4 minute read
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
First Conditional
Read the following fragments from page 58 and do exercises 1-3.
I. “If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.”
II. “If people learn to understand (...), they will also learn how to manage their differences (...).” a. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to fragment I? b. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to fragment II? c. What is correct about both fragments?
1 Choose the correct item that answers each question.
I. Conflicts will be rare if an unequal and unjust society is reformed.
II. If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts won’t be rare.
I. If people learn how to manage their differences, they will learn to understand (...).
II. People will learn how to manage their differences (...) if they learn to understand (...).
I. They refer to a real possibility for a particular situation to happen in the future.
II. They refer to an unreal possibility for a particular situation to happen in the future.
Nesta seção, objetiva-se aprimorar os conhecimentos linguísticos por meio de situações de uso da língua. Visa-se ainda desenvolver a capacidade de inferência de regras por meio da observação de exemplos.
Habilidades da BNCC
Os exercícios desta seção contemplam a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
• EF09LI15: Empregar, de modo inteligível, as formas verbais em orações condicionais dos tipos 1 e 2 (If-clauses).
First Conditional
As orações condicionais são trabalhadas em duas unidades no 9o ano. Nesta unidade, são abordadas as orações do tipo 1 (first conditional) e, na próxima unidade, as do tipo 2 (second conditional).
• BRASIL. Ministério da Educação/SEESP. Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva. Brasília, DF, 2007. Disponível em: http://portal.mec.gov.br/seesp/arquivos/pdf/politica. pdf. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2022.
Consulte a seção Orientações complementares no Manual do Professor para ver nota sobre William Glasser, Vincent Frank e Tony Buzan.
2 What does each clause express? Match the columns.
“If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.”
“If people learn to understand (...), they will also learn how to manage their differences (...).” a. Clauses in blue (“If”) express
II I b. Clauses in pink (“will”) express I. result II. condition
3 Copy the following table into your notebook and replace each icon with an appropriate answer to understand the structure of the first conditional
Condition Result
“If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.”
“If people learn to understand (...), they will also learn how to manage their differences (...).” simple present will
If + verb in the + + base form of the main verb
Com base nos exemplos, faça inferências para compreender regras de uso da língua inglesa.
4 It is through education that we can learn to understand and respect other people’s differences. Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS as in the example to complete the following quotes about education.
Example: a. will improve a. IMPROVE:
“If you improve education by teaching for competence (...), and connecting with students, the test scores .”
William Glasser
“Also, if we take back our schools and concentrate on improving them so our children get a better education, they better trained to compete for a job locally.” will be c. TEACH:
Vincent Frank
“Memory and creativity are essential to education, but if you memory incorrectly, it is a total waste of time, and it will inhibit learning.”
Tony Buzan
“If we families to be able to have a quality education, then their children – for the first time in American history, truly the first time – will not have the same economic opportunities.”
Consulte a seção Orientações complementares no Manual do Professor para ver nota sobre Jeb Bush, Andreas Schleicher e Nelson Mandela.
Jeb Bush
“You can spend a lot of money on education, but if you don’t spend it wisely, on improving the quality of instruction, you higher student outcomes.”
Nelson Mandela don’t empower/do not empower won’t get/will not get
Andreas Schleicher
BRAINYQUOTE. William Glasser quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/william_glasser_345824; BRAINYQUOTE. Vincent Frank quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/vincent_frank_229335; BRAINYQUOTE. Tony Buzan quotes 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/tony_buzan_676103; BRAINYQUOTE. Jeb Bush quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/jeb_bush_676914; BRAINYQUOTE. Andreas Schleicher quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/andreas_schleicher_553164; BRAINYQUOTE. Nelson Mandela quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: www.brainyquote.com/quotes/nelson_mandela_157855. Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022.
Read the following persuasive campaign posters about the right to education, promoted by Manav Kartavya, an Indian non-governmental organization (NGO), and do exercises 5 and 6.
MANAV KARTAVYA. Manav Kartavya: best NGO in Ahmedabad, NGO for child. Pinterest, 2022. Disponível em: https://br.pinterest.com/
Le@rning on the web
Para assistir a uma animação produzida pelo Unicef sobre igualdade de gênero, visite https://youtu.be/WWkrQMVqB3s (Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022).
Exercício 6
Este exercício pode ser feito oralmente ou por escrito no caderno, a seu critério.
Listening and Speaking
Esta seção objetiva o desenvolvimento das habilidades de compreensão e produção de textos orais ( listening e speaking , respectivamente) em diversos contextos discursivos por meio de diferentes práticas de interação social.
Na parte de compreensão oral desta seção, busca-se levar os/as estudantes a reconhecerem, com apoio de palavras cognatas e pistas do contexto discursivo, o assunto e as informações principais em textos orais.
Para ter acesso à transcrição do áudio utilizado nos exercícios 2, 3 e 5, consulte a seção Audio Scripts no Livro do Estudante.
Consulte a seção Orientações complementares no Manual do Professor para ver nota sobre Juana Bordas.
Habilidades da BNCC
O exercício 2 contempla a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
• EF09LI02: Compilar as ideias-chave de textos por meio de tomada de notas.
Os exercícios 3 e 4 retomam a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
• EF08LI03: Construir o sentido global de textos orais, relacionando suas partes, o assunto principal e informações relevantes.
5 In your notebook, write sentences based on the topic of the campaign posters. Use the first conditional as in the example.
Example: If children go to school, they will have more opportunities to develop their personalities, talents, and abilities.
6 Education represents opportunity and it is the right of every child. It should also teach them to respect other people. Apart from school, what other institutions, groups and/or media should encourage children to respect other people?
Personal answers. Suggested answers: Society in general: family, television programs, movies etc.