1 minute read
10F La gramática: El imperativo 2
from ¡Venga!
by Edco Ireland
F. La gramática: El imperativo 2
In Unit 8 we studied the informal affirmative imperative (telling one or more persons to do something). You can revise this on pages 242 and 243. We are now going to consider the informal negative imperative (telling one or more persons NOT to do something) and the formal imperative (giving an order or command to a person or persons in a formal situation). These situations require the use of the subjunctive.
The negative imperative – informal
To form the negative imperative (speaking to one person or more than one person), we use:
NO + PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE (tú/vosotros form)
Habla con ella.....................................Talk to her. (speaking to one person) No hables con ella. ............................Don’t talk to her. (speaking to one person)
Hablad con ella. .................................Talk to her. (speaking to more than one person) No habléis con ella. ...........................Don’t talk to her. (speaking to more than one person)
Ven a verme.........................................Come to see me. (speaking to one person) No vengas a verme. ...........................Don’t come to see me. (speaking to one person)
Venid a verme. ....................................Come to see me. (speaking to more than one person) No vengáis a verme...........................Don’t come to see me. (speaking to more than one person)
1. Salir a las tres. Sal a las tres. No salgas a las tres. 2. Venir aquí. 3. Hablar conmigo. 4. Comer el bocadillo. 5. Poner los libros aquí. 6. Decir la verdad. 7. Abrir la ventana. 8. Acostarse ahora.
1. Hablar con ella. Hablad con ella. No habléis con ella. 2. Hacer las camas. 3. Mirar la pizarra. 4. Empezar los deberes. 5. Tener cuidado. 6. Despertarse temprano. 7. Escribir una carta. 8. Salir mañana.