Guest Miles are virtually endless.

Etihad Guest Eligibility

0 - 25,000 miles

Earn Etihad Guest Miles

miles as per fare class

Lounge acceess* Guaranteed Coral Econom my Seat* Excess Baggage allowance*

Etihad Guest Silver

Etihad Guest Gold

Etihad Guest Gold Elite

over 25,000 miles or 20 segments

over 50,000 miles or 40 segments

over 125,000 miles or 60 segments

25% extra miles

50% extra miles

75% extra miles




If booked 48 hrs in advance

If booked 24 hrs in advance

If booked 12 hrs in advance

10 kgs

15 kgs

20 kgs If booked 48 hrs in advance

Guaranteed Pearl Business Seat* Priority check-in and boarding

Irrespective of the cabin flown.

Fast track immigration and baggage Family Membership

Applicable for o all tiers.

Etihad Guest terms and conditions apply. * Applicable only on Etihad Airways flights.

Joining Etihad Guest is simple and free: Ğij ßû Ø Ëß¿Ø (÷¿¼ £ 4û¦ñ÷ č Ñß··¿Ø· ¿Ø÷ß etihadguest.com/ instant and entering the membership number and PIN given on the attached card. 2. Validate your email address upon receiving your verification email. Alternatively, you can complete the attached enrollment form and send it to Etihad Guest (refer to the back of the form for details).

Earn Etihad Guest Miles As an Etihad Guest member you can earn miles every time you fly with us and our airline partners, spend with our non-airline partners, or visit our online shop.

Spend Etihad Guest Miles After earning your miles, you can choose to spend them as you like - book your dream vacation, shop for wonderful gifts, convert to cash, or even donate your miles to the less fortunate. Options for spending Etihad Guest Miles include:

Reward Flights Spend your miles for Etihad Airways flights, or choose from one of our airline partners and travel to 3,000 destinations.

Flight Fl ight Upgrades ** Treat yourself with an upgrade to the next hig gher cabin.

Ex xcess Baggage ** Re edeem your miles for additional ba aggage allowance when travveling.

Reward Shop Browse over 6,000 products from global brands or participate in our exciting ra affles.

Po ointsPay Con o vert your Etihad Guest Miles to cash to sp pend at over 30 million outlets worldwide. * Etihad Guest is the loyaltty programme for Etihad Airways, Air Seychelles & Air Serbia. ** Applicable only on Etiha ad Airways flights.


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Charter Service

“The Charter Business requires remarkable versatility and organizational skills. Our specialized department is dedicated exclusively to achieving these goals.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, offers an exclusive ad hoc charter service and is dedicated to fulfill its client’s requirements. As a company we have been working in this field for several years and have the experience to offer a tailor-made product to meet the needs of a wide range of costumers (companies, tour operators, sport teams and religious tourism). Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline provides high quality, cutting edge standards and guarantees a unique product for its clients.


“L’attività nel settore Charter richiede una notevole versatilità e capacità di organizzazione. Per questo motivo abbiamo un dipartimento specializzato che si dedica esclusivamente a questo settore della nostra compagnia aerea.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, compagnia aerea regionale svizzera, offre un esclusivo servizio di voli charter ad hoc adatto a molteplici necessità. Richiesti ed apprezzati da diversi anni, questi particolari voli vengono operati per conto di diversi clienti quali aziende, operatori turistici, team sportivi, turismo religioso, ecc. Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline punta ad elevati standard di qualità e professionalità per garantire ai propri clienti un prodotto di alto livello offrendo un servzio che si adatti al meglio alle esigenze dei propri passeggeri. Scegliere Etihad Regional significa avere numerose soluzione personalizzate.

Etihad Regional can provide a customized catering service and crews speaking the language of your choice (Italian, English, German, French). We will be glad to accomodate any additional requirements you may have.

A bordo avrete la possibilità di scegliere un servizio catering personalizzato. Potrete richiedere assistenti di volo di lingua italiana, francese, tedesca o inglese. Siamo inoltre lieti di valutare richieste di personalizzazione del prodotto (annunci a bordo, salviettine rinfrescanti, appoggia testa con il vostro marchio, ecc.).

The characteristics of the aircrafts in fleet allow Etihad Regional to reach a vast majority of European airports which major airline are unable to operate to (like Engadin airport Samedan (CH), Pantelleria airport (I), Calvì airport, etc.). This enables our customers to enjoy a direct service, arriving as close as possible to their chosen destination.

Le caratteristiche degli aeromobili in flotta permettono di raggiungere la maggior parte degli scali europei compresi aeroporti minori sui quali le major airline non riescono ad operare (tra cui l’aeroporto Samedan in Engadina (CH), l’aeroporto di Pantelleria (I), l’aeroporto di Calvì (F), ecc.). Ciò vi permetterà di scegliere l’aeroporto più vicino alla vostra destinazione.

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From Geneva

From Zurich

From Dresden

From Dusseldorf

From Leipzig

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* 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 5 Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday 98


Etihad Airways Partners is a unique and exciting new development. Participating airlines have joined together to offer you more choice with a combined network of over 250 destinations across 6 continents - giving you the ease of one booking/one ticket and the flexibility to find the most convenient times for your journey. With high standards of comfort and hospitality on the ground and in the skies, our promise is to deliver a consistent experience, no matter which partner you fly. As a frequent flyer member, you will soon enjoy standardised mileage and tier benefits across all partners, such as no black-out periods and priority services. We look forward to welcoming you on board an Etihad Airways Partner flight soon. Terms, conditions and benefits of existing airline schemes are unaffected.

Caran d’Ache, Maison de Haute Ecriture, introduces its new limited edition created in collaboration with the Maison Lalique. The Crystal collection brings together several artistic crafts in three writing instruments: Crystal & Diamonds in solid gold set with 341 diamonds, Black Crystal and White Crystal in ceramic. Caran d’Ache. Swiss Made excellence since 1915.

THE MOVIE ON CARANDACHE.COM BOUTIQUES CARAN D’ACHE GENÈVE – Place du Bourg-de-Four 8 • Rue de la Corraterie 10 ZÜRICH – Löwenstrasse 19 carandache.com

Evolution_Crystal_210x280mm_EN.indd 1

16/09/14 08:39

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