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MARCH 2017 AUGUST 2016
वायु प्रदष ू ण – एक �वकराल समस्या हम सब �फर से एक नये साल म� प्रवेश कर गये ह�। ले�कन यह स्वाभा�वक है �क पीछे मुड़कर जो समय चला गया है हम उसक� ओर दे खते ह� और उन सभी सकारात्मक तथा नकारात्मक कायर्कलाप� पर भी ध्यान केिन्द्रत करते ह�, िजससे हम� अच्छ� बात� को आत्मसात करने तथा खराब बात� को छोड़ने म� मदद �मलती है । जब�क वहाँ कई सकारात्मक घटनाओं ने हम� प्रभा�वत �कया और हमने उसका आनंद भी �लया, ले�कन इसके साथ ह� हम उस बुराई से आंख नह�ं चुरा सकते िजससे हम सभी के जीवन को खतरा पैदा हो गया है । हाँ, यह वायु प्रदष ू ण ह� है जो सबके जीवन के �लए एक �वकराल समस्या बनकर खड़ा हो गया है । वायु प्रदष ू ण इस खतरनाक हद तक पहुंच गया �क न केवल हमारे फेफड़े घुट रहे ह�, ब�लक हमारे अनमोल बच्चे, पश,ु प�ी, पेड़, पौधे आ�द सभी को सांस लेने म� तकल�फ हो रह� है । क्या हमने कभी अपने व्यस्त जीवन म� एक पल रूककर यह सोचा है �क यह वायु प्रदष ू ण क्य� पैदा हो रहा है और कैसे हम इस समस्या का समाधान कर सकते ह� ? शायद नह�ं। हम, इसके बारे म� पढ़ते ह�, इसे झेलते रहते ह� और सोच लेते ह� �क यह �कसी भी तरह से ठ�क हो जाएगा। ले�कन, कैसे ? एक समस्या जो �क आदमी ने ह� उत्पन्न क� है , खुद आदमी के प्रयास� के �बना कैसे खत्म हो सकती है ? खतरे क� घंट� तो बहुत पहले से बज रह� है , ले�कन इच्छाशिक्त और इस समस्या को दरू करने क� �दशा म� कोई ठोस कायर् हम अभी तक शुरू नह�ं कर पा रहे ह�। हांला�क, लोग� म� जागरूकता लाने के उद्देश्य से वायु प्रदष ू ण और इसके दष्ु प�रणाम� क� समस्या पर प्रकाश डालने के प्रयास म� अनेक सरकार� संस्थाओं तथा गैर सरकार� संस्थाओं द्वारा �व�भन्न संगोिष्ठय� तथा सम्मेलन� का आयोजन �कया जा रहा है तथा इसके समाधान के तर�क� पर भी चचार् क� जा रह� है ।
अतः, नए जोश के साथ आशा क� जाती है �क एक िजम्मेदार नाग�रक के रूप म�, हम सब हाथ �मलाकर वायु प्रदष ू ण क� समस्या के समाधान के उपाय �नकाल�, ता�क हमार� भावी पीढ़� स्वच्छ हवा म� आसानी से सांस ले सके ! आओ, हम सब समाधान का �हस्सा बन�, न �क प्रदष ू ण म� योगदान कर� !! प्रद�प गप्ु ता उपाध्य� SEEM
CONTENTS T-SEEM-4 conducted successfully Congratulations, Dr. Azad SEEM demands GST waiver from energy audit Dr. P. P. Mittal wins Productivity Award The first wind power auction in India ONGC set to own HPCL Tata Power generation capacity up ADB, India ink $500 M loan pact to expand power connectivity 3.5 million homes yet to get electricity in Odisha Electric vehicles for commercial use may not require permits
Dr. Pradeep Gupta, Vice President, SEEM
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Patron: Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty, Adviser for Asia, ADEME Editorial Team Mr. Sudhir Kumar, Co-ordinator Dr. K.K. Sasi, President, SEEM Mr. C. Jayaraman, General Secretary, SEEM Dr. R. Harikumar, Immediate Past General Secretary, SEEM Mr. K. Madhusoodanan, Editor, EP Research: Asha Ashruf SEEM Executive Council President Dr. K.K. Sasi Vice- President Dr. Pradeep Gupta General Secretary Mr. C. Jayaraman Joint Secretary Design: Mr. R. Jayakumar Andmore Creative Treasurer Mr. A. Santhosh SEEM Executive Council President Immediate Past President Dr. Sasi.K.Kottayil Dr. P. P. Mittal
Vice- President
Members Dr. Pradeep Gupta Dr. R. Harikumar (Immediate Past General Secretary) General Secretary Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Verma Mr. C. Jayaraman Mr. Rajan.M. Menon Joint Secretary Mr. K. Madhusoodanan Mr. R. Jayakumar Mr. G. Krishnakumar Mr. Antony Joesph Treasurer Mr. R. Sudhir Kumar Mr. A. Santhosh Mr. Alpesh Pandya Mr. Mool ChandPast Jain President Immediate Mr. R.K. Dr. P. Yadav P. Mittal Mr. C. S. Azad Members Mr. Viraf Karanjawala
Dr. R. Harikumar (Immediate Past General Secretary) Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Verma Mr. Rajan.M. Menon Mr. K. Madhusoodanan Mr. G. Krishnakumar Mr. Antony Joesph Mr. R. Sudhir Kumar Mr. Alpesh Pandya Mr. Mool Chand Jain Mr. R.K. Yadav Mr. C. S. Azad Mr. Viraf Karanjawala
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
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T-SEEM-4 conducted successfully The fourth technical session of SEEM TN Chapter on Energy Efficiency and Management was held on 18th February at the CADD Centre, R.K Salai, Chennai. The topic for the event was “Solar Thermal Systems for Industrial Applications� and the meeting was attended by around 16 energy professionals. Mr. P. Premkumar, MSEEM, delivered the welcome note for the function. This was followed by three sessions namely Solar Thermal System concepts (Mr. Muthuvel, Senior Engineer (Design), Concepts of Heat Pump and illustration of various applications (Mr. Balamurali, GM (Marketing) and finally Demonstration of case studies and explanation of financial models proposed by Aspire Energy.
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Congratulations, Dr. Azad University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), India has conferred Doctorate (PhD) to Sh. C S Azad , Secretary - SEEM UP Chapter, and immediate past National Joint Secretary, for his thesis titled, " A Study of Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission in Telecommunication Sector in India". The thesis covered the entire spectrum of energy conservation and carbon emission in Indian telecommunication sector. It tracked the pathway to reduce carbon emission of telecom network operation by fuel substitution and demand side management leading to significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption. The major contribution of the study is development of a model for estimation of electricity consumption, diesel consumption and carbon emission by telecom towers.
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Mr. Bala Murali also answered all queries raised by the participants. As a token of gesture , a momento was presented by Mr. Venkatesan, Senior Member (SEEM) on behalf of SEEM ,TN Chapter. Mr. Giridharan , Jt. Secy (SEEM, TN Chapter) concluded the meeting with the vote of thanks.
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
SEEM demands GST waiver from energy audit Letter to Shri. Arun Jaitley, Honorable Minister of Finance
Dr. P. P. Mittal wins Productivity Award
MARCH 2017
REPORT Viewpoint
Sub: Request for Service tax exemption for Energy Audit In the context of recently ratified Paris Agreement on reduction of emissions and our commitments, reduction in energy consumption assumes paramount importance. Industry and commercial establishments constitute majority of energy consuming entities in the country. The energy conservation Act 2001 provides for enacting rules to make energy audits mandatory/statutory for energy consuming entities above certain threshold. Some states like Kerala, Haryana etc have already exercised these provisions.
Now when the GST comes into force, this service tax may even go higher making the situation worse. This can lead to adverse repercussion on our meeting the INDC commitments of the nation, continue to inflate our energy import bills and further put demand on investments in energy supply infrastructure. Also as a collateral damage, the large work force of certified energy auditor work force, so thoughtfully created through rigorous process of examination and certification will be deprived of self employment /employment opportunities as energy audits will cease to be a priority for energy consuming entities. As responsible professional body of Certified Energy Professionals of the country who have always espoused the Nations cause to save energy and arduously supported Government measures in this direction, we Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) urge you to kindly look into the matter urgently and see that the energy audits may be exempted from service tax. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely,
C. Jayaraman General Secretary
Dr. P. P. Mittal, Immediate Past President of SEEM, won the Productivity Award 2017 from the Haryana State Productivity Council. The award was presented to Dr. Mittal by Dr. H. K. Batra, President of the Faridabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 18th February 2017.
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However the percentage of such entities complying with this rules are far from satisfactory. These entities shun the energy audit for various reasons. We have assessed a major one as the cost which is escalated by a component of service tax which at present is 15.5%. This high service tax for an essential service which can lead to substantial savings to our exchequer by way of reduction in energy imports and avoidance of huge energy supply side investments is in fact deterrently high, making this high service tax counterproductive.
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
India’s ambitious green energy programme took a giant leap as the country’s first wind energy auction has seen tariff dropping dramatically to Rs 3.46 per unit, mirroring the steep fall in the solar power sector and giving coal-fired plants another emission-free and competitive rival to worry about. Solar tariffs have already fallen to Rs 2.97 per unit after a series of auctions in recent years in which companies that quoted the lowest tariff were awarded projects. The auction, conducted by Solar Energy Corporation of India, invited bids for 1,000 megawatts of wind projects that could be set up anywhere in the country. The winners are Mytrah Energy (India) Pvt Ltd, Green Infra Wind Energy Ltd, Inox Wind Infrastructure Services Ltd and Ostro Kutch Wind Pvt Ltd, all of whom quoted the identical tariff of Rs 3.46 per kWh and have been awarded 250 MW each.
The first wind power auction in India
MARCH 2017
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So far, wind tariffs were set by regulators of the nine states producing wind power, unlike solar projects which for some years have been auctioned and awarded to companies quoting the lowest tariff. Wind energy tariffs have varied from a high of Rs 6.04 per unit in parts of Rajasthan to Rs 4.08 for some projects in Maharashtra.
To encourage investment in renewable energy, the government has a scheme of providing viability gap funding (VGF) for renewable energy developers. But in the current wind auction, none of the winning developers have sought VGF. Most of the new projects are expected to come up in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. As of December 2016, India had installed wind power capacity of 28,700.44 MW. Source:
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Earlier, solar tariffs dropped to an all-time low of Rs 2.97 per kwH during the bidding to set up segments of a 750 MW solar project in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, which is likely to be the largest solar plant in the world. The lowest solar bid till then had been Rs 4 per kwH.
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
Tata power has announced a generation capacity increase of over 8 per cent in the third quarter of the current fiscal compared to the year-ago period. The company, together with all its subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities, has a gross generation capacity of 10,496 MW and a presence in all the segments of the power sector viz. Fuel Security and Logistics, Generation (thermal, hydro, solar and wind), Transmission, Distribution and Trading, thereby, reinforcing its position as the largest integrated power company in India According to their statement, standalone generation stood at 13,022 MUs (million units) in Q3 FY'17, as against 12,032 MUs during the same quarter of FY'16. In this quarter Tata has spread their footprint across two additional geographies, namely, South Africa and Zambia where additional generation is welcome. The company says it is firmly on the road to generating 30-40 per cent of its total generation capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2025. The company also added that it has completed the acquisition of 1,141 MW of renewable power projects comprising about 990 MW solar power projects and about 150 MW wind power projects.
In a bid to create an oil behemoth that could take on global giants like Shell BP and Exxon, Government of India has chose to transfer the ownership of Hindustan Petroleums (HPCL) to Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC). Indian Oil Corp (IOC) is the countrys biggest refiner while GAIL is Indias largest gas pipeline operator. Finance minister Arun Jaitley had, in the budget speech early this month, hinted at creating an oil giant by merging state-owned oil companies as India, the world's third largest oil consumer, looks to better compete with global majors in acquiring foreign assets. According to reports, the government will transfer its majority shareholding in HPCL to ONGC, which will then become the holding company of HPCL. Domestic oil CPSEs in either upstream (ONGC and OIL) or downstream (BPCL, CPCL, HPCL, IOCL and MRPL) sectors, have (1) independently operated over a period of time, while displaying adequate capability to withstand tough business cycles and (2) robust balance sheets with adequate cash flows or financing ability to fund their capex requirements and long-term growth plans.
Tata Power generation capacity up
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ONGC set to own HPCL
MARCH 2017
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
More than 35 lakh households in the state of Odisha are yet to have electricity connection, the series of steps taken by both the Centre and state government notwithstanding. Of the families living without power, 15 lakh belong to the below poverty line (BPL) category. There are 984 villages where power connection has not reached yet. The state government has decided to provide electricity to all homes by 2019. The Centre has given more than Rs 1,224 crore to cover the villages without electricity. Source:
Electric vehicles for commercial use may not require permits The government is working on a scheme to encourage the use of commercial electric vehicles for city transport that will remove all necessary permits otherwise needed to run commercial vehicles, including taxis in the country. The government says it feels this has the potential to transform the electric mobility sector in the country. The government, in partnership with taxi aggregator Ola, is also introducing a fleet of 300 electric cars in Nagpur to test the feasibility of electric taxis in the country, it is reported.
Soft Bank Group chairman Masayoshi Son, the main investor in the cab aggregator, is also keen to launch such a service in India. Ola and Softbank had made a proposal to run electric taxis in India to the government’s think-tank Niti Aayog which in turn has forwarded it to the road transport and highways ministry.
India and the ADB today signed a USD 500 million loan pact to expand inter-regional power connectivity in the country, and strengthen transmission system to accommodate renewable energy-generation capacity. Deputy Country Director of ADB's India Resident Mission Leonardus Boenawan Sondjaja said that expansion of interregional connectivity would enable bulk power transfer to the southern region which has, at times, been affected by power shortages. He added that this loan would also help strengthen the transmission system to accommodate renewable energy-generation capacity. The project, which is expected to be completed by December 2020, will help build 800 kV and 320 kV High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) converter stations and 765 kV power transmission systems in India and will also help Power Grid Corporation of India (Powergrid) add 6,000 MVA transmission capacity between Raigarh in Chhattisgarh and Pugalur in Tamil Nadu; 2,000 MVA transmission capacity between Pugalur in Tamil Nadu and Thrissur in Kerala and 3,000 MVA transmission capacity to accommodate renewable energy flows via Bikaner in Rajasthan, the statement added. According to the statement, USD 500 million loan from ADB's ordinary capital resources will make up around 19 per cent of the USD 2.581 billion total project cost, with Powergrid providing counterpart financing of USD 2.081 billion. The loan has a 20-year term, including a five-year grace period with an annual interest rate determined in accordance with ADB's LIBOR-based lending facility, it said.
3.5 million homes yet to get electricity in Odisha
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ADB, India ink $500 M loan pact to expand power connectivity
MARCH 2017
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National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
Tesla founder Elon Musk had confirmed his company would launch electric cars in India in the coming summer, but there’s still no word on whether it will be manufactured in India. Permits such as Contract Carriage Buses Permits, stage carrier permits, goods carriers, maxi cab, radio taxis and all India tourist permit are given to different categories of commercial vehicles by state governments. Getting and renewing these permits is a time-consuming and a costly affair for vehicle owners. Government is also working on a scheme where state transport corporations can get all their old buses converted to electric vehicles.
The ministry allowed the aggregator to run such vehicles in any city of their choice and the roads minister Nitin Gadkari offered every support, including providing 300 charging points in Nagpur, which is also his parliamentary constituency.
MARCH 2017
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Several factors including high vehicle cost, power outages, and dearth of facilities for eco-friendly disposal of batteries to curb pollution are the factors inhibiting Indians from buying electric vehicles. Source:
National Conference on New Horizons in Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environment (NHTSEE 2017) ,9-10 March 2017, Faridabad, Haryana, India IRES2017 - 11th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference,14-16 March 2017, DĂźsseldorf, Germany International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC) ,21-23 March 2017 Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan Petroleum& Renewable Energy Conclave 2017 ,22-24 March 2017 Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering (IC3E 2017), 22-24 March 2017, Suzhou, China
2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Smart Grid (ICRESG 2017) 24-26 March 2017, Shanghai, China 6th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IEEA 2017)-EI Geobase, EBSCO, 29-31 March 2017 , Jeju Island, South Korea International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, 2-5 April 2017 , London, United Kingdom The Energy & Materials Research Conference - EMR2017, 5-7 April 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
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