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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

1 Do you use the Internet to express yourself? If so, how?

Personal answers.

2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and source. What do you expect to read about?

Suggested answer: Freedom of expression (on the Internet).

Now read the text and do exercises 3-5 https://en.unesco.org/themes/freedom-expression-internet

Freedom of Expression on the Internet

Unesco recognizes that the Internet holds enormous potential for development. It provides an unprecedented volume of resources for information and knowledge that opens up new opportunities and challenges for expression and participation. The principle of freedom of expression and human rights must apply not only to traditional media but also to the Internet and all types of emerging media platforms, which will contribute to development, democracy and dialogue. (...)


3 What does Unesco admit to be true about the Internet?

(Unesco recognizes) that the Internet holds enormous potential for development.

4 In “It provides an unprecedented volume of resources”, what does it refer to? Choose a or b a. The Internet. X b. Unesco. a. The Internet provides a large amount of resources for and new opportunities for b. The principle of freedom of expression must apply both to and to the Internet. information and knowledge; expression and participation traditional media os exercícios que consideraram mais desafiadores. A partir da identificação de possíveis dificuldades em relação aos conteúdos e às habilidades trabalhados nessas unidades, sugerimos, ao longo desta unidade de revisão, algumas estratégias e/ou atividades que podem auxiliar os/as estudantes a superarem essas dificuldades.

5 Replace each icon with a word or expression from the text to complete the sentences.

Reading Comprehension

Exercício 1

Este exercício pode ser feito oralmente ou por escrito no caderno, a seu critério.

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