26 minute read
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
O Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR) é um padrão internacionalmente reconhecido para descrever a proficiência em um idioma. Nesse padrão, são definidos e descritos níveis de proficiência desde o iniciante até o domínio pleno, conforme indicado na Figura 5.
Domínio Pleno (Mastery)
Proficiência operativa eficaz (Effective Operational Proficiency)
Usuário independente (Vantage)
Intermediário (Threshold)
Básico (Waystage)
Inglesa indicadas na BNCC aliado ao desenvolvimento dos níveis A1 (iniciante) e A2 (básico) de proficiência em língua inglesa indicados pelo CEFR. Para tal, tomamos por base a versão ampliada e atualizada do CEFR de 2020 (COUNCIL OF EUROPE, 2020). Como não há uma versão oficial desse documento em português do Brasil, optamos por utilizar os termos originais em inglês ao apresentarmos, neste Manual, atividades, estratégias, competências e descritores presentes no CEFR.
De modo a proporcionar uma gradação dos conteúdos, optamos por contemplar o nível A1 nos 6 o e 7o anos e o nível A2, nos 7 o, 8o e 9 o anos. No quadro a seguir, apresentamos uma descrição geral de cada nível de proficiência trabalhado nesta coleção.
Breve descrição dos níveis A1 (iniciante) e A2 (básico) do CEFR:
Iniciante (Breakthrough)
É capaz de compreender e usar expressões familiares e cotidianas, assim como enunciados muito simples, que visam satisfazer necessidades concretas. Pode apresentar-se e apresentar outros e é capaz de fazer perguntas e dar respostas sobre aspectos pessoais como, por exemplo, o local onde vive, as pessoas que conhece e as coisas que tem. Pode comunicar de modo simples se o interlocutor falar lenta e distintamente e se mostrar cooperante.
De acordo com a abordagem geral do CEFR, o uso da língua, incluindo sua aprendizagem, compreende as ações realizadas por pessoas que, como indivíduos e como agentes sociais, desenvolvem uma série de competências gerais e competências linguísticas comunicativas. As pessoas se valem das competências de que dispõem para se engajar em atividades de linguagem, produzir e/ou receber textos, ativando as estratégias que parecem mais adequadas para o desenvolvimento das tarefas a serem realizadas. Essa abordagem se assemelha à proposta da BNCC, que também destaca o uso da língua em práticas sociais e prevê o desenvolvimento de competências gerais e específicas da área de Linguagens e de Língua Inglesa.
Nesta obra, objetiva-se o desenvolvimento das competências gerais, competências específicas e habilidades relacionadas ao componente curricular Língua
É capaz de compreender frases isoladas e expressões frequentes relacionadas com áreas de prioridade imediata (p. ex.: informações pessoais e familiares simples, compras, meio circundante). É capaz de comunicar em tarefas simples e em rotinas que exigem apenas uma troca de informação simples e direta sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares e habituais. Pode descrever de modo simples a sua formação, o meio circundante e, ainda, referir assuntos relacionados com necessidades imediatas.
Para descrever os níveis de proficiência linguística, o CEFR considera diferentes competências, atividades e estratégias linguísticas comunicativas, que, por sua vez, são especificadas por meio de descritores, geralmente redigidos com uso de can para descrever as habilidades esperadas para cada nível de proficiência.
Para compreendermos melhor as possíveis relações entre a BNCC e o CEFR, podemos observar como os descritores do CEFR se relacionam com as habilidades da BNCC. Isso pode ser feito mais facilmente se considerarmos os cinco eixos organizadores para o componente Língua Inglesa propostos pela BNCC (oralidade, leitura, escrita, conhecimentos linguísticos e dimensão intercultural) e os modos de comunicação em que se organizam as atividades e estratégias do CEFR (recepção, produção, interação e mediação).
As atividades de recepção, por exemplo, incluem a compreensão oral e a compreensão escrita e, portanto, relacionam-se com os eixos oralidade e leitura da BNCC. Assim, as habilidades desses dois eixos podem ser relacionadas, respectivamente, a descritores das atividades de compreensão oral e de compreensão escrita do CEFR. A habilidade do eixo leitura “(EF06LI09) Localizar informações específicas em texto” da BNCC, por exemplo, articula-se com o descritor de atividade de compreensão oral “(A1 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required.” do CEFR (p. 54).
Já as atividades de produção e interação incluem produção e interação oral e escrita e, portanto, relacionam-se com os eixos oralidade e escrita da BNCC. A habilidade do eixo escrita “(EF06LI15) Produzir textos escritos em língua inglesa (...) sobre si mesmo, sua família, seus amigos, gostos, preferências e rotinas, sua comunidade e seu contexto escolar.” da BNCC, por exemplo, articula-se com o descritor de atividade de produção escrita “ (A1 – overall written production) Can give information about matters of personal relevance (e.g. likes and dislikes, family, pets) using simple words/ signs and basic expressions. ” do CEFR (p. 66). Por sua vez, habilidades do eixo conhecimentos linguísticos da BNCC – como “(EF06LI17) Construir repertório lexical relativo a temas familiares (escola, família, rotina diária, atividades de lazer, esportes, entre outros)” e “(EF06LI21) Reconhecer o uso do imperativo em enunciados de atividades, comandos e instruções” – estão relacionadas, por exemplo, a descritores de competência linguística dos tipos vocabulary range, general linguistic range e/ou gramatical accuracy do CEFR – como “( A1 – vocabulary range ) Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of words/signs and phrases related to particular concrete situations. ” (p. 131); “( A1 – general linguistic range ) Can use some basic structures in one-clause sentences with some omission or reduction of elements. ” (p. 131); “( A1 – grammatical accuracy ) Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a learnt repertoire. ” (p. 132).
Compreender as possíveis articulações entre o CEFR e a BNCC e também observar as habilidades da BNCC e os descritores do CEFR contemplados nesta obra, indicados neste Manual, pode ajudar o/a professor(a) a promover o desenvolvimento das competências gerais, competências específicas e habilidades relacionadas ao componente curricular Língua Inglesa indicadas na BNCC de forma aliada ao desenvolvimento dos níveis A1 (iniciante) e A2 (básico) de proficiência em língua inglesa indicados pelo CEFR.
Correspondência dos conteúdos do 9o ano com os descritores do CEFR
No quadro a seguir, indicamos as atividades, estratégias e competências do nível A2 contempladas nas unidades e seções do Livro do Estudante do 9 o ano, acompanhadas dos respectivos descritores, geralmente redigidos com uso de can para descrever habilidades. Ao lado de cada descritor, indicamos a página do CEFR (COUNCIL OF EUROPE, 2020) em que ele se encontra.
Cada descritor no CEFR indica o que a pessoa deve ser capaz de fazer em relação a diferentes atividades, estratégias e competências em cada nível de proficiência. Dessa forma, na seção Thinking about Learning, após cada unidade de revisão, utilizamos descritores do CEFR como base de algumas perguntas elaboradas para ajudar os/as estudantes a conduzirem uma autoavaliação. Nessa seção, os descritores são úteis principalmente para auxiliar os/as estudantes a avaliarem o que já são capazes de fazer em relação à compreensão e produção escrita e à compreensão e produção/interação oral.
Referência no material didático Descritores (CEFR)
Unit 0
Seção English All around the World
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand information given in illustrated brochures and maps (...). (p. 57)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic strips involving familiar, concrete situations described in high frequency everyday language. (p. 59)
Unit 0
Seção Tips into Practice
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
Unit 1
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can agree and disagree with others. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
Unit 1
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics. (p. 131)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
Unit 1
Seção Taking it Further
Unit 1
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – understanding announcements and instructions) Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. (p. 51)
Unit 1
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – addressing audiences) Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. (p. 66)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 1
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – overall oral interaction) Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. (p. 72)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 2
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. (p. 54)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – reading for orientation) Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables. (p. 56)
Unit 2
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – addressing audiences) Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. (p. 66)
• (A2 – planning) Can recall and rehearse an appropriate set of phrases from their repertoire. (p. 69)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 2
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
Unit 2
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly. (p. 52)
Unit 2
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can extract important information from short broadcasts (e.g. the weather forecast, concert announcements, sports results), provided people talk clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – addressing audiences) Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. (p. 66)
Unit 2
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – overall oral interaction) Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. (p. 72)
Review 1
Seção Reading Comprehension
Review 1
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Seção Working
Together 1
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Unit 3 Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
Unit 3
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics. (p. 131)
Unit 3
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
Unit 3
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – reading for orientation) Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables. (p. 56)
Unit 3
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can agree and disagree with others. (p. 75)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – overall oral interaction) Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. (p. 72)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points in short news items on subjects of personal interest (…). (p. 57)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points in short news items on subjects of personal interest (…). (p. 57)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics. (p. 131)
Unit 4
Seção Vocabulary
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
Unit 4
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points in short news items on subjects of personal interest (e.g. sport, celebrities). (p. 57)
Unit 4
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can exploit format, appearance and typographic features in order to identify the type of text: news story, promotional text, article, textbook, chat or forum, etc. (p. 60)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Unit 4
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. (p. 54)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can agree and disagree with others. (p. 75)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Unit 4
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – overall oral interaction) Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. (p. 72)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Review 2
Seção Reading Comprehension
Review 2
Seção Language in Use
Seção Working
Together 2
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can exploit format, appearance and typographic features in order to identify the type of text: news story, promotional text, article, textbook, chat or forum, etc. (p. 60)
• (A2 – expressing a personal response to creative texts – including literature) Can express their reactions to a work, reporting their feelings and ideas in simple language. Can state in simple language which aspects of a work especially interested them. (p. 107)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 5
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
Unit 5
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. (p. 131)
• (A2 – vocabulary control) Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete, everyday needs. (p. 133)
Unit 5
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
Unit 5 Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading correspondence) Can understand a simple personal letter, e-mail or post in which the person writing is talking about familiar subjects (such as friends or family) or asking questions on these subjects. (p. 55)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly. (p. 52)
Unit 5
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can extract important information from short broadcasts (e.g. the weather forecast, concert announcements, sports results), provided people talk clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – information exchange) Can ask for and provide personal information. (p. 79)
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. (p. 80)
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can make themselves understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics, provided they can ask for clarification occasionally, and are given some help to express what they want to. (p. 80)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Unit 5 Seção Writing
• (A2 – correspondence) Can exchange information by text message, by e-mail or in short letters, responding to questions from the other person (e.g. about a new product or activity). (p. 83)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Unit 5 Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Unit 6
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand much of the information provided in a short description of a person (e.g. a celebrity). (p. 59)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can agree and disagree with others. (p. 75)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
Unit 6
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. (p. 131)
• (A2 – vocabulary control) Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete, everyday needs. (p. 133)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
Unit 6
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
Unit 6
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Unit 6
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can agree and disagree with others. (p. 75)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 6
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
Review 3
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Review 3
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
Seção Working Together 3
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can extract important information from short broadcasts (e.g. the weather forecast, concert announcements, sports results), provided people talk clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – addressing audiences) Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. (p. 66)
Unit 7
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. (p. 131)
Unit 7
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary control) Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete, everyday needs. (p. 133)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic strips involving familiar, concrete situations described in high frequency everyday language. (p. 59)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Unit 7
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – reading for orientation) Can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable texts (…), provided they are produced in simple language. (p. 56)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand information given in illustrated brochures and maps (...). (p. 57)
Unit 7
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can extract important information from short broadcasts (e.g. the weather forecast, concert announcements, sports results), provided people talk clearly. (p. 52)
Unit 7
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – overall oral interaction) Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. (p. 72)
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. (p. 80)
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can make themselves understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics, provided they can ask for clarification occasionally, and are given some help to express what they want to. (p. 80)
Unit 7
Seção Looking Ahead
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can pick out the main information in short news reports or simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations and titles play a prominent role and support the meaning of the text. (p. 57)
Unit 8
Seção Reading Comprehension
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – sustained monologue: putting a case – e.g. in a debate) Can present their opinion in simple terms, provided interlocutors are patient. (p. 64)
Unit 8
Seção Vocabulary Study
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. (p. 131)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can exploit format, appearance and typographic features in order to identify the type of text: news story, promotional text, article, textbook, chat or forum, etc. (p. 60)
Unit 8
Seção Taking it Further
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
Unit 8
Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – understanding audio [or signed] media and recordings) Can extract important information from short broadcasts (e.g. the weather forecast, concert announcements, sports results), provided people talk clearly. (p. 52)
• (A2 – information exchange) Can ask for and provide personal information. (p. 79)
Unit 8
Seção Listening and Speaking
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. (p. 80)
• (A2 – interviewing and being interviewed) Can make themselves understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics, provided they can ask for clarification occasionally, and are given some help to express what they want to. (p. 80)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
Unit 8
Seção Looking Ahead
Review 4 Seção Reading Comprehension
Review 4 Seção Language in Use
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for orientation) Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables. (p. 56)
Seção Working
Together 4
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – informal discussion – with friends) Can express opinions in a limited way. (p. 75)
Seção Projects
Seção Games
• (A2 – overall mediation) Can play a supportive role in interaction, provided other participants speak/sign slowly and that one or more of the participants helps them to contribute and to express their suggestions. (p. 92)
• (A2 – information exchange) Can ask for and provide personal information. (p. 79)
• (A2 – overall reading comprehension) Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. (p. 54)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Seção Song
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
• (A2 – identifying cues and inferring) Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words/signs from the context. (p. 60)
• (A2 – reading for information and argument) Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather). (p. 57)
Seção On the Screen
• (A2 – conversation) Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. (p. 74)
• (A2 – reading as a leisure activity) Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. (p. 59)
Seção Vocabulary Corner
• (A2 – vocabulary range) Has sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. (p. 131)
• (A2 – vocabulary control) Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete, everyday needs. (p. 133)
Seção Language
Reference + Extra Practice
• (A2 – grammatical accuracy) Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes; nevertheless, it is usually clear what they are trying to say. (p. 132)