80 Stéfanie Sande É escritora e doutoranda em escrita criativa na PUCRS, autora dos romances “O último verso”e “Virgínia”.
TO THE BOY IN BLACK You flew so high at an early age you spend your days performing on the other side you are way beyond my reach the wings I have are metaphorical in truth they are only these pages words can not fly but they travel so they say who knows It’s pathetic I’m fully aware but reader if you can please pass this note to the boy in black he says it’s lonely at the top I’m still climbing and I know to get this high It has to be you flying alone but let’s get to the point my note maybe It’s best if I draw a picture so here it goes It’s almost two A.M. and I’m home alone I live in a winter city now but it’s not cold Vita sleeps behind my computer screen I can see her tail and her head on Mrs. Dalloway [another book I’m unashamed I didn’t read] rain was pouring yesterday but not today pretend it is cause we’re romantics on the inside there’s no one else here but the two of us