2 College Headmaster’s Report 4 College Captain’s Report 5 College Leaders 2006 6 Curriculum 7 The Class of 2005 8 Tiverton Campus Report 9 Tiverton 2006 10 Mission Action Day 12 Year 7 Lightning Premiership 13 Year 7 Sports 14 Outdoor Education 15 Primary Rock Eisteddfod 16 Primary Life 17 Primary Classes 22 Year 7 30 Science 31 Year 8 40 Year 9 48 SRC 2006 49 Drama Night 50 Senior Rock Eisteddfod 52 Founder’s Day 54 Music In Performance 56 Kinnoull 2006 58 The Blue and Gold Ball 60 The Year 12 Formal 62 The Year 12 Mass and Valedictory Dinner 64 The Year 12 Final Assembly 65 Senior Awards 66 Year 12 Portraits 72 Year 12 2006 73 Kinnoull 2006 74 Year 12 Homerooms 80 Year 11 88 Music
Blue and Gold 2006
90 Carols Night 91 Year 10 98 College Staff 103 Mary McKillop Enhancement Centre 104 Technology 105 Art 108 Visual Communication and Design 110 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 112 Studio Arts 114 The Servant of Two Masters 115 VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies 116 The House Sports 118 LOTE 119 Geography 120 Sport Reports and Teams 145 De La Salle Visits Green Hills 146 St Vincent de Paul Society 147 Careers/VCAL 148 College Libraries 149 Parents’ Association 150 Centenary Mass 151 Vale Daniel Lagastes 152 Rest In Peace
College Headmaster’s Report
This year was marked by the celebration of the century of the Brothers arrival in Australia — one hundred years of delivering Catholic education. The focus of the work of influential, behaviourist psychologist, BF Skinner, has never really appealed to me but these words of his on education do. He said: “Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.” Most of us do not explicitly remember much of what we were taught at school, but we do know we grew in knowledge. What survives from my education as a boy at De La Salle, however, more than knowledge acquired, much of which is long forgotten, are the values and attitudes I learned from my parents, my teachers and my peers, values that are the beginning of wisdom as one seeks out the fundamental basis of a good life: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength and your neighbour as yourself.”
A quality education teaches one to think and to make good decisions. It is not simply a matter of Skinner’s behavioural conditioning, although parts of schooling may become so. Perhaps this is why Mark Twain would remark, somewhat cynically: “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” The poet, Robert Frost, stated insightfully: “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.” This is a key part of a good education — and also of maturation — developing confidence in who you are and in what you value, as well as a growing ability to respect the opinions of others without angst. While it is important to ensure that students at De La Salle are given quality access to technology and the modern tools of learning, it is worth reflecting on that simple gospel passage which describes Jesus growing up: “Jesus grew in wisdom and age and grace with God and men”. This picture of the growing child, Jesus, sits well with one of the descriptions of education which most appeals to me. It was that of the Nobel award-winning poet, W.B.Yeats, who said: “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” More than filling boys with knowledge, we are trying to light fires of self belief, fires of compassion for others, fires that lift us out of selfishness and possessiveness, and give us the burning hearts described by the disciples as Jesus walked with them to Emmaus: “See how our hearts were burning within us as he walked with us on our way”.
In Shakespeare’s play, the tragic figure of Macbeth says: “Out, out, brief candle. Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets across the stage for one brief moment and then is heard no more.” Born some 302 years after Shakespeare in 1856, George Bernard Shaw would write: “Life is no brief candle to me. It is a splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations”. It is the torch, the spirit engendered, the ethos, the tradition, of a school which make the most impact on the students. I believe the Year 12 of 2006 have indeed made the torch burn more brightly before handing it on to the next class. I congratulate Jacob Gotch and the leaders of 2006 for their wonderful year “at the top” and for the extra sparks they have given to our splendid torch. In the tragic death in July of Year 8 student, Daniel Lagastes, the torch burned brightly in powerful support of his grieving family and friends. More importantly, Daniel left behind some stirring evidence of the torch that burned within him in his short life. His personal motto for this year, “No regrets” became a rallying point for others gifted with a longer hold on the splendid torch of life. A new flame is burning with some of our Year 12 students now preparing to go to India with Brother Denis on the “Coolies” initiative to build homes for people who don’t have the opportunities we possess. There is no more important lesson to learn than that of becoming unselfish and willing to use one’s talents to help others. It is noteworthy that next year three young, Indian, De La Salle Brothers are going to Bereina in PNG where they will join Brothers Bede and Robert from our Province in working with the people of PNG.
The Class of ’05 The unassuming contribution made by Graeme Lawler and students in the St Vincent De Paul group and the regular assistance to the Sacred Heart Mission are other signs of our burning torch. Reports back from the Year 9 Social Justice week were also very positive. Mission Action Day was again outstandingly successful. These are some of the unselfish activities of the boys. We have a great College; but we must always be seeking to make the torch burn more brightly. A flickering flame is never good enough. The growing quality of the work produced by our music, art and drama departments displayed at various times during the year, deserves very high commendation. The students in the Rock Eisteddfod, led very creatively by Mrs Mary Finn, had their most successful year ever, basing the production on the religious theme of “heart and soul”. Our Director of Sport, Jon Edgar, Physical Education Coordinator, Peter Crellin, and Outdoor Education Coordinator, David Atkins, have organised or conducted programmes and activities that enrich the lives of the students at De La Salle. This Blue and Gold depicts many of the aspects of that “splendid torch” which burns at De La Salle. Most importantly I thank the staff who are focussed daily on the delivery of the curriculum at a time when the demands of implementing the new Victorian Education Learning Standards and the Federal Government Reporting standards are quite onerous. I express gratitude to our Director of Studies, Jo Prestia, and the Key Learning Area Coordinators, for their zealous contributions. I especially wish to acknowledge the very generous leadership and sensitivity to each person of the Deputy Principal, Peter Riordan, in all manner of situations. Thank you to Br Adrian and Mr Henry Corcoran for their quality leadership of the Kinnoull campus, and to the Year Level Coordinators for their
care of the boys. Thank you to Mrs Liz Kortum and the Parents’ association for very generous support at functions and activities. There are many other people who deserve thanks — our Finance Committee and new Business Manager Stephen O’Shea, administration staff, maintenance staff, staff with all manner of special responsibilities, each adding their flame to the burning torch. I conclude with a wonderful passage about religious education which Back Row: Andrej Vodstrcil, Charles McCart, Michael Robinson, James Weston, Chris Squire, Nigel Pereira Row 3: David McKenna, Stephen Badrock, Charles Noonan, David Bentley, George Farah, Ben Shipperd applies, in fact, to all edu- Row 2: James Duggan Chris Macdonald, Ben Dax, Simon Hunt, Daniel Rowse, Joshua Attard-Dixon, Tim cation for life written, by McKenna William Channing: Front: Br Bill, Matthew Corallo, Kyle O’Brien, Joshua Alfred, Nathan Burns, Chris Stubenrauch, Lachlan Bull, Luke O’Connell, Sam Tyrer Absent: William Adianto, Martin Ho, Elvin Tjoe The great end in religious instruction, is not to stamp Sam Tyrer our minds upon the young, but to stir up their own; (Dux of the not to make them see with our eyes, but to look College — inquiringly and steadily with their own; not to give 2005) with the them a definite amount of knowledge, but to inspire Treasurer, Mr. Peter Costello, a fervent love of truth; not to form an outward reguM.H.R., who larity, but to touch inward springs; not to bind them was our guest by ineradicable prejudices to our particular sect or of honour, peculiar notions, but to prepare them for impartial, and Mr. Peter conscientious judging of whatever subjects may be Riordan offered to their decision; not to burden memory, but (Deputy to quicken and strengthen the power of thought.” Principal). On 27th April That is what we are trying to achieve. It is a lofty Sam received a Premier’s Award for his perfect score in Political goal, a splendid torch which we are trying to make Studies, placing him in the top five students in this State. burn more brightly. Congratulations to Sam and his teachers. Br Bill
College Leaders 2006
Standing: Mr Matthew Breen, Br. Adrian Watson, Christopher Howard, John Moore, Adam Kovarik, Nathan Roberts, Mitchell Smith, Tim Arbon, Alex Phillipos, Mr Peter Riordan, Br Bill Firman Seated: Sam Dillon, Kevin Walker, Sam Williams (Vice-Captain), Jacob Gotch (Captain), Peter Nicholls (Vice-Captain), Craig Rodriquez, Chris Brodie
As the school year draws to a close it is with a tinge of sadness that I realize that this will be my last address. Looking back on my six years at De La I recall all the people who have left their impression on me, either by their words or deeds. De La is full of great men and women who make the (in Eddie Maguire speak) “De La Brand” unique. Whether it is in the Arts, its sporting teams or academic stars, the De La spirit is always present, something of which we can be very proud. At our Valedictory Dinner we heard from ex De-La students Justice Teague, Jules Lund, Tom Murphy and Trent Croad. At the end of the tribute I realized that not only did these men have their achievements
in common, but they also shared a great sense of humour and zest for life. It is this personality trait — along with achieving their goals — that makes them great ambassadors for De La Salle. As the class of 2006 moves on, we now hand the responsibility of protecting and advancing the “De La brand” over to you in 2007. I have considered it an honour and a privilege to be a part of a leadership group which has encouraged all students to participate in College life, and pride in their school. We’ve been serious in our cause, without taking our positions too seriously. I challenge you all to give it your all next year by making a commitment to each other — as well as
yourselves — to take De La forward; there are so many people with so much to offer. Be grateful for the opportunities that you are offered. So, make it a De La mantra that “anything worth doing is worth doing well”. I would like to thank De La for all the opportunities afforded me and our year level. I know, as we embark on the next stage of our education, that we will look back to our time at De La with great pride and gratitude. If the class of 2006 can be remembered for only two reasons, I hope it’s our positive outlook on life and our sense of cameraderie and humour. Go forth and sell our brand. All the best for 2007 and as mum always taught me to say ‘“Thanks for having us”. Jacob Gotch College Captain
Curriculum This year, De La Salle students spent approximately 1470 hours involved in school based activities, and if we include homework, this figure goes up by another 300 hours. Based on this, our boys spend a lot of time involved in education. This provides our teachers with the opportunity to initiate, develop and maintain longstanding relationships. In fact, the teacher-student relationship is significant in establishing a well-organized, safe and happy environment in which to learn. At De La Salle, the teacher-student relationship is at the heart of our educational philosophy. We know that all young people need role models, be they male or female. However, it is important that these role models are positive and allow students to develop an identity they are satisfied with, and that allows them to become positive role models for others. De La Salle, like other all-boys schools, helps students develop their masculinity, individuality and identity and we believe we are particularly successful
at doing this. The College’s teaching practices and the presence of meaningful relationships between teachers and students underpins our effectiveness. More importantly, we teach the boys not just how to cope with success but with failure as well. Looking back on the year, I am proud of the progress we, as teachers, have made in our ability to adopt new styles of teaching. The introduction of the Victorian Essentials Learning Standards (VELS) during 2006, ushered in a new learning and assessment system across the State and consolidated many of the innovative teaching and learning practices we had been modelling here. De La Salle has, for some time, been using a “learning style” approach, which is more suited to a variety of student learning styles. For example, in Year 7 History, students design and build an ancient city; working collaboratively in small groups to determine which buildings are appropriate and which Gods should represent the temples. Each group then builds and presents its city to the class. In Year 10 Art, a student proudly displays a giant pencil he has designed and built and asks if he can store it till the next day so he can deliver it safely home. In Year 8 Italian, students visit Lygon Street to explore first hand the culture and ambience of ‘Little Italy.’ Their eyes bulge when they see the array of pastries at Brunetti’s Cakes and their taste buds come to life over a lunch of traditional Italian pizza at Il Gambero restaurant. In Year 10 English, students are introduced to their novel by first reading the back cover and drawing a mind map featuring the main characters. They read a short synopsis and expand their map further. Finally, they read the first chapter and again add to their mind map. At the end of the session the boys have a visual diagram outlining the main characters which links to other
characters in the book. They can then use this to build on their knowledge and interpretation of the novel. Outside the classroom, De La Salle boys continued to flourish in the arts, drama, music and sport. This year’s Rock Eisteddfod boys came third in the state, combining the skills they developed in the drama and dance sessions. On an academic level, many students participated in national competitions for Mathematics, Science and Languages and as a College we scored well, with many boys receiving recognition in Distinction and Credit categories. During the year, students in Years 5, 7 and 9 took part in the AIMS statewide testing. The results show that our students are above both state and like school standards. As we are continuously looking to ways in which we can improve our teaching practices, the AIMS test results will be analysed along with the student learning surveys to further improve the delivery of curriculum and to raise benchmarks further in 2007. The journey is ongoing and I hope you can share that journey and encourage our boys to achieve their personal best as we prepare them for life in a challenging, unpredictable but exciting world beyond our school gates. Ms Jo Prestia Curriculum Coordinator
Religious Education The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (18131855) told the story of a circus which comes to town and promptly catches fire. One of the circus clowns, dressed in character, is dispatched to the village for help and to warn of the danger. However, the clown’s cries are greeted with laughter and applause. His growing anxiety only serves to add fuel, so to speak, to the comic spectacle enjoyed by the townsfolk. Their mirth is short-lived, of course, as the conflagration engulfs both circus and town, consuming all. I suspect that most Religious Education teachers will identify with the clown, as their audience expects to be entertained, only to find that there’s work to be done. The College is wholly supportive of Pope Benedict XVI when, speaking recently to Irish bishops during their ad limina visit to Rome about Religious Education in Catholic Schools, he stated that, “superficial presentations of Catholic teaching must be avoided, because only the fullness of the faith can communicate the liberating power of the Gospel”. This year has seen the introduction of second edition texts in the To Know, Worship & Love series, along with a new curriculum published by the Catholic Education Office for Years 710. The new primary curriculum will be trialled next year. Also in 2007, VCE students will undertake a more rigourous Religious Education program than in the previous years, with the introduction of
Texts and Traditions at Year 11 and Ethics at Year 12. Culture is often antithetical to the gospel. The peril in which modernity is to be found, like that of the village in Kierkegaard’s story, makes the message of salvation and truth all the more urgent, especially if it is greeted by misunderstanding, apathy or derision, rather than applause. We are convinced of the need to speak the truth in love (Cf. Eph 4:15). The College is pleased to join parents in the Christian education of their children. As Pope Benedict has said, “the family is the privileged setting where every person learns to give and receive love”. In collaboration with parents, De La Salle seeks to ensure that every student knows the joy of God’s love in their head and in their heart. Mr Ian Smith Religious Education Coordinator Seated with Mrs Joan Ferguson are the boys preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion — Ashton Agar, Year 7, Sam Beckman, Year 4, Daniel Ryan, Year 6 and Wesley Agar, Year 4. Will Agar, a Year 5 student attending another school, is also a member of the group. First Reconciliation was celebrated at the College on Tuesday, 13th November with Father Tiernan Doherty presiding. The students received First Eucharist, together with other young people from St Joseph’s School at St Joseph’s Parish Church.
WYD Day De La Salle College was invited to attend the Melbourne Launch of the Activ8 program, in preparation for World Youth Day Sydney 2008, which will be the largest Catholic youth event organised in Australia. Bishop James Wingle, of St Catharine’s diocese in Ontario, Canada launched the program, saying World Youth Day 2008 has the potential to be a “real watershed” experience for the Church in Australia. Bishop Wingle’s presentation followed a lunch for Catholic students at the Cardinal Knox Centre at St Patrick’s Cathedral, attended by Anthony O’Shea, Xavier Fitzgerald and Anthony Boghdadi from Year 9. World Youth Day promises to be a big part of life at De La Salle over the next two years, with all students being invited to take part in this historic event. Bishop Wingle, who was involved with the preparations of World Youth Day Toronto, Canada in 2002, said World Youth Day “opens doors, it opens all kinds of pathways and avenues for an emergence of a new life and a new consciousness of the Church”.
Faith Development
Social Justice Mass Each year in mid-August the young men are encouraged to bring food items to donate to those in need. The response is always very generous. The food items collected on the Kinnoull campus go to the Malvern Emergency Food Bank, while those from the Tiverton campus go to the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda. The vast amount of goods donated is due to the hard work of Mr David Hale and his volunteers on Tiverton campus and Mr Graeme Lawler and the St Vincent de Paul group on the Kinnoull campus. The Mass was a success, due in no small part to the celebrant, Fr Tiernan Doherty CP, who gave an excellent homily and has a wonderfully pastoral manner. Thanks to all the staff and students who helped as readers or as Special Ministers. It was also good to hear of the work done by students in St Vincent de Paul by Sam Williams (12D), Camp La Salle by Alastair Moroney (10H) and Coolies Month by Gerard Nolan (12R). The Mass and the collection are a good opportunity to remember what Jesus said and put it into practice: “Whenever you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt 25:40).
Lasallian Youth Leaders
The development of Lasallian Youth Leaders is one of the most exciting movements in Lasallian Youth Ministry this year. At De La Salle, and 5 other Lasallian schools in Australia, a volunteer group of student Leaders has been established to help continue the Lasallian tradition of faith, service and community. LYLs volunteer their time to service projects and work to build community through regular meetings and activities. De La’s 2006 group was lead by Carey Watkins, LYL’s President, supported by Faith Coordinator Pat Suhodobnik, Service Coordinator Shane Ah-Kan, and Community Coordinator Ben Dwyer. LYL projects have included Year Seven classes on Lasallian History and prayer, fundraising for the Lasallian Missions in Papua New Guinea and supporting the work of Camp La Salle and Lasallian Friday Night Games. 2007 promises to be an even bigger year for Lasallian Youth Leaders.
Retreats Our lives are very hectic these days. It is increasingly so for young people as well – juggling commitments and responsibilities. This is where retreats are invaluable. Leaving on Thursday morning and returning on Friday afternoon, they can be a small window of sanity amidst the hurly-burly of life. This is not to say that they are universally embraced! However, if we are to allow ourselves the opportunity to hear the “still small voice” of God, then we need to listen. We can only listen if we stop doing and allow ourselves to be. Aside from a range of activities such as discussions, games and prayer, the retreats are a marvellous opportunity for homerooms to mix in informal surroundings. In so doing, they strengthen the relationships that will help them through their VCE years. If they are attentive, these relationships are another way that God speaks to them, calling them by name. Mr Patrick Jurd Faith Development Coordinator
Tiverton Campus 2006 has again produced a year of many opportunities and much activity for the students on the Tiverton Campus. Each year students grasp the vast array of opportunities presented them, and make the most of their time at De La Salle College. It has been encouraging to observe the positive and active involvement of students working closely with Staff members who have given so generously of their time. Many of these opportunities and activities are captured in the pages of this Blue and Gold yearbook. As the person who often leads College tours and interviews prospective parents, I am frequently asked the question “What do I believe makes De La Salle a good school?” Whilst a number of answers spring to mind, the answer that resonates with me is the manner in which students accept each other for who they are, and the fact that students can find a niche in the College community, which has such a diverse range of talents and abilities. As a school we believe that the individual education of each student is critical for their future, and is found in the spiritual, academic, social, cultural, and sporting dimensions of the College. The generosity of the De La Salle community in helping and supporting those less
fortunate than themselves has been exemplary this year, and continuing to reach out to these people continues to be a key area of focus. This year for the first time the College was able to sponsor 14 children in India through the Lasallian Foundation, more than $60,000 was raised on Mission Action Day, thousands of non perishables and food items were distributed to the Sacred Heart Mission, the Malvern Soup Van and St Vincent de Paul was well supported, and a group of students known as Lasallian Youth For Justice (LY4J) were responsible for the collection and distribution of a large number of Christmas presents donated to local agencies. I am very grateful for the continued support of many people in my role as Deputy Principal/Head of Tiverton Campus. I would particularly thank Br Bill, Principal of De La Salle College, for his wisdom and excellent leadership of the College and for his much-valued support throughout the year. I sincerely thank all members of the College Leadership Team, Year Level Coordinators, Homeroom teachers, the Daily Organiser, the Director of Student Welfare, the Junior Studies Coordinator, the Key Learning Area Coordinators, the Subject teachers, the Director of Sport, Mrs Joan Ferguson, who often acts as an Executive Assistant for me in addition to her other responsibilities, and all the office and ancillary staff for their generosity, dedication and commitment to the College over the year. In partnership with parents, I believe we have developed a school community where students feel valued, where student successes and achievements are celebrated and acknowledged regularly, and where a great spirit and sense of purpose continues to grow in the Lasallian tradition. Peter Riordan Deputy Principal/Head of Tiverton Campus
Mr Riordan congratulates Mitchell Hurley (7D), who won the prize of a bicycle as one of the most prolific contributors to the annual Mission Action Day Appeal
Campus Leader’s Report When I heard my name announced as the Tiverton Campus Leader, I knew then and there that a challenging and exciting experience lay ahead of me in 2006. Tim East, our Vice-Captain, and I had lots of ideas to contribute, but there was always the concern that we needed to meet the expectations of our peers. Over the year we have done our best to offer our guidance, support and understanding, and to meet the needs of all members of the Tiverton community. Tim and I were given the chance to become more involved in the De La Salle community, and perform the tasks expected of us. These included readings at assemblies, and assisting when the Student Representative Council came together. We were required to be role models and leaders for the junior campus and pass on our experience to others in the junior levels. When we helped organise sporting activities during the year, we were struck by the amount of time and effort which had to be devoted to them. Both Tim and I have learnt and profited by the experience, responsibilities which will no doubt assist us for the remainder of our schooling and beyond. We would like to thank all staff members, especially the Year 9 Homeroom teachers, our comrades, and our families for their support and advice throughout the year. We are honoured and proud to be given the ability to lead the Tiverton Campus; it was an opportunity for which we are both grateful. Matthew Briglia
Mission Action Day
The Lightning Premiership
The Swimming Sports
Year 9 On Camp Year 9 students travelled to the Cathedral Ranges for the first time at this year level. Some were faced with challenging conditions on Mt Sugarloaf before the proceeded to abseil down cliffs, wriggle through caves, walk over crags and mountain bike for almost 30 kilometres. Boys in Year 9 really made the most of their opportunites on this program and enjoyed the experience immensely.
Outdoor Education
Year 10 Optional Trip to Mt Arapiles Known as the Mecca of the Australian climbing scene the boys from year 10 ventured to the Wimmera of Victoria, Mt Arapiles. On the five day trip students honed their skills and tested the friction of rubber over rock, mind over muscle and going beyond the length of a single 50 meter rope. Experiencing multi-pitch climbing (up to 160meters of the ground), night climbing, bouldering, absailing (up to or should I say down 100 meters), airy views and amazing exposure to the environment. The pinnacle being a night out on a ledge some 60 meters of the ground (Pillars of Hercules Cave. Boys spent the afternoon climbing this section of rock and hauling their equipment after them. Cooking on this ledge and placing protection in the rock so that they could spend the night tied in just in case! Seing the sunset and rise from this ledge was truely an amazing experience and part of a journey through the Outdoors that they will never forget. These 7 boys have gained experiences that only a few their age in the world would have before, Ben Carracher, Matt Glico, Xavier Harkins, Ben Farrell, Tom Jayne, David Murphy and Ryan Paturzo-Poulson. All of these experiences have been made possible by the experience of Matt Muling and David Atkins David Atkins Outdoor Education Coordinator
The Primary Rock Eisteddfod
YEAR 4 Back Row: Joshua McGivern, Victor Jenkins, Anthony DeLuca, Jackson Harrington, Lachlan Pola, Frederick Jenkins Second Row: Patrick O’Grady, Kane Wilson, Brayden Maynard, Nicholas Edwards, Jordi Sahely Seated: Samuel Beckman, Daniel Leone, Henry Smith, Peter Manaveris, Joseph McClelland, Marcus Johns Absent: Wesley Agar, Evan Lianos Teachers: Mr Terry Atkins, Mrs Mary Thomas
YEAR 5 Back Row: Andre Lew, Callum Howarth, Richard Buckley, Alexander DiMedio, Nathanial Edwards, Adam Pentifallo, Harry Beech, Brendan Maher, Alexander Pagonis, Kevin Barry, Thomas Fisher, Isaac Moulton Second Row: Peter Lagaris, William Johns, Mitchell Clarke-Smith, Joe Giorgini, Aaron Li, Lachlan Smith, Nicholas Donaghey, Daniel Anastasio, Nathan Evans Seated: Lawrence Twirdy, Andrew Cuttler, Scott Callahan, Matthew Crosbie, Nicholas Clampett, Nicholas Cheung, Matthew Ghersi, Joshua Caruso Teacher: Mr Tim Curran
YEAR 6 Back Row: Mike Chen, Jordan Wilson, Fraser Nelson, Joshua Vitacca, Adam Okurowski, Jake Krelle, Jackson Wheeler, Marcus Spyrou, Costa Manaveris, Rhyard Sahely Second Row: Darcy Freeman, Rosario Iannucci, Alexander Stott, Jack Kroussoratis, James Buckley, David Steel, Daniel Ryan, Hayden McKertish, Joseph Maccora Seated: Andrew Rappos, Justin Yuan, Jordan Porozny, Aaron Gross, Jack Carlin, Charles Haley, Paul Masson, Patrick Vella Absent: Kevin Duong, Lachlan Miles Teacher: Mr Brett Wadley
Grade 5 Poems
A Collection of Collective Nouns By Year 5
Love my dog See him jog When I’m low He licks my toes.
A range of rabbits – Nat Edwards A party of Ghosts – Isaac Moulton An enemy of soldiers – Lawrence Twirdy A swarm of zombies – Josh Caruso A cloud of ships – Lachy Smith A vortex of people – Alex Pagonis A fireball of dragons – Richie Buckley A target of arrows – Callum Howarth A bridge of hobos – Scott Callahan A flake of sharks – Alex Di Medio A well of blood – Brendan Maher A pinch of crabs – Kevin Barry A rattle of snakes – Matthew Ghershi A gun of soldiers – Aaron Li A nip of crabs – Andre Lew A library of Lisa Simpsons – Matthew Crosbie A jungle of monkies – Tom Fisher
Comments from Grade 4 “Grade 4 for us has been pretty good since the start of the year. Our teacher is Mr Atkins. But we call him Mr A. Mr A is an ok teacher because he always blames the class, even if we do something right. But usually he is just joking.” “Mr A is always trying to play tricks on us. Mr C is our next teacher in Grade 5; he is a great athlete. We wonder if next year we will have as much fun as we had this year.” “De La Salle has been great. At the start of the year school was very scary and Mr A was scary too. He is so funny because he tells such sick jokes. He is funny, particularly when he plays the spy game.” “When I knew he ran for a living I realized how fit he was. He is so fit and swims and rides bikes. He loves his car and drives it fast, everywhere. That is our funny teacher Mr A”.
A crash of cars – Nick Donaghey A sting of scorpions – Nick Clampett A flow of fish – Andrew Cuttler
My Cat I love my cat She likes to scat, But she doesn’t strut When she sees my mutt! Kevin Barry My dog is the best When she licks my chest She bites the hose Then she licks my nose. Lachlan Smith Cats I love my cats When they lie on their mats It looks funny When they chase my bunnies. Lawrence Twirdy
A battalion of bees – Nick Cheung A wearing of underwear – Mitch Clarke-Smith A river of cars – Joey Giorgini A trouble of extremists – Daniel Anastasio A shooting of soldiers – Nat Evans A covenant of elites – William Johns A slither of snakes – Adam Pentifallo An abduction of aliens – Peter Lagaris A delight of chocolates – Harry Beech and Richie Buckley
Hockey In hocky you use a stick and ball If goalie, it helps if you are tall To score is great But it’s just fun to participate. Nathanial Edwards
Josh Caruso
Rockets We finally launched our rockets! This exciting event took place at Caulfield Racecourse. The spectators had to stand 50m away from the launch pad (for safety reasons). Mr Curran loaded the engines and the igniters into each students rocket. And then lift off! Except for Andrew Cuttlers rocket-it lost its fins and crashed and burned. Witnessing this moment scarred the spectators! Towards the end of the morning the wind picked up and it was nearly too windy to launch any more rockets. But everyone still got a turn. (Sadly Nick and Alex’s rockets were lost).
Andrew Cuttler
Trees Brown branches curl and twist, Its roots taking in all it needs to survive. It’s home for many creatures; Big and small, Yet times it’s removed from our civilised world. I am a tree, Big, thick and tall. My ears: the hollows My eyes: the bark I’m gone at Winter’s onslaught, As it swoops down slashing death. Far through the forest, His wild hooves crash and thunder. Till many a mighty branch; Is torn asunder And as he creeps to his hole by the river, My copper leaves fall And my friends the bare trees shiver And Night creeps from the ground, Hides each tree from his brother And each dying sound; Reveals yet another So cold is this; my sap runs cold, but we’re greeted by warm Spring’s breeze. His long white beard: Traps and keeps us warm; As our new birth Restores our spirituality. He throws us a cloak, To each and every one of us; As we sleep warm through tender love, His caring face, like God: as we leave This broken body and grow to be as once we were, Old as a turtle yet as young as a new-born lamb Kevin Duong
The Year 6 Excursion to Channel 9 In October De La Salle’s Year 6 went to the Studios of Channel 9. We had to wait outside until all was ready for us. We thought we were going straight in but we still had to wait! When we got in we saw everyone getting their makeup on. We had very good seats, right in the middle, but the only problem was that we had to tilt our heads to avoid the cameras, which were going this way and that. There were a few initial problems; a light was not working, which does not sound like much, but it makes a big difference when scores were going up by tens instead of fives! In commercial breaks Pete Smith would come out and entertain us by asking us questions and giving out prizes, I won a Home Alone DVD! Throughout the three recordings we saw there were errors: forgetting lines, intro music problems, and ‘lock out’, when two contestants press their buzzer at the same time. All in all it was a fantastic day and made us aware of what is involved in making a production viewed by thousands of people. Fraser Nelson and Joseph Maccora
Year 7
7 Benilde Back Row: Kenny Paek, James Neilson, Aston Khanthakaew, Cary Spanopoulos, Zachary Barnetby, Jack Makin Third Row: Harry Haley, Nathan Robinson, Mitchell Fletcher, Vinay Ounbounheuang, James McCaffrey, Edward Howe, John Bohan Second Row: Dean Georgiou, Aidan Crellin, Luke Bruce, Alexander Chaplin, Joshua Attard, Xavier Leonard, Cameron Foots Seated: Alex Freeman, Alexander Pelly, Sean Young, Joel Clarke, Peter Vuong,Patrick O’Connell, Corey Bodin, Danny Bollas Teacher: Ms Dianne Byers
7 Dunstan Back Row: Alexander Kelada, Samuel Carson, Joshua Beckman, Patrick Cotter, Taron Naoroji, Liam Wilson, Juke Campbell-Beschorner Third Row: Cameron Rizio, Zack Licciardo, Conrad Lucas, Darcy Wood, Luke Gersbeck, David Grant Second Row: John Farrugia, Alexander Ross, Mitchell Hurley, Thomas Peterson, Nicholas Guemene, Rory Stedman Seated: Thomas Farley, Dimitri Damianos, Joshua Delgorge, Jackson Adams, Luke Dell’orso, Anthony Kouch Teacher: Ms Karen Harding
Year 6 to Year 7 at De La Many things have changed since we have arrived from Year 6 to Year 7, and I’m here to tell you about them. We had to take public transport to school for the very first time – when I was in primary school I did not have to consider trains or trams! Friends have changed since my primary days, as we now head off to different secondary schools. We have made new friends, which is great! We have had to adapt to the homework we now get, which can be a struggle at times. Going from St Benedict’s Primary School to De La Salle College was a big step, but a step worth taking. I love the variety of teachers and subjects, particularly sport and science. Now that I’m in high school everything has changed and changed for the better. Daniel Currie
Challenges and Changes At my old school it was actually pretty ‘samey’ a lot like ‘Ground Hog Day”. We did the same things over and over until Friday at 3.30, and then we went home. At De La Salle there is a variety of choices: Science, Geography, History, Tech, Music, and more. There are also heaps of things to join. I joined Rock Ed, which is a lot of fun (but a lot of hard work), and I joined the weightlifting squad because I thought it was the greatest sport I had ever seen, and it is fun. At my old school we never got much homework and even if we got it, it would have only been a page of maths or spelling. Now we get stacks of homework from English to Geography. I have made many new friends and I’m fitting in pretty well with school and I find it enjoyable. Public transport means I have to wake up at 7.00 and get ready by 7.30, catch the bus to the train station to Malvern and get on a tram at Glenferrie Road. It takes about 45 minutes to get from my house to school which, all in all, is pretty good. I think public transport was possibly the biggest challenge I faced when making the transition to De La Salle but, on the whole, De La is a good school and I look forward to the challenges which await in Year 8! Jonathan McGivern
There are so many differences between my old school and De La Salle. The big, big difference between De La Salle College and my primary school is that there are just over 160 students at my primary school and at De La Salle there are over 1100 boys! The subjects are completely different. Once we had English, Maths, Art, Music, RE and Italian. But here, there are so many more subjects like Maths, Science, Health, RE, Technology, Drama, Art, History, Geography, Music, Instrument, Library and English. It makes for a busy day! Transport is another consideration, because last year it was an easy walk home –probably 10 minutes, now at De La, I have to catch a bus and walk – which takes over 40 minutes in total. Talk about the uniform! Last year I wore a T-shirt, pants or shorts and runners or shoes. At De La Salle during winter we wear pants, shirt, tie, black shoes, and black socks, jumper (if you want to) and a blazer. With our summer uniform, we wear shorts, a T-shirt with the emblem on it, blazer (if you want to) and black shoes and socks. Even though there are differences between my primary school and De La Salle, they are in many ways the same in that I have a place I can call ‘home’, and I have really enjoyed going to both schools. I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead in Year 8, but I am very happy with the way things have started at De La.
Joseph Morina
My transition into De La Salle was very smooth. De La is very different from my old school though because there is a lot more people – teachers and students and we do a lot more work due to having many teachers and many subjects. We study technology, geography, history, science, art, drama, PE, maths, religion, health and heaps more! I love sport the most. The travelling to school is also a lot different because now I travel from Williamstown to Malvern – quite a hike compared to last year. Overall I love being apart of De La. I look forward to my future years here, its just a shame there are no girls!!!!!! Anthony de Bono I can’t explain the transition between grade 6 to year 7. One day you are at the top of the school and settled in with not a lot of work. The next you are snowed under at the other end of the school with so much work your bag weighs a tonne. The teachers expect more from you as you are getting older. You have days where you wish you were sitting in the primary classroom. I’m really busy with balancing school tasks but I have achieved so much. I scored a high score (second highest in Yr 7) for the Science Test, sadly beaten by one of my mates! Life is great at De La. The variety, challenges and friends makes it a great place to be (Even better if we didn’t get homework)!!!!!!!!! Seb Mackay
THE SNAKE MAN!!! Crikey! What a day we had with the Raymond the snake man! Personally he was the most amazing person with reptiles I’ve ever seen! Some of the things he showed us and demonstrated were absolutely amazing, scary and brilliant. Have you ever held one of the five deadliest snakes in the world? The De La Year 7s did. Did you know that tortoises are sore losers? That’s no typo either: we watched two tortoises have a race to flip themselves over (which they did with their heads — it was incredible) and the losing tortoises tried to jump off the edge of the table! Wow, I never knew that tortoises were suicidal creatures! Crocodiles look huge full-grown, but when all of us got to hold a twenty-month old one, it was barely the size of our hand. But still, I’ve got to hand it to them, — they’re nasty little guys. One of them, Joshua, had to have a rubber band around his mouth to stop him biting! We also got to see and hold a whole bunch of different types of lizards, and it hurt like crazy when they scratched! All in all everyone had a great time and we’re all grateful to Miss Surkitt and the other science teachers who organized the day. Andrew O’Connor
7 Hegarty Back Row: Christopher Kirk-Williams, Jackson Cormick, Lachlan King, Daniel Heath, Jack Forbes, Joshua Penzes Third Row: Angus Cramp, Ryan Goodman, Mark Goy, Alexander Holloway, James Cleary, Kieran Enright, James Annett Second Row: Liam Wood, Timothy Carlin, Laurent Tsang, Liam Sharp, Michael Tomlinson, Mitchell Humphries, Nicholas Mowbray Seated: Jackson Munday, James CampbellTennant, Ramy Farjou, Matthew Karlson, Sean Nankervis, Thomas Callahan, Simon Hearn, Nathan Johnstone Teacher: Mr Simon McDonald
7 Jerome Back Row: Gaetano Pepe, Cameron Mason, John Moneir, Nicolas Bouwmesster, Nicholas Holmes, Nathan Contin, Steven Ryan, Tim Jiang Second Row: Lucas Forato, Peter Petros, James Endrody, Matthew Daly, Daniel Austen, James Rizio, Clancy Scanlan, Grant Curnow Seated: Zachary High, Matthew Taranto, Mitchell Kaye, Dylan Jones, Andrew D’arcy, Joshua Taylor, Jesse Tavitian, William Sullivan Absent: Samuel Wittman Teacher: Mr Andrew Wozencroft
7 Miguel Back Row: Ashton Agar, Daniel Slavin, Lazarus Chrisomalidis, Matthew Harvey, Jackson Shaw, Ryan Hynes, Anthony Moumar, Patrick Orlando, Peter DiNatale Second Row: William Pirrie, Matthew Hamilton, Timothy Carracher, Roman Alberti, Alexander Sly, Sebastian Gotch, Oliver Purton-Smith Seated: Thomasin Vanzella-Riggio, Christopher DeGrazia, Anthony Anastasio, James Wilkinson, Joseph Smith, Paul Darras, Andrew Clark, Nicholas Pane Absent: Thomas Murphy Teacher: Mr Shaun Buckley
7 Roland Back Row: Jordan Smith, Joseph Regan, Samuel Sabbatucci, Fletcher Roberts, Patrick Fitzgerald, Andrew O’Connor, Timothy Gibson, Patrick Hatch, Timothy Shallue Second Row: Benjamin Doree, Matthew Pennacchia, Philip Taranto, Alex Otten, Mark Premier, Calvin Wu, Michael Bruce, Michael Hogan Seated: Jacob Williams, Michael Selwood, Stuart Maddocks, Matthew McBride, Robert McCarthy, Nik Lukic, Connor Tolson, Ricky Kyriazopoulos Teacher: Mr David Hale
7 Solomon Back Row: Dennis Kastanis, Michael Stizza, Anthony deBono, Alexander Roney, Dylan Jones, Sebastian Mackay, Jonathan McGivern, Sam Remfry, Samuel Jeanes Second Row: Jake Cowan, Christopher Brezzi, Samuel Barone, John Birchall, Jacob Curtis, Daniel Vass, Anthony Soriano, Mario Papotto Seated: Michael Galgani, Joseph Morina, William Nash, Thomas Benson, Mitchell Lane, James Brunskill, Daniel Currie, Michael Bellmunt Teacher: Ms Amy Surkitt
7 Vincent Back Row: Jordan Bull, Daniel Janka, Jayden Guerrieri, Ethan Rocke, Nicholas Smith, Ryan Lack, Nicholas Hall, Patrick Shannon, Jarrod WilsonWall, Fernanda Sidarta Second Row: Carlo Tjahjadi, James Wilson, Liam Burke, Ryan Neeson, Phillip Stevens, Jake Wise, Jack O’Shannessy, Jack Cooper, Justin Anagnostopoulos Seated: Mitchell Halliwell, Lincoln Edwards, Patrick Gallagher, Matthew Allars, Nicholas Sullivan, Jonathon Kartadinata, Scott Miller, William Bowes Teacher: Mr Larry Evans
Year 7 Leaders It always amazes me how quickly the year goes. It doesn’t seem that long ago I was addressing the Year 7 boys for the first time about the start of their secondary school life at De La Salle. The sense of nervous excitement was almost palpable. For some, the prospect was quite daunting, while others were ready to leap enthusiastically into this new adventure. The start of Year 7 is a great challenge for most boys. A new school, new subjects and teachers and the task of making new friends can be quite intimidating. Of course, it is a different group of young men I see at the conclusion of the year, and it has been an absolute pleasure watching this shy, nervous group of boys grow into a confident and relaxed group of students ready for the challenges of Year 8 next year. This year has had many highlights. I’m sure that the students will look back fondly and remember the Outdoor Education camps to Jan Juc during Term 1. Great weather, a fantastic environment, and some sensational surfing kicked off the school year on a very positive note. Other memorable events include the sport rally days, the Homeroom Indoor Soccer competition, anti-bullying days, music concerts and of course, the annual Football Lightning Premiership! I would like to congratulate the boys on their willingness to become involved in the extra-curricular activities of the College and would encourage them to challenge themselves more often next year to fully benefit from what this great school has to offer.
Mr M. Naughton, Nik Lukic, Patrick O’Connor, Tim Jiang, Nicholas Holmes, Aston Khanthakaew, John Farrugia, Dimitri Damianos Seated: Simon Hearn, Patrick Fitzgerald, Sebastion Mackay, Anthony de Bono, Angus Cramp, Patrick Gallagher Absent: Matthew Harvey, Anthony Moumar, Lincoln Edwards
The Year 7s of 2006 have been very fortunate to have been guided by a dedicated and caring group of Homeroom teachers – Ms Dianne Byers, Ms Karen Harding, Mr Andrew Wozencroft, Mr Chris Martin, Mr Shaun Buckley, Mr David Hale, Ms Amy Surkitt and Mr Larry Evans. I thank them all for their efforts throughout the year. Their patience and genuine care and concern for the boys has made my job so much easier and their hard work has laid a solid foundation for these students for future years at De
La Salle. It has been a pleasure to be involved with the Year 7 class of 2006. I hope they look back at the year with great memories and are just as excited and enthusiastic about beginning Year 8 next year. Mr Michael Naughton
Year 9 Stop-Motion Animation
This year’s theme for the Year 9 animation class has been Ned Kelly. All students were required to research the life and times of one of our best known historical figures, Ned Kelly. The film has been worked on for the entire year by two groups of animators. Students were required to produce detailed story boards, design and build sets, make their clay characters and, finally, film the story. Photos show students building sets, making characters and using digital cameras to make the film ‘cells’. To make one second of animation they take 24 shots with a camera. The film screened at the end-of-year Animation Night, along with films from Mrs Clare Needham’s groups and Mr Paul Maxted’s Year 11 Vet Multimedia class. The College was fortunate enough to have Adam Elliot, creator of Harvey Krumpet, give out awards on the screening night in November. Mr Michael Bazely
De La Salle takes out a prize at Talk Fest Each year the Lasallian schools in Melbourne participate in the Annual Lasallian Public Speaking Challenge. This year, James Brown 9M, was awarded the Year 9 Prize, which was held at St James College in East Bentleigh. James, whose prepared speech, “Graffiti Art or Vandalism,” was one of five speeches presented by De La Salle students before a packed audience in the newly opened Chapel Building at St James. Other schools represented were St Bede’s and St James. All of the schools walked away with prizes. Ms Kerry Martin, 9 English, said the De La student’s speeches covered a range of interesting topics including racism, religion, homework, technology and even show business. “All of the boys were a credit to the College and their topics reflected the breadth of interests nurtured by De La Salle.” “James Browns’ winning speech on graffiti was original and witty questioning the possibility of Michelangelo as a graffiti artist,” Ms Martin said. “While Antonio Cafaso thrilled the audience with a rendition of There’s No Business Like Show Business to conclude his speech on the benefits of theatre performance.” Lincoln Edward 7V represented Year 7 with his speech on racism, Daniel Martin 8H, represented Year 8 with his speech on technology, James Brown 9M, represented Year 9 with his speech on Graffiti, Paul Culliver 11R, represented Year 11 with a speech on religion and last but not least, Antonio Cafaso 11H, represented Year 12 with the speech on the theatre. Congratulations to all the boys who participated on the night and thanks to the organizers and the judges.
Year 8 Debating At the end of Term 2, Year 8 students were given the opportunity to debate against the girls at Star of the Sea. Even though Star had to reschedule the date, the night was great. Before the event we had to see Mrs Thomson, who helped us prepare our speeches — sometimes we had to prepare two or three times a week! Five teams debated varied topics which took a great deal of preparation. The night was huge fun. De La won four out of Standing: Mrs Christine.Thompson, Daniel Martin, Ryan Ellis, Ben Stott, Vincent Arthur, five debates but, unforNick Kent, Blake Davis, Mrs Carmel Dwyer tunately, my team lost by Seated: Patrick Helsing, Alex McEwan, Jake Kakouros, Brenton McDonald, Marcus Topp, Ben Siragusano three points. But there was another opportunity for two teams to debate other schools at McKinnon High. Over three nights at McKinnon, two De La teams debated other schools on an array of topics. Before the night, we all had to get up early to meet Mrs Thomson before school in the library to prepare our speeches. My team won two out of three debates, and our other team won all of their debates. These nights were a lot of fun, and we learnt a lot about public speaking from them. When we thought the debating experience was over, we were informed there was to be another (ACC) debate at St Bede’s, wherein both De La teams would compete. This day was again a lot of fun. De La Salle won two out of three debates, and came third in division one. None of this could have happened without the help of Mrs Thompson and Mrs Dwyer and the teams thank them for their time and patience. Ben Siragusano
Year 8
Year 8 Camp Oh no not again,’ I said to myself as I felt the rain and wind against the tent wall in the night. I was still awake after wondering what new exciting activity we were going to tomorrow. It was the Year 8 Jerome Camp at Lorne. Our first days of activities had been terrific. My favourite activity was the mountain biking, as you have to dodge different obstacles while cutting through grass fields and cycling over on boardwalks; this was very challenging. Abseiling was also good as we were on ‘Big Rock’ with harnesses attached to us. The first couple of meters were hard as the wind kicked in and made balance very difficult. At dinners we were always hungry, as the days’ activities took a toll on us. We had pasta one night, which was excellent. The hot chocolate was even better as it warmed us in the evening chill. After brushing our teeth and telling each other our stories of the day we went to sleep, looking forward to the following day’s activities. Year 8 camp was definitely a highlight for me. Pat Harrison
Day 3 was the best. We all packed our daypacks for a fun and adventurous day. We drove down the Great Ocean Road and then the two groups went their separate ways. First up for my group was mountain bike riding. We all were pretty excited as we prepared to get underway. We rode through a narrow path and then onto a bumpy dirt road. When suddenly a snake appeared in the middle of the track, we all braked and almost had a huge 12 bike pileup. We had lunch and then it was time to go surfing. The waves were pretty small at first but gradually they got bigger. Everyone had stood up on their boards and having a great time. After that we had a barbeque dinner by the beach. At first I really wasn’t looking forward to Camp but in the end I was glad that I went. Overall my Year 8 camp experience was excellent. Sean Ellis
8 Benilde Back Row: Oscar Szalc, Adrian Crisafi, Jack Jopling, Lachlan Shearer, Myles Donegan, Mitchell Nelson, Haydn Cowan, David Convery, Michael Badrock Second Row: Christopher Kuan, Paul Grigoriou, James Scoutas, Sean Collis, Michael Doherty, Jeremy O’Halloran, Blake Davis, Thomas Gaylor Seated: Daniel Guemene, Jean-Rene Vauzelle, Nicholas Borgia, Joshua Battersby, Christopher Frangoulis, David De Fazio, James Lolicato, Rolando Cozza Absent: Sam Gates Teacher: Mr Jon Edgar
8 Dunstan Back Row: Joshua Schultz, Nathan Beaumont, Shannon White, Ross Pastras, Declan Kostos, Daniel Clinch, Adam Harrison, Michael Higginbotham, Joshua SanMartin Second Row: Jordan Brown, Garrett McDonough, Robert Weir, Declan Freeman, David Simon, Charles Mottram, Hayden Renshaw Seated: Christopher Smith, Benjamin Jeffery, Luke Hogan, Thomas Humphrey, Vaughan Wise, Joseph Myers, Aaron Medoro, James McMahon Absent: Nicholas Ng Teacher: Mr David Happ
8 Hegarty Back Row: Ryan Ellis, Kostantinos Paspaliaris, James Leone, Daniel Stavrevski, James Amerena, Michael Crosbie, Liam Ellis, James Walker, Emmanuel Arapis Second Row: Matthew Tucker, Leo Morgan, Henry Nguyen, Daniel Martin, Sean Geaney, Alexander Holden, Dylan Scolyer, Thomas Hemming Seated: Rhys Jones, Nicholas Spencer, David Brace, Tom Molloy, Fabian D’Addazio, Nicholas Husek, Patrick Helsing, Peter Gill Teacher: Mr Shane Mackintosh
8 Jerome Back Row: Ross Fattore, Anthony O’Toole, Lachlan Cook, Vincent Arthur, Sean Ellis, Liam Grech, Linton Farrell, Dominic Sheehy Second Row: Joshua Fisher, Adam Russo, Jake Kakouros, Daniel Lagastes, Declan Clifford, David Re, Patrick Harrison, Jamie Farnell Seated: Hugh Nicholson, John Camilleri, Albert Prendergast-Kruger, Alex McEwan, William Allen, Luke Henriques-Gomes, Ben Siragusano, Samuel Smith Absent: Jose Borje Teacher: Mrs Carmel Dwyer
Year 8 2006 Year 8 Dance The boys of Year 8 and the girls from Presentation College partook in a fun-filled, humorous and enjoyable co-ed dance. It was a “Bush Dance”. We were taught many “old fashioned” and funny dances from the lovely instructor who led us through the day. The dances involved all of us, and moment to moment we moved from partner to new partner. The day seemed to fly. We met lots and lots of girls, swapped numbers, and had a lot of laughs. At the end we enjoyed an afternoon tea, socializing and making more new friends. The bush dance was a lot of fun (once you got over the embarassment). Year 8 kicked off with a Lightning Premiership between all Year 8 Homerooms. The Grand final was awesome, and the last game went down to the wire, Jerome beating Dunstan by only one point. In Semester I there was a basketball competition, with games being held at period 8 in the last part of the semester. Jerome won again this time beating Solomon by 15 points. The other sporting competition in year 8 was the indoor soccer competition. Currently there are 8 teams left and in a few weeks time the Grand final will be played. There have been a variety of different activities that have been on offer in Year 8. I hope the Year 9 activities are just as good. Josh Fisher
The Rock Eisteddfod There we were, standing on stage in Rod Lava Arena, wearing old school shoes covered in red glitter, fluffy angel wings and a halo on our heads. I was nervous in front of a full arena; my heart was pumping, but at the same time I was dancing and doing all the moves as if it were second nature. After all, we had been learning it since the start of the year, and it was now the end of August. We did lunch, recess, early-morning and after-school rehearsals. I had a great time being part of the best dancing production in Rock Ed Victoria which came third overall, We also won the Choreography, Soundtrack and Spirit of Rock Ed Awards. All in all it was a great experience. Thank you Mrs Finn for a great production, thank you Nicole for your awesome dance skills, and thanks to Mr Happ for a great set. This was my favourite time at De La, because it was possibly De La Salle’s last Rock Ed. It was a great experience. Adam Russo
8 Miguel Back Row: Stuart Griffin, Michael Bohan, Callum Nugent, Michael Quigley, Achilles Ploutos, Nicholas Place, Michael Keegan, Dimitri Spanos, Daniel Bendinelli Second Row: Stefan Hambleton, Christopher Todisco, Ryan Osekowski, Bryce Desira, Nicholas Schultz, Darcy McCaffrey, Iryoung Fan, Jordan Braim Seated: Hamish Hudson, Vincent Musco, Paul Pritchard-Cseh, Thomas Doherty, Sebastian Lolicato, Sebastian Oliver, Cameron Fyfe, Alessandro Formica Teacher: Ms Joanne Graham
8 Roland Back Row: Daniel Nakos, Jonathan Nikakis, Simon Windley, Eugene Twomey, Romeo Bou-Ghosn, Alexander Minicz, Matthew Bellion Third Row: Lachlan Pezet, Benjamin Stott, Michael Keenan, Shadee Molinaro, Scott Barnsley, Brenton McDonald Second Row: Aristidis Kounoupis, Marcus Topp, Nicholas Kent, Harry Hatzis, Benjamin Sarena, Thomas Payne Seated: Anthony Sansalone, Daniel Boulos, Damian Li, Harry Irvine, Ben Forrest, Phu-Dat Pham Teacher: Mr Ian Oliver
8 Solomon Back Row: Todd Dover, Sean Dillane, Simon Woodcock, Jack Broadhead, Aidan King, Samuel Brooks Third Row: Lee White, Luke Frazzetto, Nathan Coffey, Daniel Iacovangelo, Matthew Tropeano, Thomas Brunskill, Vincent Ripepi Second Row: Thomas Rappos, Joshua Ramsay, Timothy Foster, Joseph DeGirolamo, Fraser Henry Seated: William Kennish, Bryce Jansz, Liam Cummins, Michael Kharsas, Luke Riley, Alexander Hay, Dominic Barker Teacher: Br Gerald Barrett
8 Vincent Back Row: Alan Clark, Antony Forato, Mitchell Sarpi, David Windley, Jason Terrell, Patrick Harrington, Jack Beech, Simon Cassar, Nicholas Gleeson Second Row: Benjamin Ahern, Cailin Wrigley, Mitchell Sellman, James Mreulje, James Re, Timothy Howard, Jacob Maher, Xavier Quigley Seated: Craig Sutton, Nicholas Bolger, Lachlan Cook, Benjamin Peck, Danny Eid, Jack Brammer, Samuel Noble, Jacob Nicolin Teacher: Mr Bryan Smith
Year 8 Leaders Year 8 Coordinator’s Report It has been a very busy, and at times, a challenging year for students and teachers in the Year 8 community. The year began with the challenge to ‘Be Your Best’, and was a constant goal for the students to strive towards for the entire year. Whether it was academic or co-curricular, the boys were encouraged to get involved in as many aspects of school life as possible. The students have embarked on many personal development activities during the year. The Reach Day Program and fourday camp at Lorne, encouraged the stuRow 3: Mr Shane Macintosh, Benjamin Stott, Lachlan Shearer, Sean Ellis, Sean Dillane, Jonathan Nikakis, Antony Forato, Blake Davis, dents to move outside of their comfort zone, Cailin Wrigley, Brenton McDonald to respect themselves, and their peers. Row 2: Luke Henriques-Gomes, Alexander Hay, Jack Brammer, David De Fazio, Sebastian Oliver, James McMahon, Patrick Helsing, Daniel A visit to the Sacred Heart Mission and the Boulos, Paul Grigoriou, Joshua Fisher, James Leone, Luke Hogan surrounding streets of St Kilda provided the Seated: Fraser Henry, Michael Kharsas, Jake Kakouros, Ryan Osekowski, Robert Weir, Dimitri Spanos, Declan Freeman, Sean Geaney, boys with an insight into how local welfare Benjamin Ahern groups provide much support and care for Year 8 Homeroom teachers and their ‘Buddies’ for Another highlight for the boys was the Bush Dance held in those who are in need of help. This visit the dedication and effort they have made. Their hard conjunction with the girls of Presentation College, Windsor. provided a great incentive for the students work and support is After the initial nerves had passed, boys and girls enthusiastito collect cans and food for their Social greatly appreciated cally displayed fancy foot work and, by all accounts, enjoyed Justice Mass, held at the end of Term 3, by all. the day immensely. where all food donated went to the Sacred I wish you all safe The year will also be remembered for the tragic loss of Daniel Heart Mission. and happy holidays. Lagastes. A hard working student, Daniel is well respected by Over the course of the year there was sporthis peers and teachers. His spirit and energy will always be Mr Shane Macintosh ing and academic rivalry displayed between remembered. Year 8 Homerooms. Activities included As the boys look forward to their summer break and the debating, lunchtime basketball, and indoor opportunities that Year 9 will bring, I would like to thank all soccer competitions, all of which raised money for Mission Action Day. The Aussie Rules Lightning Premiership Day always goes down as one of the most exciting sporting days. The final, played between Mrs Dwyer’s Jerome team, and Mr. Edgar’s Benilde side, ended with a one point victory to Jerome, in a nail-biting finish.
Year 9
9 Benilde Back Row: Corey Patterson, Matthew Chai, Kieran Winter, Spencer Roberts, Nathan Berenger, Jake Stewart, Jack Gray, Anthony O’Shea, Daragh O’Brien, Roger Madafferi Second Row: David Bruce, Luke McShane, George Kucukbalci-Katsifolis, James Chaplin, Liam Perea, Anthony Boghdadi, Jackson Purton-Smith, Jacques Plompen Seated: Charlie Wolstenholme, Kevin Nguyen, James Russo, Owen Luby, Jordan Rogers, Matthew Briglia, Nicholas Enright, Blake Raymond Teacher: Mr Peppe DiCiccio
9 Dunstan Back Row: Joseph Phillipos, Matthew O’Connor, Haimish Rix, Michael Dungan, Timothy East, Tyler Raymond, Patrick Cross, John Bernardone Second Row: Benjamin Francischelli, Kieran McInerney, Marcus Nonnis, Matthew Burns, Tahe Antas, Patrick Tumale, Jonathan Dykes, Christopher Day Seated: Toby Mayell, Nicholas Bolt, Patrick Hogan, Jack Gialamatzis, Michael Patane, Daniel Stow, Michael Blakebrough, Darcy O’Brien Absent: Nicholas Ibarra, Thomas Miles Teacher: Ms Sandra Troise
9 Hegarty Back Row: Tristan Moore, Michael Lee, Thomas Kitson, Samuel Heatley, Michael Osekowski, Shane Suzuki, Stefan Nowak, Declan Smith Second Row: Marcus Holmes, Michael Sauer, Michael Ryan, Corey Maynard, James VanDerWolde, James Salanitri, Marcus Mortale, Macauley Hughes Seated: Xavier Pritchard-Cseh, Benjamin Kneebone, James Fagan, Ryan Gallagher, Andrew McDonough, Yevashrin Naidoo, Sashen Govender, James Bough Teacher: Mr Paul Fegan
9 Jerome Back Row: Simon Lam, Thomas Mattmann, Alex Kydd, Paul Saunders, James Steel, Dean White, Samuel Watkins, Shane Cosgrave Second Row: Jake Evans, Alexander Nikoloudis, Jake Wilson, Dominic Baker, Stephen McConnell, Matthew Nolan Seated: Rohan Johnson, Darcy O’Kane, Thomas Cardwell, Aaron Robinson-Bodin, Anthony Cormick, James Theodoridis, Jared Dudley, Robert Paczkowski Absent: Tim White Teacher: Mr Ian Smith
The Year 9 Newspaper
This year saw the second year of the Year 9 newspaper, the Lasallian News, which is published online on the De La Salle Intranet once a term. Each Homeroom has one representative who acts as a roving reporter for the paper seeking out good stories on the exploits of their fellow students. Ms Martin, who was once a journalist on The Australian, coordinates the paper and makes sure that it is published on time (and writes some great headlines). We have learnt a lot about newspapers from her involvement. As the editor and sometimes photographer extraordinaire, my role is to make sure the stories are written and to keep my ear to the ground for forthcoming articles. So far this year the paper has published a range of stories including the new timetable, the house system, MAD day and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as well as regular features on ACC sport, Homeroom news and reviews. As the current crop of year 9s prepare to move across to Kinnoull, it is time for some prospective year 8 students to take over the role of Homeroom reporter and Editor. So if you have an interest in becoming a journalist or just want to get involved in something really worthwhile see Ms Martin. Tom Parsons
Peer Support
Earlier in the year, students from Year 9 were asked to submit applications for the positions of leadership in the College in the Peer Support Programme. The response was overwhelming! Some forty-three boys were accepted and proceeded to become actively involved. The students participated in a training programme where they learnt and practised skills that they would need to successfully run peer support sessions with the Year 7 students. The sessions were an extension of the current Personal Development course which is a vital part of the school curriculum. The programme included sessions such as “Let’s Connect”, “Chill Out With Friends” (issues with friends and peer groups); “Operation Checklist - Get Organised” (organisational skills); and “It Takes All Types” (acceptance of individual differences). The Year 9 students ran the peer support sessions; two peer support leaders to a group of 12 Year 7 students. One of the advantages being, that the senior students would be able to relate their own personal experiences at school to the younger students to help them through this, often trying, period of transition in their lives. The Year 9 students were often able to deal with issues that the younger boys felt more comfortable discussing with other students rather than a teacher. The feedback from both year levels of students was very positive. After having a great deal of contact with the year 9 students involved in this programme, I would like to extend sincere congratulations to these boys. They were dedicated in their endeavours, striving to give their very best at all times. Their enthusiasm and commitment to the programme can only be commended. Well done! Thank-you to Mr Harte, who helped with the training days as well as ensuring that the boys were organised, and
that the sessions ran smoothly. Thank-you also to the teachers involved who supported the programme. It is very ‘Lasallian’ to see great team work from a group of people- students and staff- to help realise a dream into a reality. Some quotes from Year 9 Peer Support Leaders. Here are excerpts from a couple of reflections by the Year 9 students on the program: “This year’s peer support program was a huge success; not only for the boys in Year 7, but also the Year 9s. It gave us a sense of responsibility. We really felt as if we were making a difference in showing new, enthusiastic boys around their new home. It also gave us a chance to lead and work on skills that made us make us better leaders. We could relate to the Year 7s easily, as it has only been two years since we were in their shoes. The Year 7 boys found the sessions more and more comfortable and we often got relevant (and positive) feed back...” (Xavier Murphy) “I think that Year 7 can be very daunting, and getting some insight on how to ‘make it through’ helped me when I was in Year 7. I thought that taking control of a class was going to be pretty tough, but fortunately the Years 7s were a pretty cool bunch. Of course, we began by doing all the ‘getting to know each other’ stuff, “What’s your name? What are your goals for the year? What are your hobbies?” and by the end of the introductions I had most of their names memorized. So that was that, the first lesson over, and no one cried, and all of my limbs were still attached. And so the lessons continued, with us playing games and learning about what makes a good friend, and how to deal with bullies…” (Hugh Brophy) Ms Dianne Byers
The People Who Care
There is More to Life..
They are the people who watch over me, Through day and night, They are the people who provide for me, Especially when hunger strikes, They are the people who work, Just to educate and empower me, They are the people whom I can trust, When I am in need of help, They are the people who tell me off, When chaos starts, They are my advisers, Who teach me the difference between right and wrong, They are the people who gave me life, They are the people who are dear to me, Mum and Dad. Thank you. Michael Lee
I had to go to a funeral. A friend of Dad’s had died. The whole two hours in the Greek Orthodox Church, I was focusing on Dave. Watching him try to be so strong for his little brothers Holding back his tears and putting on a straight face. Then the casket was opened, It hit him harder than the cancer itself Dave’s remembering everything. Cricket in the backyard The holidays at Lakes Entrance And most of all The Doctor saying “Your Dad’s going to pull through” I watched him turn whiter than the body inside. I saw what cancer does. And I think about everything I have. Ryan Gallagher
There is more to life than skateboarding. The rolling of the wheels along the ground, The bearings smashing round and round. The feel of the wind thbough my hair Doing tricks I should never dare. The screeching brakes of the BMX, Horrible thoughts of broken necks. Grazed knees and battered elbows, Pain from strained muscles and cramping toes, Hoping not to break my nose. Grinding round through the rings, Falling over and smashing shins. Trying hard not to stack. Because I might put out my back. Wanting to fly as high as a plane, Without going through too much pain. Up and down on the pipe, Up and into the air I hike, Flying on high like a kite. I go home battered and bruised, And Mother looks at me - not amused. Marcus Mortale
There’s more To Life Than... Mindless sports Like golf or that sport where they sweep the ice to make the iron go faster. 9:00 – 5:00 workdays, Suits, secretaries, meetings and business lunches. Obsessions over appearances, Diets, makeup, operations and expensive clothes. The Lure of Money, Profits, earnings, expenditures and balances. The Routine of Life, Waking up, going to school/work, coming home and sleeping, then the same next day War, Dictation, conquests, munitions and death. Technology, TV, computers, game systems and mp3s.
Year 9 Leaders Year 9 Leaders’ Report As the year passes we now have the chance to look back and reflect upon our growth as a year level. We are continually astonished by the effort put in by pupils and teachers, which have culminated in making 2006 the successful year it was. Our theme for this year was “Good Leaders Motivate and Inspire”, and students embraced this theme with enthusiasm; leaders not only attempted, but succeeded, in leading the campus with maturity and reciprocated respect. This year an impressive number of boys volunteered their services to join the Peer Support Program and welcomed new, enthusiastic boys into Year 7. In the second week of Term 4 all Year 9 students took part in the annual Lasallian Service Program. This Program entailed boys taking on a week of duties and responsibilities in retirement homes and similar institutes of their choice. This single week of Year 9 education was, for most, a great experience; young men proved themselves to their supervisors in their placements, who spoke glowingly of the positive contributions De La students contributed to the week. There was an enormous amount of effort given to boys by all Year 9 teaching staff, to prepare us for end-of-semester exams. As a corollary, we would like to thank all Year 9 Homeroom teachers for their tireless efforts to make 2006 one of growth for all. As a year level we thank the following Homeroom teachers: Mr Pepe Di Ciccio, Ms Sally Troise, Ms Kerry Martin, Ms Carmel D’ Andrea, Mr Shane
Standing: Mr Peter Harte (Year 9 Coordinater), Ms Dianne Byers (SRC Coordinator), Sam Stamos, Declan Smith, Dean White, Adrian Papamiltiades, Jake Stewart, Thomas Cleary, Samuel Heatley, Samuel Watkins, Alex Kydd, Dan Stow, James Brown, Mr Peter Riordan (Principal) Seated: Samuel Ayre, Nicholas Hyland, Xavier Murphy, Ryan Gallagher, Timothy East (Campus Vice-Captain), Matthew Briglia (Campus Captain), Matthew Herbstreit, Liam O’Rourke, Paul Siarabalos
Slavin, Mr Christopher Fleming, Mr Ian Smith, and Mr Paul Fegan, for their efforts in showing us the way to be good citizens, and good Lasallians. Last, but not least, we thank Mr Peter Harte for his fair and even-handed guidence this year. In closing, the entire Year 9 student body should be proud of their efforts in 2006, and be praised for their
individual achievements throughout the year. Let us not forget a debt of gratitude that should go out to our supportive families and siblings. We would like to wish the boys all the best in the future as they make the transition over the road to Kinnoull Campus, and their senior years. Daniel Stow and Toby Mayell
9 Miguel Back Row: Victor Wong, Patrick Holmes, Guilliano Muratore, Nathan O’Sullivan, Daniel East, Michael James, Ryan Graf, Courtney Scanlan, Zohaib Zaman Second Row: Thomas Stubbings, Thomas Parsons, James O’Donnell, Joshua Quinn, Peter Marinis, James Brown, Samuel Ayre Seated: Trent Bainbridge, Matthew Stewart, Luke McCandless, Xavier Murphy, Nicholas Green, Jack Taylor, Dean Petras Teacher: Ms Kerry Martin
9 Roland Back Row: Edward Ennor, Patrick McNamara, Adam Benson, Thomas Cleary, Matthew Pecora, Matthew Marshall, Darcy Vitacca, Matthew O’Donnell Second Row: Benjamin Ellul, Bradley Dobney, Marc Kydd, Hugh Brophy, Ignatius Howe Seated: Liam O’Rourke, Damien Gould, Christopher Smith, James Joo, Benjamin Tesoriero, Michael Draga, Daniel Newell Teacher: Ms Carmel D’Andrea
9 Solomon Back Row: Christopher Klidaras, Stephen Byrne, Xavier Fitzgerald, Andrew Lombardo, Lawrence Martin, Lachlan O’Connell, Adrian Papamiltiades, Nicholas Hulston, John Cooper Second Row: Ryan Harris, Luke Terella, Andrew DiCosmo, Andrew Robson, Joel Boardman, Adam Michaelides, Andrew Crimson, Nicholas Thanos Seated: Timothy Florentzou, Edward Turner, Michael Altidis, Thomas Wakefield, Gianfranco Lolicato, James Leonard, David Hutchinson, Robert Sita Teacher: Mr Shane Slavin
9 Vincent Back Row: Jonathan Stamatelos, Lachlan Simpson, Michael Husek, Kane Roberts, Andrew Pattison, Jeremy Karitzis, Andrew Brown, James Harrington, Matthew Kelada Second Row: Matthew Herbstreit, Samuel Stamos, Dean Dragonetti, Daniel Calman-Orr, James Carland, Brendan Close, Sean Corcoran, Timothy Soumplis Seated: Jack Lewis, Nicholas Hyland, Bryan McNaughtan, Paul Hussey, Alejandro Silva, Joshua Ladigus-Grange, Paul Siarabalos, Matthew Bertucci Teacher: Mr Chris Fleming
Student Representative Council
The Student Representative Council (SRC) is elected by the students during Term 1. The students who have been elected are chosen because they are responsible, reliable, honest, good communicators and well able to represent the views of their classmates. They have had the chance to have a voice in raising issues that are important to the students as well as raising funds for various charities, such as the Sacred Heart Mission. It has been a privilege to work with the year 9 Captains of the Tiverton Campus, Matt Briglia and Tim East. They have been enthusiastic; conscientious in carrying out their duties; always dependable, and able to show initiative when necessary. I congratulate them on the job they have performed this year and for being excellent role models to the rest of the student body. Dianne Byers SRC Coordinator.
The Return of the House System This year has been a challenging and exciting year for the House Captains and their teams. For the first time in many years the decision was made to bring back the House system. The four houses are: Red–Marks, Blue–Leos, Yellow–Austins and Green –Edwins. Every student is assigned a House when they come to De La and will stay in that team until Year 12. In this way team spirit can build up over many years. With the specifics of how the past system worked being lost to history, we had to start from scratch and really work to build up the spirit needed for the new house system to succeed. This proved to be a tough gig! Throughout the year, Sam Ayre, Liam O’Rourke, Sam Stamos, Matt Herbstreit, Adrian Papa, Sam Heatley, Dean White and I had many tasks and activities to organise, along with helping the teachers at the main house carnivals. We started the year with the swimming carnival. This was a real eyeopener for us as we saw first-hand all the time and effort that goes into organising just one day of sport. From that day forward we knew being a House Captain was not just going to be kudos, but instead a great deal of time and hard work. House Captains also organised activities for every Year Level at Tiverton campus. A basketball competition was held at lunchtimes for years 4-9. It was an opportunity for Captains to show their leadership skills, as it was mainly up to us, with help from Ms Byers and Mr Harte to organise the competition. There was music, half-time entertainment, prizes and some quality commentating from Drew Brown and James Brown. The House Athletics Carnival unfolded much like the Swimming Carnival - however this time we were ready for what was to come, and we did our best to help out in all events. Finally, I would like to say a very big thank you to Miss Byers for her efforts, and for giving up so much of her time. She really helped us become better leaders. This experience has taught me so much and I strongly urge all boys in Year 8 to have a go at being a House Captain next year. On behalf of all the House Captains this year I would like to thank every boy in all teams, for all their support and efforts. Without your involvement nothing could have succeeded and we would not have regained a vital part of De La tradition. Xave Murphy
Drama Night
The ‘06 Rock Eisteddfod
Hard Road
(May be read with rhythm and soul to the melody of Hill Top Hoods “The Hard Road”) 1. Rock Ed is over, the place is quiet, Yet I yearn for distraction, a Rod Laver Riot, When they rocked the house, they were sublime We seized the Day, made 2006 their time. From obscurity, mediocrity, Frivolity to Jocularity Back in the day, it was about popularity Bikes, Blokes, Footy Fellas, Cameo Males baring their chests Stereotypes rule, camouflaging their best, From “Men can’t dance”. What are we “Tools” What’s all that ‘bout precocious fools Burning with passion, I see Red How to woo women follow Jesus instead a dozen years of dance, like Krispy Kreme It was sweet in a box a champagne team Beat was our God, music our salvation Hapdog our artist, Nicole our inspiration. Chorus Going down the Hard Road Proud of where we’ve been You turned my mourning to dancing Rhythm and soul flows in my genes 2. Hippies became a Marley Army, Dreaded, drummed and driven. Angels proved it’s raining men, glistened and tapped in heaven. Reach out, bleach out, wham bam boy band Hip Hop first stop, Last Supper, helping hand Senior boys escape to be men, Nickelback is saving me Notes flow tattooed trebled torso artistically embalming what the audience see Our youth sing the truth of cultural relevance Music is the solution to sustain our innocence Our T-shirt brandish no brands, just the Gospel of Jesus De La touches hearts, rhythm and soul is our ethos. 3. Our lads are mentors, the young are watching You can’t stop the music – the disease is catching eurovision is our parody, post modern is our genre Rap, ballet, swing, rock pop to ponder To emulate the secondary whose eyes are on the prize Of connoisseurs of choreography, a sought after reprise A dysfunctional family is how we are compared From beautiful to bizarre our memories are shared Come cast, come crew, chill around a piano No predictable finale is what we’re after Boys rock, boys rule 5, 6, 7, 8 No jocks, cool school, 3rd in the State 12 years so soon, finish on a high Our dance troupe reigns, but is this goodbye?
Founder’s Day
Music in Performance
Kinnoull Week
The Blue & Gold Ball
May is the month for the Blue and Gold Presentation Set, held at Springvale Town Hall. There were many nervous smiles as De La students did last minute preparations, fixed bow ties, brushed down waist coats, checked hair. Girls were giggly and the boys were full of bravado, despite the nerves. The audience were treated to a display of ‘flawless’ dancing, backed up by a very good band. All participants were presented to Mrs Joan Ferguson and Mr Riordon, both of whom carried out their task with grace and bearing. The night seemed to flash by, in a blur of white silks and black tuxedos and matching blue vests and bows. On behalf of the Set we would like to thank Mrs Joy Bew for her tireless efforts and our dancing instructor who was supremely patient with some boys who, face it, could be accused of having two left feet! Simon Pintado and Alex Barker
The Year 12 Formal
The Year 12 Mass & Valedictory Dinner
The Final Assembly
Special Awards
Jacob Gotch, College Captain; Samuel Williams , College Vice Captain; Peter Nicholls, College Vice Captain; Thomas Bloom, Caltex Award for Best All-Rounder; Nathan Roberts, The Anthony Molan Athlete of the Year Award; Michael Petruccelli, Outstanding Contribution to the Life of the College through Music; Aidan McInerney, Outstanding Contribution to the Life of the College through Performing Arts; Eric Kydd, Outstanding Contribution to the Life of the College through Visual Arts; Samuel Williams, Outstanding Contribution to the Life of the College in his Role as President of the De La Salle St Vincent de Paul Society Committee; Christopher Brodie, Outstanding Contribution to ACC Sport; Christopher Howard, Australian Defence Award for Leadership; Timothy Arbon, Principal’s Award; Peter Nicholls, Brother James Taylor Award; Demian Myers, Brother Damien Harvey Award; Mitchell Smith, Lasallian Award.
Awards Sports Awards
Athletics, Samuel Williams; Basketball, Nathan Stewart; Chess, Michael Ryan; Cricket, Nicholas Gill; Cross-Country, Samuel Williams; Football, Jacob Gotch; Golf, Thomas Bloom; Hockey, Thomas Bloom; Lacrosse, Patrick McGrath-Campbell 11G Soccer, Alex Bressan; Swimming, Demian Myers; Table Tennis, Timothy Arbon; Tennis, Beau Coyle; Volleyball, Christopher Brodie.
Academic Excellence Awards
Max Taylor 11B, Accounting, Eric Kydd, Art; Adam Smith, Biology; James Moloney, Business Management; Kieran Davies, Chemistry; Jamil Molinaro, Design & Technology; Craig Rodriques, Economics; James Esposito, English; Bradley Wood, English; Thomas Briglia, English; Geography, Timothy Slavin 11S Sean Irving, History - Renaissance Italy 65
Stephen Bird 11H, History - Revolutions Christopher Brodie, Industry & Enterprise Studies; Benjamin Sengsouvanh, Information Processing & Management; Sean Irving, Legal Studies; Bradley Wood, Literature; Andrew Campbell, LOTE – French; Christopher Howard, LOTE – Italian; Kevin Walker, Mathematics (Methods); Adam Smith, Mathematics (Specialist); Thomas Bloom, Mathematics (Further); Demian Myers, Media; Michael Petruccelli, Music - Solo Performance; Luke Pearson, National Politics; Christopher Shaw, Outdoor & Environmental Studies; Alexander Phillipos, Physical Education; Neil Chen, Physics; Kevin Walker, Psychology; Andrew Donegan, Studio Arts; Manuel Garginian, Systems & Technology John Moore, Texts & Traditions; Ryan Scanlan, VCAL Literacy; Tomasz Trojak, VCAL Numeracy; Kristian Campbell-Tennant, VCAL Personal Development; Samuel Dowling, VCAL Work Related Skills; Nathan Roberts, VET Building & Construction; John Creedon, VET Electrotechnology; Thomas Buick, VET Sport & Recreation; Eric Kydd, Visual Communication & Design.
Jordan Adams
Shane AhKan
Matthew Allan
Peter Apostolopoulos
Timothy Arbon
Andrew Ball
Andrew Batley
Jonathan Benco
Thomas Bloom
Andrew BouGhosn
Alex Bressan
Thomas Briglia
Christopher Brodie
Jesse Brown
Simon Brown
Christopher Bryant
Thomas Buick
Andrew Campbell
Kristian CampbellTennant
William Carey
Liam Carolan
Joshua Cassar
Charles Cattermole
Mackinley Cheng
Brendan Chung
James Cleary
Timothy Clinch
Matthew Collins
Neil Chen
Thomas BakerLovell
Lawrence Colman
James Comerford
Daniel Conway
Andrew Corteling
Liam Costello
Thomas Coultas
Beau Coyle
John Creedon
Athan Dalamagas
Kieran Davies
Nicholas Davies
Michael Davis
David De Luca
Andrew De Mesa
Samuel Dillon
Leigh Dimitropoulos
Bradley Dobson
Andrew Donegan
Edward Dorian
Damon Douglas
Samuel Dowling
Jeffrey D’Souza
Benjamin Dwyer
Jake Ellis
Christopher Espino
James Esposito
Paul-John Evenden
Sam Fairbrother
Jason Fatone
Simon Finlay
James Francis
Simon Frazer
Lloyd Gallery
Michael Gemanel
Nicholas Gill
Mitchell Gilmour
Corey Glenister
Mark Gomizel
Jacob Gotch
Lachlan Graf
Peter Grouios
Anthony Hale
Dominic Harkins
Charles Herd
Rory Higgins
Julian Hirst
Steven Hogan
Nicholas Hooker
Christopher Howard
Dylan Howell
David Hunter
Christopher Hyland
Sean Irving
Joshua Junkeer
Michael Kann
Christopher Koh
Adam Kovarik
Eric Kydd
Adrian Hulston
Michael Keating
Luke Lally
Michael Lane
Daniel Lawlor
Jakub Lecki
Sean Leoszko
Ron Licen
Edward Lieu
Christopher Lobo
Rocky Lomacchio
James Ly
Mitchell Lyons
Timothy Maddocks
Joe Maher
Long Nhat Mai
James Marasco
Alessandro Marino
Timothy McCurdy
Aidan McInerney
Aaron McLay
Lachlan McMahon
James Meade
Christopher Merrey
David Millar
Adam Miller
Jamil Molinaro
James Moloney
Patrick Monaghan
Stephen Monteleone
John Moore
Jack Morwood
Demian Myers
Kenny Nguyen
Peter Nicholls
Mason Nicola
James Nicoll
Gerard Nolan
Mark Nowak
Joseph O’Connell
Benjamin O’Neill
Patrick Paczkowski
Nicholas Parton
Fraser Paterson
Luke Pearson
Andre Pentifallo
Matthew Peterson
Michael Petruccelli
Alexander Phillipos
Joel Phillips
Samuel Pickett
Joel Pollard
Daniel Price
Christopher Pritchard
Leigh Pryor
David Quamil
Mark Quamil
Daniel Reid
Hugh Rennie
Callum Richards
Alexander Roberts
Nathan Roberts
Benjamin Robson
Craig Rodriques
Michael Ryan
Paul Ryan
Robert Saliba
Paul Sansalone
George Santaltzis
Thomas Sargeant
Jack Saunders
Ryan Scanlan
Luke Semmel
Benjamin Sengsouvanh
Christopher Shaw
Gerardo Sison
Adam Smith
Dominic Smith
Mitchell Smith
Patrick Smith
Alexander Smyth
Christopher Soumplis
Adam Speirs
Anthony Stabelos
Nathan Stewart
Patrick Suhodobnik
Ashley Thomas
Jason Tiso
Alan Stedman
James Tolson
Dominic Stephens
Michael Torrisi
Tomasz Trojak
John Truong
John Tsaousidis
Cameron Van De
Anthony Vanzella
Callum Vass
Samuel Williams
Kevin Walker
The ‘Vets’ 2006 and (right) in 1998
Stephen Wall
Carey Watkins
James Watson
Nicholas Weller
Kurt Winters
Bradley Wood
Steven Zoumis
Christian Zuanetti
Top Row: Thomas Sargeant, Daniel Conway, Christopher Pritchard, Andrew Campbell, Samuel Williams Row 2: Luke Lally, Nicholas Davies, Alessandro Marino, Adam Speirs, Michael Davis, James Cleary, Joe Maher Row 1: John Tsaousidis, Mr Terry Atkins, David Hunter, Lachlan Graf, Timothy Arbon, Aaron McLay, Dominic Smith, Christopher Soumplis Seated: Jack Saunders, Sam Fairbrother, Simon Brown, Stephen Wall, Andrew Donegan
Kinnoull 2006
As the school year draws to a close, and I reflect on the six months I have been the Head of Kinnoull Campus, the one thing that stands out is the quality of the young men at Kinnoull. When set a task or challenge they readily work together for a positive outcome. Being new to the Campus, as well as to the role of Head of Campus, I have relied heavily on the goodwill of staff and students alike. The response has been all I could have asked for, and often more. This year we faced the challenges of a new timetable structure and a doubling in the size of the VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) cohort to 32 students. 80 minute classroom sessions with a break between each session have had a positive impact on learning and provided a more settled program. The increase in VCAL numbers, ably supported by Mr Chris Danckert as the new VCAL coordinator, have kept the comings and goings throughout the week a challenge to follow. The VCAL boys have taken to TAFE courses,
VET programs, work placements and their VCE subjects with enthusiasm and most have moved into the workforce in recent weeks as soon as they were signed off as “competent”. This year’s College Leaders have been a positive influence on the College. Their willingness to be involved in all the events of the College is to be commended. This can be demonstrated by the way they tackled Founder’s Day at the end of Term 3, and actually made a profit of nearly $2,000. It has been a privilege to be able to work closely with them while their coordinator, Mr Matt Breen, was on leave in Term 3. Crucial to the smooth running of any Campus are the tasks performed by the Year Level Coordinators. I would like to thank Mr Richard Komiazyk (Year 12), Mrs Sally Buick (Year 11) and Mr David Madigan (Year 10) for their efforts and support this year. They have been ably supported by their Homeroom teachers and the staff of Kinnoull Campus. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the work of Br Adrian Watson. Br Adrian is still on sabbatical and will be returning to Australia at the end of the year. Br Adrian has made a great difference to the lives of many students and staff at Kinnoull, and will be missed. I have been in touch with him by email during the year. When speaking about the
Blue and Gold he commented: “I would be grateful if you could include an acknowledgement that I really appreciated the cooperation of students and staff to making Kinnoull a great place to learn and work, state that I have really enjoyed the past seven and a half years, and that I wish them all well as I move on to a new ministry.” To Br Adrian, students (especially the Year 12 class of 2006), and staff who are leaving this year, we wish you well and extend our thanks for the contribution you have made at Kinnoull. Mr Henry Corcoran
12 Benilde Back Row: Thomas Coultas, Sam Fairbrother, Dominic Harkins, Lloyd Gallery, Nathan Roberts, Liam Costello, Steven Hogan Second Row: Thomas Buick, Nathan Stewart, James Marasco, Jesse Brown, Simon Brown, Benjamin Robson, Jack Morwood Seated: Matthew Peterson, Nicholas Davies, Mark Gomizel, Samuel Pickett, David DeLuca, Simon Frazer, Ryan Scanlan Teacher: Mr Matthew Breen
12 Dunstan Back Row: Matthew Collins, Samuel Dowling, Alex Bressan, Mitchell Smith, Christopher Shaw, Mitchell Gilmour, Athan Dalamagas Second Row: Mason Nicola, Michael Keating, Anthony Stabelos, Anthony Hale, Callum Vass Seated: John Creedon, Thomas Sargeant, Samuel Williams, Adrian Hulston, Mackinley Cheng Absent: Tomasz Trojak Teacher: Br Denis Loft
12 Foley Back Row: Damon Douglas, Sean Leoszko, Carey Watkins, Andrew Ball, Bradley Wood, Alexander Roberts, Jakub Lecki Second Row: Paul Sansalone, Rory Higgins, Christopher Brodie, Michael Petruccelli, Dominic Smith Seated: Patrick Monaghan, Nicholas Hooker, Fraser Paterson, Andrew Corteling, Robert Saliba, Nicholas Gill, Timothy Clinch Teacher: Mr Gerard Barns
12 Gehrig Back Row: Michael Davis, Gerardo Sison, Nicholas Weller, Edward Dorian, Kieran Davies, Jake Ellis, Paul-John Evenden Second Row: Patrick Suhodobnik, Christian Zuanetti, Joel Pollard, Mark Quamil, Dominic Stephens, Samuel Dillon Seated: Benjamin Sengsouvanh, Dylan Howell, Christopher Pritchard, Alessandro Marino, Michael Torrisi, Lachlan McMahon, Steven Zoumis Absent: David Hunter Teacher: Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis
12 Hegarty Back Row: James Cleary, Jack Saunders, Alan Stedman, Stephen Wall, Charles Herd, Christopher Soumplis, Stephen Monteleone Second Row: Peter Nicholls, Christopher Howard, Eric Kydd, Patrick Paczkowski, James Esposito Seated: Timothy McCurdy, Adam Speirs, Kurt Winters, Jacob Gotch, James Meade, Jason Tiso, James Moloney Teacher: Mr Rob Hoich
12 Jerome Back Row: Jonathan Benco, Christopher Merrey, Matthew Allan, Christopher Hyland, Andre Pentifallo, Andrew Donegan, Simon Finlay Second Row: Edward Lieu, Michael Kann, Jamil Molinaro, Beau Coyle, Joshua Cassar, Lawrence Colman, James Tolson Seated: John Truong, Long Nhat Mai, Benjamin Dwyer, Daniel Conway, Kevin Walker, Adam Smith, Paul Ryan Teacher: Ms Margaret McPhee
The Class of 2006
Year 12 is the final year of secondary education and brings together the learning and development of 13 years of schooling. It is not an easy year for a student. Many important decisions have to be made — especially in regards to life beyond De La Salle College. That is why the theme for the year “Working Together” was chosen. I believe we have “Worked Together” in assisting the Year 12 students in grasping opportunities, to fulfill their dreams, and to set high standards in all facets of school life. The Class of 2006 comprises 197 students in 10 Homerooms, 25 of whom have been with us since Grade 4. 32 have joined us since Year 7 — many coming from St James at the end of Year 10. The “Class of 2006” has been challenging in spirituality, academia and administratively. As a group they have enjoyed what life has to offer and applied an “It will be right” attitude to school life. They are a wonderful, friendly, approachable and very sociable group of young men. Let us now briefly retrace the journey our Year 12’s have experienced during 2006. The beginning of the school year was unsettling with a very short Term 1. The College Leaders organized a very successful Kinnoull Week. The Retreat provided a valuable bonding experience and was warmly and respectfully received by all who were involved. The Commonwealth Games inspired people to be involved and do their best, to seize every opportunity, to be prepared for the unexpected, including disappointment, and to seek support when needed. This was a great reminder to our students for the commencement of Term 2. The Personal
Development days and Mission Action Day were extremely well supported. The Formal was a gala event which enabled students to relax, dance and socialize — especially after a week of Unit 3 Exams. Term 3 was long, with the highlight being a very successful Founder’s Day celebration which was well organized by the College Leaders. The respectful, caring and supporting qualities of our young men was shown to both Dominic Stephens and John Truong with the passing of their fathers. The VCAL students were a large contingent this year and many successfully participated in work placements and TAFE courses. Our talent was outstanding in various creative areas including the College Production of “The Servant of Two Masters”, the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge and Art Week. Quietly, and behind the scenes, the St Vincent De Paul group worked tirelessly to support those in need. The Graduation Mass, Valedictory Dinner and Farewell Assembly were great occasions, not only to celebrate a wonderful year of achievements, but also to share the journey and memories with loved ones, close friends and staff. To the parents, Homeroom Teachers and staff, I sincerely “Thank You” for your effort, understanding and care you have shown during the year. To the “Class of 2006” I have appreciated your support, trust and cooperation. We are proud of your achievements both within and outside the school, as well as the way you have presented yourself. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors and hope to hear of your continued journey. They never said that it would be easy — but they did say it would be worth it. Best wishes always! Mr Richard Komiazyk Year 12 Coordinator
12 Miguel Back Row: John Moore, Jordan Adams, George Santaltzis, Demian Myers, Nicholas Parton, Andrew Campbell, Leigh Dimitropoulos Second Row: Luke Semmel, Thomas Briglia, Daniel Reid, Christopher Koh, Thomas BakerLovell, Mark Nowak Seated: Christopher Espino, Craig Rodriques, Brendan Chung, Timothy Maddocks, Andrew Bou-Ghosn, James Ly, Joe Maher Teacher: Mr Frank Goricanec
12 Roland Back Row: James Watson, Michael Lane, Corey Glenister, Joshua Junkeer, Gerard Nolan, Jeffrey D’Souza, Cameron VanDeLaarschot Second Row: Kristian Campbell-Tennant, Jason Fatone, Bradley Dobson, Charles Cattermole, James Comerford Seated: Andrew Mesa, Joseph O’Connell, Shane Ah-Kan, Ashley Thomas, Michael Gemanel, Sean Irving, Leigh Pryor Absent: Rocky Lomacchio Teacher: Ms Susan Robertson
12 Solomon Back Row: Hugh Rennie, Adam Kovarik, Aaron McLay, Daniel Lawlor, Michael Ryan, Aidan McInerney Second Row: Daniel Price, James Francis, Christopher Lobo, Thomas Bloom, Neil Chen, Julian Hirst Seated: Ron Licen, Benjamin O’Neill, Luke Lally, Kenny Nguyen, William Carey, Solomon Alhaj Teacher: Mr Euan Walmsley
12 Vincent Back Row: Alexander Phillipos, David Millar, Andrew Batley, Timothy Arbon, Liam Carolan, Lachlan Graf, Patrick Smith Second Row: Anthony Vanzella, Peter Grouios, Alexander Smyth, Peter Apostolopoulos, Callum Richards, Mitchell Lyons Seated: John Tsaousidis, David Quamil, Joel Phillips, Christopher Bryant, Adam Miller, Luke Pearson, James Nicoll Teacher: Mr Norman Stewart
Y e a r 11 Year 11 SRC The Year 11 SRC group have worked very well together this year. Each Tuesday the group met and discussed relevant Year 11 issues. While the first semester meetings were good, mainly for their comical value, Term 3 was the time when the SRC group began to shine, organising a Year 11 social, which went off very well, and then set about designing ideas for next year’s rugby jumpers. The Year 11 SRC were also behind the hugely popular Homeroom soccer competition, which was a great opportunity to showcase some talent and sporting prowess. It provided a great chance for the guys to interact and work together with other members of their Homeroom. The minutes were distributed weekly and every representative and staff member looked forward to reading up on the latest issues in Year 11 and having a laugh at the group’s humorous notations. In all, the SRC group of 2006 were very industrious and effective; thank you to all the boys for their time and efforts throughout the year. Also, a big thank you to Mrs Daley/Morris who put up with our antics throughout the year and was always there when we needed help. Tom Curry, Matt Windley
11 Benilde Back Row: Olmo Salvatore, Darren Lawton, Benjamin Healy, Matthew McMahon, Angus McInnes Second Row: Samuel Loader, Max Vandeligt, Luke Fisher, Matthew McCart, Nathanial Desmond, Clement Teo Seated: James O’Gorman, Sam Te, Seshrin Naidoo, Duc Bui, Ryan David, Max Taylor, Andrew Tang Teacher: Mr Tim Brodrick
11 Dunstan Back Row: Andrew Baker, Tristan Williams, Oliver Hagen, Alexander Martin, William Hassall, Benjamin Nugent, Peter Convery, Paul Kitchen Second Row: Rory Murphy, Steven Koulaginis, Charles Fazio, Nathan Guerrieri, Thomas Gallagher, Alexander Gattuso, Evan Toms Seated: Mark Vella, Adam Luu, Daniel Ralph, David Dordevic, Scott Watson, Paolo Guzman, Eric Khath, Ryan McDonough Teacher: Mrs Jenny Henderson
11 Foley Back Row: Nathan Correale, Matthew Windley, William O’Brien, Joseph Billings, Dominic Meehan, Nicholas McKenna, Matthew Mitchell, Michael Biviano Second Row: Simon McInerney, Matthew Manning, Matthew Hearn, Matthew Donaghey, William Meehan, Tristan Balthazaar Seated: Matthew Lithgow, Jamal Marbani, Benjamin McDonald, Christopher Neophitou, Stephen Frangoulis, Tuan Dinh, Timothy Maya, Thomas Casha Teacher: Ms Glenda Daley
11 Gehrig Back Row: Sean Callery, Matthew Smith, Andrew Guirguis, Luke Kowalski, Hayden Czwarno, James Barnden, Patrick McGrathCampbell, Trent Francis Second Row: Brian Hempenstall, Zak Gravas, Mitchell Waters, Yianni Karazisis, James Noble, Arnold Omanyo, Steven Bourmas Seated: Samuel Taylor, David West, Anthony Eid, Nam Luong, Julius Kellar, Joshua Harris, Zayne Stoner, Ryan Altamura Teacher: Mr Vin Neale
11 Hegarty Back Row: Matthew Wall, William Luby, Daniel Zacutti, Paul Beliga, Nathaniel Dobson, Luke Donald, Stephen Bird Second Row: Callum Zakharov, Daniel Madafferi, David Colmanet, Nicholas Bourmas, Michael Kortum, Marvin Mullany, Nathan Stubenrauch Seated: Keith Soeum, Jared Foots, Joshua O’Shannassy, Stephen Premier, Antonio Cafasso, David La China, Matthew Carland Teacher: Mr Paul Maxted
11 Jerome Back Row: Sevag Kherlopian, Adam Rickard, Ryan Mayell, Daniel Rodway, James Terrenzani, Nicholas Brammer, Beau Hill Second Row: Matthew Coutts, Ryan Phillips, James Ash, Sam Bennetts, Conor Foley, Saady Myers, John Mulholland Seated: Woodrow Eke, Alexander Lyell, Julian Trantino, Nicholas Sestak, Kieran Conlon, Matthew Ducentino, Mark Sita Absent: Jason Twirdy, Thomas Mills Teacher: Mr Stuart Harrison
11 Miguel Back Row: Matthew Sahely, Dominic Dowling, Ross Wheeler, Nathan Davey, Michael McKay, Andrew Errington, Giancarlo Marino Second Row: Sam Lielups, Lachlan Oliver, Andrew Penny, Luke Hennessy, Kelvin Rudd, William Wordsworth Seated: Adam Dykes, Thomas Johnson, Trent McBride, Eamon McGuire, John Newell, Jonathan Nguyen, Heath Browning Teacher: Mr Simon Hewison
11 Roland Back Row: Paul Gould, Jesse Slatter, Ricky Taylor, Simon Suttie, James Gates, Tom Curry, Tyson Parker Second Row: Marcel Marbani, Richard Lam, David Blisss, Michael Hamblin, Shervin Willatgamuwa, James Musster Seated: Minh Gau, Liam McGivern, Angelo Soldatos, Cameron Curtis, Joshua Close, Paul Culliver, Zachary Attard Teacher: Mr Paul Harrup
11 Solomon Back Row: Mitchell Liels, Simon Meade, Steven Maraschiello, Benjamin Griffin, James O’Connell, Adam D’Addazio, Nicholas Lees, Eamonn Crellin Second Row: Michael Pereira, David Falduto, Matthew Alderuccio, Ashod Kherlopian, William Dillane, Kristian Mandaran Seated: Parris Stamos, Clement Tiong, Tristan Hart, Tim Leary, Jarrod Tuma, Timothy Slavin, Anthony Girolamo, Joshua Allen Teacher: Mr Martin Mahy
11 Vincent Back Row: Edward Murphy, Lewis Mottram, Matthew O’Shea, Jarrod Menke, Shane Van Every, Markos Danoudis, Thomas Naughtin Second Row: Alexander Barker, Timothy Chalmers, Matthew Lowe, Matthew Raymond, Gregory Bartling, Matthew Rodgers, Roger Breust, Gerard Twomey Seated: George Tsaousis, Michael Nolan, Johnnie Lombardo, Marshal Newman, Simon Pintado, Aaron Kneebone, Michael Kanellopoulos Absent: Manuel Garginian Teacher: Mr Graeme Lawler
Science “A Planet on the Brink”… that was the headline in The Age on Tuesday October 31st this year. “Act now to counter global warming or forever pay the price”, was the main, alarming, message. We also saw Al Gore’s film, also released this year, called “An Inconvenient Truth”, which warned of the dangers of global warming. So what is global warming? What exactly will it do to the world? Where did this idea come from? Why should we care? What should we do? How is all this stuff supposed to make sense? Hopefully, this is where our study of Science can help. As a Science staff we hope to bring understanding of the world to our students. Being able to understand the world around us and explain why things happen is a vital part of living in our world. After all, it is comforting to know that catching a cold is a result of a microbe rather than, as was once believed, being possessed by evil spirits. At least now, we no longer need to visit the local witch doctor for a spirit cleansing ceremony. But just understanding is not enough. We also need to take that understanding and put it to some use, to not only make our lives better and easier, but to also fix problems that we may, or may not, have created. As a staff we hope to inspire in students, not only a thirst for knowledge, but also
a motivation to do something with that knowledge. Do something that will help, whether it be on a small scale or a large one, the world in which we live and the people with whom we share it – both present and future. The Science Faculty is an integral part of the academic studies undertaken at De La Salle College. Science is studied as a compulsory subject in Years 7 to 10 and at VCE the studies of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology are offered. At all levels of Science, the Faculty endeavours to include as much “hands on science” as possible. We like students to experiment and develop their ideas after careful data collection through assigned and self designed practical work. This has helped maintain student interest and at times created even more questions to investigate. A love of learning and a sense of wonder is key. The hands on approach has also included: • Getting all of Year 7 to produce a task for the Science Talent Search and entering the best received • Having a reptile expert visit the Year 7 students • Having all 7 – 10 students sit the Australian Schools Science Competition • All Year 7 – 9 students conducting their own experimental investigation
Interest in science continues into the VCE as we see many students choosing to do one or more of the Science subjects. Again a similar emphasis on experimentation is adopted to help all students consolidate the concepts covered. Science at De La Salle this year has enjoyed many wonderful experiences as staff and students continue to work together to develop concepts, enjoy learning, build a sense of wonder and of course, a will to do something with the knowledge they gain. Is the planet on the brink? Yes. Can we do something about it? Yes. And now is the time to do something about it. I hope our students are ready and willing to do what is required to take our planet back from the brink, not only because the media pleads for them to do so, but also because they understand why it is so important, for them, us and every species on the planet. Mr Pepe DiCiccio
Year 11 Leaders Year 11 2006 has been a year of great achievements and success. As individuals, and as a cohesive Year Level, I have been most impressed with the way our Year 11 men have tackled the demands of their first year as either VCE or VCAL students. The year started in a flurry of activity, with the election of our SRC representatives, a personal development day led by Glenn Manton, and Year 11 retreats. All of these events were approached with enthusiasm and vigour from the students, who garnered a great deal of relevant and worthwhile information. Glenn Manton spoke to our students at length about our theme for the year, Respect. He challenged them to respect themselves, and others, in all that they do. I am pleased to report that this notion was adopted by our student body. A follow-up to both Manton’s address and our key theme was a drug education day. Students participated in a wide range of tasks, which allowed them to glean important information, as well as to participate in activities such as role plays. Students explored ways to deal with the confronting situations students may find themselves facing in the future. The SRC have been of invaluable assistance this year, and my thanks and congratulations go to the 10 young men who so ably represented their Year Level. They were very adept at organizing a wonderful social, attended by mor then 180 students from De La Salle, Star Of The Sea, Avila and Presentation College, Windsor. D.J. Philthee, although struggling with his driving lessons, provided the students with great entertainment. The yellow Cross-Country TShirts were a sight to behold when they were emblazoned with glow stick neon!! Overall, the night was a great success, with teachers of the girls’ schools commenting on how polite and well-organised the Year 11 boys were. Many thanks to Glenda Daley for her assistance this year with the SRC.
Back Row: Michael Periera, Tom Curry, Andrew Errington, Olmo Salvatore, Matthew Windley Front Row: Steven Bourmas, Tom Naughton, Ms Glenda Daley, Mrs Sally Buick, Jason Twirdy, David La China
The Inter-Homeroom soccer competition provided great entertainment for those watching from the balcony above the Kinnoull oval. Although Marvin struggled at the end, and Marshal kicked two ‘own goals’, there were some fine feats of soccer prowess, such as the battle between Nugget and Manuel, Sam Lielup’s goal and Steve Bourmas’ end-to-end goal. At the end of the two weeks Foley took out the honors. Our VCAL students have demonstrated incredible skill in designing, building and planting a garden for the Lasallian Education Services located on our property. They built a deck, a sensational BBQ, complete with hidden tray, and a water feature providing a haven for Glen Iris’s tadpoles. The VCAL students are to be commended for the work ethic they have displayed, and the superb work they have completed.
Through 2006, our Year 11 students have provided us with many laughs and by and large have approached the first year of their VCE studies with finesse. My heartfelt thanks go to the dedicated Homeroom teachers who tirelessly care for the students in their Homerooms. On behalf of the Year 11 students I thank Mr Tim Brodrick, Mrs Jenny Henderson, Ms Glenda Daley, Mr Michael JensonSchmidt, Mr Paul Maxted, Mr Stuart Harrison, Mr Simon Hewitson, Mr Paul Harrup, Mr Marty Mahy and Mr Graeme Lawler for all of the work they do above and beyond the call of duty. I feel privileged to have been allowed access to the lives of the Year 11 students, and I look forward to continuing my involvement with them in 2007. Ms Sally Buick
2006 has been a very productive and enjoyable year in the Music Department. The highlight was undoubtebly our tour to Horsham. This involved members of the Stage and Concert Bands, as well as the Vocal and Saxophone Ensembles. Students from Saint Brigid’s College welcomed De La Salle boys into their homes for four days, where they got the chance to experience life as a Horsham local! When not enjoying life on the farm, D.L.S took their talents to the community, performing to a number of Primary, Secondary and Special Needs schools. The performance venues ranged from the humble school portable to the Wesley Performing Arts Centre. The standard of our boys behaviour and performance was consistently high and we were proud as a staff to be a part of the wonderful ambassador roles they played. Thanks to the efforts of Sandy Glazebrook, Cindy Frost, Simon Chiodo, Kelly Williams and Jason Kenner this first time tour was a complete success. We look forward to expanding the entourage next time around. On a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students who have come through the Music Department over the past six years. My time as Director of Music has been a most fulfilling experience, witnessing long term friendships develop across the board amongst students and staff. I also want to express a sincere appreciation to all the Instrumental Staff who have created such a solid basis for us to build upon in Ensembles. I wish Cindy Frost all the best as she takes over this leadership role and trust great things will follow. As Primary Coordinator next year, I will continue to encourage a love of all things artistic amongst the boys. Adrienne Moran Director Of Music.
Music Leaders
D.Danoudis, W.Luby, J.Stewart, S.Meyers. E.McGuire Front: J.Russo, L.McShane, C.Espino, Ms A.Moran
Intermediate Band
Guitar Ensemble
C. Wolstenholme, S.Nowak, W.Luby and Michael Patane
Standing: Mr J.Kenner, N.Bolt, J.Schultz, L.Cook, J.Stewart, A.Cormick, G.McDonough, D.Jones Seated: H.Hudson, J.Kartadinata, S.Oliver, D.McCaffery, B.Desira, S.Corcoran, N.Schultz,T.Howard
String Ensemble
Standing: H.Rix, Mr V.Railey, K.Nguyen Seated: F.Nelson, B.Stott, A.Rappos
Seated: V.Arthur and R.Ellis
Stage Band
Standing: J.Murray, J.Russo, S.Meyers, W.Luby, D.Danoudis, T.Williams, E.McGuire, M.Husek Seated M.Higginbotham, B.Hausler, C.Windley, L.McShane, O.Luby, J.Cooper
10 Benilde Back Row: Martin O’Meara, Timothy Austin, Benjamin Payne, Samuel Hillier, Justin Geaney, Timothy Allan, Joshua Porozny, Matthew Glico, Gabriel Montalban, James Stevens Second Row: Francis Smith, Matthew Warr, Nathan Gray, Mitchell Robertson, Sebastien Haberli, Michael Raymond, Andrew Scott, Matthew Hay Seated: Justin Calache, Michael DeLuca, Justin Chin, Cameron Munday, Brenton Fyfield, Andre Yu, Julian Balthazaar, Daniel Campbell-Tennant
Teacher: Mr Philip Ryan
10 Dunstan Back Row: Anton Pejic, Alexander Zaia, Kieran Burke, Christopher Windley, Lindon Smith, Adam Schultz, Joshua Rowland, Mark Collins, Matthew Ellis Second Row: James Gray, Joshua Cormick, Christopher Waters, Thomas Dobson, Izak Atkin, Kieran Grant, Ryan Foenander, Andrew Yarde Seated: Jack Noble, Kamal Riman, Nicholas Kyriazis, Lachlan Campbell, Stefano Crocilla, Ryan Paturzo-Polson, Trent Balthazaar Absent: Max Helsing, Simon Pentifallo Teacher: Ms Kylie Busk
10 Hegarty Back Row: Andrew Hibbins, Samuel Howieson, Cameron Watts, Andrew Sanders, Alastair Moroney, Steve McGlade, Ben Humphrey, Sam O’Donnell, Nathan Ferguson Second Row: Benjamin O’Dwyer, Dylan Jansz, Daniel Speirs, Martin Paczkowski, Daniel Nikakis, Richard Naylor, Damien Hale, Shane Griffin Seated: Patrick Ioannidis, Mitchell Wheeler, Jarrod MacDonald, Thomas Gheller, Karl Linden, Thomas Smith, Anthony Kanellopoulos, Luke Sutton Teacher: Mr Carl Kruger
10 Jerome Back Row: Jordan Harris, Joshua Wilkinson, Timothy Kershaw, Tyson Hunt, James Croce, Joshua Tyrer, Ben Nethersole, Jack Murray Second Row: Benedict Farrell, John Katheklakis, Benjamin Hausler, Shaun Koob, Nicholas Hart, Marc Cleland, Jack Peterson, Matthew Henricus, Joseph Mannix, Seated: Luke Williams, Jake Semmel, Nicolas Fyfield, Robert Kemp, Brendan Wilson, Michael DeCorrado, Nicholas Hogan, Frank D’Amico Teacher: Mr Brett Atley
Year 10 Dancing Class
10 Miguel Back Row: Peter Selwood, Thomas Jane, Stephen Muller, Xavier O’Shannessy, Adam Bonaddio, Mark Breda, Paul Millar, Paul Torrisi Second Row: Adrian Cannizzaro, Joshua Storai, Jack O’Halloran, Richard Spillane, Steven Nakos, Adam DelPizzo, Nathan Mufale Seated: Joseph Delfa, Simon Francazio, Christopher Mercuri, Peter Gourgoulis, Sheldon Oski, Emmanuel Damianos, Richard Monaghan, Luigi Perri Absent: Damian Giorgini Teacher: Mr Glenn Kemp
10 Roland Back Row: Xavier Pattison, Luis Godinho, John Palombi, Vaughan Stedman, Callum BarryMurphy, Geoffrey Davey, Simon Lowe, Tomas Sabbatucci, Zachary Dickinson, Michael Pierce Second Row: Daniel Mercuri, John Natale, Marcus Schrampf, Jeremy Baker, Sebastian Coulson, Timothy Mackie, Steven DeCorrado, David Murphy Seated: Thomas Forbes, Benjamin Carracher, Guy Ripepi, David Gonzales, Daniel Esposito, Timothy Perri, Nicholas Woodgate, Tristan Tiso Teacher: Mr Adrian O’Connor
Y e a r 10
10 Solomon Back Row: Bill Vlahos, Thomas Keegan, Christopher Dunn, Steven Tomadin, Shane Berlangieri, Adam DeLuca, James Corkill, Mark Nazzari Second Row: Simon Pentifallo, Patrick Pelly, Matthew Harrington, Thomas Donaghey, Benjamin Jones, John Greene, James FischerMyall, Xavier Harkins Seated: Jack Molloy, Travis Moseley, Andrew Spencer, Xavier Gotch, Adam Dioguardi, Tom Singleton, Michael Baines, Jackson Harper Teacher: Mr David Ellul
10 Vincent Back Row: Luke O’Connor, Shane Renshaw, Christopher Nayna, Robert Weston, Keiran Brown, Oliver Holmes, Christopher Kaul, Joshua Scipione Second Row: Thomas Williams, Redmond Casey, Samuel Minogue, Christopher Dimattina, Kale Pryor, Jack Hubbard Seated: Jordan Pollard, Ben Fricke, James Siakavelis, Damian Giorgini, Michael Hogan, Edward Clinch, Jack Sullivan, Tomas PaturzoPolson Absent: Edward O’Toole, Jack Haley, William Riman Teacher: Mr Kevin Arkell
Year 10 2006 The Year 10 group of 2006 have undertaken a busy year. As a group they have been keen participants in all the academic, cultural, sporting and community based events that the College has to offer. It has been a year of settling in to a new campus, learning new routines, meeting greater expectations, as well as preparing for and taking, the first steps into senior studies. For many the first step was a quickstep, cha cha and progressive moves with the girls from Star of the Sea. Around 50 students were involved in the dance classes and hopefully many of these boys will be involved in the Blue and Gold Ball next year. Balls of a different kind occupied the minds of those who competed in a wide range of ACC sports. Thanks to the staff who took the time to train and coach these teams. A special congratulations goes to the ACC Football team, who won the premiership against St Bernards on a wintery day at the ‘Snake Pit’. It was the second time the team had travelled to Essendon to play in just over a week. Tough ask, great win. Congratulations go to the boys of 10 Hegarty, who were 2006 Football Lightning Premiership Winners. No one was more exited or deserving than Mr Carl Kruger the coach, mentor and inspiration to the team. A Barrassi-like figure in Year 10 football. On the subject of winners, a number of Year 10 boys devoted considerable time to the Rock Eisteddfod as performers and backstage crew. The performance saw them finish third in the State. Congratulations go to these students for their effort and success. Stories of success and inspiration were presented to those students who participated in a number of programs run outside of the school such as the ‘Empowerme’ program run by Lord Somers Camp, Reach Workshop and ‘Step Ahead’. At these workshops the students were encouraged to take on leadership roles and become involved in the community. Involvement is what the camps and work experience programs are all about. In August and in June we had our camps/activities and work experience. The Outdoor Education staff ran a surf/ bike camp, downhill skiing and a climbing camp at Mt Arapiles. Mr Stewart kindly organized and ran a four day golf camp, Ms Busk put together a fantastic program of Melbourne day trips. We also had a large group of boys travel to Kincumber Lasallian Youth Camp in NSW, where they were hosted by Br Tim Peter. The rest of the Year Level was involved in work experience in the city and the country, as professionals and tradesmen. Many
Year 10 Leaders
Back Row: Michael Deccorado, Jack Hubbard, Justin Geaney, Chris Dunn, Ben Nethersole, Adam DeLuca, Gab Montalban Middle Row: Shaemus Griffin, Karl Linden, Edward Clinch, Zac Dickinson, Luis Godinho, Steve Nakos, Luigi Perri Front Row: Trent Balthazaar, Ms aKylie Busk, Mr David Madigan, Josh Cormick
of the employers acknowledge the attitude and effort of the boys who came to work for them. Some found themselves being offered part-time jobs Speaking of fantastic jobs, I am greatly appreciative of the staff that helped organize and run the camps. A considerable amount of their own time was donated to have the events run successfully. After success at a national level, Jack Murray had the honour of being selected to represent Australia this year in mathematics. Jack travelled to Mexico to compete in the Maths Olympics! Towards the end of Term Three tough selections were being made all round, as students were involved in subject selection interviews and committing to programs for next year. Some have chosen a traditional VCE program, others are leaving to take up apprenticeships, some are undertaking a VET course and others VCAL. Thanks to Mr Danckert, Ms
Prestia, Ms Taylor, Mr Marshall and Mr Forehan for their efforts in assisting and guiding students through this process. To those who have been primarily responsible for the guidance of the Year 10’s, the Homeroom teachers, I give tremendous thanks. They are patient, understanding and give generously of their time. Brett Atley, Glenn Kemp, Kylie Busk, Phil Ryan, Carl Kruger, David Ellul, Adrian O’Connor and Kevin Arkell have been dedicated pastoral leaders to these young men and we are grateful to them. Lastly, congratulations to the young men of Year 10 in 2006. It has been a very worthwhile year. I have enjoyed your company, humour, resolve and contributions. I wish you well for the coming year. Mr David Madigan Year 10 Coordinator
College Staff 2006 Principal: Br Bill Firman fsc Deputy Principal & Head Of Campus — Tiverton Mr Peter Riordan Assistant Principal & Head of Campus — Kinnoull Br Adrian Watson fsc, Mr Henry Corcoran (Acting) Director Of Studies: Mrs Jo Prestia Director Of Staff Development: Mrs Christine Thompson Director Of Student Welfare: Mr Geoff Martin Faith Development Coordinator: Mr Patrick Jurd School Officer: Mr Murray Enniss Business Manager: Mr Stephen O’Shea Registrar: Mrs Elaine Tyrrell Guidance & Careers Counselling: Mr Paul Marshall/Ms Sue Taylor Human Resource Manager: Mrs Joan Ferguson Receptionist: Mrs Pat Phelan Development: Br Gabriel O’Shea fsc Kinnoull Office: Mrs Joy Bew Key Learning Area Coordinators: English: Mr Tim Brodrick Mathematics: (Kinnoull Campus) Mr Frank Goricanec (Tiverton Campus) Ms Dianne Byers Religious Education: Mr Ian Smith Science: Mr Peppe Di Ciccio Technology: Mr Keith Hoy Learning Technologies Coordinator Mr Shaun Buckley Studies Of Society & Environment — Humanities: Mr Chris Fleming Studies Of Society & Environment — Business: Ms Kylie Busk The Arts: Mr David Happ Languages Other Than English (Lote): Mr Thierry Moran Health & Physical Education: Mr Peter Crellin Director Of Sport: Mr Jon Edgar College Librarian: Ms Susan Jost Outdoor Education Coordinator: Mr David Atkins
MMEC Coordinator: Mrs Kathie Holmes Personal Development Coordinator: Mr David Hale College Timetabler: Mr Kevin Hunter Director Of Music: Ms Adrienne Moran
Kinnoull Campus:
Head of Campus: Br Adrian Watson/Mr Henry Corcoran (Acting) Year 12 Coordinator: Mr Richard Komiazyk Year 11 Coordinator: Ms Sally Buick Year 10 Coordinator: Mr David Madigan Senior Studies Coordinator: Mr Peter Forehan Vet/Vcal Coordinator: Mr Chris Danckert College Leaders: Mr Matthew Breen Daily Organiser: Mr Doug Esler Vass Administrator: Mrs Trish Woodman Homeroom Groups For Year 10 Benilde Mr Philip Ryan Dunstan Ms Kylie Busk Hegarty Mr Carl Kruger Jerome Mr Brett Atley Miguel Mr Glenn Kemp Roland Mr Adrian O’Connor Solomon Mr David Ellul Vincent Mr Kevin Arkell Homeroom Groups For Year 11 Benilde Mr Tim Brodrick Dunstan Mrs Jenny Henderson Foley Ms Glenda Daley Gehrig Mr Michael Jensen-Schmidt Hegarty Mr Paul Maxted Jerome Mr Stuart Harrison Miguel Mr Simon Hewitson Roland Mrs Paul Harrup Solomon Mr Martin Mahy Vincent Mr Graeme Lawler
Homeroom Groups For Year 12 Benilde Mr Matthew Breen Dunstan Br Denis Loft fsc Foley Mr Gerard Barns Gehrig Ms Clare Kennedy-Curtis Hegarty Mr Rob Hoich Jerome Ms Margaret McPhee Miguel Mr Frank Goricanec Roland Ms Susan Robertson Solomon Mr Euan Walmsley Vincent Mr Norman Stewart Mr Paul Harrup, Mr Brian Hayes, Mr Adrian Matarazzo, Mr Tom McIlroy, Ms Di Walsh, Ms Sandra Venneri, Mr John Gilmore, Mr Tony Havelock
Tiverton Campus:
Head Of Campus: Mr Peter Riordan Daily Organizer: Mr Brian Long Junior Studies Coordinator: Ms Sandra Troise Coordinators: Primary: Mr Peter Riordan Year 7: Mr Michael Naughton Year 8: Mr Tim Ford Year 9: Mr Peter Harte Homeroom Groups For Years 4 – 9 Year 4: Mr Terry Atkins Year 5: Mr Tim Curran Year 6: Mr Brett Wadley Year 7 Homerooms Benilde Ms Dianne Byers Dunstan Miss Karen Harding Hegarty Mr Chris Martin Jerome Mr Andrew Wozencroft Miguel Mr Shaun Buckley Roland Mr David Hale Solomon Ms Amy Surkitt Vincent Mr Larry Evans
Year 8 Homerooms Benilde Mr Jon Edgar Dunstan Mr David Happ Hegarty Mr Shane Mackintosh Jerome Mrs Carmel Dwyer Miguel Ms Joanne Graham Roland Mr Ian Oliver Solomon Br Gerald Barrett fsc Vincent Mr Bryan Smith Year 9 Homerooms Benilde Mr Peppe Di Ciccio Dunstan Ms Sandra Troise Hegarty Mr Paul Fegan Jerome Mr Ian Smith Miguel Ms Kerry Martin Roland Miss Carmel D’Andrea Solomon Mr Shane Slavin Vincent Mr Chris Fleming Mrs Patsy Amaradasa, Mr Michael Bazeley, Ms Marisa Di Giacomo, Mrs Georgina Dwyer, Mrs Rachele Furnari, Mrs Ruth Hunter, Ms Kate Johnston, Ms Kath Marino, Ms Clare Needham, Ms Belinda Russell, Mrs Liliana Russo, Mr Charles Thompson, Mt Troy Potter, Ms Emily Roach, Ms Jusy Eastman The Arts Mr David Happ (Coordinator) Ms Monica Costa Mr Jonathan Hewett Ms Marceline Van Rennes Mrs Mary Finn Music Ms Adrienne Moran Ms Cindy Frost Instrumental & Visiting Music Teachers: Messrs Simon Chiodo, Adam Donaldson, Evan Harris, Nicholas Lam, Damian Patti, Val Railey, Ms Penny Karahalios, Mr Jason Kenner, Mr Matt Lewin, Mrs
Catherine King, Mr James Ryan, Ms Jane Robertson, Mrs Rita Shallies, Mr Delaney Stewart, Mr Harley Stewart, Ms Kelly Williams Mary Mackillop Enhancement Centre Mrs Kathie Holmes (Coordinator) Mrs Mary Thomas Mrs Karen Tillotson Mrs Jacinta Ryan Mrs Eve McLellan Mrs Maria Zanelli Laboratory Manager Mrs Jill Edwards Laboratory Technician Mrs Danka Orlowski/Ms Anne Nguyen Library Staff Ms Susan Jost (College Librarian) Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis Miss Leanne Ickeringill Ms Jane Pretty Mrs Betty Rudin Mr David Ferguson (Audio-Visual) Mr Val Railey (Audio-Visual) Outdoor Education Mr David Atkins (Coordinator) Mr Simon Finnigan Ms Katherine Wallis (Assistant) Sport & Physical Education Mr Jon Edgar (Director of Sport) Mr Peter Crellin (Health & Phys Ed Coordinator) Mr Brett Atley Mr Glenn Kemp Mr David Clark Mr Michael Naughton Mr Tim Ford Mr Michael Ryan Mr Peter Harte Mr Ken Stokes Mr Trevor Farr Administration Payroll Officer: Ms Donna Yorgey Accounts Officer: Ms Ellenor Harris 99
Music & Ema Secretary: Mrs Sandra Glazebrook Tiverton Campus: Mrs Mary Mclellan (Office Manager), Mrs Pat Phelan, Ms Emily Frawley Kinnoull Campus: Mrs Maria Giacomantonio, Mrs Anne Lawler Attendance Officer: Br Gabriel O’Shea fsc (Tiverton), Computer Systems Manager: Mr Alan Barnard Computer Technician: Mr Peter Whittenbury Community Coordinator: Mrs Trish Woodman Maintenance: Messrs Rob Oldershaw, Clinton Harris & Steven Broughill Cleaners: Messrs Barry Rydar & Julian Rydar
From the Editor I would like to thank all who contributed to Blue and Gold 2006 —Jon Hewett
Tiverton Staff
Row 5: Mr Shane Mackintosh, Jon Taylor, Mr Val Railey, Mr Ian Smith, Mr Tim Curran, Br Gerald Barrett, Mr Simon McDonald, Mr Geoff Martin, Mr Michael Ryan, Ms Karen Harding Row 4: Mr Larry Evans, Ms Marcelline Van Rennes, Mr Terry Atkins, Mr Brian Long, Mr Shaun Buckley, Mr Kevin Hunter, Mr Andrew Wozencroft, Mr David Atkins, Mr Jon Edgar, Mr Brian Smith, Mr Jonathan Hewett Row 3: Mr Ken Stokes, Ms Katherine Wallis, Mr Dianne Byers, Mr Michael Bazeley, Ms Joanne Graham, Mr Thierry Moran, Mr Ian Oliver, Mr Shane Slavin, Mr Brett Atley, Mr Paul Fegan, Mr Simon Finnigan, Mr Robert Breda Row 2: Mr David Clarke, Mr Charles Thompson, Mr Henry Corcoran, Ms Clare Needham, Mr Peter Crellin, Mr David Happ, Ms Cindy Frost, Mr Murray Enniss, Mr Peppe DiCiccio, Mrs Kathie Holmes, Mr Chris Fleming Row 1: Mrs Liliana Russo, Ms , Mrs Ruth Hunter, Mrs Kath Marino, Ms Sandra Troise, Ms Carmel D’Andrea, Ms Kerry Martin, Ms Adrienne Moran, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mrs Jacinta Ryan, Ms Susan Jost, Ms Amy Surkitt, Mrs Karen Tillotson Seated: Mrs Georgina Dwyer, Ms Maria Zanelli, Miss Leanne Ickeringhill, Mrs Mary Thompson, Mr Tim ford, Br Bill Firman, Mr Peter Riordan, Mr Peter Harte, Mr Michael Naughton, Br Gabriel O’Shea, Mrs Patsy Amaradasa, Mrs Betty Rudin
Kinnoull Staff
Mr Euan Walmsley, Mr Frank Goricanec, Mr Tim Broderick, Mr Patrick Jurd, Mr Graeme Lawler, Mr Brett Attley, Mr Martin Mahy, Mr Vin Neale, Mr Chris Dankert, Mr Glenn Kemp, Mr Robert Hoich, Mr Philip Ryan Mr Adrian Matarazzo, Mr David Ellul, Mr Matthew Breen, Mr Paul Marshall, Mr Peter Forehan, Mr Norman Stewart, Mr Douglas Esler, Mr Stuart Harrison, Mr Carl Kruger, Mr Kevin Arkell, Mr Paul Maxted, Ms Margaret McPhee Ms Di Walsh, Ms Kylie Busk, Mrs Joy Bew, Mrs Anne Lawler, Mr Brian Hayes, Ms Clare Kennedy-Curtis, Ms Sandra Venneri, Mrs Marion Evans, Mr Simon Hewison, Mrs Jenny Henderson, Ms Sue Taylor Ms Monica Costa, Mrs Glenda Daley, Mr Richard Komiazyk, Ms Jo Prestia, Br Adrian Watson, Br Bill Firman, Mr Peter Riordan, Br Denis Loft, Ms Sally Buick, Mr David Madigan, Mrs Christine Thompson
Maintenance Staff
Administration Staff
Mr Steven Broughill, Robert Oldershaw esq., and Mr Clinton Harris
Outdoor Education Staff
Standing: Mrs Trish Douglas, Br Adrian Watson, Mr Stephen O’Shea, Br Bill Firman, Mr Peter Riordan, Mrs Joan Ferguson, Mrs Pat Phelan, Br Gabriel O’Shea Seated: Ms Donna Yorgey, Mrs Ellinor Harris, Mrs Mary McLellan, Mrs Sandy Glazebrook, Mrs Joy Bew, Mrs Anne Lawler, Mrs Maria Giacomantonio, Mrs Elaine Tyrrell
Canteen Staff
Mrs Helen Kraussoratsky, Mrs Tania DeCorrado and Mr Bruce Trappett
Mrs Mary Trappett and Ms Jo Walters
Information Services
Mr Alan Barnard and Mr Peter Whittenbury
Ms Katherine Wallis, Mr David Atkins and Mr Simon Finnigan
Recreation Officers
Mr Jon Edgar with Officers Ms Georgia Starke and Mr Robert Breda
Mary MacKillop Learning Enhancement Centre In 2006, the staff of the Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre [MMEC] have worked tirelessly with students with special needs to assist them in accessing the curriculum. We believe that all students can experience success when learning outcomes are based on realistic and achievable goals. The words of our patron Blessed Mother Mary MacKillop echo the attitude and reflect the commitment of the MMEC staff, “We must teach more by example than by word.” (1867) This year, the staff included teachers: Mrs. Jacinta Ryan, Ms. Clare Needham, Mrs. Maria Zanelli and Mrs. Ruth Hunter; and integration aides: Mrs. Karen Tillotson, Mrs. Eve McLellan, Mrs. Mary Thomas and Ms. Jacqueline Irwin. This team of dedicated educators work individually with students who have intellectual, social, emotional, physical or severe language needs, across all year levels, from Primary to Year 12. Each member of the team collaborates with staff and parents to identify and facilitates the individual learning needs of the students. Regular Program Support Group [PSG] meetings occur for students who qualify for Integration funding, where issues of academic planning and pastoral care are discussed. Decisions from these meetings are implemented by MMEC staff, parents and teachers to enhance the students’ learning and maximise effective teaching. Many other PSGs also occur for students who are identified with special needs. This year, the consolidation of the Literacy Support classes has been realised. Four groups at both Year 7 and Year 8, and one at Year 9, have operated throughout the year with a total enrolment of 42 students. These students have experienced the expertise of the MMEC teaching staff in
Standing: Mrs Eve McLellan, Ms Clare Needham Mrs Kathie Holmes, Mrs Maria Zanelli Seated Mrs Mary Thomas, Mrs Karen Tillotson, Mrs Jacinta Ryan Absent: Mrs Ruth Hunter and Ms Jacqueline Irwin
assisting them to improve their literacy skills. Plans are underway to extend this service through to Year 10 in 2007, resulting in approximately 75 students being enrolled in Literacy Support classes from Years 7-10. The support of Headmaster, Brother Bill Firman, Deputy Headmaster, Peter Riordan, Heads of Campus, Br Adrian Watson and Henry Corcoran, Year Level Co-ordinators and all teaching staff has been invaluable in encouraging the work of the MMEC staff. I wish to thank my fantastic team for their caring dedication, perseverance and professionalism as they continually work to enhance the lives of our students. Mrs. Kathie Holmes MMEC Cooordinator
Year 12 Systems Technology The image shown is a model assembled in ProDesktop. Ben Griffin a year 11 student is shown completing his unit 4 integrated Electro/mechanical robot. Ben has drawn each part that makes up this complex model and then has used the assembly tools in the CAD (computer aided design) package to visualise what his final outcome will look like before making it. ProDesktop has allowed Ben to even model the steering mechanism. This task alone would have taken Ben many hours to complete. Each part is then exported to a CAM (computer aided manufacturing) Package. The CAM software is then set up to drill holes, cut profiles/pockets. Before the machining process takes place we, can visualise the 3D model being virtual machined on screen. This allows Ben to check if all regions are correctly routed. De La Salle College is seen as a leader in CAD/CAM technology.
Chris Dunn
Year 11 Sculptures
Luke Williams Tom Donayhey Jack Noble
Year 8 Drama Puppets
Ben Farrell
Mitch Wheeler
Year 8 Sculptures
Pop Art sculptures by Mark Breda and Jack O’Halloran
Art Ryan Phillips
Keith Soeum
Matthew Alderuccio
Eric Kydd
James Barden
Matthew Alderuccio James Barden Eric Kydd
Eric Kydd
Chris Shaw
Gab Montalban
Ben Farrell
Alessandro Marino
Mitch Wheeler
Matthew Lyons
Dom Dowling
David La China
Visual Communication & Design Nathan Studenrands
John Newell
Simon Mead
James Barden
Chris Shaw
Nathan Guerriari
Alex Martin Bradley Dobson
Luke Hennessy
Mackinley Chen Luke West Joshua Cassar
Michael Kanellopoulous
The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
Following the great success of last year’s musical co-production with Sacre Coeur, “Anything Goes”, De La Salle was invited to take part in a stage adaptation of C.S Lewis’ novel “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. 17 boys from Year 8 to Year 11 took part in the production in a variety of roles both on stage and off. We learned a great deal about production, stage management, costuming, makeup and set design. The girls at Sacre Coeur were a lot of fun to work with and many friendships were formed. On behalf of everyone who worked on the play, I would like to thank Mr Bryan Smith for his dedicated and enthusiastic work which helped to make it the success it was. For many of the boys it was their first experience of being involved in a high quality production and was an excellent introduction into the world of theatre and acting. Daniel Rodway
James Nicoll
Mitchell Lyons
Andrew Donnegan
Jake Ellis
Nick McKenna
Julius Kellar
Carey Watkins
Gerard Nolan
Demien Meyers
Chris Shaw
Ben Robson
Joe Maher
Simon Finlay
The Servant of Two Masters The Servant of Two Masters was Performed in late August this year involving four current theatre studies students and Ben shippard, an ex De La Student, along with five thespians from Presentation College. Performances were very well attnded, and the company also performed to St Joseph’s Primary, who were entranced by their lively performance. Live music was performed by William Luby and Rory Murphy, and the choreography was acclaimed by all..
The VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies class visited several outdoors and wilderness settings in 2006. The purpose of these trips was to investigate the different ways that people interact with the environment; to observe the impacts that have resulted from these interactions; and to evaluate the variety of land management practices that have been adopted by commercial recreational and conservationist industries. Many of our field trips involved gathering and analysing data by participating in exciting and challenging adventure activities, such as mountain bike riding, caving, canoeing and snow skiing in places such as The Otway Ranges National Park and The Bogong High Plains. In addition to these activities, students spent time observing environmental projects or listening to guest speakers talking about their work regarding the environment. These pictures capture some of the memorable activities and times spent exploring the natural environment in 2006. Mr David Clark
VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies
The House Sports
Languages Other Than English This year again the Languages department has been very active. Students were involved in varied and motivating activities. VCE classes are now established in every language. Our students excelled again in language competitions and certificates. This reflects the quality of both our students and our staff. Throughout the year a number of excursions and incursions were organised at most year levels. They aimed at widening the range of language experiences by involving the students in authentic relevant activities. Senior Italian students took part in VCE related workshops at Melbourne University and other locations, and the French class went to a restaurant earlier in the year. Students in the middle years had also opportunities to experience the cultures associated with their own language through exciting projects in relation to topical events (eg. The Commonwealth Games). We finally are in a position to say that, at this stage, we can envisage sending two groups of students respectively to France and Italy within the next two years on reciprocal arrangements. We are very excited about this prospect, and about the further opportunities it opens up for our students. It has been a challenging and rewarding year for both staff and students. As the year is closing rapidly on us, we look forward to next year with expectation. Mr Thierry Moran Coordinator Congratulations to Year 10 student Justin Calache, who was awarded the first prize in the year 10 ‘Hors Concours’ (French speakers) Poetry Competition.
Via Lygon — La camminata Lygon St is meant to be the taste of Italy and that’s what we got! There was the lovely smell of pizza and pasta in the air. As we walked, we looked at many restaurants, cafes and food stores. At last, we got to Il Gambero and had pizza.mmm! (Sebastian Oliver) I learnt about when the Italian people came to Australia. We went to Il Gambero and had the best pizza in the world! (Daniel Bendinelli) It was a fun cultural experience. We got to have really nice cake and gelato from Brunetti’s. At CO.AS.IT we learnt about the Italian migrants coming to Australia. (Nicholas Schultz)
Alliance Française Poetry Competition. In May, more than 50 French students from years 7-10 travelled to St. Kilda to compete in the annual Alliance Française Poetry Competition. The competition involves reciting a poem in French off by heart to an unfamiliar French speaking person, which can be a very unnerving experience. One by one, the students, from the obviously nervous first time students to the experienced, but equally nervous senior students, entered the judging room. Most of the students came out with smiles on their faces, and all richer for the experience. We were then able to enjoy some of the delightful tastes of Acland St. My éclair was delicious! Overall, the day was a very enjoyable one, which provided us with the invaluable experience of being able to speak French in front of an unfamiliar listener. Congratulations go to all students who undertook the difficult challenge of the Alliance Française competition. Mitchell Robertson
Year 11 Poetry Se réfugier l’eau crystalline dans le lagon se réfugier
Rêver sous une chute d’eau jouer avec ses amis prendre des bains de soleil sur les roches rêver Se détendre aux environs naturels regardant les poissons qui se baignent et les oiseaux qui pépient l’ un avec l’autre personne n’interromp se détendre Découvrir les cavernes obscures les crustacés et les insects qui y habitent les fleurs, les vignes, la mousse qui entournent le lagon l’art ancien laissé par les tribus indigènes découvrir Will Hassall
Geography Commonwealth Games Unit In Term 1 the Year 8 French, Italian and Indonesian studied the commonwealth games. The Unit involved looking into the values of the games, some history of the games, and the nations that compete, especially those that spoke our target language, i.e. French, Italian or Indonesian. We also did a research project on the history of the games, with a section of it presented both orally and written in our target language. Mon île To finish the Unit we had the intercultural games. être libre, This involved activities sur mon île between the different il y a la liberté language classes. The on peut nager ou three activities were an faire la ballade individual waiter race, à la plage a team game of an être libre Indonesian sport that is like volleyball played with rêver your feet, and a culturdu temps chaud al event, where teams des palmiers performed by acting and des fruits tropicaux singing in their target des poissons colorées language. The games rêver were enjoyed by all, as was the entire unit. souhaiter l’eau bleue Egene Twomey les coquillages l’étoile de mer les crabes et les homards souhaiter Arnold Omanyo
Fieldwork! The joy of Geography. All geographers love to leave the classroom and head of into parts unknown in order to put into practice all the skills that have been developed in class. Apart from simply enjoying being out in the fresh air of a coastline, a river valley or a volcanic landscape, or the not so fresh air of downtown Melbourne, geographers get the opportunity to observe their environment in a new light. By considering the human and natural processes at work, students are able to understand better the factors which have led to the development of our immediate and our global environment. Thus it was, in March, that the VCE Unit 3 fieldwork took place at Cape Schanck. The eager anticipation of the day was tempered when, upon arriving at the Cape in bright sunshine, ominous clouds were noticed approaching at speed. Before long the students were geographically challenged as the gentle breeze changed to 80-100kmh gusts and heavy rain began to fall. After persevering in the inclement conditions for a while, most students sought the shelter of the bus from which they were distinctly loath to leave despite the cajoling, nay, pleading of their 119
teacher. In spite of the hardships a productive day was enjoyed in the wide outdoors. For the VCE Unit 3 / 4 Geographers the year is the culmination of their geographical studies at secondary school. From Years 7 to 11 they have investigated topics such as map reading, weather and climate, natural disasters, nuclear energy, global warming, environmental pollution, population change, use of resources, contrasts in human environments, global hunger and poverty and landscape analysis. All these studies enable us to be better custodians of the world by using the many resources it offers is a more sustainable fashion. Shakespeare wrote, in Antony and Cleopatra, ‘In Nature’s book of secrecy, a little I can read.’ The study of Geography aims to increase greatly the amount we can read ‘in Nature’s book of secrecy’. Geography is a subject which is highly relevant in our day-to-day lives. Our newspapers and electronic media are full of geographical items on an almost daily basis. In 2006 we have faced severe drought, the continued threat of global warming, earth tremors in Melbourne, cyclones in North Queensland and many other phenomena of less severe impact. Studying Geography allows us to understand the causes of these phenomena and how people can respond most effectively to them. Mr Doug Esler
ACC Sport — 2006 Once again the sporting year at De La Salle was filled with many highlights and achievements. The College can be proud of the strength of our sporting teams across the board. The challenge for me as Director of Sport — and all involved in the sporting program at De La Salle— is to work towards improving performance levels over the next couple of years. Steps in this direction were taken in 2006. The focus this year was to improve the preparation of College teams, and many innovations were trialled. Some of these innovations were realised in the appointment of a well known swimming coach Mr Oscar Carlson, cricket clinics run by local District cricketers, and a pre-season camp and tour of the Lexus Centre for our senior football squad. We look forward to expanding this focus in 2007. Another focus this year was on expanding the numbers of students who become involved in College sporting programs. Students must be congratulated on their willingness this year to become involved, with squad numbers increased across the board. Our ACC Cross Country Squad had regular attendance levels at training of over 120 boys each Thursday morning, Swim Squad training session numbers improved dramatically over previous years, and overall training numbers
for all sports were above the levels of previous years. This demonstrates our students love to represent the College in ACC sport. I congratulate the student body, and encourage our
boys to continue this trend. Many staff gave generously of their time to coach the ACC teams we field each week at De La Salle. Our coaches are a committed group of individuals who seek no reward other than the satisfaction they get from seeing our boys fulfil their potential on the sporting field. We are fortunate at the College to have many fine coaches who are passionate about delivering the best program possible. The introduction of new staff members to coaching this year has drawn immediate rewards. The wonderful season enjoyed by our basketball teams was testimony to the coaching talents of new staff member Mr Brett Atley. The longevity of some of our coaches should not go unnoticed. Mr Gerard Barns had his first term off ACC coaching in Term 3 this year, which ended his run of 15 years straight of ACC coaching, an amazing contribution. We congratulate the boys who were chosen as senior captains of their respective sports. These boys have shown a great commitment to sport at the College and have been wonderful leaders during their time in the sporting culture. It is, and always will be, 120
an honour to be recognised as a senior captain of a sporting team at De La Salle, and all captains fulfilled their duties admirably. We should make mention of the future. The College looks forward to the introduction of Year 8 ACC Competition in 2007, which will allow our boys to represent the College over a greater period of time, and for them to develop their skills. We also look forward to the continued efforts of all our staff and students next year as we build on the fine sporting tradition at De La Salle. Mr Jon Edgar
Sport Coordinator
2006 Honours Student Athlete of the Year — Nathan Roberts Outstanding Contribution to ACC Sport — Christopher Brodie
Year 7/8 Athletics
Senior Athletics
Standing: L.Hennessy, G.Sison, A.Bressan, J.O’Connell, H.Czwarno, B.Griffin, D.Millar, A.Phillipos Middle Row: B.Hill, S.Dowling, P.Suhodobnik, S.Brown, M.Rogers, C.Brodie, MrA.Wozencroft Seated: J.Harris, J.Gotch, L.Fisher, S.Williams, N.Roberts, A.Hale, M.Gomizel, S.Dillon
After dominating ACC Athletics competition for a number of years, the team is currently going through a rebuilding phase. There were many great individual performances on the day, but unfortunately our squad lacked the depth of previous years. Some performances of acclaim were Luke Hennessey’s outstanding effort, winning the open 3000 metres and the Under/16 1500metres; Adrian Papamiltiades’ U/15 shotput win for the third successive year; and Hayden Czwarno’s impressive Under/17 high-jump performance. Many boys had very busy schedules for the day and should be commended for their gutsy performances. James O’Connell competed in the U/16 100m, 200m, 400m, long jump, triple jump, 4x100m relay and open 4 x 400m relay, a courageous effort. He capped these efforts by winning the triple jump event just shy of an ACC record. Our Senior Squad for 2007 looks very strong, and we must encourage our athletes from the junior years to commit to training on a regular basis in order to improve their respective events. This year will see the implementation of strength and conditioning training in Term 4 in order to help our younger athletes develop. I encourage all athletes at De La Salle support these new initiatives, and strive to make De La the dominant Athletics squad in the ACC again.
Standing: J.Beckman, M.Crosbie, L.Shearer, L.Cook, S.Roberts, T.Cleary, M.Donegan, S.Brooks, F.Roberts, Mr J.Edgar Seated: J.Williams, J.Agnostopoulos, A.Ross, J.Bull, S.Carson, D.Grant, M.Hamilton, P.O’Connell
Year 9/10 Athletics Standing S.Howieson, D.White, A.Papamiltiades, A.Lombardo, L.O’Connell, T.Raymond, G.Montalban Middle: K.McInerney, D.Hale, J.Dykes, M.Collins, T.Mattmann, B.Farrell. Front: R.Harris, S.Stamos, J.Cormick, L.Williams, D.Stow
Awards Coaches Senior Captain — Sam Williams Mr A Wozencroft/Mr S.Mackintosh (Coordinators) Senior Athlete of the Year — James O’Connell Mr G Kemp/ Mr M.Enniss/Mr J.Edgar Intermediate Athlete of the Year — Ben Farrell Ms K Harding Junior Athlete of the Year — Josh Cormick
Senior Tennis
Year 10 Tennis
Standing: M.Rogers, E.Crellin, D.Price, J.Brown, G.Sison, D.Laughlin, S.Frazer Seated: J.O’Connell, L.Fisher, B.Coyle, A.Dykes , A.Smith, T.Bloom
Standing: M.Henricus, J.Tyrer, J.Stevens, L.Williams Seated: M.O’Meara, P.Ioannidis, J.Haley, M.Glico
The Senior Tennis team were once again competitive in 2006, even though they missed advancing to the final of the competition. Our Year 10 and Year 9 teams are blessed with a great deal of talent and the future looks bright for De La Salle tennis. All of the boys who have been involved in tennis this year have shown great enthusiasm for the game and competed strongly throughout the year. Training sessions were well attended by all team members, and I would encourage all tennis players at the College to become involved in the future. Awards Coaches Senior Captain Beau Coyle Senior MVP Adam Smith Mr Marty Mahy Ms Ami Surkitt Year 10 MVP Matthew Glico Year 9 MVP Roger Madafferi Mr Michael Ryan
Year 9 Tennis
Standing: J.Stamatelos, J.Karitzis, P.Saunders, L.Terella, J.Purton-Smith, Mr M.Ryan (coach) Seated: R.Sita, J.Gialamatzis, R.Madafferi, A Bogdhaddi, N.Ibarra
ACC Swimming Our swimmers once again showed dedication in pursuit of excellence. This group rolled out of bed in the early hours three times a week for training, when most of us were still tucked in bed at home. The numbers at training this season were encouraging, and the group were treated to the expertise of new coach Mr Oscar Carlson. Mr Carlson, a long time triathlete and Hawaii Ironman Age Group Winner, was able to motivate our squad, and had them in prime condition as they went into the ACC Carnival. This year we were narrowly beaten to second place by St Bedes’, with only two points separating the teams. Whitefriars’ were once again runaway winners. We had some fantastic efforts during the night, particularly the U/14 Freestyle Relay team, which broke a long-standing ACC record. In order to bridge the gap next year we need all De La swimmers at training on a regular basis, to ensure we get the full benefit of Mr Carlson’s coaching.
Back Row: M.Scarpi, S.Meyers, S.Lowe, J.Saunders, N.Davies, D.Meyers, O.Hagen, Z.Dickinson, T.Cleary, T.Donaghey Row 2: J.La Delfa, S.Meade, B.Ellul, D.Murphy, S.McGlade, M.De Luca, J.Chaplin, J.Cooper, J.Phillipos Row 1: J.Bull, M.Taylor, J.Mreulje, F.Roberts, H.Rix, L.Shearer, Sabbatoucci, J,Twirdy, J.Taylor, M.Tomlinson Seated: N.Johnstone, J.Kartadinata, A.Crellin, J.Brunskill, T.Shallue, G.McDonagh, A.Chaplin, N.Bolger, N.Mowbray
Awards Coach/Coordinators Senior Captain Senior Swimmer of the Year Intermediate Swimmer of the Year Junior Swimmer of the Year
Demien Myers Demien Meyers Hamish Rix Lachlan Shearer
Mr Oscar Carlson, Mr Michael Ryan, Mr Keith Hoy
1st Cricket XI
2nd Cricket XI
Standing: D.Quamil, M.Quamil, J.Occonell, L.Graf, M.Keating, N. Daviels, Mr E.Walmsley (coach) Seated: A.Soldatos, A. Hale, T.Arbon, S.Fairbrother, T.Curry, J.Gotch Absent: N. Gill, M.Windley, P.Gould
The 1st XI and 2nd XI cricket teams had solid preparation, with a practice game with St Kevin’s over the Christmas holidays. This game will become an annual event, along with a visit at the end of this year from St Michael’s, Adelaide. This preparation led to a successful cricket season, and hopefully signals a resurgence of cricket at the College. The 1st XI season went down to the wire, with a win needed in our final game to put us in an ACC Final. Unfortunately St Bede’s were too strong and it proved to be our last game. Year 11 student Angelo Soldatos was solid with the bat all year, whilst Tim Arbon turned in impressive figures, bowling his off-spinners. The 2nd XI were also narrowly defeated in their semi-final, with only a couple of runs needed off the last ball; but it wasn’t to be. Promising performances from many of our Year 11 boys
Standing: A.Hale, P.Gould, J.Slater, N.Roberts, J.Cleary, T.Parker, M.Donaghey, Mr G.Barns (coach) Seated: A.Hulston, J.Gotch, T.Bloom, S.Brown, D.Howell, A.Kneebone Absent: Ms K.Busk
should ensure an even better season in 2007. The 2nd XI were led well by Simon Brown, who was supported well by deputy Dylan Howell behind the stumps. At the time of print the Year 10 and Year 9 season is still in progress and great things are expected from each of these sides. Links between our community neighbour Malvern Cricket Club were strengthened during the year, with the club assisting in the organisation of coaching clinics run by district cricketers from leading clubs in Victoria. With the guidance of our current coaches, and the help from Malvern CC, our cricketing teams should achieve great results in the future.
Awards Coaches Senior Captain 1st XI MVP 2nd XI MVP Year 10 Year 9
Nick Gill Nick Gill Dylan Howell Alex Zaia Lachlan O’Connell
Mr Euan Walmsley/Mr Matt Breen Mr Gerard Barns/Ms Kylie Busk Mr Gerard Barns Mr Paul Harrup
Year 10 Cricket
Back Row: K.Ellis, B.Nethersole, Z.Dickinson, C.Watts, N.Gray, K.Grant Middle Row: X.Gotch, A.Sanders, R.Foenander, L.Godinho, D.Jansz, Mr G.Barnes (coach) Seated: J.Gray. B.Humphrey, O.Holmes, A.Zaia(Captain), D.Hale(Vice-Captain), J.Scipione
Year 9 Cricket
Back Row: N.Green, P.Hogan, J.Steele, H.Rix, T.Miles, Middle Row: Mr R.Breda (assistant coach), Y.Naidoo, A.McDonough, M.O’Donnell, L.Simpson, J.Evans, Mr P.Harrup (coach) Seated: N.Hyland, E.Turner, L.O’Rourke (co-capt.), N.Hulston (co-capt.), B.Dobney
Senior Golf
Junior Golf
Standing: S.Dowling (caddy), T.Bloom (captain), J.Mulholland, D.Dowling, J.Mannix, L.Godinho (caddy), A.Schultz, T.Sabbatucci (caddy) Front: J.Vitacca, N.Woodgate, T.Parker, M.Bellion
Standing: K.Ellis, A.Schultz, B.Nethersole, Z.Dickinson, N.Woodgate, Mr.P.Crellin. Seated: D.O’Brien, M.Cleland, J.Mannix, J.Scipione, A.Hay.
An enthusiastic team met at Kingswood Golf Club for the annual ACC Golf tournament, with hopes of finishing amongst the top schools by the day’s end. The boys finished with a consistent set of scores, all under the magical “100”, a feat matched only by St Bede’s College, who were eventual winners. Team scores — 84 Nick Woodgate, 86 John Mulholland, 90 Joshua Vitacca, 93 Dominic Dowling, 94 Adam Schultz, 97 Joe Mannix. Congratulations to each of the members of this year’s team, and I thank the caddies and supporters for their assistance, at trials and on the day. I encourage any other student in the College to join in with these young golfers, and help lift our squad over the coming years. Mr Norm Stewart ACC Junior Golf Championships On the first day of school in Term 4, a team of 9 keen golfers set out at 6.30am for the ACC Junior Golf Championships at Werribee Golf Club. There would be no excuse for a bad day, as the weather and the course conditions were absolutely perfect.
In total there were 11 schools, 8 in division 1, and 3 in division 2. De La finished a respectable 3rd with a total of 537. St Bede’s won the day with 469, and second was St Joseph’s, Geelong, with a total of 499. To finish 3rd behind St. Bede’s is a brilliant effort as they have only lost once in the last 19 years. Some good scores were recorded by our team, with special mention to A.Schultz, (Year 10), with a great 79, J.Vitacca (Grade 6) who shot an impressive 84 and J.Scipione (Year 10) with an 87. With half our team without an official handicap, respectable scores were had by many. We were accompanied by Mr Stewart, who filled in at the last minute for Mr Crellin. Thanks to both Mr Stewart and Mr Crellin for their efforts in preparing and supporting team De La Salle. Players’ Scores: A.Schultz 79, J.Vitacca 84, J.Scipione 87, N. Woodgate 89, Z.Dickinson 96, M.Bellion 102, D.O’Brien 103, K.Ellis 105 — 537.
ACC SCORE SUMMARY DIV 1 DIV 2 St Bede’s 469 Whitefriars’ St Joseph’s 499 CBC St Kilda De La Salle 537 St Joseph’s Melb St Bernard’s 567 Mazenod 572 Parade 582 Salesian 584 St. Paul’s 595 Congratulations to Josh Vitacca, who recently won the Primary Schools Golf Championship at Gisborne, winning by one stroke with a five under par. Last year Josh won the Glen Waverly Golf Club Championships — both the seniors’ and the juniors’ section.
557 692 769
At the end of Term 3, 15 intrepid lacrosse enthusiasts boarded the bus for Altona Lacrosse Fields. The competition is a one-day round-robin between six participating colleges. De La Salle proved most worthy, losing two games but winning three, to take third place against schools that have dedicated lacrosse programmes. Mr Hewitson was in charge of the day and drove the bus admirably. Although he had little experience of the sport, he found the day most enlightening, and I believe that we have found a new convert to this underrated sport. Ben Robson, our goalie, had never played a game before, yet proved more than competent, keeping out goals like a pro. Pat McGrath-Campbell was the stand-out player on the day, playing well in every game, and won the ACC Lacrosse award for 2006. The day was a resounding success and I would like to again thank Mr Hewitson for managing the side on the day. Andrew Errington
Lacrosse Team
Standing: C.Van de Laarshott, J.Watson, A.Kortum P.McGrath-Campbell, P.Smith, J.Maher Seated: R.Scanlan, P.Ryan, J.Moloney, B.Robson, A.Errington
Year 9 Volleyball
Standing: M.Herbstreit, B. Ellul, K.Winter, M.James, A.O’Shea, J.Cooper Seated: T.Stubbings (captain) S.Byrne, S.Stamos, P.Hussey, A.Robinson-Bodin
Senior Volleyball
Standing: B.Hill, M.Davis, M.Smith, J.Marasco, M.Rogers, Mr B.Attley (coach) Seated: P.Stamos, S.Pillon, S. Wall (captain), C.Brodie, L.Semmel Absent: C. Merry, A.Phillipos, C.Hyland, C.Watkins
Year 10 Volleyball
“Unlucky” is a word that springs to mind when discussing the fortunes of our Senior ACC Volleyball teams. Many games went to 3 sets with only the minimum margin usually separating the two teams. Unfortunately we were on the wrong end of the margin — as a result, our senior volleyball players will have to regroup in 2007, after being relegated to Division 2. Chis Brodie and Steve Wall showed strength at the net all year and were well supported by Year 11 setter Paris Stamos. Many boys at the College are now playing beach volleyball regularly in organised competitions, which augurs well for future representative teams. Our junior teams are showing promise and, hopefully, will lead us back to the top echelons of ACC volleyball. Their enthusiasm at training and willingness to learn have been very encouraging. We should begin to reap the benefits of their positive attitude in the near future. Awards Coaches Senior Captain Steve Wall Senior MVP Chris Brodie Mr Brett Atley Year 10 Gab Montalban Mr Jon Edgar Year 9 S.Stamos Mr Trevor Farr
Back Row: N.Ferguson, A.Pegic, M.DeLuca, X.Harkins, T.Gheller, Middle Row: T.Hunt, C.Nayna, S.Tomadin, M.Breda, B.Payne, Mr J.Edgar (coach) Seated: G.Montalban, T.Allan, J.Pollard, B.Carracher.
De La Salle Basketball Club The 2006 Basketball seasons have once again proven to be successful in many ways. The Friday night basketball provides the following: – a chance for the boys to play a social game of basketball with friends. – a way in which new boys to the College can mix with others. – a chance for parents to meet the parents of their son’s friends. – an opportunity to have some fun in an inexpensive way. It has also been very successful for the turns on the courts. The 2005-06 summer season proved very successful with 21 teams making it to the various semi finals. The following results were achieved when 12 teams made it to the Grand Finals representing all divisions: Under 12 Runners up were the Thunderbirds Under 14A Pistons defeated the Cool Dudes Under 14B The Drunkin Monkeys were successful Under 16A The Kings proved victorious Under 16B The Raptors defeated The Jets Under 16C The Super Cool Friends defeated The Hawks Under 18A The Boomkablamoes were runners up Under 18B The Crushers defeated Lewis’ Team. The 2006 winter season was longer than usual due to the Commonwealth Games. 32 teams competed during the winter season. Once again the Club was successful with 22 teams making the semi finals with 11 teams making it into the Grand Finals. Of the 9 divisions we were strongly represented in seven and managed to win all seven titles. The results were: Under 12 The Giants defeated the Crazyhawks Under 14A The Spazy’s defeated Storm Under 14B The X-Men defeated the Titans Under 14C The Lakers were successful Under 16A2 The Sabres defeated The Raptors Under 16B The Hawks were premiers. Under 18B The Mighty Ducks proved successful.
To participate in 15 of the possible 17 Grand Finals and to win 13 with 10 Runners Up is a cause to celebrate the gifts and talents of the boys who play every Friday night. To the Parents who support their boys, to the coaches and to the Club Committee: I have a chance to say thank you for your time and effort. Br Gerry
It was a successful football season once again from representative sides. The highlight without doubt was the back-to-back premierships of our Year 10 team. We look forward to this team continuing their run, now that they move into the senior age group. Josh Scipione played a match-winning role in the grand final and was supported well by Xavier Gotch and Steve Muller throughout the season. The final was a very close affair, with the game in the balance well into the last quarter. The boys were able to see it through and finally overcome their spirited opponents. Our senior sides performed very well throughout the year and were served well by our best preparation in years. Unfortunately the first XVIII couldn’t find the line in the close ones, losing three games by margins of 1, 5 and 9 points. We did record a fantastic away win to eventual ACC Premiers and Herald Shield Winners St Joseph’s Geelong, along with wins against Mazenod, St Bede’s and St Francis Xavier. Year 12 players Sam Dillon and Jacob Gotch played good football throughout the season and were ably supported in the midfield by Year 11s Tom Curry and Josh Harris. Adam Kovarik kicked a number of ‘bags’ during the year and Olmo ‘Chook’ Salvatore averaged four goals a game from a pocket. Our 2nd XVIII were knocked out of the competition by St Bernard’s in a semi final at “The Snakepit”. It was a gallant effort and all can be proud of the way they played the season, and also the way they conducted themselves, on and off the field. Alex Roberts was superb all season and was supported well by Luke Semmel, Matt Wall and Tim Maya. The dedication and spirit shown by all 2nd XVIII players was fantastic, which reflected the enjoyment they derived from their football this year. Lastly, our Year 9 team had a mixed year, affected greatly by injuries and absences due to camps. They showed, however, that they can be a very strong team in the future, evident in some encouraging performances. These players are more than capable
Standing: M.Raymond, T.Curry, N.Murphy, N.Davey, T.Kovarik, O.Salvatore, T.Bloom, B.Coyle Middle Row: J.Phillips, M.Gomizel, C.Brodie, K.Rudd, D.Reid, A.Hale, M.Wall, A.Soldatos, J.Edgar(Coach) Seated: P.Monoghan, S.Williams, J.Gotch, N.Roberts(capt), S.Fairbrother, S.Dillon, J.Harris, M.Peterson Absent: S.Pickett
of winning an ACC title in the future, as the team has many talented players. Their midfield was excellent all year, led by Xavier Murphy, Jack Purton Smith and Tom Myles. Jack Gray was very dependable in the back half all year, and big Tom Cleary showed he can be a player of the future. Thank you to all players and coaches for their fantastic efforts throughout the year.
Standing: P.Suhodobnik, M.Davis, T.Naughtin, E.Murphy, S.Wall, M.Wall, B.Griffin, J.Brown, A.Hale, B.Hill Middle Row: Mr A.Wozencroft (Assistant), D.Quamil, J.Comerford, M.Rodgers, D.Conway, L.Semmel, Mr G.Barns (coach), Mr R.Breda (assistant coach) Seated: M.Peterson, T.Maya, M.Smith, T.Arbon, S.Brown, B.Dwyer, J.Meade, P.Monaghan
Awards Coaches
Senior Captain Nathan Roberts 1st XVIII Football B&F Jacob Gotch Mr J Edgar Most Consistent Joel Phillips Mr S Mackintosh Coaches Award Adam Kovarik 2nd XVIII Football B&F Alex Roberts Mr G Barns Most Consistent Mathew Pedersen Mr A Wozencroft Coaches Award Matthew Wall Year 10 B&F Scott Muller Mr K Stokes Most Courageous Ben Carracher Mr D Madigan MVP — Grand Final Josh Scipione Year 9 B&F Xavier Murphy Mr P Harte Most Consistent Thomas Miles Mr T Ford Most Determined Jack Purton-Smith Coaches Award Brendan Close 131
Year 10 XVIII
Back Row: X.Harkins, S.Lowe, S.Tomadin, T.Allan, A.Bonaddio, M.Breda, S.Muller, B.Nethersole, T.Hunt, G.Montalban Third Row: X.Gotch, M.Collins, B.Humphrey, O.Holmes, Z.Dickinson, S.Hillier, M.De Luca, K.Pryor Second Row: Mr K.Stokes (coach), D.Hale, K.Grant, A.Zaia, N.Gray, M.De Corrado, D.Murphy, K.Ellis, Mr D.Madigan (assistant coach) Seated: R.Monaghan, L.Williams, S.De Corrado, E.Clinch, J.Scipione, S.Griffin, J.McDonald, B.Carracher
Year 9 XVIII
Back Row: C.Maynard, D.White, A.O’Shea, L.O’Connell, S.Byrne, X.Fitzgerald, S.Roberts, T.East, T.Cleary, D.East, J.Gray, A.Papamiltiades, L.Simpson Row 3: T.Mattmann, M.O’Donnell, J.Bernadone, M.Nolan, T.Stubbings, D.O’Brien, T.Raymond, A.Brown, J.Quinn, J.Salanitri, J.Cooper, B.Dobney, N.Hulston Row 2: Mr P.Harte, N.Green, S.Stamos, M.Briglia, T.Miles, J.Cartland, T.Cardwell, X.Murphy (capt.), J.Purton-Smith, J.Rogers, Mr R.Beda, Mr T.Ford Seated: B.Raymond, L.O’Rourke, D.Hutchinson, R.Harris, P.Hussey, B.Close, N.Enright, D.Stow, E.Turner, N.Hyland
The annual Interschool Snowsports Competition was held at Mt Buller from the 19th – 22nd of August. The De La Salle Ski Team was again well represented by 13 boys from Years 7–12. It was a highly successful year, with Conrad Lucas winning the Division 3 Cross-Country Classic Sprint over 400m in 3.03.33mins. Other results saw Jack Beach and Tom Molloy finish 75th and 85th respectively in the Division 2 Boarder Cross event and, in the overall teams result, De La Salle finished 29th. In Snowboard Division 1 Andrew Batley finished a respectable 52nd place. In the skiing events Jason Twirdy competed in the Alpine Division 1, and finished in 102nd place, while John Cooper competed in the Alpine Division 2, finishing in 133rd position. A number of other students competed in their first alpine ski race events, and gained valuable experience from the competition and the ski adventure as a whole. As the coordinator of the ski team, I would sincerely like to thank Mr David Atkins, Mr Simon Finigan, Mr Shane Slavin and Miss Kate Wallis, who helped make the trip such a success. Mr Ken Stokes Ski Team Coordinator
ACC Skiing
Standing: Mr K.Stokes, A.Batley, T.Kershaw, Mr D.Atkins Seated: J.Twirdy, T.Molloy, J.Plompen, J.Cooper
Senior Soccer
Standing: J.Molinaro, R.Lomacchio, T.Buick, G.Santaltzis, P.Apostopoulos, A.Stabelos Seated: P.Stamos, A.Vanzella, A.Bressan, S.Bourmas, J.O’Connor
In a World Cup year there was much enthusiasm from the students at De La Salle to become involved in our ACC Soccer teams. Participation and training numbers increased dramatically, and there were some encouraging results. Our senior squad tried hard throughout the year but was unable to string too many winning performances together against some very strong opposition. Alex Bressan was a ‘rock’ in goals, and was ably supported by defender Anthony Vanzella. Anthony Stabelos worked hard all year to create chances on goal. Our Year 10 side was fantastic and had many great wins throughout the course of the year, narrowly
missing a place in the grand final. Anton Pejic looked dangerous up front all year, and was supported well by Tristan Tiso. This group was a pleasure for their coaches, showing spirit and commitment. The Year 9 side saw more than 25 players play throughout the season, which should prove beneficial to the depth of the pool in the future. All year levels displayed solid performances and we can look forward to the prospect of further development in soccer next year.
Awards Coaches Senior Captain Senior Best and Fairest Yr 10 Best and Fairest Yr 9 Best and Fairest
A.Bressan Mr Brett Wadley/Ms Karen Harding A.Pejik Mr Simon Hewitson/Mr Peter Riordan J.Stamatelos Mr Shaun Buckley
Year 10 Soccer
Year 9 Soccer
Standing: T.Tiso, J.Di,Natale, S.Minogue, M.Pierce, T.Dobson, N.Woodgate, Mr P.Riordan (coach) Seated: P.Ioannidis, T.Smith, C.Watts, D.Nikakis, A.Pejic, J.Storai, A.Kanellopoulos
Standing: J.Stamatelos, I.Howe, K.Winter, P.McNamara, M.Chai, L.Terella. Middle Row: J.Lewis, N.Thanos, M.Saeur. C.Kildaras, G.Kucukbalci-Katsifolis, S.Stamos, A.Boghdadi. Seated: M.Altidis, D.Petras, V.Naidoo, N.Ibarra, R.Sita, P.Siarabalos.
Senior Basketball
ACC Basketball Standing: M.Allan, N.Roberts, What a great year of Basketball at De La Salle, with five out six teams playD.Millar, Mr B.Atley (coach) ing off in grand finals, resulting in four premierships. The Senior ‘A’ team had Seated: J.Twirdy, H.Czwarno, a great year but were unfortunately unable to secure a grand final berth, sufM.Sahely, M.Kanellopoulos fering a narrow loss in the semi-final to Mazenod. The team played exciting, Absent: N.Stewart (Capt), quick tempo basketball all year, which was great to watch. N.Parton, W.Hassell Hayden Czwarno was a key player throughout the season. Hayden also represented his state this year at the National Schoolboys’ titles, a significant achievement. He was well supported this season by captain Nathan Stewart and fellow Year 11 student Jason Twirdy. The Senior ‘B’ team capped off a winning season in fine style, winning their grand final by the barest of margins, a point. The boys showed tremendous spirit throughout the season and were well led by senior boys Chris Brodie and Patrick Subdobnik. Our Year 10 teams both played in grand finals, our ‘B’ team winning their premiership comfortably. Unfortunately our ‘A’ team was unable to win back-toback titles against the ‘Friar’ but we look forward to the challenge of continuing this rivalry next season! Mark Breda was outstanding all season, and was well supported by Kale Pryor and Steve Muller. For the ‘B’ team big Bonaddio and Torissi showed the way. Year 9 led the way in terms of premierships taking home the chocolates in both grand finals. In fact, both sides went through the season undefeated, and both teams had comfortable grand final victories. The future of basketball at the College certainly looks bright. Tom Mattman and Corey Maynard provided the excitement for the ‘A’ team and Andrew Lombardo and the East twins always got the job done. For the “B’ team Anthony O’Shea and Dean White were fantastic all year.
Awards Coaches Senior Captain Nathan Stewart Mr B Atlee/Mr R Breda/Mr P Jurd Senior MVP Hayden Czwarno Year 10 MVP Mark Breda Mr B Atlee/Mr S Hewitson Year 9 MVP Corey Maynard Mr T Ford/ Br G Barret
Senior Basketball
Standing: Mr R.Breda (coach), N.Lees, A.Kovarik, N.Roberts, J.Brown, J. D’Souza, Mr. P.Jurd (coach) Front Row: B.Dwyer, A.Spiers, C.Brodie, P.Suhodobnik, S.Pintado
Year 10 Basketball
Year 10 Basketball B
Standing: T.Allen, S.Muller, P.Millar, J.Porozny, Mr B.Atley (coach) Seated: A.Kannelopoulos, S.Tomadin, K.Pryor, T.Forbes Year 9 Basketball Back Row: A. Lombardo, T. Cleary, S. Roberts, T. East, J. Gray, Row 3: T. Antas, S. Byrne, M, James, D.East, A.O’Shea, X.Fitzgerald, L.Simpson, G.Muratore Row 2: Mr T.Ford, A.Robinson-Bodin, C.Maynard, C.Patterson, D.White, J.Dyers, Br Gerry Seated: M.Bertucci, T.Miles, I.Howe, T.Mattman. S.Ayre, B.Tesoreiro, J.Evans, B.Close Absent: M.Osekowski, J.Van Der Wolde, A.Pattersom, C.Smith, M.Herbstreit, S.Heatley, J.Leonard
Standing: J.Palombi, G. Montalban, P.Torrisi, J.Croce, Mr R.Breda Seated: E.Clinch, T.Donaghey, A.Bonaddio, D.Nikakis, D.Speirs
Year 9 Basketball
Senior Hockey Much improvement was made in hockey in 2006. Although the senior team didn’t reach the heights of its 2005 grand final appearance our results across the board were much more competitive. The seniors had a couple of big wins late in the season but were affected early on by injuries to key players. The better players for the season were Tom Bloom and Sam Fairbrother, along with Year 11 boys Stephen Bird and Matt Alderuccio. Our best results for the year were our resounding win over Parade, an 8–2 result and a 7–1 win over St Paul’s. Our Year 10 team narrowly missed out on a semi-final appearance but showed great improvement on their previous season’s results, whilst our Year 9 side started and finished the season strongly. Many boys who participated in the sport this year were new to the game, but with consistent training were able to improve their skills greatly. It is envisaged that these boys will continue their involvement in the game and as such our overall performances in hockey should continue to improve.
Standing: S.Bird, B.Hempenstall, M.Alderuccio, D.Harkins, A.Barker, Mr E.Walmsley Seated: D.Howell, S.Farbrother, T.Bloom (capt), M.Rodgers Absent: S.Meade, T.Sargeant, J.Musster, M.Lane, L.Coleman, A.Miller
Year 10 Hockey
Back Row: Z.Dickinson, P.Selwood, T.Jane, R.Weston, M.Pierce, C.Watts, J.O’Halloran Row 1: J.Pollard, D.Murphy, L.Godinho, A.Spencer, N.Seel B.Carracher Seated: L.Sutton, B.O’Dwyer, O.Holmes, B.Humphries, J.Scipione, J.Siakavellas, P.Ioannidis
Year 9 Hockey
Standing: J.Salanitri, J.Cooper, C.Kildaras, L.O’Connell, A.Papamiltiade, A.Robson, K.McInerney, J.Plompen (capt.) Seated: D.Hutchinson, L.O’Rourke (vice-capt.), T.Cardwell, J.Fagan, P.Hussey, M.Blakeborough, E.Turner
Victorian Schools Cycling Championships The Victorian Schools Cycling Championships is a competition aimed at encouraging school students to become involved in cycling. Each year the championship attracts approximately 1000 entrants from 150 schools across Victoria. Students can compete in either the novice or racing category, depending on whether they hold a racing licence or not. Prizes are awarded for place-getters, as well as the added incentive of competing at the State Final, which is held on the final day of the Jayco Herald-Sun Tour. In August, Mr Terry Atkins and Miss Karen Harding, both avid cyclists, took 20 De La Salle students out to METEC at Kilsyth for the Eastern Metro Zone Final. For a majority of the students it was their first taste of road racing. All of the boys enjoyed the experience immensely, and hopefully a few of the first timers will pursue the sport. Some notable achievements for the day: Michael Crosbie 4th Place — U15 Novice Angus Cramp 4th Place — U15 Racing Tom Gallagher 3th Place — U17 Racing
Senior Cross Country The students involved in the cross country squad this year can be extremely proud of their achievements, and will look back on their experience as one that helped them grow as individuals. The boys dedicated the season to Daniel Lagastes, a valued member of the team, who unfortunately passed away during the season. Daniel’s “No Regrets’ motto was adopted by one and all, and the boys’ attitude in upholding this motto was inspiring. The ACC cross country carnival was held in atrocious conditions, yet our boys did not complain, and got on with the job. Each and every boy who represented the school gave it their all, and were exhausted at the finish. Unfortunately, due to injuries and late withdrawals, we slipped down a place to finish a close third behind St Bernard’s and Mazenod. We are sure to bounce back stronger next year and move back into the top two. Sam Williams was an inspirational captain, finishing fourth in the senior category, whilst the run of the day was provided by Luke Hennessy who blitzed the under 16 field. Luke led the under 16’s to an age group title. There were many great runs throughout the day and many personal best times, despite the poor conditions. Most importantly, it was heartening to witnesss the spirit in which De La boys competed, and the enthusiasm our large squad of over 100 boys showed, dedicated to getting fit, and pushing themselves.
Back Row: M.Glico, Z.Dickinson, A.O’Shea, J.Gray, B.Nethersole, T.East, M.Pierce, S.Byrne, L.O’Connell, A.Papamiltiade, C.Watts, T.Donaghey. Third Row: M.Wall, J.Scipione, N.Gray, I.Howe, C.Patterson, J.Steele, C.Maynard, H.Rix, J.Chaplin, J.Cooper,, M.Cleland. Second Row: Mr P.Harte D.Murphy, B.Dobney, M.Wheeler, B.Ellul, D.Hale, C.Klideras, K.McInerny, M.Henricus, J. MacDonald, Ms D.Byers, Mr P.Crellin. Front Row: E.Turner, B.Close, D.Stow, A.McDonough, J.PurtonSmith, L.Williams, T.Miles, P.Hogan, R.Harris, N.Enright.
Back Row: M.Rodgers, S.Dowling, J.Ramsden, J.O’Connell, M.Allan, B.Griffin, A.Bressan, S.Meade, A.Phillipos. Second Row: Mr P.Harte, L.Oliver, L.Henessy, B.Hill, M.McCart, M.Liels, P.Suhodobnik, L.Fisher, J.Gotch, Ms.D.Byers. First Row: M.Kanellopoulos, A.Hulston, K.Walker, T.Leary, N.Roberts, S.Williams, J.Musster, W.Eke, M.Carland.
Year 9 and 10 Cross Country
Year 7/8 Cross Country
Back Row: J.Walker, S.Cassar, L.Shearer, L.Cook, T.Cleay, S.Roberts, S.Dillane, F.Roberts, M.Crosbie, L.Frazzeto (Junior Captain) Third Row: D.Barker, M.Lane, J.McCaffrey, P.Shannon, S.Carson, M.Stizza, H.Haley, J.Chapman, M.Hailliwell Second Row: Mr P.Harte, A.Hay, T.Shallue, A.Cramp, J.Battersby, G.McDonough, J.Rogers, D.Grant, R.Neeson, Mr M.Naughton. Seated: P.Vella, J.Williams, P.O’Connell, B.Siragusano, A.Ross, R.McCarthy, J.Camillieri, W.Kennish, S.Miller
Awards Coaches Senior Captain Sam Williams Senior Champion Sam Williams Intermediate Champion Luke Hennessy Junior Champion Angus Cramp
Mr P Harte/ Ms D Byers (coordinators) Mr S Slavin, Mr P Crellin, Mr P Fegan, Mr T Curran, Mr T Atkins, Mr S Mackintosh, Mr M Naughtin
Standing: K.Stokes, E.Arapis, J.Meilson, J.Quinn, C.Merry, L.Cook, J.McGivern, L Henrique-Gomez, B.Siragusano, Anthony Dove (coach) Seated: P.Gill, Q.Wood, S.O’Connell, M. Peterson, S.Francazio, J.Curtis, M.Karlson
The De La Salle Weightlining Team once again had an exceptional year. Led by Captain Matthew Peterson, Junior Captain Steve McConnell and Vice Captain Simon Francazio, De La won every competition available. There were four different competition formats this year: The School Postal League was won by De La with a single point to arch rivals Mt Lilydale; De La won The School League by 23 points; De La again edged out Mt Lilydale in The Sport and Recreation Victoria Cup, this time by two points; finally, De La won the Weightlifting School Championships by a comfortable 44 points. It was great to see so many lifters achieving personal bests and training so hard this year. Congratulations to Steve McConnell, Callum BarryMurphy and Chris Merrey for winning Gold at the Victorian open age and U/20 State Championships; congratulations too to Matt Peterson and Simon Francezio, who won Silver Medals in the same competition. Further congratulations to Chris Merrey for winning Silver U/20 and Matt Peterson
for winning Bronze U/20 and Open at the Senior National Championships. Chris Merrey also won Gold at the Junior National Championships, Simon Francezio — Gold, Shane Renshaw Silver and Matt Peterson — Silver. Well done to all who participated this year, but especially to Chris Merrey, who has lifted from Year 7 through Year 12. Chris has personal best lifts of 113Kg for the Snatch and 151 Kg for the clean and jerk, the second largest clean and jerk of anyone liftng while attending De La, behind Damian Brown. In his last year of lifting for the school, Chris achieved a Sinclair points score of over 300, a fantastic effort. Special thanks to teachers Dave Hale and Ken Stokes for organizing, attending, supervising and helping the team, and thanks to the Mermet Weightlifting Centre for allowing our boys to train there. But the biggest thanks goes to our coach, Anthony Dove, who sacrificed much of his time to coach us. Largely thanks to him, we have eight boys 142
pressing for selection in the Victorian U/16 and U/18 State team for 2007. Steve McConnell
Senior Table Tennis
Year 10 Table Tennis
Standing: S.Myers, D.Reid, D.Myers, J. Marasco, T.Curry, L.Fisher Middle Row: W.Eke, M.Mullany, J.Noble, P.Grouious, K.Nyugen, M.Gomizel, Mr P Harrup Seated: M.Marbani, J.O’Connell, A.Smith, T.Arbon (coach), J.Marbani, J.Harris
Standing: B.Hausler, R.Monaghan, M.Glico, J.Stevens, B.Payne, J.Corkill, M.Nazarri, K.Grant. Seated: J.Balthazaar, J.MacDonald, M.DeLuca, J.Fischer-Myall, S.DeCorrado, M.Wheeler, T.Balthazaar.
Once again there was great participation across all year levels in table tennis in 2006. Although our table tennis results in terms of win/loss records show an unsuccessful season, this was far from the case. Our students played enthusiastically throughout the season and trained hard on a regular basis to improve their game. All players across all year levels should be congratulated for their sportsmanship and the positive manner with which they conducted themselves during the season. Hopefully our players from the younger age groups will continue to enjoy the game and participate in the sport in the years to come
Senior Captain Tim Arbon Senior Most Consistent Player Adam Smith Year 10 Most Consistent Player Julian Balthazaar Year 9 Most Consistent Player Jeremy Karitzas
Year 9 Table Tennis
Coaches Mr Paul Harrup Ms Sally Buick Ms Clare Needham Standing: M.Chai, S.Bam, M.Marshall, N.Berenger, J.Karitzas, D.Vittaca, M.Ryan, M.Briglia Seated: T.Mayell, P.Hogan, L.Terella, B.Ellul, J.Stamatelos, A.Boghdadi, M.Altidis Absent: T.Florentzou Coaches: C.Needham, G. Stark
Senior Chess
The chess day started badly with the coach having to haul one player out of a study and another out of class. The dedication to their studies is wonderful - but where is the LOYALTY to the BLUE AND GOLD?!! How can you let a mere SAC get in the way of representing your school? We eventually got to Kensington with a team – quite a strong team – with “Knuckles” Neil Chen at board 3, our esteemed Captain. We also had “Mighty Michael” Ryan at board 2 leaving a trail of devastated opponents behind him. “Jumping Jack” Murray was awesome at board 5, while Brendan “the Bandit” Chung stole a couple of good wins at board 6. Josh Allen quietly laboured in his vineyard at board 7 whilst “Tiny Tim” McCurdy and “Battling Bradley” Wood waxed it at board 8 for a couple of solid points for their team. Mustn’t forget young Kev Nguyen who cleaned up at board 1 as usual. The upshot was we came third on the day and, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye this year to some of our best chess players we’ve hade in years. Let’s hope they don’t go broke and end up at the pawnshop – get it? Mr Marty Mahy
Standing: K.Nguyen, M.Lane, M.Ryan, B.Wood, J.Murray, Mr M.Mahy Seated: J.Allen, A.McGuinness, B.Chung, N.Chen, P.Nicholl, T.McCurdy.
Junior Chess
Standing: D.Martin, J.Evans, H.Rix, J.Gialiamatzis, Mr L.Evans Standing: K.Nguyen, D.Brace, D.Li 144
Hong Kong Homestayers In September 26 eleven students and two staff left Melbourne bound for La Salle Green Hills in Manila. It had been ten years since the first group made the journey, but this group was to experience a number of firsts. The 7.30am start saw boys’ bleary eyes open to the singing of the National anthem of the Philippines and the raising of the flag, followed by the singing of the Alma Mater hymn. After being introduced to the High School students by the Principal Mrs Amy Galang, the boys were given their timetables for the day and experienced a day in the life of a Filipino student. By the thirty-minute lunchbreak the boys were looking forward to the 3.40pm finish! Tuesday was set aside for a cultural tour of Manila. The boys were fascinated by their visit to the Intramuros, the site of the original Spanish settlement. The San Agustin Church and monastery was built in 1587 and survived British forces in1762, the Americans in 1898 and the Japanese and American liberation war in 1945. Wednesday afternoon we were told that classes would be cancelled the following day because Metro Manila would be hit by typhoon “Milenyo”. The day began with a heavy tropical rainstorm, but the real storm began about 10.30am, and continued until mid-afternoon. The destruction caused by the strongest typhoon to hit Manila in 15 years was beyond imagination. School had to be cancelled on Friday as well. Monday saw the program modified again. The boys arrived at school for a day of manual labour at the Conception Village, where they mixed concrete and carted it in buckets to build a staircase for a poor family whose house in the village had to be rebuilt. At the debriefing the boys commented on the happiness of the families, even though they had relatively little in the way of material things.
Thursday the boys spent the day at the East Avenue Medical Centre where the boys entertained a group of children who were suffering from cancer. The boys played games, talked, read books and danced with the kids. For a short while at least the children forgot about their afflictions and enjoyed the company of their new Australian friends. Friday was a day of interaction with former street children. The bonding that took place was extraordinary. The street children spoke little English and our boys spoke only a few words of Filipino, but they were able to express themselves by way of drawing posters that expressed a real understanding of belonging to the same Lasallian family. The theme of the farewell party was ‘Rehla Saida’ (So Long). We shared the Filipino hospitality and thanked our hosts for making our stay so enjoyable and productive. We look forward sharing our culture with Green Hills students next year. Mr Murray Ennis 145
St Vincent De Paul Society The year was looking very promising and the team of 2006 was keen to make a mark. Our first major fundraiser was the idea of Adrian Hulston and Pat Suhobdobnik to organize a Tiverton lunchtime students-versus-Teachers Basketball match. All went according to plan and the match was a huge success, with many superstar teachers taking to the court. As the winter months set in, the idea of a clothes drive was to good to ignore. Many posters for St Vincent de Paul activities had been created throughout the year by our computerman extraordinaire, Lachlan McMahon and his clothes drive appeal posters were hard to miss. As usual the De La community was always willing to lend a hand, and responded generously to the appeal which saw eight large bags of clothes plus bulk tins of coffee, tea and sugar transported to the St Kilda Mission. As well as the clothes drive, Term 3 heralded the annual Food Can Collection, leading up to the Social Justice Mass. The St Vincent De Paul group worked hard to prepare posters. The Malvern Emergency Food Charity calls for donations from schools every year and De La and Lauriston respond well. There is close contest between these two schools over who donate the most cans. This year De La narrowly lost to Lauriston, but we hope the rivalry will go on for years, and we hope Scott Watson and Ben Nethersole can bring the “Gary Proudlock Perpetual Trophy” back to De La next year. The productivity of the year was further enhanced by the work of David Hunter and his “lolly shop” in raising extraordinary amounts of money throughout the year, particularly Founder’s day. The work of Luke Semmel and Athan Dalamagis on Founder’s Day selling the soft drink cans left over from the Basketball matches was very much appreciated.
Another encouraging element of the year was the dedication shown to the Collingwood Soup Van. Every Sunday evening groups of two or three volunteeres made sandwiches and delivered them to the needy of the inner suburbs of Melbourne. Smith Street and the commis- Standing: Mr Graeme Lawler, Athan Dalamagas, Luke Semmel, Ben Dwyer, David Hunter, Scott Watson, Lachlan McMahaon sion flats really Seated: Daniel Lawlor, Daniel Reid, Sam Williams (President) Adrian Hulston (Vice President), opened our eyes Alex Phillipos. to a world we are Absent: Ben Nethersole, Anthony Hale, Pat Suhodobnik not exposed to in Melbourne. I Daniel Reid, treasurer, and Dom Stevens. encourage all the guys to continue their work with the Collingwood Soup Van. On behalf of the 2006 group I would like to thank Mr Lawler. Without him, we could not have run as proThe work of Alex Phillipos and Ben Nethersole in ductively as we did. promoting third-world child sponsorships is commendable and, hopefully, this caring initiative can be I know the Society is in good hands with Scott a lasting aspect of the work of St Vincent De Paul Watson and Ben Nethersole at the reins, and I at the College. Fundraising events through the year, encourage younger year levels to be involved, and and endless hard work put in by all members, saw support the work of St Vincent De Paul — your five different charities receive donations from St efforts will surely make a difference. Vincent De Paul. Sam Williams President My sincere thanks to all members of the 2006 St Vincent De Paul society for their inspiring motivation and dedication. I commend our committee members: Adrian Hulston, Vice President, for his great ideas and ongoing support, Pat Suhobdobnik, secretary,
Careers Using our resources to make the maximum difference for people who need it most! Daniel Reid, Adam Kovarik, and Timothy Arbon came to the realisation that the majority of students could do their part to contribute to the can collection drive. The three students all had the same aim to “make a difference”. And that is what they did raising over $350 between them by selling ‘de la wristbands’ which took off as soon as sales got underway. Both Andrew and Naomi, who work at the Mission, were thankful for the contribution made. The team met Paul who has been a volunteer for over 10 years, and was impressed with the initiative that was taken by the boys.
Careers Expo 2006
The Careers Expo held in the college gym was a great success, providing a wonderful opportunity for students in years 10-12 to gain first hand knowledge about courses and career pathways. All Victorian universities were represented, along with several TAFE Institutes, Independent Colleges and Group Training companies involved with apprenticeship recruitment and traineeships. Members of the Victorian police, ambulaceand and fire brigade also attended. A special thanks goes to all the ex students currently studying or working, who gave of their time and shared their experience and knowledge of both the tertiary sector and the work force. They were all very positive about being a future resource for the boys’ and enjoyed the chance at supper for some networking. The night exemplies the good will of the entire College community, not forgetting those involved ‘behind the scenes’, as it works together for the benefit of our students. Ms Sue Taylor Careers Counsellor
Throughout the year the year 11 VCAL students have undertaken various project in and around the school repairing and improving outdoor furniture. In particular they have worked closely with the Lasallian Foundation performing a backyard blitz never before seen at the College. The boys have worked extremely well as a team, designing, drafting and purchasing materials to totally transform the garden. This transformation has included a total redesign of the garden area. The boys were able to select a range of appropriate plants requiring minimum maintenance to beautify the landscape. The construction of a quality free standing BBQ and a tranquil water feature make this a perfect place to enjoy lunch. When lunch is finished the newly completed decking offers an ideal area to enjoy the surounds. While providing the Lasallian Ministry with an area to take a break from their busy schedule or entertain visitors, this part of the school offers much more. All members of the school community will benefit from a visit to this area as it provides an ideal setting for personal reflection, group prayer, or a tranquil meeting area. Mr Chris Dankert
De La Salle Libraries 2005 Once again, this year has been one of great change. We welcomed Mr Val Railey and Mr David Ferguson in a job-share capacity as A/V technicians. They were assisted by Mr Mohammed Musoke each Thursday for two terms. Mrs Marian Evans (Librarian) joined the Kinnoull library, leaving to pursue other job opportunities in May. Mrs Jane Pretty then joined us from Wollongong, but will be leaving us to return home at the end of the year. Further changes and enhancements to our collections continue, with a focus on replacing out-dated formats with the most relevant and up-to-date available. 2006 has been the year of moving seriously from video to DVD, as our trusty Commander system at Tiverton will be decommissioned at the end of the year, and most classrooms will by then be equipped with PCs and data projectors. We continue to strive to provide the best quality, most relevant print and electronic resources for our students and staff, acquiring as many new print titles as possible, as well as maintaining a solid, rigorous collection of depth and breadth. The physical structure of the Kinnoull Library was remodelled over the 2005-06 Christmas holidays, with the walls of the back-issue journal room and newspaper room being removed. Our non-fiction book collection was moved to this area, making a more open, airy environment for classes. Two PC laboratories were also created in the Library, and equipped with stateof-the-art computers and data projectors. The
number of PCs in the Kinnoull Library for student use remains stable at 18, and our fiction and journal collections remain well-patronised and relevant. In the Tiverton Library, air-conditioning was installed over the 2005-06 Christmas holidays, to the great relief of staff and students. The Primary Library classes run by Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis continued as usual this year. A wonderful highlight for the boys was when Ms Catriona Hoy, wife of staff member Mr Keith Hoy, visited the College in her capacity as author of a new picture book, My Grandad Marches on Anzac Day to speak to the Primary boys. The College reading club RIC RAC (Reading Is Cool, Readers Are Clever) ran under the creative leadership of our Literature Librarian, Mrs Betty Rudin. It now includes Years 7 to 11, and has increased to over 90 members. RIC RAC certificates of participation were presented to all members at assemblies in Term 4. Book Week : “Book Now” 2006. Our visiting author
this year was an Old Collegian, Robert Newton, author of Runner and The Punjabi Pappadum, amongst others. He has visited the College before and is always a hit with the boys. Book Week began as usual with a Book Week Breakfast for RIC RAC members. The Fifth Annual Book Week Literary Quiz was held in the gym and was most popular, with over 120 students and staff attending. The Daily Bulletin quiz drew much interest, and the major Book Week prize, a signed copy of Alex Ryder’s Missions by Anthony Horowitz was won by Jordan Bull in 7V. Br Bill presented the prize at an assembly where a number of students and staff dressed up as book characters. Book Week 2006 concluded with drinks for staff and the ubiquitous
De La Salle Parents’ Association book raffle in the Tiverton Library on Friday afternoon. All money raised at the raffle went to support the “Coolies”. Our online resources, World Book Online, Electric Library, Mediascan, ANZRC, and The Source, continue to be available both from all networked PCs in the College, and from home. These are accessible by visiting the College’s web page at delsalle.melb.catholic.edu.edu, and clicking on Staff/Students to log in to the College’s intranet. These resources make good quality, relevant, in-depth information available to all staff and students, without having to visit the Library. New acquisitions this year include around 200 fiction and 450 non-fiction titles for the Kinnoull Library. Subject areas for particular focus in 2006 included social issues, Australian flora and fauna, job-hunting and resumes, sport biographies, musicology and environmental change. The Tiverton collection gained around 500 fiction titles and 550 non-fiction titles. Particular focus was on alternative energy, environmental change, general science, natural disasters, animals, visual arts, magic tricks, sports, and European countries. Major audio-visual purchases this year included a cassette-to-CD recorder, video-to-DVD recorder, DVD recorder, five DVD players, and a number of CD players. At the end of 2005, we farewelled Mrs Jenna Jackson, Ms Nicole Humphrey and Ms Pauline Mulholland. Thank you to Mrs Marian Evans, Mrs Jane Pretty, Mr Val Railey and Mr David Ferguson for replacing them in 2006. Susan Jost College Librarian
As we approach the end of 2006, I look back on the past year, its milestones, its memories and its many changes. The parents have filled the role of the quiet achievers with their generous help at mail-outs, functions and other school presentations. Many parents enjoyed the opportunity to mingle and get to know other parents at a Wine Night, two Mothers’ Weekends and a Father and Son Weekend. There was also the opportunity to learn more about what was going on in the school and to ask questions at our Open Forum in October, as well as the opportunity to attend any of our monthly executive committee meetings which a number of parents did and enjoyed. We joined in the celebration of the De La Salle Brothers’ Centenary in Australia, with a mass followed by supper. We are looking forward to the changes and experiences of 2007 and hope to meet many more of our De La Salle parent community. Mrs Liz Kortum On Behalf of the Parents’ Associationa
The Centenary Mass The Centenary Mass for the De La Salle Brothers was held at St Peter’s East Bentleigh in August. The procession of the Brothers was a moving and appropriate beginning. Aside from Fr Michael Sierakowski, who did a wonderful job of leading the celebration, there were another 15 concelebrants, including Bishop Ron Mulkearns (DLS 1938-48), most of whom were Lasallian Old Collegians. The sight of that number of priests on the sanctuary was a powerful statement of the ministry and influence of the Brothers. The singing and music was strong, moving and truly uplifting — a group effort from staff and student musicians and singers from the three Colleges, co-ordinated by Mr Nicholas Cowall from St Bede’s. The music made one staff member comment that they “felt as though they were in a cathedral in Rome”. Br Ambrose’s homily was just right, typically. There was an excellent attendance and the Mass was also marked by the distribution of awards to Brothers and lay staff that had made significant contributions. The bottom line is that what was done was done for love, for the Founder, for the Brothers, who are the heroes to whom Br Ambrose referred, and for the ministry to youth and the poor. All in all, it was an appropriate celebration of an historic moment. Mr Patrick Jurd
Vale Daniel Lagastes This is an edited version of the Eulogy given at the funeral of Daniel Lagastes, 8 Benilde, by his longtime friend, Luke Frazetto. I first met Daniel in prep at St Cecilia’s. He was a happy boy with a big smile who had great confidence in his abilities, yet still had the modesty to appreciate other people’s values and to make many friends. During Prep it was common for us to play a game of ‘tiggy’. Due to Daniel’s natural running ability, he was rarely caught. The only time that he seemed to chase
us was after he lost the ‘dib-dib’ at the start of the game. He was very passionate about his footy, especially his much-loved Bombers. We participated in Auskick together. Even at junior level his passion and desire to win were evident. He continued his footy career and became a devoted and valued member of the ‘Ashy Redbacks’. While most of us were all quite hesitant to dive into packs to get the ball out, Daniel wasn’t. Without thinking twice, he would go in hard for the ball, despite the opponents sometimes being twice his size. This determination to win followed through to the 2006 De La Salle Lightning Premiership. Daniel was given the nickname ‘Pipper.’ At De La, Pipper became one of the most athletic boys in the year level, achieving multiple first-place ribbons in Athletics. He also performed superbly in short and long distance running, with aspirations to make this year’s Under 14 CrossCountry Squad. Although he had so many other great talents and goals, Daniel always knew that it was important to do your best at school. However, Daniel didn’t take school for granted. Each day he was determined to achieve his best.
It was at De La Salle that Daniel truly became a high achiever. Whatever the task at hand, Daniel openly embraced it and did everything in his power
to achieve his best. He was proud of his many achievements, following up our congratulatory comments with the usual catchphrase “Well, what can I say?” He scored highly in tests and projects in all subjects, and received academic awards, and the admiration of his classmates. ‘Pipper’ was a brilliant all-rounder who excelled at anything he put his mind to -– whether it be sport, academic tasks, or friendships. He was a true friend, always interested in our welfare, and always keen to help. He thought highly of people around him and never criticised or teased anyone. His optimism and friendly smile was always there, not just to his friends and family, but to his classmates, team mates, coaches and teachers. Daniel’s energy and enthusiasm was contagious, to everyone around him. Daniel was an inspirational son, brother, student and, especially, a friend, who has left us all with many special, happy memories. Although his 14 years with us has not been enough, Daniel has truly enriched each and every one of us with his friendly and loving presence. We’ll all miss you Daniel. Luke Frazetto 8 Solomon
Rest In Peace Maxwell Pryor, grandfather of Leigh Pryor, (12R) and Kale Pryor (10V) Joan White, aunt of Dianne Byers (staff member) Peg Newton, wife of Bert (RIP), a great former worker for DLS and well known to “old timers” Jack Collins, grandfather of Matthew (12D) and Mark (10D) Daniel Lagastes, De La Salle Year 8 Student Zbigniew Beschorner (Ted), grandfather of Juke Campbell-Beschorner (7D) Mollly Hale, mother of David Hale (Staff Member), Old Collegians, Peter (’81), Martin (‘73) Christopher (’72), and grandmother of Anthony Hale (12D), Damien Hale (10H), Robert Kemp (10J), Chris Fraser (‘96) and Luke Fraser (’99) Verna Nash, mother of Karen Tillotson (Staff Member) Richard O’Neil, uncle of Oliver Hagen (11D) Barry Simpson, father of Old Collegians Michael (‘01) and Richard (‘03), uncle of Andrew (‘02) and Sam Hillier (10B) Frank Stephens, father of Dominic (12G) John Vass, grandfather of Daniel (7S) Bryan Johnston (Old Col ‘96) Kien Truong, father of John (12J) Lou Watson, mother of Br Adrian (staff member) Bill Fleming, father of Chris Fleming (Staff Member) Helen Kandel, grandmother of Alan Clark (8V) Colin Cantwell, Old Collegian ‘48, staff member from 1978-1988 and father-in-law of Adrian Matarazzo (staff member) Ivan Echave, Old Collegian ‘04 Patricia Lewis, grandmother of Jack Lewis (9V) Neville Quayle, Old Collegian ‘46 Con Karathanassis, grandfather of Adam Harrison (8D) Gerry Karitjis, grandfather of Jeremy Kartizis (9V) Eva Kovarik, grandmother of Martin Vodstrcil, Old Collegian (‘02), Thomas Kovarik (‘04), Andrej Vodstrcil (‘05) and Adam Kovarik (12S). Anthony McCarthy, father of Robert McCarthy (7R) and cousin of Br Pat McCarthy (DLS Brother and former De La Salle teacher)
Lynette Clinch, mother of Edward (10V) and Old Collegians, Matthew (‘01) and Simon (‘04) Neville Bolger, grandfather of Nicholas (8V) Jessica Thomas, sister of Old Collegians, Alex (‘95) and Sam (’94) Antonietta Presta, grandmother of Joe (5) and Damian Giorgini (10M) Milton Howarth, grandfather of Mitchell Gilmour (12D) Eileen Gleeson, grandmother of Nicholas Gleeson (8V) Josephine Raby, aunt of Joan Ferguson (Staff Member) Molly Barca, mother of Sandy Glazebrook (Staff Member) Shirley George, mother of Liz Kortum (Parents’ Assoc. President) and grandmother of Michael (11H) and Old Collegians, Matthew (‘03) and Stuart (‘01) Les Mason, grandfather of Cameron (7J) David Claxton, an Old Collegian (‘71) and uncle of Frank (10B) and Patrick Smith (12V) Bernie Hale, father of David Hale (Staff Member), Old Collegians, Peter (’81), Martin (‘73) Christopher (’72), and grandfather of Anthony Hale (12D), Damien Hale (10H), Robert Kemp (10J), Chris Fraser (‘96) and Luke Fraser (’99) Catherine Shepherd-Irwin, cousin of Jacqueline Irwin (Staff Member) Dick Wicks, grandfather of Hayden Czwarno (11G) and Old Collegians, Callan (‘03) and Ryan (‘99) Tony Barca, father of Sandy Glazebrook (Staff Member) Jim Johnston, father of Kate Johnston (Staff Member) Suzanne Maher, sister of Brother Paul Smith Mary Atkin, grandmother of Izak (10D) Mary Cash, great great aunt of William Dillane (11S) and Sean Dillane (8S) and aunt of De La Salle Brother, Br Michael Cash Leo O’Brien, Old Collegian and father of Phillip, Desi and Tony O’Brien, brother of De La Salle Brother, Br Phillip O’Brien, uncle of Mary Finn (staff member) Ross McIlroy, Old Collegian (‘33), father of Tony McIlroy (’69) and grandfather of Tom McIlroy (‘03) (staff member) Giuseppe Matarazzo, father of Adrian Matarazzo (staff member) 152