Dayly Knightly Catholic

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On Earth as It is in Heaven

Issue 13 - June 08 2016

To Defend & Proclaim the Word of Christ and the Catholic Church


Titian - 1545 1


SENSUS FIDEI “Not only in words, but in tears, we beseech you to save the Catholic Churches from any longer continuance of these most grievous injuries, and of their present intolerable persecutions and insults, which moreover they are enduring, which is monstrous, from our brethren. Surely your clemency should listen to the voice of those who cry out so loudly, ‘I am a Catholic, I have no wish to be a heretic.” [Link 1] The words above, you would think, refer to the many grievances faithful Catholics and the Catholic Church face today from terrorist groups such as ISIS to secular governments including the Obama administration which, for example, is trying to force ‘The Little Sisters of the Poor’ to do their work under the mandate of ‘Obamacare’ care (which would violate the religious beliefs of the sisters) [2], to the removal of God from public life and the military, to contributing to the breakdown of true family and marriage through laws that allow abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender guidelines where men can access women’s bathrooms and locker rooms [3]. Highlighted in Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman’s important study on the role of the laity in the Church, this quotation was in fact penned by On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine Saint Hilary to Emperor Constantius, over 1,600 years ago, in the 4th century AD! - Rambler July 1859 Check also Fr. Holliowell’s homily, ‘Arian Heresy, Bishops Fighting.’ Therefore, dear faithful Catholics, do not despair about the present and seemingly overwhelming dire stresses being forced onto Mother Catholic Church today, she has been through diabolical attacks of the enemy in the past, as in the case above which was to do with the heresy of Arianism (the belief that Christ was a great man but was not divine). In this case, it took 60 years or more from AD 325 (Council of Nicae, where Christ’s Divinity was affirmed and the Nicene Creed was finalized) to AD 381 for the heresy to be finally stamped out but in that time almost the entire hierarchy of bishops had abandoned the sacred apostolic tradition of the Church and turned Arian. Many abuses occurred against faithful Catholics such as exile, financial and property loss and even martyrdom before the orthodox faith, Catholicism, was finally affirmed and restored. Incidentally, it took up to 11 councils of bishops or synods (some were heretical) between AD 325 and AD 381 before the heresy of Arianism was finally defeated. The Church was in turmoil with much confusion and dark days faced by many faithful Catholics and the clergy who stayed loyal to the magisterium. There were times when the situation seemed hopeless and lost. Here are St. Hilary’s words on this conflict, “Since the Nicene Council, we have done nothing but write the Creed. While we fight about words, inquire about novelties, take advantage of ambiguities, criticize authors, fight on party questions, have difficulties in agreeing, and prepare to anathematize each other, there is scarce a man who belongs to {451} Christ. Take, for instance, last year’s Creed, what alteration is there not in it already? First, we have the Creed, which bids us not to use the Nicene ‘consubstantial;’ then comes another, which decrees and preaches it; next, the third, excuses the word ‘substance,’ as adopted by the Fathers in their simplicity; lastly, the fourth, which instead of excusing, condemns. We determine creeds by the year or by the month, we change our own determinations, we prohibit our changes, we anathematize our prohibitions. Thus, we either condemn others in our own persons, or ourselves in the instance of others, and while we bite and devour one another, are like to be consumed one of another.” Ad Const. ii. 4, 5. [Link 4] And Saint Gregory further writes in AD 382, “If I must speak the truth, I feel disposed to shun every conference of Bishops: for never saw I Synod brought to a happy issue, and remedying, and not rather aggravating, existing evils. For rivalry and ambition are stronger than reason,—do not think me extravagant for saying so,—and a mediator is more likely to incur some imputation himself than to clear up the imputations which others lie under.” —Ep. 129. [Link 4] 2

EDITORIAL Again, one would easily be forgiven if it were thought these observations by the saints were on the condition of the Catholic Church today. But that is exactly what is so striking about the attacks on the Church in the 4th century in that they mirror the attacks she faces today. The link between these two distant epochs in Catholic history is ‘SENSUS FIDEI’ [Link 5], or a sense of faith of the faithful, the laity, who in times of doctrinal crises, lack of leadership or silence by the hierarchy, speak up and come to the defense of the teachings of the Catholic Church by reaffirming her sacred traditions as taught by Jesus Christ. When Pope Francis asked the Church, clergy and laity throughout the world, to provide input to the Synod of the Family in 2014, he was in fact tapping into a tradition of the Church, which previous popes had relied on, for example, in the pronouncement of the Immaculate Conception [Link 6]. Note, when it became apparent that concerted efforts were being made, not just false reporting by the secular media but even from members within the Church hierarchy itself, to hijack the agenda and conclusions of the Synod on the Family, (2015, 2016), a clarion call went throughout the world to all faithful Catholics to stand up and petition the Pope directly that no changes be made to the doctrine of family and marriage [Links 7, 8, 9]. It is without doubt that the Pope did indeed listen to the faithful laity as well as those cardinals and bishops who remained loyal to the magisterium and the truth as has been preached by the Church for over 2,000 years. The conclusion of this Synod on the Family was the Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, [Link 10], which has clearly reaffirmed the sanctity of marriage, the family and life for all from unborn children to the elderly. SENSUS FIDEI, the influence of faithful lay people, inspired by the Holy Spirit, was clearly at work here. But although the 4th century spiritual and temporal battles have passed, we can take heart that our forefathers of the one true holy apostolic Church have shown us that if we have SENSUS FIDEI and as Cardinal Robert Sarah implores us, remain faithful [Link 11], if we are prophetic [Link 11] and can discern the erroneous teachings of false shepherds and if we pray [Link 11], we can, as they did, overcome the heretical and diabolical attacks no matter how long it takes or how costly, even if at times it seems a lost cause or that there is nothing we can do. Christ has already spoken, “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it” [12, Matt. 16:13 - 19] and He sent the Holy Spirit in His place to give us strength, courage and wisdom to defend, protect and be champions for His Church. We have our past champions and saints of the Church as proof of this. Do not fear, bask in the honour that we have been given, a chance to share in the battle for truth and treasure of Christ’s Holy Apostolic Catholic Church. It’s our chance to walk shoulder to shoulder not only with each other but also with our courageous generations of past Catholic heroes and saints. So how can we measure if we have SENSUS FIDEI? The Church provides guidelines, which are summarized here below. The reader is urged to read the full text on these guidelines to truly appreciate how one is to know if they are operating under SENSUS FIDEI. Suffice to say, the key points are that the laity who stand up to defend the teachings of the Church and who actively participate in the life of the Church. Articles (88) to (103) concretely describe these criteria [Link 5]. Dispositions needed for authentic participation in the sensus fidei a) Participation in the life of the Church b) Listening to the word of God c) Openness to reason d) Adherence to the magisterium e) Holiness - humility, freedom and joy f) Seeking the edification of the Church One critical point to note is that SENSUS FIDEI is not public opinion. The Catholic laity must be on the guard against usurpers, false shepherds and hijackers who twist the meaning of SENSUS FIDEI. Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis both warned the faithful against these abuses [Link 13][Link14] [Link 15].

‘sensus fidelium’ cannot be confused with the sociological reality of a majority opinion - Pope Francis, December 6th 2013 3

EDITORIAL The following is an excerpt from the SENSUS FIDEI document, (Chapter 2 Applications) on the Vatican website which deals directly with this point [Link 5]. b) The sensus fidei and public opinion 118. It is clear that there can be no simple identification between the sensus fidei and public or majority opinion. These are by no means the same thing. i) First of all, the sensus fidei is obviously related to faith, and faith is a gift not necessarily possessed by all people, so the sensus fidei can certainly not be likened to public opinion in society at large. Then also, while Christian faith is, of course, the primary factor uniting members of the Church, many different influences combine to shape the views of Christians living in the modern world. As the above discussion of dispositions implicitly shows, the sensus fidei cannot simply be identified, therefore, with public or majority opinion in the Church, either. Faith, not opinion, is the necessary focus of attention. Opinion is often just an expression, frequently changeable and transient, of the mood or desires of a certain group or culture, whereas faith is the echo of the one Gospel which is valid for all places and times. To illustrate how the meaning of SENSUS FIDEI was twisted and used to mean public opinion, one need only read the article, ‘Is recognising same-sex marriage Catholic?’ by Fr. William Grimm on the same-sex marriage vote in Ireland, which as editor of UCA NEWS he published in September 2015 [Link 16]. Here Father Grimm deceptively claims that majority opinion of the people of Ireland should be listened to by the Catholic hierarchy and alludes to the reference in history made by Cardinal John Henry Newman when the laity in the 4th century defended the Catholic faith and sacred teachings of the Church from the heresy of Arianism. But this is a false parallel. The cath- Fr. William Grimm confuses public opinion olic laity in the 4th century was acting from its faith, SENSUS with SENSUS FIDEI - [Link 27] FIDEI, for the orthodoxy of the Church’s traditional teachings, which was under devastating attack for up to 60 years from Arians. This is what Cardinal. Newman described in great detail. Fr. Grimm speaks of the voters in Ireland as though they were acting out from SENSUS FIDEI, which is clearly not the case when measured against the guidelines for knowing what SENSUS FIDEI is (as outlined in this article). Instead Fr. Grimm has mistakenly cited a public opinion in the culture which does not adhere to Catholic teachings.. For a full treatment and dismantling of Fr. Grimm’s misleading claims, the reader is referred to Pinoy Catholic’s article, ‘Catholic cleric ‘giddy’ for same “sex marriage”? [Link 17]. Yet another clear example of SENSUS FIDEI of the laity comes from the following anecdote from the 4th century when the Arian emperor Valens wanted to kill Catholics gathered at the St. Thomas’s Church, in Edessa Word spread of his intentions and many flocked there including a woman and her young child so they could defend their Catholicism and become martyrs for the faith, 5. EDESSA. “There is in that city a magnificent church, dedicated to St. Thomas the Apostle, wherein, on account of the sanctity of the place, religious assemblies are continually held. The Emperor Valens wished to inspect this edifice; when, having learned that all who usually congregated there were enemies to the heresy which he favoured, he is said to have struck the prefect with his own hand, because he had neglected to expel them thence. The prefect, to prevent the slaughter of so great a number of persons, privately warned them against resorting thither. But his admonitions and menaces were alike unheeded; for on the following day they all crowded to the church. When the prefect was going towards it with a large military force, a poor woman leading her own little child by the hand, hurried hastily by on her way to the church, breaking through the ranks of the soldiery. The prefect, irritated at this, ordered her to be brought to him, and thus addressed her: ‘Wretched woman, whither are you running in so disorderly a manner?’ She replied, ‘To the same place that others are hastening.’ ‘Have you not heard,’ said he, ‘that the prefect is about to put to death all that shall be found there?’ ‘Yes,’ said the woman, ‘and there4

EDITORIAL fore I hasten, that I may be found there.’ ‘And whither are you dragging that little child?’ said the prefect. The woman answered, ‘That he also may be vouchsafed the honour of martyrdom.’ The prefect went back and informed the Emperor that all were ready to die in behalf of their own faith; and added that it would be preposterous to destroy so many persons at one time, and thus succeeded in restraining the Emperor’s wrath.” Socr. iv. 18. “Thus was the Christian faith confessed by the whole city of Edessa.” Sozom. vi. 18. {457}, [Link 18] What faith and bravery! But it is also clear that the laity in the 4th century knew their faith and knew when heresy was being foisted upon them. They resisted even to death in some cases. The vote for same sex marriage in Ireland was largely a result Arian Heresy, Mother of God, Bishops Fighting, Catholics Must Study, Fight! - Fr. Holliowell of the machinations of public opinion not based on the truth of Catholic teachings and not from SENSUS FIDEI. It was more to do with a secular agenda against the Church. In the times of the Arian heresy, the attack on the Church was a singular attack on the faith of the clerical hierarchy who in large numbers abandoned Catholic Truth. Today, the attack on the Church is two-pronged, not only are members of the clerical hierarchy succumbing to the agenda of the secular world devoid of God’s presence but the laity too have been ‘dumbed down’ by poor catechises and relentless Godless messages in the culture. The Church must reaffirm her teachings and exhort from the laity new champions and saints to come to the rescue as in past generations of Mother Church, (see Abp Schneider’s clip below). We must pray for our priests and bishops that they remain steadfast in their witness to Christ’s teachings and the sacred tradition of the Church and for those priests who have been lost to the secular agenda that they can be blessed with a new conversion back to the Church through the Holy Spirit. Let us finish with Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman, in his study of the 4th century Arian heresy, who best describes SENSUS FIDEI, this sense of the faith and action of the laity when he wrote, THE episcopate, whose action was so prompt and concordant at Nicæa on the rise of Arianism, did not, as a class or order of men, play a good part in the troubles consequent upon the Council; and the laity did. The Catholic people, in the length and breadth of Christendom, were the obstinate champions of Catholic truth, and the bishops were not. Of course there were great and illustrious exceptions; first, Athanasius, Hilary, the Latin Eusebius, and Phœbadius; and after them, Basil, the two Gregories, and Ambrose; there are others, too, who suffered, if they did nothing else, as Eustathius, Paulus, Paulinus, and Dionysius; and the Egyptian bishops, whose weight was small in the Church in proportion to the great power of their Patriarch. And, on the other hand, as I shall say presently, there were exceptions to the Christian heroism of the laity, especially in some of the great towns. And again, in speaking of the laity, I speak inclusively of their parish-priests (so to call them), at least in many places; but on the whole, taking a wide view of the history, we are obliged to say that the governing body of the Church came short, and the governed were pre-eminent in faith, zeal, courage, and constancy. [Link 4] This is a very remarkable fact: but there is a moral in it. Perhaps it was permitted, in order to impress upon the Church at that very time passing out of her state of persecution to {446} her long temporal ascendancy, the great evangelical lesson, that, not the wise and powerful, but the obscure, the unlearned, and the weak constitute her real strength. It was mainly by the faithful people that Paganism was overthrown; it was by the faithful people, under the lead of Athanasius and the Egyptian bishops, and in some places supported by their Bishops or priests, that the worst of heresies was withstood and stamped out of the sacred territory. [Link 4] -- Dayly Knightly 5


The John Jay Report

The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States “But priests are not incarcerated criminals, normal heterosexuals do not engage in homosexual acts, and anybody who was actually around certain seminaries in the 1970s, as I was, knows that homosexuality – like dissent against Vatican teaching and leadership – was rampant. I spent time in two seminaries as I considered entering the priesthood. One was run by faithful priests and impressed me as rather like an Army base: everybody was in uniform and a sense of personal decorum and doctrinal discipline permeated the place. The other seminary resembled a college dormitory crossed with what I suppose a “gay” bathhouse would be like. Nobody wore clerical garb and conversation among seminarians, faculty, and visitors was heretical and profane. I became a Catholic at twenty-six. By the time I was twenty-seven, two young priests had come on to me sexually, which I found both repulsive and discouraging. All this played a role in my decision not to become a priest.” “If academics or bishops wish to believe the Church didn’t have a homosexual problem, they have their heads firmly inserted into quicksand. Rome’s commitment to put things right began with the 2005 directive to weed out “gays” from seminary admissions and was re-emphasized by the Holy Father in Light of the World. Cardinal Levada recently wrote a letter outlining new procedures for responding to abuse. The Vatican knows what John Jay won’t admit.”

- Read full article here. - by BRAD MINER, “The John Jay Report.” The Catholic Thing (May 23, 2011). CERC (Catholic Education Resource Center)

“The Vatican knows what John Jay won’t admit.” - Brad Milner

Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Order

Proclaim the ‘truth about the conjugal union’ – Cardinal Burke, Walshingham 2016, highlights 6

Catholic Saints & Heroes

The story of the Japanese samurai who could be declared a saint Source: Rome Reports



The Film - Liberating a Continent - John Paul 11 Common Sense On The Transgendered By James K. Fitzpatrick, The Wanderer

Of Concupiscence, Wheat Beer, and the Princess Bride

The Catholic Catechism says, Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle (405). “That “weakness” is what the Church calls “concupiscence”—the lingering post-baptismal effects of original sin. Think of it as a constitutional susceptibility to iniquity—almost like moral scar tissue that covers an otherwise cured lesion.” Read more here. Source; National Catholic Register, Rick Becker

“No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept, not an objective biological one. No one is born with an awareness of themselves as male or female; this awareness develops over time and, like all developmental processes, may be derailed by a child’s subjective perceptions, relationships, and adverse experiences from infancy forward. People who identify as ‘feeling like the opposite sex’ or ‘somewhere in between’ do not comprise a third sex. They remain biological men or biological women.” What of the young men and women who disagree and feel they “are trapped” in the body of the opposite sex? The ACP writes, “A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.” Read more here. 8




Online for Life



Abortion! Is it a woman’s choice? Or is it murder? Click here to see the video

”180” has been called a half-hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This riveting, award-winning documentary carries a unique message in which you will see eight people change their minds in a matter of seconds…because they were asked one question. Like Us? Website: 180 is an Award-Winning Documentary by Ray Comfort - Click CC above for translations. Subtitles/Closed Captions available 1.) English 2.) Spanish / Español 3.) French / Français 4.) German / Deutsch 5.) Portuguese / Português 6.) Russian / Русский 7.) Japanese 8.) Italian / Italiano 9.) Polish / Polski And many more... Please click on the CC button for a list of languages that are being added regularly. If you don’t see your language listed and you are able to help us translate 180, please contact us via http://www. DVD purchases and downloadable Study Guide available at We also have “180” dubbed in Spanish: Produced by Living Waters, the ministry of Ray Comfort: 11


Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? is a 3 part educational video series about Margaret Sanger, her eugenicist leanings, and how she changed America’s mind about birth control. - Source: ALL

Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood’s Racist Founder “Sanger’s admiration for the eugenics programs of Nazi Germany were well her praise for the eugenics programs in Germany, Sanger called for the implementation of such programs in the United States, specifically targeting African-Americans.” “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro Population.” - Sanger Source: American Life League

“Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black.”

--Erma Clardy Craven (deceased) Social Worker and Civil Rights Leader

- The Most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb Source: Bound 4 Life

Source: Black Genocide



Norma (“Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade) Speaks About Being Pro-Life Pro-Life Truth

7 Ways to Silence Your Liberal Professor Defend the unborn. Get more information at:



Defending the Family & Catholic Teaching

Source: EWTN

Fr Shenan Boquet, HLI, Rome Life Forum 2016

“In many parts of the world we don’t hear the preaching of the gospel” “We have to reteach what it means to respect life, to defend life, to live life,and to serve life - {JP11}” “We are afraid of preaching Jesus Christ, .....we are not teacching about reconciliation” “Crisis WITHIN the Church “Ireland is Broken...sadly from within” “IN the Philippines, the numbers are falling” “The Remedy IS the Church, the teachings of the Church”



Father Bill Casey

Inspired The Men At The North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference The very dynamic Fr. William Casey, C.P.M is Superior General of the Fathers of Mercy in South Union, Kentucky. The primary mission of the Fathers of Mercy is to conduct parish missions and retreats throughout the country with the Holy Eucharist as the primary focus. Fr. Casey’s talks emphasize the need for spiritual renewal and the importance of making a good confession. While most of his talks are geared towards adults, Fr. Casey has been successful in exciting young people to consider the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Father attributes his call to the priesthood to the Mercy of God, his love for the study of Sacred Scripture, and his strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

About the North Texas Catholic Brothers

It is men ministering to men in fellowship It is a group of men that pray together, but it is not just a prayer group It is a group of men of faith, but is it is not just a faith group It offers social interaction, but it is not just a social group It studies the Bible, but it is not just a Bible study group It offers support, but it is not just a support group It discusses various issues, but it is not just a discussion group It is aware of religious issues, but it is not just a religious action group It considers social issues, but it is not just a social action group. Since forming the North Texas Catholic Brothers for Christ in the summer of 2011, this small band of brothers has grown to include men from over a dozen parishes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The vision for the group is: “All Catholic Men Committed to Building the Body of Christ” And the mission is: “To motivate all Catholic men to commit to building the body of Christ, by uniting as brothers, witnessing the Gospel in all areas of our lives, and facilitating faith building programs in our community.” It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that the NTCB are able to do any of this. NTCB hopes and prays that the Holy Spirit will also inspire you to become part of the North Texas Catholic Brothers for Christ. By uniting as brothers, NTCB will be capable of amazing feats as it works together to build the body of Christ. Feel free to contact them anytime if you would like more information about their ministry. Thank you for your time and God bless! For more information, please see here 15



Once Saved Always Saved? A Dangerous Man Made Heresy Source: Bible Christian Society

ighly recommended discussion to help Catholics understand the dangers of heterodoxy. In this case, the speaker makes clear the difference between Catholic and Protestant teaching on being saved. This discourse will be also helpful to Catholics who hear heterodoxy in homilies from Catholic priests and thus help to avoud the danger of ‘poor’ shepherds leading the flock astray. Salavation is not guaranteed to everyone just by turning to and accepting Jesus, Christians must continully repent their sins and realise that as humans we are prone to sinning even if Jesus has already offered us the path to salvation. The Catholic Church provides us the gift of the sacrament of penance, a beautiful sacrament, which allows Catholics to repent sincerely and be once again reconciled with God after having sinned. Catholics must be truly AWARE of ‘watered-down’ teachings of the Church given by priests who preach heterodoxy. - Dayly Knightly.

Bishop Schneider

Rome Life Forum 2016

“In the performance of the supreme pastoral office of the bishops, we beseach and command for the love of Jesus Christ, by the authority of Him who is our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and also all faithful Christians, but especially those in authority or who have the duty of teaching that they contribute their zealand labour to the wording of, and elimination of these errors from the Church and to the spreading of the light of the pure faith. - Quote: First Vatican Council - VERY VERY UP TO DATE” - See Short Video, See Full Video 16

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI “When you break the big laws, you do not get freedom; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws.” G. K. Chesterton Daily News, 7/29/1905

New York City Commission breaks Natural Law, Civil Law, Common Sense and legislates for 31 Genders - May 2016

New York City Commission’s 31 Genders 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Man Woman Agender Androgyne Androgynous Bi-gendered Butch Cross-dresser Drag king Drag queen Femme Femme queen Female-to-male FTM Gender bender Gender blender Gender gifted Gender fluid Genderqueer Hijra (Note: Wikipedia says “hijra” is a term used in South Asia, especially in India, to refer to trans women (male-to-female transgenders). Male-to-female MTF Non-binary transgender Non-op Pangender Person of transgender experience Third sex Trans Transexual/transsexual Trans person Two-spirit Source; Fellowship of the Minds

The Commission defines “gender identity” entirely subjectively as “One’s internal, deeply-held sense of one’s gender as male, female, or something else entirely,” and a “transgender” as “someone whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.” All of which means that in New York City, by law individuals have the right to: • “Work and live free from discrimination and harassment due to their gender identity/expression. • Use the bathroom or locker room most consistent with their gender identity and/or expression without being required to show ‘proof’ of gender. • Be addressed with their preferred pronouns and name without being required to show ‘proof’ of gender. • Follow dress codes and grooming standards consistent with their gender identity/expression.” Employers and landlords would be fined for not calling someone by the gender of their imagination. if a biological male employee imagines himself to be a woman, his employer is bound by city law to address him as “she”. No medical certification of so-called transgenderism is required. The Commission can impose civil penalties up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct. (Note that neither “willful” nor “wanton” nor “malicious” is defined.) Source; Fellowship of the Minds


Know Your Faith

The Coat of Arms of POPE FRANCIS

THE SHIELD Pope Francis has decided to keep his previous coat of arms, chosen at the time of his episcopal consecration and marked by linear simplicity. The blue shield is surmounted by the symbols of papal dignity, the same as those used by his Predecessor Benedict XVI (the mitre above crossed keys of gold and silver, bound by the red cord). At the top of the shield is the emblem of Pope’s religious order, the Society of Jesus: a radiant sun carrying the letters in red, ihs, the monogram of Jesus. The letter h is crowned by a cross; beneath the letters are three black nails. Lower down on the shield there is a star and spikenard flower. The star, according to ancient armorial tradition, symbolizes the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ and the Church; while the spikenard symbolizes St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. In traditional Hispanic iconography, St Joseph is shown with a vine in his hand. By bearing these images on his shield, the Pope communicates his special devotion to the Most Holy Virgin and to St Joseph. THE MOTTO The motto of Pope Francis is taken from a passage from the venerable Bede, Homily 21 (CCL 122, 149151), on the Feast of Matthew, which reads: Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum, et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi, ‘Sequere me’. [Jesus therefore sees the tax collector, and since he sees by having mercy and by choosing, he says to him, ‘follow me’.] This homily is a tribute to Divine Mercy and is read during the Liturgy of the Hours on the Feast of St Matthew. This has particular significance in the life and spirituality of the Pope. In fact, on the Feast of St Matthew in 1953, the young Jorge Bergoglio experienced, at the age of 17, in a very special way, the loving presence of God in his life. Following confession, he felt his heart touched and he sensed the descent of the Mercy of God, who with a gaze of tender love, called him to religious life, following the example of St Ignatius of Loyola. Once he had been ordained a Bishop, H.E. Mons. Bergoglio, in memory of this event that signified the beginning of his total consecration to God in His Church, chose, as his motto and as his programme of life, the words of St Bede: miserando atque eligendo. This he has chosen to keep in his papal coat of arms.

The Vortex - To the Gallows 18

Know Your Faith

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church” given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for 11th video in the series, ‘Heaven and Earth’.

Looking for honest to goodness sincere non-heterodoxical sermons which speak clearly and without fear not only on our spiritual battles but also on many of the controversial issues affecting the lives of people today, then please check and listen to the sermons on Audio Sancto website here.


Know Your Faith

Fr. Bill Peckman

Miracle of Fish and Loaves - Beware!!! If the priest or deacon in your parish says that the feeding of the 5000 is a story about how Jesus provoked sharing in the crowd and not about it pointing to the Eucharist: first, pray for him. He is wrong and has fallen into the ‘Jesus seminar nonsense which seeks to reduce Jesus to a nice man and do good philosopher. Second, ask him if he believes that the bread and wine actually do become His Flesh and Blood. If he says no, then there are serious problems. - Website 20

Aduno - Unity

“Here we were born... here we live... and here we die”

- John X (Yazigi) Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East.


Aduno - Unity

A Story From The Mother Church Of Antioch

Iraqi Christian girl teaches ISIS the power of forgiveness

Revisiting Myriam: the Iraqi Christian girl who forgave Islamic State


Aduno - Unity

Muslims and Christians flock to Our Lady of Lebanon shrine Source: The Catholic Weekly, By Doreen Abi Raad

High on a summit overlooking the Mediterranean, Our Lady of Lebanon stands majestically with her arms outstretched, welcoming her children. Muslims and Christians alike come to the shrine, 25km north of Beirut. To Muslims, Mary is known in Arabic as “Seidatna Maryam”, Our Lady Mary. Even though Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, in the Quran, a chapter is devoted to Maryam. In Lebanon, the feast of the Annunciation, 25 March, is celebrated by Christians and Muslims as a national holiday. Some Muslims come to Harissa for tourism to enjoy the spectacular views from the shrine’s 575-metre summit, and some Muslims even visit its churches to pray, said Maronite Fr Younen Obeid, rector of Harissa. “It depends on each person. But for sure, all of them have a big respect for Mary,” he said of the Muslim visitors. At times, one can see as many Muslim pilgrims in Harissa as Christian. Thousands of Muslim pilgrims come from Iran each year, for example. During the Marian month of May, the shrine receives about one million visitors, Fr Obeid said. For Lebanese, particularly Maronite Catholics who have a deep devotion to Mary, this May pilgrimage is an annual tradition. Marie Rose Hajj Boutros, a Maronite Catholic, has fond childhood memories of her parents taking her and her four siblings to Harissa several times each month. “You find peace here,” Hajj Boutros, 45, told Catholic News Service during a visit to the shrine with her Bible study group. “It’s like you are under the Virgin’s mantle, under her protection. When you come to Harissa, you feel like your problem will be solved.” As part of the Bible study group’s annual May pilgrimage, the eight ladies first prayed the rosary, offering intentions for their families, Lebanon, the Middle East and the world. They then climbed the 103 spiraling steps – with a guitar in tow – to sing Marian hymns in English at the feet of the Blessed Mother. “As soon as we started singing, a bird flew over the Virgin’s crown and a cloud enveloped us,” Hajj Boutros recounted. “It was beautiful. For us, it was a symbol of the presence of God.” Hajj Boutros relayed how a group of Muslim teenagers, visiting the shrine as part of a school trip, “listened intently to our hymns”. Read more here....


Catholic Inspiration

O’Flaherty – WWII Irish Priest Hero – ‘Pimpernel of the Vatican’ Source: Marist Messenger, Posted by Tricia O’Donnell

At the end of the war Hugh O’Flaherty received a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) and a US Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm. He was awarded a silver medal for valour from the Italian Government together with a pension for life – the latter of which he refused. In 1953 he was made a Domestic Prelate, a title given by the Pope to a priest for exceptional work, and several years later he became Head Notary of the Holy See. In Killarney National Park stands a grove of trees planted in 1994 to commemorate one of the town’s most courageous sons. Hugh O’Flaherty’s exploits during the Second World War earned him several commendations and resulted in two books and a movie portraying his life. Yet, fifty years after his death, he is still relatively unknown throughout the world. Read more......

The Scarlet and the The Black The Movie Part 1 Part 2


ENCOUNTER - Prayer & Meditation


Encounter - Mercy and Justice

The St. Joseph Foundation

To Defend Catholic Truth and Uphold Catholic Rights [To] canon law, which ought to be the source of happiness in God’s Church. Do you ever wonder why someone hasn’t formed an organization that can assist faithful Catholics in protecting their right to embrace and keep the truth concerning God and His Church? Well, someone did in 1984; and it is called the Saint Joseph Foundation. Located in beautiful rural Ohio, the St. Joseph Foundation advises and represents individuals and groups around the world to resolve Catholic legal issues. Through the publication of Christifidelis, the Foundation educates the faithful on Catholic teaching and their rights within the Church. We provide all services free of charge, relying solely on the generosity of the faithful and the patronage of St. Joseph.

Human Life International PRO-LIFE MISSIONARIES

HLI is doing the Lord’s work, spreading the Gospel of Life to all the nations! To Build the Culture of Life

- Developing and providing educational resources

- Fighting anti-life legislation - Sponsoring international pro-life conferences - Organizing grassroots training sessions - Traveling hundreds of thousands of miles each year equipping pro-life activists to defend their country’s traditional values - And so much more!



The Pope Video 6 - Solidarity in Cities - June 2016

June 2016. The Pope Video: That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity. For the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer - More Pope videos can be seen here.

SESERAGI SPIRITUALITY CENTER, JAPAN Part of Pope Francis’s Prayer Network

Networks Go Ape Over Harambe the Gorilla’s Death, Say “Gorilla Killed” Not “Child Saved”

The broadcast networks routinely prioritize animal life over human life. Read Here. Source:

Have Faith - Trust in Jesus 27

ENCOUNTER - Holy Spirit & Family


Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.


ENCOUNTER - Holy Spirit & Family

Sons & Daughters Encounter - Japanese Girls Highschool - with Fr. Donnon Murray

Sons & Daughters Encounter - Japanese Nurses with Fr. Donnon Murray


With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction.

Marriage Encounter in Kiryu with Fr. Donnon Murray

Self Encounter in Ota, Japan with Fr. Donnon Murray

Sons & Daughters Encounter - Ota Japan with Fr. Donnon Murray

Engaged Enounter - Tokyo - with Fr. Donnon Murray 29

A Few Thoughts


Editorial - References [1] CHRISTENDOM GENERALLY. St. Hilary to Constantius - ad Const. i. 1, 2 On Consulting the Faith in Matters of Doctrine - Cardinal John Henry Newman [2] Note 5. The Orthodoxy of the Body of the Faithful during the Supremacy of Arianism – Cardinal John Henry Newman [2] Unanimous Win for Little Sisters of the Poor at Supreme Court – The Becket Fund [3] Dead on arrival: 12 states reject Obama’s transgender bathroom policy [5] Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church – International Theological Commission, Vatican Website [6] Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church – International Theological Commission, Article 27 :- Vatican Website [7] Sign this Petition to Pope Francis to “Save the Family” – TFP Student Union [8] Ask Pope Francis to uphold Church teachings on marriage, family at the Synod [9] Filial Appeal To His Holiness Pope Francis On the Future of the Family – [10] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation – Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis, [11] Cardinal Robert Sarah - Address at the 12th Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, May 17, 2016. [12] Matt. 16:13 - 19) [13] Pope Benedict Challenges dissenters misusing sensus fidelium to mean public opinion [14] Unprofessional Tablet completely ignores Pope Francis’ observation that the Sensus Fidelium cannot be reduced to majority opinion [15] Pope Francis dashes the hopes of dissenters by insisting on the importance of faithfulness to the doctrines of the Church [16] Is recognising same-sex marriage Catholic? [17] Catholic cleric ‘giddy’ for same “sex marriage”? - The Pinoy Catholic [18] Note 5. The Orthodoxy of the Body of the Faithful during the Supremacy of Arianism, Chapter 2, article 5]

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Gender Ideology Harms Children The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality. Read More here Dayly Knightly Newsletter is produced by Dayly Knightly a volunteer non-profit activity based in Japan. Contact: 31

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