2 minute read
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
1 When was the last time you went to the movies? What did you see? What was it about?
Personal answers.
2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure and source. Is it a movie synopsis or a movie review? What is the name of the movie? Now read the text and do exercises 3-5.
Movie review. Monkey Kingdom www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-monkey-kingdom-review-20150417-story.html
Review: Disneynature's ‘Monkey Kingdom’ swings with the best of them
APR 16, 2015 | 4:01 PM
Who can say no to a monkey movie?
Resistance proves particularly futile when the production in question is as amusingly fascinating as “Monkey Kingdom,” the latest entry from the ever-engaging Disneynature series of wildlife documentaries.
Co-directed by Mark Linfield and Alastair Fothergill, who previously teamed on “Earth” and “Chimpanzee,” the production trains a penetrating lens on the remarkably expressive toque macaques of Sri Lanka, especially a soulful 8-year-old female named Maya who had the misfortune of being born at the bottom of a highly regimented social hierarchy.
The film offers a valuable life lesson in the powers of determination and timing, but most of all it’s darned entertaining.
By this point — eight titles into a successful lineup of documentaries — the filmmaking is down to a science, blending breathtaking cinematography with a compelling original storyline and playful narration that’s a far cry from the studied readings of those old-school nature docs.
Lending “Monkey Kingdom” a bonus coolness factor is Tina Fey, who, like narrator John C. Reilly in the 2014 film “Bears,” isn’t afraid to let her personality to shine through.
Rather than playing the impartial voice for hire, she jumps right into the mischievous fray, making this already delightful dissection of the business of monkey business that much more infectious.
RECHTSHAFFEN, Michael. Review: Disneynature’s ‘Monkey Kingdom’ swings with the best of them. Los Angeles Times, 16 abr. 2015. Disponível em: www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-monkey-kingdom-review-20150417-story.html. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022.
A partir da identificação de possíveis dificuldades em relação aos conteúdos e habilidades trabalhados nessas unidades, sugerimos, ao longo desta unidade de revisão, algumas estratégias e/ou atividades que podem auxiliar os/as estudantes a superar essas dificuldades.
Reading Comprehension
Exercício 1
Este exercício pode ser feito oralmente ou por escrito no caderno, a seu critério.
3 Replace the icons with information about the movie Monkey Kingdom to complete the following box.
Monkey Kingdom
G | 82 min | 17 April 2015 (USA)
• Genre:
• Directors:
• Star:
• Filming Location:
Documentary Tina Fey Sri Lanka
Mark Linfield and Alastair Fothergill
Positive. Some possible fragments: “as amusingly fascinating as ‘Monkey Kingdom’”; “the latest entry from the ever-engaging Disneynature series of wildlife documentaries”; “the production trains a penetrating lens on the remarkably expressive toque macaques of Sri Lanka”; “The film offers a valuable life lesson in the powers of determination and timing”; “most of all it’s darned entertaining”; “blending breathtaking cinematography with a compelling original storyline and playful narration.” a. Movie production: b. Female monkey Maya: c. Cinematography:
4 Is the movie review of Monkey Kingdom positive or negative? Choose a fragment from the text to support your answer.
5 What adjectives does the author of the text use to describe the following items? Replace each icon with an adjective.
Apoio a estudantes com diferentes níveis de aprendizagem Para os/as estudantes que encontraram dificuldades nos exercícios de compreensão escrita, recomende que façam uma revisão das estratégias de leitura apresentadas na seção Tips into Practice do livro e tentem colocá-las em prática ao ler textos em inglês.
Language in Use
e. Narration: fascinating soulful breathtaking