5 minute read
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
1 Do you know anyone (world leader, artist, or someone from the community where you live) who stands up for human rights and fights for a diverse society in which people respect others? What is she/he famous for? Use expressions in the Language Note box to help you. Personal answers. Suggested answers: Eliseu Lopes (fights for the rights of the indigenous peoples of Brazil); Leonora Brunetto (fights for the rights of homeless people in Brazil); Malala Yousafzai (fights for girls’ right to education).
Language Note
• She/He is a(n) important/influential/inspiring/respected/well-known figure.
• She/He stands up for children’s/civil/human/women’s rights.
• She/He is (internationally/locally) famous for…/She/He is (best) known for… a. It is about class. b. It is about color. c. It is about culture. d. It is about commitment. e. It is about consciousness. f. It is about people regardless of where they come from and their age.
2 Listen to the beginning of a speech delivered in 2013 by Juana Bordas, an inspirational speaker. What is the speech about? Take notes and write the answer in your notebook.
3 According to Juana Bordas, what is diversity about? Listen to the recording again and choose the correct items.
4 What kind of space does Juana Bordas want to create in her communities, leadership programs and organizations?
A multicultural space.
5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4
6 Do you agree with what Juana Bordas says about diversity? Why (not)?
Habilidades da BNCC
O exercício 6 contempla a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
7 What do you think of the following quotes about diversity? Which one(s) do you agree with? Why? Discuss them with your classmates. Use expressions in the Language Note box to help you.
Personal answers. Personal answers.
“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
Maya Angelou
“We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring.”
Catherine Pulsifer
“A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom.”
Friedrich August von Hayek
• EF09LI03: Analisar posicionamentos defendidos e refutados em textos orais sobre temas de interesse social e coletivo.
O exercício 7 contempla a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
• EF09LI01: Fazer uso da língua inglesa para expor pontos de vista, argumentos e contra-argumentos, considerando o contexto e os recursos linguísticos voltados para a eficácia da comunicação.
Exercício 7
Promova um debate com os/as estudantes sobre as citações desta página. Destaque a importância do respeito e da valorização da diversidade para a construção de uma sociedade justa e inclusiva.
Consulte a seção Orientações complementares no Manual do Professor para ver nota sobre Catherine Pulsifer, Maya Angelou e Friedrich August von Hayek.
Language Note
• Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/How do you feel about that?
• Expressing an opinion: In my opinion/view.../I believe that.../From my point of view...
• Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re right./Absolutely./Tell me about it!
• Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./I totally disagree./I’m afraid that’s not true./No way.
Objetivos Da Se O
Esta seção objetiva o desenvolvimento da habilidade de produção de textos escritos ( writing ). Pretende-se levar os/ as estudantes a compreenderem a produção textual como um processo que inclui planejamento, escrita, revisão (por pares) e reescrita, que pode ser desenvolvido em dupla/grupo, de forma colaborativa. Ao longo desta obra, são explorados textos de diferentes gêneros discursivos.
Explique aos/às estudantes que observar características de um gênero discursivo nos ajuda a compreender e produzir textos desse gênero.
Habilidades da BNCC
Os exercícios 1 , 2 e 3 desta seção contemplam as seguintes habilidades da BNCC:
• EF09LI11: Utilizar recursos verbais e não verbais para construção de persuasão em textos da esfera publicitária, de forma adequada ao contexto de circulação (produção e compreensão).
• EF09LI12: Produzir textos (infográficos, fóruns de discussão on-line , fotorreportagens, campanhas publicitárias, memes , entre outros) sobre temas de interesse coletivo local ou global, que revelem posicionamento crítico.
In this unit you have read persuasive campaign posters promoted by Manav Kartavya on page 65. Campaign posters deliver persuasive messages about a topic. They usually have eye-catching images and a slogan or a headline message. Sometimes there is also a short text to provide some additional relevant information.
Based on the campaign posters you read in this unit, it is your turn to create a campaign poster about the topic of this unit, Living with Differences. The aim is to encourage people to understand and respect other people’s differences. Work with two or three classmates collaboratively.
1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context.
You and two or three are going to write a in order to encourage people to understand and respect other people’s differences. You are going to use a persuasive tone. Your text can be published on a traditional bulletin or on the Internet so that other classmates and the school community can read it.
2 Follow these instructions to write your text.
1. Decide what to write about. Since the topic is Living with Differences, you can write about gender equality, respecting other cultures, lifestyles, etc.
2. Think about your target audience (students, teachers, local community, etc.) so that you can tailor your text to that audience.
3. Brainstorm for ideas. Think of ideas for slogans, images, colors, fonts and overall messages.
4. Look for potential images and choose a memorable one. A beautiful image can give you ideas for a slogan.
5. Define your slogan or headline message.
6. Below the slogan, you can add some other relevant information in a smaller font size. But don’t use too much text. Try to keep your poster visual.
7. Make the first version of your campaign poster. Try to place the slogan, text and images in an eye-catching configuration.
8. Exchange campaign posters with classmates and discuss them.
9. Make the necessary corrections.
10. Create the final version of your campaign poster by hand or use a computer to design it.
Ao revisar os cartazes, considere, por exemplo:
• objetivo: O cartaz está adequado ao público-alvo e à sua finalidade?
• leiaute: A distribuição dos elementos verbais e não verbais está equilibrada?
• imagens: As imagens estão relacionadas ao texto e o tornam mais atraente?
• cores: As cores usadas despertam interesse sem prejudicar a leitura?
• tipo e tamanho da fonte: O texto está legível a distância?
• slogan: O slogan transmite a ideia central do texto e chama a atenção do/a leitor(a)? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus/suas colegas.
3 It’s time to share your campaign poster with your classmates and other people. You can put it up on a bulletin board or publish it on the Internet (a blog, the school website, a non-profit organization’s website, etc.).
Exercício 1
Destaque para os/as estudantes a importância de compreenderem os elementos envolvidos no contexto de produção escrita (quem escreve, para quem escreve, o que escreve, com que objetivo, com que estilo, em que suporte), levando-os em consideração nos processos de criação, revisão e reescrita do texto.