Dayly knightly Catholic Oct 2016

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On Earth as it is in Heaven

Issue 15 - Oct 1st 2016

To Defend & Proclaim the Word of Christ and the Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi - Oct 4th


CONTENT This issue of Dayly Knightly is a much larger issue of 56 pages. The Editorial covers a key theme of 'Diabolical Deception' (highlighting George Soros) in society today with supporting articles following. For those people eligible to vote in the forthcoming US Presidential elections and are still wondering who to vote for, a suggested guide would be to follow the advice of US Cardinal Raymond Burke. Please see his article link enclosed herein. Cardinal Burke states that voting for the candidate who supports Christian issues such as PRO-Life would be the recommended suggestion for this election. Other articles feature Catholic Classical music composers and even a link on 'Catholic' Shakespeare. Note also that Ocotber 4th is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. We also wish to congratulate Fr. Donnon Murray OFM, who celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, at the

Franciscan Chapel Center here in Tokyo on Sept 8th last. - Editorial - Spiritual Warfare (Militiae Spirituali) - Christianity and Science - Christianity and Philosophy - Know Your Faith - Encounter - Aduno (Unity) - Inspiration (God's Beautiful Creations) - Saint Padre Pio, Saint Francis, Saint Teresa - Charity Event (SEIBO) Ideas and comments are welcome. Please see the end of this issue for details.

New Catholic University Launches Sacred Art Master's Denver, Colo., Sep 16, 2016 / 03:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A new Catholic university has announced the launch of their Masters of Sacred Art degree program, which is available online. The program will include the study of theology, philosophy, architecture, film, music and art, and is available through Pontifex University, a Catholic University established in 2015 by the Solidarity Association of the Christian Faithful. “The goal of Pontifex is to guide students along the path, the Way of Beauty, which leads to the supernatural transformation in Christ, so equipping one to serve Him,� David Clayton, provost of Pontifex, said in an announcement. 2


Recognising Diabolical Deception in the World Rallying the Forces of Good

What if you were told that an entity was engaged in subversive activities to bring down a democratically elected government? What if you were then told that much of the main media of a country was politicized to reflect a certain ideological view of society, that anyone or group apposing this view would be either maligned or blocked from voicing an alternative opinion, and that wholesale manipulation and misrepresentation of news was occurring in combination with an active dumbing down of society through the broadcasting of endless trivial programming? What if you were told that long cherished values in society, religious freedom and free speech was being George Soros Paid Left-Wing Groups to increasingly curbed in the interest of so-called politiSilence Pope Francis on Abortion cal correctness that imposes increasing intrusive laws - Micaiah Bilger, on people’s actions and beliefs? What if you were told that race wars were being supported in order to destabilize society for political reasons? The George Soros Deception What is startling is that such an entity exists in the person of one George Soros. Soros, a Hungarian-born American citizen, with financial wealth of US$23bn, has over the past 15 years being using his money to infiltrate his Leftish ideological beliefs into societies across the World. He and his supporters would claim that they are only interested in improving society and the conditions of oppressed peoples but these claims measured in light of Soros’s track record in public life and both in published documents and leaked emails show that he is in fact a creator and manipulator of chaos amongst people and societies for both personal financial gain and the pursuit of his Leftist political and social agenda by financially supporting a vast list of liberal progressive organisations. Frontpage Mag has even called for Soros's arrest for actions ranging from manipulation of financial markets, insider trading, regime change and for actively seeking to bring about the decline of America. Thereafter the aims, in the case of America, are to shift American society and politics radically to the Left, to harness political power into the hands of wealthy elitists, and to complete the demolition of religious freedom and expression in society. Catholics, Christians of all the main denominations and indeed all decent law-abiding people must unite. Today the forces of evil are evident and are manifested through efforts at cultivating divisions between peoples, destabilizing countries and societies, and fermenting a culture of death that supports genocidal abortion, euthanasia and radical terrorism. Soros's is behind much of these conflagrations, his destructive behaviour can be seen in his creation and support of organisations that ferment division and heralding the imposition is of a Leftist ideology devoid of any Christian heritage. The following is but a short list of Soros's diabolical influences, • Supporting Abortion Campaign in Ireland • Other Catholic Countries are at risk • Euthanasia • Racial Tensions 3

EDITORIAL • Refugee Immigration Crises • Regime Change and how to achieve it • Economic Turmoil • Hijacking the Catholic Church • Removing Christianity from Society • Mass Media Manipulation and Bias • Population Control • Control of the Internet • US Politics and the Democratic Party • US Election Fraud • Destabilisation of South Africa Creating Chaos and Civil Unrest A common thread in his rogue financial activities is to engineer financial chaos in markets such as foreign exchange markets that allow him move massive quantities of money that can bring him incredible profits. When he broke the back of the British currency in the 1992 it was because he dumped £10bn, which resulted in £1bn profit for him. His cavalier financial actions and support for organisations used to destabilize governments (Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan) or to ignite tensions between people of different races (Black Lives Matter) are pet projects of his to put greater control of society into the hands of a very few wealthy elitists including himself and to further his Leftist ideology. The real tragedy is that since his greedy actions have not been proscribed by society, he seems to have come to the conclusion that he is above the law and free to do anything he wants. He in addition has realised that his vast wealth can be used to corrupt people, politicians and institutes to do his bidding. Here below is but a brief list of organisations he uses to subvert the teachings of the Catholic Church through his surrogate organisations, Open Society Foundation OSF. A complete list of OSF supported organisations, which operates in over 70 countries, can be be found on at Discover The Networks. Organizations that advance leftist agendas by infiltrating churches and religious congregations: • Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good advocates a brand of “social justice” that would counteract the “greed, materialism, and excessive individualism” that are allegedly inherent in capitalism. • Sojourners characterizes wealth redistribution as the fulfillment of a biblical mandate. • Jim Wallis, the founder of this evangelical Christian ministry, has expressed his hope that “more Christians will come to view the world through Marxist eyes.” • People Improving Communities through Organizing uses “people of faith” as foot soldiers in its crusade for the “transformation” of “people, institutions, and … our larger culture.” • Catholics for Choice—formerly known as Catholics for a Free Choice—is a nominally Catholic organization that “believes in a world where everyone has equal access to … safe and legal abortion services.” Incidentally, Soros hopes by financially supporting the PRO-Abortion lobby in Ireland, which is prepared to stoop really low to achieve its aims, that he can overturn Ireland's constitutional 8th Amendment that protects the life of the unborn. However it goes deeper than that, if he succeeds in Ireland it is reported that he may also support pro-abortion campaigns in other Catholic countries such as Poland which has strict anti-Abortion laws. Regarding civil unrest, Soros's pattern of regime change follows a definite plan. Firstly, identify leftist liberal organisations and/or individuals that can be used to produce social unrest. Then, finance these organisations to not only increase their ability to create division but also to impose greater influence and control over them. Next, generate and/or take advantage of crises to weaken and/or bring down governments or institutions to create a vacuum, which is then filled by leftist organisations or governments. This immoral subversive activity also includes seeking financial gain as was the case in Ukraine. The so-called Arab Spring that occurred in countries such as Egypt and Libya all have evidence of interference from outside 4

EDITORIAL foreign influences including Soros's Open Society Foundation. The very same Soros foundation, along with others, have also been involved in the activities of regime change in Iraq and Syria. Soros in particular has targeted Syria. The aftermath of these activities has been chaos, never-ending strife, war and international terrorism from Libya to the Middle East and has further evolved into a humanitariun crisis of mass population displacement from these regions to Europe with aims to extend this to the USA. This same George Soros, a key player in much of the misery and destruction in the Middle East, goes on to sponsor a refugee crises into Europe and then has the gall to tell Europe it must break down its borders, diminish its cultural identity and accept his solutions for solving the very same humanitariun crises that he himself is greatly responsible for. Citizens, Europe, the World need to wake up and understand that people like hypocritical Soros have blood on their hands, care very little about the lives of people and their families and are only interested in creating chaos in society to use as a weapon to destabilise governments or institutions that don't fit their ideological views. On top of that, Soros also seeks to gain financial advantage from the chaos. No one can be allowed to use the misery of people as a weopon to enforce changes in society. The methods may be different or not so obvious but in principle there is little difference between Soros and his ilk and that of the worst dictators of the past. The recent riots lead by Black lives Matter (BLM) in Charlotte, North Carolina USA, after an African-American was shot dead by a police officer (another African-American), fits the profile perfectly of a Leftist organisation that has been identified as one to be supported and used to inflame racial tensions in American society. George Soros, although initially denying it, is providing funding grants through his organisation, Open Society Foundation, of US$33m to BLM which has coincided with an escalation of riots, looting, attacks on law and order and a steady increase in racial tensions, as evidenced in Charlotte. One could be forgiven for thinking that Soros's aim is of a charitable nature but in fact once again his funding reasons are just to use organisations such as BLM to bring civil unrest making it easier to further his own Left wing agenda. “What we are witnessing in the BLM movement in simple terms are the deliberate efforts by the liberal progressives in America under the influence of Marxism to infiltrate and manipulate the black community. What’s behind their dastardly plan is to replace capitalism with socialism and to ultimately remove the influence of our Judeo-Christian heritage from the public square.” - Pastor, Stephen E. Broden, Black Community News The ultimate aim is to promote division among people, take advantage from the ensuing chaos, which includes the destabilisation of institutions and governments, and then infect and/or impose on society this Leftist progressive agenda. Controlling Mass Media To facilitate regime change and the imposition of Leftist tyranny on societies, it is necessary to control a country’s main media and news organisations. This is achieved through buying up or donating large sums of money to said media organisations. Soros since 2003 has donated or funded at least US$48m into a wide variety of media organisations in the US that authorities know about. These include up to 30 major media organisations such as such as NBC, ABC, The New York Times and Washington Post but also includes key media groups that regulate or monitor the news organisations such as the Organization of News Ombudsmen (ONO). So if you had a complaint against say NPR or PBS, bringing the compaint to the ONO may not help you as this organisation too is funded by Soros. As if this wasn't enough, President Obama's decision to hand over control of the Internet to the UN, on October 1st, 2016, is a cause of great concern and worry as Soros is advocating that the UN give, in turn, his organisation, OSF, the control and management of the Internet. Should this happen, it is certain that Soros will begin censoring free speech by shutting down those Internet-based organisations that promote views different to his Leftist ideology. Claims that he desires to help the oppressed cannot be taken seriously for he himself has gained much of his wealth by immoral behaviour . This behaviour is evident in the chaos he has engineered across the World that has lead to regime change, racial clashes within populations or the mass dislocations of 5

EDITORIAL peoples across continents from Asia to Europe and the Americas. Sadly, his actions have also lead to the deaths of many people. Christianity throughout history has lead the way in supporting the poor, oppressed and welcoming the destitute. The Catholic Church is the single biggest provider of care and help to poor peoples throughout the world. George Soros however plays on this noble tradition of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. He and his organisations have been behind the massive numbers of migrants coming to Europe from the Middle East while claiming that his aims are charitable, yet he cannot be believed n light of his past immoral actions. In short, Soros, is solely motivated to create chaos in Europe and the USA using this mass migration of people so that he can personally further his own ideology. Pope Francis, government leaders, politicians and society in general must recognise that a man who has acted so immorally throughout his career cannot be believed nor trusted and extreme prudence must be taken in any grand scheme that he is proposing now and in the future. In his condemnation of the abuse of money in society, Pope Francis must ensure that people like Soros are banned from offering cash to Church officials or being allowed to infiltrate the Church with non-Christian Leftist ideologies. There are other people in society with greater moral character that should be entrusted to help those suffering in the Middle East and there better ways that can be employed to try and alleviate the desperation and suffering of displaced families who have been forced to leave their homes looking for a safe environment to live. George Soros is not this person nor any of the ways and means he proposes. Finally, let us not forget that in spite of the 2000 years of effort by men to destroy the Catholic Church, from the Roman persecutions, the Arian heresies, the Schisms of the Middle Ages, the Muslim military campaigns from the 7th to 17th centuries, the Protestantism of Martin Luther, the violence of the Enlightenment, Napoleon, 20th century dictators such as Hitler and Stalin and Soviet communism, all have failed. For they have not realised that Christ Himself created His bride, the Catholic Church, and anyone trying to destroy her will only end up trying to fight God Himself. (- Acts 5:38-39). The Catholic Church, builder of Western Civilisation, has brought the Word of God to all corners of the World. It is no accident but the work of Christ through the Holy Spirit through His One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. My Enemy's Enemy is My Friend To all Catholics, our fellow Christian brothers and sisters of the various Christian denominations, to all people of good will, evil is all around us and prosecuting a war against our faith, freedom, freewill and families. We must work to unite and put away petty differences and divisions that only serve to weaken our resistance to these evil forces. We must overcome our pride and territorial claims, we must come together to create a formidable force to resist the Enemy. Remember valiant Christian forces, at the Battle of Vienna in 1683, saved Christianity in Europe from being conquered by a hostile invasion by overcoming petty rivalries and uniting together. We must remember the heroic past generations of Christians who fought for the faith or who were martyred and that because of them we have been able to live in freedom to practice our faith and to build modern societies, under One God, that value freewill, family and the value of life Ultimately, the likes of megalomaniac Soros and his elite minions, like all past tyrants, have no chance despite their seeming advance in progressing non-Christian Leftist bankrupt ideologies and their support of a culture of death. However, it may seem that they are achieving victory in the short term, do not be deceived, they will be as usual be utterly defeated. God protects His Church, His people and all shall be well. 6


“Thanks a Million”チャリティーコンサート 主催: 場所: 日にち: 入場:

NPO法人聖母/ Organised by NPO Seibo What the Dickens (恵比寿駅から3分)/ Location: What The Dickens, Ebisu 3/19(日)/ Sunday 19th of March, 2017 午後6時 / Doors Open: 6pm

イベント内容:3/18-19にかけて、東京の表参道と代々木公園でSt. Patrick’s Day(セイント・ パトリックス・デー/聖パトリックの祭日)のイベントが行われます。また、20日は国連が定め る「世界幸福デー」で、世界中でこの日をお祝いしています。そこで私たちは、世界中の恵まれ ない子供たちにもこの日をきっかけに少しでも幸せな気持ちを感じてもらいたいと考え、そうい ったイベントを組み合わせて、19日の夜をとても楽しい一夜にしたいと考えております。 Event Info: On the 18th & 19th of March, Tokyo turns green for the St. Patrick's Day Celebrations in Omotesando/Yoyogi area. On the 20th of March Tokyo then celebrates International Happiness Daybut what about the night time? On the 19th of March we host a fun night of music and fun all for a great cause- all funds raised on the door going direct to Malawi to provide school meals for vulnerable children and share the happiness. International Happiness Day is a U.N specified day which aims to bring happiness to all people around the world Contact: 080-4200-9923/ 7

Order of Friars Minor

World Headquarters - Porziuncola , Italy

St Francis of Assisi Full Movie

The Life of Saint Francis Assisi

The Documentary "For those who know nothing about the life and ministry of Francis of Assisi, this is an excellent place to start. The documentary spans his initial encounter with Christ all the way to his death, in just under an hour. Indeed, it is a sketch with some nice insights provided by various commentators. I'm not partial to reenactments, and there are plenty here. I prefer seeing the places themselves, as well as the art of the time. As the documentary creators are only imagining what the visuals, I would prefer to be allowed to do the same; dramatizing these events without the depth that can occur in a film risks deflating the impact of the moment. This does happen here...I found myself looking away and listening to the words and enjoyed it much better. But there are beautiful countrysides, and plenty of other visuals which work quite well. In the end, this is a pleasant way to get an introduction to the work of Francis, and hopefully a desire to learn much more." Click here.



Photo by Octavio Duran - Photo Gallery here 9


Old Country Church

Holy Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas (MetĂŠora-Eastern Orthodox in Greece)



Iba Cathedral Altar

Rio de Janeiro - Overlook 11


Gregorian Chant - Music for paradise - Music for the soul Stift Heiligenkreuz

In 2008, the Cistercian Monks of Austrian Heiligenkreuz Abbey released the CD Chant – Music for Paradise, which became the best-selling album of the Austrian pop charts and peaked #7 of the UK charts. In the US, the album was released under the title Chant – Music for the Soul and peaked at #4 on the Billboard classical charts.

Saint Benedict and Humility More about Saint Benedict - St. Benedict is believed to have been born around 480, as the son to a Roman noble of Norcia and the twin to his sister, Scholastica.See presentation here.


Inspiration - Catholic Composers

Converted from Lutheranism to Catholicism The Best of Bach (Franz) Joseph Haydn

The best of Haydyn Franz Schubert

List of Roman Catholic Church Musicians

The Best of Franz Schubert 13

Inspiration - Catholic Composers

11 Catholic Artists That Will Rock Your Playlist - Becky Roach

Ludwig Van Beethoven The Best of Beethoven

Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Best of Mozart

You don’t hear a lot of Catholic music on the radio these days, but with the rise of the great artists we are featuring today hopefully that will change in the future. I hope you will enjoy this diverse list of both established Catholic musicians and a newcomers. These men and women have the gift of being able to lead us in prayer through their music. Music has always been an important part of our worship during the Mass, but it doesn’t have to stay there! You can listen to these songs in your home, your car, or at the gym. In Colossians 3:16, St. Paul tells us, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.., singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” I encourage you to try adding songs to your prayer time. Singing can help us to enter into deeper times of prayer and thanksgiving. (Don’t worry, even if you don’t sound quite as good as some of these artists, God will still hear your prayer.) Find some time to listen to and reflect on these great songs by some of the best Catholic artists.

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Palestrina : Agnus Dei

Palestrina - O Magnum Mysterium

Palestrina - Gloria

Palestrina - "Kyrie"

Audrey Assad Ike Ndola Sarah Kroger Matt Maher Adam & I PJ Anderson Fr. Rob Galea Paul J. Kim Tori Harris Josh Blakesley Band The Vigil Project 14


The United States is moving from perilous times to life-threatening times — and is in deadly times if you have the "misfortune" of still being in the womb. This election is a spiritual war, or rather part of the larger spiritual war that is always going on in the world behind the scenes. But the intensity of the spiritual war has reached such a pitch that it is now spilling over visibly into the material world. See more here.



All governmental laws are designed by ruling oligarchies to further their own private interests, and these laws conflict with those natural laws of society that serve the general interests of the people. –George H. Smit



Catholics, Orthodox Sign Agreement on Primacy and Synodality - CNA/EWTN News

This Man Is About To Die… Why Is He Smiling? - Ryan Scheel, uCatholic


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Christians: The MOST persecuted people in the world

Tiffany Gabbay for We look at the scale and scope of this heartbreaking tragedy, find out why so few of the incoming Syrian refugees are Christians, and learn which countries in the world are most hostile to Christians. GUESTS: Dr. Ashraf Ramaleh, founder of Voice of the Copts, an organization that aids persecuted Christians in the Middle East, and author and Islam expert Raymond Ibrahim.


North Korea has the deadliest level of Christian persecution in the world

The Situation of Christians in Pakistan

Christian Persecution In China 18

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Catholic Church fuels resiliency of

Christians and Muslims in Aleppo - Christian Deguit, Christian Daily Despite the Syrian city of Aleppo still seeing an unsettling magnitude of violence and conflict, a Catholic Church is actively helping and providing hope to both Christians and Muslims who have remained in the city. According to Jesuit priest Fr. Ziad Hilal of the Catholic international charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the Church has recently been stepping in to feed the hungry, the majority of which are Muslims. Read more here.

ISIS moving from Christian persecution to Christian 'extermination' - Lorraine Caballero, Christian Daily The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has now moved from persecuting Christians to trying to exterminate them, according to a prominent advocate for refugees. Dr. Georgette Bennett, who founded the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees, warned that ISIS is now targeting Christians as a group. Read here.


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Martyrdom and Charism — The Ransom of Christian Captives

Litany of the B.V.M. for the Persecuted Church

- Our Lord has said, “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you...”. We are all aware of the severe persecution of Christians in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and other parts of the world. This is a grave injustice. We are called to come together to pray, fast, and stand in solidarity with those members of the Body of Christ who are suffering. Let us pray the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Persecuted Church 20




Think There is No Difference Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Abortion? Then Read This - Carol Tobias,

Donald Trump Names Rick Santorum and Other Top Pro-Life Catholics as Key Advisers - Steven Ertelt,

Senate Democrats: ‘Country Is Healthier Because of Planned Parenthood’ - Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart

Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots of Planned Parenthood Revealed - John Nolte, Breitbart

“Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as “the feeble minded;” speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious “Negro Project” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well-documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice. The obvious incongruity is staggering!” 22


Hillary Clinton Slams New Law Banning Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome - Steven Ertelt,

While campaigning in Indiana over the weekend, pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made it clear she has no love for the new pro-life law in Indiana that protects unborn babies who have Down syndrome. As LifeNews has reported, Indiana approved a measure that pro-life Governor Mike Pence signed banning abortions done on babies if done because they have the genetic condition. Hours after the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the new law seeking to overturn it in court, Clinton said she supported that pro-abortion lawsuit. “I will defend a woman’s right to make her own health-care decisions,” Clinton said to a few hundred supporters packed into a sweltering recreation center. “I’ll tell ya, I’ll defend Planned Parenthood against these attacks. And I commend the women of this state, young and old, for standing up against this governor and this legislature.” The new law, signed by Gov. Mike Pence in March, bans abortion doctors from knowingly aborting an unborn baby solely because of a genetic disability such as Down syndrome, the unborn baby’s race or sex. The bill also has several other abortion-related measures, including a requirement that aborted or miscarried babies’ bodies be cremated or buried and another requirement that abortionists who have hospital admitting privileges renew them annually. The Indiana law is scheduled to take effect on July 1, but the ACLU is asking a judge to temporarily block the law until a court hears their case, according to the report. During an interview on The View recently Hillary Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery should have no Constitutional rights. Her comments came just days after Clinton said unborn children simply do not have any Constitutional rights, which would include the right to life. In February, Clinton defended partial-birth abortions: “My husband vetoed a very restrictive legislation on late-term abortions, and he vetoed it at an event in the White House where we invited a lot of women who had faced this very difficult decision, that ought to be made based on their own conscience, their family, their faith, in consultation with doctors. Those stories left a searing impression on me,” she continued. Clinton has said more taxpayer money needs to go to the Planned Parenthood abortion business and Clinton demonstrated her unyielding commitment to abortion and the Planned Parenthood abortion business, accepting their endorsement during a pro-abortion rally — saying she would be the abortion business’ president. “I will always defend Planned Parenthood and I will say consistently and proudly, Planned Parenthood should be funded, supported and protected, not undermined, misrepresented and demonized,” Clinton said. “As your president, I will always have your back.” At a speech to the Women in the World Conference in April 2015, Hillary Clinton argued, “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care (aka. abortion) and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” In order to expand worldwide access to abortion, she suggested that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” In May 2015, the U.S. House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect unborn babies 20 weeks and older from excruciating late abortions. In addition to a statement slamming House lawmakers for advancing the bill, Clinton tweeted, “When it comes to women’s health, there are two kinds of experts: women and their doctors. True 40+ years ago, true today.” At a presidential forum at Drake University, Clinton called ending the life of another human being a “fundamental human right.” The first order of business for Clinton and her friends at the abortion company is to force Americans to pay for abortions with their tax dollars by attempting to overturn the Hyde Amendment, which has protected Americans from funding most all abortions since the late 1970s. Upheld by the Supreme Court, the Hyde Amendment is now a target of abortion advocates who have moved from pro-choice to pro-abortion — forcing Americans not only to accept unlimited abortions before birth but to pay for them. 23


Day 47, Novena for Our Nation – Prophet: Born for Combat

A Huge Victory for Life in Poland! - Human Life International

The voice of the Polish people has been heard. The “Stop Abortion” citizens’ initiative, which had received 450,000 signatures from Polish Citizens, has cleared its first hurdle in the parliamentary process this morning by a very wide margin. The “Stop Abortion” proposal was one of three citizens initiatives—proposals that receive over 100,000 signatures—considered by the Polish Parliament this morning. Read more here.

UN Rejects Pope Francis’ Call for Openness to Life - Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International



The New Evangelisation of the Fallen Christian West

Cardinal Burke Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke is an American cardinal prelate of the Catholic Church. He is patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta and has long been a champion of the unborn and the family in general. During his tour of England in March 2015, Cardinal Burke spoke at the SPUC Youth Conference 2015 to an audience of around 150 young people from around the UK. See full presentation here.

Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. C. S. Lewis; The Screwtape Letters, Chapter 12 (1959)

Looking for honest to goodness sincere non-heterodoxical sermons which speak clearly and without fear not only on our spiritual battles but also on many of the controversial issues affecting the lives of people today, then please check and listen to the sermons on Audio Sancto website here. 25


Fatima visionary predicted 'final battle' would be over marriage, family

Mexico City, Mexico, Jul 8, 2016 / 03:33 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who witnessed the Marian apparitions at Fatima, died in 2005. But before her death, she predicted that the final battle between Christ and Satan would be over marriage and the family. Read more here. Source - Catholic News Agency

The monstrance which is used to carry the Blessed Sacrament is one of six that were blessed by Pope John II before his death to mark the celebration of the Year of the Eucharist. "God In The Streets of New York City" depicts the contrast between the everyday chaos of the busy streets -- complete with traffic, construction and police cars -- and the peaceful presence of Jesus. There is always an opportunity to meet Jesus face to face. It poses the question: Will you recognize him? See video here. 26


Rome’s celebrated exorcist, Gabriele Amorth, is dead at age 91

The Regensburg Address and Western Secular Intolerance - John H. Boyer, Crisis Magazine

On Sunday, we observed the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Monday, September 12, marked the tenth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s famous Regensburg Address. Although the controversy about this brief talk centered on the Pope’s comments about Islam and violence, the pontiff’s main critique was aimed, not at Islam, but at the West. Read full article here. 27


500 Catholic scholars lash back at Humanae Vitae critics

- Catholic News Agency Washington D.C., Sep 20, 2016 / 03:53 pm (CNA/ Institute for Marriage & Family in Melbourne, AusEWTN News).- Nearly 50 years after the “prophettralia; Sister Prudence Allen, philosophy professor ic” papal document Humanae Vitae, the Catholic at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver; Fr. Thomas Church’s longstanding teaching against contracepPetri, O.P., academic dean of the Pontifical Faculty tion continues to promote the human good, said a of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican group of Catholic thinkers on Tuesday. House of Studies in Washington, D.C.; and Helen M. “We hold that Catholic teaching respects the true Alvaré, law professor at George Mason University. dignity of the human person and is conducive to The scholars charged that a new U.K.-based statehappiness,” said hundreds of Catholic scholars in a ment opposing Church teaching “offers nothing new Sept. 20 document. to discussions about the morality of contraception “Humanae Vitae speaks against the distorted view and, in fact, repeats the arguments that the Church of human sexuality and intimate relationships that has rejected and that numerous scholars have enmany in the modern world promote. Humanae Vitae gaged and refuted since 1968.” was prophetic when it listed some of the harms that would result from the widespread use of contracepThe statement in question, organized by the U.K.tion,” they said. based Wijngaards Institute, claims there are “no More than 500 Catholic scholars with doctoral grounds” for Catholic teaching against contracepdegrees in theology, medicine, law and other fields tion. It questioned the idea that openness to prohave signed the document in support of Cathocreation is inherent to the significance of sexual lic teaching, titled “Affirmation of the Catholic intercourse, and said that “the choice to use contraChurch’s Teaching on the Gift of Sexuality.” ceptives for either family planning or prophylactic Signatories of the document included Fr. Wojciech purposes can be a responsible and ethical decision Giertych O.P., the theologian of the papal household; and even, at times, an ethical imperative.” John H. Garvey, president of Catholic University of America; Tracey Rowland, Dean of the John Paul II Continue Reading here.... 28


Bob Geldof on Fathers

Humility Challenge: Mother Teresa Sensus Fidelium

Mother Teresa's dark night of the soul

Mother Teresa of Calcutta on Irish Television, 1974

- Catholic News Agency

Leo XIII Knew Socialism Would Fail Because it was Evil 29


Militant Atheist Dawkins ridiculous claim debunked!

Dawkins’ Unholy Trinity: Incoherency, Hypocrisy and Bigotry

- Scott Ventureyra, Crisis Magazine “Although Dawkins possesses a PhD in zoology, the majority of his scientific research ended in the 1970s according to his publication list. Since then he has been, as Wilson states, nothing more than a science journalist. Yet, Dawkins has consistently declared that, “there is no serious scientist who doubts that evolution is a fact.” My motivation here is not to dispute the findings of evolutionary biology but to point out Dawkins’ hypocrisy. The truth is that there are many scientists, even biologists, who deny that evolution is a fact but are light years ahead of Dawkins in terms of research and peer reviewed publications. Here are just a few verifiable examples: Dean H. Kenyon, John C. Sanford and Henry F. Schaefer III. Clearly Dawkins is not in a position to make declarations as to what constitutes a “serious scientist.” Read full article here.

Catholic Intelligence in a Time of Chaos

Fr. George W. Rutler, Crisis Magazine “The first Bishop of Rome said that Christians must use their brains: “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet. 3:15). The Church suffers today in consequence of impoverished catechesis, and earnest young people are finding themselves on the front lines of spiritual combat without ammunition for their minds.” Read full article here. 30


Not sure how to vote in the U.S. election? Here’s Cardinal Burke’s advice - Pete Baklinski, Life Site News

Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most outspoken defenders on Catholic teaching regarding life, marriage, sexuality, and the family, weighed in on the upcoming U.S. election, telling reporters that the faithful must vote for the candidate who will do the most to “advance” the protection of human life, defense of the family, respect for freedom, and care for the poor. Read more here.

Hillary Clinton’s Irony: “We Need To Give Our Kids the Chance To Grow up Safe and Healthy”

Pope Denounces Transgender Ideology Joseph Pelletier •



Fr. Mike Schmitz - Love and Same Sex Attraction 2016 Steubenville On The Lake


Saint Padre Pio - Feast Day Sept 23

Stay With Me

Prayer of St. Pio of Pietrelcina after Holy Communion Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness. Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will. Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You. Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company. Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You. Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of love. Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close, and life passes; death, judgment, eternity approaches. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches, I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile! Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers. I need You. Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of the bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the Light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart. Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by communion, at least by grace and love. Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation, because I do not merit it, but the gift of Your Presence, oh yes, I ask this of You! Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart,

Saint Padre Pio - The Movie

Feast Day Sept 23

Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more. With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity. Amen.

Padre Pio Devotions - See here 33

Christianity and Philosophy

Saint Anselm - The Ontological Argument

The Kalam Cosmological Argument

EVIDENCE FOR GOD? Popular Atheist Stefan Molyneux tearfully speaks like a Catholic Mystic


Christianity and Philosophy

Leibniz’ Contingency Argumen


Christianity & Science

Is religion at odds with science? A Vatican astronomer weighs in

Understanding Evolution with St. Thomas Aquinas

The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences 'Building bridges between theology and Science' 36

Know Your Faith - Divine Mercy

Lessons From Sin and Divine Mercy Fr. Nnamdi Moneme, OMV

We are all sinners despite our good intentions and resolutions, offending God in our thoughts, words, actions, and inactions. Some of us repent and return to God, begging for forgiveness and opening our hearts to His mercy. But still very few of us also really reflect on self, sin and God. Repentance from sin and the experience of God’s mercy and forgiveness must be accompanied by this reflection if we are ever going to break the cycle of sin in our lives. Reflecting on self, we ask, “What have I learned about myself, my weaknesses, and my need for God’s grace to uphold me always?” Reflecting on sin, we ask, “What have I learned about sin from this experience?” Reflecting on God, we ask, “What have I learned about God and His love from me?” The three parables of Jesus in today’s Gospel is to help the complaining Pharisees and scribes to reflect on themselves, sin and God’s love. Reflecting on themselves, they are to see themselves as the lost, helpless and confused sheep instead of the ninety-nine who do not stray from the fold. Like the lost sheep, we sinners are completely incapable of returning to God on our own. Reflecting on sin, they are to see how sin confuses us and separates us from God. Reflecting on God, they are to see how God comes searching until He finds us. Our God rejoices in forgiving us and He never rejoices alone, “Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.” The Prodigal Son has the chance to reflect and repent while standing hungry in the pigsty in a foreign country, “He came to his senses.” He reflected for first time on his father’s generosity and goodness, his own sinful actions and where it has led him, “How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying of hunger.” He first of all learned something about himself – that he was a sinner, ungrateful and wasteful, “I have sinned against heaven and against you.” He learned something about sin in his life – that he could never know in advance where sin would lead him until he actually sinned. Maybe he had just wanted some independence from the father and could not wait for his father to die to get his inheritance. But he had never envisaged that he would one day find himself in a foreign country suffering a severe famine, broke, jobless, abandoned by friends, working in a pigsty, longing for a share in the pigs’ food, and receiving nothing in return from people with whom and for whom he had spent all that he had, “But nobody gave him anything.” Lastly, he learned something about his father’s love for him when he repented and returned home – that his father will never treat him like a hired worker no matter the pain he has caused him. He learned that the father loved him more than the property he had taken and squandered. He learned that the father found great joy in forgiving him and treating him like a son. He learned that the father never celebrates alone, “Let us celebrate with a feast because this son of man dead and has come back to life again.” St. Paul in today’s Second Reading writes to encourage the young but timid Timothy, bishop of Ephesus. The letter shows St. Paul’s deep repentance and what he has gleaned from reflecting on his sins and the mercy of God. He has learned something about his sinful self, “I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and arrogant… Christ came into the world to save sinners, of these I am the foremost.” He has also learned that God was not content with just forgiving him for his sins but God “strengthened him,” and “considered him trustworthy in appointing him to the ministry.” St. Paul encourages Timothy by showing himself as a poster boy for the mercy of God as he writes emphatically, “But I have been mercifully treated!” Timothy is thus assured of God’s mercy and grace for him in his youth. God had brought something good and beautiful out of the sins of St. Paul because his repentance was accompanied by deep and honest reflection. It is this humble acceptance of his sinfulness, repentance from sin, and experience of God’s merciful love that will prompt St. Paul to write those consoling words, “We know that in everything God works for good for those who love Him.”(Rom 8:28) Yes, when we truly love God, all things, including our sins, work for our good, if only we too are ready to accept, repent and reflect on self, sin and God’s love. When our repentance lacks this reflection, we enter helplessly into the endless cycle of sin like the Israelites in the First Reading who go from one form of slavery to another. Delivered from the slavery of Egypt, led by God to Mount Sinai, brought into a covenant with God, they eventually opted for another form


Know Your Faith - Divine Mercy

of slavery to a molten calf. But if our repentance is backed with sincere and honest reflection, we will realize three truths deeply that will help nurture our love for God and help us break the cycle of sin in our lives. Without this reflection, we will never know how weak and sinful we are and how much we need divine grace to uphold us until we fall into sin. Secondly, we never know where sin will lead us to or all the disastrous consequences of our sinful actions until we actually sin. Lastly, we will never know the depth of the Father’s love for us and His readiness and willingness to forgive us our sins and share with us His own abiding joy until we repent and return to Him. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we all are sinners who are loved by a God who will never turn His back on us no matter how long we have turned our backs on Him. We show our love for Him by acceptance, repentance and reflection. In acceptance, we accept our sins and sinfulness with humility without any denial, excuses, or pretension and we accept our need and dependence on His grace at every moment to keep us faithful. This acceptance and taking responsibility for our sins is not common today as we hear such things as, “He, she, or it made me sin.” “I am really a nice and loving person deep down inside.” “I am not as bad as so and so.” “I was born like this and there is nothing that I can do.” “Everyone else is doing it.” “Maybe a change of job, a new relationship, or a long vacation will help us get over our sinful lives.” In repentance, we form the habit of returning to God immediately and always, especially in the sacrament of Reconciliation where we can say with our own lips, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned” and receive the mercy of God and a deeper share in His joy. In reflection, we learn something from this experience about ourselves and our areas of weakness, about our sins and sinful patterns and about God’s merciful love for us. This is how show our love for God, prepare to break the cycle of sin in our lives, and allow God to make all things work for our good. If we find reflection difficult, we can learn from our sinless mother Mary. She repeatedly “pondered all these things in her heart.” In her sinless heart, she continuously learned more and more about herself and God’s love for her and thus allowed God to make all things work for her good in all her trials and pains. Drawing close to her, she will let us participate in her own lively and patient faith that can perceive the good that God is doing even in the darkness of our lives. “Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners, of this I am the foremost.” The blood of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, has been shed and this blood is what is searching for each and every one of us strayed and straying sheep. He will never stop searching for us, so let us never stop accepting our sinfulness, repenting wholeheartedly and reflecting on self, sin and His love. In this Eucharist, Jesus offers us both mercy for past sins and grace to fight courageously against sin in ourselves and in our world. He is the God who rejoices always in forgiving us our sins. He is the God who refuses to celebrate alone. He is the God who alone can make all things work for our good, even our sins, if only we love Him enough to accept, repent and reflect always. Glory to Jesus!!! Honor to Mary!!!

Discerning Hearts The Discernment of Spirits Setting the Captives Free with Fr. Timothy Gallagher A 16 episode podcast series with Fr. Gallagher that guides you through the 14 rules of discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Click here to access the podcasts. 38

Know Your Faith - Divine Mercy


Know Your Faith

The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux

What was the role of the Catholic Church in building Western Civilization? While the typical mainstream narrative depicts the church as hostile to science and philosophy, it appears that once again the truth about history has been stolen from us. Dr. Duke Pesta joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the unspoken truth about the impact of the Catholic church on scientific inquiry, philosophy and Western Civilization overall. Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to: "How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization" by Tom Woods is highly recommended for a deep exploration of this subject:

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #13 - I Believe In Jesus


Know Your Faith

The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization Episode 1: Introduction

EWTN: Contrary to popular opinion, the Catholic Church has been responsible for the vast bulk of what we treasure in Western Civilization. Dr. Thomas Woods Jr. takes you beyond pseudo-historical attempts to minimize the Church's contributions to society, revealing how She has played an integral role in the sciences, the university system, western moral principles, law, economics, and much else besides. Grab your compass and get ready to take a journey through history, you're sure to see the Catholic Church everywhere you turn.

The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 2: The Church and Science

The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 3: Priests as Scientific Pioneers The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 4: The Galileo Case The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 5: The University System The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 6: Does God Exist??? The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 7: The Monks The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 8: Catholic Charity The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 9: Western Morality The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 10: Concept of Rights and Law The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 11: Origins of International Law The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 12: Anti-Catholic Atrocities The Catholic Church - Builder of Civilization, Episode 13: Wrap-Up


Know Your Faith

Father Wade Menezes Spoke At The 2016 North Texas Catholic Men's Conference Fr. Wade L. J. Menezes, CPM is a member of the Fathers of Mercy, a missionary preaching Religious Congregation based in Auburn, Kentucky. Ordained a priest during the Great Jubilee Year 2000, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Catholic Thought from the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Toronto, Canada and his dual Master of Arts and Master of Divinity Degrees in Theology from Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. His secular college degrees are in journalism and communications. Having served as Director of Vocations and Director of Seminarians for the Fathers of Mercy, Fr. Wade has also served as the Chaplain-in-Residence at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. While at the Shrine, Fr. Wade was a daily Mass celebrant, homilist and confessor; he also gave spiritual conferences on specialized points of Catholic Christian doctrine to the many pilgrims who visit the Shrine. Both the Monastery and Shrine are affiliated with EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network. See presentation here.


Aduno - Unity

The support and the presence of the Franciscan Friars in Syria Since the beginning of the war in Syria, the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land have never left the country and are still present in several cities: Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo, and in some villages of the Orontes Valley. They help the local population without distinction, with particular attention to children and women. The brothers have created four reception centers, supported by the pro Terra Sancta, managing the purchasing of food, clothing and basic necessities. Read full article here.

Deep Roots - The Monks of Norcia

The Monks of Norcia launch a grassroots campaign to rebuild their monastery properties following the devastating effects of the earthquake that occurred in central Italy on the Feast of St. Bartholomew, 2016. To read the campaign, click here: To donate, click here:


Aduno - Unity


Aduno - Unity

Was Shakespeare a Secret Catholic?

Catholic vs Protestants, Methodist, Baptist - Explained


Catholic Truth

Catholic Canon Lawyers The St. Joseph Foundation To Defend Catholic Truth and Uphold Catholic Rights



Dr. Peter Kreeft's conversion to Catholicism from Protestantism

Changing Tracks: Mario Joseph, Muslim Imam convert As a Muslim imam, Mario Joseph was well-versed in the Koran and in the teachings of the Islamic religion. In fact, it was precisely the Koran that brought him to an encounter with Jesus Christ and with the truth of the Catholic faith. But his conversion did not come without difficulties, and because of it, he has undergone grave persecution. How has he attained his intense love towards the Church, the Cross and Heaven? He himself tells us in this week's impacting episode of Changing Tracks. 47



Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

Priests Encounter in Venuzuela

Engaged Encounter at the Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo with Fr. Donnon Murray 48


FIRES Encounter in Hungary - 20th Anniversary

With Fr. Donnon Murray - July 2016

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER IN ENGLISH Scheduled for November 5-6 at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

Fr. Donnon Murray O.F.M Celebrates his 60th Anniversary to the Priesthood Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo - Sept 8th 2016


FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) It is a fact that for the most part children imitate their parents. One such child shares how this indeed does take place. What a consolation for parents who try to base their lives on the Gospel! - Matsumoto, Eiko It would be no exaggeration to say that I have grown up along with Encounters. As I look back it seems that just about every weekend, including holiday weekends, someone was baby-sitting us. And then without fail on the third day we would be taken to the final Mass. Then I would be put on a chair near the altar, line up with the family that I had stayed with, and watch the scene. At a certain point everybody would raise their arms and shout Shalom and there would be a great deal of jovial greetings during which I would finally get to see my long lost parents. But they would be so busy greeting everyone that I remember having to hold on tightly to be sure to stay with them. Everyone’s face was lighted up with joy, and there were also many tears of joy, as they went around greeting one other with Shalom. And then the music. This is the kind of atmosphere that I remember as my earliest experiences with the Encounters. I began to enjoy seeing the joyful faces of everyone as they shared Shalom with one another. There were occasions when I wondered whether this time everyone would experience the same kind of joy as the last time – but there never was any reason for concern there. Every single Encounter was filled with joy. Of course as a little child I was not actually participating in Marriage Encounters, but inasmuch as a little child could, I do feel that I understood what it was all about. And precisely because of that understanding, whenever my parents would leave on holiday weekends for a Marriage Encounter I would not only see them off without complaint, but I would have the feeling that in staying at home I also had my own role to play in the Encounter. I always wrote them a letter assuring them of my prayers. And of course for the team couples it was not just a matter of the three days of the Encounter itself. Included was the tremendous amount of time required in preparing their talks, and then after coming home being conscious of the Graces they had received and putting them into practice in their daily lives. And this was repeated over decades. As they would get close to the time of an Encounter they would take over the room where we had our TV, put the Bible on the table, along with a mess of paper, pencils and erasers and you could hear them dialoguing until late at night, right up to the day of the Encounter. And I wanted to ask: “Are you going to be on time?” I was proud of the fact that my parents were involved in such an important service. No matter how busy they might be, or maybe precisely because they were busy, what never changed was their deep Faith in God, because of which they would first open the Bible to listen to what He had to say, and always saw to it that we prayed and worshipped as a family. And naturally there was nothing lacking in their efforts daily life to be suitable parents. In all the 18 years I lived together with them, before going off to college, not once did I ever feel oppressed by them, because they really continually lived out the message of the Encounter. For that very reason, even without actually participating in Marriage Encounters, beginning with their life of service which overflowed into their home life, I think I received 20 times more Graces than they did. And any joy that I get out of trying to be of service to others is precisely because of the example that I received from them. At present, living apart from my parents, I am involved with an NGO concerned with reaching out to the poor in mountain areas of the Philippines, as well as working with a group here in Japan. And the first thing I think of when considering why, at the age of 34, I am involved in any kind of service is the constant advice I received from my parents that if I pray the Lord will show me what He wants me to do. These are words that I have heard repeatedly ever since I was a little child. And now that I am married and have my own child, what I have learned from my parents is food for thought as I ponder the joys and difficulties of raising a family. Namely, that God is Love… and that the family is a miniature Church. I want to pass on to my own children that Faith is necessary to live life fully, and that we need to learn from Scripture what God wants from us. While walking in the footsteps of my parents, along with my husband and children, I want to build a strong domestic Church.


FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J)

後姿から学んだもの 松本栄子 わたしの幼少時代は、 エンカウンターと共にあったと言っても過言ではない。 そのころを振り返る と毎週末のように、 どこかに預けられ、連休などはことさらであった。 そして、 お泊りの3日目には、 必ずミサ があり、祭壇上にある椅子に、参加者と並ぶ名札をつけた両親を預かってくれた家族と一緒に眺める。 ミ サが始まり、 いよいよシャロームと声高らかに両手を伸ばして叫ぶと、人々がどっと前へでていく。熱気で ごったがえす人々をかき分けやっと両親のところにたどり着くことができるが、両親と再会を喜ぶのもつか の間、 シャロームで忙しくなる。 わたしは、離れないようにしがみつく。 たくさんの人々の喜びの表情、 そこ に流れる涙、 あちらこちらで響き渡るシャロームという声。 そして、音楽。 わたしが思い出すエンカウンター とは、 このような風景だ。 いつしか、 シャロームで、喜ぶ人の顔を見るのが、楽しみとなり、両親が参加して いるエンカウンターでは、大丈夫だったかそれを見るまでが心配ともなった。 もちろん、 エンカウンターに直接参加はしていないが、幼いながらにその意味はよく理解していた と思っている。理解していたからこそ、連休ごとにでかける両親を快く送りだせるだけでなく、 むしろ、 お留 守番することで、 自分も参加している気持ちになっていた。 ご存知だと思うが、 エンカウンターにかける日 数は、参加している3日間だけではない。 さらに、 チームとなれば、準備のために膨大な時間を割き、 そし て、帰ってきてからは得た恵みを意識して、生活の中で実践していく。 それが何十年と繰り返されてきた。 エンカウンターが近くなるとテレビのある部屋は占領され、 リビングのテーブルには聖書とたくさんの紙と えんぴつ、 そして消しゴムのかすが置かれるようになり、夜遅くまで、話し声が聞こえる。祈っている声が聞 こえるといきづまっているのではないかと心配になり、慌しく私たちの世話をしながら直前まで講話を準 備している姿を見ると 「大丈夫?」 とおもわず声をかけたくなる。 奉仕する両親の姿は、私の誇りだった。 どんなに急がしい大変なときでも、 だからこそかもしれない が、神様を信じ、 まず聖書を開き、神様の声に耳を傾ける、 そして家族で祈り、賛美するという姿勢はかわ らなかった。 もちろん生活における親としての努力も惜しまなかったと思う。 それは、私が両親と生活して いた18年間少しもぶれなかったし、 エンカウンターで学んだことは確かに生活に活かし続けたと思う。 だ からこそ、参加せずとも、 エンカウンターで得た恵は、奉仕から始まり、 そのまま家庭にながれており、 その 恩恵は十二分に受けてきたと言いきれる。 わたしが奉仕する喜びを知ったのは、 たぶん両親のこの後姿か らだと思う。 現在、親元を離れたわたしは、NGOをたちあげ、 フィリピンの山岳民族の支援活動を行い、 同時に 日本の団体でも働いている。何のために働いているのかすぐに、 ぶれてしまう34歳になった私に、今でも 両親は、 「祈りなさい」 という。 「そうすれば、神様が道を示してくれる」。 この言葉は、幾度となく繰り返し、 小さい頃から聞いてきた言葉だ。結婚して、子どもが生まれた今、家庭を創る楽しさと難しさをかみ締め始 めた。私が両親から学んだもの。 それは、 「神は愛である」 ということ、 「家庭は小さな教会である」 というこ とである。生きていくのに必要な信仰、 そして聖書。私にとって一番大事なこれらのものを、愛する我が子 にも、伝えたていきたい。両親の足跡をたどりながら、夫と子どもと生涯をかけて、小さな教会を一緒に創 っていこう。



FIRES – A Brief Explanation Fr. Donnon Murray O.F.M

As I look back on my life I do not recall having a struggle in making decisions that would affect my entire life, like deciding to become a Franciscan priest and a missionary in Japan, but rather responding to a quiet voice inside leading me to involved as a priest in the family apostolate. I t is a long story, but I just feel that the Holy Spirit has led me in that direction. Without my planning it, over 40 years ago circumstances led me to meet Father Gabriel Calvo, the founder of Marriage Encounter, and I have been working with him ever since in spreading his FIRES programs throughout Japan and other counrtires in Asia, as well as in Europe. In Asia I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to introduce programs in the Phillipines, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka as well as up and down Japan. In Europe, in addition to Slovakia, I have had opportunities in Italy, Germany and Hungary. Also in the U.S.A. and Venezuela, and a single trip to Kenya. All of the FIRES programs have as their ultimate goal strenghtening of family life in the Lord, and I have found all of them to be very fruitful; but since the couple is the heart of the famly, the ideal is to start with Marriage Encounter. I am convinced that it is not sufficient to study and hear wonderful talks about the ideal family life. It is something that must be experienced. Just imagine trying to explain by words alone, to a person coming to Slovakia for the first time, the taste of the favorite dish known to every Slokakian, if that person had never tasted it himself. Let him eat it and then he will know. It is the same with the FIRES programs. The various experiences change peoples lives, without any undue concern about how much they have learned from them. The newest FIRES program, and there are more than 20 of them, ís called Evangelizing In With and Through the Family. We have heard very much about evangelizing, but there is a need not only to know about evangelization, but more than that to have an experience that will convince families of the mission they have first of all to be evangelized themselves and then to want to go out and preach the Gospel, as Jesus commanded all the baptized to do. But this program especially emphasizes the need for famillies to evangelize especially within the parish to which they belong. I started Marriage Encounter and the subsequent FIRES programs in the small parish where I was working initially with the thought only of helping my own parish to grow spiritually. Immediately I came to witness a small sense of what it must have been like on the first Pentecost when 3000 were baptized. At the invitation of Catholic couples who experienced Marríage Encounter many non Christian couples attended and most of them were baptized within a year, I remember a non Christian husband coming up to me after a Marriage Encounter and saying: Father I want that biscuit. He did not know what the Eucharist was, but sensed its Mystery. He and his wife and children were baptized within a year. The Church is in need of a New Pentecost, but that will not happen unless Catholic families come to experience the treasure and beauty they have in their own families when they are indeed Families In The Lord. And unless the Family of Families that comprises the community that gathers in the parish church on Sundays is made up of families who consciously strive to be Families In The Lord, there will be no New Pentecost in that parish. To put it in very few words families must change their way of life from´ putting the Holy Mass into the week to putting the week into the Holy Mass which is offerred together on Sundays. The potential is enormous!


FIRES ENCOUNTER International Conference of the Christian Family Movement

Fr. Donnon Murray - Addressing ICCFM in Colombia APPEAL FOR PRAYER

With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction. Please check the FIRES Encounter website for more details

Eucharistic Encounter in Venezuela with Fr. Donnon Murray


A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint for drug addictions, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement, amateur radio

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