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EVOLUTION N. 38 December 2014 - January 2015
N. 38 December 2014 - January 2015
La pietra della vita e dell’amore «Le tonalità del rubino cangiano, chiare e vellutate, dal rosa al porpora scuro. Quanto più luminoso, quanto più vivido è lo scintillio del rosso, tanto più pregiata e preziosa è questa pietra, simbolo della vita e dell’amore». Dr. Eduard J. Gübelin (1913 – 2005)
Rubino birmano da 6.95 carati, taglio ovale
Lucerna Zurigo Basilea Berna St. Moritz Ginevra Lugano Kuala Lumpur Hong Kong
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Official in-flight magazine ETIHAD REGIONAL HEAD OF MARKETING Massimo Boni
December 2014 - January 2015 PUBLISHER Società editrice Ticino Management SA Valerio de Giorgi (CEO) CP 749 CH - 6903 Lugano EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elisabetta Calegari LAYOUT Lavinia Cardi Cigoli EDITORIAL STAFF Simona Manzione, Anna Martano Grigorov, Marzio Molinari, Angela Mollisi, Donatella Révay, Elena Steiger, Claus Winterhalter CONTRIBUTIONS Jacques Blondeau, Nicky Bouwmeester, Luca D’Alessandro, Claudio Fantuzzi, Edoardo Granata, Karine Landgren Hugentobler, Chicca Magri, Dora Paradies, Petra Peter, Emilia Regazzoni, David Suter TRANSLATIONS Scriptum, Rome English: Karen Tomatis Français: Claude Sophie Mazéas Deutsch: Gertrud Ruth Prucker
Paris, pag. 38
Europe agenda
Gascony: foie gras land
The Spartan Race
Germany agenda
Toulouse in search of future time
Canton of Ticino agenda
Dresden and Leipzig Christmas markets
Italy agenda
Winter holidays in Lugano
Austria agenda
Winter in Florence 77
Christmas gifts ideas
Vienna: something old & something new
Castelgandolfo Golf Club in Rome
Vienna celebrates 150 years of splendor
Events in Abu Dhabi city
Augs’steckt is – wine tasting with all senses
Netherlands agenda
Amsterdam DNA
France agenda
Shopping in Paris
Electronic devices
Loyalty programme
Switzerland agenda 96
Charter service
An international marketplace for art
The fleet
Magical atmosphere
EDITING AND ADVERTISING Valerio De Giorgi Ticino Management Via Vergiò 8 CH - 6932 Breganzona Tel. +41(0)91 / 610 29 29 Fax +41(0)91 / 610 29 10 CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION 38,000 copies: all Etihad Regional flights, Lugano airport, 4 and 5 star hotels, associations, boards and institutions
On the cover: an unusual image of Florence under the snow N. 38 December 2014 - January 2015
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CHERES LECTRICES, CHERS LECTEURS, Bienvenus à bord de la flotte Etihad Regional, opérée par Darwin Airline. Ce numéro de notre magazine est le dernier de l’année 2014, mais vous pourrez le lire à bord de nos avions également pendant tout le mois de janvier 2015. Nous voici donc à la fin d’une année intense, durant laquelle nous avons affronté plusieurs défis : dès janvier, notre partenariat avec Etihad Airways nous a projeté dans une nouvelle dimension opérationnelle et nous a conduit vers une stratégie de business plus efficace et flexible. Rien qu’en 2014, nous avons en effet inauguré vingt nouvelles destinations, augmenté notre flotte de quatre nouveaux appareils, ouvert une base à Zurich et nous sommes entrés sur le marché d’un pays important comme l’Allemagne. Notre bilan est donc plus que positif et nous sommes vraiment fiers de clore cette année avec une bonne dose d’optimisme également pour l’année 2015. Tout en opérant sur un marché très complexe comme celui du transport aérien européen, nous pensons pouvoir être compétitifs et avoir aujourd’hui des partenaires nous permettant de représenter une alternative valable sur différentes destinations, et ce pas uniquement pour les passagers suisses. Nous sommes en effet convaincus de pouvoir continuer à vous offrir nos liaisons et nos services sur différents marchés européens, ainsi que de nouvelles opportunités de partenariat avec les autres partenaires d’équité d’Etihad Airways, aujourd’hui facilement reconnaissables grâce au nouveau logo de partenariat présenté en octobre. Enfin, une dernière nouveauté qui sera, je l’espère, appréciée, c’est notre site web qui vous permettra de recevoir toutes les informations sur notre compagnie et sur les destinations desservies à l’adresse
LIEBE LESERINNEN, LIEBE LESER, Gerne heissen wir Sie wieder willkommen an Bord der Flotte Etihad Regional, deren Flüge von Darwin Airline durchgeführt werden. Dies ist das letzte Heft unseres Magazins im Jahr 2014, aber Sie werden es auch im Januar 2015 noch an Bord unserer Flugzeuge lesen können. Ein arbeitsreiches Jahr geht zu Ende, in dem wir einige Herausforderungen gemeistert haben. Seit Januar befinden wir uns Dank der Partnerschaft mit Etihad Airways in einer neuen operativen Dimension und haben uns einer effizienteren und flexibleren business strategy verschrieben. Allein im Jahr 2014 wurden mehr als zwanzig neue Routen lanciert, vier neue Flugzeuge kamen zu unserer Flotte hinzu, in Zürich wurde unser Hauptquartier eröffnet und wir haben den so wichtigen deutschen Markt erobert. Unsere Bilanz ist mehr als positiv und so sind wir stolz darauf, dass wir das Jahr mit einem gesunden Optimismus für das Jahr 2015 beschliessen können. Wir arbeiten in einem sehr komplexen Markt, wie es der Flugbetrieb in Europa nun mal ist, doch wir sind der Meinung, dass wir absolut konkurrenzfähig sind und nun die richtigen Partner besitzen, um den Schweizer Fluggästen – und nicht nur ihnen – für viele Destinationen eine echte Alternative zu bieten. Wir werden Ihnen ohne Zweifel auch weiterhin auf verschiedenen europäischen Märkten unsere Verbindungen und Leistungen liefern sowie alle neuen Möglichkeiten der Partnerschaft mit den anderen equity partners von Etihad Airways zur verfügung stellen, die heute Dank des im Oktober eingeführten neuen Partnerlogos noch leichter zu erkennen sind. Zuletzt noch eine Neuigkeit, die Sie hoffentlich schätzen werden: unser neuer Internetauftritt, der Ihnen alle Informationen zu unserer Fluggesellschaft und den von uns angeflogenen Destinationen unter liefert.
Je saisis l’occasion pour vous souhaiter une merveilleuse fin d’année 2014 et une année 2015 riche en nouveautés et en nouvelles expériences de vol avec nous !
Ich wünsche Ihnen allen ein wunderschönes Jahresende und ein 2015 voll Entdeckungen und neuer Flugerlebnisse mit uns!
Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
EDITORIALE_layout 04.12.14 13:16 Pagina 5
DEAR READERS, Welcome back on board this Etihad Regional aircraft, operated by Darwin Airline. This is the last issue of our magazine for 2014, but it will be available on board throughout January 2015. The year now coming to a close has been a busy one which has seen us achieve a great deal. From January, our partnership with Etihad Airways has developed our efficiency and ensured we have been able to bring you over twenty new routes, add four new aircraft to our fleet, open a new base of operations in Zurich and enter the important German market. Our outlook for 2015 is positive. We have a competitive edge in partnership with Etihad Airways, we have re-launched, and made our pricing structure more aligned to the products and services you wish to pay for, making Etihad Regional a more competitive choice than ever before. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous 2015 and to thank you for your flying with us. I look forward to welcoming you on-board in the New Year! Captain Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
CARE LETTRICI, CARI LETTORI, Benritrovati a bordo della flotta Etihad Regional, operata da Darwin Airline. Questo è l’ultimo numero per il 2014 del nostro magazine ma potrete leggerlo a bordo dei nostri aerei anche per tutto il mese di gennaio del 2015. Volge alla fine quindi un anno intenso che ci ha visto impegnati in diverse sfide: fin da gennaio, la partnership con Etihad Airways ci ha proiettato in una nuova dimensione operativa e ci ha sostenuto verso una strategia di business più efficiente e flessibile. Contiamo nel solo 2014 il lancio di oltre venti nuove rotte, l’inserimento in flotta di quattro nuovi aeromobili, l’apertura di una nostra base a Zurigo e l’ingresso in un mercato importante come quello tedesco. Il nostro bilancio è più che positivo e siamo davvero orgogliosi di chiudere quindi quest’anno con una buona dose di ottimismo anche per il 2015. Pur operando in un mercato molto complesso qual è quello del trasporto aereo europeo, crediamo di poter competere e di avere ora i partner giusti per poter essere una valida alternativa su diverse destinazioni per i passeggeri svizzeri e non solo. Siamo convinti, infatti, di poter continuare a offrirvi su diversi mercati europei i nostri collegamenti e servizi così come delle nuove opportunità di partnership con gli altri equity partner di Etihad Airways, facilmente riconoscibili ora grazie al nuovo logo partner presentato ad ottobre. Infine un’ultima novità che spero apprezzerete è il nostro sito web che vi permetterà di avere tutte le informazioni sulla nostra compagnia e sulle destinazioni servite all’indirizzo Colgo l’occasione per augurare a voi tutti una splendida fine d’anno e un 2015 ricco di novità e di nuove esperienze di volo con noi! Comandante Maurizio Merlo CEO Darwin Airline
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EUROPE AGENDA leisure & business
ISU European Figure Skating Championships Stockholm - Ericsson Globe Arena - 26 .01/01.02.2015 Experience the excitement and drama on the ice when some of the world’s greatest figure skaters compete for the medals. The Opening Ceremony is held on January 28 and the Gala Exhibition on February 1. During the week the skaters, single men and ladies, pairs and ice dance couples, will compete in their Short Program and Free Skate. All skaters have to perform certain jumps, steps and spins. Pilsen European Capital of Culture In 2015 Pilsen offers more than 50 big cultural events in public spaces and over 600 other activities. The programme will encompass a variety of genres from theatre to music, exhibitions and art installations to community and educational programmes. The West Bohemian city of Pilsen, well-known throughout the world with its production of beer, is hoping to become famous as a meeting point for the arts. Each month there is one big weekend event which takes over the city. Themes will touch on personalities and stories connected with the city.. Vital Art Nouveau 1900 - Exhibition - Prague - until 31.12.2015 The Municipal House in Prague is the city’s foremost Art Nouveau building, and one of the finest in Europe, that hosts an exhibition of 19th-20th century Czech and European Art Nouveau works. 400 items are on display, including works exhibited at the Paris World’s Fair of 1900. 125th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s death in 2015 is widely commemorated with an international program. On 29 July 2015 it will be exactly 125 years since Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) died. The Van Gogh Europe Foundation, a collaboration of around 30 organisations is seizing this opportunity to honour the Dutch artist under the theme ‘125 years of inspiration’. The stimulus for this is that the artist inspires many people to this very day and that he is still very much ‘alive’, even 125 years after his death. Activities will be organised throughout the year in various towns in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and England. 6
Autosport International - The Racing Car Show Birmingham 08/11.01.2015 Featuring every level of Motor Racing - from Karting to Formula 1- the show truly brings together the world of motorsport under one roof. Catering for both professionals and Motorsport fans alike, Autosport International incorporates two Tradeonly days (8 & 9) followed by two Public days (10 & 11) dedicated to Motorsport enthusiasts. Autosport International takes place alongside the leading UK exhibition dedicated to enthusiasts of sports and performance cars, the Performance Car Show; giving visitors the ideal place to see the very best high-performance machines in their full glory.
Bisutex - Euro bijoux collection 2015 Feria de Madrid, Madrid 14/18.01.2015 International Fashion Jewellery and Accessories Trade Fair The next edition of Bisutex in the Madrid Fair will be held from the 14th to the 18th of January 2015, coinciding with the rest of fairs in which other sectors take part: MadridJoya and Intergift, reference fairs in the sectors of gift, jewellery, fashion jewellery and accessories in Spain and Portugal. They are a professional meeting point: more than 1,655 companies and brands from 25 countries and more than 42,900 trade visitors from 76 countries.
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groundpiece design by ANTONIO CITTERIO
A.D. natalia corbetta / fotografia mario ciampi
made in italy
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International Möbel Messe (imm) - Cologne 19/25.01.2015 At the imm Cologne, suppliers and decision-makers from the sector’s major markets around the world will be setting the course for successful future business. Find out what can help boost your business and discover not just new ideas but established solutions as well: the diversity, quality and internationalism you will experience at the imm cologne are second to none.Year after year, you can count on the imm cologne to present both market-ready new launches and the furnishing trends that will be shaping the future.The imm cologne isn’t just the very first interior design show of the year, it’s the first choice for renowned international exhibitors and decision-making professional visitors from all over the world as well.The imm cologne showcases inspiring interior design ideas for trendsetters and provides markets with new impetus.
Berlin Fashion Week 19-21.01.2015 Twice a year, Berlin Fashion Week turns the city into an international platform for fashion where buyers, retailers, journalists and fashion enthusiasts gather at the runway to look for new trends. Urban streetwear, plus size and eco fashion shows are only some of the focal points of the Week. While some of the shows and events are open to the public, others are accessible for buyers and retailers only.
Partner Pferd Leipziger Messe, Leipzig - 15/18.01.2015 Shopping heaven for equestrians and horse lovers. A unique mix of professional sport, adventure and wide-ranging exhibition. High-calibre tournament sport comes together with a wide-ranging exhibition; special info events combine with entertaining evening shows. Around 250 exhibitors in two halls present a vast range of products for horses and riders .
Trendset München - International Living and Lifestyle Fair for Consumer Goods - 04/06.01.2015 TrendSet features around 2,500 brands and collections from almost 40 countries regularly presented by manufacturers, importers, and commercial agencies. This wide variety has elevated TrendSet to the largest trade fair of its kind in the southern Germanspeaking region. TrendSet is only for the industry, not open to the public. On a regular basis, TrendSet welcomes 35,000 attendees from the specialty trade, mail order and catalogue order trades, and other retailers that are interested in beautiful living and life indoors and outdoors.
Enertec 2015 International Trade Fair for the generation, distribution and storage of energy - Exhibition Centre Leipzig - 27/29.01.2015 The enertec presents the latest technologies and innovative services for an efficient and forward-looking energy infrastructure. The 2015 event focuses on decentralized production of energy – also in combination with modern centralized solutions. The close connection between the enertec and the TerraTec – International Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies and Services – mirrors the complex interrelations existing between the energy and environmental sectors. 88
Caran d’Ache, Maison de Haute Ecriture, introduces its new limited edition created in collaboration with the Maison Lalique. The Crystal collection brings together several artistic crafts in three writing instruments: Crystal & Diamonds in solid gold set with 341 diamonds, Black Crystal and White Crystal in ceramic. Caran d’Ache. Swiss Made excellence since 1915.
THE MOVIE ON CARANDACHE.COM BOUTIQUES CARAN D’ACHE GENÈVE – Place du Bourg-de-Four 8 • Rue de la Corraterie 10 ZÜRICH – Löwenstrasse 19
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Andrea Büttner: “2” (4/7.11.2013) Ludwig Museum Cologne until 15.03.2015 The Ludwig Museum is showing installations, woodcuts and illustration by the artist Andrea Büttner. The space is divided into a brightly lit part and a darkened part: in the bright part the focus is on Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Andrea Büttner has illustrated passages from the philosophical work in offset-printing. In the dark part of the room the viewer sees the video installation “Piano Destructions” showing men destroying a piano.
Berlin’s Six-Day Race - 22/27.01.2015 At the six-day race in the Velodrom, professional and amateur racing cyclists compete with each other at breathtaking speed. The competitions include the traditional, international “pacemaker race”, a derby and a sprint race. In all of these competitions, champions from all over the world compete against amateurs. Aside from the races, which of course are the main events of the Six-Day Race, each day a band or solo artist takes the stage as part of an entertainment programme. The 65th Berlinale film festival Berlin 5–15.02.2015 February in Berlin is traditionally all about film: international stars on the red carpet, enthusiastic fans, film buffs from around the world – and, above all, some great films. Around 400 films are shown at the Berlinale and tickets are available for everyone, because the Berlinale is the largest public film festival in the world. Whether major international productions with top stars, experimental independent films or art-house cinema from around the world, for ten days, the festival features films that inspire, touch and let you discover new worlds. At the heart of the festival is the competition for the Golden Bear. In addition to the main competition, the Berlinale has other sections such as panorama, forum, generation for children and youth and German cinema perspectives.
Mark Dion and “The Academy of Things” Dresden - until 25.01.2015 Dion has spread the exhibition over three venues in Dresden: in addition to the exhibition gallery of the HfBK, the Octagon, exhibits are also displayed in the Green Vault, Dresden’s treasure chamber, and the Albertinum, which houses the New Masters Gallery. In the Octagon are artefacts from the courses at the Art Academy. In the Green Vault, Dion has reassembled pieces from the depots and mixed these exhibits amongst those from the treasure chamber under the name of “new curiosities”. For the presentation in the Albertinum, finally, Dion has rummaged through the Dresden Art Collections for pictures of wild animals and set the genre of animal paintings.
CTM Festival 2015 Berlin - 23.01/01.02.2015 CTM Festival for Adventurous Music and Art is an international festival dedicated to contemporary electronic, digital and experimental music. For its 16th edition, CTM shifts our focus from music’s symbolic and cultural significance and interpretation to the use and functionality of sound and music as affective forces. CTM 2015 – Un Tune aims to engage with the direct bodily effects of frequencies, sound, and music, as well as these phenomena’s synergistic effects with other sensory stimuli. Artistic experimentation with the affective and somatic effects of sounds and frequencies opens up possibilities of tuning and de-tuning the composite that interconnects body, matter, energy, and (musical) machines – and of exploring our perception. 10
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Piacere di guidare
Se esiste un Paese che si è meritato il nome di xDrive Country allora questo è la Svizzera. Perché è proprio qui che si scatenano le condizioni metereologiche più estreme: temporali, fango, neve, pioggia, grandine – e a volte tutto nello stesso istante. Meno male che c’è BMW xDrive, il sistema di trazione integrale intelligente che, nel giro di millisecondi, reagisce ai cambiamenti delle condizioni della strada garantendo così sicurezza e piacere di guidare. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili presso il nostro showroom oppure nei siti e
BMW xDRIVE. ORA SU 104 MODELLI. Cencini SA Via Ceresio 2 6963 Lugano Pregassona Tel. 091 971 28 26,
MERCATINI_LIPSIA_DRESDA.qxp_layout 04.12.14 10:18 Pagina 12
DRESDEN AND LEIPZIG CHRISTMAS MARKETS The magic of traditional German Christmas Markets is casting more visitors under its spell every year. istoric Christmas Markets, held in cities, towns and villages throughout the country, are becoming increasingly more popular, due, no doubt, to the enchanting Festive Season atmosphere they evoke. The Christmas Fairs and Markets of Germany are unique. If somebody would like to get right away for a real traditional and romantic Christmas Market he should consider heading to Germany where Christmas gifts are not mass-produced but craftwork of real quality. Here you can buy all kinds of merchandise and gifts, especially traditional things such as crib figurines, toys, wood carvings, marionettes, candles and lambskin shoes to place underneath your traditional tree. Many are difficult to resist - as will be the glass of delicious mulled wine
it is offered and the baked apples that are very welcome on crisp winter days. The ambience of a typical German Christmas Market is further enhanced by the aromas of hot chestnuts, grilled sausages and other tasty snacks. Youngsters especially will be attracted to the gingerbread biscuits known as Lebkuchen, marzipan figures and other sweets. With so many Markets through out Germany the most difficult choice is which one to select. Most of them start in the last week of November and run through to Christmas Eve or a day or two before. They are usually open every day from 10am to about 8 or 9 pm. Dresden’s Christmas Market, traditionally called Striezelmarkt, is Germany’s oldest with a very long history dating back to 1434. Its name
derives from Hefestriezel, a sweet delicacy which centuries later has become know as “Dresden Christstollen” (German Christmas Cake). The Dresden Striezelmarkt, which in 2014 is open from 27th November to 24th December, is located on the Altmarkt Square, in the historical city centre. It is surrounded by various themed Christmas Markets, stretching up to the main railway station and the Albertplatz. Most traditional gifts, toys and decorations have been invented hundreds of years ago in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains), when the supply of ore run out. The Erzgebirge is located only a few kilometres outside Dresden, near the Czech border. Today most of the Christmas Markets in Germany are still being supplied from this region. The historic Dresden Market with its
Les traditionnels marchés de Noël se déroulant dans les villes, les bourgs et les villages allemands deviennent de plus en plus populaires grâce à leur féerique atmosphère festive. Leur magie attire ainsi chaque année davantage de visiteurs. Le marché de Noël de Dresde, appelé Striezelmarket, se tient sur la place Altmarkt, au cœur de la vieille ville, du 27 novembre au 24 décembre. Il s’agit du marché le plus ancien d’Allemagne, avec une histoire remontant à 1434. Un autre important marché de Noël est celui de Leipzig, dont l’histoire remonte à 1458. C’est l’un des plus grands et des plus beaux marchés de Noël de toute l’Allemagne, comptant environ 250 étals, dressés sur la place du marché de la ville.
I tradizionali Mercatini di Natale che hanno luogo in città, paesi e villaggi tedeschi stanno diventando sempre più popolari grazie all'incantevole atmosfera festiva che evocano. La loro magia attrae ogni anno sempre più visitatori. Il mercatino di Natale di Dresda, chiamato tradizionalmente Striezelmarkt, si svolge sulla piazza Altmarkt, nel centro storico della città e si tiene dal 27 novembre al 24 dicembre. È il più antico della Germania, con una lunga storia che risale al 1434. Un altro importante mercatino di Natale è quello di Lipsia, la cui storia risale al 1458. È uno dei più grandi e dei più belli in Germania con circa 250 bancarelle situate nella storica piazza del mercato della città.
Die traditionellen Weihnachtsmärkte, die sich in der Adventszeit in allen deutschen Städten und Dörfern finden, werden Dank ihrer bezaubernden festlichen Atmosphäre immer beliebter. Ihre Magie zieht jedes Jahr mehr Besucher an. Der Dresdner Striezelmarkt findet vom 27. November bis zum 24. Dezember auf dem Altmarkt in der Dresdner Altstadt statt und ist der älteste Weihnachtsmarkt Deutschlands: Seine Geschichte reicht zurück bis zum Jahr 1434. Ein weiterer bedeutender Weihnachtsmarkt ist der in Leipzig, dessen Tradition seit 1458 besteht. Er ist mit seinen 250 Ständen auf dem Marktplatz von Leipzig und den angrenzenden Strassen der Altstadt einer der grössten und schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte Deutschlands.
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In this picture, the tradition of the Leipzig Christmas market dates back to 1458. This makes it one of the oldest Christmas markets in Germany.
Š LTM - Brzoska
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romantic and festive charm is an inspiration in itself, a real treasure trove for real traditional hand made crafts. Every visitor here will find a “little something”: Christmas pyramids, smoking figures and candleholders from Erzgebirge Mountains, indigodyed printed textile products and pottery from Lusatia, gingerbread from Pulsnitz, filigree lace products from Plauen, Herrenhut Advent stars, blown glass tree decorations from Lauscha, and of course specialities from Dresden itself, such as the traditional ‘Pflaumentoffel’, a chimney-sweep figure made of dried 14
prunes. Visitors can also watch the carvers, glass-blowers and bakers in action at the crafts market. The focal point of the Dresden Christmas Market is the world’s tallest Christmas pyramid, with a height of 14 metres and the world’s biggest nut cracker. The culinary attraction of the market, however, is the Dresden Christstollen, originally known as ‘Striezel’, which accounts for the market’s name. Event highlights of the Striezelmarkt are the Stollen Festival on the Saturday before the second Sunday in Advent and the Pyramid Festival on
the Saturday before the third Sunday in Advent. Another important Christmas Market is the Leipzig’s one, whose history goes all the way back to 1458. 2014 opening time is November 25 - December 23. It is one of the largest and most beautiful in Germany with its around 250 twinkling stalls located on the city’s historical market square. Leipzig’s Christmas market focal point is the beautiful old market square in front of the Old Town Hall. Its six areas are set in chime with the fascinating historical scenery of the
© City of Dresden, Office of Economic Development / photo: Sylvio Dittrich
© City of Dresden, Office of Economic Development / photo: Sylvio Dittrich
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Leipzig city centre. With more than 250 twinkling stalls embedded harmoniously in the historic centre, Leipzig Christmas market is not only one of the oldest but also one of the largest in Germany. Visitors are offered a multitude of festive delights: indulge in numerous culinary delights or explore the city’s medieval market. Traditionally, the main area of the Christmas market is Marktplatz (market square) where visitors can marvel at a Saxon spruce Christmas tree as high as twenty meters, and enjoy a wide variety of performanc-
Left, the Dresden’s central place wiht the Sriezelmarkt. Above, a traditional Christmas concert in the Dresden’s Striezelmarkt.
es at the market square stage. On Augustusplatz square a 38-metre-high ferris wheel offers seasonal views from a lofty height. The Finnish village on Augustusplatz has become a classic over the years. The enticing scent of smoked salmon and fruity Glögi (a mulled wine made from berries) draws visitors to the Scandinavian tents and stalls. The historical Christmas Market of “Ancient Leipzig” at the Naschmarkt square entices visitors with local traditional crafts and art. The market is also valued for the many pleasures it holds for children. Be it the Fairy Tale Forest on Thomaswiese (meadow in front of St. Thomas) with its many scenes from various fairy tales or the market square stage where kids can meet Santa Claus for a chat, little visitors will definitely enjoy being here. As for grown-ups, there is a wide vari-
ety of handcrafts and local food on sale. At the Leipzig Christmas Market there is plenty of seasonal entertainment to enjoy, including daily trumpet fanfares, concerts held by the world famous St. Thomas’s choir, and performances of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in the city’s numerous churches, leaving the audience enchanted with every performance. The old town hall is not only the place where Johann Sebastian Bach signed his employment contract, as cantor and Leipzig’s musical director, but it is also one of the most beautiful Renaissance town halls in Germany. The old town hall was built between 1556 and 1557 in just nine months and today holds plenty of historic documents from various different centuries. Emilia Regazzoni 15
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AUSTRIA AGENDA leisure & business
Schönbrunn Zoo Guided Tours 05/28.02.2015 If you and your kids are animal lovers, you should really consider taking one of the amazing tours that the Vienna Schönbrunn zoo offers! This is one of the oldest zoos in Europe, built close to the famous Schönbrunn Palace, where Sissi and other imperial nobility resided during the Habsburg Era. Taking your kids to the zoo for a wild tour will be a unique experience and will enrich your stay while in the Austrian capital city! Marianne Lang Albertina Art Gallery - Vienna - until 31.12.2014 Last year, the Albertina began to ask artists to conceive interventions on and in the museum, in the Habsburg State Rooms, and relating to its collections. Marianne Lang (born in Graz in 1979) explores spaces by drawing. She cautiously intervenes in the existing architecture by interweaving its different structures ‒ inside and outside, private and public sphere ‒ and thus draws attention to their peculiarities. In her intervention developed for the Albertina, the artist dedicates herself to climbing plants, which are frequently used for façade greening. Climbers with tendrils or clinging roots attach themselves to vertical surfaces. The original architecture vanishes and is replaced by living matter through this mode of greening. A Visual Memory of “Viennese Society”: Franz Xaver Setzer’s Portrait Photographs Leopold Museum - Vienna - until 13 Jan 2015 Within the framework of the new permanent presentation “Between the Wars. Art from 1918 to 1938”, the Leopold Museum now affords interesting insights into the sophisticated world of Viennese society of the 1920s and 30s with a selection of unique photographs from the studio of the Viennese photographer Franz Xaver Setzer. 16
Ferien Messe Wien 2015 International Fair for holidays, travel and leisure - 15/18.01.2015 Over one hundred thousand consumers and thousands of experts from within the sector come to enjoy this summit meeting for the tourist industry. Year in – year out this event provides visitors with foretaste of upcoming holidays in the halls of the Messe Wien expo centre – in Austria (hall B) and in a wide range of foreign destinations (hall A) - and an opportunity to book some great offers on site. The fair also offers great infotainment with more than 700 exhibitors from over 70 countries presenting popular holiday destinations, best kept secrets, recommended means of travelling, an entire range of leisure activities, tailor-made holidays, great bargains, competitions, prizes draws and lots, lots more.
AutoZum Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg - 21/24.01.2015 Once every two years the AutoZum presents a unique range of products from automobile parts, workshop, garage and fuel station facilities, car washing technology, to accessories and tuning goods; and provides perfect conditions for setting up business deals, cultivating contacts and networking. For over 40 years this show has served markets far beyond the borders of Austria. It is the leading trade fair for automotive products and the most important commercial gathering for the automotive after sales industry. Salzburg is the ideal location, and the expo centre is the perfect venue due to its ultra-modern trade fair complex and central position at the hub of the central European road, rail and aviation network.
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VIENNA1.qxp_layout 04.12.14 10:32 Pagina 18
ienna owes its universal appeal to the way it excitingly combines imperial nostalgia with a highly creative cultural scene, responsibly cultivating a precious heritage and charming traditions whilst taking on board the latest trends. Architecture dating from imperial times has left an indelible mark on the city. Magnificent edifices, predominantly in baroque, historicism (“Ringstrasse”) and art nouveau styles, and the city’s grand scale cause you to forget that this is the capital of the small Republic of Austria with only 8.4 million inhabitants. In Vienna, you re-live the romance of a long-lost empire. Yet it is not only the city’s imperial architecture that renders it a city of beauty. Vienna also boasts world-renowned museums, art collections and works of art. The Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Museum of Fine Arts) houses the world’s largest collection of paintings by Bruegel, as well as the newly renovated Kunstkammer, a unique collection of artifacts and oddities, which reopened in 2013. Meanwhile numerous works by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele are exhibited at the Belvedere and the Leopold Museum in the Museums Quartier. The latter is a cultural attraction of international standing located in the city center close to famous museums, opened in 2001. This centrally located cultural complex is an architecturally fascinating combination of baroque (the former Imperial Stables) and future-oriented design by architects Ortner&Ortner. Key attractions include: the Leopold Museum (mentioned above) with the world’s largest collection of Schieles and works by renowned modern Austrian artists such as Klimt, Kokoschka and
Gerstl; the mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Architekturzentrum Wien, and Kunsthalle Wien. Two festival halls are used for highprofile events such as the Vienna Festival, the ImPulsTanz dance festival and even for pop concerts. A children’s museum, a children’s theater, an information center for youngsters, and a number of attractive restaurants, cafés and shops complement the rich array of cultural offerings. Close to the State Opera House, the Albertina houses the world’s largest collection of graphic art, spanning 60,000 drawings, some million prints and an extensive collection of photographic and architectural material. And now you can enjoy good food in the Albertina’s Do & Co restaurant after attending one of the exhibitions. The Belvedere palaces and formal gardens make up one of Europe’s most enchanting Baroque ensembles. The Upper Belvedere is home to the world’s leading collection of Austrian art, with examples spanning everything from the middle ages to the 20th century. Among the absolute highlights is the world’s largest collection of works by Gustav Klimt – including his best-known composition, The Kiss. By contrast, the Lower Belvedere and the Orangery host a constantly changing line-up of seasonal exhibitions. A short distance from the Upper Belvedere is the former Austrian pavilion from the 1958 World Exhibition, which was given a new lease on life as a modern art museum from 1962 to 2001 under the name of the “20er Haus”. In 2011 the newly adapted architectural gem opened its doors to the public once again as the “21er Haus”, presenting Austrian art from 1945 to the
© WienTourismus
With its successful blend of imperial tradition and contemporary creativity, the Austrian capital has established itself as a major player in the global tourism market.
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In this picture, The Ring Boulevard: Parliament at night. 19
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© WienTourismus / Christian Stemper
© WienTourismus
Left, Schönbrunn Palace in winter. Below, Vienna Christmas Market.
present day against its international context. It is also home to the Wotruba foundation collection and the Federal Government’s contemporary art holdings. In April 2004 – 150 years after the marriage of Empress Elisabeth and Emperor Franz Joseph I – the Sisi Museum opened at Hofburg palace. The exhibits on show include a number of Elisabeth’s personal belongings including a replica of the dress she wore on the eve of her wedding. City of Music – Traditional & Modern Vienna has traditionally accorded the arts great respect, and over the centuries has never ceased to foster creativity and attract people from all over the world. Vienna boasts 50 theaters, including four opera houses and several stage musical theaters, 150 museums, numerous galleries, and renowned drama, music 20
and dance festivals. All this ensures an extraordinarily rich cultural program throughout the year, making the city one of Europe’s leading cultural centers. Vienna, as a city of music, enjoys a paramount reputation around the world. No other city has been home to so many composers of international renown. Some, such as Schubert, Strauss, Schoenberg and Berg were born there, others, such as Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Brahms and Mahler chose to live there. It boasts one of the world’s finest orchestras – the Vienna Philharmonic – as well as the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and several other orchestras. The Vienna State Opera is one of the world’s leading opera houses, and is joined by three more in the city. The Vienna Boys’ Choir enchants music lovers the world over. The choir’s new
state-of-the-art concert hall, MuTh, located next to the boys’ school and residences in the Augarten park, opened in 2012. In addition to classical music, Vienna has also made its mark as a city of musicals, and recent successes in electronic music show that the avant-garde is also taken seriously in Vienna. A very special way to enjoy music is presented at the House of Music, where sounds become visible, organ pipes may be walked on and visitors can become virtual conductors and composers. A further attraction is the Mozarthaus Vienna which opened in January 2006 in his former residence at Domgasse. Lifestyle: Imperial Nostalgia & Contemporary Trends The juxtaposition of what is traditional – coffeehouses and wine taverns with typical Viennese congeniality – and what is modern – events such as the Life Ball and the Festival of Electronic Music – conveys a lifestyle that appeals to the modern tourist. A choice between relaxation and serenity, or action and stimulation that can be made. The Naschmarkt, Vienna’s multinational fruit and vegetable market which also features a flea market every Saturday, has witnessed the emergence of an extraordinarily diverse gastronomic scene in its vicinity over the past years. Mariahilfer Strasse, a street linking the historic center with Schönbrunn Palace, has been transformed into the city’s largest shopping street since the completion of the U3 underground line. During the summer, Viennese and tourists alike throng not only to Prater park with the famous Giant Ferris Wheel, but also to the Copa Cagrana on Danube Island – which boasts the Danube Island Festival, Europe’s largest free open-air party in June. Beach atmosphere can also be soaked up at the numerous riverside bathing areas along the Danube Canal. And the wine tavern districts on the gentle hillsides of the Vienna Woods extend an invitation to seriously “study” Vienna and its wines. ©Vienna Tourist Board
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VIENNA CELEBRATES 150 YEARS OF GRAND HERITAGE AND SPLENDOR As every year, Vienna starts the Viennese Ball Season these weeks with more than 450 events followed by many fans all around the world. But this year the 150th anniversary of the Ringstrasse, including many events and exhibitions, will most probably steal some of the spotlight, showing the world how Vienna came to its fame and glamour. he history of the Ringstrasse begins in 1857, when Emperor Franz Joseph ordered the fortifications surrounding Vienna’s city centre - 2.4 million square meters of space, equivalent to 300 soccer fieldsto be demolished, and for a boulevard complete with showpiece buildings to be constructed on the grounds. The biggest public construction project in Vienna’s history, the Ringstrasse formed a link between the city centre – dominated by the imperial residence and the palaces of the aristocracy – with the surrounding districts inhabited by the middle and lower classes. At the same time, this huge development met the demands created by a rapidly growing population, which increased by nearly 30 percent between 1857 and 1868, passing the one mil-
lion mark by 1890. The construction also marked the transformation of the capital from the historic residence of the Habsburg monarchy to a European metropolis. In the development, land made available that was not earmarked for public buildings or parks was auctioned off at high prices to private individuals, which provided finance for construction of the public buildings. The investors were offered a 30-year tax holiday if they completed their buildings within five years. Work began in 1858 and the imperial capital became a massive construction site. Just seven years after the start of building works, the Ringstrasse was officially opened in the presence of the Emperor and Empress on May 1st 1865. It was the result of an undertaking of exceptional proportions, since the construction attracted fin-
In this picture, View of the Ringstrasse from the roof of the Burgtheater. Opposite page,above, Schönbrunn Palace.
anciers, developers and architects from all over Europe. The buildings on the Ringstrasse are among the city’s most important sights and one of the grandest public space in Europe. The particularity of the buildings is based on the idealized styles used, making it a treasure trove of architectural details. The planning concept was to create a single showcase composed of public and private buildings, intentionally placed alongside one another. Among the monumental administrative, government, cultural and commercial buildings are the Vienna State Opera, the Burgtheater, the City Hall and the Parliament. The Kunsthistorisches Museum and Natural History Museum, along with the Neue Burg were parts of a wider project designed to express the might of the Habsburg monarchy in a grand ar-
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© WienTourismus - Peter Rigaud
VISIT WWW.VIENNA.INFO PRIOR TO YOUR TRIP When preparing for a trip to Vienna, take the time to scan the website which is ideal providing all the latest tips in 13 languages, including itinerary planner, event database and much more including hotel bookings. Special information related to the 150 anniversary of the Ringstrasse can be found on Tourist Information Office: Albertinaplatz & Hauptbahnhof Once you have arrived in Vienna, the Tourist Information Offices at the State Opera House and the Hauptbahnhof (Main Station) are at your service for general information, free maps of the city, brochures, free WiFi and much more. Albertinaplatz / Maysedergasse, 1010 Vienna, daily 9am-5pm Hauptbahnhof, Main Concourse (in the ÖBB InfoPoint), 1100 Vienna, 9am-5pm daily Vienna Card Priced at EUR 18.90 and EUR 21.90, the Vienna Card entitles holders to 48 or 72 hours unlimited travel on the subway, bus and tram, and 210 discounts and special concessions. Available from the Tourist Info Vienna, numerous hotels and travel agents, Wiener Linien ticket counters and Don’t miss out on a visit of the Ringstrasse with the 1, 2, D and 71 tram lines travel along the Ring.
© WienTourismus Christian Stemper
chitectural gesture. It therefore does not come as a surprise, that in 2001 Vienna’s Ringstrasse boulevard and the old town were added to the Unesco World Cultural Heritage list. The Ringstrasse was the city’s most fashionable promenade hotspot from the outset. Strolling and being seen on the new boulevard was simply a continuation of the former tradition of strolling along the city walls. The most popular meeting places of the time included the coffeehouses. It was there that businesspeople and anyone who wanted to discuss politics, artists and men of letters, or
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© WienTourismus - Manfred Horvath
In this picture, Christmas market: Spittelberg.
chess and billiards players met - with each of these different groups having their own preferred cafés. Out of the 27 large cafés that were open 150 years ago, a handful are still left today to live a bit of these past times. Today the Ringstrasse provides the backdrop for various large-scale
Vienne doit son charme universel à la stimulante manière dont elle parvient à réunir la nostalgie impériale avec un panorama culturel hautement créatif, cultivant avec savoir-faire un précieux patrimoine, de fascinantes traditions ainsi que les tendances les plus modernes et novatrices. L’architecture remontant à la période impériale a laissé une marque indélébile sur la ville. Cette année, il y a une raison de plus pour visiter la capitale autrichienne: on y fête en effet le 150ème anniversaire de la Ringstrasse, des célébrations qui, avec leurs nombreux événements et expositions, voleront certainement le devant de la scène aux autres innombrables manifestations prévues à Vienne.
events throughout the year that play out in the buildings lining the boulevard, its squares and parks. Cultural highlights of the coming months include the world-famous New Year’s Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the square also sets the stage for Vienna Ice
Vienna deve il suo fascino universale al modo eccitante in cui unisce la nostalgia imperiale con una scena culturale altamente creativa, coltivando responsabilmente un prezioso patrimonio e tradizioni affascinanti pur dando voce alle tendenze più moderne e innovative. L’architettura risalente all’epoca imperiale ha lasciato un segno indelebile sulla città. Quest'anno c’è un motivo in più per visitare la capitale austriaca: cade infatti il 150° anniversario della Ringstrasse, che probabilmente, con i suoi molteplici eventi e mostre, ruberà alle molte altre manifestazioni in programma a Vienna la luce dei riflettori.
World from January to March when it is transformed into an ice skater’s paradise and of course the historic buildings lining the Ring also host many of the world famous balls during the season in January and February. David Suter
Wien bezieht seinen ganz besonderen Charme aus einer aufregenden Mischung von Nostalgie und einer höchst kreativen Kulturszene. Die Stadt geht verantwortungsbewusst mit ihrem wertvollen Kulturerbe und ihren faszinierenden Traditionen um und kultiviert doch gleichzeitig modernste und innovative Tendenzen. Die Architektur aus der Zeit der habsburgischen Monarchie prägt auch heute noch die Stadt. Und dieses Jahr gibt es einen Grund mehr, die Hauptstadt Österreichs zu besuchen: das 150jährige Bestehen der Ringstrasse. Die zahlreichen Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungen zu diesem Jubiläum werden den anderen Events in Wien wohl die Schau stehlen.
Š studiosous-sol/Margherita Crocco
Rondina_Layout 1 03.11.14 10:16 Pagina 1
Creazioni di Melania Crocco e di Palmiero
Via Nassa 19
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)91 923 21 60
LINZ.qxp_layout 04.12.14 10:55 Pagina 26
AUSG’STECKT IS’ – WINE TASTING WITH ALL YOUR SENSES Around a hundred kilometers east of Linz, along the Danube river, lies the internationally renowned wine region of Wachau, nestled amidst steep-terraced vineyards and sun-drenched hills. The region is a world heritage site, known for its picturesque sights, seemingly untouched by time. The old, wealthy baroque-styled Benedictine monastery of Melk and the Augustinian monastery of Dürnstein, whose pastel blue tower stands as a landmark in the region, add to the region’s beauty and timelessness. he region has been a prosperous site of merchant shipping and trade since ancient times, thanks to a mild climate and rich, versatile soil. The Romans were responsible for the construction of the large-scale, terraced vineyards that are typical to the region. The wine culture here enjoys continued success due to the steadfast commitment of local wine growers and regional consortia, economic and tourism bureaus. And in Wachau it also includes something known as Heuriger. Wine-producing families in the hotel and restaurant industries offer their homemade wine to visitors, despite lacking a permit to do so. The word is derived from the Southern German, heuer, which in turn comes from the Old German, hi jāru, meaning, this year. When one goes to the Heurigen, he sits at the local Heurigen, and drinks Heurigen, which is the current year’s wine product. «In Wachau, you can get the region’s wellknown Riesling and experience Grüner Veltliner with all of your senses», Jutta Mucha-Zachar, from the Lower Danube Austrian Tourist Bureau stated, «and in the region’s traditionally-styled ambience». In fact, the locations are typically furnished in a rural, rustic style. Walls and furniture are made from dark woods, adorned with seat cushions and flower decorations. Many of the inns and restaurants also offer an outdoor terrace, from which guests can enjoy a view over the vineyards in the summer. A traditional wine tavern here is only open at certain times of the year, or, as it is called in Austria, Ausg’steckt is’. Don’t expect to find neon signs or posters marking the entrances to these taverns.
A local tavern is listed on the Heurigen calendar, on the date on which their wine becomes available. So-called Buschen serve to orientate visitors, as does a spoke-wheel made of branches and loops, sometimes made out of iron, which serves as a sort of gateway to the
tavern. The tradition began on the 1784 mandate of Emperor Joseph II. At the time, he allowed his wine producers to serve new wine from their production to the general public. Wine producers took advantage of the situation to present the wine, while freeing up space
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© Stift Göttweig / Markus Digruber
© Stadtgemeinde Melk / Helmut Lackinger
Left, view of the baroque styled Benedictine monastery of Melk. Above, Christmas fair at the Benedictine Göttweig monastery, internationally renowned for its wines.
within the barrels so that new wine could be produced in the autumn months. The culinary delights on offer at a traditional country inn are rather modest. To be avoided is to serve the wine with an excessive à la carte menu. Innkeepers are also limited due to their license in what they can propose in the way of food. The menu, therefore, is limited to sausages, ham-and-cheese plates, supplemented with a selection of breads and rolls. Vegetables, gherkins and assorted pickles, and fresh tomatoes are also served. Particularly interesting for those visiting the region are the classic spreads and toppings, such as quark, cream cheese, horseradish, onions, meat, and lots of spices. Additionally, they often serve Marillenchutney made from apricots, which are found extensively throughout the region, due to its mild climate. The Bailoni distillery in KremsStein is also the industry leader in the manufacture of Marillenbrand, and is firmly rooted in the region as a trademark. Wine production is primarily focused on two types of wine: Wachauer Riesling and Grüner Veltliner. These are typically dry wines, which are produced in accordance with nature and in limited quantities, which is the reason it does not standout as a commodity in the in-
ternational wine trade. In 2013, the wineproducing Prager family in Weissenkirchen produced approximately 3800 bottles of Grüner Veltliner. Compare this modest number with those of the small wineries, whose awards are almost limitless. Astonishingly, it is often young winemakers who top the hit lists in wine publications. Including, for example, the wine-producing team of Dominique and Urban Stagård, who took the international organic wine prize for their Grüner Veltliner, Pfaffenberg, in 2012. The regional cooperatives also rank very high: the Adventure World of Wine Sandgrube 13 in Krems, for example, or the Domäne Wachau. The latter is a federation of about 250 manor homes in Wachau, which exclusively produce high-quality regional wines. It is a large winery, which is a specialty winery in the region that enjoys wide distribution. «Our Wachauer Rieslinge and Grüne Veltliner derive from famous Rieden, (for viticulture reclaimed spaces), like Achleiten, Kellerberg or Loibenberg.» Roman Horvath, head of Domäne Wachau, and Austria’s Second Master of Wine, emphasizes the care that the network of wine producers demonstrate year after year: «Our members cultivate on approximately 30% of the
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© Donau Niederösterreich / Steve Haider
total area of the region. They do this with the greatest possible care and enormous demands for quality». This demand is also placed on the monasteries of Wachau as well: the old cellar in Dürnstein can also compete in the local competition, as can the Winery of the Benedictine Göttweig monastery in the area of Furth, located south of Krems, with its award-winning and internationally renowned wines. There are wines available for tasting all year round in the region. For example, with the family Fock in Krems-Egelsee, in Viticulture Stoiber in Krems, or with
Franz and Christine Bauer in KremsGneixendorf in December 2014. These are just three examples from a long list of suppliers, all of which are listed on the Heurigen calendar for the city of Krems and on the website of Donau Niederösterreich Tourismus. Official wine season in Wachau is heralded by specific events. In May of each year, the producers open their gates to present their latest vintage. This event is crowned by the so-called Steinfeder Night. Inspired by the Steinfedergras, a grass that grows in the immediate vicinity of the vines on the terraces, this
Left, there are wines available for tasting all year round in the region. The Heurigen calendar provides a comprehensive overview of all the locations and the dates on which wines become available.
event involves a special presentation projected onto the castle of Dürnstein on the Danube river. The celebration serves to remind the region’s wine produces of the Codex Wachau, which requires all wine to be enriched exclusively with sugar and flavoring from the region. This is significant for the region: they belong to the world cultural heritage. In order to obtain this status, wine production must be in accordance with nature. Another important date each year for wine-lovers is the “Weinherbst” (Wine autumn), during which time grape harvesting and cellar work is in full swing. During this time, you can participate in the production and wine-making traditions of the local wine producers of the Danube region. Luca D'Alessandro translated by Karine Landgren Hugentobler
À une centaine de kilomètres à l’est de Linz, se trouve la région vinicole de Wachau, célèbre au niveau international, où, le long du Danube, s’étendent les collines ensoleillées recouvertes de vignes cultivées en terrasse. La région est classée patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco et renommée pour ses paysages pittoresques où le temps semble s’être arrêté. Il s’agit essentiellement de vieux centres monastiques, parmi lesquels on peut citer Melk, avec son monastère bénédictin de style baroque, ou encore Dürnstein, avec son monastère augustinien, dont le clocher bleu est devenu le symbole de la région. Le paysage est caractérisé par les nombreuses caves gérées par les familles de viticulteurs résidant dans la région, où le vin autoproduit est vendu même sans licence commerciale. Une région à connaître absolument.
A un centinaio di chilometri a est di Linz si trova la regione del vino di Wachau, conosciuta a livello internazionale, dove lungo il Danubio si estendono ripidi terrazzamenti e soleggiate colline con vigneti. La regione è patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco ed è nota per i suoi luoghi pittoreschi, nei quali il tempo sembra essersi fermato. Si tratta per lo più di vecchi e sfarzosi insediamenti monastici, come per esempio Melk, con il suo monastero benedettino in stile barocco. O ancora Dürnstein, con il suo monastero agostiniano, il cui campanile celeste è considerato il simbolo della regione. Il paesaggio è caratterizzato dalle numerose cantine gestite dalle famiglie di viticoltori residenti, nelle quali il vino autoprodotto viene venduto anche senza la licenza d’esercizio. È una zona che vale assolutamente la pena scoprire.
Rund hundert Kilometer östlich von Linz gelegen befindet sich die international bekannte Weinregion Wachau, wo sich der Donau entlang steile Weinterrassen und sonnigeWeinhügel erstrecken. Die Region gehört zum Weltkulturerbe und ist wegen seinen malerischen Orten bekannt, wo die Zeit seit Jahrhunderten stillgestanden zu sein scheint. Es sind dies meist alte, begüterte Klostersiedlungen, wie Melk mit seinem im barocken Stil erbauten Benediktinerkloster. Oder Dürnstein mit seinem Augustinerkloster, dessen hellblauer Stiftsturm inzwischen als Wahrzeichen der Region betrachtet werden kann. Das Ortsbild wird ausserdem von den zahlreichen Heurigenlokale geprägt. Es sind dies von den ansässigen Winzerfamilien nach traditionellem Muster geführte Gastgewerbebetriebe in denen Eigenbauwein ohne Restaurantkonzession ausgeschenkt wird. Ein Blick in eine Region, die es unbedingt zu entdecken gilt.
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THE NETHERLANDS AGENDA leisure & business
Amsterdam Light Festival - until 18.01.2015 Centred on the theme of ‘A Bright City’, the third edition of the event features a canal cruise (aka Water Colours) and walking route (aka the Illuminade) taking in this year’s selection of spectacular illuminated artworks. Also look out for an extensive side-programme that will see a host of activities and events take place at museums, theatres, restaurants, shops and other locations in Amsterdam. International Fashion Week Amsterdam 16/26.01.2015 Two times a year, a series of the public fashion shows, mainly by Dutch and Belgium designers takes place in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam International Fashion Week tries to enter into the fashion world with a new, original profile. The shows on the catwalk are accompanied by the whole series of events called Laundry Days, which consists of openings of museum and gallery exhibitions, meetings and parties. The Amsterdam Fashion Week exists since 2004, but it is during the last years that it obtained a growing reputation, as it is trying to position itself as a platform for the fashion of the new generation and so called New Luxury segment of the market. National Tulip Day - 17.01.2015 Every year, an estimated 1.7 billion Dutch bring a welcome touch of spring to households and businesses all over the globe. National Tulip Day sees Dutch tulip growers create a massive temporary garden on Dam Square, bursting with around 200,000 tulips. More than 10,000 people traditionally come along to pick up their own tulip from Amsterdam every year - don't miss the chance to pick your own! Realisme Art Fair - Amsterdam - 15/18.01.2015 Being an important center of the avant-garde art in Northern Europe, Amsterdam has also another, much older and richer tradition – that of realism. Dutch painters were famous since Renaissance through the 18th, 19th and 20th century. In the middle of ‘900, a movement called magic realism contributed with important figurative paintings. Today this tradition is being continued by several artists and many Amsterdam art galleries. Since 2003 an art fair dedicated to the figurative art is being organized in Amsterdam called Realisme. 30
Eurotrade Fair International Stocklots Trade Fair - Eindhoven 28/29.01.2015 Eurotrade Fair is the international trade fair where supply and demand of stocklots only, meet each other. A good mix of different stocklots suppliers make Eurotrade Fair the place to do business. National and international stocklots companies offer a complete range of stocklots, surpluses, liquidation goods and bulk goods. Eurotrade Fair offers you the opportunity to meet different companies, make new contacts and order goods directly. Eurotrade Fair offers a well-balanced range of consumer products.
Horecava 2015 - International Trade Fair for the Hotel & Catering Industry - Rai Convention Center - Amsterdam -12/15.01.2015 Being organized for 4 days by Amsterdam Rai, Horecava is one of the leading show for hospitality sector. It is a show which proves to be one of the largest exhibition for restaurant and commercial/institutional catering trade.
KURHAUS_it_layout 05.03.14 11:35 Pagina 50
lmost one hundred years after its founding in 1914, the Kurhaus Cademario is being reopened to the public thanks to a radical renovation that makes it unique of its kind, an enchanted destination in which to rediscover our deepest connection to our own selves and to nature. Located just twelve kilometres away from Lugano, at an altitude of 850 metres, the Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa affords a charming view of the Lugano lake and the verdant mountains of the Malcantone region. With eightytwo rooms and suites, a three-hectare park, a splendid spa of 2,200 square metres and two restaurants, this wonderful four star superior hotel ranks among the top relaxation and wellness destinations in Switzerland. The brand new DOT.Spa follows the motto “the place at the centre of being” and makes use of the natural energy of
the site on which the Kurhaus stands. Everything here speaks of serenity and harmony with the surrounding environment. The renovation work was intended to lend a modern touch to the original building and furnish it with all the comforts of our age, while preserving its naturalistic spirit. Everything has been planned and developed according to geomantic principles: the materials chosen for the interior are the same as those on the exterior of the building – water, like the natural spring water and waterfalls that shape the environs; wood, which stands for the birches and forests surrounding the building; fire, represented by the many chimneys; earth, which inspired the stone inserts; and metal, which recalls the precious natural resources of the local spring water.
Kurhaus Cademario Hotel & Spa Tel. +41 (0)91 610 51 11 Fax +41 (0)91 610 51 12
AMSTERDAM.qxp_layout 04.12.14 11:03 Pagina 32
AMSTERDAM DNA Now in the Amsterdam Museum an exhibition enabling to better know the city, its story and values.
1.000 year old city of waterways where spirit of enterprise, creativity, civic values and freedom are what count. Amsterdam DNA shows and tells the story based on these core values: burghers caring for the less fortunate, ships sailing to Asia and America, freedom of conscience, art in abundance. And yet also oppression, slavery and war. Let’s have a look at the four main values of Amsterdam DNA.
1.Spirit of entreprise Ever since the first settlement at the river Amstel was founded, Amsterdam has been a strategic hub for commerce due to the nearby agriculture, fishery and possibilities for transportation. This spirit of enterprise peaks in the Golden Age, when Amsterdam becomes a key centre for world trade and finance, but unfortunately these are also the years of slavery and exploitation. Today, Amsterdam retains its reputa-
tion for dynamic commercial enterprise. 2. Freedom of thought Amsterdam has the image of a tolerant city. Freely available drugs, the Red Light District, a flourishing squatters movement and the support for homosexuality are some examples of this tolerance. Recently however, this free society has come under fire. Life became harsher, authorities are more concerned with crime and violence and events like the
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assassination of filmmaker Theo van Gogh because of his unsavoury opinions undermine the free thought Amsterdam is known for. 3. Civic virtue When Amsterdam, at the close of the Middle Ages, shook off the yoke of feudal and Church authority, its burghers reached an awareness that they were the ones responsible for civic government and social support. Providing law, safety and care for orphans, the sick and the poor, became the task of the men and woman who made their fortunes. Today people are looking for new ways to respond to this responsibility to support the community. 4. Creativity Whether it are artists, academics or researchers, creative minds have always found a home in Amsterdam. As early as the seventeenth century the city has been a centre for the art and design trade. Rembrandt van Rijn acted on this fact by moving from Leiden to Amsterdam, where he also found greater creative challenges. Today the international and multicultural climate still provides a wide variety of possibilities for creative projects and ventures. And now, a little history of the city with its seven periods. 1000-1500: city on piles Amsterdam rests on millions of piles. The old piles are wooden, modern piles are concrete. Without them, the city would sink into the marshy peat. People first settle where the River Amstel meets the sea around the year 1000. They build a dam across the river. Around it a village emerges, with a central square. In 1300, there are around a thousand people living here, a fraction of the population of cities such as Venice. The town continues to grow. Amsterdam develops into a busy port. 1550-1600: revolt against king and church Midway through the 16th century, Amsterdam is part of into the powerful Habsburg Empire
Opposite page, a view of the Dutch capital. Above, the Amsterdam DNA exhibition offers a fascinating and concise overview of the history of Amsterdam through interactive images, sound, movement and specially chosen objects.
In 1578, Amsterdam renounces Catholicism. It is a peaceful transfer of power, in which the Protestants seize control. Altars and statues are destroyed. Monks and nuns are forced to flee. Amsterdam emerges as the economic powerhouse of the Dutch Republic of the United Provinces. Ships, people and capital flock en masse to Amsterdam. The dawn of Holland’s Golden Age. 1600-1700: centre of the world In 1600, Amsterdam’s merchants begin to dominate world trade with their fast ships. The Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie: Voc) is the world’s first multinational
and Amsterdam’s bourse precedes today’s Wall Street. Amsterdam’s traders deal in everything. Even slaves. The city co-owns Suriname, where slaves do the work. Shipping, art and science flourish. In the new town hall, the wealthy burghers administer their city. Amsterdam is a magnet for migrants. 1795-1815: liberty, equality, fraternity The age of revolution is under way. French troops enter the city in 1795. A constitution is proclaimed declaring equal rights for all. It is different in practice, but this marks the start of democracy in the Netherlands. 33
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Left, cannabis can be seen as a symbol of Amsterdam spirit of freedom. Applying the freedom ideals to their drug laws, the Dutch try as much as possible to decriminalize the use of drugs, making it a private matter of each individual, and not a matter for the enforcement apparatus.
Amsterdam loses its independence. Trade with France’s enemies is prohibited. Ships can no longer dock at Amsterdam’s harbour. Economic collapse follows. When the French retreat, an impoverished Amsterdam becomes the capital of the new Kingdom of the Netherlands. 1870-1914: towards a modern city Amsterdam is changing fast. From an declining, crowded city to a modern metropolis. Everything must be quick and cheap. Working class families live in appalling conditions. Socialists lead the campaign for improvement. The economy flourishes, due not least to the colonies. Modern factories appear. Railways connect the capital with the rest of the country and all Europe. Electricity is introduced. And in 1916, Schiphol airport opens.
Amsterdam, ville pittoresques bâtie sur les canaux, a une histoire ancienne, fondée sur l’esprit d’entreprise, la créativité, les valeurs civiques et la liberté. L’exposition « L’ADN d’Amsterdam », organisée à l’Amsterdam Museum, met en évidence les éléments fondamentaux de son développement : la bourgeoisie prenant soin des défavorisés, les expéditions maritimes en Asie et en Amérique, la liberté de conscience, le grand épanouissement des arts, mais aussi l’oppression, l’esclavage et la guerre. Un itinéraire historique pour mieux comprendre l’esprit de la ville, du moment de sa construction sur des millions de pilotis, en passant par son âge d’or, aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et à l’après-guerre.
Amsterdam, pittoresca città costruita sui canali, ha una storia antica, in cui lo spirito d’impresa, la creatività, i valori civici e la libertà sono da sempre ciò che contano. La mostra “Il DNA di Amsterdam”, allestita all’Amsterdam Museum, mette in risalto i cardini del suo sviluppo. La classe borghese che si prende cura dei meno fortunati, le spedizioni via mare in Asia e America, la libertà di coscienza, un grande fiorire di arti. Ma evidenzia anche l’oppressione, la schiavitù e la guerra. Un itinerario storico per capire meglio lo spirito della città, dal momento della sua costruzione su milioni di pali, passando per il suo periodo d’oro, nel XVII e XVII secolo, fino alla Seconda Guerra mondiale e al dopoguerra.
1940-1945: Second World War On 16 May 1940, German troops enter Amsterdam. Round-ups of Jews in 1941 lead to a mass strike in Amsterdam: the February Strike. The only mass protest against the persecution of Jews in occupied Europe. Around 60,000 Jews from Amsterdam die in the war. Three-quarters of the city’s entire Jewish population. On 8 May 1945, Amsterdam is liberated. The few Jews who return find their homes ransacked. The Jewish quarter, once a symbol of Amsterdam’s tolerance, is gone forever. 1945- : capital of freedom Few cities can boast as many different nationalities as Amsterdam. They come from all corners of the world to the city. A youth group known as Provo challenges the authorities. With fun and games. For a while, Amsterdam is the world’s Hippie capital. Amsterdam is still free, although with more rules. Prostitution is legal, but trafficking women is not. Squatting was permitted, now no longer. Freedom of religion exists, and freedom of expression. Still, Amsterdam remains a city of freedom. Chicca Magri
Amsterdam, diese malerische Stadt mit ihren vielen Kanälen, kann auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken, in der schon immer Unternehmergeist, Kreativität, bürgerliche Werte und Freiheit mehr zählten als alles andere. Amsterdams DNA, eine Ausstellung im Amsterdam Museum, zeigt die Angelpunkte der Entwicklung dieser Stadt auf. Das Bürgertum, das sich um die vom Glück weniger Begünstigten kümmert, die Expeditionen auf See nach Asien und Amerika, Gewissensfreiheit, eine blühende Kunst. Aber auch Unterdrückung, Sklaverei und Krieg. Eine Reise durch die Geschichte, die hilft, den Geist der Stadt besser zu verstehen, von ihrer Entstehung auf Millionen von Pfählen über ihre Blütezeit im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg und zur Nachkriegszeit.
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FRANCE AGENDA leisure & business Museum expressions 2015 The Gift and Cultural Marketing Trade Show - Paris Expo Porte de Versailles - 21/22.01.2015 Museum Expressions opens the gates of cultural tourism.The trade fair Museum Expressions spotlights on regional, national and international heritage. It is a meeting point for professionals from the most wonderful tourist sites in the world, to select new products for museums, bookshops, souvenir shops out of the wide range of cultural gifts.
Frank Horvat - La maison aux quinze clefs - At Théâtre de la photographie et de l’image - Nice - Until 25.01.2015 The exhibition, divided into fifteen key groups, gathers together 200 black and white as well as color images, a film depicting the life of the artist, and interactive kiosks available to the public. The art of love in the time of geishas - Forbidden Japanese masterpieces - la Pinacothèque de Paris until 15.02.2015 The Pinacothèque de Paris wishes to provide the public with a singular approach to erotic life and culture in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1867). The exhibition is the first ever shown in France, on these famous prints that deal with all our phantasms and Far-Eastern imaginary. It offers over 200 etchings, photographs in albumin and objects taken from daily life, provided by the Museo delle Culture de Lugano, as well as other great public museums in Switzerland and Italy. Cirque Plume – Tempus fugit? – Parc de la Villette – Espace Chapiteaux Paris - until 28.12.2014 The Cirque Plume celebrates its thirtieth birthday with a fabulous show all about the passage of time. With their animal-less shows, based around true stories, Bernard Kudlak and his partners have contributed to a reinvention of the circus arts. By mixing acrobatics, dance, theatre and video, they participated in the birth of a new genre: the ‘Cirque Nouveau’. That was some thirty years ago. Niki de Saint Phalle Grand Palais – until 02.02.2015 The Grand Palais is organising a major retrospective of the work of French painter and sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002), married to the artist Jean Tinguely with whom she created the Fontaine Stravinsky in front of the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Arriving on the art scene in 1961 with her Tirs (Shooting Paintings), designed to “make paintings to bleed”, Niki de Saint Phalle is the author of the famous voluptuous Nanas (French slang for women) sculptures and the monumental sculptures in the Giardino dei Tarocchi in Tuscany. 36
Maison et objet 2015 Paris Nord Villepinte - 23/27.02.2015 Maison&Objet is the major event for professionals working in the art of living in all its rich and varied expressions. The lifestyle show brings together a 360°product offering. Decoration, design, furniture, accessories, textiles, fragrances, the world of children, tableware… The styles coexist in a multifaceted way, throughout the inventive show design which enlivens the spaces. This extraordinary diversity is in line with the varied expectations of global markets. Bijorhca Paris - The international Fine, Fashion Jewellery and Watches show - Porte de Versailles, Paris - 23/26.01.2015 Over 4 days the international show allows fashion and fine jewellery, watch, gold, ready to wear and gifts retailers, department store buyers and buying offices to discover more than 500 designers of fine and fashion jewellery from around the world. It is a unique and welcoming place to meet designers in the heart of Paris, the capital of fashion. It is the only show where trends are revealed, meetings are held and deals are done.
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EXCITING SHOPPING IN PARIS Paris is the world’s leading city for tourism and especially for shopping. aris welcomes 29 million tourists every year. For 60% of them, shopping is the reason for their trip. Paris is the European capital for commerce, fashion and design and has some 17,000 shops – including 5,500 in the ready-to-wear sector alone. With major department stores, historic and top luxury brands and renowned districts, Paris is a dazzling shopping destination 365 days a year. Historically, Paris has always been a major reference for fashion and luxury. All the major international brands have a flagship here. Every week, new exciting and trendy shops appear in Paris. Top brands know that the French capital is still a shopping destination par excellence. The Golden Triangle A shopping guide in Paris must be done by districts starting from the Golden Tri-
angle. From Porte Maillot to avenue George-V, avenue Montaigne and the rond-point des Champs-Elysées, Paris offers the best in haute couture and luxury ready-to-wear fashion. This is where to find prestigious labels like Louis Vuitton, Dior, Chanel, Gucci, Kenzo, Givenchy and Azzedine Alaïa. Last year, Heidi Slimane inaugurated the new Saint-Laurent Paris flagship store, (900 m2 all in black and white), on avenue Montaigne. On the Champs-Elysées, Guerlain reopened its mythical boutique at number 68, a true mecca for beauty, on 4 levels, with a large space given over to perfume, bodycare treatments and make-up, a restaurant and a hall of mirrors. Just nearby, another historic label opened in spring 2014: Tiffany & Co., the American jeweller’s that already has a boutique on rue de la Paix. A little further along the famous avenue, the watch
In this picture, the famous Place de la Concorde, temple of luxury shopping in Paris. Opposite page, on top, the Gallerie Lafayette at Christmas time.
brand Tag Heuer has opened a space entirely devoted to woman this year. Saint-Germain des Prés, Sèvres-Babylone, rue de Rennes: an eclectic mix For a shopping spree in the heart of Paris, the districts of Saint-Germaindes-Prés, Sèvres-Babylone and rue de Rennes are a must. Haute couture and ready-to-wear — everything is here! On boulevard Saint-Germain and surrounding streets, the store windows of grand couturiers vie with each other: Giorgio Armani, Sonia Rykiel, Burberry, Ralph Lauren, A.P.C., Carven, Vicomte A., Jérôme Dreyfuss, and more recently Karl Lagerfeld. On rue de Rennes, there is a line-up of major brands including Etam, H&M, Kookaï and Caroll, joined by Hackett in 2013, which left rue des Sèvres to inaugurate a new boutique at the bottom of rue de Rennes.
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Among the new arrivals in the SaintGermain district and in neighbouring streets, there is a second Parisian boutique for the Belgian brand with its collections for men, women and children. And a first women’s flagship store for the British designer Paul Smith, in rue de Grenelle. Near to the spacious and outstanding Hermès Rive Gauche store, on rue de Sèvres, Berluti has just opened a new boutique in which the brand presents its clothing, accessories and footwear collections over two floors. A few steps away, the chic Bon Marché Left Bank department store has just been fully renovated for its 90th anniversary and showcases more than 25,000 products. Haussmann-Opéra, the heart of Parisian shopping The Haussmann-Saint-Lazare-Opéra district is a leading urban shopping area — the commercial heart of the capital. It is home to major department stores and always new shops. Founded in 1912, Galeries Lafayette showcases the latest fashion trends on it three
floors, the big luxury brands, menswear departments (Lafayette Homme) and a fifth floor devoted to children. Lafayette Gourmet will move in 2014 into the Lafayette Maison store and will offer more products, fine foods and kitchen items. The Printemps major department store also puts an emphasis on sumptuosity. Upscale accessory and fashion brands include Alexander Mc-
Queen, Prada, Louis Vuitton and Red Valentino. Rue Scribe, next to the Palais Garnier Opera House, also remains a prime strip for fashionistas. The Japanese unisex brand Uniqlo, the women’s wear shop Maje, and Eric Bompard, the specialist in jumpers and clothes in cashmere, can be found here. On the corner of rue Scribe and boulevard des Capucines, the former English department store Old England is now an upscale multibrand watch store: Bucherer showcases 23 top watch brands over six floors, including Piaget, IWC, Panerai, Longines, Rolex, Tag Heuer, JaegerLeCoultre as well as a watchmaker’s workshop. Marais, hip fashion wear Trendy, design and fashion-designer boutiques have given the Marais its avant-garde reputation. Strolling around the district is a pleasant experience. Several streets such as the rue des Rosiers are pedestrianized, and the rue des Francs-Bourgeois and rue du Temple are closed to motorized traffic on Sunday. The Marais has numerous fashion brands: COS, Vanessa Bruno, Isabel Marant, The Kooples, Maje, Sandro, Repetto, Zadig & Voltaire. In recent years especially, the Haut Marais has seen the arrival of major ready-to-wear fashion brands, including Erotokritos, Sandro and the designer Stella Cadente, on boulevard Beaumarchais. In 2013, Leon & Harper opened a first boutique for this young French women’s wear brand 39
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on the same boulevard. Not far from here, the elegant and trendy concept store Merci sells clothes, decorative objects and has two catering areas. A little higher up, the Bonton brand, specializing in clothes for children, has inaugurated a concept store entirely devoted to children: gifts, accessories, fashion, and even a hairdresser. The most recent concept store in the Marais is The Broken Arm, a shop cum cafe where one can buy design accessories and fashion brands like Carven, Kenzo and Christophe Lemaire. There are also lots of boutiques selling skin care products and perfume in the district, like Aesop, Kiehl’s, Acqua di Parma, Diptyque, Guerlain, Jo Malone and Annick Goutal. The new boutique Liquides, is a ‘perfume bar’ with rare essences from independent perfume makers. The Bazar de l’Hôtel de Ville, on rue de Rivoli, has recently changed its name and look. Renamed ‘Le BHV / Marais’, this historic department store has extended its beauty product space (with among other things a nail bar The Nail Kitchen); it has opened a shoe department, and the third floor
Paris est la ville leader au niveau mondial pour le tourisme et surtout pour le shopping. 60% des 29 millions de touristes qui visitent Paris tous les ans, sont attirés par les innombrables boutiques et grands-magasins. Historiquement, Paris a toujours été un important point de repère pour la mode et le luxe. Toutes les grandes marques internationales ont ici leur flagship store. Avec environ 17 mille magasins – dont 5.500 dans le domaine du prêt-à-porter –, Paris est la capitale européenne du commerce, de la mode et du design. Chaque semaine, de nouvelles boutiques qui font tendance s’ouvrent dans la capitale française et les grandes marques savent que Paris est la destination du shopping par excellence. Nous proposons ici un guide rapide aux achats parisiens, divisé par quartiers.
is now devoted to cooking. Martyrs/Pigalle, the bobo area on the up... Village atmosphere, bobo spirit and vintage boutiques … So-Pi (for south of Pigalle) is Paris’s up-and-coming district. The popular rue des Martyrs links the 9th arrondissement and Montmartre. Adjacent streets account for several renowned vintage shops like Zac & Sam, for men, Chezelle and Rétro Chic. Shoe and handbag designer Karine Arabian
Parigi è la città leader a livello mondiale per il turismo e soprattutto per lo shopping. Il 60% dei 29 milioni di turisti che ogni anno la visitano è attratto dalle innumerevoli boutique, negozi e grandi magazzini. Storicamente, Parigi è sempre stata un importante punto di riferimento per la moda e il lusso. Tutte le grandi marche internazionali hanno qui i loro flagship store. Con i suoi circa 17.000 negozi - tra cui 5.500 solo nel settore prêt-à-porter, è la capitale europea del commercio, della moda e del design. Ogni settimana aprono nuovi negozi che fanno tendenza e i grandi brand sanno che la capitale francese è la destinazione dello shopping per eccellenza. Offriamo qui una breve guida agli acquisti parigini suddivisa per quartieri.
has her historic shop in this district. And optician and fashion designer Marc Le Bihan and jewellery designer JeanFrançois Mimilla share a space featuring eyewear, accessories and hand-made clothing. The boutique L’Oeuf sells costume jewellery, women’s clothing and South Pigalle brand products. A new brand, Place A, sells interior decor objects and other trendy gifts by international designers. The Martyrs/Pigalle district has many
Paris ist unter den Städten weltweit das führende Reiseziel für Tourismus und vor allem für Shopping. 60 Prozent der 29 Millionen Touristen, die die Stadt jedes Jahr besuchen, kommen wegen der unzähligen Boutiquen, Geschäfte und Kaufhäuser. Auch in seiner Geschichte war Paris immer ein Zentrum für Mode und Luxus. Alle grossen internationalen Marken haben hier einen flagship store, und mit seinen etwa 17.000 Geschäften – davon allein 5.500 im Bereich des prêt-àporter – ist Paris die europäische Hauptstadt des Handels, der Mode und des Designs. Jede Woche eröffnen neue Trendsetter-Läden, und die grossen Marken wissen sehr genau, dass die französische Hauptstadt das Shopping-Reiseziel schlechthin ist. Wir bieten Ihnen einen kurzen Shopping-Führer für Paris, der nach Vierteln aufgeteilt ist.
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Above left, avenue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré with his exclusive boutiques; right, the Village Royal, new pariser shopping must.
renowned local shops. The bakery-patisserie-caterer DelmonTel is now famous for its baguette and its gourmet creations; Causses is a grocer and also makes soups, salads and sandwiches. Palais-Royal, trendy, chic and cutting-edge The Palais-Royal and the district around rue Saint-Honoré, between the Louvre and Opéra, are classic shopping spots. Vintage haute couture at Didier Ludot, the doyen of the place, with his famous little black dresses, luxury windows at Marc Jacobs, Rick Owens and Stella McCartney. For trendy jeans, the dream address remains Acne Studios. The gardens of the Palais-Royal are bordered by the Montpensier and Valois galleries, which are full of renowned craftsmen and designers. Dresses are colourful at Jérôme L’Huillier and Jérôme Dreyfuss showcases his highly-fashionable handbags there. As for shoe fans, they head to Pierre Hardy, Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin and his men’s boutique. Trendy brands, such as Maje and Kitsuné for their clothes and accessories, have also chosen the district to show off their collections. Montmartre, a Parisian walk and shopping Around Montmartre and Sacré-Coeur, there are lots of opportunities to do a bit of shopping. Shoes, jewellery and handbags from the boutique Made-
moiselle Montmartre. Sabre specializes in atypical tableware: cups, plates, cutlery … in a variety of vibrant colours and patterns. Jewellery and accessory fans will find plenty to please them at designer’s Emmanuelle Zysman, at Corpus Christi, and at La Petite Mendigote. A little further away, Tienda Esquipulas takes visitors to South America with masks, voto offerings and waxed canvases in fiery colours. Ready-to-wear brands are plentiful: Ba&sh, Kookaï, Sandro and Karl Marc John, rue des Abbesses; Antoine & Lili and Les Petites, at the top of rue des Martyrs. Montmartre also has arty and craft venues like the concept store Spree, which mixes clothes, design furniture and an art gallery. With its vintage boutiques, cafés and delightful delicatessen shops, this main shopping street is a must. At Lulu et Brindille, parents will find clothes, soft toys and decorative objects for 0-3 year-olds. For chocolate lovers, the Maison Georges Larnicol, in rue Steinkerque, has its own little Chocolate Museum with original creations made out of chocolate, including a giant Eiffel Tower! Rue de Passy, classic and casual The rue de Passy in the 16th arrondissement is one of the area’s busiest shopping streets. Of note is the Franck & Fils department store and a shopping centre, Passy Plaza, with 26 shops in-
cluding Gap, H&M, Massimo Dutti and Lacoste Femme. Other shops in the district: Gérard Darel, a NikeWomen Store and women’s ready-to-wear at Maje and Tara Jarmon. The Spanish brand El Ganso has its ‘preppy chic’ brand of clothing there, and Isabelle Marant has opened a 3-floor shop in a sumptuous private mansion on avenue Victor Hugo. The 17th arrondissement The area from Ternes to Parc Monceau is ideal for a day’s shopping. It has everything: ready-to-wear, shoes, culture, fine food stores … Rue de Courcelles has Paul & Joe Sister, Sandro, Maje and Claudie Pierlot. Nodus is the place to go for colourful and original shirts. Further to the east, Batignolles is an upand-coming district with a concentration of fashion boutiques, products for children and the shop cum workshops of young designers between rue des Dames, rue des Batignolles, rue Legendre and rue Lemercier. French Touche also has objects and accessories by young Parisian designers. Four designers have opened the shop 29 Février, which stocks pretty clothes, shoes and jewellery for hair, all made in the Paris Area. Just opposite, Bazar Exquis presents accessories and jewellery designed or selected by designer Victoria de Bouchony. Nicky Bouwmeester by courtesy of Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau 41
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GASCONY, LAND OF FOIE GRAS We are delighted to suggest a unique historical, gourmet and tourist excursion to southwest France, and specifically to the land of d’Artagnan, in the region known as Gascony (Gascogne), renowned for its duck and goose foie gras, gourmet cuisine, Armagnac and Floc de Gascogne.
In this picture, the rural landscape of the Gers, heart of Gascogne, with its rolling hills.
his large area in southwest France, critical to the production of duck foie gras, is known for its historical characters, mainly King Henri IV, known as the Vert Galant. When he travelled, it was his habit to pay court to the chatelaine of the place where he spent the night. At that time, religious wars were tearing France apart. Henry IV was first involved in them as a prince of royal blood and Protestant leader. Catholic by birth, he changed religion several times, for political motives, before he acceded to the throne of France. In order to make it to Paris and win the title of King of France, he converted back
to Catholicism with these famous words: “Paris is well worth a mass.” He signed the Edict of Nantes, a peace treaty tolerant of Protestant worship but with limits. The treaty ended two decades of religious warfare. Another character associated with this region is Monsieur d’ Artagnan, leader of the Captains of Gascony. His real name was Charles de Batz de Castelmore d’ Artagnan, an officer in the regiment of King Louis XIII’s Captains of Gascony. The Captains of Gascony were an elite military corps assigned to protect King Louis XIII, son and heir to King Henri IV. Alexandre Dumas’s novel, “The Three
Musketeers,” relates the adventures of this destitute 18-year-old Gascon who went to Paris to enlist in the Musketeers, forming a close friendship with Athos, Portos and Aramis. These four men challenged the Prime Minister, Cardinal Richelieu, and his main agents, the Count de Rochefort and the lovely Milady de Winter, to save the honour of the queen of France, Anne of Austria. Introduction to a Noble Product: Duck Foie Gras One morning in October 2014, I began thinking about a bucolic stroll. For the following day, I had invited three pairs of friends to a themed lunch focusing
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Above left, the statue of d'Artagnan at Auch, his birthplace; left, the foie gras Museum is housed in the former barn of a traditional farm in Souleilles, on the banks of the Quercy River in Lot-et-Garonne. Below, three different ways to serve the foie gras.
on plump duck. My reputation as cook, all modesty aside, is well established, and the ladies were already asking each other what they would be wearing. So it was a quick decision, and I got ready for a visit to the Foie Gras Museum and to do some shopping there. The Foie Gras Museum It is located on the town of Frespech in Lot et Garonne, a department in the Aquitaine region, which takes us into southwest France, an area rich in history and famous for its wonderful food. This Museum is the result of a family history, that of the Boissière family. Deeply rooted and attached to their land, they work in a way that respects the environment and take pride in careful farming that is respectful of the wellbeing of the animals. The quality of the products processed in their laboratories accurately mirrors the respect brought to the entire food chain. Their approach includes informing vis-
itors about the long history of this noble product. The slide show will take you on a journey from Ancient Egypt at the present day. Foie Gras I want first of all to dispel a myth spread by radical animal-rights activists; I want to talk about gavage, the force-feeding of geese and ducks that is said to hurt their liver, giving them cirrhosis. These birds, which originally migrated long distances, would eat ravenously before starting their journeys; they stored up the necessary energy in their liver in order to survive the arduous journey. Once they arrived where they were going, the liver would return to normal size. Today we simply need to halt the gavage in order for the same phenomenon to occur. That is why you can enjoy this noble food without feeling a trace of guilt. These days foie gras, now a famous culinary speciality, is eaten raw, semi-cooked or cooked and is available fresh or tinned.
France is the leading producer, consumer and world exporter of foie gras: it produces 75 to 78% of the world’s foie gras, which today is an official part of France’s cultural and gastronomic heritage, protected by the country. The Cifog (Comité Interprofessionnel des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras), recognized by the authorities since 1987, brings together all the professional players in the foie gras industry. Its mission is to defend the products offered for consumption and to take action in the general interest of the profession. It also seeks to promote traditional foie gras and other products made from ducks and geese, such as fresh breasts and confit of duck or goose. Finally, it takes part in financing collective priority research programmes for the profession: animal wellbeing and comfort, techniques and methods of foie gras production, knowledge of the raw materials, processing technologies, etc. Jacques Blondeau
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Foto: CDP
Foto: DDM, Michel Labonne
Left, an emblematic image, expressing the spirit of the Innovation Connecting Show. Below right, Denis Le Meur, ICS General Commissioner. Below left, the ICS inauguration ceremony: from left, first row: Jean-Michel Fabre, representative of the General Council of Haute-Garonne, Jean-Michel Baylet, President of the Radical Party of the Left, Bernard Maffre and Jean-Nicolas Baylet, respectively vice-president and general manager of the Group Dépêche, and Martin Malvy Alain Chatillon, senator, mayor of Revel.
TOULOUSE IN SEARCH OF FUTURE TIME A 72 hours world tour of breakthrough innovations: Toulouse, centre of the European aerospace industry, met the challenge head-on with the new Innovation Connecting Show. he first international cross-cutting forum dedicated to generic technologies and their applications was held in September in Toulouse, the city that hosts the headquarters of Airbus, the Galileo positioning system, the SPOT satellite system, the Airbus Group (former EADS), ATR and the Aerospace Valley (considered as a global cluster), as well as the European headquarters of Intel and CNES’s Toulouse Space Centre (CST), the largest one in Europe. 1,000 world innovation experts and investors, 12 technological sectors represented, 700 exhibitors and project leaders, 25,000 m2 of exhibition space, over 20,000 visitors: this is the depth and breadth of the Innovation Connecting Show. An opportunity for the Pink City – a ‘technopolis’ of knowledge – and for
the Midi-Pyre ́ne ́es region to raise the banner of international competitiveness. ICS is a place for ‘product’, ‘service’ and ‘process’ innovations to meet with their future application markets. As such, it aims to promote pioneering partnerships and transfers between sectors, through the development and demonstration of key generic technologies. The ICS is a vector of synergies between pioneering businesses, training and research centres, territorial institutions, the French state, Europe and large international institutions. Centralized into 14 sectors, these pioneering businesses and their private and institutional partners were grouped by business clusters, and by French and international clusters. 1,000 global innovation leaders were invited to the event from all around the globe.
Public and private investors, researchers, political figures, entrepreneurs shared their expertise with the public. The scientific committee of the show, composed of renowned experts, presented a program with 100 conferences, hands-on workshops and round tables, emceed by top- ranking guest speakers. The cross-cutting aspect of skills, methods and business sectors was at the core of this reflection. «Through this ambitious conference program, ICS wants to encourage the exchange of best practices», Bernard Maffre, Executive Vice-President of the media group La De ́pe ̂che du Midi and organizer of the event, explains: «Through this, we aim to bring partners and performances closer together, as well as the science and technology universe with the world of economy». The highlight of this show, the ‘elevator speech session’, is a testimony to this. Conceived as a genuine relationship forum, it allows each breakthrough project developer to promote its strong points in a few minutes, in front of investors. The Innovation Award for best project provides the winner with an international echo that will benefit its development. As ICS Exhibition Manager Thierry Marange ́ points out «Stakes are very high. 34 plans for industrial renewal have been announced by the President of the French Republic Franc ̧ois Hollande and by the Economic Renewal Minister Arnaud Montebourg. At the European level, key- enabling technologies could register an 8 percent growth per annum thus accounting for a €1,000 billion market by 2015». Jacques Blondeau
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Pitti Immagine W 2015 13/16.01.2015 This fair, dedicated to special innovative, experimental projects in women’s fashions, single-product and capsule collections. Pitti Immagine Uomo 13/16.01.2015 This is the world’s most important platform for men’s clothing and accessory collections and for launching new projects in men’s fashion. Created in 1972 Pitti Uomo is held in Florence twice a year. Pitti Bimbo 22/24.01.2015 This is the only international fair in the world that offers a complete picture of every possible aspect of children’s fashions. Created in 1975, Pitti Bimbo launched the first runway shows and events dedicated to this market. Pitti Filati 28/30.01.2015 This is the leading trade fair showcasing yarns for the knitting industry, with a careful eye on technological innovations and services for the textile industry. The Spazio Ricerca is the“laboratory” where future trends are tested and previewed.
Homi . The Lifestyle Trade Fair Milano - 17/20.01.2015 A dynamic, flowing journey through 10 satellites that define the shopping experience of tomorrow, providing for greater business opportunities with new chances for exhibitors and buyers to meet. HOMI is the business opportunity for the lifestyle sector. A new brand, a synthesis of style, business and excellence: in a word, HOMI. It's an original concept for trade fairs with an international flare. Many home dimensions, only one journey leading to ideas and solutions: all at HOMI, whose name says it all. HOMI, is a simple name holding many sensations, where the letter 'O' symbolically represents the circle that encloses the environment and the person, and the 'MI' at the end pays homage to Milan, a metropolis par excellence. Entrance is allowed only to trade visitors and to experts in design and interior decoration and furnishing.
Milano Moda Uomo Fiera Milano City - 17/20.01.2015 Fashion Show for Men. This is an international event featuring novelties and pret-à-porter collections for men created by italian fashion's most prestigious designers. Along with Milano Moda Donna, Milano Moda Uomo is the International event with all the innovations of prêt-à-porter for men presented by the most important maisons of Italian fashion; during the event more than 100 fashion shows and presentations take place; With two annual appointments: January (Autumn/Winter Collection) and June (Spring/Summer Collection), the fully booked calendar of the event is the proof of the great interest shown by market operators toward men’s Fashion. 46
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Exhibition: Alberto Giacometti Galleria Nazionale d’Arte moderna Milano - until 01.02.2015 The exhibition is part of “Milano Heart of Europe”, the multidisciplinary cultural program dedicated to the European identity of Milano through the figures and movements which, with its own history and its artistic production, have helped to build European citizenship and the cultural dimension. Sculptures, paintings and drawings executed between the 1920s and 1960s enable the visitor to follow Giacometti’s artistic development, from his beginnings in Switzerland to his mature period, spent mostly at the studio in Paris. The works are arranged chronologically and divided into five sections, each based on different themes. This makes it possible to follow the artist’s entire career.
The treasures of the Buccellati foundation - from Mario to Gianmaria, 100 years of goldsmith art history - Palazzo Pitti - Florence until 22.02.2015 The Pitti Palace in Florence hosts an exposition of great charm and enormous artistic-historical importance. The exhibition, made possible by the collaboration between the Gianmaria Buccellati Foundation and the Superintendency for Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and the Museums of the City of Florence, is hosted in the monumental rooms of the Museo degli Argenti and presents a selection of over one hundred works, including jewellery, works of gold and silver designed by Mario and Gianmaria Buccellati, one of the most significant names in the jewellery world, heirs to the famous Italian tradition which flourished during the Renaissance under Benvenuto Cellini, one of the greatest artists of all time.
Van Gogh – l’Uomo e la Terra Palazzo Reale - Milan - until 03.03.2015 After more than sixty years, Van Gogh returns to Milan with a major exhibition. Most of the paintings and drawings are from the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, the Netherlands, with additional works coming from many international museums. For the first time in Milan some of Van Gogh’s most famous masterpieces are on display, including Self Portrait (1887), Landscape with Wheat Sheaves and Rising Moon (1889), Portrait of Joseph Roulin (1889) and Still Life With a Plate of Onions (1889).
The Divine Marchesa. Life of Luisa Casati from the Belle Époque to the Spree Years Palazzo Fortuny Venice - Until 08.03.2015 Venice celebrates the persona and legend of Luisa Casati Stampa, who fascinated D’Annunzio and whose outrageous lifestyle made her the muse of the greatest artists of the day, from Boldini to Bakst, Marinetti, Balla, Man Ray, Alberto Martini, Van Dongen and Romaine Brooks.Palazzo Fortuny in Venice is hosting the first important exhibition devoted entirely to her.
«Memling. Flemish Renaissance» Scuderie del Quirinale - Roma until 18.01.2015 A sweeping retrospective of the art of Hans Memling, this absolute master of the Flemish Renaissance, an artist who rose to become the most important painter in Bruges - the financial hub of Flanders and one of the most advanced centres of artistic output in the region following after the death of his master Rogier van der Weyden. Russian Avantgarde. From Malevich to Rodčenko. Masterpieces from the Costakis collection - palazzo Chiablese - Turin - until 15.02.2015 For the first time in Italy an exceptional collection of Russian avantgarde George Costakis (1913 - 1970): the man who in the years following the Second World War, in defiance of the prohibitions of the Stalinist regime, decided to methodically collect examples of experimental Russian turn of the century. 47
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WINTER IN FLORENCE inter may be the right season in which to visit Florence, as the city is usually quiet until the Easter celebrations – Christmas and New Year aside. Nor is the cold always too biting: although the city sometimes turns white (a rare but wonderful event, or at any rate a very picturesque sight), on some days the sun warms the air up nicely; from early February on, there may even be a pleasant foretaste of spring. Visitors in this period will be able to plan their itineraries without the hassle of crowds or long queues, and will probably see much more than they would in the high season. Florence is an extended yet at the same time compact museum: the area of just over one square kilometre – with the David, Cathedral, Uffizi, Palazzo della Signoria, Ponte Vec-
chio and Palazzo Pitti - practically encloses everything which the city has to offer, including possible sidetracks to destinations that may not be so well known, but are just as charming and may be reached in a leisurely fifteen-minute stroll: Beato Angelico’s graceful Annunciation (church of San Marco, in the piazza by the same name); Pontormo’s Deposition in the church of Santa Felicita (near the Ponte Vecchio); Palazzo Strozzi, an imposing Renaissance palace used as a venue for big exhibitions (the current one, ‘Picasso and Spanish Modernity’ will be running until 25 January 2015); the Bargello Palace, with bronze sculptures by Donatello, “everyone’s master” (including Michelangelo); and – continuing along the left bank of the Arno – the must-see frescoes by Masac-
© Claudio Fantuzzi
Florence in winter shows a new face.
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In this picture, the Cathedral and the Baptistery under the snow. Below, an unusual winter view of the city.
© Claudio Fantuzzi
cio in the Brancacci chapel inside the church of the Carmine. Many more sights lie only a short distance away: visitors might choose to reach another gem, the basilica of San Miniato al Monte, and catch a charming view of the city and hills; or they might choose to travel to Fiesole (bus no. 7 from Piazza San Marco), to enjoy a different yet no less magnificent vista compared to that from Piazzale Michelangelo; or again, before exploring the streets, squares, alleys, museums and churches, they might wish to make their way up the 400+ steps of Brunelleschi’s dome (closed on Sunday) or Giotto’s bell tower (always open) to take in a stunning panorama of the city and its environs. Clearly, there is also a great deal to see for anyone interested in more recent art, starting from the newly inaugurated Museo Novecento per l’Arte del XX secolo – charmingly developed within the former ex-Leopoldine complex in Piazza Santa Maria Novella – and ‘Luci sul ‘900’, a collection of over 120 Italian figurative paintings which will be on display in the Galleria di Arte Moderna of Palazzo Pitti until 8 March 2015, to mark the hundredth anniversary of the gallery. Museums aside, visitors strolling through the city will find boutiques of famous brands (Via Tornabuoni and its environs), luxury antique shops (Via Maggio on the left bank of the Arno), small artisan ateliers (regrettably only a few survive, in the Piazza Santo Spirito area and around the basilica of Santa Croce), and markets (such as the San Lorenzo central market and the Sant’Ambrogio market in the Santa Croce neighbourhood), in addition to the bricà-brac market in Piazza dei Ciompi, and the largest market of all, the one held in the Cascine Park (on Tuesdays: catch a tram from Santa Maria Novella station and get off at Parco delle Cascine). The city also has a number of popular vintage shops, such as those in Via de’ Tavolini (behind Piazza della Signoria) and Via de’ Conti (near the Medici Chapels). Dining establishments of all sorts are to be found on practically every street corner: from the three-star Enoteca Pinchiorri-Annie Féolde (Via Ghi-
bellina), which boasts one of the world’s most renowned cellars and an equally high-class cuisine, to the long-standing, lively Latini, a more casual and considerably less expensive restaurant – don’t miss the “gran pezzo (beef steak) with unshelled beans and olive oil” (Via dei Palchetti, twenty metres away from Via della Vigna, one of the city’s top shopping streets). A hearty Tuscan fare may be enjoyed at the Trattoria Del Fagioli (in Corso Tintori, on the corner with the Horne Museum, five minutes away from the cathedral of Santa Croce). For a bite on the go, visitors might want to try the trippaio (tripe-seller) in the Mercato Nuovo (a favourite with foreign tourists), next to the bronze Porcellino. Despite its name, the latter is not actually a piglet but a boar; as touching its nozzle is believed to bring good look, by now it is in a state of polished sheen (the original 17th-century sculpture is in the Bardini Museum). A good place to go for an aperitif or after-dinner drink – or even for supper – is Slowly, a lounge bar popular with locals and tourists alike, with live music in the basement (Via Porta Rossa, a few metres away from Via Tornabuoni). For those looking for a comfortable and centrally located “room with a view”, the one most highly soughtafter is no. 414 in the Hotel degli Orafi, where some scenes of James Ivory’s film Room with a View were shot in 1985 (the hotel is situated in Lungarno degli Achibusieri, between the Uffizi and the Ponte Vecchio). One last note concerns those ‘strange’ openings on the façades of many palaces, some of which still have their original wooden doors: through them, with the main gate locked, gentlemen could sell wine from their estates to passers-by in complete safety. Of the many buchette del vino, or wine portals, which may still be seen in the city, quite a few are architecturally pleasing and well preserved, with opening hours and rules still legible. These portals certainly constitute one example of the distinctive habits of the city: in the age of carriages, making a trip to the countryside to buy some wine was not yet a popular option. Claudio Fantuzzi 49
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CASTELGANDOLFO GOLF CLUB IN ROME Extending along the Via Appia Antica, just beyond the gates of Rome, is the Castelgandolfo golf course. Designed by Robert Trent Jones inside the crater of an ancient volcano, this spectacular course offers a fine view of the Castelli Romani area at the foot of the town of Castel Gandolfo – the popes' holiday residence.
nickname of “La Pavona” (“The Peacock”). As a tribute to her memory, the whole area now housing the golf club came to be known as “La Pavona”. The Club House affords a complete view of the 18-hole course which Robert Trent © Edoardo Granata
1600 – Pope Urban VIII erected a first palace on the site of Domitian’s villa, with other buildings being added by later pontiffs. In the same year the sculptor, painter and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini lent shape and order to the palace, creating a harmonious complex of private and official buildings which still serves as the pope’s summer residence. The Castelgandolfo Country Club is located at the foot of the hill topped by the papal residence. The golf course was developed within the ancient crater of a volcano active in past eras: a unique setting consisting in the green crown of a basin with a diameter of over two kilometres. Again around the year 1600, Cardinal Chigi commissioned the building of a magnificent villa at the foot of the hill, commanding a view of the circular crater and the plain below. This peerless view extends as far as the sea to the left, with Rome in the background. Spectacular and highly romantic, this was an ideal place for the Cardinal’s handsome girlfriend, whose beauty earned her the
© Edoardo Granata
he Castelgandolfo Country Club is ranked among Rome’s golf courses, although the “Eternal City” can only be glimpsed from afar by following the course of the Appia Antica across the plain below the 18th-century Club House. This is located on the first slopes of the Castelli Romani, a cluster of villages and towns on the Alban Hills, a short distance away from Rome, in the region which used to be known as Latium Vetus (Old Latium). The golf course may be reached by travelling the Appia Antica. The Castelgandolfo Country Club lies at the foot of the town of Castel Gandolfo, the ancient Alba Longa, which the Romans razed to the ground in 658 BC. The place was so agreeable and the climate so favourable that in the Republican Age, after the opening of the Via Appia, emperors and patricians chose it as their summer residence. Among the many grand villas built is that of Emperor Domitian (AD 81-96), the remains of which may still be admired. In more recent times – the year
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Jones Sr. masterfully set within this context by making the most of the four ponds at the bottom of the crater and of every feature of the green volcanic slope. The par-72 course spreads out across 6205 m from the whites and 5871 from the yellows. The greatest challenges it poses are the approach to the greens and the greens themselves, as President Marco Zanetti emphasizes. With regard to the tee boxes for hole 4 par 4 hcp 1 of 349 m from the yellows, with water obstacles on either side and three bunkers surrounding the green, he proudly states:
“This is the finest par-4 course in Lazio and is ranked by experts among the top one thousand links in Europe.” The course proves enjoyable from start to finish, since Robert Trent Jones’ creative flair has lent harmony and rhythm to it through holes of varying degrees of difficulty: hole 15, for instance, a par-5 of 454 m touched by one of the ponds and with a tricky bend before the green, is one of the most challenging holes, whereas hole 18 extends from the bottom of the crater up to the Club House, crowning the spectacular 18-hole course.
After making one’s way back to the Club House, it would be a real shame to leave this charming corner of the Castelli Romani without taking a good look at the villa once belonging to “La Pavona”, with its frescoed halls and terrace overlooking the course. Caressed by the sea breeze and immersed in the green setting of this natural amphitheatre, visitors can enjoy a refreshing glass of local wine and typical Roman dishes, prepared to perfection by the Golf Club restaurant. Edoardo Granata
In this picture, the Castelgandolfo Country Club is located at the foot of the hill topped by the papal residence. Left, architect Robert Trent Jones Sr. put his own brand on a Golf course unique in the world: the basin of a volcano, where in antiquity was located the Turno’s Lake, 51
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ABU DHABI WINTER EVENTS Next winter months are rich in important events and attractions at Abu Dhabi City, the capital of United Arab Emirates. Volvo Ocean Race he daring, round-the-world 2014/15 Volvo Ocean Race fleet is expected to arrive in Abu Dhabi city sometime over the 14th and 15th December having raced hard from Cape Town, South Africa across the Indian Ocean and up into the Arabian Gulf. By the time they make shore in Abu Dhabi, they will have been at sea for almost a month enduring some of the world’s toughest racing conditions. For that occasion plans are being finalised for the expansive Destination Village on the destination’s Corniche Breakwater, which will come alive over the December/New Year festive season with concerts, entertainment, activ-
ities, education and sailing for the entire family. Dhow races and an Emirati Festival are the latest activities to join the three-week-long maritime celebration. BBC Worldwide’s highly acclaimed Blue Planet in Concert conducted by famous composer, George Fenton, has been confirmed as opening the event on 12th and 13th December. A series of Volvo Ocean Race-related activities include public viewing platforms built into the village boatyard where visitors will be able to meet the crews – including Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing, the emirate’s very own Volvo Ocean Race contesting squad which features Arab sailing role model Adil Khalid – the only Arab sailor
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In this picture, an image of the Desert Master Trek race. Below, the Mubadala World Tennis Championship.
in the race. The activity continues for three weeks culminating in a pro-am race on 1st January, followed by the hotly contested in-port race on 2nd January before the racing yachts leave for the next leg of the race to Sanya in China. Local heritage and culture will be brought to the fore with a 60ft dhow race on 27th December and an Emirati Festival two days later on 29th December. Local sailors will also get the chance to show off their skills with a series of events both on and off the water. Huge screens will be dotted around the village to ensure all spectators and visitors can follow the sailing activity via live content feeds.
Desert Master Trek A grueling 200km endurance race testing runners’ physical and mental health to the limit will debut in Abu Dhabi’s stunning, yet exacting, Liwa Desert next February with the aim of it becoming an annual event. The inaugural Liwa Challenge Master Trek will be run between 7th – 15th February 2015 and is attracting an international field of athletes including entrants from the UAE, Europe, US, Canada and New Zealand. Runners will be self-sufficient as they traverse the desert course, carrying with them all their supplies, including water, food and sleeping equipment. They will carry their own GPS system to help them navigate a series of checkpoints, checking beacons and waypoints. The race, with runners deciding on a 100km or 200km course, will finish at the top of the 100-metre Tel Mareeb, one of the highest dunes in the Rub Al Khali (Empty Quarter), inside the UAE’s portion of the world’s largest uninterrupted sand mass. The 6th Mubadala World Tennis Championship Now coming in to its seventh year, the Mubadala Community Cup is established as the region’s largest amateur tennis tournament. Free and open to all ages, players face off against each other across six age categories in a round-robin format. The eventual winner, runners-up and lucky raffle picks from each group will meet their tennis heroes on court during the Mubadala World Tennis Championship, 1st – 3rd January, 2015. Six of the world’s top players will descend on the capital once again for three days of raw, competitive play between the best of the best as they look to kick-start 2015 at the annual pre-season tournament. The impressive bill of 2015 talent at the Mubadala World Tennis Championship includes the current world number one Novak Djokovic, who in 2013 became the first player to win the tournament three times, 14 time major champion and world number three Rafael Nadal, 53
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Above from the left, an image of the Volvo Ocean Race; the podium of the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship; a concert during the famous Abu Dhabi Festival. Right page, the Abu Dhabi stop of the International Triathlon Union (ITU), World Triathlon Series.
world number four Stan Wawrinka, two time grand slam champion and inaugural MWTC champion Andy Murray, fan favourite Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and one of the sport’s biggest characters Gaël Monfils. The 10th anniversary of the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship In 2015 (January 15-18) Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship marks a decade as one of the region’s premier
Un tourbillon de manifestations agrémente l’hiver d’Abu Dhabi City. A commencer par la régate historique Volvo, qui fait une étape dans les Emirats Arabes Unis vers le 15 décembre et qui prévoit tout un corollaire d’événements jusqu’en janvier. Du 7 au 15 février, a lieu la première édition du Desert Master trek, 200 km de course de résistance dans le désert, qui est destiné à devenir un rendez-vous annuel. Le VIIème Championnat Mondial de Tennis Mudabala, comptera parmi ses participants des noms prestigieux du tennis comme Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Stan Wawrinka, Andy Murray, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga et Gaël Monfils. Il y aura en outre, le 10ème anniversaire de l’HSBC Golf Championship Abu Dhabi, sans oublier la prestigieuse compétition de triathlon, l’Itu World Triathlon Series, où l’on prévoit la participation d’environ 2.400 athlètes. Côté culture, la 12ème édition de l’Abu Dhabi Festival proposera toute une série de concerts, de spectacles et d’expositions. 54
golf events, annually welcoming the world’s best players who share 51 major championship titles and six world number 1 rankings. Over the past nine years the Championship has carved out a reputation for unexpected, on-course thrills and long-lasting off-course memories and in 2015 it will celebrate an illustrious past and buoyant future when the biggest names in the sport once again
take to the immaculate fairways of Abu Dhabi Golf Club. Whilst it remains to be seen if the vagaries of play will once again deliver the uncanny moments and inestimable results which are now synonymous with the championship, the overriding consistency, of quality of performance and up close player access will remain. And, as our fans know, the world class entertainment
Una carrellata di manifestazioni arricchisce l’inverno di Abu Dhabi City. A cominciare dalla regata oceanica Volvo, che fa tappa nella capitale degli Emirati Arabi Uniti intorno al 15 dicembre, e che prevede tutto un corollario di eventi fino a gennaio. Dal 7 al 15 febbraio si tiene la prima edizione del Desert Master trek, 200 km di corsa di resistenza nel deserto, che si prefigge di diventare un appuntamento annuale. Il VII Campionato Mondiale di Tennis Mubadala vedrà tra i suoi partecipanti nomi prestigiosi del tennis come Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Stan Wawrinka, Andy Murray, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga e Gaël Monfils. Si profila all’orizzonte anche il 10 ° anniversario dell’HSBC Golf Championship Abu Dhabi. Alla prestigiosa gara di triathlon, l’Itu World Triathlon Series, si prevede la partecipazione di circa 2.400 atleti. Sul fronte della cultura, la 12a edizione dell’Abu Dhabi Festival porterà tutta una serie di concerti, spettacoli e mostre.
Eine ganze Reihe von Veranstaltungen bereichert den Winter in Abu Dhabi City, angefangen mit dem Volvo Ocean Race, das um den 15. Dezember in der Hauptstadt der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate Halt macht und bis Januar eine Unzahl von Nebenveranstaltungen bietet. Vom 7. bis 15. Februar findet die erste Ausgabe des Desert Master Trek Endurance Race statt: ein 200 km-Rennen in der Wüste, das zum jährlichen Event werden soll. Die 7. Mubadala World Tennis Championship wird wieder eine Reihe von Tennis-Stars wie Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Stan Wawrinka, Andy Murray, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga und Gaël Monfils präsentieren. Und bald kommt auch das 10. Jubiläum der HSBC Golf Championship Abu Dhabi in Sicht. An der renommierten Triathlonveranstaltung ITU World Triathlon Series werden mehr als 2.400 Athleten teilnehmen. Und was die Kultur betrifft, bietet das 12. Abu Dhabi Festival wieder eine Reihe von Konzerten, Aufführungen und Ausstellungen.
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ABUDHABIEVENTS GOES MOBILE! Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) has a launched the first mobile App for its online resource bringing all the event happenings in the emirate closer to residents and visitors alike. The App features an option to add events and alerts to personalized online calendars and to check a map to pin down the location of individual happenings. Users can download the new App:
isn’t confined to the fairways and greens - the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship also boasts the region’s largest off-course entertainment village. Our fun-packed Championship Village includes everything from race car simulators to great refreshments and action for the whole family in the incredible HSBC Interactive Zone. Itu World Triathlon Series The International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Triathlon Series (WTS) the world’s pinnacle triathlon circuit contested by the best Olympic competitors - is on its way to Abu Dhabi city, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The sport’s season opener will be held the UAE capital from 2015-2019 with next year’s event being centred in and around the city’s stunning Corniche from March 6-7. Around 2,400 age group athletes from 100 countries are expected to join the elite athletes in Abu Dhabi next March to compete over two courses; the ‘Olympic’ distance of a 1.5km swim, 40km bike and 10km run, or the ‘Sprint’ distance of a 0.5km swim,
20km bike and a 5km run. The event will and be headquartered at the Abu Dhabi Sailing & Yacht Club where a spectator-friendly environment including a 2,000-seater grandstand, a bike park, a ‘Friends and Family’ area, refreshment kiosks and a kids zone will be built. The elite event will feature a ‘swim start’ off the Volvo Ocean Race yacht pontoons on Abu Dhabi Corniche with the top 65 men and women on the ITU World Series rankings competing for line honours in the opening event of the 2015 season. 12th edition of the Abu Dhabi Festival The Abu Dhabi Festival is the UAE’s leading celebration of arts & culture. Launched in 2004, it continues to attract high-calibre regional and international artists to the UAE capital every year. Coming up to its 12th edition the festival has secured its place as the region’s largest cultural event and in the course of the decade has established working partnerships with some of the world’s most influential cultural institutions including the Edinburgh International Festival, the
Royal Opera House, Manchester International Festival and Carnegie Hall. Through a comprehensive series of educational and community programmes, the festival brings together artists, students, community groups and cultural organizations from across the UAE and actively supports emerging Emirati talent as well as promoting the artistic and cultural heritage of the UAE in all aspects of life. With a ground-breaking series of concerts, performances and exhibitions, Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation (ADMAF) announced the first two headline acts to grace the UAE capital at the Abu Dhabi Festival in March 2015. Consolidating Abu Dhabi Festival as an international cultural platform, ADF15 will welcome one of the world’s most successful musicians, Sérgio Mendes, alongside the awe-inspiring Italian youth orchestra, Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra led by its founder and conductor, Riccardo Muti, with featured soloist, Anne-Sophie Mutter. Dora Paradies 55
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SIHH. Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie Genève Geneva Palexpo - 19/23.01.2015 For more than twenty five years, the SIHH has advocated an approach to precious watches and Fine Watchmaking that is distinguished by excellence, and the desire for brands to share this unique world with the leading international retailers. The complete quality of the products on show and a policy of selective distribution are the driving forces of Fine Watchmaking and the SIHH, as brilliantly illustrated by the Show's progressive and controlled expansion. One of the values shared by all the SIHH's protagonists is to present objects whose perfection is attained with complete respect for the heritage of the past. For several of the exhibiting brands, this heritage derives from two centuries of experience. It is defined by craftsmanship and technique, patiently acquired expertise, discernible added value, controlled innovation, and an unerring belief in the beauty and perfection of the object.
Pharma Con Davos Davos Congress Centre - Davos 18/23.01.2015 Pharma Con Davos Exhibition brings together the manufacturers and suppliers of process plant and equipment, for this growing industry, all under one roof. The exhibition provides an excellent platform for service providers to showcase their products and services to decision makers from leading Pharmaceutical manufacturers. Hardware Messe Luzern, Lucerne 11/13.01.2015 This event showcases products like electric tools, various products and services related to the hardware industry and many more related products in the Industrial Products industry.
Fixed and Bridal Fair Zurich MCH Messe Schweiz - Zurich, 10/11.01. 2015 This event showcases product from Wedding & Bridal industry. Profile for exhibit includes Bridal designers, wedding planners, venues, tour and honey moon packages, floral suppliers, music bands and dancers, photographers, decorative cake makers, jewelers, apparel, tailors, party items, stationery and printers, house & property, insurance, gifts, etc.
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Ski Wold Cup Lauberhorn in Wengen 16/18.01.2015 Welcome to the 85th International Lauberhorn Races in Wengen! During the races in 2015 you have the unique chance as a spectator to support the best and most famous skiers in the world in the finishing area, along the downhill slope and on the fantastic plateau of Girmschbiel/Wengernalp. Feel the high tension and the true emotions during this big event in Wengen!
Geneva’s Omega Boutique reopened with new design concept. Nearly eight years after the flagship store’s original opening day, the Omega Boutique in Geneva just reopened its doors following extensive renovation that includes a redesign of the sales area and VIP lounge. This “house of Omega”, located on the famed Rue de Rhône, has a 300-square-metre retail space that features a calm and luxurious shopping atmosphere. The display counters, columns and wall panelling are made of exotic reconstituted Zebra Wood – a pale brown wood with narrow streaks of dark brown. The stools and chairs are crafted from high quality red leather and complement the champagne glass on the walls.
150 years of winter tourism In the winter of 2014/2015 St. Moritz, the Engadin and Switzerland are celebrating 150 years of winter tourism. And as the birthplace of winter tourism St Moritz is set to take centre stage. In autumn 1864, Johannes Badrutt made an offer to his last remaining English summer guests. Winter in the Engadin, he told them, was full of sunshine and much more pleasant than winter in England. He invited them to stay at his hotel to experience it themselves; if they were not satisfied, he would also pay their travel expenses. The only winter weather the Englishmen were familiar with was England’s cold and damp winters. They stayed, leaving nicely tanned, rested and happy. They became the first winter tourists of the Alps and discovered a new world: winter holidays in the snow.
Muse ́e d’ethnographie de Gene ̀ve – MEG - After four years of renovation work, the Muse ́e d'ethnographie de Gene ̀ve (MEG) opened its doors to the public again. The new MEG is the result of shared will to propose ambitious, contemporary museum facilities and to give the ethnographic collections and the ethnomusicology department a setting worthy of their value and make them accessible to the widest possible audience. It has a spacious 2000 m2 exhibition area that offers countless possibilities. The building above ground is a strikingly bold design. It promises to be a new cultural scene in Geneva. 57
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SWITZERLAND AN INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLACE FOR WORKS OF ART Switzerland plays a fundamental role in the art market and promotes collecting through a number of incentives. In recent years, Swiss museums and galleries have significantly expanded their offering. he last ten years have witnessed a sharp rise in the sale of artworks throughout the world: hardly affected by stock-market fluctuations, art
T 58
has proven to be an interesting asset class for an increasing number of investors. In 2013, the art sector in Switzerland generated a turnover of 159 USD, accord-
ing to the data released by Art Price, one of the leading platforms for the analysis of the international art market. The Confederation has always played
In this picture, Art Basel, being held for the 45th time in June, is the world’s most important art fair. Above right, entrance to the Musée Barbier Mueller in Geneva, with its collection of primitive art, one of the world’s main art historical records.
a crucial role in high-level international art and collecting. Take for example Art Basel, which in 2014 passed the record mark of 70,000 visitors, generating multi-million sales. Switzerland also has a long tradition of hosting major international auction houses: from world-renowned Swiss maisons such as Koller and Antiquorum to British ones such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s, which started operating in Zurich and Geneva as early as the 1960s and 1970s. Geneva remains one of the most prestigious market places for jewellery and
© Daniela & Tonatiuh
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watches. In 2013, the city witnessed the breaking of several world records, two of which were set by the sale of diamonds: The Orange, auctioned by Christie’s for over 32.6 million francs, and Pink Star, sold by Sotheby’s for 23.57 million francs. The Confederation, however, does not just ‘shine’ when it comes to the collecting of valuables. The country, which is home to at least thirteen out of the 200 major world collectors, also stands out for its private collections that have been opened to the public or bequeathed to museums. “A range of different factors have favoured collecting in Switzerland”, art advisor Lidia Zaza Sciolli remarks; “the history of Swiss collecting is rooted in the late Renaissance, while the establishment of world-renown museums, especially in cities such as Basel and Zurich, has significantly contributed to the creation of an impressive art scene, and hence to the emergence of high-profile collecting.” Along with a marked attention to art and culture, which is now increasing even further through the many public and private initiatives, art collecting in Switzerland has expanded considerably from the 1980s onwards, when the financial markets started showing more and more interest in art objects: “In line with this global trend – the expert notes – banks too have taken considerable steps in the field of collecting by sponsoring cultural events and developing specific services for investors.” In recent years, moreover, Swiss financial operators and insurers have multiplied and strengthened their offering of products and services devoted to collectors and cultural operators. When it comes to laws and taxes, a number of incentives have favoured the rise of art collecting in the country. “Swiss VAT, fixed at 8%, is particularly favourable compared to the average in other European countries”, Lidia Zaza Sciolli explains. “What’s more, the Confederation does not require the payment of the so-called ‘resale right’, a sort of ‘royalty’ on the sale of contemporary artworks that is enforced in many European countries.” What also proves crucial is the presence in the country of some of the world’s
safest and most important ‘free-zone’ depositories. As art has become an asset, commercial transactions can be made regardless of whether the object sold is physically present: hence the growing demand for safe storage spaces, preferably beyond the tax bounds of one’s own country. Artworks are being purchased and resold while remaining in warehouses. “By its very nature, the Confederation is one of the safest places in which to store valuables”, notes Edoardo Passano, a specialist in antique paintings and a representative of the Nagel auction house in Switzerland. “Swiss free zones house luxury goods and artworks from across the world. The one located near Geneva airport, for instance, enshrines artworks for a total value of approximately 100 billion dollars.” These areas, extending for hundreds of square metres in surface, do not merely house priceless goods and artworks, but offer a series of service tailored to collectors’ needs. “The free zones – Lidia Zaza Sciolli notes – offer clients the most advanced conservation methods, such as the constant monitoring of the temperature and humidity level. The most cutting-edge structures also provide restoration, framing and evaluation services.” Edoardo Passano further notes that collecting in Switzerland partly owes its success to the central location of the coun59
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© Igor Grbesic
On top, the LAC cultural centre in Lugano. Above, the façade of the Kunsthaus in Zurich.
try, nestled between Germany, France and Italy. A bridge between north and south, Canton Ticino too has proved fertile ground for the development of a dynamic art scene: “In Lugano – the expert explains – the closing of local branches of auction houses such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s has left the field open to internationally acclaimed art galleries.” Over the last two years, several modern and contemporary art galleries have established branches in Ticino, complementing the long-standing names on the local market. “Just as Basel has done, starting in the 1970s – Lidia Zaza Sciolli explains – “Canton Ticino is investing in culture by carrying out an increasingly rich programme through the joint efforts of public institutions and private citizens.” Stefano Cortesi, the co-owner of the Cortesi Contemporary gallery in Lugano, shares this view. He notes that through the LAC project, the synergy between museums and galleries in the city is drawing an increasing number of collectors. “Ticino has become a central player in the process of dynamic development connected to the art world”, the gallery owner explains. “The creation of a new cultural platform and the increasing number of galleries now ensure 60
a fairly diverse choice for collectors and the public at large, a crucial prerequisite for the development of culture and the promotion of collecting.” The increasingly professional profile of private galleries also ensures a significant synergy between institutional offerings and ones aimed at collectors. “It is encouraging to note – Cortesi observes – that Italianspeaking Switzerland too is starting to follow the path laid a few decades ago by German cantons, such as Zurich and Basel.” Switzerland boasts a large number of collections open to the public or bequeathed to museums, including: the Beyeler collection in Basel, the Oskar Reinhart in Winterthur, entrusted to the Confederation, the Barbier-Müller, on display in Geneva, the Dübi-Müller in Soletta, the Georges Keller and Rupf collections in Bern, the von der Heydt collection in Ascona and the Züst in Rancate. “In recent decades – adds Lidia Zaza Sciolli – “Ticino regrettably lost some important collections, such as the Thyssen-Boernemisza one, which ranks among the world’s finest and most interesting art collections.” Now, with the depositing of the works from the Olgiati collection in Spazio -1, inside Lugano’s Central Park, this trend is being reversed:
“There is reason to hope that other collectors will be encouraged to share their works with the public”, Edoardo Passano remarks, noting however that collectors are often reserved, discreet people who feel little inclination to make public appearances. Moreover, as Lidia Zara Sciolli points out, the bibliographical and exhibit history of works or artists considerably influence their value: “The trends in the art market are related to the work carried out by galleries, museums and critics, whose synergy and collaboration with collectors is proving crucial nowadays.” Over the last decade, the market has shown a growing interest in post-war and contemporary art, as illustrated by the sales at large international auctions. Clearly, Switzerland and – to a smaller extent – Ticino have also been affected by this trend: “Collectors in Ticino are increasingly turning to contemporary art – Stefano Cortesi observes – although the public most receptive to this trend is that formed by new residents of the canton and international collectors.” Edoardo Passano notes that the prices for medium to low-level art antiques have fallen significantly over the past eight years or so, whereas those for upper-end items have remained the same: “What we have witnessed is a considerable change of taste”, the expert explains. “Revealing evidence comes from antique furniture, which is now worth half of what it was.” According to Lidia Zaza Sciolli, the reason for these changes is to be found in the generational turnover of collectors and the emergence of new actors within the art market: “We should not forget that the world of technology and finance has considerably influenced the market,” the art advisor notes. “Often collectors will diversity their art collections, as one might do with investment funds.” Since as early as 2010, the data recorded by Artprice has shown that the art market has been affected by the emergence of a new world power, whose annual revenue in this sector exceeds that of the United States: “China – Edoardo Passano remarks – has been playing a
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La Suisse joue un rôle fondamental au sein du marché de l’art et encourage le collectionnisme avec de nombreuses facilitations. Au cours de ces dernières années, l’offre des musées et des galeries suisses s’est énormément enrichie. Durant les dix dernières années les achats et les ventes d’œuvres d’art ont beaucoup augmenté. L’art, qui prouve ainsi son autonomie par rapport aux fluctuations de la bourse, s’est affirmé comme une classe d’actifs intéressante pour de plus en plus d’investisseurs. D’après les chiffres publiés par Art Price, l’une des principales plateformes analysant le marché de l’art mondial, en 2013 ce secteur à généré en Suisse un chiffre d’affaires de 159 millions de dollars.
La Svizzera riveste un ruolo fondamentale all’interno del mercato dell’arte e incentiva il collezionismo con numerose agevolazioni. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, l’offerta dei musei e delle gallerie elvetiche si è arricchita e rafforzata. Negli ultimi 10 anni le compravendite di opere d’arte hanno conosciuto una forte crescita in tutto il mondo: l’arte, che si dimostra poco correlata alle fluttuazioni borsistiche, si è rivelata una asset class interessante per un numero sempre maggiore di investitori. Nel 2013, questo settore ha generato in Svizzera un fatturato di 159 milioni di dollari, stando ai dati pubblicati da Art Price, una delle principali piattaforme che analizza il mercato dell’arte mondiale.
Die Schweiz spielt auf dem Kunstmarkt eine bedeutende Rolle und fördert Kunstsammler mit zahlreichen Begünstigungen. In den letzten Jahren nahm das Angebot der eidgenössischen Museen und Galerien noch zu. Auch weltweit erlebte der An- und Verkauf von Kunstwerken im letzten Jahrzehnt einen Boom, und die Kunst hat sich, da sie nicht alle Börsenschwankungen mitmacht, als asset class für eine steigende Zahl von Investoren etabliert. Im Jahr 2013 wurde in diesem Sektor in der Schweiz ein Umsatz von 159 Millionen Dollar gemacht, wie aus den Veröffentlichungen von Art Price hervorgeht, einer der wichtigsten Plattformen zur Analyse des weltweiten Kunstmarkts.
crucial role in the art market for the past four years. We have thus witnessed a massive upswing in the value of Chinese art, which is now being purchased
in Europe and resold in the East.” In this regard, Switzerland has once again proven to be among the most forwardlooking countries: in 2013 Art Basel
opened its gates to Hong Kong, which is set to become one of the world’s art capitals in the new millennium. Angela Mollisi
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ZURICH The Christmas market in the Old Town is the oldest in Zürich. It is located at Hirschenplatz square on Niederdorfstrasse and at the Rosenhof. Artisans and market venders from all over the world display their goods here. Zurich’s most central winter holidays market takes place inside the main hall of the train station. Featuring 150 stalls it is one of the biggest indoor Christmas Mar62
© by: Switzerland Tourism - By-Line: Schuerpf
kets in Europe. Just off the train, commuters and travellers flock to the market following the irresistible scent of mulled wine and cinnamon. A 50-ft-tall tree decorated with thousands of sparkly Swarovski crystals is the highlight of the “Christkindlimarkt”. With its 10 decorated stalls, the Market at Werdmühleplatz is the smallest one in Zürich. The “Singing Christmas Tree” children’s concert is traditionally held here each year. The new Christmas Market at Europaallee is only in its second year but already very popular with the locals. Not surprising since it features some 40 beautifully decorated booths, the fondue hut “Piz Europa”, the “Pyramid bar” and a christmas tree sale. Its convenient location between the main train station and the nightlife district makes it the perfect spot for a cup of mulled wine with colleagues or friends before heading to a bar or a party for a night out.
© Schweiz Tourismus . By-Line: Sonderegger
BASEL he pre-Christmas period in Basel is something quite special. Year by year, the city on the Rhine adorns itself even more beautifully and lavishly for Advent. Anyone strolling through the atmospheric Old Town can see the lovingly decorated houses and the festively embellished show windows and is enchanted by Basel’s sensuality. Not only the streets and squares of the city centre are filled with magnificent lights, but the shops and numerous façades also radiate with their festive decorations. Basel’s Christmas street is considered to be one of the longest in Europe. In the heart of the city centre, ensconced in the pre-Christmas decorations in the Old Town, is the oldest Christmas market in the Swiss Confederation. At around 100 brightly lit stalls and wooden houses, dealers and handicraft workers from across Switzerland and the region offer their wares from the end of November until Christmas. And be sure to visit the Johann Wanner House, which is world famous for its range of Christmas ornaments. More Informations:
Zuerich Tourismus. By-line: Ruetschi
Fröhliche Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale, Bella Festas da zNadal: one country, four languages, many Christmas events. Let’s have a look at them, in the main cities of the Swiss Confederation
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In this picture, the Limmat quai in Zurich in Christmas period. Below, Christmas markets in Basel and Lucerne.
LUCERNE From 21 november to 23 december Lucerne offers top Christmas events for guests of all ages from all over the world. A fun skating rink by the lake in front of KKL Luzern and the glittering Christmas Hotel Seeburg are just two highlights in the City of Lucerne. Moreover, the Lucerne Christmas markets are of impressive variety and heterogeneity. The Christmas Market on Franziskanerplatz, the Christkindlimarkt in the railway station and the craft market are absolutely not to be missed. MONTREUX In Montreux, (Canton of Vaud), on the shores of lake of Geneva, Christmas
preparation started on 21 November through to 24 of December: Montreux NoĂŤl celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and hosts a big parade ad a surprise program on 13 and 14 december. The guest of honor are the sister and twin cities of Menton (France), Wiesbaden (Germany) and Atlanta (USA), as well as the Japanese city of Chiba and the Xicheng district of Beijing. The Christmas Market in Montreux each year features 150 decorated and illuminated chalets along the quays of Lake of Geneva. In the best tradition of Christmas, crafts, tastings of regional specialities, mulled wine and thousands of gift ideas are there for you every year at this superb market. 63
© Lausanne Tourisme By-Line: Colombo
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Above left, Lausanne: Place de la Palud with its decorations; right, Temple de la Fusterie & Geneva International Christmas Market.
The Castle of Chillon too is in a festive spirit and invites the visitors to take a trip to the Middle Ages, featuring different informative activities and period costumes. LAUSANNE The Lausanne Christmas Market consists of some fifty illuminated and welcoming chalets on Place Saint-François: the lavishly decorated streets shimmer and glimmer in thousands of lights and colors. For a whole month, the market atmosphere is enhanced by children’s activities, choral groups, gospels and after work evenings and also by many different events taking place in the streets of Lausanne. Switzerland’s largest real-life nativity play is one of the highlights of the festive period. The show of the nativity is held every evening of the “noc-
Un pays, quatre langues, de nombreuses traditions de Noël. Nous allons les explorer ici en suivant un parcours idéal à travers les villes principales de la Confédération. Bâle, Zurich, Lucerne, Montreux, Lausanne et Genève célèbrent cette fête chacune à sa manière. Chaque ville a ses particularités, ses caractéristiques uniques, ses traditions, mais elles offrent toutes une atmosphère inoubliable, des décorations suggestives, des notes qui résonnent gaiement dans les places, les ruelles, sur les bords des lacs et des fleuves. Pour faire de Noël une fête qui réchauffe les cœurs, qui réunit, qui porte en elle espoir et sérénité.
turnes” (late-night shopping). From 22 November to the end of December, takes place the Festival Lausanne Lumières, a unique light show that illuminates the city center. Poetic, avant-garde and in keeping with the urban space and the architecture, the Christmas lights in Lausanne is an event in their own right. Thirteen artistic projects brighten the streets and squares of the city centre for the enjoyment of young and old alike. The works include the reinstallation of the first edition of two artistic productions that have been conceived with repeated use in mind. GENEVA Christmas is a special time when Geneva goes all out to bring some good old fashioned Christmas cheer to the city to help chase away the winter blahs.
Un Paese, quattro lingue, molte tradizioni natalizie. Le ripercorriamo qui compiendo un percorso ideale attraverso le principali città della Confederazione. Basilea, Zurigo, Lucerna, Montreux, Losanna e Ginevra festeggiano la ricorrenza ciascuna a suo modo. Ogni città ha le proprie peculiarità, le proprie caratteristiche uniche, i propri usi e costumi, ma uguali per tutte è l’atmosfera inimitabile, la suggestione degli addobbi, delle luci, delle note che risuonano allegre nelle piazze, nei vicoli, lungo le rive dei laghi e dei fiumi. Per rendere il Natale una festa che scalda i cuori, che unisce, che porta serenità e speranza.
The International Christmas Market at Fusterie Square features hand made folk arts and crafts from throughout Switzerland as well as numerous food stalls, all housed in quaint miniature wooden chalets along the main shopping street. Free Open Air Skating is available at Place du Rhône. The annual Christmas Tree Festival is a unique event presenting an array of trees and sculptures designed by renowned international artists on display throughout the city (see for more details). Finally, for the very adventurous, there is the annual Christmas Swimming Cup. The mid-December event draws over 600 swimmers who brave the icy waters to race from the Jardin des Anglais to the Quai Général Guisan. Anna Martano Grigorov
Ein Land, vier Sprachen und viele weihnachtliche Traditionen, denen man auf einer Reise zu den wichtigsten Städten der Eidgenossenschaft begegnet. Basel, Zürich, Luzern, Montreux, Lausanne und Genf feiern das Fest auf jeweils andere Art. Jede Stadt hat ihre Besonderheiten, einzigartigen Merkmale und eigenen Bräuche und Sitten, aber allen ist eine unnachahmbare Atmosphäre gemein: weihnachtliche Dekoration, funkelnde Lichter undWeihnachtslieder, die auf den Plätzen, in den Gassen und entlang der Ufer von Flüssen und Seen erklingen. So wird Weihnachten zu einem Fest, das die Herzen erwärmt, die Menschen vereint und Freude und Hoffnung bringt.
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MY BEA EAUTY TY MY WELL-BEING L-BEI LMY YC CHO OICE Sw mediterranean Swiss diterranean healt healthcare & wellnes w ss
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AT YOUR SERVICE phone: +41/(0)91 921 06 07 0 email:
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WE ARE STRONG. WE ARE UNBREAKABLE. WE ARE SPARTANS FROM SWITZERLAND The Spartan Race is considered the toughest obstacle race in the world. Challenging its participants with barriers to surpass, walls to climb, weights to drag or move, rivers to cross and slick mud to tackle, this race has become a global phenomenon with not much to compare it to. The obstacle races are professionally designed and engineered to provide the best experience possible from the starting gate to the finish line. The participants experience the thrill of accomplishing something they may not have believed possible and which can be a life changing experience. In this picture, the winners: • Anna Mandl, 1988 Lugano, • Marko Misic, 1988 Rivera, • Jonas Pesciallo, 1990 Bellinzona • Giuseppe Sciacca, 1993 Giubiasco • Antonello Atzeni, 1976 Torricella
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o what led a group of five young people from Ticino, Switzerland to participate in the Spartan Race? The adventure began in January of this year when for fun, but also to apply what is being taught by coach Antonello Atzeni at the Stonesport gym, the team of five enrolled to the Spartan Race. Their first race held in Rome early this year was an immediate success: 1st place as team and 3rd place with Vera Banchini in the category women. This was soon after followed by a second race in Milan where the team got in 2nd place and then Madrid where the team placed 12th in the game hosting over 8,000 participants. When the Stonesport Team also got in 4th during the Czech Republic races the American organizers noticed this small group of Swiss Spartans and handed them an official invitation to participate in the “World Championships” held in the USA, as the only team from Switzerland. In addition to the gym workouts the team added mountain trails to the preparation for the big race. But since the team members study and work this meant dealing with a tough workout schedule on top of ordinary commitments as in fact, the five are not professional athletes. During summer however, the sun rises early, so the team took advantage giving each other appointment as early as 5.30am. Running uphill, followed by a coffee at the mountain top, the obligatory ‘Selfie’ with memorable sunrises (posted on Facebook and Instagram of course), then running back down and hitting the showers before heading each to begin the day’s work. At times a bit tired but definitely happy. The final result of all the preparation and sweat was the team’s incredible victory coming in first out of 274 teams entering the Spartan Race World Championships, which took place on Sunday 21st of September in Kilington, Vermont USA, the birthplace of the Spartanraces! There is a race for everyone. Born in the scenic hills of Vermont, Joe
De Sena, CEO and Co-Founder turned a passion for endurance racing into a vocation, when he started Spartan Race in 2010. The aim is to bring the excitement of obstacle racing to the participants and spectators alike. The races are geared towards ripping people off their couches, creating heroes who have overcome inner restraints developing passions and abilities to apply during the competitive but entertaining events. The competition was created with a simple yet important mission in mind; that mission is to get people back to their primal roots. To do what they were designed to do: run, jump, climb and sweat. In 2013, over 500,000 participants competed at 60 events followed this year by over 130 events in 17 countries. Spartan Race is making obstacle racing one of the fastest growing sports in the world, attracting also close to 40 percent female competitors. It is a true adventure that anyone can do with course lengths of 3 miles (called Sprint), 8 miles, (called Super) and 12 miles (called Beast). Each course is filled with mud, water and the signature obstacles designed to help you discover your inner Spartan. Athletes of all fitness levels will enjoy participating in a Spartan Race, and there are even events for kids as one of the main credos is that fitness and adventure should involve the whole family. Kids can run, jump and climb, all in their own safe and fun Spartan Kids race. If you are not sure you are ready to run such a kind of race, just visit the website as they offer everything you need to get ready. Guided workouts-of-the-day, nutrition tips to help you eat better and free workouts held in many cities. So even if you have never tried a trail race, mud run, obstacle race or adventure race it is never too late to dare. So sign-up and find out why the team of Stonesport got hooked to those races. And as the Spartan race’s saying goes: You’ll know at the finish line. David Suter
TO KNOW MORE: WWW.STONESPORT.CH, WWW.SPARTAN.COM Check out our network to see how Etihad Regional can take you to one of the over 125 Spartan Races held every year in Europe:
Above, some moments of the Spartan Race World Championship, which took place in Kilington, Vermont, USA. 67
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TICINO AGENDA leisure & business Course: The taxation of financial instruments in the Italian system Centro di Studi Bancari - Villa Negroni - Vezia -21/22.01.2015
Rabadan Carnival in Bellinzona - 12/17.02.2015 Bellinzona is famous for its carnival. Rabadan, the name of this celebration, literally means noise. For a few days, more than 150’000 people joyfully celebrate in streets and marquees. This makes of Rabadan the largest carnival in Switzerland, after the one in Basel. The leader of this racket is the “king” elected by the carnival association. On Fat Thursday, the first day of carnival, the mayor of Bellinzona hands him the (symbolic) keys to the gates of the city and for the next five days the fools rule Ticino’s capital. The Friday of carnival is dedicated to the youngest: indeed, there is the parade for the children of Bellinzona and the surrounding area. On Saturday, carnival bands, so-called “Guggen”, from Ticino and the German-speaking part of Switzerland give concerts far into the night. Gentô-ban. Nineteenth century's Japan in glass lantern slides. Perino Collection Museo delle Culture - Lugano - until 25.02.2015 The temporary exhibition brings visitors into the magic atmosphere of Japan at the end of Nineteenth century. Based on a selection of more than a hundred works from the Perino Collection, most of them are glassslides (gento ̄-ban in Japanese), preciously hand-colored and once used with magic lanterns. You can also see many hand-colored albumen photographs and colour-lithographs. Exhibition Oh… Cézanne - Museo in erba - Bellinzona - until 22.02.2015 Interactive exhibition created by the Vallée de la Jeunesse in Lausanne. Easels, brushes, colours ... here is the painter Cézanne! An exciting journey for the chikdren through the pages of his art. Klingsor’s last summer illustrated by Sighanda - Hermann Hesse Museum Montagnola - until 01.02.2014 A mythology of Ticino. In the novel Klingsor’s last summer it is possible to recognise the ticinese villages that the painter Hermann Hesse used to tread: Carona, Pambio-Noranco and Montagnola, for example. The watercolors of Sighanda are associated to photographs, texts and watercolors by Hesse. 68
Given its broad scope and complexity, financial taxation presents legal technicalities and related economic and financial aspects that pose considerable difficulties. The Centro di Studi Bancari is now hosting a beginners' course on the taxation of financial assets held by individuals, divided into two sub-courses which may be attended separately: - Italian financial taxation: a systematic overview - The tax treatment of financial instruments in Italy Enter2015 Tourism Conference USI - Università della Svizzera italiana - Lugano - 03/06.02.2015
Organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) the Enter2015 conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from academia, industry, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-ofthe-art research and industrial case studies on the application of information and communication technologies to travel and tourism. At Enter2015, the theme is «eTourism: Transforming Mobility». The conference explores eTourism opportunities and challenges within the eTourism mobility context.
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CHRISTMAS IN LUGANO, THE PLACE-TO-BE A destination increasingly sought after by leading brands, the city offers an exceptional shopping area between Piazza Riforma and Piazza Dante, Via Pessina and Via Nassa, all the way down to the newly built LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura centre. Here you will find trendsetting luxury brands that set the style worldwide.
Reportage: Photos: Styling: Hair & Make up: Assistant: Sybille della Cassina Decorations: Models: Agenzia Petra Peter’s Events Hermès: Piazzetta Maraini, Lugano. The new fall winter collection is a master class in chic. 70
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2. 1. Monn: Piazza Dante 10, Lugano British style. 2. Baldinini: Piazza Riforma, Lugano Floral delight. 3. Moncler: Piazzetta Maraini, Lugano Ready for the snow. 4. Emporio Armani: Via Nassa 3, Lugano Timeless elegance. 5. Guess: Via Pessina 13, Lugano Red and gold rhapsody. 6. H&M: Piazza Dante 1, Lugano Sparkling Christmas.
very city has a symbolic street that evokes its image at home and abroad. There are streets that, although devoid of monuments, have themselves become “monuments” over time and contributed to defining the urban and,
to some extent, cultural identity of the city in which they are located. This is true of Via Nassa in Lugano – once a fishing village, and an important trading hub for centuries – whose arcades that were built or restored between the 17th and 18th century, are now its architectural signature. Between 1850 and 1900 Via Nassa began to assume its present features, such as the small squares leading off it at intervals. Today this street appears in all its splendour, an icon of luxury and elegance ‘envied’ by much larger cities and adored by tourists and shopping lovers alike, due to its charming location and easy accessibility, but above all its wide range of exclusive stores. It has recently
been extended to the south, and now ends with a flourish at the imposing LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura building. With the completion of the major remodelling of the 19th century Palace Hotel, including the addition of a futuristic modern wing 71
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destined for cultural events and shows but also high-end commerce, the city has acquired a large new square. This not only enhances the splendid church of S. Maria degli Angioli, which the former urban layout made difficult to reach, but
also offers another reason to visit the historic centre, now being stretched increasingly southwards, as well as more dynamic views of the lake and mountains. In this extraordinary setting you will find the best in world fashion, jewellery and timepieces at every step! The elegant store windows of leading international designer labels follow one after the other in the space of a few hundred metres, right in the heart of Lugano. Here stunning new boutiques continue to join the existing ones. For clothing and accessories, enough to mention Bally, Borbonese, Emporio Armani, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Moncler, Tiziana Fausti, Versace,
1. Tourbillon: Via Nassa 3, Lugano It’s Christmas time. 2. Gübelin: Via Nassa 7, Lugano Timeless perfection 3. Prada: Via Nassa 44-46, Lugano High class. 4. Mersmann: Via Nassa 5, Lugano Precious elegance. 5. Borbonese: Via Nassa 5a, Lugano Red passion, chic details. 6. Cartier: Piazzetta Maraini, Lugano The dream comes true.
Gucci and Prada – the new arrival, so to speak. These flag stores of international brands are flanked by refined private boutiques, which complete the offer with a variety of luxury international labels. But we must not forget the “traditional”
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Gucci: Via Nassa 2, Lugano – Glamorous holidays, pure femininity.
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Louis Vuitton: Via Nassa 31 Lugano - Chic and glam, between tradition and innovation.
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2. 1. Tiziana Fausti: Piazzetta Maraini, Lugano Simply divine. 2. Rondina: Via Nassa 19, Lugano Classy and precious Christmas gifts. 3. Bucherer: Via Nassa 56, Lugano Diamond surprise. 4. Bvlgari: Via Nassa 27, Lugano Like a queen. 5. Les Ambassadeurs: Via Nassa 5, Lugano Shining with pink gold and diamonds. 6. Bally: Via Nassa 42, Lugano Craftsmanship and innovation since 1851.
speciality of Via Nassa, namely those “valuables” on display in the windows of Bucherer, Bulgari, Cartier, Les Ambassadeurs and Mersmann, to mention just a few of the many fine jewellers and watchmakers. Their vast ranges and ex-
cellent service enable them to meet all the demands of Lugano’s international clientele. To finish in style, there is the historic Caffè al Porto or da Gabbani – ‘prêt-à-manger since 1937’ – whose delicious fare adds the finishing touch to the charming setting of the old town centre! This photographic feature is a tribute to Lugano’s lively scene that attracts tourists from all over the world. It suggests an “ideal walk” that starts from the two central squares and follows the ins and outs of Via Nassa with its iconic stores. The shoot documents the elegant and refined style of a city that in the last decade has undergone considerable changes which have trans-
formed it into an international centre in every sense of the word. Nonetheless, Lugano has succeeded in renewing itself without loosing touch with its roots and traditions. Elisabetta Calegari 75
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GIFT IDEAS by Simona Manzione & Angela Mollisi
AK47 · Anghinoni · Audemars Piguet · Bang & Olufsen · Blancpain Cantina Sociale Mendrisio · Caran d’Ache · Cartier · Cristal · Da Vinci · Damiani Dom Pérignon · Giorgio Visconti · GoPro · Hublot · Louis Vuitton · Melania Crocco Nanis · Omega · Parmigiani Fleurier · Patek Philippe · Rivoir Studio Paola Favretto Interior Design · Terreni alla Maggia · Uoliveoil
REGALI_Evo38_GOLD.qxp_Layout 1 04.12.14 13:26 Pagina 78
2014 - Christmas gifts 路
Giorgio Visconti White gold necklace and ring with white and cognac diamonds. Anghinoni,
Melania Crocco Lip-shaped ring
Cartier Yellow gold ring from the Panth猫re Collection
Gold, we love it! Nanis Yellow gold ring and earrings with rutilated quartz. Anghinoni,
Damiani Pink gold bracelet with brown diamonds from the Gomitolo Collection
Rivoir White and red gold rings, with white, yellow and cognac diamonds. Anghinoni, 78
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2014 - Christmas gifts 路
Watches Vacheron Constantin Ma卯tre Cabinotier Astronomica, a highly complex timepiece with an astonishing number of functions
Rolex Rolex Cellini Dual Time from the new Cellini Collection is classical and elegant
Hublot The Classic Fusion Black Magic timepiece, with 45 mm ceramic case and HUB 1112 self-winding movement, is most elegant and masculine
Zenith El Primero Synopsis, a legendary movement, in three different models
Precious minutes Patek Philippe Ref. 7175R-001, in pink gold, from the collection of watches celebrating Patek Philippe's 175th anniversary
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2014 - Christmas gifts ·
Cartier With the Tank MC, the Maison's iconic design takes on a resolutely masculine edge. The larger case, inspired by strong square dimensions and a small seconds counter, gives this model power and elegance
Louis Vuitton
Audemars Piguet Tourbillon Chronograph Royal Oak Offshore Automatique, available in a 50 pieces limited edition
Pure, powerful and feminine, Emprise watches celebrate Louis Vuitton's heritage with a square case inspired by the Maison's legendary trunks
It’s time for presents
Omega Speedmaster Co-Axial Dark Side of the Moon
Blancpain Fifty Fathoms bathyscaphe with flyback chronograph function
Parmigiani Fleurier Tonda 1950 Squelette skeletonizes its characteristics and refined mechanism
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2014 - Christmas gifts ·
Studio Paola Favretto Lamp d'auteur. Stylish idea by Studio Paola Favretto, Interior Design.
Caran d’Ache Black Crystal, a precious and glamourous limited edition from the encounter with the historical Maison Lalique
The elegance of design
AK47 AK47 design firewood holder
Cartier A precious present for gambling lovers. A poker set in the finest materials
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Da Vinci XYZ Da Vinci 1.0 is the first personal 3D printer at an exceptional price. You can begin 3D printing immediately thanks to the many models available
Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay A8, stereo speaker system with AirPlay / DLNA technology for listening to music on Apple / Android devices. Form 2i
GoPro GoPro Hero 4 is the most advanced wearable videocamera yet. Thanks to its fantastic quality and powerful new functions, with GoPro Hero 4 you can capture and highlight those very special moments
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2014 - Christmas gifts ·
Food Terreni alla Maggia Magadino Hamper: white wine Merlot La Lepre Ticino DOC, Merlot della Valle di Maggia DOC L’Usignolo, Ticino verjuice mustard, Ticino rice and pasta, white and red corn meal for polenta
Cantina Sociale Mendrisio A special toast with the wines of Cantina Sociale Mendrisio, all made in Canton of Ticino
Taste feast
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Uoliveoil Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The real taste of Greece.
Cristal & Dom Pérignon A legendary bottle to celebrate the New Year. Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut; Dom Pérignon, Brut
088_091_emerald.qxp_Opinioni 04.12.14 13:56 Pagina 88
Ail Aziende Industriali Città di Lugano · Via ai Molini 2 6933 Muzzano · 058 866 75 70 · info@ail.Ch Azienda Elettrica
Cabiancardi SA Via al Mulino 22A · 6814 Cadempino 091 985 70 60 · Imprese di pulizie
Emerald Casa SA Via Cassarinetta 10 · 6900 Lugano 091 985 20 50 · Immobiliare di vendita
Alpiq InTec Ticino SA Via Cantonale 43 · 6802 Rivera 058 261 00 00 · Impianti Sanitari, Riscaldamento, Ventilazione
Capoferri SA Via Motta 61 · 6826 Riva San Vitale 091 648 11 28 · Davanzali e soglie
Enea Gmbh Buechstrasse 12 · 8645 Jona 055 225 55 55 · Progettazione ed esecuzione giardino
Arca Ceramiche Srl V.le Belforte 154 · 22100 Varese +39 0332 33 13 00 · Fornitore di pavimenti, rivestimenti e marmi
CISPI Sagl Via San Salvatore, 6 · 6900 Lugano Paradiso 091 980 32 17 · Consulenza antincendio
Fimex Distribution AG Werkstrasse 36 · 3250 Lyss (BE) 058 551 05 05 · Fitness
Artech SA Via Degli Albrizzi 1 · 6900 Lugano 091 924 06 07 · Project manager
Conconi Sud SA Via Pozzi Artisti · 6873 Corteglia 091 646 50 44 ·
Galli Sicurezza SA via Ciani 14 · 6900 Lugano 091 973 50 50 · Serrature, cilindri e chiavi
Ascensori Schindler SA Centro Nord-Sud Via Campagna · 6934 Bioggio 091 611 95 95 · Ascensori
Dionea SA Via Praccio 5 6900 Massagno 091 945 09 03 Studio di consulenza ambientale, ingegneria forestale e pianificazione
Grano Giardini SA Via San Gottardo 22 · 6943 Vezia 091 968 16 09 · Esecuzione giardino, viali e parti esterne comuni
Bertoni Bruno SA Via Boscherine 6 · 6853 Ligornetto 091 647 14 53 · Posa porcellanati - marmi - graniti
Drytech SA Via Industrie 12 · 6930 Bedano 091 960 23 40 · Strutture sotterranee impermeabili
Griesser AG Tänikonerstrasse 3 · 8355 Aadorf 0848 888 111 · Schermature solari
Btf SA Costruzioni Metalliche Via al Mulino 4 · 6943 Vezia 091 960 70 90 · Serramenti e strutture metalliche
Elettronorma SA Via Cortivallo 22 · 6900 Lugano 091 968 10 54 · Progettazione elettrica
ICR Industrie Chimiche Riunite Via Privata Soldati 5 · 6830 Chiasso 091 682 36 21 · Impermeabilizzazioni blocco B e asfalto
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Emerald Living a Corner of Paradise in Lugano Canton Ticino truly is a corner of paradise, a sunny region that enjoys a mild climate throughout the year. With its ideal location at the heart of Europe, on the one hand it is perfectly connected to the rest of Switzerland, while on the other it is very close to north Italian cities: from Lugano it is possible to reach Milan in just over half an hour. Canton Ticino's many assets make it a popular destination with visitors from across the world, and the number of people who choose to take up residence in the Canton is on the rise. The Emerald Living residential complex – the latest 'creation' of Emerald Casa, which has been operating in the luxury housing sector for over thirty years – stands as an accomplished testimony to the building boom currently underway in the Canton, and especially Lugano. The residential complex is located in Paradiso, a municipality that is politically and administratively independent from Lugano, while constituting an integral part of it from the point of view of urban development. These sumptuous apartments offer a view of the Gulf of Lugano on the one side and of the wooded slopes of Mount San Salvatore on the other. Roughly sixty companies – all of them Swiss – have contributed to the development of the building complex, whose various stages have been followed by the Lugano-based architecture studio Luca Gazzaniga Architetti. The aparthotel, an integral part of the complex, includes twenty-odd suites and a high-class restaurant. Adjacent to the restaurant are a lounge bar, meeting and events halls, a fitness area, a covered swimming pool, a spa and a thalassotherapy area. The interior of the aparthotel has been designed by Architect Galloni from the IHD company of Lugano, which has been specializing in luxury hotels, cruise ships, private homes and fashion boutiques for the past forty years.
Via Cassarinetta 10 CH • 6900 Lugano Tel. 091-985 20 50
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IFEC Consulenze SA Via Lischedo 9 · 6802 Rivera - Monteceneri 091 935 97 00 · Energia e fisica della costruzione, acustica e vibrazioni, impianti e infrastrutture, ambiente
Medici Dario ed Eros Impresa di costruzioni SA Via Balbio 28 6834 Morbio inferiore 091 683 25 10 Impresario costruttore
MN Elektro Engineering Via Penate 16 · 6850 Mendrisio 091 970 28 68 Elettricisti Ihd Interior Haut Design Via Nassa 29 · 6900 Lugano 091 911 96 66 · Interior aparthotel
Immobiliare Promotion SA Via Cassarinetta 10 · 6900 Lugano 091 985 20 56 Progettazione e direzione lavori
Moggio Giuliano Via sotto il Monte 4 · 6934 Bioggio 091 950 83 58 · Direttore lavori
Pavicem SA Via Védeggio 1 · 6928 Manno 091 930 91 29 · Betoncini Impresa Barella SA Corso San Gottardo 106 · 6830 Chiasso 3 091 695 80 40 · Impresario costruttore
P.L. Valli SA Via Grancia 6 · 6916 Grancia 091 985 95 10 · Rivestimenti in pietra Linarredo Via Maggio 19 · 6900 Lugano 091 971 13 12 · Posa pavimenti in legno
Longhini Nadia Ing. Via Alla Campagna 9 · 6924 Sorengo 091 993 02 20 · Geometra
m Medat Fiduciaria SA Via G. Guisan 16 · 6900 Paradiso 091 993 39 93 · Amministrazione
Progetto Camino Via Cantonale · 6805 Mezzovico 091 946 20 51 · Caminetti
The apartments of the residential complex feature spacious terraces and the interiors have been carefully planned, with the greatest attention to detail. The aparthotel, an integral part of the complex, includes twenty-odd suites, a high-class restaurant, a spa, a covered swimming pool and a well-equipped fitness area.
Ruggero Canonica e Figli SA Zona Industriale 4 · 6807 Taverne 091 945 32 41 · Intonaco, gessatura e controsoffitti metallo
Sanitas Troesch SA Corso Elvezia 37 · 6904 Lugano 091 912 28 50 · Sanitari e cucine
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Emerald Living a Corner of Paradise in Lugano
Selva Interior SA Riva Antonio Caccia 1C · 6900 Lugano 091 994 45 44 · Arredamenti d’interni
Tyco Integrated Fire & Security (Svizzera) SA Via Cantonale Galleria 3 · 6928 Manno 058 445 47 00 · Impianti di sicurezza
Veragouth SA Via Industrie 24 · 6930 Bedano 091 935 79 79 · Porte in legno
Valsecchi SA Via Vallemaggia 29 · 6600 Locarno 091 751 16 47 · Rivestimenti in pietra
Via Cassarinetta 10 CH • 6900 Lugano Tel. 091-985 20 50
Torsetta SA Via Santa Maria 60 · 6596 Gordola 091 743 15 48 · Lattoneria
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Electronic devices
Take off
Remember that cabin crew may ask you to completely switch off any device for operational reasons Ask our crew for further information
ight mode
switch your devices off
092_093_ISTITUZIONALI_cartina.qxp_layout 04.12.14 14:32 Pagina 93
From Geneva Geneva - Lugano
F7 10-11-14-17-18
Geneva - Zurich
F7 20-21-22-23-24-27
Geneva - Florence
F7 130-131
Geneva - Rome
F7 154-155
Geneva - Venice
F7 190-191
Geneva - Bordeaux
F7 334-335
Geneva - Marseille
F7 468-469
Geneva - Nice
F7 410-411
Geneva - Toulouse
F7 464-465
Geneva - Valencia
F7 350-351
Zurich - Lugano
F7 50-51-55-56
Zurich - Florence
F7 132-133
Zurich - Linz
F7 992-993
Dresden - Amsterdam
F7 268-269
Dresden - Vienna
F7 288-289-290-291
Dresden - Zurich
F7 262-263-286-287
Dusseldorf - Geneva
F7 282-283
-2- 4- 6 -
Dusseldorf - London Stansted
F7 272-273-274-275-276-277-284-285
Leipzig - Amsterdam
F7 254-255-256-257
Leipzig - Geneva
F7 264-265
--- -- 6-
Leipzig - Paris
F7 252-253
Leipzig - Zurich
F7 250-251
F7 112-113-114-115-116-117-118-119
From Zurich
From Dresden
From Dusseldorf
From Leipzig
From other bases Bolzen - Rome
* 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 5 Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday 93
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094_095_ISTITUZIONALI_guest1.qxp_layout 04.12.14 14:13 Pagina 95
Loyalty Programme: Etihad Guest
This table outlines the benefits you can enjoy depending on your membersh hip tier:
Flying with Etihad Airways is an experience that stays with you long after you get off the plane. Which is why we’ve designed our loyalty programme around the one aspect that truly matters: you. With Etihad Guest*, your opportunities to earn and spend Etihad Guest Miles are virtually endless.
Etihad Guest Eligibility
0 - 25,000 miles
Earn Etihad Guest Miles
miles as per fare class
Lounge acceess* Guaranteed Coral Econom my Seat* Excess Baggage allowance*
Etihad Guest Silver
Etihad Guest Gold
Etihad Guest Gold Elite
over 25,000 miles or 20 segments
over 50,000 miles or 40 segments
over 125,000 miles or 60 segments
25% extra miles
50% extra miles
75% extra miles
If booked 48 hrs in advance
If booked 24 hrs in advance
If booked 12 hrs in advance
10 kgs
15 kgs
20 kgs If booked 48 hrs in advance
Guaranteed Pearl Business Seat* Priority check-in and boarding
Irrespective of the cabin flown.
Fast track immigration and baggage Family Membership
Applicable for o all tiers.
Etihad Guest terms and conditions apply. * Applicable only on Etihad Airways flights.
Joining Etihad Guest is simple and free: Ğij ßû Ø Ëß¿Ø (÷¿¼ £ 4û¦ñ÷ č Ñß··¿Ø· ¿Ø÷ß instant and entering the membership number and PIN given on the attached card. 2. Validate your email address upon receiving your verification email. Alternatively, you can complete the attached enrollment form and send it to Etihad Guest (refer to the back of the form for details).
Earn Etihad Guest Miles As an Etihad Guest member you can earn miles every time you fly with us and our airline partners, spend with our non-airline partners, or visit our online shop.
Spend Etihad Guest Miles After earning your miles, you can choose to spend them as you like - book your dream vacation, shop for wonderful gifts, convert to cash, or even donate your miles to the less fortunate. Options for spending Etihad Guest Miles include:
Reward Flights Spend your miles for Etihad Airways flights, or choose from one of our airline partners and travel to 3,000 destinations.
Flight Fl ight Upgrades ** Treat yourself with an upgrade to the next hig gher cabin.
Ex xcess Baggage ** Re edeem your miles for additional ba aggage allowance when travveling.
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Po ointsPay Con o vert your Etihad Guest Miles to cash to sp pend at over 30 million outlets worldwide. * Etihad Guest is the loyaltty programme for Etihad Airways, Air Seychelles & Air Serbia. ** Applicable only on Etiha ad Airways flights.
096_097_ISTITUZIONALI_charter.qxp_RUB 4 c 04.12.14 14:15 Pagina 96
Charter Service
“The Charter Business requires remarkable versatility and organizational skills. Our specialized department is dedicated exclusively to achieving these goals.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, offers an exclusive ad hoc charter service and is dedicated to fulfill its client’s requirements. As a company we have been working in this field for several years and have the experience to offer a tailor-made product to meet the needs of a wide range of costumers (companies, tour operators, sport teams and religious tourism). Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline provides high quality, cutting edge standards and guarantees a unique product for its clients.
“L’attività nel settore Charter richiede una notevole versatilità e capacità di organizzazione. Per questo motivo abbiamo un dipartimento specializzato che si dedica esclusivamente a questo settore della nostra compagnia aerea.” Etihad Regional, operated by Darwin Airline, compagnia aerea regionale svizzera, offre un esclusivo servizio di voli charter ad hoc adatto a molteplici necessità. Richiesti ed apprezzati da diversi anni, questi particolari voli vengono operati per conto di diversi clienti quali aziende, operatori turistici, team sportivi, turismo religioso, ecc. Etihad Regional operated by Darwin Airline punta ad elevati standard di qualità e professionalità per garantire ai propri clienti un prodotto di alto livello offrendo un servzio che si adatti al meglio alle esigenze dei propri passeggeri. Scegliere Etihad Regional significa avere numerose soluzione personalizzate.
Etihad Regional can provide a customized catering service and crews speaking the language of your choice (Italian, English, German, French). We will be glad to accomodate any additional requirements you may have.
A bordo avrete la possibilità di scegliere un servizio catering personalizzato. Potrete richiedere assistenti di volo di lingua italiana, francese, tedesca o inglese. Siamo inoltre lieti di valutare richieste di personalizzazione del prodotto (annunci a bordo, salviettine rinfrescanti, appoggia testa con il vostro marchio, ecc.).
The characteristics of the aircrafts in fleet allow Etihad Regional to reach a vast majority of European airports which major airline are unable to operate to (like Engadin airport Samedan (CH), Pantelleria airport (I), Calvì airport, etc.). This enables our customers to enjoy a direct service, arriving as close as possible to their chosen destination.
Le caratteristiche degli aeromobili in flotta permettono di raggiungere la maggior parte degli scali europei compresi aeroporti minori sui quali le major airline non riescono ad operare (tra cui l’aeroporto Samedan in Engadina (CH), l’aeroporto di Pantelleria (I), l’aeroporto di Calvì (F), ecc.). Ciò vi permetterà di scegliere l’aeroporto più vicino alla vostra destinazione.
096_097_ISTITUZIONALI_charter.qxp_RUB 4 c 04.12.14 14:16 Pagina 97
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Amsterdam London Stansted Leipzig/Halle Dusseldorf
Paris CDG
Zurich Bolzano Geneva Lugano Venice
Nice Marseille
Etihad Airways Partners is a unique and exciting new development. Participating airlines have joined together to offer you more choice with a combined network of over 250 destinations across 6 continents - giving you the ease of one booking/one ticket and the flexibility to find the most convenient times for your journey. With high standards of comfort and hospitality on the ground and in the skies, our promise is to deliver a consistent experience, no matter which partner you fly. As a frequent flyer member, you will soon enjoy standardised mileage and tier benefits across all partners, such as no black-out periods and priority services. We look forward to welcoming you on board an Etihad Airways Partner flight soon. Terms, conditions and benefits of existing airline schemes are unaffected.
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