Premier Club Magazine - №18, Winter 2017/2018

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Publishers’ note

Ó íîâîìó ðîö³ ìè ç ãîðä³ñòþ çìîæåìî ñêàçàòè, ùî ìåðåæà Premier Hotels and Resorts âæå 15 ðîê³â íàäຠñâî¿ì ãîñòÿì âèêëþ÷íó ãîñòèíí³ñòü, áåçäîãàííèé ñåðâ³ñ, çàïðîâàäæóº ³ííîâàö³¿ â ãîòåëÿõ òà äàðóº ïîçèòèâí³ åìîö³¿. Íàøèõ ãîñòåé î÷³êóº áàãàòî ñþðïðèç³â – ìîá³ëüíèé äîäàòîê Premier Club, íîâ³ ô³ðìîâ³ ïîñëóãè òà ùå á³ëüøå ïîäàðóíê³â äëÿ ó÷àñíèê³â ïðîãðàì ëîÿëüíîñò³ Premier Club òà Premier Corporate Club, â³äêðèòòÿ íîâèõ ãîòåë³â òà âèõ³ä ìåðåæ³ íà ì³æíàðîäíèé ðèíîê. Ïîäîðîæóéòå ðàçîì ³ç Premier Hotels and Resorts ³ íåõàé âñ³ âàø³ íàéàìá³òí³ø³ ïëàíè çä³éñíÿòüñÿ!

OLEG BOLOTOV President of Premier Hotels and Resorts

In the New Year we'll be proud to say that the Premier Hotels and Resorts chain has for 15 years been offering its guests exceptional hospitality and top-class service, introducing innovations in its hotels, and filling its guests with inexpressible joys! And there will be a lot of surprises awaiting our guests: the Premier Club mobile app, new branded services, and even more gifts for participants in the Premier Club and Premier Corporate Club loyalty programs. We’ll also be opening new hotels and expanding our chain of hotels internationally. Travel with Premier Hotels and Resorts, and may all of your most ambitious plans come true!


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Acquaintance with Contemporary Art

Art Corner is a project of the Ukrainian Premier Hotels and Resorts chain that is designed to acquaint visitors with work of contemporary Ukrainian artists, musicians, designers, to bring them into contact with local history and traditions, as well as create the atmosphere of a cultural center in the hotels of the chain. The exhibition is constantly changing according to current artistic events in Ukraine. This autumn exhibition in Art Corner was organized by Premier Hotels and Resorts in cooperation with the Art Arsenal center, under the "Festival of Young Ukrainian Artists� project. Among the works presented at the event were those of artists Oleksandr Kurmaz, Yevhenia Nykyforova, Kateryna Yermolaieva, Viacheslav Poliakov and Olena Subach.

R E N N O VAT E D C O N F E R E N C E H A L L I N P O LTAVA Premier Hotel Plazzo

We invite you to our rennovated and even more comfortable Kantina hall at the Premier Hotel Plazzo in the city of Poltava. The hall is an ideal place for important events: negotiations, talks, training session, workshops, videoconferences, and is great for use by both for small and for larger groups (up to 85 people). The hall is located on the ground floor of the hotel, with a separate entrance from the building's facade. It has everything you need - a multimedia projector, screen, flip chart, microphone and air conditioning system. There is also a connection to the Internet provided. A spacious hall for serving coffee with biscuits and for holding drinks receptions is nearby. Everything required for a successful conference is ready and waiting for you.


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04.12.2017 13:17:40

²ÄÐßÄÆÅÍÍß? Доповніть його відпочинком!

Çàïëàíîâàíî â³äðÿäæåííÿ? ×îìó á íå ñêîðèñòàòèñÿ íàãîäîþ îòðèìàòè â³ä ðîáîòè á³ëüøå... Àäæå º ìîæëèâ³ñòü ïîäîâæèòè ïåðåáóâàííÿ â íîâîìó ì³ñò³ òà ïîðèíóòè â éîãî àòìîñôåðó, â³äêðèòè äëÿ ñåáå íåçâè÷í³ ì³ñöÿ, êóëüòóðí³ ïàì’ÿòêè òà ãàñòðîíîì³÷í³ ñìàêè ì³ñöåâèõ ñòðàâ. Ìåðåæà ãîòåë³â Premier Hotels and Resorts ïîäáàëà, àáè ïîçèòèâí³ åìîö³¿ âè ìîãëè ðîçä³ëèòè ç³ ñâî¿ìè áëèçüêèìè. Ïîäàðóéòå äðóæèí³ ïåðåáóâàííÿ ó SPA òà ïðîâåä³òü ðàçîì âå÷³ð ó âèøóêàíîìó ðåñòîðàí³ ãîòåëþ, ïîò³øòå ñâîþ äèòèíó, âñòóïèâøè äî Premier Kids Club. À ÿêùî âè âèð³øèòå ó â³äðÿäæåííÿ âçÿòè ³ç ñîáîþ äîìàøíüîãî óëþáëåíöÿ, â³í òåæ ó áóäü-ÿêîìó ãîòåë³ ìåðåæ³ Premier Hotels and Resorts ìàòèìå êîìôîðòí³ óìîâè ïåðåáóâàííÿ òà íàéâèùèé ñåðâ³ñ. Ïðî óìîâè àêö³¿ bleisure trip çàïèòóéòå â àäì³í³ñòðàòîðà âàøîãî ãîòåëþ àáî äèâ³òüñÿ íà ñàéò³


Із картою Premier Track

With a Premier Track map

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As we care about the leisure time of our guests, we

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have drawn up some interesting and informative routes

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for jogging and cycling trips. The starting and finishing

âàø ãîòåëü. Ïðîá³ãòèñÿ àáî ïîêàòàòèñÿ íà âåëîñè-

point of the route is your hotel. To run or ride a bike in

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a new city is a great opportunity

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to quickly get acquainted with it

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and feel its atmosphere.

íà ðåñåïøí êàðòó Premier Track

Ask for the Premier Track map at

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reception, and get the ideal bike

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route or route for jogging! The

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service is available in the cities

Îäåñà, Ïîëòàâà, Äí³ïðî.

of Lviv, Odesa, Poltava, Dnipro.


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04.12.2017 13:17:49

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04.12.2017 17:10:56

ÏÎIJ¯ çèìà 2017-2018

01-10 ÃÐÓÄÍß

̲ÆÍÀÐÎÄÍÈÉ ÄÆÀÇÔÅÑÒÈÂÀËÜ JAZZBEZ ѳìíàäöÿòèé JazzBez îá’ºäíຠóêðà¿íñüê³ ì³ñòà Êè¿â, Õàðê³â, Òåðíîï³ëü, Ëóöüê, гâíå, Óæãîðîä òà ïîëüñüê³ Âàðøàâó, Âðîöëàâ, Ïåðåìèøëü, Ëþáë³í, Á³ëîñòîê. Âäðóãå ôåñòèâàëü â³äáóäåòüñÿ íà Ïðèêàðïàòò³ ó Äðîãîáè÷³ òà Ñòðèþ. ×åòâåðòèé ð³ê ïîñï³ëü äæàç ëóíàòèìå ó âèçâîëåíîìó Êðàìàòîðñüêó. ßê çàâæäè, ³äåîëîã³÷íèì òà îðãàí³çàö³éíèì öåíòðîì ôåñòèâàëþ º Ëüâ³â. Ïðîòÿãîì 10 äí³â ó ðàìêàõ ôåñòèâàëþ â³äáóäåòüñÿ 87 êîíöåðò³â, â ÿêèõ â³çüìóòü ó÷àñòü ïîíàä 60 ìóçèêàíò³â ³ç ÑØÀ, Êàíàäè, Àâñòðà볿, Ëþêñåìáóðãó, Äàí³¿, ͳìå÷÷èíè, Óãîðùèíè, Ïîëüù³ òà Óêðà¿íè. JazzBez ïðèâîçèòü âèêîíàâö³â, êîòð³ çàðàç òâîðÿòü ñâ³òîâèé äæàç. Òàêîæ ðîäçèíêîþ ôåñòèâàëþ º ïðåçåíòàö³ÿ ñòèë³â: ñâ³íã, ô’þæí, á³-áîï, äæàç-ðîê, ÿññ, ôàíê, êóë, ôð³-äæàç, òîùî.

09-11 ÃÐÓÄÍß

²ÄÊÐÈÒÒß ÑÅÇÎÍÓ Ó ÁÓÊÎÂÅ˲ Êðà¿íà «Áóêîâåëü» çàïðîøóº íà âåëèêå â³äêðèòòÿ çèìîâîãî ñåçîíó 9-11 ãðóäíÿ. «Ãîðè êëè÷óòü!» – ï³ä òàêîþ íàçâîþ â³äáóäåòüñÿ ôåñòèâàëü, ÿêèé ó ìàéáóòíüîìó îá³öÿº ñòàòè ùîð³÷íîþ ïî䳺þ. «Ãîðè êëè÷óòü!» - öå òðè íåçàáóòí³ äí³ ó Áóêîâåëüñüêèõ Êàðïàòàõ. Ùîäíÿ – âóëè÷í³ ä³-äæåé ñåòè òà Apres Ski Party Open Air á³ëÿ ôîíòàíó, ùîâå÷îðà – òåìàòè÷í³ âå÷³ðêè ó Áóêà Áàð³, Êóõåë³ òà Âåðàíä³. Îðãàí³çàòîðè îá³öÿþòü íàéá³ëüøó çèìîâó òóñîâêó â Óêðà¿í³. Íà ñâÿòî çàïðîøåíî Áóìáîêñ, Z-Games, Sunny Days, Snegtravel, Deinde òà ³íøèõ äðóç³â. Âåëèêà ïàò³ ó â³äêðèòîìó áàñåéí³ Voda Club ïðîñòî íåáà îá³öÿº ãîñòÿì íåçàáóòí³ âðàæåííÿ. Äðóç³ ç³ Snow Factory ï³äãîòóâàëè åêñêëþçèâíèé Jibb êîíòåñò íà â³äêðèòòÿ ñåçîíó. Äàë³ 2 äí³ â³äðèâó òà íåñàìîâèòîñò³ íà ñõèë³ òà ó Áóêà Club íà Super Hero Party. Âñ³ âäÿãàþòü êîñòþìè ñóïåðãåðî¿â. À çà íàéêðàù³ êîñòþìè ïàðòíåðè ôåñòèâàëþ ï³äãîòóâàëè áàãàòî ñþðïðèç³â. Âóëè÷íà BBQ (Board-áåêþ) ïàò³ â³ä ñïåö³àëüíî çàïðîøåíîãî êóõàðÿ Äæîíà Ñíîó.


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27.11.2017 14:45:28

EVENTS winter 2017-2018


JAZZBEZ INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL The seventeenth JazzBez will unite Ukrainian cities Kyiv, Kharkiv, Ternopil, Lutsk, Rivne, Uzhhorod and Polish Warsaw, Wroclaw, Przemysl, Lublin, Bialystok. For a second time the festival will take place in Prykarpattia in Drohobych and Stryi. For the fourth consecutive year jazz will be performed in the liberated Kramatorsk. As always, the ideological and organizational center of the festival is Lviv. Over the course of 10 days, the Festival will host 87 concerts, among participants over 60 musicians from the USA, Canada, Australia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. The JazzBez Festival brings to the performers who are now making world jazz. Also, the highlight of the Festival is the presentation of the maximum number of jazz styles: swing, fusion, bi-bop, jazz rock, yass, funk, cool, free jazz, etc.


SEASON START IN BUKOVEL The Bukovel country invites you for the great winter season start on December 9 to 11. "The Mountains are Calling!" – under this name the festival will be held which in the future promises to become an annual event. "The Mountains are Calling!" – these three days in the Bukovel Carpathians will be unforgettable. Every day: open air Apres Ski Party with live DJs near the fountain. Every night: hot parties in Buka Bar, Kuhel and Veranda lounge. The organizers promise the largest winter hangout in Ukraine. Among invited celebrities are Boombox, Z-Games, Sunny Days, Snegtravel, Deinde and other friends. The large open air pool party at Voda Club offers unforgettable impressions. Snow Factory friends have prepared an exclusive Jibb contest for the season opening. Next two days of relax and frenzy on the slope and at Buka Club participating in the Super Hero Party. Everyone wears a superhero costume. The owners of best costumes will be pleasantly surprised by our partners. Open air BBQ (Board-back) party from a specially invited chef John Snow.


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27.11.2017 19:25:10








THE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION IN THE CAPITAL OF UKRAINE The main locations for the New Year and Christmas in Kyiv will be Sofiivska and Mikhailivska Squares, as well as Volodymyrskyi passage. The NeoYear (derived from the word "neon") will be celebrated here from December 19 to January 14. The project supervisor noted that the New Year 2018 in Kyiv will be especially colorful and bright. Its conceptual idea will be light, illuminations and New Year fairy lights. Nearly all Kyiv center in the New Year 2018 will shine millions of lights. About 110 kilometers of garlands will be placed only on Sofiivska Square. Art objects from different countries will be represented in the public garden on Volodymyrskyi passage with a common theme "New Year motives." As every year, the Main Tree of the country in the New Year will be magnificent and gaily decorated. Organizers promise that the Christmas tree will be at least 1 meter higher than the previous one. Last year it was 26 meters high. Instead of ordinary toys, a Christmas tree in Kyiv will be decorated with a huge number of flashlights which will shimmer in different colors to the joy of Kyivans and metropolitan visitors.

The worldwide renowned Glenn Miller Orchestra directed by Wil Salden invites you to the Jazz Christmas festive celebration party. Due to its incredible energy, expression, stunning music experience and professionalism this celebrated capella has long been a favorite of the Odesa public. Wil Salden is a famous musician and performer from the Netherlands. He fell in love with jazz long ago and forever, so he managed to collect great musicians from different countries impassioned by jazz as he himself. Wil reproduced the sound of the music that was heard in the orchestra of Glenn Miller itself, and during his leadership (32 years!) the orchestra gave over 4.5 thousand concerts which were visited by about 5 million people! And it is not surprising, since the concert of the Glenn Miller Orchestra is only an alive sound and the sea of positivity that emanates each of the musicians. The orchestra will delight you with inflammatory jazz and swing, perform the best compositions of the great era of big-bands from the 30s and 50s. You are waiting for a fantastic evening full of jazz, drive and new sensory emotions. Touch the legend. Give yourself jazz!


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27.11.2017 14:46:03

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04.12.2017 13:11:09



ÍÎÂÎв×ÍÈÉ ÃÐÀÍÄ-ÊÐÓ¯Ç «ÁÅDzǻ Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv, Õàðê³â Íà ãîñòåé íîâîð³÷íî¿ âå÷³ðêè ÷åêàòèìå çàïàìîðî÷ëèâà íàâêîëîñâ³òíÿ ïîäîðîæ, ÿêà ñóïðîâîäæóâàòèìåòüñÿ óí³êàëüíèìè àêðîáàòè÷íèìè íîìåðàìè, æèâîþ ìóçèêîþ ³ íàéìèë³øèìè ñîáàêàìè ïîðîäè õàñê³. À ùå – ÿñêðàâà ðîçâàæàëüíà ïðîãðàìà: ôð³ê-øîó, ïðîôåñ³éí³ òàíöþðèñòè, æèâà ìóçèêà, áàðâèñòà ôîòîçîíà ³, çâè÷àéíî æ, Ñàíòà-Êëàóñ! Òóò ï³äãîòóâàëè óñå äëÿ ñâÿòà: ñìà÷íà ñâÿòêîâà ¿æà, áåçàëêîãîëüí³ íàïî¿, à òàêîæ ³ãðèñòå âèíî â íåîáìåæåí³é ê³ëüêîñò³ äëÿ íàéâåñåë³øîãî Íîâîãî ðîêó. Ïðèõîäüòå ç äðóçÿìè òà áëèçüêèìè! Òàê ñàìî íà ïðîäóêö³þ áàðó ãîñòÿì áóäå çàïðîïîíîâàíà ñïåö³àëüíà ö³íà. Ïî÷àòîê ñâÿòà î 22:00. Áðîíþâàííÿ ñòîëèê³â: 0 800 30 30 60

ÍÎÂÈÉ Ð²Ê Ó ÏÀËÀÖ² Premier Palace Hotel, Êè¿â

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Áðîíþâàííÿ ñòîëèê³â: 044 244 12 35


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04.12.2017 13:11:19

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NEW YEAR’S BEZVIZ GRAND CRUISE Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv, Kharkiv New Year's party guests will have a gorgeous roundthe-world trip, accompanied by unique acrobatic performance, live music and the sweetest Husky dogs. Guests will have an impressive entertainment program: freak shows, professional dancers, live music, colorful photo area, and of course Santa Claus. We have prepared everything for the holiday: delicious festive food, soft drinks as well as sparkling wine in unlimited quantities for the most cheerful New Year. Come with your friends and family! Also, guests will be offered a special price for the bar's products. The holiday starts at 10 pm.

Table reservation: 0 800 30 30 60


Premier Palace Hotel, Kyiv

NEW YEAR’S FAIRY TALE Premier Hotel Dnister, Lviv Fill the first moments of the New Year with clinking of glasses and merry laugh! We invite you to spend an unforgettable New Year's Eve admiring the snowy landscape of the Old City with festive lights over it in a restaurant with a unique panorama – Dnister Panorama Bar! On New Year's Eve, sometimes miracles happen. Come and see for yourself. A cozy atmosphere, elegant festive dinner and fantastic emotions await you! New Year's Eve will start at 10 pm. Table reservation: 098 187 17 30

The New Year should be celebrated so that the holiday filled you with energy and inspiration for new achievements next year. We invite you to spend this evening and New Year's Eve at panoramic Terracotta Restaurant, where you will have a special menu, entertainments and an atmosphere of real New Year's fairy tale. Inflammatory music at night, so the party will last until morning! Come with your beloved, meet a holiday in a family circle, and give each other a smile and care. And we will take care of the rest! The event starts at 9:30 pm.

Table reservation: 044 244 12 35


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04.12.2017 13:11:41

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04.12.2017 13:26:15


Õîðèâà, Áðàòñüêà, ßðîñëàâñüêà. Ïðîãóëÿéòåñÿ Ïîäîëîì, âèïèéòå çàïàøíî¿ êàâè,


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òîðè ðîçïîâ³äàþòü äîâ³ðëèâèì òóðèñòàì. Ìîæíà ä³çíàòèñü òàê áàãàòî ö³êàâîãî!


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04.12.2017 13:27:31


and get into quiet calm streets: Horyva, Bratska, Yaroslavska.


The Actor's House, Kyiv Foto: Andrii Prots

Take a walk on the Podil, drink a fragrant coffee, and finish the walk in the Zhovten cinema. If you are not for a first time in the city or live here, this is my advice for you: try to look into the entrance of the house where our Mayor lives. Address: 30/10, Bohdana Khmelnytskoho St. This entrance is like a museum. The code on the door is constantly changing, so let you be lucky and someone will come out of the entrance, then you can go in. Take a walk in the Mariinskyi Park, walk slowly down the Parkway Road and find the Green Theater. Look at its scale and make some photos to Instagram. Walking around the city is so beautiful. Especially around beautiful Kyiv.


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04.12.2017 13:27:44

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04.12.2017 13:28:11

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And yet, sometimes I like to listen to what guides-amateurs tell to trusted tourists. You can find so many in-


Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Lviv

teresting things. Please, advise what are the 3 places which first of all should be visited in Lviv? Rynok Square, Lychakivske Cemetery, St. George's Cathedral (Greek Catholic Metropolis). And tell us 2 secret places, where to go if not for the first time in Lviv? Snizhna Street in Lviv and the Fortress Building at the address 50/52, Chuprynky St.

In winter, Lviv has a special atmosphere. Come here to Christmas and feel how is this holiday majestic and cozy at the same time. Look ahead to find where to stay, the more and more people wanting to visit Lviv in winter. Specially on holidays.


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04.12.2017 13:29:02

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04.12.2017 14:22:03



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Premier_star 45

04.12.2017 13:22:26

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your experiences. You still hold them within yourself,

pleasure out of that. I don’t know if anyone would be

and you can sometimes get something from there.

interested, but I picked some of my own tomatoes two days ago. You know what fishermen do: catch a fish,

So the contents of your songs are usually per-

take a picture and then throw them back? That’s what

sonal impressions and experiences?

I do with my tomatoes: I pick them, kiss them, take a

That’s it, 100 percent! It’s just what you’ve personally

pictures and let them go free.

endured and what you feel. I can’t write about others people’s emotions. It's no secret that your concerts are pretty incredible! The fans come for high-quality music, drive, feelings, and they know that you always maintain the same high level. It that difficult or easy to do?

I need travel itself. I live when I'm in constant motion. When I stop, it feels like life is over. So I’m happy to go to places where I’ve already been 150 times.

It's really easy, because the concerts are what we really love doing. It's harder to work in the studio. It's hard

You also have some charity projects. Can you

to do the same thing, record the same thing again and

do that and the music at the same time, or from

again, and choose the best. For me it's just a head-

time to time do you have to give more attention

ache. When recording vocals, I don’t take part in the

to one or the other?

selection of any tracks for a song. But at a concert or

You don’t really have to speak about charity, good

a show, you go out and work every time as much as

deeds. You should just do them if you have the heart

you did before. Then you're happy when you come off

and the mood for it. And if you can. You can always say

the stage. Maybe that’s why it sometimes seems that

that have no time. But sometimes you’re not the per-

our studio recordings are weaker than our concerts. A

son that initiates things, but you’re asked to do some-

lot of people, having gone to a Druha Rika concert, for

thing. And sometimes you have to refuse, because if

the first time, say: "I had no idea Druha Rika was ca-

you’re only doing charity, that will be your work and you

pable of something like that!" After our performance in

will do it every day, 24/7. You’ll just turn into a sort of

Denmark, I read reviews by people for whom in prin-

charity group. So you sometimes have to refuse. Ev-

ciple Ukrainian music is a novelty, because they don’t

ery time you say no, you can’t sleep for a few days and

listen it in the same way we do. So these people wrote:

think: "How are they doing?" Sometimes you get back

"I'm just amazed by what they do." So we always work

in contact and ask if the charity event went ahead, or

hard, and it doesn’t matter where we are – in Denmark

you manage to find time to go and support it.

or in the town of Berdychiv in Ukraine. You often say that you like to travel. Where would If we were to peek through the curtains of your home

you like to travel next?

on a regular day off, what would we see? Would you

Just now, I really want to go home! In December, I

be doing ordinary domestic chores? Putting up a

want to go to Reykjavik where the band Sigur Ros will

shelf, or doing the homework with your boys?

be giving four concerts. That’s exactly the place where

I rarely do homework with my boys, but I do do my own

you have to listen to them.

homework. I could be doing something in the garden,

But everything depends on how many of our concerts

I’ve got a lot to do there. I could be picking mushrooms

there are in December. I don’t know if I’ll be able to

near my house, gathering apples, pruning the roses,


or working in my small vegetable garden. I get a lot of

So I’d like to go to Reykjavik – that’s the only dream


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04.12.2017 16:50:10

Premier related to travel that I have just now.


bed. Then there are the kind of hotels that you don’t want to leave. We stay twice in hotels like these: that

Is there any difference between traveling abroad

is, we arrive a day before the concert, spend the night,

and in Ukraine? And are there still unexplored

perform, spend another night in the hotel, and only go


home after that.

I need travel itself. I live when I'm in constant motion. When I stop, it feels like life is over. So I’m happy to go

Have you any traditions or rituals? Some peo-

to places where I’ve already been 150 times. Ukraine

ple enjoy walking along long corridors, some like

is developing and changing somewhat - some cit-

drinking in a noisy bar, some like swimming in

ies are changing faster, while some aren’t changing at

the hotel's pool at night.

all. Izmail, for example, where we hadn’t played for a

After a concert we usually like to go to the sauna, if

few years, has changed completely. Yes, I know it was

there is one. Before a performance, after the sound

City Day when we went, but if you compare the same

check, we walk around the city if we’ve not been there

City Day five years ago and today, it's almost like Eu-

at least twice, although there are very few such places.

rope. That’s probably because Romania is just across

If this it’s a city where we’ve been 150 times before,

the river, or because they have a decent mayor, maybe

then we just relax.

thanks to the people themselves. This proves once again that it’s quite normal to make a trip to the same

Before bed, closing your eyes, what do you

place. It’s even a kind of a way to keep track of how

dream of?

your country is developing.

Falling asleep! I dream that nobody comes in, or

And where do you like to stay? How do you

just no sleep in you, like one time when I was in Vin-

choose hotels? Is there any difference between

nytsia... I was already sitting up because I couldn’t fall

what you choose during concert tours and when

asleep, and just at that moment a friend called me, and

you stay with your family?

suggested we meet and listen to a song. In the end, we

When I travel with my family, it’s most often my wife

sang that song together. Sometimes you get nice calls

who decides this, and we choose family hotels. If I

at night, especially if you’re not at home.

Foto: Sergei Sarakhanov

knocks on the door or calls. Sometimes though, there’s

travel with the band, it has to be near the place where we’re going to perform. The main criterion is that it doesn’t take more than half an hour to get to the venue. The exception is places that don’t have a decent hotel, then we agree to stay at suburban residences. They’re usually private houses. It seems we have the requirement that the hotel should have no less than 3 stars, because not all cities have 5 star hotels. If it has a spa, sauna, it’s good, but if not, then we "get upset and go home." We’ve had the experience when traveling in Ukraine of refusing to stay in a hotel and just going home instead. If there’s no hotel where we can stay, then we just turn around and go home. I’d be better off in the bus than sleeping in an uncomfortable


Premier_star 49

04.12.2017 13:23:14


ÏÐÎÑÒ²Ð, ÙÎ ªÄÍÀª ñâ³ò óêðà¿íñüêîãî òóðèçìó Travel Hub – óí³êàëüíèé ïðîåêò

òà àïãðåéäó çíàíü.

â òîìó ñåíñ³, ùî â³í ïîºäíóº â îäíîìó

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²ÐÀ Äâîðñüêà,

çàñíîâíèöÿ Travel Hub

áåç öüîãî òóðèñòè÷íèé á³çíåñ ìî-

âàííÿ òàêî¿ ïîäîðîæ³ çàéìຠáàãàòî ÷àñó, òîìó êðàùå äîâ³ðèòè ñïðàâó ïðîôåñ³îíàëó, ùî ìຠíåîáõ³äí³

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êîíòàêòè òà ðåñóðñè. Ùå ó Travel Hub ìè ç³áðàëè

øâèäêîãî òåìïó ñâ³òó, ùî ïîñò³éíî çì³íþºòüñÿ. ͳ÷îãî

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Ó ÷îìó îñíîâí³ ïåðåâàãè äëÿ ê볺íòà?

Hub, ìè âèãàäàëè ìàïó òà íàìàëþâàëè ¿¿ ïðÿìî

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ðåñóðñ³â. Äëÿ öüîãî º ñïåö³àëüí³ touch-panels

òà ñòàðòàï³â, ïëàíóºìî â 2018 ðîö³ çàïóñòèòè Øêîëó

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ïåðåëüîòè, ã³ä³â, àâòîáóñè òà ïàðîìè.


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04.12.2017 14:24:15


THE SPACE THAT COMBINES the world of Ukrainian tourism Travel Hub is a unique project in

in 2018 for pumping of skills and

the sense that it combines various

knowledge upgrade.

services related to the theme of

For travelers we offer our special

travel in one place. 400 m of stylish

original product: a travel with content.

and very energetically warm space

Everyone has his own content in

are devoted exclusively to travel

the trip – relaxation, communication

and tourism. In addition, the task

with his family, sightseeing, extreme

of the hub is to combine industry

or healing, studying history or arts,

professionals and amateurs into

gastronomic tourism or whale diving.

a single community that will allow

We offer to find new content and go

them to develop, refine, implement

to one of our group travels with a

dreams, implement new projects,

special topic that is interesting for

seek partners and like-minded

you, or we will create a unique route

persons, monetize their knowledge

after identification of your main goal.


and experience, be familiar of events and trends. The market needs such a place, we absolutely need communication and development,

IRA Dvorska Travel Hub Founder

Since planning such a trip takes a lot of time, so it is best to entrust the case to a professional with the necessary contacts and resources. In addition,

without which the tourist business is morally obsolete

we have collected in Travel Hub a collection of books

and lagging behind time, and does not withstand the

exclusively about travel. The books can be purchased

rapid pace of a constantly changing world. There was

or taken in the library. And we also have a store of travel

nothing like that in Ukraine, as well as beyond it.

accessories and souvenirs.

What services does the project offer?

What are the main benefits to the client?

In order to easily navigate through the space of the

We provide a lot of necessary services here and now:

Travel Hub, we invented the map. And painted it right

tickets, accommodation, travel planning, searching

on the wall. It allows you to move from different parts

the transport, optimum routes, and different types of

and find services for tourism sector professionals and

payment – all these services are rendered every day

travel amateurs. For those who work in the tourism

from 9am to 9pm. In addition, we offer the opportunity of

sector, we offer business class co-working, event

self-determined search for travel services. But with the

halls, issue-related events, networking, full cycle tour

help of professional resources. For this purpose there

operator services, support for ideas and startups, and

are special touch-panels with proven content, where you

we plan to launch the School of Practical Tourism

can find hotels, flights, guides, buses and ferries.


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27.11.2017 15:01:37



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Ãîòåëü óðî÷èñòî â³äêðèâñÿ 25 ãðóäíÿ 1970 ðîêó

êåðóþ÷èé ãîòåëåì Premier Hotel Lybid

òà îòðèìàâ ³ì'ÿ «Ëèá³äü». Íàçâà ãîòåëþ ò³ñíî

 Premier Hotel Lybid – ãîòåëü ó ä³ëîâîìó òà ³ñòîðè÷íîìó öåíòð³ ì³ñòà Êèºâà ç³ çðó÷íèì ðîçòàøóâàííÿì.

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 Îáèðàþ÷è Premier Hotel Lybid, ãîñò³ òà ïàðòíåðè ãîòåëþ îòðèìóþòü ºâðîïåéñüêó ÿê³ñòü îáñëóãîâóâàííÿ çà ïðèéíÿòíîþ ö³íîþ.

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Îäíà ³ç ñò³í êîíôåðåíö-çàëè ñêëàäàºòüñÿ ç ï’ÿòè ñþæåò³â, äå êîëîðèñòè÷íî çîáðàæåí³ íàñòðî¿ ³ñòîðè÷íîãî Êèºâà, ïîäàí³ õóäîæíèöåþ Î.Ñ. Êèðè÷åíêî â ìîçà¿÷íîìó îçäîáëåíí³: «Êîçàê-áàíäóðèñò», «Ñâÿòî âðîæàþ», «Ðèáàëêè», «Òðî¿ñò³ ìóçèêè», «Êîçàê-îáîðîíåöü» (1977 ð.)

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and Resorts òà îòðèìàâ íàçâó Premier Hotel Lybid.

ç îäíîãî ê³íöÿ êîðèäîðó â ³íøèé.

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Premier Hotel Lybid ïë. Ïåðåìîãè, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà +38 (044) 391 00 98


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Standing dominantly on Peremohy Square at 55 meters high (17 stories), the hotel was opened on December 25, 1970 and received the name of Lybid which was inspired by the spirit of ancient Kyiv. According to legend, it was founded by the Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv brothers and their sister Lybid. The hotel had a second birth when it became a part of the Premier Hotels and Resorts chain of hotels in 2016, thus becoming Premier Hotel Lybid

Rich in History On May 2, 1964, the Kyiv City Executive Committee issued an order to allocate a land plot for the construction of a hotel with the working name "Intourist". Those involved in this project were Kyiv architects N. B. Chmutina, A. M. Onishchenko, O. H. Stukalova and Y. L. Chekan. At the early stages of construction, it was discovered that the construction site area was located where the groundwater that flows into the Lybid river appeared to be just below it. 250 twelve-meter piles had to be driven in order to lay the foundation propperly. In 1976, during an earthquake with a magnitude of close to 4 points with the

TATIANA Krasutska,

General manager Premier Hotel Lybid

epicenter being in Romania, the hotel was subjected to its first real test and passed it with flying colors. The hotel was opened on December 25, 1970 and re-

 Premier Hotel Lybid – the hotel with a convenient location in the business and historical center of Kyiv.

ceived the name of Lybid. The name of the hotel is

 We provide an optimum set of services for business and leisure.

According to the legend, Kyiv was founded in the 5th

 Choosing Premier Hotel Lybid, the guests and partners of the hotel choose a European quality service at an affordable price.

closely linked to the history of the capital of Ukraine. century by three brothers princes, Kiy, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid. In honor of the woman founder who became the legendary symbol of the city, the hotel was named after her, and the facade of the building


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One of the walls in the conference hall is composed of five storylines, where colorfully depicted sentiments of historical Kyiv are presented by the artist O. S. Kirichenko in the mosaic decoration: "Cossack bandurist", "Harvest festival", "Fishermen", "Troisti muzyky" (Folk music trio), "Cossack defender" (1977)

hotel. Many guests from the United States and Can-

Lybid staff were awarded by the International As-

ada were among the Ukrainian Diaspora who came

sociation of Hotels in Europe with presentation of

to see the homeland of their ancestors.

the Oscar International Award.

Vladimir Spivakov, the head of Moscow Virtuosi orches-

During 1998 to 2002, the hotel rooms and guest areas

tra, always stayed in suite ยน1704 on the 17th floor. And

were renovated and in May 1998, the hotel was hon-

the theater director Mark Zakharov during the Kyiv tour

ored to receive an honorary delegation for the annual

of the Lenkom theater preferred room ยน1701.

meeting of the Board of Governors of EBRD (Euro-

The hotel staff recalls how the movie director Nikita

pean Bank for Reconstruction and Development) that

Mikhalkov once came out of his room and saw how the

was held in Kyiv that year.

maids were moving a heavy sofa. Mikhalkov called a

In 2016, the Lybid hotel replenished the collection of

friend, and taking matters into their own hands, they

the Ukrainian hotel operator Premier Hotels and Re-

moved the sofa from one end of the corridor to another.

sorts and received the name Premier Hotel Lybid.

During the filming of the feature film "Make a Clown

The hotel was reconstructed with a special attention

Laugh" in Kyiv, the hotel became the living place for

to the faรงade that became hard to overlook due to its

a long period of time for the film actress Galina Pol-

strategic lighting clearly seen during the nighttime.

skikh, which was very loved by the hotel's employees. Another interesting fact is that many Dynamo Kyiv football players during the time of USSR championship celebrated their weddings at the hotel. In 1986, the hospitality and goodwill of the hotel

Premier Hotel Lybid Peremohy Square, Kyiv, Ukraine +38 (044) 391 00 98


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04.12.2017 14:29:17

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04.12.2017 13:19:21



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Premier Hotels and Resorts – ïåðøà óêðà¿íñüêà ìåðåæà ³ç 20 ãîòåë³â, ðîçòàøîâàíèõ ïî âñ³é Óêðà¿í³, ÿêà âêëþ÷ຠâ ñåáå êîëåêö³þ ãîòåë³â â³ä 5 äî 3 ç³ðîê ï³ä áðåíäàìè Premier Palace Hotels, Premier Hotels ³ Premier Compass Hotels. Premier Palace Hotels – ðîçê³øí³ 5-ç³ðêîâ³ ãîòåë³, óí³êàëüí³ ñâîºþ ³ñòîð³ºþ òà àðõ³òåêòóðîþ; Premier Hotels – 4-ç³ðêîâ³ ãîòåë³ á³çíåñêëàñó äëÿ ëþäåé, ùî àêòèâíî áóäóþòü ñâîº æèòòÿ ³ ö³íóþòü ÷àñ; Premier Compass Hotels – 3-ç³ðêîâ³ ãîòåë³ åêîíîì-êëàñó äëÿ á³çíåñ-ïîäîðîæåé òà ñ³ìåéíèõ òóð³â.


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Of course, no question about it. The fundamental

stick, and even an acoustic guitar. By the way that

goal is to make the guest’s stay as comfortable as

last one is ordered quite often.

possible, so that he can focus on his own business, and not have to worry about shirts and ties.

Who should I contact if I need to meet a visitor and

We offer two alternatives: if a visitor does not trust

bring him to the room? Or if I need to call a taxi?

anyone with his favorite shirt, given as a gift by his be-

I’ll answer that by naming one well-known person. I

loved woman, he can always use the iron in the room

have a dream, it’s the dream I'm working on. I’d like

himself. If, on the contrary, he doesn’t want to waste

very much for people living in the city feel that the ho-

time on this, our maids will do it, and do a great job.

tel is not just a building where you can spend the night. I want to convey the idea that a hotel is a convenient

Is it possible to order any toiletries?

place to live. And, I think, the face of this dream is the

Just as in the previous question, again, our task is

hotel concierge. I want people to understand that they

to make sure the guests waste as little time as pos-

can contact him at any time and get help.

sible on any household problems. So you can order them, but they’re always provided in the room anyway. And for some time we’ve been offering this opportunity – when booking you can order in the room a few extra things that you might need. For example, a razor or a toothbrush. And we don’t only offer toiletries. These are not essential things, but they will definitely enhance your mood and make other guests smile. Guests can order a yoga mat, or dumbbells in the room, as well as a chess set, a laptop joy-

Premier Hotels and Resorts is the first Ukrainian hotel chain, with 20 hotels located throughout the county, including a group of hotels from 5 to 3 stars under the brands Premier Palace Hotels, Premier Hotels, and Premier Compass Hotels. Premier Palace Hotels are luxury 5-star hotels, unique in their history and architecture; Premier Hotels are 4-star business class hotels for proactive people who know the value of time; Premier Compass Hotels are 3-star economy class hotels for business travel and family trips.


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Íà÷àëüíèê ñëóæáè ïðèéîìó òà ðàçì³ùåííÿ Premier Hotel Rus

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Premier_Advice.indd 74

27.11.2017 16:24:41





êåðóþ÷à ãîòåëåì Premier Hotel Pochaiv

êîíôåðåíö-ìåíåäæåð Premier Hotel Abri

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Premier_Advice.indd 75

27.11.2017 16:24:51

MYSTERIES IN THE CITY PLEASANT PLACES TO WALK AND RELAX When you wake up in the morning at the hotel and plan your day, be sure to leave a few hours for yourself. Our Ukrainian cities have something to surprise and excite their guests, are they? We offer to select interesting, as well as non-standard options for active recreation. What is worthwhile to look at, eat and buy?



Head of Reception and Accommodation Premier Hotel Rus

Manager of Sales and Conference service Premier Geneva Hotel

MARINA Borodina


In the central historical part of the capital there is a significant for Kyivans building which is usually called simply a "kostel" (Roman Catholic Church). However, for almost 40 years it has a more refined name – the National House of Organ and Chamber Music. Get a great deal of pleasure by attending the concert and enjoying the organ sounds. The cultural life of the city is saturated with various events for every taste, so it is worthwhile to buy tickets for a certain event, a football match, a theater, an operetta, or a museum. All these places are located within a walking distance from the city center. The tickets can also be a great surprise for a colleague or significant other, at dinner there will be someone to share impressions with. A separate advice is to enjoy the dinner in the Rus Restaurant which panoramic windows open a wonderful view on the night city filled with lights, and you must try the Ukrainian cuisine where the dishes are cooked exclusively from the choice-cut products. Pleasant and cozy atmosphere, delicious menu guarantee you the best evening.

A walk through the historical streets should start at the Premier Geneva Hotel. The entrance to the hotel is hidden in a wonderful courtyard; inside you can find a new attraction of Odesa – Geneva Art Wall. The prominent Odesa persons are depicted on the wall including Count Langeron, Leonid Utyosov and Catherine II. In this courtyard, excursions begin to get into the color and spirit of the city. A separate pleasure is to read Odesa jokes and leaf through the phrasebook. Being in Odesa and not trying the seafood? Impossible! Choose from the menu something from seafood, tsatsa fish or mullet.


Premier_Advice.indd 76

28.11.2017 11:15:10





Head of hotel Premier Hotel Pochaiv

Conference Manager Premier Hotel Abri

DARIA Karpik

When traveling, try to hire a bike. If you follow the road map, you will have advantages over other traffic participants, save time, and it will provide you an unparalleled sense of freedom and independence. Tourist information centers of many European cities offer sightseeing bike routes with professional cycling guide. In Premier Hotel Pochaiv you can also hire bikes – it is useful for mind and health. Pochaivskyi honey gingerbread is usually bought by the visitors of this historical place. Pochaiv Restaurant is waiting for you with Ukrainian and European dishes from ecoproducts supplied by local farms.



Marketing Executive at Premier Hotel Dnister Any way in a colorful city bypasses a magnificent monument of architecture and a significant cultural place – the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. If you have a possibility, you should visit the show and enjoy the talent of well–known performers.

VALERIIA Tereshchenko

The Museum of Retro Cars "The Time Machines" was created specifically for those who appreciate what they know on this topic. Nevertheless, each visitor will be fascinated by a variety of models and will want to sit for a minute at the wheel of a vintage car. For football fans we advise to purchase a souvenir featuring the emblem of FC Dnipro. The Abri Restaurant Lounge Bar offers delicious and fragrant mulled wine prepared in a unique recipe. which located on the 9th floor of Premier Hotel Dnister. An exciting landscape opens from there! Impressions should be necessary sweetened by a cherry strudel from the chef. This dish has gained popularity in many countries. There are many recipes for cooking this refined roll, but assure in Lviv it is the best.

Numerous coffee shops are tempted by the aroma of coffee lovers; they warm up and cover with coziness. Visit the mines of coffee, where in front of the guests coffee is extracted from the Market Square and select several varieties to your taste. Lviv's delicacies are something incredible! Try a few desserts at Dnister Panorama Bar,


Premier_Advice.indd 77

28.11.2017 10:17:05

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27.11.2017 14:47:08

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27.11.2017 14:47:25

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Ó Premier Hotels and Resorts âïðîâàäæåíî ïðîåêò Art Corner ç ìåòîþ ï³äòðèìêè ìîëîäèõ ³ òàëàíîâèòèõ ñó÷àñíèõ ìèòö³â ³ çíàéîìñòâà ãîñòåé ç äîñÿãíåííÿìè óêðà¿íñüêîãî ìèñòåöòâà. Ùî ñêàæåòå ïðî öþ ³í³ö³àòèâó ³ ñï³âïðàöþ Premier Hotels and Resorts ç «Ìèñòåöüêèì Àðñåíàëîì»? Áóäü-ÿê³ ³í³ö³àòèâè, ñïðÿìîâàí³ íà ñòâîðåííÿ ïðîäóêòèâíèõ óìîâ ðîçâèòêó ìèñòåöòâà, çàñëóãîâóþòü íà íàéâèùó îö³íêó. Âàæëèâî ñòâîðþâàòè ð³çí³ ôîðìè ³ ï³äòðèìóâàòè ìèñòåöüêó ðîáîòó çàãàëîì – íå òàê êîíêðåòíèõ ëþäåé, ÿê ñàì ïðîöåñ. Òîìó òàêó ïðèâàòíó ³í³ö³àòèâó ãîòåëþ ÿ ââàæàþ äóæå ãàðíîþ: ÷èì á³ëüøå ìè ìàºìî ãðàâö³â, ÿê³ ï³äòðèìóþòü ðîçâèòîê êóëüòóðè, òèì êðàùå, áî öå çíà÷íî ïîæâàâëþº éîãî. Ùî æ äî ñï³âïðàö³, äëÿ íàñ âîíà º äóæå ö³ííîþ ïðè ðîáîò³ ç òàêèìè âåëèêèìè ôîðìàìè, ÿê «Êíèæêîâèé Àðñåíàë», êîëè ïðè¿çäèòü áàãàòî ãîñòåé ç ð³çíèõ êðà¿í ³ ïèòàííÿ ¿õ ðîçñåëåííÿ ç òåõí³÷íîãî ïåðåòâîðþºòüñÿ íà æèòòºâî âàæ-


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04.12.2017 16:29:03

Premier_Art 82

27.11.2017 14:47:52

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28.11.2017 11:16:19

International Arsenal Book Festival, May 2017, Vadym Karpiak, Olesia Ostrovska-Lyuta and Yevhen Nyshchuk. Photo by Bohdan Poshivailo

Premier Hotels and Resorts have implemented

their resettlement converts from technical to vital one.

the Art Corner project in order to support young

In this way, the hotel is an extremely valuable partner,

and talented contemporary artists and familiar-

without which it would be very difficult for us to conduct

ize guests with the achievements of Ukrainian art.

our international program.

What will you say about this initiative and the cooperation of Premier Hotels and Resorts with the

You travel a lot, what places in Ukraine and abroad

Mystetskyi Arsenal?

inspire you?

Any initiatives focused on creating productive conditions

Apparently, there are no people who do not like to

for the development of art deserve the highest mark. It is

travel, but now it has become a sign of status: if you

important to create different forms and to support artis-

once had to have a car and a house, now it's a lot to

tic work in general – not specific people, but rather the

travel. And that's beautiful. I like it too, although I can-

process itself. So, I consider such private initiative of the

not say that I have any one favorite place. Rather,

hotel to be very good. The more we have players who

I have a favorite type of travel. It’s traveling by car.

support the development of culture, the better is a result,

As for me, they are the most exciting, but not always

because the development is revitalized significantly. As

technically possible, so other types of traveling are

for cooperation, it is very valuable for us when working

also very interesting. In general, traveling changes the

with such large forms as the Book Arsenal, when many

worldview: some time ago people considered that the

guests come from different countries, and the issue of

Earth is large and the Sun is small, but now all is vice


Premier_Art.indd 84

28.11.2017 10:19:55



versa. The travel is that helps to change this perspec-

20 years we have the freedom, but we have no re-

tive: a lot of things look different in the journey, and al-

sources; therefore, a large informal culture has been

lows you to change the point of view, and to develop.

formed that has an uncertain status and does not exist in the system of economy. And because of this, it

Would you like to tell us what to expect in the near

is not as bright as it could be. However, we are al-


ready aware of this, and I look very optimistically in

Troughout November we have an exhibition devoted

the future and keep my fingers crossed for the Ukrai-

to Japanese culture. We want to show contemporary

nian cultural fund legally approved this spring. It is

Japanese media art along with traditional visual arts.

in start up stage now, and maybe next year we will

And by the end of the year we are preparing an ex-

see some specific steps. But there is a huge risk that

hibition about the art of Boychukists, a great project

hasty and ill-conceived actions will turn it into a scen-

with a large number of participating museums.

ery instead of a real fund. I am very afraid of this, and I constantly stress that it is better to start the real fund

How do you assess the development of Ukrainian

activity later, but to build a solid foundation to coun-

culture and art today and how do you predict its

teract the excessive pressure of the public, which


usually requires fast results. The very fact of launch-

It was Zoia Zvyniatskivska who said this best. She

ing the Ukrainian cultural fund is a good sign. This is a

said about fashion, but this can be transferred to other

transition to another model of cultural support – from

areas of culture as well: "When you look at the be-

command-administrative to democratic, open, granted

ginning of the 90's and see that everything was terri-

model, which is more aimed at supporting the actual

ble, and when you observe the current state, you re-

participants in the cultural process.

alize that the heroic way has been made."Ukrainian culture is developing very dynamically. We are con-

Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine

stantly complaining that we do not have this or that, but in fact, the changes are huge. For example, we have fresh impressions from the Book Arsenal, which recently passed: in advance of the festival the publishers prepared about 1,000 new products. In 2008 they were so few that it was a question of a rapid decline of Ukrainian book publishing. This development is quite real, and the Ukrainian non-fiction has already appeared, and at such a level that it is quite suitable to be translated into other languages. It is important to introduce the competence into this process, and this is already happening. Also, creative people should receive decent fees, and, at the same time, become familiar with the fact that they are economic entities – to pay taxes, to act in the legal field. It shall be constantly practiced and rooted. In general, the culture development requires two conditions: resources and freedom, and they have to go side by side. For over


Premier_Art 85

27.11.2017 14:48:27

Premier_Anniversary 86

04.12.2017 13:23:45



Ìîæëèâî, íàâ³òü ñêàæåòå, õòî áóâ ïåðøèì ãîñòåì? Çâè÷àéíî, öå ñâîãî ðîäó íàøå íàäáàííÿ ³ òå, ÷èì ìîæíà ïèøàòèñÿ. Ïåðøèì íàøèì ãîñòåì áóâ Òîìàñ Àíäåðñ (23 ñåðïíÿ 2007), ÿêèé ïðèáóâ ç ìåòîþ âèñòóïó íà öåíòðàëüí³é ïëîù³ Ñâîáîäè íà ÷åñòü Äíÿ ì³ñòà. Ïðè ïîñåëåíí³ ã³ñòü íà ÷óäîâîìó àíãë³éñüêîìó ïðèíîñèâ ñâî¿ âèáà÷åííÿ çà òå, ùî íå âîëî䳺 ðîñ³éñüêîþ ìîâîþ. Àëå â³í äîñèòü øâèäêî âèâ÷èâ äåê³ëüêà ñë³â: «ñïàñèáî», «ïîæàëóéñòà», «äî ñâèäàíèÿ», «íà çäîðîâüå» òà «âîäêà». Ãîòåëü ³ ðåñòîðàí áóëè â ïîâíîìó ðîçïîðÿäæåíí³ í³ìåöüêî¿ ç³ðêè. Ïåðñîíàë ïðèêëàäàâ óñ³õ çóñèëü, õâèëþâàâñÿ, çàõîïëþâàâñÿ ³ áåçäîãàííî âèêîíóâàâ óñ³ ïîáàæàííÿ ãîñòÿ. ×è â³äð³çíÿºòüñÿ ñåðâ³ñ òîä³, 10 ðîê³â òîìó ³ çàðàç? Ùî çì³íèëîñÿ çà öåé ÷àñ â æèòò³ ãîòåëþ, ùî

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òåíäåíö³é, íîâèõ â³ÿíü, ³ííîâàö³é. Êîæåí äåíü ñòà-

âèùèòè ð³âåíü ñåðâ³ñó ³ çàëèøàòèñÿ óëþáëåíèì ãî-

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òåëåì ó íàøèõ ãîñòåé ïðîòÿãîì 10 ðîê³â.

ïîïåðåäí³é. Çà öåé ÷àñ íàìè áóëè â³äêðèò³ 2 òåðàñè: «Àðèñòîêðàò», äå âè ìîæåòå íàñîëîäèòèñÿ

Ó ÷îìó îñîáëèâ³ñòü ãîòåëþ, éîãî â³äì³íí³ñòü â³ä ³í-

ñèãàðàìè, òà ForRest ç ³íñòàëÿö³ºþ ç æèâèõ ³ ïî-

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Premier_Anniversary 87

04.12.2017 13:23:55

òàíö³þ çà 4 ãîäèíè 50 õâèëèí, îïèíèâøèñü íà 4-ìó ì³ñö³ ñåðåä óêðà¿íö³â ³ íà 78-ìó â çàãàëüíîìó çàë³êó, ³ äóæå çàäîâîëåíèé öèì ðåçóëüòàòîì! ѳì'ÿ íàìàãàºòüñÿ ìàêñèìàëüíî ï³äòðèìóâàòè ìåíå. Îñîáëèâî ìîòèâóº äî÷êà, ÿêà çàâæäè ÷åêຠìîãî ïîâåðíåííÿ ç ìåäàëëþ. Íåéìîâ³ðíî! Àëå äàâàéòå ïîâåðíåìîñÿ äî ãîòåëþ. Ìîæåòå íàçâàòè òèõ, áåç êîãî Premier Hotel Òîìó, äå á ÿ íå çíàõîäèâñÿ - ó â³äðÿäæåíí³ ÷è ó â³ä-

Aurora íåìîæëèâèé?

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ö³¿ ³ ëþáîâ³ äî ñâ ñïðàâè, Premier Hotel Aurora

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óñï³øíèé ³ â³äîìèé.

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Premier_Anniversary 88

04.12.2017 13:24:04




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04.12.2017 13:24:18

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04.12.2017 14:31:50



simply impossible to be complacent. You need to constantly keep track of events, tendencies, new trends, and innovations. Each day brings a new set of tasks to achieve, and none are like the previous one. During this time we’ve opened two terraces: Aristocrate, where you can enjoy cigars; and ForRest, which has an installation of living evergreen plants. These two places are ideal both for warm nights among friends and people close to you, and for business meetings.

What feature of the hotel distinguishes it from all the

And today we also offer a large range of special pro-

others? What do you do to surprise your guests?

grams, package deals at the best prices both for a

It’s quite difficult now to find something surpris-

comfortable stay and for a celebration. We’ve cre-

ing. The fierce competition in the hotel and restau-

ated all the required conditions for relaxing, business,

rant business, and our busy live significantly make

and various events, with the highest levels of service.

it more and more difficult to surprise and delight our guests, bringing the kind of emotions that distinguish

Is there any difference in the service then, 10

the hotel from all the others and that leave bright,

years ago, and now? What have you learned dur-

pleasant memories of your stay. We try to create an

ing this time?

atmosphere of home comfort with excellent service.

They are definitely differences. Over the years, our team has gained invaluable experience through

What inspires you outside working hours? Are you

working with guest groups of tourists, sportspeo-

able to combine work and recreation?

ple and business people. Of course, we train our

The most important inspiration for me, everywhere

personnel regularly. This has allowed us to signifi-

and in everything, is my family: my beloved wife and

cantly increase our level of service and remain the

daughter. And in recent years, sports have become

favorite hotel of our guests for 10 years.

an integral part of my life. In particular, running.


Premier_Anniversary.indd 91

04.12.2017 14:32:26

gan my evening training. I went the distance in 4 hours 50 minutes, and was in 4th place among the Ukrainians and 78th in all, and very pleased with that result! The family is trying to give me the maximum in support - my daughter in particular motivates me, as she’s always expecting me to come home with a medal. Amazing! But let's get back to the hotel. Who are the people the Premier Hotel Aurora could just not So wherever I go, on a business trip or on vaca-

do without?

tion, my sports clothes and sneakers are always

The face of any hotel is its staff. After all, a guest’s

with me. This is my personal must have!

impression of a hotel is formed not only by its interior, and the menu and services on offer, but also

A lot of people say that their own hobbies,

the people who work here. The staff of Aurora is

achievements, and travel give them a big impe-

my help and my support. I can say with certainty

tus when solving problems at work. Can you relax

that I'm lucky to work with the professionals that

in such a way that lets you bring something fresh

surround me. It’s their diligence, knowledge, skills

to the business?

and love for their business that make Premier Ho-

I think my hobby, which in my case is related to my

tel Aurora a successful and well-known hotel.

travels and achievements, gives me the impetus to

Where are you most likely to be found? Do guests

work out new ideas that can be useful for my profes-

have the chance to express their gratitude for good

sion. A hobby helps you look at your main work from

service, or make any suggestions?

a different angle. Very often the solution to work-

Everyone can meet me at work - even on weekends.

ing problems becomes evident just when I'm doing

Naturally, I'm always available to meet our guests

something completely different. If you’re excessively

and I’m immensely grateful to them for their choice,

focused on a problem, it’s not always possible to find

and twice as grateful for any suggestions they make.

a solution, and any activity that helps you to relax, allow you to restart, "digest" some information, will

What’s the secret to making guests happy?

give you new strength to get something done.

For ten years we’ve been giving them a magical atmosphere, unsurpassed service, hospitality,

You’ve had some success with your hobby -

friendly staff, high cuisine in the Aristocrate res-

you’ve competed in triathlons, marathons in Am-

taurant, works of art from the confectionery shop,

sterdam and Cincinnati, you had a great success at

delicious drinks at the Brasserie bar, and most im-

the Ironman Triathlon race in Turkey... Tell us about

portantly - indispensable comforts of home!

your achievements. As you mentioned, my latest achievement is Ironman

How do you see the hotel after 10 years?

70.3, which was held in Turkey. I decided to participate

I expect the emotional component will remain as

shortly before the start, so I had to train intensively over

important as ever – a smile, a warm welcome. Our

a short period of time - I had 10 training sessions per

goal is to be the absolute leaders in service qual-

week. I had to get up at 5:30 am in order to have time to

ity and hospitality. And we want to become recog-

train before the working day, and after I’d finished I be-

nized around the world.


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04.12.2017 17:14:37

Premier Family 97

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04.12.2017 13:20:19

Premier_dining 99

04.12.2017 13:20:41

Çà êîðîòêèé ÷àñ â³í çàëó÷èâ ³ ðîçâèíóâ ³íòåðåñ äî ñâ³òîâî¿ êóë³íà𳿠â óêðà¿íö³â. ϳä åã³äîþ ñâ Àêàäå쳿 â³í ïðîâîäèòü áåçë³÷ ìàéñòåð-êëàñ³â â³äîìèõ ñâ³òîâèõ øåô-êóõàð³â ³ øåô-êîíäèòåð³â. Òàêèì º â³äîìèé êîíäèòåð ç Ìàéàì³ Àíòîí³î Áà÷óðà ³ çãîäîì ÿ õîò³â áè âçÿòè ó÷àñòü â éîãî ìàéñòåð-êëàñ³. Íà ìàéñòåð-êëàñàõ, ÿê³ ÿ â³äâ³äóþ, ÿ íå øóêàþ ðåöåïòè, à øóêàþ ³äå¿ ³ òåõí³êè, ÿê³ çãîäîì äîïîìàãàþòü ìåí³ ñòâîðþâàòè ö³êàâ³ ³ íåïîâòîðí³ ñòðàâè. ßê³ âàø³ êëþ÷îâ³ âèìîãè íà êóõí³? Äèñöèïë³íà ³ ïîðÿäîê. Øåô-êóõàð - ëþäèíà, ÿêà

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Ðåñòîðàí «Ðóñü» º íåâ³ä'ºìíîþ ÷àñòèíîþ Premier

Premier Hotel Rus?

Hotel Rus òà â³äïîâ³äíî ìåðåæ³ Premier Hotels and

ß ãàäàþ, ùî ñòèëü êóõí³ Premier Hotel Rus ìîæíà

Resorts, òîìó ìè ïðîïîíóºìî íàéøèðøèé àñîðòè-

îõàðàêòåðèçóâàòè ÿê ñó÷àñíó ìåä³òåðàíñüêó

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ñüêîìó âèêîíàíí³, ïðèãîòîâàíó ç ì³ñöåâèõ åêîëî-

äî êîíöåïö³¿ Fresh Organic Traditional íà ñí³äàíêó

ã³÷íî ÷èñòèõ ôåðìåðñüêèõ ïðîäóêò³â.

ïðèñóòí³ óêðà¿íñüê³ ñòðàâè, ïðèãîòîâàí³ ç ì³ñöåâèõ åêîëîã³÷íî ÷èñòèõ ôåðìåðñüêèõ ïðîäóêò³â. Íàé÷àñò³øå ëþäè ïðèõîäÿòü çà òèì, ùîá ïîêóøòóâàòè ÷îãî-íåáóäü íîâåíüêîãî, íåçâè÷àéíîãî, òîãî, ÷îãî âîíè ùå íå ïðîáóâàëè ÷è íå áà÷èëè. Õîò³ëîñÿ

Premier Hotel Rus âóë. Ãîñï³òàëüíà, 4, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà Òåë.: +38 044 391 00 62


Premier_dining 100

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04.12.2017 13:21:06

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in world cuisine. Under the auspices of his academy, he hosts lots of master classes by famous world chefs of cooking and confectionary. One of them is the famous confectioner from Miami, Antonio Bachour, and later I’d like to attend one of his master classes. At the master classes that I attend, I'm not looking for recipes, but I'm looking for ideas and techniques that will help me later create interesting and unique dishes. What are your key requirements in the kitchen? Discipline and order. The chef is the person who leads the team. First of all, he has to be able to manage, as well as be a good cook. Second, he must have in-depth knowledge. I think the chef needs to be a leader, because the team has to follow you. This is a very difficult requirement – just having knowledge is not enough; you need to be able to manage properly. The work of the chef is reflected not by him, but by his cooks. Everyone in my kitchen has their own personality. In order to work coherently and with high quality, I must know the strengths of everyone involved in the process. If this is the case then it is easier to allocate duties and, in the end, to get brilliant results. I appreciate everyone in our team, I know what everyone is capable of doing, and sure - if I had not had my team, I would not have made it as a chef. What can you offer to surprise your guests? And what would you recommend from the menu? Rus Restaurant is an integral part of Premier Hotel Rus, and accordingly the Premier Hotels and Resorts chain, so we offer the widest assortment in the Swedish line, which features European, Ukrainian and Japanese cuisine. According to the Fresh Organic Traditional concept, the breakfast includes Ukrainian

new A la Carte menu, which features proprietary versions of dishes from modern European cuisine. How is your menu created? There are numerous factors that I take into account when creating the menu. These are the size of the menu, its balance, the ability to store long-term both fresh and partly cooked products, the cooking times, and the size of portions. Actually, I prefer to divide dishes into two types: popular and special, which adorn the menu and make it unique. The more people visit the institution, the less is the need for special dishes, and vice versa – the more expensive and exclusive is the restaurant, the more interesting chef's specialties should be in its menu, as these will attract regular guests. How would you characterize the cuisine of Premier Hotel Rus? I think that the style of Premier Hotel Rus cuisine can be characterized as modern Mediterranean cuisine, with a special Ukrainian flavor, in proprietary versions - prepared from locally produced, environmentally friendly farm products.

dishes prepared from locally produced, environmentally friendly farm products. More and more often people come to taste something new, unusual – something they haven’t yet tried, or haven’t yet seen. In this regard, I’d recommend the

Premier Hotel Rus 4, Hospitalna St, Kyiv, Ukraine Òåë.: +38 044 391 00 62


Premier_dining 104

04.12.2017 13:21:36

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04.12.2017 13:21:47

ÎËÅÍÀ ×ÌÓÒÎÂÀ Øåô-êóõàð ðåñòîðàíó «Àðèñòîêðàò», Premier Hotel Aurora 106

Premier_Recipter 106

27.11.2017 14:53:00

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27.11.2017 17:03:25

ELENA CHMUTOVA Chef of Aristocrate restaurant, Premier Hotel Aurora 108

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27.11.2017 17:04:05

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28.11.2017 11:19:22

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27.11.2017 15:02:06


tourists, develops a powerful modern business infrastructure and helps to establish business contacts with related foreign organizations. Thus, this year 35.1% of foreign tourists visited Kyiv for business trips, 18.3% – to participate in events. Now, we have 46% of foreigners which length of stay in the city is between 2 and 5 days. Business tourism will increase both the number of tourists in the city and the length of stay indicator. For 2 years, the external tourist flow has increased by 25.8%. This year in September Kyiv applied for participation in the Annual Meeting of International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group in 2021. This is 5 thousand foreign tourists in the business segment, which stay can increase the city's budget by more than 1.5 million Euros. In 2017-2018, we wait for scheduled putting into operation new modern hotels of such world brands as Rezidor (Park Inn by Radisson Kyiv Troyitska), Marriott

ANTON Taranenko

Head of Tourism Office of Kyiv City Administration

(Aloft Kyiv), Accor (Mercure Kyiv Congress and Ibis), which indicates the interest of foreign corporations in the

In 2017, we are seeing a clear trend: the tourist goes to us

tourism market of the capital. For business events of the

not only to look at the sights and attractions, he goes on

capital in the format of congresses, there are the follow-

events – workshops, congresses, festivals, sports compe-

ing successfully operating modern locations: Parkovyi

titions, song contests, etc. This year, Kyiv had the privilege

Culture and Exhibition Center, Stereo Plaza and the In-

of accepting UEFA event. The Tourism and Promotion De-

ternational Exhibition Center on the Left Bank, which is

partment, in turn, is actively preparing for this event. Now

the largest business event venue in Ukraine.

the work is underway to prepare Kyiv for the final matches

Participation in a growing number of international or-

of the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Women's

ganizations, holding of European and world forums,

Champions League of the 2017/2018 season. We have

sports competitions and championships in the capital

started opinion polls of tourists and visitors of the city in

of Ukraine give city the opportunity to develop rap-

order to study the tourist flows through Kyiv.

idly. Thus, Kyiv confidently steps to the honorable

The most important are events of business nature: this

place of one of the best distances for business tour-

direction attracts the attention of Ukrainian and foreign

ism in Europe.


Premier_Kiev_pass.indd 112

28.11.2017 11:19:35

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27.11.2017 15:15:51

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27.11.2017 17:05:18

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27.11.2017 14:43:26

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28.11.2017 18:18:24

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21.12.2017 21:41:22

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