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LANGUAGE IN USE Present Perfect or Simple Past?

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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

Read again the following fragments from the text on page 140 and do exercises 1-3

I. “(...) these films have taken in a combined $3.6 billion worldwide.”

II. “(...) in 2013, 52% of US moviegoers were women.” a. Which fragment contains an event that happened at a specified time in the past? b. Which fragment is in the simple past? c. Which fragment is in the present perfect? a. We use the with actions that started and finished at a specified time in the past. b. We use the with actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past.

1 Choose the correct item that answers each question.

I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II.

I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II.

I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II.

2 Which time expression is used in the fragment in the simple past?

3 Replace each icon with present perfect or simple past to complete the statements.

Exercício 6

Comente com os/as estudantes que, nos filmes mencionados no texto da página 140 (Gravidade , Jogos Vorazes , Frozen e Malévola ), as protagonistas são exemplos de mulheres fortes. Já em Cinderella , o enredo é centrado na fragilidade da protagonista diante da perversidade de sua madrasta e de suas meias-irmãs. Sua salvação, por ser pura e bela, é casar-se com um príncipe. Essa personagem é um exemplo clássico de estereótipo feminino, em que a figura da mulher submissa, obediente, frágil e bonita representa o ideal de mulher desejado pela sociedade patriarcal e machista.

Language in Use

Objetivos Da Se O

Nesta seção, objetiva-se aprimorar os conhecimentos linguísticos por meio de situações de uso da língua. Visa-se ainda desenvolver a capacidade de inferência de regras por meio da observação de exemplos.

Present Perfect or Simple Past?

Exercício 3 simple past present perfect

Ao corrigir o exercício 3 , destaque para os/as estudantes que, no fragmento II, o tempo verbal utilizado foi o simple past, porque há indicação da expressão de tempo no passado (“ in 2013”), conforme apontado no exercício 2

Habilidades da BNCC

O exercício 4 contempla a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF09LI06: Distinguir fatos de opiniões em textos argumentativos da esfera jornalística.

O exercício 6 retoma a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:

• EF08LI05: Inferir informações e relações que não aparecem de modo explícito no texto para construção de sentidos.

Now focus on the following fragments from the movie review of Cinderella on page 144 and do exercises 4-7.

I. “My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic in the 50’s.”

II. “It has held a beautiful place in my heart ever since.”

III. “I’ve seen many adaptations over the decades.”

IV. “(...) this legendary fairy tale [that] I’ve held since I was seven.” a. The present perfect is used in fragment to talk about something that has happened at different times in the past. b. The present perfect is used in fragments and to talk about actions that started in the past and have continued up to the present.

4 Which fragment presents a completed action in the past?

Fragment I.

5 Which fragments are in the present perfect? And which one is in the simple past?

6 Why is the present perfect used in these fragments? Replace each icon with I, II, III or IV in order to understand the different uses of the present perfect.

Present perfect: Fragments II, III and IV. Simple past: Fragment I. III II; IV

Language Note

since × for since + starting point = since 2015, since I was a child, since Saturday for + period of time = for two years, for a month, for a long time

7 In your notebook, write the time expression used in each fragment as in the example.

Example: Fragment I: in the 50’s

Fragment II: ever since Fragment III: over the decades Fragment IV: since I was seven

8 Go back to the movie review on page 144 and find two other sentences in the present perfect.

“None has ever matched this.” and “Could not have been done better!”

9 Copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing each icon with an appropriate verb.

Base Form Simple Past Past Participle

de verbos irregulares, ao final do livro, sempre que necessário.

10 Copy the following table into your notebook. Then, complete it by replacing each icon with the correct time expression in the box.

a year ago • last month • lately • over the years • recently • since I was a child • when I was a child • yesterday

Time expressions used with the simple past

Time expressions used with the present perfect

yesterday, when I was a child, last month, a year ago recently, since I was a child, over the years, lately




To The Recording And Check Your Answers To Exercise 10

Replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following movie review of Paddington. Use the simple past or the present perfect www.imdb.com/review/rw3153765/

Review of Paddington (2014)



Watch out for the world’s most wanted bear

2 January 2015

Para ter acesso à transcrição do áudio utilizado no exercício 11, consulte a seção Audio Scripts no Livro do Estudante.

Consulte a seção Orientações complementares no Manual do Professor para ver nota sobre o filme Paddington

(...) As soon as I (walk) into the theater, I could see I’m the oldest one (excluding those parents), and I (feel) a bit embarrassed – sitting alone surrounded by hyperactive children. But then, as the film goes, I found out watching Paddington is one of the best decisions I (make) recently, and that is not exaggerating, because as I watched that little talking bear roam around London, I found the inner child inside of me who’s been lost for quite some time. I (never laugh) and screamed so freely along with those children and I feel totally not out of place. (...)

Paddington truly is a surprising movie, and it surely is the best non-animated family film (make) in 2014. It is ridiculous yet believable. Unlike the increasing amount of farces that call themselves “comedies”, Paddington is truly hilarious and heartwarming with a story that is so rich and compelling. And I would recommend Paddington to anyone, and if you (not watch) it yet, go watch it and you will find it’s the best decision you (ever make) walked; felt; have made/’ve made; have never laughed made; have not watched; have ever made/’ve ever made

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