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Vol. No 7 | Issue No. 1 | October 2015
2 CETIAT visit Energy Audit at Parayil Industries SEEM Talk on DSM for KSEB engineers
ergy Press nergy Press| |A/c A/cNo: No:670 6704810 48102057 2057| |IFSC IFSCcode: code:SBTR SBTR0000033 0000033 BANK BANKOF OFTRAVANCORE, TRAVANCORE,Vazhuthacaud, Vazhuthacaud,Trivandrum, Trivandrum,Kerala, Kerala,India India| |Branch BranchCode: Code:70033 70033
Audit at Baby Marine International First SEEM student chapter heque (at Cheque (atpar): par):ininfavour favourofofEnergy EnergyPress Pressand andpayable payableatatTrivandrum Trivandrum| |Kerala Kerala| |India India inaugurated
2057 2057| |IFSC IFSCcode: code:SBTR SBTR0000033 0000033 hacaud, thacaud,Trivandrum, Trivandrum,Kerala, Kerala,India India| |Branch BranchCode: Code:70033 70033
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Poor coal quality disputes power purchase Kerala gears up to shift to CNG in 6 months ENCON Plans of NITI Aayog
annammoola Kannammoola| Thiruvananthapuram | Thiruvananthapuram– –695 695011 011| Kerala | Kerala| India | India T/F:: T/F::+91-471 +91-471255 2557607 7607| E:: || |
5011 011| Kerala | Kerala| India | India | |
5 National Technical Series on Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits
6���ली म� िबजली की ���ली म� िबजली की मान ����त वतर् वतर्मान ����त
NHPC to invest Rs 3,000 crore on solar, wind projects िद�ली भारत का एक समृ�ध�ाली तथा �गित�ील रा�य है । वतर्मान
िद�ली भारत का एक समृ �ध�ाली तथा �गित�ील रा�य है । वतर्म1.8 ान म� भारत की जनसंख्या लगभग 130 करोड है िजसम� लगभग
म� भारत की म� जनसं ख्या करोड है िजसम� लगभग 2.8 1.8 करो� िद�ली रहते ह�। लगभग िद�ली 130 म� �ित �यि�त आय
करो� िद�ली रहते ह�प । ूणिद�ली म� े िकसी भी रा�य की तु �ित �यि�त आय लगभग 2.8 लाख �पये है म� जो िक सं र् भारत क लना म�
लाख �पये है हैजो िक सं े िकसी भी रा�य की तु ना म� ूण र् भारत क सबसे अिधक । जबिक पभारत की �ित �यि�त आय केवल ल93231
सबसे हैअिधक है । �ित जबिक भारत आय की �ित �यि�त केवल 93231 �पये । अिधक �यि�त िकसी भी दे �आय अथवा रा�य की
July 2016 Patron: Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty, Adviser for Asia, ADEME
Sasi K Kottayil, President, SEEM
Let Live The Next Generation It seems even energy activists are yet to notice the present state of Indian power scenario. Power cut due to load shedding has not been there in the major states in the past one year. Andhra declared that they have surplus power. Delhi gas power plants in public sector are only partly operated as there is no demand; their offer to sell it to neighboring states was turned down by the latter as the latter opted for cheaper power from elsewhere. Tamil Nadu that registered the longest historical power cut of 10 hours in 201213 has now advanced to the extent of withdrawing the ban on power exports from the state enabling open access to local IPPs to sell it to neighbours. In spite of the highest ever summer demand Kerala could avoid load shedding this year.
The proponents of the logical ethics claim a complacence supported by RPO. India has a Paris commitment of 40% renewable energy by 2022. In spite of planning for this target aided by RPO and other policy instruments, there will be issues on power grid related to conflicts of interest in the right of generation. Breach of contract regarding the must run status granted to wind farms in electricity codes has been an issue in Tamil Nadu for the past few years – the premature stagnation in wind power development in that state is its result. How can we expect the thermal power plants to compromise on their production inviting their own financial crisis? Yet, perhaps that needs to be mandated committing a strong political will.
Do these mean that achcha din has arrived? The answer cannot be that simple. The present state of sufficiency is the result of the intense coal mining and burning plans being executed since the past few years – this has been happening in both public and private sectors. The question of ethical right of India to track the development path of the West in the past century and that of China in the current century is only logically correct, but not scientifically, economically or even politically.
The country needs to revamp RPO and provide all policy and executive support to emission reduction in future. Besides a respectable share for renewable energy in the generation mix energy conservation will play a major role – more significant than the past –in defining the destiny. Let SEEM chapters debate the topic and involve politicians and planners in it.
�पये� िध को द�ार् है । अिधक त�ित �यि�त आय िकसी भी दे � अथवा रा�य की समृ ा है । िनरं तर िवकास क े िलए िबजली की उपल�धता
समृ�िध को द�ार् ता है । िनरं तर िवकास क े िलए िबजली की उपल�धता एक मह�वपू ण र् घटक है । िद�ली म� िबजली की मां ग म� िनरं तर वृ�िध
एक मह�वपू ण र् घटक है । िद�ली म� िबजली की मांग म� िनरं तर वृ�िध हो रही है । िपछले 10 व�� म� िद�ली की अिधकतम िबजली की मां ग
हो रही है । िपछले 10 व�� म� ग म� लगभग 73% की वृ�िध ह ु ईिद�ली की अिधकतम िबजली की मां है जो िक 3626 मेगावाट से बढकर
म� लगभग 73% वृ�िध है जो िक म�3626 मेगावाट से बढकर 6261 मेगावाट पहकी है ।ह ु ईयिद िद�ली िबजली की उपल�धता ुं च गई
6261 मेगकर� ावाट पहुंअपनी च गई उ�पादन है । यिद क्षमता िद�ली तथा म� िबजली की उपल�धता की बात तो के��ीय आबं टन को की बात कर� तो अपनी उ�पादन क्षमता तथा के��ीय आबंटन को
SEEM NEWS | July 2016 | 1
Editorial Team Mr. Sudhir Kumar Co-ordinator Dr Sasi.K.Kottayil President, SEEM Mr. C. Jayaraman General Secretary, SEEM Dr. Harikumar, Immediate Past General Secretary, SEEM Mr. K. Madhusoodanan, Editor, EP Research: Asha Ashruf Design: Bobby George Varghese Disclaimer : The news published is directly picked up from the website and newspapers with the source and links provided. The views expressed need not be those of SEEM. Technical Support
ASSO C IAT IO N T EC HN IQ UE EN ERGIE EN VIRO N N EMEN T French Environment & Energy Management Agenc y
Brought out by Energy Press for Society of Energy Engineers and Managers SEEM Bhavan KRA-A79, Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 011. Subscription to SEEM NEWS is free for members and non-members
CETIAT visit
Energy Audit at Parayil Industries
Progressing with the ADEME- SEEM association, Energy Experts from CETIAT, Mr. Vial Francois Henri and Ms. Claire Valérie LOTTEAU visited and conducted energy audits at two sea food industries in Kochi, namely Parayil Industries and Baby Marine International during the period from 13th June to 24th June 2016. This visit was in connection with the ADEME- SEEM project dealing with demonstration of industrial energy saving in selected sectors like ceramic and sea food industries to bring forth energy efficiency improvements. CETIAT experts joined hands with SEEM auditors to form a team led by Mr. Janesh M. Mohanan.
The audit at Parayil Food industries at Aroor, Kochi, Kerala was conducted between 15th and 19th June, 2016. The CETIAT team was assisted by Mr. Santhosh A, Mr. Janesh M. Mohanan, Mr. Azeem K, Mr. Ashok, Mr. Jayadeep, Mr. Maghbul and Mr. Premkumar. Preliminary energy audit was carried out here earlier by Mr. Santhosh and Mr. U. V. K. Rao. The various equipment of the unit subjected to detailed observations included four cold storages with Freon compressors, six ammonia compressors, cooling towers, etc. Measurements for a 24 hour period for the incoming electrical feeder and temperatures for various equipments were recorded. Due to scarcity of raw
material, factory (chiller) was running only in the night shift, hence production related measurements were taken during night. The data relating to monthly production, electricity consumption, employee turnover, energy bills, firewood consumption and annual operating hours of all equipment for a period of three years were also studied. After the completion of the audit, a review meeting was conducted jointly by CETIAT team and SEEM team to conduct a thorough discussion on the findings. The CETIAT team identified the areas which needed evaluation for commercial viability for investment.
The audit in progress at Parayil Foods
CETIAT auditors with Mr. Premkumar (left) and Mr. Janesh (right)
Mr. Francois VIAL and Ms. Claire LOTTEAU of CETIAT, Paris
SEEM Talk on DSM for KSEB engineers
The French team in discussion with Mr. Santhosh, Treasurer – SEEM and Energy Auditor of M/s Parayil Foods, and Mr. Madhusoodanan, Editor – Energy Manager and Expert - Thermal & Process Energy SEEM NEWS | July 2016 | 2
PETARC, Moolamattam, the engineer training centre of Kerala State Electricity Board invited SEEM to help them expose their engineers on to the expanse of Demand Side Management. Prof. Sasi Kottayil, President – SEEM, handled a session on the topic at PETARC on 18th June 2016. The trainees included 32 Assistant Executive Engineers of KSEB. The three hours long interactive session discussed not only the conventional tools and practices of DSM, but also traversed through traits of future DSM, like Demand Response and Dynamic Energy Storage Management. The participants gratefully appreciated the learning. Ms. Ambili, DCE and Mr. Shaji, EE were the coordinators of the training programme.
Audit at Baby Marine International The audit at Baby Marine International, Aroor, was conducted between 20th and 23rd June, 2016 by CETIAT members assisted by Mr. Jayaraman. C, Mr. Janesh. M. Mohanan, Mr. Azeem. K, Mr. Ashok. K.M.P, Mr. Maqbool. M and Mr. Premkumar.S The team met with Mr. Alex Ninan, Managing Partner- Baby Marine, who requested the experts to look into their RO plant due to high water rejection. Besides 24 hour measurements on the factory incoming feeder and the compressor feeders, the temperatures and pressures at salient locations for ammonia cycle chiller plant, cold storages, air conditioners, cooling towers, cube ice plants and tube ice making machines were also recorded. The concluding review meeting of the combined CETIAT and SEEM team was held on 23rd June. CETIAT team informed before leaving that they would send in an interim report by the first week of July and a detailed report by the end of the month.
First SEEM student chapter inaugurated The first SEEM student chapter has been inaugurated on June 27th, 2016 at the School of Communication and Management Studies (SCMS), Kochi. The function was inaugurated by Dr. Madhavan, Director- SCMS, and the activities were co-ordinated by Dr. Anitha Pillai, HOD, Civil Engineering Depa rtment. The event consisted of four informative sessions on the topics namely Research and Career Opportunities in the Energy Sector, Green Buildings – Concept and Practice, Griha and LEED Certification for Green Buildings and Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficiency and the role of Energy Audits. Mr. C. Jayaraman, (General Secretary, SEEM), Mr. Sreeganesh V Nair, (CMD and Chief Consultant, GTCS)
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Farewell to CETIAT team. L to R: Mr. Santhosh, Mr. Premkumar, Mr. Azeem, Mr. Francois, Ms. Claire, Mr. Jayaraman, Mr. Krishnakumar and Mr. Janesh
Mr. Janesh and Mr. Francois at work at Baby Foods.
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Mr. Shreeganesh, MSEEM during the inaugural function at SCMS College of Engineering, Kochi
Members of SCMS Student Chapter
SEEM NEWS | July 2016 | 3
and Mr. G. Krishnakumar, (Secretary –Energy Press, SEEM & Director – Empower Global Management Solutions) delivered the sessions. A SEEM Student Chapter is an initiative to bring out young upcoming professionals under a wing and give them more exposure regarding the developments and future prospects in this field. Energy experts from SEEM aim to mentor and guide students with the aid of orientation as well as technical sessions which will be held on a monthly basis. This also includes SEEM project internship openings and the opportunities to directly interact with industry professionals.
Poor coal quality disputes power purchase Delhi's power distribution companies have complained against National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) over the poor quality of coal supplied to them. BSES Yamuna, BSES Rajdhani and Tata Power Delhi have filed a petition with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission that claimed that NTPC is charging them more for the coal than its low quality warranted, with the excess paid being "up to Rs 3,000 crore". NTPC has admitted concerns over the quality of the coal supplied. The NTPC plants at Badarpur and Dadri supply around 1,500 MW of power to Delhi. These thermal plants use coal supplied by Coal India Limited. The coal supplied to these plants is stated to have a calorific value of around 5,000 kcal/kg, but the power generated is equivalent to that produced by combusting a lower-grade 3,000kcal/kg coal. This is contrary to norms, where slippage in coal quality permitted is just 100-150 kcal/kg. The DISCOMs requested that CERC to restrain NTPC from charging excess energy rates that are higher than the cost of the coal and also allow the refund of excess already paid since April 1, 2014. NTPC said it had no control over the quality of coal being used in the two power plants as it was supplied directly by Coal India. The company said it too would like to ensure proper pricing of coal to reduce the cost of generating power. Source: discoms-in-face-off-with-ntpc-over-coal-quality/52893361 Comment: DISCOMs, NTPC, and CERC are apparently concerned
about the payments only; there’s no mention of the pollution effects that directly depends on the quality. Coal quality varies from peat to anthracite with calorific values in the wide range of 2600 to 8000 kcal/kg. NTPC and related organisations have a huge burden of RPO basically related to the coal quality. Why don't they put restrictions on minimum coal quality so that beyond relaxing on their RPO the nation can benefit from the reduction in emissions? CERC should consider quantifying RPO based on quality options too.
Kerala gears up to shift to CNG in 6 months The capital city of Kerala will switch to compressed natural gas (CNG) for fuelling the vehicles in six months. Transport commissioner Tomin. J. Thachankary said that the public sector oil companies have agreed to launch five CNG filling stations in Thiruvananthapuram city corporation limits. Kochi and Kozhikode will also get five CNG stations each. The state doesn't have CNG filling stations, which has affected the efforts to curb air pollution caused by diesel engines. The motor vehicle department has proposed the government that once the CNG filling facility is operational, the city buses and taxies, including autorickshaws, should be asked to switch to CNG, which is highly economical and environment friendly. KSRTC's city services will also be asked to migrate to the system. Thachankary also said that since the state has not imposed any tax on CNG,
the companies will be able to supply CNG at Rs 39/kg that will also provide 150% fuel efficiency. At the same time, the concern remains whether the vehicles, especially smaller vehicles like autorickshaws, will be able to afford the cost of changing to CNG engines from the existing engines. The government will have to think of an option like 'green fund' set up by states like Karnataka to provide assistance to small vehicles to convert their engines to CNG engines. Source: SEEM NEWS | July 2016 | 4
ENCON Plans of NITI Aayog
To meet the government's target of providing 24x7 power to all, NITI Aayog has set several new targets: ►► Adding 51,400 circuit km (CKM) transmission line this fiscal, 82 per cent more than what was achieved in 2015-16. ►► Installed renewable energy capacity of 62.5 GW (RPT) GW by the end of this fiscal from a level of 39.5 GW (RPT) GW in 2016. The ambitious target is set with an ultimate goal to have 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022. ►► Reduction of aggregate technical and commercial losses from 22.7 per cent in 2014 to 15 per cent in 2019. ►► The government also aims to distribute 40 crore LED bulbs this fiscal to promote energy efficiency, compared to 15 crore distributed in the last fiscal. It plans to distribute 77 crore LED bulbs by March 2019. It has also planned non-renewable power generation capacity of 269 GW by the end of current fiscal, compared to 250 GW achieved in the last fiscal. Aayog has stressed the need for increasing Plant Load Factor (PLF) of conventional power plants from an average of 62 per cent in 2016 to 85 per cent by 2022. The plants generally run on low PLF now due to low demand. The government is expecting the demand to increase in 2-3 years due to the impact of UDAY scheme. Source: power/add-51-4k-ckm-power-transmission-lines-this-fiscal-nitiaayog/52948580# Comment :If we go on increasing thermal power plants and then insist to increase their PLF, where is the space for RE plants to operate? PLF of thermal plants should not be viewedin the perspective of income generation by the respective plants, instead it should havea comprehensive assessment of the total situation including the benefits due to increase in RE utilisation and decrease emissions
Forthcoming events
National Technical Series on
Back your PAT with Sound Energy Audits PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Session Topic 09.30 – 10.00 Registration 10.00 – 10.30 Back your PAT with quality energy audits Dr. K K Chakarvarthy Energy Economics Knowledge Sharing Expert 10.30 – 11.00 Case Study– Industrial Energy Efficiency Initiatives AEA / Industry Representative 11.00 – 11.15 Tea Break 11.15 – 11.45 Case Study - EEM & Motor Driven Systems Expert, ICAI 11.45 – 12.30 Case Study - PQ & EE Expert, APQI 12.30 – 01.00 Case Study - Energy Management Systems Mr. G Krishnakumar, EMS Expert - SEEM 01.00 – 02.00 Lunch Break 02.00 – 02.30 Automating Energy Management 02.30 – 03.00 Monitoring Generator Performance in Real Time 03.00 – 03.30 Choosing the right measurement tools Chandigarh, Punjab Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Ahmedabad, Gujarat Jodhpur, Rajasthan Kolkata, West Bengal Bhubaneswar, Orissa Hyderabad, Telangana Chennai, Tamil Nadu
August 26 August 29 August 31 September 2 September 23 September 26 September 28 September 30
Contact: Sonia Jose Gomez Society of Energy Engineers and Managers National Council Office, SEEM Bhavan, KRA A79, Kannammoola, Trivandrum, Kerala, India - 695011 Ph: 0471 – 2557607, M:+91 944 635 7607 E:,
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���ली म� िबजली की ���ली म� िबजली की वतर्मान ����त वतर्मान ����त
NHPC to invest Rs 3,000 crore on solar, wind projects
लगातार बढ़ती बबजली की मांग के चलते दिल्ली भारत का एक समद् ृ धशाली तथा में ऊजात उत्पािन के अन्द्य ।स्रोतों े � वतर्मकान प्रगततशील राज्य है । िद�ली भारत का एक सम वततमान में भारत की दिल्ली ृ ध�ाली तथा �गित�ील रा�य है कायातन्द्वयन पर भी काफी कायत हुआ है । जजसमें जनसंख्या लगभग 130 करोड है जजसमें लगभग िद�ली भारत का एक सम � ध�ाली तथा �गित�ील रा�य है । वतर् ान है । हाल ऊजात 130 पर ववशे र्ष ध्यान जा मरहा 1.8 करोड़ दिल्ली में म� रहते हैं। दिल्ली मेंृ प्रतत भारत की जनसं ख्या सौर लगभग करोड है दिया िजसम� लगभग 1.8 ही में दिल्ली क े बबने ट ने दिल्ली सौर ऊजात पॉललसी व्यजतत आय लगभग 2.8 लाख रुपये है जो कक म� भारत भी की राज्य जनसंकी ख्या लगभग 130 करोड लगभग मंज िी है�ित है । िजसम� एक अध्ययन के 1.8 अनुसार में ूरी म� संपूर्त भारत के ककसीकरो� तुल िद�ली म� ना रहतेमें ह�।को िद�ली �यि�त आय लगभग 2.8 दिल्ली में ववलभन्द्न भवनों की छतों पर लगभग सबसे अधधक है । जबकक भारत की प्रतत व्यजतत करो� रुपये िद�ली रहतेप्रतत ह�।व्यजतत िद�ली 2200 म� �ित �यि�त लगभग मेगावाट सौर आय ऊजात का उत्पािन2.8 हो ल आय केवल 93231 है । म� अधधक लाख �पये है जो िक सं पूण र् भारत क े िकसी भी रा�य की त ना म� ु सकता है । वतत म ान में 12.16 मे ग ावाट सौर ऊजात का आय ककसी भी िे श अथवा राज्य की समद् धध को ृ लाख �पये है जो िक सं प ण र् भारत क े िकसी भी रा�य की त ल ना म� ू ु हो रहा है जो कक धिड से जकुड़े वल ा है जबकक िशातता है । तनरं तर ववकास ललए बबजली की उत्पािन सबसेक े अिधक है । जबिक भारत की �ित �यि�त आय 93231 उपलब्धता एक महत्वपूर्त घटक है । दिल्ली में 15 मेगावाट पर कायत चल रहा है । जबिक भारत की �ित �यि�त े वल 93231 दिल्ली कूड़ेआय का क एक रा�य ववकरालकी बबजली की सबसे मांग मेंअिधक तनरं तर हैहैव।।द् हो रही है । �यि�त ृ धध �पये अिधक �ित आय मेंिकसी भी देतनपटान � अथवा वपछले 10 वर्षों में दिल्ली की अधधकतम बबजली समस्या है । इसके हल के रूप में कूड़े को जलाकर �पये है73% । अिधक �ित आय भी देववद्य � अथवा रा�य की 52 िकसी मेगावाट करने की State-run National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) is ुत उत्पािन की मांग में लगभग वद् धध हुई �यि�त है त जोा है कक। िनरं ृ समकी � िध को द�ार् त र िवकास क े िलए िबजली की उपल�धता planning to invest around Rs 3,000 crore over the next five years ृ 3626 मेगावाट से बढकर 6261 मेगावाट पहुंच गई पररयोजनाओं पर भी कायत चल रहा है जजसके to set up solar and wind projects across the country. सममें� ता है । िनरं र िवकास क अंतगतत े िलए िबजली की उपल�धता 16 मेगावाट का पलांट चालू हो चक ृ िध को द�ार् ु ा है । The company is looking at opportunities in states like Maharashtra, है । यदि दिल्ली बबजली की उपलब्धता की तबात एक मह�वप ण र् घटक है । िद�ली म� िबजली की मां ग म� िनरं त र व �िध ू पलांृ ट Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, among करें तो अपनी उत्पािन क्षमता तथा केन्द्रीय 12 मेगावाट तथा 24 मेगावाट के िबजली की मां र्ाधीन हैं। ग म� िनरं तर व� ूण र् घटक है आबंटन को एक मह�वप लमलाकर 8032 मेगावाट। िद�ली म� बबजली तनमात ृ िध others. हो रही है । िपछले 10 व�� म� िद�ली की अिधकतम िबजली की मां ग बबजली क े बढ़ते प्रयोग तथा उसकी दिल्ली को उपलब्ध है । दिल्ली में 2002 में "After expanding our presence in the hydro sector, we now want उपलब्ध्ता के साथ साथ बबजली खरीि हो रही है 10 व�� म� िद�ली की अिधकतम िबजली की मां ग मूल्य to diversify into solar and wind sectors as well." NHPC Director ववद्युत सुधारों के अंतगत।त िपछले दिल्ली ववद्य ुत बोडत को लगभग हुई जो 3626 मेगावाट से बढकर ृ िध (पॉवर टै रहै रफ) एकिक धचंत ा का ववर्षय है । दिल्ली में (Technical) Balraj Joshi said. 5 ववलभन्द्न कंपतनयों मेंम�ववभाजजत कर73% दिया की गयाव� वातावरर् पयातवसे रर् बढकर को ध्यान में On the solar front, the company has signed a MoU with Solar था। तब से म�न लगभग केवल उत्पािन वद् धधु ई हैस्वच्छ 73% क्षमता की व� िध जो िक 3626 तथा मेगावाट ृ ह ृ मेंपह 6261 मे ग ावाट ं च गई है । यिद िद�ली म� िबजली की उपल�धता हुई है बजल्क ववतरर् के क्षेत्र में भी अभु त ू पव ू त रखते हुए कोयला आधाररत पॉवर पलांट बंि ककये Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to set up projects to the tune जािद�ली रहे हैं। म�उधर गैस आधाररत पॉवर पलांटों में of 250 MW. In Kerala, NHPC will be setting up a 72 MW solar पररवततन िे ख6261 ा गया मे है ।गअब दिल्ली पॉवरहै ।कट ावाट पहुंचमें गई यिद िबजली की उपल�धता कर� बबजली तो अपनी उ�पादन क्षमता तथा के��ीय आबं न को प्राकृततक गैस की अत्यधधक कमी है ।टइसक े project, while in Maharashtra it has planned a 50 MW one.In Uttar तथा ब्रेकडाउन बहुत की कम बात हैं तथा की सस्ती NHPC already has an agreement with Uttar Pradesh गुर्वत्ता में की भी काफी ध हुआ अपनी है । धिडउ�पादन फेल समाधान े रूप केमें आवश्यक है कक ु ार तो बात सकर� क्षमता क तथा ��ीय आबंटन को कोयला Pradesh, New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) to ावाट खिानों िबजली उपल�ध िद�ली होने की घटनाओं पर िमलाकर काफी तनयं8032 त्रर् करमेग ललया के िद�ली मह पर पॉवर पलांटहै ।लगाये जायेंम�jointly ु ानों को develop a 50 MW plant. NHPC had in 2014 signed a pact गया है । दिल्ली में धिड 8032 स्टे शनोंमेका भी लगातार दिल्ली सस्ती बबजली उपलब्ध िमलाकर गावाट िबजली ताकक िद�ली को को उपल�ध है । िद�ली म� हो सके with the Kerala government to develop wind projects in the state. म� मेंिव�य सुधार� अंवत गर्तभी िद�ली ुत 400 ुत बोडर् को 5 उन्द्नयन ककया जा रहा 2002 है । दिल्ली 4 धिड औरकेपयात रर् स्वच्छ रहेिव�य । Last year, the company had also approved setting up of a 50 MW ककलोवोल्ट स्तर क े हैं जजनकी क ल क्षमता 5410 प्रदीप ग प् ता ु ु wind project in Rajasthan. 2002 म� िव�युत सुधार� के अंतगर्त िद�ली िव�युत बोडर् को 5 ं पिनय� म� न केवल Source:एमवीए है तथा 33 धिडिविभ�न क 220 ककलोवोल्ट स्तर केिवभािजत कर िदया गया था। तब से उपाध्यक्ष हैं जजनकी कुिविभ�न क ल क्षमता 10680 एमवीए हैिवभािजत कर िदया गया था। तब से । ं पिनय� म� न केवल सीम ् rs-3000-crore-on-solar-wind-projects/story/234351.html NEWS | July 2016 | 6 उ�पादन क्षमता म� व� बि�क िवतरण के क्षेत्र म� भी ृ िध हुई है SEEM उ�पादन क्षमता म� व�िध हई है बि�क िवतरण के क्षेत्र म� भी
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Methane gas leak from California’s Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility last year as spotted by infra-red camera – methane’s global warming potential is 80 times as much as CO2’s. (Source: IEEE SPECTRUM International June 2016, page 11)
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Forthcoming issue:
energy audits: state of the art