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N. 36 July - September 2014


EVOLUTION N. 36 July - September 2014






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Official in-flight magazine ETIHAD REGIONAL www.etihadregional.com HEAD OF MARKETING Massimo Boni massimo.boni@etihadregional.com

July - September 2014 PUBLISHER Società editrice Ticino Management SA Valerio de Giorgi (CEO) vdegiorgi@ticinomanagement.ch CP 749 CH - 6903 Lugano www.ticinomanagement.ch EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elisabetta Calegari escalegari@ticinomanagement.ch LAYOUT Lavinia Cardi Cigoli impaginazione@ticinomanagement.ch EDITORIAL STAFF Simona Manzione, Anna Martano Grigorov, Marzio Molinari, Angela Mollisi, Donatella Révay, Elena Steiger, Claus Winterhalter redazione@ticinomanagement.ch CONTRIBUTIONS Gianluigi Bianchi, Rita Brebbia Prevosti, Federica De Luca, Edoardo Granata, Chicca Magri, Françoise Ohayon, Emilia Regazzoni, Conrad Schweizer, David Suter, Luca Venturi, Giselle Whiteaker TRANSLATIONS Scriptum, Rome English: Karen Tomatis Français: Claude Sophie Mazéas Deutsch: Gertrud Ruth Prucker

Lyon, pag. 18


Europe agenda


Germany agenda


The Leipzig music trail


France agenda


The Lyon’s Share


The Bordeaux region


Biarritz: a luxurious seaside town and surfers paradise


Austria agenda


Linz: a place to remember


Italy agenda


Arena di Verona:open your eyes and listen


Amazing Sardinia


Golf in Venice


Tracing the steps of the Bonaparte family


Expo Milano 2015. Spanish pavilion


Abu Dhabi: Solar city


Southern Swiss wines


From castle to museum


Sport and glamour


Wealth managers must adopt a new approach for survival Swiss Russian Investment Forum


Switzerland agenda



Gourmet excursions around scenic Lake Geneva

122 Emerald Living between water and sky


Geneva Festival 2014


Wine in the Zurich region

CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION 38.000 copies: all Etihad Regional flights, Lugano airport, 4 and 5 star hotels, associations, boards and institutions

On the cover: Verona, Arena, the performance of Verdi’s Aida in 2012 N. 36 July - September 2014


INSIDE 133 Map


The slowest express train in the world


Passione Engadina 2014

135 Loyalty programme

137 The fleet

Canton of Ticino agenda

138 Network

136 Charter service


EDITING AND ADVERTISING Valerio De Giorgi Ticino Management Via Vergiò 8 CH - 6932 Breganzona Tel. +41(0)91 / 610 29 29 Fax +41(0)91 / 610 29 10 pubblicita@ticinomanagement.ch







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DEAR READERS, Welcome back on board the Etihad Regional fleet operated by Darwin Airline. The summer is already underway, and many of you are about to leave for your holidays. I hope you have chosen one of the many summer routes we operate. As you've undoubtedly noticed, things have been very intense in recent months. We've all been very busy here at Etihad Regional working on the launch of new destinations, which are already available and can be booked on our website. The aim is to reach 34 by 2014. We have focused in particular on expanding our flight offer throughout Europe, and now cover destinations in eight other countries in addition to Switzerland: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Serbia and the UK. Among the most recent innovations in Germany are new flights from Leipzig/Halle to Geneva and Amsterdam with an increased frequency in the winter season of flights to Paris and Zurich, and from Düsseldorf to Zurich and London Stansted; in September, we will have new flights from Dresden to Amsterdam and Zurich, and we will continue to operate the Geneva-Stuttgart flights, further strengthening our presence on the German market. We have just launched a new route from Geneva to Nice, which will flank the annual flights to Bordeaux, Marseilles and Toulouse, and the seasonal flights to Biarritz, while we will continue to operate the Zurich-Lyons flight. AS far as Italy is concerned, the new Geneva-Venice flight will flank routes to Verona, Rome and Florence, while flights are already operated from Zurich to Turin, Verona and Florence. We hope that these new flights meet your travel needs, whether business or leisure. Finally, thanks to our partnership with Etihad Airways, Etihad Regional offers you the possibility of accumulating Etihad Guest Miles and accessing Etihad Guest, thus benefitting from one of the top loyalty programmes. Why not board one of our airplanes, and experience these new flights for yourselves! Enjoy your holidays!

CARE LETTRICI, CARI LETTORI, Benvenuti nuovamente a bordo della flotta Etihad Regional, operata da Darwin Airline. L’estate è già partita e magari molti di voi sono in viaggio verso la propria vacanza: ci auguriamo abbiate scelto una delle nostre numerose rotte estive. Questi ultimi mesi, come sicuramente avrete notato, sono stati molto intensi e hanno visto tutti noi di Etihad Regional impegnati nel lancio di nuove destinazioni, che troverete già disponibili e prenotabili anche sul nostro sito. L’obiettivo è quello di raggiungere quota 34 entro il 2014, e in particolare abbiamo ampliato maggiormente la nostra offerta di collegamenti in tutta Europa, coprendo ora destinazioni in ben otto paesi oltre la Svizzera: Francia, Germania, Italia, Olanda, Spagna, Austria, Serbia e UK. Tra le novità piú recenti in Germania, i nuovi collegamenti da Lipsia/Halle su Ginevra e Amsterdam con l’aumento delle frequenze nel periodo invernale dei voli su Parigi e Zurigo e di quelli da Düsseldorf verso Zurigo e London Stansted; da Dresda avremo a settembre i nuovi voli su Amsterdam e Zurigo e continueremo ad operare la Ginevra-Stuttgart, rafforzando ulteriormente la nostra presenza sul mercato tedesco. Verso la Francia, abbiamo appena lanciato da Ginevra la nuova rotta su Nizza che affiancherà quelle annuali su Bordeaux, Marsiglia e Tolosa e la stagionale su Biarritz, mentre da Zurigo continueremo ad operare la Zurigo-Lione. Per quanto riguarda l’Italia invece il nuovo collegamento Ginevra – Venezia si affiancherà alle rotte su Verona, Roma e Firenze, mentre da Zurigo sono già partiti i collegamenti su Torino, Verona e Firenze. Ci auspichiamo che questi nuovi collegamenti soddisfino al meglio le vostre esigenze sia business, che leisure. Infine, grazie alla partnership con Etihad Airways, Etihad Regional è in grado di offrirvi la possibilità di accumulare Etihad Guest Miles e accedere ad Etihad Guest, beneficiando dei vantaggi di uno dei migliori e piú rinomati programmi di fidelizzazione. Insomma non vi resta che salire a bordo dei nostri aerei e vivere queste nuove esperienze di volo con noi. Buone vacanze!

Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline

Capitano Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline


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CHERES LECTRICES, CHERS LECTEURS, Nous vous souhaitons à nouveau la bienvenue sur la flotte Etihad Regional, gérée par Darwin Airline. L’été a déjà démarré et nombre d'entre vous sont peut-être en voyage vers leur destination de vacance : et nous espérons à cet égard que vous avez choisi l'une des nombreuses routes que nous vous proposons cet été. Comme vous l'avez sans doute remarqué, ces derniers mois ont été très intenses et l'ensemble du personnel d'Etihad Regional a œuvré au lancement de nouvelles destinations, dès aujourd'hui disponibles et ouvertes à la réservation également sur notre site. Notre objectif est celui d'atteindre 34 destinations d'ici la fin de l'année 2014. Pour ce faire, nous avons notamment développé notre éventail de liaisons dans l'ensemble de l'Europe. Nous volons désormais vers huit pays outre la Suisse : France, Allemagne, Italie Hollande, Espagne, Autriche, Serbie et Royaume-Uni. Parmi les nouveautés les plus récentes, et en ce qui concerne l'Allemagne, on signalera les nouveaux vols au départ de Leipzig/Halle vers Genève et Amsterdam; une augmentation de la fréquence des vols vers Paris et Zurich durant la période hivernale, ainsi que celle des vols au départ de Düsseldorf vers Zurich et Londres/Stansted ; au départ de Dresde, nous assurerons à partir de septembre la liaison avec Amsterdam et Zurich; et nous pérenniserons la ligne Genève-Stuttgart, en renforçant toujours davantage notre présence sur le marché allemand. Pour ce qui est de la France, nous venons d'inaugurer, au départ de Genève, une nouvelle liaison avec Nice qui s'ajoutera aux vols annuels sur Bordeaux, Marseille, et Toulouse ; et aux liaisons périodiques avec Biarritz ; tandis que nous continuerons d'assurer la liaison Zurich-Lyon. Quant à l'Italie, on signalera la nouvelle ligne Genève-Venise, qui s'ajoutera aux vols sur Vérone, Rome, et Florence ; en revanche, au départ de Zurich, nous proposons déjà des vols sur Turin, Vérone et Florence. Nous espérons que ces nouvelles lignes satisferont au mieux vos exigences en matière de business et de loisir. Enfin, grâce à son partenariat avec Etihad Airways, Etihad Regional vous permet d’accumuler des « Etihad Guest Miles » et d'accéder à « Etihad Guest », en bénéficiant des avantages d'un des meilleurs programmes de fidélisation, dont la renommée n'est plus à faire. Il ne vous reste donc qu'à embarquer à bord de nos avions et vivre ces nouvelles expériences de vol en notre compagnie. Bonnes vacances !

LIEBE LESERINNEN, LIEBE LESER, erneut heisse ich Sie herzlich willkommen an Bord der Flotte Etihad Regional, deren Flüge von Darwin Airline durchgeführt werden. Der Sommer ist in vollem Gange und viele von Ihnen sind wohl auf der Reise zu Ihrem Urlaubsziel. Wir hoffen, dass Sie eine der vielen Sommerrouten gewählt haben, die wir anbieten. Sicherlich haben Sie schon bemerkt, dass die letzten Monate sehr intensiv waren. Wir von Etihad Regional waren voll damit beschäftigt, neue Reiseziele zu lancieren, die nun operativ sind und Ihnen auch auf unserer Website bereits zur Buchung zur Verfügung stehen. Unser Ziel ist es, das Angebot noch im laufenden Jahr auf 34 Zielflughäfen zu erweitern. Vor allem haben wir neue Destinationen in Europa gesucht und können solche jetzt, neben der Schweiz, in acht verschiedenen Ländern anbieten: Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Holland, Spanien, Österreich, Serbien und Grossbritannien. Zu den letzten Neuheiten in Deutschland gehören Verbindungen von Leipzig/Halle nach Genf und Amsterdam sowie im Winter häufigere Flüge nach Paris und Zürich und von Düsseldorf nach Zürich und London Stansted; im September werden wir neue Flüge von Dresden nach Amsterdam und Zürich anbieten und weiterhin die Verbindung Genf – Stuttgart fliegen, so dass unsere Marktpräsenz in Deutschland insgesamt verstärkt wird. In Richtung Frankreich haben wir soeben die neue Route von Genf nach Nizza eingeführt, die zu den ganzjährig angebotenen nach Bordeaux, Marseille und Toulouse und der saisonalen nach Biarritz hinzukommt, während wir von Zürich aus weiterhin nach Lyon fliegen werden. Was Italien betrifft, kommt die Verbindung Genf – Venedig neu zu denen nach Verona, Rom und Florenz hinzu, und von Zürich sind schon Flüge nach Turin, Verona und Florenz aktiv. Unser Wunsch ist, dass diese neuen Routen Ihren Ansprüchen sowohl im Business als auch in der Freizeit voll und ganz entsprechen. Zu guter Letzt kann Etihad Regional Ihnen Dank der Partnerschaft mit Etihad Airways die Gelegenheit bieten, Etihad Guest Miles zu sammeln und Zugang zu Etihad Guest zu erlangen, um so in den Genuss der Vorteile zu kommen, die eines der erstklassigsten und renommiertesten Vielfliegerprogramme bietet. Jetzt brauchen Sie nur noch an Bord unserer Flugzeuge zu kommen und diese neuen Flüge mit uns zu erleben. Wir wünschen einen angenehmen Urlaub!

Capitaine Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline

Kapitän Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline 5

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B R I D L E Y O U R I M PAT I E N C E – F O R D . C O M T H E A L L- N E W M U S TA N G – F R O M 2 0 1 5 .

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Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014, Latvia Riga is already a venue for cultural events on an international scale, but in 2014 it will become the cultural epicentre of Europe. During its year as European Capital of Culture, hundreds of special events will take place - culture in the very broadest sense. 365 days a year, with a new understanding of culture as a positive force of change in people's lives. This year, cultural personalities are already warming up for Riga as European Capital of Culture 2014 with a variety of interesting events.Major events will include one of the largest Summer Solstice celebrations in Europe in June and the World Choir Games in July that will include 20,000 participants from around the world. www.riga2014.org Los Sanfermines bull running 06/14.07.2014 - Pamplona, Spain Romanticised by Ernest Hemingway, Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls is an unbridled outpouring of the passion that pumps rudely through the Spanish character. As part of the festivities dedicated to the town’s patron saint, San Fermin, hundreds of ‘runners’ sprint along 800m of track in front of a six-pack of raging bulls. Notting Hill Carnival, 24/25.08.2104 London, UK The streets of West London come alive every August Bank Holiday weekend as London celebrates Europe’s biggest street festival – the Notting Hill Carnival. With a Caribbean theme that sees West London packed with steel bands, Calypso music and tempting food stalls, the Notting Hill Carnival is a huge party. And everyone is invited! Ghent Festival, 18/27.07.2014 - Ghent, Belgium The Ghent Festival promises “pop music, folkrock, rock ‘n’ roll, hiphop, jazz, R’n’B and lots more on all the squares in the city centre.” There’s theatre, comedy, sightseeing, exhibitions, boat trips on the river Lys. And there’s always that fine food (and beer!) that Belgians are famous for. For more, check the Gentse Feesten site--and click on the “en” link. Then take a look at the schedules from the four festivals that make up the Ghent Festival below. 8

Art is Therapy - until 07.09.2014 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is renowned for its mesmerising exhibitions, but Art Is Therapy is something entirely new: this fascinating exhibition provides another look at the museum’s collections, as seen by British writers and philosophers Alain de Botton and John Armstrong. The pair want to question what the purpose of art is and highlight the therapeutic effect that art has on visitors. They make comments on about 150 pieces of art through the Rijksmuseum’s galleries, but they will also speak their minds on items in the café, cloakroom and other curious spots. Athens & Epidaurus Festival, until 18.08.2014 - Greece One of world’s most famous theatrical events with drama, dance and music. Staged in ancient theatres including the 2,000 year old amphitheatre of Herodus Atticus on Acropolis Hill.

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groundpiece design by ANTONIO CITTERIO

A.D. natalia corbetta / fotografia mario ciampi

made in italy

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IFA Berlin - Consumer Electronics Fair 05/10.09.2014 - Berlin At the IFA about 1,200 exhibitors from 32 countries present a comprehensive display of consumer electronic products and services. Prominent exhibitors include Astra, Beko, Canon, Daewoo, Epson, Deutsche Telekom AG, Fujitsu Siemens, Grundig, JVC, Hama, Harman International, Hitachi, LG, Loewe, Metz, Olympus, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and Vestel. The electronic media is represented by the national networks ARD and ZDF.


Tendence 2014 30.08/02.09.2014 - Frankfurt Tendence is the international consumer-goods fair revolving around the subjects of the home and giving. The ideal order venue for the Christmas business. The trend platform for new products in the coming spring. Tendence is the meeting place for renowned brands and all important decision makers from the consumer-goods sector. The international exhibitors attract top buyers from all segments of the consumer-goods sector, as the latter seek to enhance their product ranges and get a feel for the trends.

Caravan Salon 30.08/07.09.2014 - Düsseldorf - The world’s largest trade fair for motor homes and caravans With numerous new launches, higher visitor numbers and good sales figures last year’s Caravan Salon Düsseldorf impressively proved that the great interest in caravanning as a style of holidaymaking continues unabated. Joachim Scha ̈fer, Managing Director at Messe Du ̈sseldorf GmbH, said: “Registering 175.000 visitors, this year’s Caravan Salon has by far exceeded our expectations of over 160,000 visitors. Despite the tight economic situation trade visitors and caravanning enthusiasts from all over the world come here to meet their business partners and gather information on innovations.”The positive response to this year’s Caravan Salon proves, he said, how popular caravanning continues to be as a form of vacationing.“Moreover it is particularly positive to note that despite the current market climate in Europe to the tune of 25.000 visitors found their way to Du ̈sseldorf from abroad,” delighted Scha ̈fer. This means Caravan Salon Düsseldorf once again confirms the positive image of caravanning. GDC EUROPE - Game Developers Conference 11/13.08.2014 - Congress-Centrum Ost Kölnmesse - Cologne The Game Developers Conference™ Europe (GDC Europe) is the largest professionals-only game industry event in Europe. It will be held in conjunction with gamescom, the leading European consumer show, creating a full week of activity and opportunity for the games industry. This confluence of industry professionals allows GDC Europe to address the development community at a central location in the heart of Europe, and command the critical mass of the European games sector. GDC Europe is the essential platform for learning, inspiration and networking for the creators of computer, console, handheld, mobile, social, and online games in Europe. 10

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Musikfest Berlin (Music Festival Berlin) 04/22.09.2014 The Music Festival starts the autumn concert season in Berlin. The best classical music orchestras of the world are performing in concert halls all over the city. For nearly three weeks in late summer Berlin's orchestral halls are filled with classic music performed by wellknown national and international orchestras. This is when the Musikfest Berlin takes place. The festival marks the start into the capital's new concert season. Due to the famous musicians playing and conductors directing orchestras, the Musikfest Berlin is very popular and attracts regularly up to 36,000 people. Berlin Marathon - 28.09.2014 The Berlin Marathon traditionally takes place on the last weekend in September every year. More than 40,000 athletes from around 120 countries set off the marathon, cheered on by about a million spectators. Participating in the Berlin Marathon means a lot more than just running the same 42 kilometres together with the fastest athletes in the world, however. Experiencing the fantastic atmosphere along the course and running through the Brandenburg Gate and past the grandstands the last 400 metres to the finish line make this euphoric marathon race an unforgettable experience for everyone.

Rhine in Flames Saturdays May to September in different Rhine locations The Rhine in Flames is a fireworks spectacular that takes place along the most scenic stretches of the Rhine every year between May and September. From Rßdesheim to Bonn, spectacular pyrotechnics and curtains of fire bathe the riverbanks and landmarks in a magical red glow, and a flotilla of illuminated riverboats glides beneath mesmerising patterns of light in the night sky – a romantic and unforgettable experience for the whole family.

Death is free - Everyday life and piety before the Reformation until 31.08.2014 - Exhibition at Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig Contrary to popular opinion, these were not years of disorder in the church and of social unrest but were principally shaped by religious diversity. In combination with the exhibits (many of which are on display for the first time and in many cases have been left undisturbed in churches for over 500 years), new research results regarding everyday religious practice and on the religious mindset open a unique window to the time of the era before Luther posted his 95 theses. Six exhibition sections illustrate the religious thinking and the living conditions which both influenced and formed Luther and his contemporaries here, in the heartland of the Reformation.

Wagner Festival (Bayeruther Festspiele) 25.07/28.08.2014 - at Bayreuth The Bayreuth Festival is a music festival held annually in Bayreuth, Germany, at which performances of operas by the 19th-century German composer Richard Wagner are presented. Wagner himself conceived and promoted the idea of a special festival to showcase his own works, in particular his monumental cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen and Parsifal. Performances take place in a specially designed theatre, the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. Wagner personally supervised the design and construction of the theatre, which contained many architectural innovations to accommodate the huge orchestras.


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In this picture, the famous Monday concerts at the Bach monument take place during the summer. The monument is part of the “Leipzig Music Trail” and offers the perfect backdrop to experience the rich music tradition of Leipzig. Opposite page, the new trade fair and exhibition centre of Leipzig with the congress centre next to it, was opened in 1996 and combines modern architecture with state-of-the-art multimedia and telecommunication technology.

© LTM - Brzoska

A unique guide system which links the 23 most important musical locations in the city centre along a 5 km route.


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eipzig boasts a large number of sites of interest where famous composers lived and worked, in a concentration which is unmatched anywhere in the world. Wherever you go in the city there is musical history: a dazzling past where the foundations were laid for a lively musical present. Opening up this treasure trove is the Leipzig Music Trail (“Leipziger Notenspur”). The Leipzig Music Trail is a unique guide system which links the 23 most important musical locations in the city centre along a 5 km route. The project was opened with a public celebration and music festival on 12 May, entitled “Music Moves the City”. A trail of curved stainless steel inserts in the ground and information boards is now winding through the centre of Leipzig to highlight the city’s exceptional musical tradition. In the coming years this route will be complemented by a musical promenade, the “Leipziger Notenbogen” (Leipzig Music Trip) and by a cycle route, the “Leipziger Notenrad” (Leipzig Music Trek). The music of the famous composers who have lived and worked in Leipzig is a cultural heritage of worldwide importance. In January 2012 the city put its bid “Leipzig Music Trail – sites of European musical history” to the Free

for Bach research. Along with its research institute the Bach archive also has an academic library, an events department which organises, among other things, the Leipzig Bach Festival, and the Bach Museum. It is located in the Bosehaus, a building first documented in 1558. Following extensive renovation work it reopened on 21 March 2010, the 325th anniversary of Bach’s birth. Edvard Grieg Memorial (Talstraße 10, www.grieg-in-leipzig.de). The memorial is situated in the rooms which once housed the C.F.Peters publishing company. In the former music room on the main floor Edvard Grieg would perform his latest compositions. Today the room is used for concerts and lectures. In the adjoining rooms visitors can find out all about the life and work of the famous Norwegian. The Mendelssohn House (Goldschmidtstraße 12, www.mendelssohnstiftung.de). This building is the last surviving private residence of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. It is the late Biedermeier apartment the family moved into in 1845, and it was restored to the way it looked when the composer lived there. Since 1997 it has housed a museum. Amongst other things, visitors can admire a living

© LTM - Schmidt


State of Saxony: Leipzig successfully applied for eight specially selected listed buildings, which are all on the Music Trail, to be included among Germany’s proposals for acceptance as a Unesco World Heritage Site. The image of the fluttering blue ribbon is that of the sky, and represents new beginnings and the harmonious changing of the seasons. The ribbons bind and unite, creating a sense of belonging and conveying messages, but they are only brought to life by the wind. In keeping with the internationality of the project the information given along the Music Trail is displayed in English as well as German. The project will also appeal to younger audiences with its use of the internet, iPods and interactive music installations. www.notenspur-leipzig.de The “Music Museums in Germany” initiative founded in 2005 is one of a kind anywhere in the world, and its headquarters are in the Mendelssohn House in Leipzig. It incorporates a total of 34 museums, almost two thirds of which are in central Germany. The city which contains the most (four museums) is Leipzig. The Bach Museum (Thomaskirchhof 15, www.bach-leipzig.de ). The Bach archive in Leipzig enjoys an excellent international reputation as a centre


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www.bach-leipzig.de www.schumann-verein.de www.gewandhaus.de


© LTM - Brzoska

Left, St. Thomas Church was built as a cloister in late gothic style in 1212 and is known worldwide as the domain of the St. Thomas Boys Choir.

room here which contains original furniture owned by the composer and numbers of his water colour paintings and letters. Concerts take place regularly in the music room on Sundays at 11 am. The Schumann House (Inselstraße 18, www.schumann-verein.de). This museum can be found in the Classical-style building which Clara and Robert Schumann moved into after their marriage in September 1840. This is where the “Spring Symphony” was composed, the piece that gave Schumann world renown as a composer. He also wrote a number of articles here, for the “New Journal of Music” (“Neue Zeitschrift für Musik”), which he founded himself. An exhibition is


now housed on the building’s main floor, where the musical couple lived for the first four years of their marriage. It takes visitors through some of the historic rooms, revealing much of interest about their lives. Leipzig’s daily musical life knows many facets. You need not go into the Gewandhaus, opera or churches to find traces of musical culture in Leipzig. Everyday life can be experienced in the streets and squares or city arcades, where street musicians provide spontaneous entertainment. The great variety on offer makes Leipzig a city worth seeing and hearing on 365 days a year. Music festival Each year in June the Leipzig Bach



Leipzig compte un grand nombre de lieux intéressants où de célèbres compositeurs vécurent et travaillèrent, dans un esprit de concentration à nul autre pareil. Où que l’on aille, la ville témoigne d’un glorieux passé expliquant une présence musicale des plus vivantes. Découvrir ce trésor ? Rien de plus aisé grâce au « Chemin de la Musique de Leipzig» (le « Leipziger Notenspur »). Ce « Chemin » est en réalité un système qui relie les vingt-trois espaces musicaux les plus importants du centre-ville, au fil d’un parcours de cinq kilomètres. Le projet a été inauguré le 12 mai, par le biais d’un festival intitulé « La musique fait bouger la ville ».

Lipsia vanta un gran numero di luoghi interessanti in cui famosi compositori hanno vissuto e lavorato, in una concentrazione che non ha eguali in tutto il mondo. Ovunque si vada in città, c’è un passato glorioso in cui sono state gettate le basi per un vivace presente musicale. Scoprire questo tesoro è facile grazie al Cammino della Musica di Lipsia (“Leipziger Notenspur”). Si tratta di un sistema di guide che collega i 23 più importanti luoghi musicali nel centro della città, lungo un percorso di 5 km. Il progetto è stato inaugurato il 12 maggio con un festival di musica dal titolo “La musica muove la città”.

Festival is held, Bachfest Leipzig, “The true Art”; this year the meeting take place on 13-22 June. Leipzig’s biggest music festival with 73,000 visitors and more than 100 events at authentic places. www.bach-leipzig.de Schumann Festival Week, 6-14 Sep 2014. The annual Schumann Festival Week takes place around the wedding anniversary of Robert und Clara Schumann. www.schumann-verein.de Mendelssohn Festival 2014, “Mendelssohn in the Rhineland”, 11-21 Sep 2014 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847) is one of the most famous musicians to have lived and worked in Leipzig. www.gewandhaus.de Emilia Regazzoni


Leipzig bietet eine grosse Zahl an Sehenswürdigkeiten und Orten, an denen berühmte Komponisten lebten und arbeiteten – eine Dichte, die so kein anderer Ort derWelt aufweisen kann. Wo auch immer man sich in der Stadt bewegt, begegnet man der glorreichen Vergangenheit, in der die Fundamente für eine lebhafte musikalische Gegenwart gelegt wurden. Dieses Reichtum Leipzigs zu entdecken ist einfach, Dank des „Leipziger Notenspur“ genannten Spazierweges durch die Innenstadt. Er besteht aus 23 Stationen, die auf einer Länge von 5 km durch Markierungen miteinander verbunden sind und zu den wichtigsten musikalischen Stätten der Stadt zählen. Das Projekt wurde am 12. Mai mit dem Musikfestival „Musik bewegt die Stadt“ eingeweiht.



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FRANCE AGENDA leisure & business The Cannes International Boat Yacht Show 09/14.09.2014 Cannes With more than 580 boats on display in water and on land and more than 150 world premiere editions, the three exceptional French Riviera sites: the ‘Vieux Port’, the‘Port Pierre Canto’and the "Palais des Festivals", located at either end of the famous Croisette in Cannes, are just right for hosting Europe’s leading in-water boat show.

Tour de France - 05/27.07.2014 Created in 1903, the Tour de France is one of the most important and popular sport events in the world. This prestigious 3-week race takes place every year in July and features the best cyclists of the moment. Between 20 and 22 team of 9 racers travel the roads f France during the twenty or so stage that make up the event. The stages of the Tour de France alternate between mountains, plains and races against the clock. The total distance covered by the cyclists is approximately of 3,500 km. During the race, the overall leader wears the yellow jersey. Festival d’Aix-en-Provence 02/24.07.2014 - Aix-en-Provence The festival international d’art lyrique is an annual international music festival which takes place each summer. Devoted mainly to opera, it also includes concerts of orchestral, chamber, vocal and solo instrumental music. On 7 April in London, the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence has been awarded Best Opera Festival at the 2014 International Opera Awards. The Festival d’Aix has also been awarded in the Best DVD category for David et Jonathas. Music, poetry, theatre, the visual arts – all the elements that make up the magic of opera – are at the heart of this year’s Festival d’Aix! Lucio Fontana. Retrospective until 24.08.2014 - Museé d’Art Moderne, Paris The new exhibition to be held at the Paris Museum of Modern Art, Lucio was an Italian painter who was mostly known as the founder of Spatialism and his ties to Arte Povera. This spring the Paris Museum of Modern Art presents a major retrospective of his work, featuring around 200 iconic pieces. The last exhibition of Fontana works was held in Paris back in 1987. Musica Festival 25.09/10.10.2014 - Strasbourg Musica is Strasbourg’s international Festival of the music today. It features contemporary classical music concerts with the aim of offering a truly creative space. Musica is for all audiences, be they seasoned music-lovers or beginners. For a fortnight or so, the Festival presents the most significant works of a 20th century. 16

Maison et Objet 05/09.09.2014 Paris Nord ViIlepinte, Paris International Home Decoration, Giftware and Tableware Exhibition. Each year, Maison & Objet welcomes new creative talent. Maison&Objet is the major event for professionals working in the art of living in all its rich and varied expressions. Micronora - 18th international microtechnology trade fair 23/26.09.2014 - Besançon Biennial microtechnology and precision trade fair. The trade fair devoted to leading-edge technology. Micronora meets a fundamental need expressed by industrialists: a business-led approach, whose common denominator is precision increasingly combined with miniaturisation. It has been open to nanotechnologies since 2006.

Lounge Hexagone Lyon 14/15.09.2014, Eurexpo - Lyon Lounge Hexagone Lyon is tradeshow for gifts, souvenirs, decoration, regional items, fragrances, costume jewelry, ready-to-wear, florists, gourmet gifts and deco mountain.

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19.06.14 15:47

LYON_layout 04.07.14 13:18 Pagina 18

he easy answer to what to do in Lyon is: ‘indulge yourself’. Pretty obvious, in France’s gastronomic capital which boasts 14 Michelin-starred restaurants. The most outspoken and vocal French gastronomic critic, TV host Jean-Luc Petitrenaud, couldn’t agree more, being the grand master of the culture of ‘bien manger’ and having shown the glories of Mon Bistrot à Moi, Brasserie Georges, Mère Brazier, Daniel et Denise, Café du peintre, la Grignette and many other bouchon restaurants that serve traditional local cuisine, such as sausages, duck pâté or roast pork, often hidden behind the traboules -Lyon’s typical passageways, alleys and courtyards built since the 4th century. Just visit Passage Thiaffait, a secret conduit originally used by Lyonnais silk-weavers to rush from the workshops at the top of the CroixRousse hill to the textile merchants below. Recently restored, the Passage Thiaffait houses workshops and studios and the “Village des créateurs” the focal point for design, jewellery and fashion. The tradition of bouchons derives from the inns visited by silk workers in the


© Philippe Bastie - Lyon Tourisme et Congrès


seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the name meaning ‘a bunch of twisted straw’ and also the sign for restaurants since the 16th Century. Typically, the keynote in a bouchon is not on compulsive haute cuisine but, much better, a convivial atmosphere and a personal relationship with the owner. Today, the word bouchon, the etymology is the same, is the stopper or cork at the mouth of a wine bottle. But there’s more than meets the palate in France’s opulent third city, known for its historical and architectural landmarks. The airport where you will arrive is situated east of Lyon, and is named after its citizen Antoine de Saint Exupéry, the aristocrat, writer, poet, and aviator

fallen in WW2 off Marseille while flying a reconnaissance mission against the Nazi invaders aboard a P-38 Lightning fighter plane. The city’s name relates to the Celtic God Lugoves, and two Roman emperors were born in this city: Claudius and Caracalla, and the Unesco World Heritage Site city is also referred to as the “capitale des Gaules”. Lyon was known as an important area for the production and weaving of silk by workers known as canuts. Today’s highlights are reflected by its famous light festival ‘Fête des Lumières’ which occurs every 8 December, over four days, rendering Lyon simply shiny when night falls and light bounces off the rivers illuminating 325 of the city’s


© Tristan Deschamps - Lyon Tourisme et Congrès

The french capital of excellent cuisine and art de vivre.


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FLIGHTS TO LYON EVERY DAY FROM ZURICH, from 1st March to 25th October

monuments and sites. The city hosts the international headquarters of Interpol police, Euronews TV and the International Agency for Research on Cancer and has given birth to a score of notable personalities such as, among many others, Renaissance female poet Louise Labé, André-Marie Ampère, the electric physicist and mathematician, the ‘chef of the Century’ Paul Bocuse, movie soundtrack musician Maurice Jarre, the inventors of the movies Auguste and Louis Lumière, film director Bertrand Tavernier, and French Resistance national hero Jean Moulin. The views in Lyon are spectacular, two hills make excellent vantage points; taking the ‘ficelle’ funicular to the top of Fourvière Hill, and the Croix-Rousse neighborhood, with its terraced slopes, disclose excellent viewing. In town, behind sumptuous façades, you may exit the fast lane to explore Lyon’s secretive side and its best-kept secrets. A full range of different atmospheres reflect Lyon’s lively character, from the old city to the churches and mural paintings. One thing in particular deserves to be

unveiled, that is the ‘Art de Vivre’, which is the way of life in Lyon. Old Lyon on the Fourvière hill, around three main churches, is the first French area that has been protected as a historical heritage. The Grand Tour of Lyon will arguably reveal more churches and museums than anywhere else, and the way go is with the Lyon City card available at the Tourist Information Office, with free rides to discover a city full of enchantment, from the breathtaking panoramic views to the museums, theaters and places of dance linked by cobble stoned narrow streets and exquisite places to wine and dine. Like any true French city, Lyon boasts many markets such as the Saint-Antoine market along the banks of the Saône, the Croix-Rousse food market. The indoor market is Les Halles de Lyon, and just out of town, discover Sunday flea markets at Villeurbanne or Les Puces du Canal. In the city, Place Sathonay is the most popular square to see and to be seen over a glass of wine or watching a game of boules. Lyon is fabulous for shopping, from luxury brands to hitherto undiscovered de-

In this picture, a view of the old town of Lyon. Previous page, Louis XIV statue in the Bellecour Square in Lyon.

signer boutiques, while popular art is represented by life-like murals all over the city doubling as meeting places for the locals. A mere 30km outside, lies the Beaujolais wine area; try Château de la Chaize, home of well-know light, fruity red wines, ideal for daytime drinking. In town, wine merchants are well stocked. You may consider visiting Cave Valmy and its owner Marie-Jo for Beaujolais and elegant Côte du Rhône wines. Some less-than-obvious spots include unexpected discoveries. Chocolate doesn’t just spell ‘Swiss’: a liquid dam of chocolate surprises patrons at Sébastien Bouillet’s laboratory and shop, almost built of chocolate, with bars stacked like books in a library. Bernachon is another chocolate maker, with the longest tradition in Lyon. A retired professor of philosophy opened the Café de la Cloche at rue de la Charité, a direct descendant of the all-French tradition of café philosophique where you can sip coffee and ramble on the nature of love, and just about everything else, in a convivial, old-fashioned décor.


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TRAVEL © Muriel Chaulet - Lyon Tourisme et Congrès


In this picture, water games in Lyon.

More down-to-Earth, find the planet’s more exotic spices, herbs, fruits, flowers, teas and spices -in sum most Middle Eastern and Asian delights- on offer at Bahadourian, set up in 1929 by globe-trotting merchant Djebraïl Bahadourian. Supermarché Asie, around rue Pasteur and rue Passet, also ooze a colonial atmosphere, being France’s third largest Chinatown with its rare fruits and weird vegetables. Marché d’Artisanat, instead, is held every Sunday morning and features photography, sculpture and design by local creative people. Art history buffs will appreciate Rue de la République and Lyon Bellecour


Square, dominated by the statue of king Louis XIV and one of the largest squares in Europe; the 15th century gothic Lyon Cathedral dominates the old town with splendid stained glass windows, while the basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière is among the most sacred places in France with its beautiful ecclesiastical architecture and stunning views. Switch your cultural side on in Lyon. Must-see places are the world-famous Lyon National Opera and the Lyon Auditorium, with the Maison de la Danse and Théâtre des Célestins offering drama. On a somewhat lighter note, you can watch puppet shows in three dif-

ferent theaters. Galerie le Réverbère is and avant-garde photography gallery on rue Burdeau, home to art galleries showing everything and lots more. Needless to say, the galleries and the artist workshops in this street couple with a ‘café associatif’ that attracts local -and international- bohemians. Apart from e-mails and tweets, a happy few still waste their time reading. Reading? Why not books? Bookshops are increasingly rare, before these scarce things fade away, try the several specialist bookshops among which Librairie GrandGuignol excels as a librairie disquaire, or book and record shop into one. American and European literature are the obvious staple diet, magazines and vinyl quite interesting, but the hybrid mix on offer includes almost unheard-of Swiss punk, cryptic poetry and French science fiction. The bookshop also hosts readings, concerts, dance, in keeping with its alternative appeal. Luca Venturi




Que faire à Lyon ? Tout simplement en profiter. Une réponse tenant de l’évidence, concernant la capitale de la gastronomie française, qui compte 14 restaurants étoilés au Michelin. Mais nombreux sont aussi les bouchons, ces restaurants qui servent des plats de la cuisine traditionnelle locale (saucisses, pâté de canard ou cochon rôti), souvent situés au cœur des traboules, ces passages typiquement lyonnais reliant cours et ruelles. Les bouchons ne proposent pas nécessairement de la grande cuisine, mais bien davantage : une atmosphère conviviale et une relation personnelle avec le propriétaire des lieux. Toute une gamme d’atmosphères caractérise la vivante cité lyonnaise, à commencer par le centre-ville avec ses églises et ses peintures murales. Lyon est une ville pleine de charme, comptant des panoramas à couper le souffle, des musées, des théâtres, des bars à vins où dîner.

Cosa fare a Lione? Semplice: godersela. Risposta ovvia, nella capitale gastronomica della Francia, che vanta 14 ristoranti stellati Michelin. Molti sono i ristoranti bouchon che servono piatti della cucina tradizionale locale, come salsicce, paté d'anatra o maiale arrosto, spesso nascosti dietro le traboules, i tipici passaggi, vicoli e cortili. Nei bouchon non c’è per forza haute cuisine ma, molto meglio, un'atmosfera conviviale e un rapporto personale con il proprietario. Una grande varietà di atmosfere riflette il carattere vivace di Lione, dal centro storico alle chiese e alle pitture murali. Lione è una città piena di fascino, dalle vedute panoramiche mozzafiato ai musei e teatri collegati da strette strade acciottolate e dai molti luoghi dove degustare vino e cenare.

Was tun, wenn man in Lyon ist? Ganz einfach: das Leben genießen. Eine selbstverständliche Antwort in der Hauptstadt der französischen Küche, in der sich sage und schreibe 14 Restaurants mit Michelin-Sternen befinden.Viele davon gehören zur Küche der “Bouchons”, bei denen Zutaten der traditionellen französischen Kochkunst wie Wurstwaren, Entenleber oder Schweinebraten Verwendung finden und welche sich oft versteckt hinter den “traboules” befinden, den typischen Gässchen, Höfen und Durchgängen. “Bouchon” bedeutet nicht unbedingt immer “haute cuisine”, aber, was vielen vielleicht noch besser gefallen dürfte, anregende Tischatmosphäre und ein persönliches Verhältnis zum Besitzer des Lokals. Der angenehme Charakter Lyons wird auch durch seine lebhafte Atmosphäre widergespiegelt, von der Altstadt über die Kirchen bis zu den Wandmalereien.

Copyright @Studio Sous sol/ Margherita Crocco

Rondina_Layout 1 10.06.14 14:16 Pagina 1

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BORDEAUX_layout 04.07.14 13:22 Pagina 22


THE BORDEAUX REGION Uncork exciting escapades beyond expectations: the hidden treasures of one of France’s liveliest cities.

deally set between the Atlantic, the Pyrenees and its vineyards, the Bordeaux region offers an exciting diversity of landscapes and attractions. Beyond a pleasant drink or shopping for good taste, discover wild ocean shores, historic river banks, foreign objects and traditions, high culture and exquisite craftsmanship. Served by the Aéroport de Bordeaux Mérignac, 8 km. from the city center, Bordeaux, the capital of the Aquitaine region, is the ninth largest city in France and world heritage of Unesco. Bordeaux lived, and lives, for trade, stimulated through the centuries by new ideas in architecture, the arts, culture and politics. Connected to the Ocean by the Gironde estuary, where the Garonne and Dordogne merge, a mild climate and a soil rich in calcium make Bordeaux the world’s wine capital, producing some of the most expensive wines, including Château



Lafite-Rothschild, Château Margaux, Château Latour, Château Haut-Brion and Château Mouton-Rothschild. At the heart of the city, visit the ancient architecture, dedicated pedestrian shopping streets where the sweet and friendly life style is reflected by well-known restaurants, pubs and bars. But another, lesser-known, Bordeaux highlight is its exceptional surrounding region. Less than an hour from the city center, Arcachon Bay lets you enjoy the beach and the Atlantic coast. The Pyrenees Mountains are two hours away, for a day of skiing or hiking. Sea, nature and wildlife on the Arcachon banks represent natural excellence, while outdoor and water sports such as paragliding, tennis, horse riding, sailing, canoe, diving, pinasse, are a dynamic counterpart - just a few miles over the dunes and on the chilly Atlantic breakers - to the neat and nifty range of familiar old patissiers,

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A sight well worth seeing is the Dune du Pyla (in this picture), in Arcachon Bay, 60km from Bordeaux. This mountain of sand measures over 100 metres high, giving it the title of Europe’s highest sand dune. Climb to the top for a stunning view of the blue canvas of the Atlantic coastline on one side and the green canopy of the pine forest on the other. On a clear day you’ll even catch a glimpse of the Pyrenees in the distance.

In this picture, les Vignerons d’Uni-Medoc founded in the 1930s is really a collection of five different Co-operatives with its centre at Gaillan in the Médoc.

ancient churches, pretty cafes in the old cobbled streets of the city center. Needless to say, the focal points are the superb wineries of the region Médoc - Saint Emilion. La Route des Vins is an occasion for wine tastings tours of the region, wandering through its heritage and its various castles, the several various wine exhibitions, and the annual Bordeaux wine festival in late June. Through the vineyards of the Médoc, you can enjoy more than a passing glimpse of the châteaux behind rusty iron railings and old stone walls. Several open their “tasting rooms” to visitors; people learn how wine is blended there, or mix tannic and complex cabernet sauvignon with hot, boozy Merlot. Some châteaux organize cookery courses alongside wine tastings, while a few have been converted into comfortable hotels. Wine tours are a must and made easy by the Tourist Office’s jaunts, April 1November 15, saving the hassle of making your own arrangements. Classic wine escapades you can’t miss are to Saint Emilion, a 40-minute drive west from Bordeaux, and to Médoc where the famous Bordeaux wine châteaux Latour, Margaux, Mouton-Rothschild rise amid the flatlands. The attractions devoted to wine have a privileged role and are almost endless and exciting. L’Ecole du Vin is a wine school offering from inexpensive two-hour courses on wine history and tasting, to intensive multi-day courses. Vinorama is a grand museum honoring the history of Bordeaux wine since the time of the ancient Romans who introduced vine to the region. Château Maucaillou museum, in Moulis en Médoc, is located in an authentic wine cellar of 1875. A great way to follow the entire process of wine making, from knowing the land on which grapes are planted to the construction of barrels to the printing of labels. The Château Mouton-Rothschild museum, in Pauillac, is dedicated to wine in art through the centuries, with hundreds of creations ranging from tapestries to carafes to paintings. Of course, this is also one of the best-known winer-

ies of France. A museum of vine and wine tools is Château Loudenne, located in Saint Yzans de Médoc exhibiting the origins and development of the wine tools of the trade. The history of wine makers is exhibited and analyzed at the Ecomusée du Libournais, located in Saint-Emilion, history and the opportunity of discovering walking paths for hiking in the vines. Château Branda in Cadillac en Fronsadais is a unique and amazing medieval château built during the Hundred-Years’ War. The keynote is interaction for the visitors, who get a chance to smell and try to identify scents common to wines. In Bergerac, the Maisons des Vins’ Cloître des Récollets offers a guided tour of a cloister of harvesting that dates back to the 1600s. Even corks have their own museum at the Musée du Liège et du Bouchon or Cork and Stopper Museum, in Mézin. This provides a chance to see how one of the most crucial elements of a wine bottle is made. It is often the small, obscure and sometimes secret features of a city that often linger longest in the memory and make a visit special. Take a step back into the 1940s, before these frail chapters of local history are lost forever. Bordeaux lets you track down an unexpected range of antique shops, or some of the least ‘updated’ cafés, and little back street theatres such as the ‘Boîte à jouer’, or the traditional cider maker, the ‘Garage Moderne’ arts space, and Utopia, considered by many the nicest cinema in Bordeaux, built in a XVth century church, and many more unsung attractions. At the Bassins a Flot, at the end of Bordeaux’s smart riverside promenade, it is still possible to glimpse remnants of the busy commercial port for those with a taste for boats and for naval history. The massive concrete structure in the Northwest corner was a U-boat shelter for German submarines built in 1941. Today, the interior is partly occupied by an exhibition gallery: the triumph of art over war... History buffs may remember that during World War II Bordeaux hosted Betasom, the Ital23

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Left, Vignoble du château Latour, Pauillac.

ian Atlantic submarine base, as part of the Axis anti-shipping campaign against the Allies. The port has also been the target of Operation Frankton, a British commando raid carried out by the Royal Marines Boom Patrol Detachment. Six canoes - crewed by the so-called Cockleshell Heroes - were taken to the Gironde estuary by submarine. They paddled by night to Bordeaux and attacked the docked cargo ships with limpet mines and then tried to escape overland to Spain. Winston Churchill believed the mission shortened World War II by six months and Admiral Louis Mountbatten deemed the raid “the most courageous and imaginative of all the raids ever carried out by the men of Combined Operations”. The riverfront of the Garonne is arguably the finer city riverscape in Europe and a symbol of Bordeaux renewal. Derelict warehouses that littered the quays, have now been replaced by neatly organized open spaces, gardens and greenery. Old buildings on the Quai de Bacalan have become shops, vivid bars and cafés. Seen from the Pont-de-Pierre bridge, the long line-up of arches, slate roofs and chimneys all show how Bordeaux successfully comLA RÉGION DE BORDEAUX

Entre l’Atlantique et les Pyrénées, posée sur une vaste étendue de vignobles, la région de Bordeaux offre une vaste palette de paysages et d’attraits. Déguster un excellent vin ou faire des achats gourmands ; arpenter les plages sauvages ; visiter des lieux historiques le long de la berge du fleuve ; savourer la culture, les traditions et l’artisanat local : voici ce que nous offre Bordeaux. Les Pyrénées sont à deux heures de route, pour une journée de ski ou pour une excursion. La mer, la nature et la faune sauvage d’une part ; le sport à l’air libre, d’autre part, servent de contre-point aux élégantes et anciennes pâtisseries, églises, monuments historiques se dressant le long des rues pavées du centre-ville.


bined trading wealth with style and substance. For the active visitor, some of the highlights among the events and festivals in the second half of 2014 include: Chicanos, Musée-d’Aquitaine, July 1-September 1, Bordeaux celebrates the 50th anniversary of being the twin city of Los Angeles with a major exhibition on Mexican-American history. Dansons sur les Quais, Mid-July - midAugust: on the Quai Louis XVIII, dancing enthusiasts host free dance evenings. Cinésites in Summer, July/August: free, open-air screenings of quality movies at various historical sites in the Bordeaux region. Festival Reggae Sun Ska, August 1-3: a must for fans of reggae, world, electro or hip-hop. Marathon du Médoc, September 1, a convivial event with almost endless food and wine opportunities for the 8,500 runners. Vin Nouveau et Brocante, Last weekend of October: in Chartrons district, Rue Notre Dame is the antique shops hub. Brocante, bric-à-brac and other food stalls offer an excellent opportunity to taste this year’s new wine. Luca Venturi



Tra l’Atlantico, i Pirenei e le distese di vigneti, la regione di Bordeaux offre una varietà emozionante di paesaggi e attrazioni. Degustare un ottimo vino o far acquisti da buongustai, passeggiare su spiagge selvagge, visitare luoghi storici lungo la riva del fiume, godere di cultura, tradizioni e artigianato. I Pirenei sono due ore di distanza, per una giornata di sci o di escursioni. Mare, natura e fauna selvatica da una parte e sport all’aria aperta dall’altra fanno da contrappunto a eleganti, vecchie pasticcerie, antiche chiese, monumenti storici nelle strade acciottolate del centro della città.

Zwischen dem Atlantik, den Pyrenäen und den weiten Flächen derWeinberge bietet die Umgebung von Bordeaux aufregende Landschaften und spannende Attraktionen. HervorragendeWeine verkosten, einkaufen wie ein Feinschmecker, an wilden Stränden spazieren gehen, historische am Fluss gelegene Orte besuchen, Kultur, Traditionen und Kunsthandwerk erleben. Die Pyrenäen sind nur zwei Stunden entfernt. Das Meer, die Natur und wildlebende Tiere auf der einen und Sport an der frischen Luft auf der anderen Seite bilden das Gegengewicht zu eleganten und traditionsreichen Konditoreien, antiken Kirchen und historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten in den kopfsteingepflasterten Strassen des Stadtzentrums.













BIARRITZ_layout 04.07.14 13:25 Pagina 26


hen you land in Biarritz, you sense that you are in for a treat. This is true for both weekend getaways and longer holidays. This luxurious seaside town is very popular with tourists and


surfers in particular. It is a typical French coastal town with its backdrop of hills, mixture of historic architecture, and streets that twist and turn. Hosting stunning land- and seascapes and nestled between the Atlantic

Ocean and the Pyrenees, it is no wonder that so many famous people in history visited this quaint town. The Biarritz airport is small, so you can be outside the terminal in few minutes, where you have the option of a

BIARRITZ: A LUXURIOUS SEASIDE TOWN AND SURFERS PARADISE In Biarritz the sea offers a fantastic view of the ocean rollers crashing towards the shore.


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of surfers bob on the waves. But the village itself dating back to the 12th century actually began as an agricultural and fishery-dependent town before it was transformed over time. In the 18th century doctors recom-

© Le Doaré

taxi or bus transfer to the centre ville. The bus is great option as €1,20 take you in 10-20 minutes into town. Once arrived, the sea offers a fantastic view of the ocean rollers crashing towards the shore as an ant-like colony

mended that the ocean at Biarritz had therapeutic properties, thus inspiring patients to make pilgrimages to the beach for alleged cures for their ailments. Biarritz became even more renowned in 1854 when Empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleon III, built a private villa on the most ideal beachfront location, in view of the rocks and the rugged shoreline. Today know as the Hôtel du Palais, it has been a very popular hotel for the last 100 years. Biarritz's casino which opened in 1901 and the beautiful beaches helped making the town a notable tourist center which at the time enjoyed an exquisite reputation even upon the European royalty. The social promotion during the age of healthy swimming and beach huts in the 19th Century foreshadowed today's surfer's paradise. The sea is the centre of the life in Biarritz and wherever you stand you are aware of the bay, with its headlands like outstretched arms hugging the sea. The beaches are excellent and this is of course the main reason why it has become a major surf resort. The surfing sport in Biarritz first appeared in 1957. The town has since developed a strong surfing culture and is of a world-class standard today. It is known worldwide for its surfing scene and the competitions it hosts yearly. Besides the Quiksilver/Roxy Jam tournament, the Biarritz Surf Festival is the most popular summer surf event in Europe. The festival is held in mid July and attracts the top surfers from around the world for a week of competitions, music and films. The main beach, Grande Plage, is spectacular but it gets very crowded at times. As an alternative there is also a long surfers' beach on the Boulevard du Prince de Galles, called Côte de Basque, that has almost no sand at high tide, but is superb at low tide.

Left, the Phare of Biarritz with the ocean rollers crashing towards the shore.


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©Le Doaré


Above, surfers at the Grande Plage de Biarritz.

The surf beaches at Anglet are easily accessible by bus, and surfboards that are not too big are allowed on the local buses. There is also a small beach by the Esplanade du Port Vieux that is good for swimming when the surfer's beach is closed. Plage Miramar is the beach to go to if you're looking for a little more relaxation and tranquility, away from the busy tourist beaches. There is a paved path, which takes you along the beach and leads you through beautiful gardens, carved rock and vista points. There are also a few cafés where you can have lunch. The beach is beautiful and there are many gardens, where you can sit back and relax. In few days you can see the majority of Biarritz. The town is very easily accessible by foot, although it can at times be quite hilly and steep. There is a special mix of old and new, so you are as likely to see a typical French Madame dressed “très chic”,

as you are to see a surfer, barefoot in wetsuit, running towards the sea with his board in hand. Many people enjoy the Quai de la Grande Plage, to strawl and have a coffee with the unique view. Place Sainte-Eugénie in the town is a lovely square edged by restaurants with a wide range of local specialties. Freshly caught local fish and the moules marinière are a must. Visit the Museé historique de Biarritz to get a real feel for the town. This old Anglican church transformed into a museum is like an old curiosity shop. Although small in size the range of artifacts provides an eclectic mix to exemplify life through the ages in the town, from pictures and maps to costumes and furniture. A must see is the Musée de la mer on the Esplanade du Rocher de la Vierge. Four floors house aquariums, massive skeletons of marine creatures, geolo-

gy and fossils, a history of fishing and sea faring. Great fun is the seal pool on the roof terrace where you can watch those lovely creatures being fed daily. A way to enjoy local produce is to go to the markets Les Halles de Biarritz, where everything from fish to cheese, meats, fruit, pastries and bread are available. Worth a visit for the atmosphere and smells! But get there early as it is open from 7am to 1pm. If you feel energetic you will certainly enjoy the walk to the lighthouse. This takes you around the headlands at sea level, along the promenade and up a 115-step climb over 30m to the lighthouse cliff top. Great views of Miramar Beach, Le Grande Plage, the Pyrenees and the Spanish coastline await you, unveiling the beauty of Biarritz and it’s unique surrounding. David Suter


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Cette luxueuse station balnéaire, située sur l’océan Atlantique aux pieds des Pyrénées, est très prisée des touristes, notamment des surfeurs. Dès qu’on arrive, la mer nous offre le splendide spectacle des vagues chevauchées par les surfeurs. De nombreux personnages historiques ont visité cette petite ville des plus pittoresques. En 1854, l'impératrice Eugénie, femme de Napoléon III, y fit construire une villa face à la mer. La demeure, aujourd’hui l’« Hôtel du Palais », est un havre fort apprécié depuis une centaine d’années. Le casino de Biarritz – qui a ouvert ses portes en 1901 – ainsi que ses belles plages, ont fait de la ville une station balnéaire jouissant à l’époque d’une excellente réputation, notamment auprès de la noblesse européenne.

La lussuosa località balneare, situata tra l'Oceano Atlantico e i Pirenei, è molto popolare tra i turisti e in particolare tra i surfisti. Appena arrivati, il mare offre una fantastica visione delle onde dell'oceano, sulla cui cresta si esibiscono gli sportivi con la loro tavola. Tanti famosi personaggi storici hanno visitato questa pittoresca cittadina. Nel 1854 l'imperatrice Eugenia, moglie di Napoleone III, costruì una villa privata di fronte al mare. Oggi conosciuto come l'Hôtel du Palais, è stato un hotel molto popolare negli ultimi 100 anni. Il Casinò di Biarritz, aperto nel 1901, e le belle spiagge hanno reso la città un centro turistico che all'epoca godeva di una reputazione notevole anche fra la nobiltà europea.

Der luxuriöse Badeort zwischen dem Atlantik und den Pyrenäen ist bei Touristen sehr beliebt, vor allem bei Surfern. Sobald man ankommt, bietet das Meer einen fantastischen Blick auf die Wellen des Ozeans, auf denen die Surfer reiten. Viele berühmte Persönlichkeiten besuchten dieses malerische Städtchen. 1854 liess sich Kaiserin Eugénie, die Frau Napoleons III., eine private Residenz am Meer bauen. In der Folge als Hotel genutzt, war das heutige Hôtel du Palais in den letzten 100 Jahren ein sehr beliebtes Haus. Das 1901 eröffnete Casino von Biarritz sowie die herrlichen Strände machten die Stadt zu einem beliebten Ferienort, der einst auch beim europäischen Adel sehr beliebt war.

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The essence of an extraordinary brand To those who value the unique, Fontana Sotheby’s International Realty is a local real estate agency offering unparalleled access to the most enchanting properties in the Canton Ticino and all over the world.

© © Alexandre Zveiger, Lugano

Left, Lugano view. Below, Villa La Goccia, Figino. Opposite page top, modern villa in Carona. Below, Villa La Sorgente, Morcote. Above right, the General Manager Gianluca Righetti


rtfully uniting extraordinary homes with extraordinary lives" is the vision of Fontana Sotheby's International Realty. In the words of director Gianluca Righetti, “Although we are celebrated for being a luxury brand, our mission is to offer every single client a unique experience in every price bracket". Fontana, which has been present on the market since way back in 1926 and has its head office in the heart of Lugano, in Via Giacomo Luvini 4, is a landmark on the Ticino real estate scene that has always been distinguished by values such as tradition, expertise and loyalty, now shared with the famous auction house. The collaboration between the world of realty and Sotheby's auction house is founded on a rich glorious history, and on the inestimable heritage and sophistication of this brand. In the changing competitive scenario of real estate today, the combination of unique exclusive marketing strategies makes it possible to improve the perception of the properties on offer and to guarantee visibility targeting a wealthy influential public.


Agents benefit from this reputation, and in the global market this represents a powerful element of differentiation. “Interest, discretion, experience and so-

phistication define our personality." continues Righetti. With over 14,000 real estate consultants in around 700 offices and in 49 countries worldwide, the members of Sotheby’s International Realty represent everyone considering themselves "connoisseurs of life”. The professionals at Fontana, a close-knit team of strongly motivated consultants, stand out for their in-depth knowledge of the local market and its dynamics, and for their use of cutting-edge technologies to promote properties at international level in an incomparable manner. The portfolio of personal contacts built up during the professional career of each team member is completed with the in-house flagging service that allows staff to bring together presti-

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media are key to maximising the visibility of a property on the web. Those who still appreciate traditional printed materials can still benefit from the diffusion of the sales brochures in all of our affiliates, and excellent collaborations with magazines known all over the world. “Today's clients, both local and international, rightly expect to see a whole series of needs met that require professionalism and competence. Our organisation, thanks to its head office in Lugano and a branch in Locarno, is particularly well-equipped to satisfy such requirements.” concludes Righetti. “By combining our market know-how with the support of this famous brand and contacts built up all over the world, we are equal to meeting all needs and always able to identify the best solution answering our client's dreams”.

gious buyers and sellers on a global scale. ‘A winning combination!” For 2014, Sotheby’s International Realty's media strategy will involve evergreater numbers of Internet users on different digital platforms that use innovation, experience and internationalism to enhance the visibility of the most wonderful properties. Sothebysrealty.com, the website of all our affiliates, has unique features and functions: fascinating photographs, translations in several languages, and a currency converter are just

some of the features attracting millions of potential buyers worldwide every year. “It is rare to be able to search for a home on the basis of life-style" points out Righetti, "And Sotheby’s International Realty has developed a series of websites specifically dedicated to those who like the water, mountains, golf, the countryside and history.” With almost 90% of potential buyers beginning their search for the future home on the Internet, SEO, a mobile version of the website and a presence on social

Fontana Sotheby's International Realty Via G. Luvini 4, 6900 Lugano, CH - Switzerland +41 91 911 97 20 info@fontanasothebysrealty.com www.fontanasothebysrealty.com


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AUSTRIA AGENDA leisure & business The New Contemporary Vienna International Art Fair Messe Wien 02/05.10.2014 - Vienna

Salzburger Festspiele (Salzburg Festival) 18.07/31.08.2014 - Salzburg Opera and concerts. Europe’s most prestigious summer musical event. Very large, very expensive. Every year in Mozart’s pretty home town of Salzburg. Innsbruck summer of dance until 12.07.2014 - Innsbruck International dance performances from classical ballet to various modern dance forms, jazz and modern expressive dance. For 20 years the Dance Summer has been a prominent part of the Tyrolean events calendar. With stars from all over the world and fresh young talent, it never ceases to amaze spectators year after year with the latest dances. ImPulsTanz 17.07/17.08.2014 - Vienna A dynamic international contemporary dance festival across the whole of regal Vienna. Today, ImPulsTanz stands for performances, workshops, research projects as well as for the soçial programme, which became with the festival lounge and parties a fixed hightlight in Vienna’s summer nightlife. With an annual programme of about 50 productions and more than 200 Workshops, ImPulsTanz has delevoped into one of the most important festivals for contemporary dance. Silver age 27.06/28.09.2014 - Lower Belvedere - Vienna The Belvedere’s exhibition ‘Silver Age - Russian Art in Vienna around 1900’, scheduled for summer 2014, is devoted to Russian art and the cultural relations between Russia and Austria at the beginning of the twentieth century. The term Silver Age refers to the cultural bloom in Russian literature and the visual arts after 1900 and is considered an equivalent to the German expression Jugendstil or Art Nouveau. 32

ViennaFair The New Contemporary is the most important international platform for contemporary art originating from Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe. In recent years, it has been established as an incomparable springboard for galleries and artists, with the exciting space it creates for thought-provoking dialogue and events. With its location in Vienna, ViennaFair The New Contemporary has become an attractive meeting point for visitors, artists, curators, collectors and buyers, and it is also now a fixed date in the international schedule of important art fairs.

FUTURA 2014: the trade and industry gathering 18/21.09.2014 - Messezentrum Salzburg The Futura has now been Austria’s leading trade fair for the technologies of tomorrow for the last 15 years in the following segments: entertainment electronics, large and small electrical appliances, telecommunication, satellite technology, IT solutions, digital photography. Around 350 providers and 8500 trade visitors take advantage of the Futura as an annual mirror of market trends, to gather and spread information, and to place and receive orders! The Futura is the most important trade platform in the domestic calendar.

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Studiare al Rosenberg: l’inizio di una carriera internazionale?


mparare a vivere è il fine ultimo di ogni processo educativo”. L’Institut auf dem Rosenberg (San Gallo) si sente impegnato al rispetto di questa filosofia di Heinrich Pestalozzi fin dalla sua fondazione nell’anno 1889. Crediamo che saper vivere significhi anche saper comunicare in diverse lingue, acquisire competenze sociali, senso del dovere, un alto livello di autodisciplina, saper risolvere conflitti nel pieno rispetto delle opinioni altrui e individuare i punti di incontro. Queste abilità, acquisite dai nostri allievi con naturalezza nella vita di tutti i giorni, sono senz’altro indispensabili per chi debba occupare future posizioni dirigenziali. Ma saper vivere significa anche avere interesse per il Grande e il Bello, guardare la meraviglia della creazione con profondo rispetto, imparare ad apprezzare gli ambienti curati e l’arte in tutte le sue manifestazioni. Nel corso di più di un secolo migliaia di giovani sono stati preparati in questa cornice al lavoro e alla vita. La scuola e i suoi obiettivi L’offerta scolastica comprende i seguenti indirizzi: Sezione italiana, comprendente • Liceo Scientifico paritario • Liceo Linguistico paritario Il diploma finale, conseguito in quattro anni, consente lo studio nelle università svizzere, in quelle italiane e naturalmente nelle università di tutto il mondo. Sezione internazionale Diplomi britannici (IGCSE/GCE), e diplomi di maturità americani (High School Diploma & AP examinations). Il nostro „College Counselling Service“ offre consulenza nella scelta dei College e nella presentazione delle relative domande. Sezione tedesca Deutsches Abitur e Schweizer Maturität Corsi di lingue estivi e invernali per giovani e adulti Gli allievi, parallelamente ai loro corsi di studi, possono conseguire le principali certificazioni linguistiche (Università di Cambridge, SAT, IELTS, Goethe, DELF). Organizziamo inoltre corsi di lingue estivi e invernali in Svizzera (San Gallo, Arosa) e Austria (Seefeld).

Per informazioni Preside Camilla Cafagna · Direttrice Monica A. Schmid Höhenweg 60 · 9000 St. Gallen - Switzerland Tel. + 41 71 277 92 18 · Fax + 41 71 277 92 32 · www.instrosenberg.ch Corsi estivi: Tel. + 41 71 277 92 91 · www.ariana.ch

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LINZ: A PLACE TO REMEMBER Linz offers a broad spectrum of culture events and a considerable number of cultural institutions. The events are especially remarkable for being diverse,innovative and varied.

inz is remarkable, it has a beautiful “Altstadt” (old town) and is known for having a rich cultural life with numerous museums and festivals. The city is situated in an attractive landscape characterized by the Danube river and delightful hills, while it is at the same time an eco-

L 34

nomically vibrant and busy city. In 2009 Linz was elected the “European Capital of Culture”. By virtue of an independent cultural development and an innovative culture and art scene, the city has established a strong international reputation. It has since become a synonym for variety which

can be found at open air events, in bars and restaurants, in theatres and on concert stages all around the city. In late April for example, the yearly “Crossing Europe” film festival for young European film features works with unconventional, courageous filmic positions. On Pentecost, the

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FLIGHTS TO LINZ EVERY DAY FROM ZURICH from 01st June to 25th October

In this picture, Hauptplaz with the Trinity column.

LINZER TORTE: THE OLDEST CAKE IN THE WORLD The “Linzer Torte” is considered the oldest known cake in the world. It was already mentioned by name as early as 1653. Yet who named or invented the cake will always remain a mystery. The oldest recipe is from a cookbook that is over 350 years old: “Book of All Kinds of Home-Made Things, Such as Sweet Dishes, Spices, Cakes and also Every Kind of Fruit and Other Good and Useful Things, etc.” Even at this early date, the cookbook already included four different recipes for the Linzer Torte / Linzer Pastry. This is yet more proof for how generally popular and widely known the cake was already in the Baroque period! These old recipes mostly differ from more recent ones in that the dough was always prepared with clarified butter with a stick of butter kneaded into it. In addition, the cake was prepared as a “bowl cake”, meaning that it was baked in a (silver) bowl – similar to pies today – with a fruit filling and strips of dough on top. Spices are only called for once and this in the form of a “well seasoned grid of dough”. Almonds were included in every recipe.

“Linz Festival” offers a cultural openair festival in the Danube park, while in July the “Pflasterspektakel” brings over five hundred clowns, acrobats and mimes from all over the world to the city´s streets. From June all through to August the “Linz Cultural Summer” features cabaret, open-

air concerts and theatre on a daily basis at venues that are as varied as the program itself. These include the bars and squares of the inner city, as well as the romantic Rose Garden high above the cities rooftops. Moreover, throughout the year, the “Posthof” features contemporary culture at the harbor with national and international performers. In recent years, the city has also gotten a lot of international media attention because of its annual “Ars Electronica Festival”, an international festival for Electronic Art, which is held in September. In the same period, Linz also hosts the “Klangwolke” (“sound-cloud”); a big cultural OpenAir spectacle with modern and tra-

ditional music as well as a massive light show. Linz cultivates vitality and culture, and in particular on the Danube river, this comes to obvious fruition. In Austria, the Danube is far more than a fascinatingly beautiful river landscape. Like a leitmotif, it runs through Linz’s past and onwards into its future. The river is the best place to discover how ambitiously Linz has spread out in recent years. The Danube is a major part of life in Linz, on and along which relaxation and excursions are given room. A good 40,000 travelers on river cruise ships make a stop in Linz every year, and 70,000 touring cyclists travel to the city on the Danube cycle paths, which cel35

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TOURIST INFORMATION LINZ Hauptplatz 1, 4020 Linz phone: +43 732 7070 2009 fax: +43 732 7070 54 2009 E-Mail: tourist.info@linz.at May - September 9 am - 7 pm Monday - Saturday 10 am - 7 pm Sunday, Holiday October - April 9 am - 5 pm Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Sunday, Holiday


Above, the hill of Poestlingberg in Linz. Below, Linz, the landscape with Danube river.

ebrates its 30th anniversary in 2014. The year 2014 is also the anniversary of two great historical events that have been etched deep into the history of the Danube area. With the First World War, the collapse of the Danube Monarchy began in 1914, with all its dramatic consequences. Especially the

churches, castles, fortresses and bridges on the Danube are stone and steel witnesses to those eventful times. But the more hopeful anniversary in 2014 relates to 1989, when the Iron Curtain was lifted a quarter of a century ago reopening many borders on the Danube again. In Linz you experience a historical awareness also with your senses, since the local dining and drinking culture owes a lot to the history of the Danube and the cultural exchange thanks to it. That includes the coffee tradition and the Linzer Torte, which both have strong Ottoman links. It also includes the wine and the Wiener Schnitzel. When strolling through the heart of the city, one can literally sense the city’s bold history. The lanes of the old town, which lie directly at the foot of the castle, communicate the feeling of past ages. Splendid town residences and chapter houses are worthy of closer scrutiny, as are the many inner courtyards hidden discretely behind arched gates. In Linz, the Danube curves and changes direction – here, it changes its

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Linz est une agréable petite ville possédant un joli centre-ville. La vie culturelle y est riche et variée comme en témoignent ses nombreux musées et festivals. La ville se dresse dans un paysage enchanteur où coule le Danube, au milieu de riantes collines. Mais la ville possède une économie dynamique et l’activité y est intense. En 2009, Linz a été la « Capitale européenne » de la culture. Depuis lors, elle a une solide réputation grâce à ses nombreux événements à l’air libre, ses bars, ses restaurants, ses théâtres et ses scènes de concert montées un peu partout. Le Danube, où l’on peut effectuer de reposantes excursions, est une part importante de la vie de Linz.

face. Is it just chance that at exactly this point on the river, a city has emerged that has experienced many changes? “Lentos” and “Lentia” are the Celtic


Linz è una gradevole cittadina, con un grazioso centro città e una vita culturale ricca e variegata, con numerosi musei e festival. La città sorge in un paesaggio incantevole, caratterizzato dal fiume Danubio e da ridenti colline, ma nello stesso tempo è economicamente vivace e sempre indaffarata. Nel 2009 fu nominata Capitale europea della cultura. Da allora ha acquisito una solida reputazione, grazie ai suoi numerosi eventi all’aria aperta, bar e ristoranti, teatri e palchi per concerti sparsi un po’ ovunque. Il Danubio, sul quale ci si può rilassare ed effettuare varie escursioni, è parte importante della vita di Linz.


Linz ist eine angenehme kleine Stadt mit einem anmutigen Zentrum und einem reichen und vielfältigen kulturellen Leben mit zahllosen Museen und Festivals. Die Stadt liegt in einer bezaubernden Landschaft, die von der Donau und heiteren Hügeln bestimmt wird, doch zugleich handelt es sich um eine wirtschaftliche äußerst lebhafte und geschäftige Stadt. 2009 war sie Kulturhauptstadt Europas und hat sich seither Dank ihrer über die ganze Stadt verteilten zahlreichen Open-Air-Events, Bars und Restaurants, Theater und Konzertbühnen eine solide Reputation aufgebaut. Die Donau, an der man sich wunderbar entspannen kann, spielt im Linzer Stadtleben eine wichtige Rolle.

and Roman names for Linz. Both re- ern days. Linz constantly uses the refer to the river’s change of course, flections of the past on the Danube to standing literally for Linz’s transfor- look towards the future. mations all the way through our modDavid Suter

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La Multimmobiliare e Partecipazioni SA offers a magnificent villa located in Cademario, near Lugano, with a breath-taking view of Lake Ceresio. As well as the spectacular view, this property boasts peace and quiet, lush green surroundings and sunshine. In fact, Cademario has a reputation for being one of the sunniest resorts in Canton Ticino. Its unique features – spectacular view and tranquillity – make this a very exclusive tourist neighbourhood. In fact, it is also home to the famous Kurhaus hotel, leader in the spa/wellness sector. The location is also in easy reach of the local towns: 15-minute car drive from the centre of Lugano, 15 minutes from the Lugano-Agno airport, 10 minutes from the shopping malls, 5 minutes from the local nursery and primary schools. It also has good public transport links. The villa has three floors: A basement with the wellness area with relaxation rooms and spaces, and open-air swimming pool. A ground floor with a utility room, laundry, large garage and external parking spaces with access from the main entrance, spacious kitchen and living room, elegant dining room with access to terrace, large walk-in larder, study with bathroom and storage room with separate entrance. A first floor with 4 bedrooms (including a master bedroom with bathroom featuring a whirlpool bathtub), bathroom and study. Every floor has a splendid view of the Gulf of Lugano.

www.multimmobiliare.ch · info@multimmobiliare.ch · 091 826 21 40 · 091 944 21 40


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V illa,A rt& Gastronomy Viale Castagnola 3 1 6906 Lugano, Switzerl and Tel. + 41 (0)91 973 25 55 i n f o @ v i l l a c a s ta g n o l a . c o m w w w. v i l l a c a s ta g n o l a . c o m

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HOMI 13/16.09.2014 - Milan Homi is the new Macef, the business opportunity for the lifestyle sector. A new brand, a synthesis of style, business and excellence: in a word, Homi. It’s an original concept for trade fairs with an international flare. Many home dimensions, only one journey leading to ideas and solutions. Homi, a simple name holding many sensations, the letter ‘O’ symbolically represents the circle that encloses the environment and the person, and the ‘MI’ at the end pays homage to Milan, a metropolis par excellence.

Nanoforum 2014 22/25.09.2014, Sapienza University, Faculty of civil/industrial Engineering. Thanks to its experience, nanoforum reaches its tenth edition this year and confirms itself as a first-rate meeting dedicated to micro, nano and advanced technologies. Four-days conference and a specialized expo area make Nanoforum a meaningful opportunity to meet and know Italian and foreign companies and research centres. Milano Moda Donna 19/23.09.2014 - Milan Women’s Wear Exhibition. MilanoModa Donna is an international event featuring novelties and pret-à-porter collections created by italian fashion’s most prestigious designers

Abitare il Tempo 24/27.09.2014 Verona exhibition centre, Verona The 2014 edition of Abitare il tempo announces important news for the market starting from the date: the event will now take place 24-27 September alongside Marmomacc. The new date will make the most of incoming international operators, especially those from Eastern Europe. VeronaFiere has specifically opted for this strategy to encourage synergic involvement of an international professional audience of designers, architects and contract specialists who will thereby find in Verona the best proposals for materials and technologies, interior finishes and furnishings: a full-scale “design forum”, thanks to the impressive calendar of international seminars, training courses and meetings.

Mipel 31.08/03.09.2014 - Milan Exhibiting at Mipel means entering in a new business reality thanks to the most famous and prestigious international fair dedicated to bags, leather-goods and fashion accessories. Only the companies that exhibit at Mipel can have all the new exclusive technological services and visibility guaranteed by: mipelnews.com portal, the new APP for iOS and Android and the exclusive @Mipel, the free of charge virtual exhibition for market players. Innovative tools and specific services to keep in touch with the most important international buyers and offering your brand more visibility than ever. 40

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71st Venice International Film Festival - Director: Alberto Barbera, 27.08/06.09.2014, Venice The 71st Venice International Film Festival, organized by La Biennale di Venezia, will run on Venice Lido from 27th August to 6th September 2014, directed by Alberto Barbera. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote the various aspects of international cinema in all its forms: as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue. The Festival also organizes retrospectives and tributes to major figures as a contribution towards a better understanding of the history of cinema.

Palio di Siena - 02.07.2014 and 16.08.2014 - city’s main piazza, Siena The Palio di Siena is Italy’s best known horse race, held twice each year on July 2 and August 16 in the city’s main piazza, pictured above on a normal summer’s day and below on race day. Ten horses and their colourfully clad riders represent ten of Siena’s 17 districts, but before the race - which is just three brutal laps - there is a lengthy ceremony and procession celebrating Siena’s medieval past. Hogarth, Reynolds, Turner. British Painting and the Rise of Modernity, until 20.07.2014 Fondazione Roma Museo - Palazzo Sciarra, Rome Over one-hundred works by some of the most important painters of the time, such as Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Wright of Derby, Stubbs, Fuseli, Constable and Turner, will review British painting in the eighteenth century. The exhibition intends to offer to the public a comprehensive overview of the social and artistic development that took place during the XVIII century in step with the hegemony gained by Great Britain at the historical, political and economic level. For this purpose a corpus of over one hundred works belonging to prestigious institutions such as the British Museum, Tate Britain, the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Royal Academy, the National Portrait Gallery, the Museum of London and the Uffizi Gallery has been formed and is accompanied by a nucleus of works from the important American collection belonging to the Yale Centre of British Art.

Puccini Festival 25.07/30.08.2014 - Torre del Lago The world’s only annual opera festival dedicated to the works of the great composer Giacomo Puccini. At an open-air theatre located in Torre del Lago, near Lucca, Puccini’s birth place. In presenting four or five performances of up to four operatic productions each season, the Festival attracts about forty thousand spectators to its open-air theatre, the Teatro dei Quattromila (so named for its seating capacity, although 3,200 seats were actually installed), located very close to the “Villa Puccini,” the house which the composer had built in 1900 and in which he lived and worked on his major operas.

Premio MAXXI until September 2014 National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome As part of the Premio MAXXI competition, Rome’s fabulous MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts will be showcasing site-specific works realised by the four MAXXI Prize finalists. The works, displayed within the Zaha Hadid-designed galleries, should be a startling addition to the space, providing new views for visitors and new backdrops for the works already on display. An international jury will select one piece at the end of the show, which will be acquired by the museum. 41

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The brainchild of the Catalan team, La Fura dels Baus, it was specially created for the Centennial Festival. The directors are Carlus Padrissa and Àlex Ollé, production assistant and choreographer, Valentina Carrasco, scenographer Roland Olbeter and costume designer, Chu Uroz. Julian Kovatchev conducts. Further performances of this title: 3, 6, 8, 15, 20, 23, 27, 29 July at 9 p.m. – 3 August at 8.45 p.m. From 10th August Aida returns for 7 performances in the not-to-be-missed edition directed by Gianfranco de Bohe next edition of the Opera Festival at the Arena in Verona started on 20th June and finishes on 7th September. For the 2014 Festival 6 different opera titles and 3 special events are presented, for a total of 54 performances. The 2014 Festival opened on 20th June at 9 p.m. with a new production of Verdi’s Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball). The opera, which has not been performed in the Arena since 1998, is directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi. For all 7 performances, the Veronese conductor Andrea Battistoni will direct the orchestra. Further performances of this title: 11, 19, 24, 31 July at 9 p.m. – 8 August at 8.45 p.m. Georges Bizet’s Carmen, which in 2014 celebrates 100 years since its first performance in the Arena, opened on 21st June at 9 p.m. The director and scenographer is Franco Zeffirelli, the costume designer Anna Anni. Two conductors alternates: Hungarian Henrik Nánási (21/06 – 4, 8, 25/07 – 1, 7, 14/08), who will be making his début in the Arena, and Julian Kovatchev (26/06 – 10/07 – 29/08 – 3/09). Further performances of this title: 4, 10, 18, 25 July at 9 p.m. – 1, 7, 14, 29 August at 8.45 p.m. – 3 September at 8.45 p.m. Verdi’s Aida, the opera, synonymous with the Arena, will once more be presented in its two versions. From 28th June at 9 p.m., for 10 evenings, the futuristic version is staged.



OPEN YOUR EYES AND LISTEN The 2014 opera festival at the Arena di Verona.

In this picture, the Aida second act in a performance of 2013 in the Arena di Verona. Above, a suggestive picture of the Arena by night.

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sio and inspired by the original production of 1913. For the first three performances, the conductor is Daniele Rustioni (10, 16, 24/8), making his début in the Arena, then the baton passes to Fabio Mastrangelo (26, 31/8 – 4, 7/9). Further performances of this title: 16, 24, 26, 31 August at 8.45 p.m. – 4, 7 September at 8.45 p.m. On 5th July at 9 p.m. Turandot by Giacomo Puccini goes on stage under the skillful direction of Franco Zeffirelli, widely appreciated for his extravagant scenography and ably assisted by Oscar winner for costumes, Emi Wada. All

7 performances will see Daniel Oren on the podium. Further performances of this title: 9, 12, 16, 26, 30 July at 9.00 p.m. – 2 August at 8.45 p.m. At 10 p.m. on 17th July a gala concert is held, with Plácido Domingo as protagonist under the conduction of Daniel Oren, singing Verdi’s most famous arias in Plácido Domingo sings Verdi. At 10 p.m. on 22nd July an eagerly anticipated evening dedicated to dance: ballet returns to the Arena with the show Roberto Bolle and friends. The protagonist of the evening is the leading dancer Roberto Bolle, joined by international stars of

classical dance. The Arena’s Orchestra is conducted by Julian Kovatchev. At 10 p.m. on 9th August Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana are performed under the direction of Andrea Battistoni. At 8.45 p.m. on 15thAugust Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly) makes its début for the season. This edition, using the successful set design of Franco Zeffirelli, runs for 6 evenings. The orchestra is conducted by Marco Armiliato. Further performances of this title: 22, 27, 30 August at 8.45 p.m. – 2, 5 September at 8.45 p.m. On 23rd August at 8.45 p.m. the final opera on the programme, now a tradition, is Charles Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette (Romeo and Juliet) with Francesco Micheli’s successful staging being used for the fourth time. The scenography is by Edoardo Sanchi, the costumes by Silvia Aymonino and the choreography by Nikos Lagousakos. The conductor for all three performances is Carlo Montanaro, making his début in the Arena. Further performances of this title: 28 August at 8.45 p.m. – 6 September at 8.45 p.m. All these performances engage the Orchestra, Chorus, dance company and Technical team of the Fondazione Arena di Verona, as well as numerous mime artists and extras. There is a change this year: the starting time of the performances is brought forward by 15 minutes. For the months of June and July the performances begin at 9 p.m., in August and September at 8.45 p.m. The three special performances on 17 and 22 July and 9 August start at 10 p.m. INFORMATION Fondazione Arena di Verona Press Office Tel. (+39) 045 805.1861-1905-1891-1939 fax (+39) 045 803.1443 email: ufficio.stampa@arenadiverona.it Ticket Office Via Dietro Anfiteatro 6/B, 37121 Verona tel. (+39) 045 800.5151 fax (+39) 045 801.3287 email: biglietteria@arenadiverona.it call centre (+39) 045 8005151 www.arena.it Presales points Geticket


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has just inaugurated its new Lifestyle and Jewelry showroom, which will present sophisticated art and design objects along with the IG Jewelry collection designed by Irina Goudkova. After becoming famous in the fashion world, Irina Goudkova recently began to explore the world of art and design, drawing upon years of travel, fashion shows, presentations, art exhibitions, cultural and social events to create her fascinating new business. All these experiences contributed



to shaping a truly special place in Irina's life where creativity, research and originality are the means allowing her to express her ideas. Irina is a kind of “idea generator” constantly in search of new forms of expression in an attempt to channel the originality and innovation constantly renewing the universe of fashion and design. Her husband, Sergio Pea, has spent his entire life in the world of fashion, holding a series of important institutional posts. He is currently CEO for the family company,

IFD – International Fashion Diffusion, one of Europe's leading distributors of designer wear to countries in the former Soviet Union, distributing brands such as Lanvin, Carven, Moschino, Armani J. and Junior, Maison Martin Margiela, Just Cavalli, Viktor&Rolf, DSquared 2 Kids, Liu Jo etc. Irina's new project was born in Lugano, where enchanting views of tranquil lakewaters against a backdrop of majestic mountain peaks inspire a particular state of mind, a kind of predisposition to creativity and attraction to beauty. The long-term acquaintance between the Pea family and the Mello family of traditional artisan jewellers, along with their shared love of creating jewellery led to the birth of IG Jewelry, a new brand involving the creation of exclusive pieces of jewellery crafted using rare and innovative gemstones: www.igjewels.com. IFD's long-standing commercial partner has set up a distribution company known as IJD with the world exclusive for the IG Jewelry brand in order to distribute the jewellery and works designed by artists linked to Irina's world. The IJD company headquarters in Lugano, Via Nassa 3/A, also feature a showroom in collaboration with architect and interior designer Mattia Frignani. Now both locals and visitors to Ticino can discover and buy hand-crafted jewellery completely “Made in Italy”, as well as design and art objects in a single exhibition space. www.igjewels.com

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lmost one hundred years after its founding in 1914, the Kurhaus Cademario is being reopened to the public thanks to a radical renovation that makes it unique of its kind, an enchanted destination in which to rediscover our deepest connection to our own selves and to nature. Located just twelve kilometres away from Lugano, at an altitude of 850 metres, the Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa affords a charming view of the Lugano lake and the verdant mountains of the Malcantone region. With eightytwo rooms and suites, a three-hectare park, a splendid spa of 2,200 square metres and two restaurants, this wonderful four star superior hotel ranks among the top relaxation and wellness destinations in Switzerland. The brand new DOT.Spa follows the motto “the place at the centre of being” and makes use of the natural energy of


the site on which the Kurhaus stands. Everything here speaks of serenity and harmony with the surrounding environment. The renovation work was intended to lend a modern touch to the original building and furnish it with all the comforts of our age, while preserving its naturalistic spirit. Everything has been planned and developed according to geomantic principles: the materials chosen for the interior are the same as those on the exterior of the building – water, like the natural spring water and waterfalls that shape the environs; wood, which stands for the birches and forests surrounding the building; fire, represented by the many chimneys; earth, which inspired the stone inserts; and metal, which recalls the precious natural resources of the local spring water.

Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa Tel. +41 (0)91 610 51 11 Fax +41 (0)91 610 51 12 info@kurhauscademario.com www.kurhauscademario.com

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he province of Nuoro is one of Europe’s less-densely populated areas and hosts some of the wildest and most beautiful natural landscapes in the world. It is here that the authentic Sardinia still survives, jealously guarding its ancient knowledge and cultures passed down over the generations. But the province of Nuoro is also guardian to another treasure, its coastline: dream places like the ones in the Caribbean, but not that far away. Our journey begins form the North, from Posada, one of the oldest inhabited places on the entire island. It is said that the shardans, warrior nations form Asia Minor, landed here. This was the starting point for their conquest of the entire Mediterranean basin and the origin of the nuragic and Etruscan civilizations. The town is sited on a slope of a rock topped by a castle, probably built in the XIII century, the castle of Fava (Broad bean castle), which dominates the town, affording extraordinary views to the visitors. Narrow alleys and steep flights of steps look out onto a turquoise sea beyond the nearby beaches of Orvile and San Giovanni. In the year 2008, the beaches of Posada were awarded 4 stars in the prestigious blue guide produced by the Environmental League and Italian Touring club. The fishermen’s village of Santa Lucia, dominated by an Aragon tower built in the XVI century to defend the hinterland from Saracen invasions, preserves a unique and fascinating character: it has not changed its original size and has remained practically untouched by the concrete jungle which has affected other parts of the island. The sandy promontories around Bidderosa form part of a nature reserve managed by Sardinia’s forestry Commission. Back from the shoreline, a small lake is the habitat of a number of aquatic bird species. Not far from here, Cala Ginepro stands at the beginning of a stretch of shoreline punctuated by a series of small inlets, alternating with granite cliffs surrounded by pine trees. Further South again, is the resort of Cala Liberotto, with its little houses hidden




amongst the trees. It has seen a considerable development of tourism in recent years. Here you can stay at the familyfriendly Tirreno Resort, a little piece of Switzerland in Sardinia (it belongs to Ferienverein, the leading Swiss hotel group for sports, wellness and family holidays). The spacious complex with the main building, various types of accommodation, spectacular pool area and a diverse range of culinary offerings provide the ideal conditions for an eventful holiday. During the stay at Club Hotel Tirreno one can enjoy the beach and a wide variety of sports and leisure activities.

Long stretches of sand extend along the coastal area in front of the village of Orosei, the historic capital of the Baronia district, founded in the Middle Ages. The beaches of Santa Maria, Osalla and Su Barone take up 8 km of shoreline backed by green pinewoods and including a wet land area of great natural importance. The Cove of Osalla is dominated by one of the very few coastal nuraghe of the island. About a mile out to sea from the beach of Osalla, at a depth of 30 metres, scuba divers can enjoy going down to one of the most amazing and best conserved wrecks in all of the Mediterranean. This In this picture, the beach of Cala Luna is much loved by those who enjoy scuba fishing to admire its underwater scenes rich in pleasant surprises. Left from the top, Su Barone beach. Its waters are crystal clear and of a changing blue due to the plays of light created by the sun reflecting off the sea bed. The Cala Ginepro beach is named after a clump of juniper trees mixed with Mediterranean shrubs, creating a green band around this lovely cove in counterpoint to the light blue sea. Sardinia is also one of the most beautiful places for diving: here is the KT12 wreck. The Tirreno Resort in Cala Liberotto.

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FLIGHTS TO OLBIA ON SATURDAY FROM LUGANO from 31st May to 27th September

is the KT12, a German armed cargo ship, torpedoed the 10th of June 1943 by a British submarine and sunk in perfect seafaring conditions. Thanks to the clarity of the water, the ship can be seen in all her beauty even from a depth of only a few metres below the surface. The beach of Cartoe, with its white sands and crystal clear waters, certainly deserves a spot in the list of most beautiful beaches of Sardinia. This corner of paradise was the setting for the film “Swept Away” in the remake of “Travolti da un insolito destino” which sees Madonna as lead actress. High chalk cliffs rising vertically from

the sea typify the coastal region of Dorgali. It is only from the sea that one can really appreciate the wonderful coastal scenery. Grottos and secret inlets alternate with cliffs, bathed by a crystalline water. For many years, Cala Fuili, like all the Cala Gonone area, has attracted climbing enthusiasts from all over the world. Here one can put oneself to the test on technical ascents of varying degrees of difficulty in an unspoiled environment of extraordinary beauty. Bue Marino Grottos, in Cala Gonone, is the most famous of Sardinia, populated until a few decades ago by the last

surviving monk seal specimens, which today is presumed extinct. The grotto can be reached by land as well as by sea. The southern branch is still accessible thanks to the constant flow of an underground river. Cala Luna, where the colour of the water ranges for cobalt blue to turquoise, lies at the end of that part of the coast contained in the province of Nuoro. Here ends the journey that has allowed us to get to know the coastal area of the province of Nuoro: miles of wonderful coastline in a wild and unspoiled natural setting. Anna Martano Grigorov

AMAZING SARDINIA A journey to discover the coastal part of the province of Nuoro.


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enice is a microcosm that fascinates people as soon as they set foot in it, or should I say as soon as they board a water ferry or walk through the myriad little alleys (calle) leading, like a maze, to Piazza San Marco. In a city where earth is only to be found in the flower troughs, it is natural to wonder where the Venetians could have “found” a plot between the lagoon and the sea to create the Venice golf club, said in the guide books to cover about a hundred hectares (c. 250 acres). You can find the answer if you cross the lagoon by water ferry from Piazza San Marco and land at the Lido, the Venetians’ beach. The Lido is a sandbar about eleven kilometres long that closes off the lagoon and protects Venice from the caprices of the Adriatic sea. The Lido was discovered by international tourism between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, with the bathing resort offering an unexpected addition to the beauties of the city. Large hotels were built which immediately became a favoured destination of the international elite, making Venice a strong rival to Biarritz and Ostend, then an iconic international tourist destination. The Venice Film Festival added even greater prestige to the city’s world renown. In 1925, Henry Ford, who never travelled without a set of golf clubs in his luggage, came to visit the city of the Doges, landing at the Grand Hotel Excelsior. To his amazement, his friend Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata, at that time president of the Ciga (Italian Company of Grand Hotels), and the moving force behind every cultural and sporting initiative in Venice, told him that unfortunately he would not be able to play golf in Venice because the city had no golf course. His friend Henry’s disappointed face and the realization that the international elite, especially the British and Americans who visited Venice, would most certainly appreciate a golf course, spurred Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata to action. A site for constructing the golf course was found in the southern part of the long strip of land of the Lido, in the Alberoni district, a large isolated area of a



GOLF IN VENICE The Venice golf club is one of the most prestigious golf clubs in Italy. Created by a Scottish architect in the 1930s, it has retained its atmosphere over time, as well as all the qualities of a challenging golf course. The club takes you by surprise, with its large trees marking out the highly varied course of dunes and perfect fairways.

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Opposite page, the main entrance of the ancient Venice Golf Club. Above, the perfect fairways have been created on sandy ground that has the benefit of excellent drainage, so that it is possible to play on the course in excellent conditions.

hundred hectares, used at the time by fishermen; it was adjacent to the entrance to the Malamocco inlet, where the Austrians had built a fort controlling access to the lagoon and the ships sailing out to the Adriatic sea. It was an area of sand dunes at that time, without any vegetation and exposed to the wind, so its natural characteristics were similar to those of the Scottish Links. It was the perfect place to build a golf links, declared Cruikshank, the Scottish architect who designed the first 9 hole, par 35 course. The course was inaugurated in 1930 with a week of competitions in which the first 25 members of the Club, all from aristocratic Venetian families, took part. The Venice Golf Club’s 9-hole course was visited over many years by international celebrities, famous actors, businessmen, politicians and the international jet set who stayed at the Grand Hotel Excelsior during the Venice Film festival or on a visit to the city. In 1951 the course was turned into an 18-hole course of 6,199 metres par 72 by the architect C. K. Cotton, and over its 80 years of history the Club has seen many famous personalities walk across its greens, including the Duke of Windsor, Henry Cotton and Bing Crosby, all enthusiastic admirers of the course, as well as many top golf players of international fame during the three

Italian Opens hosted by the club. Severiano Ballesteros praised the quality of the course while another famous golf personality, Arnold Palmer, holds the record for the challenging course, with a remarkable 5 below par. The entrance, almost hidden by vegetation, is a short tunnel leading through the walls of the Austrian fort into the incredible garden of the Venice golf club, created from majestic maritime pines with the putting green at their feet and the green and fairway for the 18th hole in the background. It is an unexpected splash of deep green that astonishes you as you sit beneath the verdant pergola of the Club House, constructed from the fort stables. Protected by the fort walls, it reveals a completely different side of Venice: you can enjoy golf within a relaxing atmosphere to the background of soft whispers in the melodious Venetian accent, in a club where the quality of the members seems to have changed little since the days of the first 25 members who opened the course in 1930. There is the sensation of being in an old-world golf course, reminiscent of the aristocratic British clubs yet without the feeling of being an outsider, and with the charming indelible traces left by the patina of time. While its beauty and welcoming atmosphere leave feelings of pleasant enjoyment, the

Venice Golf Club maintains all the promise of a challenging course that puts the game’s quality and precision to the test. It is a demanding course with 18 holes, all completely different, dug from the characteristic Alberoni sand dunes where the lush vegetation has transformed the original links into a verdant park. The perfect fairways have been created on sandy ground that has the benefit of excellent drainage, so that it is possible to play on the course in excellent conditions even just a few minutes after a downpour. The holes dug between the dunes, surrounded by large trees that mark out the course and often protect the greens or limit the fairway, make this green oasis an intriguing course. It is an oasis populated by a wide variety of wild life, while the “bora” north wind and “scirocco” south-east wind that sometimes replace the pleasant breeze add yet another component to make the Venice golf club’s 6,199/5,436 metre course even more challenging. It is an all-Venetian challenge played in a club that leaves you with feelings of deep contentment as you sail back towards Venice at dusk, with its domes and bell towers outlined against the sky over the lagoon, while the setting sun completes the romantic scene. Edoardo Granata


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hat a pity they aren’t around to enjoy the show. Because Elisa and Pauline Bonaparte, lovers of luxury and high society, would have been the ideal hostesses for the events planned from February 2015 onwards to celebrate the bicentennial of their illustrious brother’s exile on Elba. Recalling those nine months between 1814 and 1815, following the Treaty of Fontainebleau, when the English relegated their illustrious guest to Elba, is de rigeur. Fewer people recall the fascinating journey that zig-zagged without a precise chronology through the land that really was in the Emperor’s blood. Born in 1769, shortly after Italy transferred Corsica to France, Napoleon was the son of Carlo Maria Bonaparte, an attorney from a noble family from San Miniato, and Letizia Remolino, daughter of an inspector of the Italian Genio Civile who had been transferred to Corsica. Our itinerary travels between famous resorts and lesser known places linked to the memories and ambitions of a dynasty that marked the end of an epoch in the entire continent in a thousand different ways. Beginning with Florence, where the feisty Elisa lived with her husband Felice Baiocchi during the period when she was Grand Duchess of Tuscany, refurbishing her residence, the Palazzo Pitti, in a manner appealing to her tastes. San Miniato, in the province of Pisa, is the cradle of the dynasty. Palazzo Formichini, now the headquarters of the Cassa di Risparmio, was the home of the Buonaparte family (later known as the Bonaparte), and the canvases and statuettes associated with the rise of Napoleon can be viewed upon request. Often described by Napoleon as “my best minister”, Elisa was the only one of his siblings to be a match for him, consolidating French rule with doses of elegance and refined artistic choices. Heedless of popular discontent, she radically transformed the appearance of Massa. In order to increase its regal allure, she had the ancient Church of San Pietro demolished, transforming the area into the spectacular Piazza degli Aranci to



TRACING THE STEPS OF THE BONAPARTE FAMILY An itinerary in Tuscany in search of the places linked to Napoleon Bonaparte and his family on the bicentennial of his exile on Elba.

form a backdrop for the Ducal Palace (now the seat of the Provincial Government and Prefecture), and paving the square with the stones and plaques from the church. She adopted a similar approach in Lucca, enclosed by its 16th – century walls and whose quiet harmony is best discovered on foot or by bicycle. She razed to the ground buildings, towers, archives, churches and entire neighbourhoods to make way for treelined avenues, city gates – first and foreIn this picture, the bicentennial celebrations on the Island of Elba opened with the enactment of the great leader's arrival in the Bay of Portoferraio. Above, Villa di San Martino, Napoleon's ‘country’ home.

most the one bearing her name and marking the start of the road to Florence, Lucca’s historic rival – and aristocratic buildings. This businesswoman ahead of her time – some of her choices are only now starting to be appreciated – did not manage to complete the Botanical Gardens, which still boasts a cedar planted in 1822. Although she signed the plans in 1813, just before her brother’s abdication, the project was completed in 1820 by Maria Luisa of Spain.

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The seat of power was the Ducal Palace, and the magnificent Piazza Napoleon in front of it. The original building dated to the 14th century and had been renovated on numerous occasions (it is now houses the provincial government); Elisa redesigned, furnished and decorated it according to the dictates of the Empire style that is now synonymous with the Napoleonic period. Nearby we find delightful destinations such as Villa Reale in Marlia. Using the nearby spa as a pretext, Elisa lured flocks of blue-blooded visitors to her villa which became the stage for great balls and amusements in a park resembling the Napoleonic gardens at Malmaison. A similar fate awaited Bagni di Lucca, whose therapeutic waters were known to the Romans and Matilda of Canossa. In order to relaunch the spa, which was still in use, Elisa had a road opened to Lucca, modernised the spa buildings and built a Casino (now closed). In the wild, and insalubrious Maremma region, Elisa concentrated her efforts upon Montioni Nuovo, a town whose economy was based on the lum-

ber industry and quarrying alum; all that survives today are a few houses, cisterns and a recently restored building evoking the daily lives of this working community. The leit motif of Pauline Bonaparte’s affairs leads us to Viareggio. Framed by Art Dèco buildings, the fascinating Town Museum was a seaside villa built so that the capricious Pauline could be close to her musician lover, Giovanni Pacini. Before we embark for Elba, let’s pay a visit to Piombino where Elisa had the 16th-century Citadel transformed into the Palazzo Nuovo. It was a functional conversion with attractive new pavillions and a lovely garden. The 15th –century chapel resembling a terracotta casket sculpted by Della Robbia was decorated with silverware and fine paintings. Elisa also had a military route running through the sandy dunes and pinewoods between Piombino and San Vincenzo widened and turned into the “strada della Principessa”. Finally, Elba, chosen by the Emperor himself as his golden exile. With the con-

I LUOGHI DI NAPOLEONE The places of emotion and the public and private ascent of Napoleon and his family are described in “I luoghi di Napoleone” (Napoleon's Places), a hefty little book published in several languages and describing unusual itineraries in Tuscany, Liguria, Corsica and Sardinia. The Bicentennial Project, which involves all 8 of the island's municipalities, will soon be hosting the 15 August Birthday Celebrations, preceded by the Palio dell’antenna di Porto Azzurro on the 14, followed by the historic re-enactment of Maria Walewska's arrival on 6 September. www.napoleoneimperatoreelba2014.it General information on Tuscany can be found at www.turismo.intoscana.it

fidence born of an agreement granting him sovereignty over the island and a number of other Tuscan islands, Napoleon saw his stay on Elba as a new challenge. In the space of a few months, he had modernised and reorganised the island and the mineral mines known to the Etruscans as well as building hos-


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In this picture, the closing parade during the celebrations in Sarzana.

pitals and roads. Today’s visitors to the island will inevitably come upon plaques, tablets, statues, palaces and anecdotes evoking Napoleon’s stay here. After an initial stay in the Biscotteria di Portoferraio, now the Town Hall, which supplied the entire island with bread, Napoleon moved to more prestigious quarters in the refurbished Palazzina dei Mulini situated between the Stella and Falcone forts, where he had a library installed, which he later donated to the town of Portoferrraio. Pauline Borghese, with her entourage of ladies-in-waiting, seamstresses, and every kind of coquetry paid numerous visits, presiding over rooms decorated with fine furnishings lent by Elisa or local notables. Following a major restoration project curated by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (MIBAC), the building has recovered its original layout. Napoleon’s beloved Letizia, “madame Mère”, pre-


L’itinéraire toscan sur les traces des Bonaparte, commence à Florence, où Elisa, lorsqu’elle était grande-duchesse de Toscane, vécut avec son mari Felice Baiocchi au palais Pitti, qu’elle transforma selon son goût. Dans la région de Pise, à San Miniato, le Palazzo Formichini, aujourd’hui siège de la « Cassa di Risparmio » , était la demeure des Bonaparte. Elisa, encore elle, contribua à changer la physionomie de Massa puis de Lucques, où le cœur du pouvoir se situait dans le Palais Ducal, dominant la grandiose place Napoléon. Les affaires amoureuses de Pauline nous conduisent à Viareggio. Enfin, pour les Bonaparte, on signalera l’importance de l’île d’Elbe, que l’empereur choisit pour son exil doré.


ferred to lodge in a house in Via Ferrandini, or in Casa Vadi at Marciana. Surrounded by the neighbouring vineyards, high above the road leading to Portoferraio, Villa San Martino was Napoleon’s private residence. Extended, frescoed, decorated with oriental objects and surrounded by a lush green garden, it would be abandoned after the flight of its tenant. In 1861, it was turned into the Galleria Demidoff, from the name of the Russian prince who bought it and transformed it into the first museum housing Napoleonic memorabilia and works of art. Napoleon, who was given free run of the island, paid frequent visits to the mines in Rio nell’Elba, then to Monte Capannello and the Volterraio fort. He would often stop in Chiusa di Rio to discuss the famed local wines with the farmers. He also loved strolling in the chestnut woods leading to the San Cerbone hermitage and to the


L’itinerario in Toscana, sulle orme dei Bonaparte inizia a Firenze, dove Elisa, negli anni in cui con il marito Felice Baciocchi fu Granduchessa di Toscana, abitò Palazzo Pitti, adattandolo ai sui gusti. Nel pisano, a San Miniato Palazzo Formichini, ora sede della Cassa di Risparmio, era la dimora dei Bonaparte. Sempre Elisa mutò la fisionomia di Massa e poi di Lucca, dove cuore del potere era Palazzo Ducale, e l'antistante grandiosa piazza Napoleone. Le vicende amorose di Paolina portano a Viareggio. E infine per i Bonaparte fu importante l’isola d’Elba, che lo stesso imperatore scelse come esilio dorato.

fount dedicated to the saint. He would travel on horseback through the Marciana woods to the Madonna del Monte Sanctuary, the island’s most famous sacred site, along a path dotted with the chapels of the Via Crucis. Used to the military life he had his field tent put up nearby in order to wait for the secret arrival of his mistress, the Polish countess Maria Walewska and Alexandre, their illegitimate son. A magical place, suspended in time but also a strategic position from where he could catch sight of his native Corsica and communicate in code via the «semaphore telegraph» mounted on Masso dell’Aquila in 1805. In Zanca, the rock known as Napoleon’s Chair is where he was said to have stopped off for breaks; not far from Procchio, a rock looming out of the sea near the shore recalls his sister Pauline’s sea bathing. The final act of the Elban exile of the great Corsican takes us to Portoferraio, to Teatro dei Vigilanti, the former Church of the Carmine. Donated to the citizenship, it was inaugurated on 24 January 1815. A month later, on 26 February, in the middle of the big Carnival Ball, Napoleon slipped away and set sail for Golfe-Juan. The prologue to the final chapter of his Gloria and his definitive imprisonment on the island of Saint Helena. Federica de Luca


Die Rundreise durch dieToskana auf den Spuren der Bonaparte beginnt in Florenz,wo Elisa in den Jahren, als sie mit ihrem Mann Felice Baciocchi Großherzogin derToskana war,den Palazzo Pitti bewohnte und nach ihrem Geschmack umwandelte.In der Gegend von Pisa, in San Miniato, war der Palazzo Formichini, heute Sitz der Cassa di Risparmio, Residenz der Bonaparte. Elisa war es auch, welche das Erscheinungsbild zuerst von Massa und dann von Lucca veränderte, wo das Zentrum der Macht Palazzo Ducale und die davor liegende grandiose Piazza Napoleone waren. Die Liebesgeschichten von Pauline führen dagegen nach Viareggio. Und zuletzt war für die Bonaparte die Insel Elba von Bedeutung, die der Kaiser selbst zum goldenen Exil erwählte.

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Pharus management, tailor-made investment he Pharus group, active in the asset management sector since 1998 and responsible for managing over 2 billion francs, flanks tailor-made asset management with new investment formulas, effective both in terms of performance and compliance with new financial regulations. In particular, in 2002, Pharus used the opportunities present in the investment fund market to set up Pharus SICAV. «The investment fund business represents an extremely interesting opportunity for the financial centres of Switzerland and the Ticino.» says Davide Berra, Chairman of Pharus and its Private Client Manager, «Especially if we consider the delicate phase that has been characterising the financial sector in recent years». Thanks to the introduction in 2006 of a new law on collective capital investments, Pharus had the occasion to expand its business at international level, becoming one of the first Swiss asset management companies to obtain authorisation to operate in this market. This new regulation allowed the group to become of the few asset managers to have access to the opportunities offered by the European and inter-


national fund market, which is larger, more diversified and more promising than the domestic market. Pharus is an independent autonomous group that is not owned by insurance or banking groups although it does collaborate in synergy with the world's leading financial actors. Pharus Holding has 100% control of the two companies: Pharus Management in Switzerland, which has its headquarters in Mendrisio, and Pharus Management Lux in Luxembourg. Together the two companies provide the complete range of services offered by the group. The former employs teams specialised in private and institutional clients to deal with private banking and fund management. The Luxembourg-based company not only manages collective investments like her Swiss "sister" but also supplies risk management and compliance services. There was yet another motive for the group's decision to expand outside of the Confederation. «By setting up our company in Luxembourg,» explains Davide Pasquali, the group's managing director in charge of institutional clients, «Pharus avoided the risks linked to the political and legal

upheavals affecting international relations in our country at the moment. In fact, it is undeniable that in recent years Switzerland has come under attack on multiple fronts, especially in the financial sector. At some point in the not-toodistant future the lack of reciprocity and isolation at international level could place the licenses of Swiss financial institutions at risk along with their possibilities of operating abroad. For this motive, Pharus decided to nip these risks in the bud by also establishing itself in a European Union country». The group's clients are mainly family or multi-family offices as well as private individuals with major assets. Pharus sets up “tailor-made” funds for its clients that are capable of improving financial performance in terms of taxation and monitoring, transparency and profits. Pharus Management SA Via Pollini, 7 6850 – Mendrisio (Switzerland) Tel: + 41 91 640 37 80 Fax: + 41 91 630 05 69 www.pharus.ch www.pharusfunds.com

Left, David Pasquali, director of the group and responsible for institutional clients. Right, David Berra, president of Pharus Managementand responsible for private clients.


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The new Audi S1 Sportback. The new Audi S1 Sportback embodies a minor revolution: 231 horsepower deliver allure and performance, with quattro drive for dependable road grip at all times. A captivating sporty look is assured by the typical S-style design. Audi S1 Sportback 2.0 TFSI, standard fuel consumption combined: 7,2 l/100 km, 168 g COâ‚‚/km (average of all new cars sold: 148 g/km), energy eďŹƒciency category: F.

Test drive today

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AMAG Mendrisio Via Rinaldi 3, 6850 Mendrisio Tel. +41 91 640 40 80, www.mendrisio.amag.ch

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live oil, cereals and other products of the earth: these are the principal ingredients of the Mediterranean cuisine. And if we add to this base the influence of the Arab world and the introduction of elements from the Spanish gipsy culture, we end up with a remarkable mix. That’s Spanish cuisine for you, a country where the richness of its gastronomy is revealed in hundreds of recipes from the different regions, as a result of differences of geography and climate. The doors of Expo will open onto a journey through this infinite universe of opportunities and tastes. The 2015 international exhibition will offer a realistic cross-section of typical Spanish food. But it won’t just be recipes and delicious tastings. Never before has cuisine been so representative of culture and life style, or had such enormous social and commercial significance. That’s why the Spanish pavilion will represent not only the multitude of recipes, but above all the most innovative developments, and sustainability through high quality organic food. So the choice of the name of the pavilion, “Cultivating the future”, is no accident. Through its approach, Spain is seeking to help promote the more general theme of the Expo: “Feeding the planet, energy for life”. So tradition and innovation come together to give free vent to creativity and to building future strategies for the development of the food sector. On one hand there is sustainable agriculture, seen as a tool for conservation of the land, the landscape and traditions, while on the other there is the need to boost production processes and to modernize the sector. And what better occasion to show all this than Expo? The Spanish pavilion covers a plot of 2,533 square metres, designed by the B720 Arquitectos studio led by Fermín Vázquez. It is an open, welcoming and inviting environment, created through external and inter-



EXPO 2015: SPANISH PAVILION All aspects of the Spanish presence at the International exhibition in Milan: a 2,500 square metre pavilion focusing on the themes of food and sustainability. Spain cultivates its future at Expo.

nal areas that integrate with each other. There are the open air zones where you can relax in the courtyard of orange trees (the tree that symbolizes Spanish identity), the chiringuito (beach bar) and the auditorium. Ancient and modern blend together in two large construction blocks, one made of wood and the other of steel. And all of it conforms to the principles of temporary architecture, with the use of sustainable materials and prefabricated modules that can be dismantled at the end of the exhibition. “The pavilion will be entirely

sustainable and recyclable, with materials that allude directly to the big driving forces of the food industry, oil, water and wine,” explains Fermín Vázquez in his description of the project. How could anyone be unmoved by the result? If you go into the tapas bar or typical restaurant you can experience the concepts first-hand. The senses merge together and enrich each other because the visitor can look at the digital scenery sets in the pavilion, the themed animations, the areas where you can see chefs at

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work, the hydroponic gardens (cultivation without soil), the shops and the educational vegetable garden. The Spanish pavilion, which is not far from the Italian area, also plans to include a large piazza and an auditorium, to reinforce the idea of a welcoming environment and of the international range of the initiative. On the other hand, Spain is counting on this Milan showcase as a platform for promoting its businesses. The government is also demonstrating its belief in the event by offering tax incentives to participating companies. In order to choose the design for the pavilion, the Sociedad

Left and below, two renderings of the Spanish pavillion at the International exhibition in Milan of 2015.

Estatal de Acción Culturale (Ac/e), responsible for managing the Spanish presence at Expo 2015, launched a design competition which was won by the B720 team, a studio with offices in Barcelona, Madrid and San Paolo in Brazil, and directed by architect Fermín Vázquez, supported by a team of about fifty professionals. The studio has some important experience to its credit, including its collaboration with French architect Jean Nouvel on the design for the Torre Agbar in Barcelona, the headquarters of the Barcelona water company. Fermín Vázquez’s design for the pavilion was judged “an intelligent, apparently simple response to the technical, spatial, functional and thematic complexity of Expo”. The linear geometry and high-impact subject matter are the key qualities in what promises to be one of the most significant presences in Milan. The relationship between Spain and Italy is also important and the link between the two countries can only be strengthened through this Expo experience. So it’s an attractive opportunity for operators, who will find in 2015 the right moment to re-launch commercial contacts and commerce in a world that is undergoing profound change and where the concepts of food, sustainability and revival are taking on a leading role in a world, and especially in a Europe, that sees the Milan exhibition as a crossroads: a point where the ghosts of the crisis can be chased away, and it is finally possible to envisage a future of economic equilibrium rather than of exploitation, of collective well-being rather than profits for the few. This means feeding the planet and Spain has set out its view of the concept through a pavilion that will leave visitors literally open-mouthed. Rita Brebbia Prevosti


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More value and new solutions for second homes Happy Holiday Homes converts property bought as an investment or holiday home into a source of revenue, even for owners living abroad, by offering short-term lets to professionals and tourists. The company offers an innovative all-round service transforming a problem into a solution. Value added for both guests and owners. sure considerable value added for fully or partially furnished properties available to let. The company owners, Harold Lubberdink and Sara Cilia, came up with the idea of offering tourists and professionals short lets for certain categories of property both locally and over the border. «Happy Holiday Homes is the ideal solution to managing properties in Switzerland bought by foreign owners», explains Harold Lubberdink. The current laws on the purchase of second homes by owners who are not resident within the area of the Confederation impose a se-


nvesting in property is a safe fallback even in times of economic crisis. However, second homes can often remain empty for months at a time with the risk of becoming a financial burden rather than generating profits. The federal law regulating the sale of property by those residing abroad (Lafe) forbids owners from selling their property for 5 years from the time of purchase and from letting it to third parties (with the exception of shortterm lets: a maximum of 10 months out of 12). Maintenance, cleaning, and garden upkeep along with unexpected problems are just some of the difficulties facing home owners trying to manage both the organisational and practical aspects of their properties. Happy Holiday Homes, which has recently opened a new office in Corso Elvezia, in the heart of Lugano, is the answer to all these inconveniences, and can en58

ries of obligations upon purchasers who are prevented from benefitting fully from their investment. Happy Holiday Homes hopes to provide an innovative response to this type of problem, because it allows holiday home owners to make a profit thanks to the short-term let of their property. In 2006, the couple moved to Lugano where they founded Happy Holiday Homes: the company name describes the purpose of their business – to offer a stay (for business or pleasure) where every detail is taken care of, ensuring that both guests and home owners are

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Opposite page, Sara Cilia and Harold Lubberdink, owners of Happy Holiday Homes, cutting the ribbon to inaugurate their Lugano office. Above and below, the company's new Lugano premises in Corso Elvezia 14.

happy. «Our job involves providing our clients with an all-round service», explains Sara Cilia, «From organising arrivals and departures to cleaning, maintenance and a concierge service». The owners of the properties can benefit from an extra source of income, which is undoubtedly more worth-

while than a classic rental contract. The corporate philosophy can be summed up in the motto, “A one-stop agency for holiday homes and holiday guests”. «We spent 7 years working exclusively as tour operators for the Ticino area, dealing with a number of important tourist destinations such as Lake Lugano, Lake Como, Lake Maggiore and ski resorts like Bormio and Livigno», says Harold Lubberdink. «Today, with the launch of our new public premises we can finally offer a specialised property management service in the Canton of Ticino. We are an international team made up of Dutch, British, Russian, Spanish, Italian and German professionals». The guests in properties managed by Happy Holiday Homes are guaranteed an exclusive, carefully planned holiday that is virtually tailor-made: «We only select properties with high levels of quality», explains Lubberdink, «in order to offer our clients the possibility of enjoying a high-class stay in line with the tourist tradition and local offer. We also work together with external professionals to offer personalised services: from the organisation of excursions, boat or car hire, to the possibility of booking a baby-sitter service, private chef or personal shopper, just to mention a few». The system is also supported by highly efficient on-line management software: property owners can access their personal page, monitoring entries and managing the availability of their home in complete free-

dom: «Holiday home owners are obviously free to use their homes whenever and however they wish» underlines Sara Cilia. «Our service offers them a valuable opportunity not just to earn money but to ensure that their home is always in perfect order and ready to welcome them when they arrive». Happy Holiday Homes now manages over 700 properties in various categories: apartments, houses and villas. The company is also the ideal partner for construction companies, real estate companies and financial corporations: «Short-term lets are advantageous in numerous ways», explains Harold Lubberdink. «As well as providing economic benefits, it gives owners the possibility of selling their property swiftly, thanks to international exposure and without the need to wait for a longterm contract to lapse. Moreover, tourists are often potential buyers». The many companies owning, managing or constructing properties will find that Happy Holiday Homes can provide them with valuable support in obtaining a return on their investment, facilitating the management and sale of properties that might otherwise remain empty or be left on the market. For information: Happy Holiday Homes (CH) Sagl Corso Elvezia 14, Lugano Tel. +41 (0)91 922 0881 www.happyholidayhomes.net lugano@happyholidayhomes.net 59

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SOLAR CITY By 2030, more than 60 % of the world’s population will live in cities. This five-billion strong urbanisation will put tremendous strain on resources if we don’t address energy, water and waste issues. Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is doing just this.

t first glance, the parched, sandy landscape around Abu Dhabi seems a harsh environment in which to build a city, let alone a sustainable one. But 17 kilometres from the capital, close to Abu Dhabi International Airport, a pioneering green city, a model of sustainability, is rising from the sands. Being built by Masdar, the Masdar City

A 60

masterplan was originally designed by the British architectural firm Foster & Partners. The ambitious goal is for the entire six-squarekilometre development to be the world’s most sustainable city. It’s designed to run predominantly on renewable energy, with a limited carbon footprint and causing minimal harm to the planet. It’s envisaged that around 40,000 peo-

ple and 1,500 businesses, primarily commercial and specialising in cleantechnology products, will call Masdar City home when it’s completed – scheduled to be around 2030. Additionally, thousands of workers are expected to commute in daily. In the meantime, this year, the population is expected to grow from 1,000 to 4,000, with Masdar projecting it will hit 10,000 within three to five years.

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Left, Masdar Institute. Masdar City’s working population is projected to expand to 4,000 in 2014.

It’s full steam ahead – with that steam being solar generated. The city combines ancient Arabic architectural techniques with modern technology to literally keep cool – no mean feat when outside temperatures average a scorching 36 degrees in summer, and have been known to climb over the 50degree mark. Due to its unique construction, the temperature on Masdar’s

streets is a welcome 15 – 20 degrees cooler than the surrounding desert. But the blazing sun can also be a blessing. Harnessing solar rays, Masdar is powered by a 22-hectare field of 87,777 solar panels – one of the largest photovoltaic installations in the Middle East – with additional panels on the city’s rooftops. The original plan called for powering

the entire city through onsite solar panels, but the sheer scale of the project has generated innovative solutions. “When we started, nobody had looked at doing projects of this scale. Then you realise it’s much more efficient to build your solar field on the ground in the middle of the desert. You can send a man to brush them off every day, rather than having to access everyone’s buildings individually, and you can make sure that they are running at their absolute peak,” lead architect Gerard Evenden said to Wired magazine. Masdar has been collaborating with other companies to engineer surfaces with pores smaller than sand particles to prevent the particles from sticking to the panels, and scientists at Masdar Institute are working on coatings that repel sand and bacteria. This is how Masdar City is evolving, quickly becoming an incubator for innovation. This city has lofty goals, but its successes are more than a strong promise. Masdar City’s first tenant, the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, has been operating in the city since 2010 (in a building that uses 70% less electricity and potable water than standard buildings of a similar size). The research-driven, graduate-level university is seen as the beating heart of the city, powering the city’s initiatives engine through its five research centres. GE have also built an innovation centre in the city and more than 100 small- and medium-sized business have set up in the Masdar City Freezone. But Masdar’s crowning achievement to date is the recent opening of Abu Dhabi’s most energy efficient building – the regional headquarters of Siemens. In just a few months, the ribbon will be cut to open the headquarters of International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), too. The city is taking shape. And the shape is ecologically sound and architecturally fascinating, with new elements regularly incorporated into the masterplan to ensure the project adapts to the everchanging environment. “We are con61

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Above, an exterior view of Siemens’ headquarters in Masdar. In this picture and facing page, Masdar City combines traditional Arabic architectural techniques with modern technology.


tinually looking for ways to do things better. And doing them better often means doing them differently. Our phased, ‘one neighbourhood at a time’ approach ensures that Masdar City doesn’t just grow, but rather lives, breathes and evolves as a city that is equipped to optimise the latest technology and best practices,” explains Tony Mallows, director of Masdar City. A few things, though, have remained the same: the city is designed to be a pedestrian-friendly hub that is not only sustainable but also a great place to live. “Masdar City’s first milestone was breaking ground in 2008, which put into motion the bold journey to build the world’s most sustainable urban development. And we’ve come a long way since then,” says Mallows. “Today, Masdar is a sustainable operation that is pushing the boundaries of technology, while delivering economic and social returns. We are integrating next generation urban mobility with cutting-edge architectural design to create unique communities where you can live, work and play.” German multinational engineering and electronics conglomerate company Siemens prides itself on being one of the world’s largest suppliers of eco-friendly technologies, with energy efficiency being a big part of that. Developing their Middle East headquarters in Masdar City was a logical choice. “As a company, we have energy efficiency and sustainability at our core. We also share values such as innovation and sustainability with Masdar,” explains Dietmar Siersdorfer, CEO of Siemens UAE and Middle East. “The result of this collaboration has been extraordinary. Today, we have the only LEED Platinum-certified office building in Abu Dhabi and one that sets a benchmark for future development not only in the region but also globally.” The building used sustainable and energy-efficient materials and techniques in its construction – it’s already winning awards – but it doesn’t end there. “The building saves up to 50% of energy consumption compared to conventional buildings of the same size. This is largely due to the energy-efficient Siemens

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technologies installed in it and the environmentally friendly materials used in constructing it,” explains Siersdorfer. “If you look at the building’s unique design you’ll find it is shaped like a box within a box. So there’s a highly insulated inner façade that reduces thermal conductivity, and a lightweight aluminium external shading system that minimises solar gain while maximising sunlight and views from the building. This means our external shading system provides 100% shading to 95% of the glazed surfaces,” he continues. The plaza beneath the 130,000 squarefoot building is funnel-shaped, which sucks prevailing winds beneath the


D’ici 2030, plus de 60% de la population mondiale vivra en ville. Cette forte urbanisation comportera des efforts énormes en ce qui concerne les ressources, si nous n’affrontons pas les problèmes inhérents à l’énergie, à l’eau et aux déchets. Masdar City, à Abu Dhabi, s’engage précisément sur cette voie. À première vue, le paysage aride et sablonneux autour d’Abu Dhabi semble peu indiqué pour la construction d’une ville, surtout pour celle d’une cité durable. Mais à 17 kilomètres de la capitale, une ville-pilote est en train de sortir des sables, et a pour ambition de devenir un modèle de durabilité.

building. The Venturi effect kicks in, accelerating the winds by forcing them between buildings. Siemens channels these breezes through atria in the structure, cooling public spaces without energy costs. The atria also allow daylight to filter into the centre of the building, reducing the need for artificial lighting. The result is another reduction in energy consumption, and another notch in Siemens’ belt. “Siemens is a company that walks the talk. While we promote sustainability, we also want to make sure we are living our ideals, and the new HQ illustrates that,” Siersdorfer says. Not content to settle for simply hitting goals, Masdar City is exceeding all of its


Entro il 2030 più del 60% della popolazione mondiale vivrà in città. Questa forte urbanizzazione comporterà un enorme sforzo di risorse, se non affrontiamo i problemi legati a energia, acqua e rifiuti. Masdar City ad Abu Dhabi sta facendo proprio questo. A prima vista, il paesaggio arido e sabbioso intorno a Abu Dhabi sembra un ambiente difficile in cui costruire una città, tantomeno sostenibile. Ma a 17 km dalla capitale, una città pilota sta sorgendo dalle sabbie, con l’ambizione di diventare un modello di sostenibilità.

sustainability performance targets. “Masdar’s buildings outperform the 40% target energy-demand reduction, the 75% provision of renewable energy for hot water and the 30% reduction target of internal water use. The materials used to construct the city carry 40% less embodied carbon. But what’s important to understand is that while our buildings operate efficiently, they don’t cost a premium. We are proving that buildings can be both high performance and remain cost-competitive,” says Mallows. Masdar takes the view that sustainability is not a one-off deal, but something far bigger. “Creating a city based on principles that are replicable is a fundamental part of Masdar City’s vision. We are on a journey to develop a ‘greenprint’ for how cities can grow and flourish economically and socially, while also reducing their environmental impact,” Mallows states. Masdar City’s scope is broad, but it’s on track to reach full build-out by 2030. “Is New York City, Paris or Abu Dhabi ever complete?” he asks. “Cities are constantly evolving, growing and changing. Our success should be measured by economic and environmental impact and by creating liveable neighbourhoods where ideas and people thrive.” Courtesy and Copyright Etihad Airways / Giselle Whiteaker Images: ITP images, Masdar & Siemens


2030 werden mehr als 60% der Weltbevölkerung in Städten leben. Diese extreme Urbanisierung wird enorme Mengen an Ressourcen verschlingen, wenn wir nicht die Probleme Energie- und Wasserversorgung sowie Abfallentsorgung angehen. Masdar City in Abu Dhabi tut genau dies. Auf den ersten Blick scheint die dürre Landschaft rund um Abu Dhabi nicht geeignet, um dort eine Stadt zu bauen, und noch weniger eine nachhaltig wirtschaftende Stadt. Doch nur 17 km von der Hauptstadt entfernt entsteht mitten aus dem Sand eine Stadt, die ein Pilotprojekt ist und den Anspruch hat, einVorbild der Nachhaltigkeit zu werden. 63

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“ The Birches as a symbol of Russian nature ” From the collection of the Museum E. Evtushenko

The inauguration will be held on wednesday the 4th of June at 6.30 pm at the Galleria Sangiorgio International, Palazzo Gargantini, Via Marconi 2, Lugano. At the Vernissage will attend the Great Poet Evgenly Evtushenko with some new unpublished poems. The exhibition will be open every day from the 4th to 15th of June 2014.

Per noi, l’arte è emozione. E ogni emozione merita un grande evento. Il nostro intento è promuovere l’arte internazionale con esposizioni di grande rilievo. Protagonisti, i capolavori del Novecento come Sassu, De Chirico e Guttuso. Il nostro team di critici e consulenti d’arte è anche attento alle nuove tendenze e agli artisti emergenti in Italia e all’estero. Abbiamo sedi a Bellinzona e Lugano ma possiamo raggiungerti ovunque, grazie ai nostri art advisor a domicilio. Con noi, l’emozione è di casa.

For us, art is emotion. And every emotion deserves a great event. Our intention is to promote international art by means of important shows. The stars are 20th –century masterpieces by artists like Sassu, De Chirico and Guttuso. Our team of art critics and consultants is also very aware of new trends and emerging artists in Italy and abroad. We have offices in Bellinzona and Lugano but we can also reach you wherever you are, thanks to home visits by our art advisors. For us, emotion is a way of life.

For informations and visits, please, contact: Antonio Lagioia Direttore artistico

Katia Bock Art Advisor/Project Coordinator +41798363488, e-mail: katia.bock@gmail.com

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LIVING IN SWITZERLAND AND ITALY AT THE SAME TIME IS POSSIBLE FOR EVERYONE Nestling near the shores of Lake Ceresio and surrounded by lush green countryside is a lovely village with a population of about 2000 offering a peaceful home to an extremely varied and constantly growing international community: Campione d'Italia. In recent years the international community has gradually rediscovered this place, and an increasing number of families has chosen to settle down here permanently. The unique political «status» offers a series of advantages limited to the lucky residents. The public school, which is just a stone's throw away from the centre, helps foreign pupils integrate and become familiar with Italian so that they can approach their future studies with confidence. The geographical location, climate and particular position make this a small paradise. Its closeness to motorways, airports, tourist resorts and leading financial centres are value added for those seeking a fascinating hub for their interests while escaping the stress and traffic of the city.

ices required by those who wish to stay in Campione for a brief period rather than permanently settling down. From real estate to family services and legal and financial advice, the agency provides future residents with all the help they need for anything from single operations to key-in-hand packages, as well as enabling them to manage their own interests in Campione

Lugano, Como, Milan, and a series of charming destinations are close at hand, while the Alps or sunny Mediterranean coasts can be reached with a maximum of a half day journey or a couple of hours by car or train. Constantly evolving regulations and unique characteristics are a pleasant surprise that will not fail to surprise those who wish to find out more about the exclave. One extremely useful contact is the DOMTVUOJ s.r.l. agency; situated in a central position next to the town hall it is an essential port of call providing serv-

DOMTVUOJ s.r.l. brings together professionals from various sectors in order to offer a wide range of coordinated services so clients do not have to waste time tracking down individual services supplied by service providers operating independently. By bringing together an estate agency, building firm, law firm, accountancy firm, architect and engineer studios, we can meet the varying needs of varying categories of client. The professional firms brought together by DOMTVUOJ s.r.l. all have their own offices in Como and Lugano. Paying a visit to an agency to request a service has never been so enjoyable and could open a door to new expectations and new prospects.

Campione d’Italia, Via Antonio Bezzola 2 (50 mt from the Municipality direction center) OPENING HOURS: Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 17:00, Sat-Sun by appointment (русский, український, român, italiano) Tel : +41 (0) 91 649 63 45 E-mail: angela@domtvuoj.com (English, français, Deutsch, español, italiano) Tel : +41 (0) 79 620 60 80 E-mail: info@domtvuoj.com www.domtvuoj.com - www.immowehner.com

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SWITZERLAND AGENDA leisure & business Bauen + Wohnen Luzern 02/05.10.2014 - Luzern Swiss Fair for Home Modernization. The trade show Bauen+Wohnen Luzern is a Trade Fair for Construction, Renovation, Living, Garden and Lifestyle. 20000 visitors attended Bauen+Wohnen Luzern to inform themselves on innovations and trends in their business.

Lucerne Festival in Summer 15.08/14.09.2014 - Lucerne How does music move us so deeply? What does grief sound like – and what about joy? With “Psyche” as the theme, Lucerne Festival in Summer brings the international stars of classical music together to explore music as a mirror of the soul and how the art of sound is so tremendously effective. Enjoy the legendary orchestras, conductors, and soloists of our time, from Daniel Barenboim to Simon Rattle, Lang Lang to Anne-Sophie Mutter, the Berlin to the Vienna Philharmonic. Art: Renoir until 23.11.2014 at the Fondation Pierre Gianadda in Martigny The Renoir exhibition displays a selection of around one hundred works from public and private collections. Renoir’s creativity will adorn the walls of the Fondation via his extensive work. www.gianadda.ch Weltklasse 28.08.2014 - Zurich The stars of Weltklasse Zürich perform at the highest level, combining their technical skills with strength and elegance. This year, they will line up again to compete at the most important meeting of the world - and in the most beautiful athletics arena. Only the best get to compete in Zurich. And they are determined to give it their best. Crédit Agricole Suisse Open Gstaad 19/27.07.2014 – Gstaad The Crédit Agricole Suisse Open Gstaad is not only the only ATP tournament on clay played in Switzerland, but it is also unique in the world for its environment. For nearly 100years, the elite of tennis fights for victory in the middle of this charming mountain village, surrounded by cottages and fields. Montreux Jazz Festival 2014, 48th variation 04/19.07.2014 For the 48th edition of the Festival, one of Claude Nobs’ most cherished dreams is coming true: Stevie Wonder is coming to Montreux, ensuring his place in the Festival’s pantheon of legendary performers. 66

EMEX 26/28.08.2014 Ferienmesse, Zurich SuisseEMEX is Switzerland’s leading B2B trade show for marketing, communication, event and pro-motion. It presents a «360° Marketingworld» even more holistic and target-groupspecific in 2014.The exhibitors are divided into three main categories: marketing / communication, promotion / promotional items, events / live communication. Creativa Lausanne 19/22.09.2014 Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne Fair for creative Designs and Crafts , for Everything Involved in Creative Activities for your Leisure Time

Sindex 02/04.09.2014 Bea Bern Expo, Bern Industrial Fair including automation, robotics and handling, fluid power, electronics, electrical engineering, production engineering, education, research and development.

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The Chocolate Train he Chocolate Train is a full-day excursion departing from the lakeside town of Montreux, just over one hour away from Geneva by train. Cheese, chocolate, emblematic cows gracing verdant prairies and charming wooden chalets complete with Swiss flags and geranium flowerbeds are all on the program of this epicurean train ride up the Pre-Alps, making it the perfect introduction to all things Swiss for those who don’t have several days to discover the country. A distinctive gold-painted locomotive pulls the Belle Epoque Pullman coaches and modern panoramic cars that form the Chocolate Train. The latter offer air conditioning, but the 1914 vintage railway cars featuring carpeted floors, wood panelled walls and ceilings, velvet so-



fas and golden fixtures have much more charm. As the train climbs the mountainside from an altitude of 390 up to 1,113 meters above sea level, lake views and terraced vineyards give way to pine forests and rolling meadows. The first stop is the Gruyère demonstration cheese dairy, where the crown jewel of Swiss cheeses that brought worldwide fame to a tiny village is made. In a multilingual audio tour accompanied by displays illustrating the various fabrication stages from grazing land to aging cheese wheels, the cow Cherry introduces visitors to the origins of cheese, invites them to smell the aromas of the high pastures and hay that cows feed on, describes the milking techniques and explains the processes that take place in the factory. Local farmers deliver raw milk twice a day; it is heat-

ed in 4,800-liter copper kettles, curdled, cut, moulded and then pressed by master cheese makers. Up to 7,000 rounds of 35 kilograms each can be seen ripening in the cellars. Visitors receive packaged samples of six-, eight- and 10months-old Gruyère AOC cheese. Next on the program is a visit of the 13th century Castle of Gruyères with its impressive towers and ramparts. The baroque interiors showcasing epoch ceiling and wall paintings, tapestries, stained glass windows, furniture and clothing items offer a walk through eight centuries of history, architecture and culture. This is followed by lunch in the picturesque Gruyères village, where terraces overlook the cobbled stones, water fountains and decorated façades of the pedestrian main street. Local specialties include cheese fondue, cold cuts

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www.la-gruyere.ch/en/Chocolate-Train www.savoie-philippe-chevrier.ch

In this picture, the Lavaux vineyards overlooking Lake Geneva. Below, the gold-painted locomotive of the Chocolate Train.

GOURMET EXCURSIONS AROUND SCENIC LAKE GENEVA Some of Switzerland’s best products, including chocolate and cheese straight from the factory, are sampled in spectacular settings in the Lake Geneva region. all-you-can-eat tasting room featuring Cailler creations including chocolate bars, milk and dark pralines and assorted chocolate confectionery. First-time visitors to Switzerland and those who know the country well will be equally delighted by the Chocolate Train, which runs from May through October: www.goldenpass.ch/goldenpass_chocolate_train Gastronomic Cruises A great opportunity to explore Lake Geneva while indulging one’s taste buds is to board a gastronomic cruise on a paddle wheeler belonging to the Compagnie Générale de Navigation’s magnificently restored Belle Epoque fleet. On board the 1914 SS Savoie, which was fully renovated in 2006, passengers can

admire the steam engine polished to an impeccable shine before making way to the panoramic upper deck or to the fist class salon on the main deck, where the ornate wood panelling and mouldings of the original salon were preserved. The 68-meter ship welcomes up to 152 passengers for gastronomic cruises departing from and returning to the Jardin Anglais quay at the heart of Geneva, navigating past the giant water fountain and further along the Lemanic shores (Lemanic refers to Lake Léman, the name most French speakers use in reference to the lake that is “of Geneva” only to the Genevois). The landscape is framed by the French Alps on one side, while elegant mansions give way to the vineyards of La Côte on the Swiss side.

and cheese platters, as well as meringues light as air ladled with extra thick double cream served in a wooden bucket. In the afternoon, the train stops in Broc at the Maison Cailler, a chocolate factory founded in 1819 and now owned by Nestlé. The visit includes a gallery presenting the brand’s founding fathers, a multimedia animation featuring the history of chocolate and a production line demonstrating the fabrication of mini chocolate bars. Amidst tantalizing aromas, visitors are introduced to the raw ingredients chocolate is made of: cocoa beans from lands as far reaching as Ecuador, Ghana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast and Venezuela, as well as cocoa butter, condensed milk, sugar, honey, almonds and hazelnuts. These are roasted, mixed, rolled, conched, moulded and packaged on-site. The highlight of the visit is an 69

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Above, the medieval village of Gruyère, which gave its name to the popular cheese.

During the cruise, passengers indulge in three- or four-course gourmet lunches and dinners elaborated by Chef Philippe Chevrier, who earned two Michelin stars at his home base, the Domaine de Châteauvieux. His seasonal tasting menus feature classic regional gastronomy with an exotic twist. Recent suggestions have included duck carpaccio with Thai spices, foie gras mousse with rhubarb, Scottish salmon tartare with Espelette pepper, roasted veal medallion with sage and baba au rhum with gariguette strawberries. Philippe Chevrier’s fine cuisine complements the majestic setting and retro atmosphere on board, making it the ideal venue for an informal business lunch or a romantic dinner. The Savoie gastronomic cruises run from April through 30 September 2014 for dinner and through 19 October 2014 for lunch: www.savoie-philippe-chevrier.ch, www.cgn.ch Discovering the Lavaux Just past Lausanne, about 45 minutes from Geneva by train, is a stretch of land that invites meandering exploration. The

Lavaux region extending between Lutry and Vevey is Switzerland’s largest contiguous vineyard area; it was added to the Unesco’s World Heritage List in 2007. For centuries, vine has been cultivated on an abrupt incline on the shores of the lake, where the landscape was worked into terraces that provide a spectacular panorama of cascading vineyards. Most of the Lavaux vineyard is planted with white Chasselas. This typical Swiss grape variety strongly reflects the characteristics of the soil, which results in a great diversity of vintages. Sparkling and fruity, it has a good mineral quality and a pleasant freshness that make it ideal to drink as aperitif or with fish or cheese. Chardonne, Cully, Epesses, Grandvaux and St-Saphorin are only some of the well-known appellations seen on Lavaux wine labels, and there is no better way to sample them than directly in the villages that gave them their names. Wine cellars and typical taverns known as “pintes” offer the opportunity to taste the produce of different winegrowers. With advance notice, cellar owners also arrange cheese tastings or assortments of cold cuts.

Signposted paths through picturesque villages and terraced vineyards can be covered on foot in one to three hours each. The blue and yellow Vineyard Train climbs in just 12 minutes from Vevey up to Puidoux via Chexbres, dubbed “Balcony of the Léman” for its breathtaking panorama over the hillside, the lake and the Alps. Touristic trains on tires are also available: the Lavaux Express departs from Lutry or Cully for a one-hour round trip through the vineyards, while the Lavaux Panoramic departs from Chexbres for one- to two-hour round trips that include a guided tour of the village and church of St-Saphorin or a stopover in a winemaker’s cellar. The Fête des Vendanges celebrates the end of the harvest in Lutry from 26-28 September 2014. This carnival-like festival takes over the cobbled streets of the medieval town during a whole weekend and features marching bands, costumed children’s parades, food stalls and, of course, more wine sampling. The Lavaux Express and the Lavaux Panoramic run from April through October. Françoise Ohayon



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www.lavauxexpress.ch www.lavaux-panoramic.ch www.lavaux.com



Le Train du Chocolat est une excursion d’une journée au départ de Montreux qui vous invitera à déguster fromage et chocolat en traversant de verdoyantes prairies parsemées de chalets en bois et de paisibles troupeaux de vaches. Une belle occasion d’explorer le Lac de Genève et de satisfaire vos papilles s’offre à vous lors d’une croisière gastronomique sur un bateau à aubes, à bord duquel on pourra savourer des déjeuners et des dîners élaborés par le chef étoilé Philippe Chevrier. La région de Lavaux abrite le plus vaste vignoble contigu de Suisse ; le Train des Vignes, le Lavaux Express et le Lavaux Panoramic permettront de découvrir cette splendide région viticole classée par l’Unesco.

Il Treno del cioccolato è un’escursione di un giorno con partenza da Montreux, che permette di gustare formaggio e cioccolato, passando per praterie verdeggianti punteggiate di incantevoli chalet in legno. Una grande opportunità di esplorare il Lago di Ginevra, e intanto premiare le proprie papille gustative, è quella di fare una crociera gastronomica su un battello con ruote a pale: vi saranno serviti pranzi e cene elaborati dallo chef stellato Philippe Chevrier. La regione di Lavaux è la più grande area coltivata a vigneti della Svizzera; Il Treno dei Vigneti, il Lavaux Express e il Lavaux Panoramic fanno conoscere quella splendida zona a tutti gli appassionati.


Mit dem Schokoladenzug kann man von Montreux aus einen Tagesausflug machen, bei dem Schokolade und Käse verkostet werden, während man durch grüne Wiesenlandschaften fährt, den Kühen beim Grasen zusieht und bezaubernde Chalets vorbeiziehen lässt. Eine gute Gelegenheit, um den Genfersee zu entdecken und dabei die Geschmacksnerven zu verwöhnen, ist eine kulinarische Kreuzfahrt auf einem Raddampfer. Dort serviert man Ihnen zum Mittag- und Abendessen Kreationen des Sternekochs Philippe Chevrier. Das Lavaux ist das grösste Weinanbaugebiet der Schweiz; auf einer Fahrt mit dem „Train des vignes“, dem Lavaux Express und dem Lavaux Panoramic können Weinliebhaber dieses Gebiet bequem kennenlernen.

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Left, the giant Ferris Wheel at Geneva Summer Festival. In this image, the great fireworks, the main attraction of the event.

© Genève Tourisme

© Genève Tourisme


eneva Festival 2014 takes place from 17 July to 10 August in the Jardin Anglais and around the Harbour. This year’s programme, brimming with new ideas, is based on allnew music listings and exceptional events. As always, a host of stands offering a variety of flavours and fragrances allows visitors to discover products and crafts from around the world. Meanwhile the funfair takes up residence around the perimeter of the Harbour, making the largest free tourist event in Switzerland - with more than two million visitors - the festive and cultural event of the summer of 2014. This year, marking the anniversary of Geneva’s accession to the Swiss Confederation, the Geneva Tourism & Conventions Foundation presents an “Espace 1815” in the heart of the Jardin Anglais, enlivened by traditional music, restaurants and craft stalls offering a range of products from Swiss cantons linked to this Bicentenary.



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GENEVA FESTIVAL 2014 It happened two hundred years ago, so let’s celebrate Geneva! Music and bands from these cantons features in the quayside Parade on Saturday 2 August from 3:30pm. 1814 was also the founding year of Geneva’s Gendarmerie. To celebrate this anniversary, the Navigation Police and Geneva’s Gendarmerie put on a unique show in the Harbour. A reconstructed pursuit race, boats on fire, winching into helicopters and other spectacular feats is staged in two performances on Saturday 2 August at 11:45am and 2:30pm, interspersed with jet-ski races and thrilling flyboard demonstrations. Bringing Saturday 2 August to a close, a 30-minute firework display set to music specially for the occasion begins at 10:30pm on the theme of “Geneva and Switzerland”. Seats are not available for this performance. Among the exceptional new attractions at Geneva Festival, the Luminarium is a popular destination for festival goers. Riding a wave of international success,

having enchanted more than two million visitors worldwide, this monumental structure resonates with poetry and light, its labyrinthine tunnels and cavernous domes providing a colourful, 3D feast for the senses that is simply not to be missed. The legendary Scène des Clubs in the Jardin Anglais, a magnet for Geneva’s most popular brands, features a vibrant new programme. The stage has been given a facelift this year and presents a selection of big names from the world of music including Zebda, Johnny Clegg, Joyce Jonathan, Natascha SaintPier, Frero Delavega, Puggy, Jabberwocky, Kenny Wayne’s, Fred Raspail, Adelbert, as well as more than twenty groups from Geneva and elsewhere in Switzerland. On the Quai du Mont-Blanc, the new Scène des Bains, for its part, gives pride of place to the sounds of contemporary pop rock & folk, as well as to schools of dance based in and around Geneva.

The Grand Firework Display takes place on Saturday 9 August. Geneva Festival would not be the same without this special annual communion between festival goers and the starstudded sky. On the theme of “Man and Time”, another magical 60-minute display thrills more than 600,000 spectators from all over Switzerland and abroad, who occupy every square foot of the Harbour, as well as locations elsewhere in the canton offering a view of the Harbour. New records in terms of scale and technical prowess demonstrate that Geneva’s Firework Display is without doubt one of the finest in the world. Seats for the display can be bought from FNAC stores or Geneva Tourism, rue du Mt-Blanc 18, as well as on their respective websites. Seats can also be booked over the counter at Geneva Tourism in the Jardin Anglais from 31 July. Chicca Magri


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WINE IN THE ZURICH REGION Zurich is not only business: the biggest swiss town has an old wine tradition.

ver since the Romans introduced grapevines from southern Europe, wine has been an integral part of the Zurich region. Since those times, pressed grape juice has un-dergone a significant transformation. What was once a bitter and hardly palatable food product has developed into quality wine. Visit the Viticulture Museum beside Lake Zurich and you will be able to take an exciting tour through Zurich’s wine history. Discover this wine-growing region by taking hiking tours through the hillside vineyards. Find cozy wine cellars off the beaten paths that will draw you in with their fine Zurich wines. And as the highlight, Expovina, the world’s largest public wine exposition with wine tasting, takes place each year in Zurich on board 12 boats. Zurich wines The very well-structured Zurich white wines are characterized by finesse and elegance, whereas Zurich red wines are considered to be balanced and graceful. The more than 600 hectares/1483 acres of wine country in the Zurich region make it the largest wine-growing canton in German-speaking Switzerland. Around 1880, however, there were 5,500 hectares/13,592 acres. The city model located in the architectural history archive shows that 200 years ago, major areas of the present city were actually vineyards. Pinot Noir is cultivated on 360 hectares/890 acres and Riesling-Sylvaner is grown on 150 hectares/371 acres. Furthermore, the Zurich region offers 40 specialities, such as Räuschling or Cabernet Dorsa, as well as international varieties, for ex-



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In this picture, Wine Tower at Radisson Blu Zurich Airport.

ample Chardonnay or Cabernet Sauvignon. One of the many traditions still upheld in Zurich is that of drinking mulled wine, Glühwein, a spiced, heated wine, which has a warming effect on the people drinking it. Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, anise and, sometimes, even vodka are added to wine, which is then heated up. The tradition of making and drinking Glühwein traces back to medieval times. In those times, people started adding spices to wine in order to make the bitter Zurich wine tastier. Wine-growing regions: from the shores of Lake Zurich to the Weinland Besides the shores of Lake Zurich, the most important wine-growing regions are the Limmat Valley, the Zurich Lowlands and the Weinland around Winterthur. The wine-growing region around Lake Zurich benefits from the lake as well as from the warm Foehn wind. Comprising 50 hectares/124 acres, Stäfa, situated on the lake’s right shore, is the largest wine-growing region within the canton of Zurich, but Kücht, Hottingen and Riesbach are also known for their vines. Within the actual city of Zurich, the vines ripen in the quarters Sonnenberg, Enge and Höngg. On the lake’s left shore, the peninsula Au with its impressive vine panorama, as well as the Viticulture Museum, draw lots of attention. In Wädenswil there is also the “Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Obst-, Wein-

und Gartenbau” (Federal Institute of Pomiculture, Viticulture and Horticulture) as well as the University of Applied Sciences which trains people to become vintners, enologists and cellarers. Weiningen in the Limmat Valley is the second largest wine-growing region in the canton of Zurich. The town of Regensburg, which is well worth a visit, offers a picturesque view comprising a castle and vineyard. The Limmat Valley wines are of such good quality thanks to the hillsides facing the right direction and the favorable conditions caused by the warm Foehn wind. There is a great variety of soils in the Zurich Lowlands, which explains the great variety of wines coming from that region. This includes the valleys Furtthal, Wenthal und Glattal. Winterthur and the well-known winegrowing region Rheinau im Rheinbogen also belong to the Weinland. Walchwil on Lake Zug is one of the most wellknown wine regions in the region of Zug. Viticulture Museum on Lake Zurich Starting at the very beginning and ending up in the present, the Viticulture Museum on Lake Zurich provides insight into the world of viticulture. This is the place where you will get to know some background information regarding the difficulties of viticulture around Lake Zurich and the changes it has undergone within the last 100 years. One of the highlights displayed on the first

ZURICH TAVERNS Barrique, Marktgasse 17, 8001 Zürich Bü's Bistro, Kuttelgasse 15, 8001 Zürich Caduff’s Wine Loft, Kanzleistrasse 126, 8004 Zürich Carlton, Bahnhofstrasse 41, 8001 Zürich Divine, Gartenhofstrasse 1, 8004 Zürich Park Hyatt, Beethovenstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich Kaiser's Reblaube, Glockengasse 7, 8001 Zürich Öpfelchammer, Rindermarkt 12, 8001 Zürich Rolfs Weinbar, Rämistrasse 7, 8001 Zürich Rössli Bar, Rössligasse 7, 8001 Zürich Terroir, Rämistrasse 32, 8001 Zürich Urania, Uraniastrasse 7, 8001 Zürich Wein & Dein, Regensdorferstrasse 22, 8049 Zürich Weinschenke des Hotels Hirschen, Niederdorfstrasse 13, 8001 Zürich Widder Bar, Widdergasse 6, 8001 Zürich Zum Grünen Glas, Untere Zäune 15, 8001 Zürich 75

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Above left, view of the Buchberger Vineyards in the Zurich Weinland. Above right, Mövenpick win-bar in Zurich.

floor is a 13 meter/43 foot long Roman press dating back to 1761. On the second floor, the restaurant “Wirtschaft zur goldenen Traube” is open to all visitors. Before the wine is served, however, guests listen to different stories about the grape phylloxera disease, the grafting of vines, as well as about the tasks that vintners have to perform in the vineyards throughout the year. These stories are told in several booths. After the grape harvest, the grapes are processed in the cellar. There is a great amount of antique adjuvants, tools and machinery that the cellar master needs for making and caring for the wine. On the third floor there are theme-specific exhibitions. In memory of the practically extinct profession of cooper, there is a complete and faithful reproduction


of a cooperage. On the west side of the museum, there is an assortment of 200 vines from all over Europe. The adjoining pilot plant of four hectares/ten acres, part of the College of Wädenswil, shows the possibilities of environmentally friendly viticulture and provides the visitor with the opportunity to take a very interesting walk. Wine shopping Wines can be bought at retail stores such as Coop or at gourmet stores such as Jelmoli’s Gourmet Factory or at the Globus Delikatessen. Amongst other wines, Jelmoly Gourmet Factory sells wines from the Staatskellerei Zurich. The stores Cave Rüden at the Lim-

matquai in the old part of town and the wine arbor of the Zweifel winery also offer Zϋrich wines. Stadtzürcher Wein (wine from the actual city of Zϋrich) can be obtained in the wine press building of the Landold winery, located at Brandschenkenstrasse. Upon request, the family business, which has been in existence for over 150 years, will perform guided tours through their cellar, ending with wine tasting. And in the future, the emerging business Weindepot on Forchstrasse and in Witikon will increasingly specialize in Zϋrich wines. The store “Buch und Wein” on Ankergasse is an extraordinary location. You can buy a book to suit every wine – or the other way around. Conrad Schweizer




Dès l’époque où les Romains introduisirent dans la région de Zurich les vignes de l’Europe méridionale, le vin devint un élément important de la culture suisse. Visiter le musée de la viticulture, sur le lac de Zurich, permet de découvrir l’histoire du vin dans la région. De plus, l’on pourra faire des excursions dans les collines couvertes de vignes et trouver, hors des sentiers battus, des caves accueillantes offrant à la dégustation d’excellents nectars zurichois. Point d’orgue de cette célébration du vin : Zurich accueille chaque année, à bord de 12 embarcations, « Expovina », la plus grande foire aux vins (avec dégustation) ouverte au public.

Fin da quando i Romani introdussero nella regione di Zurigo i vitigni dell'Europa meridionale, il vino divenne un elemento importante nella cultura svizzera. Visitare il museo della viticoltura sul Lago di Zurigo permette di scoprire la storia del vino a Zurigo. Inoltre, si possono fare escursioni sulle colline coperte di vigneti e trovare, fuori dai sentieri battuti, accoglienti cantine che offrono pregiati vini zurighesi. E, come momento culminante, ogni anno a Zurigo si svolge, a bordo di 12 imbarcazioni, Expovina, la più grande esposizione al mondo di vini aperta al pubblico con degustazione.

Schon seit die alten Römer in der Umgebung von Zürich Weinreben aus Südeuropa anbauten, war der Wein ein wichtiges Element. Bei einem Besuch des Weinbaumuseums am Zürichsee kann man die Geschichte des Weinbaus in der Gegend verfolgen. Möglich sind auch Ausflüge in die Weinberge, bei denen man abseits der üblichen Wege auf einladende Kellereien trifft, welche die edlen Zürcher Weine anbieten. Und als Höhepunkt für Experten und Liebhaber findet in Zürich jedes Jahr an Bord von 12 Booten Expovina statt, die weltweit grösste für das Publikum geöffnete Weinausstellung mit Verkostung.









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he world’s slowest express train is also the most famous – with its stunning scenery and remarkable array of railway engineering feats linking the fashionable Alpine resorts of St. Moritz and Zermatt. The red and white train winds its way through


no fewer than 91 tunnels and across 291 bridges. But don’t worry, you won’t miss anything. Observation carriages open up vistas of unique landscapes – for example, the 400-metre deep Rhine Gorge, the 2033-metre high Oberalp Pass and of course the mighty Matter-

horn in Zermatt. All in a spectacular setting of rugged cliff faces, crystalclear mountain lakes and unspoilt villages. Mentioning all the fascinating sights would take us forever – so why not step aboard the Glacier Express and see for yourself?

THE SLOWEST EXPRESS TRAIN IN THE WORLD Travel from the Engadine to the Matterhorn in 7 ½ hours. Or vice versa. There may be quicker ways of getting there – but none provides more pleasure than the Glacier Express.


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A panoramic car through the Swiss Alps There are other ways to get from the Matterhorn to the Upper Engadin, but this journey through the Swiss Alps on the slowest express train in the world is one you’ll never forget. The Glacier Express runs through the

middle of the Swiss Alps. It takes seven and a half hours for the panorama train to take its passengers from St. Moritz to Zermatt via Andermatt or vice versa. The panoramic cars offer unrestricted views of rugged cliffs, pristine forests, deep gorges, rolling plains,

bizarre rock formations, clear lakes and typical mountain villages. Travel in comfort through the unspoilt natural beauty of a landscape rich in ancient, fragrant mountain forests, peaceful Alpine meadows, rushing mountain streams and mountain valleys, soaked

In this picture, the Glacier Express on the spectacular viaduct Laxgraben in the Canton of Wallis.


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Voyager de l’Engadine au Cervin en 7 heures et demie. Il y a certes des moyens de transport plus rapides pour arriver à destination, mais aucun n’est plus agréable que le Glacier Express, qui, depuis 1930, année de son premier voyage, relie les stations alpines de Saint-Moritz et Zermatt. Sur son trajet, le train emprunte quelque 91 tunnels et 291 ponts. Des voitures panoramiques permettent d’observer en toute quiétude un paysage hors du commun, comme par exemple les gorges du Rhin, profondes de 400 mètres ; le col de l'Oberalp, à 2 033 mètres d’altitude, et, naturellement, le majestueux Cervin.

Viaggiare dall'Engadina al Cervino in 7 ore e mezza. Ci possono essere modi più rapidi di arrivare, ma nessuno è più gradevole del Glacier Express, che dal 1930, data del suo primo viaggio, collega le località alpine di St. Moritz e Zermatt. Il treno attraversa non meno di 91 gallerie e 291 ponti nel suo tragitto. Carrozze panoramiche permettono di osservare comodamente paesaggi mozzafiato - per esempio, le gole del Reno, profonde 400 metri, il Passo dell'Oberalp, alto 2033 metri, e, naturalmente, il maestoso Cervino.

Vom Engadin zum Matterhorn in siebeneinhalb Stunden. Es gibt vielleicht schnellere Möglichkeiten, dorthin zu gelangen, aber keine ist so schön wie der Glacier Express, der seit 1930 die Bergorte St. Moritz und Zermatt miteinander verbindet. Der Zug passiert dabei nicht weniger als 91 Tunnel und 291 Brücken. Panoramawagen erlauben eine bequeme Betrachtung der atemberaubenden Landschaft – zum Beispiel der Rheinschlucht, die 400 Meter tief liegt, des Oberalppasses mit seinen 2033 Metern Höhe, und natürlich des majestätischen Matterhorns.

in tradition and centuries-old culture. Glistening mountains in summer; a fairy-tale landscape deep in snow in winter; a magical carpet of flowers in spring; a splendid tapestry of colour in autumn. The Glacier Express, one of the world’s most famous train journeys, is perfect at any time of the year! The route between Zermatt and St. Moritz runs via Brig, Andermatt, Disentis and Chur. Let’s have a look at some of these places. St. Moritz and region The name St. Moritz always evokes many expectations – but a cruise at 1800 metres isn’t usually one of them. The 40-minute trip on Lake Sils is Europe’s


highest-altitude cruise. Lakes, forests, glaciers – and at their centre the Corvatsch (3303 metres), the highest peak in the Upper Engadine ski region. Take the trip to the summit with the aerial cableway. Chur and region A raging river, white limestone cliffs, vast forests – these are the natural wonders making up one of Switzerland’s most spectacular sights. The Rhine Gorge can be explored on foot or even by Rhaetian Railway. Zermatt Climb aboard the cogwheel railway up to the 3131-metre Gornergrat and you can marvel at the Matterhorn up close.

Not only that – this iconic peak is flanked by no fewer than 28 other 4000metre summits! Europe’s highest-altitude aerial cableway takes you to the Klein Matterhorn. Stand on the Matterhorn glacier paradise observation platform at 3883 metres and marvel at a majestic world of snow. History In the roaring 1920s, and because of adventurous reports from alpine enthusiasts, the travel-keen upper-class from all four corners of the world at long last discovered the rustic charms of the Swiss Alps; previously remote mountain villages such as Zermatt and St.Moritz were transformed into chic health resorts. The three railway companies of that period successfully took advantage of the tourism potential at hand with the opening of the route between the Valais and Graubünden in 1926: the introduction of the through coaches Brig – Chur and Brig – St.Moritz exclusively in summer was met with a lot of interest amongst the travelling public. The first journey made by the Glacier Express was from Zermatt in 1930. June 25, 1930 – an historical date after the opening of the connection Visp – Brig, the Glacier Express ran for the very first time from Zermatt to St.Moritz. To cater for travellers – one travelled in elegant salon coaches – and converted passen-

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ger coaches from 1st to 3rd class – dining cars were introduced on the route between St.Moritz and Disentis. At the beginning of the 1940s the time was ripe: the FO network was converted to electricity and in September 1942 the through electric route Brig – Disentis was officially celebrated. With the turmoil of the Second World War, express traffic was withdrawn from 1943 onwards to be reintroduced with slight changes in 1948 – in particular, without an elegant salon coach but with a dining car to the Oberalp pass. The Glacier Express also benefited from technological advancement during the 1950s and 1960s: faster engines produced shorter travelling times even for the “world’s slowest fast train”, and comfortable coaches as well as the reintroduction of the dining cars to Andermatt inexorably increased the attraction of the Glacier Express. In those years the Glacier Express only ran in summer because the extended Furka alpine route was not safe in winter. Construction work on the Furka basis tunnel between Oberwald and Realp began in 1973 and service could finally start through the tunnel on 26 June 1982: the Glacier Express now runs all year round! Thanks to modern technology and focused marketing efforts the Glacier Express blos- somed into an unmistakeable top-notch Swiss tourism product in the 1980s and 1990s: there has been continual growing worldwide demand on the unique Swiss Alpine train. Not just huge investments in infrastructure contributed to this, but also exquisite services such catering services, clever special trips and a wide range of packages offered at an international level in the travel market. Throughout the years the Glacier Express has remained true to itself: traditionally on the ball – only the best is good enough for the passengers. On 22 June 2005, the Glacier Express has celebrate its 75th birthday – and is even younger, more dynamic and popular than ever. Emilia Regazzoni

In this picture, the train on the viaduct of Landwasser in the Canton of Grisons. Opposite page, below, panorama from first class carriages of Glacier Express.


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Parkhotel Beau Site Zermatt


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SITUATED ON A LITTLE ELEVATION, JUST A STONE'S THROW FROM THE CENTRE OF ZERMATT, THE PARKHOTEL BEAU SITE SPOILS ITS GUESTS WITH A MARVELLOUS VIEW TO THE MATTERHORN MOUNTAIN. It allows to leave everyday life behind for a certain time and to enjoy the clean and fresh scenery and air of the mountain village. Inside the Parkhotel Beau Site Franz Schwegler-Dossetto, host and manager of the hotel welcome their guests with warm hospitality and a familiar atmosphere. The hotel was built in 1907 and it combines the tradition of a “Grand hotel“ and the amenities of the modern times in a perfect way. “We want our guests to feel comfortable and well treated while they enjoy their holiday in Zermatt. We always listen to the wishes and needs - and our guests are always in the middle of our attention.” Franz Schwegler-Dossetto says. “Different needs due to the internationality are a challenge and makes the hotel life exciting, but every team member is able to deal with the demands and it makes us

pleased and proud to see happy guests.” Great on-line reviews underline what the manager says, the friendliness is always pointed out in what the guests write after their stay. Also, the infrastructure is remarkable. There are no less then ten suites and ten junior suites, very luxurious and with great views to the Matterhorn and 65 well furnished comfort rooms. The most precious jewel of the hotel is the Beau Site Tower Suite with 90m2, divided in two bedrooms and a generous living room, and the highlight is the sky lounge under the roof dome. From here you have a breathtaking view all around Zermatt. Another jewel you find in Parkhotel Beau Site's restaurant. Maître d'hôtel Francesco celebrates his fortieth anniversary this summer. Forty years of empathic service with a special Italian charm and know-how which has no equal. “If we would have a ranking showing how often Francesco was mentioned in all reviews, he would be number one and then there is a

gap.” Franz Schwegler- Dossetto says with much pride. “Our regular guests love the little chat with him while having their evening meal and his offer of an extra “Coupe Colonell” after dinner is legendary.” He's loved by everybody and makes you feel the most important person at this very moment. To meet the culinary demands of Parkhotel Beau Site's guests head chef Burkhard Sattler is always looking for new and surprising touches. He combines the Swiss and French traditions with modern ideas and presents every meal in a very creative way. The daily changing four-course menu includes different choices and also a vegetarian option is always available and a tasty surprise. To have a try of the very special Beau Site atmosphere, choose their “Try-out days” which includes overnight, dinner experience, generous breakfast and even a pass to use all cable cars in Zermatt to get to the peaks. For more information see: www.parkhotel-beausite.ch.

Host Franz Schwegler-Dossetto • CH-3920 Zermatt • Telefon +41 27 966 68 68 • www.parkhotel-beausite.ch

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assione Engadina is an exclusive happening reserved to Italian cars only which, in 2014, attains its third edition as a «100 years Maserati» official event, officially recognized by the Italian car company. We devote every year a tribute to a different brand and we are very proud that the Trident has selected us among the few official world gatherings of 2014. Passione Engadina develops over a three-day span in the wonderful setting of St. Moritz and the Engadine. A maximum number of 100 cars is accepted as we intend to maintain the typical comfortable and welcoming atmosphere of the past years. Our guests stay in 5 star luxury hotels where they can enjoy an exclusive treatment under every point of view. The definite days of the gathering are: from Friday, August 22nd 2014, with registration opened from 9.00 to 11.30 a.m., until Sunday, August 24th, until 3.00 p.m. approximately. The categories of cars admitted to participation are five: • up to 1945 • from 1946 to 1960 • from 1961 to 1970 • from 1971 to 1984 • Sport cars (only Maserati sport cars or peculiar models at the complete discretion of the Organization). The four categories compete in separate ranks. The event is characterized by regularity stages, racing and fun, with an entire day (Saturday) devoted to driving. This year, on the occasion of the centennial, lots of cars with the Trident emblem are participating in the event. Special guests: Maserati 300 S s/n 3051, Maserati 200 S, Maserati 200SI (1957), Maserati 3500 GT Vignale Spider (1961), Maserati Quattroporte Fire Truck (1967) and many more. Having more than 40% of the registered cars belonging to Modena’s house is a great result. Other Italian car companies are well represented, too; we enjoy the participation of several Ferraris, some of them a unique model. Cars manufactured until 1984 are en-



PASSIONE ENGADINA 2014 An exclusive happening reserved to Italian cars only which, in 2014, attains its third edition as a «100 years Maserati» official event, August 22nd - 24th 2014.

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In these pictures, some images of past editions of Passione Engadina, a happening reserved to Italian cars only which, in August 2014, attains its third edition.

titled to participate and many Sports Cars have also been accepted this year, 10 in total which, added to the other 100 models, some really special and some Maseratis, have been selected to celebrate the centennial of the Trident house. These last 10 cars included, the target of 110 total cars has been reached. In the future Passione Engadina aims at lowering the limit of the car’s production year; for example, in 2015 cars manufactured until 1980 will be accepted, decreasing every year, thus limiting the participation to more and more special models. The number of participating cars is always 100, but with a higher and higher car quality range, because Passione Engadina is a Gentleman Rally and its cars want to show it. A new entry of the 2014 edition is the special dinner on the renowned «red train» of the Rhätische Bahn: departure in the early evening from St. Moritz, dinner and sunset from the viaducts of the Albula Pass, Davos, Klosters, Vereina and return to St. Moritz. Built in 1889 with the inauguration of the Landquart-Klosters line, the railway covers 384 km through the Swiss high mountains. The Bernina and Albula sections have been part, since 2008, of the Unesco’s world heritage.

This itinerary represents an exceptional and innovative technical work of access to the alpine landscape. The railway’s engineering works are a whole with the peculiar topography. March 13th-16th, 2014 Passione Engadina has been presented at the fair in Stuttgart Retro Classics. The exhibition included two wonderful Maserati cars: the first was a Maserati 300 S Fantuzzi, 1955, red that was virtually a two-seater version of Gioacchino Colombo’s 250F Formula One model, and it is the most fondly remembered of all 1950s sport racing cars. Stirling Moss reckons that it is the best sports car of the era and his opinion is shared by many fans. The second car was a Maserati 3500 GT Vignale Spider, 1960, blu metallic. In 1957 the Maserati A6 G54 replacement, the Maserati 3500 GT, was launched at the Geneva Motor Show. It was a Touring bodied Coupe, the 6-cylinder 3,5 litre engine was derived from the Maserati 350 S race car, the power output was reduced to 220 – 230 bhp. In early 1957 Frua produced a Spyder prototype, which was followed by 2 Touring Spyders in 195 and in 1959 Maserati selected the Spyder from Vignale based on a design by Giovanni Michelotti as their coming model. The Maserati 3500 GT Spyder was launched in 1959 at the Torino Motor Show.


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Moon and Stars 10/19.07.2014 - Locarno To welcome Moon and Stars for ten days in July, the ‘Locarno Lounge’ changes its look and becomes a stage for great international pop-rock performers. A truly international festival offering ten concerts featuring the biggest international stars, with Piazza Grande as the stunning backdrop, filled with thousands. While still ‘young’, the Locarno event is already a must for the tours of musicians and singers, many now calling it the ‘Montreux of the Southern Alps’. For fans, Moon & Stars Locarno is a unique chance to listen to and admire international artists, where quality music becomes the soundtrack for the entire city. Laura Pausini, Udo Lundenberg, Bligg/Sido, Dolly Parton, Jack Johnson, James Blunt, Negramaro/Jessie J, Backstreet Boys, Sunrise Avenue are the star who are on the stage this year.


Festival del film Locarno 06/16.08.2014 - Locarno Throughout its 67 year history, the Festival del film Locarno has occupied a unique position in the landscape of the major film festivals. Every August, for eleven days the Swiss-Italian town of Locarno, right in the heart of Europe, becomes the world capital of auteur cinema. Thousands of film fans and industry professionals meet here every summer to share their thirst for new discoveries and a passion for cinema in all its diversity. At Locarno they find a quality programme, rich, eclectic, surprising, and where emerging talent rubs shoulders with prestigious guests. The audience is the soul of the Festival, as exemplified in the famous evenings on the Piazza Grande, whose magical setting can accommodate up to 8,000 filmgoers every night.

CSI Ascona 24/27.07.2014 - Ascona Every July enthusiasts flock to Ascona's International HorseRiding Competition, which attracts top riders from all over the world. In the huge grounds of Ascona's former airport, dressed to the nines for the big occasion, spectacular show jumping events take place during a four-day programme offering top-level equestrian sports. The events starring these splendid riders and their magnificent mounts are accompanied by a series of additional entertainment events. Blues to bop - 22/31.08.2014 Lugano, Morcote, Sessa and Tesserete For three nights, the city becomes a great open-air theatre offering more than 60 hours of free, live music in Lugano (28/30. 08) in addition to those of Morcote (31.08), Sessa (24.08) and Tesserete (22/23.08). For the 26° time the squares of the city center will accommodate four stages, on which about fifty musicians will perform in rotation in over forty concerts, with the possibility, at every moment, of choosing between different musical performances so as to satisfy the most varied musical preferences. 86









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SOUTHERN SWISS WINES High quality wines are produced south of the Gotthard in Switzerland.

he Mendrisiotto, the most southern part of the Ticino region and of Switzerland is a beautiful region rich with vineyards divided into small and larger patches on the slopes of the green hills. Many winemakers after the grape harvest take their grapes to the Mendrisio Wine Cooperative, established back in 1949, the only form of cooperative left in Mendrisio and currently still the largest of the Canton. It is also one of the better equipped structures, thanks to a thorough restoration and a three million Francs investment to replace dated machinery, buy new cooling equipment, state of the art wine presses, and a modern bottling system. The man behind this radical change is director Remo Tettamanti who since his arrival seven years ago has worked to improve the Wine Cooperative’s image that had partly lost its edge. He also restructured the administrative side of the business, making the management simpler by dividing all the production into three product lines with three separate brands. The first line includes the products with the Cantina Sociale brand (Cantina Sociale means Wine Cooperative), whose wine is made with grapes arriving from external suppliers (almost 350), the second line has the Montalbano brand, offering only wines made with grapes from the estate: a 22 hectare property that is possibly the largest in the area producing wine from a single allotment of one single owner; the last brand is Monticello, including wines made with



grapes owned by the Wine Cooperative. Monticello Vini is a company that was founded a few years ago with a precise mission. “The reasons for its establishment are several. As a Cooperative we could not sell wine that we did not produce. With Monticello SA, which is completely owned by the Wine Cooperative, we can even import foreign wines therefore increasing the offer for clients with wines from other producers and from different countries” explains Tettamanti. We then decided to unify all the management of Monticello Vini SA, which has become the “commercial” channel of all the products including those of the Cantina Sociale and Montalbano brands. The Wine Cooperative still plays its part in relating to its members, collecting grapes, making wine, providing large scale distribution or supplying Monticello Vini”. “Besides the merlot we also work with other qualities” continues Tettamanti “small quantities of Gamaret or Viognier and with the Chardonnay we make a classic method single variety millesimé sparkling wine. A method we carry out entirely in house”. The three brands correspond to different philosophies. The Cantina Sociale wines focus on a good medium range product, wines with a good price/quality ratio, such as the Viti. The Monticello brand wines, including the Racconti Riserva, a merlot with an 18 month barrique aging have a different philosophy: they are meditation wines appreciated for their elegance and refinement. The wines obtained from the Tenuta Montalbano, the gem of the Mendrisio Wine Cooperative, include two whites and three reds. Of these the Montalbano Riserva and the Tenuta Montalbano classico are obtained exclusively from grapes growing on the estate that acts as a sort of guiding light for all the members of the Wine Cooperative and often for all the winesellers of the canton, by signaling the best moment to carry out the

grape harvest. The Wine Cooperative in fact has an agreement with the Hochschule Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Obst-Wein und Gartenbau of Wädenswil: from the moment the grapes start to colour until the harvest every week the Cooperative sends out some samples to be analysed to the advantage of all the members and the other wine sellers. The Wine Cooperative has also collaborated for years with the Changins agronomic research unit in

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Vaud testing new and innovative winemaking techniques. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Estate, last year the Tenuta Montalbano agreed to combine with Telethon that was also celebrating its 25th anniversary. Besides participating in a wide series of activities, and donating to Telethon a percentage of the income of every sold bottle of wine (without increasing its price), part of the harvest in the lower sections was entrusted to disabled kids who could carry out this task even if seated in wheelchairs. This event has become a yearly tradition, with great satisfaction on all sides. Donatella Revay Opposite page, Tenuta Montalbano Riserva, a wine produced exclusively from grapes from the Tenuta Montalbano estates. Below, Cantina Sociale is one of the best, if not the best winery at producing wines from a single plot belonging to a single owner. Above, Mendrisiotto with its gently rolling hills is one of Switzerland's most important wine-producing areas.


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In this picture, the Castle of San Materno. Next page, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Blick vom Balkon (View from the balcony),1916/1917, one of the paintings on display at the Museum.


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FROM CASTLE TO MUSEUM The San Materno Castle of Ascona is ready to step into its new life as a museum holding a collection of German paintings from the 19th and the 20th century. he San Materno Castle of Ascona is ready to step into its new life as a museum holding a collection of German paintings from the 19th and the 20th century. The early middle ages San Materno Castle, probably the first to be built in Ascona, was erected on the homonymous rise overlooking the countryside of Losone, Ascona and Solduno to serve as a lookout post controlling the valleys. During the 13th century, the fortress belonged to the Orelli and Castelletto families. At the beginning of the 16th century, the castle was conquered by the Swiss and then abandoned, experiencing a period of decline: in the 17th century in fact all was left of the castle was part of the walls. In the second half of the 19th century, the French Count Enrico De Loppinot, from Nancy, became the owner of the property, restoring and bringing it back to life, also setting up a beautiful botanical park with rose bushes and magnolia, citrus and palms trees. In 1918 the castle was bought by Paul and Elvira Bachrach, and in 1919 it became their daughter’s (dancer Charlotte Bara) residence, who used its grand central salon for ballet, music and literature events. Following Charlotte Bara’s death, the castle was bought by the City of Ascona in 1987. Today the castle steps into a new phase becoming a museum holding the art collection of the Kurt and Barbara Alten Foundation, including over forty paintings by some of the most relevant painters of German origin, active between the end of the 19th century and the years soon after World War I (Max Liebermann, Lovis Corinth, Fritz Overbeck, Hans am Ende, Otto Modersohn e Paula Modersohn-Becker, Christian


Rohlfs, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Hermann Max Pechstein, Emil Nolde, Alexej Jawlensky, August Macke). The Kurt and Barbara Alten Cultural Foundation also contributed to the restoration of the outer and the inner side of the castle, recreating the original furnishings, decor, colours and even returning the Romanic-Bisantine Majes-

tas Domini fresco in the apsidal hall of the Castle to its original splendour. The opening of the new museum has a threefold advantage: in first place has made accessible to the local community an architectural testimony of the regional history; in the second place it allows a broader public to learn more about important aspects of German art, and finally it highlights the connections

between Ascona and German art and culture. “Most of the artists included in the collection represent the German Northern European area of the end of the 19th and the 20th century, being the initiators or outstanding representatives of artistic movements such as Impressionism, Postimpressionism, Expressionism, marking the passage between two ages and paving the way towards modern art ” explains Mara Folini. Besides being valuable per se, the collection of the Alten Foundation offers an even greater contribution due to its collocation in Ascona, where strong connections with the German culture were tied in that period. The Worpswede artists for instance, active between the last decade of the 19th century and the 1930s, experimented the same experiences of the Lebensreform in the Monte Verità (Mount Truth) community. Dancer Charlotte Bara also trained at the Worpswede. And with the Brücke and Blaue Reiter artists the connection to Ascona is further confirmed, thanks to the presence of Expressionist artists such as Alexej Jawlensky who from 1918 to 1922 resided here, or Marianne Werefkin who stayed here from 1938 until her death. As Mara Folini concludes: “The Alten collection is open to public viewing with the precise mission of offering an occasion of communion and knowledge, and a testimony of beauty and culture. A collection of great cultural and historical significance that well and intimately combines with the rooms and the atmosphere of the San Materno Castle, so rich with history and life”. Anna Martano Grigorov 91

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SPORT MEETS GLAMOUR A great sporting event. A unique appointment in Ticino, showcasing a marvellous lifestyle. In July, Ascona will be hosting the fifth edition of the Hublot Polo Cup. rom 18 to 20 July, Europe’s polo élite meets in an atmosphere of elegance, glamour and joie-de-vivre in the wonderfully sunny setting of Ascona. The tournament, which has now reached its fifth edition, has constantly improved its sporting levels, and now attracts polo players from all over the world to the Ticino. «Most players


tend to bring their family with them when they come. Numerous activities and occasions have been organised outside of the competitive event for visitors to party, relax and get to know each other», says Margit Sauer, vice-president of the Polo Club Ascona and cofounder in 2009, together with Marco Styger and Uwe Zimmermann, of the Polo Club Ascona. «The number of members is constantly increasing, and we are always glad to welcome more, regardless of whether they are active players or Social Members. Our main aim is to make the game of polo an institution here in Switzerland’s most beautiful canton», says Margit Sauer, before going on to tell us about their latest project. «We are working on founding the first ever polo school near Ascona, which will bring great value added to this area, and increase its exclusivity and appeal. It is likely that this project will Above, the procession through Ascona opening the three-day polo championship. Left, Margit Sauer, vice president of the Polo Club Ascona (co-founded by her in 2009 with Marco Styger and Uwe Zimmermann).


already be reality by 2015». During every edition of the tournament one country is chosen to be ‘guest of honour’. This year the honour goes to Russia, starring in the special evening titled Polo by Night & Dinner Switzerland meets Russia – the magic of art, which takes place on Saturday 17 July, and represents the high-point of these three days animating Ascona. During the three days of the competition, four teams and over 70 horses show off their abilities to a public of thousands in the grounds of the former city airport. The public – formed of VIP guests, holiday-makers and locals, all curious and eager to experience a high-class polo tournament – is given the opportunity to discover the many aspects of this sport, and undoubtedly appreciates the speed, team spirit and fascination of polo. «The space hosting Ascona’s tournament is smaller than a normal polo field. It means that the public is closer to the players and their horses, creating greater involvement and thrills», concludes Margit Sauer. Simona Manzione

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5째 18-20 luglio 2014

Co-sponsor Al Porto; Bucherer; Delea Vini Distillati; Eden Roc; ET Lago Maggiore; Fior da Lisa; Klinik Gut, Fisioterapia Ascona; Harley Davidson Ticino; Henniez; Hotel Boutique Rinascente; La Prairie; Ladoga Imperial Wodka; Laurent Perrier; Le Gourmet; Mevisto GmbH; Municipio di Ascona; Rapelli SA; Rarity; Sauer Real Estate; Selvaggio; Swiss Diamond Hotel; Ticinella; Tropenhaus; Villiger Cigarren; Vivaio

VIP-Tickets: info@eventsdesigner.ch

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WEALTH MANAGERS MUST ADOPT A NEW APPROACH FOR SURVIVAL An overview on UHNW individuals in the world. n the face of it, the numbers look rosy for the world’s wealth managers. Last year the global ultra high net worth population (individuals with assets of US$30 million and up) reached an all time high of nearly 200,000 holding a record US$27.8 trillion in assets, according to the annual Wealth-X and UBS World Ultra Wealth Report. All of the top twenty global private banks, including the likes of UBS, Credit Suisse, Pictet, and Lombard Odier, saw their assets under management grow last year. “Last year private banks bounced back from the nadir of 2011, during which the average percentage change in net new money had fallen to 27.9 percent,” said Sebastian Dovey, managing partner of Scorpio Partnership the consultant. According to Scorpio’s most recent annual survey, global private banking penetration is at a record high. But this is not translating into the bottom line, because cost-income ratios continue to grow. Among some wealth managers this is as high as 88 percent last year, well above pre-crisis levels, according to Scorpio. Underneath it all there is a rising current that the industry is battling to swim against: regulation. Global regulation like the UK’s Retail Distribution Review, MiFID II and Basel III in Europe and FATCA and Dodd-Frank in the US, is changing faster than many wealth managers can keep up with. Every week there is another bank falling under the wheels of regulators and ordered to pay a huge fine, like BNP Paribas this week which may have to pay a multi billion dollar fine to US authorities over alleged sanctions violations. To survive in this new regulatory landscape, private banks need to master two approaches. Firstly, banks must do even deeper due diligence on clients and prospects to meet anti-money laundering (AML) and know your client (KYC) regulations. And



secondly, wealth managers must take a different approach to business development and client prospecting. And this is where Wealth-X comes in. Wealth-X has launched Wealth-X Diligence (WXD), a new product that combines wealth intelligence and KYC solutions for financial institutions and notfor-profit organisations to meet regulatory requirements and mitigate reputational and commercial risk. “WXD provides organisations with enhanced dossiers on UHNW individuals, detailing their source of wealth, significant litigation or sanctions, political inclinations and connections, wealth breakdown and analysis, business activities and asset holdings,” said David Leppan, founder and former CEO of WorldCheck, and chairman of Wealth-X. As a solution designed for KYC compliance, the enhanced WXD dossier incorporates AML and anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) checks to ensure that clients discharge their regulatory responsibilities and understand any risks that may present themselves when dealing with a given UHNW individual and their associates. In particular the pressure is on Swiss banks to adapt to new regulation with greater stringency and transparency than the rest of the world. Swiss legislators require the country’s banks to provide capital buffers well above the Basel III standard. Swiss banks must now focus on their vast experience in the field of private banking and asset management, on the recognized stability of this country and its banking system, and on their ability to handle any type of business and international transaction with the highest quality standards and professionalism. They should therefore, promote their brands and services, especially toward UHNWIs, with a targeted highly transparent approach and forget

about historical flows coming from the non-fiscal declaration in foreign countries. This should be the new approach not only for Switzerland but for all other offshore markets. And while greater compliance will help, there is another side to the story. Wealth managers need to find alternative ways to prospect to existing UHNW clients and identify new opportunities. Since the Lehman Brothers crisis, many wealthy clients who had their fingers burned have been more skeptical about keeping their assets in private banks, said Mr. Leppan. As a result, a new approach is required. Rather than going after prospects blind or opening up in new regions and potentially wasting huge resources, banks must focus on individual targets after deep eval-

ABOUT WEALTH-X Wealth-X is the world’s leading ultra high net worth (UHNW) intelligence and prospecting firm with the largest collection of curated research on UHNW individuals, defined as those with net assets of US$30 million and above. Headquartered in Singapore, Wealth-X has 13 offices on five continents. Its clients include financial institutions, not-for-profits and luxury brands.

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uation of their profiles including their interests, whether business or personal. “Wealth-X can offer its clients in the private banking, not profit and luxury worlds the support to allow them to spend less time researching prospects and more time winning relationships in the form of Wealth-X Professional, said Tara Loader Wilkinson, Editor in Chief at Wealth-X and former editor of WealthBriefingAsia. “This is an online collection of global UHNW individual dossiers, highlighting their financial profile, passions and interests, known associates, affiliations, family members, bi-

ographies, news, and much more. This approach has already paid off for some.“ Amir Rafizadeh, director of strategic intelligence at Momentum Advance Planning, said: “As a result of this exercise…, we have a more proactive strategic approach to prospecting that provides targeted introductions and increased our likelihood of winning new relationships.” This will provide a measure of the future of growth in this segment and the way winners and losers are defined. It is the right way to grow. Gianluigi Bianchi (on the right) Managing partner of Europe for Wealth-X

In this picture, state of the high-net-worth individual (HNWI), 2013. 95

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SWISS RUSSIAN INVESTMENT FORUM Russia meets Swiss investors in Lugano.


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hen Russian economic operators and government authorities present the public with the great investment opportunities offered by their country, the interest among the audience is always extremely keen. This was yet again confirmed during the first Swiss Russian Investment Forum held on 11 June in Lugano. The initiative, promoted by the Ticino Management publishing house and sponsored by the City of Lugano, was organised in the context of the bicentennial celebration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Switzerland, and represented the final outcome of a long and meticulous preparation process carried out together with the Russian Embassy in Switzerland. The huge economic and social changes underway are causing various European economic actors to look at the growth of the various sectors of this economy with renewed interest: the talks given by the various speakers at the conference provided the tools to help us understand how to interact and operate directly with the various Russian regions, while also offering our Russian guests the opportunity to find out more about investment opportunities in Switzerland, and in the Ticino area in particular, with the aim of consolidating as well as renewing traditional bilateral relationships of economic and cultural cooperation.


Commercial exchanges and investments. Sergei Lysikov, Counselor at the Russian Embassy in Berne, explained that Russia’s main exports to Switzerland are metals, chemical products and hydrocarbons: Russian gas accounts for 25% of all gas consumed in Switzerland. Switzerland’s main exports to Russia are pharmaceutical products, goods manufactured by the mechanical and electro-technical industry, metal constructions and, obviously, goods produced

Left, the speakers table at the Swiss-Russian Investment Forum during the speech of the Mayor of Lugano, Marco Borradori.

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Above from left to right, Alexandr Mazharov, Vice-Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region; Sergej Lysikov, Economic Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Bern; Alexey Volostnov, Senior Consultant of Frost & Sullivan.

by the watchmaking industry. Today, although Swiss investments in Russia account for only 1.5% of total foreign investments, they reach significant levels in specific sectors; in the chemical sector, for example, they represent 28% of foreign investments, in the lumber industry, 13%, in the rubber industry, 13%, and in the transport sector, 15%. As far as Russian investments in Switzerland are concerned, the Confederation is in fifth place among the preferred destinations of Russian capital. Lysikov concluded his talk by pointing out that it was the Russian government’s intention to promote an increasingly


close economic collaboration with Switzerland, and that numerous signs show that this is already taking place. The economic perspectives. The future economic development of Russia can be seen in terms of the global context represented by a series of megatrends. As pointed out by Alexei Volostnov from Frost & Sullivan, one of these megatrends concerns the energy of the future, an issue that obviously has an important impact for the country. As well as mentioning out the familiar gas and petrol resources along with their end markets, which will increasingly be located

throughout the Asian continent as well as in Europe, Volostnov explained that Russia also has the potential to develop renewable energies (solar, wind and hydroelectric), which the government plans to bring up to 5% of the national energy balance. Another world megatrend concerns megalopolises: in Russia the trend is currently limited to the urban area of Moscow. According to Volostnov, until 2025 most of the Russian GDP will be concentrated in the capital whose surface will grow 250% and which will attract around 20% of the Russian population. But Russia is not just Moscow: ac-

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General information: The new project includes 5 single family units. The attention to detail and splendid position with a view over the entire gulf of Lake Lugano make these properties unique. The location in the Italian enclave in Switzerland gives these properties extra value added. The dwellings comprise: garage level, main living area with garden, 1 additional floor, an attic floor with spacious terrace. Each dwelling has its own service elevator and own heating system. Garage level: the garage level has parking for 2 cars, a utility room (heat pump), 2 further rooms, and a lobby area (total 94.75 sq m) We have an accessorized

surface of 11 sq m. Garden level: the garden level includes a kitchen with handy larder, closet, dining area, living space, bathroom with access space (total 118 sq m); a 82-sq-m terrace. First floor: the first floor comprises a sleeping area with 3 bedrooms, and two bathrooms (total 108 sq m). Small balcony (11 sq m). An additional outside area (34 sq m). Attic floor: the attic floor has a en-suite bedroom (total 58 sq m) With access to a large terrace (51 sq m). To the rear of the building is a further external area (42 sq m) The total surface area of the dwelling is: 609.75 sq m

Orleander Establishment Via Moncucco 25 - 6900 Lugano - Tel. 0041 (0)91 966 38 14 - info@lucius.ch - www.lucius-sa.ch

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Left, Forum participants holding in their hands the file in Russian language published by Ticino Management.

cording to Volostnov by 2030 35% of the Russian population will be living in the Asian part of the country, also thanks to a strategic project that has been launched with the aim of promoting the growth of the oriental regions. The transport infrastructure is a sector that will experience considerable growth in Russia. This will lead to the consolidation and expansion of the logistics market within Russia in order to create an imaginary bridge joining east and west.

Pharmaceutical and health industries are another global megatrend that will be explored by the Russian economy with the aim of diversification. Finally, another global megatrend concerns the ICT sector. Volostnov informed us that Russia’s exports of products linked to this sector have reached double figures and have already overtaken arms exports. The Yamalo-Nenets Region. A region that is particularly interesting in eco-

nomic terms is the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug in north-west Siberia, whose opportunities were presented by its Vice Governor Alexander Mazharov. The region covers around 770 square kilometres, half of which above the Arctic circle: it has around 540,000 inhabitants belonging to 100 different nationalities. This Region extracts 85% of the gas and 7% of the petrol produced in Russia, and therefore plays a strategic role not only in Russian energy supplies but also for the whole of Europe. Nevertheless, attempts are being made to diversify the local economy, for example, by investing in greenhouse cultivation, as well as in meat production, reindeer in particular, and in fish farming (especially sturgeon and trout). In 2012 a project was launched to increase the production and processing of lumber—the region has abundant wood supplies – which is

R es o rt C ol l i na d’ O r o The Resort Collina d’Oro is surrounded by an enchanting landscape with stunning panoramic views over Lake Lugano and includes a Hotel with 46 luxury rooms, a 1’000 sqm SPA and a restaurant offering refined Mediterranean dishes, as well as 43 apartments for sale and for rent. The Resort also offers detox programs by Alain Mességué, a well-known phytotherapist whose philosophy aims at reaching a better psychophysical balance through body detoxification with medicinal herbs, a healthy diet and beauty treatments.

Resort Collina d’Oro Via Roncone 22 6927 Collina d’Oro, Lugano +41 (0) 91 641 11 11 info@resortcollinadoro.com www.resortcollinadoro.com

Fiorella Radice Romano Fotografie

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Plinto 1.6 design Pinuccio Borgonovo


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In this picture, a view of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region, in North-West Siberia.

mainly used in the construction of prefabricated homes. As far as exploiting hydrocarbons is concerned, work is taking place on a gas liquefaction plant and sea port to favour exports, which should both become operative between 2016 and 2018. As well as gas supplies, this will also make it possible to create a northern maritime route to transport goods between Europe and Asia, as an alternative to the Transiberian rail route. The Canton of Ticino and Russia. As Marco Borradori, Mayor of Lugano, pointed out, in the past many architects and artists from Ticino played a key role in defining the face of modern Russia, and today an important Russian com-

munity makes a positive constructive contribution to the economic activities in our region, which is the most dynamic in the Canton of Ticino, and is capable of taking on a leading role even in the wider context of Switzerland and north Italy. For these reasons the Mayor of Lugan presented the framework conditions that Lugano can offer foreigners wishing to invest locally. The Mayor reminded us that these framework conditions not only include moderate taxation, a flexible and qualified labour market, a central geographic position and high quality of living, but also extend to structures developed in the training and research sectors, such as USI, the University of Italian Speaking Switzerland; SUPSI, the

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland; the Centre for Banking Studies; the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre; as well as private structures like the Franklin University Switzerland and TASIS (The American School in Switzerland). Borradori also mentioned a number of flagship economic sectors in the region such as electronics, micro-mechanics, logistics integrated in the field of fashion and luxury products, as well as cutting-edge medical structures and research centres for advanced medical treatments, like the Cardio Centre and Neuro Centre, that are due to be flanked by the planned Faculty of Medicine. The City of Lugano is also working on the development of a new technological pole designed to host high-level activities in synergy with USI and SUPSI and with existing research poles in the fields of finance, life science, as well as the biomedical and pharmaceutical sector. Marzio Molinari

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Corso Pestalozzi 6 - CH-6900 Lugano Telefono +41 91 630 10 17 info@charme-lazy-living.com - www.charme-lazy-living.com Orari apertura: LUNEDÌ-VENERDÌ 9.30-18.30 - SABATO 9.30-17.00

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made in italy


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Bristol sofa, Tribeca coffee table - design Jean-Marie Massaud. Mad Chair armchair design Marcel Wanders.

Shop in shop: Baden, In!Baden Biel, Berberat Interieur Frauenfeld, Moebel Tino Lugano, Salvioni

Mendrisio, La Casa Interior Design Morges, Moyard decoration Neuägeri, Trendline Puidoux, Batiplus Design Center

Sant’Antonino, Delcò Mobili Schaan, Thöny Innenausbau Zürich, Neumarkt 17

To find your nearest dealer www.poliform.it Made in Italy

108_109_JUMBO.qxp_Layout 1 07.07.14 11:20 Pagina 108

Jumbo: a feeling of luxury umbo Collection welcomes its clientele to its brand-new showroom in Cant协 featuring displays characterised by luxurious classic design and excellence. You will find a carefully chosen selection of the production of this company, which was founded in 1985 and is now among the leading names in the sector, with a strong presence on international markets (in particular in Russia, India, China and the Middle East).


Right, Moreno Brambilla, chairman of Jumbo Collection; In both pages, various pieces of furniture of the luxurious italian design collection.


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Colombostile: a classic gift


olombostile pursues quality in every aspect of its business, including client relations. The preferred partner of architects and professionals in the interior furnishings sector all over the world, the company is ready to satisfy the particular needs of royal families, embassies, governments, large hotel chains, industry, shipping companies, and of all those preferring surroundings of extreme luxury. Founded in the heart of the Brianza region in 1886, Colombostile was responsible for refurbishing the interiors of the Kremlin and furnishing the throne room of the royal palace at Kuala Lumpur. Custom-made furnishings account for at least 60% of its production, which focuses on three creative poles that mingle innovation with tradition: the Classic Collections, perfect examples of period furnishings, and the Eclectic Collections, extreme luxury combined with an unbridled fantasy. We are still developing the third creative pole, or Contemporary Collections, which feature contemporary design interpreted by Colombostile.


Fiorella Radice Ph. Romano Fotografie

Swiss Money 210x280_Layout 1 19/06/14 10.54 Pagina 1

www.colombostile.com - info@colombostile.com

112_113_OAK.qxp_Layout 1 04.07.14 15:37 Pagina 112

Oak: tailor-made wood The pictures show a handmade furniture from the Gallery Collection, presented at the exhibition Salone del Mobile. This exquisite collection consists of more than 250 unique pieces of furniture that subtly rethink the style of the interiors of the past.

he artisan Collezione Galleria presented at the Salone del Mobile, Milan's prestigious furniture fair, featured over two hundred and fifty evocative and stunning products that add sophisticated flair to traditional period style,

T 112

enhancing the precious combination of materials and colours of each single creation with high quality finishes. Classic furniture with stunning distinctive look characterises the production of Oak Industria Arredamenti spa, a group con-

trolling three production companies: Oak Contract (turn-key interior design service), Oak Classic (classic furniture and furnishings), Oak Design (contemporary furniture and furnishings). Furniture that pays ÂŤHomage to Italian creativity, an occasion

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for rediscovering a heritage of know-how, sensibility, and quality that made the history of Italian furnishings so great and that continues to be a calling card for the Italian image worldwide. These pieces were created as a homage to diffuse the aware-

ness of the strong tradition of quality that is part of the Oak company mission and that underlines the artistic and production value of the company», says Renato Pologna, Oak company chairman. Exports account for 90 per cent of our

production. Russia, the Middle East, China, Western Europe – Great Britain and Switzerland in particular – and India: «high quality classic furniture is recognised all over the world», concludes Pologna. 113

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Agresti: delux custodian


nique products that go beyond the concept of simple strongbox to become refined furnishing accessories, masterpieces of craftmanship and creativity.


They are heavy safes and furnishings designed to contain jewellery, watches, pens, documents, games and prized possessions. The latest models include “Versailles” in Louis XV style and the new

range “I Forzieri”, armoured caskets with contemporary clean lines. There is also the stunning “I Segreti” line made using hand-painted leather for the storage of jewellery in sophisticated surroundings.

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Euromobil: new choices


he choices of the Euromobil group are changing to keep pace with developments in the world of design. Our furnishing systems and accessories reflect and anticipate changes in society: our living spaces are no longer intended to be experienced separately but are closely linked to form part of a coordinated and structured whole. In order to interpret all these trends effectively the Euromobil group chose to present all three of its brands in the same exhibition space at the Salone del Mobile, (Milan's Furniture Fair): Euromobil cucine, Zalf mobili and DĂŠsirĂŠe divani were all displayed


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together in a 1000-sq m area to create the concept of Total Home, a more thrilling and creative way of living that offers a greater range of planning opportunities. Among the various proposals you will find the clean lines and young design of the Filolain 33 kitchen with its new finishes and colours. You will also find the perfect balance between present and future attained by Filoantis. This is the kitchen that best represents the archetype of traditional and typical kitchen in a truly modern key, enhanced by fine environmentally sustainable materials.


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Chelini: artisan chic


he main inspiration for each creation is the skill of Tuscan craftsmen, carefully selected materials, attention to detail and to finishing touches, and a love of beauty. Stunning


colours and lines meet the sophisticated classic style distinguishing this company proposing a new approach to home living. The versatility of Chelini furniture, which is entirely Made in Italy, is

not limited to dimensions – thanks to the possibility of custom-made options – but extends to the chic style with a dash of glamour that blends in perfectly with every kind of decor.

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Ag. Santi+Santi

Showroom Miami Wynwood Art District 2310 NW 2nd Avenue 33127 Miami (FL) - USA T +1 305 572 0990 Showroom London SoFarSoNear UK Ltd 19, Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7HT United Kingdom T +44 207 235 7599

120_ILLULIAN.qxp_Layout 1 04.07.14 15:59 Pagina 120

Illulian: masterfully knotted

historic name with an international reputation in the antiques and luxury furnishings sector, Illulian has been in the business for over 50 years. Founded in 1960 by Massoud Illulian, the company is now



headed by Shahnaz Illulian and her sons Davis and Bendis Ronchetti Illulian. Illulian has two prestigious showrooms in Via Manzoni, in Milan's highclass shopping district: one, a temple to antique carpets with refined exam-

ples of uniquely rare and precious floor coverings while the other is an elegant showroom with innovative proposals characterised by top-class design, superb craftsmanship and highly luminous colours.


The best furniture brands made in Italy Assembly and transport all around Switzerland Worldwide shipping Architect and designer assistance

arredamenti Via Negrini 1 - Cermenate (Co) - Italy info@centroforme.com Tel. +39.031.771.985

EMERALD_layout 07.07.14 11:24 Pagina 122


SUSPENDED BETWEEN WATER AND SKY Located at the foot of Mount San Salvatore, in the municipality of Paradiso, is the residential complex Emerald Living. The complex on offer has been set on a naturally out-jutting terrace whose elevation provides a breathtaking 180-degree view, ensuring complete privacy. ugano, jewel of the lakes south of the Alps, is not only Switzerland's third most important financial, conference, banking and business centre, but also has many gardens, villas and religious buildings. It offers both a quiet and a social life, as well as all the services of



a big city in a welcoming, people-friendly environment. Moreover, it is only 45 minutes from Milan, the Italian capital of fashion, design and classical music. A city filled with museums and art-galleries offering a rich cultural and historic heritage.

While integrated within the urban fabric of Lugano, the municipality of Paradiso enjoys complete autonomy. This enables the municipality to benefit from all the city’s services, while remaining politically and financially independent of it. This dynamic and well-governed

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municipality boasts some of the lowest local taxes in the canton of Ticino and can draw upon substantial funds. Thanks to its careful administration, it has managed to write off the expenses for the primary infrastructures developed so far (schools, a lido, sports facilities, a multi-storey car-park, a town hall, an old people’s home, etc.) and to have a contingent asset that may be invested in new infrastructures, to further raise the local living standard. Plans have been made for the construction of a new harbour, a multi-storey car-park on the shores of the lake, and a the renovation and embellishment of the charming lake prom-

enade, which will be made even more charming. Over time, Emerald Living residents too will have the opportunity to apply for a private mooring space within the new complex. The administration of the municipality is efficient, dynamic and always ready to help, and our experience with it has only been positive. No doubt, this will also prove to be the case for apartment owners seeking the assistance of municipal authorities. Another advantage of living in Paradiso is having access to the motorway in a northbound or southbound direction, since the entrance to it is located near the municipality. This means there is

no need for residents to cross the urban area of Lugano, where there is always traffic. Because of these significant advantages, the municipality of Paradiso is witnessing a real boom in the development of apartments, mostly designed for upper-middle-class buyers. The consequence of all this will be the replacement of old properties with newly built, modern ones. The housing complex, which may be accessed through a private street with a gate, extends above the municipal road that leads up to it. The complex comprises two main buildings, A uphill and B downhill, which are mutually linked and fork out. The complex further includes a small, top-quality design hotel with around twenty rooms and a restaurant with a spacious panoramic terrace. While also open to diners coming from outside, this restaurant has especially been conceived as a catering venue for local apartment owners. This lends a dynamic touch to the residential complex: “the presence of the hotel gives liveliness and added value to the place, not just for clients from the outside but for the residents themselves, who can use this small and exclusive structure of great charm to accommodate visiting friends or acquaintances, or to simply invite them over for lunch or dinner without having to cook.� Flat-cleaning and laundry services are also available. Next to the restaurant are multifunctional meeting rooms and a fitness centre with the latest training equipment. The fitness and body-care services provided here will satisfy even the most demanding clients. The centre also includes a large swimming pool and a modern thalassotherapy area. The service at the restaurant will be impeccable and will meet the expectations even of the most refined gourmands. The fittings and furnishings are provided by the Lugano-based international company IHD, which for forty years - under the guidance of architect Galloni - has been focusing on Left, the view of Lake Lugano from the terraces of the apartments in Residenza Emerald Living in Paradiso


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the interior decoration of luxury hotels, cruise ships, private houses and highfashion boutiques. The restaurant, hotel and fitness centre are independently managed. Apartment owners can choose and pay for whatever services they want and are not responsible for the management of these facilities. Plans have been made for an appropriate number of parking lots, storerooms and cellars of a suitable size for the complex. The parking lots are connected


through lifts whose doors - operated with a special key - open up directly onto one’s apartment. While the complex on offer is located in a verdant landscape, the city centre lies only a few minutes away, and there is practically no acoustic or atmospheric pollution. To ensure privacy and safety, the promoters have purchased an additional 40,000 m2 of natural woodland in the immediate environs. The planning was made by qualified

professionals. The plan of the neighbourhood was developed by architect Bruno Vezzoni from Cademario, professor at the UniversitĂ della Svizzera Italiana. What has proven crucial for this project is the advice provided by another Ticinese architect, Luca Gazzaniga, who managed the construction work in all its various phases: from the request for a building permit down to the completion of the very last components. The architect founded the studio named after him

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In this picture, the Emerald Living residence meets modern living requirements with luxury and sophistication.

in Lugano in 1989, after acquiring wideranging professional expertise in the US and Europe. He has developed countless projects on a local, national and international level, working in all areas of construction - from private housing to hotels, from offices to the commercial sector. Gazziniga is also the co-founder of the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio. The project management has been entrusted to the Lugano-based Artech company, under the direction of architect Gi-

anluca Lopes, who has acquired considerable experience in both Switzerland and abroad. Architect G. Moggio has been appointed site manager. Supporting this work team is Immobiliare Promotion. This studio of architects and interior designers offers clients the solutions most suited to their needs through an all-round consultancy service which covers everything from the actual construction work down to the partition of interiors and the choice of furnishings - in other words, ensuring per-

fectly customized apartments. The utmost care has been taken to eliminate noise or reduce it to a minimum. In the construction phase, all structures have been designed and developed in such a way as to prevent the transmission even of the slightest noises, and even individual elements - such as doors, windows, lifts, etc. - have been carefully tested before installation. The IFEC company responsible for these tests has received prestigious commissions for important engineering as well as building


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The partners who contributed to the AIL Sa via della Posta 8 6901 Lugano 058 866 78 11 info@ail.ch

CBR Engineering Ag Parkstrasse 6 4402 Frenkendorf 061 375 90 60 sales@cbr-e.com

FBF Management Sa riva Paradiso 2a 6900 Paradiso 091 921 46 65 info@fbf-sa.ch

Alpiq In Tec Ticino Sa via Monte Brè 8 6900 Lugano 058 261 00 00 info.ait.ticino@alpiq.com

Cispi Consulenza Sa via San Salvatore 6900 Lugano Paradiso 091 980 32 17 info@cispi.ch Conconi Sud Sa via Pozzi Artisti 6873 Corteglia 091 646 13 45 info@conconi.com

Galli Sicurezza Sa via Ciani 14 6900 Lugano 091 973 50 50 info@galli-sicurezza.com

Alpuriget Sagl via Industria 7 6826 Riva San Vitale 091 630 55 55 info@alpuriget.ch Arca Ceramiche Srl viale Belforte 154 22100 Varese +39 033 233 13 00 info@arcaceramiche.it Artech Sa via degli Albrizzi 1 6900 Lugano 091 924 06 07 info@artech.ch Banca Raiffeisen Lugano via Pretorio 22 6900 Lugano 091 911 90 01 lugano@raiffeisen.ch Borlini & Zanini Sa via al Molino Scairolo 6915 Pambio Noranco 091 980 04 05 info@borlini-zanini.ch

Consorzio Gessatori c/o Bazzana Sa via Grumo 10 6929 Gravesano 091 605 22 81 info@bazzana.ch Dionea Consulenza Ambientale via Praccio 5 6900 Massagno 091 945 09 30 dionea@dionea.ch Drytech Sa via Industrie 12 6930 Bedano 091 960 23 40 ticino@drytech.ch Elettronorma Sa via Cortivallo 22 6900 Lugano 091 968 10 54 daruess@elettronorma.ch

Grano Giardini via San Gottardo 22 6943 Vezia 091 968 16 09 infogranogiardini.com Griesser Ag Tänikonerstrasse 3 8355 Aadorf 084 888 81 11 info@griesser.ch IFEC Consulenze Sa via Lischedo 9 6802 Rivera - Monteceneri 091 935 97 00 contact@ifec.ch IHD Interior Haut Design via Nassa 29 6900 Lugano 091 911 96 66 info@ihd-design.com Implenia Costruzione Sa strada Regina 50 6934 Bioggio 091 911 96 66 info.ticino@implenia.com

Brugnoli e Gottardi Ingegneri Consulenti Sa via Praccio 5 6908 Massagno 091 922 04 33 ufficio@beg-ingegneri.ch

Emerald Casa Sa via Cassarinetta 10 6900 Lugano 091 985 20 50 info@emerald-living.ch

Impresa Barella Sa corso San Gottardo 106 6830 Chiasso 3 091 695 80 40 info@impresabarella.ch

BTF SA Costruzioni Metalliche zona industriale 6943 Vezia 091 960 70 90 info@btf.ch

Enea Gmbh Bücherstrasse 12 8645 Rapperswil-Jona 055 225 55 55 info@enea.ch

Industrie Chimiche Riunite Sa via Franz Soldati 5 6830 Chiasso 091 682 36 21 info@icrch.ch

Capoferri Sa via Motta 61 6826 Riva San Vitale 091 648 11 28 capoferri@capoferri.ch

Ernestomeda Lugano via F. Pelli 5 6900 Lugano 091 940 16 16 info@ernestomedalugano.ch

Isosil Sa via Rompada 14 6987 Caslano 091 606 34 52 info@isosil.ch


doppia_Emerald_EN.qxp_Layout 1 07.07.14 12:11 Pagina 3

success of Emeral Living project Krüger + Co AG winterhaklenstrasse 11 9113 Degersheim 084 837 03 70 info@krueger.ch

P.L. Valli Sa via Grancia 6 6916 Grancia 091 985 95 10 info@valli.ch

Stump Foratec Sa via Baragge 1a 6512 Giubiasco 091 857 20 31 info@stump.ch

Laube Sa via Guasto 1 6818 Melano 091 648 28 55 info@laube-sa.ch

Pavicem Sa via Védeggio 1 6928 Manno 091 930 91 29 info@pavicem.ch

Taddei Laurenti Sa via Cantonale 13 6900 Lugano 091 940 27 07 taddei-laurenti@ticino.com

Luca Gazzaniga Architetti Sagl Piazza Franscini 5 6900 Lugano 091 972 10 69 studio@lucagazzaniga.com

R. Canonica e Figli Sa zona Industriale 4 6807 Taverne 091 945 32 41 info@rcanonica-e-figli.ch

Togliani Gianni Geologo gradinata Forghée 2 6900 Massagno 091 966 99 74 gtogliani@bluewin.ch

Maspoli Fratelli Sa strada Regina 129 6982 Agno 091 605 18 71 info@maspolifratelli.ch Medat Fiduciaria via Generale Guisan 16 6900 Paradiso 091 993 39 93 info@medat.ch Moggio Giuliano via sotto il Monte 4 6934 Bioggio 091 950 83 58 gmoggio@ticino.com

Regazzi Sa via alle Gerre 1 6596 Gordola 091 735 66 00 info@regazzi.ch RWD Schlatter Sa St. Gallerstrasse 21 9325 Roggwil TG 071 454 63 00 info@rwdschlatter.ch Sandro Sormani Sa via Colombera 30 6987 Caslano 091 611 80 00 info@sandrosormani.ch

Torsetta Sa via Santa Maria 60 6596 Gordola 091 743 15 48 info@torsetta.ch

Tyco Integrated Fire & Security Industriestrasse 4 8752 Näfels 055 618 43 43 tyco.ch@tycoint.com

Valsecchi Sa via Vallemaggia 29 6600 Locarno 091 751 16 47 info@swiss-stone-group.com

Nadia Longhini Ing. via alla Campagna 9 6924 Sorengo 091 993 02 20

Sanitas Troesch Ag Hardturmstrasse 101 8031 Zürich 044 446 15 31 c.kaenzig@sanitastroesch.ch

New Job Costruzioni Sa via Rampiga 6917 Barbengo 091 994 90 13 info@newjobcostruzioni.ch

Schindler Ascensori Sa Centro Nord-Sud via Campagna 6934 Bioggio 091 611 95 95 ticino@ch.schindler.com

Notenstein Banca Privata Sa via Canova 12 6900 Lugano 091 912 11 11 lugano@notenstein.ch

Selva Interior Sa Riva Antonio Caccia 1C 6900 Lugano 091 994 45 44 info@selvainterior.com

Vezzoni Bruno Architetto zona Paese 6936 Cademario 091 941 44 74

Spannverbund Bausysteme Gmbh Feldstrasse 66 8180 Bülach 044 862 52 00 info@spannverbund.ch

Visani Rusconi Talleri Centro Carvina 2 6807 Taverne 091 911 10 30 info@vrt.ch

Officine Ghidoni Sa via al Pizzante 9 6595 Riazzino 091 850 50 00 info@officineghidoni.ch

Veragouth Sa via Industrie 24 6930 Bedano 091 935 79 79 info@veragouth.com

EMERALD_layout 04.07.14 15:01 Pagina 128


In this picture, the view on Lugano Lake from the terrace. Next page, the entrance to the garages of the luxurious housing complex.

projects (e.g. tunnels). Around sixty companies have been working on this innovative construction project. Its most striking feature is the architectural plan, which hinges on the contrast between the white façades and the wide glass surfaces of the terraces -


C’est sur les flancs du mont San Salvatore, et plus précisément sur une terrasse naturelle située dans la commune de Paradiso, que se dresse l’ensemble résidentiel « Emerald Living », d’où l’on peut embrasser un panorama à 180 degrés et jouir d’une intimité totales. L’ensemble se compose de deux corps de bâtiment principaux (« A » en amont et « B » en aval) offrant l’image d’une paire de ciseau ouverte. Au sein de cet ensemble : un hôtel très haut de gamme comprenant une vingtaine de chambres et un restaurant agrémenté d’une terrasse panoramique, accessible à la clientèle extérieure et à la disposition des propriétaires d’appartements, notamment en ce qui concerne le service de traiteur. Auprès du restaurant, se trouvent des salles polyvalentes pour les réunions et un espace fitness doté d’équipements de dernière génération, d’une piscine, et d’un secteur thalasso des plus modernes. Bien que l’ensemble soit situé dans un océan de verdure, le centre-ville n’est qu’à quelques minutes ; la pollution sonore et atmosphérique est d’autre part quasi nulle. La partie du complexe réservée aux logements, se compose d’appartements allant de 3 1/2 jusqu’à 7 pièces (ou même davantage), grâce l’association de plusieurs unités d’habitation.


as well as between these and the section of the building clad in grey granite, which is clearly marked out yet at the same time easily blends with the natural surroundings. The vast majority of these companies are local ones, although supplies and furnishings have been pro-


Sulle pendici del monte San Salvatore, su una terrazza naturale nel comune di Paradiso, sorge il complesso residenziale Emerald Living, in grado di garantire una privacy totale e da cui si gode di una vista mozzafiato a 180 gradi sul lago. È composto da due corpi principali (A a monte e B verso valle) che si aprono a forbice. Nel complesso inoltre trova posto un piccolo hotel di altissimo livello di una ventina di camere e con un ristorante con ampia terrazza panoramica, aperto per una clientela esterna ma soprattutto a disposizione dei proprietari degli appartamenti quale servizio cathering. Accanto al ristorante, sale polivalenti per riunioni e soprattutto un fitness attrezzato con macchinari e impianti di ultima generazione, completato da una grande piscina e da un settore moderno di talassoterapia. Pur essendo questo complesso immerso nel verde, il centro città è raggiungibile in pochi minuti e l’inquinamento sia fonico che atmosferico è praticamente inesistente. La parte abitativa si compone di appartamenti che vanno da 3 1/2 fino a 7 o anche più locali, cosa possibile grazie all’abbinamento di più unità.

vided by Italian companies with a solid international reputation for the high quality and design of their products. Another service for which the promoter can act as a go-between is the funding provided by the bank that has taken charge of the promotion. This is a


An den Hängen des Monte San Salvatore erhebt sich auf einem natürlichen Plateau in der Gemeinde Paradiso die Residenz Emerald Living, die einen atemberaubenden 180-Grad-Ausblick bietet und gleichzeitig totale Privatsphäre garantiert. Die Wohnanlage besteht aus zwei scherenförmig angelegten Hauptbereichen, A am Hang und B zum Tal hin. Ausserdem verfügt das Anwesen über ein kleines erstklassiges Hotel mit zwanzig Zimmern und einem Restaurant mit grosser Panoramaterrasse, das auch für Publikum von ausserhalb geöffnet ist, vor allem aber den Appartementbesitzern als Cateringservice zur Verfügung steht. Neben dem Restaurant gibt es noch Mehrzweckräume für Meetings und vor allem ein mit den neuesten Geräten und Anlagen ausgestattetes Fitnesscenter mit grossem Pool und einem modernen Thalassotherapiebereich. Obwohl dieses Anwesen mitten im Grünen liegt, erreicht man das Zentrum von Lugano in wenigen Minuten. Lärmbelästigung oder Luftverschmutzung existieren praktisch überhaupt nicht. Die Residenz ist in Appartements aufgeteilt, die 3 1/2 bis 7 oder mehr Zimmer haben, denn es können auch mehrere Einheiten zusammengelegt werden.

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leading Swiss bank, and it is worth noting that both interest rates on mortgages and amortizations are particularly convenient in Switzerland. As was bound to be the case, given the outstanding quality of the product, the commercialization of the apartments has yielded highly satisfactory results. Currently around 60% of the flats have already been sold, and as the operation draws near to completion we are witnessing an exponential acceleration in sales. The work is to be completed in different stages. The first will be in approximately six months from now, the last at the end of the year. The commercialization has been exclusively entrusted to the Emerald Casa company of Lugano, with Mrs Ursula Lueken as the sole contact person and shareholder. Mrs Lueken - who has been successfully operating in the luxury real estate market for over thirty years is also the co-promoter and managing director of the project. According to the head of the Emerald Living sales team, the range of buyers is truly international. Aside from local and Swiss clients, the list of buyers includes people from all around the world, with a total of around fifteen different nationalities for now. An apartment in a luxury residential complex with so many assets represents a genuine commodity for foreign buyers, who will benefit from the wellknown stability and safety of Switzerland, as well as favourable tax condi-

tions (with low inheritance taxes or none at all), little red-tape, fine weather, and the beautiful landscape of Ticino - also known as the Sonnenstube, or sun-belt, of the country. The city of Lugano offers everything one would expect from a small city with services appreciated by an international clientèle. More demanding clients might wish to explore the glamour of Milan, which can be reached in just forty-five minutes from Lugano. This large Italian city is universally acknowledged as an interna-

tional point of interest for fashion - which finds its highest expression in the luxury window displays in Via Montenapoleone and Via della Spiga - as well as culture, since the Teatro La Scala is one of the world shrines to opera and classical music. Finally, we should not forget another important asset of our canton: the Lugano-Agno Airport (only 5 km away from the complex). Many of our clients use this to reach Ticino in a short time, even with private planes, as this small but flexible airport provides


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plenty of parking space. The apartments enjoy a truly unique setting, with the rich woodland of Mount San Salvatore and the waters of Lake Lugano ensuring an ideal microclimate. Facing the site, the green area of the hill is further extended by one of the public parks of Paradiso: the Guidino panoramic park. This extensive area covered in lush vegetation includes a public sports facility: a 1.6-km fitness trail open to the public and equipped with special exercise stations. The residential area consists of apartments with a number of rooms that varies from 3 1/2 to 7 or even more, through the combination of different units. Prices range from a minimum of

CHF 9,000 per m2 to a maximum of CHF 15,000, with the exception of a few more luxury apartments. The attic flats are connected to the roof terrace, which is furnished with plants, arbours, benches, a lawn area and wooden or stone floors. Provisions have been made for the addition of jacuzzis or kitchenettes. These terraces may be reached via staircases or lifts and are the area of the complex that affords the best view. For the interior of the apartments materials, equipment and installations of the highest quality have been used. The apartments have been designed to ensure optimum energy efficiency. The thermal requirements for both heating and hot water are met through the use of a power

In this picture, the interiors of the Emerald Living apartments are finely appointed with great attention to detail. Opposite page top, Ursula Lueken, managing director of Emerald Casa. 130

station in block A, which is connected to a sub-station in block B, equipped with a gas boiler for condensation heat recovery, combined with an environmentally friendly waste heat recovery pump. Each apartment has its own heating system and through a control panel for home automation located in the entrance hall it is possible to “pilot� the functioning of the electrical and electronic devices in each room: from the setting of the heating and air conditioning to the activation/deactivation of the various alarm systems, from the opening/closing of the shutters to the switching on/off of the various light sources. For the lucky buyers, this represents a pleasant investment to be fully enjoyed;

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a safe investment, given the outstanding quality of the property, whose value can only increase over time. The ground-floor apartments are surrounded by enclosed private gardens on two sides. The empty area between the two buildings has been set aside for gardens in common created by Enea, a wellknown company of landscape architects that has designed some of the most important parks and gardens around the world. These exterior green areas, filled with Mediterranean plants, hedges, trees and flowers, also include a pond, paths, benches, and play areas for children. The variety of plants ensures constant flowering from spring to late autumn. The gardens have convenient, artistically

arranged lighting sources, as well as two small lifts that allow disabled people to move across the different levels. Sculptures by important artists will be installed to complete the setting. When it comes to safety, there can be no compromise. The residential complex is accessed through an entrance gate guarded and operated by a custodian, who will be living in one of the apartments. The whole estate is fenced off and monitored through the use of CCTV cameras installed in key areas. This also applies to the lifts and parking lots. In addition, an independent surveillance system may be set up to monitor windows and entrance doors in each housing unit. This system may be linked to the municipal or cantonal police, or to other enforcement agencies. Each apartment has an armoured, anti-thefts, double-lock front door. All flats have a safe anchored to a wall. In the basement an air-raid shelter has been designed that complies to the safety standards set by the canton and the confederation and which is large enough to house all residents of the complex.

A successful development venture Emerald Living thus stands as a welldefined and carefully planned construction project, backed by a solid group - Emerald Casa. Six years afe of the sustainable development of the canton’s economy. Elena Steiger

Via Cassarinetta 10 CH - 6900 Lugano Tel 091-985 20 50 • info@emerald-casa.ch

Via Nassa 29 - CH 6900 Lugano T +41 (0)58 258 30 10 F +41 (0)58 258 30 15 www.ihd-design.com


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London Stansted Leipzig/Halle Dusseldorf


Paris CDG Stuttgart Linz

Zurich Bolzano Geneva

Lugano Belgrade





Lyon Biarritz Toulouse

Nice Marseille











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Loyalty Programme: Etihad Guest


ETIHAD GUEST PROGRAMME BENEFITS This table outlines the benefits you can enjoy depending on yo membersh hip tier: Etihad Guest

Etihad Guest Silver

Etihad Guest Gold

Flying with Etihad Airways is an experience that stays with you long after you get off the plane. Which is why we’ve designed our loyalty programme around the one Etihad aspect that truly matters: you. With Etihad Guest*, your Guest Gold opportunities to earn and spend Etihad Guest Miles are Elite virtually endless.


0 - 25,000 miles

over 25,000 miles or 20 segments

over 50,000 miles or 40 segments

over 125,000 miles or 60 segments

Earn Etihad Guest Miles

miles as per fare class

25% extra miles

50% extra miles

75% extra miles




If booked 48 hrs in advance

If booked 24 hrs in advance

If booked 12 hrs in advance

10 kgs

15 kgs

20 kgs

Lounge acceess* Guaranteed Coral Econom my Seat* Excess Baggage allowance*

If booked 48 hrs in advance

Guaranteed Pearl Business Seat* Priority check-in and boarding

Irrespective of the cabin flown.

Fast track immigration and baggage Family Membership

Applicable for o all tiers.

Etihad Guest terms and conditions apply. * Applicable only on Etihad Airways flights.

Joining Etihad Guest is simple and free: Ğij ßû Ø Ëß¿Ø (÷¿¼ £ 4û¦ñ÷ č Ñß··¿Ø· ¿Ø÷ß etihadguest.com instant and entering the membership number and PIN given o the attached card. 2. Validate your email address upon receiving your verificatio email. Alternatively, you can complete the attached enrollment for and send it to Etihad Guest (refer to the back of the form fo details).

Earn Etihad Guest Miles As an Etihad Guest member you can earn miles every time you fly with us and our airline partners, spend with our non-airline partners, or visit our online shop.

Spend Etihad Guest Miles After earning your miles, you can choose to spend them as you like - book your dream vacation, shop for wonderful gifts, convert to cash, or even donate your miles to the less fortunate. Options for spending Etihad Guest Miles include:

Reward Flights Spend your miles for Etihad Airways flights, or choose from one of our airline partners and travel to 3,000 destinations.

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Po ointsPay Con o vert your Etihad Guest Miles to cash to sp pend at over 30 million outlets worldwide. * Etihad Guest is the loyaltty programme for Etihad Airways, Air Seychelles & Air Serbia. ** Applicable only on Etiha ad Airways flights.


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Charter Service

“The Charter Business requires remarkable versatility and organizational skills. Our specialized department is dedicated exclusively to achieving these goals.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, offers an exclusive ad hoc charter service and is dedicated to fulfill its client’s requirements. As a company we have been working in this field for several years and have the experience to offer a tailor-made product to meet the needs of a wide range of costumers (companies, tour operators, sport teams and religious tourism). Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline provides high quality, cutting edge standards and guarantees a unique product for its clients.


“L’attività nel settore Charter richiede una notevole versatilità e capacità di organizzazione. Per questo motivo abbiamo un dipartimento specializzato che si dedica esclusivamente a questo settore della nostra compagnia aerea.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, compagnia aerea regionale svizzera, offre un esclusivo servizio di voli charter ad hoc adatto a molteplici necessità. Richiesti ed apprezzati da diversi anni, questi particolari voli vengono operati per conto di diversi clienti quali aziende, operatori turistici, team sportivi, turismo religioso, ecc. Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline punta ad elevati standard di qualità e professionalità per garantire ai propri clienti un prodotto di alto livello offrendo un servzio che si adatti al meglio alle esigenze dei propri passeggeri. Scegliere Etihad Regional significa avere numerose soluzione personalizzate.

Etihad Regional can provide a customized catering service and crews speaking the language of your choice (Italian, English, German, French). We will be glad to accomodate any additional requirements you may have.

A bordo avrete la possibilità di scegliere un servizio catering personalizzato. Potrete richiedere assistenti di volo di lingua italiana, francese, tedesca o inglese. Siamo inoltre lieti di valutare richieste di personalizzazione del prodotto (annunci a bordo, salviettine rinfrescanti, appoggia testa con il vostro marchio, ecc.).

The characteristics of the aircrafts in fleet allow Etihad Regional to reach a vast majority of European airports which major airline are unable to operate to (like Engadin airport Samedan (CH), Pantelleria airport (I), Calvì airport, etc.). This enables our customers to enjoy a direct service, arriving as close as possible to their chosen destination.

Le caratteristiche degli aeromobili in flotta permettono di raggiungere la maggior parte degli scali europei compresi aeroporti minori sui quali le major airline non riescono ad operare (tra cui l’aeroporto Samedan in Engadina (CH), l’aeroporto di Pantelleria (I), l’aeroporto di Calvì (F), ecc.). Ciò vi permetterà di scegliere l’aeroporto più vicino alla vostra destinazione.

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F7 10-11, 14-17-18-19


Geneva - Florence

F7 130-131


Geneva - Valencia

F7 350-351-352-353


Geneva - Rome

F7 154-155-158-159


Geneva - Stuttgart

F7 260-261


Geneva - Zurich

F7 20-21-22-23


Geneva - Belgrade

F7 394-395


Geneva - Toulouse

F7 464-465


Geneva - Verona

F7 160-161


Geneva - Bordeaux

F7 334-335


Geneva - Marseille

F7 468-469


Geneva - Nice

F7 410-411


Geneva - Venice

F7 190-191


Zurich - Florence

F7 132-133


Zurich - Turin

F7 498-499


Zurich - Linz

F7 992-993


Zurich - Verona

F7 164-165


Zurich - Lyon

F7 994-995


Zurich - Dresden

F7 262-263


Dusseldorf - Geneva

F7 282-283


Dusseldorf - London Stansted

F7 272-273-274-275-279


Dusseldorf - Zurich

F7 280-281


Leipzig - Paris Charles-de-Gaulle

F7 252-253


Leipzig - Amsterdam

F7 254-255


Leipzig - Geneva

F7 264-265


Leipzig - Zurich

F7 250-251


Bolzen - Rome

F7 112-113-114-115-116-117-118-119


Cambridge - Verona

F7 166-167


Dresden - Amsterdam

F7 268-269


From Lugano Lugano - Geneva From Geneva

From Zurich

From Dusseldorf

From Leipzig

From other bases





From Lugano Lugano - Cagliari

01.06.14 - 28.09.14

F7 140-141


Lugano Kû· Øß ȑ XÑ ¿

31.05.14 - 27.09.14

F7 100-101


Lugano - Pantelleria

31.05.14 - 27.09.14

F7 180-181


Lugano - Ibiza

01.06.14 - 28.09.14

F7 390-391


Geneva - Ibiza

01.06.14 - 28.09.14

F7 380-381-382-383


Geneva - Biarritz

06.06.14 - 29.09.14

F7 470-471


Geneva - Cagliari

21.06.14 - 21.09.14

F7 1162-1163


Geneva - Calvi CLY

24.05.14 - 27.09.14

F7 1440-1441


From Geneva

* 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 5 Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday 138

Adv Santi+Santi



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