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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

Before Reading

1 Do you wear earbuds or headphones? If so, how often? How long do you usually wear them every day?

Personal answers.

2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and source. What do you expect to read about in the text?

Suggested answer: (Earbuds and) teen hearing loss.


3 Now read the text to check your predictions.


If I Can Hear It, It’s Too Loud: Earbuds & Teen Hearing Loss

(…) Pediatricians have noticed that using earbuds or headphones might be damaging teens’ hearing. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) wants to prevent this type of hearing loss and is recommending screening teens for hearing damage at higher tones to find out if they have high frequency hearing loss.

Kids expose themselves to noise through electronic media that often is louder than what is allowed by law in a workplace, according to Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., FAAP, co-editor of the AAP Bright Futures Guidelines. “We know that does cause problems with high frequency hearing loss.” (…)

One in six adolescents has high frequency hearing loss, according to a study. This type of hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises, such as music played through headphones. (…)

What More Can Parents Do?

Parents can help prevent hearing loss by teaching safe listening habits. Kids should take breaks after an hour of listening and turn the volume down to about 60% on their audio players. Youths should be able to hear conversations going on around them while listening to the music, according to the AAP. (…)

Language Note

Damage can be either a noun (dano) or a verb (danificar). In “earbuds or headphones might be damaging teens’ hearing”, damage is a verb. In “screening teens for hearing damage at higher tones”, damage is a noun.

loss: perda screen: examinar

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS. If I can hear it, it's too loud: earbuds & teen hearing loss. 16 mar. 2017. Disponível em: www.healthychildren. org/English/health-issues/conditions/ ear-nose-throat/Pages/AcousticTrauma-Hearing-Loss-in-Teenagers. aspx. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022.

Habilidades da BNCC

Os exercícios 2 e 3 retomam as seguintes habilidades da BNCC: a. Listening through earbuds or headphones at a high volume can result in hearing loss for children and teenagers. b. Listening through earbuds or headphones has no impact on the number of kids and teens suffering from hearing loss today. a. According to Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., exposure to noise through electronic media that is often louder than recommended causes problems for kids. b. 60% of teenagers have high frequency hearing loss. c. It’s important that kids and teens can hear conversations going on around them while playing music.

• EF07LI07: Identificar a(s) informação(ões)-chave de partes de um texto em língua inglesa (parágrafos).

EF07LI09: Selecionar, em um texto, a informação desejada como objetivo de leitura.

4 Based on the text, choose the correct statement about teen hearing loss.

5 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s).

F: One in six teenagers/adolescents have high frequency hearing loss.

6 Identify the fragment in the text that contains the recommendations given by Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., about preventing hearing loss.

“Kids should take breaks after an hour of listening and turn the volume down to about 60% on their audio players.”

7 Choose the sentence that has an equivalent meaning to “We know that does cause problems with high frequency hearing loss.” a. We know that may cause problems with high frequency hearing loss. b. We know that really causes problems with high frequency hearing loss. a. For example. b. In addition to.

8 In “exposure to loud noises, such as music played through headphones”, try to infer the meaning of such as and choose the linking phrase that has an equivalent meaning.

No exercício 8, use seu conhecimento sobre conectores (linking words/phrases). Lembre-se de que diferentes conectores podem expressar a mesma ideia.

Reading for Critical Thinking

9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates.

Personal answers.

a. In your opinion, are the recommendations provided by Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., clear and easy to understand?

Habilidades da BNCC

O exercício 8 retoma a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF07LI15: Construir repertório lexical relativo a (...) conectores ( and, but, because, then, so, before, after, entre outros).

Reading for Critical Thinking

Objetivos Da Subse O

Esta subseção visa a uma reflexão crítica sobre questões relacionadas ao(s) texto(s), de modo que os/as estudantes possam considerar novas perspectivas sobre o tema. Pretende-se, assim, promover o pluralismo de ideias e estimular o pensamento crítico.

Habilidades da BNCC

O exercício 9 retoma a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF08LI08: Analisar, criticamente, o conteúdo de textos, comparando diferentes perspectivas apresentadas sobre um mesmo assunto.

Vocabulary Study

Objetivos Da Se O

Nesta seção, objetiva-se construir, sistematizar e ampliar o repertório lexical dos/ as estudantes, levando-os/as a se conscientizarem sobre a importância do estudo do vocabulário de forma organizada e contextualizada.

Destaque para os/as estudantes a importância do estudo sistemático do vocabulário e incentive-os/as a usarem a seção Vocabulary Corner (página 174) e o Glossary (página 198).

Health Problems

Para ter acesso à transcrição do áudio utilizado no exercício 2, consulte a seção Audio Scripts no Livro do Estudante.

Health Problems

1 People in general, and teenagers alike, can suffer from several health problems. Replace the icons with the words in the following box to label the pictures as in the example.

Example: a. cold broken leg • cold • earache • fever • flu • headache • sore throat • stomachache • toothache

Language Note

The flu is a disease that is caused by a virus and causes fever, weakness, body aches, and breathing problems.

A cold is a common illness that usually causes coughing and sneezing, and makes your nose run.

Para ajudar você a aprender e a fixar vocabulário novo, agrupe as palavras por semelhança. No caso dos problemas de saúde, agrupe-as pela terminação, por exemplo: earache, headache, toothache

2 Now listen to the recording and check your answers. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat the health problems in exercise 1.

3 Replace each icon with a health problem in exercise 1 to complete the following sentences as in the example.

Example: a. flu a. If you have fever, muscle pains, weakness, you probably have the b. When your body temperature is above normal range, you have a c. If your throat aches, you have a fever sore throat

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