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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

1 What is the best season of the year in your town?

2 Listen to part of a US radio program broadcast by National Public Radio (NPR). In your notebook, take notes of key words and expressions and choose the item that refers to the topic of the recording.

a. Extreme weather and climate change.

b. Human activities that cause climate change.

3 Which natural disasters are mentioned in the radio program fragment? Listen to the recording again and choose the correct items.

a. hurricane b. rainfall c. tsunami d. wildfire

X X a. Which places suffered from deadly heat? b. According to climate scientists, are the stories on extreme weather related to climate change? c. According to Jennifer Balch, what is correct to say about wildfires? d. Who is Jennifer Balch?

4 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that answers each question.

I. Japan and Britain.

II. Greece, Scandinavia and the western United States.

I. Yes, they are. II. No, they aren’t.

I. We see three times more large fires today than we did in the 1970s.

II. We see five times more large fires today than we did in the 1970s.

Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia os itens do exercício para conhecer as informações solicitadas. Você deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos os exercícios de compreensão oral.

I. A scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

II. A professor in Geography and director of Earth Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder.

5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 4

6 Have you ever experienced extreme weather (extremely hot or cold days)?

Personal answers.

7 Copy this table into your notebook. Based on your personal experience, answer the following questions on actions to preserve the environment by replacing each icon with Yes or No. Then interview a classmate. Ask extra questions.

Personal answers.

Have you ever... You Your classmate

1. bought locally grown food?

2. bought rechargeable batteries?

3. collected rainwater to water plants?

4. planted a tree?

5. reused things we usually throw away?

6. reused scrap paper?

7. used reusable bags?

8. walked or ridden a bike to school?

9. (Extra questions.)

10. (Extra questions.)

The more you answer “Yes”, the more likely you are to use less energy and help reduce climate change.

8 Go back to exercise 7 and answer the following questions.

a. Which of these things do you often do?

b. Which ones do you want to do?

c. Do you and your classmate have similar experiences?

Personal answers.

Habilidades da BNCC

O exercício 7 retoma a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF07LI02: Entrevistar os colegas para conhecer suas histórias de vida.

Objetivos Da Se O

Esta seção objetiva o desenvolvimento da habilidade de produção de textos escritos ( writing ). Pretende-se levar os/as estudantes a compreenderem a produção textual como um processo que inclui planejamento, escrita, revisão (por pares) e reescrita, que pode ser desenvolvido em dupla/grupo, de forma colaborativa. Ao longo desta obra, são explorados textos de diferentes gêneros discursivos.

Explique para os/as estudantes que observar características de um gênero discursivo nos ajuda a compreender e produzir textos desse gênero.

Exercício 1 a. Writer: you and b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: d. Objective: to help you plan a classmate weather forecast what you can do with your friends and family e. Style: informative tone f. Media: school board/Internet

Destaque para os/as estudantes a importância de compreenderem os elementos envolvidos no contexto de produção escrita (quem escreve, para quem escreve, o que escreve, com que objetivo, com que estilo, em que suporte) e levá-los em consideração nos processos de criação, revisão e reescrita do texto.

In this unit you have read some weekly weather forecasts for different regions of Brazil. Go back to page 131 and explore the structure of this genre. Visit the website www.weatheronline.co.uk (accessed on: June 23, 2022) to find other examples of weather forecasts.

In pairs, get to know about the weather in your town for the next few days and write a weather forecast. It is going to help you plan what you can do with your friends and family.

1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context.


Use o que você já sabe sobre a forma de organização dos textos, tanto em inglês quanto em português, para escrever os próprios textos.

1. Find what the weather in your town is expected to be for the next few days. You can check the weather for your town on websites like www. weather.com and www.accuweather.com (accessed on: June 23, 2022).

2. Collect the information you need (dates, weather, temperatures). Try to provide an overall view of the weather conditions of your area.

3. Make the first version of the weather forecast by hand.

4. Include a small weather map of your area. You can also include the activities you plan to do according to each day’s weather conditions.

5. Exchange texts with a classmate and discuss them.

6. Make the necessary corrections.

7. Write the final version of your weather forecast by hand or use a computer to design it.


Ao revisar as previsões do tempo, considere, por exemplo:

• objetivo: O texto está adequado ao público-alvo e à sua finalidade?

• conteúdo: Os detalhes sobre a previsão do tempo para a sua região foram verificados e estão corretos?

• ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente?

Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus/suas colegas.


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