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l’Orafo International 2014
Ain virtual tour precious I taly
jewellery companies, we are introducing, as usual, the four main Italian goldware districts, supplying details not only on exhibitions held in those territories, but also some practical information addressed to foreign buyers about interesting and useful locations. The profiles of important companies in the world of Italian jewellery are also deeply bound to the different districts. These companies build the history and the reputation, now as in the past, of the Italian jewellery industry and established themselves for their taste and excellence in the most important international markets. We are then presenting the result of the contest “The Year of the Snake”, which ended in December 2013. Dedicated to the Chinese year of the snake, and to the snake as universal symbol, this contest saw the attendance of Italian companies, laboratories and designers that sent one of their creations in precious Italy and its excellences do not need great pre-
materials. A jury has chosen the three winners
sentations. Despite the long crisis, which undoub-
among the jewels that have been selected and
tedly involved great efforts for the goldware
published throughout the year (see page 18).
sector, Made in Italy jewels remain a “must
The article “Shapes and Colours 2014” shows
have” in the imagination of consumers both in
a wide gallery of exclusively Italian jewels, many
consolidated markets, such as the Emirates but,
of which will be presented, at the beginning of
above all, in the new ones. In fact, Russia, Chi-
the year, in the most important trade fairs, both
na, South America, Eastern Europe, are all
in Italy and abroad. We certainly do not mean
young growing countries, both economically and
to act as trend setters, but we simply want to evi-
socially. Over the last few years, wealth and the
dence the shapes and colours that will be the
consequent purchasing power of the citizens-
leading players in jewellery as well as in the
consumers in those countries have evidenced
world of fashion and accessories.
how Italian jewel is and continues to be highly
Have a nice reading!
desired due to its quality, design and taste. Italian exporting companies have been greatly
Marina Morini
successful, opening new trade opportunities by leveraging this desire. Figures concerning these ves: the “+” sign has been recurring after some difficult years determined, in particular, by the US and the European Countries, both undergoing a deep crisis. In this issue, besides providing for the latest data concerning exports of the Italian
l’Orafo International 2014
Viale Coni Zugna, 71 20144 Milano MI Ph. +39 02 3451 230 Fax +39 02 3451 231 editor-in-chief Marina Morini editorial staff Antonella Garello ______________________________________________ advertising traffic department Roberta Motta ______________________________________________ contributor ASI - Analisi e Studi Industriali photos Close up Studios translation Promo-Est project and artwork Claudio Rossi Oldrati printed by Presservice Ottanta S.r.l. Seriate (BG)
last two years of Italian export speak for themsel-
drop of exports in such pivotal markets as the
publisher Edifis S.p.A.
on the cover: GRAZIELLA Bracelet from the Margherita Collection, available in 18 and 14 carat gold and in silver. Necklace and earrings as a set. See pages 2, 3, 72.
Supplemento al n.12 2013 de l’Orafo Italiano Iscrizione Tribunale di Milano n.1038 del 10 Gennaio 1949 Iscrizione ROC n.06090
Summary Italian economy: The market of italian jewellery is the world by ASI - Analisi e Studi Industriali ................................................................................12 Competition: The Year of the Snake 2013 ..................................................20 Italian style: Fratelli Dinacci for Miss Universe ..........................................41 Trends 2014: Shapes and Colours by Marina Morini .........................................42 Colour .............................................................................................44 Medieval .........................................................................................58 Romantic .........................................................................................68 Wild .................................................................................................78 Metal ...............................................................................................86 Semi-finished products: Clasps by F.I.OR. / Chains by Nardi...........................90 The Arezzo district ................................................................................92 The Vicenza district...............................................................................96 The Valenza district ............................................................................100 The Torre del Greco district................................................................104 Case history: De Simone Fratelli: a century and a half of story ............108 Case history: Marco Bicego: creativity, tradition and a bit of recklessness 110 ADVERTISERS Alcozer & J s.r.l. .........................IV copertina
F.I.OR. s.p.a. ......................................76-77
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi - Gold in Italy .....95
Gold Art .................................................56
Artexpo ................................................103
Grani s.r.l. .........................................36-37
Banca Etruria ..............................II copertina
Graziella Group .....................copertina, 2-3
Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair ..................91
M.I.I. s.p.a. - Amore & Baci .....................4-5
Chimet s.p.a. ......................................74-75
Michelangelo Gioielli ..........................52-53
Confuorto ........................................65, 107
Nardi s.r.l. .........................................84-85
Crieri .............................................1, 16-17
Progetto Luce ...........................................99
di StefAno by Silver Vogue ......................6-7
P.V.Z. s.r.l. .........................................15, 57
Dinacci F.lli ..............................................14
The Fifth Season by Roberto Coin s.p.a. .....64
Elite Bijoux .............................................8-9
Saturno ..............................................66-67
Falcinelli Italy .............................III copertina
Scartoni .............................................82-83
Falsini Art s.r.l. ...................................54-55
Silver Star ...............................................40
Faro s.p.a. .........................................18-19
Torque Italia s.r.l. ................................38-39 l’Orafo International 2014
Italian economy
of Italian jewellery Is the world
The export reinforces its position as main support
2013 on the Italian export for jewellery marks a
expertise of master artisans as far as imagination,
for the Italian manufacturing of jewellery. In parti-
significant recovery, although a partial one, com-
beauty and design are concerned. In the first se-
cular, high range products are the most requested
pared with a year ago, reaching a turnover equal
mester 2013 the growth of the overall export
as they beat new and old competitors. These
to 6 billion euros. An appreciable recovery, notwi-
(+5% year by year) derived from trends differing
items are mainly manufactured by artisans and
thstanding the drop in the demand in several
from district to district and from several disconti-
small companies deeply rooted in well-known di-
countries and the hurdles faced by Italian exports
nuities. However, the increases are prevailing.
stricts. Also thanks to the new technologies, these
on various fronts, in particular because of improper
Therefore, significant recoveries have been obtained
companies manage to overcome limits and restric-
trade policies (as counterfeiting and dumping)
for the exports involving Arezzo (+15.7%), Vicenza
tions becoming more and more projected on the
practiced by new competitors and exchange rates
(+7.2%), Naples (+17%) and Milan (+6.8%). On
international markets. A production model bound
that reduce the competition of Italian (and European)
the other hand, there has been a reduction in the
to see its value increase due to the spreading of
products. Finally, in mid-October 2013, the UE
sales of Valenza (-4.1%) and Rome (-21.7%). The
an entrepreneurship that is able to manufacture
approved the first act concerning the compulsory
contributions of the supply chains of Arezzo (with
unique jewels and represents one of the industry
requirement of the product origin label (pending
34.1% of the total percentage) and Vicenza (with
main wealth. Foreign investors are attracted by
the vote of the European Parliament). As we have
24.6%) remain on top of the ranking as main ex-
the quality performance of Italian manufacturing
already said, the Italian production system still
porting districts. Valenza (14.8%) and Milan
and by the wealth of imagination and know how
has a strong point in the presence of the district sy-
(10.8%) follow. The percentages of Rome and Na-
showed by Italian goldware operators. A wealth
stem: a virtuous competitive environment where
ples, with the corals of Torre del Greco, are lower.
shared by the final buyers who often expect and
each company is obliged to innovate and create
In particular, over 70% of sales abroad come
verify the authenticity of the manufacture. Until the
more and more competitive jewels, thanks to the
from the three main districts and over a third from
'90s the demand (both national and international) for jewels was driven by the old traditional designs that had brought Italian goldware industry to be the world leader for aesthetic beauty, the attention paid to the manufacture, the variety of solutions found by talented artisans. Towards the end of the
last century also the goldware offer felt, first only
first 6 months 2013
as an intuition, then as a production practice, the need for a dialectic relationship between "heritage" and innovation. Exactly as it happened in the multifaceted branch of luxury products. In fact, over
DISTRICTS (Province)
Million Euro
var. % 2013/12
% on total
11,45 25,97 422,19 308,52 973,40 714,40 409,59
17,0 -21,7 -4,1 6,8 15,7 7,2 -8,1
0,4 0,9 14,8 10,8 34,1 24,6 14,1
the last few years the concept of innovation has come to be interpreted according to three strictly connected aspects: aesthetic (a pivotal element in the high range world), technological (creation of new products and innovation of productive processes and of the company organization) and, above all cultural. This because "luxury goods" brings about a revolution in taste along with changes in the way generations think and see
Naples Rome Valenza Po (AL) Milan Arezzo Vicenza Other
both present and future. In the last few months the conditions of Italian jewellery have improved, but the aggregated world economy has not returned on the safe path of growth yet. The pre-statement
l’Orafo International 2014
(*) Territorial data concerning foreign trade include costume jewellery. - Cod. Ateco CM 321 Sources: ASI, elaborations on ISTAT data
Falcinelli Italy
plement some strategic actions: focus their business on the features of the various markets, pay particular attention to the customer care, and acquire new specialised partners on the markets where they are going to widen their business. These are the virtuous "non price" paths, focused on process and product innovations, aimed at inresearch, the consumptions of "non food" products
creasing the content of added value included in
should mark significant increases in the medium-
the productions: the only paths that can guarantee
one district only. In the new competitive context
long term. Among these we find jewels, due to a
the financial resources to ensure the improvement
and with the impetuous success of new technologies,
decrease in the prices of precious raw materials.
of the distribution network, of post-sale service
also the districts, along with the individual compa-
This decrease presumably influences the final
and of the rooting on the exporting markets. In
nies, need a widening of the service offerings ad-
prices of jewels, widening, therefore, the basis of
fact, the company that is not able to control its di-
dressed to the production system as well as a ma-
the consumption pyramid. The periodical quantita-
stribution channels cannot notice a possible turna-
nagement reorganisation in order to facilitate the
tive analyses clearly show the increasing importance
round in a foreign market or the prevalence of
creation and development of a company network
of exports for the future of businesses. Italy confirms
new competitors until the orders of traditional cu-
that can widen and consolidate the whole supply
its competitive global leadership in the industry of
stomers are not received any more.
chain of the Italian goldware industry. According
quality jewels. However, in order to consolidate
to the predictions of important centres for economic
their positions, the exporting companies must im-
by ASI - Analisi e Studi Industriali
export percentages per country first 7 months 2013 % on total 22,4 21,6 12,9
7,9 5,1 0,8
Other countries
Hong Kong
United States
Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
l’Orafo International 2014
Yearof theSnake
Snake competition
Here are the winners of our contest! We publish on these pages the jewels that, in 2013, took part to our contest “Year of the Snake�, an all Italian
homage to the Chinese year of the Snake and to one of the
Gunmetal grey, rhodium-plated sterling
most appreciated symbols in the history of jewellery. We
silver bracelet, with coloured sapphires
want to thank all the companies that participated to the
and emeralds. One of a kind, han-
event, showing a variety of style, taste, aesthetics and
dmade piece.
creativity worthy of the best Made in Italy. The jury, which
included Maurizio Palmisciano, jewel designer for Chinese companies and professor of jewel design in China; Fiorence
Motivation: It is an elegant represen-
Chan, managing director of the Hong Kong Jewellery ma-
tation of the snake complete in its ba-
gazine and the editorial staff of Orafo Italiano, elected the
lance and attention for detail. The me-
three winners, based on the motivations that we include at
ditation on the jewel aesthetics is evident
the foot of the picture of the jewel. Beside the plate, the first
along with the careful research for pro-
wins a weekend with a wellness stay for two people.
portions and harmonies in shapes.
l’Orafo International 2014
Magriffe “Due di Picche” earring by Magriffe,
in yellow gold and white burnished gold, brown diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Motivation: This sinuous snake-shaped earring combines important symbols of western culture, the apple and the original sin with Chinese ones: the coils forming number 8, considered a good omen in Chinese tradition. The swinging head and the movement of the reptile seem to make the gems covering the body even brighter.
u topia The Eden Collection unites the wisdom of the earth (the snake) and the depth of the sea (the pearls). Ring in white gold, white diamonds and South Sea pearl. Earrings in burnished gold, white diamonds and South Sea and Tahiti pearls. Motivation: A parure characterised by an undeniable charm and symbolic contrasts that manage to harmoniously
combine the pattern of the snake, a creature connected to both earth and underground with the pearl, a gem coming from the sea. The contrasting colours of the pearls, particularly appreciated in China, remind the Chinese pattern of Ying and Yang as well as the contrasting forces of nature. The impeccable pavé takes inspiration from the softness of the reptile scales.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
picchiotti The head of the snake is set with an imposing pear-shaped Zambia emerald, enhanced by round diamonds and emeralds which also embellish the coils and the tail. Two cabochon rubies as eyes.
leo pizzo A bracelet from the Serpenti collection, in white gold with diamonds and blue sapphires.
l’Orafo International 2014
castaldi gioielli Imperial Snake Pearl, a white gold ring, enhanced by brilliant-cut diamonds, black diamonds and an important Australian pearl. Designed and made by Gianluca Castaldi.
avraria Serpente bracelet, in red gold and silver with pink sapphires, diamonds and amethyst as eyes.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
alisei milano Sterling silver ring with champagne and green zircons.
paolo piovan gioielli Snake’s head ring in 750 white gold, white diamond pavé and Sky diamonds. Design: Paolo Piovan.
l’Orafo International 2014
angry Snake ring in yellow gold, brown diamonds, a 43 ct. big black diamond and eyes in polished enamel.
Angela puttini capri “Le Bisce” collection: ring and earrings in black platinum-plated 18 carat gold, set with black diamonds and with rubies as eyes. Designer Antonella Puttini.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
roberto greppi A bracelet in ray skin; the snake is made of sterling silver and entirely set with zircons.
marta paolillo 18kt. rose gold earrings, entirely worked by hand, set with 240 brilliant-cut diamonds (1,62 ct.) and two pear-shaped irregular diamonds, of 8,09 and 8,36 ct. respectively, from the Golconda mine (India), famous since ancient times.
l’Orafo International 2014
mattioli A pendant from the African Queen collection, in white gold, jet and white diamonds. Designer Licia Mattioli.
ponte Vecchio gioielli From the “Animals” collection, snake necklace in 18 carat rose gold with diamonds and brown brilliant-cut diamonds. Designer Valentina Callo.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
alcozer & J A pendant in gold plated silver and natural agate. “Classic” collection.
germano “Omaggio a Cleopatra” 18 carat gold bracelet, with two snakes. Investment casting.
l’Orafo International 2014
giovanni raspini Serpente necklace, from the Neckplace collection, in gilded silver. Designer Giovanni Raspini.
sidonia 18 carat gold bracelet, also available in 14 carat gold. Distributed by Faro Spa.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
fabrizio di cori gioielli Yellow gold cuff links with fired enamel and diamonds. Flush setting and chisel engraving. Created exclusively for Sartoria Bucci 1925, Rome.
capotosti design Snake-necklace in white and yellow gold with diamond pavé and cabochon-cut emeralds’ eyes. Design: Francesco Maria Capotosti
l’Orafo International 2014
domenichetti marco “Il serpente e la rosa rossa”, sterling silver wire bracelet, with precious stones. Designer Pamela Domenichetti.
misis 18 carat gold plated silver bracelet; snake in “shining” enamels, butterfly in zircons and enamels. From the Eden - Eudaimonìa collection. Design Claudia Piaserico.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
roberta pavone “Spire nere” (“Black coils”), entirely hand-worked necklace in volcanic lava with an 18 carat green gold fastening. Designer Roberta Pavone.
Gioielleria Artigianoro Yellow and white gold ring, with brilliant-cut diamonds and an outstanding Australian opal. A unique jewel, entirely hand made. Designer Osvaldo Furgiuele.
l’Orafo International 2014
amleĚ Handcrafted earrings made of ebony, bone and sterling silver. Designer Marisa Angelucci.
barzizza From the Jungle collection, white gold ring and pendant with diamonds, Burmese rubies and cabochon made of Sardinian coral. Designer GianLuca Gabbani.
l’Orafo International 2014
Snake competition
roberta risolo “Torre del Serpe� necklace, in white and black gold, set with Lecce stones. The tower surrounded by the snake refers to an ancient legend connected to
amore & baci A bead made of sterling silver, in order to compose bracelets and necklaces.
l’Orafo International 2014
Otranto, a city in the Puglia region.
alessandrini Sterling silver necklace, with sifted rough coral and two emerals as eyes. Investment casting. Designer Elena Bianchi.
S. papini gioielli Python cuff bracelet with a leather snake applied. The head is in white gold and diamonds; the tail is in gold. Designer Susanna Papini.
l’Orafo International 2014
yamamay Dinacci
Italian style
and for Miss universe
standing swimsuit, whose manufacturing required 4 months as a whole, is decorated with a refined pattern consisting of about 900 hundred precious stones among which diamonds, emeralds and rubies, sewn one by one on the fabric, for around 200 ct and 450 g of 18 ct gold as a total. It is not by chance that the colours of the gems match those of our flag, as this admired swim suit was fully conceived, designed and manufactured, showing an incredible skilfulness and creativity, in Italy, with a reference to the claim "A touch of Italy" empha-
Gianluigi Cimmino and Flavio Dinacci
sised by Yamamay in its campaign. The initiative, resulting from the long-
The partnership between Yamamay and Fratelli Di-
standing friendship between Flavio Di-
nacci for Miss Universe, the most followed contest
nacci and Gianluigi Cimmino, managing
in the world with a billion viewers, led to the
director of Yamamay, obtained an enor-
creation of the extraordinary one million dollar
mous success and was enthusiastically
swimsuit dedicated to the winning Miss. This out-
welcomed by media all over the world.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
l’Orafo International 2014
sChapes and olours 2014
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
Le Feu Collection. Rings in yellow or rose gold with brilliant-cut diamonds and color sapphires.
l’Orafo International 2014
Benedetta Bruzzichese
Giorgio Armani
ToyCandy From the ToyCandy Collection, ring in anallergic rose steel and faceted coloured crystal. Opening the two metal bands, the ring can turn into a pendant or a bracelet.
Crieri Bracelet in rose and burnished white gold with fancy diamonds.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
confuorto Multi-string necklace with red purple agate.
l’Orafo International 2014
falsini art laura bellini
Earring and pendant in 18ct. yellow gold with hand-painted enamels.
Vieux Paris Collection. Earrings in sterling silver, ceramic and agate in different colours.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
Giorgio Armani
“Moon” choker in rhodium-plated metal and Swarovski®Elements crystals.
ititoli Diamond XL rings in white gold and diamonds, with a ruby, an emerald, a sapphire.
l’Orafo International 2014
Falcinelli Italy Althea Collection. Contemporary rings in white and rose gold with amethyst quartz, green amethyst and diamonds.
govoni gioielli Rings in white gold and diamonds with emeralds, sapphires and rubies.
Roberto Cavalli
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
Christian Dior
Ermanno Scervino
Di Stefano
by Silver vogue
Fancy Collection. Earrings in roseplated sterling silver with zircons and synthetic stones. Available in different colors.
alisei Rings in silver with a wide range of coloured stones.
l’Orafo International 2014
artisan jewelry “Glam” watches from the Sparky Time Collection, with quartz movement, original Swarovski crystals, silk-finish silicone bracelet. Available in many different combinations of colors and stones.
torque From the Oval Collection, solo tempo watch with a 37 mm. case, mineral glass, and calendar. Water resistant up to 10 atm.
Jarrett l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
Alexandre McSmith London
PIANEGONDA From the “Chemin du Coeur” Collection, ring in sterling silver surrounded by an elegant 18ct. gold chain, blending geometrical and rounded shapes. On the inside, a refined texture drawing on the iconic Pianegonda heart.
PESAVENTO Polvere di Sogni Collection. Bracelets in silver covered with a “precious” powder, made of reflecting particles, in different tonalities - pink, rhodium and ruthenium. Rings and pendants as a set.
l’Orafo International 2014
Dolce & Gabbana
ROBERTO GIANNOTTI “Chiama Angeli” (Angel Call) Collection. Pendant in silver with a customized accessory clasp.
KARIZIA Earrings in rhodium-plated silver and red silver, a new color created with the Oxicolor™ innovative system: a palette of more than 26 gold and silver colors. Necklace, bracelet and ring as a set.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
comete gioielli Sophie Collection. Cross-shaped pendant in white gold with diamonds and sapphires.
alcozer& j Necklace with a cameo set on a golden brass element, Swarovski stones, garnets and pearls.
Dolce & Gabbana
l’Orafo International 2014
Roberto Cavalli
tuum Rosary with prayers engraved in rose gold and enlightened with pink sapphires. A message of spirituality and an evolution of the Tuum project.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
The fifth season by roberto coin Pendant and earrings in sterling silver and in rose gold-plated sterling silver.
Giambattista Valli
l’Orafo International 2014
Punk it by Face Ă Face
scartoni Hand-made burnished sterling silver bracelet with hollow chain and decorated cabochons elements. Necklace, ring and earrings as a set.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
Oscar de la Renta
ronco “Anemone” necklace in white and yellow gold with natural stones.
l’Orafo International 2014
pvz- neonero From the “Pizzo d’Oro” Collection by NEONERO, bangles in 18ct. gold with a lace effect workmanship.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
magalini From the Jaipur Collection, earrings in rose gold with brilliant-cut diamonds.
elite bijoux Rings in gold-plated sterling silver and zircons.
l’Orafo International 2014
michelangelo gioielli From the Rinascimento Collection, pendant in sterling silver with cameo.
Daizy Shely
miluna Vertigo Collection. Bracelets in silver, titanium, pearls, smoked quartz and amethyst.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
graziella Margherita Collection. Necklace available in 14 and 18ct. gold and in silver. Bracelet and earrings as a set.
grani Meissa Collection. Necklace in silver with Swarovski stones.
ottaviani From the Giardino Fiorito Collection, bracelet in sterling silver with zircons and crystals.Necklace, earrings and ring as a set.
l’Orafo International 2014
artlinea Necklace in white, rose and yellow 18 ct. gold playing on the motif of
Isabel Marant
the heart.
sidra gold Iris Collection. Bangle in 18ct. white, yellow and rose gold with enamelled decoration and natural stones. Necklace, ring and earrings as a set.
l’Orafo International 2014
Trattamento • Recupero • Affinazione • Metalli preziosi e pregiati • Sali galvanici
Chimet S.p.A. Sede: Badia al Pino (Arezzo) Via dei Laghi 31/33 tel. +39 0575 4151 - fax +39 0575 410214 Filiale di Vicenza Viale Anconetta 49 C/B tel. +39 0444 303345 - fax +39 0444 511369
trends 2014
fratelli bovo Necklace from the Kardano Collection inspired by the cardan joint that emphasizes the movement linking one element to the other. In yellow and rose gold with diamond milled spheres.
Cielo Gioielli milano 1914 Gold bracelet set with fancy diamonds of different cuts for a total of 66 carats.
Just Cavalli
l’Orafo International 2014
Toi et Moi
Roberto Cavalli
D ’elia A collection of cultivated pearls - Akoya, Tahitian and Australian - laquered with the Maki-e technique. A novelty by Alfonso Vitiello in cooperation with the designer Yuky Kuroda and D’Elia’s Plan-Japan.
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014 Missoni
amore & baci Sterling silver bracelet with composable elements in silver, Murano glass, enamels and Swarovski crystals.
l’Orafo International 2014
il binomio Bracelet in a cotton/steel texture, sterling silver, bronze and Swarovski crystals. It wears all sizes and it is produced in 9 different colors.
Dolce & Gabbana
saturno The duck and the fox are the protagonists of these cuff-links in sterling silver and enamels. Available in a wide range of motifs, including dogs, elephants, horses. Handcrafted in every detail.
Fendi l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
fraboso Rings in anallergic rhodium-plated sterling silver, rose, bronze or ruthenium-plated, with crystal zircons.
1ar by
Bangles in gold, silver and rose plated brass.
Silver Star Earrings in diamond-milled sterling silver thread and boules, with investment cast elements and pre-set zircons.
l’Orafo International 2014
grace 96 Dedicami Line. “Sei la Mia regina”
Gianfranco Ferrè
(“You are my queen”) - the box chain sterling silver bracelet. Available in polished silver, burnished silver and ruthenium.
mattia cielo From the Pavone Collection, earrings in rose gold and diamonds with moving elements.
Benedetta Bruzzichese
l’Orafo International 2014
trends 2014
better silver A rolled-up bi-color chain bracelet.
Cor Sine Labe Doli
stefani argento Sterling silver mesh bracelets in five colors: rhodium, ruthenium or plated in yellow gold, rose gold, chocolate gold. Concealed magnetic clasp.
l’Orafo International 2014
my vice From the Cherie Collection, gold bracelet with open-work boules. Shapes and motifs are inspired to lightness and harmony.
Custo Barcelona
michele faccin A set of three sterling silver 18ct. gold plated bangles.
l’Orafo International 2014
fi or ..
years of quality
1974 - 2014: an important anniversary for F.I.OR.,
know how, raw materials, machinery to offer
which manufactures and exports semi-finished pro-
products that last over time and give value to the
ducts all over the world and celebrates 40 years
creations they are used for.
of experience and professionalism at the service of a continuously changing market. Its products are fully "made in Tuscany", a synonym of reliability and tradition at the service of innovation and culture. All semi-finished products are designed and manufactured with machinery built in Italy. Even though Gold and Silver are the company core business, in line with fashion trends the company has widened its range of products that, so far, also includes Goldfilled, Silverfilled, Bonded, Platinum, Brass, Palladium e Bronze. Among the new proposals, the "extra light" collection to produce great creations with a “light� manufacturing cost. The company imperative is quality, meaning
all the chains you desire Nardi has been operating in the goldware industry for over 23 years specialising in the manufacturing of very thin machine-made chains, both by the metre or finished, for pendants, diamonds, solitaires and for the creation of Fantasia jewellery (in the photos, some models of chains). Nardi's production is characterised by a very high quality acknowledged at an international level. Nardi, whose premises are located near Arezzo (below) collaborates with the most important companies in the industry from Arezzo and the Veneto region, as well as being present at the goldware exhibitions held in Arezzo and Vicenza.
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
In an undoubtedly difficult moment for
tions a year: OroArezzo, taking place in
the whole goldsmith district of the Arezzo
spring, and the newly born Gold in Italy,
area, historically characterised by the
opened in 2013, an event scheduled for
presence on the territory of a multitude
the autumn season and focused on the
of laboratories and small businesses
"made in Italy" production.
mainly specialised in the production of
The Exhibition Centre in the city of Arezzo
items for the traditional goldsmith sector,
has been recently renovated and expan-
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi supports the
ded and it is equipped with a modern
work of entrepreneurs with two exhibi- and functional auditorium.
l’Orafo International 2014
wide selection of the Italian goldware production,
(5-8 April 2014)
coming from our various national districts, com-
An international exhibition of jewellery
plemented by a choice of foreign manufacturers.
and silverware, OroArezzo proposes a
OroArezzo is dedicated exclusively to profes-
Gold in Italy
Bi-Jewel, organised in partnership with Vogue
(Italian Fashion & Jewelry
Gioielli and Vogue Accessory, is a space entirely
dedicated to quality costume jewellery also
The new formula of the Trade
hosting those companies combining the traditional
Show conceived by Arezzo
jewellery with a production more oriented towards
Fiere e Congressi was started
the fashion world, trends and needs. The products
in 2013 and represents an
often stand out for their innovative drive, as far
evolution of "Incontri d'Au-
as design, materials, style, philosophy of beauty
tunno". The 150 Italian exhi-
are concerned.
bitors had the possibility to schedule meetings with other
selected buyers, coming both
The Cash&Carry Exhibition aims at matching Ita-
sional operators: importers/exporters, wholesa-
from consolidated as well as from
lian and foreign retailers and wholesalers who
lers, store chains and retailers. Première is the
new and emerging markets. In
buy "ready products" with manufacturing com-
flagship of the exhibition that, for over twenty
parallel with OroArezzo
panies. The aim is that of avoiding the long deli-
years, has seen the attendance of numerous
and Gold in Italy, and in
very time of products for the buyer and of cohe-
exhibitors proposing their new products for the
the same field, Bi-Jewel
rently purchasing in view of the incoming Chri-
following year.
and Cash&Carry are held.
stmas season.
di San Francesco, a
The outstanding Piazza Grande (below) where
simple gothic building
the Saracen Joust is held in summer, presents a
made of stones and
ramp with an over 10 m drive between the highest
bricks, hosts one of the
and the lowest points. It is surrounded by the
highest achievements
sixteenth century Logge del Vasari and by an im-
gold. The Christus pa-
of Renaissance paintings: the History of
pressive series of ancient buildings and palaces,
tiens, showing a moving
the True Cross, a cycle of frescoes painted
as the old Palazzo del Vescovo, the beautiful
mask of anguish on his
between 1452 and 1466 by Piero della
Parish Church of Santa Maria, the Court building
face, is surmounted by
Francesca as a decoration for the Cappella
and the Fraternità dei Laici, Palazzo Lappoli and
the tondo portraying a
Bacci (below). The scenes narrate the stories
Palazzo Torre dei Cofani. The Crucifix of San
blessing Christ; on the
connected to the saint Crucifix, following the
Domenico’s Church (right), by Cimabue, is
sides of the cross, Mary
sources of the Legenda Aurea by Jacopo da
considered one of the masterpieces of thirteenth
and Saint John are
century painting: it consists of a cross painted by
mourning. The thirte-
the great master around 1270 in distemper and
enth century Basilica
Varagine and the Bible, until the year 628, when the True Cross was taken back to Jerusalem for good, after being stolen. The subject was certainly not new, but Piero della Francesca managed to reinterpret it, both in the selection of stories, at an iconographic level, and in the formal layout that does not follow a chronological order, but an aesthetic-formal criterion based on symmetries that create an extremely lively masterpiece characterised by an extraordinary impact.
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
WHERE TO STAY Graziella Patio is a hotel full of charm hosted in an historical building whose cellars and foundations date back to the XV century, located in the centre of Arezzo, just a few steps from the main monuments of the city (right). Rooms and suites take inspiration from the journeys of Bruce Chatwin. It also offers wellness Situated on the hills dominating the Valdarno basin, Borro Relais & Chateaux is a magnificent 70 hectare-estate, once a locality of its own, whose heart is represented by a medieval small village hosting flats and suites (left). It can also offer villas and farmhouses, all finely refurbished. The estate also includes a SPA, a wine bar, a winery and a bistro all offering high quality local products. There are also plenty of possibilities to carry out sports, cultural and artistic activities.
WHERE TO EAT Hosted in an ancient customhouse for salt inside a palace designed by Vasari with a magnificent sight of Piazza Grande, the restaurant Logge Vasari (picture on the right) was voted in 2011 as best restaurant in Italy by the Accademia Gastronomica Storica d’Italia. All menus are based on products coming from the territory Just a few kilometres from Arezzo, near Ponte WELLNESS
Buriano, portrayed in "La Gioconda" by Leo-
The Relais and Re-
nardo, the Pere e Margherite hostelry (picture
staurant Badia di Campoleone, at
top) is situated inside the Santa Margherita relais, an historical medieval manor. The list
about 7 km from the centre of Arez-
varies according to the different seasons and proposes great classic dishes of Tuscan
zo, hosts a magnificent SPA (top)
cooking as well as interesting revisitations.
complete with sauna, Turkish bath, Jacuzzi, emotional shower, massages and aesthetic treatments. Every detail of
Victoria Beauty & Fitness SPA (below),
Golf Club Casentino is situated at an altitude of 500 metres,
just a few kilometres from Arezzo,
in a scenic position overlooking the whole Casentino area (be-
is aimed at offering a complete
low). From the Club House, a stone cottage equipped with all
relax: from the classic wellness ex-
facilities, you can see the 18-hole court, perfect for players of
periences to aesthetic treatments, to
any category. The Golf court of An-
the fitness area equipped with fully
tognolla is composed of 18 holes, designed by architect
equipped gym.
Robert Trend Jones II. 20 minutes from Perugia, it is overlooked by the castle of Antognolla (left). The estate includes Proshop, Training Course, Club House with a bar, a restaurant, as well as luxury villas, flats and suites to be rented.
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
The three editions of Fiera di Vicenza
2015), but also to present a new exhi- silver jewellery, precious and semi-precious
dedicated to goldware and jewellery
bition concept called The Boutique Show,
remain the most important reference
in line with the changes in taste and ha- chinery and equipment, accessories, gemological
stones, pearls, corals and cameos, watches, ma-
points for both Italian and foreign com- bits of the contemporary consumer.
instruments, services. Other events taking place
panies operating in this sector. This also
in parallel with VICENZAORO Winter:
thanks to a territory that, despite the
T-Gold: international exhibition of tools and
many difficulties caused by the economic
(18-23 January 2014)
equipment for jewellery and gemology, with a
crisis, is able to express a precious pro- VICENZAORO Winter - the most important of
spotlight on new technologies applied to precious
duction characterised by a great interest
metals, a major factor in determining companies’
the three jewellery trade fairs in Vicenza - is the
for international, consolidated and emer- event that opens the international fair calendar.
ging markets. In order to keep pace
It is therefore an interesting standpoint to observe
Glamroom: an area dedicated to companies
with the changing times, Fiera di Vicenza
both the economic situation of the industry and
that manufacture fashion jewellery and body or-
is working to refurbish the venues of
trends, new products and the quality of proposals
naments combining unusual materials such as
the exhibition area, building a new mo- for the coming year. There is a wide range of
wood, ceramic, resin and steel with precious
noplanar stand (due to be opened in
materials, traditionally used in jewellery. Glam-
l’Orafo International 2014
goods, gold and platinum jewellery, silverware,
room is present at all three events. VICENZAORO Spring (10 - 13 May 2014) VICENZAORO Spring offers an attractive range of gold jewellery, gemstones and related sectors. The event is increasingly focusing on the proximity between jewellery and the world of fashion and accessories. VICENZAORO Fall (6 - 10 September 2014) International exhibition of gold items, jewellery, silverware and watches. An event of great interest in anticipation of supplies fit the end of the year festivities. It is the edition that puts greater focus on distribution and is designed to create the best possible environment to bring together supply and demand.
NOT TO BE MISSED In Vicenza and in the surrounding areas there are a great number of architectural and artistic sites that are worth a visit. We have chosen two, based on the time available to a businessman who stays in town just for few days and who is always busy at the exhibition. The first, that can be easily reached as it is located in the city centre, is the Teatro Olimpico (picture below) realised by Palladio just before his death and completed by his son Silla in 1583. Drawing inspirations from Roman theatres, the Teatro Olimpico represents the town of Thebes and its seven roads, which look extremely long thanks to a
series of architectural devices but are only 12 m deep. For further information: Villa Valmarana ai Nani, in the amazing surroundings of Vicenza, is a real jewel and hosts some famous frescos by Giambattista Tiepolo and his son Giandomenico (right) as well as a series of stone sculptures of dwarves, now on the ring-wall, but once scattered in the garden (top). The le-
dwarves so that she did not know her defect.
gend says that the daughter of the
One day a prince came and when the girl saw
lord of this villa suffered from dwarfism
him she realised her condition and took her life.
and that, therefore, all servants were
Her servants were turned into stone by grief.
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
WHERE TO EAT The Venetian cuisine is famous all over the world and in the Vicenza area quality restaurants are not lacking. We recommend two, useful for those who either want to stay near the Fiera and Vicenza or prefer to try something particular outside town. The Ristorante Da Remo (below) is located inside an old eighteenth century building: the spaces both outside and inside are wide and cosy; their cooking is characterised by dishes of Venetian cuisine, but not only ( The restaurant El Coq (bottom) is located at Marano Vicentino, a few kilometres from Vicenza. Its owner is Lorenzo Cogo, 27, a successful chef whose cooking is based on Italian products and tastes and flavours from the expeAn elegant eighte-
riences he had in re-
enth building, Hotel
staurants all over the
Villa Michelangelo
world: an interesting
(top) is located on
and particular experien-
the hills of Vicenza
ce (
and offers rooms overlooking a park, as well as a swimming pool and an excellent restaurant. Info: Leaving the highway at Vicenza East in a big green area you can find Viest Hotel (below): convenient, peaceful and cosy, it offers a spa, meeting areas, a restaurant and a fitness centre. Info:
WELLNESS A great variety of thermal waters characterise the territory. At Montegrotto Terme, in the Colli Euganei, the Hotel Bellavista Park Thermal SPA (below), has its own thermal water GOLF CLUBS
spring, a SPA with beauty treatments and
Located in parkland of Colli Berici, the Golf Club Colli Berici (picture) offers a ground with 18
mud-baths; a restaurant offering vegetarian
holes and a magnificent panorama. Info: For those who want to
and dietetic menus together with a refined
take a break without going too far, just a few minutes from the centre of Vicenza, at the foot of
hotel. Info:
the hills, you can find Golf Club Vicenza:
l’Orafo International 2014
Valenza Italian districts
Valenza is the capital of Italian high je- in a new venue with a different concept. The wellery; it is the place where the refined
concept of the bonbonniere: Villa Scalcabarozzi
art of precious stone setting, of unparal- (below), a nineteenth century mansion located leled artisan skill, of imagination which
in the centre of Valenza, former seat of the Asso-
gave life to fairy-tale jewels, famous all
ciazione Orafa Valenzana, opened the doors of
over the world, developed. A territory
its halls and its chambers to welcome a selected
that hosts plenty of small and medium
number of prestigious goldsmith companies (22)
family run companies carrying on a high
known all over the world for the refinement and
quality artisan tradition.
preciousness of their creations. For the event,
Valenza Gioielli / Istinto Prezioso
delegations of foreign buyers coming from the
(October 2014 – dates to be defined)
most important markets have been invited. For
Valenza Gioielli has changed its face since
the edition of October 2014, various and impor-
2013. In fact, the organisers of the exhibition,
tant events are foreseen to support exhibitors
has preferred to present the jewellery companies
and to attract Italian and foreign buyers.
and in collaboration with the institutions, different
l’Orafo International 2014
pointed arches and panelled ceiling. Inside, halls are decorated with coats of
Palazzo Anna d’Alençon
arms and painted tablets portraying
Casale Monferrato, near Valenza, is a pleasant
members of the Paleologa family, then
town with and important and prestigious past, te-
dominating the area. Info: www.comu-
stified by various monuments and palaces. Among
them the Palace that was the residence of Marquise Anna d'Alençon (XV-XVI century). The Renaissance
Gourmet tours
courtyard is endowed with a particular beauty,
Monferrato is an area with great
surrounded by columns and a colonnade with
gourmet traditions and it winds among
vineyards, hills and valleys. An itinerary worth to be discovered slowly, following the wine paths, visiting castles, stopping in the small villages on the hills looking for small restaurants and farm houses characterised by excellent cooking. The small high quality wine cellars scattered on the territory are worth a visit. Info:
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
WHERE TO EAT A restaurant with an evocative name and characterised by an enchanted atmosphere “La Commedia della Pentola” (The Pot’s Comedy) located on the hills of Monferrato and, more precisely in the small village of Lu Monferrato, surrounded by vineyards. A country house hosts the restaurant whose cooking, atmosphere and furniture have been chosen by a female team showing great taste and care. Info:
Two interesting options are available for those who are on a working trip in this area. Near the highway you can find the Diamante Hotel of Spinetta Marengo (top left) which is comfortable, functional, offering a great number of services to a business clientele: free parking, Centro Bellavita with swimming pools and fitness centre included in the price, as well as a restaurant. Info: For those who prefer to stay in the centre of Valenza, we suggest the flats/suites of Living-Inn, an ancient palace located in the city centre, opposite the Theatre, renovated according to the highest standards of design and comfort, offering all the facilities needed to work in a relaxed environment. Info: WELLNESS Acqui Terme, as it is testified by its name, is GOLF CLUBS
a town famous since roman time for its ther-
Villa Carolina is located at the end of a boulevard
mal baths, the Ancient Baths that you can
bordered by horse chestnuts, in the middle of a
still visit today (below). If you want to
century-old park. Given as a wedding present to
combine the pleasure of a tourist and cultural
Carolina of Albrizzi Marquis, was then transformed
trip with a wellness experience, Terme Nuove
into a country residence. Now it is a Golf Club, lo-
are located in the city centre. In Piazza
cated in the ancient stables, and it offers highly
della Bollente, again in the city centre (top)
charming walks, as well as a restaurant, a golf
is located a nineteenth century aedicule
ground to play indoor, a resort with twenty rooms
from which 70-75° thermal water flows.
available and even a billiard-room. Info:
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
Built in 1994, the Exhibition Centre Tarì
have consolidated their position establi- is constantly on the rise, interested in bijoux and
of Marcianise extends over 130,000
shing as a more and more important re- fashion accessories. Moreover, there is an ever
square metres, complemented by 9,500
ference point for the whole market of
growing number of companies combining a tra-
square metres of stands, and stably
Central-Southern Italy.
ditional goldware manufacturing with the design
hosts 400 goldware companies. The ve-
and production of items more attentive to fashion
nue is located 15 minutes from the in- Tarì Bijoux
and its trends. The chosen period, just before Ea-
ternational airport of Napoli Capodichi- (March)
ster, qualifies Tarì Bijoux as the first event in the
no in the proximity of the Caserta Sud
industry for the spring season.
The third edition of Tarì Bijoux will be held in
highway toll, while can be easily rea- spring and it represents an event dedicated to ched by bus from Napoli and Caserta
the world of Bijoux characterised by a continuous
Tarì Mondo Prezioso
Central Stations. However, on the occa- creative excitement. The exhibition focuses its at-
(9-12 May – October)
sion of all exhibition events a free
tention on fashion and alternative jewels as well
Launched over fifteen years ago, Tarì Mondo
shuttle bus service is made available.
as on the most creative and innovative companies,
Prezioso is now the main Italian exhibition
Every year at Tarì three goldware trade
with the aim of intercepting retailing jewellers
event in this industry as far the centre-south
shows are organised, which, over time,
and, in general, all those stores, whose number
area of Italy is concerned. During the four days
l’Orafo International 2014
of the trade show, the 400 companies stably present at the goldware centre are complemented by about 100 foreign exhibitors, against over 20 thousand visitors, all professional operators. The exhibition offer is extremely wide and varied as the companies attending the events range from big brands to small artisans with completely different articles and manufacturing philosophies. Moreover, various initiatives are aimed at showing the talent of new generations of goldsmiths and designers. Tarì Mondo Prezioso is a well-known reference point for those companies interested in the southern market and in the Mediterranean basin, and, over the years, it has acquired more and more international features, also thanks to the pleasant and hospitable atmosphere so appreciated by foreign operators.
NOT TO BE MISSED The Reggia di Caserta (right), declared Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, is an historical residence commissioned by Charles de Bourbon, king of Naples, as symbol of the greatness of the new Bourbonic state: it was not by chance that the project was commissioned to Luigi Vanvitelli. The imposing complex of the Reggia (1200 magnificent rooms for a total of 1742 windows) extends over 47,000 square metres with four wide inner yards. The famous park extends over a surface of 120 hectares Between the two parallel boulevards leading to the rear facade of
Also the archaeological sites of
intact whole palaces, houses, villas, mosaics,
Ercolano e Pompei (left and
the forum, amphitheatres, food, and the tools
below) have been declared Heri-
used in daily life, as well as plants and animals.
tage of Humanity as the extraordi-
nary findings that were discovered "have crystallised both the cities and their the palace, in the Italian garden, you can admire
tragedy, preserving them for centuries”
a number of fountains among which the renowned
and represent a unique evidence of a
“Great Waterfall”, with its basin decorated by
social structure preserved almost intact
the statues of Diana and Actaeon. The English
for two millennia. Ercolano and Pompei
garden is characterised by the presence of thick
were destroyed by the eruption of
woods. The Reggia is the masterpiece of Italian
Vesuvio in 79 AD: the rain of volcanic
Baroque and was completed in 1845.
lapilli and cinders and the subsequent
eruptions buried them, preserving almost
l’Orafo International 2014
Italian districts
WHERE TO EAT The Ghiotto RĂŠ is an establishment located in Torre del Greco, the reign of coral working in Italy. While respecting the cooking tradition of the region, the restaurant indulges in interesting revisitations. The excellence of the menu is represented by rice dishes, served with the most diverse ingredients, showing a great inventiveness. A refined hotel in the
At the foot of Vesuvio, in the National
centre of Caserta, the
Park, La tenuta degli antichi sapori
Hotel dei Cavalieri
is a restaurant in Torre del Greco offe-
offers ninety rooms
ring various rooms, all furnished in dif-
equipped with any
ferent styles so as to meet any kind of need. The venue, also ideal for receptions, offers
kind of facility as well
wide gardens and an outdoor disco. The kitchen is run personally by the owners and relies
as modular meeting rooms, an American
on the freshness and quality of raw materials, both from land and sea, which are the bases
bar and a restaurant. www.deicavalierica-
of typical dishes of both Neapoli- In the centre of Naples, the
tan and, in general, Mediterrane-
Romeo Hotel is located in a strategic posi-
an cooking tradition.
tion for a sightseeing tour of the city and the
ideal starting point for Capri, Ischia, Sorrento and Positano. It offers rooms and suites perfect in every detail. The last floor, with a magnificent view over the city, hosts the Gourmet Restaurant Il Comandante, which was awarded a Michelin star, offering dishes taking inspiration from tradition and skilfully revisited. The building also hosts a luxury SPA, equipped with the latest services and cutting edge technologies.
GOLF CLUBS The Circolo Golf Napoli boasts a long tradition and since 1983 its ground has the authorization for agonistic and non-agonistic competitions. The challenging 9-hole ground is situated inside an ancient volcanic crater, among long-trunked trees and typically Mediterranean vegetation. The structure is also equipped with a training ground for junior members. From the club house you can enjoy a wonderful sight of the ground.
l’Orafo International 2014
Desimone fratelli Italian case history
a century and a half of story History of a creative, pioneering entrepreneurial Italian company. This old company based in Torre del Greco has a compelling story, a story of entrepreneurship, craftsmanship, imagination, sacrifices, pioneering journeys and a strong sense of family. Francesco De Simone & Figlio was founded in 1855 by Francesco De Simone, later joined by his son Michele, who moved to New York in 1911 with his wife, Raffaella Palumbo, to open a sales office. As the couple moved back to Italy, Raffaella's brother, Bartolomeo, became purchasing manager and moved to Japan, Kobe, to make purchases of raw coral to be sent to the company. Shipments continued even during the Great War, though with great difficulty, allowing the workshop in Torre del Greco to continue operating. Bartolomeo tragically fell
Toy & Fancy Goods Fair, London, 1924
victim to the Spanish flu when he was just 35 years old, on the eve of his return to Italy
Michele de Simone was forced to split the product
and marriage. The company, which began to
into countless, small amounts, which he would
stand out for the quality and refinement of
send to all family members. Raffaella had to
hand-carved coral, turned into Michele and
recover all packets, working far into the night to
Francesco De Simone & Company and in
sift through the material and prepare it for work
1920 Michele opened a sales office in
the next morning. In the early days of World War
London. In addition to coral, the workshop
II, Michele was forced to flee London, leaving all
began to work shells, pearls, mother of
his possessions. He received a refund for war da-
pearl and especially turtoiseshell, which
mages only years after the end of the conflict. The
became its main source of income. A winning choice, which risked to be
trade of coral picked up with the Allied landings in southern Italy. Street vendors, the so-called "ca-
thwarted by the embargo imposed
scettari", would collect the corals and cameos
by England against Italy in the Thirties.
that survived the war in wooden boxes and sell
l’Orafo International 2014
Shell incisa, XIX sec. De Simone Fratelli collection
them to American soldiers, who turned out to be enthusiastic buyers. After Michele’s death, in 1963, his son Antonio took over the reins of the company and had the winning idea of selling in England and America a line of carved cameos that reproduced famous nineteenth century paintings. In the Seventies, America saw the triumph of coral “fringe and bead” necklaces. Hundreds of thousands of them were sold, to the delight of Torre del Greco producers. When this coral-mania died down, Antonio De Simone resumed contact with China and Japan to make purchases of pearls and coral. The Nineties marked the arrival of the fourth generation, represented by Antonio's children, Michele Jr., Massimo and Fiammetta, owners of the current company, De Simone Fratelli, which fo-
Lucky Collection
cuses on top-quality jewellery, featuring a unique design and handmade unique pieces. The first flagship store was opened in Ischia in 1997, followed by another one in Milan in 2005. Here again, the company is focusing on handmade jewellery and the possibility of creating “tailormade” jewellery. Since 2011 the company has been included in the Register of Historical Italian Companies, a recognition that the De Simone family welcomed with pride. They have created, among other things, an extraordinary archive that documents, through the story of a strong family business, nearly 160 years of Italian history. Lucky Collection
l’Orafo International 2014
bicego Italian case history
creativity, tradition and a bit of recklessness A young and dynamic brand, offering a unique style combining innovation, artisanal craftsmanship, tradition and contemporary spirit, Marco Bicego is among the world’s most highly regarded “Made in Italy” jewellery designers. In 2000, Marco Bicego successfully transformed the family business, started by his father Giuseppe in 1958 in the town of Trissino (Vicenza), launching the new brand that has become world-famous, wi-
Marco Bicego
l’Orafo International 2014
thout denying, yet reinterpreting, his important fa-
shapes, the high manufacturing quality, the use of
mily experience: “I wanted to carry on the tradi-
gems in different tones, personally selected by
tional techniques passed down to me by my
Marco Bicego and arranged with exquisite taste,
father, such as the bulino (hand-engraving) and
the atmospheres created by coils of hand-woven
the “hand-woven coil” technique (“lavorazione a
gold, engraved with the ancient bulino technique.
corda di chitarra”), which are both characteristic
His collections are guided by intuition, rather
of my brand, while adding my personal touch”,
than accurate research: “I have travelled and still
summed up the entrepreneur. Too true, because
travel a lot, I am constantly inspired by the people
what makes Marco Bicego’s creations unique is a
I meet, and the places I visit”. His intellectual cu-
mix of ingredients striking the perfect balance bet-
riosity, entrepreneurial spirit, passionate commitment
ween tradition and innovation: the harmony of
to his team, clients and consumers have led to ex-
cellent results: today the brand is sold in all esta-
and, well, I’ve also been a bit reckless”!
blished foreign markets - next targets are China
In the following pages: Marco Bicego; the company
and Russia - and is available in over 1000 stores
headquarters in Trissino; jewellery from the Marra-
worldwide, where a range of special services are
kech and Jaipur Sunset collections.
offered: a new department has recently been created to offer customised shop fronts and develop special events for clients. The new headquarters, designed by the architect Marco Tiberio, was opened in 2008: a sort of “magic box” made of glass, iron, steel, as well as natural elements such as wood, stone and vegetation that surrounds and is part of the building. What is the secret of so much success according to Marco Bicego? “I have always considered what the market required, I’ve made significant investments in terms of internal structure
Jaipur Sunset
l’Orafo International 2014
The jewellery world in your hands