Premier Club Magazine №19, Spring-Summer 2018

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Publishers’ note

Öÿ âåñíà ðîçïî÷àëàñü ç ÷óäîâî¿ íîâèíè, ÿêîþ ìè õî÷åìî ïîä³ëèòèñÿ – Premier Hotels and Resorts îòðèìàëà ïðåñòèæíó ì³æíàðîäíó â³äçíàêó ÿê «Êðàùà ëîêàëüíà ìåðåæà ãîòåë³â» çà âåðñ³ºþ Hospitality Awards. Öå íàäèõຠíàñ äîêëàäàòè ùå á³ëüøå çóñèëü äëÿ ñòâîðåííÿ áåçäîãàííîãî ñåðâ³ñó òà êîìôîðòó, äàðóþ÷è íàøèì ãîñòÿì âèêëþ÷íî ïîçèòèâí³ åìîö³¿ â³ä ïåðåáóâàííÿ â íàøèõ ãîòåëÿõ. Ñåðåä îñíîâíèõ êîìïîíåíò³â ùàñòÿ – çäîðîâ’ÿ òà ïîäîðîæ³. Òîìó ó íîâîìó íîìåð³ Premier Club Magazine ìè ïðîïîíóºìî âàì ä³çíàòèñÿ ðåöåïòè çäîðîâîãî õàð÷óâàííÿ â óìîâàõ âåëèêîãî ì³ñòà, ïî÷óòè ïîðàäè â³ä ô³òíåñ-òðåíåðà, òà, êîðèñòóþ÷èñü ï³äêàçêàìè, çðîáèòè âiçèò ó ñïà ìàêñèìàëüíî ðåçóëüòàòèâíèì. Òàêîæ âè çìîæåòå çíàéòè äëÿ ñåáÿ íîâ³ ³äå¿ äëÿ ïîäîðîæåé íà â³êåíä Óêðà¿íîþ òà ñêîðèñòàòèñü ïîðàäàìè äëÿ âàøèõ íàñòóïíèõ ìàíäð³âîê. Ïîäîðîæóéòå, îòðèìóéòå ÿñêðàâi âðàæåííÿ òà çàëèøàéòåñü ùàñëèâèìè ðàçîì ³ç Premier Hotels and Resorts.

This spring has begun with wonderful news, which we OLEG BOLOTOV President of Premier Hotels and Resorts

want to share. Premier Hotels and Resorts chain won a prestigious international award "The Best Local Chain" according to the Hospitality Awards International criteria. This inspires us to redouble our efforts to deliver impeccable service and comfort, providing our guests with a wholly positive experience during their stay. Among the key components of happiness are health and travel. Therefore, in the new issue of Premier Club magazine, we provide guidance on healthy eating in the big city, get advice from a fitness trainer, and hints that will make your visit to the SPA as productive as possible. You can also find a new destination for a weekend in Ukraine and plan your next visit. Travel, be inspired and stay happy with Premier Hotels and Resorts!


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Ексклюзивні можливості у Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv

Ìåøêàíö³ ïðåäñòàâíèöüêîãî ïîâåðõó êîðèñòóþòüñÿ îêðåìîþ ñò³éêîþ ðåºñòðàö³¿. Ïîâíîþ ì³ðîþ äîñòóïí³ ïîñëóãè êîíñüºðæ-ñåðâ³ñó òà á³çíåñ-öåíòðó. Ñëóæáà äâîðåöüêèõ – íåîäì³ííèé àòðèáóò ãîòåë³â êëàñó ëþêñ. Ãîñòÿì íàäàºòüñÿ ìîæëèâ³ñòü áåçêîøòîâíîãî âèêîðèñòàííÿ çàëè äëÿ ïåðåãîâîð³â «Îäåñà» àáî «Ëüâ³â» ïðîòÿãîì äâîõ ãîäèí, ì³ñöå íà ï³äçåìíîìó/íàçåìíîìó ïàðê³íãó. Íàñòóïí³ áîíóñè – ïîñëóãà ðîçïàêóâàííÿ ³ óïàêîâêè áàãàæó, êîìïë³ìåíò ó íîìåð ó äåíü çà¿çäó, íàá³ð ì³í³-ïàðôóìå𳿠êëàñó ëþêñ Anna Simoni, áåçêîøòîâíå ïðàííÿ äâîõ îäèíèöü îäÿãó òà â³äâ³äóâàííÿ ñïà-öåíòðó. Âðàíö³ ãîñò³ ñìàêóþòü ÷óäîâèé ñí³äàíîê ó ïðåäñòàâíèöüêîìó ëàóíæ³, à âäåíü ìîæóòü îáèðàòè ïðîõîëîäí³ íàïî¿ â íåîáìåæåí³é ê³ëüêîñò³. Ç 15:30 äî 17:30 ïîäàºòüñÿ àðîìàòíèé ÷àé òà âèøóêàí³ çàêóñêè, à ïðîòÿãîì Happy Hour (ç 18:30 äî 20:00) àëêîãîëüí³ íàïî¿ òà êàíàïå. Á³ëüø äåòàëüíî – çà òåëåôîíîì 0 800 30 30 60

PREMIER HOTELS AND RESORTS Найкраща локальна мережа готелів

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Exclusive options at Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv

Residents of the executive floor have a separate check-in desk. They enjoy a concierge service and the full usage of business centre facilities. The butler service comes as standard too - being an indispensable attribute of luxury hotels. Other notable options include the opportunity to use the "Odesa" or "Lviv" conference rooms free of charge for 2 hours, plus the provision of the underground/ground parking space. The following bonuses are a service of unpacking and packing of luggage, a gift in the room on the day of check-in, a set of mini perfumes of the luxury class Anna Simoni, free laundry of two items of clothing and a visit to the spa. In the morning, guests can enjoy a delicious breakfast in the executive lounge, and in the afternoon there is a choice of soft drinks (unlimited refills). Flavoured tea and refined refreshments are served from 15:30 to 17:30, while during Happy Hour (from 18:30 to 20:00), alcoholic beverages and canapes are served. For more details, call 0 800 30 30 60


International Hospitality Conference, the main event of the hotel industry on international scale, was held in Kyiv on February 17, 2018. 380 guests from 21 European countries came together to reward the best and determine the trends of the hotel industry. The nominees' rating for maximum objectivity was formed in two stages. The first was the score of an international jury (50 % of the result), which included 14 experts - representatives of the hospitality industry with a worldwide reputation. The second stage was the score of rating companies: (25 % of the result) and (25 % of the result). This year, Premier Hotels and Resorts won in 2 nominations of International Hospitality Awards 2017: Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv won the "Best Hotel Bar" (this "best" award went to the panoramic Sky Lounge restaurant), and the Premier Hotels and Resorts hotel operator won the "Best Local Hotel Chain" nomination. These victories are the result of a daily hard work and the desire for impeccable service.


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EVENTS spring/summer 2018

26 MAY

FINAL OF THE UEFA CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE 2018 Football fans cannot wait for the biggest international event of this year - the final game of the UEFA Champions League 2017-2018, the 63rd season in the history of the European Champions Cup and the 26th season in the history of the UEFA Champions League, which will be held at the NSC Olimpiyskiy stadium in Kyiv. The winner of this final will in August play the winner of the UEFA Europa League 2017-2018 in the UEFA 2018 Super Cup to be held in Estonia, and qualify for the 2018 FIFA Club World Cup semi-finals in December in UAE. The tournament slogan is "The Way to Kyiv", its additional goal is to show that Ukraine is capable of holding such events at the highest level. Due to the large number of foreign visitors expected, security will of course be strengthened. According to preliminary data, the match in Kyiv will be watched by around 600 million people, which is a solid advertisement for both the capital and for the country as a whole. The closer the date, the less chance to buy tickets, so get them in advance!

27-03 MAY/JUNE

KYIV INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL "MOLODIST" The 47th "Molodist" Film Festival will start on Kyiv Day and is looking to build on the success of previous events providing a week long cinematic holiday. Festival guests will be able to view more than 200 debut, full length films from around the globe including Ukrainian short films, modern Scandinavian cinema and films from Italy, France and Germany, to name but a few. For the first time "Molodist" will go beyond the cinema buildings' boundaries. Poshtova Ploshcha will be converted into a large festival area with an open air cinema screen so that everyone will have the opportunity to enjoy the art of cinema. The Grand Prix of the festival is awarded by the international jury for the best film of the entire competition program with prizes for the best film in each category, including children's films. The festival hopes to discover new names in contemporary cinema, analyse trends and integrate Ukrainian cinematography into the world of cinema art and film production.


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30-03 MAY/JUNE

VI²I INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL "BOOK ARSENAL", KYIV This year, the theme is how the modern world imagines its future, or whether it imagines it at all. Of Especial interest are the opinions of writers, their reflections and their sense of the world and how it is shown in their works. This is not just about the prophecies of sci-fi authors, which may have already come true or are on the horizon. Robots, voice synthesizers, artificial intelligence and video telephones are all here already. What will mankind dream of next? Is there a role for literature in shaping the coming centuries? How does it react to the complexities of virtual social networks and the transitions from real to virtual worlds? These thoughts also pose a question to Ukraine – is it capable of imagining and bringing to fruition its own future projects in the political, social, and economic context, overcoming problems and generating original ideas? This, the largest festival in Eastern Europe combining literature and art promises visitors a rich programme over 5 days. It consists of 450 events with the participation of 150 Ukrainian writers and authors. It is worth visiting for more than just replenishing your library.

One of the biggest holidays in India is Holi. It usually falls between the end of February and beginning of March, and it inspired the organisers to create a similar event in Kyiv. After all, we have something in common in our ancient traditions. Just as the Slavs burn the scarecrow and call for spring, the Indians make a bonfire for the demoness Holika. It's a symbol of purification, a victory of good and a holiday of fun. Besides, throwing paint and painting each other is not only fun, it is also romantic, an event for men and women who are fond of each other. So you have an opportunity to have a good time with lots of laughs, become part of a colourful living art display and feel indescribable freedom. The organisers promise a rich program and a motor rally. Do not delay!


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12-13 MAY



NINO KATAMADZE AND THE INSIGHT BAND, SPRING MELODY, KHARKIV It is unlikely that someone will be left indifferent to this complicated, smart, sincere and emotional music. Every moment of life in all its smallest details becomes more acute and deeper than ever with it. In Spring melody's new program, you will hear the best thematic compositions of Nino, as well as the newest works of the band. Songs will be played on the Kharkiv stage, and will make you look into your own soul, analyse your experience, hear the whisper of your heart, and eventually let go of your own emotions and share them with someone close and beloved. Then hear someone else's story, pass it through yourself and maybe become a better person. As Nino says: "Music is a river in which you swim, open up, and become more transparent." Recently, the creativity of this unique music duo resembles pictorial art, it improves the mood engendering sincere emotions, and conjuring incredibly bright and at the same time 3D-like images. So come to enjoy this wave of clean and high-quality sound, in which spring freshness, tenderness and the youth of the soul bubble to the surface.

Especially atmospheric and unusual, full of the best and most blasting impressions, the 5th anniversary Razomfest will take place in Lviv. Come join this huge festival. Razomfest is created for people who are constantly moving forward, aiming for the stars and reaching new heights, for those who want to make this world better. It is on this site that young people can unite through culture and travel. In the first day dedicated to music, Pianoboy, O.Torvald, Latexfauna, Palina Respublika, Zhenya and Katya are waiting for you. The next day - literature and travel. Yuriy Izdryk, Andriy Lyubka, Max Kidruk, Ivan Baidak, Yuriy Vinnychuk, members of "Insiders" and "Two-Wheeled Chronicles" projects will talk about their creativity and exciting journeys. You will be able to listen, talk with and even get the autographs of the best writers of modern Ukraine. You'll find out about dozens of interesting life hacks and hear exciting stories from incredible travellers. Event motto: "North, South, East and West - everyone is united by Razomfest!" "JoinUs!"


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01-10 JUNE



MODERN BALLET "SWAN LAKE" Watch in Poltava this incredible performance from the leading choreographer of our time Radu Poklitaru. If you perceive the language of dance and are ready to open your heart, this setting will impress induce incredible emotions. In the words of the man himself: "This story written in the language of dance tells us that we must fight for the right to be ourselves - whatever the cost of this internal freedom. A person has only one life and he must live it in an honest and sincere way. Live it with his own face - whatever masks and hypostasis the surrounding reality would try to impose on him. A small white swan lives in each of us. It's just that it is noticeable in others, and we do not even suspect that it exists in us ..." Do not be surprised, but the original story of "Swan Lake" is completely changed. You will not see the familiar tale of the prince, his love and the evil wizard who turned her into a swan. Come to enjoy the language of modern dance, fantastic decorations and costumes.

The largest festival of classical music in Ukraine - the ODESA CLASSICS 4th International Music Festival in 2018 will last for 10 days. For the first time, a famous Berlin Chamber Orchestra will come to Ukraine playing at least three concerts. In addition, for the first time, world famous violinists Maxim Vengerov and Roby Lakatos, leading Austrian pianist Stefan Vladar, BrazilianSwiss cellist Antonio Meneses and Swiss virtuoso clarinettist Dimitri Ashkenazy will play there. Also playing will be violinists Daniel Hope and Michael Guttman, pianists Sebastian Knauer and Polina Osetinskaya. The program of the festival will include exhibitions, literary and cinematic discussions and a grand open air concert at the Potemkin Stairs.


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12.04.2018 15:04:59



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12.04.2018 15:05:12

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12.04.2018 15:05:20

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12.04.2018 15:05:29

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ñïåö³àë³ñòè ç Òàéëàíäó. Ïðîïîíóº-

óâàæó, êëóá ïðàöþº ç 07.00-23.00,

ìî óñ³ êëàñè÷í³ ïðîöåäóðè äëÿ îá-

ùî äóæå çðó÷íî.

ëè÷÷ÿ òà ò³ëà, à òàêîæ åêñêëþçèâí³ ïðîöåäóðè. Ìè ïðàöþºìî ³ç ïðî-

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ÍÀÒÀË²ß Òèòàðåíêî, êåðóþ÷à êëóáîì Premier Palace Fitness Club

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Premier_intervie.indd 28

12.04.2018 18:07:21



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Premier Palace Fitness Club

Ñêàæ³òü, ÷è ³ñíóº ³äåàëüíèé ÷àñ äîáè äëÿ SPA ïðîöåäóð? Óñå ³íäèâ³äóàëüíî é çàëåæèòü â³ä âàøîãî ðîçêëàäó.

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Premier Palace Fitness Club

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Premier_intervie.indd 29

13.04.2018 10:25:54

Premier Palace Fitness Club ×àñòî ãîñò³ â³äâ³äóþòü çàë â îá³äíþ ïåðåðâó. Öå

íàïðóãó. Ùîäî SPA, ëþáëþ ïðîöåäóðè ç êîñìåòèêîþ

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Premier Palace Fitness Club áóë. Ò. Øåâ÷åíêà / âóë. Ïóøê³íñüêà, 5-7/29. +38 044 244 12 39 +380 67 503 78 79


Premier_intervie.indd 30

13.04.2018 10:26:11




Premier_intervie 31

12.04.2018 15:06:14


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12.04.2018 15:06:22



HEALTH AND INSPIRATION Our health and well-being are more than 50 % dependent on lifestyle. What should it be? How much time to spend on sports? What to eat in a big city with a complicated schedule? How to cope with the consequences of stress, and in general what to do in order to get into great physical shape and a good mood... Let's get a few tips from a fitness trainer. Theoretically, everyone seems to know what to

transition to a healthy lifestyle. Professionals can

do in order to have a slim figure and great health.

help here: an individual trainer and a nutritionist.

However in practice it turns out that there is no

No matter how much information you have about

time to go to the gym, that it's impossible to buy

proper nutrition. The nutritionist will choose an in-

high-quality fruits and vegetables anywhere near

dividual menu for you, focusing on the level of ac-

the house, and to wake up for the morning jog,

tivity, health status and work schedule.

even five repeated alarms are not enough. So how

With the help of private training it is possible in

do you finally start?

a few months to both reset and gain weight, get

The first step is to make a decision. All major

ripped, to do some work on problematic areas.

changes begin with slight shifts. It is not neces-

In addition to the classes in the gym there are

sary to radically change your dietry habits and

many ways to keep the body in shape, and have a

lifestyle at once. It is best to start with something

great mood. For example, team sports. Where else

that is enjoyable. Of course, this should be some

can you develop stamina and get a rush of adren-

kind of activity, preferably on a regular basis. One

aline, if not in football or basketball?

person prefers yoga, another person will get more

A quite young and yet popular sport for both sexes

pleasure from swimming, and for others the support of a trainer might be important. It quickly becomes clear that sport is not only a way to keep the body in good shape. Physical activity gives us energy. Yet training takes a lot of effort too. However, physical tiredness is offset by an emotional upsurge. Those who regularly train, know well that sometimes it's difficult to make yourself to go to the gym after a hard day. Though all of them also note the feeling of easiness that is felt after the workout. Sport helps to overcome emotional exhaustion and fatigue better than anything else. Not everybody will have enough self-discipline for regular classes, besides, physical activity alone will not be enough, if you really want to make a


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12.04.2018 15:06:30

is rock climbing and it is unusual in that even after the age of 30, there is still a chance to become a professional. The muscles of the whole body are involved in the process of training even those that we do not use in everyday life. That's why it's a great way to get a good tone on your arms and back whilst partaking of the thrills that an extreme sport brings. For the heart and respiratory system tennis provides a good workout with lots of movement and t is possible to arrange friendly tournaments and expand your social circle while exercising. In short don’t just follow a trend, find the sport that appeals to you. Professional athletes train daily and often several times a day, for in order to avoid injury athletes must constantly maintain a certain level of fitness. For an ordinary person, on average, it is enough to train three times a week. If you do not see results within this timeframe it means that the type of training or exercise is not suitable for you. One of the common mistakes beginners make is to concentrate too much on power exercises when they need to pay more attention to cardiovascular ones. Yet the most common and biggest mistakes are

Should you eat dinner after 7pm? It depends on

made over diet. Mostly, in order to get rid of ex-

when you go to bed. The main rule is not to eat

cess weight people eliminate carbohydrates and

2-3 hours before bedtime.

fats from their diet. This may help you lose some

Straight after waking it is useful to drink a glass

pounds, but the lack of fats in the diet can lead to

of water and it is extremely important not to miss

severe negative hormonal changes and in will lead to loss of elasticity of the skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to completely abandon any particular dietary groups. It is best to find a balance. Porridges and other high-energy carbohydrates are better to eat in the first half of the day, while protein foods can be eaten at lunch and dinner. Another important thing to consider is how many times a day you eat. It is better to stick to the golden mean, to eat five times a day, arranging for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while serving snacks in between.


Premier_intervie 34

12.04.2018 15:06:40



workout that can be done anywhere. Even during a vacation or a trip. Start first thing in the morning with stretching exercises. One of the best options is yoga and even just five minutes will help you to wake up much more efficiently than morning coffee. Skipping for a few minutes is also highly effective cardiovascular exercise. If you have to sit a lot during the day at work, have short breaks that involve some movement, go down the stairs, go for a breath of fresh air and walk around for five minutes. At work you can also introduce team-building games after work or on weekends - basketball, bowling, roller-skating, gyro-boards or gyro-scooters in the park. Additionally, it is worth buying personal monitoring devices that count the number of steps you make, stairs you climb, etc. With a sport application for a smartphone, it is easier to control both the amount of food intake and make time for physical activity. It is possible to stick to a healthy lifestyle in your everyday life if it becomes a habit. Just do not forget to keep this habit during the holidays. Even in hotels of the all-inclusive type, there is the opportunity to choose baked food instead roasted or breakfast. Breakfast should be something light and

deep fried food. Ask at the reception whether the

nutritious, as it starts the processes of metabolism

hotel has a gym, sauna, table tennis, individual

responsible for normal digestion of food. If you

classes with a coach. Relax actively!

are constantly hungry, the body will try to store as

Another integral part of our health and beauty is

much supplies as possible, so even a low calorie

proper sleep. At night, during sleep the hormone

diet will not produce the desired results.

Melatonin is released, which slows the aging pro-

With age, metabolic processes slow down. If you

cess and enhances our immunity. The largest

do not change your eating habits, the weight will

amounts of Melatonin is synthesized in the period

start to slowly pile on.

from 23:00 to 01:00, you should go to bed before

The most effective method of accelerating metab-

23:00 to guarantee proper rest and good physical

olism is daily physical activity. This may be a small

shape all day long.

Premier Palace Hotel in Kyiv offers guests the facilities of the Premier Palace Fitness Club located inside the hotel. This is a modern centre with a large swimming pool, saunas and gym, equipped with high-quality Technogym simulators from Italy. Qualified instructors will help you find a training program suitable for you. There is also a large list of spa treatments - face and body care, massage for all tastes, and aromatherapy.


Premier_intervie 35

12.04.2018 15:06:51

Envigorate yourself with morning exercise yoga, relieve fatigue during the day, swim in the pool, relax after work with spa treatments... All these and many other services are offered to guests and residents of the capital, Premier Palace Fitness Club, located in the heart of Kyiv. This is a closed complex, providing maximum privacy and security for guests. We asked Ms. Natalia Titarenko, the club manager, to tell you what services are available and how to choose the best time for the visit.

Natalia, tell me how you can become a member of

Premier Palace Fitness Club

Premier Palace Fitness Club? Premier Palace Fitness Club is a fitness centre

run scheduled classes on aqua aerobics, as well

available for our hotel guests (included in the room

as personal training. All our pool trainers are in-

price), and for the residents of the city. We have

ternational masters of sport.

a club membership system. There

There is also a Finnish sauna

is the opportunity to purchase club

(85-90°C, humidity 5-15 %) and

cards with a validity period from

a Roman bath (40-50°C, humid-

one month to one year. The club

ity 98-100 %), the use of which

operates from 7am until 11pm,

is included in membership. You

which is very convenient.

can rent a VIP sauna with steam rooms, pool, small pool and a pri-

Tell us about the facilities.

vate relax area without being a

A large part of the fitness club is

member of the club.

occupied by the pool area. With-

It is also possible to purchase a

out exaggeration I can say that

guest visit. The cost includes use

this is one of the most interest-

of the pool, saunas and gym for

ing aquatic areas in the centre of

one day and varies depending on

Kyiv. The 17-meter heated pool

the day of the week.

(up to 29-30 °C) is located under a glass dome. Here you can use hydro and air-massage facili-

NATALIA Titarenko, Club Manager Premier Palace Fitness Club

ties, relax in comfortable chaise-

The gym is 120sq.mtrs. and is always manned by a qualified instructor that will assist with any questons you may have. We also

launge, immerse in the Jacuzzi, and order some-

have a hall for aerobics group classes. They are

thing in the Vitamin Bar next to the pool. We also

scheduled and also included in membership or


Premier_intervie.indd 36

13.04.2018 10:26:27



trained Fourth Dan Black Belt in karate-kyokushinkai. This coach has 26 years experience and a world-known name. Vadym conducts children's and adult training in groups and individually. What services are most popular among the club's guests? Top of the list, it's all kinds of massage, with Thai and classic being the most popular. Then personal training with children. We teach swimming from the first year of life. For 5-6 lessons, babies begin to stay on the water. This is the most popular activity not only for the hotel guests and their children, but also for the young mums and dads of Kyiv. Who visits a fitness centre more often, men or women? It is about 50/50. Men mostly visit the gym, while cost of stay for the club members and hotel guests,

women prefer swimming and group activities. SPA


treatments are equally popular among men and

The SPA has 4 massage rooms offering a range of


services including hi-tech and Thai massage. We offer all the classic facial and body treatments, as

Is there an ideal time for SPA treatments?

well as exclusive treatments. We work with lead-

Everything is individual and depends on your

ing Swiss, Japanese and French cosmetic brands

schedule. However, there are some recommen-

such as Alpeor, Evidens De Beaute and Yon-Ka.

dations. For example, it is better to practice yoga

Premier Palace Fitness Club offers the following

in the morning. Gym workouts - depend on the

types of massage: classic (if desired, toning or re-

rhythm of one's life. Often guests visit the gym

laxing), aroma massage, ChiroMassage (Spanish

for a lunch break. This allows to recharge and ef-

technique), hot stone massage, chiroflex massage

fectively extend the working day, because of this,

(combination of athletic massage and shiatsu) and traditional Thai massage (with elements of passive yoga). The SPA also has a sports doctor who provides chiropractic services. What do you think is the advantage of the club? Linguistic skills, our entire staff can speak and conduct training in English, Ukrainian or Russian. We also have martial arts classes for both adults and children. The trainer is one of the leading Ukrainian masters, Vadym Martynov a Japanese

Premier Palace Fitness Club

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13.04.2018 16:06:06

Premier Palace Fitness Club a lot of group activities are held during lunchtime.

tantly - effective. Another of my favourites is mas-

Try to finish strength training before 7-8pm. After

sage with scent oil. This is a meditative and relax-

that time, the human body begins to prepare for

ing procedure, ideal for evening time. It relieves

rest. Therefore, for the evening we recommend a

stress and fatigue and helps sleep.

relaxing massage or swimming in the pool. Twice a week we offer group yoga lessons at 8:15 pm

What procedure would you advise to try?

for those who prefer evening time yoga practice.

Both men and women will enjoy SPA. There is a peeling and butter massage. I recommend to try

How much time should be allocated to get the

foot-massage and the very effective head mas-

optimal service package?

sage. In general, I advise you not just to opt for

It depends which services you want to use. For

your favourite procedures but when travelling, try

example, a minimum of 40-45 minutes should be

something new. Why not? Surprise yourself?

dedicated to the gym. After this we recommend either swimming, or sauna. If you are in a hurry, 1 1/ 2 hours will do, but to get the best benefit plan a visit for 2-3 hours. What procedures do you like personally? Of course, like our guests, I love Thai massages. They help me to relax quickly and relieve tension. As for the SPA, I like Yon-ka cosmetics. They are surprisingly fragrant, pleasant, and most impor-

Premier Palace Fitness Club Blvd. T. Shevchenko / Pushkinskaya Street, 5-7 / 29 +38 044 244 12 39 +380 67 503 78 79


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13.04.2018 17:49:53




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12.04.2018 15:19:00

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12.04.2018 15:19:13


Premier_star 42

12.04.2018 15:19:23

Premier_star 43

12.04.2018 15:19:32

ÃÅÎÐÃ²É ×åðíÿê,

äèðåêòîð ç îáñëóãîâóâàííÿ ãîñòåé Premier Hotels and Resorts



Çóïèíèâøèñü ó áóäü-ÿêîìó ãîòåë³ ìåðåæ³ Premier Hotels and Resorts, âè çàâæäè îòðèìàºòå âèñîêîÿê³ñíå îáñëóãîâóâàííÿ. À òàêîæ çìîæåòå ñêîðèñòàòèñü íàñòóïíèìè ñåðâ³ñàìè.

1 Day Use Rate Íà êîãî ðîçðàõîâàíà ïîñëóãà

ßêùî ìàíäð³âíèê íå çàëè-

Ùî ñàìå ã³ñòü ìîæå îòðèìàòè?

Day Use Rate?

øàºòüñÿ â ì³ñò³ íà í³÷, òî íà-

Êîìôîðòíèé íîìåð, ìîæëèâ³ñòü

Íà òèõ, õòî ö³íóº ñâ³é ÷àñ, åêî-

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 Premier Hotels and Resorts ìè

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Premier Hotels and Resorts. ², ÿê

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ôîðò Premier Hotels and Resorts

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Çàçâè÷àé ìîâà éäå ïðî â³ñ³ì ãîäèí.


Premier_Ser 44

12.04.2018 15:15:14



2 Bleisure Trip Ùî öå çà ïîñëóãà?

 ÿêèõ ì³ñòàõ âîíà äîñòóïíà?

Ìîðôîëîã³÷íî öå Business+

Âîíà äîñòóïíà ó âñ³õ ãîòåëÿõ

Leisure. Àáî «ðîáîòà òà â³äïî÷è-


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Premier_Ser 45

12.04.2018 15:15:26

3 Сніданки для місцев и Áóäü-ÿêèé ã³ñòü ìîæå çàâ³òàòè äî çàêëàäó? Íå

Ç ÿêî¿ ãîäèíè ìîæëèâèé ñí³äàíîê? ² äî ÿêî¿?

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Î ñüîì³é ðàíêó â áóäü-ÿêîìó ãîòåë³ Premier Hotels and

Õî÷åòüñÿ, ùîá ì³ñòÿíè íàñîëîäæóâàëèñü ñí³äàíêàìè â

Resorts íà âñ³õ ãîñòåé ÷åêàþòü ñâ³æ³ ñòðàâè íà áóäü-

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³ç Breakfast2go, äîñòàòíüî ïðèéòè â ðåñòîðàí ó ãîòåë³.

áîþ â äîðîãó – Breakfast2Go. Ìè ç çàäîâîëåííÿì ïðè-

4 Подорожі з тварина м Ç ÿêèìè òâàðèíàìè ìîæíà çóïèíèòèñÿ?

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Premier_Ser.indd 46

12.04.2018 16:54:02



5 Консьєрж Ùî âõîäèòü â îáîâ’ÿçêè êîíñüºðæà?

Êîíñüºðæ – ãîëîâíà ëþäèíà òà ñèìâîë ãîòåëþ ÿê òàêîãî. Àäæå ñàì ãîòåëü, çà ð³äê³ñíèì âèíÿòêîì, íå º ìåòîþ ïîäîðîæ³. ²íòåðåñè ãîñòÿ çîñåðåäæåí³ çà ìåæàìè áóä³âë³, ÿêà çàáåçïå÷óº éîìó æèòòºâèé êîìôîðò. Òîæ âàæëèâî, ùîá ó ãîòåë³ ã³ñòü áóâ îòî÷åíèé òóðáîòîþ ïåðñîíàëó, çàâæäè çíàõîäèâ òå, ùî éîìó

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Premier_Ser 47

12.04.2018 15:15:46

GEORGIY Chernyak,

Guest Service Director of Premier Hotels and Resorts

Top 5

SERVICES OF THE PREMIER HOTELS AND RESORTS When staying at any Premier Hotels and Resorts hotel you will always receive highquality service. You will also be able to take advantage of the following service offerings.

1 Day Use Rate Who uses the Day Use Rate?

If the traveller does not stay for

What is included?

It is for people who appreciate

the night, then why sell him what

Comfortable room, the opportunity

their time, like to save it, and

he does not need? This would

to smarten oneself up and get

who are prudent with money.

be a dishonest deal in which

some rest, prepare yourself for an

At Premier Hotels and Resorts,

the guest pays for more than he

important day, if it is possible - even

we believe that the relationship

receives. For guests who don’t

to sleep... Breakfast is also provided,

between the guest and the hotel

want to stay the night, we offer

as are all the other services of the

must be an honest partnership.

the full comfort of Premier Hotels

Premier Hotels and Resorts.

It also means the following:

and Resorts during the day

we offer exactly what suits our

without overnight stay and at an

How long does the guest have?

guests best.

honest price.

Usually it's about 8 hours.


Premier_Ser 48

12.04.2018 15:15:55



2 Bleisure Trip What is this?

Where is it available?

Morphologically it's business+

This service is available on all hotel

leisure. Or "work and rest" at the


same time. Its essence lies in the aim to add a "mini-holiday" to a

What is offered to guests?

business trip: in the evening after

On this we are very specific, because

work or the next day. This way,

the service must be clear, easy to buy

it's possible to save on the costs

and use. So:

of the hotel and transport, but get

â– Ability to stay with your family

much more. This phenomenon is

(or relatives and friends) during

well known and popular Europe.

business trip.

We would like to make such trips

â– Ability to stay in the hotel for a

a pleasant and useful tradition

few days after a business trip or to

among the travelling people in

move-in a couple of days earlier,

Ukraine too.

paying a special lower price for your stay.

Who of the hotel guests can use

â– Professional advice from the

this service?

hotel staff on how to organise

This service has no limitations.

and spend your free time. The

Though its value unfolds only

receptionist or concierge will always

during business travel. It is

advise guests and organise visits

designed for those who are on a

to places of interest, prominent

business trip.

events, and more (etc.).

Is it possible to use the service on the day, or is it necessary to order it in advance? There are no restrictions. If there is a vacant room, the guest can have it immediately, or if they want order in advance. Everybody chooses the option that is convenient for him.


Premier_Ser 49

12.04.2018 15:16:07

3 Breakfasts for the loc a Can any guest can come to the Hotel? Is it not

When is breakfast served?

necessary to have a hotel room?

From 7am in any hotel of Premier Hotels and Resorts

It is desirable to have locals come to enjoy breakfast in the

chain, all guests can have fresh meals to every taste.

hotels of their cities. So this convenient and useful pleasure

Breakfast is served until either 10 or 11am, depending

can be a perk of life even if you are not travelling.

on the hotel. However, for guests departing early in

So, to enjoy a special breakfast buffet or save time before

the morning, before 7am, we offer branded breakfasts,

the start of the working day with Breakfast2go simply come

which you can take with you - Breakfast2Go. We will

to a restaurant in the hotel.

gladly prepare them for locals too. All you need to do

4 Travelling with anima l Which animals are allowed?

of other guests. A big dog is a big love joy but is

Dogs, cats and birds.

difficult to keep within the hotel room. Therefore, we limit the weight of dogs to eight kilogrammes.

Is there a place where you can leave the animal? In the hotel room.

We also have restrictions on fighting dog breeds due to their temper and our concern for other guests.

Are there any restrictions on the

Can rodents in their cage be brought in?

breeds of some animals?

It is subject to prior arrangement with

Yes, there are. Whilst caring for

the hotel. The hotel has

pets, we cannot ignore the comfort

to be able to prepare the


Premier_Ser.indd 50

12.04.2018 16:52:33



5 Concierge What is the concierge responsible for? The concierge is the "Front of House" manager and the

hotel's symbol as such. After all, the hotel itself, with rare exceptions, is not your destination. The interests of the guest are concentrated outside the building, which provides him with the comforts of life necessary for his stay. So, it is important that the guest is cared for by the staff, and

c als

always finds what he needs. The highest class of hospitality is to extend the level of care of the guest outside the hotel: in an unfamiliar city it is nice if the guest can get the help and support of an expert who knows the city really well. The concierge is such an expert who can find out about

is order such a breakfast by phone for the time of

everything and fulfil the desires of the guest...

your choice.

Thus, the concierge's duties include assistance to the guest on any issues that may arise during their stay both inside

Who usually uses this service?

and outside the hotel. In general, we are talking about

Imagine your morning in a different way. Come

advice on restaurants, the routes to walk in the city, calling

to the city centre and enjoy the best breakfasts

a reliable taxi, getting the best places in the opera house

at the hotel, you are unlikely to find a restaurant

and tickets for the "this evening" concert...

open at 8am. Is it a round-the-clock service? The concierge is not open 24 hours a day. However his

a ls

services at night can be provided by the receptionist. Everybody who works at the reception of our hotels has been trained and taught the concierge profession. necessary conditions and take care of the comfort of other guests. The hotel may refuse this because of the discomfort for other guests. Can one count on a place to walk the animal? Is this service possible? You would need to ask when booking your room. You will be advised if there is a park or a square nearby. Usually a stroll with your pet is possible in any city. However, hardly anyone entrusts his pet to a stranger, even if it's professional hotel staff.

Premier_Ser 51

12.04.2018 15:16:29

ÎËÜÃÀ Ñîêîëåíêî,

Äèðåêòîð Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv


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12.04.2018 15:17:08

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12.04.2018 15:17:18

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Premier_inte_kharkiv 54

12.04.2018 15:17:27



PREMIER PALACE HOTEL KHARKIV ÑÒÀ ÏÅÐÅÌÎÆÖÅÌ Ì²ÆÍÀÐÎÄÍί ÃÎÒÅËÜÍί ÏÐÅ̲¯ INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY AWARDS 18 ëþòîãî, â ãîòåë³ InterContinental Kyiv â³äáóëàñÿ ãàëà-öåðåìîí³ÿ íàãîðîäæåííÿ ̳æíàðîäíî¿ ãîòåëüíî¿ ïðå쳿 International Hospitality Awards. Íîì³íàíòàìè 2017 ðîêó ñòàëè 315 ãîòåë³â ç 21 êðà¿íè Öåíòðàëüíî¿ ³ Ñõ³äíî¿ ªâðîïè. Ó ô³íàë ïðå쳿 âèéøîâ 101 ãîòåëü, ç ÿêèõ áóëè âèçíà÷åí³ 28 ïåðåìîæö³â â ð³çíèõ íîì³íàö³ÿõ. Ç ðàä³ñòþ ïîâ³äîìëÿºìî, ùî Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv íå ò³ëüêè âèéøîâ ó ô³íàë ïðå쳿, à é ñòàâ ïåðåìîæöåì â íîì³íàö³¿ «Êðàùèé áàð ïðè ãîòåë³». Öå ïî÷åñíå çâàííÿ ä³ñòàëîñÿ ïàíîðàìíîìó ðåñ-

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv äóæå ïîïóëÿðíîþ º

òîðàíó Sky Lounge, ³ ìè ââàæàºìî öå çàñëóæå-

ïîñëóãà «Âèä íà ïëîùó» – áàãàòî õòî õî÷å æèòè â

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ïðè ãîòåë³» (Best Bar in a Hotel) òàê ñàìî âèéøëè: Buddha Bar Hotel Budapest (Óãîðùèíà), River Side

ìåðåæ³ PH&R ïðèºäíàâñÿ äî ì³æíàðîäíî¿ ïðàêòèêè

Hotel, Tbilisi (Ãðóç³ÿ), Raddison Blu Sky Hotel (Åñ-

Pet Friendly Hotels. Òåïåð ìè ï³êëóºìîñÿ íå ò³ëüêè

òîí³ÿ), Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel (Ñëîâà÷÷èíà).

ïðî ãîñòÿ, à é éîãî ÷îòèðèëàïîãî óëþáëåíöÿ. Òàê ñàìî õî÷ó ï³äíÿòè çàâ³ñó ³ ðîçïîâ³ñòè ïðî íàéáëèæ÷³ çì³íè â ³íôðàñòðóêòóð³ ãîòåëþ. Óæå â ãðóäí³ äëÿ íàøèõ ãîñòåé áóäå ââåäåíî â åêñïëóàòàö³þ ïðåäñòàâíèöüêèé ïîâåðõ ³ç âåëèêèì ñïåêòðîì äîäàòêîâèõ ïîñëóã. Öå áóäå ùå îäí³ºþ ðîäçèíêîþ ãîòåëþ. Íàçâ³òü óí³êàëüíó îñîáëèâ³ñòü, ÿêà â³äð³çíÿº âàø ãîòåëü â³ä ³íøèõ â Õàðêîâ³ ³ ïî âñ³é Óêðà¿í³? Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv – á³ëüøå, í³æ ãîòåëü. Öå ö³ëèé ãîòåëüíèé êîìïëåêñ. Ïðè¿æäæàþ÷è ñþäè, ã³ñòü àáî ãðóïà ãîñòåé ìîæóòü îòðèìàòè âñå íåîáõ³äíå, íå âèõîäÿ÷è ç ãîòåëþ: õàð÷óâàííÿ 24/7, âñ³ óìîâè äëÿ ïë³äíî¿ ðîáîòè ³ â³äïî÷èíêó. ßê³ äîñÿãíåííÿ ãîòåëþ âè ìîãëè á â³äçíà÷èòè?

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Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv ïð-ò Íåçàëåæíîñò³, 2, ì. Õàðê³â, Óêðà¿íà +38 057 766 49 19


Premier_inte_kharkiv 55

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OLGA Sokolenko,

General Manager of Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv


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near the snow-white piano you should look up at the base of the chandelier and make a wish - it will no doubt be fulfilled. You said that the hotel has 6 multifunctional conference rooms. How popular are they in carrying out various events? Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv has excellent facilities for organising activities of any level and complexity. We provide the largest selection of multifunctional halls in Kharkiv, with a total area of about 1500 m2. Since its inception, Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv is actively involved in public life and also became an important link in to the world business arena. More than 2,500 events of various types, including significant social and diplomatic events as well as business forums and medical symposiums, have taken place in our walls. Our previous years statistics show that around 45 % of these events are targeted on the business segment. Events have included: A meeting of the Monitoring

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv. Special offers in our ho-

Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Au-

tel can be divided into permanent ones, for example,

thorities of the Council of Europe (for the first time in

"Premier Spa Weekend" and special events: confined

Ukraine), the 1st "International Gender Forum" attended

to the New Year or International Women's Day (March

by the wife of the President of Ukraine Marina Porosh-

8th). At the moment, the most popular among our hotel

enko and the 9th International Economic Forum "Inno-

guests is the offer "4 for the price of 3" - 4 nights stay

vations. Investments. Kharkiv Initiatives!"

for the price of 3 - comfortable and profitable.

What type of hotel is the hotel?

What additional services are provided in your ho-

First and foremost, Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv is

tel? Is there anything exclusive or original among

a business hotel and is aimed at guests arriving in


Kharkiv for: business trips, participation in conferences

Unique within the city, we have a butler service. The Pal-

etc. However we strive to become the best place to

ace acts as a personal assistant, is a connecting link be-

stay not only for the business customers, but also for

tween the guests and all the services of the hotel. The

those who are here for tourism and recreation.

guest does not need to call anywhere from the room, go somewhere or wait for something, just contact the butler

Do you have special offers for guests?

and he will take care of everything.

Special offers are another way of attracting new guests

Due to the location of Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv,

and retaining existing ones by providing additional

the "View of the Square" option is very popular -

privileges. We have both general-purpose offers within

many only want to stay in a room overlooking Free-

our chain and those that are provided exclusively in

dom Square (Ploshcha Svobody).


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PREMIER PALACE HOTEL KHARKIV IS THE WINNER OF AN INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY AWARD On February 18, the "International Hospitality Awards" Award ceremony took place at InterContinental Hotel (Kiev). There were 315 hotels from 21 countries of Central & Eastern Europe nominated. In the final were 101 hotels, from which 28 winners were identified in various categories. We are glad to announce that Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv not only got to the finals, but also won the "Best Hotel Bar". This "best" award went to the panoramic Sky Lounge restaurant and we consider it a deserved victory. The competition for this award included many strong contenders such as: Buddha Bar, Hotel Budapest (Hungary), River Side Hotel, Tbilisi (Georgia), Raddison Blu Sky Hotel (Estonia), Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel (Slovakia).

Our hotel within the Premier Hotel & Resorts chain has

Dear guests, partners and friends, we would like

joined now a Pet-friendly Hotels scheme. We care not

to express our deep gratitude for the support and

only for the guest, but also his quadruped pet.

trust. You make us the best!

We are also continuing to develop our offerings and in December will open an Executive Floor with a wide

prizes is very long including awards for participation

range of additional services. This will be another high-

in social events and International Hospitality Awards

light of the hotel.

(the 1st place). Though the best of our achievements are the high ratings of our guests and their honest

What is the unique feature that distinguishes


your hotel from others in Kharkiv and throughout Ukraine?

What are the plans for the near future.

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv is more than a hotel.

Our task is to keep our leading position in the mar-

This is a hotel complex. When arriving here, a guest

ket. We need to identify more thoroughly and in

or a group of guests can get everything you need

greater detail the needs of our guests then use this

without leaving the hotel: 24/7 food, all the condi-

information to develop further our services.

tions for fruitful work and rest. What about hotel achievements? We often receive awards and prizes both at the regional and international levels. Despite the fact that the hotel is only five years old, the list of awards and

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv prospekt Nezalezhnosti, 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine +38 057 766 49 19


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PREMIER HOTEL DNISTER a brief tour through a room

The modern Premier Hotel Dnister is located right in the centre of Lviv. Comfortable stay, tasty breakfast in the best traditions of the national cuisine, beautiful views of the Old Town and the inviting park await its guests. It's the ideal location - whether it's just a holiday stay or a business stop-over.


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Leopolis, ìè öå äåìîíñòðóºìî. Íà ìî¿õ î÷àõ âèð³ñ

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òàëàíîâèòèé ìóçèêàíò Âàäèì Íåñåëîâñüêèé. Çà-

ôåñòèâàëþ Koktebel Jazz Festival, ñêàçàëà, ùî çà-

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Palace Hotel. Ñòâîðèëè ïðîãðàìó «Ãóìîð â ìóçè-

íèé. Öå ³íòåãðàö³ÿ, íå òðåáà ïîñï³øàòè.

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ïîâ’ÿçàí³ ç äæàçîì?

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What is special jazz in our country?

Is there a secret to the success of the concert,

I will be brief. It is desirable that jazz music should be

the festival?

based on folk primary sources. Recently, it's become

You won't believe how trivial everything is. The secret is

easy for me to identify Polish and French jazz, there

in good financing. If you have any idea, it is unlikely to

are also certain movements in Ukrainian jazz. The

work without a monetary foundation. Notwithstanding

country's national jazz must carry freedom, a vision of

what people say, money remains a very important tool of

the future and echoes of the past asthere is no pres-

freedom, and all good ideas turn into nothing when there

ent without the past and no future without the present.

is no funding. Although good taste is also important.

If people are more likely to use folk music, not artifi-

Well-known names on posters are of course benefi-

cially, but naturally, they will, firstly, never forget their

cial. When people see names and react immediately,

roots, secondly, the musicians of this country stand

this is a guarantee of success. This is the first thing.

out in a very good light.

The second thing, that I and my partners from Jazz in Kiev understood can be found in the words of my

Where is the best place during the concert?

colleague Volodya Kaminsky: "It is necessary for the

You know, as they say: "Every cricket knows its

organisers to have an interest in the process. Then

place". When I'm organising a concert - my place is

there will be a result."

always behind the scenes. When I am the art director of the festival - my place is behind the scenes. Although there are some pleasant surprises. The first was at the Alfa Jazz Fest last year just before the

Recently, it's become easy for me to identify Polish and French jazz, there are also certain movements in Ukrainian jazz.

performance of Israeli Double Bass player Avishai Cohen’s trio. Avishai's band teamed up with the INSO Lviv Youth Chamber Orchestra. Avishai's director in-

It is known that enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting

vited me to sit next to him in the centre of the hall.

the festival and tickets sell quickly. The same

This was the first time I experienced the music as the

with concerts. To what do you owe such a phe-

public do. I love music very much, but the work at the


festival is very responsible. That was so lucky.

Let's be honest. These events bring together a large

The second time I got lucky was more recently, when

number of people in one place. This is a great venue

at the "Old Fashioned Radio" station, where I work, I

to show off a new dress or Louboutin heels.

made a live broadcast with the well-known Ukrainian

However it seems to me at the festival in Lviv there

Kiev Tango Project. Since I could not sit beneath the

are scales of understanding: music is played that

stage, I was invited onto the centre of the stage to

some of the public does not understand, they get up

present the show live. This cannot be compared with

and go, and people who have bought cheaper tickets,

anything. Such moments happen very rarely.

see vacant places and immediately occupy them. There is a unique atmosphere here. We try to make sure

Can you be surprised?

that every concert differs from another. For me, every

Of course! The greatest miracles in my life are my grand-

concert, every musician who goes on stage, is unique.

sons. In general, I think they are my greatest achievement.

Would he be liked by everybody? No! That's cool! Since

Sophia and Mykhailyk are the best things in my life. They

a person can choose what he likes and what he dislikes.

are the main competitors to music for me, by the way. I just

Therein, it seems, lies the greatest happiness! Do

love them and that's all!

you dislike? You simply went on to eat a Bogracs


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13.04.2018 16:19:00

(Hungarian goulash soup). Then you come to the next concert. You really liked it? You went back to the hotel room, googled it and started downloading records. You experiment with formats, great concert halls, performances on squares, and chamber evenings. What is special or unique at such concert venues? We do not experiment with formats. We just know that on the big stage at a venue where people have paid for tickets headliners and well-known musicians should play, in the Ploshcha Rynok (Market Square) - where we are able to bring a huge number of people but ad-

Does the jazz community accept Ukrainian jazz?

mission is free – there should be more energetic dance

Yes. At every festival in Alfa Jazz, now Leopolis,

music that captures people’s imagination. However at

we demonstrate it. The talented musician Vadim

the stage in the courtyard of the Pototsky Palace...

Neselovsky grew up in front of my eyes. Now he

Once Lilia Mlynaric, my friend and president of the

tears between Ukraine, Germany and the United

Koktebel Jazz Festival, said that there should always

States and teaches at the famous Berkeley Music

be a small stage at the festival, which can be called

College (USA). Today he is a real star.

a separate reality.

Our guitarist from the Crimea - Enver Izmaylov is very well received. His music contains a lot of differ-

The 8th season of jazz music evenings "Jazz. Pre-

ent Ukrainian folk influences. Young musicians An-

mier. Thursday" has started at the Premier Palace

driy Prozorov, Anton Pivovarov are now promoting

Hotel. What can the audience expect this season?

Ukraine in Austria. Ukrainian cultural exports today

We tried a new format in March. We wanted to make

can be considered to include a popular band called

the visitors to the Premier Palace Hotel smile. We

ManSound. The Polish festivals are beginning to

created the program "Humour in Music", which tells

pay attention to Natalia Lebedeva, Igor Zakus and

funny stories from festivals and concerts, and we

Radion Ivanov. The MARU project with Olesya Lu-

show video. In general, it's fun.

kacheva, Denis Dudko and the guys from the Okean

We sometimes do not like to be a part of the crowd.

Elzy are now very popular. This is natural integra-

A person may want to simply sit on the grass, lis-

tion; there should not be any rush.

inside, to feel the breath of like-minded people ...

What trips are most appreciated? Are all of them

Such issues can only be solved at big festivals. It

related to jazz?

is necessary to take care of it! I like that the Jazz in

One hundred percent. For me, any country is rep-

Kiev Band, in which I play bass, every time comes

resented by the people I know there, and it seems

up with a topical program. It seems to me, when

to me that I'm lucky in that too. I love New York,

the program has a unifying concept it is interesting.

Chicago, Amsterdam...

Themes in different seasons have included Blues, the Beatles, Brazilian, Latin American and Black

Where do you usually stay, at friends or in hotels?

music. What will happen in April? Let’s keep the

In any city, even having good friends, I like to stay at the

intrigue, shall we?

hotel. It's better to plan your time and see what you want.

Foto: Vasylyi Stefurak

ten to music for the soul, music, which should enter


Premier_Art 78

13.04.2018 16:19:08

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13.04.2018 16:41:36


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coloction 88

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coloction 89

13.04.2018 16:26:11

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Tema.indd 90

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13.04.2018 17:55:37


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Tema.indd 94

13.04.2018 17:55:08



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Tema.indd 101

13.04.2018 16:33:38

RECHARGE YOURSELF WH Kamyanets-Podilsky An ancient city of Kievan Rus always attracts tour-

you to the unnoticeable corners that would other-

ists. Undoubtedly, mostly it’s because of its exclu-

wise be missed.

sive fortress and fortification buildings. After all, it

Any historical place would not be so popular if it

seems as if you immerse yourself in the past when

could not entertain its contemporary audience,

passing the courtyard, climbing the stairs, touching

with its crazy rhythm of life. For many people the

the stone walls. At the same time, with your con-

high season for Kamyanets-Podilsky, is in the

temporary perception, you feel all the greatness,

spring, people who cannot imagine their lives with-

skill, magnitude of the life of that period. It seems

out beauty, without a sense of freedom. For those

that two worlds converge at one point. It is striking

people who have a thirst for flight and incredible

and it lifts you up.

adventures there is a fantastic air balloon festi-

Here the time floats up imperceptibly and one

val, and aeronautics championship, which will take

wants to memorise as much of the facts from the

place May 18th-20th this year.

incredible tales of the guide as possible. You re-

It is well worth not only being a spectator, but also

ally should have one there! After all, only a person

to participate, anyone who wants will be able to

who really loves his own city, will be able to intro-

perform a balloon flight. Just imagine how you get

duce guests to the mysteries and wonders of its

into the basket, climb up the air and fly slowly over

history, and will lift the veil of the original sources

the city itself, over the Smotrych River canyon and

of all sorts of legends. The guide will accompany

under the bridge "Fast doe". Hopefully the weather


Tema.indd 102

13.04.2018 16:33:51

Tema.indd 103

13.04.2018 16:34:40


Locals believe that getting acquainted with Odesa should start in the morning. You begin from the cosy secret courtyards, listening to the neighbours' background noise, observing the numerous cafes preparing to open. We also hope that you started your morning at the Premier Geneva Hotel with a cup of fragrant coffee and a delicious breakfast. Hopefully the right mood for a walk in the city was induced by

landscapes and views, but also might include a

the sight of the Geneva Art Wall.

seafood lunch. In the warm season you can even

During your visit you will come across the prominent

get a diving tour. If previously you haven't dived

and inspirational characters who have played a part

using specialist equipment, you can take basic diving

in the city’s history - Count Langeron, known locally

lessons there and then explore the underwater world

as the Duke, Catherine II, Leonid Utiosov. Then as

in confidence.

if with a totally different mood, you walk along the cobblestones of Deribasovskaya street, turn aside towards the narrowest house, then go down to the waterfront, mentally greeting the monument of the Count on the way. Do not be too lazy to go down the Potemkin stairs to the sea. Here, of course, you can rent a boat, but travellers with experience advise to book in advance from local tour operators or through the hotel staff. It's the only guaranteed way to get the most beautiful boat and get a great service. This may be not just a sea trip with the most beautiful


Tema.indd 104

13.04.2018 16:34:53



We invite you to stay at the Premier Geneva Hotel, which is located in a quiet and cosy Evreyska street, Number 32. T. + 37 (048) 231 13 12 it a matter of honour to impress visitors. Let Odesa gradually enchant you, give it at least a few days. Take a trip along the so called Health route on an electric tourist bus or a tour of the famous sights which will leave a lasting impression. There are a large number of local travel agencies and guides that can immerse you in the unique colour of this pearl by the sea. So get ready to walk a lot! Finally for the ardent foodie there is the unique cuisine of Odesa. Visit the fish restaurant once and you will not want to cheat on it afterwards. After all, only in this city can they so deliciously cook a Black Sea sprat and Pike-Perch, Whitebait and the legendary Forshmak (Vorschmack). Of course, For the evening to be as interesting as the day, buy

you can order any wine with your food but the

tickets for the most popular Odesa opera and ballet

local varieties of wine are well worth attention. If

theatre well in advance. Once again your concierge

you have something to celebrate, remember - in

can help you with that! Trust him, it is worthwhile to

this Southern Palmyra a fine sparkling wine locally

purchase tickets through a concierge, because in the

referred to as champagne is made.

high season it's not always possible to do on your own. Especially just before the show! That particular theatre is worth visiting, not just for the sake of an interesting program but to enjoy the majestic late Baroque architecture, appreciate the unique acoustics of the horseshoe hall, which allows you to hear even the slightest whisper from the scene, and admire the impressive decor of the theatre. Just imagine that over here Peter Tchaikovsky and Sergei Rakhmaninov conducted orchestras, Solomiya Krushelnytska and Feodor Chaliapin soloed, Isadora Duncan and Anna Pavlova danced. If a Pavlova desert is your thing it can be found in the cafes and eateries of Odesa where each confectioner considers


Tema.indd 105

13.04.2018 16:35:06


located between Oliivka and Protopopivka in the Olexandriysky district. The reservoir is at the site of a former granite quarry, so it is rich of various

It may seem that it's hard to find something

useful elements. It is believed that to cure skin

interesting in a small provincial mining town.

problems, joint pain and musculoskeletal problems.

However, the locals are proud of the fact that

The water here seems to have a pearl shimmer

Olexandriya is the birthplace of the famous

and it is much easier to swim in it than in an

cosmonaut Leonid Popov, who spent 185 days in

ordinary freshwater pond. The landscape around

space. Here in the museum there are his space

is striking. Walk along the high capes and rocks

suit and household items from the spacecraft.

(one of them called "Cosmos") - a great pleasure.

The landscape is striking. In the spring, everything

These are not the only charms of the town, the

is blooming and a riot of colour, around the city

pre-dawn spring time here can be quite enjoyable,

you can find beautiful landscapes and unique

fluttering street lights, flowering trees delighting

nature. You can book a fishing trip on numerous

with their unique bouquets, the fountains

reservoirs if you so wish. Keen fishermen will be

whispering quietly attracting people with their

offered all the necessary equipment and get a

multicoloured lighting and enjoyable music.

rich catch. Without going far, you can cook fish

In general, the unhurried atmosphere of a small

soup yourself or have them cooked to order the

town allows you to slow down, get yourself some

savouring your catch in the fresh air.

relaxation and time to think about important things.

Although in the city there is a large modern

Still, in no hurry at all, enjoy ice cream in a cosy

swimming pool, in the warmer months, residents

cafe. So in the morning you will feel the speed of

and a tourists go to the healing Sribne lake,

life again and plunge into it with renewed vigour.

Sometimes in small cities it is difficult to find a worthy hotel with satisfactory service. However, there are no problems with Olexandriya. Premier Compass Hotel Oleksandriya, located at the Budivelnykiv street, house 36a, is easily accessible from the Uzhgorod-Kyiv motorway (E-50). T. +38 (05235) 6 84 00.


Tema.indd 106

13.04.2018 16:35:20



Sumy There are plenty of reasons to

use the bike rental service and

visit a glorious Cossack city,

explore other areas of the town.

lately it has become a very pop-

To save time, contact the ho-

ular destination with Ukrainian

tel staff at the hotel where you

tourists. If it happens that you


are here on business, then you

So you have the opportunity to

have the opportunity also to ad-

visit the city's talisman – Chek-

mire this old town.

hov’s Dacha where he spent 2

Firstly, it is worth mention-

summers of his youth and which

ing the main shrines of Sumy:

is now a museum in his hon-

the Transfiguration Cathedral,

our. Of course, in the spring and

the Resurrection and Illinska

summer, it's just nice to ride a

Churches, and the Trinity Ca-

bike or walk the picturesque

thedral, whose construction,

streets, breathing the smell of

begun in 1901 was financed by

lilac and admiring the bright

Sugar magnate and philanthropist Pavel Khari-

flowers. For those who are interested - there is a


block of street art in the courtyards between the

Amongst the city's other attractions are its fa-

Voskresenskaya and Sobornaia streets.

mous fountains, 13 in total. First of all, "Sadko" stands out. Everything is due to illumination, composition and legend of the fairy-tale superhero, in whose honour the fountain was named. Every resident and visitor of the city must at least once in a life time reach the fountain-monument called

Premier Hotel Shafran is located at the Zamostianska street, house 1/4, T. +38 (05426) 71350

Sumtsy. It is believed that having touched it, getting your face wet, your wallet and bag, you will draw the luck and prosperity to yourself. So do not delay! Although most of the interesting things are located in the heart of the city, and the central street, which is popularly called "Sotka" (due to its small length of about 100 m), it is still worth to


Tema.indd 107

13.04.2018 16:35:32

Batumi People usually travel to Georgia for its unique atmosphere, good mood, incredible nature, delicious food and wine. It seems that here you can feel the pleasure of life and simple human sincerity. The hospitality of the Georgians is legendary, and the fact remains that it is enough to spend one day in this wonderful country and fall in love with it forever. Everyone chooses their destination according to their own taste. However if you

it a privilege to fulfil any wish of the

seek both sea and mountains at the

guest, and Georgian woman - to feed

same time, interesting landscapes

him as well as possible.

and beautiful architecture Batumi is

Batumi will get into the soul of any

for you. The welcome is such you will

traveller. This beautiful, with its

feel yourself the most desired guest,

attractive location is most impressive

the best friend and almost member of the family. Every Georgian man considers

in springtime when the flowers are in blossom. It lures you with its sea breezes


Tema.indd 108

13.04.2018 16:35:44



The modern traveller can of course use Airbnb to find a hotel or apartment. It offers accommodation, search and short-term rental services around the world. Be sure to pay attention to ratings and reviews and submit your own feedback on your holiday.

waterfront. If you wish, you can rent a bike. Be sure to take an evening stroll when the lights come on, the singing fountains and laser show on the water create their own magic, the legendary moving sculpture of the lovers Ali and Nino, highlighted in various colours, houses shining with all the shades of the rainbow will make your evening unforgettable. Those with the time can make a 15km trip outside of the city to the Roman Gonio Fortress. The Makhuntseti Waterfall and the 11th century arched bridge begun in the reign of Queen Tamara. Batumi is also well known for its fantastic botanical and subtle local colouring and climate.

gardens, designed to resemble the Hanging

Starting from the central Square of Europe, where

Gardens of Babylon. There are plants from almost

the statue of Medea stands, a symbol of the wealth

every corner of the world with an abundance of

and prosperity of Georgia, it is possible to go on

small ponds and cosy arbours.

foot to all the prominent locations within the city.

In the intervals between your visual pleasures you

Of course, most go to Piazza Square or to the

may sample Georgia’s famous cuisine and refined

Turkish quarter, the Theatre Square, to admire the

wines. Dishes you definitely need to taste include

Neptune Fountain or to numerous churches and

Khachapuri, Pkhali, Dolma, Khinkali, Mtsvadi,

cathedrals to admire the architecture.

Chashushuli, Lobio. They all go nicely with dry red

Do not miss out on the new buildings of Batumi -

wine, and maybe even with Chacha, a Georgian

new buildings that should surprise any tourist. Among

liquor made from grapes and similar to Grappa.

them there are: The Justice Ministry, an upside-down hotel, and many towers. How about looking at Batumi from above? Here too there is a big choice, you may choose the observation wheel, cable car, observation deck or the 130m-tall Alphabetic Tower. Go up in the elevator and all Batumi is in the palm of your hand. Below the greenery of the Primorsky boulevard awaits - a seven-kilometre long pedestrian


Tema.indd 109

13.04.2018 16:36:06


This spring, the attention of music fans from all over the world will be focused at the capital of Portugal. Indeed, the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest "2018" will be held in this city. Last year it successfully took place in Ukraine. Thousands of fans are looking forward to an exciting journey not only to enjoy the stunning spectacle of an incredible event, to support their representative, but also to take a walk in a wonderful city with orange roofs and numerous wonders. Will you be among the lucky ones who will see the contest with their own eyes on May 8, 10 and 12? Let yourself be surprised! Plus, of course, support our own Ukrainian MELOVIN. Take the opportunity to see Lisbon and some famous sights nearby. Start your acquaintance with the central square of the old city. Walk along the Avenida da Liberdade, go up in the Elevador de Santa Justa in Bairro Alto (a central district of Lisbon), be sure to turn to Alfama (the oldest district of Lisbon) with its

It is worth buying a universal ticket straight away

narrow streets and canaries, then try to reach the

for the number of days you plan to be in the city.

Castle of St. George.

It is valid for all types of transport, including

Go to The Jeronimos Monastery, next to it is the

lifts. There is also a ticket to visit the impressive

well-known Belem Tower. Be sure to take the old


tram 28 and enjoy the views of the city and the

There are local museums for all tastes, the rich

Tagus River from the numerous areas of Lisbon.

marine past, the Portuguese ceramic Azulejo tiles


Tema.indd 110

13.04.2018 16:36:22



The best way to choose a comfortable place to stay during is to find it on This is an online reservation system that allows you to check with the hotel in advance. The site database contains more than a million placement sites in 220+ countries, the site is available in 42 languages.

etc. Take a carriage ride and visit a cafe for the

the city. However, for those with time, there are

famous pastries the Pasteis de Bellem.The 340

some incredible attractions to visit in suburbs.

year old Church of Santa Engracia with its snow-

Understand though, that a trip to the Palace of

white Baroque building crowned by a dome set

Mafra or the Quinta da Regaleira Palace and Park

against the background of terracotta roofs and

Complex require a day apiece. Perhaps a good

blue sky makes for a wonderful photograph. Climb

reason to come to this wonderful city again. Why

up to the dome viewing area - have a look around.

not after the announcement of the Eurovision-2018

Usually, busy walks contribute to a good appetite.


So you will definitely need to eat somewhere. Small fish restaurants (better to choose those that are away from the centre) offer delicious and inexpensive food. Hopefully, after your meal there will be time to go to the Lisbon Oceanarium, which is the largest in Europe, it is located in The National Park and you can take a cable car and admire spectacular views of the river and the longest bridge in Europe. In general, if you have only a few days to Lisbon and you are here for the first time, it is better to concentrate on the centre of


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13.04.2018 16:36:36

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