Brown & Toland’s
HealthLink A Wellness Magazine for the San Francisco Bay Area
FALL 2006
Adopt a Healthful Lifestyle Simple Changes Yield Great Benefits
Breast Cancer Reduce Your Risk
For Seniors Prevent Complications From Diabetes
Vaccinate, Don’t Vacillate: New Vaccine Prevents Cancer in Women by Mark Finch, M.D., Senior Medical Director, Brown & Toland Medical Group
n June, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed a new vaccine, Gardasil (quadrivalent human papilloma virus recombinant vaccine), which prevents 90 percent of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI), human papilloma virus (HPV), and 70 percent of cervical cancers. HPV is responsible for 6.2 million new cases of STI, 10,000 cases of cervical cancer and 3,000 deaths each year in the United States.
HealthLink Fall 2006 4 Healthy Living Simple lifestyle changes reduce your risk for heart disease.
Following on the heels of the FDA license, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a group that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on indications for vaccines, recommended that all 11- and 12-year-old girls receive the vaccine routinely and that girls as young as 9 and between the ages of 13 and 26 be offered the vaccine.
The ACIP selected 11- to 12-yearold girls for routine vaccination because the vaccine is most effective in preventing cervical cancer when given to girls before the onset of sexual activity. The vaccine is given in three shots over a six-month period. The vaccine is extremely safe, does not contain any live virus and has no serious side effects. A small percentage of
patients experience slight soreness at the injection site. Young women who are vaccinated may still be at risk for cervical cancer, albeit much reduced. Thus, they still need to have regular Pap tests as recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and their physician. If you, your loved ones or friends have a daughter in the recommended age group, encourage them to speak with their physician about getting this vaccine. All of the major health plans are or soon will be covering this vaccine for young women in the target age group. Additional information is available online at: nip/vaccine/hpv/default.htm. ■
6 Women’s Health Mammograms and regular checkups lead to early detection of breast cancer — and more successful treatment. 9 Diabetes Care People with diabetes have a higher risk for vision disorders. Learn how to preserve your sight. Brown & Toland’s HealthLink editor: Richard Angeloni, Associate Vice President, Public Relations and Communications, Brown & Toland Medical Group, 415.972.4307. Brown & Toland’s HealthLink is published quarterly and printed in the United States. Copyright 2006 by StayWell Custom Communications, 780 Township Line Road, Yardley, PA 19067, 267.685.2800. Articles in this newsletter are written by professional journalists or physicians who strive to present reliable, up-to-date health information. Our articles are reviewed by medical professionals for accuracy and appropriateness. No magazine, however, can replace the care and advice of medical professionals, and readers are cautioned to seek such help for personal problems. Some images in this publication were provided by ©2006 PhotoDisc, Inc. PhotoDisc models used for illustrative purposes only. (306)
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a group that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on indications for vaccines, recommended that all 11- and 12-year-old girls receive the vaccine routinely.
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Brown & Toland’s Patient Bill of Rights
Why Flu Shots Matter
lu shots are important because the virus that causes the flu changes constantly, and a new strain appears almost every spring.
“So the shot that protects you one year won’t necessarily protect you the next,” says Suzanne Bradley, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan. Scientists track mutations of the virus and develop new vaccines against it.
The flu vaccine is 90 percent effective in preventing deaths and 80 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations. If everyone who should have one got one, it would save lives. — Suzanne Bradley, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine, University of Michigan
The flu can be deadly in older individuals and those with chronic illnesses. Changes in your immune system increase your chance of getting it, and the flu’s effects can be especially severe if you have a chronic lung or heart condition. “The flu vaccine is 90 percent effective in preventing deaths and 80 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations,” Dr. Bradley says. “If everyone who should have one got one, it would save lives.” Your body can take weeks to respond to the vaccine. “That’s why it’s important
to ask for a shot in October or November, before the flu season starts,” says Dr. Bradley. “But even if you miss your shot in the fall, you should still get one as late as February if there is an outbreak in your area.” The shot doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick, nor will it protect you against other respiratory diseases, Dr. Bradley says, “but it’s important to remember that the flu kills — colds don’t.” Warding off pneumonia Immunization also can lower the risk for pneumonia. Many kinds of bacteria can cause pneumonia, and the vaccine won’t protect you against all of them. But if you are over 65, talk with your doctor about when to get the shot and when to get a booster, because it can protect you against a number of them. Dr. Bradley says getting a pneumonia shot is even more important today. When bacteria cause pneumonia, “we use antibiotics to treat it. Some of the bacteria are becoming resistant. So you really gamble if you don’t get the shot. There’s a chance that the medicine won’t work” if you wait until you have pneumonia. Viruses also can cause pneumonia. There is no immunization against those types of pneumonia, which don’t respond to antibiotics. ■
Patient Rights The physicians of Brown & Toland Medical Group are dedicated to quality patient care. As a patient of a Brown & Toland Medical Group physician, you will receive: Courteous, considerate and respectful treatment at all times Candid discussions of appropriate or medically necessary treatment options for your conditions, regardless of cost or benefit options Access to preventive health care services Information about benefits, where and how to seek care, and the risks involved in treatment Timely response to requests for services, inquiries and complaints Second opinions when medically appropriate Titles and specialties of the health care professionals responsible for your care Privacy and confidentiality regarding your medical and health conditions Information regarding the medical group and health plan grievance procedures Recognition of your rights to make decisions regarding your medical care and to complete an advance directive, thereby extending your rights to any person who may make decisions on your behalf regarding your medical care The right to make recommendations to your patient rights and responsibilities Patient Responsibilities As your health care partner, we ask that you: Provide professional staff with all health care information needed to ensure the best possible outcome Communicate with your primary care physician when you have questions or concerns about your health care Adhere to instructions and guidelines given for health care services Cooperate with health care professionals providing service to you, except in those instances when you have exercised your right to refuse service Educate yourself on your health benefits and services and how to correctly obtain them If you have questions about your benefits, call Brown & Toland Medical Group’s Customer Service Department at 415.972.6002, or your health plan’s member services division. ■ The California Department of Managed Health Care is responsible for regulating health care plans. The department has a tollfree number (888.HMO.2219) to receive complaints regarding health plans. If you have a grievance against a health plan, you should contact the health plan and use the plan’s grievance process. You may call the California Department of Managed Health Care for assistance with an emergency grievance or a grievance that has not been satisfactorily resolved by the plan. Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Making Your Lifestyle Heart-Healthy
he millions of Americans diagnosed with heart and cardiovascular diseases can benefit from making healthful choices in their day-to-day lives.
Eating a healthful diet will reduce the risk for heart disease.
“While it’s certainly necessary to take medications to lower high cholesterol or blood pressure, it’s equally important to have a healthy lifestyle,” says Richard Stein, M.D., chief of the department of medicine in the Singer Division at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and a spokesman for the American Heart Association. “People who are informed and proactive when it comes to lowering their health risks are very likely to avoid heart disease and heart attacks.” By following these recommendations, people at normal risk for heart disease can reduce their risk and make their lives more enjoyable.
Get the equivalent of 3 cups of fat free or low-fat milk or dairy products. Exercise more Regular exercise keeps your heart and the rest of your body in shape. To add more activity to your life: Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you’ve been sedentary and/or have a chronic disease. Start slowly and increase your activity gradually to a total of 30 to
60 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Do weight training and stretching exercises several times a week. Stop smoking Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. To live smoke-free: Decide to quit and set a quit date. Try again if you fail. Successful quitters have “quit” an average of nine times.
While it’s certainly necessary to take medications to lower high cholesterol or blood pressure, it’s equally important to have a healthy lifestyle. — Richard Stein, M.D.
Eat a healthful diet Eating a healthful diet has been proven to reduce the risk for heart disease. To eat a heart-healthy diet: Eat 2 cups fresh fruits and 2½ cups of vegetables every day. Limit saturated and trans fats by using olive oil or other vegetable oils instead of butter or margarine. Eat more chicken and fish and less red meat. Eat 6 ounces of grains, of which at least 3 ounces should be from wholegrain bread and cereal. Limit or eliminate fast foods, which are often loaded with salt, sugar and fats. If you drink alcohol, do so moderately — no more than two drinks a day if you’re a man, one if you’re a woman. Limit your salt/sodium to 2300 mg per day or less.
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Brown & Toland employees formed teams to raise money for the Heart Walk. Training took place during lunchtime and included walks around the Embarcadero.
Ask your doctor for information about cessation aids, such as a patch, inhaler and counseling or support program. Monitor your health Be proactive when it comes to your heart’s health. To do so, work with your health care provider to reduce your heart disease risk by following up with him or her for treatment for high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. “Denial is the number one risk factor for having a heart attack,” says Dr. Stein. “Call 911 immediately if you have chest pain if you’re a man, or are short of breath, dizzy and have a burning sensation in the chest area if you’re a woman. If you can get to a hospital in the same hour these symptoms start, it’s possible to prevent a heart attack or limit the damage.” ■
LEARN TO RELAX Chronic anger and stress can damage your heart. To better cope with life’s pressures: Try to be positive instead of negative in your outlook on life. Take 15 to 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Take time for yourself each day. Read a book, listen to music or enjoy a hobby.
Walking the Talk: Brown & Toland Employees Join in Heart Walk 2006
n Sept. 15, employees from various departments within Brown & Toland Medical Group descended upon Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco to walk in support of research and education for heart disease.
We were proud to be part of the San Francisco community, raising awareness and making an impact. Ann Hardesty, Brown & Toland Walk This Way committee member
The American Heart Association’s annual Heart Walk raises more than $1 million nationwide to fund research and educational programs to help reduce risk, disability and death from the nation’s number one and number three killers: heart disease and stroke. Brown & Toland employees were enthusiastic about the walking challenge, which dovetailed well with the medical group’s lunchtime “Walk This Way” program. Twice each week, employees are encouraged to join in half-hour and hour walks around the South of Market area. “Heart Walk gave our walking program one more goal for the year,” says Brown & Toland Walk This Way committee member Ann Hardesty. “Walking at lunch is something many of our employees enjoy, and we used the Heart Walk as an opportunity to train and recruit more members into our program.” Employees formed teams to raise money for the Heart Walk, and training took place during the lunchtime walks around the Embarcadero and AT&T Park. “We wanted our team to be prepared and ready to make a splash at the Heart Walk,” says Hardesty. “It was a great day for all Brown & Toland employees. We were proud to be part of the San Francisco community, raising awareness and making an impact.” With its own comprehensive disease management program for congestive heart failure, Brown & Toland strives to help its members manage their health and avoid hospitalization. For more information on this free program, go to and click on “Our Medical Services.” ■ Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer
ou may think that the only news about breast cancer is bad news. Although more women die of it than from any other cancer except lung cancer, there also is good news. If you find breast cancer early, you can get treated more successfully.
A mammogram is a special Xray that can show breast cancer. Mammograms can detect cancer sooner than you or your doctor can feel it.
Research also shows that making some lifestyle changes, such as exercising more and cutting down on alcohol, can reduce the risk for breast cancer.
Research shows that exercise may help prevent breast cancer.
Many women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease and no known risk factors for breast cancer.
Are you at risk? If you are a woman, you are at risk for breast cancer, and your risk increases as you get older. Some factors, such as having a close relative (for example, a mother or sister) who had breast cancer or having had it yourself in the past, increase your risk. Having your first child after age 30 also can make your risk slightly higher. Another risk factor for breast cancer is being obese or overweight, the American Cancer Society says. This is especially true for women after menopause. The Society says that although your ovaries produce most of your estrogen, fat tissue in your body can change other hormones into estrogen. Higher estrogen levels increase your risk for developing breast cancer. The link between weight and breast cancer risk is complicated: Women who have been overweight since childhood have less of a risk than women who gained extra weight as adults. Excess fat tissue around the waist increases the risk more than extra fat on the hips and thighs. Some studies of dietary fat and breast cancer risk have found that women with diets low in saturated fat and total fat have less of a risk. Other studies have not found any connection between dietary fat and breast cancer risk. Many women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease and no known risk factors for breast cancer.
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
What can you do? Take action: Have mammograms and breast exams performed by your doctor, and develop healthy habits. Schedule a checkup with your doctor every year. Discuss when you should get a mammogram, a special Xray that can show breast cancer. Mammograms can detect cancer sooner than you or your doctor can feel it. At your checkup, your doctor should also do a manual breast exam. Develop healthy habits. Exercise has many benefits, such as lowering high blood pressure, keeping your heart healthy and lowering your chance for stroke. And research shows that it may help prevent breast cancer. Smoking and drinking alcohol may also increase your risk for breast cancer. The Society says
that women who consume one alcoholic drink a day have a very small increase in risk, and those who have two to five drinks daily have about 1½ times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. Team up with your doctor. Your doctor can help you stop smoking or drinking, and lose weight if you are overweight. Also, talk with your doctor if you take birth control pills or are on hormone or estrogen replacement therapy. HRT and ERT may help relieve menopausal symptoms and help prevent osteoporosis, but they increase other health risks. Talk to your health care provider to find out what is best for you. The thought of cancer can be scary, but knowledge and action can help you stay in charge of your life and health. ■
Brown & Toland Sponsors Race for the Cure, Stresses Education and Prevention
his fall, Brown & Toland celebrated its commitment to finding a cure for breast cancer by sponsoring the 2006 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The event, which drew more than 100,000 runners, walkers and other participants, converged on the Embarcadero Ferry Place on Sept. 24. Teams, individuals, friends and family raised money to walk in solidarity to help bring awareness to the third leading cause of death for women.
Brown & Toland understands the importance of education and prevention. By partnering with organizations that feel the same way, we are one step closer to curing the disease. — Erin Hovendick, Brown & Toland Marketing Specialist
Money raised by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation supports research, education, screenings and treatment. According to race organizers, 75 percent of all funds raised directly impact local community organizations. Last year, the Race for the Cure helped fund a program for free breast cancer screening and mammography services for uninsured Bay Area women. Brown & Toland has been a sponsor of this event for years, and executives were pleased to continue the relationship with the Komen Foundation and the San Francisco community in 2006. “Brown & Toland understands the importance of education and prevention,” says Brown & Toland Marketing Specialist Erin Hovendick. “By partnering with organizations that feel the same way, we are one step closer to curing the disease.” A mammogram is the best way to detect cancer at its earliest stages.
Women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year. They are a valuable and effective tool for detecting breast cancer early, improving the effectiveness of treatment. This year, remember to make time for a mammogram! ■
A mammogram is the best way to detect cancer at its earliest stages. Women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year.
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Easy Ways for the Elderly to Prevent Falls
ach year, thousands of older men and women are disabled, sometimes permanently, by falls that result in broken bones. Yet small changes in homes and lifestyles can prevent such falls.
The changes associated with aging include a decrease in vision, hearing, muscle strength, coordination and reflexes. These changes can make people more likely to fall. Older people also are more likely to have disorders that may affect their balance, such as diabetes and conditions of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system and thyroid. In addition, they often take medications that may cause dizziness or lightheadedness.
Steps to take Taking these steps will reduce your chances of falling: Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of the drugs you take. Could they affect your coordination or balance? Have your vision and hearing tested often. Wear a properly fitted hearing aid and eyeglasses if recommended by your doctor. Don’t get up too quickly after eating, lying down or resting. A sudden decrease in blood pressure caused by standing too quickly may cause dizziness at these times. This can be made worse by medications, particularly those used to regulate blood pressure and to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, or enlarged prostate. If you get too hot, especially when taking any medications, you might get dizzy and faint. Drink adequate amounts of water and other liquids and limit exercise on hot days, according to your doctor’s instructions. Try to stay in an air-conditioned place during the hottest part of the day. If your gait is unsteady, use a cane, walking stick or walker to help stay balanced. This is especially important on uneven or unfamiliar ground. Use special care when walking outdoors on wet or icy sidewalks.
Limit how much alcohol you drink. Even a small amount can affect your balance and reflexes. Wear rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes that fully support your feet. Don’t wear smooth-soled slippers or socks on stairs or waxed floors. Exercise regularly. Doing so can help you maintain your strength and muscle tone and keep your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Ask your doctor or a physical therapist to plan an exercise program suitable for you. Weight-bearing exercise can keep your bones stronger and help prevent fractures should a fall occur. Always keep one hand on a handrail when using a stairway.
Make your home safe Many older people fall because of unsafe surroundings at home. Use the following suggestions to safeguard against some likely household hazards. Besides being clutter-free, stairways, hallways and pathways should have good lighting and firmly attached carpet with rough texture or abrasive strips to ensure secure footing. Stairways also should have tightly fastened handrails running the whole length of all stairs. You may want to double up on handrails, adding railing to the opposite side of the stairs. Bathrooms should have grab bars placed both in and out of tubs and showers and near toilets. Nonskid mats and abrasive strips or carpet should be installed on all surfaces that may get wet. Bedrooms and living areas should have carpet or area rugs that are firmly attached to the floor, and electrical cords and telephone wires should be placed away from walking paths. ■
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Essential Eye Care for Diabetes
ost people who have diabetes suffer nothing more than minor eye disorders related to the disease. However, they do have a higher risk for blindness than other people, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). In some people, retinopathy progresses after several years If you have diabetes, you can take steps to reduce your to a more serious form called proliferative retinopathy, in risk for vision loss or blindness. which the blood vessels become so damaged that they close Diabetes can cause the following eye disorders: off, the ADA says. In response, new blood vessels start growGlaucoma. Diabetes can lead to glaucoma, or increased ing in the retina. These new vessels are weak and can leak pressure within the eye that over time damages the optic blood, blocking vision. The new blood vessels also can cause nerve, the ADA says. People with diabetes are 40 percent scar tissue. After the scar tissue shrinks, it can distort the more likely to suffer from glaucoma than people without retina or pull it out of place, causing retinal detachment. diabetes. The longer a person has diabetes, the greater the Your retina can be badly damaged before you notice any risk for glaucoma. The risk for glaucoma also increases change in vision, and most people with nonproliferative retiwith age. nopathy have no symptoms, the ADA says. Even with prolifCataracts. A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. erative retinopathy, people sometimes have no symptoms People who have diabetes are 60 percent more likely to develop this condition than people who don’t. People with until it’s too late to treat the condition. That’s why it’s crucial for people with diabetes to see an eye care professional every diabetes also are more likely to develop cataracts at a year for eye examinations. younger age, the ADA says. Cataracts in someone with diabetes tend to progress more quickly than in someone without diabetes. Steps to take Retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is a general term for The longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to disorders of the retina caused by diabetes. Diabetic retinop- have nonproliferative retinopathy, the ADA says. Almost athy comes in two forms: nonproliferative and proliferaeveryone with type 1 diabetes will eventually develop it, as tive, the ADA says. will most people with type 2 diabetes. But proliferative retiIn nonproliferative retinopathy, the most common form, nopathy, the form of retinopathy that destroys vision, is far capillaries balloon and form less common. pouches. Nonproliferative retiThe following steps can WARNING SIGNS nopathy doesn’t usually cause help you preserve your sight: vision loss and needs no treatKeep your blood sugar levels See an eye care professional at ment at this stage. However, the under tight control. People least once a year for a dilated capillary walls may lose their who keep these levels closer eye exam. See your eye care ability to control the passage of to normal are less likely to professional right away if: substances between the blood have retinopathy. Your vision becomes blurry. and the retina. As a result, the retControl high blood pressure, You see double. ina becomes swollen, and fatty which can make eye probYou see spots or floaters. deposits form within it, the ADA lems worse. One or both of your eyes hurt. says. If this swelling affects the If you smoke, quit. Smoking Your eyes get red and stay that way. center of the retina, the probis a risk factor for macular You feel pressure in your eyes. lem is called macular edema, degeneration. ■ Straight lines don’t look straight. and vision loss can result. Your side (peripheral) vision deteriorates. You have any sudden change in your vision You have trouble reading signs or books.
Brown & Toland’s HealthLink, Fall 2006
Making Medical Choices After 65
hanges to Medicare’s managed care program mean that people approaching their 65th birthdays this year have options beyond traditional Medicare for affordable and comprehensive care.
However, the milestone birthday often can lead to more questions than answers regarding health care coverage. Brown & Toland Medical Group can help seniors navigate their Medicare decisions. Brown & Toland is San Francisco’s preeminent physician network. Brown & Toland doctors practice quality health care at California Pacific Medical Center, UCSF Medical Center, UCSF/Mount Zion Medical Center, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Saint Francis Memorial Hospital and St. Luke’s Hospital. Brown & Toland contracts with two Medicare Advantage Plans to provide Medicare beneficiaries with more coverage for hospitalization and emergencies, and access to an extensive network of private practice physicians. Seniority Plus is a Medicare Advantage plan offered by Health Net. Secure Horizons is a Medicare Advantage plan offered by PacifiCare. By enrolling in one these Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare beneficiaries have a wide range of important benefits, including doctors’ visits and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. We encourage you to find out more about Brown & Toland’s Medicare Advantage plans: Health Net’s Seniority Plus and Pacifi Care’s Secure Horizons. To learn more about Medicare Advantage and Brown & Toland, please call 866.488.7088 or return the enclosed business reply card for a free informational packet. ■
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