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UNIT 5 5

UNIT 5 5

In unit 7, you have talked about global climate change. In this section, you are going to create a campaign poster to urge people to stand up to climate change.

1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its and source. What do you expect to read about?

Suggested answer: (A campaign poster) about climate change.

2 Now read the text to check your predictions.

stand up to sb/sth

— phrasal verb with stand verb

UK /stænd/ US /stænd/ stood | stood to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly:

• He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies.

CAMBRIDGE Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: https:// dictionary.cambridge.org/ dictionary/english/stand-upto-sb-sth. Acesso em: 2 jul. 2022.

UNDP. Are you seeing the climate, change. 2022. 1 imagem. Disponível em: www. adaptation-undp.org/sites/ default/files/resources/ feeling_the_change_flyers_ lynin_house_coral_reef.pdf. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2022.

3 What is the main aim of the campaign poster? Choose a or b a. To share statistics on global climate change. b. To encourage people to stand up to climate change. X

Think about it!

Qual jogo de palavras é utilizado no slogan do cartaz para chamar a atenção dos leitores? Como a imagem reforça o que está escrito?

4 The following elements are usually employed in campaign posters to catch the reader’s attention. Choose the ones you can find in the text you read.

a. An eye-catching picture. X b. A slogan or a headline message. X c. All the verbs in the imperative. d. A website for further information. X e. Fonts in different colors and sizes for emphasis. X a. According to the text, why are coral reefs looking less colorful? b. What sign of global climate change mentioned in the text is responsible for killing coral reefs? c. Do you know other examples of the signs of climate change? d. The campaign poster you read invites us to act now if we want to preserve the beautiful reefs in Belize, a Caribbean country on the northeaster cost of Central America. In your opinion, how can people do their part to stop climate change?

5 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.

Personal answer. Suggested answers: Melting glaciers, rising global temperatures, different rain patterns, intense storms and droughts.

Because of climate change.

• EF09LI10: Propor potenciais argumentos para expor e defender ponto de vista em texto escrito, refletindo sobre o tema proposto e pesquisando dados, evidências e exemplos para sustentar os argumentos, organizando-os em sequência lógica.

Rising sea temperatures. Personal answer.

6 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to create a campaign poster to urge people to stand up to climate change.

TASK In small groups, you and your classmates are going to create a campaign poster in order to encourage people to stop climate change. You can write about specific topics related to climate change and its impacts (e.g. how climate change can harm food production, human health, destroy the places where animals live). You can also visit the following websites to get some ideas:

• https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/

• https://ec.europa.eu/clima/climate-change/consequences-climate-change_en

• www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/climate/climate-change-impacts

(Accessed on: July 3, 2022).

Think of ideas for slogans, pictures, fonts and overall messages. Try to add some relevant information in a smaller font size based on what you learned about climate change and its impacts. Share your campaign poster with other classmates. You can put it up on a bulletin board or on the Internet (e.g. the school website or a non-profit organization’s website).

Respostas pessoais. Sugestões de resposta: Em vez de usar a consagrada expressão “climate change” (mudança climática), o cartaz usa “change” como um verbo no imperativo. Se o leitor está observando o clima, é convidado a mudar. A imagem mostra corais esbranquiçados, sem cor, em contraste com as cores do fundo do mar. Além disso, os corais formam um ponto de interrogação que indicam a pergunta que é feita ao leitor (“Are you seeing the climate?”). A imagem sugere que os próprios corais estão questionando o leitor.

157 Working Together 4

• EF09LI11: Utilizar recursos verbais e não verbais para construção da persuasão em textos da esfera publicitária, de forma adequada ao contexto de circulação (produção e compreensão).

• EF09LI12: Produzir textos (infográficos, fóruns de discussão on-line , fotorreportagens, campanhas publicitárias, memes, entre outros) sobre temas de interesse coletivo local ou global, que revelem posicionamento crítico.

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