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TIP 99 Unit 5 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 99 08/08/2022 18:02 99

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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

Para ter acesso à transcrição do áudio utilizado nos exercícios 2, 3 e 4, consulte a seção Audio Scripts no Livro do Estudante.

Exercício 3 a. How many people fall asleep when driving every day? b. Which institution was responsible for the poll mentioned in the recording? c. What may impact the chemistry of our brains?

Antes que os/as estudantes façam o exercício 3, destaque para eles/as a recomendação do boxe Tip e verifique se entenderam todos os itens.

3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that answers each question.

I. 250,000.

II. 1,000,000.

I. The Night’s Sleep Foundation.

II. The National Sleep Foundation.

I. Changing our sleep cycle.

II. The exposition of our brains to the bright lights of screens at nighttime.

Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia os itens do exercício 3 para conhecer as informações solicitadas. Você deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos os exercícios de compreensão oral.

4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3

5 Choose the electronic devices that are mentioned in the recording.

6 Apart from interfering with sleep, what other negative influences can the excessive use of electronic devices have on our lives? In small groups, try to think of examples to support your answer.

Personal answers.

7 Get to know about your classmates’ sleeping routines. Copy the following table into your notebook and interview two classmates as in the example to complete it. Replace each icon with the information you get. Ask extra questions.

Exercício 7

Destaque para os/as estudantes que o diálogo apresentado neste exercício é apenas um exemplo, e não um modelo a ser repetido.

Questions Classmate 1 Classmate 2

1. How many hours do you usually sleep?

2. How much sleep do you need to feel rested?

3. Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Do you usually watch TV before going to bed?

4. Do you use any electronic devices during the hour before going to bed? If so, which one(s)?

5. What electronic devices do you use more often? How often do you use them every day?

6. (Ask extra questions.)

7. (Ask extra questions.)

8. (Ask extra questions.)

9. (Ask extra questions.)

10. (Ask extra questions.)

Student A: How many hours do you usually sleep, Juliana?

Student B: About seven hours. And you?

Student A: Well, I sleep about nine, ten hours. And how much sleep do you need to feel rested?

Student B: I think I need something like nine, ten hours sleep to feel rested.

8 Go back to exercise 7. Based on your classmates’ answers, do they have a healthy sleeping routine? Why (not)?

Personal answers. Personal answers.

Objetivos Da Se O

Esta seção objetiva o desenvolvimento da habilidade de produção de textos escritos ( writing ). Pretende-se levar os/ as estudantes a compreenderem a produção textual como um processo que inclui planejamento, escrita, revisão (por pares) e reescrita, que pode ser desenvolvido em dupla/grupo, de forma colaborativa. Ao longo desta obra, são explorados textos de diferentes gêneros discursivos.

Explique para os/as estudantes que observar características de um gênero discursivo nos ajuda a compreender e produzir textos desse gênero.

Exercício 1

Destaque para os/as estudantes a importância de compreenderem os elementos envolvidos no contexto de produção escrita (quem escreve, para quem escreve, o que escreve, com que objetivo, com que estilo, em que suporte) e levá-los em consideração nos processos de criação, revisão e reescrita do texto.

Exercício 4 problem letter; family member; Internet

Se achar conveniente, convide os/as estudantes a escolherem as melhores cartas, e as respectivas respostas, para divulgarem no mural ou no jornal da escola.

In this unit you have read three problem letters. Go back to pages 97 and 99 and explore the structure of this genre. Visit the website www.uexpress.com/life to find other examples of problem letters. The most popular advice columns are Dear Abby : www.uexpress.com/life/ dearabby and Sense & Sensitivity : www.uexpress.com/life/sense-and-sensitivity (Accessed on: July 14, 2022).

Do not keep problems or questions to yourself. Ask for advice! Based on the problem letters you read in this unit, it is your turn to write a problem letter to ask for advice on something that is worrying you, a friend or a family member.

1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context.

You are going to write a in order to ask for advice on something that is worrying you, a friend or a . Your text can be published on a classroom bulletin board or on the so that other classmates and the whole school community can read it.

2 Follow these instructions to write your text.

1. Think of a concern of yours. It can be a problem or a question about health, friends, family or school.

2. Focus on what worries you the most. Get all your ideas down on paper.

3. Decide on the person you will ask for advice. Start your letter with “Dear...”.

4. Describe the situation. Try to provide as many details as possible.

5. Finish your letter with a question like “What should I do?”

6. Do not write your real name on the letter. Use a pseudonym (fictional name).

7. Exchange letters with a classmate and discuss both texts.

8. Write the final version of your problem letter.

3 It’s time to share your problem letter with your classmates and other people. You can publish it on websites like www.uexpress. com/life.

4 In small groups, choose problem letters to answer. Discuss the situations with your classmates and try to give some useful advice. Review your letter of advice and share it with the whole class. You can find examples of letters of advice on pages 97 and 99.


Use o que você já sabe sobre a forma de organização dos textos, tanto em inglês quanto em português, para escrever os próprios textos.


Ao revisar as cartas, considere, por exemplo:

• objetivo: O texto está adequado ao público-alvo e à sua finalidade?

• conteúdo: Os detalhes sobre a situação descrita foram verificados e estão corretos?

• linguagem: O problema está descrito de maneira clara e objetiva?

• ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente?

Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus/suas colegas.

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