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An Unforgotten


Cerulean Water


Malumpati, a famously known health spring and tourist resort popular for its eco-tourism destinations offering a cold-spring pools in a tropical forests. The resort is situated in Pandan, Antique and operates daily between 7:30am to 4:00pm.

Echoed in the row-by-row bodies of trees of greater heights is the quiet splashing` of water stretching from the lungs of natural conception where clouds meet the tip of her hair. In the birds eye is an incredible aesthetic carved by the origin. A fl awless mirror of environmental evolution and deep within is an immeasurable mystery. “Malumpat ang Ati” that is how they fashioned when asked of Malumpati’s origin. ‘Atis’ is one of the indigenous people of Panay Island. Based on local stories, the atis used to take a bath and jump in the clean and crystal clear blue water of Malumpati. Along the way to Pandan, we were accompanied by towering mountains of Antique while the bus is dancing cautiously in steep and sloping roads. The fl ashes of waves are audible enough while the wandering sea breeze whirls slowly along our observing face. Adding to the enthusiasm of traveling adrenaline was the moist spelled out in the window where heavy rains outrageously slap. From Pandan terminal, we arranged a tricycle adventure to Malumpati for Php 250. Amazed by the scenery positioned in front of us, we met one of the fi rst residents of Malumpati. Nanay Diday brought us back to 1973 and most certainly allowed our minds to freeze for a while as to the fi rst day she laid her eyes and indulged in the cold Malumpati spring. Her family was the fi rst to settle just a few meters from the present Malumpati Health Spring in 1976. As she leaned her arms towards the wooden window of her old house, she could clearly remember how beautiful this place was. It was like a paradise of engagement. One can walk barefooted in the grass while the fl oras and faunas, as well as those large sharp rocks, are enjoying the symphony as mother nature sang. She was an eyewitness to the changes in the river ambiance and physical formation. In 1983, the diving site was erected. In 1992, cottages were established. The color and coldness of the water are just the same since then. After listening to reminiscing stories of the folks, we go for a trek for 300 Pesos, one of the activities in Malumpati. The tour guide provided by Bugang Community Based Eco-Tourism Organization (BCTMO) introduced us to sceneries of nature that seem to have their free mutual connection. The river was noticeably blue along the way and the trekkers are advised to wear protective footwear since the journey includes crossing creeks, stepping over rocks of sharp edges and fallen branches. The fi rst stop was an open area where one could have a nice human drone shot from a heart-shaped stone structure. The heart shape signifi es that the trek is approaching the blue lagoon, the heart of the river. The next stop of our trek was the blue lagoon. From here, only the sounds of rushing winds tiptoeing in the leaves were perceptible. The sound of the water has an invigorating idea of solitude as it fl ows forcedly towards the river. Our main destination was to see the headspring, the origin of the water fl owing through Malumpati Cold Spring


VOL.59 nO.1 | The DOLPHIN

and the Bugang River. To shelter from destructions, natural high and pointed rocks walled the area with trees of untraced oldness sought to fi ll our eyes with serenity. The water in the headspring is potable and we didn’t lose the chance to pack our thirst by tasting the natural water. Bugang River extends into the villages of Guia, Sto. Rosario, Zaldivar, Candari and Mag-aba. For accommodation, you have an option if you want to just stay for the day or an overnight stay to have a complete experience of the spring. Depending on the size, cottages for day tour varies from Php200 to Php500. You can also camp for free if you opt to bring your own tent. For overnight stays, there are huts or rooms good for 4 persons ranging between Php1200 to Php1800. Aside from simply swimming in its pristine cool waters, you can enjoy your water tubing experience for only Php220 per head. The fee already includes a guide and safety gears such as life-vest, helmet and tube. Water tubing will allow you to merge into the water by cruising the river through the current until you reached the swimming area. The local government through the Bugang Community Based EcoTourism Organization (BCTMO) conducts information drives regarding the river preservation as well as monthly cleanups of the river. They also campaigned for the prohibition of maintaining pigpens along the riverside and swimming at the river’s headspring. Malumpati could off er a wholesome experience like no other and an adventure of successful and vast wildlife trek away from the tiring crowds of urban. It breeds a strong casing of history and places ready to unbuckle your venturous self. Truly it was a creation of another intensifi ed blessing. A one of a kind experience will be achieved whether you like it or you love it. A true natural treasure shield with natural and unrealized metaphor in the beautiful imprisonment of incidents, feelings and words with some blends of hidden paradoxes are what this paradise has been facing. Knowing that it must be supported with an extreme degree of sensitivity and assurance as for others it was scenery but for most, it is a source, the origin of the line. the origin of the line.


Boosts your immune system Cold water helps increase the white blood cell count because the body is forced to react to changing conditions

Boosts your endorphins Swimmers who take the plunge in cold water emerge feeling energized because of the shock.

Boosts circulation Cold water causes the blood to rush to the internal organs, working your heart like a pump.

Burns more calories The body will burn more calories because the heart needs to beat faster and work harder to keep your body warm.

Reduces stress Swimming in cold water is such a shock to the system that you may fi nd yourself thinking to the system that you may fi nd yourself thinking about little else.

Source: http://www.swimoutlet.com/guides/ health-benefi ts-of-swimming-in-cold-water

Source: https://www.lifehack.org/288238/6amazing-health-benefi ts-cold-water-swimming

SERENE. A place of peace and relaxation. CRYSTAL. A clear dive in clean blue water.

ABODE. Where human and nature connects.


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