COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
Mensagem Antonio Moura....................... 4 Jump-off (if any)
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art 1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Mensagem Victor Aleixo ...........................6
Number of horses per athlete Mensagem Desidério Silva .....................10
Maximum number of Starters:
1 60
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions: Mensagem Manuel Cidade ....................12
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2018 ..................14
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country;
Vilamoura by Summer 2018 ...................16
The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.
Vilamoura Champions Tour 2018 ............18 Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 Publicação: The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48 20 Homenagem a André Jordan ................. Clube Hípico de Vilamoura
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders)
Programa do Evento ...............................28
Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
Opinião dos Cavaleiros .......................... 40
Edição, Impressão e Publicidade:
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr
Vencedores GP Atlantic 2017 ................. 48
Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
MENSAGEM ANTONIO MOURA É com grande contentamento que vejo este ano chegarmos a números de participantes verdadeiramente recordes e desta forma uma afirmação definitiva deste evento em Vilamoura-Algarve, no plano Europeu.
It is with great contentment that I see this year we reach record numbers of participants and thus a definitive statement of this event in Vilamoura-Algarve, at the European level.
Podemos hoje afirmar que Vilamoura é a “Califórnia” da Europa.
We can say today that Vilamoura is the “California” of Europe.
O nosso projeto é termos competições de Outubro a Abril em Vilamoura.
Our project is to have competitions from October to April in Vilamoura.
Nesse sentido posso anunciar que este ano 2018 iremos aumentar duas semanas mais de competição, de 25 de Setembro até 11 de Novembro.
In this sense I can announce that this year 2018 we will increase two more weeks of competition, from September 25 to November 11.
Nesta Edição do Atlantic Tour 2018 iremos homenagear André Jordan, responsável por toda esta aventura iniciada em 1998 de trazer o desporto Equestre para Vilamoura, tendo iniciado os “Tours” em 2003.
In this edition of the Atlantic Tour 2018 we will honor André Jordan, responsible for all this adventure started in 1998 to bring the Equestrian sport to Vilamoura, having started the Tours in 2003.
Este ano será um marco histórico em termos de participação onde iremos ter mais de 1.200 cavalos e 300 cavaleiros de grande nível mundial provenientes de 30 países dos 5 continentes.
This year will be a historic landmark in terms of participation where we will have more than 1,200 horses and 300 world-class riders from 30 countries on 5 continents.
Durante estas 6 semanas de competição iremos ter 24 Provas a contar para o Ranking Mundial bem como 2 Grandes Prémios qualificativos para os Jogos Equestres Mundiais.
During these 6 weeks of competition we will have 24 World Championship Trials as well as 2 World Equestrian Games Qualifying Grand Prix.
Não posso deixar de agradecer publicamente a toda a equipe que comigo trabalha e acreditando sempre neste projecto que hoje graças ao empenhamento de todos é uma grande realidade no panorama Equestre Nacional e Europeu.
I can not fail to publicly thank all the team that works with me and always believing in this project that today thanks to the commitment of all is a great reality in the National and European Equestrian scene.
Resta-me agradecer e desejar boa sorte a todos, que tenham uma estadia incrível e inesquecível de desporto de alto nível.
It remains for me to thank and wish good luck to all, who have an incredible and unforgettable stay of high level sport.
Presidente do Evento
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
MENSAGEM VICTOR ALEIXO Por mais um ano, Vilamoura vai ser palco do mais importante evento equestre que se realiza em Portugal e em todo o continente europeu.
For another year, Vilamoura will be the scene of the most important equestrian event held in Portugal and throughout the European continent.
Na verdade, o Vilamoura Atlantic Tour alcançou já o estatuto de grande evento desportivo numa modalidade que concentra milhares de intervenientes. Por isso, estamos certos de que esta 16.ª edição continuará a ser um enorme êxito e a levar bem longe o nome do Algarve, de Vilamoura e do concelho de Loulé.
In fact, the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour has already achieved the status of a major sporting event in a modality that concentrates thousands of players. That is why we are certain that this 16th edition will continue to be a huge success and take the name of the Algarve, Vilamoura and the municipality of Loulé very far.
E isso só nos pode orgulhar.
And that can only make us proud.
A presença de equipas oriundas de mais de 30 países faz prever, uma competição pujante, com a organização cuidada a que o António Moura já nos habituou, num espaço inteiramente vocacionado para o desporto equestre, que continua a atrair a elite dos cavaleiros de saltos com obstáculos.
The presence of teams from more than 30 countries makes for a strong competition, with the careful organization that António Moura has accustomed us to, in an area entirely dedicated to equestrian sports, which continues to attract the elite of the jumping riders with obstacles.
Como já em anteriores momentos referi, para além do inegável espetáculo que nos dá e representa, o hipismo concorre enormemente para o combate à sazonalidade que, todos temos consciência, afeta a nossa Região sem que nem sempre consigamos encontrar os eventos e/ou as atividades que melhor a possam atenuar.
As I have already said in previous times, in addition to the undeniable spectacle that gives us and represents, the equestrian competition enormously contributes to the fight against seasonality that we all have a conscience affects our Region without we can not always find the events and / or activities that can better mitigate it.
Por isso mesmo, a Câmara Municipal de Loulé acompanha com muito interesse esta iniciativa e manifesta a sua disponibilidade para colaborar na sua concretização a fim de que ela mantenha um elevado nível de desempenho e contribua para a promoção do nosso território. Expresso, pois, os meus votos de muito sucesso para o Vilamoura Atlantic Tour na realização de mais esta sua promissora edição. O Presidente da Câmara Municipal
For this reason, the Municipality of Loulé closely follows this initiative and expresses its willingness to collaborate in its implementation so that it maintains a high level of performance and contributes to the promotion of our territory. I express, therefore, my very successful votes for the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour in the accomplishment of this more promising edition.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
O Pestana Vila Sol – Vilamoura Premium Golf & SPA Resort é o refúgio ideal para quem aprecia a calma reparadora da Natureza, com extensos espaços verdes, fontes e pequenos lagos, e a garantia de absoluto conforto. Com um campo de golfe de 27 buracos, o hotel está perto de algumas das mais bonitas praias de areia dourada e águas cristalinas do Algarve.
The Pestana Vila Sol - Vilamoura Premium Golf & Spa Resort is the ideal refuge for all those appreciating the Nature´s repairing calm, with large green areas, fountains, small lakes and the guarantee of absolute comfort. With a 27-holes golf course, the hotel is close to some of the most beautiful beaches of golden sands and crystalline waters in the Algarve.
Com 189 espaçosos e acolhedores quartos e suites, o hotel é composto por um edifício central rodeado por conjuntos de villas com quartos e suites de estilo mediterrâneo, que se enquadram harmoniosamente entre lagos e extensos jardins.
With 189 wide and friendly rooms and suites, the resort is composed by a central building surrounded by a set of villas with rooms and suites, in Mediterranean style, harmonically embedded between lakes and wide gardens.
Inspire-se na Natureza e tranquilidade do Pestana Vila Sol - Vilamoura. Desfrute do clima ameno do Algarve com a sua família e descontraia-se na sua volta de golfe, ténis ou desportos aquáticos.
Be inspired by Nature and the tranquility of the Pestana Vila Sol Hotel. Enjoy the mild climate of the Algarve with your family and relax playing golf, tennis or experiencing nautical sports.
O Hotel está inteiramente preparado para receber grandes conferências ou pequenas reuniões e eventos empresariais. O seu “Ballroom” com 480m2 pode ser dividido em 6 salas, a juntar às 5 salas para reuniões existentes e ao Foyer, todos totalmente equipados. Quando a importância de cada detalhe é a sua perfeição, pode contar com as nossas facilidades e profissionalismo para trazer a sua visão até uma extraordinária realidade.
The Hotel is fully ready to accommodate large conferences or small meetings and corporate events. The “Ballroom” with 480 m2 can be divided into 6 rooms, together with the 5 existing meetings rooms, and the Foyer, all properly equipped. When perfection is in the significance of every minor detail, you can count on our facilities and professionalism to make your vision into an extraordinary reality.
Durante a sua estadia pode experimentar o Restaurante e Bar do Hotel. No Green Pines pode apreciar com todo o conforto as delícias do Buffet ou a carta do Bistro com uma seleção de clássicos internacionais com um toque moderno. O Bar Prime na mezzanine sobre a zona da receção, com acesso à esplanada e à zona lounge, é o local para beber um aperitivo ou digestivo e saborear um cocktail. No Verão pode ainda usufruir do Bar da piscina, que tornará a sua estadia mais confortável.
During your stay you can experience the Hotel’s Bar and Restaurants. At the Green Pines you can enjoy the delicacies of the Buffet or the Menu from the Bistro with a selection on international classics with a modern twist. The Prime Bar in the mezzanine of the reception area, with access to the terrace and the lounge area, is the place to drink an aperitif or nightcap and enjoy a cocktail. In summer you can also take advantage of the Pool Bar, which will make your stay more comfortable.
O Hotel fica a 5 minutos de Vilamoura, uma das zonas mais nobres do Algarve, a 20 minutos de carro do Aeroporto Internacional de Faro, a 10 minutos da elegante Marina de Vilamoura e do famoso casino de Vilamoura e de uma infindável oferta de entretenimento diurno e noturno.
The Hotel is 5 minutes from Vilamoura, one of the noblest areas in the Algarve, 20 minutes driving distance from the Faro International Airport, 10 minutes from the elegant Marina de Vilamoura, the famous Vilamoura Casino and an endless offer of daily and night entertainment.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
MENSAGEM DESIDÉRIO SILVA A elite mundial do hipismo está de regresso ao Algarve. O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour é, sem dúvida, um dos maiores eventos equestre a nível nacional e internacional. É, assim, com grande satisfação que o Algarve acolhe esta mítica prova que junta os mais prestigiados cavaleiros do mundo. De 13 de fevereiro a 1 de abril, Vilamoura transforme-se na “Cidade Equestre” e recebe os melhores cavaleiros e amantes de saltos de obstáculos. Aliás, Vilamoura tem vindo a assumir-se como um dos principais destinos hípicos da Europa, devido à qualidade das suas instalações desportivas, mas também devido ao clima ameno da região, à qualidade das suas unidades hoteleiras, à riqueza gastronómica, à diversidade cultural, e à hospitalidade dos algarvios, que permitem oferecer uma experiência única aos cavaleiros e respetivas comitivas. É, pois, com satisfação que a Região de Turismo do Algarve apoia este evento único que, ao longo dos anos, tem beneficiado o turismo da região em meses de menor afluência e tem tido um forte impacto económico na região. A promoção do desporto e, em particular, do hipismo é uma prioridade para o Algarve, onde existem excelentes condições para a modalidade. Vilamoura tem todas as valências para ser finalmente reconhecida como capital do hipismo europeu. O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour tem vindo a ganhar grande notoriedade internacional e é hoje considerado como um dos mais importantes pontos de encontro dos melhores atletas da modalidade. Em nome do Turismo do Algarve, desejo a todos uma excelente prova. Presidente da Região de Turismo do Algarve
The world’s equestrian elite is returning to the Algarve. The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour is undoubtedly one of the largest equestrian events at national and international level. It is with great satisfaction that the Algarve welcomes this mythical event that joins the most prestigious riders in the world. From February 13 to April 1, Vilamoura becomes the “Equestrian City” and welcomes the best riders and lovers of jumps. In fact, Vilamoura has become one of the main horse-riding destinations in Europe due to the quality of its sports facilities, but also due to the mild climate of the region, the quality of its hotels, gastronomic richness, cultural diversity, and the hospitality of the Algarve, which offer a unique experience to the riders and their retinues. It is therefore with satisfaction that the Algarve Tourism Region supports this unique event that, over the years, has benefited tourism in the region in months of lower affluence and has had a strong economic impact in the region. The promotion of sport and, in particular, horseback riding is a priority for the Algarve, where there are excellent conditions for the sport. Vilamoura has all the valences to be finally recognized as the capital of European equestrianism. The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour has been gaining great international renown and is considered today as one of the most important meeting places of the best athletes of the sport. On behalf of Turismo do Algarve, I wish you all an excellent test. President of the Algarve Tourism Region
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
MENSAGEM MANUEL CIDADE Vai iniciar-se, no próximo mês de fevereiro, mais um Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, já na sua 16ª edição, sem qualquer interrupção. Aos seus organizadores é devida uma palavra de agradecimento da Federação Equestre Portuguesa, por todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo destes anos e pela competência profissional com que o têm sabido fazer.
Another Vilamoura Atlantic Tour will begin next February, already in its 16th edition, without any interruption. To its organizers is due a word of thanks from the Portuguese Equestrian Federation, for all the work developed over the years and for the professional competence with which they have been able to do so.
O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour é bem merecedor dos apoios que, das diferentes entidades públicas e privadas, tem recebido pois o impacto socioeconómico e desportivo deste evento tem sido, em cada ano que passa, em quantidade e qualidade, cada vez mais positivo.
The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour is well deserving of the support that has received from different public and private entities since the socioeconomic and sporting impact of this event has been, in each passing year, in quantity and quality, increasingly positive.
A Federação Equestre Portuguesa deseja as boas vindas a todos os cavaleiros e oficiais de competição estrangeiros e nacionais que vêm participar nesta 16ª edição do Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, fazendo votos para que sejam dias de convívio desportivo saudável e de competição leal, com o empenhamento total dos conjuntos participantes, no cumprimento estrito das regras do bem-estar do cavalo, elemento essencial nesta nossa modalidade desportiva.
The Portuguese Equestrian Federation wishes to welcome all the foreign and national riders and competition officials who come to participate in this 16th edition of the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, hoping to be days of healthy sports and fair competition, with the total commitment of the participating groups, in strict compliance with the rules of horse welfare, an essential element in our sporting modality.
Este Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2018 será mais um êxito total.
This Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2018 will be a total success.
O Presidente da Federação Equestre Portuguesa
The President of the Portuguese Equestrian Federation
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
Diz que este país é o único do mundo onde as amizades contam para fazer negócio. Ele preserva as suas mais do que tudo na vida. É o seu luxo. O seu segredo, esse, é o poço de histórias que tem para contar e que fascinaram sempre as pessoas. Chamam-lhe o pai do turismo português Chegou a Portugal há quase 50 anos e desde então tem-se dividido entre os dois lados do Atlântico. Foi um dos primeiros - e dos maiores - empresários brasileiros a investir em Portugal. Ficou famoso com o projeto da Quinta do Lago. Hoje, aos 84 anos, a Câmara de Comércio Luso-Brasileira atribuiu-lhe o Prémio Personalidade do Ano - Prémio Dário Castro Alves. De origens judaicas, nascido na Polónia de onde saiu um dia antes da invasão nazi, André Jordan não é de meias-palavras. Gosta de falar de pessoas, de amizades, de cultura e da aristocracia com quem privou. Ele que idealizou e construiu a Quinta do Lago, fez planos para o Vilamoura XXI e trouxe para Portugal um conceito de imobiliário de luxo ímpar no país.
He says that this country is the only one in the world where friendships count for doing business. It preserves its more than anything in life. It’s your luxury. Your secret, this, is the story pit you have to tell and that has always fascinated people. They call him the father of Portuguese tourism It arrived in Portugal almost 50 years ago and since then has been divided between the two sides of the Atlantic. He was one of the first - and largest - Brazilian entrepreneurs to invest in Portugal. He became famous with the Quinta do Lago project. Today, at age 84, the Luso-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce awarded him the Personality of the Year Prize - Dario Castro Alves Award. Of Jewish origins, born in Poland from where he left a day before the Nazi invasion, André Jordan is not in half-words. He likes to talk about people, friendships, culture and aristocracy with whom he has been deprived. He who designed and built Quinta do Lago, made plans
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
Em 1988 André Jordan parte para um novo desafio: recuperar a qualidade e a imagem de Vilamoura, tarefa que, atendo à dimensão do empreendimento e ao estado degradado das unidades construídas e das infra-estruturas, exigia todos os recursos da sua experiência e visão no negócio imobiliário.
André Jordan convida António Moura para fazer concursos em vilamoura
Em 1998, sendo Presidente da Lusotour, André Jordan convida Antonio Moura a fazer concursos internacionais A, onde trouxe os primeiros cavaleiros Internacionais com bastante dificuldade e persuasão em Setembro, sendo um enorme sucesso ao fim de dois anos. Vendo o grande potencial que o Hipismo poderia ter em Vilamoura, algo que não foi inicialmente reconhecido por inúmeras entidades, Sr André Jordan apoiou incondicionalmente António Moura, e em 2003 com moldes completamente diferente de Espanha e com inicio a 17 de fevereiro um circuito de 4 semanas tornando-se a 2º Rota da Europa . Hoje mesmo com todas as dificuldades e escassos apoios, os elementos são tão evidentes que Vilamoura Equestre Centre consegue reunir em Vilamoura 1250 cavalos, 14 semanas de eventos internacionais e Vilamoura ter se tornado no Algarve a 2º a maior modalidade, sendo que a pista de Vilamoura tornou-se a pista na europa onde há maior saídas á pista isto é percursos feitos .
for Vilamoura XXI and brought to Portugal a unique luxury real estate concept in the country. In 1988, André Jordan set out on a new challenge: to recover the quality and image of Vilamoura, a task that, taking into account the size of the enterprise and the degraded state of the built units and infrastructures, required all the resources of its experience and vision in real estate business. André Jordan invites António Moura to make contests in Vilamoura In 1998, being President of Lusotour, André Jordan invites Antonio Moura to make international competitions A, where he brought the first International riders with enough difficulty and persuasion in September, being a huge success after two years. Seeing the great potential that Equestrian could have in Vilamoura, something that was not initially recognized by numerous entities,
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any) 1 against the clock A VAP - Value Algarve Properties - Real Estate encontra-se sediada no coraVAP - Value Algarve Properties - Real Estate is located in the heart Speed/Fixed 375m/min. ção da Marina de Vilamoura e conta com mais de 15 anos de experiência of Vilamoura Marina, with over 15 years experience in Vilamou- time: no mercado de Vilamoura e do Triângulo Dourado. ra and Golden Triangle real estate Market. Height of obstacles: 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory) Orgulhamo-nos de ser uma equipa de profissionais dedicados e de possuir We pride ourselves on being a dedicated, professional and reliable Number of horses per athlete 1 uma vasta e importante carteira de parceiros e clientes. team having a large and importante portfolio of clients and partners.
Maximum number of Starters: 60 We commit in identifying our clients needs and concerns, striving to O nosso compromisso é identificar as necessidades dos nossos clientes e enachieve them´ the best results. as soluções adequadas, com determinação, celeridadeconditions: e transparência. This GP is open contrar to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following
The focused following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) automatically qualified At VAP we believe that only with daily, personalized and Na VAP acreditamos que só com um trabalho are diário, personalizado e fo- for the Grand Prix a work you can fully meet the needs, requirements and expectations cado se consegue satisfazer plenamente as necessidades, exigências e The winner of thatclientes. Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; of our custumers. expectativas dos nossos Trust Us with your Dream!
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; Confie-nos o Seu sonho! The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
Mr. André Jordan unconditionally supported António Moura, and in 2003 with completely different molds from Spain and beginning on February 17 a circuit of 4 weeks becoming the 2nd Route of Europe. Today, with all the difficulties and scarce support, the elements are so evident that Vilamoura Equestre Center can gather in Vilamoura 1250 horses, 14 weeks of international events and Vilamoura have become in the Algarve the 2nd most modality, with the Vilamoura track became the track in Europe where there are more exits to the track this is routes made.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
Localizado na Emblemática Marina de Vilamoura, seja o Espaçoso Deck ou o salão Interno oferecem ambos uma vista panorâmica sobre toda a Marina de Vilamoura. Cada ambiente têm um charme próprio, aspeto moderno e arrojado inunda frescos aromas e sensações.
Located in the emblematic Marina of Vilamoura, offering you either our spacious deck or the indoor dining room; both with a panoramic view over the entire marina. Each environment has its own charm. A modern and bold décor mixed with fresh aromas and sensations.
Um Menu de Inspiração Internacional, explora uma ampla variedade de escolhas com referência na gastronomia italiana. Como pastas frescas ou as pizzas de massa fina estaladiça. Entre as quais carnes de diferentes cortes e peixe fresco da Região e os frutos do mar da Costa Algarvia.
Our internationally inspired menu explores a wide variety of dishes. We offer fresh pastas or our crisp crust pizzas to fans of the Italian gastronomy, our prime cut meats are grossly imported from South America, and our fresh fish and seafood is of course caught locally.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
PROGRAMA DO EVENTO 870.100€ YOUNG HORSES Tuesday 5 years YH-01 not against clock
Wednesday 5 years YH-04 2 Phases special
6 years YH-02 Against clock
6 years YH-05 jump off
6 years YH-07 2 Phases special
7 years YH-03 Against clock
7 years YH-06 jump off
7 years YH-08 2 Phases special
800 €
1.900 €
800 €
2.500 € 3.000 €
1st week
Friday 5 Years YH-09 Against clock
13th/18th Feb Thursday
800 €
1.900 €
Medium tour 1.35 A-02 against clock
2.500 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-03 against clock
24.700 € LR
2nd week
5 years YH-010 not against clock
5 years YH-13 2 Phases special
6 years YH-11
6 years YH-14 jump off
800 €
Against clock
7 years YH-12 Against clock
1.900 €
7 years YH-15 jump off
3.000 €
CSI*** 500€ / week CSI* 400€ / week Y.H: 325€ /week
Small Tour 1.20 A-04 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-08 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.20 A-12 2 Phases special
Medium Tour 1.30 A-09 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-13 Against clock
1.000 €
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-05 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.35 A-10 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-06 Against clock
Big Tour 1.45 A-11 Small GP JO
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-07 2 Phases
2.500 €
24.700 LR
24.700€ LR
1.000 € 2.000 €
Big Tour 1.40 A-14 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.50 A-15 Jum Off
29.000 € LR
20th/25th Feb
500 €
CSI *** Saturday
Small Tour 1.10 B-04 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.10 B-05 Against clock
Small Tour 1.10 B-06 Against clock
6 years YH-16
Small Tour 1.20 A-19
Small Tour 1.20 A-23
Small Tour 1.20 A-27
2 Phases special
Against clock
Jump Off
2 Phases
1.000 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
5 Years YH-18 Against clock
800 €
7 years YH-17 2 Phases special
1.900 €
Max 4 horses in each Tour: Small, Medium & Big Big Tour: 2 in 1,40m. and 1,45m Small GP & GP 1 horse Young Horses: 3 per class Medium & Small Tour: 3 per class Entry fees:
Sunday Small Tour 1.10 B-03 Against clock
800 €
2.500 €
Saturday Small Tour 1.10 B-02 Against clock
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-01 Jump Off
CSI ***
Friday Small Tour 1.10 B-01 Jump Off
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-16 Jump Off
500 €
Medium Tour 1.30 A-24 2 Phases
2.000 €
Medium tour 1.35 A-17
Medium Tour 1.35 A-20
Medium Tour 1.35 A-25
against clock
2 Phases
Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-21 Against clock
Big Tour 1.45 A-26 Small GP JO
2.500 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-18 against clock
24.700 € LR
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-22 2 Phases
24.700€ LR
500 €
Medium Tour 1.30 A-28 Against clock
2.000 €
2.500 €
24.700 LR
Big Tour 1.40 A-29 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.50 A-30 Jum Off
29.000 € LR
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
YOUNG HORSES Tuesday 5 years YH-19 not against clock
Wednesday 5 years YH-22 2 Phases special
6 years YH-20 Against clock
6 years YH-23 jump off
6 years YH-25 2 Phases special
7 years YH-21 Against clock
7 years YH-24 jump off
7 years YH-26 against clock
800 €
1.900 €
800 €
2.500 € 3.000 €
3rd week
Friday 5 Years YH-27 Against clock
27th Feb/04th March Thursday
800 €
1.900 €
2.500 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-33 against clock
24.700 € LR
5 years YH-28 Against clock First round 6 years YH-29 Against clock First round 7 years YH-30 Against Clock First round
4th week
6 years YH-31 Second round/ JO
Thursday 5 years YH-33 Second round/ JO
15.000 €
24.700 € LR
Max 4 horses in each Tour: Small, Medium & Big Big Tour: 2 in 1,40m. and 1,45m Small GP & GP 1 horse Young Horses: 3 per class Medium & Small Tour: 3 per class Entry fees:
CSI*** 500€ / week CSI* 400€ / week Y.H: 325€ /week
Small Tour 1.20 A-34 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-38 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.20 A-42 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-39 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-43 ACCU. JOKER
1.000 €
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-35 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.35 A-40 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-36 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-41 Small GP JO
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-37 2 Phases
2.500 €
24.700€ LR
2.500 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-48 against clock
24.700 € LR
2.000 €
Big Tour 1.40 A-44 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-45 Jum Off
CSI *** Saturday Small Tour 1.10 B-11 Against clock
Sunday Small Tour 1.10 B-12 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-49 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-53 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.20 A-57 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-54 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-58 ACCU. JOKER
1.000 €
Medium tour 1.35 A-47 against clock
1.000 €
Friday Small Tour 1.10 B-10 Jump Off
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-46 Jump Off
500 €
25.000 € LR
06th/11th March
5.000 €
7 years YH-32 Second round/ JO
Sunday Small Tour 1.10 B-09 Against clock
Medium tour 1.35 A-32 against clock
Saturday Small Tour 1.10 B-08 Against clock
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-31 against clock
CSI **
Friday Small Tour 1.10 B-07 Jump Off
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-50 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.35 A-55 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-51 Against clock
Big Tour 1.45 A-56 Small GP JO
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-52 2 Phases
24.700€ LR
2.500 €
24.700 LR
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Big Tour 1.40 A-59 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.50 A-60 Jum Off
29.000 € LR
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
PROGRAMA DO EVENTO 870.100€ YOUNG HORSES Tuesday 5 years YH-34 Against clock
Wednesday 5 years YH-37 2 Phases special
6 years YH-35 Against clock
6 years YH-38 jump off
6 years YH-40 2 Phases special
7 years YH-36 Against clock
7 years YH-39 jump off
7 years YH-41 against clock
800 €
1.900 €
800 €
2.500 € 3.000 €
5th week
Friday 5 Years YH-42 Against clock
20th/25th March Thursday
800 €
1.900 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-63 against clock
24.700 € LR
Tuesday 5 years YH-43 Against clock
Wednesday 5 years YH-46 2 Phases special
6 years YH-44 Against clock
6 years YH-47 jump off
6 years YH-49 2 Phases special
7 years YH-45 Against clock
7 years YH-48 jump off
7 years YH-50 against clock
800 €
1.900 €
800 €
2.500 € 3.000 €
1.900 €
Max 4 horses in each Tour: Small, Medium & Big Big Tour: 2 in 1,40m. and 1,45m Small GP & GP 1 horse Young Horses: 3 per class Medium & Small Tour: 3 per class Entry fees:
CSI*** 500€ / week CSI* 400€ / week Y.H: 300€ /week
Sunday Small Tour 1.10 B-15 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-64 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-68 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.20 A-72 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-69 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-73 Against clock
1.000 €
Medium tour 1.35 A-62 against clock
2.500 €
Saturday Small Tour 1.10 B-14 Against clock
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-61 Jump Off
6th week
27th Mar/ 1st April
Friday 5 Years YH-51 Jump Off
800 €
2.500 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-78 against clock
24.700 € LR
1.000 € 2.000 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-70 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-66 Against clock
Big Tour 1.45 A-71 Small GP JO
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-67 2 Phases
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
2.500 €
24.700 LR
24.700€ LR
Big Tour 1.40 A-74 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.50 A-75 Jum Off
29.000 € LR
CSI ***
Friday Small Tour 1.10 B-16 Jump Off
Saturday Small Tour 1.10 B-17 Against clock
Sunday Small Tour 1.10 B-18 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-79 Against clock
Small Tour 1.20 A-83 Jump Off
Small Tour 1.20 A-87 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-84 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.30 A-88 ACC. JOKER
1.000 €
Medium tour 1.35 A-77 against clock
500 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-65 2 Phases
500 €
Medium tour 1.30 A-76 Jump Off
CSI ***
Friday Small Tour 1.10 B-13 Jump Off
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Medium Tour 1.35 A-80 2 Phases
Medium Tour 1.35 A-85 Against clock
Big Tour 1.40 A-81 Against clock
Big Tour 1.45 A-86 Small GP JO
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.45 A-82 2 Phases
24.6700€ LR
2.500 €
24.700 LR
500 €
1.000 € 2.000 €
Big Tour 1.40 A-89 Against clock
4.000 €
Big Tour 1.50 A-90 Jum Off
29.000 € LR
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* 238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art 6
Jump-off (if any)
WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) 1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
Big Tour: Grand Prix 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Number of horses per athlete
Jump-off (if any) 1
1 against the clock
Maximum number of Starters:
Speed/Fixed time: 60
Height of obstacles: This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete 1 The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix at CSI Events, if present:
Maximum number of Starters: The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions: The current National Jumping Champion of the host country;
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, the last World and Continental Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48 Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-52 to reach a total of 60 starters (including prequalified riders) Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48
The best 17 Athletes in competition nº be A-52, notwith qualified in competition A-48 Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will replaced the following placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qualified must complete, with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition prior to the Grand Prix. Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified Total prize money 29.000€ All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€ Total prize money Chart to be used:
29.000€ 1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-90 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (certificates of Capability)
This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* Big Tour: Grand Prix 238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art 6 WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) Jump-off (if any) 1 against the clock This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Speed/Fixed time 375m/min. Big Tour: Grand Prix 238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art Height of obstacles: 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory) Jump-off (if any) 1 against the clock Number of horses per athlete 1 Speed/Fixed time: 375m/min. Maximum number of Starters: 60 Height of obstacles: 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory) This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions: Number of horses per athlete 1 The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix at CSI Events, if present: Maximum number of Starters: 60 The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions: The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, the last World and Continental Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-78 The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-82, not qualified in competition A-78 Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. The best Athletes in competition nº A-86, not qualified in competition A-78 and A-82 to reach a total of 60 Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : starters (including prequalified riders). The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48
The best 17 Athletes in competition nº be A-52, notwith qualified in competition A-48 Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will replaced the following The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified starters (including prequalified riders) All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qualified must complete, with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition prior to the Grand Prix. Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified Total prize money: 29.000€ All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€ Total prize money Chart to be used:
29.000€ 1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
OPINIÃO DOS CAVALEIROS RIDERS’ OPINION LUIS SABINO (PORTUGAL) Triple winner of CSIO Lisbon Grand Prix It has a lot of qualities, but one of the most interesting things it’s the amazing atmosphere we feel here!
Tem muitas qualidades mas umas das qualidades mais interessante é o ambiente que se sente aqui, que é fantástico!
DERMOTT LENNON (IRLAND) – World Champion 2002 For this time of the year, for what I want to do with the horses it’s really good to produce them and give them some experience without pressure.
Para esta altura do ano, para o que eu desejo para os meus cavalos é óptimo para os fazer evoluir e dar-lhes mais experiência sem muita pressão.
PHILIPPE LE JEUNE (BELGIUM) – World Champion 2010 Now at this time of the year, when the indoors have started and I wanted to compete more on outdoors, I must say I have made a great choice to come here. I am very happy to be here and my horses seem to be enjoy a lot too! Nesta altura do ano, quando os concursos indoor começam mas eu queria competir mais em outdoor. Devo dizer que acho que fiz uma óptima escolha em vir aqui. Estou muito contente por estar em Vilamoura e os meus cavalos parece que também estão desfrutar.
BERNARDO ALVES (BRA) Team Gold medalist Pan-American Games 2007 I had no idea how was Vilamoura! I had heard about it but I had no idea it was like this! I have fallen in love!
“Eu não tinha ideia como era Vilamoura! Eu ouvia as pessoas falarem mas eu jamais pensei que fosse assim! Eu fiquei apaixonado!”
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
VILAMOURA ATLANTIC TOUR ‘18 RODRIGO PESSOA (BRAZIL) – Gold Medalist Athens 2004 The facilities are great, the arenas are fantastic! You can really work your horses here. Also the people are so friendly and the city amazing! I have spent a great time with my family here! As infraestruturas são óptimas e as pistas fantásticas! Temos condições muito boas para trabalhar os nossos cavalos. As pessoas são muito amigáveis e a cidade é fantástica! Devo dizer que passei aqui um óptimo tempo com a minha família!
LEON THIJSSEN (NETHERLANDS) – Dutch Team member It is not too big, it’s perfect! The organization is great, the people always want to help you when something is wrong.
Não é demasiado grande, é perfeito! A organização é óptima, as pessoas estão sempre dispostas a ajudar quando há alguma coisa de errado.
KATIE MONAHAN-PRUDENT (USA) Team Gold Medal World Championships 1986 I have really liked Vilamoura, because there are many things we can judge, the footing in the ring is fantastic, rain or shine, the horses have good ground to compete on. The stabling is great. Everything around Vilamoura is lovely for the people who are here: the housing, the hotels, the marina and the restaurants. I must say we have had a great time here! Eu gosto muito de Vilamoura porque há vários aspectos que podemos julgar. O piso das pistas é fantástica, chuva ou sol, os cavalos têm um bom piso para competir. As boxes são óptimas. Tudo à volta de Vilamoura é muito agradável para as pessoas que cá estão: as casas, os hotéis, a marina e os restaurantes. Eu devo dizer que passei aqui um óptimo tempo com a minha família!
FAYE SCHOCH (SWITZERLAND) – Grand Prix Winner 2014
The atmosphere, the people here are so nice. It feels a bit like at home, it’s very family, and very welcome. I really like Vilamoura!
O ambiente é óptimo e as pessoas são muito simpáticas. Sentimo-nos um bocado como estivéssemos em casa, é muito familiar e acolhedor. Eu adoro Vilamoura!
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
VILAMOURA ATLANTIC TOUR ‘18 SHEIK SAMIR MIRDAD (DUBAI) I love Vilamoura! The people here are so nice, they are so friendly, António Moura the owner of the show does a great job. The atmosphere is really good and it has perfection conditions for the horses, the arenas are great, they have been making a lot of improvements year after year. Also the hotel where I am staying, I am able to work in the morning and ride in the afternoon, it has been a pleasant experience, I feel I am on vacation!
Eu adoro Vilamoura! As pessoas aqui são tão simpáticas e amigáveis. António Moura, o organizador do concurso, faz um excelente trabalho. O ambiente é muito bom e tem condições perfeitas para os cavalos. As pistas são óptimas e a organização tem vindo todos os anos a fazer melhorias. Também o hotel onde estou hospedado é excelente e permite-me trabalhar de manhã e montar à tarde. Tem sido uma excelente experiência e sinto que estou de férias!
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
5ª Semana: LUIS SABINO
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
Algarve Aunties has been invited to run a Vilamoura Kids Klub and babysitting service for riding participants at Vilamoura Equestrian Centre during the Champions Tour 2017. It has been recognised that a number of you bring your young family members to the Tour and by providing a Vilamoura Kids Klub facilitiy during the day could relieve some logistical problems that you may have faced in the past and gives you an opportunity to concentrate on competing in your various classes. We will be trialling this service during the Champions Tour and if successful will be able to offer this again at the Alantico Tour in February 2018. We have produced a booking form which, if you are interested in this service, we would appreciate that you complete as soon as possible with your requirements. We have a minimum requirement of 4 children in order to run this service and places will be booked on a first come basis. The sessions are 1000-1300 (Euros 20 per child), 1400-1800( Euros 25 per child) and 1000-1800 including lunch (Euros 55 per child) We can also provide a babysitting service for you if you intend to go out in the evening, at your accommodation. This service usually starts at 1900-1200 and for up to 3 children (Euros 15 per hour) If you need to extend the babysitting after midnight – 0200 (Euros 20 per hour) Please send in your booking forms to or contact us directly to discuss your individual requirements.
48 Ruth: 00447470076825/Susan:00351918435448
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
O Hilton Vilamoura As Cascatas Golf Resort & Spa está situado no cora�ao da costa Algarvia em Portugal. Quilómetros de deslumbrantes praias, urna das maiores marinas da Europa e 200 hectares de parque natural rodeiam este idílico Resort. De urna tacada num dos campos de golfe mais prestigiados do mundo, ou entregue-se a tranquilidade do famoso 7 Seven Spa. Hilton Vilamoura As Cascatas Golf Resort & Spa stands in the heart of Portugal's sun-drenched Algarve coast. Miles of unspoilt sandy beaches, one of Europe's largest marinas and a 200-hectare nature park surround this idyllic resort. Tee-off on world-famous golf courses or indulge in a tranquil setting at the famous 7 Seven Spa.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
DISCOVER THE ALGARVE’S SECRETS AND SUNNY BEACHES FROM TRANQUIL GOLF-SIDE LUXURY. Debuting Anantara’s authentic luxury in Europe from 1 April 2017, Anantara Vilamoura Algarve Resort offers a landmark of quiet prestige, along southern Portugal’s picturesque Algarve coast. Immerse in Vilamoura’s glamour from a tranquil retreat, overlooking the Oceanico Victoria golf course. Revealing a journey of local artistry, the hotel’s sculptures, artwork, paintings and installations create a contemporary Portuguese gallery. Signature luxuries embrace you in spacious rooms, indulgent suites and penthouse prestige. Relax on elegant terraces, refreshed by rolling golf greens and cerulean pools. Feel renewed by spa pampering that draws on healing Algarvian traditions, exploring a unique Ayurvedic philosophy that is exclusive in the region. Drift between five beautiful pools. World-class facilities welcome families with fun dining, creative clubs for kids and teens. Poolside Champagne cabanas refresh relaxation with decadence. Emotive fine dining fuses Portugal’s spice trading discoveries. Al fresco decks romanticise sundowners. Wine Guru journeys swirl stories of local heritage vines. Love and family celebrations are tailored impeccably with Dining by Design. Just moments from golf-side tranquillity, Vilamoura is an energising celebrity enclave of desirable boutiques and glittering nightlife. Sunshine glows on golden beaches. Vilamoura Marina is the place to see, be seen and embark on sailing voyages. The Algarve’s zest flourishes as you explore wineries, olive groves and luminous fleur de sel fields. Time spent at the golf club on our doorstep, and over 30 nearby courses, is seamlessly arranged by our Golf Guru.
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€
LONGEVITY CEGONHA COUNTRY CLUB | Your Walking Distance Choice Localizado ao lado do Vilamoura Equestrian Center, o Longevity Cegonha Country Club é um hotel de charme com 32 quartos e suites, piscina exterior, snack bar e um vasto leque de facilidades e serviços Spa & Wellness. Perfeito para se hospedar durante os eventos equestres que se realizam todos os anos em Vilamoura!
Located right next to the Vilamoura Equestrian Center, Longevity Cegonha Country Club is a charm hotel with 32 rooms and suites, outdoor pool, snack bar, and a wide range of Spa & Wellness facilities and services. Perfect for your accommodation during the equestrian events that take place every year in Vilamoura!
Desde From
por noite em regime self-catering para 2 pessoas per night on self-catering basis for 2 people
VILAMOURA ATLANTIC TOUR | VILAMOURA SUMMER TOUR** | VILAMOURA CHAMPIONS TOUR Reserve durante o evento para o seu próximo torneio e beneficie de 10% desconto! Book during the event for your next tournament and enjoy 10% early bird! * Preços “desde” aplicáveis em reservas de 28 noites consecutivas (Fevereiro, Março, Setembro, Outubro e Novembro). ** Preços Vilamoura Summer Tour: 10% desc. na Melhor Tarifa Disponível. Ofertas Especiais válidas apenas para reservas diretas com o hotel, e estão sujeitas a disponibilidade.
* Rates “from” applicable for reservations of 28 consecutive nights (February, March, September, October & November). ** Vilamoura Summer Tour rates: 10% off on the Best Available Rate. Special Offers valid only for bookings made directly with the hotel, and are subject to availability.
ter, with ide
COMPETITION No A-60 CSI3* WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability) This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art
Jump-off (if any)
1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time:
Height of obstacles:
1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters:
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix a
The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year;
The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, t Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final. Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A-48
The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 and A-5 starters (including prequalified riders) Qualified athletes who decide not to start until 4 hours before the start of the competition, will be placed athletes in the class in which they got qualified
All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qua with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round of at least one competition pr Total prize money
Chart to be used:
1 (25% to winner)
Please specify prize money amount for athlete placed beyond 13th : 50€