Exhibitors of poultry not cared for will forfeit premiums. NO exhibits will be removed from the barn early without written permission from the Fair Manager. If any bird is removed without permission, the exhibitor will forfeit all premium money and ribbons.
6.Classes will be judged based on the American Standards of Perfection.
1.H Health Certificate Required for all Livestock. At any time a licensed Wyoming veterinarian can ask any animal to leave the fairground if he/ she feels there are health concerns or issues.
7.In classes with no competition, the Judge will gibe the award which he/she deems the entry merits.
2.Market Swine Classes will be established by weight using logical separations. Classes will be established as needed by the show committee (1 FFA Advisor, 1 4H Educator, and the Show Superintendent) following weigh-in.
9.B BARN OPEN HOURS: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM Daily. Barn Will be locked at night!
8.Pigeons will be judged as singles.
PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=$5; 5th=$4; & 6th=$3
3.Drenching as a method to source nutrition for an animal is PROHIBITED unless approved in writing by a licensed Wyoming veterinarian and presented to the Big Horn County Fair Manager and Advisory Committee.
Class Grand & Reserve Champion: Ribbon Overall Grand Champion Male : $15 Overall Reserve Champion Male: $10 Overall Grand Champion Female: $15
4.All swine exhibited must be owned in the name of one individual member by June 1st of current year with the exception of the family animal which will not be allowed to go to State Fair.
Overall Reserve Champion Female: $10 GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE: $3 Reserve Champion Female: Ribbon
5. Animals will be allowed to show or sell at the judge’s discretion. 6. Only Exhibitors and barn committee are allowed in the alley during the show and sale. PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=$5; 5th=$4; & 6th=$3 Class Grand & Reserve Champion: Ribbon Championship Feeder Premiums: Ribbons Only Overall Grand Champion $15 Overall Reserve Champion $10
CLASS: 01 Market Swine - Note: Enter all Market Swine in Division 13, Class 01. 02 Pen of Three Market Swine (Swine must be from same Club or FFA Chapter, 210 lbs. or over, any breed or crossbreed) 03 Big Horn County Bred and Fed ***JUNIOR (4-H, FFA) BREEDER TROPHY***
A trophy will be given to the Big Horn County Breeder of highest placing market lamb, steer, and swine. Livestock must have been bred and raised in Big Horn County. Trophy will be awarded at the beginning of the Jr. Livestock Sale.
DEPARTMENT J DIVISION 15 JUNIOR POULTRY (COUNTY ONLY) (4H & FFA) SUPERINTENDENT: Dusti Tryon 1.Health Certificate Required for all Livestock. At any time a
licensed Wyoming veterinarian can ask any animal to leave the fairground if he/ she feels there are health concerns or issues. 2.Animals will be allowed to show or sell at the judge’s discretion. 3.Poultry entered in the Youth/Junior Show (4H and FFA) are not eligible in Open Class.
NO fowl will be allowed to compete for more than one 4.N prize. (Individual birds entered as trios will NOT be permitted to compete for individual prizes NOR compete as part of another trio.) 5.Owners MUST CARE FOR THEIR OWN POULTRY, which MUST BE FED AND WATERED BEFORE 9:00AM EACH DAY.