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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

1 Do you spend long hours using the computer? In your opinion, could extensive computer use affect your health? If so, how?

Personal answers.

2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure and picture. What do you expect to read about?

Suggested answers: Tips for good computer posture./ Tips for healthy computing.

Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4 a. Desks should be height adjustable. b. Lower leg should be vertical to the c. Thighs should be in contact with the front edge of the seat. d. Lower arms should rest on the desktop in a relaxed position. e. Computer screen should be positioned 30 degrees above eye level.

MCT. Healthy computing. 2011. Infográfico. Disponível em: http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/journalstar.com/content/ tncms/assets/v3/editorial/f/fa/ffa22316-f786-5f41-81ce-62198560508b/4d99e78ac99c8.pdf.pdf. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2022.

3 According to the text, what furniture is recommended for healthy computing? Why?

Adjustable desks and chairs. Because they can grow with children as they develop.

4 Choose the recommendations for good computer posture.


verb UK /tɪlt/ US /tɪlt/ to (cause to) move into a sloping position inclinar-(se)

He tilted his chair backwards and put his feet up on his desk.

TILT. In: CAMBRIDGE Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: https:// dictionary.cambridge.org/ dictionary/english-portuguese/ tilt. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2022.

5 Do you tend to adopt bad or good computer posture? Do you feel neck pain when you use the computer for long periods?

Objetivos Da Se O

Esta seção busca ampliar os conhecimentos dos/as estudantes sobre o tema da unidade e promover uma reflexão crítica sobre esse tema.

Exercício 5

Para ampliar a discussão proposta no exercício, pergunte aos/às estudantes sobre sua postura ao usarem o celular ou tablet . Comente que a flexão forçada da cabeça que acontece por horas quando se usa excessivamente o celular ou tablet pode causar alguns problemas ortopédicos, como a chamada síndrome de “ text neck ”, que causa dores fortes na parte superior dos ombros e pescoço, atingindo a coluna cervical. Para saber mais sobre o assunto, leia: https://jor nal.usp.br/atualidades/ma-postura-e-uso -excessivo-do-celular -podem-causar-a-sin drome-de-text-ne ck/ (acesso em: 20 jul. 2022). Para conhecer algumas formas de prevenção e, se desejar, compartilhá-las com os/ as estudantes, consulte os textos em inglês disponíveis em: www. claritypt.com/blog/text -neck-signs-symptoms -and-what-you-can-do; www.spine-health.com/ conditions/neck-pain/ text-neck-treatment-an d-prevention. Acesso em: 20 jul. 2022.

Objetivos Da Se O

Nesta seção, objetiva-se aprimorar os conhecimentos linguísticos por meio de situações de uso da língua. Visa-se ainda desenvolver a capacidade de inferência de regras por meio da observação de exemplos.

Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to

Os verbos modais são trabalhados ao longo de três unidades no 9 o ano. Na unidade 1 , should e must foram empregados para indicar probabilidade, dedução ou conclusão lógica; na unidade 2, os verbos modais may e might foram empregados para indicar possibilidade, e must, necessidade. Nesta unidade, should , must, e have to são usados para indicar recomendação, necessidade ou obrigação.

Habilidades da BNCC

Os exercícios da subseção Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to contemplam a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF09LI16: Empregar, de modo inteligível, os verbos should , must , have to (...) para indicar recomendação, necessidade ou obrigação (...).

Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to

1 Read again the following fragments from the text on page 92. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence.

I. “Kids should take breaks after an hour of listening (...)”

II. “Youths should be able to hear conversations going on around them (...)” a. The sentence that is equivalent in meaning to fragment I is b. The modal verb should expresses c. We use should

I. It is important that kids take breaks after an hour of listening (...).

II. It is not necessary for kids to take breaks after an hour of listening (...).

I. an obligation.

II. a recommendation.

I. before the main verb in the infinitive (without to).

II. after the main verb in the infinitive (without to).

Fragments with should (in the same order they appear in the text): “should be adapted”; “should rest”; “should tilt”; “should be positioned”; “should not be in contact”; “should be vertical”; “should be height adjustable”. Negative form of should: “the thighs should not be in contact with the front edge of the seat.” a. Children should use adjustable furniture. b. Children shouldn’t use adjustable furniture.

2 Go back to the text “Healthy computing” on page 95 and find examples of sentences with should. Then, write down the sentence with the negative form of should in your notebook.

3 Based on the same text, which statement is correct about healthy computing? Choose a or b.

Language Note

shouldn’t = should not

4 People often ask for advice on websites like www.uexpress.com/ life (accessed on: July 14, 2022). Replace each icon with should or shouldn’t to complete the following problem letters and letters of advice as in the example.

Example: should www.uexpress.com/life/dearabby/2015/02/28

Não se preocupe em compreender todas as palavras dos textos. Isso não é necessário para realizar as atividades.

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