The Art of Detachment
Programming Your Crystals
TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 - April Reading with Energi Empress Priya 07- April Affirmations 08 - Programming Your Crystals 12 - 10 Ways to Connect to Nature 14 - April Moon Cycle 16 - The Art of Detachment 18 - Stand Up to Sitting Down
Dear Reader,
When I was a kid and there was too much food on my plate that I didn’t want to finish, I would do this thing where I would push the food as far apart as possible on the plate to make it look like there was less. On occasion, this would work. Not because my parents didn’t know what I was doing but probably because they had decided it was ok for me to just not eat it. This tactic became something I use often in other aspects of my life When there is too much on my plate, I push everything as far as it can go until it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Room is messy? Throw everything into the closet and under the bed. Complicated work? Leave it in the bag in the front hall and turn on the tv as a distraction Sink full of dishes after dinner? Soak them…soak all of them. All of these moments paired with the little white lie to myself that I will do it later and that it’s really not that big of a deal.
Editor’s Letter
Like I said, similarly to my attempt to get out of eating, sometimes this tactic works. It gives me a chance to take some space and time to get into the right mindset to complete the task. Contrarily, sometimes my parents would roll their eyes, take the spoon and push everything into the middle of the plate. This was usually paired with a statement somewhere along the lines of “you’re not leaving this table until that plate is clear.” Begrudgingly I would sit there and eat. While this story may seem a little random, I promise I have a point. You see, whether or not you push it until later or push through it right in that moment, these things are all things that will need to get done. They will make your life better or easier in one way or another. All this to say, we talk a lot about how important it is to go at your own pace but it’s also important to note when you are underestimating yourself to avoid growth. Sometimes, pushing through things that might seem challenging or overwhelming can show you how capable and strong you really are.
Withloveandlight, Aria de Lima
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
Theguidesareencouragingyoutoconnectmorewithyourgutinstinctratherthanyourhead.Theyshowthatmanyofyoucanidentifya timewhenyouignoredyourgutinstinct,andthenhadtolivethroughtheunfavourablesituationyourintuitionshowedyou.
ForsomeofyoutheGuideswantyoutobeinthestateofknowingversusfiguringitout Yourknowingcomesfromafeeling,notan intellectualthought Youarebeingguidedtopracticestrengtheningyourintuitionbyusingitasyounavigatethroughyourdaytoday activities
Forsomeofyouthemessageisthatyouareorhavebeenignoringyourgutinstinctandintuitioninregardstoasituationorrelationshipin yourlife.Youknowdeepdowninsidethatthissituationisnotanalignmentwithyourhighestgood,andyouareencouragedtoreleasethis atonce
TheGuidesseethatmanyofyouareunabletoconnecttoyourintuitionandgutinstinctbecauseofthenoiseinyourmind Youare encouragedtoquietyourmindinordertohearyourinnerknowing.
Someofyouwillbenefitfromtakingstepstoimproveyourphysicalguthealth.Yourphysicalgutislikeasecondbrainandifitissuffering orunhealthy,itcancloudyourjudgementandabilityfordiscernment
Inadditiontotheabovecardmessage,theguideswishforyoutoknowthatweareintumultuousenergiesthroughouttheatmosphere If youhavenoticedsevereunpredictableweather,thisisoccurringonahigherscaleintheuniversalenergies.
Thiscanleaveyoufeelinguncomfortable,anxious,fatiguedandgenerallyoutofsorts.Astheenergiesshiftrapidly,youmayexperiencea gravitationalpullawayfromsomethingortowardsomething Youareencouragedtogowithitandflowwithitratherthanagainstit Withpureloveandappreciation, EnergiEmpressPriya
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Everything is always working out for me
My heart is my home
I am always attracting what I am vibrating
Being myself contributes authentic energy in the atmosphere
I trust in my Higher Self to lead me and I follow willingly
Programming Your Crystals
By Andrea Sipcic
We love our crystals and we know how powerful they can be. Now it’s about upping the crystal game and we’re discussing how to program your crystals. This is done when you are wanting to be very specific about using and having a particular crystal.
This is about making them your own and energetically programming them with a specific intention. Essentially you are focusing the crystal’s energy on a specific goal or intention you are holding.
There is not just one way to program your crystals, but the following is one you can try that may work for you. You can also seek a Crystal healer to do this on your behalf if you prefer and have one you trust.
Be sure to cleanse and clear your crystal/s prior to programming. We have discussed crystal clearing, but as a reminder, you can cleanse them under the full moon energy, with salt water, over a natural flame or with burning incense smoke, amongst other ways.
Quiet your mind and ensure you are in a calm, relaxed state in mind, body and spirit. Doing a meditation prior to may be a good idea, as well burning some incense. You can even have a meditation playing as you program, as well as a candle lit as further support in the intention you are setting.
Ideally stand in natural light, either outside or next to a window.
Hold the crystal in your hand. (Ideally in the left one, as most people’s left hand is their receiving side.) You can also hold it against your chest, near your heart.
Say out loud, “I ask that this crystal only be used in love and light.”
Program the crystal by thinking about what you’d like the crystal to support you with (i.e. increase self love, heal a relationship, find a new job you love, etc.). Visualize and feel what it would be like to achieve that intention or goal.
Finish the process by saying aloud: “I dedicate this crystal for (your purpose).”
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
"I understand" "I see" "I talk" "I love" "I do"
"I feel"
"I am"
Connectwith Nature
Spendtimein lakes,oceans,andstreams
April Moon Cycle
April1st Fullmoon
April6th WaningGibbous
April15th NewMoon
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Have you ever agonized over a love interest that ghosted you? Do you lament getting older or adapting to an unexpected lifestyle change? Have you ever spent time worrying about situations that you have no control over?
The peace and freedom that you seek can be found in detachment. Many people misinterpret detachment as breaking away or pulling away from something. However, true detachment is non-attachment. Nonattachment is when we let go of our perception of how we think things should be.
The emotions that prevent us from experiencing peace of mind or that keep us “weighed down” are emotions like fear, resentment, worry, shame and guilt. As humans, we can expect to experience a wide range of feelings and emotions. Attachment, however, keeps us “stuck” emotionally. Detachment allows us to enjoy a more fulfilling life.
Another word for attachment, in this context, is expectation. Unmet expectations can be very disappointing. We often have expectations of how we want things to be - in our romantic relationships, families, friendships, careers and even the world around us. When people or situations don’t live up to what we were expecting, it is the attachment that takes away our emotional freedom and peace of mind. We free ourselves by not being attached to the outcome. But how?
Here are 4 ways to practice detachment:
Meditation allows us to be the observer of our thoughts. During meditation, allow your thoughts to “just be” without judging. This is a letting go of sorts.
Analyze Your Thoughts
When you slide into attachment-based thinking, pay attention to your self-talk. What’s the story in your head? You get to re-write that story with better-feeling thoughts.
Embrace the Unknown
When nothing is certain, everything is possible. Re-frame those worst-case scenarios with all the possibilities of what could go right.
Be Present
Experience the present moment without dwelling on the past or speculating about the future. There is joy to be had when we quiet our inner dialogue.
by: Aria de Lima
Stand Up to SittingTake a minute and think about how much time you spend sitting each day. This might be at a desk, during a commute, while watching tv on the couch or even when out for dinner. While it may feel relaxing on the body, sitting for long periods of time can lead to things like poor posture, weight gain, lower back, shoulder and neck pain and can also put you at higher risk for depression and anxiety.
Here are some exercises that can help reduce and reverse the effects of sitting.
1. Try exercises such as side plank, activated bird dog and crunches
Build and strengthen your lower back and abs.
2. Bar hangs
This strengthens your shoulders and helps with your posture.
3. Cat cows
Increases flexibility in your neck, spine and shoulders
4.Take a walk
Walking can improve your health, help burn calories and in some cases, helps with chronic pain.
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