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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5


1 Read these fragments from the text on page 106 and focus on the words in bold to answer the following questions.

I. “(…) Lutz developed an interest in the growing women’s suffrage movement in the UK.”

II. “(…) but she felt a keen affinity with their goals.” a. Which verb was used with interest? And which preposition accompanied it? b. Which verb was used with affinity? And which preposition accompanied it?

Develop (developed in fragment I). In.

Vocabulary Study

OBJETIVOS DA SEÇÃO c. Based on the following dictionary entry, which verbs, when used with the noun affinity, produce an equivalent meaning to feel affinity? d. And which adjectives, when used with the noun affinity, produce an equivalent meaning to keen affinity?

Nesta seção, objetiva-se construir, sistematizar e ampliar o repertório lexical dos/ as estudantes, levando-os/as a se conscientizarem sobre a importância do estudo do vocabulário de forma organizada e contextualizada.

Feel (felt in fragment II). With. have, share close, great, natural, real, special, strong affinity noun

1 strong feeling that you like/understand sb/sth close, great, natural, real, special, strong I felt a great affinity with the people of the Highlands.


| natural

He has a natural affinity with numbers.

VERB + AFFINITY feel, have, share

It’s important that you share an affinity with your husband. | display, show PREP.

~ between an affinity between the two women | ~ for

Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills.

| ~ towards

Jo feels a great affinity towards Pamela.

| ~ with an affinity with animals a. Who do you feel a great affinity towards? Why? b. Which school subject do you have a strong affinity with? Why?

AFFINITY. In: OZDIC.COM. [2022?]. Disponível em: https://ozdic.com/collocation/affinity. Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022.

2 In your notebook, write sentences that can answer the following questions.

Personal answers.

Para ter acesso a um dicionário de collocations, que está disponível gratuitamente na internet, visite: https:// ozdic.com (Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022).

Destaque para os/as estudantes a importância do estudo sistemático do vocabulário e incentive-os a usar a seção Vocabulary Corner (página 174) e o Glossary (página 198).


Collocations são combinações de palavras que ocorrem frequentemente em uma língua, como great affinity (adjetivo + substantivo) e affinity with (substantivo + preposição). Estude essas combinações em inglês para compreendê-las melhor e utilizá-las em seus textos.

Collocations (ou seja, expressões formadas por palavras que costumam ser usadas juntas) são trabalhadas ao longo da coleção e, no 9o ano, são abordadas nas unidades 4 e 6 . Sugira aos/às estudantes que consultem o dicionário on-line disponível em https://oz dic.com/ (acesso em: 22 jul. 2022) para conhecerem combinações de palavras comuns em língua inglesa e poderem usá-las em seus textos. Esse dicionário contém mais de 150 mil collocations para aproximadamente 9 mil verbetes.

Objetivos Da Se O

Esta seção busca ampliar os conhecimentos dos/as estudantes sobre o tema da unidade e promover uma reflexão crítica sobre esse tema.

Habilidades da BNCC

O exercício 1 retoma a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF07LI06: Antecipar o sentido global de textos em língua inglesa por inferências, com base em leitura rápida, observando títulos, primeiras e últimas frases de parágrafos e palavras-chave repetidas.

Os exercícios 3, 4 e 5 retomam as seguintes habilidades da BNCC: retirement: aposentadoria

• EF07LI07: Identificar a(s) informação(ões)-chave de partes de um texto em língua inglesa (parágrafos).

• EF07LI09: Selecionar, em um texto, a informação desejada como objetivo de leitura.

1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, source and picture. Who do you expect to read about?

Suggested answers: Alma Thomas./A forgotten woman/scientist.

2 Now read the text to check your predictions.

Most people tend to view retirement as a chance to kick back and relax, but not Alma Thomas (1891-1978). At the age of 69, the Washington, DC, art teacher left work and began a dramatically new chapter in her life as the creator of joyously vivid abstract paintings. “Through colour,” she said, “I have sought to concentrate on beauty and happiness, rather than on man’s inhumanity to man.” (…) a. Alma Thomas viewed retirement as a chance to relax. b. Alma Thomas used to be an art teacher. c. She started creating abstract paintings at the age of 69. d. Her paintings were about man’s inhumanity to man. a. For people who have a lot of free time. b. For everyone no matter their age, race, or nationality.

For her, art occupied its own unique mode of expression, as she explained: Creative art is for all time and is therefore independent of time. It is of all ages, of every land, and if by this we mean the creative spirit in man which produces a picture or a statue is common to the whole civilized world, independent of age, race and nationality, the statement may stand unchallenged.

3 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements.

F: Alma Thomas didn’t view retirement as a chance to relax.

F: Her paintings were about beauty and happiness.

4 Who’s creative art for? Based on Alma Thomas’s view on creative art, choose the item that can answer this question.

5 Choose a fragment from the text that is equivalent in meaning to each item as in the example.

Example: a. “rather than” a. instead of; in preference to b. to stop doing things and relax

“to kick back and relax” c. man’s extremely cruel behavior to man d. started a completely new phase in her life

“man’s inhumanity to man”

“began a dramatically new chapter in her life” e. be accepted without asking questions or criticizing

“stand unchallenged”

Think about it!

Aos 69 anos, Alma Thomas iniciou uma nova fase de sua vida dedicando-se à criação artística. Para você, o que a decisão de Alma nos sugere a respeito do processo de envelhecimento? Você acredita que, em nossa sociedade, os/as idosos/as são devidamente respeitados/as e valorizados/as? Por quê (não)? O que pode ser feito para que isso aconteça? Respostas pessoais.

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