Denton Public Library Programs Fall 2016

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September - November 2016


Classes & Events Thanks to the Texas Book Festival Grant, South Branch Library is increasing their Spanish World Languages Youth Collection. Stop by and check out some new books, or attend Spanish StoryTime at North or South Branch Libraries.

Spanish StoryTime

Join us for a fun-filled Spanish StoryTime with native speaker Myra Ronquillo. Children will hear stories, songs, and learn new words in Spanish. This StoryTime is designed for speakers of all languages. Best for ages 1-5. Wed 10/5 South Branch 10 a.m. Mon 11/7 North Branch 11 a.m.

Music Mania StoryTime

We’re getting the band back together! Get ready to dance, sing, and explore musical instruments in this special songfilled StoryTime. Best for ages 1-5. Fri 9/23 North Branch 11 a.m.

(940) 349-8752 Gaming Through the Ages

Learn the fun and history of video games from local Video Game Advocate, Patrick “Scott” Patterson. With 35 years in the gaming world, Scott has spoken about video game history through multiple outlets. Joining Scott will be Freaks And Geeks, Denton’s premiere shop for all things Vintage Video Games and Toys. Vintage video game consoles and games will be set on Free-Play following the presentation. All ages welcome. Learn more about the presenters by visiting their websites: and Tues 11/1 Emily Fowler 6-9 p.m.

Fantastic Beasts Release Party

Get ready for the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with Harry Potter-themed crafts, activities and games. For all ages. Sat 11/12 North Branch 2-5 p.m.

Perot Museum: Tech Truck for Teens UNT Instrument Petting Zoo

Come and meet the instruments! Members of the North Texas Student Music Educators, who are music students at UNT, will let children explore how to play different kinds of instruments from flutes to saxophones to tubas. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Ages 8-14. Sat 9/24 Emily Fowler 2:30-3:30 p.m.

The Perot Museum Tech Truck is coming back with an event just for teens! Museum experts will be at the library to teach you all about laser cutting and you’ll even have a chance to try your hand at it. Registration is required. For ages 10-17. Sat 10/1 South Branch 2-4 p.m.

Critterman: Texas Tales

Come see animals native to the Lone Star State. Ferrets, snakes, prairie dogs, alligators, and more will be incorporated into an educational and entertaining show for kids. Seating is limited. Free tickets will be available starting one hour before show time on a first-come, first-served basis. Ages 6 and older. Fri 9/30 North Branch 4 p.m.

North Branch Library 3020 N. Locust St.

Perot Museum’s TECH Truck

Engage in hands-on, maker-based science, engineering, technology, art, and math (STEAM) experiences that foster creativity and confidence. The TECH truck will bring interactive discovery directly to the library by providing free science-based experiences to the public. Best for children ages 8-12. Thurs 9/22 Emily Fowler 2:30-4:30 p.m. Sat 10/22 North Branch 2:30-4:30 p.m. Thurs 11/3 South Branch 3:30-5 p.m.

South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln.

Emily Fowler Central Library 502 Oakland St.

NaNoWriMo: Write Ins

Writers are welcome to come to the library anytime to use the work areas, study rooms, and WiFi. For those NaNoWriMo participants who want the fun of writing in a group, we have special “Write Ins” using the library meeting room. Meet your fellow novelists, have a snack, and build your word count. We will have plot prompts and word count goal prizes. All ages welcome. Sun 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 Emily Fowler 1:30-4:30 p.m.

Library Bookend Painting Project

Our library wouldn’t be a library without the Denton community! All ages are invited to come and decorate library bookends for display and use at Emily Fowler Central Library. Registration is requested. Smocks will be available for children. Sat 10/29 Emily Fowler 2-3:30 p.m.

The Finest Hours by Michael Tougias

Check out a copy of The Finest Hours and join in a discussion of the true story of a daring Coast Guard rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952. Be sure to come back in late November to watch the newlyreleased movie with free popcorn and drinks! Registration required. Book Discussion Thurs 11/1 Emily Fowler 4 p.m. Move Event- PG-13, 117 Minutes Tues 11/29 Emily Fowler 6:30-8:30 p.m.

TRAILBLAZER: Science Museum-on-Wheels

The Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering’s traveling Trailblazers are one-of-a-kind science museums-onwheels. Exciting, hands-on exhibits teach children about energy, space, weather, biotechnology, and aerodynamics while also introducing them to educational and career opportunities in STEM. Best for children ages 8-14. Wed 11/16 South Branch Parking Lot 2-5 p.m.

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