1 minute read
The Weather
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
4 Read this comic strip and answer the following questions.
a. What time of the year is it?
Suggested answers: It’s the middle of January./It’s winter.
b. What’s the weather like?
SCHULZ, Charles. Classic Peanuts. [2022?]. Tirinha. Disponível em: https://i.pinimg. com/originals/95/f0/ e5/95f0e5def8eedd56 f6022aef7382ca01.jpg. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2022.
c. Why is Snoopy sad?
Suggested answers: It’s snowing./The weather is freezing./It’s snowing and freezing.
5 What’s the weather like in each picture? Replace each icon with a word in the following box to complete the sentences as in the example.
Suggested answers: Because his cereal is cold./Because he got cold cereal.
Example: a. freezing
Em inglês, o sufixo -y geralmente é acrescentado a substantivos para formar adjetivos: snow snowy; rain rainy; storm stormy
Para ter acesso à transcrição do áudio utilizado no exercício 6, consulte a seção Audio Scripts no Livro do Estudante.
6 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 5.
7 What kind of weather do you like best? What’s the weather like today?
Personal answers.