Energi Magazine - Issue 17

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New beginnings are shimmers of hope to those filled with worry and doubt.

Chelsey L. Stailing

Editor's Letter Dear Readers, 2021 has come and gone. Usually this is the part where I say that I have welcomed the new year with open arms but this year things are a little different. After the year we just had, I’m honestly stumbling into 2022 feeling a little banged up. I’ve got bumps and bruises and some beaten up armor that’s barely staying on. However, there are some positive things that have come out of the past year. I’ve learned that a little rest goes a long way, that it’s important to find the joy in the little things and that the power of even the smallest amount of kindness is greater than I could have ever imagined. With that being said, we all wish each other Happy New Year for a reason. It’s just that - it’s new. It’s clean and shiny and has never been touched before. It’s very much like a clean canvas. It's a reminder that the bumps and bruises are going to heal and that it might be time to take the armor off. I encourage you to do the same. Take some time to reflect on the year you have had. Acknowledge the struggles you have overcome and appreciate the moments of joy and success, but once you are done, put those things aside and start your new beginning with your new year. Use what you have learned and paint a new picture on your brand new canvas. Welcome to 2022. With love and light, Aria de Lima

Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.

January 2022


New Moon

First Quarter Moon







Full Moon






Becoming an Unstoppable Woman Summit

New Years Day

Becoming an Unstoppable Woman Summit






















26 Last Quarter Moon Becoming an Unstoppable Woman Entrepreneur Release




Affirmations New Beginnings

I am open to and embrace change I welcome new perspectives

I invite new opportunities and experiences with an open mind and open heart

I engage the power and strength within me for the new journey before me

I am enthusiastic for the new version of me I am creating I trust that the new path I am choosing is Divinely guided and that I am supported

CRYSTAL CLEAR INTUITION By Andrea Sipcic With the surplus of crystals we have available to us, choosing ones can sometimes be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re a beginner. The most common way to go about it is to identify our ailments and symptoms and Google the best crystals for the treatment of them. This makes perfect logical sense and works well. When you’re looking to select one crystal and have, for example, eight that are claimed to be amazing for your purpose, that’s when things can feel a little overwhelming. I would find myself struggling to find the crystal that was going to help me best, which ultimately started to make the experience unenjoyable. I wanted crystal buying to be really fun so I tried a new approach, and it comes highly recommended. I started to go by my own intuition, purchasing the crystals I was most drawn to. This made a huge difference for me, including in the experience of selecting them. It’s comparable to what I imagine selecting a new puppy would be like; fun, warm and driven by feelings and intuition. I distinctly remember the first time I allowed this. I was at a crystal shop and felt slightly overwhelmed with the selection and finally realized I really didn’t want to experience that anymore. I relaxed, took a few deep breaths, and within seconds I was so intensely drawn to a beautifully vibrant amethyst and clear quartz crystal that I had tears in my eyes.

I have also found that crystals I am drawn to end up having distinct properties geared towards healing some of my disharmonies. This is with no prior research done. These were some of my first indications of just how powerful our intuition is. It has also amazed me how parallel our intuitive attraction to crystals can be with where we are on our journey and evolution. For example, without having realized it, when I first began using crystals and heightening my awareness, I had purchased less vibrant, a little more dull looking crystals. Once more evolved, I had, again without the realization at the time, been more drawn to more vibrant, striking crystals. Don’t be afraid to allow your intuition to guide you and trust that you know what’s greatest for you and what you need.

My Spiritual Resolutions

In 2022 I'd like to... Embrace my true and authentic self Show myself love, respect and care See myself through the eyes of love Align with the power and abilities of the Universe Trust in the power and abilities of myself Learn what self love means to me Love myself as I am

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A Meditation to Support CHANGE

By: Premadasa Gangadeen

When the inevitable time for change comes, we

thought or feeling of no longer having

are presented with a great opportunity for the

access to them stirs up behavioural

expansion of ourselves on many levels as we

responses of attachment and/or aversions

travel from one life experience to another.

to life without them. This seeming mental

Granted there may be many things that we

turbulence resulting from forced change

have grown accustomed to and the

may provoke further disturbance into our

physical, emotional, intellectual and

foundation and that foundation is the

spiritual being, creating great discord and

breath. With deep, long and relaxed

disease. On the other hand, change may

breaths, we create the ideal conditions for

ignite the exhilaration and excitement

the betterment of our physiology,

which comes from mystery and adventure

emotionality, mentality and spirituality.

and it has the ability to stimulate other areas of creativity, possibility, growth and ultimately greater inner stability.

Being present affords us the gift of gratitude of bearing witness to infinite possibilities within each passing moment. By choosing to practice being present, we train ourselves to be stable within the change of moment to moment existence as though we were watching the scenes of a film being played out, only that the film is our reality. Consider all of the different genres available in film, whether it is documentary, drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, etc. and then compare to the many different acts or roles that we have found ourselves in. Have you ever been so lost in a role before that all awareness of any other possibilities was no longer visible? If so, then perhaps it’s time to learn how to direct your own film or life story and the best part is that you get to tailor it to your aspirations.

The following simple practice can be performed at any time with eyes open or closed. Keep the body supported and within ease for optimal results. Standing, sitting, or lying down for the duration of the practice will afford different perspectives on how to meet change as it happens. First start off by choosing a duration, location and specific time of day

The ultimate technique required to become the best director for yourself is meditation. Within the framework of any meditation practice, stability is at the

to establish a practice and to become familiar with its by-products. After about a week, expand your practice to anytime of day, anywhere you'd like and as often as

needed to strengthen your practice in much the same way an athlete strengthens their body when in training in differing conditions.

1. Breathe through the nose and pay attention to the temperature of the air flowing in and out as well as the rate of air flow - is it slow and deep or quick and shallow?

2. Mentally count up from zero on the

Use a meditation timer and journal at first

inhalation and down to zero on the

to establish the discipline of a meditation

exhalation. Breathe in to maximum

practice. Maintain a formal practice daily

capacity without force and exhale to

in the same space, time and duration at

maximum emptiness without force. Notice

least for a week. Once established, you can

how the breath affects the body.

also add more informal meditations throughout your day in different settings,

3. Gradually increase the equal timings of

scenarios and social situations to develop

the inhalation and exhalation without

strength and flexibility toward

strain. Notice if a natural pause between

mindfulness in every moment to meet

the breaths starts to appear.

change as it comes with poise, grace and humility. As our practice strengthens, the

4. On the inhalation visualise drawing all

possibility of each moment becomes an

the sensations of your surrounding space

ever-increasing fount of awareness, ease

in via your senses to fill yourself up and

and joy. When this realization occurs, the

then release everything back to where it

inspiration will also be there for you to

was on the exhalation. Repeat.

share what you have experienced with others, which in essence is the gift of

5. Either dial in to the sound of the breath

gratitude. May the technique presented

flowing in and out of your body or

above bring you great Peace, Love and Joy.

mentally recite a positive word, phrase, or mantra to accompany the full length of

Aum Shri Gurubhyo Namaha Salutations to

each inhalation or exhalation.

all the Gurus

Yoga Nidra Classes (Sleep Meditation) Monday evenings with Premadasa 9 pm - 10:15 pm EST online via WebEx Premadasa Gangadeen www.playuyoga.com @premadasa108

Book your class today!

Being Your Own Cheerleader as You Embrace Growth By: Chris Lee

Just like physical growth, personal growth comes with growing pains. Inevitably, personal growth also requires you to be your own cheerleader and here's why: To people that are unaware of your journey or what you're striving for, it does not come across to them as growth. It comes across to them as change. Most people are resistant to change; it’s human nature. When people are accustomed to you “being” a certain way, they are accustomed to dealing with you in a certain way and they come to expect a certain manner of behaviour from you also. When this dynamic changes, it creates discomfort. We are all interconnected and interdependent on each other in some way, so when you experience growth, you have “upset the apple cart” as it were. In the eyes of others, you have changed the rules to the game or changed the entire game that people have become used to playing. As humans we are creatures of habit. It's the way that we're wired. Even when it comes to our health and wellbeing, our bodies work towards homeostasis. Despite numerous external changes,

our bodies want to maintain stability and in comfortable conditions. Any type of growth requires getting out of our comfort zone. When we get out of our comfort zone, it affects everyone in our circle. It changes their comfort zone as well by default. So what others have been used to is no longer, and that creates conflict. People may even say that you have changed into a different person because of your growth and in actuality, you have! It can be tricky trying to balance things with your close friends or your loved ones. In some instances you may lose that person as a friend or a confidant. Your personal growth usually includes things like speaking up for yourself, standing up for yourself and changing your attitude and habits. These changes shine a light on aspects of your life that no longer serve you and sometimes shine a light on people and relationships that no longer serve you as well. This is the part where you reach a crossroads, where you either continue pressing on into the unknown (and uncomfortable) or you stop and turn back toward what is familiar. You have to decide if you want to change or if you

want to be comfortable. It can be a lonely road that you travel on your way through personal growth. But when you get to your destination there will be a new tribe there waiting for you! I’ve experienced a lot of changes in my life. As I embarked upon my journey of personal growth, my current circle of friends is an entirely different set of people than it was 10 or 15 years ago. As I started on this journey of self-improvement and positive change, at a certain point it got very lonely. I felt like I was walking alone. However, you must understand that the universe is always conspiring in your favour. At those times when we feel alone, when we feel as if we are walking by ourselves, that's usually when someone shows up. It could be a new friend, a mentor, a new relationship. You can rest assured that the universe will provide you with exactly what you need at the exact time that you need it. If that's where you are now, I promise you it will get better. I walked that road alone for a few years. Then I went to a retreat and met new friends. I went to a workshop and met new friends there. I started a Meetup group for people that were interested in the Law of Attraction. I met great friends there that introduced me to other great friends. Now I have a support system of friends and friends that are like family spanning two continents and several countries. When I reflect back on the times when I walked that road seemingly alone, I realize now that that was a necessary part of the journey and I rejoice and celebrate the people that I have in my life now and continue to connect with. If you're on that road right now, I implore you to keep going. It'll be worth it. I promise.

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New Year, New Space By Anja Lavigne Adding More Green Finding a greater need to connect to mother earth on a deeper level has made us fall in love even more with green and all the natural tones.Various shades of greens can be incorporated in many different ways. We are seeing it in wall paper with large motifs of botanical leaves such as palms for accent walls, in decor pillows, throws and vases. Wall art has a wide selection with shades of green in abstract form and also in various plants such as eucalyptus prints on canvases. Plants in large collections or on their own are continuing to look stylish and provide such a feel of cohesiveness in any room. Emerald green is also a strong shade, which is seen in a lot of decor, as well as in furniture pieces such sofas, occasional chairs and headboards. Green is a symbol of harmony and growth, along with royalty and refinement. Emerald green is a perfect colour to remind us to find balance this coming year. Research shows that green reduces stress, lowers blood pressure as well as increasing our productivity and creativity and providing lots of healing qualities. Buying Local Consumers have been looking at alternative resources and with more sustainability.

Resale has become even more popular on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, with the prices being lower, being readily available for pick up and the item can be restored with love in a new home rather than being thrown in the landfill. Vintage or thrifted furniture is given a whole new life with new upholstered fabric, repainting and adding modern new elements such as handles and knobs. Sustainable furniture means making a more conscious choice rather than constantly buying lower quality items more frequently. This is changing the buying mindset to more local, handmade products with better quality materials and proper wage and working conditions.

In house Greens Growing our own veggie garden inside is more available than ever before. This new green concept can be purchased online in a variety of sizes. Imagine growing greens inside all year round. Microgreens, herbs, leafy greens and peppers are all finding themselves inside our homes and can be placed throughout your home, not just in the kitchen. Smart gardens have many different sizes to choose from that can be incorporated not only in your kitchen decor but also in hallways or living rooms.What an amazing concept to have the freshest produce without going out to the grocery store. There are varieties of methods to growing these plants; some through hydroponic gardening, where there is no soil involved in order to grow plants. They just need water, sunlight, carbon dioxide and nutrients. The Curve Our living spaces have been ruled for many years with straight lines. Curved lines and features which were once looked at as old fashioned style, are now taking shape in a whole

new contemporary style. This can be seen in arched bookcases, entryways, sofas, carpets, pillows and even rounding out the end of the countertop in the kitchen. The reason for this alternative change is that curves are more playful and fun and infuse a soft, cozy connection to making a happy home. Improving your living space is all about self care and self worth. Living in a space that makes you happy is key. Anja Your HouseCoach

January Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya The energies that accompany us into the New Year are very supportive of manifestation. The Guides wish to remind you that manifestation is related to Universal Law, among which the most well known is the Law of Attraction. The Guides wish to remind you that when energies support manifestation, the support follows the Law of Attraction and will manifest whatever you are giving the most thought, attention and focus to, whether desired or undesired.

They encourage you to be aware of your thoughts, attention and focus to ensure that you are directing it towards manifesting what you desire. You can do this by removing your focus and thoughts that are based upon fear and doubt.

For some of you the message is to spend more time outdoors to raise your vibration. Many of you have been cooped up indoors or behind masks and not receiving enough fresh air and lacking a connection to nature. The powers of natural energies allow us to raise our own energies and vibrations, leading us to manifest with great power.

For some of you, the message is to move away from thinking about and viewing the world from a place of limitation. The sooner you realize that we are infinite beings, that supply is infinite, abundance is infinite and possibility is infinite, you will experience the same.

For some of you the message is to begin or continue to increase your faith in the Universal energies and move into an energy of knowing that everything is working out for you.

This year begins with a powerful energy. Depending on you, that power will be constructive or destructive. The Guides encourage you to keep your selfawareness heightened in order to construct rather than be self-destructive.

In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya

Author: Doreen Virtue Artist: Lisa Iris Publisher: Hay House Inc

Noah de Lima @intuitivemillennial



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"Emotional Healing Leads to Emotional Freedom" ~Chris Lee, Author

THAT'S IT! IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE! By Priya Ali How many of us have found ourselves absolutely, unequivocally, can’t take another moment of this, in need of change? Sometimes we are so desperately in need of change, we opt for drastic, dramatic or spontaneous action. I know I have lived through my fair share of disappointing haircuts or colours in a desperate

attempt for change that were supposed to change my life, but did not. So my first suggestion for change is to take 24 hours after your epiphany that change is needed, to ensure that any changes made are initiated from a rational and emotionally stable beginning. Often when we declare a need for change, we may not know anything more than we have had enough of the negative feelings we have been experiencing. We may not even know what we need or desire to change. Now this is where I have seen many head down the road to disaster. Rather than allow themselves to become aware and focused towards the change that would best serve, clients have instead opted for random changes (like my haircuts) in hopes of a better feeling. Take your time when sorting out what to change and how to change it. While you may be experiencing high frustration, collecting more data and insight will offer room for and create more clarity. Once you have gained your awareness, you can then begin to explore the possible avenues of change. Keep yourself focused and self supported as you explore these avenues. Some may lead you right to your destination or you may have to experience a few detours or dead ends to get there. Rather than declaring failure, see it as confirmation that you are headed towards the path for you. When you feel that you're in the best direction of change, you can begin engaging in the new action, pattern, relationship or location. You may experience a learning curve during this phase as you adapt to the unfamiliar and newness of it. Continue to self-encourage, reminding yourself that acquiring a new skill set and/or mindset takes time and practice. Over time, you will find that you have fully integrated into the change successfully. Everything is always changing, so take comfort when you feel the urge for change as an indication of growth and evolution.

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Monthly Movement By: Tanya Mouland The DOUBLE DOODLE The Double Doodle is an easy-to-do Brain Gym® activity that releases upper body tension, relaxes vision and is simply fun to do! How to do the Double Doodle: Stand comfortably with weight equally distributed on both feet. Using full arm movements, draw mirror-image shapes either in the air with your hands or on a large piece of paper or board using 2 different coloured markers. Movement comes from the shoulders as you move your arm in all directions – up, down, in, out, diagonal, circular.

Large movements from the shoulders can be made in the air while standing. Smaller movements can be done with just your hands and can be done in the air or on paper taped to wall or sitting and paper taped to table. Notice how one hand leads and the other follows. Allow eyes to soften gaze to be aware of both hands.

Variations: Add music and pretend conducting an orchestra – great option for a movement break at school! Pick a theme and create a picture or design using both hands. Allow the creativity and playfulness to flow! Experiment with a variety of writing implements such as markers, pastels, paint, etc. Experience Double Doodle on a variety of textures such as the wall, carpet, in pudding, in the snow, etc.... Double Doodle with feet. Lying on the floor, do Double Doodle with arms/hands and legs/feet at the same time. Benefits: Relaxation of the muscles in the neck and behind the eyes. Enhanced visual skills such as focus, peripheral awareness and spatial awareness. Gross-motor skill to fine-motor skill transition. Working within the midfield for learning and creativity. Improves eye-hand coordination and athletic ability.

Licensed Brain Gym® consultant and instructor “Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International” Dennison, Paul E. and Gail Dennison. Brain Gym® Teacher’s Edition. Ventura, CA: EduKinesthetics, Inc, 2010.

You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward... just take the next step

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