Being Your Own Cheerleader as You Embrace Growth By: Chris Lee
Just like physical growth, personal growth comes with growing pains. Inevitably, personal growth also requires you to be your own cheerleader and here's why: To people that are unaware of your journey or what you're striving for, it does not come across to them as growth. It comes across to them as change. Most people are resistant to change; it’s human nature. When people are accustomed to you “being” a certain way, they are accustomed to dealing with you in a certain way and they come to expect a certain manner of behaviour from you also. When this dynamic changes, it creates discomfort. We are all interconnected and interdependent on each other in some way, so when you experience growth, you have “upset the apple cart” as it were. In the eyes of others, you have changed the rules to the game or changed the entire game that people have become used to playing. As humans we are creatures of habit. It's the way that we're wired. Even when it comes to our health and wellbeing, our bodies work towards homeostasis. Despite numerous external changes,
our bodies want to maintain stability and in comfortable conditions. Any type of growth requires getting out of our comfort zone. When we get out of our comfort zone, it affects everyone in our circle. It changes their comfort zone as well by default. So what others have been used to is no longer, and that creates conflict. People may even say that you have changed into a different person because of your growth and in actuality, you have! It can be tricky trying to balance things with your close friends or your loved ones. In some instances you may lose that person as a friend or a confidant. Your personal growth usually includes things like speaking up for yourself, standing up for yourself and changing your attitude and habits. These changes shine a light on aspects of your life that no longer serve you and sometimes shine a light on people and relationships that no longer serve you as well. This is the part where you reach a crossroads, where you either continue pressing on into the unknown (and uncomfortable) or you stop and turn back toward what is familiar. You have to decide if you want to change or if you