30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020 30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020
he producing zone of the Samaria Somero field is composed of unconsolidated sandstones. These are found at depths ranging from 600 to 1800 meters, impregnated with heavy and extra heavy oil (6-23°API). Due to extra-heavy oils’ characteristics, alternate steam injection is applied as a thermal method to reduce viscosity, allowing steam and condensation to transmit thermal energy and distribute heat to the rock and fluids around the wellbore. Samaria Somero currently maintains major workovers with and without equipment, minor workovers, and artificial production system optimization (pneumatic pumping, mechanical pumping, and progressive cavity pumping) through wells’ thermal stimulations. The methodology described six core processes: well analysis and diagnosis, surface and subsurface design, evaluation, follow-up, and equipment performance improvements.
The results include creating workflows, diagnosis, and analysis of surface and subsurface faults, identifying behaviors to generate diagnostic quadrants for well operation, operational solutions, and well optimization through the study of dynamometric charts. The studies also produced echometers, pressure restitution tests, valve tests, pump tests, and hot oil circulation. Likewise, the study methodology’s application presented significant advantages by identifying and solving critical variables’ problems, reducing the impact on the artificial mechanical pumping system’s operation. The study allowed developing design improvements in the rigs and timely optimization in the field. It is advisable to evaluate this methodology to optimize mechanical pumping wells in other fields at the PEP level with similar problems.