sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
The Tsawwassen Legion is scrambling for its existence as it must find a new home.
The Legion is located in Century Square, a commercial complex in the 1800-block of 56th Street, owned by Century Group
The branch has been around for more than a quarter century and continues to be an active fundraiser for community organizations.
It had a tough go the past several years due to a declining membership and volunteer base The branch worked hard to keep itself relevant through various means such as hosting different events and activities, advertising its food menu and establishing itself as a music venue.
Now it appears Branch 289 of the Royal Canadian Legion, which acknowledges the rent break it has been getting from Century Group, faces its biggest challenge, as the property management company for the owner notified them when the lease was renewed last summer that it would be the last.
That leaves the Legion now looking for another hopefully affordable loca-
tion as the clock ticks on the current lease, which expires Aug. 31.
“They’ve been very good to us. We’ve been paying below-market rates since the Legion took over that location, but that time is gone We don’t know if they have someone else that they want coming into the space, all we know is that we have to find a new place to go to,” said branch president Tanya MacNeill.
Noting they even offered to pay a higher rent, MacNeill said they’ve been at their current location for 27 years, but in this current financial climate, finding affordable commercial rental property is proving to be very difficult
“We’ve been looking high and low Right now, our base rate is about $11-a-square-foot, but anything else we ’ re looking at to move into is not less than $25-a-squarefoot. That’s a huge hike for a non-profit to come up with Then, there’s trying to find a place at the right size There’s only so many places to move to in South Delta, so it is a rough situation for us right now and time is of the essence, ” she said
MacNeill said their abil-
ity to continue providing donations will be greatly hampered if they can’t find suitable space to continue with the lounge and gaming portions of their business.
She added it will also be unfortunate if their dedicated patrons and allvolunteer staff lose their social venue.
Simon Griffiths, operations manager for commercial properties for Barbican Property Management, a division of Century Group, confirmed that they gave the Legion a year ’ s notice their lease would not be renewed
Noting the original plan was not to have the Legion remain permanently at that location on the discounted rent, Griffiths said things just rolled on year-after-year
“There are things that obviously go into anything managing a property or leasing commercial space. After a certain amount of years, it was a business decision to not renew the lease They’ve been a good tenant over the years and drawn a lot of people to the Square. We did our best to give them enough notice and would work with them helping out towards the end of the lease,” he added.
don’t make excuses, with TCVR quality there’s no need for any.
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Megan Barker has constantly encountered gender bias in the world of online gaming and she is hardly alone
The Grade 12 student at Delta Secondary will be heading east this fall to study political science. She is leaning towards Queen’s or McGill, having been accepted into both universities
Part of her high school graduation requirements is a Capstone Project. Students are encouraged to put together a presentation they are passionate about and may help with the next phase of their life
“When we had the prompt for Capstone it was like what am I passionate about? I just go to work and play video games, ” smiled Barker “I was into social justice so how could I mix in my passion for video games and also mix in a quality?
“Then (it became obvious) like how every time I play a video game there are comments made and I wanted to explore why this keeps happening and how it has surrounded the industry for years ”
It was her following the
lead of her older brother that got her interested in video games with her favourite being Minecraft Playing among her brother’s friends there was always enjoyment and a level of respect That all changed when she discovered the maledominated online world.
“Every time I get onto a game, where you are linked on by headset, as soon as they hear you start talking it’s ‘get off,’ ‘ go make a sandwich’
“It’s like why do you treat people like this? I would constantly be threatened any time I would play,” said Barker “It discouraged me, but it empowered me to want to be better than these people. I could only get better by keep playing so you have to keep facing these comments.”
For her Capstone powerpoint The Stigma of Girls in the Gaming Industry Barker put together an online survey through her social media channels including TikTok and Instagram She was thrilled to get more than 100 responses with most being in Grade 12 or older and 83 percent being female, the majority were also nearby followers
Contact Ian, Sandor or Mark at editor@ delta-optimist com or 604-998-3616
The answers confirmed what Barker had known all along with a whopping 83 2 percent indicating there was a gender bias in online gaming
“I wasn’t expecting people to be so bold as there was a ‘not sure ’ option as well,” continued Barker “Another 65 percent said they have actually witnessed sexism playing a video game more than once. Another 25 percent said they have seen it at least once
“It’s crazy to think we are still dealing with this now. Like when did this start and where did it come from?
Barker’s survey results laid somewhat of the blame on video game developers and creators making female characters’ body structure not realistic, which just adds to the male dominated gaming culture She had to use PG type examples in her presentation since it was for high school, but there were far worse
“It’s sad to see that you grew up with something and it’s such a good thing and then as soon as you ’ re kind of at that age where it’s like you ’ re getting more freedom on the internet, you get insulted for something that you just love to play,” added Barker “The video game industry as a whole needs to desexualize women in the industry and start taking value for their opinions, time and passion they bring to the table”
comNoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillconsidergivingfirst,second,andthirdreadings tothebylawreferencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat4:00p.m onApril3,2023intheNorthDelta CentrefortheArts,Theatre,1142584Avenue,Delta,BC BylawNo.8242(FileNo.P22-04D)
Location: City-wide(broadapplication)
Applicant: CityofDelta Telephone:604-946-3380
Purpose: Toamend“DeltaZoningBylawNo.7600,2017”to:
i removetheminimumfloorareaof33m2 forasecondarysuite; ii removethemaximumfloorareaof90m2 forasecondarysuite;and, iii.amendthepercentagedistributionofasecondarysuitewithinasingle detacheddwellingfromnomorethan40percentofthegrossfloorareaof asingledetacheddwellingtolessthan50percentofthegrossfloorareaof asingledetacheddwelling.
Allotherexistingsecondarysuiterequirements,suchasparkingspace requirements,willremainunaffected.ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’s OfficialCommunityPlanandtheproposedchangesarealsoconsistentwith recentchangestotheBritishColumbiaBuildingCode.
StaffContact: ToryLawson–604-946-3326
Materialsrelatedtothebylawamendmentsuchastheproposedbylawandotherinformationmay beinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excluding statutoryholidaysfrom8:30a.m.to4:45p.m.fromThursday,March23,2023toMonday,April3,2023. Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawamendmentorifyouwouldlikeassistance toinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheCommunityPlanningDepartmentbyemail atcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartof thepublicrecordforthisbylawamendmentandbepublishedontheCity’swebsite.Correspondence mustbereceivedbytheOfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan10:00a.m.onWednesday,March29,2023 tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials
Will the provincial government’s recent announcement of technology upgrades to B.C.’s 911 emergency communications system alleviate serious concerns raised by the City of Delta?
That remains to be seen following the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General recently announcing a $150-million investment to fund upgrades to the system, which the ministry admits is aging and increasingly incompatible with evolving technologies.
The upgrade to Next Generation 911 is to allow people the choice to contact 911 through new options, such as real-time text
E-Comm, which handles 99 per cent of B C’s 911 call volume, is leading Next Generation 911’s implementation in most B C municipalities, the ministry said.
Pending approval by the legislative assembly, the investment is to help offset local governments’ costs for transitioning to Next Generation 911
It’s to be divided in
two parts, including $90 million to E-Comm for technological upgrades, and $60 million provided to the Union of BC Municipalities to defray costs
Last December, the Delta Police Board and Mayor George Harvie, who chairs the police board, raised serious concerns to the provincial government about E-Comm
Harvie, on behalf of the police board, wrote to Public Safety and Solicitor General and Deputy Premier Mike Farnworth expressing the board’s concerns about what they said is E-Comm’s inability to provide necessary call-taking services for the Delta Police Department (DPD) in alignment with the established service standards outlined in its contract.
The letter, which was also sent to Doug Campbell, Board Chair, Emergency Communications for British Columbia Incorp , noted that there have been consistent and ongoing challenges relating to unacceptably long wait times for emergency and non-emergency calls, often leading to
abandoned calls.
Abandoned calls contribute to inaccurate crime statistics, impacting the adequacy of policing resources, and police safety strategies, said Harvie.
Meanwhile, the DPD may expand its nonemergency call taking pilot program to be a 24/7 service and make it permanent
The pilot project, which launched in December 2021, has seen the DPD assume responsibility from E-Comm for answering non-emergency calls between 7 a.m. and 7 p m daily
Non-emergency calls from 7 p m to 7 a m continue to be transferred to E-Comm
In his report to the police board last December, Chief Neil Dubord said the pilot project results indicate that the DPD has provided better service to the community through the in-house, non-emergency call-taking model Dubord said the department is considering several options for 2023 including taking non-emergency calls until midnight, or even 24/7.
The City of Delta says it will investigate further noise strategies for pickleball courts
That was the staff response to a recent letter to council from a Ladner resident upset about the noise generated from the pickleball courts at Cromie Park, which were installed in 2020 Also attached to the letter was a petition with almost 20 names asking for the pickleball courts at the park to be removed
The memo from staff notes that the addition of pickleball at the park had been “unanimously supported by the community” during a 2019 consultation process, however, the concerned resident said residents were unaware of the type and level of noise the game would generate and how it would disturb the neighbourhood.
The memo noted the B C Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) recently released newly developed provincial guidelines to inform municipal noise mitigation strategies as a first step in the process of pickleball guideline development in B C
“It is recommended
that staff review the courts at Cromie Park in reference to the new guidelines, and investigate further noise mitigation strategies with a view to alleviating residential noise concerns, ” the memo added.
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department told the Optimist there are some acoustic dampening products that may be viable, including some that are similar to a windscreen that is in place around the Cromie courts, but with sounddampening qualities, however, further evaluation is needed
The city last year decided that it needed to wait for new provincial standards by the association, in consultation with Pickleball B C , before adding any new courts in Delta
In a letter to Pickleball Canada and Pickleball BC in February 2022, Mayor George Harvie said Delta had made significant investments in the growth of pickleball infrastructure, but they have been hearing concerns from neighbours about the noise generated
“As we seek to balance the interests of everyone in the community, we need to be cautious about new investment in pickleball facilities
until the noise issue can be addressed,” wrote Harvie
A Delta report noted that staff had met with representatives of the Delta Pickleball Association to identify and prioritize future locations for new or improved pickleball courts, but the city backed away from a plan to add pickleball courts as part of improvements at Pebble Hill Park in Tsawwassen due to overwhelming opposition from the community concerned about the noise
While sites identified for pickleball were viable from a functional standpoint in terms of necessary area and supporting park amenities, the location at Pebble Hill Park was in close proximity to residential properties, the report noted, adding that a more appropriate site in South Delta would be sought.
The Vancouver Pickleball Association already identified minimum distances and associated mitigation measures for the placement of outdoor pickleball courts in residential neighbourhoods
The City of Delta also dropped pickleball as part of planned upgrades at Endersby Park in North Delta last year
Visitors to two busy Metro Vancouver parks will be able to check online if there’s parking available before setting course thanks to a new pilot program being launched by the regional government
Metro Vancouver will be installing cameras at Boundary Bay and Iona Beach regional parks this “late spring” to analyze parking lots and thus provide online parking availability updates for prospective park visitors, according to a parks management report
“This will allow the public to make better decisions about how to access the park, when to access the park, or to consider alternate destinations if parking lots are full,” wrote parks manager David Leavers to the parks committee.
The data collected by the parks department will be used for future parking and traffic planning
The report hints at expanding the pilot project, which has yet to secure a vendor for the required technology and
Considerations for a paid reserve parking system at Boundary Bay (Centennial Beach) have not come to fruition.
its installation
Overcrowded parking lots at Metro Vancouver parks have become more frequent in recent years In 2021, a $2-per-hour fee was introduced at Belcarra Regional Park and a $3-perhour fee was introduced at Lynn Headwaters
EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com
SPORTS: Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Jim Kinnear jimgkinnear@netscape net
Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia ca
John Gallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist com
Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist com
Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimistcom
John Avdic javdic@delta-optimistcom
Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-opt mist com
Kristene Murray 604-946-5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca
Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com
CLASSIFIED 604-444-3056 classifieds@van net
Astory written by a colleague at one of the sister papers, the North Shore News has got me thinking and asking myself this question, “Am I prepared?”
If it is for a natural disaster like a flood or an earthquake the answer would be no
Sure I have a few things around my condo in North Delta that in a pinch I could throw together in a bag if I needed to vacate my home, but nothing is organized and if there is an earthquake, chances are that I won’t have access to my condo, so getting some supplies are out of the question and what if I’m at work here in my office in Ladner?
Chances are roads will likely be blocked and I won’t be able to travel.
So where would that leave me? Likely in the same spot as many others – not prepared and wondering what to do
News reporter Brent Richter in his story: Be prepared for disaster: What goes into an emergency kit?, which can be read on our website, examines what should be in an emergency kit, tips to being prepared and why it is important.
It’s a good piece, and I encourage you all to give it a read.
Closer to home, on March 29, there will be a free emergency preparedness workshop from 6 to 8 p m at Boundary Bay fire hall number four. There will be sessions on how to be prepared at home in case of a major disaster. The presentation will go into steps to make an emergency plan and what to put in your kit in the event of an emergency or disaster The workshop is free and open to all Register on the City of Delta website
I certainly could use some help in this area and some disaster prep, so I’m signing up for the workshop.
How about you?
Two teenagers exit quickly out of Thrifty’s with mini cupcakes in their hands. They high five each other and I know they have not paid for the sweet treats
A week later in another grocery store I witness a tall man with a bulky jacket slip a steak into his left pocket and head for the exit
Food store theft is reaching historic highs as we experience unprecedented inflation People are desperate, or frustrated with the high cost of food, and so they steal
My shoplifting rap sheet is tame
At 13 I stole a package of Thrills chewing gum from a corner store I have no recollection of why but I never stole again
Perhaps it was witnessing a red faced girl in the Hudson’s Bay spilling stolen cosmetics from her purse in front of two store detectives that forever deterred me
I casually told the clerk what I had witnessed She shrugged
and said, “Store policy doesn’t allow us to approach shoplifters ” That makes sense since the risk of injury to employees and customers isn’t worth catching a thief with a pound of butter
With less staff in stores I’ve started noticing how easy it would be to take the ‘five finger discount’ No security guards or clerks hanging around the exits, and on a busy shopping day you can blend in with the crowd and be unchecked.
Not surprisingly self-checkout machines have encour-
aged shoplifting, which in turn has contributed to the more than $5 billion loss to theft for retailers in Canada last year A shocking statistic.
If shoplifting intensifies when food prices go up, grocers admit they raise prices to recoup the cost of the theft That is a vicious circle that affects us all
People experiencing food insecurity may feel if food chains are making profits why not steal from the rich to feed the poor, yet shoplifting affects us all no matter what socio economic group you fall into.
April will bring spring flowers but it’s also bringing two federal tax hikes The carbon gas tax will jump by three cents per litre, and the annual excise tax adjustment for liquor will go up 6 3 per cent, thanks to inflation
It seems there’s no price break in site, but shoplifting isn’t the answer, it’s repugnant, and in the end it costs us more
Ingrid Abbott is a freelance writer who cheered for Robin Hood, but knows his tactics were suspect
I want to thank the Optimist and the Delta Police for the excellent magazine “Seniors Safety” that was inserted in the March 9th edition There is however, a lack of information regarding pets and disasters. Pets are extremely important to seniors and must be part of a disaster plan
I was a disaster management volunteer for 19 years with Emergency Support Service in Delta, the Red Cross, Noah’s Wish and Canadian Disaster
Response Team. During that time, I responded with Noah’s Wish to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Gustav, a flood in Minot, ND, forest fires in Lillooet, and West Kelowna housing and rescuing animals
With the Red Cross I responded to a number of disasters in Alberta, Saskatchewan and events in the Lower Mainland
With ESS, I responded to house and apartment fires in Delta and in the Fraser Valley
Two of the most important lessons I
learned during this time was the importance of having house insurance and preparing pets for evacuation
Many communities in B C include pets in their Emergency Preparedness plans In the event of a large disaster such as a pet friendly apartment building, ESS has designated buildings to house pets for up to 72 hours
ESS works with the Delta Community Animal Shelter, police and fire to ensure pets are housed or rescued.
Fran CameronEditor:
Snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are not the only things emerging as we experience bursts of warm, sunny weather
Our local garter snakes are starting to come out of hibernation meaning it’s time for a reminder that they must not be handled or removed from their natural habitat All snakes in British Columbia are protected by law under the BC Wildlife Act and it is an offence under the Act to harass them or attempt
to capture or possess them Anything that causes them stress, such as picking them up, is harassment They are wild creatures, not pets and certainly not toys
Children should be encouraged to observe and learn about these interesting creatures but to show them respect by allowing them space and peace to follow their natural instincts
Following is a link to a pamphlet with photos and more information about the garter snakes of
Boundary Bay. See more at: https://dncb files wordpress.com/2022/03/ snakes final pdf
Parents should keep in mind that, although non venomous, garter snakes may bite and bacteria can cause irritation and swelling. Rare allergic reactions may also occur
Let’s all enjoy the beauty of spring Smell the flowers; listen to the birds; take photos of everything nature, has to offer, including the snakes. Look but don’t touch!
Elizabeth PerrinEditor:
Following a recent meal at a Tsawwassen fast food restaurant, I looked around for a recycling bin
Not finding one, I asked a staff member if there was one. She told me no
What a stunning rebuke of the moronic .25 cent fee demanded
of consumers for the use of a paper bag at a drivethru
We have a government mandated profit for a private corporation, all in the name of reducing waste, and the very corporation profiting from this mandate can’t be bothered to actually recycle themselves.
NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillconsidergivingfirst,second,andthirdreadings tothebylawsreferencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat4:00pm onMonday,April3,2023inthe NorthDeltaCentrefortheArts,Theatre,1142584Avenue,Delta,BC
Proposal: To rezone the subject properties from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to Single Detached Residential 7 (RS7) to permit subdivision into three single detached lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basementandasecondarysuiteoneachlot. ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficial CommunityPlan
Mayor Harvie, you and your council have utterly failed with this mandate. You will not achieve any reduction in waste, let alone plastic waste, with this fee
You also convince people like me that the entire recycling program is a waste of time and money
Stephen HoldingThe Optimist encourages readers to write letters to the editor Letters are accepted on any topic although preference is given to those on local matters The Optimist reserves the right to edit letters and the decision to publish is at the discretion of the editor or publisher All letters must be signed dated and include the writer’s phone number (not for publication) The Optimist will not print “name withheld letters Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print electronic or other forms
Proposal:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromDuplex/SingleDetachedResidential3(RD3) toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)topermitsubdivisionintotwosingledetachedlots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement and a secondarysuiteoneachlot. ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan StaffContact:PaulBelzile–604-952-3155
Materials related to the bylaw amendments such as the proposed bylaw, detailed maps and other informationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday, excluding statutory holidays from 8:30 am to 4:45 pm from Thursday, March 23, 2023 to Monday, April3,2023
If you have a general inquiry regarding the proposed bylaw amendments or if you would like assistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentby emailatcpd@deltacaorbyphoneat604-946-3380
Thosewishingtoprovidecommentontheproposedbylawamendmentsmaydosointhefollowing ways:
���� Emailmayor-council@deltaca OR
���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpart of the public record for the bylaw amendment and be published on the City’s website Correspondence must be received by the Office of the City Clerk no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday,March29,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials
NoticeisherebygiventhatattheRegularMeetingofCounciltotakeplaceonMonday,April3, 2023at4:00pm intheNorthDeltaCentrefortheArts,Theatre,1142584Avenue,Delta,BCand byelectronicmeansasauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo 5000,DeltaCityCouncilwill considerissuanceofTemporaryUsePermitLU009367andTemporaryUsePermitLU009418
OWNER: BGBGroupInvestmentInc
7954WebsterRoad Delta,BC V4G1G6
APPLICANT: BGBGroupInvestmentInc
Delta,BC V4G1G6
LOCATION: 7954 Webster Road (as shown on the enclosed map and marked “Subject Property”)
PURPOSE: ThisapplicationisforaTemporaryUsePermittoallowashippingcontainer storageyardonaportionofthesubjectpropertyforthreeyears
They celebrated the installation of a milestone “last mile” on Westham Island last week.
Delta Mayor George Harvie joined Lisa Beare, BC Minister of Citizens’ Services, representatives with Telus and others on March 13 at Westham Island for an announcement that high-speed Internet fibre connectivity is now being installed for the final 21 homes of 136 for the community
OWNER: SunshineWestRealEstateLtd #7-8760RiverRoad
Delta,BC V4G1B5
APPLICANT: SunshineWestRealEstateLtd
Delta,BC V4G1B5
LOCATION: 8662 River Road (as shown on the enclosed map and marked “Subject Property”)
PURPOSE: ThisapplicationisforaTemporaryUsePermittoallowanoutsideshipping container storage yard on a portion of the subject property until September23,2025
The enhanced access to high-speed internet services surpasses 50 megabits per second (Mbps) for downloads and 10 Mbps for uploads
Harvie said it is great news as business in the farming community as well as children with their schooling had been at a disadvantage with the lack of quality, highspeed Internet service.
A news release notes that the total cost of the project is approximately $529,000 with
the province investing as much as $320,000 through the Connecting British Columbia program, administered by Northern Development Initiative Trust. Telus will contribute approximately $209,000 towards the project
In March 2022, the province entered into a historic agreement with the federal government
to invest $830 million to finish the job of connecting all households in B C to high-speed internet services by 2027
“Our commitment to connect every rural, remote and Indigenous community in B C by 2027 ensures the benefits of high-speed internet are shared by everyone in B C , ” said Beare
MaterialsrelatedtotheTemporaryUsePermits,drawingsandotherrelevantinformationandregulations maybeinspectedattheDevelopmentDepartment,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, Mondayto Fridayexcludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm,fromMarch23,2023toApril3,2023
If you have a question regarding the proposed Temporary Use Permits, please contact the DevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@deltacaorbyphoneat604-946-3380
Those wishing to provide comment on the proposed Temporary Use Permits may do so in the followingways:
���� Emailmayor-council@deltaca OR
���� Writeto:
MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpart of the public record for the Temporary Use Permit and be published on the City’s website Correspondence must be received by the Office of the City Clerk no later than 10:00 am on Wednesday,March29,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials
NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillconsidergiving first,second,andthird readingstothebylawsreferencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat 4:00p.m.onMonday,March27,2023
FileNo LU009265
Location: 8838DelvistaDrive
Applicant: SoniaRundhawa
Telephone: 778-836-9403
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Single Detached
Residential 2 (RS2) to Single
Detached Residential 6 (RS6) to permit subdivision into two single detached residential lots and construction of a new single detacheddwellingwithanin-ground basementandasecondarysuite A developmentvariancepermitisalso requested to reduce the minimum lot width for subdivisionin theRS6 Zone from 13 m to 129 m for proposed Lot 1 and 12 m for proposed Lot 2 This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan
FileNo LU009362
Location: 369740Street
Applicant: JenniferandLaurie
Telephone: 604-916-3442
Purpose: To amend the Comprehensive Development Zone No 305(CD 305)in“DeltaZoning
Bylaw No 2750, 1977” in order to allow the existing 90 m2 manufactured home in the southeastportionofthepropertyto berecommissionedand used as an additionaldwellingtosupportapet kennel operation on the subject property This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official Community Plan
FileNo LU009487
Location: 7655117Street
Applicant: AtinderPalSingh
Telephone: 778-318-6090
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to SingleDetachedResidential7(RS7) to permit subdivision into two single detached lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an inground basement and a secondary suite on each lot. This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan
FileNo LU009489
Location:6291,6297,6303,6309,6315,6321,6327,6333, 6339,6345and6351RiverRoad
Purpose:ToamendtheComprehensiveDevelopmentZone No 431(CD 431)in“DeltaZoningBylawNo 2750,1977”for the11subjectpropertiesat6291RiverRoad(Lot1)to6351 RiverRoad(Lot11),asshownonthemaptitled“BylawNo 8237”inordertochangethefollowing:
i Increase the minimum front setback from 18m to 7mforLots1to7andLot11;
ii Decreasetheminimumrearsetbackfrom40mto37m forLots1to7andLot11;
iii Decrease the minimum front setback from 25 m to 15mforLots8to10;
iv. Addaprovisiontorequireonlyoneenclosedparking spaceforLot11;and
v AddaprovisiontotheCD 431zonetoallowforthe transferofdensity(floorarea)fromawaterlottothe adjoininglotwithintheuplandareatoamaximumof 225m2forLots1to7andLot11
StaffContact:LukeReynolds Telephone:604-946-3381
StaffContact: PaulBelzile Telephone:604-952-3155
BylawNo 8186
BylawNo 8230
BylawNo 8237
Materialsrelatedtothebylawamendmentsuchastheproposedbylaw,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromThursday,March16,2023toMonday,March27,2023
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawamendmentorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevant documentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopment Departmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
���� Emailmayor-council@delta.ca OR
���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisbylawamendmentandbepublishedontheCity’s website CorrespondencemustbereceivedbytheOfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan10:00am onWednesday,March22,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials.
StaffContact: JanetZazubek Telephone: 604-946-3355
Materials related to the discharge such as the proposed discharge bylaw, detailed maps and other information may be nspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom 8:30am to4:45p.m fromThursday,March16,2023toMonday,March27,2023
If you have a question regarding the proposed discharge bylaw or if you would like assistance to inspect any relevant documentation pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380
���� Emailmayor-councl@deltaca OR
���� Writeto MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
Correspondence addressed to Council must includeyournameandfulladdressandwill form partofthepublicrecordforthisbylaw and be published on the City’s website. Correspondence must be received by the OfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan10:00a.m onWednesday,March22,2023tobeincluded withtheAgendamaterials
BylawNo 8178
To support the growth and value of the Delta Gymnastics seniors’ program for the entire community and the service above self of the 113 members in the Ladner Rotary sponsored Interact Club at Delta Secondary, the Rotary Club of Ladner is holding its spring shred-a-thon.
The fundraiser is Saturday, April 1 from 10 a m to noon at 5300 Ladner Trunk Road, behind Eastlink (Delta Cable).
Any individual, company or organization can bring their old tax returns, credit card bills, business records, bank statements, and personal information documents so a shredding company
can safely and securely shred the paper on the spot. A donation of $15 per banker’s box of paper will go entirely to support the programs for seniors’ wellness and youth achievement in community service
Delta and area residents and business owners or managers can show up in their vehicles, supervise volunteers who will unload the shredding material from their vehicles and dump it into a shredding bin, which will then be loaded by a Shred-Wise company operator into the shredding truck on site
“I have been involved in learning for seniors in our community for a number of years, ” said
Ladner Rotary Club president Guillermo Bustos. “With that perspective of how important that opportunity is for our community, I appreciate as well how important physical activity for seniors is and the great value to all of us of the Delta Gymnastics seniors’ program we are supporting Our club is happy to support further growth of this program
“At the other end of the age range, there are the productive Delta Secondary students in the Interact Club which we sponsor It’s amazing what they continue to do for our community and our world”
-Submitted by Ladner Rotary Club
There are children and youth in your community who need temporary, nurturing homes
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Interested in providing weekend respite care for children and youth
To learn more about becoming a foster caregiver visit FosterNow ca
Grade 11 South Delta Secondary student Luis de la Haza is working on an impressive science project aimed at addressing climate change.
“Carbon dioxide is the major contributor to climate change however, we can change this by using particular saltwater organisms (cyanobacteria) that excel in absorbing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis,” he said “The Synech Project involves designing equipment that will provide the optimal conditions to grow these organisms in a way that the carbon dioxide levels that they can absorb are exponentially increased If successful, I envisage this equipment being a game-changer for tackling climate change as it would be a scalable and affordable solution applicable across the world”
His project is based on a scientific thesis developed by a chemical engineer in 2008;
however, he believes the results of the original study could be significantly improved Consequently, he is keen to prove that this technology can provide a legitimate solution to the excessive levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
After two years, he has completed his initial research and is ready to start building pioneering equipment at the school that will be able to col-
lect carbon dioxide and release oxygen, generating biomass that can be used for other purposes such as biofuels or bioplastics To be able to take the next step, de la Haza is currently looking for ways to fund the equipment, estimated at approximately $5,000.
“My goal is to create the equipment that results in the first carbon-negative person – meaning that the set of organisms will absorb
more carbon dioxide than one person pollutes on average in a day,” he adds “I also want to influence and inspire other people around me – students, teachers, and the local community with this project - creating an opportunity to put SDSS and Tsawwassen on the map as the place where cutting-edge research on climate change is happening”
-Submitted by Delta School District
The Sweet Delilah Swim Club by Jamie Wooten, Nicholas Hope and Jessie Jones is coming to Delta!
The Sidekick Players Club is pleased to present this heart-warming comedy, directed by Laura SutherlandSmith, from March 30 to April 15 at The Tsawwassen Arts Centre.
The Sweet Delilah Swim Club is a poignant story of five Southern
women whose friendship began many years ago on their college swim team
Every August, the ladies set aside a long weekend to recharge their relationships and friendships Free from husbands, kids and jobs, they meet at the same beach cottage to catch up, laugh and meddle in each other’s lives.
The five women are beautifully portrayed by Lisa Gach (Vernadette
Simms), Emile Greene (Dinah Grayson), Justine Jones (Sheree Hollinger), Kat Stewart (Lexie Richards) and Cathy Collis (Jeri Neal McFeeley).
Reservations can be made by calling 604-288-2415 Evening shows are Thursday, Friday & Saturdays only at 8 p m and two matinees on Sunday April 2 and 9 at 2 p m
-Submitted by Sidekick Players Club
‘Possibility’ woke up with you this morning It’s constantly lingering in the air around you What can I do today?
Your ‘possibility’ is ready to enlarge your life. Possibility means you are aware of God who is behind all things good and makes all things possible to those who believe With avid all things are possible.
limitation, “don’t overstretch and believe in the ‘possibility’ that is in God, you will only fail”
It will limit your loving kindness, your grace, and your believing
Matthew 19:26: And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”
Yet, opposing possibility is the anxious and attention seeking ‘limitation’
Limitation waits for you to wake up, so that it can remind you of all you can’t do today It also lingers to let you know you don’t have enough time, strength, abilities, resources, or
talent to even consider what possibility is trying to suggest Limitation is annoyingly loud and obnoxious Limitations never allow God’s ‘possibility’ into the situation as limitation would rather you focus on your lack so you make a more appropriate choice Every day these two forces ask you to choose
“But” , possibility shouts, “There is another way! Perfection is not required for it to be possible.” Possibility says, “Come on! Step out! Take a leap! Let’s go! Trust God!”
So, which will lead you today? Whose counsel will you take? Only you can decide. As the one you greet will become the one you meet. You must choose, but just a little suggestion, say hello to possibility and you will find limitation won’t have much to say to you today
“Choose me, ” says
With God - Joy is possible, freedom is possible, and hope is possible. An amazing life filled with purpose is possible.
Planning a wedding requires making many different decisions The choice of wedding attire is among the most crucial decisions that couples must make. Whether the wedding is traditional or customized to suit couples’ personalities, brides and grooms want to look their best.
Many brides-to-be spend a significant amount of time looking for their ideal wedding dresses What defines the right gown depends on personal preference and is unique to the person doing the search
The following tips can help those shopping for dresses find a look that makes their big day even more special:
Don’t get hung up on perfection
Many brides get caught up as they search for the one dress they consider perfect No dress is likely to check every box Getting hung up on a desire to find a dress that has it all may make it hard to see the beauty in other dresses
Remember, with the talents of an experienced tailor or seamstress, most dresses can be tweaked to suit your vision of the ideal gown.
Consider the season
Getting married during the hazy and humid days of summer is an entirely different experience than tying the knot during the heart of winter The fabric of the wedding dress should complement
Much goes into being photo-ready on your wedding day
After months of planning, the wedding day is the couple’s time to really shine, and many go to extraordinary lengths to look their best Gowns and tuxes may garner their fair share of attention, but hairstyles also can help couples look their best
Couples can wear their hair how they see fit, but certain hairstyles have exhibited some serious staying power and can look timeless in photos and videos for years to come.
*Classic low bun or chignon: This is one hairstyle that certainly has withstood the test of time A bun can be as sleek as a bride desires, or tendrils can be pulled out
the season, whether it’s lightweight and breezy for Flatter your figure
Chances are brides-to-be know which cuts and styles are most flattering Mimic those style choices in the wedding dress. If you want to take focus off of full hips, choose a basque or asymmetrical waistline Gowns with substantial straps or higher necklines may be better if you have a larger chest Sheath and mermaid style gowns are options if you are confident with your figure and want to show off your curves
Try a bit of this and that Don’t go into a wedding dress appointment with firm parameters. Although you may have a ball gown style in mind, after trying on other options something with a less voluminous silhouette may actually catch your eye Many brides also automatically defer to strapless gowns, when various straps and sleeves can be very appealing
Arrive with a firm budget Weddings can be costly. It’s important to set a budget for the wedding dress just as you will with other expenses. There are plenty of dress designers across a wide spectrum of price points. A willingness to consider and ultimately purchase a less costly dress can help you stay on budget
-Metro Creative
back to a bygone era may want to complement that style with a hairdo that also speaks to that moment in time For example, the intricate pin curls of the 1920s likely will tie into a gown with an umpire waist
*Fancy ponytail: Like a bun, a ponytail can pull hair away from the face for comfort and style. It’s a bit less formal than a bun and can be styled in many different fashions, even incorporating braids.
braids that add whimsy. Additional braided options also work well for less formal weddings
*Half-up, half-down: This hairstyle offers the best of both worlds It enables the hair to be pulled back on top, and then the bottom is left
loose, whether straight or in curls or waves
*Ballerina top knot: This is a take on the bun But rather than pinned at the nape, it is high on the crown of the head
*Short bob or pixie with accents: Shorter hair also can look stunning
A bob or pixie cut can be enhanced with sparkling barrettes.
*Halo braid: This braid is fashioned so that it goes over the top of the head and mimics the look of a halo It may negate the need for a tiara
-Metro Creative
to frame the face, and the bun can be anything from minimal to messy. Pulling hair back may be more comfortable on warm days and there’s no frizz to worry about if Mother Nature fails to cooperate.
*Vintage curls: Brides whose dresses harken
*Side-swept waves: Evoke movie-star drama with a hairstyle that features hair pulled to one side and cascading waves down the length of the face.
*Loose waterfall braids: Carefree boho looks run the gamut of styles One to consider is loosely plaited waterfall
Certain hairstyles have exhibited some serious staying power and can look timeless in photos for years to come.
Wedding planning is a unique experience unlike any endeavor most couples will ever encounter Much effort goes into planning a wedding, and that includes building a budget that ensures the big day will be fun without breaking the bank
Most couples planning a wedding have never tied the knot before, so it can be difficult to determine a reasonable amount to spend
It’s easy to go overboard when planning a wedding, and couples may find their list of wants and, consequently, their expenses, growing as they get into the weeds of wedding planning Though it might require some difficult decisions, couples can keep these tips in mind so they can build a wedding budget that won’t land them in debt after saying, “I do”
*Determine funding: The days when a bride’s parents would finance the wedding entirely on their own are largely a thing of the past As couples begin establishing a wedding budget, it’s imperative that they first determine who, if anyone, will be helping them finance the big day Couples without
substantial savings may be forced to cut back in order to avoid beginning their life as a married couple in debt
*Make a list of potential expenses: Location will be a significant factor when determining potential expenses. Couples who met in a city and still live in a city, but grew up in a suburb, might save a considerable sum by getting married in their hometowns Compare and contrast prices in locales you ’ re considering, and then build your budget accordingly This can help you avoid sticker shock and going over budget. Notable expenses to budget include the venue, attire (i e , wedding dress and tuxedo rental), hairstyle and makeup, entertainment, photography, and transportation, among others.
*Make a list of what’s most important: Most couples will have to compromise in order to avoid taking on debt to finance their weddings An earnest discussion about what’s most important to each person can ensure you both get what you want. Each person can make a list of their priorities, ranking them from most important to least important Once lists are shared,
Couples can keep these tips in mind so they can build a wedding budget that won’t land them in debt after saying, “I do.”
couples can see where their priorities converge and where they diverge. Any items that rank low on each person ’ s list of priorities can be afforded less funding, while those that are high on each list can take up more of the budget, if necessary.
*Commit to a limit before spending a dime: Committing to a limit before spending a dime can help couples keep
wedding costs more manageable Once that number is defined, couples can then work within its parameters, which can make potentially difficult decisions a little easier by narrowing options at a time when options can seem endless A well-planned budget can be just what couples need to begin married life on strong financial footing.
Wearecontemporary,environmentallyfriendlyandRefreshingly Local™, offering an experience that is anything but ordinary Completelymodernized,everypieceinthehotelreflectsthelocal environment in its character with a subtle beachy cottage vibe that soothes and revitalizes with its palette of blues and greys, luxurious new beds and walk in showers, and well thought out convenienceslikeusbchargersateachbedside,wellpositioned lightswitches,andlargescreenTV’sineverysuite
Our modern lobby with exterior courtyard, provides many intimateopportunitiesforgueststogather,showcasingpaintings by local artists, a gas fireplace, breakfast bar with banquette seating and featuring a hightop live edge social table as its centrepiece Ourdeluxefitnesscentreisspaciousandbathedin naturallight,providingmultipleworkoutoptions
Therefreshingvibeyoufeelthroughoutourelegant,upscaleevent space awaits your arrival Combined with our warm, dedicated serviceandexperteventmanagementteam,youreventwillbe a memorable and refreshingly local experience Guests needing tostayovernightcansettleinandmakethemselvesathomein
oneofourlarge,comfortablenewlymodernizedguestsuites For the Bride and Groom, it’s just an elevator ride to your luxurious jacuzzisuite
Host an elegant wedding reception for up to 240 people in our Pacific Ballroom or exchange your wedding vows in warmer weather on our spacious, outdoor patio. Now that you’ve said yes,allowourteamofprofessionalstodotherest Wewillensure every aspect of your event is managed with care We offer onsiteandoff-sitecatering,withsavouryselectionsthatwillmake your reception an unforgettable experience Allow our culinary teamtocateramenuspecificallyforyourspecialdaythatisrich withRefreshinglyLocal™flavoursthatincludesthehighstandard of service available at our hotel Our team of experienced and caringeventspecialistscanhelpyoucreatethesuccessfulevent you’ve envisioned, one that leaves a lasting impression on your valuedguests
Happily ever after begins at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn, your jewel in the heart of Tsawwassen!
Weddings are such momentous occasions that it’s no wonder couples want to share their big days with as many people as possible. Though a wedding where all friends, family members and acquaintances are in attendance may be a dream scenario, reality often calls for a more carefully curated guest list
The number of guests couples will host on their wedding day will affect which venue they book and how much food and beverages they’ll need to satisfy guests
Couples who hope to stay within budget can consider these tips as they try to build a guest list that won’t break the bank
*Accept input: Parents may no longer foot the entire bill for their children’s weddings, but couples who are accepting some financial help from parents must also accept Mom’s and Dad’s input regarding the guest list. Even if parents’ desired guests do not ultimately make the cut, it’s best to respect
their wishes and consider who they want to invite Couples who are financing their own weddings without outside help need not feel beholden to invite anyone who does not meet their invitation criteria
*Make a preliminary list without regard to budget: Couples can have fun making preliminary guest lists without
considering their budgets. A preliminary list can serve as a solid starting point, and couples may even realize that their list is within budget Once the preliminary lists have been created, couples can categorize guests (i.e., distant cousins, coworkers, etc ) and then work together to determine if any categories can be eliminated from the invita-
tion list. For example, couples who may be going over budget with their guest lists can each agree to remove distant cousins from their prospective invitees
*Seek advice: Many couples face difficult decisions regarding their wedding day guest lists, so it can be helpful to speak to a recently married friend or relative to see how they handled
paring down their guest lists. Some might have done it by category, while others might have limited guest lists to local friends and family. When taking this approach, couples can speak to friends about how they approached handling people who were surprised that they were not on the final list of invitees
*Throw a less formal party down the road: A less expensive backyard barbecue within weeks of tying the knot can serve as a less costly alternative to a large wedding reception Couples who take this approach can keep their wedding day guest lists to a minimum, but invite everyone they hope to see to a post-wedding day backyard barbecue or pot luck picnic so they can celebrate with everyone they love.
Curating a wedding day guest list is no small task However, couples can try various approaches to keep a guest list more manageable and less expensive
-Metro CreativeA pair of Delta volleyball standouts have closed out their university careers in electrifying fashion
Jayde Robertsen and Brynn Pasin had leading roles in the UBC Thunderbirds capturing the USport national championship on their home floor Sunday with a thrilling 3-2 win over the Trinity Western University Spartans in front of a capacity crowd of 2,100 at War Memorial Gym
The Thunderbirds entered the eight-team championship as the No. 7 seed after being bounced three weeks earlier in the CanWest playoffs by the Manitoba Bisons
UBC served notice, however, that the nationals would be a different outcome with a 3-1 quarter-final win over Ontario champion Brock Badgers on Friday, then avenged the earlier loss to the Bisons with another 3-1 triumph 24 hours later to advance to the national title game against the No. 1 seeded Spartans
Trailing 2-1, UBC came through with a 25-18 game four victory then rolled off five unanswered points to close out the deciding set and the championship, 15-12 The Spartans entered the final with a 38-3 record that included a pair of five-set wins over the
28-10 Thunderbirds in regular season play.
“I’m graduating and to win nationals at home against the top ranked team in the country is a feeling I can’t even explain I’m just so happy and grateful,” said Pasin, the team’s captain and outside hitter who arrived at the Point Grey campus four years ago after starring for the Seaquam Seahawks
“This team and the graduating seniors are my best friends We have gone through so much together I will never forget this moment for the rest of my life”
Robertsen was a major force all weekend The 6-foot-2 middle had 14 kills, seven blocks and four aces in the semi-final win Saturday. She then earned player-of-the-game honours in championship match with nine kills and five blocks The former South Delta Secondary standout was also named to
the tournament all-star team.
“Honestly, it’s the team that deserves the credit,” said Robertsen of her dominant play “We talked about not playing for yourself, but rather the team around you It was my last chance to play with my best friends and I think that’s where it came from.
“Obviously, it was pretty devastating losing in the (CanWest) quarters We did a lot of reflecting and connecting as a group We got a chance to rest and recuperate while everyone else was still playing and we needed to figure out what was going to make us better than the rest of the competition. Our biggest strength is we are 23 (players) strong Our depth is insane and when you practice against each other for two weeks and come out of it the best in the country, that’s a huge testament”
mbooth@delta-optimist com
The Delta Ice Hawks are playing for Pacific Junior Hockey League championship series for the 12th time in their 25-year history
The Ice Hawks and the Ridge
Meadows Flames open a best-of-seven series tonight at the Ladner Leisure Centre Game two is also in Ladner on Saturday with both contests getting underway at 7:30 p.m. The series then shifts to Maple Ridge for games three and four on Monday and Wednesday.
The winner will represent the PJHL
at next month’s Cyclone Taylor Cup provincial junior “B” championships in Revelstoke
Delta has home ice advantage in the series thanks to having the league’s best regular season record and also took three of four meetings from the Flames including a 5-3 win at Cam Neely Arena back in
early February
The Hawks capped a dominating run through the Tom Shaw Conference playoffs with a 4-2 game five victory over the White Rock Whalers last Thursday in Ladner
The Flames advanced to the final with a four-game sweep of the Chilliwack Jets
The Delta Gymnastics Society (DGS) will once again be well-represented when the B C Winter Games gets underway
Thursday in Vernon
The biennial multisport competition is taking place for the first time since 2020 after the pandemic postponed the original date a year ago Since the Games are designed to showcase the province’s up-and-coming athletes, plenty can change over 12 months
Such is the case in artistic gymnasts where the Zone 5 (VancouverCoastal) trials were restaged in December
The Ladner-based DGS continued what has become a tradition with eight women ’ s artistic gymnastics (WAG) members earning their ticket to Vernon, along with a
male artistic gymnastic (MAG) member. The strong representation means Delta coaches Jennifer Dober and Kristina Sharpe will be coaching the Zone 5 WAG team
“This group is exceptionally large in terms of club representation, but we have a history of sending quite a few athletes and having good results as well,” explained Dober “It’s not exactly the same group of girls that initially qualified as (competitive) gymnastics was still pretty proactive during COVID
“There was a substitute event last year that at least brought all the athletes together to try and still make it special for them so they wouldn’t completely miss out Some of those athletes may have moved onto a higher level because so much time has elapsed
B C Winter Games targets developing athletes with around 10 years of age being the very young-
est, up until about 16, so this is going to begin their career to larger team events”
Dober added the Winter Games comes at the height of the competitive season Delta’s
level eight, nine and 10 gymnasts attended Team B C trials last weekend for the Western Canadian Championships and provincials are on the horizon too, which will serve as a qualifier for nationals.
DGS members participating in the B.C. Winter Games include: Annabelle Ma, Clare Steinke, Mackenzie Hayes, Sydney Hollas, Miele Teiffel, Aliya Mori, Madelyn Hickling, Jordan Ackerman and Daniel Delf
Other Delta athletes competing in Vernon are:
Curling: Alexandria Halliday, Brooke Halliday, Kristin Taylor, Sydney Taylor-Hunt
Figure Skating: William Bryan
Ringette: Nerissa Beeby, Gabriella Bender, Lisa Cadeau, Amorey Cronmiller, Farryn Leigh and Rachel Pugsley
Teams from Elite Cheer and Tumbling made plenty of waves when they headed across the Strait of Georgia to participate in B.C. Sport Cheer’s Provincial Championships, March 4-5
Led by coaches Lexi Dusessoy and Jessica Ward, the Tsawwassen club sent five teams and 75 athletes to one of the biggest competitions of the season, held at the Victoria Conference Centre Team Void captured first place and was crowned provincial champions in
the nine-to-12-year-old division
Team Galaxy, competing in Level 3 for ages 10-to-16-years-old, placed second. So did Team Twlight in the 5-to6-year-old division
In Level 2 for ages nine-to-12 it was another podium finish for the club with Team Eclipse earning third place Rounding out the successful weekend was a fifth place result for Team Nova in the seven-and-eight-year-old division
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Stunning modern oasis - your family home awaits! You’ll be greeted by warmth & elegance when you enter this fully renovated 2151 sq ft 4 bed/2 bath home. Natural light highlights the open concept layout that flows seamlessly from the kitchen to the living area w/ a beautiful fireplace & incredible finishes throughout. The kitchen is a true masterpiece w/ top of the line S/S subzero appliances & a wolf gas range, sleek countertops & ample cabinet space. Upstairs you’ll find three cozy bedrooms & a full suite downstairs & lrg rec room for in-laws or home office. Entertain year round in the perfectly manicured & large fenced backyard, or on your bright & spacious balcony This charming corner lot property is sure to capture your heart & make you feel right at home. Space for all of the toys!
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Seaside by Mosaic. “M Plan” Show Suite, 1/2 Duplex in one of the best locations in the entire complex. Featuring over 2,246sqft of open concept living, this breathtaking unit boasts luxury & magazine worthy designs the moment you enter Enjoy your morning coffee year round on the covered balcony while watching the eagles soar & deer roam in the protected green belt behind. Take in your spectacular ocean views from the upper tower level in your bright, open-concept interior with 3 stories & plenty of natural light making it the perfect sanctuary to call home. Interior features 4 bedrooms + 3 bathrooms, swoon worthy walk-in closet & ensuite. With its convenient location, beautiful scenery, & comfortable living space, this home is a great opportunity to enjoy a peaceful lifestyle.
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Luxuries + Convenience This fully renovated 758 sq. ft. 2 bedroom 1 bathroom condo is situated in an incredible location. Bus, restaurants + commuting at your doorstep Enjoy the expansive open concept living space, top of the line appliances & spa inspired bathroom w/ in-floor heating. Over sized windows w/ Tree-top views from all rooms + a balcony! Enjoy the convenience of being close to shops, restaurants, and entertainment, all while living in this turn-key home. Updates include: flooring, paint, electrical, closet organizers, granite countertops. Windows/ Decks have been replaced. 1 LRG storage (same level) + 1 secured underground parking. Showings by appointment only
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Fabulous views of North Shore Mountains and Boundary Bay This great 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home has been extensively updated, recent updates includes an outstanding pool, patio and deck areas Home also features gourmet kitchen which opens to a large great room and deck area that takes advantage of the fabulous views Just move in and enjoy your resort at home
Fabulous 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, centrally located in one of Tsawwassen's finest buildings (La Mirage). Featuring huge sunny private decks overlooking golf course This spacious as-new condo has a great floor plan, new appliances and flooring In well-managed concrete building on quiet street just steps from the Town-Center and Pets are allowed! Condos like this rarely come to market Don't miss this opportunity
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Great updated split level home on a quiet street in Upper Tsawwassen This home has many updates featuring a new kitchen, bathrooms, metal roof and windows Excellent floor plan with 4 bdrms, 4 bathrooms and totally separate office or studio Yard has been newly landscaped with sunny southern exposed yard and has a double access shed for that handyman. Home has been priced to sell and is listed $90,000 below 2023 assessed value Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Beautiful 5 bedroom, 4 full bathroom home in upper Tsawwassen This great family home is approx 2900 sq ft with excellent floor plan and finished with high end details throughout Located in an area of newer homes close to schools, parks, transportation with a beautiful southern exposed back yard Call for more information and your exclusive showing Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
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4950 CEDAR SPRINGS DRIVE LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!!! One of the best single family homes on Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course with fabulous views of lake and golf course and sunny western exposed yard Home features a great floor plan with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and Fabulous Great Room that open to beautiful views of Golf course lake and wildlife This home is approx. 2600 sq. ft. with an oversized garage with room for golf cart and the best location for guest parking Don't miss this RARE find!!!
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Fabulous 180 degree ocean, Mount Baker and farmland views This gorgeous home was custom designed by Keith Baker & built by one of Tsawwassen's best builders The high end finishing, quality workmanship, views and location make this 6,000 sq ft custom built home one of Tsawwassen's finest homes This special home has an excellent floor plan that works for many lifestyles and also has a 1 bdrm suite The home features a spectacular rooftop deck with putting green, jacuzzi, fireplace and outstanding views Make your dreams come true with this one of a kind masterpiece Call for your exclusive viewing Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Fabulous opportunity to purchase one of Ladner's historic family businesses This great pub is located on Ladner's inner harbour with marine access and potential marine business. The business has been great for decades and now is time for another buyer to put their own business ideas and energy to continue this long established pub This purchase price also includes the liquor licence for Ladner Liquor Store
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
JUSTLISTED Open Sunday 2-4pm Open Sunday 2-4pm
1576PineSpringsLane $1,699,000 BestfloorplanintheSprings.5Bdrms including2ndmasteronthemain. Likenewwithextraaddedupgrades.
$2,949,000 This28,000sqftlotisintheprocessofapplicationforsubdivisionfor2flatrectangularbuildinglots,andallbuilding planshavebewensubmittedtothecity Thecurrentfamily homehasbeenrenovatedandoffersover3,600sqft.ofliving spaceforafamilythatchoosestokeepthelotasiswithswimmingpool&park-likesetting.
1178WalaleeDrive $1,699,000 OceanandMountainviewsona 14,000+sqftlotinthehighlydesirable village!
102-128055Street $765,000 Sandpiperbuildingintheheartof Tsawwassen.Over1400sq.ft.with3 patios.
4533WRiverRoad $1,399,000 Thisisauniqueonceinalifetime opportunityforanownerand/or investor.
6733LondonDrive $1,349,000 LovelyspaciousfamilyhomeinHolly neighborhoodinLadner
1115ShamanCr $1,498,000 NicelyrenovatedhomeintheVillage. Offering5bedroomsand3fullbaths.
53535BAvenue $1,099,000 Locatedinapristineneighbourhoodof 5BAve.whichboaststhebestlocation forafamilyhome.
93050BStreet $1,590,000 Over10,000sqftprivatelotwith Rancher Closetoschoolsandtown centre.
601-5011TsawwassenSprings $1,218,000
• PRICED TO SELL AT $1,899,900
• PRICED TO SELL AT $549,900
Rare opportunity to own waterfront. Potential to build on lot. Fabulous views. Access to water Large lot owned by fishing company Bring your ideas.
This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4 bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with a peaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. a kitchen w/quartz counters & glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living & dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet & ensuite. Interior includes a loft w/extra bedroom & flex space, radiant heating & much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park & both Elementary & High Schools.
Welcome to the beautiful and sought after TSAWWASSEN SPRINGS! This one bedroom plus den south facing penthouse condo offers 9’ and vaulted ceilings and plenty of natural light. You will find luxurious and stylish details throughout including a custom California Closet, California shutters, granite countertops, Fisher & Paykel appliances, Miele washer and dryer, geothermal heating and cooling and much more Other features include: large patio complete with gas hookup, new paint and carpet, 2 parking stalls, in-suite storage, golf course views, close to shops, golf course and pro-shop, coffee shops, Pat Quinn’s Restaurant and fitness and wellness studio
Spacious 1350 sq.ft. corner suite overlooking the 17th hole of the Beach Grove Golf Course You don’t need to be a golfer to enjoy this year round view Loads of updates including kitchen, bathrooms, hardwood floors & more... Just move in! Huge wraparound deck as well as direct in & out from the suite This 2 bedroom & 2 bathroom suite feels like a house Steps to shopping,transit,recreation and all amenities.Looking for the best? Here it is! JUST LISTED @ $842,000
Fabulous views of North Shore Mountains and Boundary Bay This great 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home has been extensively updated, recent updates includes an outstanding pool, patio and deck areas Home also features gourmet kitchen which opens to a large great room and deck area that takes advantage of the fabulous views Just move in and enjoy your resort at home Sharon 604-868-2827
Located in Stahaken on Pacific Drive, one of the nicest subdivisions in Tsawwassen, this 4 bdrm/3 bathroom home was custom built by Carl Jensen for the existing owner Grand entrance with vaulted foyer, large formal dining and living room with large kitchen/family room opening up to the back patio. Manicured gardens and yard provide a park-like setting 3 bedrooms up including a spacious primary bedroom with a large 5 piece ensuite and spacious walk-in closet. Separate games
Welcome to Hawthorne Place – well kept 1 Bed 1 Bath unit with 762 sq ft and a spacious 2 floor layout. This bright end-unit has South facing views of the Fraser River, with 2 sundrenched patios. Featuring insuite laundry, storage locker, and a secured parking spot. Located just up the hill from downtown New West, this self-managed building is close to the SkyTrain, schools, and the New West shopping center
Gorgeous 2 level home in East Ladner This Executive style home is located on a no through street near farmland and sits on a spacious 8448 sq ft lot with western back yard exposure. With over 2400 sq ft, this 3 bedroom/den + 3 bathroom has a bonus 800sq ft studio in the back, great space for studio, gym office or workshop. New flooring and interior paint, radiant heat flooring, 18 ft Vaulted ceilings in the foyer and living room welcome you to this fantastic main floor living floorplan The kitchen is spacious and bright with island and family room overlooking the patio & garden. 3 bedrooms up including large primary and ensuite up with all 3 bedrooms having walkin closet. 4 Blocks to Holly Elementary and only 20 mins to Vancouver Call now for your viewing appointment.
WELCOME TO WHITE ROCK SQUARE - Well kept 2 Bed, 2 Bath unit with over 1259 sqft Vacant & ready to move in. This large unit has southwest ocean views, great layout, with an enclosed 8’x20’ solarium, in-suite storage room, large locker and secured parking. Located right in the heart of uptown White Rock & only steps to amenities: shopping, restaurants, park, recreation, transit & more. Solid concrete building with amazing amenities area & roof top deck with spectacular views! Enjoy over 1000sqft common area with fireplace, pool table, card tables, lounge & kitchen. Heat and Hot water included in maintenance.
City Realty
$1,449,000 8-4638 ORCA WAY
Seaside by Mosaic 2,246sf 4 bed 3 bath 1/2 duplex in the best location in the complex with ocean & greenbelt views Plenty of upgrades and the spectacular tower set this apart from anything else on the market MLS# R2746916
(604) 868-0028
Spectacular waterfront home with panoramic ocean views.
This 5 bedroom, 4,000sf home has been extensively renovated, features include Euroline windows & doors, 5 full bathrooms, Control 4 automation & a separate 1 bedroom in-law suite on the lower level Spacious decks with frameless glass railings perfect for enjoying the stunning sunsets from your hot tub Once in a lifetime opportunity to paddle board, kayak & anchor your boat right in front of your home MLS# R2727791
#36-1700 56 Street, Tsaw $899,000
1,674 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms
2 Level townhome with open concept and spacious bedrooms in one of Tsawwassen’s most sought a er complexes “The Pillars”! Front and Back Pa�o, side by side underground parking with large storage area and in floor radiant heat are just a few of the features of this wonderful unit
#114-1702 56th Street, Tsaw $719,900
1,196 sq. | 2 bedrooms |
5370 Wellburn Drive, Ladner $1,389,900
1,659 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 6,600 sq. lot
YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! Renovated rancher in the ‘Victory South Subdivision’ of West Ladner Extensive list
780 Gilchrist Place, Tsaw $1,679,000
2,634 sq. | 5 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 7,868 sq. lot
SOMETHING SPECIAL! Professionally renovated & located in a sought-a er area. The NEW custom kitchen is designed for people who like to cook and entertain Cul-de-sac loca�on, over-sized double car garage, big bedrooms & much, much more!
4821 47th Avenue, Ladner $1,059,000
1,608 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 4,546 sq. lot
Well maintained and affordable West Coast Contemporary single-family home in the heart of West Ladner Central loca�on Updated kitchen and bathrooms. Fully fenced yard. Plenty of storage. Spacious rooms and vaulted ceilings
5527 52nd Avenue, Ladner $1,579,000
3,523 sq. | 5 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 8,712 sq lot
Immaculate family home in desirable West Ladner neighbourhood. Hawthorne school catchment. Extensive updates, me�culous condi�on. A fantas�c 2 level layout with plenty of parking. Perfect for families with loads of opportunity
609 Sandollar Place, Tsaw $1,599,000
2 709 sq. | 3 bedrooms |2.5 bathrooms | 8,837 sq. lot
1.5 storey rancher with 3 bdrms, den and upper games room. Located in sought a er Forest by the Bay in a quiet cul-desac. Situated on a private south exposed lot with I/G pool and farmland view Plenty of parking including oversized double car garage. Great execu�ve family home
Open House: Sat 11 - 1 & Sun 2 - 4
Prime Port Guichon location with farmland views! 2158 sf bi-level family home with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Sunny southwest rear yard with great privacy. Superb layout to add a secondary suite. 6611 sf lot with room to add a shop/garage or additional living space. Quiet street but close to Ladner amenities. See the virtual tour then book your private viewing! Call Dean 604.603.8538
Tsawwassen's Best!
This property is the Crown Jewel of Tsawwassenʼs western bluff! South end waterfront with fabulous high bluff engineered home-site featuring fabulous ocean views directed toward the Gulf Islands. Contemporary custom built residence with spacious principal areas, 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths. This is a rare offering – call for your private viewing.
MEYER, Jean Ann (1939 - 2023)
Born in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshre, Engand, Jean was one of five children born to Wilam Wech and Ann Welch (nee Picton) Jean passed away peacefuly on February 26, 2023 at Kin Vllage Care
Home in Tsawwassen Jean was predeceased by her siblings Wllam and Raymond and husband Keith She is survived by brothers Michae and Davd; chidren Paul (Sharon), Phlip (Hilary), Nel (Cathy), Andrew (Dawn) and David (Lyndal); grandchldren Jesse (Estelita), Amanda (Denton), Annees (Adam), Kendra, Colin, Kristofer, Owen and Ela; and great-grandson Felx
Jean was born and raised n North London, Engand and folowing school was educated at business colege, begnnng secretaral work in various council agencies in the UK Migrating to Canada n the 1960s, Jean ived and rased her famly n numerous ocatons across Canada incuding Quebec, the North West Territories and British Columbia In the mid 1980s, Jean joined Kerrsdae law firm Munro & Crawford, fulfiling her ambition to return to paralegal work
With husband Keth, Jean retired to Tsawwassen, Brtish Columbia, enjoying travel to South Afrca, Zmbabwe, Australia and the UK Wth a love of music and the arts Jean enjoyed playing piano and supporting her famiy in ther pursuts and hosting large famly dinners
Funera Servce to be held at Delta Funera Home, 5329 Ladner Trunk Road, Deta, BC on Frday March 31, 2023 at 9 30 am Reception to immedatey folow Prvate family nterment at Boundary Bay Cemetery to folow Donations to the BC SPCA would be apprecated, n ieu of flowers
“If roses grow in Heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me Place them in my Mothers arms and te l her they are from me ”
Condolences may be offered at www deltafuneral ca
Deta Funeral Home (604)946 6040
Amela (Mile) Otter (1934-2023) passed away peacefuly surrounded by her chidren on 9 February 2023 after a long battle wth Parkinson’s
Born Amelia Clarke n Poole, England, famly meant everythng to Mlie She lost both her father and mother before the age of three, and the uncle that she went to ive with was himself kiled in a bombing rad durng the second word war Whie moving through several foster homes over the years, she was separated first from her sister, Betty, and later from her sister, Mary She met her future husband, Alan, at age 16 and they marred in 1955 Mlie and Alan moved to Canada a few years later and started ther own famly and t became her ife’s work to ensure her chldren aways had the security of a stable home envronment that she missed as a child
Mile rased her kids, Jacquie (born 1962), Lnda (1963) and Ken (1968) intialy in the smal town of Deep River, Ontario, whie Alan worked at the nearby Atomic Energy Canada faclity Jacquie and Lnda recaled the freedom of beng chldren of that era in a smal community, where they and the other neghbourhood kids were free to wander from a young age, al the moms smply feedng whoever happened to be in their houses at meal times
In 1969, the fledgling TRIUMF research facilty at UBC beckoned them to move west to Vancouver, and they setted in the Dunbar community on the west side of the cty This area contnued the “smal town” feel within the confines of a large city Mile oved to entertain, whether t be havng the neghbours over, hostng dinner partes or ust organzng snacks f her kid’s friends showed up She was everyone s favourte mom It wasn t unusua as we got older to come home and find one of our frends havng tea and chatting to our Mum having come over specficaly to ask her advice on something (and t fet like we were nterrupting when we came home!) As her kids found partners, she went out of her way to make sure spouses felt they were part of our family
Later, Milie found a new passion n being a grandmother Her grandchldren meant everythng to her, and she doted on them There were always ful cookie tins, sandwich makers that turned a grlled cheese nto Mckey Mouse, and a dedcated games/bedroom ful of a rotating assortment of toys and videos A grandchid need only hint they were hungry, and they would be whisked off for McDonalds or ice cream To her final days, it ddn’t take more than a mnute after a grandchid arrived in her home for her to be instructng them to check the cookie tin and hep themseves to whatever they could find n the cupboards
Mile and Alan grew od happly together It hurt us to see her loneliness folowing our father’s passing but we take joy n knowing that they are reunted and can continue their ourney together forever Unti we meet again, she wl remain the much-loved Mum of Jacquie (& Doug), Lnda and Ken (& Barbara), Grandma to Tara, Arran, Kmberley, Caitln, Dane, Laura, Hannah, Devon and Korina, and sister of Mary We al miss her
June 23, 1937 - March 18, 2023
Beoved husband, chershed father, dotng grandfather and dear friend, Tom eft us on a glorous spring day ust after sunset He was a ovng, dedicated famly man who enjoyed 18 holes of gof a good Scotch or a cup of Timmy’s volunteering at YVR, easy conversation and latterly, waks around scenc Tsawwassen and Whistler
Born in Crieff, Scotand, he emgrated to Canada in 1967 wth his wife Dorothy, travelng near and far for hs career in sales
Father to Aisa (Garnet) and Gavin (Michele), he oved being a proud “Papa” to his grandchldren Fiona and Thomas
Hs generosty, kindness, Scottsh sense of humour and easygoing nature wl be forever missed and never forgotten With much ove, we hope you got the first tee tme the next day, dear one
Gus am bris an latha agus an teich na sgàilean
Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away -Song of Solomon 4:6
June 30, 1941 February 14, 2023
With great sadness, the family of Deanna Olson (née Dean) announces her passing. Surrounded by her family on February 14, 2023, at the Irene Thomas Hospice, Deanna passed peacefully after several years of courageously fighting cancer.
Predeceased by her parents, Winston and Dorothy Dean. Survived by her husband Ted; sister Carole; sons Kevin (Andrea), Bryan (Stephanie) and Kenneth; daughter Heather (Mark); grandchildren Kennedi, Kaia, Mackenzie, Taylor, Kenneth Jr, Olivia, Chase, Zoe, Devon and Hannah; and great grandchildren Traysen, Haisley and Emerson.
Deanna was born and raised in Montreal, where her summers were spent at the cottage, and her lifelong love of the water and playing bridge began.
In 1969 Deanna moved out west with her young family, settling in Ladner, followed by Tsawwassen in 1981, where she joined Beach Grove Golf Club and made many friendships that she cherished. Her interests included golf, lawn bowling, bridge and travel. Her love for travel took her to many places around the world, but her favourite place to visit was Newfoundland, where both of her parents were from.
Deanna was very social and easy to talk to, making her career in sales at a variety of organizations over the years a natural fit for her.
Her greatest source of joy was her family, and loved nothing more than spending time together with them. She took great pride in her hospitality and had a talent for decorating her home for every occasion.
8, 1933 March 10, 2023
With deep sadness and heavy hearts, after a brief illness, we announce the passing of Elizabeth Jean McCartney (Betty), who passed peacefully, surrounded by family, at The Delta Hospital on March 10, 2023, in her 90th year. Betty will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed by her children: Stewart (Darleen) McCartney, Shelley (Allan) Matheson and Gordon (Susan) McCartney; her five grandchildren: Theresa, Edward, Kurtis, Jordy and Cameron; and four great grandchildren. Betty will be missed by many nephews, nieces and friends, and a very special and forever friend, Bev Linton Betty was predeceased by her sisters Ellen Wells, Mary Anne Lowton and Ruth Clarke; brothers Norman and Archie Holmgren; and niece Marlene Jackson.
The golden years were when Betty and her partner in crime, George Hygh, were vacationing in Hawaii, golfing and getting into all kinds of shenanigans. In the mid nineties, a move to Tsawwassen set some roots leading to many years as Thrifty Foods Sendial Volunteer Shopper. Betty loved her lottery games and scratch tickets (maybe even broke even with a nice win in 2021) and knitting everybody has dishcloths to last forever
She was a devoted mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. Betty made a huge impact on the lives of everyone who knew her. Her generous nature and warm heart will be forever cherished. The most important thing to Betty was her family and friends, who meant the world to her as she did to all of us. Betty was loving, devoted and always put the needs of others before her own She always had a soft spot for all our furry friends, keeping a memory book with pictures of all family pets, their lives and passing date.
No Service by request. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Delta Community Animal Shelter or the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Always loved, Never forgotten, Forever missed...
The family is grateful for the care she received from her doctors, Dr. Wong and Dr. Chan, as well as the nurses, staff and volunteers at the Irene Thomas Hospice, who all provided her with compassionate care during her time there.
She taught us many lessons during her cancer journey. Her unwavering, joyful spirit and ability to always look on the bright side of life, even on her most difficult days, was inspiring and admired by all who had the blessing of knowing her.
Our cherished Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and friend to many will forever be in our hearts and will be greatly missed by the many people she touched in her life.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the Irene Thomas Hospice through the Delta Hospital Foundation are appreciated.
Stay where you’re to ’til I comes where you’re at.
November 10, 1933 - February 26, 2023
Jacquelne (Jacke) MacKenze passed away peacefuly February 26th, 2023 after a batte wth dementia Predeceased by her parents Ernest and Bile Townsend and her daughter Karen She is survived by her son Glen, grandchldren Aexander and Nicola, sister Jll Soleway and dear friend Ron Knott
Jacke was born n Kent Engand where she stil has many reatives After high schoo she worked as a private secretary and then in 1956 she emigrated to Canada lvng n Toronto for two years working as a flght attendant for Trans Canada Airines before moving to Vancouver where she met her husband, Tom They married in 1960 and she then worked as a professiona model After their divorce, Jackie moved to Pont Roberts where she enoyed her ove of the outdoors, horses and dogs and working at her antique store ‘Ye Ode Barn Antiques’
Jacke was feisty, witty, cever and loved to trave Greaty appreciated are the friends and professonals that stepped forward to be there when she needed hep and to her former daughter-n-law Michee, who Jacke loved dearly, for her love and caring which involved the everyday responsblites that were requred for her wel-beng over these past few years Thank you also to the staff at Hghgate Senior Living n Belingham, Washington for their compassionate and gentle care
A celebraton of lfe wil be held n Point Roberts, Washington at a future date In ieu of flowers, donatons would be greatly appreciated to the S PC A or The Alzheimer’s Socety of B C
September 21, 1938 - March 8, 2023
Wife, mother, gramma, great gramma, and good frend to many A beautiful lfe well lved and very much loved Mom s survved by her husband of over 62 years Mike; chldren Shawn (Sherri), Kim (David), Troy (Jackie), Todd, (Michele) and Pam (James); grandchldren Jennfer (Chris), Kristina (Mitch) Tyer (Kristen), Natasha (James), Garrett (Sara), Sarah, Mikayla, Kennedy, Parker, Annie, Gabe and Josh She was predeceased by granddaughter Taryn Aso survived by great grandchidren, Cara, Kendra, Logan, Dawson, Esie, Corbin, Huxey, Colton, Oiver, Landon, Dustn Jose and Owen Mom a daughter of one of Ladner’s Poneer famiies (Arthur and Violet Swenson) lved her entire life in Ladner workng aongside Dad in various busnesses - endng up on Westham Island for over 50 years Mom’s house aways had an open door, al were welcome She was a great istener and was aways interested n what peope had to say Her unque character and sassness were ever present Above al her unconditonal love for her entre extended famly was legendary Mom also leaves behind many nieces and nephews who meant the word to her
Our famly was very fortunate to have had an extra year with mom Thank you to the doctors and the wonderfu staff at the Delta Hospital Thank you to everyone for making mom’s last year befitting a lady who gave so much to so many n ife There wll be no service by request, in leu of flowers, donatons to The Delta Hospital Foundaton would be appreciated
once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
Only Re/Max Team or individual in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award
Excellent opportunity to purchase these 2 homes with potential for 3 lots. Beautiful south exposed backyards overlooking farmland, providing so much privacy and a beautiful tranquil setting. Quiet cul-de-sac location close to Cromie Park, Ladner Elementary and more.
4810 42A Avenue, Ladner $1,399,000 // 4818 42A Avenue, Ladner $1,399,000
This rarely available 1,543 square foot, corner condo facing directly toward the river is absolutely a must to see!
Featuring 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining area, den and spacious kitchen - views from almost every window. Updated kitchen with granite countertops, engineered hardwood flooring, newer windows, 2 parking spots and massive storage locker. Amazing 732 square foot wrap around deck with access to the courtyard. Riverwest is one of Ladners desirable complexes with great amenities including a workshop.
101, 4743 W River Road, Ladner REDUCED TO $929,000
Fantastic 2,690 square foot, 3 level home in desirable Hawthorne area. This bright open concept features a gourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops; a living room with gas fireplace; and a spacious dining area to accommodate all your family dinners. Spacious master bedroom with spa-like 6-piece ensuite. Total of 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. Bonus flex room on 3rd floor is great for a media room, play room on teen bedroom. Radiant heat and R/I for A/C. Close to school, shopping & parks. Don’t wait on this fantastic opportunity! Quality craftsmanship & elegance by Ladner Homes. 2-5-10 Home Warranty *these photos are of
5278 Westminster Avenue, Ladner $1,699,000