3 Albanian Immigrants in Thessaloniki: Relations between the Generations Georgia Sarikoudi
Adjunct Lecturer of Panteio University
e-mail: gsarikoudi@yahoo.gr
The last decades there is a growing literature on intergenerational relationships in immigrant families. Different generations perceive themselves through a different process of adaptation and identification in the host country. What are the changing dynamics and the reasons of conflict between parents and children? How the different level of integration and the different visions of the future affect the relationship between first- and second-generation immigrants? This paper examines the relationships between Albanian immigrants and their children that live in Thessaloniki. The goal of this article is to shed light on the immigrant-related and sociocultural context that affect and shape second generation’s identity and provoke the clash with children’s parents.
Albanian immigrants, Thessaloniki, second generation.
Sarikoudi G. Albanian Immigrants in Thessaloniki: Relations between the Generations. Theology & Culture. 2021; 2: 51-62. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32809.52322