Italia Franchising 2013

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brand people

format concept

supplier consultant



Confimprese is the Association of Modern Trade Companies – franchise and direct networks – operating on the whole national territory. The Association gathers market leader companies whose merchandises are different: from restaurant industry to entertainment, from interior decoration to clothing industry, from food to services. Confimprese intends to represent and protect the interests of modern retailers in order to promote the progressive market liberalization and develop sales networks and brands.




30 bln 450.000

Technical Lobbying Networking Training: Confimprese Academy Retail Services



• • • • • • • • •

300 30.000

Partnership Confimprese – Unicredit to finance the start up business Confimprese Lab: research on consumer trends and retail sales Support for internationalization Online legal advice Reports on credit opportunities Annual Franchise research Franchise training programs Franchise committee Political recognition of Franchise




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Printed by Presservice Ottanta S.r.l. Seriate (BG) Supplemento al n. 3-2013 di retail&food Editor in-chief Andrea Aiello Registrazione Tribunale di Milano n. 550 del 06/09/2006 Iscrizione al registro degli operatori della comunicazione n.


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Italian creativity, global formula of success The consumption crisis at the same time requires caution and insight in the development process: a stop & go approach that fits perfectly in the franchising model shoes. The pro on the franchisor side is essentially the ability to use other people’s money to expand the brand more quickly than they could on their own or through investors; on the franchisee side there’s a package full of benefits that includes the selling power of a known brand, a higher chance of success than in a sole proprietorship, shorter time to opening and all the possible support from the developer. Italy is the added value that brings originality, creativity, style, attention to details and link with the territory: in brief, gives a soul to a legal contract. Both in the retail and foodservice market, the Italian handicraft tradition has produced so far 791 native franchising networks, in a market with 54 thousand licensed units that provides jobs to 188 thousand workers and reaches a global turnover of 22,3 billions euros. From fashion to beauty & wellness, from food to foodservice, the newborn Italia Franchising Year Book 2013 brings to the European market the flavour of some of the best brands of the Belpaese: we hope you’ll appreciate them.

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Contents Necessary requirements to export a franchise by Assofranchising 4 The positive trend of franchising in Italy by Confimprese


0 Franchise in USA: opportunities in 2013 by Ungaretti & Harris LLP 1 Fair Franchising in Paris is on the air now! by Brd Consulting

Becco Giallo




Fratelli La Bufala






Old Wild West


Original Marines




Rustichelli & Mangione









Necessary requirements to export a franchise by Dott. Antongiulio Viscione – Quadrante Srl Affiliated Professional Advisor - Assofranchising International expansion is a goal of many Franchisors. Internationalization is a choice neither obvious nor free of charge. It must be a carefully considered decision. In the first place, to internationalize the franchise system you must define the strategy to adopt ( i.e. Master franchising, Area Developer, export, etc. ); then consider risks connected to the potential partners choice and local institutional setting (bureaucracy, laws, financial structure, etc.). Normally it is recommended to start the expansion abroad after the franchise system has reached an adequate coverage of the domestic market to gain reliability in terms of management skills, experience and value of the Franchising system. Nevertheless, we have some franchise’s examples which, though little expanded in the national territory, greatly developed their business in foreign countries. To plan the International expansion, you will need both financial and organizational requirements. Therefore, you will need: • A structure suitable for manage foreign relations; •

Qualified staff to communicate in different languages and trained to recruit, form and support the foreign franchisee;

Furniture and equipment suppliers with a logistic system equipe to operate abroad;

Multilingual IT system, web-based and ready for different tax system;

• Bilingual web site (at least mother language and English); If these “expertise” do not already belong to the Franchisor, it will be necessary to ask for the support of experts. So, be prepared to invest onsite investigations and consultancy fees! Make a list of the countries you are interested in then evaluate the “fitting” of your franchise: some concepts might not be suitable or compatible,whereas due to local habits and customs or consumer preferences. Beside it will be necessary to consider whether the goods or services offered are easily merchandisable in those countries; in fact, imports taxes or custom fees may modify the price positioning. Another aspect to be faced is the budget definition that shall include investment for recruiting, commercial and marketing activities to define a break-even point (BEP). Last but not least, It is important to weight up your brand in the country of interest (i.e. trademark registration opportunity, meaning, memorability, recognizability, recall elements, etc.) As franchising involve the transfer of a “system” and not only a right of selling products, it is imperative to translate the whole necessary documentation; manuals should be translated into the languages of the different countries and adjusted, if necessary, to local standards. Therefore, must be realized, at least in English the basic documentation: Income Forecast Statement; Franchise disclosure document ; Franchising Agreement, depending on the strategic choice made (area developer, master franchisee, etc) paying attention to correctly identify the applicable law and the competent court on an exclusive basis.



Trademark Opposition Procedure in Italy by avv. Giovanni Orsoni and avv. Domenico Demarinis, De Simone Partners – Roma Affiliated Professional Advisor-Assofranchising On 11 July 2011 the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), published on its website the first Italian Trademark Bulletin. The current issue (“Bollettino N.1 del 11 luglio 2011”). The publication of the online Bulletin is one of the final implementation steps of the “opposition” system for Italian trademarks, as provided for by Articles 174 to 184 of the Italian Industrial Property Code, implemented by a set of subsequent decrees (the Ministerial Decree no. 33/2010 of 13 January 2010, the Legislative Decree no. 131/2010 of 13 August 2010, and finally the Ministerial Decree of 11 May 2011). The opposition procedure before the Italian PTO has been introduced for the first time in Italy and has been designed along the lines of the opposition proceedings before the OHIM (the European trade marks and designs office), albeit with some differences. This first issue of the Bulletin contains a list of the marks filed in Italy after 2 May 2011 and up to 8 June 2011, together with their (eventual) graphical representation, the owner’s name and the designated lists of goods and/or services. These filings can be opposed until three months after the publication of each bulletin, i.e. in this case until 11 October 2011. Similarly, International trademarks applications designating Italy and published in the WIPO Gazette as of July 2011 may be opposed within three months from the first day of the month subsequent to their publication, i.e. in this case before 1 November 2011. The grounds to oppose a filing are strictly listed by law. Oppositions can be filed based on: •

Earlier trademark registrations or applications in force in Italy that are either a) identical to the trademark in the application to be opposed and covering identical goods/services, or b) identical or similar to the trademark in the application to be opposed and covering identical or similar goods/services when there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public;

Well-known personal names, signs used in artistic, literary, scientific, political or sports fields, denominations and abbreviations of exhibitions or events and of non-profit bodies or associations and their emblems;

Personal names if the use of the trademark in the opposed application can be detrimental to the reputation, credit or dignity of the person entitled to the name;

Image rights if the trademark in the application to be opposed consists of a portrait of a person.

Any other right (i.e. unregistered trademarks, domain names, company names, copyright, an earlier trademark for dissimilar goods/services) may be asserted only in ordinary invalidity proceedings before the Italian Courts. Even for the mentioned allowed grounds, the opposition procedure is not mandatory and proceedings can always be brought before the Courts. The opposition procedure is however expected to be quicker and more cost effective.



Financial instruments and benefits provided by Italian government in favour of internationalization projects developed by Italian companies By Avv. Antonio De Capoa – Studio Legale De Capoa e Associati Affiliated Professional Advisor - Assofranchising The most important instruments available to Italian entrepreneurs which want to expand their business abroad are managed by SIMEST S.p.A., - Società Italiana per le Imprese all’Estero - , a company established in 1990 with the aim of promoting the development of Italian business abroad and headed by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, along with the most important Italian banks and industrial business organizations. Services provided by SIMEST can be oriented towards countries both outside and inside the European Union and they consist not only in financing and post-financing services but also in consultancy activities. As for the former, the form of intervention SIMEST has been provided with consists of subsidized loans (drawn on a revolving fund), which can be financed with the following types of expenses:


Structural expenses (constitution and operation of permanent structures, etc.);


Expenses for promotional activities (exhibitions and trade fairs, advertising, training, consulting, etc.);

Expenses for various interventions (25% of the sum of the above mentioned costs).

The credit lines can cover up to 85% of the expenses indicated in the program and they are granted by SIMEST following an internal inquiry - which usually lasts not more than 40 days - aiming at evaluating the legal grounds of the financing. The loan may be approved for an amount not exceeding the one allowed by the application of EU "de minimis" rule and, in any case, within a maximum limit of € 3,371,760.00. As for consultancy activities, SIMEST can provide technical support services, such as business scouting activities (i.e. seeking out opportunities abroad through professional partners), matchmaking initiatives (i.e. locating investment partners), pre-feasibility/feasibility studies as well as financial, legal and corporate assistance related to foreign investment projects. Along with the afore-mentioned services offered by SIMEST, Italian government has also provided for specific dispositions in order to promote the economic development of companies which are part of a business network. More specifically, Law n. 134/2012 provides for the concession of free grants to members of a business network which want to realize internationalization projects. The grants can cover up to 50% of the expenditures implemented and can reach the maximum amount of € 3,300,000.00 for a single project. It is also significant to underline that the same law n. 134/2012 states that services implemented by consortia/ franchise networks in favour of the members of the network itself are VAT free.









The positive trend of Franchising in Italy Franchising in Italy continues its positive trend, despite the crisis. And it proves to be a valid and effective distribution formula, which forebodes new opportunities in the field of self-employment. It is a sales channel with very significant numbers, albeit still not too well known. In Italy franchising represents a turnover of about 22 billion Euro, 186,000 professionals and 54,000 points of sale (Assofranchising report 2011) and continues to harvest positive results. This is a reassuring fact if you consider that in 2012, 383,883 inscriptions and 364,972 suspensions were registered in Italy, with a barely positive balance of 0.7% (Unioncamere data by 31.12.2012). In this context, commerce is confirmed as one of the few sectors with a positive balance with 8,005 new enterprises (+0,52%). Similarly, franchising shows a growth of 0.6%. Also the numbers concerning the employment generated by the franchising system are reassuring: in 2011 the professionals active in the networks, including franchisees, increased by 1,871 units in absolute value with respect to 2010, and by +1% in percentage, with an average of employees per point of sale higher by +0.5% in absolute value and by +16.7% in percentage (source: Assofranchising). Franchising not only generates new employment among young people and women, but it also offers the opportunity of relocating resources which have voluntarily or involuntarily left the labor market, all in much safer conditions compared to the launch of an autonomous entrepreneurial activity. There are also numerous cases of entrepreneurs who, in the current context of the consumption crisis, convert their own commercial activities into franchising in order to benefit from the power and the know-how of a consolidated group. In the current context of the economic crisis, therefore, which has transversally hit many merchandise and service sectors on a global scale, with strong contractions in the consumptions and at times dramatic consequences (bank-



ruptcies, layoffs, corporate restructurings), franchising has shown dynamism and a strong foothold, capitalizing distinctive commercial skills, getting reorganized internally, and exploiting some of the negative effects of the crisis to its own advantage. On an international level, in fact, Italy is fourth as far as the number of franchise brands present in the country is concerned, right after France, Germany, and Spain, while the Italian brands in Europe are about 782, which represents about an 11% of the total of European brands. In absolute value, the Italy of franchising is second only to France. On the Italian market, the brands of national networks represent 90%, in France and the UK this amount is equal to about 89%, and lower percentages are registered in Germany, in the Scandinavian countries, and in Eastern Europe. How Franchising faced the crisis of the Italian market According to a recent study carried out by Gea for Confimprese on a sample of more than 100 franchisors, the crisis has not altered the development and expansion plans of Italian operators. This is due to the fact that the networks of affiliates have been able to count on franchisors to cushion the losses in turnover and margins, and to cover the financial needs. 64% of the franchisors who took part in the survey ‘tolerated’ an extension of the payment deadlines on behalf of the franchisee, and 55% had to face an increase of outstanding amounts. The issue of the positioning of the brand is strongly felt also by those franchisors who have a local presence or a not yet entirely asserted brand, even if the national brands that are most wellasserted on the territory have shown decidedly better economical and financial performances than the local or emerging franchisors. The respondents also indicated as their overriding objectives a stronger garrison and control of the network (82%) to guarantee harmony, speed and consistency in the implementation of the new commercial business addresses, the widening of the range of products and services (77%), and a conscious approach to the con- tainment of operational and purchasing costs, with 64% and 62% of responses respectively. In conclusion, Italian franchisors have shown significant management skills, acting quickly and with determination on their fundamentals: the format of the point of sale, the commercial offer, the affiliation formula, the services offered to the affiliate. Pros and cons of the Italian market: the point of view of foreign franchisors From a research conducted by the Cesit-University in Naples for Confimprese about the foreign networks present in Italy, including masters, the numbers are contained, in absolute value, about 93, but already since 2011 they seem to be increasing. Italy is not considered a difficult market, even with its peculiar characteristics: the formula is congenial to the Italian market, but there are no adequate cultural conditions yet for an optimal performance. Our entrepreneurial fabric proved to be particularly appropriate for the development of franchising networks, also considering the availability of financial resources deriving from family savings. At the same time, however, from many points of view the Italian entrepreneurship is not ready to simply absorb a structured business model, although it has been already tried in other countries. The potential affiliated entrepreneur needs to be guided through an educational and informative process, albeit basic, allowing him to become fully familiar with the specific details of the franchising contract and the use of organizational systems which are indispensable for a correct management of the model he is affiliating to. Among the main critical points found, they pointed out the infrastructural delays and scarce competitiveness of the logistic system, the difficulties of accessing credit, the high inclination towards saving of Italian families, the bureaucracy, the low level of entrepreneurship, the scarce knowledge of English by potential franchisees. Italian retail, furthermore, should work more on acquiring an ‘organizational maturity’, which is perceived by foreign investors as a weak point in the Italian way of doing franchising. Franchising: recognizability and appeal of brands for the Italian consumer Consumers reward franchising. Also in times of crisis. And on the scene of modern commerce they move dynamically, knowing that a good quality/price relationship, a very specia-

lized offer, promotions and qualified personnel are the winning assets of franchising stores; they are their distinctive elements. According to the data of the most recent research conducted by Nielsen for Confimprese, consumers reward franchising chains, since they recognize the validity of the distribution formula. Consumers, who are ever more demanding and competent, and are careful to weigh up the different offers before the final purchase, also identify the weaknesses of the section, above all an offer which is often too standardized. Despite this fact, 56% of customers in franchising stores have not changed their behavior or frequency of visiting the store even during the crisis. And they have rewarded the stores’ potential: 60.7% of respondents declared, in fact, that franchising stores are a guarantee, especially when they are located in unknown places. The most visited points of sale are in restoration and clothing: more than 80% of respondents has visited chains of these two types in the past 12 months. Shopping malls are nerve centers: 84% of customers in franchising restaurants visit restaurants in shopping malls. A percentage which is as high as 94% for clothing stores, 67% for home decoration stores, 71% for bookstores and goes down to 46% for beauty and personal care stores. The situation for historic centers is slightly different, because the chains here register a lower frequentation, equal to 60% for bookstores, 43% for home decoration, 40% for personal care and 30% for restoration and clothing. In this area the consumer can also tend towards purchasing in the traditional points of sale. This could be a reason for chains to study the possibility of also opening in historic centers more carefully, since evidently there are still customers here to be acquired. Franchising, in its turn, has the strength of the brand and no doubt certain operational advantages, particularly economies of scale on purchases, where the chain, on the other hand, has an impossible contractual weight for the single retailer. To this we must add logistics, training, and IT investments. In three sectors, restoration (58%), home decoration (47%) and personal care (36%), the competitive prices get a first place in the ranking of strong points. Second is a wide offer, which is perceived with a winning plus by 47% of respondents in the case of home decoration and by 34% in the case of restoration.



FRANCHISE IN USA: OPPORTUNITIES IN 2013 Charles R. Bernardini Ungaretti & Harris LLP

American Taxpayer Relief Act With the bipartisan agreement of January 1, 2013 between President Obama and the US Congress (the “American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012”) to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” tax hikes on thousands of existing and prospective franchises and investors, the American franchise industry has reaffirmed its positive growth projections for 2013. The law retains a maximum 36.45 percent tax rate for taxpayers with taxable income below $400,000(single) or $450,000 (married filing jointly), as well as other benefits for taxpayers below $250,000(single) or $300,000 (mfj). According to “The Franchise Business Economic Outlook: 2013”, franchise businesses will continue to outpace growth in other business sectors in the USA. The franchise sector is expected to create 162,000 new jobs and open more than 10,000 new franchise businesses in 2013. The U.S. Gross National Product is predicted to grow 2.5% in 2013, with corresponding growth in retail, construction, and industrial production. Demographics A study by the Columbia Business School projects that the USA will remain over the next 40 years the third most populous nation on earth, arriving at 397 million consumers by 1950, behind only India and China. In addition, according to the study, the most important business opportunities in construction of hotels, schools, hospitals and homes in the industrial world over the next 5-20 years will be in the USA and India. Developed countries with greatest opportunities will be the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK. At the same time, according to the International Herald Tribune, the percentage of EU/world population will continue to shrink: 1980 2011 2030 2050

25% 19% 11% 7%

European Brands Market research studies of decision makers in the USA show that European products best known are foods, wines, shoes, autos, clothing, fashion accessories, household furnishings, with an image of quality, design, originality, high price, status symbol. That is, a market where Europe maintains a known and very positive image.” Those same studies emphasize that Americans would purchase more European products if there were assurances of post- sale customer service, i.e., a physical presence of responsible parties.



Trends Several trends in US franchising should further increase interest in European brands.

• •

Private Equity Interest American Private Equity funds are increasingly interested in Master Franchise agreements for the USA and North America. The stable, long-term cash flows, and the opportunity to grow a brand in this market are factors driving this. This allows a European brand to enter this market with adequate resources, both economic and personnel, as well as to reduce risk by having a sophisticated partner in loco. These arrangements can be structured to buy out the fund after a certain number of years according to a set formula. Baby Boomers The post World War II babies are approaching traditional retirement age, in many cases with investment resources and a desire to stay active. In addition, former corporate executives no longer in corporate structures, but with resources and wanting to run their own businesses, find franchises of interest. Minorities and Women in Franchising Traditional obstacles to small investors, including women and minorities, are overcome in franchising: lack of business experience and capital. Franchisors often provide management training and assist franchisees in obtaining financing. Women and minorities are increasingly in leadership positions in franchising, whether through establishing new companies or becoming single or multi unit franchisees. As the population of minorities in the U.S. population continues to rise, minority franchising is expected to rise. Known Names American consumers seek known names when they shop and travel. Franchises fit that need and pattern. Center City Growth There is a continuing trend in the USA towards residential concentration back to the central city, away from the rural areas. This is resulting in large chain stores establishing smaller stores in the center city, often with products aimed to serve growing ethnic populations. Examples are Target and Walmart. Apple’s urban stores are testaments to how shops can be fun, entertaining and contemporary.

Summary The USA remains the largest market in the world in volume. There is significant money in the U.S. looking for investment at the moment, and European brands of quality are appealing to the American consumer, if the consumer perceives there is someone here to service the product (i.e., a franchise). The force of the American market resides in the consistency and predictability of its legal norms: competitive taxation inferior to European levels, flexibility in its labor market, a legal system that protects the rights of foreign companies, a culture of values coherent with those of Europe. In other words, a good place to do business for Europeans and European brands.



Fair Franchising in Paris is on the air now!

by Federico Fiorentini Managing Director BRD Consulting -


he great European festival that grows every year in quality and exhibition space will be hosting a group of Italian companies. Every year, the public announcement on the networks say: FRANCHISE EXPO PARIS is the favorite tool for the development of international networks of organized trade and it allows thousands of entrepreneurs to achieve their business plan, "providing" brands with great reputation and interesting new ideas to develop in new markets. For over thirty years, FRANCHISE EXPO PARIS has represented an international landmark about the advancements of the market on the net and throughout the world and also about all the latest market trends. It is a necessary meeting for every businessman, trade professionals, direct networks, and franchising to have a business plan they want to achieve. Although Paris is one of the most important fairs worldwide, Sao Paulo, Mexico, Delhi, New York, and also Moscow are growing year by year. Some people say that Mexico is the most "productive" with the highest number of visitors while others say that Sao Paulo is the largest in terms of square meters. New York doubled the exhibition space compared to the previous year, and Delhi must be seen and be present. Lastly, Moscow continues to have constant development. MFV is the company that owns the most important Franchise fairs in the United States, and it is changing its location from Miami to Houston with plans to repeat the success from last year, where it left Washington DC to go to New York. Also, it should be mentioned the annual meeting of the IFA convention, "International Fran-



chise Association", that this year was the 53rd edition. It is able to attract not only companies, but also, professional people specialized in training, conferences, symposia, and speaker of absolute importance (Condoleezza Rice) even though it is not a trade show. It is impressive to see the satisfaction of all the participants, so credit to the organizers! In Europe after Paris there are Rome and Madrid, Expofranquicia. EXPOFRANQUICIA, this year will be the 19th edition, is the most important meeting for the franchise sector in Spain. It receives visitors from every region of Spain and from 36 countries worldwide- mostly “Spanish hablante�. It shows lots of multi-sectorial range of national and international brands and it also supports the franchising sector for the research of overseas markets with extensive international promotion. EXPOFRANQUICIA is an highly effective commercial tool dues to its capacity it generates a large numeber of contacts with a moderate cost. In June there will be New York, where you can be with thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners. It is considered the largest franchise expo in the Country and you can have hundreds of great franchise opportunities. Every industry. Every investment level. Full-time and part-time. Over 400 of the top franchises, 70 Free Seminars and In-Depth Symposia, they help to decide which franchise is right, you can own a wide range of financial advice from specialized people.

At the same time there is also Brasil ! aBF is considered the largest fair in the world of franchising, year by year, ABF Franchising Expo is exceeding all expectations with more than 60 000 visitors. Promoted by the Brazilian Association Franchising (ABF), the show will have several options for those who are looking to open a franchise business. The ABF Franchising Expo was even bigger this year, it held 31 000 m² of blue and white pavilions of Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, with the participation of 470 exhibiting brands. BUYBRAND 2013, in MOSCOW: Due to globalization, Russia will have to use resources and improve its competitive environment. The country is intensively promoting international economic links and establishing conditions to attract foreign investments. Nowadays Russia is facing a franchising boom. Russian businesses and entrepreneurs turn to franchising models. This market also has quit a good potential for overseas players. It is the right time to look for franchises in Russia. Many international brands are very popular in this country. In Russia most franchising companies represent mainly restaurants and fast-foods, footwear, clothing and accessories shops. It is obvious that lots of areas will find niches in Russia. New Delhi, now at the 11th International Franchise & Retail Show , is considered the Asia’s biggest international franchise & retail show organized by Franchising India. It is going to be in October 12-20,2013. All this show are really interesting, people have high capacity of investment and there is a high level profile for the visitors.

Official data says that being in all the shows "It is not a waste of time, it is just business" We are pleased to present and try to organize an Italian participation as “ Italian Franchise yearbook “, as professionals Franchisor & consultant and as association IAFP.




is the first fast food in Italy specialized in chicken products: fried, grilled and roasted chicken. Our streghts are: fresh and high quality of raw foods, express cooking and constant attention to the costumers needs.


he chicken fast-food restaurant Becco Giallo is the new brand of Lombardini Ristorazione, an Italian company working in the “quick service” restaurant business since 1993. Martin Pescatore, Romagna Mia Piadina, Martin Pescatore and Mangiapizza are some of the main brands launched and run by Lombardini over the years, mainly in the north part of Italy, both by direct management and a franchising network. Before Becco Giallo was born in 2011, you couldn’t find any reasturant, in Italy, offering exclusively a chicken based menu. That’s because in The Belpaese, the chicken is still a kind of food you mainly eat at home. Founding Becco Giallo Andrea Lombardini - the Lombardini Ristorazione chief - accepted the difficult challenge to bring the ckicken out the home kitchens, and to make it a legitimate protagonist of italian restaurants, like other famous traditional Italian dishes such as pizza and pasta. But, why chicken?

Because it’s a healthy, delicious, cheap and – above all – universal food. Every culture, religion, everyone likes chicken! Everyday Becco Giallo’s purpose is to enhace the inner qualities of chicken, and offer a service based on freshness of the ingredients, attentive and express cooking, quickness and kindness to the costumers. Becco Giallo aims to become the first Italian chicken fast food: a precursor and a reference point for its customers and for any future competitor who wish to learn from its format.

Company name Lombardini Ristorazione Franchisor background ▪ Year established 2011 ▪ Franchising since 2011 ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) 3 ▪ Geographic distribution North of Italy Field experience yes Average turnover € 650.000 Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment from 150.000 to 300.000 € ▪ Franchise fee € 20.000 ▪ Ongoing royalty fee 3% ▪ Term of franchise agreement yes Financial requirements ▪ Net worth € 30% of the total investment ▪ Liquid cash available yes Average number of employees 8 Space needs (in m²) from 120 to 300 mq Preferred sites high visibility, good acces, retail parks, shopping centers, city centers, walking areas Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance yes ▪ National/regional/local advertising yes ▪ Training yes ▪ Ongoing support yes ▪ Marketing support yes Contact



NO FOOD BLUESPIRIT The Bluespirit brand offers accessible jewels with18K gold, 750 silver, diamonds and steel and keeps partnership with the most prestigious international brands. Main services: - Use of the Bluespirit sign, - Exclusive product mix - Consulting for localisation - Personnel training - Visual support - Planning of store layout - Selected suppliers of furnishing - Consulting on ideal mix - Business assistance - Marketing material - Gold trade-in service - Management software


luespirit is the solid and italian company that revolutionised the European jewellery scene in 1979 by launching young and accessible jewels with Italian design. Based on this innovative idea, Bluespirit built an international retail network to distribute its brand, and it is now one of the largest chain of jewellery Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Average turnover Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of agreement Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance ▪ National/regional/local advertising ▪ Training ▪ Ongoing support ▪ Marketing support Contact



in Europe. Bluespirit has by now about 200 concept-stores in Italy and abroad. Every year Bluespirit offers a large number of new collections of the Bluespirit Brand in gold, diamond, silver and steel, thank to its fashion designer team based in Milan. The Bluespirit “easy-chic” collections (sold only in Bluespirit stores) aim to satisfy the desire for originality and emotion that leads trend-followers to make impulse purchases. The original format, precious and readable, makes unique and distinctive the store. Bluespirit, always on the market as a young, smart, and accessible jewellery store, is increasingly acknowledged for its excellent price/quality ratio thanks to the creation and production of Bluespirit brand jewels, which are displayed alongside more prestigious brands. The wide assortment and the mix of the products garantee good profit with suitable investment. This is an enormously successful brand - unique, high-fashion, and contemporary, in line with the ideals of the “Blue” spirit: passion and energy for jewels. Bluespirit: important goals and innovative strategies for a future as a leader. D.I.P. Diffusione Italiana preziosi SpA 1971 1979 90 franchising stores / 115 DOS Italy – Australia – Spain – Germany - Luxembourg Not requested, we provide a personnel training From 400.000€ to 1.000.000€ 1.000 € mq No no 3 (renewable) 2 40/60 mq Shopping Malls and Historical Centres yes yes yes yes yes Enrico Cioffi - Franchising Manager Bluespirit enrico.

Italian Design, Italian Jewels. STORE SIGN

Easily recognisable and international, present in 5 countries.


Innovative new layout for an effective product showcase and a customer-friendly store.


We design and produce all Bluespirit Brand jewellery and work hand in hand with leading international players.


High profitability and suitable investment.


Consulting on the location, planning and design of stores, staff training, visual and marketing support. Tel. 0039 0499305660

FOOD FRATELLI LA BUFALA Italian pizzeria and restaurant casual dining


stablished in 2003, “Fratelli La Bufala –Pizzaioli Emigranti” is managed by the Emme Sei S.p.a. catering group, which manages various franchising restaurant brands. “Fratelli La Bufala –Pizzaioli Emigranti” is a catering project that places buffalo mozzarella and meat at the core of its food offer. From the beginning the brand has been built on the authenticity of its ingredients and products, with the core aim of spreading throughout Italy and the world, the health benefits of buffalo meat, buffalo mozzarella and the delicious simplicity of true Neapolitan pizza and the quality wines of Campania. If you trust in our values and are willing to invest resources and money in the Fratelli la Bufala Project, you could become the right entrepreneur to stand beside us in this challenge. At Fratelli la Bufala, we will be able to give you our know how and our business philosophy. Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of franchise agreement Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance ▪ National/regional/local advertising ▪ Training ▪ Ongoing support ▪ Marketing support Contact



EMME SEI S.P.A. 2003 2004 78 68 in Italy 10 abroad yes € 1100 - 1500 per sq meter € 50.000 3+1% on turnover 5 years with renewal clause 15 min 200 sq. mt. yes yes yes yes yes +39 3486905392

NO FOOD L’Erbolario – natural cosmetics ur concept embodies our philosophy and unique personality, matured along more than three decades of Company history. A natural beauty product has to do with Wellbeing and Beauty itself. Our products blend then together the Italian style of the graphics and the packaging and presentation materials with natural ingredients and the best technical and production processes for maximum performance and pleasure of use, offered to the public with the best possible Value for Money for a “democratic Beauty” and the utmost attention to the overall shopping experience. Our products are positioned as best quality at


an affordable price, with a sustainable approach towards environment and a sincere and transparent attitude towards consumers: we maintain what we promise. The retail space has been designed in order to reflect our italian idea of Beauty and Wellbeing, presenting our products to customers in a stylish and relaxing yet perfectly functional and interactive way. Our actual shop fitting reinterpret in a contemporary way several thematic lines and materials of traditional italian shop design. Our retail concept has, in our opinion, several strong points that, put together, make L’Erbolario a winning proposal. Our personality is really original and unique, coming from more than three decades of Company history and a true, believed-in philosophy that puts ethical engagement and nature at the center of the business, in an era when environment, sustainability, “greenness” are topics of great importance and growing consumer relevance. An all italian quest for Beauty that puts wellbeing and Beauty itself at the center of the store, drawing from Italian style in retail space design and architecture, reinterpreting tradition in a contemporary style.

Company name L’Erbolario Franchising Srl Franchisor background ▪ Year established 1978 ▪ Franchising since 2004 ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned)140 shops in Italy, 2 in foreign countries; Geographic distribution: Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria (next openings throughout Europe) ▪ Geographic distribution Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria (next openings throughout Europe) Field experience not required Range 200.000/800.000 € - Average (Italy): 350.000 € Average turnover Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment For furniture: ca. 30.000 - 50.000 €; For goods (first order): ca. 15.000 - 18.000 € ▪ Franchise fee not required ▪ Ongoing royalty fee 3% on monthly incomes ▪ Term of agreement 5 years Average number of employees 2 people Space needs (in m²) 40/60 sqm Preferred sites Shopping Malls and high streets in city centries Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance supplied ▪ National/regional/local advertising support to franchisees ▪ Training training before opening; training on the job, cosmetology and sales, workshops and seminars ▪ Ongoing support periodical visit to the shop, continuative support to franchisees ▪ Marketing support supplied Contact Anna Bazzigaluppi – email:





e are the first quality and design eyewear brand with stores all over Italy.

We innovated the eyewear market thanks to a formula that eliminates frills and concentrate on products, services and people. We launch new limited edition collections every 30 days, because we want to offer unique, or almost unique, stylish and colourful eyewear. Everything we do is done with passion, competence and respect for our environment. In all our processes we eliminate frills and recycle all that is recyclable. The result is clear: less waste for the environment and reduced costs for our customers.

We believe that prevention is important to eye health. This is why we offer the PREZZO ZERO® collection 365 days per year, the first and only collection of frames that is free of charge upon presentation of your Eye Doctor’s prescription. We guarantee professionalism and attention to our Customers and Franchisees, and we offer them quality products and efficient services. Our stores are designed to attract Clients, even the more distracted, and offer them a unique eyewear shopping experience. NAU! staff provides a professional and friendly service maximising the power of our NAU! Formula, always with a smile. Quality Certification ISO 9001 Environmental Certification ISO 14001

Company name Nau S.p.A. Franchisor background ▪ Year established 2004 ▪ Franchising since 2005 ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) 51 ▪ Geographic distribution Italy Field experience no Average turnover From € 4,000 to € 9,000 per m2, depending on store location and target market Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment € 90.000 ▪ Franchise fee € 10.000 ▪ Ongoing royalty fee 5% of sales, net of VAT. ▪ Term of franchise agreement 5 years Average number of employees 5 Space needs (in m²) From 80 to 130 m² Preferred sites City centre of shopping (of at least 70.000 inhabitants) or large to medium shopping mall Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance Location search and selection ▪ National/regional/local advertising National institutional charged to the Franchisor Launch campaign charged to the Franchisee Supply of advertising materials for store ▪ Training Personnel search, selection and training designed by NAU!. ▪ Ongoing support communication activities and management of store sales ▪ Marketing support Supply of marketing materials for store Contact



1878 Thomas Edison switched on the light

Everyday we switch on your eyewear desires.

Design eyewear to light up your face with fashion and colours. Brand new limited editions every 30 days. Have we lighten up your desires?

FOOD OLD WILD WEST Steak house and hamburger restaurant Cigierre

is leader in Italy in the development of casual dining restaurant formulas. In 2012 more then 145 restaurants opened, 93 of these belong to OLD WILD WEST, the strongest Company brand. Old Wild West, the original steak house for young people and families where you can taste fabulous grilled meat specialties surrounded by a proper

Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of franchise agreement Financial requirements ▪ Net worth ▪ Liquid cash available Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites

Sergio Leone movie set. The decor is Old West style with wanted posters, saddles, guns, western themed toys, etc. all over the walls. OWW is the perfect place for eating and having some fun, perfect inside the food courts in shopping centres and cinemas but also in city centres and stand alone units: a perfect mix of outstanding cooking recipes and original atmosphere. At OWW you can find “Good Food in a Exciting Setting”: impeccable steaks and american style food such as Prime Ribs, Tex Mex, burgers, fried chips, salads, cheese cake, brownies. Cigierre is pride of the quality of the ingredients that go into every OWW meal, the key to OWW is in the quality of the ingredients. Cigierre signed a strong and last longing agreements with high-standing suppliers: among them an Argentine Farm ensure to the chain the best quality for its meat. Old Wild West is leader in the Italian market with a strong brand awareness and a proven track-record of successful openings in shopping & entertainment centers, in city centre and in stand alone units. Now ready to tackle the challenge of new markets! Cigierre – Compagnia Generale Ristorazione Spa 2002 2005 93 Italy Not necessary 700.000-850.000 eur 30.000 4% 5+5 years 250.000-300.000 euro 20-30 380-600 Entertainment Centers (Cinemas); City Centres; Stand alone Restaurants; Shopping Malls

Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance Yes ▪ National/regional/local advertising Yes ▪ Training Yes ▪ Ongoing support Yes ▪ Marketing support Yes Contact Gianandrea Gropplero di Troppenburg - Development Director



NO FOOD Original Marines stablished in 1983, Original Marines soon achieved success through its production and sale of the white T-shirts worn by the U.S. Marines. After ten years of selling exclusively wholesale, the company decided to take a gamble on retailing. In 1993 the first Original Marines store opened. Today this dynamic group has some 700 directly-run or franchise stores across Italy and abroad and is at the forefront of the childrenswear sector.


Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Average turnover Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of agreement Financial requirements ▪ Net worth ▪ Liquid cash available: Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites Support & training Site selection assistance National/regional/local advertising Training Ongoing support Marketing support Contact




riginal Marines’ strong points are its product, with a consistently on-trend style, its excellent value for money, its eyecatching advertising and its tried-and-tested retail formula. Original Marines has always paid great attention to its store development, which it follows step by step from the word go. The group pinpoints the most suitable locations and carries out in-depth studies to estimate the stores’ potential turnovers and their requirements in terms of merchandise. Our partnership contract does not provide for any royalty payments. The company already has 80 international shops, but its objective is to take its single-brand project worldwide. Therefore, the Group is on the constant lookout for local partners, agents and distributors with a thorough knowledge of the region under consideration who can exploit our company knowhow to best effect in order to guarantee the growth of our stores and the Original Marines project.

Imap Export Spa 1983 1993 675 Europe, Asia and Africa no €5,500 per m2 Approx. €650 per m2 (including furniture and fitting) No No 5 years at least 3 yes yes at least 3 120 + stockroom shopping malls or main shopping areas yes yes yes yes yes

FOOD Rossosapore “pizza e pezzi Napoletani” The identity

Originating from the Rossopomodoro experience, from an interpretation of the traditional Neapolitan pizzetteria, in a modern concept of catering. The best specialties from Campania are displayed to the public in an inviting glass window. All based on typical fresh products, either to be served at the counter or taken away. This set up has received great success in just a few years, combining modern service with natural food.

The products

Our pizza is baked after a leavening of 8 hours (our exclusive patent) and is prepared in eighteen appetizing varieties. The preparation of the pizza has been designed so that it can be learnt by anyone, without the necessity of a pizza chef. At Rossosapore you will also find typical regional delights such as the world-famous Mozzarella di Bufala DOP. Everything at Rossosapore takes place right in front of the public’s eye. Quick and naturally genuine, this is the Rossosapore motto.

The location

Like the ancient Neapolitan pizzetteria, but in dynamic and modern environment, Rossosapore displays its products and the staff’s work. The colors of the natural wood and the soft colors of the walls, artistically enhanced by carefully positioned warmly lit areas, all make the environment even more welcoming. The Rossosapore environment has been designed to be quick and dynamic!

Why choose Rossosapore?

We can offer you the certainty of a brilliant entrepreneurial career. There is no need for experience, but you need to run your new business with passion. Leave the rest to us. We train your kitchen staff and service staff according to the principles of the Neapolitan school and help you run and promote your business. Our system of affiliation is resulting from years of experience. Our tradition will become the future of your business.






Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of franchise agreement Financial requirements ▪ Net worth ▪ Liquid cash available Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites

Sebeto Spa 2005 2009 34 11 store of north italy, 13 of center, 10 of south No equipment and fittings approx. 75.000 € 20.000 € 5%(points of sales abroad, not <1.000/mounth) 5 years 3/5 80/130 City centre, shopping centres, tourist centre, airport and station train

Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance yes ▪ National/regional/local advertising no ▪ Training 2/3 staff members for at least 3 weeks ▪ Ongoing support yes ▪ Marketing support yes Contact Mr Daniele Russo and Mr Gianni Violante Pbx . 00390814976061 mail:







Luxury bakery and pastry shop. Uncompromising dedication to the art of freshly made, authentic and genuine Italian recipes. A wide range, of different types of Focaccia, original panini made with crispy bread combined with healthy and fresh ingredients is the perfect choice, lovely dessert and cakes.


radition is on show at the Rustichelli & Mangione premises where the real protagonists are crunchy bread, oven-cooked, focaccias, and pizza, made under your eyes, which tempt even the finest of diners. The colours and flavours of the Mediterranean go on show, tempting those who consider quality and taste as an authentic values. Warm croissant and just-baked cakes to pair-off with multiple proposals of coffee are the best way to start one’s day. Later on the day, pizza and focaccia, cooked naturally, capture Rustichelli & Mangione clients together with fruit salad and vegetable salads. For those who prefer a quick nibble, there are many original snacks and pizzas to chose from. Warm crunchy bread always goes together with every idea. In the end, lovely desserts Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Average turnover Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of franchise agreement Financial requirements ▪ Net worth ▪ Liquid cash available Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance ▪ National/regional/local advertising ▪ Training ▪ Ongoing support ▪ Marketing support Contact



and cakes from fine bakeries that are prepared every day with heart and love. Authentic and genuine flavours created for those looking for the goodness of a cornershop bakery, or for those who haven’t forgotten the smell of fresh baked bread. Only ingredients of first quality for products prepared with passion following tradition but also with creative spirit and desire to experiment, served with courtesy to make that moment of rest pleasant and peaceful. Modern design, minimalist and elegant, blend with elements of hand craft skill and Italian tradition. On a surface which goes from 70 to 200mq, the wood and light effects collaborate, creating a familiar, young environment. The sofas, placed under an innovative and dynamic profile ensure permanent comfort and relax. AIREST SPA 2008 2010 14 units Italy, Austria, Germany Food and beverage, in particular pasta and pizza. € 1,5 million €140.000 to € 300.000 € 30.000 4% franchising + 1% marketing fee minimum 5 years € 150.000 € 100.000 5 full time equivalent (150 mq) from 70 to 200 mq Downtown Location High frequency , foot flow support contribution yes yes yes

NO FOOD Smooke™ The first e-cigarette store in the World t was October the 15th, when a young Italian Businessman, which is now the Managing Director of the Group, had the brilliant idea to open a new and innovative e-cigarette store in Turin. From that beginning, after less than 3 years, the number of stores has been increased to 300 units and Smooke s.r.l. has reached impressive results becoming the market leader in Italy,


improving the whole E-Cigarette market share in Europe and, last but not least, switching the traditional way of smoking into the new modern concept of “vaporizing” as new life style trend. The Customer share is growing faster and faster: 400.000 people already preferred to vaporize rather than smoking and the latest report says that there is 1.5 million of people ready to switch. This phenomenon is widely supported by the consistent benefits that E-cigarette adduce. Saving aspect is noteworthy: It is possible to save up to €83 the first month and €113 the next months. The Business Units Smooke are shaped according to the experience and skills acquired by the Parent company in this field. It manages to penetrate the market through a system of solid and branched franchising network, based on stores with a fresh and attractive image and a wide range of products able to satisfy every type of Consumer.

Company name Smooke S.r.l. Franchisor background ▪ Year established 2010 ▪ Franchising since 2011 ▪ Operating units European Headquarter + ~ 300 franchisee ▪ Geographic distribution Europe Field experience Yes/no: Preferred, but not required 25.000 € Average turnover Startup costs & ongoing fees € 30K ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee € 11K ▪ Ongoing royalty fee 10% based on monthly turnover ▪ Term of agreement New store opening from the 1st of November 2013, 5 years contract, Brand exclusivity, stores lay out and set up mandatory, selling prices fixed. Average number of employees min. 2 people Financial requirements ▪ Net worth Not required ▪ Liquid cash available Not required Space needs (in m²) min. 30 m² Preferred sites Whole Europe – Main cities and tourist places Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance Sales Team Leader ▪ National/regional/local advertising National & local advertising ▪ Training 3 days class + 6 days of training on site ▪ Ongoing support Customer Care (English) ▪ Marketing support Advertising, Catalogues, leaflets, promo campaign, Fidelity Card, Special Contest Contact



Logo W.O.K.

Rimini, 19/11/2012



W.O.K stores offer a suggestive atmosphere where an Asian street food inspired environment fits perfectly into Italian design patterns. Currently the chain is made of 6 active stores (Rome : Termini Railway Station, Euroma2 Mall,

Porta di Roma Mall; Milan: Central Railway Station; Cagliari: Millennium/Le Vele Mall; Santiago de Chile) and a 7th one coming up next quarter in Rome in the Parco Leonardo Mall. 84 cyan 100 magenta 100 giallo 42 nero


Pantone 7596 C R: 57 G: 33 B: 28

W.O.K offers a Pan Asiatic menu which ranges from the most popular selections of Thai curries to Cantonese dim sums, from noodles to soups, always seeking for top quality and respect for traditional recipes. W.O.K utilizes only environmentally friendly materials. Hex: 39211c

made in

W.O.K stands for WORL ORIENTED KITCHEN and it’s the first Asian kitchen project born in Italy following a fast-food inspired service model, but without ever compromising the quality. W.O.K is currently recognized in Italy as the best organized Asian cuisine chain.


W.O.K attracts a wide range of users throughout the day. The service and the offer provided always reflects these diversified users: from a relaxed morning coffee to a lively, funny atmosphere in the evening, satisfying both local customers and tourists needs.


The impressive success supported also by the wide demand of the customers of the W.O.K stores, has inspired SVILUPPO WOK ITALIA srl to develop the franchising project. Company name Franchisor background ▪ Year established ▪ Franchising since ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) ▪ Geographic distribution Field experience Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment ▪ Franchise fee ▪ Ongoing royalty fee ▪ Term of franchise agreement Financial requirements ▪ Net worth ▪ Liquid cash available Average number of employees Space needs (in m²) Preferred sites Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance ▪ National/regional/local advertising ▪ Training ▪ Ongoing support ▪ Marketing support Contact



Sviluppo wok italia srl 2009 2012 1/6 rome , downtown and neighborough no 250k 30k 3% on net revenues 10 yrs contract , opportunity of MFA 250k ½ of net worth Regular format, lunch & dinner 6 full time or 10 part time From 80 to 200 sqm Mall, commercial center, railways stations, airport, university and school area, multiscreen cinema, high pedestrian traffic Yes No Yes Yes Yes

FOOD YOGURTLANDIA is one of the most popular Italian brands in the field of frozen yoghurt shops; our range of products includes not only ice-cream but also waffles, crepes, milkshakes, water-ice, cold creams, hot chocolate and more…


ogurtlandia was founded by Eusebio Galante, an entrepreneur from the Veneto, who in 1994 decided to embrace a new and then unknown field of business in Italy, franchised yoghurt parlours. It was during a trip to the United States that Galante discovered the yoghurt business, a wildly popular phenomenon in the USA, and, realizing the great potential of this field, decided to bring it in Italy. Once back to Italy he engaged himself in this new activity and he recognized that this business could have reach a great development during the years. Yogurtlandia realizes a new product, fresh but not too cold, creamy, mellow and light; it is made with fresh yoghurt without the use of milk. To prepare this delicious product it is utilized exclusively the alpine yoghurt Mila. The following years were full of challenges and successes, Yogurtlandia franchising became increasingly important on the Italian retail market and thus a format for the “yoghurt parlour” business was established in Italy. In October 2001 the sole trader made over to a

more complex structure at limited liability company: it was create YO.GA Srl, the firm that still nowadays works for the success and the development of the brand YOGURTLANDIA. In 2003 YO.GA Srl became an effective associate of Assofranchising and in 2008 entered in Unindustria. In 2010 a new acknowledgement arrived: the accredition of Yogurlandia by Invitalia. Invitalia is a structure in fee of the Italian Ministry of Treasure for the financing of new activities in the field of franchising. Invitalia has chosen Yogurtlandia as unique partner for the frozen yoghurt area. The transition to a limited liability company has introduced a lot of changes, all these changes are directed to a better achievement of the commercial goals and to a more complete organization, these aspects are essential in order to manage a great number of stores placed all around Italy. Today Yogurtlandia boasts more than 100 stores in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, United Arab Emirates and United States of America.

Company name YO.GA S.r.l. Franchisor background ▪ Year established 1995 ▪ Franchising since 1995 ▪ Operating units (franchise/company owned) more than 100 ▪ Geographic distribution: Italy (most of them are in southern-Italy), Spain, Portugal, Greece, U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates) and U.S.A. (United State of America) Field experience NO (for potential customer) / YES (the company has 18 years of experience) Average turnover 150/200.000 € per year Startup costs & ongoing fees ▪ Total investment from 35000 € ▪ Franchise fee no ▪ Ongoing royalty fee yes ▪ Term of franchise agreement minimum 5 years Average number of employees 2 Space needs (in m²) min 20 m² max 70 m² Preferred sites high flow passage: shopping centers, seaside, historical centers, airports, sports facilities, etc. Support & training ▪ Site selection assistance yes ▪ National/regional/local advertising yes ▪ Training yes ▪ Ongoing support yes ▪ Marketing support yes Contact



dal 1995

Da oltre vent‛anni facciamo yogurt per passione! Siamo alla continua ricerca dei migliori ingredienti per offrire un prodotto sano, gustoso, leggero, ricco di fermenti lattici vivi, povero di grassi e di lattosio

in partnership with

We are always looking for the best ingredients to provide a product healthy, tasty and light; full of lactic ferments, low fat and low lactose.

For over twenty years we make yogurt for passion!

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KERLITE PLUS 3,5 mm is the extra thin ceramic porcelain by Cotto d'Este. Stunningly beauty and exceptional technical features, Kerlite Plus offers great advantages and solutions: it can be laid directly on new slabs, old floor and wall coverings made of ceramic, marble, stone, cotto and wood. This means time and money saved: no need to move, no dust or noise, no cost of demolishing and no need to adjust doors. KERLITE PLUS, ITS ADVANTAGES ARE PRICELESS. RESISTANT it resists a bending stress of 1235 Newton LARGE a range of 9 sizes up to 3x1 meters FLAT its surface is perfectly flat THIN AND LIGHT it weighs only 7.4 kg x m2 EASY to cut, drill and install RELIABLE it boasts of prestigious projects all over the world GUARANTEED 20 years ECO-FRIENDLY -66% reduction of raw material consumption

thickness 3,5 mm

The beauty in ceramic Cotto d'Este Nuove Superfici - Italy - Ph. +39 0536 814911 - -

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