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8.8 Place complements

vor ( dative) — cont.

sich hüten vor beware of


schützen vor protect from retten vor save from verstecken vor hide from sich scheuen vor shy away from warnen vor warn against

NB Related expressions use the same preposition, e.g. Warnung vor dem Hunde (Beware of the dog), Er hat Angst vor dem Hund (He’s afraid of the dog). NB See 5.3 for the variable case of the preposition vor in other contexts.


zu ( dative)

berechtigen zu entitle to dienen zu serve as einladen zu invite to herausfordern zu challenge to

neigen zu raten zu

tend to advise to

ermutigen zu encourage to treiben zu

drive to führen zu lead to überreden zu persuade to gehören zu be part/one of verführen zu tempt to gratulieren zu congratulate on zwingen zu compel to

Many of these verbs are commonly used with an additional object:

zu ( dative) accusative object

jemanden zu etwas ermutigen/herausfordern/ treiben/überreden/verführen/zwingen

Sie überredeten mich zu dem Ausflug. They persuaded me to go on the trip.

jemanden zu jemandem/etwas einladen

Ich lade dich zu meiner Party ein. I’ll invite you to my party.

zu ( dative) dative object

jemandem zu etwas raten

Sie riet mir zu dem billigeren Modell. She recommended (that I buy) the cheaper model.

jemandem zu etwas gratulieren

Wir gratulierten ihm zu dem Erfolg. We congratulated him on his success.

A few verbs which indicate position have a complement indicating where something is situated – a PLACECOMPLEMENT (sentence pattern J).

Place complements look like adverbials, but whereas adverbials are optional, place complements are closely linked to the meaning of the main verb. This affects their place in the sentence (see section 9.8).

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