1 minute read
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
1 Have you ever watched the Oscars Ceremony on television? Do you know what was last year’s best picture?
Personal answers.
2 Listen to two artists presenting the Oscar for best animated feature at the 85th Academy Awards (2013). Which animated feature film was the winner?
D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 148 a. The directors of the winning animated feature film are b. The male director said that c. The female director thanked her husband and
3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that completes each sentence.
I. Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman.
II. Sam Fell and Chris Butler.
I. making a movie has its own story.
II. his daughter inspired the movie into being.
I. four kids.
4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3.
5 What do you know about the 2013 winning animated feature film? Have you ever seen it before? Is the main character female or male? What is the story about?
II. daughter.
Personal answers. The main character is female. Suggested answer: The story is about princess Merida, a Scottish child who must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to save her kingdom.
6 Copy this table into your notebook. Answer the following questions by replacing each icon with an appropriate answer. Then interview a classmate. Ask extra questions and use expressions from the Language Note box to help you.
Personal answers.
Habilidades da BNCC
O exercício 6 contempla a seguinte habilidade da BNCC:
• EF09LI01: Fazer uso da língua inglesa para expor pontos de vista, argumentos e contra-argumentos, considerando o contexto e os recursos linguísticos voltados para a eficácia da comunicação.
Para conhecer mais sobre os/as vencedores/as de todos os anos do Oscar, visite: www.oscars. org/oscars/ceremonies (Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022).
Questions You Your classmate
1. What was the last movie you saw?
• Who was in it?
• Was it good? Why?
2. What is the best movie you have ever seen?
• Why did you like it?
• (Extra question)
3. What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
• What was it about?
• (Extra question)
4. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once?
• If so, which one(s)?
• (Extra question)
5. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
• What movies has he/she been in?
• (Extra question)
Language Note
Expressing an opinion:
In my opinion.../In my view.../From my point of view...
I’m (pretty) sure that.../I (strongly) believe that...