Wed., October 11 &
Thurs., October 12
Irving, Texas
Save the date to join us live–and in person–this fall at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, TX!
“Just one idea we got from a DSU event has opened up a world of possibilities for us.”
Jesse McKinney
Co-Founder & CEO, Red Aspen
is the best event in the industry! The content value, networking opportunity and executives’ willingness to share is unmatched.”
Sarah Shadonix
Founder & CEO, Scout & Cellar
would not miss the next DSU event because you never know what insights you’re going to get.”
Landon Fredrick Chief Global Sales Officer & President, Mannatech
“We brought our whole team to the last DSU.”
Roger Morgan Founder & CEO, pawTree
Bravo Leadership Award
Rolf Sorg / Leading with Integrity and Vision
Bravo Growth Award, Product
Princess House / Growth from Chaos
Bravo Growth Award, Services
eXp Realty / Unstoppable Growth. Unlimited Vision.
Bravo International Growth Award, Product
PM-International / 29 Years of Consecutive Growth
Bravo International Growth Award, Services
Utility Warehouse / Ranked #10 on DSN Global 100 List
Bravo Impact Award
LegalShield / Accessible Justice for All
Bravo Impact Award
Princess House / Future Focused after 60 Years
Bravo Impact Award
SARAH PAULKBravo Excellence Award
John Parker / Direct Selling is a Team Sport
Bravo Global Good Award
Arbonne / Helping the Environment and
Serving the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Executive Since 2004
A Direct Selling Partners Company
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For your convenience, we have compiled a list of our display advertisers. When contacting these companies or those in our Supplier Directory (starting on page 148), please let all of our valued advertisers know that you saw them in DSN .
“DSN is my way of keeping my finger on the pulse of the direct selling industry. As a supplier, being able to know the latest news in the industry allows me to do my job the best I can. It covers everything from issues the industry is facing, company updates, supplier partners and unique articles you can’t find anywhere else! It’s my monthly ritual to read the paper copy as soon as it arrives. I earmark pages, use my highlighter and let it be my guide for the month, allowing me to be my company’s direct selling expert.
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CP&Krell Group
817-697-4321 / CPKRELL.COM
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Momentum Factor
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Our mission is to serve, educate and edify the channel with daily breaking global news, emerging trends and powerful stories, made possible through the generosity and support of our Premier Supplier Partners. Thank you for your dedication to the direct selling channel!
SUMMER IS HERE! It’s the time of year when we tend to spend more time with our families and friends as we gather together to mark important milestones like graduations and weddings.
Here at DSN we got a jump start on celebrating in April with our annual Global Celebration held in conjunction with Direct Selling University. Each year, our super-sized June issue serves as our chance to recap everything we have learned and shared at DSU and every company and individual recognized at the Global Celebration. Now is the time where we can celebrate everything the channel and its top companies have accomplished. And it’s the perfect moment to also take a glance at what the future might hold.
This issue is power packed with recaps of Direct Selling University, the DSN Global Celebration, insights, trends and analysis of the Global 100 List as well as snapshot portraits of all 53 companies on it. We share in-depth coverage of all the Bravo Award recipients as well as our Lifetime Achievement winner, Rudy Revak. There is a lot to celebrate in the channel right now—and many optimistic indicators and exciting opportunities on the horizon for the remainder of 2023 and beyond. This issue is full of reasons why!
We recently held a truly informative twoday deep dive event where top executives gathered to learn all about AI and ChatGPT and how these emerging technologies can
impact your business. We also took an indepth look at exclusive generational research designed to help you target your messaging with more precision and examined affiliate models and how they continue to define and refine what direct selling is now and in the future. These were two game-changing days that were presented at no charge to employees of our Supporter companies. If you’d like to learn more about how your company can become a part of the DSN Supporter family and what perks that includes, please see page 58 of this issue.
At DSN, we strive to be your daily resource for global news impacting the direct selling channel. If you haven’t yet, make sure to sign up for our free resources like the weekly dashboard email which delivers a week’s worth of news in a quick 15-minute read each Sunday. You can also sign up for free text alerts by becoming a member of our VIP Community where you’ll always get the top stories first and fast!
Direct Selling University and the DSN Global Celebration were both amazing events. Thank you to everyone who attended. We’re already planning our Fall DSU Event— we hope to see you there!
All the best,
n Natura &Co Sells Aesop to L’Oreal
n Pure Romance Shifts Business Model to Omnichannel Approach
n Tupperware Warns It Has Doubts about Ability to Continue Operations
n M annatech Forms Subsidiary to Serve as Innovation Hub
n O riflame Sells Russian Manufacturing Unit
RIMAN, a South Korea-based direct selling company, officially launched its North America operations with a grand opening celebration in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event, attended by more than 1,200 distributors, celebrated the company’s top leaders who have already demonstrated success during the company’s pre-launch.
“Today, we open a new door to the globe here,” said KyungJung Kim, RIMAN Global Chief Executive Officer. “Our new RIMAN ecosystem will allow our distributors to reach their customers in a relevant, modern and sophisticated way.”
Farmasi has officially expanded its operations to Colombia, celebrating with inaugural events in Cali, Medellin, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga and Bogota. Support tools for the region are already in place, including a market-specific website, co.farmasi.com, as well as Colombia pages for Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The company described the launch as an important next step in its strategic development of the Farmasi brand as it continues expansion through the Americas.
MONAT Global announced the continuation of its European expansion with the opening of operations in France. The company began expansion into Europe in 2018 with the addition of Spain, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland and the UK.
“We are meeting the demands of the French consumers with the expansion of our unique business model and culture of family, service and gratitude to new European markets by opening operations in France,” said Stuart MacMillan, MONAT President. “Our holistic and innovative approaches to the development of premium beauty products, as well as attention to detail and luxury is a natural fit for the French market.”
QuiAri announced its pre-launch into Malaysia just weeks after the company began its expansion into the UAE.
“QuiAri is already open for business in over 100 countries throughout the world, and I’m especially excited about expanding into Malaysia,” said Bob Reina, QuiAri Founder and Chief Executive Officer. “It could very well be one of our hottest markets in the region. Their economy rose 8.7 percent in 2022 and is expected to grow another four to five percent by the end of 2023. What I’m really looking forward to is getting into Malaysia and changing lives. They have 32 million people that all need help both physically and financially.”
FARMASI CELEBRATED a successful 17-day tour, called Farmasi on the Road, that brought training sessions and recognition experiences to more than 3,000 of the company’s Beauty Influencers across ten U.S. states, five cities in Canada, as well as San Juan, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Sessions included product launch and technology training and celebrated top distributors with luxury dinners, galas and private jet travel and were delivered with live translations and sign language.
“Success is not just about numbers, it’s about the people we connect with and the impact we make,” said Emre Tuna, Farmasi President. “At Farmasi, our focus has always been on building relationships and fostering collaboration. The energy and dedication we witnessed during our Farmasi on the Road events were truly inspiring, and it’s already translating into positive results for our business. Our success is a reflection of the passion and commitment of our team and collaborators.”
MONAT GLOBAL, through the volunteer effort of more than 200 of its independent distributors, built more than 30 bikes for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Nevada as part of its annual Reunion event in Las Vegas.
Attendees also collected 1,000 gently-used handbags to donate to local nonprofits that serve women and girls, including Dress for Success Southern Nevada, HopeLink of Southern Nevada and Project 150, and raised more than $7,500 to further the MONAT Gratitude Foundation’s mission to support youth, education and families.
“It’s very important to us that we make a lasting impact on every community we visit,” said Lu Urdaneta, MONAT Global Chief Culture Officer and MONAT Gratitude Foundation Chief Executive Officer. “Our community of independent Market Partners came to Las Vegas from all over the country full of enthusiasm to donate and volunteer. I’m so inspired by their passion for making a difference and am proud of what was accomplished during this year’s event.”
THE DIRECT SELLING ASSOCIATION (DSA) led its Women’s Entrepreneurship Roundtable Series for the fifth year, hosted by SeneGence Founder Joni Rogers-Kante and featuring an in-person meeting with Representative Kevin Hern (R-OK).
Nine women entrepreneurs from the district representing five direct selling companies shared how the flexibility of working a direct selling business has allowed them to succeed both personally and professionally amid busy schedules. Rep. Hern shared his own experience in direct selling, saying he understood “how the industry creates and nurtures the spirit of entrepreneurship” and how direct selling can make a positive impact on individuals, families and communities.
“Connecting independent contractors with elected officials like Rep. Hern allows these women business owners to share their interests firsthand with those who are making important policy decisions that impact their businesses,” said Joseph N. Mariano, DSA President. “We appreciate Rep. Hern and SeneGence for taking time to help us kick off the fifth year of this important series and providing the opportunity for sharing how entrepreneurship has impacted their lives with thriving businesses.”
LEGALSHIELD’S 2023 International Convention was held in Charlotte, North Carolina, welcoming thousands of the company’s independent associates for a four-day event focused on celebration, recognition, networking and inspiration.
LegalShield Chief Executive Officer Warren Schlichting delivered a keynote sharing his personal journey to LegalShield and reinforced the company’s mission of delivering justice and security for all.
“We’re sending thousands home from Charlotte with a revived sense of commitment, energy and focus on the idea that LegalShield products protect and empower our members and our society,” said Don Thompson, President of Network Division at LegalShield. “The enthusiasm our associates are showing toward our mission is incredible. The opportunity for these associates has never been greater.” DSN
IN A NEW STUDY COMMISSIONED BY HERBALIFE, which surveyed 2,000 Americans and 6,500 international participants in nine countries, almost half of Americans (40 percent) reported turning to side hustles or other forms of supplemental income to help pay their bills or provide flexible income. Of those working side hustles, 48 percent said they did so solely to make ends meet; 29 percent wanted a disposable income; 28 percent needed help with the rising cost of living; and 25 percent wanted to be less reliant on a single source of income.
Millennials were found to be the generation most likely to have a side hustle (66 percent) and also most likely to find it difficult to pay for necessities with their current financial situation (41 percent). Less than half of Baby Boomers (40 percent) have turned to side hustles and only 13 percent find it difficult to pay for their necessities.
“The rising cost of living is causing Americans to fall behind on their monthly bills,” said Humbi Calleja, Herbalife Vice President and General Manager for North America. “More people are turning to direct selling opportunities to ease the financial strain.”
FOR MANY YEARS, THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (FTC) leaned on Section 13(b) of the FTC Act to extract monetary penalties from companies, as it did with Herbalife, Vemma and AdvoCare. But after the Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that the FTC was incorrectly wielding 13(b), citing that the agency did not in fact have the authority to use it to seek monetary relief or restitution, the FTC radically altered its approach. Instead, it sought to pursue companies using Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, accelerating its rulemaking process and giving itself more cushion to decide what was considered “unfair or deceptive practices.”
Soon after the 2021 ruling, the FTC embarked on a blanket letter campaign, issuing notices to more than 700 companies, including a large number of direct selling brands, saying it would “be ready to hold them responsible with every tool at its disposal” for their alleged use of deceptive endorsements, specifically income and earnings claims. Last month, the agency also announced it was proposing changes to impose stricter regulations around auto-renewal programs.
These rapid changes are believed by some legal experts to be an effort on the FTC’s part to expedite rulemaking around its own enforcement authority and the broadening of Section 5(a), as well as to bring its cases before an FTCappointed judge.
In a unanimous ruling made in April 2023, the Supreme Court stated that the FTC has limited powers. In Axon v FTC and SEC v. Cochran, the highest court looked at the constitutionality of both the prosecutorial and judicial functions residing withing the same agency. MLM Attorney Brent Kugler wrote in an online post: “Both defendants challenged the constitutionality of having their cases decided by administrative law judges employed by the agencies bringing the enforcement actions against them. In its decision, the Supreme Court held that people and businesses subjected to administrative proceedings at the FTC (or SEC) can seek to enjoin those proceedings by suing in District Court without first having to exhaust appeals in the administrative tribunal run by the agencies bringing the enforcement action.” DSN
Plexus Worldwide has named Mike Beardall as the company’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO). In this new role, Beardall will work to ensure Plexus’ financial security and operational efficiency while implementing the company’s global expansion strategy.
“Mike’s track record of success and passion for incorporating leading-edge management practices and technology into operations to support growth plans make him the perfect addition to the team,” said Gene Tipps, Plexus CEO. “Throughout his career, Mike has demonstrated exceptional skills as a strategic leader and team player who inspires high performance across all organizational levels.”
EXp Realty announced the promotion of Carolyn Merchant to the role of Chief Marketing Officer. Merchant will now lead the next evolution of brand and marketing efforts for eXp Realty and focus on agent enablement and growth.
“The growth opportunity ahead of us is massive and core to that is our continued mission to be the most agent-centric brokerage by constantly innovating our agent value proposition,” said Glenn Sanford, eXp Realty CEO. “Carolyn brings extensive expertise and since joining eXp Realty, she has elevated our marketing and communications functions. I’m confident that she will continue to build out many new deliverables across the realty ecosystem, from our internal business units to the agent in the field sitting down to take their first listing.”
Arbonne International welcomed Léa Baltzinger as the company’s new Chief People Officer. Baltzinger brings more than two decades of experience working as a senior HR leader across industries.
“Léa brings tremendous global experience in human resources leadership and organizational development to our team,” said Tyler Whitehead, Arbonne CEO.
“As Chief People Officer, Léa will work closely with me and our leadership team to support the company’s growth and ensure that we are attracting, developing and retaining top talent. We’re thrilled to welcome Léa.”
Farmasi welcomed Courtland Pearson as the company’s new Executive Vice President of Sales, U.S. and Canada. Pearson has more than three decades of experience in global business and direct sales and has two decades of experience of living and working within Asia.
Pearson will now work to execute strategies, processes, events, incentives and programs for the Englishspeaking markets.
Also joining the Farmasi team is Wille Rodriguez, who will serve as Marketing Vice President at the company’s headquarters in Miami, Florida. Rodriguez brings more than 15 years of experience working for leading direct selling brands in product development, marketing technology implementation, change management, marketing operations and communications.
The Body Shop announced that CEO David Boynton, who has served in the capacity for five years, will be stepping down from the role. In his place, Ian Bickley, a Natura &Co board director, will now serve as interim CEO.
Bickley’s engagement on the Natura &Co board committee will allow him to bring a deep understanding of the business to this role. In addition, he is an expert in the retail and branded consumer goods sector with extensive background in driving omnichannel growth and growing international franchise opportunities.
“David has shown incredible passion for The Body Shop during his tenure,” said Fabio Barbosa, Natura &Co Group CEO. “On behalf of the entire Natura &Co Board, we want to acknowledge and thank him for his leadership. As we bid farewell to David, we also look forward to this next chapter in the story of The Body Shop. A chapter that holds endless possibilities and prospects for success. It is with great excitement that we welcome Ian Bickley. Ian’s passion for the retail sector and his track record of success makes him the right leader to bring new energy to the company. As part of his role, Ian will be working closely with us to find a permanent successor and champion of Anita’s legacy–a legacy that continues to inspire us all.”
Young Living Essential
Oils has appointed Steve Carlile to the role of Chief Marketing and Digital Officer. Carlile brings more than two decades of experience and has previously served in this same role for another well-known direct selling brand.
“We are thrilled to welcome Steve to the Young Living family,” said Ben Riley, Young Living President. “Steve’s deep expertise connecting audiences on an international scale means he’s intrinsically aligned with our community of dreamers, achievers and go-getters that dot the globe. He also has an innate ability to anticipate industry trends, which makes Steve a perfect match for the Young Living brand.”
JANET S. WEIL GENERAL COUNSEL, SUNRIDERSunrider International announced the appointment of Janet S. Weil to the role of General Counsel. Weil has more than 25 years of experience in the direct selling industry and is an experienced compliance officer, executive, corporate lawyer and General Counsel in both Europe and the U.S.
“We are grateful to have Janet as a member of our executive team,” said Sunrider CEO Sunny Beutler. “She has many years of General Counsel experience, and I am confident that Janet will contribute her leadership and extensive knowledge to help us continue our growth in the industry.
announced Dana Holmes as the company’s new Vice President of Business Development and Analysis.
Holmes will be responsible for analyzing business operations, financial data, market research and competitor data to improve the SWFC’s strategies, competitive capabilities and profitability.
“Dana has been advising the executive team at Southwestern for more than 15 years,” said Henry Bedford, SWFC Chairman and CEO. “His knowledge of the company mission and structure along with his experience advising companies in growth and value enhancement strategies will greatly benefit the entire family of companies.”
ERIN BANYAS VICE PRESIDENT, HEAD OF INVESTOR RELATIONS, HERBALIFEHerbalife announced it has named Erin Banyas as the new Vice President, Head of Investor Relations. Eric Monroe, who formerly held the title of Senior Director of Investor Relations, will now serve as Vice President of North America Finance & Operations.
“Erin brings a wealth of experience in both investor relations and financial reporting for a global entity to this leadership role, and we believe it will be fundamental to delivering shareholder value,” said Alex Amezquita, Chief Financial Officer. “We are excited to welcome her to the Herbalife family. Likewise, we are delighted to promote Eric Monroe, who has served our company well for many years, to a new leadership role.” DSN
PETER USBORNE, the founder of Usborne Publishing LTD, passed away on March 30, 2023 at the age of 85.
Peter launched Usborne Publishing LTD, a children’s book publishing house, in 1973, which would become the largest independent children’s book publisher in the UK. In 1989, Usborne Books & More (rebranded to PaperPie in 2023) was formed as the U.S. direct selling company which sold Usborne books as well as other products. This division would become wildly successful, with more than $100 million in net sales annually.
Peter’s daughter, Usborne Publishing LTD Managing Director Nicola Usborne, released a statement about her father’s passing, saying: “I am heartbroken that my beloved dad died suddenly this morning. We will miss him more than I can say. He was a brilliant, ever curious, ever enthusiastic man who was also very kind, very generous and honorable and principled to his core. He was the best dad I could imagine.”
“We were incredibly sorry to hear of the passing of Peter Usborne. There are some people, who when thought of, seem as though they could live forever and Peter was among that list. Fortunately for all of us, his legacy will endure for years to come. I was honored to have just recently spent an evening with him in Bologna, first celebrating 50 years of Usborne Publishing and then enjoying dinner together. He has made an indelible mark
on children and families everywhere. He will be missed,” stated Craig White, President & CEO, Educational Development Corporation (parent company of PaperPie).
Usborne is survived by his wife Wendy, children Nicola and Martin, and five grandchildren DSN
Joni Rogers-Kante credits her commitment to consistency, devotion to family, and abiding faith to achieving success as a business and family woman. Joni has paved a path toward a life of abundance, and she devotes her life to empower others to find theirs, too.
For Joni, her company SeneGence stands for more than its cutting-edge and highly desirable beauty products. Its causedriven purpose is to promote more women
in business and care for communities in need through its nonprofit. Not only has Joni built a rewarding global business, she is also changing lives closer to home. Joni passionately protects rights of independent entrepreneurs in the direct selling industry and works to improve the economic lifeblood in her home state of Oklahoma.
Joni believes accomplishment is unique for everyone, and we are all here with
our own important purpose. She says a fulfilling life is made with the four E’s: Earn, Evaluate, Evolve, and Explore. When we value and respect each other, we will all move forward together.
We are proud to partner with Joni and those like her who consistently prove that hard work and courage are rewarded with limitless possibilities. After all, people are our greatest strength.
THE CHANNEL IS EVOLVING RAPIDLY—companies and executives must stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies to build for the future. But it can be time - consuming and hard to find the right suppliers to partner with.
That’s why we’ve developed The DSN Guide. In each issue, The Guide includes curated lists by category of expertise and service. These suppliers currently serve the channel—they understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with direct selling and can help you implement your intiatives.
Canada Cartage Logistics Calgary, Alberta canadacartage.com/logistics
FIDELITONE Wauconda, IL fidelitone.com
Global Access Salt Lake City, UT globalaccess.com
LACORE Logistics McKinney, TX lacorelogistics.com
Maersk Copenhagen, DK maersk.com
Miner Group Laredo, TX minorgroup.net
Quickbox Denver, CO quickbox.com
Cayden Cribbs 310-272-4791
Would you like to be included in The DSN Guide? Contact Jerilyn Taylor (jtaylor@directsellingnews.com) for more information. Companies featured in The Guide have been in business for a minimum of two years and are verified to be working with direct selling companies. Companies appearing in The Guide are not endorsed by DSN. The Guide is provided strictly as a resource. It is each company's responsibility to verify and investigate providers and services.
THE DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER (DTC) BUSINESS MODEL has skyrocketed over the last three years, as customer habits and technology evolved during the COVID pandemic and beyond. According to Paddle, 81 percent of consumers will make at least one DTC purchase over the next five years. Let’s look at seven hot DTC trends and several brand examples that direct selling companies can glean from.
Live shopping experiences are replacing written reviews as the trusted source of product opinions. Live shopping sales could make up 20 percent of all ecommerce by 2026, according to Influencer Marketing Hub. But it takes more than just clicking the “Go Live” button. You must also build a connection.
“Your audience cares about having an authentic connection with influencers more than you’d expect,” shared a Forbes article. “If they’re producing clearly fake ads, it’ll likely show in your engagement rates. Select an influencer who actually aligns with your brand and trust their creative input as you strategize a livestream campaign.”
OF SHOPPERS want brands to embrace sustainable and “people‑first” practices.
82 % OF GEN Z SHOPPERS felt sustainability was more important than brand names.
75 %
You also need to understand where your audience is interacting with your content and what they expect from the different platforms. Social shopping allows customers to purchase on social platforms without having to go to a different website and navigate a checkout process
Customers have an increasing number of options of where they can spend their money. It’s no longer as simple as going to a local store and choosing between whatever is on the shelf. Today’s customer expects more than just good products. Sustainability and social responsibility are more important than ever.
A Talkwalker report for 2023 shows 82 percent of shoppers want brands to embrace sustainable and “people-first” practices. A Business Wire survey found 75 percent of Gen Z shoppers felt sustainability was more important than
brand names. Sustainability efforts can take on many forms, such as transportation, reusable packaging, a remote workforce and even being transparent about business practices.
Women’s apparel company Aviator Nation manufacturers clothes in the United States in factories owned and monitored by its founder and has a lifetime guarantee on its products. Superzero produces a line of shampoos, conditioners, hair serum and hand balm in bar form, eliminating the need for plastic bottles. Its motto is “Super performance, Zero waste.”
Yes, one of the core aspects of a DTC business is avoiding a physical store front, but as the cost of digital ads rise, brands are embracing the traditional brick-and-mortar. It’s more than just a place to sell stuff—storefronts can provide a physical connection to customers, allowing a real-time multi-sensory experience. DTC companies still have full control of their brand instead of being buried on a shelf next to many competitors.
“The DTC transition to a brick-and-mortar storefront is the opportunity to create an immersive brand experience,” said CMS Wire. “With the right design, personnel and training, the in-store experience can humanize a brand and create an everlasting impression on consumers.”
Veteran-founded Black Rifle Coffee had opened 18 stores by the end of 2022 and plans to grow to 78 by the end of 2023. In addition to a menu of freshly made coffee, stores are full of the company’s popular merchandise and ground coffee bags. The stores are part of the company’s commitment to employ 10,000 U.S. veterans.
Pop-ups and “ghost retailers” are other popular options. Third-party companies can handle design and construction, and even some daily operations, for retail locations.
Because DTC brands communicate directly to customers instead of relying on traditional media outlets, customers expect a more personalized experience and a more humanized marketing approach. Customer profile surveys help guide customers to products geared toward their needs. Customized packaging, discounts for first-time customers, free trials and even allowing customers to try products before they buy, reiterate and reinforce this trend. The experience replicates having a concierge guide customers to the right products.
“If you want to learn more about your target audience, don’t be afraid to ask,” says ExplodingTopics.com. “There’s a reason why we’re seeing an uptick in customer quizzes to help pick buyers’ brains and deliver personalized recommendations.”
While DTC brands search for online influencers to promote their products, top online influencers are creating their own DTC brands. It’s a testament to the power of leveraging loyal followings. Plant-b ased nutrition company Truvani was launched by Derek Halpern and Vani Hari of Social Trigger. Kylie Jenner’s Kylie Cosmetics was reported to have topped a $1 billion valuation in March 2023.
“This shift was inevitable as creators were bound to leverage their personal brands to capture larger monetization opportunities via ecommerce brands,” explained an article by HashTagPaid.com. “The success of fashion and television celebs in this space paved the way for the next wave of influencers to attempt to replicate similar success. As the influencer industry evolves, it’ll create new and exciting avenues not just for creators, but for established
Getting loyal customers to order every month on an automatic basis is an obvious goal. The good news is that customers are getting more used to it. Even Amazon is diving into the subscription option with its Subscribe & Save feature, automatically showing shoppers how much they can save.
Flexible subscriptions offer options to skip a delivery; pause the subscription; or easily modify it. Enrolling in a subscription often comes with free shipping—something customers have come to expect with online ordering. Some DTC companies even offer a surprise monthly package, which typically comes with significant discounts. These can include different product combinations and monthly flavors or themes.
Dollar Shave Club, Birchbox and Chewy have become well-known DTC companies thriving with a subscription model. Customers can build their own product combinations catered to their needs.
The market is seeing more DTC companies across different product categories. According to DTCetc, some of the fastest growing include food and beverage, apparel, beauty, home and garden and pet supplies. Grocery and restaurant delivery service skyrocketed during the COVID pandemic, reflecting rapidly evolving customer preferences. According to BlueCart, the top two food categories with the highest ecommerce conversion rates are wine (13 percent) and chocolate (10 percent).
GROCERY AND RESTAURANT delivery service skyrocketed during the COVID pandemic, reflecting rapidly evolving customer habits.
Last Crumb is a cookie brand with a “drop model” notifying customers when the next flavor cookies will be available for purchase. There’s a countdown clock on the website, building anticipation and creating an undeniable feeling of FOMO. Daily Harvest provides ready-to-make smoothie ingredients and works directly with farmers to grow nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Peloton is one of the most popular fitness DTC brands. While the cost of its workout equipment tops four figures, the core of the business is the service subscription model. DSN
Take control of your payments strategy
Orchestrate payouts to your distributors
Optimize your transactions to grow your revenue
Maintain flexibility in the ever-changing world of payments
Nexio was purpose-built to solve the payment problems direct sellers face. Our unified platform simplifies the complexity of the payments industry and helps you design forward-thinking strategies.
We’re excited to announce we are consolidating brands with our parent company, Complete Merchant Solutions (CMS). Consolidating our services under the Nexio brand enables us to simplify processes and optimize the services we provide.
ever, the direct selling industry has proven its resilience over the last three years.
Breakout stars like industry mainstay PM-International celebrated its 29th year of consecutive growth. Herbalife Nutrition saw revenue top $5.2 billion and Amway, the number one direct selling brand in the world for the eleventh straight year, enjoyed revenues of $8.1 billion.
AMID THESE accomplishments, companies who only recently unlocked the best strategy to address the rapidly evolving marketplace post-pandemic, have now emerged from the chaos to face new and different challenges. Hot button topics like Generative AI, ChatGPT and the potential shift to incorporate omnichannel and affiliate model strategies into the existing direct selling structure are all swirling in the industry ether, presenting an interesting learning curve for executives.
At the spring session of Direct Selling University, more than 500 executives gathered to network with their peers and learn from 40 presenters who shared expert insight and the latest innovations regarding some of the most complicated challenges facing leaders today. Through their keynote
addresses, workshops and power-packed panels, attendees had the opportunity to learn from acquisition success stories, gain new perspective from tech leaders and discuss the power of an effective Amazon strategy.
“We kicked off the event with our invitation-only CEO Forum,” said Stuart Johnson, CEO, Direct Selling Partners, DSN and NOW Tech. “Eighty C-Level executives representing $50 billion in global revenue came together and shared their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing the channel in a private, relaxed and very candid open forum. Remarkably, over 70 percent of them were repeat attendees, and this group would not come back together unless they were getting tremendous, measurable value by taking the time to be in that room.”
STUART JOHNSON / CEO, Direct Selling Partners, DSN and NOW TechInspiring change at scale requires an open mindset and a safe environment to explore new concepts. At DSU, executives had the opportunity to learn from each other; share their experiences; and make new connections that will help them boldly lead and cast vision for their respective companies in 2023.
One way or another, all of us are in a state of evolution and, in some way or another, we are all in the middle of a revolution.
“One way or another, all of us are in a state of evolution. And, in some way or another, we are all in the middle of a revolution,” Johnson said. “Over two days, executives took time away from their day to day to rethink, reimagine, redefine and renew their commitment to the millions of entrepreneurs and customers that serve their companies on a daily basis. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but at DSN and DSU, we bring early reads on emerging ideas and trusted advice from vetted industry insiders and fresh ideas from new voices to inspire, spark change and collectively build a better future for our industry. I am confident that each executive left with at least one—if not five—gamechanging ideas or initiatives to take back and consider with their teams.”
}Stuart Johnson, CEO of Direct Selling Partners, DSN and NOW Tech, set the stage for candid conversations about the industry’s struggles, challenges and best practices, while highlighting the companies who exhibited three consecutive years of growth.
}Blake Mallen, Billion-Dollar BrandBuilding and Community Marketing Strategist, discussed the importance of being on the right side of disruption; why the velocity of innovation matters more than ever before; and how creating a platform can expand brand influence in exponential ways.
}Brandon White, File Finder Founder and CEO, examined the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT and offered new and innovative ways companies can leverage it to improve efficiency and cost savings.
}Brian Underwood, Prüvit CEO, talked about how leaders can create a brand that is built to last through becoming aware of the company they are becoming.
}Crayton Webb, Sunwest Communications Owner and CEO, spoke of the importance of telling positive stories to bank credibility for times of reputation crisis and shared the top five content categories that every team should be prioritizing.
}Curtis Call, Xyngular Chief Sales Officer, pointed out how consistency in behavior, routines and character mixed with “wow elements” build trust, resulting in relationships that help move a business forward.
}Emre Tuna, Farmasi Co-CEO and President, illustrated how to create a successful global expansion strategy and revealed his brand’s keys to an effective launch.
}Erin King, a Digital Persuasion Expert and Chief Digital Officer, shared key findings discovered from working with AI, including why specificity rules when relying on robots to develop content and why humans are still a critical part of working with these digital machines.
}Heather Chastain, Bridgehead Collective Founder and CEO and DSN Strategic Advisor, unveiled data discovered through a generational study of how different demographics perceive the direct selling industry, and proved the importance of combatting negative messages with age-specific language.
}Jeannie Price, USANA Executive Vice President of Sales Americas, Europe showed how USANA moved beyond competing to winning by embracing change; simplifying its compensation plan; and how affiliate marketing has enhanced their customer experience.
}Jesse McKinney, Red Aspen Co-Founder and CEO, discussed how they captured the younger demographic by reworking their product categories and packaging line to become more sustainable and Gen Z-friendly.
}John Wadsworth, Jr., Partner.Co Chief Brand Partner Officer, told the origin story of Partner.Co and how he and his team wove a number of disparate brands together to become one cohesive unit.
}Kent Wood, Amare Global CFO, shared the five prioritized pillars of Amare’s Year of Transformation, including changes in perceptions, culture, customer experience, brand and global business expansion strategies that led to positive 2022 results.
}Kindra Hall, Bestselling Author and Storytelling Expert, expressed how story helps brands connect with people and illustrate value and offered specific strategies companies can follow to tap into their own storytelling superpower.
}Kody Bateman, Promptings Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, explained how connecting with content on a constant basis can actually create disconnection and how companies can brand their mission with story to help people find and build community.
}Marc Ashley, Market America Worldwide/ SHOP.COM President and COO, discussed how leaders can protect their brands and intellectual property from unauthorized sellers by leveraging Amazon’s compliance technology, creating a zero-tolerance policy and developing a strategic approach to compete with and eradicate these unsanctioned sellers.
}Melissa Thompson, BELLAME Founder and CEO, explained how her company leaned into an “affiliate equipped and network marketing blessed” model that removed all fees to participate and reinvigorated their entrepreneurship opportunity.
}Noah Westerlund, NOW Technology President, gave a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the importance of a mapped-out sales system and how it can help companies properly onboard customers and distributors, measure results and make data-driven decisions.
}Onyx Coale, LifeWave Senior Presidential Director, reminded executives about the characteristics of hero products and why duplication is essential for success.
}Reco McCambry, Novae Founder, President and CEO, explained how FinTech is helping his company provide people with greater access to financial literacy, credit and capital to help close both the ownership gap and the wealth gap.
}Sheryl Adkins-Green, Mary Kay Chief Experience Officer, shared the governing principles behind the Mary Kay brand and how their founder’s example taught them to prioritize treating every person they encounter in a way that makes them feel important, valued and respected.
}Dawn Speaks, LimeLife by Alcone Regional Director and Gary Montalvo, LimeLife by Alcone Chief Development Officer, gave a leadership training masterclass that included their cheat sheet for the Three Laws of Performance.
}Heather Chastain hosted a New CEO Panel with Josh Paine, IDLife CEO; Warren Schlichting, LegalShield CEO; and Gene Tipps, Plexus CEO, to learn what keeps them up at night; how they help their people win; and what’s next for their companies.
}Stuart Johnson led a panel discussion with Terry LaCore, LACORE Enterprises Owner and CEO; Jared Turner, Amare Global CEO; and John Wadsworth, Jr., Partner.Co Chief Brand Partner Officer, to discover the motivations, strategies and surprises involved in their successful acquisition accomplishments that together represent $1 billion in revenue.
} A DSU Workshop panel featuring Amanda Tress, FASTer Way to Fat Loss Founder and CEO; Christina Helwig, AdvoCare Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing; Shanae Arave, ALIGN Co-Founder and CSO; Jesi Condor, ALIGN Co-Founder and CEO; and a Q & A session led by Heather Chastain and Stuart Johnson, discussed the benefits and hurdles faced as their brands successfully implemented an affiliate model.
}Wayne Moorehead hosted an Amazon Success Panel with Marc Ashley, Market America/SHOP.COM President and COO; Al Bala, Mannatech CEO and President; Blake Mallen, Billion-Dollar Brand - B uilding and Community Marketing Strategist and Jeannie Price, USANA Executive Vice President of Sales Americas, Europe, to discuss the role of Amazon in building customer trust; how to help distributors understand the vision behind an Amazon strategy; and the role strategic pricing plays in protecting value propositions. DSN
JESSE MCKINNEY / Co-Founder and CEO, Red Aspen AL BALA / CEO and President, MannatechHUNDREDS OF PEOPLE representing 53 companies around the world attended in person.
as direct selling companies and distributors continue to refine and redefine what it means to participate in the channel. While revenues for many companies remained flat or declined, several companies did report remarkable gains.
And—most importantly—companies across the industry continued to embrace and incorporate new methods of doing business to attract new people to the channel and to inspire current participants to expand their vision. There is much to celebrate.
And celebrate we did at the 14th DSN Global Celebration, a live hybrid event held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 in Frisco, Texas. It was an exciting night hosted by DSN Chief Brand Officer Shelley Rojas and DSN Strategic Advisor Heather Chastain. Hundreds of people representing 53 companies from around the world attended in person. And thousands more watched the event via free livestream. Awards and honors were revealed in several categories, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, the Bravo Awards and the DSN Global 100 List.
For only the third time, DSN bestowed its Lifetime Achievement Award. This prestigious award was given to a true legend in direct selling, Rudy Revak.
Rudy is the craftsman behind multiple highly successful direct selling companies including Symmetry and Xyngular, which he founded in 1995 and 2009 respectively and was instrumental in the acquisition and rebranding of PUREhaven in 2016. He’s also the Chairman and Founder of Global Ventures Partners, an investment capital firm committed to creating opportunities for common people to achieve uncommon results.
Born in Germany and the son of a World War II refugee, he escaped to America when he was just five years old. He’s a living breathing example of the American Dream in its purest, most inspirational form.
When asked to reflect on his years in the industry and what it has meant to him, Rudy spoke eloquently of the impact direct selling has had on his life. “I’ve loved this industry for all these years. I’m still in it because I love it—not just for what it has done for me, but for what it continues to do for so many people. It provides the opportunity for people to reach their dreams. I would do it all over again, 100 percent.”
The two previous recipients, John Fleming and Stan Frederick, were on hand to warmly welcome Rudy into this illustrious club. To read more about Rudy’s enduring legacy, please see page 60.
Each year the Bravo Awards panel recognizes companies for outstanding achievement and excellence in areas of leadership and the highest percentage of revenue growth. Specialty awards are also given to individuals and companies for their achievements in and service to the direct selling channel.
The Bravo Leadership Award is given to an individual, recognizing outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership of a direct selling executive. This year’s recipient was Rolf Sorg, Founder and CEO of PM-International in honor of his visionary leadership and strategic direction he has displayed throughout the 30-year history of the company. PM-International is now ranked #8 on the DSN Global 100 list with $2.55 billion in 2022 revenue and a presence in 45 countries.
The Bravo Global Good Award recognizes companies that take a proactive approach to environmental, philanthropic and social responsibility issues. This year the honor went to Arbonne. Arbonne is known for its passionate commitment to empowerment, transparency and sustainability. In 2022, Arbonne earned recertification for its B Corporation status. Among Arbonne’s recertification achievements are a reduction in water consumption globally by 60 percent; a 55 percent reduction in Scope I and II emissions since 2019; and a 42 percent decrease in electricity consumption since 2019.
DSN honored three companies with the Bravo Impact Award this year. The award recognizes the achievements of well-rounded companies that take a holistic, measured and incremental approach to growth, innovation and operational integrity and excellence. These companies positively impact their customers, distributors, staff, communities and the channel as a whole. They are helping to lead the way forward in shifting the public perception of direct selling.
The first award went to LegalShield. LegalShield has devoted the past 50 years to providing affordable assistance with everyday legal matters from wills and real estate to family law and consumer issues, as well as privacy management. LegalShield has served 4.5 million people and more than 140,000 businesses and taken over 50 million requests for legal services since its inception and has paid out over $1 billion in commissions over the past ten years.
The second Impact award honoree was Princess House. Celebrating their 60th anniversary this year, Princess House is marking this milestone with an unprecedented period of growth. They credit this success to creating a true partnership with the field. Their field, comprised mostly of Latina women, have embraced a new digital approach that has greatly expanded their reach. A streamlined product offering and a philosophy of training up has increased their overall order size by 40 percent.
The final recipient of the Impact Award was LimeLife by Alcone. Plunging ahead into the unexpected and refusing to fit in is part of this company’s DNA. Having started in 1952 selling stage makeup to Broadway performers, Alcone
eventually grew into a nationwide leader in professional makeup for the television, film and theatrical industries. The company’s commitment to quality, DEI-focused strategies and passion for female entrepreneurship is nothing short of inspirational!
Two Bravo Growth Awards were bestowed on domestic direct selling companies. This prestigious award celebrates the direct selling company with the highest year-over-year revenue growth on the Global 100 List. One is given to a product-based company, and another is given to a servicebased company.
This year’s product-based Bravo Growth Award was given to Princess House. This market leader in kitchenware and home goods grew 114 percent between 2019 and 2022.
The service-based award was given to eXp Realty for the third year in a row. The company has well over 85,000 independent agents worldwide and continues to grow at an exponential rate. In fact, this publicly traded company grew from $3.8 billion in 2021 to $4.6 billion in 2022. An $800 million-dollar increase representing 21 percent in year-over-year growth.
Two Bravo International Growth Awards were also announced. These were also given to one product-based company and one service-based company.
The product-based winner was no stranger to the Global Celebration stage. Based in Luxembourg, PM-International has enjoyed 29 years of continuous growth. They are on quite a run, growing from $1.7 billion in 2020 to $2.38 billion in 2021 and achieving $2.55 billion in 2022.
Utility Warehouse won in the service-based category. This UK-based company ranked #10 on the Global 100 this year.
DSN added two new awards to the Bravo line up this year. The first, the Bravo Innovator Award, recognizes direct selling companies that embrace and deploy the emerging technologies and futurefocused strategies that propel the company forward and serve as an inspiration of what’s possible. The inaugural Bravo Innovator Award was given to FASTer Way To Fat Loss.
The final award of the evening was the Bravo Excellence Award, another new award this year. This recognition is reserved for executives with a long history of leadership, excellence and integrity. These individuals are champions of the channel and positive mentors to all who serve it. The award was given to John Parker, Chief Sales Officer and Regional President West of Amway.
For more in-depth information of our Bravo Award winners, please see our expanded coverage starting on page 66.
One of the most eagerly anticipated announcements each year at the Global Celebration is the unveiling of the Global 100 list. This list determines the top direct selling companies in the world for 2022. Inclusion on the Global 100 has become a point of much-deserved pride.
The List offers a unique perspective on the global impact of the industry by recognizing companies’ revenue achievements. Recognition for each of these companies is the culmination of months of research and the cooperation of many individuals around the world.
This year’s DSN Global 100 list acknowledges 53 companies achieving more than $100 million in revenue for 2022. Full coverage of the list as well as analysis on important and emerging trends can be found starting on page 114.
The DSN Global Celebration is the industry awards event of the year—a night designed to celebrate, inspire and motivate! If you missed the broadcast, you can catch it on replay at DSNG100.com for a limited time. Gathering together in person creates an incredibly positive sense of community and energy within the room—the magic of those moments is definitely must-see viewing for supporters of the channel.
From the 53 thriving companies on the Global 100 List to the 11 Bravo Award winners and our Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Rudy Revak, DSN recognized the best of the best of the channel we all love and believe in.
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the hundreds in the room and thousands of viewers worldwide. And a sincere thank you to all our Supporter Companies and Supplier Sponsors for helping DSN provide this night of celebration, recognition and camaraderie. DSN
When one company succeeds, the entire channel benefits. It’s with that sensibility in mind that we developed the DSN Supporter Program in 2022 and welcomed dozens of companies, representing billions in cumulative revenue, committed to helping this channel grow and enhance its relevancy.
Our mission is to serve, educate and edify the channel as the daily resource for breaking global news, emerging trends and powerful stories. With DSN, it’s easy for direct selling executives to stay informed, engaged and always one step ahead.
Your support helps DSN continue to provide relevant information, exposure, edification and education for companies and executives to help evolve the channel forward for the global community.
I appreciate DSN’s tireless work to report the news around direct selling, but also how they share the positive stories surrounding it. DSN is a reputable and powerful voice that always strives to edify the channel and highlight the direct selling companies that are doing the right things.
*For a complete list of benefits by level, visit directsellingnews.com.
THE DSN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is not given out annually. It is reserved for the true legends of direct selling—those time-tested titans that have shaped the channel and inspired its leadership for decades. The third-ever recipient of this prestigious award is Rudy Revak, the craftsman behind multiple highly successful companies including Symmetry and Xyngular.
RUDY REVAK’S LAUNCH into the direct selling industry began with a cold call from a total stranger.
A German refugee, Revak was raised on a chicken farm in New Jersey, where his parents, Hungarian and Romanian refugees themselves, fled after the war. Revak was attending school on the GI Bill after returning from Vietnam and working fulltime in retail when he received a phone call inviting him to a business presentation that would ultimately change his life.
Revak drove 60 miles to attend that meeting and watched as the man in the front of the room wrote “$30,000” on the board. Revak remembers the man went on to draw circles and squares, explaining discounts and how to build a business, but it was all a blur.
“I didn’t understand any of it,” Revak shared. “I was just focused on the $30,000. If they could show me how to make that—I was in.”
While Revak was desperate for opportunity, this one came with a catch—and not a small one: buy-in would cost him $3,217. “I was 23. I had no money, and my family had no money, but I was excited.”
Revak’s enthusiasm was catching, and his father saw the potential. “They’re showing you how to work smart, not hard,” Revak remembered his father explaining. But $3,217 was out of the question. No one in his family had that amount of money lying around.
A few days later, Revak’s father handed him a check to cover the buy-in costs. He had gone to the bank without his son’s knowledge and leveraged his home and farm to borrow the money. “When he brought me that check, he told me, ‘I want you to have the chance that I never had.’”
Revak’s buy-in bought him a basement full of soap, which, he admits, did not make for instant success. But a combination of his German work ethic and mentorship by natural salesmen, like Marty Day, Bill Bailey and Jim Rohn, gave him the boost he needed. Revak was promoted to area coordinator in Maryland, where he became one of the top five area coordinators in the country. Business was booming. Before his next promotion, the company’s leadership asked him if he would be willing to go to Germany as an assistant vice president—a leap over his scheduled promotion—where his team and overall revenues grew as well.
I have always had the courage to try.
Revak quickly became the company’s go-to leader. After Germany, he helped grow markets in Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain and Mexico. During a leadership stint in Canada, he was introduced to what would become the foundation for later ventures: nutritional supplementation.
In 1995, Rudy launched his own company, Symmetry, a health and wellness organization, then Xyngular in 2009, a company based on a single-line compensation plan and single product, which he eventually merged into one company. Revak then led the acquisition and rebranding of PUREhaven in 2016.
“I have always had the courage to try,” he shared. “I had to learn the business; how to communicate with people; and how to sell. I had to overcome the fear of talking to people. People joining today have the same fears.”
As he looks back over his career, Revak can point to four core beliefs and behaviors that have helped propel him to decades of success.
Growing up on a chicken farm, Revak learned early on that hard work was essential. When the chicken feeder broke, he remembers his father telling him to go figure out how to fix it. Knowing how to work hard—even when you don’t feel up to the challenge—was his first key to success.
There are plenty of opportunities for today’s direct sellers to feel down about themselves, and Revak has watched as the world has become accustomed to putting people down and telling them what they can’t accomplish.
“People have a hard time believing in themselves,” he explained. “They think it takes a special person to do uncommon things, but it doesn’t. It’s just ordinary people who do the most incredible, unique things in this world.”
People don’t buy your products; they buy you. This mantra has been integral for Revak as he has led and built teams across the world. When direct sellers are energized by their mission, the people they are talking to can’t help but join them. He believes people follow feelings over facts, so enthusiasm is essential.
People think it takes a special person to do uncommon things, but it doesn’t. It’s just ordinary people who do the most incredible, unique things in this world. —RUDY REVAK
REVAK IS STILL highly engaged in the industry as a mentor and leader. In his spare time, he flies his small airplane, rides motorcycles and drives race cars.
This is where Revak believes the magic is found. Over breakfast early in his career, Revak recalls a mentor asking him why his sales were dismal. After rattling off excuses, his mentor handed him ten paper clips to keep in his left pocket. Every time he talked to a person, the mentor instructed him, he could move a paperclip to his right pocket. At the end of the day, he had better have moved all ten.
“It got me into the activity of what I needed to do,” Revak remembered. “Suddenly, I didn’t care about ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ My goal was to move those paperclips. In this industry, if you can get people consistently working their business and sharing the message, sooner or later they’ll find others who will join them.”
Revak is still highly engaged in the industry as a mentor and leader. In his spare time, he flies his small airplane, rides motorcycles and drives race cars. To Revak, age isn’t a good reason to stop doing what he enjoys.
He lives in the Houston area with his supportive wife, Pam. His son, Brandon and wife Michelle, live just 10 houses away. Revak feels fortunate to live so close to his three grandchildren who are the lights of his life.
“I’ve loved this industry for all these years. I’m still in it because I love it—not just for what it has done for me, but for what it continues to do for so many people. It provides the opportunity for people to reach their dreams. People will ask me when I’m going to retire, and I say, ‘From what? I love what I do.’ This industry has changed my whole life. I would do it all over again, 100 percent.”
DSN congratulates Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Rudy Revak. Thank you for over 50 years of excellence, integrity, leadership and vision. DSN
EACH YEAR, the DSN Bravo Awards panel recognizes companies for outstanding achievement and excellence in all areas of leadership and the highest percentage of revenue growth year-over-year. Additional awards are also given to individuals and companies for their achievements and service in the direct selling channel.
This year, DSN gave out more Bravo Awards than ever before. We are thrilled to honor the very best in direct selling and congratulate this year’s winners. Their commitment to excellence, integrity, prosperity, social responsibility and transparency serves as a constant reminder of both the power and the possibility of the direct selling channel.
THIS YEAR’S BRAVO LEADERSHIP AWARD was given to Rolf Sorg, Founder and CEO of PM-International in honor of the visionary leadership and strategic direction he has always displayed throughout the 30-year history of the company.
When asked to explain his thoughts on leadership, Rolf shared that he believes there are no born leaders. Becoming a leader requires overcoming obstacles; learning how to build relationships and teams; and developing behaviors that inspire others to grow.
“Whenever you face a challenge, it’s like resistance,” Rolf explained. “You have to work against resistance and learn from your mistakes. No pain; no gain.”
Rolf has had plenty of opportunities to grow through challenges. As a young man, he was in an apprencticeship to become a car mechanic, repairing cars in his spare time to earn extra money with the motto of “Twice as good at half the price.” Before long, he had a long list of loyal customers and a healthy income, but a severe injury during a repair that crushed his jaw sent him in a new direction.
Working as a car mechanic wasn’t his future, he decided, and he chose to devote himself to his studies in order to take over the family business from his father one day instead. But life was a far cry from his previously elevated standard of living. While his in-demand car repair side hustle had provided spending cash before university, he lived in cramped quarters in student housing and had little extra money as soon as he started his studies. This downsized lifestyle made him especially eager to find new income opportunities.
So, when he had a chance encounter with a tradesman who was driving his dream car, Rolf couldn’t help but ask him how he could afford such a luxury item on a meager paycheck. His answer: direct sales.
“I was a shy guy, but I had a burning desire to change something in my life. There’s nothing you’re willing to work harder for than a lifestyle you’ve already experienced.”
Rolf describes the decision to become a distributor as an easy one. While he was excited for the opportunity, it didn’t change the fact that he struggled with self-confidence in the fledgling years of his career.
“No one likes to hear ‘no.’ Psychologically it takes a piece of your self-confidence. In the end, it’s about how big your vision, goals and desire are and your willingness to overcome the obstacles. Those can make you do something, even if you know in the first moments it will be painful.”
Through perseverance, Rolf became the top earner in his company, personally driving roughly half of the company’s revenue. This success built his confidence and the experience gave him new skill sets as a leader and entrepreneur. After a company he was working for went bankrupt, Rolf purchased their remaining stock and launched his own venture which ultimately became PM-International.
The decisions that followed would not be quite as simple. Launching PM-International required a sizable investment. And while he had socked away about $500,000, launching correctly would require his entire life savings, plus another $500,000 loan.
“I was willing to take the risk,” Rolf remembered. “If it didn’t work out, that would be it. I would be done. I started with Plan A with zero space for Plan B.”
“ There’s nothing you’re willing to work harder for than a lifestyle you’ve already experienced.
PM-International was taking shape, and the numbers looked incredibly profitable on paper. But in reality, the company had almost no liquidity. And Rolf was having to negotiate with banks to help stay afloat. It was a challenge he spent months trying to hash out in solitude, until he finally called his father, who determined the problem within four hours.
Rolf had a receivables issue. Bills that weren’t being paid were still showing up in the books, which meant that even though Rolf was not receiving money, he was paying taxes as though he had. “I learned a lesson and changed everything. Twelve months later we were debt free and that has never changed.”
PM-International quickly implemented a strict no-debt policy, and Rolf’s father was brought on as a mentor. Rolf also reorganized the structure of his workdays. Instead of focusing all his attention on what he calls the fun factor—sales and marketing tasks he loves to do, he splits his days in half, devoting 50 percent of his attention to the tedium of financial controlling, purchasing and logistics.
While these changes may have been prompted by errors in the past, Rolf views this learning process as an integral part of being an authentic and powerful leader. Perfection is never the goal, in his opinion, but rather a constant pursuit of doing his best.
“Sharing my own mistakes makes it easier for people to understand and draws them closer,” Rolf shared. “If I presented myself as a hero, that’s not reality, and it’s not true. Others would get nothing out of that.”
Rolf’s big risk has paid off. PM-International is now ranked #8 on the DSN Global 100 list with $2.55 billion in 2022 revenue and a presence in 45 countries. Operating as subsidiaries in these markets, PM-International takes the steps to register their products with each country, making sure they operate legally and have a physical warehouse footprint. “That takes principles, values and ethics. We believe if you are trading products there, you should be present,” Rolf explained. There would be less risk involved with keeping some distance from these new markets, but Rolf is, of course, not one to shy away from risk. Running towards challenges when necessary has become a theme of his leadership style. It’s an approach that was potentially best exemplified during a legal battle he took on against the digital goliath Google—and won.
“Success happens outside of our comfort zones, and I’m just a guy who takes the bull by the horns, never out of fear,” Rolf said. “My lawyers told me it was like the mouse and the elephant, but no one else was doing it. If I believed that what they were doing was not OK, and was not only hurting me but others all over the world, then I had to stand up for our rights. At the end of the day—if I’m serving, that’s why I’m earning.”
DSN congratulates Rolf on 30 years of visionary leadership and continuous growth DSN
If I presented myself as a hero, that’s not reality, and it’s not true. Others would get nothing out of that.
THROUGHOUT ITS 60-year history, Princess House has been known for breaking down barriers. Originally geared towards offering business opportunities to women in the 1960s, the company has grown and evolved along with women’s rapidly changing roles in society in the decades since. And when a global pandemic presented unexpected changes to every part of the economy in the spring of 2020, Princess House continued to roll with the punches. The company not only survived the COVID-19 pandemic, it also experienced such tremendous year-over-year growth that it earned the Bravo Growth Award for product-based companies
“It’s the ultimate award,” said Lynne Coté, the Princess House CEO who took the helm of the company in January 2020, just weeks before the U.S. began quarantine measures against the spread of COVID-19. “Ultimately, growth is our goal, so the Growth Award is just icing on the cake.”
Princess House, a market leader in kitchenware and home goods, grew 114% between 2019 and 2022.
Coté attributes much of this growth to the company’s structure and vision. “We’ve created a strategic plan that we call a journey vision. We like to keep all arrows going in one direction. Even through all of the chaos of the day to day, we kept that laser focus on our strategic plan. I think that’s why we’ve been successful and why we continue to be successful.”
Pre-pandemic, the Princess House field still embraced a traditional way of working a direct selling, kitchen-product business: in-person demonstrations. Although this model worked well for years, it had become limiting over time. For example, focusing on in-person sales prevented the Princess House business from expanding geographically. Before the pandemic, the company mainly did business in California and Texas.
When pandemic safety measures brought in- person selling to an abrupt end, Princess House knew that to survive, the field would have to adopt a new strategy. For most consultants, this meant venturing into the unknown and perhaps the uncomfortable.
“We like to say out of chaos comes opportunity, and we had an attentive audience who were ready to learn,” Coté said. “They opened their attitude toward ‘we’re going to try.’”
“ We like to say out of chaos comes opportunity, and we had an attentive audience who were ready to learn.
—LYNNE COTÉ / President and CEO
The right attitude can move mountains, and that’s what happened as Princess House consultants began moving their businesses from in-person to online. While the pandemic presented situations that could have hindered the growth of home-based business, the company figured out ways to turn those potential obstacles into solutions.
Because consultants’ children were at home during the pandemic, the company encouraged consultants to get their kids in on the action. Promoting business on social media requires dependence on technology, so tech-savvy kids and teens helped their consultant-parents make videos.
Before long, Princess House consultants working their businesses through social media realized they were making more money in less time. And the geographical boundaries in both selling and recruiting were eliminated.
“That really resonated with them,” Coté said. “They saw that they were working smarter and not harder, and that they could do business anywhere.”
As the world began to open up and quarantine measures were relaxed, Princess House consultants realized they could then balance their newly acquired social media marketing skills with a return to in-person strategies—growing their businesses even more.
Stefani Shea, Vice President of Marketing, said this “both-and” strategy creates an effective balance of the efficiency of social media with the personal touch of in-person interaction. She also said the growth at Princess House doesn’t have the company resting on its laurels.
“During the pandemic, the hotels weren’t full, so they renovated,” Shea shared. “It’s the same with Princess House. We were working on growth projects in the background. We were continuing to follow that strategic road map. We built technologies, and now those are coming online. Now we can leverage the momentum and continue that growth into the future.”
Princess House has been building on this momentum to open in Mexico, where Coté said the company is growing and thriving. “Through this process, we became a very dynamic organization. We look at data every day, and if we need to shift, we shift. Now we have a clear vision of what’s going to happen with cookware, for example, over the next two years. We are in the process of launching four journey visions in different departments. The momentum keeps moving us forward. It’s a process that works.”
Congratulations to the Princess House team on this prestigious award. DSN
THE REAL ESTATE MARKET has seen tremendous ups and downs in the last few years—wildly fluctuating interest rates and evolving pandemic buying and selling trends to name just a few. But eXp Realty, with its completely virtual model and industry-disrupting compensation plan, has not only weathered those hills and valleys, but thrived throughout them.
At the recent Global Celebration, eXp was honored with its third consecutive Bravo Growth Award for domestic service-based companies, given to the direct sales service-based company with the highest year-over-year growth percentage. This publicly traded real estate company grew from $3.8 billion to $4.6 billion in 2022, adding another $800 million last year to achieve 21 percent year-over-year growth. With over 85,000 independent agents worldwide, eXp Realty is positioned for yet another year of stellar growth.
Glenn Sanford, Founder & CEO of eXp, upended the real estate industry in 2009 when he launched eXp Realty, a completely virtual brokerage offering agents a new way to do business from anywhere. As an agent himself in a traditional real estate agency in the early 2000s, Sanford had experienced the frustrations and limitations of agency life—desk and franchise fees that he had no control over and an income level that didn’t seem to budge no matter how many millions in deals he brought in.
The industry was ready for a remodel. In direct contrast to the way things had always been done, his new company would empower agents to build wealth through multiple levers, including commission, revenue share and stock offerings. Agents would be treated more like shareholders with equity in the company and an 80/20 commission split. The remodel was a risk that continues to pay off for Sanford and his team and the tens of thousands of agents worldwide.
which is now the model for many newer brokerage firms across the industry. As we iterate on the agent value proposition, our focus is to modernize our infrastructure for the next generation of real estate agents,” Sanford explained. “Our cloud-based model and solid financial foundation enable us to continue investing in synergistic products and technologies that lay the groundwork for the future, while delivering an enhanced agent experience today.”
eXp Realty went public in 2013; reached 10,000 agents five years later; expanded internationally in 2019; and ended 2022 with over 85,000 agents and 24 global locations. While the
company’s momentum is staggering and shows no signs of abating, Sanford and his team have built an infrastructure and leadership lineup to comfortably handle this kind of explosive growth.
“Since late 2018, we’ve really upgraded our team and stayed ahead of the growth,” Sanford said. “We had to really invent our way to scale because no one had really scaled this fast in the history of real estate. Any system built pre-eXp was not designed to scale as fast as we scaled.”
The company’s 2023 looks to be just as exciting, with solid Q1 financial results, a recent partnership with Realty.com and new leadership team and Board of Directors appointments. But the company’s growth continues to be built on the power of its agency-focused business model. Staying true to its original industry-redefining vision, eXp announced its 2022 revenue share and agent equity payout figures this spring. According to the company, eXp distributed more profit/ revenue share benefits last year to agents and brokers than any other real estate brokerage model or platform—increasing revenue share to agents 20 percent to $202 million in 2022.
“When eXp Realty was founded, we set out to build the most agent-centric brokerage that solved the biggest pain point in real estate for agents,” shared Sanford. “Historically, agents were generally not offered meaningful ownership in the brokerages they were part of and the profit/ revenue sharing models didn’t provide a viable path to potential retirement for the vast majority of agents. Our model and core business has proven to be sustainable in both good and bad markets. More importantly, it proves that we are delivering on the promise we made to agents when eXp was founded in 2009. By building the most agentcentric real estate brokerage on the planet, we continue to grow, improving the lives of agents around the world.”
DSN congratulates Glenn Sanford and the entire eXp team on their third consecutive Bravo Growth Award. DSN
“ We had to really invent our way to scale because no one had really scaled this fast in the history of real estate.
—GLENN SANFORD / Founder & CEO of eXp Realty
THE BRAVO INTERNATIONAL GROWTH AWARD is awarded to the international direct selling company with the highest revenue growth year-over-year.
This year the award was given to both a product-focused company and a service-focused company. The product award was given to PM‑International for the third consecutive year.
Over the course of three decades, the way people shop has radically evolved. More than that, in-person connections have been thwarted in the face of a shared global public health crisis. To not only survive but thrive, leaders have had to alter their strategies; focus on the evolving marketplace; and transform business as usual into an approach that meets customers where they are and where they want to go. Keeping up and getting ahead of these ever-changing trends means forward-thinking companies not only have to consider expanding their geographical footprints but their digital ones as well.
Investing in this level of innovation has been one of the keys to success for PM-International, a developer of premium products for health, fitness and beauty. Whether it’s developing its FitLine App, which offers independent distributors with a complete back office from their smartphone or its true virtual sales model across 45 countries and 35 subsidiaries, PM-International has illustrated how to capitalize on the present market conditions while investing in the future.
Based in Luxembourg, the company broke through the billion-dollar ceiling in 2019 and has yet to lose steam. This year marks the company’s 30th anniversary, and while that alone is an enviable milestone worth celebrating, PM-International now has an even more impressive feat to add to its reputation: 29 consecutive years of growth.
In 2022, PM-International saw seven percent growth in revenue year over year, reaching $2.55 billion in sales and ranking it as the eighth highest earning direct selling company in the world.
The last three years in particular have created a challenging growth environment, but PM- International continued to shine. In 2020, as the shared global health crisis unfurled, Rolf Sorg, PM- International Founder and CEO, rallied his team and emphasized the importance of consistency. As some markets basically shut down and others adopted unique legal regulations for shipping and travel, Sorg implemented a solution-oriented focus that led to quick, proactive decisions and minimal lag time.
That year, the company posted an 88 percent increase in sales within the Americas; a 54 percent boost in overall annual sales; and total revenue of $1.71 billion. In 2021, that number grew an additional 35 percent, reaching an annual revenue of $2.35 billion. In total, the company has sold more than 800 million products.
“My plan from the beginning was to build a company for generations, not just for years,” Sorg shared. “I’m proud of what we have accomplished, but I know that there is still much work to be done. As we look to the future, we will continue to invest in research and development to bring new and innovative products to the market and expand our global reach. But most importantly, we will remain strongly committed to our mission of making a positive impact on people’s lives around the world.”
My plan from the beginning was to build a company for generations, not just for years.
—ROLF SORG / PM-International Founder and CEO
Building sustainable growth across three decades has required a strong commitment to the company’s core values and Sorg’s vision. Part of that vision is a pledge to be debt free. Without the pressures of debt and with a high EBITDA, the company has the flexibility to invest profits into new strategies that allow it to stay competitive without threatening the stability of necessary day-to-day operations and overhead costs.
When the company’s pickup locations called Direct Sales Centers (DSCs) had to close during the pandemic, Sorg and his team were able to quickly implement the hiring of thousands of couriers for direct delivery. This was an incredibly expensive task, but it was one that allowed the company to keep its promises to distributors and customers during an uncertain time. Having strong fiscal health gave the leaders the freedom to act quickly, which resulted in satisfied customers and a bolstered reputation.
“We, of course, always think about costs in such situations, but we act in the interest of our distribution partners and customers,” said Wolfgang Klaer, PM-International General Manager International Sales and Support. “They are accustomed to receiving their products on time and reliably. Their satisfaction has had and will in the future definitely have priority. As a family-owned company, it is precisely here that we can take advantage of our strengths.”
PM-International knows how to scale quickly, take smart risks and manage change effectively. With a customer-obsessed model and a shared culture that prioritizes service, the company’s strong record of growth is poised to continue gaining momentum.
DSN congratulates PM-International on three decades of continuous growth and its third consecutive Bravo International Growth Award. DSN
TILITY WAREHOUSE, which is owned by Telecom Plus (TEP), operates in the essential home services market in the United Kingdom. As the only multiservice utility provider in the country to offer customers energy, broadband, mobile and insurance, Utility Warehouse serves a growing customer base of more than 800,000 households.
This growth has resulted in Utility Warehouse being honored as a DSN Bravo International Growth Award winner for the service sector. This is awarded to the international direct selling company with the highest revenue growth year-over-year in both product and service categories.
Bundling services is Utility Warehouse’s key differentiator and allows customers to save time and money by collating many services into one single monthly bill, removing the hassle of multiple accounts, passwords and interactions with providers.
This wide-reaching impact is a sharp contrast from the company’s humble beginnings. Founded in 1996 as Telecom Plus, the company originally operated from a pub in Henley-on-Thames just outside London. In 1997, it launched its flagship product, the Smart Box, which plugged into phone sockets and routed calls to networks at a cheaper rate. In 2002, the company founded Utility Warehouse to also cover its energy, broadband and telephone services.
The company continued to expand in popularity and growth and was soon listed on the London Stock Exchange and became a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.
In the financial year 2023, customer numbers increased by 157,000 to 887,000 and service numbers by 533,000 to 2.8 million. This growth was achieved organically and is a noteworthy accomplishment in and of itself. But this advancement is all the more astonishing, considering this growth happened in only one country. Today, the company ranks 10th on the DSN Global 100 list.
The company’s philanthropic efforts are led by the UW Foundation, which plants a tree on behalf of every customer who signs up to take advantage of all the company’s service offerings. So far, the company has planted more than 117,500 trees, a feat the company describes in British terms as the equivalent area of 73 Wembley Stadium pitches and is an investment over time that has helped absorb more than 32,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
This philanthropic focus has also led the company to match all money raised for disadvantaged communities close to its offices in London, Bolton and Bournemouth, as well as offer a Warm Home Discount to vulnerable customers and sign language services for the hearing impaired.
Utility Warehouse has also expanded its savings opportunities for customers with the UW Cashback Card, which offers customers up to 10 percent cashback when they use the card through the program’s participating retailers and one percent on all other expenditures when they subscribe to all their services through UW. Cashback earned is then applied as credit to the customer’s UW bill. More than 300,000 cardholders have already signed up to save through this program.
“We live in a world where the nine-to-five job is no longer the norm and more people are looking for ways to top up their salary; find more flexible ways of working; and beat the cost-of-living crisis,” said Andrew Lindsay, Utility Warehouse Co-CEO. “Up and down the UK, more and more people are
turning to side hustles and second jobs to make ends meet, learn new skills and pursue their passions. At Utility Warehouse, we have long believed in the power of entrepreneurship and helping people get on in life. More than 25 years ago, we launched our unique word-of-mouth partner model and since then, it has enabled tens of thousands of people to start their own business and earn a second income around their main job, other commitments or the school run.”
DSN congratulates Utility Warehouse on its phenomenal year and Bravo International Growth award. DSN
Up and down the country, more and more people are turning to side hustles and second jobs to make ends meet, learn new skills and pursue their passions. At Utility Warehouse, we have long believed in the power of entrepreneurship and helping people get on in life.
—ANDREW LINDSAY / Utility Warehouse Co-CEO
THE BRAVO IMPACT AWARD honors the achievements of companies that take a holistic, measured and incremental approach to growth, innovation and operational integrity and excellence. LegalShield certainly exemplifies each of these qualities. LegalShield has devoted the past half-century to providing affordable assistance with everyday legal matters from wills and real estate to family law and consumer issues, as well as privacy management. To date, LegalShield currently serves 4.5 million people and more than 140,000 businesses. The company has taken 50 million requests for legal services since its inception, and it has paid out over $1 billion in commissions over the past ten years.
And it’s all driven by a passion for justice and empowerment of people
For Don Thompson, President of Network Division, the work LegalShield does comes down to one thing: empowering every person. “We empower people so they can focus more on justice than the cost of attaining it. It helps people make better everyday decisions.”
Many people will need to deal with things such as legal contracts and home buying in their lifetimes. Although these are typical life events, people are not automatically experts in these areas. LegalShield provides access to information that can give people confidence and security in their choices while preventing major legal situations.
As Thompson explained, “We focus on practical things such as reviewing a contract; writing a letter on someone’s behalf; representing people in traffic court; estate planning—everyday situations we all encounter that can still have legal ramifications to consider. That’s really where having a LegalShield membership provides the most value.”
Thompson describes the company as a paradigm shift. While many people think they have to hire an attorney and pay large amounts of money for legal services, LegalShield offers a more accessible, commonsense approach. And it’s the primary reason why LegalShield has shown such staying power throughout its existence.
“Legal services have been around in some capacity for hundreds of years. As long as there are people dealing with each other, there will be legal situations. And the services we market provide an affordable, trusted solution.”
LegalShield also offers a stable entrepreneurship opportunity. Most of the top associates have been with the company for more than 20 years. The tremendous residual compensation plan and vibrant leadership training set LegalShield apart in the industry. Warren Schlichting, the company’s CEO, came on board in December 2022 with a renewed focus on recruiting and membership growth.
“We’re experiencing explosive growth right now,” Thompson shared. “Recruiting and production are up, and there’s a lot of optimism for renewal in our company. There’s been a tremendous energy and enthusiasm, and that’s translated into some phenomenal recruiting numbers.”
Having been with LegalShield for more than half of its existence, Thompson understands the power of the opportunity. He started in the field, where he built a successful business. He joined the corporate side five years ago but still works with his team daily. It also provides him a unique perspective on what motivates (and demotivates) the field, allowing him to act as an important bridge between field and corporate.
The company’s leadership team understands the value of close connections between corporate and the field. This is why the corporate office stays in close contact with the company’s associates. Corporate leaders meet often with the Platinum Council, made up of top associates.
This communication is even easier with the company’s recent investments in technology, which has also taken the LegalShield membership experience to the next level. The robust membership app, which offers quick and easy ways to schedule appointments with attorneys and take photos— among other features—removes a lot of the hassle of dealing with legal issues and has simplified and streamlined distributor’s daily activities.
Another notable aspect of LegalShield is the company’s commitment to empowering people beyond its own offices and field. Based in Ada, Oklahoma, LegalShield gives the largest annual donation to United Way of Pontotoc County, an organization that contributes to 14 local causes. Many of the company’s top associates contribute to charities, and some have even founded charities of their own. “Not only are we making an impact with our services and opportunity, but in our local community and around the world,” Thompson said.
Preparation and peace of mind are what LegalShield have become known for. And while advancements in technology have streamlined the process over the years, the company has always remained laser-focused on its initial mission and purpose: justice for all.
DSN congratulates LegalShield on over five decades of excellence, service, integrity, growth and innovation. DSN
Not only are we making an impact with our services and opportunity, but in our local community and around the world.
—DON THOMPSON / President of Network Division
RINCESS HOUSE IS CELEBRATING 60 years in business with a richly celebrated Diamond Anniversary and a Bravo Impact Award. The Bravo Impact Award recognizes the achievements of companies that take a holistic, measured and incremental approach to growth, innovation and operational integrity and excellence. Their 60-year success story clearly reflects these qualities.
“The first 60 years were positioning us for the future,” said President and CEO Lynne Coté. “We want to stay focused on how this anniversary year will lead us to 60 more. This is a remarkable milestone for any company.”
Princess House is marking six decades of success with a fresh, new logo; anniversary incentive trip; and year-long promotion, “Share the Wonder.” And Coté promises other surprises throughout the year to mark the company’s past triumphs and successes yet to come.
She attributes Princess House’s staying power to its dedicated base of consultants, the majority of which are Latina
“Our consultants have a strong loyalty factor to the products and the company,” Coté shared. “Our products are of exceptional quality, and consultants know they can trust that quality. The amount we have invested into this community has come back to Princess House tenfold.”
This investment includes leadership development so leaders can work smarter and be more effective for their teams. This commitment to leadership growth played a pivotal role when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020.
Previously the Princess House sales model relied primarily on in-person parties. Under the leadership of Coté, who had joined the company just two months before the quarantine stopped typical American life in its tracks, Princess House quickly worked to acclimate consultants to a digitalfirst business.
“We embraced the chaos,” said Coté. “Consultants knew they could rely on us to guide them through. It gave them freedom to try.”
This ability to switch gears, think differently and take risks is something Coté brought to the table when she joined in January 2020.
“Before the pandemic, we were very concentrated in certain geographies,” Coté said. “Once consultants realized they could sell outside those immediate geographic areas, so many barriers went away. That is a huge shift.”
Risk taking has been a consistent theme throughout Princess House’s 60-year story. The company opened in 1963 by offering the highest quality home products and a unique business opportunity for women, whose career options were limited at the time. In the decades since, women’s role in society and business has changed drastically in a relatively short period of time, and Princess House has kept up.
“Our Founder, Charlie Collis, believed the American housewife had so much potential. He wanted those women to be treated like princesses,” Coté said
Over the years, as the country, culture and society shifted—and as the Princess House demographics changed—the company evolved as well. But those early guiding principles remained.
Today, Princess House consultants share stories of the college educations they have been able to provide for their children. The company’s business opportunity has opened doors to realities some of these consultants had never imagined.
“Our Latina consultants can do business in their own language and grow and develop into leadership roles in their own time,” Stefani Shea, Vice President of Marketing, explained. “This is something they value far beyond any other business opportunity. Charlie saw it in 1963, and we see it now with this population. They are overcoming amazing obstacles to provide their families with that dream.”
While Princess House is turned toward the next 60 years, company leaders also know the importance of focusing on the present. Shea said this contributes to the company’s ability to stand out as a business. “You can become so fixated on trying to get the next customer that you lose sight of the customer you have today. We focus on supporting the businesses we have today, too,” Shea said.
There is no “us and them” between the home office and consultant base. Instead, Princess House has developed a series of councils where consultants serve to strengthen this partnership. These include a product council, a CEO council and a social media council.
As Princess House steps into the next 60 years of business, the company’s leaders look forward to expanding their product line, growing business in its new market of Mexico, and—with so many consultants having moved their business online in 2020—technology upgrades.
Most importantly, Princess House will continue to carry on Charlie Collis’ vision from 1963: to recognize consultants’ potential and giving them no limit on what they can accomplish.
“We are seeing our consultants rewrite the story of their own lives,” Shea said. “We still treat our consultants like Charlie told us to. We are PHamily.”
DSN is thrilled to honor Princess House with the Bravo Impact Award for 60 years of success and many more to come. DSN
MALLARDI to do something? Tell them not to do it.
Case in point: when Gay and Mallardi decided to generate a new hybrid model under one compensation plan in which LimeLife’s Beauty Guides could build their businesses with or without recruiting, naysayers warned against it. But the Co-Founders charged ahead.
“We know who we are, and we know we’re different. If we try to fit ourselves into what everyone else is doing in direct sales, it can feel disingenuous. When we focus on who we are as a company and who we’re trying to be, it doesn’t make sense to demand structure from people,” Gay explained.
LimeLife by Alcone recently received the Bravo Impact Award which honors the achievements of companies that take a holistic, measured and incremental approach to growth, innovation and operational integrity and excellence. Their story clearly embodies these values.
Plunging ahead into the unexpected and refusing to fit in is part of Limelife by Alcone’s DNA. It’s also Gay’s life story. Originally a microbiology major in college, she became a teacher and then a stay-at-home mom.
“I don’t think like a businessperson,” she shared. “I lean into the passion and then the results show. The wellness of our field is a priority rather than demanding performance from our Beauty Guides. It’s what’s created this rise to the top.”
Having started in 1952 selling stage makeup to Broadway performers, Alcone eventually grew into a nationwide leader in professional makeup for the television, film and theatrical industries. In 2015, Gay and her niece Mallardi launched LimeLife by Alcone to distribute cosmetics and natural skincare products as a direct selling company.
“We have a very different way of thinking about products,” Gay explained. “We tend to have professional-grade formulas and products that have a lot more pigmentation so they’re easier to use. When it comes to our skincare, we’re looking for the best ingredients and—most importantly—they have to be safe for women to use.”
Safe, high-quality products are just part of LimeLife’s mission. The company also values empowering people by developing entrepreneurship in a nurturing, collaborative environment. This is where the Fempire Fund comes in. An investment fund which gives capital, coaching and resources to four female business owners, the Fempire Fund also connects these business owners with the company’s worldwide network of Beauty Guides.
Businesses selected for the portfolio meet three or more of the following criteria:
n Owned and led by a woman;
n Provide products or services that help elevate women’s confidence or income earning potential;
n Has a sustainable competitive advantage;
n Has revenue streams and is on a path to profitability;
n Owner has a compelling story and synergies with LimeLife’s distributor network.
Gay and Mallardi were inspired to launch the Fempire Fund after their own experience seeking funding as female business owners. Even though LimeLife generated a phenomenal $87 million in sales during its first three years, the Co-Founders had trouble finding funding for the company. “I did research and saw that less than three percent of women are able to get capital, even though female CEOs outperform their male counterparts,” Gay shared.
The fund will close and pay out to Beauty Guides in 2024, and the Co-Founders are considering extending the idea beyond LimeLife and potentially partnering with other direct selling companies.
It wouldn’t be the first time LimeLife had extended a hand to a supposed “competitor.” Gay recently provided a team-building program for Scout & Cellar, a direct sales company devoted to creating and delivering high-quality wine. She had met Scout & Cellar Founder and CEO Sarah Shadonix and Epicure CEO Amelia Warren on a DSN podcast.
“Afterward, I reached out to them and said do you want to get together and talk?” Gay remembered. “Now we meet every quarter for a few hours. We’re always looking at ways to support and help each other grow.”
Because the three women’s respective companies represent cosmetics, wine and food, these meetings have become known as “Lips, Sips and Dips.”
Together, Gay and Mallardi have grown a company that continues to invest in its Beauty Guides through extensive onboarding, coaching and training. They envision an exciting future, and not just for LimeLife.
“The traditional career model just does not work for so many women,” Gay said. “Quarantine showed you don’t have to go to an office to do your job. We’re going to see a huge shift, and direct selling is going to be at the forefront of it.”
Congratulations to Gay, Mallardi and the entire LimeLife by Alcone team on their Bravo Impact Award. DSN
“ I don’t think like a businessperson. I lean into the passion, and then the results show. —MICHELE GAY
T THE FASTER WAY TO FAT LOSS, we say that innovation and change are the only constant,” shared Amanda Tress, Founder and CEO. We celebrate Tress and the company she founded, as the first recipient of DSN’s inaugural Bravo Innovator Award. This new award honors the direct selling companies that embrace and deploy the emerging technologies and future-focused strategies that propel the channel forward.
Tress is a Certified Nutrition Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Personal Trainer. She developed a program for her clients that taught them how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition and strategic workouts. The consistent results she saw were incredible and inspired her to launch The FASTer Way to Fat Loss in 2016, giving her the platform to share her program more broadly.
The FASTer Way is a membership program that includes one-on-one coaching, education and support accessible through the company’s mobile app or desktop portal and offers a comprehensive
library of tools that empower members to transform their lives. Members can easily access a daily food log, customized nutrition plan, workouts, meal guides and more in just a few clicks. Members can also access The FASTer Way’s selection of nutrition and fitness products to support their health goals. Since its launch, The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has worked with more than 250,000 members and been featured on the Inc. 500 List for the past four years.
“We are passionate about empowering millions of individuals all over the world to transform their lives physically,” she said. “But we’re equally as passionate about empowering women to earn significant income so they can recirculate their wealth as well.”
The FASTer Way’s business model stands out in the crowded health and wellness space. While the company offers a handful of traditional health products, such as protein powders, supplements and fitness gear, the monthly membership is the focus, offered directly to consumers online and through its field team.
The FASTer Way offers multiple ways to earn income and build a business, through its Ambassador and Coach Certification programs—each providing a unique entry point and entrepreneurial path. Tress and her team are pioneering a new model for the direct sales industry, one that builds on the focus of earning through sharing, while leaning into the most common way people are sharing today— social media. Years ago, as Tress was building her personal training business, she was working full time in digital marketing, observing the power of influencers. When it came time to dive headfirst into her own business, she knew she wanted to market differently.
“We developed a one-tier micro-influencer marketing model,” explained Tress. “You can choose one of two tracks: become a Brand Ambassador for free or a Certified Coach for $5,000. The reason I call this a one-tier model is because not only do we have Ambassadors who work directly with the corporate team to send clients to the six-week program, we also empower our Coaches to bring on their own Brand Ambassadors within their organization. When an Ambassador spreads the word about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, they receive a one-time $50 commission on our six-week program. We believe that micro-influencers represent the present and the future. We empower our micro-influencers—whether Ambassadors or Coaches—to generate highly qualified leads, and then we do quite a bit of hard work to help convert those leads into paying customers. We give them social media content. We share marketing tips. We have lead generation campaigns that our microinfluencers love to promote.”
With 20,000 Ambassadors and 3,000 Certified Coaches, her dream of sharing her life-changing wellness program far and wide through the power of digital marketing is being realized. What began with 11 clients and a dream, has grown into a thriving business in seven years. And she’s just getting started.
“We’ve all seen the reality of where the channel is headed,” she shared. “At The FASTer Way, we say we can change, and we can innovate by decision or by disaster. We choose to innovate by decision. And whether its iteration or innovation with our affiliate model or using tools like Chat GPT to integrate with the business, we’re going to continue to innovate so that we can make a big impact on the world.”
Congratulations to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss team on their Bravo Innovator Award. DSN
“ We are passionate about empowering millions of individuals all over the world to transform their lives physically. But we’re equally passionate about empowering women to earn significant income.
—AMANDA TRESS / Founder & CEO FASTer Way to Fat Loss
WHILE AMWAY CHIEF SALES OFFICER AND REGIONAL PRESIDENT WEST JOHN PARKER is a celebrated leader, he prefers to see himself as part of a team, and not just Team Amway, but a part of something even bigger—the direct selling community.
“Direct selling is a team sport,” he shared. “We may have individual roles, but it really is a team sport. And I think for me, that’s been so much of what has shaped how I approach my career and the role that I play as a teammate and being a part of Amway as an organization and the industry more broadly.”
Parker began his career with Amway in 1993, in an entry level customer service role. This job was both his first exposure to corporate culture and the direct sales industry, so he came in with a blank slate.
“I feel like direct sales chose me, not the other way around,” he joked. “And I suspect a lot of us in the industry would have similar experiences. I was really young when I started here at Amway. And it was just the experience of coming in with no knowledge of direct selling and finding myself at a company where the culture was really a good fit for me. I didn’t have a lot of perspective on what companies or corporate cultures were like. And the deeper I got into direct selling and the deeper I got into Amway, the more I liked it. The more I liked it, the more I felt at home. I felt there was a tremendous opportunity to learn and grow and develop.”
Amway has been Parker’s home for three decades, giving him the opportunity to expand his sales and marketing experience from a small regional role to President of Amway Japan to his current position as Regional President West and Chief Sales Officer. He’s had a front row seat as both Amway and the broader direct sales industry have
navigated the evolution of online sales, changing customer expectations, different management styles and even a global pandemic. But he sees those shifts and changes as the rule rather than the exception.
“As I reflect back on the 30 years that I’ve been a part of the industry, what’s most interesting to me is the way in which our businesses and the individual entrepreneurs that make up our businesses have collectively adapted over time to changes in the marketplace. Sometimes we have this perspective that our model is so distinct that we’ve had to change or adapt more than other industries, but I believe that need for change is true across a lot of other industries as well.”
In Parker’s estimation, adapting is just an integral part of business as usual. He explained, “As an industry, we don’t view change as a periodic thing that we have to implement when there’s some kind of milestone or in order to react to some sudden change in the marketplace. Change is a part of operating a business day-to-day. There are times we want to be a step ahead. But there are times we want to be in step with what current expectations are.”
During his time in leadership at Amway, Parker has learned from hundreds of great leaders from around the world but believes that the best leaders are simply the best listeners—and that they can learn from anyone.
“As an Amway employee, I’ve learned so much from so many leaders and executives at Amway. But I’ve learned just as much from people at all levels in the organization. Our best leaders are the ones that take a 360-degree view of learning. I feel like I’m growing and learning as much today as I did 25 years ago.”
And that culture of constant learning provides Parker with the energy and inspiration that is still at the heart of the work he’s done for the past three decades. “It’s been helpful for me to be surrounded by such great people. I feel consistently compelled to maintain the standards of those I am so privileged to work with. It’s a good push for me personally to recognize that I have as much to learn today as I did when I started at Amway 30-plus years ago.”
The Bravo Excellence Award is a new award this year, designed as a way to recognize executives with a long history of leadership, excellence and integrity. We couldn’t think of anyone more fitting to honor than John Parker. DSN salutes and respects his years of industry leadership and uncompromising integrity and belief in the channel. DSN
“ I feel like I’m growing and learning as much today as I did 25 years ago.
ANDREA CHASE BELIEVES in creating a better world through business. And she puts that belief into action as Arbonne’s Vice President of Corporate Responsibility and Social Impact. Arbonne’s mission, We empower people to flourish with sustainable healthy living, guides her leadership and the company’s direction every day. “We are a mission-driven company, and a purpose-driven company,” Chase said.
The recipient of the 2023 Bravo Global Good Award, which recognizes companies that take a proactive approach to environmental, philanthropic and social responsibility issues, Arbonne has become known in the direct selling industry for its passionate commitment to empowerment, transparency and sustainability.
In 2022, Arbonne earned recertification for its B Corporation status, a designation the company has held since 2019. Required to recertify every three years, companies that are B Corporation Certified must meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact. Arbonne’s recertification achievements include:
n A reduction in water consumption globally by 60 percent across all sites since the company’s 2019 baseline year;
n A 55 percent reduction in Scope I and II emissions since 2019 (which means Arbonne met its 2025 carbon emissions reduction goal three years early);
n And a 42 percent decrease in electricity consumption since 2019.
With an overall B Impact Score of 119.9 (a 43 percent increase from the company’s overall score in 2019), Arbonne’s rating soars above the 50.9 median score for ordinary businesses.
“We’re really proud to be a B CorporationCertified company,” Chase said. “We’re also proud to be the highest scoring B Corporation direct selling company.”
Adopting the Public Benefit Corporation legal structure enables Arbonne to take all stakeholders into account when making decisions. Throughout the recertification process, Arbonne measured the company’s impact against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Arbonne’s Sustainability Compass five stakeholder pillars: Company Governance, Employee Welfare, Customer Welfare, Community Impact and Environmental Impact.
“There is no shortage in the efforts we’re making,” said Stefani Green, Arbonne’s Head of Communications. “Our dedication to the planet and the purpose creates a vibrant company culture. We’re all rallied around the same lifestyle and values.”
“ We are working to not only be the best company in the world, but the best company for the world.
—ANDREA CHASE /Vice President of Corporate Responsibility and Social Impact
These values are also evident in the company’s employee welfare. At Arbonne, 53 percent of managers identify as women. Employees who work 19 hours a week qualify for benefits, and all employees get four special paid days off a year: two days to volunteer; one to reconnect with nature; and one to celebrate their birthday. And these are not just perks Arbonne added for fun. They are exemplary benefits that serve as an integral part of the company’s and employees’ ability to flourish.
“The things once considered to be external to business are now internal,” Chase said. “We strive for a happy employee population. We can do better than just the bottom line.”
The company’s commitment to stakeholder pillars and values makes it a great choice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Arbonne’s products are vegan and cruelty-free, and they are formulated using premium, plant-based ingredients grounded in science and clinical research with high safety standards. With products they can 100 percent believe in, Arbonne consultants can build their businesses with confidence.
“We are dedicated to providing customers with high quality products that are effective and responsibly sourced,” Chase said. “Our people, from employees, to vendors, customers and consultants can truly feel good about being a part of Arbonne, understanding the bigger connection we strive to create between our products, people and the planet.”
Arbonne doesn’t stop at empowering its employees and consultants. Through charitable initiatives, the company is helping others flourish, too. Since 2020, the Flourish Arbonne Foundation has granted over $2,344,914 USD equivalent to its strategic and nonprofit charity partners globally, positively impacting over 736,000 youths against its one million youth goal.
Arbonne will continue ramping up its efforts to help people and the environment flourish as the company looks to the future. Right now, Arbonne is working towards a 50 percent reduction of plastic in their packaging portfolio, and they already have a jump on meeting this goal. In 2022, Arbonne offered and launched many products in renewable and infinitely recyclable materials that resulted in an elimination of 85,958 pounds of plastic from their portfolio.
“I decided long ago that I wanted to spend my time working for a business that was closely aligned with my values,” Chase said. “At Arbonne, I get to enjoy that synergy every day. “We are working to not only be the best company in the world, but the best company for the world.”
DSN congratulates Arbonne on its Bravo Global Good Award and thanks them for their enduring commitment to making the world a better place. DSN
THE PURPOSE of the DSN Global 100 recognition has always been to tell a story of an often misunderstood and maligned channel. We do it each year to share inspiring stories of growth and evolution—stories the channel, its participants and the greater community need to hear.
Sustainable success is the goal of every viable business. Therefore, the DSN Global 100 reveals those companies who demonstrate both success and sustainability.
THE DSN GLOBAL 100 has become a favorite reference for those who seek to better understand the relevancy of the direct selling channel of distribution, as well as the economic and social impact direct selling companies have on people from all walks of life throughout the world. It is an amazing story. And those of you reading it are truly the authors of one of the most inspiring stories of adaptability and growth in global commerce.
We rank direct selling companies in accordance with the numbers, but the stories behind the numbers are what truly illuminate the channel. The numbers enable us to share a perspective on the economic impact individual companies are making in terms of products and services sold and customers served. The numbers also enable us to determine both the growth status of a company and the magnitude of the company in terms of sales-related revenue.
Companies are understandably admired for their growth—because growth is what all businesses seek. In addition to growth, we measure magnitude. Those reviewing the numbers can draw their own conclusions as to whether a company is growing, stable and sustainable as this is our 14th year publishing the DSN Global 100.
But numbers only tell part of the story. We also recognize companies that are leading the charge in social responsibility issues; companies making an impact in the channel through a holistic,
incremental and sustainable approach to growth; companies innovating in terms of technology and disruptive business models; and individuals that have displayed a commitment to leadership, excellence and integrity throughout their decadeslong careers.
Publicly held companies make their results available to the public, making it much easier for our staff to identify performance during the prior year. Many direct selling companies are privately held. Therefore, they have a choice as to whether they select to reveal performance or keep the information private.
Here at DSN, we adapted a slogan, created by a previous editor, that privately held should not necessarily mean “do not tell.” The rationale is quite simple: the DSN Global 100 also serves to support a spirit of transparency where all companies, executives, regulators, public policymakers and academics can gain a better understanding of the economic and social impact of direct selling as a channel of distribution.
While some privately held companies choose not to participate, we acknowledge that they accomplished in excess of $100 million in revenue during the past year.
We are also proud to report that Amway, the #1 direct selling company in the world, shares its numbers and participates in the DSN Global 100 ranking each and every year.
The DSN Global 100 is not a horse race attempting to provide the best numbers, nor is there a finish line companies inevitably cross or fall short of. Sustainable success is the goal of every viable business. Therefore, the DSN Global 100 celebrates those companies who demonstrate both success and sustainability.
Most importantly, the DSN Global 100 activates pride! Pride in who direct selling companies are and how they are impacting the lives of direct sellers and the customers and communities they serve. The world needs to know of these stories. That is why we recognize them and tell them each year. We are proud to be able to do so.
To say direct selling is in a time of transition would be an understatement. The environment is evolving as younger generations explore the opportunity. And the postpandemic trends of quiet quitting and a desire for more workplace flexibility continue to shape where, how and why people of all ages choose to earn a living.
2020 remains an outlier—a year of unprecedented growth fueled by unprecedented times. But in 2021, the channel saw that growth slow, stagnate and ultimately decline. New people who joined the businesses didn’t stay. Established distributors struggled to pivot and remain productive. Supply chain and shipping issues presented an entirely new set of challenges, and a tough global economic climate marked by COVID variants, war, shutdowns, inflation and overwhelming uncertainty created a set of circumstances that were very hard to overcome.
2022 saw these struggles continue as everyone working in the industry became acutely aware of the decisions, pivots and pain points ahead of us. Concerns like changing consumer behaviors and a tough regulatory environment as well as lingering supply chain struggles, Amazon and ecommerce strategies and field fatigue were all areas of concern.
Other more esoteric topics were also top of mind for industry executives. Topics that get to the heart of who we are as a channel and how we will do business in the future. The channel’s new identity as a social selling platform; the rise of single-tier affiliate models; and the slight decline of multi-tier compensation plans are just a few examples of what some in the industry describe as direct selling’s identity crisis.
The channel’s new identity as a social selling platform; the rise of single-tier affiliate models; and the slight decline of multi-tier compensation plans are just a few examples of what some in the industry describe as direct selling’s identity crisis.
year our honorees tell many new stories. And our outlook remains optimistic.
Without a doubt 2022 was a year of change. And 2023 continues to be a year of evolution. But rather than being a cause for alarm or discouragement, these changes can be seen as signs of progress and harbingers of growth as the channel creates a viable, modern and sustainable business model that provides real opportunity.
In 2023 the world looks very different than it did at the start of the decade. The way we shop, connect, interact and consume information has been transformed. The way we do business, the way we stay in touch—the changes are endless, sweeping and permanent.
But these changes have created a new exciting moment in time—one filled with both opportunity and concern. New rules and new regulations are on the horizon and can help to create a new future that can be bigger, brighter, more successful, more enjoyable and, most importantly, more sustainable for the entire channel.
SHARA SUMNALL SALES TAX SPECIALISTI lead Squire’s sales tax team, keeping direct-selling companies compliant with state and local tax laws. Our industry-specific approach includes nexus determination and tackling the challenges of sales tax calculations, registrations, filings, and related issues, such as exemption certificate management. I’m an expert in multi-state sales and use tax issues.
Each year our honorees tell many new stories. And our outlook remains optimistic. We are better equipped to deal with constant change because we are a channel that connects people: to products, to opportunity, to each other. We are better positioned to continue to grow because we are embracing a greater global digital transformation and applying it to our selling systems.
The tagline "AUDIT.TAX.ADVISORY" on ly accompanies the logo in cir cumstances where context requires c larification about what Squire can do for current and potential customers (the audience).
As a channel, direct selling is poised for a brighter future and even more inspiring stories. And at DSN, we are excited to continue to share them with you. DSN
For example, Squire.com and its subsequent web pages featu r e the onet agline version (HIGHER PE RSPECTIVE ONLY) of the Squire logo because the subpage content t hroughout the site provides adequate co ntext to visitors.
On the other hand, if the team attends a national financial trade show where Sq uire should differentiate itself from a n eighboring financial software co mpany, then trade show banners n eed to include the tagline, “Audit- TaxA dvisory.”
Treat the secondary tagline like it’s part
Today’s direct selling executives look to THE GUIDE to find the right partner for their projects. Whether you offer incentives, event production, payment processing or logistic services, make sure the top companies in the channel know who you are, what you do and how you can help them!
To find out how your company can appear in THE GUIDE , contact Jerilyn Taylor at jtaylor@directsellingnews.com.
OW IN OUR 14TH YEAR of compiling research for the DSN Global 100 list, we are always fascinated by the many insights into the depth and breadth of the direct selling channel. The companies on the list each year represent such a variety of development, from fast-growing newcomers to the pioneering giants.
The breadth of products and services represented includes nearly every category imaginable —he alth and wellness, clothing, beauty and skin care, travel and leisure, food and beverage, energy, financial services, housewares and CBD/hemp products.
On these two pages, we have created graphic representations of a few highlights and insights that this year’s list has brought to light.
THIS YEAR’S DSN GLOBAL 100 LIST acknowledges 53 companies achieving more than $100 million in annual revenue for 2022. / Four of the companies on the list grew by $100 million or more from 2021 to 2022, and we had 14 companies that reported $1 billion or more in revenue. DSN appreciates and congratulates all the companies that willingly participated in the Global 100 as well as the dedicated team of researchers who helped compile and chronicle the remarkable achievements of direct sellers around the globe. >
2022 NET SALES: $8.10 billion COUNTRY: USA
Amway is an entrepreneur-led health and wellness company based in Ada, Michigan. It is committed to helping people live better, healthier lives—across more than 100 markets worldwide. Top-selling brands are Nutrilite,™ Artistry™ and XS™—all sold by entrepreneurs who are known as Amway Business Owners.
2021 RANK: 1
2021 NET SALES: $8.90 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Fragrance, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Home Care, Home Décor Kitchenware & Appliances
PRIMARY MARKETS: China, USA, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Russia, Malaysia, Hong Kong
SALESPEOPLE: 1,000,000+
EMPLOYEES: 15,000+
WEBSITE: amwayglobal.com
2022 NET SALES: $4.60 billion
eXp is one of the world’s fastest-growing real estate brokerages. All real estate professionals are connected through a unique cloudbased platform, eXp World. eXp is breaking boundaries through a highly competitive compensation packages and a global community of agents, leadership and partners.
2021 RANK: 5
2021 NET SALES: $3.80 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Real Estate Services
EMPLOYEES: Not Available
HEADQUARTERS: eXp World, an all-virtual campus
EXECUTIVE: Glenn Sanford, CEO
WEBSITE: exprealty.com
2021 NET SALES: $6.91 billion
Natura &Co is a global purpose-driven group made up of iconic beauty companies: Avon, Natura and The Body Shop. Operating in more than 100 countries, with over 2,900 stores, 35,000 employees and over 7.6 million representatives and consultants, Natura believes in challenging the status quo in order to promote positive economic, social and environmental impact.
2021 RANK: 2
2021 NET SALES: $7.20 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Clothing / Accessories, Home Care
SALESPEOPLE: 7.7 million
HEADQUARTERS: São Paulo, Brazil
EXECUTIVE: Fabio Barbosa, Group CEO
WEBSITE: naturaeco.com
2022 NET SALES: $4.10 billion
COUNTRY: Germany
The Vorwerk SE & Co. KG family enterprise was founded in 1883. The holding company’s registered office is located in Wuppertal, Germany. Vorwerk’s core business encompasses both the production and sale of high-quality household products (Thermomix® kitchen appliance, Kobold vacuum cleaner).
2021 RANK: 4
2021 NET SALES: $4.60 billion
PRODUCTS: Home Care, Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances, Services
MARKETS: Over 60
PRIMARY MARKETS: USA, Mexico, Europe, China
EMPLOYEES: Almost 9,000
HEADQUARTERS: Wuppertal, Germany
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, Speaker of the Executive Board
WEBSITE: vorwerk.com
2022 NET SALES: $5.20 billion
Herbalife Nutrition is a global company that has been changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and a proven business opportunity for its independent distributors since 1980. The company offers high-quality, science-backed products, sold in over 90 countries by entrepreneurial distributors who provide one-on-one coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle.
2021 RANK: 3
2021 NET SALES: $5.80 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Food & Beverage, Personal Care, Wellness
SALESPEOPLE: 4.5 million
EMPLOYEES: 11,000+
HEADQUARTERS: Los Angeles, California
EXECUTIVE: Michael O. Johnson, CEO
WEBSITE: herbalife.com
2022 NET SALES: $2.90 billion
COUNTRY: South Korea
A leader in the life-care service sector, Coway products range from cosmetics and home care products to home wellness appliances, including water purifiers, air purifiers, bidets and water softeners.
2021 RANK: 6
2021 NET SALES: $3.20 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Home Appliances, Home Care, Cosmetics
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
HEADQUARTERS: Seoul, South Korea
WEBSITE: coway.com
2022 NET SALES: $2.72 billion
Primerica is uniquely positioned to understand the needs of their clients because their Representatives are Main Street families, just like the clients being served. Primerica Representatives come from neighborhoods all across North America. Primerica assists clients in meeting their needs for term life insurance, which it underwrites, as well as mutual funds, annuities and other financial products, which it distributes primarily on behalf of third parties.
2021 RANK: 7
2021 NET SALES: $2.71 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Financial Services
HEADQUARTERS: Duluth, Georgia
EXECUTIVE: Glenn J. Williams, CEO
WEBSITE: primerica.com
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
Utility Warehouse is the UK's only fully integrated provider of a wide range of competitively priced utility services spanning the Communications, Energy and Insurance markets. Customers benefit from the convenience of a single monthly statement, consistently good value across all their utilities and exceptional levels of service.
2021 RANK: 15
2021 NET SALES: $1.13 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Services
PRIMARY MARKET: United Kingdom
HEADQUARTERS: London, United Kingdom
EXECUTIVE: Andrew Lindsay, Co-CEO
WEBSITE: uw.co.uk
2022 NET SALES: $2.55 billion
COUNTRY: Luxembourg
PM-International develops and distributes premium, cutting-edge products for health, fitness and beauty through its own brand, FitLine.®
2021 RANK: 9
2021 NET SALES: $2.38 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Schengen, Luxembourg
EXECUTIVE: Rolf Sorg, CEO & Founder
WEBSITE: pm-international.com
2022 NET SALES: $2.23 billion
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. is a leading beauty and wellness company, powered by a dynamic affiliate opportunity platform. The company helps people live, look and feel their best with products that combine the best of science, technology and nature. Nu Skin is committed to sustainability, including global initiatives such as transitioning to reduced and sustainable packaging by 2030.
2021 RANK: 8
2021 NET SALES: $2.70 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Health & Wellness, Fitness
MARKETS: Approximately 54
EMPLOYEES: Approximately 4,600
EXECUTIVE: Ryan Napierski, CEO & President
WEBSITE: nuskin.com
2022 NET SALES: $1.60 billion
OPTAVIA lifestyle brand is a community that is creating Optimal Health through a network of Independent Health Coaches. These coaches provide support and personal encouragement to help clients safely and effectively reach and sustain a healthy weight and to adopt healthy habits.
2021 RANK: 12
2021 NET SALES: $1.53 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness
HEADQUARTERS: Baltimore, Maryland
WEBSITE: optavia.com
2022 NET SALES: $1.54 billion
COUNTRY: South Korea
Atomy is a Korean network marketing company that was founded in 2009. Its business motto is “Absolute Quality Absolute Price.” Atomy’s primary products are health supplements, skincare products, cosmetics and diverse consumer goods.
2021 RANK: 10
2021 NET SALES: $1.83 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances
SALESPEOPLE: 15 million
EMPLOYEES: Approximately 600
HEADQUARTERS: Gongju, South Korea
EXECUTIVE: Han-Gil Park, Chairman
WEBSITE: atomy.kr
2022 NET SALES: $1.30 billion
Tupperware is a global direct seller of innovative, premium products across multiple brands and categories through an independent salesforce. Products include design-centric preparation, storage and service solutions for the home.
2021 RANK: 11
2021 NET SALES: $1.60 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Personal Care, Storage & Serving
SALESPEOPLE: Approximately 3.1 million
EMPLOYEES: 10,000+
HEADQUARTERS: Orlando, Florida
EXECUTIVE: Miguel Fernandez, CEO
WEBSITE: tupperware.com
2022 NET SALES: $1.25 billion
Ambit Energy provides electricity and natural gas services in deregulated markets across the United States, primarily marketed through a direct sales channel of Independent Consultants. Based in Dallas, Texas, the company is focused on being the finest and most-respected retail energy provider in America, offering cost-effective choices for today’s energy consumer.
2021 RANK: 16
2021 NET SALES: $1.04 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Electricity and Natural Gas Services
EXECUTIVE: Eric Johnstone, VP Marketing & Field Services
WEBSITE: ambitenergy.com
2022 NET SALES: $999 million
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. is one of the largest publicly held direct-selling nutrition, personal health and wellness companies in the world. Founded in 1992 by Myron W. Wentz. Ph.D., USANA has developed and manufactured high-quality, science-based nutritional and personal care products with a primary focus on promoting long-term health and wellness.
2021 RANK: 1
2021 NET SALES: $1.19 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Salt Lake City, Utah
WEBSITE: usana.com
2022 NET SALES: $987 million
COUNTRY: Switzerland
Founded in 1967, Oriflame Cosmetics is an international social selling beauty company present in over 60 markets, with a wide portfolio of Swedish, nature-inspired, innovative beauty and wellness products sold and marketed through approximately 2.5 million Oriflame Brand Partners.
2021 RANK: 13
2021 NET SALES: $1.26 billion
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Fragrance
HEADQUARTERS: Schaffhausen, Switzerland
EXECUTIVE: Magnus Brännström, CEO & President
WEBSITE: oriflame.com
2022 NET SALES: $820 million
Betterware is the leading direct-to-consumer company in Mexico focused on creating innovative products that solve specific needs regarding organization, practicality, spacesaving and hygiene within the household. On April 7, 2022, Betterware acquired 100% of JAFRA’s operations in Mexico and the United States.
2021 RANK: 20
2021 NET SALES: $803 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Home Care, Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances
SALESPEOPLE: 1,362,234
HEADQUARTERS: Jalisco, Mexico
EXECUTIVE: Andres Campos Chevallier, CEO
WEBSITE: betterware.com.mx
2022 NET SALES: $759 million COUNTRY: USA
Scentsy is a Forbes-recognized direct-selling leader known for connecting people through fragrance worldwide. Scentsy delivers richly scented wickless candles, wax warmers, diffusers, oils, home, pets and body products through independent Consultants who share their Scentsy-product passion via home and virtual selling.
2021 RANK: 17
2021 NET SALES: $1.02 billion
PRODUCTS: Fragrance, Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances
HEADQUARTERS: Meridian, Idaho
EXECUTIVE: Dan Orchard, President & Interim CEO
WEBSITE: scentsy.com
2022 NET SALES: $692 million
Beachbody offers a comprehensive approach to at-home health by combining world-class fitness, nutrition and support—a proven formula that has helped millions of people completely transform their lives—physically, mentally and financially. The company was founded by Carl Daikeler and Jon Congdon with the mission of helping people achieve their goals and enjoy healthy, fulfilling lives.
2021 RANK: 19
2021 NET SALES: $873 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness
HEADQUARTERS: Santa Monica, California
EXECUTIVE: Carl Daikeler, CEO
WEBSITE: beachbody.com
2022 NET SALES: $545 million
COUNTRY: South Korea
Riman Korea CO. specializes in beauty & health, leading the growth of personal sales market through its superb product quality, innovative sales/distribution methods and effective sales support. Since its founding in March 2018, the company has continued to experience high growth, jumping to the 3rd spot in revenue as of 2020 among companies sponsoring door-to-door sales in Korea.
2021 RANK: 23
2021 NET SALES: $550 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Daegu, South Korea
EXECUTIVE: Kyungjung Kim, CEO
WEBSITE: rimankorea.com
2022 NET SALES: $584 million
A leader in the market of nutritional supplements and cosmetics through Independent Distributors who bring Omnilife products to the final consumer. Omnilife provides an opportunity to improve their quality of life. The company has two manufacturing plants; one located in Mexico and the other in Colombia. Omnilife’s motto is People taking care of People.
2021RANK: 22
2021 NET SALES: $563 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Fragrance, Health & Wellness, Fitness
SALESPEOPLE: 1,873,123
HEADQUARTERS: Zapopan, Mexico
EXECUTIVE: Amaury Vergara Zatarain, CEO
WEBSITE: omnilife.com
2022 NET SALES: $542 million COUNTRY: USA
LegalShield believes that every human deserves a secure life and just treatment under the law. That’s why the company is building a future where every person can live without worrying about how they’ll afford legal services or respond to identity theft. LegalShield and IDShield, empower people to defend themselves against injustice and secure their future
2021 RANK: 24
2021 NET SALES: $523 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Services
EXECUTIVE: Don Thompson, President, Network Division
WEBSITE: WeAreLegalShield.com
2022 NET SALES: $548 million
Founder by Shinobu Suzuki, Pola has earned a global reputation for its high-quality skincare, haircare and cosmetics products as well as its commitment to supporting women in their pursuit of more satisfying lifestyles.
2021 RANK: 20
2021 NET SALES: $691 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Skincare, Personal Care, Nutrition
EXECUTIVE: Miki Oikawa, President
WEBSITE: pola.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $508 million
Hy Cite Enterprises helps people better nurture their families by creating exceptional kitchenware and making it attainable to all through its internal financing services. Hy Cite’s main cookware line, Royal Prestige, is sold in nine core markets by independent Distributors who choose to make this a full time opportunity.
2021 RANK: 31
2021 NET SALES: $423 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Home Décor, Kitchenware, Appliances
HEADQUARTERS: Middleton, Wisconsin
EXECUTIVE: Erik S. Johnson, Chairman of the Board
WEBSITE: hycite.com
2022 NET SALES: $507 million
Prüvit set out to tackle the supplement world by creating the world’s preeminent consumerbased ketone supplement drink, KETO//IS.® By focusing on evidence-based products that help optimize human potential, Prüvit has become the world leader in ketone technology with a community focus on the power of social commerce. Their philosophy is simple: Make. People. Better.
2021 RANK: 21
2021 NET SALES: $598 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Food & Beverage, Wellness
HEADQUARTERS: Melissa, Texas
EXECUTIVE: Brian Underwood, Founder & CEO
WEBSITE: pruvitnow.com
2022 NET SALES: $428 million
Farmasi is an international beauty and personal care manufacturer, retailer and direct selling company. In 2010, Farmasi’s board of directors decided to enter the Multi Level Marketing world with the goal of changing people’s lives so that even ordinary people can achieve their dreams. Today they have over one million sales representatives.
2021 RANK: 28
2021 NET SALES: $459 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Health & Wellness, Fitness
SALESPEOPLE: 1,800,000
HEADQUARTERS: Istanbul, Turkey
WEBSITE: farmasi.com
2022 NET SALES: $489 million
COUNTRY: New Zealand
Graeme Clegg, Founder and Chairman, started out as a sheep farmer. It was on the farm that he developed groundbreaking ideas on health supplements. New Image™ International has received awards for innovation and product quality. New Zealand’s passion for innovation means everyone has the opportunity to master the art of living well.
2021 RANK: 30
2021 NET SALES: $434 million
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Food & Beverage, Wellness
PRIMARY MARKET: Vietnam, Malaysia; Philippines
HEADQUARTERS: Auckland, New Zealand
EXECUTIVE: Graeme Clegg, Founder and Chairman
WEBSITE: newimage.asia
2022 NET SALES: $422 million COUNTRY: USA
Nature’s Sunshine Products is a natural health and wellness company that offers and distributes nutritional and personal care products. Nature’s Sunshine manufactures most of its products through its own state-ofthe-art facilities to ensure the highest quality, safety and efficacy in its products.
2021 RANK: 29
2021 NET SALES: $444 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Wellness
EXECUTIVE: Terrence Moorehead, CEO
WEBSITE: naturessunshine.com
2022 NET SALES: $454 million
Plexus Worldwide has been helping people transform their lives with science-based health and wellness products and a homebased entrepreneurial opportunity. Plexus credits its success to a strong company culture that encourages honesty, reliability and responsibility—and these beliefs run through everything they do.
2021 RANK: 25
2021 NET SALES: $505 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Scottsdale, Arizona
EXECUTIVE: Tarl Robinson, CEO & Founder
WEBSITE: plexusworldwide.com
2022 NET SALES: $419 million
Operating in Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia, Miki Corp. offers nutritional products, skincare and a range of household detergents.
2021 RANK: 26
2021 NET SALES: $502 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Personal Care, Health, Skin Care, Cleaning
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
EXECUTIVE: Atsushi Kadota, President and Representative Director
WEBSITE: mikiprune.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $383 million
For over 55 years, Princess House has been committed to developing products that make life healthier and more beautiful—quality home products like cookware and glass storage containers, cutlery, beautiful table settings, as well as exceptional nutritional products.
2021 RANK: 36
2021 NET SALES: $286 million
PRODUCTS: Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances
HEADQUARTERS: Mansfield, Massachusetts
EXECUTIVE: Lynne Coté, President and CEO
WEBSITE: princesshouse.com
2022 NET SALES: $366 million
Faberlic launched with oxygen face care cosmetics as the first product. Now the company offers a wide range of products from cosmetics and fragrances to home care, apparel and wellness.
2021 RANK: 32
2021 NET SALES: $418 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Beverage, Fragrance, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Home Care, Home Décor, Kitchenware & Appliances
SALESPEOPLE: 2,121,200
HEADQUARTERS: Moscow, Russia
EXECUTIVE: Konstantin Barmashov, General Director
WEBSITE: faberlic.com
2022 NET SALES: $285 million
COUNTRY: Germany
Under the motto, "More quality for your life” the LR Group produces and markets more than 600 health and beauty products. This includes body care and cosmetic products, perfumes and dietary supplements.. LR's strong market position is based above all on a high-quality product range and an attractive bonus and training plan which is unsurpassed in the industry.
2021 RANK: 33
2021 NET SALES: $325 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Wellness
HEADQUARTERS: Ahlen, Germany
EXECUTIVE: Andreas Friesch, CEO and Management Spokesperson
WEBSITE: lrworld.com
2022 NET SALES: $286 million
One of the largest direct selling companies in Taiwan, Pro-Partner has received numerous national certifications and awards for its health products.
2021 RANK: 37
2021 NET SALES: $279 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Wellness
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
EMPLOYEES: Not Available
HEADQUARTERS: Taipei, Taiwan
WEBSITE: pro-partner.com.tw
2022 NET SALES: $271 million
Committed to innovation and natural ingredients, Noevir researches, develops and manufactures effective skin care products that help women around the world enhance their natural beauty.
2021 RANK: 40
2021 NET SALES: $240 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Skin Care, Body Care, Nutritional Supplements, Cosmetics
EXECUTIVE: Takashi Okura, CEO and President
WEBSITE: noevirholdings.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $267 million
COUNTRY: Singapore
BWL is a Singapore-based company specializing in the direct selling distribution of premium skin care, personal care, beauty, health and wellness brands with a vision to “Inspire the world to live their life to the best!”
2021 RANK: 3
2021 NET SALES: $289 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care & Wellness
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Dora Hoan, Co-Founder
WEBSITE: bwlgroup.com
2022 NET SALES: $248 million
ForDays considers health at the genetic level, focused on “nucleic acids.” Offerings include a wide range of dietary supplements and cosmetic products to more than 300,000 loyal members. The company places a strong emphasis on new product development and is currently in the process of expanding globally.
2021 RANK: 34
2021 NET SALES: $301 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care
WEBSITE: fordays.jp
2022 NET SALES: $235 million
APLGO is an international network marketing company whose values are “Associate, Business and Family Support.” The main goal of APLGO’s management team is creating and developing a company where each eager and persevering individual can achieve financial freedom, the ability to travel with a great company and receive personal development to become a better version of oneself.
2021 RANK: 44
2021 NET SALES: $211 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Nicosia, Cyprus
EXECUTIVE: Kauri Thompson, General Manager
WEBSITE: aplgo.com
2022 NET SALES: $206 million
For wellness enthusiasts wanting to live life on their terms, LifeVantage designs nutrigenomically-active products that empower a healthy, vibrant life at any age. LifeVantage products are proven, demonstrable and delightful, making them an essential part of every day.
2021 RANK: 42
2021 NET SALES: $220 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Health & Wellness, Fitness
EXECUTIVE: Steven R. Fife, President and CEO
WEBSITE: lifevantage.com
2022 NET SALES: $185 million COUNTRY: Brazil
Hinode Group believes in beauty from the inside out and from the outside in, which manifests itself in everything and goes far beyond aesthetics. Hinode Group offers products that value health, well-being and lifestyle.
2021 RANK: 39
2021 NET SALES: $185 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food, Beverage, Fragrance, Health, Wellness & Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: São Paulo, Brazil
EXECUTIVE: Sandro Rodrigues, CEO
WEBSITE: grupohinode.com
2022 NET SALES: $221 million
Naturally Plus promotes worldwide wellness through superior nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. For more than a decade Naturally Plus has developed and marketed sciencebased nutritional supplements and helped thousands of families now enjoy healthier lives and improved lifestyles.
2021 RANK: 41
2021 NET SALES: $230 million
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fitness
PRIMARY MARKET: Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines
EXECUTIVE: Takaaki Nagoshi, Group President
WEBSITE: naturally-plus.com
2022 NET SALES: $172 million
Also known as Berusere-ju, this company uses herbal aromatherapy along with cellular technology to rejuvenate and beautify without artificial or engineered additives.
2021 RANK: 45
2021 NET SALES: $206 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Health & Wellness
EMPLOYEES: Not Available
EXECUTIVE: Masahiro Sasahara, President and Representative Director
WEBSITE: bearcereju.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $170 million
ASEA is a global leader in redox-based technologies that support cellular health. ASEA believes that inside each of us is the potential to feel and be our very best. By leveraging the burgeoning science and principles of redox, ASEA offers first-tomarket products and proprietary blends that enhance the signaling, performance and nutrition of your cells.
2021 RANK: 46
2021 NET SALES: $188 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness, Fitness
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
HEADQUARTERS: Pleasant Grove, Utah
EXECUTIVE: Charles Funke, CEO
WEBSITE: aseaglobal.com
2022 NET SALES: $166 million
Tenlead Biotach International developed Joli series products produced by the worldrenowned biochemical technology Solabia Company, a technical cooperation. Solabia's biochemical products and technologies are adopted by many well-known brands around the world.
2021 RANK: Not Ranked
2021 NET SALES: Unavilable
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness, Beauty, Fitness
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
EMPLOYEES: Not Available
HEADQUARTERS: Taipei City, Taiwan
WEBSITE: tenlead.com
2022 NET SALES: $159 million
COUNTRY: Thailand
Giffarine manufactures and distributes high-quality products including cosmetics, food supplements, personal items and food products. Starting with 84 products, Giffarine now has over 2,000 premium quality, reasonably priced items to accommodate every target group at all financial statuses, with plans to expand markets worldwide.
2021 RANK: 47
2021 NET SALES: $184 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Food & Beverage, Fragrance, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Home Care
HEADQUARTERS: Bangkok, Thailand
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Nalinee Paiboon, M.D, President
WEBSITE: giffarine.com
2022 NET SALES: $140 million
Zinzino’s test-based, high quality products create positive disruption in the health and wellness industry. By being a customer friendly company, Zinzino inspires changes in life, health and wealth for its customers, family and friends.
2021 RANK: 52
2021 NET SALES: $143 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, CBD, Food & Beverage, Wellness
HEADQUARTERS: Västra Götaland, Sweden
EXECUTIVE: Dag Berghein Pettersen, CEO
WEBSITE: zinzino.com
‡ Zinzino was omitted from the original list in error. While we are not renumbering the list presented on April 18, 2023, we are showing Zinzino at #46.
2022 NET SALES: $139 million
Selling exclusively in Japan, KK Assuran’s products address skincare issues for the Japanese population. The company relies on traditional person-to-person contact for sales of cosmetics, soaps and detergents.
2021 RANK: 49
2021 NET SALES: $171 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Skin Care, Cosmetics, Soaps & Detergents
HEADQUARTERS: Fukuoka, Japan
EXECUTIVE: Takaaki Higashi, President & CEO
WEBSITE: assuran.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $137 million
Mannatech is a global wellness solution provider, which was incorporated and began operations in November 1993. Mannatech develops and sells innovative, high quality, proprietary nutritional supplements, topical and skin care and anti-aging products, and weight-management products that target optimal health and wellness.
2021 RANK: 50
2021 NET SALES: $160 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness, Fitness
HEADQUARTERS: Flower Mound, Texas
EXECUTIVE: Alfredo Bala, CEO and
WEBSITE: mannatech.com
2022 NET SALES: $109 million
Invitation-only cruise membership club. Members are recruited to join by Partners. Members receive 2 cruise credits per $1 of membership payment made, and Partners earn commission on each Membership payment made.
2021 RANK: 58
2021 NET SALES: $135 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
HEADQUARTERS: Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
EXECUTIVE: Michael Hutchison, CEO
WEBSITE: incruises.com
2022 NET SALES: $128 million
Maruko is a Japanese company that engages in the manufacture and sales of body makeup, lingerie, skin care and cosmetics.
2021 RANK: 53
2021NET SALES: $138 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Clothing
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
EXECUTIVE: Shinji Iwamoto, President & CEO
WEBSITE: maruko.com
2022 NET SALES: $105 million
Diana Co. focuses on helping women be beautiful through nutritional supplements, lingerie and cosmetics. It also supports women’s finances and personal development through business opportunities and training.
2021 RANK: 54
2021 NET SALES: $137 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Beauty, Lingerie, Wellness
EXECUTIVE: Mitsutaka Tokuda, President & Chairman
WEBSITE: diana.co.jp
2022 NET SALES: $103 million
Xyngular is a community for confidence. Their community is fueled by the courage, conviction and resolve of thousands of members. Xyngular provides exceptional products and multifaceted opportunities for growth to create lasting change in our members’ lives.
2021 RANK: 51
2021 NET SALES: $153 million
SALES METHOD: Person to Person
PRODUCTS: Health & Wellness, Fitness
EXECUTIVE: Russ Fletcher, CEO
WEBSITE: xyngular.com
2022 NET SALES: $100 million COUNTRY: Japan
Charle Corp. is a Japan-based company principally engaged in the wholesale of women’s undergarments and lingerie. Charle also creates and sells cosmetics, toiletries and wellness products and utilizes the home party setting.
2021 RANK: 57
2021 NET SALES: $118 million
PRODUCTS: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Beverage, Wellness
SALESPEOPLE: Not Available
EXECUTIVE: Katsuya Hayashi, CEO and President
WEBSITE: charle.co.jp
* N OTE: DSN relies on public filings for those companies in the public markets.
DSN created the Global 100 list to acknowledge the financial achievements of direct selling companies and to provide a clear picture of the magnitude of the channel. Just as every credible channel ranks its players— Inc. 500, FORTUNE 500 and Forbes’ lists—DSN wanted to show the public what a viable and credible channel direct selling truly is.
The DSN Global 100 list offers a unique perspective on the global impact the channel has on economic and social levels. It provides a scope of learning not only for direct selling companies but also for researchers, investors and those seeking opportunities within the channel. When DSN began the ranking in 2010, it was committed to creating a fair ranking that would showcase a transparent channel, thus providing credibility and consumer confidence as well as offer support for those researching direct selling companies.
The identification of the companies to include in the DSN Global 100 list is the culmination of months of research and the cooperation of many individuals throughout the world. Wherever possible, the DSN team seeks out public records and documents for publicly traded companies. Additionally, the team reaches out to the private companies that may qualify for the ranking, asking them to certify their net revenue. Research begins in December and continues through to the publication of the Global 100 list. To fully reflect the global reach of direct selling each year, DSN has been able to extend the boundaries of research by working with research partners, including China-based Direct Selling Research Institute to obtain information on international companies.
Nearly four-fifths of the DSN Global 100 data are derived from privately held companies. Most of this data comes from the companies themselves, which submit a revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent. And when they submit, they enhance the value of the channel’s strategic objective to showcase a much more transparent business model. These companies
could have chosen not to participate. However, their cooperative spirit, which so exemplifies this unique channel, makes the Global 100 ranking possible.
To participate in the DSN Global 100, a company need only submit a net revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent. DSN does not request confidential financial documents. DSN respects the financial privacy of all direct selling companies, asking that a company only reveal the annual revenue number that will allow it to be placed in the ranking.
In an effort to further ensure the integrity of the Global 100 list, DSN instituted the Revenue Certification Form or RCF. The RCF requires all private companies to have their revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent (either at the applicant company or an outside independent source). DSN believes any company performing in a manner warranting identification and recognition as one of the Global 100 companies would proudly share its revenue number in a manner deemed fair to all.
The ranking criteria is net sales revenue from direct selling operations before commissions and without valueadded tax. The VAT, from DSN’s perspective, is certainly an integral part of the salesperson’s life. However, it is not a part of the corporate revenue as we track it.
There are both nationally and internationally based companies worthy of recognition in the DSN Global 100 ranking that do not appear on the list. If you do not see a specific company, it could be that: (1) the company was contacted but declined to participate; (2) the company did not respond to requests; or (3) the company did not submit information in time. Each year, new companies come onto the radar screen and every attempt is made to connect with them. DSN
VERYTHING we think you (and your field) should be reading, listening to and utilizing in order to stay engaged, informed and one step ahead.
Can companies be irresistible? By implementing seven simple yet profound management principles—such as “Growth, Not Promotion” and “Coach, Not Boss,”—renowned industry analyst and author Josh Bersin believes that yours can be. With the organization model and paradigm-shifting concepts proposed in Irresistible leaders understand how to scale their businesses with agility, purpose and clarity. The result? An irresistible business that unleashes the power of the human spirit, fires on all cylinders and creates loyal employees and happy customers along the way.
Author, serial entrepreneur and marketing guru Seth Godin has written over 20 best-selling books. As if that weren’t prolific enough, he has also been publishing a daily post on his blog without fail… for more than a decade! Godin leverages his vast experience in a wide range of industries to share his thoughts on personal development, business, marketing, sales, philosophy and more. His observations and educational insights can spark truly creative team discussions.
Sometimes it’s hard to understand ourselves, much less others. In the workplace, this kind of emotional intelligence can mean the difference between a toxic culture and a healthy one. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 16Personalities offers a free personality test that explains how you perceive the world and make decisions. The questionnaire only takes about 10 minutes and details your strengths, weaknesses, motivators and more.
A former pro-football player turned entrepreneur, business coach and author, Lewis Howes’ bio reads more like a fictional novel. Details magazine named him one of five “Internet Gurus That Can Make You Rich.” His top 100 iTunes-ranked podcast, The School of Greatness, has over half a million subscribers. The podcast features leaders like Dave Ramsey and Brené Brown who discuss topics such as business, mindset, inspiration and relationships. Growth-minded entrepreneurs are the intended audience of this podcast—making it a winner for your field.
As co-founder of billion-dollar brand Quest Nutrition, Tom Bilyeu knows a thing or two about success—how to get it and how to keep it. To help teach others how to develop skills that unlock their potential, Bilyeu launched Impact Theory, a weekly interview show that explores the mindsets of the world’s highest achievers. His YouTube channel hosts this content, which includes a wealth of videos that cover all manner of personal development, from business to health—it even includes Matthew McConaughey discussing how to master the art of living!
In Traction, author Gino Wickman explains that every great business is comprised of six key components: vision, data, process, people, issues and traction—aka the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). This system simplifies the process of running a business, as owners are typically overwhelmed with hundreds of concerns, creating a lack of focus and discouragement. With more than 80,000 companies having discovered the efficacy of the EOS, your field can also apply Traction to their businesses, eliminating frustrations and increasing sales. DSN
“ The price of greatness is responsibility.
SINCE LAUNCHING in June 2021, The Direct Approach podcast has been providing direct selling executives an in-depth look at the biggest challenges facing the channel—and unique solutions for tackling them.
Wayne and the rest of the DSN Family would like to thank our growing audience and the 50+ executives and guests for their candor and participation.
MEET THE HOST Wayne Moorehead has deep experience in marketing and brand strategy. He has applied his expertise and passion to help companies (from startups to Fortune 100) define, communicate and activate their brands. Wayne’s rare blend of experience and success has shaped his philosophy on effective growth strategies, and he believes the future of the channel will blend the best of direct selling with the best of direct-to-consumer.
ROLF’S PERSEVERANCE and determination has fueled PM-International’s success, and the company is now ranked eighth on the DSN Global 100 List, with $2.55 billion in annual revenue for 2022. The PM-International story is incredible with an unprecedented 29 years of continued growth! At the recent DSN Global Celebration event, Rolf was awarded DSN’s coveted Bravo Leadership Award and PMInternational won the Bravo International Growth Award for the third consecutive year. In this episode, Rolf shares his journey to success in direct selling and addresses some of the challenges that accompany rapid growth and how to navigate them.
RUSS MOOREHEAD began his career in direct selling, transitioned to retail by building digital marketing campaigns for some of the biggest names in beauty—and now he’s back in the channel as the CMO of Nu Skin. In this role, Russ is responsible for Global Brand Marketing and guiding Nu Skin’s positioning as the world’s leading integrated beauty and wellness company.
In this episode, Russ discusses the shifting direct selling landscape, including what the channel is doing right and what it needs to do better. He’ll also offer actional tips on how to take advantage of these shifts and position your company for future growth.
NEVER MISS AN EPISODE —2023 has launched another year of insights, tips, takeaways and action items provided by some of the most notable names in the channel. If it’s impacting direct selling, Wayne and his guests will be talking about it on The Direct Approach. New episodes drop every other Thursday—make sure to subscribe!
Here’s a snapshot look at recent episodes!
June 14-16, 2023 . Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Arizona
Retaining Your Talent in an Evolving Market
Customer Relationship
Experience Expert and Best-Selling Author
Fear Less, Do More: Finding the Confidence and Strength for Leading Today
Podcaster, Speaker and Thought Leader
Leading with Vision, Charting the Course Ahead
Team Captain, First American Women’s Everest Expedition and NYT Best-Selling Author
The Path to Creating Customer Value through Technology and Innovation
Digital Futurist and Top 20 Digital Transformation Influencer
Master of Ceremonies
Emotional & Positive Intelligence Practitioner, Podcaster, and Thought Leader
Becoming an Influencer Among Influencers
Strategist, Speaker, CEO of Influence Nation, iTunesTop 50 Podcast
Digital Persuasion: Navigating the AI Revolution
Digital Persuasion Expert, BestSelling Author, and Chief Digital Officer of Strikepoint Media
Empowering Your Salesforce with New Ways to Build Engagement and Community on Social
Social Media Coach and Director of Auxano Marketing
DSA Social Media Guidelines and Latest Best Practices for the Field
Digital Trend Forecaster and Social Selling Pro
How to Build Your Business for Buy-In
TAMSEN WEBSTER Message Design Expert, Idea Strategist, and Author
during the first half of 2023. It has been a privilege to see so many of you at the DSA Regional Council events as these visits have allowed us to share our experiences on the current state of affairs of direct selling from a business perspective.
Frankly, I’ve been taken by what I’ve heard to be a shared sense of optimism about direct selling’s market position, despite the challenges of regulatory intervention, inflation, aging salesforces and competition from other channels.
Many reflected how an important channel asset— DSEF Fellows’ data-driven research— has offered even greater insights into what our channel can become for a future generation of direct sellers, customers and regulators. I have been pleased to hear that the sales numbers DSA is compiling for the 2023 DSA Growth & Outlook Study align with the forecast put together by our stellar Industry Research Committee some months ago.
While the final report will be released in June at our annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, it has been evident for a while that 2022 was a challenging year. Our predictions for a softening of sales and recruiting were accurate, but some of the more dire forecasts were misplaced. In fact, some companies performed better than expected, and given the overall economic circumstances, direct selling performed reasonably well.
I’m looking forward to reporting on the final 2022 numbers in June, as I know attendees will have a robust discussion about what we can expect in 2023.
So, my next stop on my 2023 travels will bring me to Scottsdale for DSA’s premier event, DSA ENGAGE: Fresh Perspectives . As it turns out, after a review of our growing attendance numbers, so many of our paths will converge in Scottsdale—and for good reason.
CEOs and senior executive leadership are set to share how they are evolving the business of direct selling during a challenging and fascinating period of time. Also, DSA has arranged a showcase of 10 speakers— names you probably recognize as world-class authorities—to offer insights into various business topics that are fundamental to our business model. With workshops led by CEOs, senior executives and DSEF Fellows, attendees will gain practical insights into what can be done to position the channel even more competitively as we face the often-countervailing forces that define today’s market dynamism.
I’d be remiss if I did not mention the variety of opportunities for networking and high-level discussion, not the least of which is the Board meeting itself. From the golf tournament to the DSEF 50: Forward Together golden anniversary celebration, Scottsdale promises to be a great event.
As the next stop on my journey leads to Scottsdale and DSA ENGAGE: Fresh Perspectives , I hope the road takes you to Arizona, as well. I urge you to register if you have not already done so, and I look forward to seeing you and hearing your perspective. DSN
1329 South 800 East Orem, UT 84097 801-515-0977
For nearly 50 years, Squire & Company has provided financial excellence and NetSuite expertise for clients in the Direct Selling industry. We offer personal service, responsiveness, and expertise in all areas.
400 Linden Oaks, Suite 320 Rochester, NY 14625 844-258-3006 payquicker.com
PayQuicker is the leading global payout provider to direct selling organizations. Instantly make secure and compliant payouts to your field in local currency across the globe with our award-winning solution that provides the largest selection of flexible and modern spend options.
11905 Sara Road Laredo, TX 78045 956-712-8842
Miner Group LLC offers solutions for the Mexican Market! For over 30 years, we have helped companies expand to or optimize their operations in Mexico. We offer product and ingredient evaluations, customs clearance, regulatory compliance, label translations, and logistic services for the Mexican market.
540 NE 4th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 866-218-4668 discover@i-payout.com i-payout.com
Since 2007 i-payout has been the leading payment choice for pay out and pay in solutions. We pride ourselves on exceptional service paired with integrated and customized solutions.
Keller, TX 817-697-4321 cpkrell.com
Landing a more sophisticated brand of talent takes a more sophisticated recruiting partner.
Bringing 25 years of Direct Sales executivelevel experience from around the world and with a Team speaking 5 languages we know what it looks like to have success in a diverse and international environment. Our goal is to become an extension of your brand.
727 North 1550 East 3rd Floor Orem, UT 84097 877-267-4324
Complete Merchant Solutions (CMS) is a full-service US merchant account provider representing multiple banks. CMS safely and securely supports many types of payment processing for direct selling companies.
900 Wilmeth Road McKinney, TX 75069 info@lacoretechnologies.com lacorepayments.com
LaCore Payment Technologies is a payment platform designed to support direct selling companies globally. Our services include: Global connectivity to 150 countries in 50 currencies, including direct connectivity to most alternative payment types, secure tokenization, customized fraud solutions, including our proprietary Fraudhawk™, advanced reporting tools, and online dispute management.
2201 Long Prairie Road, Ste. 107-316 Flower Mound, TX 75022 407-891-9265 strategicchoicepartners.com
SCP offers the most holistic consulting services specific to direct selling companies today. We’ve worked with more than 70 companies over the last three years alone, and served more than 250 years collectively in the industry.
1160 N. Town Center Drive, Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89144 702-757-9600
We are the industry’s leading payments partner, long-established advocate, and problem-solver. Our unified commerce & payments platform will connect you to a global marketplace, enable your international expansion strategy, and fuel your exponential growth plans. Let us show you how.
727 N 1550 E, 3rd Floor
Orem, UT 84097
Nexio manages the chaos of payments offering:
• Faster roll out for distributors or partners
• Simplifies payment processing for corporations
Nexio does this by being integrated with the majority of back-office software solutions in the Direct Sales Industry.
4505 Newpoint Place
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Sales@amwarelogistics.com amwarelogistics.com
Handle fulfillment for many direct sellers. DSA member with 15 fulfillment centers, nationwide, for 1–2 day ground delivery to 95% of U.S. population. Offer comprehensive B2C fulfillment services, including complex kitting, plus discounted parcel shipping based on our large volume of freight.
1615 Clark Blvd.
Brampton, ON Canada L6T 4W1 905-564-2115 x2
CCLS is your gateway to turn-key e-commerce sales and distribution in Canada. With fulfillment centers across Canada, our pick, pack and ship options, and real-time inventory visibility, we will help your business grow. We are NHP Site Compliant, Health Canada licensed, and GMP Compliant.
1551 Corporate Drive Irving, TX 75038 214-233-6790 deliverzen.com
Deliverzen’s mission is to provide the best service in the order fulfillment industry.
11551 E 45th Ave. Unit C. Denver, CO 80239 720-990-5642
“Whether your products are headed direct to your end customers’ doorstep, to a big box retailer, or to an Amazon warehouse, Quickbox will help you deliver a seamless experience that keeps your customers coming back for more!”
2889 Ashton Blvd, Ste. 350 Salt Lake City, UT 84070 877-811-8108 globalaccess.com
International expansion expertise and technology and logistics solutions that grow clients’ businesses and brands around the world.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd, Ste. 140 Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-915-9060
Fresh. Exciting. Bold. Your field deserves the best and we help you deliver. Out-of-the-box creative production with experienced show management. We execute on budget and make you look AMAZING!
900 Wilmeth Road McKinney, TX 75069 214-817-4802 lacorelogistics.com
LaCore Logistics provides distribution and order fulfillment services. Our highly automated distribution center provides both domestic and international direct-to-consumer shipping solutions. We offer omni-channel fulfillment solutions ranging from marketplace fulfillment for leading marketplaces to businessto-business fulfillment for leading retailers.
1701 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, FL 33487 800-523-2682
Founded in 1979, Multi Image Group (MIG) is a women-owned, family-run creative event production company fueled by innovators, strategists, and technologists who craft custom live, hybrid & virtual experiences for some of the world’s biggest brands.
Since 2007, Hanna Shea Executive Search has been the go-to search firm in support of the direct selling industry. Hanna Shea finds top talent for companies in need of building or improving an executive leadership team for organizational success.
1080 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132
Royal Caribbean International’s Corporate Sales Team
800-345-7225 (SELECT 2, THEN 1) royalcaribbeanincentives.com
Royal Caribbean® transforms events into the ultimate productivity paradise. Impress your attendees with epic venues, vibrant restaurants, onboard thrills and beautiful destinations.
27 S Main St #17
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Recruit and retain the right people for your organization — We are the world’s largest “white label” travel club builder.
2692 N. State Route 1-17 Momence, IL 60954 888-452-6853 futureceuticals.com
Fruit, vegetable, and grain-based solutions backed with evidence-based, marketable claims.
5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250 Plano, TX 75024 310-428-9936
With over 35 years of industry experience, NOW Technologies is the premier provider of mobile tech tools designed to grow revenue and recruiting for our Direct Selling clients. The NOW platform provides powerful features such as sampling, social selling solutions, smart alerts, prospecting tools, content management, and onboarding & training capabilities.
9503 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, FL 33619 813-253-2235
Award-winning social commerce software for affiliate, influencer, MLM, party plan, and social retail companies. Our turnkey back-office solutions include Wayroo, delivering advanced commerce, comment selling, and payment solutions.
33 Franklin McKay Road
Attleboro, MA 02703
Dion’s jewelry solutions are perfect for career path, sales & recruiting, corporate anniversaries and incentive travel recognition awards.
4801 Spicewood Springs Road Ste. 250 Austin, TX 78759 512-690-2134 momofactor.com
Momentum Factor is a leading digital risk management firm specializing in online compliance monitoring and global online reputation management services for the direct selling industry. Our passion and mission are to protect companies from the brand and regulatory risks associated with online and social media technologies.
1600 Viceroy Dr., Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75235 214-367-9933
The global leader in cloud-based Platformas-a-Service (PaaS) for direct selling companies. An open framework for billiondollar giants to startup companies. Exigo supports MLM, Party Plan and Affiliate models, operating in single global markets.
1208 E. Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 222 Tampa, FL 33602 813-277-0625
Global Operations Management Software. Advanced Comp Plan Programming. Sales Force Backoffice & Automation. Web Site Design & Replication.
55 Shuman Blvd., Ste. 350 Naperville, IL 60563 866-698-3848 thatchertech.com
Thatcher Technology Group provides Sales Force, Compensation and Incentive Management Software for the Direct Selling Industry.
686 E 110 S Unit 104 American Fork, UT 84003 385-448-1800
Scalable software from startup to enterprise. Your delivery expert in Commissions Calc / Consulting, Replicating Websites, E-Commerce, Reporting, Promotions, Localization, Multi-Currency, and more- The Perfect Cloud-based Direct Selling Software Partner!
1875 S. State Street, Ste. 3000 Orem, UT 84097 801-431-4900
Software & SaaS solutions for startup, emerging, and global direct selling companies. See our ad on the back cover.
915 Broadway Street, Ste. 400 Vancouver, WA 98660 360-256-4400
Jenkon’s stability from five decades of award-winning innovation continues to be the answer for direct sellers worldwide. Jenkon is now evolving digital commerce with the new JoTLive Shopping platform and the JoT Affiliate & Social Influence Manager.
“ Partnering with DSN has helped QuickBox emerge into a vertical of great merchants and vendors a like. They have helped us grow and understand the industry and how we can better support the great companies in it.
—IRENE SCHARMACK / CEO, Quickbox Fulfillment
• Influence Distributor behavior with ‘MyDay’ journeys for customer and distributor acquisition, training, rank advancement, and more!
• Strengthen the connection to your field with a direct and instant line of communication via alerts, email blasts, drip funnels, and text.
• Empower your Distributors with NOW Commerce tools that accelerate sales and acquire new customers and convert them to ambassadors.