Dayly knightly Catholic April 2017 (updated)

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Truth * Goodness * Beauty

- Glory to God -

On Earth as in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 02 - Apr 2017

To Defend & Proclaim Christ and the Catholic Church

Easter 2017

Raphael 1


内容 Contents - Editorial - Judas in our Midst - Mental Prayer - Catholic Japan - Encounter - The Roasy and Prayer - Mental Prayer - Lent and Easter 2017 - Musica - Inspiration - Saint Rita - Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare) - Temptation - Religious Persecution - Saint Sebastian - The Battle is Now - PRO-LIFE - Fr. Copadanno - Christianity and Philosophy - Taize - テゼ - Catholic Adoration - Christianity and Science - Vatican - Laudato Si - Catholic Truth - Know Your Faith - Humility - Guardian Anels - RCIA - Doctor of the Church - Saint Francis de Salle - Aduno - Catholic Japan - The Salesians in Japan - St. Ignatius Youth Ministry - Meditation in Japan - The Rosary - Catechism of the Catholic Church - Akita - Fr. Jerry's Blog - Catholic Asia - Encounter - Youth and Family - FIRES Encounter - Announcements & Media - A Few Thoughts

About Dayly Knightly The aim of Dayly Knightly and its Newsletter is to provide a platform for people to share the latest news and events that concern Catholics, to defend and proclaim the Catholic faith and to support people in their faith foundation and journey. To that end, Dayly Knighly humbly asks for graces from God, the support of the Holy Spirit and the Saints, guidance and the protective care of Mother Mary and the wisdom, courage and strength of Christ to carry out its mission. We also give praise and thanks to God for all the love and gifts He has given us and ask Him to continue to love and protect us from harm, temptations and the evil forcrs of this world. Prayer to St. Michael Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.



Judas in our Midst

When Pope Francis accepted the findings of the UN’s IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) into his encyclical Laudato Si, that Global Warming was both real and caused by humans, he was, it seems, accepting Judas into the Vatican. In particular when we discover that the supporters of the UN’s Global Warming policy include such extreme Left wing personalities as billionaire George Soros, a well-known activist for abortion and population control. Laudato Si though a beautiful document which reminds us of Man’s responsibility to care for the environment, has contained within it flawed scientific data which claims to prove that Global Warming has been the fault of the human production of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) through industrial activities. However, this position has been largely debunked by an ever-increasing body of scientists and real scientific data. (Please see a selection of articles in this newsletter, which outline the real truth behind Global Warming.) The UN Global Warming policy (Climate Change, Sustained Development, Extreme Weather) contains an active Left Wing agenda which pushes population control and abortion, an agenda which the Catholic Church diametrically apposes. How could the Pope and the Vatican have embraced such a cabal of people and organisations that support a ‘culture of death? A Vexing question to be sure. Yet we could equally ask why did Christ invite Judas to become a member of His band of apostles knowing that Judas would later betray Him. Yet we know that Judas played a significant role in the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. He had a part to play in God’s plan to redeem the World back to Him. We may hope that the Vatican’s embrace of this controversial UN climate agenda riddled with Left wing antichristian objectives leads to some as yet imperceptible great good. On the other hand, Pope Francis has stated in Laudato Si that he welcomes continuing input and discussion on the issues we face in caring for the environment. May we thus hope that any future amended Laudato Si would correct the assertion that Man is the cause of Global Warming and that real truthful scientific data be welcomed from future studies of this most worthy project. - Dayly Knightly

Mental Prayer

With this season’s Lenten preparations and Easter celebrations fast approaching, one activity worth pursuing is mental prayer. It has been said that those who became saints all engaged in mental prayer. This issue of Dayly Knightly contains a number of links to very thought provoking homilies on this topic. It is well worth listening to one or all of these homilies for further reflection and ideas to improve your prayer life. - Dayly Knightly

Catholic Japan

From this issue of Dayly Knightly going forward, more and more articles on Catholic Japan will be made available both in English and Japanese. This is a key aim for the future, i.e., to provide more bilingual articles depending on resources available. One particular challenging objective is to organize an international Catholic conference in Japan with the aim to provide more energy and impetus to evangelizing Catholicism in Japan. We ask in prayer Saint Rita, patron saint of impossible cases for her intercession and support in these activities and indeed for the help of Holy Mother Mary, Saint Joseph and all our beloved saints who have in their time proclaimed the Word of God. - Dayly Knightly



The Victory of the Rosary - Sensus Fidelium

The Power & Promises of the Rosary - Sensus Fidelium

The Holy Rosary: The Spiritual Weapon for Spiritual War



Prayer to the Great Archangels in a Time of Terror and Grief

In need of angelic assistance, we take the fundamental action of prayer by Elizabeth Scalia, Aleteia

The headlines are almost unbearable:

A terror attack, with grievous loss of life, sowing great divisiveness at a time when we need to reach out to each other and stand together in an open space, one wherein our common humanity is raised in recognition of the dignity of the human person — every human person, every human life — because to withhold that recognition will be the death of us all. And then, a child’s unthinkable death played for grotesque laughs or cruel political fodder on social media.So much for human dignity, then. What have we become? Prayer, we hear, is useless — an insufficient means of addressing moments of transcendent pain and confusion. But believers know that that is wrong. Action counts, of course, but prayer is an action — a most fundamental action. It supports any and all subsequent action because it is rightly-oriented toward a higher purpose, something that is an absolute balm to transcendent pain: transcendent love. The greatest of the Archangels, Michael, is a warrior angel. His name means, “Who is like God,” and not for nothing do we pray, “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the evil one…” Next in power is Gabriel, the angel of announcements and needed information — he spoke to Daniel, and Zechariah and of course the Blessed Virgin Mary, moving between heaven and earth to work God’s purposes. “I am Gabriel, who stand before God…” (Luke 1:19). So often, when I ask my own guardian angel to lay a need before the throne of God, I think of Gabriel, whose name means “God’s strength”. It takes power to be a constant conduit of communication. Then there is Raphael, “one of the seven, who stand before the Lord…” (Tobit 12:15) He is less well known — an angel credited with bringing about healing, again to suit God’s purposes, as his name means “God’s healing.” We find him in the Book of Tobit, where he both binds up a devil and prescribes a remedy for 5

ENCOUNTER - Prayer illness that some might find today in books on Chinese Medicine. Traditionally he is understood to be the angel who would regularly descend upon the pool at Bethesda, and after the “stirring of the waters” there would be healing. Our times need all three of these angelic aspects. Let us pray. O Holy Archangels, first and eternal servants of God the Creator, we call upon you in recognition of your heavenly offices, you, Michael, the Great Defender, you, Gabriel, the Holy Adviser, you Raphael, the Bearer of Restoration, Hear the prayers of a people in great need of your patronage as we struggle to live through a confused, violent, and divided age. Help us to discern our roles within this tumult, as People of God, People of Christ, People of the Cross, and of the Resurrection. To Michael, we acknowledge that we are called to defend the victims of aggression and marginalization, to uphold the meek and protect the weak, and we want to heed this call, but our fallen natures hold us back, make us fearful and lacking in trust. We have need to share in the surety of Michael’s powerful defense of what is right and just, that we too may uphold the light, and do battle against the darkness, without faltering. To Gabriel, we recognize that our dialogues are often too loud, too passionate, too unwilling to allow the necessary portion of good-faith listening that converts noise into true communication. We seek a share of Gabriel’s ability to hear what is being said, rather than what we would prefer to receive, and to relay a message, or tell our stories, or simply talk to another with the simplicity and clarity that allows our yes to be “yes,” our no to be “no,” and our purpose to be God’s before our own. To Raphael, we admit that we too often are ready to inflict harm upon others, in our words, in our thoughtless asides, in our deeds; we know that we are making the world ill through the spittle of our vicious tongues, our spite and our malice. We seek a portion of Raphael’s eagerness to remedy what has become infected, mend what has been broken, and walk as true companions (as Raphael traveled with Tobias) in order to establish the trust that can facilitate lasting healing. Hear our pleas, O Archangels, for the sharing and bestowal of your be-graced and everlasting gifts upon our fallen natures, which are insufficient to the tasks before us and in need of angelic assistance. We ask for your help, and for your prayers as you stand before Holy, Mighty and Immortal Creator of all, and all of this in the name of Christ Jesus, the Lamb, seated at his right hand. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel with music


ENCOUNTER - Mental Prayer Š

Power of Meditating on the Passion

In order to conquer the world, the flesh and the devil, meditation on the Passion of Our Lord and Savior is essential. That is one of the lessons from the Transfiguration because that is precisely what Our Lord, Moses and Elias were doing, whereas the three apostles were heavy with sleep. In hoc signo vinces: In this sign you shall conquer! - Sensus Fidelium

The Gift of Mental Prayer - Sensus Fidelium


Mental Prayer

Audio Readings of Spiritual Classics DH Daily Lenten School of Prayer with St. Teresa of Avila

Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila

For pdf containing complete text and footnotes, please click here. also

Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila The Life of St. Teresa of Avila

Meditations from the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales


ENCOUNTER - Mental Prayer

Contemplative Prayer - Father Benedict Groeschel Hosted by Father Benedict Groeschel, this show features Fr. Groeschel teaching and talking about the Catechism and the bible with an emphasis on prayer. His discussion of prayer is based on the premise that an essential condition of prayer is devotion- the belief that God is listening and cares for us. In "Prayer in the Catechism", Fr. Groeschel discusses the various kinds of prayer, including a special emphasis on using scripture when praying. The catechism contains basic Christian teaching formatted for learning and understanding.

Method for Meditating on the Rosary - Sensus Fidelium

A quick sermon on how to meditate while praying the rosary. 9

ENCOUNTER - Mental Prayer

Mental Prayer is Essential for Salvation - Sensus Fidelium

Power of Meditating on the Passion - Sensus Fidelium

Catholic Meditation How to Meditate Part 1

~ Fr Ripperger

Part 2


Lent and Easter 2017


Lent and Easter 2017

USA-San Jose-Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph Stained Glass Window


Lent and Easter 2017

"Distorted" (First Week of Lent)

"Keep Going" (Second Week of Lent)

"Hungry" (Third Week of Lent)

"Identity" (Fourth Week of Lent)

"Death" (Fifth Week of Lent) 13

Lent and Easter 2017

The Blessings of Meditating on the Stations of the Cross

STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Saint Faustina's Way of The Cross "We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world!" 14

Lent and Easter 2017

Stations of the Cross HD - For Adults & Children Catholic Online

The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as the individual moves from station to station. At each station, the individual recalls and meditates on a specific event from Christ's last day. Specific prayers are recited, then the individual moves to the next station until all 14 are complete.

Passion Sunday: Looking in the Mirror Sensus Fidelium

We look back at the Jews of the 1st century and condemn them for their actions but do we look in the mirror and wonder if we do the same to Our Blessed Lord today in our actions? 15

Lent and Easter 2017 - Musica

O Sons and Daughters (Latin)

Jesus Christ is Risen Today

Händel Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus

The Lord's My Shepherd

God of Mercy and Compassion

Seek Ye First

Victimae Paschali Laudes

Stuart Townend


Lent and Easter 2017 - The Pascal Tridium

Holy Week Schedule 2017 St. Ignatius Church, Tokyo 17


Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (Palestrina, 1525 - Roma, 1594), Missa Papae Marcelli. The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips, director. The Palestrina 400 Collection PALESTRINA - MISSA PAPAE MARCELLI [00,01→] Kyrie [04,44→] Gloria [11,00→] Credo [20,54→] Sanctus et Benedictus [28,33→] Agnus Dei 1 et 2

Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli. The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips

Pope Francis calls for end to “mediocrity, banality and superficiality” in liturgical music


INSPIRATION - Being Catholic

We Are Catholic

Simply Catholic The Reason Why I Am a Catholic



Padre Pio OF Pietrelcina movie

Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion to Catholicism from Protestantism Former Mormon Jeff Gardner shares his journey to the Catholic faithcus Grodi





Saint Rita Patron Saint of the Impossible About Saint Rita Saint Rita was born Margherita Lotti in Roccaporena, Italy in 1381. The day after her baptism, Rita was surrounded by a swarm of white bees, which went in and out of her infant mouth without hurting her. Rather than being alarmed, her family believed she was marked to be virtuous and devoted to God. At an early age, she begged her parents to allow her to enter a convent but was instead arranged to be married to a cruel man named Paolo Mancini. Young Rita became a wife and mother at only twelve years of age and her husband was a man of violent temper. In anger, he often mistreated Rita verbally and physically. He was also known to pursue other women and he had many enemies. Paolo had many enemies in Cascia, but Rita's influence over him eventually led him to be a better man. He even renounced a family feud between the Mancinis and Chiquis. Unfortunately, the feud between the Mancini and Cascia family grew turbulent and one of Paolo's allies betrayed and killed him. Following her husband's death, Rita gave his murderers a public pardon, but Paolo's brother, Bernardo, was still angry and encouraged Rita's two sons, Giovanni Antonio and Paulo Maria, to join the feud. Under their uncle's leadership, each boy became more and more like their father had been before Rita married him, and they wanted to avenge their father's murder. Rita attempted to stop them, but both of her sons were determined to revenge their slain father. Rita prayed to God, asking Him to take her sons before they lost their souls to the mortal sin of murder. One year later, her prayers were answered when both of her sons fell prey to dysentery and died. Following the deaths of her sons, Rita attempted to enter the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene in Cascia, but she was not allowed to join. Though Rita's character and piety were recognized, her husband's association with the family feud was greatly feared. When Rita persisted, the convent told her she could join if she could find a way to mend the wound between 22

INSPIRATION - The Saints the Chiquis and Mancinis. After asking John the Baptist, Augustine of Hippo, and Nicholas of Tolentino to help her in her task, she attempted to end the feud. The bubonic plague had been spreading through Italy at that time, and when Bernardo Mancini became infected, he finally abolished the feud with the Chiqui family. Once the conflict was resolved, Rita was allowed to enter the monastery at the age of thirty-six. It is said that she was transported into the monastery of Saint Magdalene through levitation at night by the three patron saints she appealed to. While at the monastery, Rita performed her duties faithfully and received the sacraments frequently. Rita had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ, and one day, when she was sixty-year-old, she asked, "Please let me suffer like you, Divine Saviour." After her request, a wound appeared on her forehead, as if a thorn from Christ's crown had pierced her. It left a deep wound, which did not heal, and it caused her to suffer until the day she died. It is said that as she neared the end of her life, Rita was bedridden from tuberculosis. It was then that she asked a cousin who had come to visit for a rose from the garden in her old home. As it was January, her cousin did not expect to find any roses, but there was a single rose in bloom, which was brought back to Rita at the convent. She passed away four months later, on May 22, 1457. Following her death, she was buried at the basilica of Cascia, and was later discovered to be incorrupt. Her body can be found today in the Saint Rita shrine at Cascia. Rita was beatified by Pope Urban VIII in 1627 and canonized by Pope Leo XII on May 24, 1900. Saint Rita is often portrayed in a black habit, which is historically inaccurate as the sisters at the Saint Magdalene monastery wore beige or brown. She is also often shown to hold a thorn, a large Crucifix, or a palm leaf with three thorns to represent her husband and two sons. In some images, Saint Rita is shown to have a wound on her forhead, holding a rose, or to be surrounded by bees.

Oration to the Saint of the Impossible

O excellent St. Rita, worker of miracles, from thy sanctuary in Cascia, where in all thy beauty thou sleepest in peace, where thy relics exhale breaths of paradise, turn thy merciful eyes on me who suffer and weep! Thou seest my poor bleeding heart surrounded by thorns Thou seest, O dear Saint, that my eyes have no more tears to shed, so much have I wept! Weary and discouraged as I am, I feel the very prayers dying on my lips. Must I thus despair in this crisis of my life? O come, St. Rita, come to my aid and help me. Art thou not called the Saint of the Impossible, Advocate to those in despair? Then honor thy name, procuring for me from God the favor that I ask. [Here ask the favor you wish to obtain.] Everyone praises thy glories, everyone tells of the most amazing miracles performed through thee, must I alone be disappointed because thou hast not heard me? Ah no! Pray then pray for me to thy sweet Lord Jesus that He be moved to pity by my troubles and that, through thee, O good St. Rita, I may obtain what my heart so fervently desires. (Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, three times.) Those wishing to offer a novena should repeat this prayer for nine days. [Source: Catholic Online] 23


The Holy Rosary The Spiritual Weapon for Spiritual War - Sensus Fidelium

Fatima visionary to Cardinal “Final battle between God and Satan will be over marriage and family� - Diane Montagna, Crisis Magazine

Read more here.




No Crown without a Victory, No Victory without a Struggle What is temptation? What are simple actions we can use to combat it? Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest by Sensus Fidelium



Impurity and the Lie Fr. Tim McCauley - Crisis Magazine

“Christ Crucified must be proclaimed again and again in our times if we are ever to be free from the slavery of sin, so every individual can claim the freedom that Christ won for us as sons and daughters of God.” The plague of pornography and the abuse of sexuality, compulsions that enslave so many souls, begin with a lie that must be unmasked and cast out if ever we are to regain our freedom as sons and daughters of God. After years of hearing litanies of confessions on this subject, and upon reflection of my own experience of our common humanity, I am convinced that impurity has more to do with the mind than the body— specifically, with a lie about God that is first proposed and accepted before any impure bodily acts ensue. Evidently the body is the locus of impurity, the stage on which this drama is played out. And those habituated to impurity no longer notice the mental processes and neural pathways that connect the dots from external temptation to bodily actions, as if all sexual images immediately trigger impure acts, a la Pavlov’s dogs. First we must understand that temptations to impurity rush in to occupy a void—a space within designed to be filled with love for God, oneself, and others. Remember Jesus’ parable of an evil spirit roaming around looking for a place of rest. It finds an empty house, swept clean, and returns with seven other spirits more evil than itself. Those who build their houses on sand, stuffing them only with the trinkets and gadgets of a materialistic lifestyle, may find it simplistic and naive to say that we were created by love and for love, that love is the meaning of our lives. But it is true. Impurity is an indication of our need for love, and until that need is met in healthy ways, it is practically impossible to avoid the misuse of the body and sexuality. We must also appreciate how Revelation enlightens the human condition. Due to original sin, every human being has inherited the trauma of a ruptured relationship with God. I think of the heart-rending depiction of the expulsion from Paradise by Masaccio in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. Adam’s face is buried in his hands in inconsolable grief, while Eve’s face is disfigured by her wailing. In every human heart we find the fault-line of this broken relationship and cracked foundation traced back to our origins. Christ came to repair what was shattered, to reconcile us to the Father by first infusing us with the grace to come to ourselves and remember we are loved. Then, like the Prodigal Son in Rembrandt’s brilliant rendition, though we may be tattered and torn, we finally arrive home safe in the Father’s loving embrace. The original lie began with the words, “Did God really say… ?” as the devil suggested that God our Father cannot be trusted because he does not really love us, and is more concerned with his power than our well-being. This lie can shape-shift into different forms. In his book, Abba’s Heart, Neal Lozano explains some of the most common lies about God the Father that form the substratum of many people’s conscious-


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Temptation ness of existence and sense of reality, to the point that they are unaware of being victims of a deception. “God is always angry with me,” is one, and another “God is to blame for all the evil in my life.” If the devil can induce us to swallow these lies—hook, line and sinker—then most of the battle is won, and the door of our mind is wide open to a flood of impure images and suggestions impelling us toward impure actions. The emotional response to such lies is first a sense of betrayal and abandonment, then fear and anger, that the one Person who is supposed to love us the most—God who created us—is actually angry with us and is responsible for the evil in our lives. Kierkegaard once wrote that “all sin begins with fear.” Regarding the first sin of humanity, the Catechism states, “man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart.” The countenance once brightened with child-like trust is now overshadowed by fear. In the case of impurity, the spirit of fear usually carries in tow the spirit of anger: the clenched fist banging the table, the will insisting on its own way, justified in its rebellion because of the perceived injustice of God. Fear and anger together poison a natural attraction into lust, in an emotional whirlpool spinning into compulsive behavior, as we greedily grasp to possess the love we falsely believed has been withheld as a free gift. Every crisis is an opportunity, and the same is true of the vices and perversions of our times. After the fading of the Middle Ages, Western secular culture began to whistle its way down the centuries, in the mythical belief that we could enjoy the hard-won victories of Christ without actually believing in him, in a society sustained by Christian values, but without Christian faith. Now as the monuments of civilization crumble about us and we stumble and fall with our faces in the mud, we look up bewildered, wondering what went wrong. It is an opportunity for ressourcement, a returning to the wellspring of our whole Western civilization. Christ Crucified must be proclaimed again and again in our times if we are ever to be free from the slavery of sin, so every individual can claim the freedom that Christ won for us as sons and daughters of God. The Bible is filled with a rich history of smashing idols to liberate people from slavery. Gideon pulled down the altar of Baal—a pagan god associated with libidinous and lascivious practices—and cut down the sacred poles, as the necessary prelude to the war that liberated the Israelites from the oppression of the Midianites. In the history of the Old Testament, the reversion to idolatry was tantamount to a return to the slavery of Egypt. Mental idols still produce bodily slavery today, as lies lead to impurity and a host of other sins. The Cross casts down all idols as Jesus reveals the Father. Every time we proclaim Christ Crucified, we lift up the Cross as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so people may gaze upon it and be healed. As we hear those words, “whoever has seen me has seen the Father,” let us contemplate the Cross, the fullest revelation of the Father’s love for us, the ultimate truth that utterly and eternally demolishes and buries the lies of the evil one. As St. John wrote, “the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the devil.” He heals us of all impurity so we are finally free to love and be loved, and discover, perhaps to our own belated surprise, that we are actually happy.


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Discovering our Saint's - St. Sebastian Patron Saint of the Military CCTNtv

Prayer to St Sebastian Healing of bodily ailments, physical healing and deliverance Catholic Deliverance Power

St. Sebastian being clubbed to death. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Paolo Veronese

St Sebastian (Feast Day 20-Jan) The life of St Sebastian One of the 14 Holy Helpers. Sensus Fidelium


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Persecution Against Early Christians

The Martyrdom of St. Stephen



It Is Time to Fight for the Truth - Sensus Fidelium

Christians haven’t lost the culture wars, and we can’t give up by Robert Oscar Lopez, LifeSite News

March 31, 2017 (American Thinker) – One question seems everywhere these days: Is it time for us Christians to surrender the culture wars, and retreat? “The culture wars” seem to mean conflicts over homosexuality and transgenderism. This question is not as new as it might seem. Consider the speech delivered by Paul at Athens’ Areopagus around the year 50. Read more here. 30


More than 100,000 march for life in Romania, Moldova Fr. Mark Hodges, LifeSite News

BUCHAREST, Romania, March 29, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — More than 8,000 pro-lifers marched for the sanctity of life in the nation's capital and hundreds of thousands more marched in cities across Romania and Moldova on Saturday. The marches, organized locally, coincided with the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25. Bucharest participants held signs saying, "Every child is an angel coming into the world," and "Women deserve more than abortion." Orthodox priests and leaders of all six major Christian bodies in Romania united to stand for life, including the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church in Romania, the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania, the Christian Baptists, the Evangelical Church of Romania, and the Pentecostals. Read more here.

China Admits to Killing 336 Million Unborn Babies in Abortions - LifeSite News

Council of Europe Calls for Legalizing Abortion in Ireland - LifeSite News



Trump Praised for Defunding UNFPA: “The Blood of Chinese Women is No Longer On Our Hands” PRO Life Japan



Fr. Capodanno - Servant of God - Pray for us! by Christopher Stefanick (click here for video presentation)

Father Capodanno Biography Archdiocese for Military Services, USA

Vincent Robert Capodanno, born on February 13, 1929, in Staten Island, New York, was the tenth child of Italian immigrants, Vincent Robert Capodanno, Sr. and Rachel Basile Capodanno. Through the example of his parents, Vincent Jr. experienced the dignity of hard work, pride of family, strength of ethnic solidarity and most especially, love of their Catholic faith. These values sustained the family during the Great Depression and following the sudden loss of their patriarch on young Vincent’s tenth birthday. The American involvement in World War II impacted Vincent personally with three of his brothers serving in the military and fostered in him a profound patriotism and overt faith. Often before classes at Curtis High School, Vincent attended daily Mass at his home parish, a practice he continued after graduation and during his undergraduate years at Fordham University. While on a spiritual retreat in 1949 he confided to a close friend and fellow student his vocational desire. Like many young adults of that era, Vincent was familiar with the missionary work of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society, the Maryknolls, through their magazine, The Field Afar. In following his call to share his faith by responding to peoples’ needs in Foreign Service, he applied to Maryknoll and received acceptance in 1949. After nine years of intensive preparation in theology, academics, and basic survival tactics to fulfill the order’s mission to “Go and Teach All Nations,” Vincent completed his seminary training and was ordained in 1958 by Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. Accompanied by the tolling of the seminary’s bell, an annual tradition of the departure service, Father Capodanno learned his destination: Taiwan. He arrived on the island in 1959, and immediately began studying the difficult language and acclimating to the culture of his future parishioners, the Hakka-Chinese. While serving that community, Father Capodanno administered the sacraments, taught native catechists, and distributed food and medicine. Although he struggled while trying to fully understand their language, he developed a subsequent ability to attentively listen in responding to his parishioners. In the fall of 1960, he became the director of a youth hostel for young Chinese men preparing for the national college entrance exam. Besides overseeing their scholastic training, Father Capodanno was respon33

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI sible for their spiritual and emotional needs, a significant challenge as the intense competition for college acceptance promoted depression and temptation of suicide. Several other short assignments occurred within six years followed by a six-month furlough and home visit. After returning to Taiwan, his superiors transferred Father Capodanno to Hong Kong, a decision he did not expect nor desire but which elicited a new response to God’s call of service. By acknowledging a totally different vocational ministry, he sought permission to join the Navy Chaplain Corps intending to serve the increasing number of Marine troops in Vietnam. Eventually Maryknoll granted this request, and after finishing Officer Candidate School, during Holy Week of 1966, Father Capodanno reported to the 7th Marines in Vietnam. As the chaplain for the battalion, his immediate focus was the young enlisted troops or “Grunts.” Later transferred to a medical unit, Father Capodanno was more than a priest ministering within the horrific arena of war. He became a constant companion to the Marines: living, eating, and sleeping in the same conditions of the men. He established libraries, gathered and distributed gifts and organized outreach programs for the local villagers. He spent hours reassuring the weary and disillusioned, consoling the grieving, hearing confessions, instructing converts, and distributing St. Christopher medals. Such work “energized” him, and he requested an extension to remain with the Marines. It was during his second tour on September 4, 1967, with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines that Father Vincent Capodanno made the ultimate sacrifice. After hours of heavy fighting from a North Vietnamese ambush, Father Capodanno, himself seriously injured, sighted a wounded corpsman pinned down by an enemy machine gunner. He ran to the Marine and administered medical and spiritual attention. Despite being unarmed, the enemy opened fire and Father Capodanno, the victim of 27 bullet wounds, died faithfully performing his final act as a good and faithful servant of God. Posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 1969, Lieutenant Capodanno was also the recipient of the Navy Bronze Star medal, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and the Purple Heart Medal. Soon after his death, the first chapel bearing his name was dedicated on Hill 51 in Que Son Valley, Vietnam; Chaplain Capodanno had helped build this simple place of prayer and peace that was constructed of thatched palms and bamboo. On February 1968, within five months of his death, the chapel at the Navy Chaplains School at Newport, RI, was dedicated the Capodanno Memorial Chapel. Other military chapels and commemorations are located in Oakland, CA, Camp Pendleton, CA, Fort Wadsworth, NY, Iwakuni, Japan, and Thiankou, Taiwan, the last of which honors the missionary who began his work in that country. A significantly prestigious memorial was the naming of the USS Cappodanno, a ship whose motto “Duty with Honor” exemplified the chaplain service of Father Capodanno. During its 20 years of operational service, it was further distinguished as the first ship in the US Fleet to receive a Papal Blessing while docked in Naples. Further military buildings bearing his name include the Vincent Robert Capodanno Naval Clinic in Gaeta, Italy, Capodanno Hall, a bachelor officers’ quarters at the San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard and the Capodanno Research Facility at the Navy personnel offices in Millington, TN. Other tributes, geographic


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI reminders preserving his name are: Capodanno Boulevard in Staten Island, NY, and Capodanno Street at the Naval Base, Newport, RI. Father Capodanno’s name appears on many other veteran memorials throughout the United States honoring individual servicemen and certain designated groups such as the Freedom Foundation in Valley, Forge, PA; the Catholic Chaplains Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery; the Veterans Memorial, in Kokomo, IN; and the Vietnam Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC, as well as the Chaplain Vincent R. Capodanno Shelter for Homeless Veterans, in Boston, MA. Two artists have chosen to commemorate Father Capodanno’s heroic final moments: an oil painting by Douglas Rosa is displayed at the Chaplain School in Newport, RI, and a bronze statue by Antonio Pierotti stands at Ft. Wadsworth, Staten Island. The painting depicts the priest’s struggle to rescue the dying corpsman while the sculpture reveals a calm and prayerful chaplain administering to the Marine. Another dramatic representation of the priest, a modern sculpture, is situated in Gaeta, Italy’s town square which is also named for Father Capodanno. More recently Lewis Williams, an iconographer, reveals the priest in his military uniform holding a prayer book, a premonition of his total sacrifice for God and country. Annual awards and scholarships continue to honor Father Capodanno. Since 1971, the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation designates a recipient among children of Marine Corps members. In 2002 the former Chaplain of the Year Award was renamed the Father Vincent Capodanno Chaplain of the Year Award. Sixteen Knights of Columbus assemblies and councils throughout the United States have chosen Father Capodanno for their patron; similarly the Veterans of Foreign Wars have honored the chaplain by naming several posts after him. The continuation of these acknowledgments demonstrates the enduring love and respect that Father Capodanno inspires. Since his death in 1967 people wishing to honor his memory have chosen specific and eloquent ways to honor the holiness that this man of God radiated in his lifetime and afterward.




Catholic Psychology "The Virtue-Driven Life" by Fr Benedict Groeschel, CFR The problem with modern psychology

"The Virtue-Driven Life" by Fr Benedict Groeschel, CFR. Presentation given at the Institute on Religious Life National Meeting 2008. Rev. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., was one of the founding members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and a great friend of the IRL. A trained psychologist and counselor, Father Benedict was also a noted author, speaker and retreat master. He wrote several books on spirituality and pastoral counseling, and hosted many television programs for EWTN.

The Psychological & Spiritual Effects of Being Negative Fr Ripperger

What are things that make people always look negative on things? Family, politics, the state of the Church are areas that can do that. What do we do about that to keep from being negative? 37

Taize -


Taizé - Jesus, Remember Me

Taizé - Bless the Lord

Taize in Japan In many parts of Japan, people gather regularly to pray with the songs of Taizé. These prayers are also the places where the young people who have visted Taizé and the ones planning to visit Taizé could meet. The following is the list of some of these prayers. You could find the dates and places of all the meetings in Japan at the following site as well.

Tokyo area - St. Ignatius (Yotsuya)

Nearly twenty parishes and religious communities hold the regular prayers. The followings are the prayers at Yotsuya. St Ignatius (Yotsuya) 7pm: The first Friday of every odd month The Sisters of Infant Jesus (Yotsuya) 7pm: The second Friday of every even month (The dates may change. Please inquire for the latest information.) The details of all other prayers at various parishes and religious communities in Tokyo area could be found at the following website. Contact: Isao Uematsu: Tel/Fax: 03-3997-7178 38

Catholic Adoration The Most Holy Eucharist | Fr Ripperger

Eucharistic Adoration at Catholic Underground


Christianity & Science

7 of History’s Most Brilliant Scientists People Forget Were Catholic Michael Walker - Church Pop

Please read more here. The next time someone accuses the Church of discouraging intellectual exploration that could benefit humanity, one would do well to bring the following thinkers to bear upon the discussion: 1) Louis Pasteur – Inventor of Pasteurization 2) Gregor Mendel – Father of Genetics 3) St. Giuseppe Moscati – Pioneer in Treating Diabetes with Insulin 4) Louis de Broglie – Nobel Prize winner in Quantum Mechanics 5) Fr. Georges Lemaître – Father of the Big Bang Theory 6) Jerome Lejeune – Discovered Cause of Down Syndrome 7) Galileo Galilei – Father of Modern Astronomy


Vatican - Laudato Si

Pope Francis - Encyclical Letter Laudato Si - Care for our common home Read here, Download here

Download (Japanese)

NASA Scientists Invalidate the Global Warming Hypothesis

The Heartland Institute hosted the

12th International Conference on Climate Change Population Control Advocates Hobnob at the Vatican - By Julia Meloni, Crisis Magazine

March 23 and 24, 2017 in Washington, DC. Click here to view all the presentations from that event. 41

Vatican - Laudato Si

The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie


Vatican - Laudato Si What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change

17 Years Of No Global Warming Ridicules Latest IPCC Alarmism - Read here.

Climate Change in 12 Minutes The Skeptic's Case - Stefan Molyneux

Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?

Climate Change What's So Alarming?

Sea Level Rise acceleration?

There has been no acceleration of sea-level rise since industrialisation. And critically, something other than evil plant food “Carbon Dioxide� caused seas to rise around 1790. Read more here.

Important note - 85% of man-made CO2 was emitted after 1945 43

Vatican - Laudato Si


Catholic Truth

St. Seraphim of Sarov 45

Catholic Truth

Sensus Traditionis This website is dedicated to the defense of the orthodox Catholic faith as well as a promotion of serious academic thought in the areas of Catholic theology and philosophy. One of the tragedies of modern Catholic thought is that it lacks the depth given by previous generations of the same issues. It is for this reason that this website was started, i.e. to aid the Church in recapturing the intellectual rigor it once had. The heresy of modernism has begun affecting the members of the Church by making them content with a superficial approach to and an explanation of their religion. One of the ways to combat this problem in the Church is to promote studies that draw the students into the depth and richness which Catholic thought can provide. However, none of that is possible without a deep sense of our indebtedness to tradition as well as a strong developed sense of the value of those traditions.

Rev. Paul Scalia - The Errors of Modernism Institute of Catholic Culture

About the speaker: Fr. Paul Scalia is the Delegate for Priests in the Diocese of Arlington, a position he now holds full-time after three years as pastor at Saint John the Beloved Catholic Church in McLean, VA. He received a Master of Arts degree from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Angelicum, in Rome in 1996 and was ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Arlington the same year. Fr. Scalia has published articles in various periodicals including This Rock, First Things, Adoremus Bulletin, and Human Life Review, and is currently serving as Chaplain for the Arlington Diocese Courage Chapter. He has also served as Parochial Vicar at St. Bernadette's in Springfield, St. Patrick's in Fredricksburg, and St. Rita's in Alexandria. Fr. Scalia is a member of the Institute of Catholic Culture's Board of Advisers and has given numerous lectures on faith, morality, and modern challenges to Orthodoxy. Visit for more information on past and upcoming Institute events. 46

Catholic Truth

What is Absolute Truth? Sensus Fidelium

Discerning Hearts The Discernment of Spirits Setting the Captives Free with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

A 16 episode podcast series with Fr. Gallagher that guides you through the 14 rules of discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Click here to access the podcasts.

Catholic Canon Lawyers The St. Joseph Foundation To Defend Catholic Truth and Uphold Catholic Rights

Looking for honest to goodness sincere non-heterodoxical sermons which speak clearly and without fear not only on our spiritual battles but also on many of the controversial issues affecting the lives of people today, then please check and listen to the sermons on Audio Sancto website here. 47

Know Your Faith

Authentic vs. Inauthentic Renewal - by Fr. Benedict Groeschel Fr. Benedict Groeschel discusses the uniting factor among all Christians - devotion to Jesus Christ and describes the need for authentic holiness. Fr. Groeschel discusses the need for continual personal and communal reform/renewal and what separates authentic vs inauthentic.

Fasting Can Change You Forever - Fr. Mike

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #16 - Christ's Life.


Know Your Faith - VIRTUES - Humility

Humility is the Key to Happiness Sensus Fidelium

Sermon on how to obtain happiness within the family. Humility is the key. If in an argument do not respond back. Be silent. Grow in joy & charity. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest 49

Know Your Faith - Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels ~ Fr Ripperger Sensus Fidelium

A lecture on Angels. What are they? How do they be? What do they do? How can we grow in our relationship to our guardian angel? How did we get our guardian angel? What can guardian angels do & not do? These media files are Penanceware, which require that you do one of the following: (1) $1.00 via Paypal (, (2) offer up a decade of the Rosary, or (3) perform some form of penance for the intentions of Fr. Ripperger (for each individual media file downloaded). The same rule applies if you copy and distribute to friends.

Daily Mass Readings 50

Know Your Faith - RCIA

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) #01 - #25

The Entire Series of 25 Sessions - Here Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan

(RCIA) #01

Why Be Catholic?

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan

(RCIA) #25

The Commandments & Sexual Morality Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan


Know Your Faith - Doctor of the Church

St Francis de Sales: The Gentleman Doctor for the Everyday Christian St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church, exorcist, bishop, missionary, evangelist, spiritual director, founder of religious communities, and more. Known as the Gentleman Doctor, because of the accessibility of his teachings to everyone... Amazingly within 2 years of his ordination, he converted over 70,000 Protestants back to Catholicism. One of his most famous writings is called "Introduction to the Devout Life," which is one of the timeless spiritual classics. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest


Aduno - Catholic Japan

St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区

St. Ignatius Church Tokyo, Japan


Faith Sharing Group Catholic Faith Formation Class for Adults Liturgy of the Word for Children “Angels” First Communion Marriage English Mass Overall Coordination Volunteer English-Speaking Group Meeting Sunday (Japanese Language Classes) Getting Acquainted Lunch 53

アデュノ - カトリック日本 - 黙想

~祈りのヒント~ 霊性センターせせらぎ 4月9日 受難の主日(枝の主日) 詳細はこちらをご覧ください

黙想のヒント 今日私たちは、マタイ福音書に示されているイエスの十字架のご受難とご死去の物語を 共に読み祈ります。この中で示されているイエスの姿で、大変印象深いのは 様々な侮辱や罵りに対して、何も答えず何も仕返しなさらないイエスの姿です。 イエスは、それらの全てを完全に受けとめられます。 兵士に捕らえられ持っているものをはぎ取られ十字架につけられます。 祭司長、律法学者、長老たちから 「神に頼っているが、神の御心ならば、今すぐ救ってもらえ。」 と言われますが それに対しても、何も言わず何もなさらずに十字架の上に居続けられます。 このイエスの姿を見つめているうちに 天の御父に抱いているイエスの信頼の心は 祭司長たちが言っている様な心とは全く違っていること 言葉と行動を遥かに超え、 それに勝る愛の信頼の心、愛で強く結ばれている心なのだ、 ということに気づかされました。 侮辱され罵られ十字架につけられたイエスは、貧しく苦しみ無力に見えますが、 実はとても強くて勇ましい。限りなく私たちを救うために、 無と闇の世界へイエスは降りて行かれます。 「わが神よ、何故私をお見捨てになったのですか」 という言葉を吐くまでの闇の世界へと。 ここに、イエスのまことの愛・救いがあります。 私たちを決して一人ぼっちにはされません。 十字架上で息を引き取られたイエスを見た百人隊長は、こう言います。 「本当に、この人は神の子だった。」 そうです。イエスは、私たちをとことん愛し救ってくださる方です。 (日曜日のみことば 2017-04-09)


アデュノ - カトリック日本 - ロザリオ



ロザリオの祈り 喜びの神秘




キリストの命 55

Aduno - Catholic Japan

イエズス会無原罪聖母修道院 (黙想)

Jesuits Immaculate Convent of Our Lady (Meditation Centre, Japam)

無原罪聖母修道院(黙想)はカトリックの男子修 道会イエズス会の修道院です。 イエズス会(Society of Jesus)は、日本に初め てキリスト教を伝えたフランシスコ・ザビエル (1506-1552)やイグナチオ(1491-1556)ら7人 の同志によって設立されました。 イエズス会は、国際的な使徒的活動を行う宣教 修道会として、全世界に約二万人の会員を擁 し、宣教司牧・教育研究・祈りと黙想の手助 け・著述・出版など、現代世界に福音をもたら すために、多岐にわたる奉仕に取り組んでいま す。

Immaculate Convent of Our Lady (Meditation) is a monastery of the Catholic male convent Jesuit. The Society of Jesus was founded by comrades of seven people including Francisco Xavier (15061552) and Ignatius (1491-1556) who first introduced Christianity to Japan. As a missionary religious group conducting international apostolic activities, the Jesuits has around 20,000 members worldwide, and is a member of the modern world such as missionary pastoralism, education research, assistance of prayers and meditation, writings, publications, etc. I am working on a wide range of service to bring the gospel. 2017 Individual Meditation Schedule One day prayer meeting accompanied by individuals (9: 15 reception start, 9: 30 ~ 16: 30) A companion of prayer helps pray through an interview so that each person can look at themselves, pray through the Word, and encounter God. (Participation without accompanying interview is also possible.) Companions of prayer: Priests · monks · trained persons who have been trained to accompany prayers along with those who are beginners carefully pray together. Please bring the Bible, writing instruments, lunch. (However, at Immaculate Convent of Sacred Heart, we prepare lunch and we can use the installed Bible.) Read more here.

イエズス会無原罪聖母修道院(黙想) 東京都・上石神井 2017年度スケジュール 黙想をはじめて体験される方、また黙想経験の 少ない方は、初めての方のための日帰り黙想 会・日帰り黙想・個人同伴による一日の祈りの 集い・祈りを深めるための研修会へのご参加を お勧めいたします。 無原罪聖母修道院での黙想 神との親しい交わりを深める黙想会 詳細はこちらをご覧ください Jesuits Immaculate Convent of Our Lady (Meditation) 〒 177-0044 4-32-11 Kamisenjinai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo Tel: 03-3920-1158 Fax: 03-5927-3081


Aduno - Catholic Japan

Catholicism in Japan: Past and present Editor’s note: Dr. Jim Asher had the opportunity to speak with Franciscan Father Callistus Sweeney during his trip to Japan. He asked Fr. Sweeney about the history of Catholicism in Japan and why Christians make up less than 1 percent of the population.

2017 - Intention for the Pope and the Japanese Church

2017年 教皇と日本の教会の意向

Daily Mass Readings and Gospel with Meditiation (Japanese)


Aduno - Catholic Japan

Prayer to Our Lady of Akita, Consecration, Protection, Surrender & Releasing Catholic Deliverance Power

Akita apparitions and Sister Sasagawa

Prayer to Our Lady of Akita

Consecration, Protection, Surrender & Releasing Catholic Deliverance Power


Aduno - Catholic Asia

Christianity is a tiny minority in East Asia The sharing and synergy fostered by the Eho Region a strong necessity for the world wide Congregation to accomplish its mission in an area with at least one third of the world's population and a large proportion of its indigenous peoples. -Oceania which is home to several major religions and to ancient, deep spiritual and cultural traditions - the most populous Islamic nation, Indonesia; four of the five countries that adhere to Theravada Buddhism, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand; and all the countries Of Confucian culture. Only the Philippines and Timor Leste are predominantly Christian, the area is a fast-growing part of the Congregation, along with South Asia and Africa-Madagascar region. The Salesians in East Asia Oceania receive between 70 and 80 novices coming from the aspirancy experience Of 800 young men across the Region. Among the 1500 Salesians are present more than 800 Salesian Priests and 200 Salesian Brothers (50 of them in temporary vows). Since 2002, the Vision and Mission of the EAO Region is being clearly defined through the regular Team Visit of all provincial councilors (Thailand - Hua Hin 2005 and 2011 and updated in 2013 EAO provincial meeting): We envision (Vision) East Asia - Oceania Region as a communion of Salesian Provinces, creatively faithful to Don Bosco's Charism and effectively collaborating with each other to be evangelizers of the young, especially those who are poor. Thus, we commit ourselves (Mission) - To inculturate the Preventive System - To cooperate in common projects such as formation, youth ministry, social communication, Salesian family and other (C) services - To show solidarity and practical support in times of natural calamities that frequently occur in many places of the region - To strengthen and deepen our communication with each other and to use the English language as the medium of communication Today coordinators of different sectors (Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communication, Missions, Economy and Salesian Cooperators) remain in their own ministry bases in various countries, while carrying additional regional responsibilities as 'bridge' and 'animator' for their specific sectors. The 10th Successor of Don Bosco, Superior General (Rector Major) Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime visited the Pacific part of our Region last May 2015, giving preference to the 'peripheries' of the Congregation - Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa , New Zealand and Australia. Currently there are about 1,500 Salesians in this Region, with 10 Provinces (Australia - Pacific, China, Philippines North, Philippines South - 5 Provincial Delegations (Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands and Pakistan) - Pakistan, Japan, Indonesia - Timor, Korea, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands, Thailand - Cambodia - Laos and Vietnam - Mongolia) . Sharing of life and mission experiences since 1997 started the Regional service of Austra Lasia news that is is since last February 2015 on the Boscolink web ( Monthly Good Night talks are sent to all Salesian Family Members every 1st day of each month. 59

Aduno - Catholic Japan

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan Website has been renewed and updated. サイトをリニューアルしました The new URL address is,

Fighting for the Culture of Life Fr. Jerry Kochi City, Japan

9th Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel) Date: May 24 – June 2, 2017 Cost: ¥220,000

Fr. Jerry's Blog

A Catholic Priest working ProLife Ministry in Japan and Asia. A member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI). Blog link is here.

The amount of ¥220,000 includes airfare (round trip Narita-Tel Aviv), accommodation at the Teresian Center, two meals, transportation fee within the country, entrance fees, and a tour guide fee for the Old City of Jerusalem. The pilgrimage covers all the places related to the life, teachings, and miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ: Nazareth, Ain Karin, Bethlehem, Cana, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Tabor, Jericho, Mount of Temptations, Sea of Galilee, the Primacy of Peter, Mount of Olives, Bethany, Bethpage, Pater Noster, Via Dolorosa, Gallicantu, Cenacle, Mt Calvary and the Holy Sepulcher. Qumran and the Dead Sea are also part of the itinerary. To know the history of Israel, the pilgrims visit the Israel Museum, Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum), History Tunnel, and the Wailing Wall. The group will be formed by the end of this month, Feb. 28th. Only ten participants could be accommodated at a time, so please give your name, a reservation fee of ¥50,000, and a photocopy of the first page of your passport to Adelfa Armentia, coordinator of the Holy Land Pilgrimage before Feb. 28th. If you have further questions, please contact her at or at 03-3708-0449.


Aduno - Catholic Asia

Salesians in Asia

East Asia - Oceania Region Today Salesians have been present in East Asia from 1906 (China - Macau) with the leader of the first missionary group from Italy - Fr. Louis Versiglia, one of the 120 Chinese Holy Martyrs and Apostolic Vicar of Shiu Chow (China - Canton province). Our arrival to Oceania, Australia-Kimberley goes back to 1923. During past 110 years Sales countries presence slowly extended to other 21 countries (16 in East Asia and 6 in Oceania) - Macau (1906), China (1920), Hong Kong (1923), Australia (1923), Japan (1926), Thailand (1927), Myanmar (1939), Timor Leste (1946), Philippines (1951), Vietnam (1952), Korea (1954), Taiwan (1963), Samoa (1979), Papua New Guinea (1980), Indonesia ), Cambodia (1990), Solomon Islands (1995), Pakistan (1998), Fiji (1999), Mongolia (2001), Laos (2004) and New Zealand (2010). During past 50 years the Salesian provinces of our Region was born the present East Asia Oceania region in order to help build a greater sense of community and identity and facilitate greater cooperation and support Among its Salesians and corresponding Provinces and Delegations. Among the first missionaries - founders could be found many models of Salesian missionary spirituality - St. Louis Versiglia and St. Callistus Caravario (China), Venerable Vincent Cimatti (Japan ), Servant of God Andrej Majcen (China-Vietnam), Servant of God Carlo della Torre (Thailand) and Servant of God Carlo Braga (China-Philippines). As return, in past 25 years about 150 missionaries ad gentes were sent from the EAO provinces and most of the provinces are in charge of some missionary territory. Among the 30 official groups in the EAO provinces: Sisters Announcers of the Lord (China, 1937), Caritas Sisters of Jesus (Japan, 1937), Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Thailand, 1938 ), Daughters of the Queenship of Mary (Thailand, 1954) and Sisters of the Queenship of Mary (Thailand, 2011). 61


Salesians - We are Family Strenna 2017 (Japanese), (English)

Raising Chaste Catholic Men in a Crazy Culture Leah Miller

“Miller’s book will bring truth, clarity and guidance to parents who seek to raise chaste, virtuous, masculine men so our young men will be equipped to put on their armor to fight the spiritual battle that rages against them in our secular world. But don’t let the title fool you. This book is not just for mothers, but also fathers, priests, religious, youth ministers, grandparents and realistically anyone who raises boys or teaches them can benefit from the wealth of information and solid advice that Miller gives succinctly and charitably.”

- Epic Pew (Read More Here)

Apostolate for Family Consecration 62

ENCOUNTER - Youth and Family

- Salesian Youth Ministry International Congress Youth Ministry and Family Nov 27 - Dec 01, 2017 Madrid, Spain The Congress target audience is made up of 400 participants, including lay and religious people, from all provinces of the Congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco. This congregation is now spread in 132 countries around the world. Each of these provinces will be represented by a delegation with lay people and religious people of our society, who are involved with families in the field of salesian youth ministry (figures in brackets represent the number of participants for every province). Their participation to the Congress will help promote and strengthen various ministerial processes for the family as the focus and recipient of the Salesian ministry. Congress aims are, A proposal-oriented reading of the family of today An ecclesial and spiritual reading of the family A Salesian educational and pastoral reading Workshops for a suggested pastoral teaching in different groups of age brackets. This will help the learning of new knowledge, skills and attitudes in different domains related to the family. Check for full program here. 63



Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction. 64

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English) 3. Christie and Loren (Ireland)

The following is a testimony from a couple whose work brought them from America to Japan, and from Japan to Ireland where they currently live. They have kept in touch and have often expressed how their participation in an EE and subsequent service as a team has helped them so much in their marriage – another example of the power of grace from FIRES. We attended a 2–day FIRES EE course in 2002 under the spiritual direction of Fr. Donnon Murray, OFM, in Tokyo, Japan. We did not know what to expect from the course when we signed up other than, after completion of the course, we would have met the marriage preparation requirement to be married in the Catholic church. The course was very well laid out and covered a number of topics which are crucial in our preparation to become husband and wife, as well as understanding the vocation of marriage. During the course, we each experienced a different kind of grace that makes us better individuals, thus providing a strong foundation for our marriage. Christie: For me, the highlight of the course was when I felt an utmost love from God during the Mass for healing, as He revealed to me the source of my pain and suffering that I kept deep in my heart for many years. I never understood why I was such a cold and uncompassionate person. I thought these traits were just part of the typical character of a person, until Fr. Donnon touched on the topic of our past and how a negative experience from our childhood can shape the person we become if we do not seek healing and forgiveness. Growing up in a big family (I am the second oldest of 12 children) I felt I did not receive a lot of attention and love from my parents. I had to become independent and looked after myself and my younger siblings at a very young age. I did not think my parents loved me nor gave me their time and attention. Because of this experience, I grew up feeling a lack of love for myself, making it difficult for me to accept others. During the Healing Mass I realized for the first time how this experience had paralyzed my ability to be a caring, warm, loving, compassionate person, and the source of all this suffering derived from my childhood. The healing process was slow but very fruitful. Because of the prayer I started on that day, God has given me the grace to forgive my parents and an appreciation of their situation. Without this course, I would probably still be a cold and heartless person and our marriage would suffer tremendously. Today I can proudly say that I am a happy, loving, caring and compassionate person and have a great relationship with my parents. I hope to be able to transmit that to our child. Loren: We attended the Encounter weekend not really knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of the questions and how it inspired me to live out my faith in all areas of my life. In exploring together each area of our lives and how it related to the will of God, Christie and I renewed our pledge to use Natural Family Planning. I feel this choice has strengthened our relationship and brought us closer together. Engaged Encounter - Hungary with Fr. Donnon OPFM


FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) 3. Chrisie and Loren Christie and Loren(アイルランド) 次に、仕事の関係でアメリカから来日しその後アイルランドへ移った夫婦の証しです。彼らとは 今も連絡をとっていますが、婚約者のエンカウンターに参加したこと、そしてチームとして手伝 いをしたことがどんなに自分たちの結婚生活の助けになっているかということに関し、よく話を しています。これはFIRESからのもう一つの恵みです。 2002年、東京でダナン神父の霊的指導の下に2日間にわたる婚約者のエンカウンターに出 ました。カトリック教会で結婚するに当って、必要とされる結婚講座は終了させなくてはならな いということ以上には何の期待も持っていませんでした。参加した婚約者のエンカウンターは妻 となり夫となるのに必要な大切な心の準備に関わるすべての事柄を網羅するように出来ていて、 結婚の意義ということに関しても非常にわかりやすく出来ていました。この集いの中で、私たち 二人はそれぞれに恵みを頂き、それは私たちに堅固なる結婚の土台となっていきました。 Christie:(妻) 私にとっての最大のことは、この癒しのミサで、神の絶大なる愛を感じることができ、そ れによって長い年月私の心の奥に消えずにあった痛みやなやみがすべて取り除かれたと感じるこ とが出来たことでした。私はなぜ自分がこれほど、さめた冷たい人間なのか、これはトロピカル の人たち特有なものではないのかと考えていましたので、ダナン神父様に言われるまではそれ が、子供時代に受けた否定的な経験から来るもので、それを癒し、許しを得るまでは取り除かれ ないなどとは、思いもしませんでした。 大家族の中で育ち(私は12人兄弟姉妹の上から2番目)、両親の愛情を豊かに受けた覚え はありません。私は早くから独立し、自分自身をそして幼い兄弟たちを養わなくてはなりません でした。両親にかわいがられたり、両親が私のために時間を割いてくれたりした覚えはありませ ん。この経験から、私は自分自身も、出会ったほかの人たちを愛することなく大きくなりまし た。癒しのミサの中で、私もあたたかく人を思いやれる人になれるのに、それが出来なかったの は、この子供時代に体験した辛い経験のせいだったのだと、生まれて始めて気付かされました。 癒しはゆっくりと、でも豊かにひろがりました。その日から始めたお祈りのおかげで、神は私に 両親を許すこと、そして感謝できるようになる恵みをあたえてくださいました。このエンカウン ターに出ていなかったら、今でも冷たい、さめた人間であったでしょうし、私たちの結婚も問題 だらけになっていたでしょう。いま、私は自分が幸せであること、愛情深く、人に対して思いや りをもって接することが出来、両親ともとても素敵な家族でいられるようになったと、自信を持 って伝えられます。 Loren: (夫) 何も知らないまま、何の期待もないままエンカウンターに参加しました。問いかけの深く 意味することに驚くとともに、それが、人生のあらゆる場面に信仰をどういかしていこうかと奮 い立たせてくれました。二人して、自分たちの生き方や、どのように神のみ旨にそって行くかを 深く掘り下げていきながら、クリスティとわたしは出産計画など立てずに子供は神様からの授か りもだから素直に従おうという思いに誓いを新たにしました。こう決めたおかげで、二人のきず ながますます強いものとなり、互いをより結び付けています。


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