1. Each sample shall consist of five (5) ears. 2. For the exhibitor preparing his/her entry and for the judge, the following points shall be considered: Variety & Type - True to variety in size, shape, color of grain and cob. Maturity & Condition - Each ear shall be mature and disease free and injured kernels. Uniformity - Each ear shall conform to all other ears in the sample in length, circumference, kernel shape, color, and character of indentation.
1. Samples shall measure one (1) pint. 2. All grain samples shall be the product of the current or prior year. 3. For the exhibitor in preparing his entry and for the judge, the following points shall be considered: Variety & Type - True to variety, characteristics, and free from mixtures with other varieties. Purity - Free from other grains, weeds, and inert materials. Quality & Condition - Shall be plump and of good color, texture, and free from disease and injured kernels. PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & Uniformity - Shall be uniform in size, texture, color, and 6th=Ribbon condition. CLASS: PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 01 Corn, yellow dent 06 Popcorn, yellow 6th=Ribbon 02 Corn, any other standard 07Popcorn, any other CLASS: 03 Corn, rainbow flint dent 08 Corn, ripe sweet yellow 01 Flax 18 Sunflower, Confectionary 04 Corn, any other flint 09 Corn, ripe sweet white 02 Milo 19 Triticale 05 Popcorn, white 10 Corn, shelled, yellow dent 03 Oats, Bannock 20 Wheat, Centana, Hard Red, Spring 11 Corn, for silage grain 12. Sorghum & Sorghum Grasses 04 Oats, Cody 21 Wheat, Cheyenne, Hard Red, WInter 05 Oats, Merkton 22 Wheat, Lee, Hard Red, Spring DEPARTMENT C - OPEN CLASS 06 Oats, Rodney, Colorado 23 Wheat, Lemhi, Soft, Spring DIVISION 2 - THRESHED FORAGE 07 Oats, Rodney 24 Wheat, Mida, Hard Red, Spring 25 Wheat, Nebred, Hard Red, Winter PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 08 Oats, Overland 09 Oats, Park 26 Wheat Onas, Soft, Spring 6th=Ribbon 10 Oats, Victory 27 Wheat, Pilot, Hard Red Spring CLASS: 11 Oats, Any other 28 Wheat, Thatcher, Hard Red, Winter 01 Alfalfa 21 Milo 12 Rape (Canola) 29 Wheat, Warrior, Hard Red, Winter 02 Clover, Alsike 22 Canola (Rape) 13 Rye (Judged Separately) 03 Clover, Ladino 23 Rye, Big Horn Basin Wild 14 Safflower 30 Wheat, Any Other Named Variety 04 Clover, Red 24 Rye, Russian Wild 15 Sanfoin (Judged Separately) 05 Clover, Strawberry 25 Safflower 16 Sorghum 06 Clover, Sweet, Yellow 26 Sanfoin 17 Sunflower, oil 07 Clover, Sweet, White 27 Sorghum 08 Grass, Blue 28 Triticale DEPARTMENT C - OPEN CLASS 09 Grass, Brome, Regar 29 Vetch, Cicer D I VI S IO N 4 10 Grass, Brome, Any other 30 Wheatgrass, Crested S H E A F G R A I N & SHEAF FORAGE FOR SEED 11 Grass, Fescue 31 Wheatgrass, Intermediate 1. Sheaf forage for seed (leaves should be stripped), exhibit 12 Grass, Meadow Foxtail 32 Wheatgrass, Pubescent measured and sheaf should be 2 1/2 inches in diameter at the base 13 Grass, Oat, Tall Meadow 33 Wheatgrass, Slender of heads, except alfalfa and sweet clover should measure three 14 Grass, Orchard 34 Wheatgrass, Tall inches at butt of sheaf. Use 1/2 inch tape for taping sheaves of hay 15 Grass, Red Top 35 Wheatgrass, Western and seed. 16 Grass, Reed Canary 36 Wheatgrass, Whiteman 2. For the exhibitor in preparing his/her entry and for the judge, the 17 Grass, Sudan Beardless following points shall be considered: 18 Grass, Timothy 37 Any Other Named Variety Uniformity - In variety length of head, color and condition. 19 Millet, Foxtail Quality & Adaptability - Shall be cured of good quality grain and 20 Millet, Proso or Hog straw. Leaves stripped off and adapted to locality grown. Arrangement - Sheaves shall be make up neatly, bound in compact and attractive bundles. PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 6th=Ribbon CLASS: 01 Alfalfa 24 Millet, Proso or Hog 02 Barley, 2 row 25 Milo 03 Barley, 6 row 26 Oats 04 Clover, Alsike 27 Rye, Big Horn Basin Wild 05 Clover, Ladino 28 Rye, Plain 06 Clover, Red 29 Rye, Russian Wild 07 Clover, Strawberry 30 Safflower 08 Clover, Sweet, Yellow 31 Sanfoin 09 Clover, Sweet, White 32 Sorghum 10 Flax 33 Triticale 11 Grass, Blue 34 Vetch, Cicer 12 Grass, Brome, Regar 35 Vetch, Crown 13 Grass, Brome, Any Other 36 Wheat, Spring 14 Grass, Fescue 37 Wheat, Winter 15 Grass, Meadow Foxtail 38 Wheatgrass, Crested 16 Grass, Oat, Tall Meadow 39 Wheatgrass, Intermediate 17 Grass, Orchard 40 Wheatgrass, Pubescent 18 Grass, Red Top 41 Wheatgrass, Slender 19 Grass, Reed Canary 42 Wheatgrass, Tall 20 Grass, Sudan 43 Wheatgrass, Western 21 Grass, Timothy 44 Wheatgrass, Beardless 22 Canola (Rape) 45 Any Other Variety 23 Millet, Foxtail