January - March | 2017 | Vol :: 10 | No :: 01
resource efficiency and cleaner technologies
ISSN 0974 - 0996
thinking beyond energy audits enhanced energy efficiency energy management systems and ISO 50001 French observatory for energy and environment in transport
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
thinking beyond energy audits:
moving over to industrial resource efficiency
K Madhusoodanan
Resource efficiency acts as a principal tool in the promotion of sustainable development and all industries are under constant competition and pressure to be efficient. However, high operating costs still pose as a hindrance to this goal. This results in poor quality energy audits and hence wastage of investments. Sustainability of an industry lies in its capability to use its resources in the most economical manner possible. In this article, the author gives a clear picture on how optimized use of resources available can reap maximum benefits as well as heighten the stability of the environment.
January - March 2017
Climate change is the most potent game-changer for the current global economy
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
enhanced energy efficiency through cleaner technologies R P Gokul and S Sundaramoorthy
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
January - March 2017
Energy efficiency in India has acquired a great deal of importance not only due to India's global commitment to combat climate change but also in the wake of the government's efforts to save primary energy sources and provide 24x7 power to all. Rapid urbanization and increasing income levels have witnessed a 50 per cent increase in per capita energy consumption over the last decade and stands at 1101 kWh . Thus optimum utilization of energy becomes critical for India in terms of ensuring energy security, reduction in energy cost and achieving the committed emission goal. This article discusses the various initiatives proposed and schemes taken to achieve the same, giving highlight to the success of the Perform, Acheive and Trade (PAT) scheme.
enhanced energy efficiency through cleaner technologies
ndia's import of primary energy sources stands at 356.8 Billion Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (BTOE) in which coal & oil import accounted to 41.3 per cent. It may be noted that majority of the primary energy i.e., about 120 BTOE of coal & oil and 41 per cent of country's electricity generation is consumed by industrial sector. On the other hand, under the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), India has committed to a voluntary goal of 'reducing emission intensity of its GDP by 33-35 per cent by 2030 from 2005 levels'.
It may be noted that majority of the primary energy i.e., about 120 BTOE of coal & oil and 41 per cent of country's electricity generation is consumed by industrial sector. On the other hand, under the Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), India has committed to a voluntary goal of 'reducing emission intensity of its GDP by 33-35 per cent by 2030 from 2005 levels'
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
14 Initiatives for 'Clean & Efficient Energy System’ Government of India is implementing various schemes to enhance the efficient use of energy in industries, utilities as well as consumer segments. A
brief of some of the key schemes are as follows: 1.
Standards & Labelling (S&L) scheme: This scheme provides the consumer an informed choice about the energy efficient appliance, its energy and cost saving potential through star labels on appliances. The scheme has resulted in an energy saving of ~ 86 billion kWh since 2011 till March 2017.
Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA): This scheme aims to promote household LED bulbs & tubes in replacement to incandescent bulbs & tube lights. It is implemented in association with electricity distribution licensees (DISCOMs) and has already resulted in significant market transformation with the distribution of 218 million LED bulbs since inception and over the last three years it contributed to an energy demand saving of ~ 5600 MW till March 2017.
Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT): This scheme has identified 621 energy intensive industrial units in eleven sectors and set targets to reduce their specific energy consumption within stipulated period. Incentives in the form of tradable certificates (1 ESCERTs equals to 1 million tonne of oil equivalent - MTOE) were provided to industries whosoever has exceeded the targets and non-achievers have been requested to procure ESCERTs from the market.
Rangan Banerjee
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
R&D and emerging technologies: 'next practices' for energy efficiency in India
January - March 2017
R&D and emerging technologies: 'next practices' for energy efficiency in India
At present, Indian national energy efficiency programmes focus on identifying and replicating the 'best practices' in industry, as there is significant untapped energy efficiency potential even with 'best practice technology'. However, a long-term strategy to enable the competitiveness and leadership of Indian industry must balance the focus on 'best practices' with a major thrust on developing 'next practices'. Improvements in processing of materials and advances in nanotechnology hold the promise of providing designer materials with properties that can be tuned as desired. Dematerialization, substitution of energy-intensive materials by less energy-intensive ones and ecodesign can have a significant impact on reducing industrial energy use. Also there is significant scope for integrating renewables into industrial energy supply systems. We need to evolve a strategy that combines moving from existing processes to best practices with investments in R&D in energy-efficient next-generation processes.
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
ncreasing oil prices and the global warming problem have resulted in an increased emphasis on energy efficiency in Indian industry. The recent launching of the Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) [1] scheme has highlighted the importance of benchmarking and target setting in energy-intensive industries. Conventionally, benchmarking is based on statistical analysis of specific energy consumption and comparison with the best practice in the industry. This is a good starting point. However, this does not tell us how much further improvement is possible. Are we near the thermodynamic minimum or approaching the fundamental limits? To evaluate this we need to rely on thermodynamic analysis.
cogeneration, and by an increased share of renewables (from 9% in 2005 to 23% in 2030) in the industry's energy supply mix. An exergy (second-law analysis) analysis of the global industry in 2005 [2] has revealed an efficiency of 30%. This indicates that major energy efficiency improvements are possible through research and development in next-generation processes.
EE and Renewables Scenario for Global Industry in 2030 A recently concluded global energy assessment (GEA, 2012) [2] has developed an energy efficiency and renewables scenario for global industry in 2030. Figure 1 shows a comparison of the different 2030 scenarios in terms of energy use for the frozenefficiency and business-as-usual models. The GEA concludes that it is possible to target a 2030 industry scenario with greenhouse gas emissions kept constant at the 2005 values with a 95% increase in industrial output [2] and only a 17% increase in final energy supply. This can be achieved by increased savings in motor and pump systems, process improvements, pinch technology, heat pumping and
Figure 1: Existing, Frozen Efficiency (FE) and Business-As-Usual (BAU) Scenarios for Global Industrial Energy Consumption and Savings in 2030 [2]
Next-Generation Processes An example of a new low-carbon process is the Columbia kiln [3] that uses oxyfuel combustion and integrates with carbon capture and storage to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cement kilns by 90%.
energy management systems and ISO 50001: a proven climate and energy saving strategy Graziella F Siciliano
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
Efficient use of energy helps organizations save money, conserve resources and tackle issues such as climate change. The ISO 50001 energy management standard has proven to be a strong framework for industrial facilities, commercial facilities, or entire organizations to manage energyincluding all aspects of energy procurement and use. This standard supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, making it easier to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management. This article highlights two case studies which throw light on the fact that in today's time, majority of energy service companies, manufacturers and other organizations are integrating ISO 50001 standard into their sustainability strategies in order to reduce costs and carbon emissions, thus accelerating its growth.
n the world of the Paris Agreement, governments and businesses have been empowered to take big steps to reduce energy and carbon emissions. Individual companies can make a powerful contribution to addressing the energy challenge in their day-to-day activities and help achieve their country's climate goals. In this context, a strategic approach to energy management has demonstrated value, as energy efficiency is the least expensive, most quickly deployable, and cleanest of all energy resources. This is where ISO 50001 can make a real difference.
The ISO 50001 energy management standard is recognized as the international best practice for energy management systems (EnMS).Concretely, increased adoption of ISO 50001 could mean a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to removing 215 million passenger vehicles from the road by 2030. It can also result in energy savings of USD 600 billion (62 Exa joules) over the same time period.
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
Energy efficiency is a widely used term. In the context of industrial energy efficiency, energy refers to various forms of energy sources that can be purchased, stored and treated such as oil, coal, gas and electricity which are used in equipment or in a process. This article aims to provide a guideline to standardize the energy (and demand) savings calculation procedures to reap maximum benefits from demand side management and establishing an energy use monitoring system or assessing the opportunities for improving energy use. It also addresses determination of energy savings by comparing before and after energy use and making adjustments for non-ECM changes.
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
Sibaji Pattanaik
January - March 2017
a sustainable approach to demand side energy management
a sustainable approach to demand side energy management
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
n a strictly technical definition, energy efficiency is simply the useful energy output over energy input for any device. For instance, in a power station, the efficiency will be useful electricity or output divided by the energy content of the fuel input. However, this technical definition is not what is usually meant by energy efficiency. Energy is used in two types of systems: conversion devices such as internal combustion engines, light bulbs or power stations, and passive systems such as buildings/processes where useful energy is degraded to low-grade heat in return for providing useful services such as thermal comfort and desired material properties. We commonly use the term "energy efficiency" to cover both situations.
Energy efficiency really incorporates two concepts: technical energy efficiency for conversion devices, and energy performance for passive devices and systems. An effective energy management system requires the creation of an environment in which established assumptions can be challenged and where the whole firm is involved with clear allocation of responsibilities and resources.
Energy management as a discipline Energy management as a definable management discipline began to emerge in the 1970s and 1980s after the oil crises of 1973/74 and 1979. Improving the energy performance of any particular industrial process (or building) involves technical issues but it is really a management problem. Many cost-effective energy efficiency technologies exist across all industries/buildings - and applying them requires management. The following are recommended features of an effective energy management system: w Create a culture in which established assumptions can be challenged w Involve the whole firm, not just engineering or technical departments w Allocate clear responsibilities and resources w Integrate energy efficiency into life cycle decisions about new plant and equipment w Integrate energy management into daily operations w Use appropriate performance measurements and feedback loops w Aim for continual improvement w Set stretched but achievable objectives with periodic reviews. w Use consistent and simple language in documentation
Here, a more accurate term than energy efficiency is "energy performance". Therefore, the all-encompassing term 'energy efficiency' really incorporates two concepts: technical energy efficiency (useful energy out/energy in) for conversion devices, and energy performance (energy in/useful output) for passive devices and systems. Typical measures of energy performance include - kWh per square metre for buildings to produce a certain temperature for a certain period, or kWh per 1,000 units of production in a factory. In addition, energy efficiency can further divided into: w Passive energy efficiency (i.e. energy efficiency/process performance improvement through integration project identification and implementation) w Active energy efficiency (stringent procedure for real time data monitoring, analyzing and reporting).
Together, these features bring focus and structure for top management and all employees of enterprises to be actively involved in bringing about continual improvements in energy efficiency.
A structured approach to energy management/energy performance improvement.
Measurement & Verification plan provides the basis for documenting performance in a transparent manner that can be subject to an independent, third party verification. A good M&V plan balances the savings uncertainty associated with energy improvement projects against the cost to execute the plan.
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
guidelines to prepare ISO 50001:2011 compliant energy management system implementation plan Rama Krushna Chary
Any organization can develop an energy management system (EnMS) plan in line with the ISO 50001 Standard: Energy Management System. The primary objective of an EnMS plan is to identify the significant energy users and to optimize the energy consumption within the organization. The following goals can be set while developing an EnMS plan for an organization: w Maximize fiscal resources through direct and indirect energy savings w Comply with applicable in-house, national and international HSE regulations
guidelines to prepare ISO 50001:2011 compliant energy management system implementation plan
SO 50001:2011 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, the purpose of which is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach for achieving continual improvement in energy performance, which includes energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption.
w Reduce the environmental impact of all operations w Increase the comfort and safety of employees and all others concerned with the organization
w Provide the guidance and leadership necessary for the adoption of a culture of sustainability
Purpose and Scope The purpose of EnMS plan is to optimize the energy use in an organization by implementing the energy management system as per the ISO 50001:2011 Standard. An EnMS plan can be developed to formalize any energy management programmes in line with the organization's existing procedures and in a strategic manner allowing for proactive pursuit of optimal energy solutions that will lead to environmental, societal and economic benefits. The plan can be implemented over all operations, facilities, services and so on.
Energy Management System (EnMS) Function Model Energy Management System (EnMS) function model (Figure 1 ) describes the overall two-way (expectation and deliverable) process flow from energy champion
37 a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
w Improve the reliability of equipment and reduce maintenance cost
January - March 2017
The primary objective of an Energy Management System (EnMS) Plan is to identify the significant energy users and to optimize the energy consumption within the organization. Two levels of committees shall work for implementation of the energy management system plan, namely, the energy management committee and energy council. Identification of the energy profile is critical to understanding where energy is used within the organization and forms the basis for prioritizing the efforts to reduce energy consumption. Based on the energy profile and baseline data gathered for almost a year, EnPIs for different departments shall be established. All established EnPIs shall be reviewed regularly. All records generated by this plan shall comply with relevant procedural requirements.
thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials Ashwin N and Nidhi Agarwal
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
In recent years, thermal energy storage systems have been receiving increasing recognition as one of the most efficient ways to enhance the energy efficiency and sustainability. In building applications, phase change materials not only improve the indoor thermal comfort but also enhance the energy efficiency. Due to its low energy charging/discharging rates, it is necessary to enhance thermal conductivity of the PCMs. This article discusses the process of insertion of various high thermal conductivity additives to enhance thermal conductivity and form the composite PCM sought to achieve high energy charging/discharging rates.
thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials
One of the drawbacks in using PCMs is their low thermal conductivity, which affects the charging and discharging rates. Metal foams are very effective in enhancing the thermal conductivity of PCMs due to their higher magnitude of thermal conductivity (> 80 W/mK). Apart from that, high porosity and internal structure also aids in a faster phase change process and make PCMs form stable.
One of the drawbacks in using PCMs is their low thermal conductivity, which affects the charging and discharging rates. Therefore, for developing efficient latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) systems, various methods have been investigated such as dispersing high conductivity particles and inserting metal into the PCM matrix. Metal foams are very effective in enhancing the thermal conductivity of PCMs due to their higher
magnitude of thermal conductivity (> 80 W/mK). Apart from that, high porosity and internal structure also aids in a faster phase change process and make PCMs form stable. The various metal foams used for this purpose were Aluminum (218 W/mK), Copper (398 W/mK) and Nickel (91.4 W/mK) [1] [2]. The major drawbacks of using metal foams are the suppression of natural convection effects, and the increase in weight and volume of the systems. These disadvantages have led to the idea of dispersing high conductivity particles into PCM matrix. For enhancing thermal conductivity of organic PCMs, various fillers such as carbon nanotubes, coal series kaolin, titanium oxide and graphite have been tried and tested [3]. Form stable PCMs, which retain their shapes even at temperatures higher than the melting points of PCMs, have gained wide popularity.
Form stable PCMs using a mixture of organic PCMs and polymers like polyolefins polycarbonates, styrene copolymers and polyurethanes have been developed. Graphite, due to its higher orders of thermal conductivity, lower costs and ease of mixing is one of the enhancers suitable for the purpose, and amongst the various forms of Graphite, expanded Graphite has been found to be the best.
45 a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
hase change materials (PCMs), one of the promising media of Thermal Energy Storage, are broadly classified into two types: organic and inorganic. Among these, inorganic PCMs have a higher latent heat as compared to organic ones at the expense of undesirable characteristics such as supercooling, phase segregation and corrosion.
January - March 2017
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
innovation through integrated systems: a case study Schneider
ome of the common challenges faced by any hotel operating in Dubai include a volatile oil market, rising energy prices, disappearing subsidies, and the highest expectations from guests. Nevertheless, Hilton Worldwide wanted to meet a critical need in a city looking to further boost tourism and offer an affordable four-star, focused-service option in an area saturated with five-star offerings. Before they could do that, however, Hilton had to answer some tough questions: How could they keep operations lean and efficient? To what extent could they control energy costs? Would they be able to meet tight development timelines and still ensure the facility met their sustainability standards? And, most importantly, could they do all of this and still deliver an exceptional guest experience?
January - March 2017
The largest Hilton Garden Inn, Mall of the Emirates, is now one of Hilton's most efficient and sustainable hotels. In partnership with Schneider Electric, Hilton overcame the challenges inherent in the region, and opened the largest Hilton Garden Inn outside the U.S. By integrating the building, guest room, and property management systems, Hilton was able to increase both operational efficiency and energy efficiency, while achieving guest satisfaction far above the benchmark.
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
French observatory for energy and environment in transport
french observatory for energy and environment in transport
haired by Professor Yves Crozet (University of Lyon - IEP), the OEET is co-led by ADEME, the French Ministry of Sustainable Development and the Interprofessional Technical Centre for Studies on Air Pollution (CITEPA).
Organisation A review board is responsible for approving the tools, methods and results from the Observatory's work. This work is conducted by three technical committees that bring together professionals and experts recognised in their respective fields: w
The "passenger" committee;
The "freight" committee;
The "infrastructures" committee.
Passenger transport
53 a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
The OEET's assessments are sent to public authorities in order to clarify their decisions and provide reference data. The main assessments and working reports conducted by the Observatory are available in French, and some documents are available in other languages.
January - March 2017
At the end of 2007, following the request of stakeholders in the transport sector, ADEME established the French Observatory for Energy and Environment in Transport (OEET). The task of the Observatory is to assess emissions according to a common methodology. This assessment will then be used in the mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas emissions for transport services and orders, as well as in producing ecocomparators. In its work, the OEET associates all passenger and freight transport stakeholders, and transport infrastructures: associations, regional and local authorities, companies, State services and trade unions. A charter made available to participants specifies the Observatory's tasks and methods.
ऊजा और प रसंपि त बंधन: सु वधा बंधन अनकलन क ु ू दशा म सह तालमेल ी गे यल हरटे डो ग जालेज
सु वधाओं म ऊजा
एक नई द ु नया म
बंधन मौ लक संरचना मक प रवतन क वेश कर रहा है , जो क नई
ौ यो ग कय
और मह वाकां ी ऊजा बचत के ल य पर टक है । इस नई विृ त त य यह है क इस
म पेशव े र को अपनी संपि त
व वसनीयता पर कोई समझौता कए बना अपनी
प रयोजनाओं म ऊजा द ता
ा त करने के लए आव यक है ।
यह लेख एक प रसंपि त-सह-ऊजा
बंधन के नज रए से सु वधा
अनकलन के समाधान पर एक नज़र डालता है । ु ू
January - March 2017
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
बंधन: सुिवधा बंधन अनुकूलन क दशा म सही तालमेल
बंधक द ता और प रसंपि तय के
व वसनीयता,
साथ ह
बंधन क
नमाण काय म बचत म
w मह वपण ू संपि त का उपयोगी जीवन का व तार: सभी उपकरण एक पव ू नधा रत प रचालन जीवन
सधार करने के लए नरं तर दबाव म ह। इस बीच, ु ऊजा
बंधन पेशव े र
रणनी तय के पीछे दशन ल य को
यापक रणनी तय और उन ौ यो ग कय के
त उनके
ा त करने के लए उनक
चार ओर है ।
ऊजा और प रसंपि
सु वधा
ै े भावी सचक याशा के साथ न मत हो रहे ह। (जस ू या
याशील रखरखाव के
प म) के रखरखाव के
काय म को लागू उपकरण के उपयोगी जीवन को कम नह ं कर सकते ह। इस उपकरण के
त थापन और
अ नधा रत रखरखाव क लागत म व ृ
करने के लए
नेत ृ व कर सकते ह। रखरखाव काय म संपि त
नगरानी के मा यम से लागत बचत बनाए रखने के लए, जब क उपकरण के प रचालन जीवन का व तार कंप नय के लए स म है । सॉ टवेयर एना ल ट स क दानेदार संपि त
तर के डट े ा का
उपयोग सु वधाओं के भीतर सभी पर पकड बना कर उपयोग एना ल ट स ट म समी ा म मदद
क लागत बचत बनाए रखने के लए, जब क उपकरण के प रचालन जीवन का व तार कंप नय के लए स म है । w भावी सचक रखरखाव रणनी तयॉ:ं रएि टव या भावी ू सचक रखरखाव रणनी तयां पव ं राल पर ू ू नधा रत अत रखरखाव पर भरोसा करते ह। भावी सचक रखरखाव ू काय म सम
रखरखाव क लागत का एक मह वपण ू
मलेगी और नई रणनी त वा त वक समय म
अनपात म प रणाम कर सकते ह। ु
यापार और सु वधा दोन के संचालन को
w समथन डट े ा पर आधा रत सु वधा
अ धकतम तथा पनराव ु ृ त करने के लए।
बंधन रणनी त:
सॉ टवेयर एना ल ट स क दानेदार संपि त डट े ा का उपयोग
तर के
ासं गक सु वधाओं के भीतर सभी पर
पकड बना कर उपयोग एना ल ट स ट म क समी ा म मदद मलेगी और नई रणनी त वा त वक समय म
प रसंपि त
बंधन रणनी त
प रसंपि त
बंधन डट े ा पर ह आधा रत रणनी तय का
उपयोग करने क सु वधा
बंधक को स म बनात है :
यापार और सु वधा दोन के संचालन को अ धकतम करने के पनराव ु ृ त करने के लए होगी। ये समाधान यवसाय के उ पाद क गणव ता, ु
ाहक सेवा म
a quarterly magazine of the society of energy engineers and managers / India
रखरखाव काय म संपि त यवहार क लगातार
January - March 2017
यवहार क लगातार नगरानी के मा यम से हा सल
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