Power Industries All with the aim of expanding the generation park and adding a capacity of 4,322 MW. In addition, the directors have a great commitment to the presidential instruction to strengthen the CFE and guarantee the energy security of Mexico. On that occasion, the differences that the contracting scheme will have with respect to processes that have been carried out in the past were described, as well as the benefits that the new financing scheme will bring both to the CFE and to the companies that are winners of the contests. Likewise, the responsibility to which the parties will be subject in the event of formalizing any of the contracts that is the object of these projects has been raised. The contracting system seeks to increase efficiency in the use of resources, both technological and economic, and for the CFE to obtain the best contracting conditions, for the benefit of the public. The projects will be awarded through a package tender scheme, each of which will include two generation projects, in a competitive process aimed at manufacturers of combined cycle technology. The strict schedules of each of the projects have also been presented, which reflect the generation needs of the CFE to meet the main objective of guaranteeing the energy safety and reliability of the country in the coming years. The main concerns expressed at the time by the technologists were related to the times established in the schedules of each project, as well as the definition of the packages proposed by the CFE, which will be considered in the preparation of the bidding rules. In order to provide the same conditions for participation to all manufacturers, a transparent communication channel was created through which potential participants send any doubts that may arise to the CFE.
Maintain the majority participation of the company in the generation of electricity at the national level. Investment in infrastructure becomes a strategic task in the CFE rescue process. Your success is directly linked to regaining your planning and financing skills. Ensuring that the works are carried out in the planned times and with the technologies that allow the CFE to be at the forefront in the provision of the electric power supply service, will be essential to ensure that it competes in the MEM. The CFE will seek to access new sources of capital that complement the schemes traditional, with the objective of reducing their financing cost, achieving adequate risk management and management, and increasing the level of investment possible in infrastructure projects.
Increase and diversify the CFE’s income through the development of new businesses In order to promote the economic and social development of the country, the CFE will manage plans and programs to optimize the use of its assets, with the aim of generating opportunities to increase income and social services, through new businesses and services that generate synergies with the existing infrastructure of the company. To do this, the CFE must develop new products and services to take advantage of the existing infrastructure and customer base.