Hurricane Preparedness Insurance Style
b y A n d r e w Tu r n e r , Risk Management Advisor
ver the last few years, the Golden Isles has had its fair share of storms. We took some high winds from Hermine, a beating from Matthew, and wind and waves from Irma. We even had an ice storm in early 2018 that caused some damage and a power outage. The Weather Channel, local news anchors, and all of your neighbors will tell you to buy a generator, have plenty of water, and stock up on supplies to prepare for hurricane season. But I’m here to tell you that the time to prepare for hurricanes isn’t June 1st. It isn’t when you see a hurricane out in the Atlantic. And it isn’t when the authorities tell you to evacuate. The best time to prepare for hurricanes is when you purchase your homeowners insurance!
When a hurricane has its sights set on St. Simons and the Golden Isles, there is nothing you can do to stop it, but if you have done your due diligence and purchased a good homeowners policy, your home can be replaced or any damage repaired. When purchasing homeowners insurance there are three main things you should consider when comparing quotes and companies: First, you want to choose a company that has an A rating by A.M. Best. A.M. Best is the only global credit rating agency with a unique focus
on the insurance industry. Best’s Credit Ratings, which are issued through A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc., are a recognized indicator of insurer financial strength and creditworthiness. This is especially important after a catastrophe. You want to know that the company who writes your insurance has the financial stability to pay your claim. You can search companies and learn more about the ratings at