Lineaverde International january 2015

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INTERVIEW A stronger nursery to face the challenges of globalisation

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Community gardens: urban green spaces in times of economic crisis

GARDENS The Botanical Gardens of Padua and the Biodiversity Garden

Lineaverde International

The international version of the leading magazine in Italy for floral and ornamental horticulture

Version internationale de la revue de floriculture et d’arboriculture ornementale leader en Italie

January 2015

Internationale Version von der fĂźhrenden Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gebiet der Zierpflanzenzucht



Lineaverde is Italy’s leading horticultural magazine. For nearly 30 years it has provided a useful source of information for those working in the sector. It publishes articles on: growing techniques, arboriculture, botany, running horticultural businesses, landscape gardening, ecology; moreover it provides technical, commerical and statistical facts and figures. Lineaverde International is the international copy of the magazine found in English, French and German. Its formation began with the idea of promoting Italian horticulture abroad. It is sent twice a year, in September and January, to the main European growers. It is found to be the quickest and most efficent way to inform the world about horticulture in Italy, it being one of the richest producers in Europe (23 percent of European horticultural production ) for volume, quality and variety. Italy is the most commercially interesting horticultural producer in Europe in particular for its wealth of variety. Cut flowers, house, garden and public park plants make up the vast assortment available and this is enriched by Italy’s own exotic production of ornamental citrus in terracotta pots, olives of every shape and kind and the most unusual Mediterranean species.

Lineaverde est la revue de floriculture et arboriculture leader en Italie. Depuis bientôt 30 ans elle est un instrument de travail précieux pour tous les opérateurs du secteur. Elle traite des arguments suivants: les techniques de culture, l’arboriculture, la phytopathologie, la gestion d’une pépinière, le paysagisme, l’écologie; elle divulgue en outre des informations techniques, sur les marchandises, ainsi que les statistiques intéressant le secteur. Lineaverde International, qui est la version internationale (en anglais, en français et en allemand) de Lineaverde, a été conçu afin d’assurer la promotion des pépinières italiennes à l’étranger. Elle est expédiée deux fois par an (en septembre et en janvier) à des opérateurs européens triés sur le volet. Cette publication est la façon la plus rapide et efficace d’approfondir la connaissance de la production italienne, l’une des plus riches d’Europe quant au volume (23% de la production floricole et arboricole européenne), à la qualité et à l’assortiment. L’Italie est certainement, dans le secteur des fleurs et des plantes, le pays le plus hétérogène et le plus intéressant du point de vue commercial, en raison de son assortiment, qui va des fleurs coupées aux plantes d’appartement, pour jardins et pour grands parcs (enrichi par quelques productions particulières comme les agrumes ornementaux en pots de terre cuite, les oliviers de toutes les formes et variétés et les plantes méditerranéennes les plus curieuses). Pag. 2 • Lineaverde International January 2015

Lineaverde ist die führende Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gärtnereisektor. Seit fast 30 Jahren ist sie ein nützliches Arbeitsmittel für all diejenigen, die auf diesem Gebiet tätig sind. Die Veröffentlichung behandelt Themen wie: Anbautechniken, Baumschulen, Pflanzenkrankheiten, Management des Gärtnereibetriebs, Landschaftsbau, Ökologie und berichtet außerdem von technische Daten, Waren und Statistiken des Bereichs. Lineaverde International ist die internationale Version (auf Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch) von Lineaverde und dient als Mittel zur Förderung der italienischen Pflanzenzucht im Ausland. Sie wird zwei Mal im Jahr (im September und im Januar) an ein ausgewähltes europäisches Fachpublikum verschickt. Die Veröffentlichung ist die schnellste und wirksamste Methode, um die Kenntnis der italienischen Erzeugerrealität – ein der reichsten in Europa bezogen auf das Volumen (23% der europäischen Pflanzenzuchtproduktion), Qualität und Sortiment – zu vertiefen. Dies gilt besonders für das Sortiment der Erzeugnisse, die von Schnittblumen zu Zimmerpflanzen gehen, von Gartenpflanzen hin zu Pflanzen für große Parks (angereichert mit einigen Besonderheiten der Produktion wie Zier-Zitrusfrüchte in Terrakotta-Kübeln, Olivenbäume in allen Varietäten und Formen und den ausgefallene Mittelmeerpflanzen), wo Italien bezogen auf die Pflanzenzucht das heterogenste und kommerziell gesehen interessanteste Land ist.


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The Interview A stronger nursery to face the challenges of globalisation ................................... PAG. 6

Landscape architecture Community gardens: urban green spaces in times of economic crisis .................... PAG. 12

Gardens The Botanical Gardens of Padua and the Biodiversity Garden ............................. PAG. 16

LINEAVERDE NEWS ................................................................................................. PAG. 22

Techniques Coconut-based substrate: a sustainable, high-quality alternative to peat ........... PAG. 31

Technical-botanical information sheets .......................................................... PAG. 33 Cupressus ‘Totem’ ...................................................................................................... PAG. 34 Eugenia ‘Etna Fire’’..................................................................................................... PAG. 35 Abies nordmanniana................................................................................................... PAG. 36 Magnolia grandiflora Crotonifolia ‘Pistoiese’ ......................................................... PAG. 37 Lagerstroemia indica ‘Bianca Grassi’ ....................................................................... PAG. 38 Populus nigra italica ‘San Giorgio’ ........................................................................... PAG. 39 Acer buergerianum .................................................................................................... PAG. 40 Platanor ‘Vallis Clausa’ .............................................................................................. PAG. 41

A GUIDE TO ITALIAN NURSERIES ..................................................................... PAG. 42


Editor-in-chief: Massimo Casolaro ( Executive editor: Renato Ferretti (

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Pag. 3 • Lineaverde International January 2015


Vannucci Piante applies the code of ethics to daily procedures with the highest environmental certifications.

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A stronger nursery to face the challenges of globalisation Marco Cappellini is the new President of ANVE, Italy’s national association of nursery-stock exporters (Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori) the only Italian nursery association operating at national and international level. We met with him to talk about the state of the industry and the role that ANVE intends to play.

Marco Cappellini, new President of ANVE. Marco Cappellini, le nouveau président d’ANVE Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori (Association Nationale des Pépiniéristes Exportateurs). Marco Cappellini, Der neue ANVE-Vorstandsvorsitzende – Nationalverband der exportierenden Baumschuler.

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Marco Cappellini est le nouveau Président de l’Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori (Association Nationale Pépiniéristes Exportateurs). Nous l’avons rencontré et avons fait le point sur la situation du secteur et le rôle que l’Association l’ANVE souhaite exercer au niveau national et international.

arco Cappellini, 54 years old, became the General Manager of the Giorgio Tesi Group based in Pistoia in 2007, after a career specializing in bank financing for the agro-alimentary chain spanning 26 years. On Friday, 27 June, he became the new President of ANVE, Italy’s national association of nurserystock exporters. He was elected by common assent during the meeting held in Catania. The ANVE is the only national association of nurserymen operating at national and international level and it was founded by the operators of the sector interested in accessing more specific information regarding their activity and participating in sectorial consultation groups, both in Italy and Europe, as well as outside the EU. For two years, ANVE has also been holding the presidency of ENA (European Nursery Stock Association), the international association that for over twenty years has been representing the European world of nurseries.


What can you tell us about the current economic situation of nurseries in Europe? The sector is experiencing the

Marco Cappellini ist der neue Vorstandsvorsitzende des italienischen Nationalverbands für exportierende Baumschuler. Wir haben ihn interviewt und mit ihm den aktuellen Stand der Branche festgehalten sowie die Rolle definiert, die er Verband ANVE auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene ausüben will.

effects of economic crisis that initially hit Mediterranean countries and now has extended also to Northern Europe. Plants are not a primary need, therefore the crisis has decreased demand. On top of economic difficulties, wars in countries in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and the Eastern bloc are limiting trade. In addition, Europe has overproduced, and new emerging countries are increasing competition. Despite this, the in-

ternational scenario is seeing an increase in exports to countries such as Turkey, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The latter in particular necessitates a rethinking of production and logistics in the industry. Demand has grown in these countries but other obstacles exist, such as climate, distance and, in particular, customs and very rigid plant protection regulations. The European nursery industry must


ANVE - Italy’s national association of nursery-stock exporters ANVE - Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori, is the only Italian association of nurserymen operating at national and international level. Even if aware of the strategic importance of exports, ANVE is not aimed only at the nursery-stock exporters, but operates to protect the interests of all the Italian operators of the sector to whom it offers support, protection, and representation services for Italian nurseries to dialogue with national and foreign institutions. The association was founded by operators of the sector interested in accessing more specific information regarding their activity and participating in sectorial consultation groups, both in Italy and Europe, as well as outside of the EU. Who can benefit ANVE is aimed at all Italian nurseries interested in having a greater voice in dealings with national institutions, companies interested in internationalising their market and approaching exports with a greater competitive edge, and who want to achieve visibility and opportunity facilitated by the work team, instruments and facilitations, within an expert and organised network of professionals. The board • President: Marco Cappellini • Vice President: Leonardo Capitanio • Treasurer: Renzo Spagnesi • Members of the board: Mario Faro, Giorgio Delfino, Antonino Giambò, Gianpietro d’Adda • Secretary: Edoardo Sciutti

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become more aware of its importance and become united as a team with institutions in order to overcome the hindrances preventing its growth. The quality and knowhow of our production must be recognized, protected and promoted by the European Union, especially in regard to fierce competition in some countries and protectionist regulations. What can we expect from ANVE for the coming years? The priority I just mentioned: to have a common European strategy to provide a uniform and efficient response to industry

problems. But I would like to add that I will direct my efforts substantially in three directions: strengthening territorial representation, unity and growth. On the first point, from the first meeting in September, we will extend the representation of ANVE to almost all Italian regions. It is time to build bridges in a sector that has been divided for a long time. If we do not unite to address these major problems, global competition will wipe us out. By growth I mean a battle of raising awareness among institutions for greater recognition in this sector. The nursery sector is still

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considered a branch of the agrifood industry. This sector, instead, has very diverse dynamics and needs that cannot be assimilated into agri-food industry policies. Until now, we have been able to provide excellent services like coverage of damages caused by natural disasters, training and information on technical and legal aspects, consultation and plant protection assistance, marketing support and internationalisation. We are already developing services for the near future linked to the physicality and relations with the banking world and we can







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offer member companies financial products tailored to the industry's needs. How do you intend for ANVE to work with the districts and local nursery associations? With the utmost openness and willingness. The objectives and the mission I have just described. All help is welcome. All companies, including non-exporting companies, can help by joining us to form a critical mass for dealings with institutions. Associations and districts are fundamental organisations, with existing structures. With them we can take a leap forward in terms of quality of representation, offering them services, professionals and a presence in groups that matter. We would like to represent the needs of nurseries. For this reason in upcoming months we will embark upon a campaign to listen to members and Italian nurseries to set up a direct channel between ANVE and the industry. It is clear that we are in what is proving to be a long period of downturn in consumption, what initiatives should be implemented on a national and European level to sustain consumption of flowers and plants and to sustain the commercial activity of nurseries? First and foremost we need to implement a culture of plants. But we can only do this with political support. As long as plants are considered to be secondary and ornamental items, it will not be possible to underscore their true value. Research, on the other hand, shows the usefulness of plants in the environment, even in cities, not just for beauty or oxygen they product, but also to cool the city. Plants can also per-

mit energy saving if used wisely. Powerful campaigns are therefore needed to boost the green conscience of people and institutions. But these things can only happen through joint efforts that group all industry operators. In this case, I would like to see the growth of a "green" movement that unites the entire pipeline of nurseries, companies, garden centres, landscape architects, gardeners and companies that produce and sell machinery and agricultural products. It is clear that to maintain an adequate level of global competitiveness, production needs to be defined. There are measures that also need to be implemented on a European level in order to promote recovery in consumption in the public and private plant industry? Recognition of national and European products guaranteeing the origin and quality of plants is called for. We also need more univocal industry policies and, as far as Italy is concerned, we need an increase in research into varieties which accounts for almost all of the demand from other countries, the Netherlands and France first and foremost. Lastly, we need to place much greater value on a determining aspect for the quality of our production and for the protection of the environment: certification. Many nurseries have invested heavily into reorganising production processes based on ecoefficiency and have promoted among their staff a more sensitive culture towards the environment . Certification does not have to be a brand but, in global competition, it must become added value for the European companies who have invested in

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Maurizio Lapponi hands over the position to Marco Cappellini. La transition entre Maurizio Lapponi et Marco Cappellini. Die AmtsĂźbergabe zwischen Maurizio Lapponi und Marco Cappellini.

it. And institutions must do much more to recognize these strengths, placing value on these companies and defending the culture of eco-sustainability that has been established. What role do you think the European Union needs to play to provide concrete oversight over the spread of plant parasites? More accurate controls are needed for plants coming from outside the EC. Circulation of goods poses problems, but there is no room for mistakes. Just look at the problems brought about by the red weevil on palms or the Asian Longhorned Beetle on trees. It is unacceptable that our companies hold environmental certification and state-of-the-art systems for controlling the quality of plants, yet they are continually subject to inspections when, at the same time, goods coming into Europe are not receiving the same attention, with the risk that diseased plants might be brought in, perhaps directly from a country in Europe. â–


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Community gardens: urban green spaces in times of economic crisis Different cities the world over are seeing a new approach to the creation of urban green spaces, in which these spaces are managed directly by the citizens themselves. It is an approach that is undermining established models. Two recent surveys investigating this phenomenon have highlighted its ethical and aesthetic value. Eine neue Art, urbane Grünflächen zu gestalten, kann man weltweit in verschiedenen Städten erkennen. Gemeint sind die von den Bürgern in Eigeninitiative gepflegten Grünflächen. Diese Gemeinwesensarbeit hat konsolidierte Modelle ins Wanken gebracht. Zwei aktuelle Essays untersuchen die Thematik und zeigen den ethischen und ästhetischen Wert.

On constate une nouvelle façon de « faire du vert urbain » dans de nombreuses villes du monde entier. C’est le vert autogéré par les habitants. Une méthode qui met en crise les modèles consolidés. Deux récents essais l’analysent et en démontrent la valeur éthique et esthétique.

have to admit that I have always been rather skeptical about all those grassroots initiatives, selfmanaged or springing up spontaneously, whose aim is to create gardens, play areas and specially equipped open spaces within cities. As a landscape architect, my personal view has always been that the quality of urban green spaces should be entrusted to professionals – that they should be designed by qualified landscape designers and managed by a firstrate gardens department, in the traditional way. Hence the concerns I expressed over the Gilles


Clément’s “third landscape” idea which, I felt, could ultimately leave green areas unmanaged, should it prove to correspond to spatially and temporally circumscribed phenomena, rather as community gardens can. Today, however, it is clear that we have to explore every possible opportunity for making our cities better places to live in. No idea should be dismissed out of hand! There are practically no community gardens that would qualify for a place in a book on the art of gardening. They are, rather, interventions that would feature more ap-

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propriately among case studies that may be considered useful points of reference for designing public areas, especially in critical settings. This is indeed what can be deduced from a superficial analysis, but if we probe this topic in more depth we find that these spontaneous initiatives actually serve to counter degradation and are an immediate response to situations that often seem beyond repair. A community garden is, in fact, any piece of land that is cared for by a group of people: its location may be urban, suburban or rural; it can be used to grow

Hyllie Plaza, Malmö, Andersson.

flowers, vegetables or whole land plots. In other words, it can be located anywhere and can be an opportunity for social and urban redevelopment. The American Association of Community Gardens has drawn up a list of the benefits offered by these gardens and here we mention just some of them: they make districts more attractive, produce healthy food, cut families’ food costs, preserve resources, preserve green areas, create opportunities for recreation, boost people’s self-esteem and so on. It is no coincidence that in many of these experiences we

find leading figures from the landscape design world as well as artists contributing to the creation of true gardens. It is no coincidence that James Corner’s renowned High Line, an enormously successful work in the landscaping field in recent years, started out as a typical community garden, before rapidly evolving into the international landscaping masterpiece of the present century. It is therefore perhaps worth studying these phenomena and comparing them with scientific rigour, no longer seeing them as isolated, episodic phenomena

linked to fleeting moments and situations, but rather striving to form an overview of all the different approaches. Anna Lambertini recently published an essay providing an exhaustive examination of these experiences. In URBAN BEAUTY! Luoghi prossimi e pratiche di resistenza estetica, the brilliant and renowned Florentine landscapist offers us a systematic and complete account of the spontaneous landscaping experiences that have sprung up all over the world. This 252-page text, being clearly writ-


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1. All People's garden - 293, 295 East 3rd Street, New York. 2. Kenkeleba House Garden - 212 3rd Street, Manhattan. 3.High line, New York, J. Corner. 4. Liz Christy Bowery-Houston Garden110 East Houston Street At Bowery, Manhattan. 5. Dalston, Londra, J & L Gibbons 6. Rotterdam, Afrikaanderplein, Okra.





ten and well organised, leaves even the most reluctant reader fully acquainted with everything that is going on in this field. To make sure we faithfully convey the author’s ideas we here present the key to understanding of this field that she furnishes and the six categories – six design objectives for creating urban landscapes – into which she divides these emblematic cases: 1. Working in close proximity, 2. Cultivating the imagination, 3.Getting involved, 4. Reinventing smaller places, 5. Encouraging urban nature, 6. Bringing out constellations of open spaces. Obviously, in just a few lines it is very difficult to sum up all the ways in which urban areas can be structured, organised, designed, managed and experienced by the urban population. There exist countless examples and Anna Lambertini carefully selects 44 cases, which she classifies into the six types mentioned above, thereby providing a broad and comprehensive overview allowing the reader to gain an understanding of this exceptional phenomenon, i.e. redevelopment of cities through the spontaneous intervention of the citizens. These are experiences that are often underestimated but that in times of economic crisis

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should be not just taken into consideration but actively encouraged and revived, precisely because of their inherent moral value and desire for beauty – URBAN BEAUTY to be precise! “The projects, experiences and places gathered together in this book, - writes the author – in giving an account of the many different ways of interpreting the idea of beauty in everyday public places, add up to a heterogeneous collection of opportunities ‘for doing’. The reader can take it as an open collection of concrete utopias, bearing witness to the different ways in which ugly and decayed urban areas can be changed for the better: either reshaping them through more or less complex design processes, or encouraging new forms of management of them, and in any case setting them within a new set of values.” This new vision of urban spaces probably undermines many certainties and the centuries-old way of operating to which we are so attached, but the crisis hanging over us raises new questions and demands new solutions. Let’s not remain chained to the past, but rather welcome and exploit the freshness and sensitivity offered by a new generation of landscapers! ■


The Botanical Gardens of Padua and the Biodiversity Garden Vor kurzem wurde der neue “Garten der Biodiversität” innerhalb des Botanischen Gartens von Padua, dem weltweit ältesten Botanischen Garten einer Universität, eröffnet: so setzt sich die im Jahr 1545 begonnene Tradition der Erforschung der pflanzlichen Artenvielfalt fort. Eine fundamentale Rolle, wenn man bedenkt, dass nur 10% der auf der Welt vorkommenden Pflanzenarten bekannt sind, indes geschätzt wird, dass jeden Tag Hunderte von unbekannten Arten aussterben. On a inauguré récemment le nouveau « Jardin de la Biodiversité » du Jardin botanique de Padoue, le plus ancien jardin botanique universitaire au monde : c’est ainsi que se poursuit une tradition de recherche sur les espèces végétales qui a commencé en 1545. Un rôle fondamental, si on considère que l’on connait seulement 10% des espèces végétales qui existent sur la Terre, tandis que l’on estime que des centaines d’espèces jamais connues disparaissent chaque jour.

The new Biodiversity Garden at the Botanical Garden of Padua. Le nouveau Jardin des biodiversités du Jardin Botanique de Padoue. Der neue Garten der Biodiversität des Botanischen Gartens von Padua.

The Botanical Gardens of Padua, the oldest university botanical gardens in the world, has recently inaugurated its new "Biodiversity Garden ", continuing its tradition of research into vegetable species that began in 1545. This role is fundamental considering that just 10% of plant species on earth are known, while it is estimated that approximately one hundred species that were never known become extinct every day.

uring the Flormart fair in 2014, we visited the Botanical Gardens of Padua on the eve of the inauguration of the new “Biodiversity Garden”. Padua's botanical garden is the oldest scientific garden that has maintained its original location. Located between the two largest basilicas in the city, an urban nucleus and the Universities that established it in the first place have grown up around it, making it a leading centre of the arts and economical force in the north of Italy, and one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. The Botanical Garden was recognised by UNESCO, which in 1997 included it on the World Heritage List, designating it as a protected cultural site, recognising it as "the original of all botanical gardens throughout the world,” and as having made a profound contribution to the development of many scientific disciplines (notably botany, medicine, chemistry, pharmacy and ecology). Today, the Garden leads a network of international relations that share a foundation for dialogue in the Edinburgh conference, setting out guidelines for protecting and developing historic botanical gar-


The Garden in numbers 1545: date of foundation 1586: the oldest plant in the Garden is Goethe's Palm (Chaemerops humilis) 50: the species preserved in the germplasm at a temperature of -18 °C 1997: the date the historic garden became a UNESCO heritage site 6,000: the plant species grown at the historic garden 1300: the species in the Biodiversity Garden 110 meters: the length of the new greenhouses. 1.5 hectares: the area of the biodiversity garden 1,050 meters: the surface area of the Pensile garden that produces 766,500 litres of oxygen 450,000 litres: the capacity of the rain water tank 33,933 kg: the quantity of carbon dioxide not emitted into the atmosphere using solar energy 3,643,722 litres: the volume of rain water recovered in a year 52,205 kWh: the electrical energy produced in a year by the photovoltaic system

dens. With the inauguration of the new Biodiversity Garden, the botanical gardens in Padua are undergoing what is probably its greatest transformation in more than 450 years of history. Not just because it increases the area designated for the plants and the public by approximately 70%, from 22,000 to 37,000 square metres, and not even just because of the new super technological construction of

the greenhouses, with their massive and at the same time harmonious size. With this important work, the University of Padua has undertaken the task of reinventing its role, responding to the needs of a changing world, without compromising its identity and history. The challenge today is to launch this important heritage into the future, transforming the oldest university botanical garden in the world into a fulcrum of research activity and the dissemination of scientific thought and environmental awareness. We took a look at the garden's history to appreciate the importance of this new project.

The history of the botanical garden since 1545 The Botanical Garden of Padua was founded in 1545 for the cultivation of medicinal plants, which at that time constituted the majority of officinal preparations of plant origin. The Garden became an important example of the new scientific interest spreading throughout Europe in the 16th

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1 century, an era when botanists began to study plants not just for their medicinal properties, but also as complete organisms. Students of medicine could, therefore, learn about and correctly identify plants by examining live examples as opposed to drawings, as was previously the case. A few years after its founding, in 1552, because officinal plants were precious and could be used improperly, a circular wall with gates was soon built (Hortus cinctus) to discourage night-time theft. By the end of the 16th century, more than a thousand species were being cultivated, including species that were not necessarily medicinal. In fact, thanks to the notable expansion of commerce with the Republic of Venice, the Garden housed many new, exotic plants, which were cultivated for the first time a long way from their original habitat and later disseminated throughout Europe. Today, approximately 6,000 plants grow at the gardens. The Garden also has plants dating to its early years: a greenhouse protects a Mediterranean Palm (Chamaerops humilis) planted in 1568 and described by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, an Oriental Plane planted in 1680 and a Ginkgo biloba planted in 1750, unusually bisexual be-


5 cause the original male plant has had a female branch grafted to its trunk.

An international competition for a new greenhouse A tangible threat to the waterbearing stratum of the ancient botanical gardens at the end of the Nineties prompted the University of Padua to embark on a campaign to raise awareness of the biological future of the Garden. After a special law was approved, allocating important economic resources to measures to protect the Botanical Garden and develop new didactic and scientific initiatives, in 2003 the area where the new greenhouses stand was pur-

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6 chased. An international competition was instituted to design the greenhouses, and 29 multiple-disciplinary groups from all around the world took part. 15 were selected to draw up a preliminary project. The international panel that evaluated the projects, giving consideration to the impact on the delicate sub-surface stratum and the cultural and didactic approach, proclaimed the winner in 2005 as the project by architect Giorgio Strappazzon from the offices of VS Associati. Once the working drawings and the authorisations were completed, work to construct the new Biodiversity Garden began in 2010, and it was opened to the public on 16 September 2014.


1. The entrance to the Botanical Garden of Padua flanked by two magnolias planted in 1800. 2. The Garden with the Basilica of St. Anthony behind it. 3. The pool with subtropical aquatic plants. 4. The subtropical greenhouse seen from above. 5. Collection of succulent plants. 6. Greenhouse protecting a Mediterranean palm planted in 1568 and described by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The project The Garden's biodiversity greenhouses contain a large display: a perfect section of the globe running from the equator spreading out towards the poles. It spans more favourable conditions for life, abundant humidity and high temperatures permitting the growth of rain forest, through to the most extreme conditions, where cold and lack of moisture makes life almost impossible. The theme of water is the garden's leitmotif. Since it first opened, the entrance to the Botanical Garden was across a bridge over the Alicorno canal, one of the oldest water ways in the city. The new visitor centre overlooks this same


1. L’entrée dans le Jardin Botanique de Padoue sur les côtés de laquelle se trouvent deux magnolias plantées en 1800. 2. Le jardin avec au dos la Basilique de Sainte Antoine. 3. Le bassin avec les plantes aquatiques de la zone subtropicale. 4. La serre subtropicale vue du haut. 5. La collection de plantes grasses. 6. La serre qui protège un Chamaerops humilis planté en 1568 et mentionné par Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

canal. The fountains and pools of aquatic plants, as well as the historic hydraulic machine that once brought water to the Garden, are key points of reference in the project; in fact, a line of water separates old from modern. The entire new greenhouse building was designed to recover rain water. It consists of the water reserve which on the one hand feeds the waterfalls and pools, and on the other permits vaporization of the water inside the greenhouses to maintain climatic parameters. Now as then: water as a need and as responsibility. The building was designed and constructed to minimise environmental impact: a 100 m long and 18 m high glass show-

1. Der Eingang des Botanischen Gartens von Padua, flankiert von zwei im Jahr 1800 gepflanzten Magnolien. 2. Im Hintergrund des Gartens die St.-Antonius-Basilika. 3. Das Wasserbecken mit Wasserpflanzen aus den Subtropen. 4. Das Subtropen-Haus von oben gesehen. 5. Sukkulenten-Sammlung. 6. Ein Treibhaus zum Schutz einer Chamaerops Humilis (Zwergpalme), die 1568 gepflanzt worden war und schon von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe erwähnt wurde.

case in which shape, layout of the space and installations have been optimised to fully exploit the natural energy of the sun.

The exhibitions The Garden does not represent the planet from the viewpoint of man or the animal kingdom, attention is instead shifted to the various forms of plant life. Information panels, films, interactive displays and exhibits recount how the intelligence of plants and the intelligence of humans have coevolved in parallel. Plants tell of their ageold relationship with man: used to nourish, treat or construct the objects which make up our history.


Pag. 19 • Lineaverde International January 2015


7. The tropical forest greenhouse. 8. The new area of the Garden in front of the Basilica of St. Giustina. 9. The outdoor nymph pools connecting with the building and fed by the fountains located on the façade of the large building.

7. La serre de la forêt tropicale. 8. La nouvelle zone du Jardin avec au dos la basilique de SainteJustine. 9. Les bassins externes des nénuphars en communication avec la structure et alimentés par les fontaines qui se trouvent sur la façade de la grande structure.

7 7. Das Treibhaus des Tropenwaldes. 8. Der neue Bereich des Gartens mit im Hintergrund die Sankt-GiustinaBasilika. 9. Die mit dem Gebäude verbundenen Seerosen-Außenbecken werden von den Brunnen an der Gebäudefassade gespeist.

The more than 1,300 species live in environments sharing the same humidity and temperature characteristics, simulating the climatic conditions of the planet's biomes: from tropical to sub-humid, temperate and arid zones. The 5 new greenhouses, located in a gallery of glass and steel, reflect biomes and the position of the plants in each environment and of the aquatic plant lake reflects a phytogeographic division, a voyage through the Earth's vegetation the tropical forest, the savannah and the subtropics, the temperate zone, the Mediterranean climate and the desert. The visitor can immediately see a representation of the richness (or poverty) of biodiversity present in each climatic zone. A special path winds through the large building where visitors can get lost among the many varieties while experiencing the surrounding landscape. ■ Pag. 20 • Lineaverde International January 2015



Lineaverde News JANUARY 2015

FEM mapping temperature levels across Europe for the past 12 years The Edmund Mach Foundation has developed a new method for creating high resolution images of temperatures on the Earth’s surface. Most particularly this model supplies unprecedented detail of temperature levels across Europe via satellite data readings of heat levels at a spatial resolution of 250 metres four FEM (Fondation Edmund Mach) times a day for the past 12 years. All in all a total of 3500 billion pieces of data cartographie la température de have been gathered and logged by the GIS platform and by the Research and toute l’Europe des 12 dernières Innovation Centre with the new dataset EuroLST. This animated map can be années viewed on-line at The new EuroLST dataset is integral and contains no interruptions or gaps, with four frames at a spatial resolution (pixel size) of 250 metres made available each day. This new approach to mapping has been applied to the entire continent of Europe for 12 years. Currently this new series of time-related data is far above the normal level of detail provided by other datasets in use. As a result studies regarding new plant diseases, estimates of parasitic risk, studies on biodiversity, temperature anomaly forecasts and agricultural surveys can now be carried out on a continental scale while still maintaining high spatial and temporal resolution. The EuroLST dataset is supplied in an open access format offering the information collected to all scientists and in general enthusiasts who may be interested in GIS maps that can be freely downloaded ( In an attempt to simplify integrated operations with existing applications, aggregate data is supplied depending on the variables of the famous Bioclim dataset. ■

FEM verzeichnet die Temperaturen ganz Europas der letzten 12 Jahre

A record-breaking hanging garden in Singapore The biggest hanging garden in the world is located in Singapore. Created on the facade of the “Tree House” a resÀ Singapour un jardin vertical idential sky-scraper, 24-storeys qui bat tous les records high, this green wall has won its place in the "Guinness Book of World Records" for its enormous size. It covers a surface of 2,289 sq.m and is estimated to have the potential to save more than $500,000 in energy and water costs. The hanging garden was built by City Developments Limited and is capable of reducing the carbon footprint of the building by filtering pollutants and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This in turn reduces heat absorption and therefore also the energy necessary to cool the apartments inside. ■

Ein vertikaler Garten der Superlative in Singapur

Pag. 22 • Lineaverde International Januray 2015

Availability of potted plants

Careful selection of materials for transplanting.

Use of stakes for planned growth and pruning

Automatic irrigation systems

TARGET : Q UALITY A passion for things green and the knowledge that we must provide a service which is in line with demand are the elements which explain the growth of our company. More than 100 hectares of nursery, where these systems can be

seen: growing young plants, transplanting, potted trees, and a wide range of essentials. Always on the look-out for quality and professionalism, in the last ten years we have developed greatly both in Italy and overseas.

Lineaverde News Massimo Matteini, an expert and enthusiastic horticulturalist Massimo Matteini, ein leidenschaftlicher und kompetenter Baumschuler

Massimo Matteini, pépiniériste passionné et compétent

For me Massimo was a true friend; a sensitive, kind and good man who was an expert and enthusiastic horticulturalist. His passing has left us all bereft, especially his loving wife and the children he adored. The concrete proof of how well he sowed during his lifetime and the kind person that he was could be seen in the affection demonstrated by all those who knew him and have come from far and wide to pay their respects at his funeral. I first met him at IPM Essen many years ago, you could tell right away that he had a passion for his work and for the cultivation of roses, as well as expertise in presenting the characteristics of different ornamental plants and his enthusiasm and constant search for something new not only in terms of variety but also in the types of cultivation. His passion for roses took him the length and breath of Italy and brought him into contact with admirers of this beautiful plant and most particularly to Coniolo, a town that today, fifteen years after the first edition of “Riso e Rose” (rice and roses), owes its “colourful” reputation to the roses that Massimo introduced here; so much so that it became "the town of roses" and he became an honorary citizen. In the main park there is a border of rose bushes that bears his name – Matteini – and each year it supplies an annual spectacle for all who come to admire it. It may seem absurd, but Massimo always had ideas and plans for the future and wanted to work even harder with his roses and plants on behalf of more discerning customers eager for novelty in their gardens. I will never forget the sweet expression on his face when he talked of family and work and friendship. Nor can I forget his passion for football and for the Fiorentina football club. For all these reasons, I think Max will remain with us and in the hearts of many, all that immense crowd that attended his funeral will take away with them a moment or a feeling to remember, and I know Massimo would be happy as are his wife Cristina and sons Alessandro and Giovanni, who would like to thank you for being here with them. Renato Ferretti

Istat: public green spaces grow in Italy's cities According to national statistics released by the ISTAT Institute into the "quality of the urban environment" in 2013, the area occupied by parks, lawns and gardens in Italy’s provincial capitals has grown on average by almost 1% per year, gaining 6 sq.m per citizen in the last decade. Today there is an average 32 sq.m of green per inhabitant. This is provided by solutions such as hanging gardens, “green walls”, roof gardens and of course urban gardens: all new forms of green that are not restricted to limited areas available in cities, but which creep among the architecture in new and original ways penetrating the spaces and crevices made in the texture of the buildings. This has brought with it many advantages, ranging from the reduction of the thermal delta effect and in the quantity of particulates in the air to a noticeable reduction in the flow of rainwater, crucial in a country like ours where an astonishing 6,633 local communities have been accessed as being at risk of landslides, not to mention the importance of aesthetic impact and biodiversity. ■

Pag. 24 • Lineaverde International Januray 2015

Istat – das Italienische Nationalamt für Statistik: in Italien nehmen die öffentlichen Grünflächen in den Städten zu Istat : le vert public augmente en ville

30th edition of Végétal in Angers

30. Salon du Végétal in Angers

Le 30ème Salon du The 30th edition of the Salon du Végétal à Angers Végétal being held in Angers, France from 17th to 19th February 2015 has the dramatic theme of “Let’s surround ourselves with greenery”. An important event for the flower and plant sector (growers, landscape gardeners, parks and greenery managers, florists, supermarkets and buyers from specialist mass distribution chains), the Salon du Végétal offers three days of discovery in an event that is unique in France. The exhibition will feature saplings, seeds and seedling plants, trees, bushes, potted plants, hedges, cut flowers, indoor plants, perennials and bulbs as well as substratum, planters, greenhouses etc. Fifteen thousand visitors from France and other countries are expected to flock to the 2015 edition featuring 550 exhibitors from France and the rest of the world. Hashtag #Salon du Végétal 2015 invites us to sample the delights of a full immersion in the heart of a world made up of flowers and plants brought together under the same roof: Salon du Végétal. ■

Florall:everything in a day Florall is the most important Florall findet an einem trade fair in Belgium for ornaeinzigen Tag statt mental plants, cut flowers and Belgian arboriculturists: a busiFlorall se déroulera ness hub for international proen un seul jour ducers of ornamental plants and cut flowers and important suppliers of other plants and horticultural products. Over 150 professional growers present their quality products to equally professional visitors. Florall organizes two exhibitions annually: in early March and late August lasting two days. Now, after the positive feed back that followed the latest edition of the event that adopted the new "all-in-one day," format Florall has chosen to continue along the same lines. Therefore, the spring fair will take place in just one day on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, from 9:00 to 19:00, as usual at the Flanders Expo Centre (Hall 2 and 4), Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Ghent, Belgium. ■

Lineaverde News Here is the orchard in a "wall" that requires fewer chemicals The sustainable orchard model format being tested at the Edmund Mach Foundation has been given its own seminar, during which fruit growers were introduced to the concept and saw first hand the benefits Voici le verger sur « mur » qui a besoin de moins de of a narrow wall training system and chimie multifunctional networks. This is one of the challenges of the Mach Foundation has set itself: minimizing the impact of agricultural methods in order to safeguard human health, the environment and our planet’s natural resources. A new model orchard with a special narrow wall, multi-axis cultivation system, shorter than the traditional spindle, manageable without the use of cherry-pickers or ladders and much safer for operators as well as requiring fewer chemical treatments. By using green pruning and multi-stem plants you obtain an orchard consisting of low, narrow rows that opens up a host of technical possibilities ranging from the mechanization of thinning and weeding operations, summer and winter pruning windows and the use of sprayers. ■

Ein Wand-Obsthain, für den weniger Chemie nötig ist

A future for "bio" solutions in the fight against the red palm weevil Der künftige "biologische" Kampf gegen den Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Palmrüssler) Un futur « bio » dans la lutte contre le charançon Rouge There were over 120 participants in the day-long, in-depth technical and scientific convention entitled “Who will stop the red palm weevil?”, which was held in Bordighera in the Italian province of Liguria. The meeting was held to take stock of the current state of research in the biological control of pests that attack palm trees and the various meth-

ods used in the field to counteract their spread. The report by Dr. Roberto Cavicchini, from the Liguria Regional Plant Protection Service, pointed out that last year alone in the region there were 1,200 cases of affected palms reported in that region alone (all canariensis, except a few cases of dactylifera in Bordighera), however 6,000 specimens have been affected in southern France in the last two years. There has been a significant increase in the number of cases of red palm weevil infestation, while last November in Ventimiglia, two cases of palms affected by Paysandisia archon, a “pretty” butterfly, coming from South America and fearsome predator of some species in particular the dwarf palm were found. European sanitary regulations ban the use of pesticides in urban environments and as a result research has focused on the use of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes (small organisms that

occur naturally in nature and are effective in the control of several widespread species of insects that damage crops). The possibility of introducing natural enemies, such as fungi, bacteria and nematodes, is one of the most ecologically friendly hypotheses, however this is “far from easy to achieve given the dangers inherent in introducing a new body into an established ecosystem which might unbalance the whole” say the team of researchers based in Florence and led by Valeria Francardi. The Sanremo CRA, however, is studying the natural defense mechanisms in palms other than canariensis, the host plant preferred by these creatures and found in different species of palms in the Mediterranean. “In particular, molecules were found in Washingtonia filifera that may be associated with the lower susceptibility to the weevil this species has demonstrated” said Doctor Benedetta Cangelosi from Sanremo. ■

A New home for Nippon Tree Since 1996 Nippon Tree has been one of the major centers in Italy and Europe supplying exclusive, high quality, Japanese macro bonsai known as “Niwaki” (giant bonsai garden) to wholesalers, professionals, gardeners and garden centers. The company occupies a 20,000 square meters site full of pot-grown plants and a further 60,000 square metres of field cultivation. Every year Nouveau siège the company has a range of about 3,000 large bonsai, unique and exclusive specimens over 100 pour Nippon Tree years old and commercial plants in various sizes and shapes: Taxus Cuspidata, Pinus Pentaphylla, Ilex Crenata Gold Gem, Juniperus chinensis spp, Podocarpus, Camellia Sasanqua, Chamaecyparis Obtusa, Azalea Satszuki, Enkianthus Perulatus, black pine, Pinus Densiflora and Pinus Sylvestris. Nippon Tree has now re-located to new premises at 47, Via Monguzzo, 22040, Anzano del Parco (40km from Milan and 12 km from Como) - Tel +39 349.4052291 - +39 347.2857622 - e-mail: - www.nippontree. en ■

Neuer Firmensitz für Nippon Tree

Pag. 27 • Lineaverde International Januray 2015

Lineaverde News In north east Italy, the Ortogiardino show heralds the springtime This popular and much loved event, which has taken place in the heart of north eastern Italy, has been attracting spectators from all over Northern Italy, Slovenia and Croatia for 36 years. Ortogiardino uses a format that alternates special interest trade stands (300 exhibitors) with spectacular displays and thematic events that continue to offer the public a warm welcome and OrtoGiardino, est au Nord-est an engaging atmosphere. Ortogiardino, which takes place at the 35,000 sq.m Pordenone le spectacle du printemps Exhibition Centre, is aimed at nurseries, growers, manufacturers and retailers of gardening equipment and products, bulbs and seeds, equipment for gardens and parks and outdoor furniture and decorative elements. Last year saw more than 66,000 visitors come to Pordenone (up slightly from last year), of which 14% were from other countries such as Slovenia, Croatia and Austria consisting of individual visitors as well as group trips to the event being organized by travel agencies. Since the last edition, Ortogiardino, already a leading event for gardening enthusiasts has been transformed into a real life reference point for Italian landscape gardening. At the centre of this new departure is the Festival of Gardens, an event within the event that thanks to its unique format has brought together the concepts of landscape designers with the practical skills of nurserymen. Now at its fourth edition, the Festival of Gardens, showcases the best ideas and success stories in the field of small gardens, using themes that vary from year to year. The theme for 2015 will be Ortogiardino: "Armonia e Botanica in Giardino (Harmony and Botanic in the Garden)" and reflects two characteristic gardening concepts that together are able to create different settings and ideas. The projects, selected by a panel of experts, will be brought to life at the next edition of Ortogiardino where visitors will be offered the opportunity to see them and to visit the numerous stands featuring themes connected to gardening and horticulture. Full details about the competition and all the information on how to participate are available on, Registration is free and it a refund as well as 100 complimentary tickets will be available for projects selected to participate in the show. â–

OrtoGiardino ist im Nordosten ein FrĂźhlingsspektakel

Myplant & Garden launch a new event for flower and plant nurseries and gardens Myplant & Garden eine neue der Blumen- und Pflanzenzucht sowie der Gartengestaltung gewidmete Veranstaltung Myplant & Garden une nouvelle manifestation dédiée à la floriculture et au jardin Hosted at Milan’s Exhibition Centre in Rho Pero, a new event dedicated to gardening and plant cultivation is scheduled to take place from 25th to 27th February 2015. The fair will have a B2B orientation and has ambitions of growing into a main attraction for exhibitors and sector insiders from both Italy and abroad. The exhibition will centre around a display of indoor and outdoor plants and cut blooms. Alongside this hub there will be an array of technical products (soils, planters, seeds, greenhouses etc.) for gardeners and growers as well as services for the industry (hardware, software, administration and management tools etc.) a display of equipment and machinery for gardening and green husbandry. Ln addition there will be an important section dealing with large and small construction projects for the garden. From the very beginning this event has been designed to cover a wide geographical and climatic area. The organisers, who together with the consortium of businesses promoting the show, have already met with local and national organisations, consortiums, individual businesses and groups from all over Italy and the results have been very encouraging. With a database containing 16,000 entries, the objective is to offer companies operating in the industry access to their target consumers as well as greater opportunities to grow their activity in both the public and private sectors. The event, which will take place annually, consists of six exhibit sectors: nurseries, cut flowers, technical supplies, services, gardening equipment and machinery and garden construction. ■

Lineaverde News Flora Trade in Rimini: a Workshop and Show on Nursery cultivation In 2015 two events focusing on the world of horticulture will be held at the Rimini Trade Fair Centre: Flora Trade Workshop, an international workshop to promote the horticultural industry (February 25th to 27th) and Flora Trade Show, the international exhibition of horticulture and landscape gardening (16th – 18th September). The first has many features of a B2B event; a very lean formula, based on organizing meetings between top buyers, trade and producers alongside conventions and marFlora Trade à Rimini, ket analysis. The second is a genuine expo, impressive and articulated to cover Workshop et Show many different areas. Consortiums, trade associations and mainstream media will sur la floriculture be involved so word will spread to a wide range of companies active in the nursery business in Italy and abroad. This is an important project, undertaken in collaboration with a number of consortiums and Florasì Florconsorzi, which aims to involve the entire supply chain, from production to sales and appealing to all operators and relevant stakeholders in the sector. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is

Flora Trade in Rimini, Workshop und Show zum Thema Blumenund Pflanzenzucht

becoming involved in strategic partnerships with the most important associations and producers. For the launch of the project a number of strategic media initiatives are being planned: an ADV campaign in Italian and international trade publications, Italian/overseas media relations activities put into the capable hands of Italy’s most important communications agency, Barabino & Partners, the activation of a social media team that will share the contents of the two events and information on companies linked to the website, on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and the web TV and YouTube channel Rimini Fiera. ■


From Acer to Zelkowa, all graft plants. Full collection of Wisteria.

Via della Chiesina, 40 – 51100 Santomato (Pistoia) Tel/Fax: 0573-47 97 69 Mail: -

Pag. 30 • Lineaverde International Januray 2015

Flora Toscana presents its IPM Essen 2015 novelty variety Burgundy Sunset Flora Toscana Soc. Agr. Coop., the Italian cooperative of growers specialized in the cultivation of Proteas in pots, will be attending for the 11th time the next edition of the IPM in Essen -D-, the world’s leading trade fair in the horticulture sector counting over 55.000 visitors and over 1500 exhibitors in 2014’s edition. This year among its wide assortment of pot Proteas Flora Toscana is proud to present a new Leucadendron variety grown in pot “Burgundy Sunset“ with a striking dark burgundy foliage that is almost black in colour. Really stunning! We look forward to meeting you at our booth F19 in Hall 6 - IPM Essen - 27-30th January 2015. ■


Coconut-based substrate: a sustainable, high-quality alternative to peat A good substrate must meet a number of requirements that make it suitable for use in plant cultivation. A single substrate material not always includes all desirable features, so in order to achieve them this it is sometimes necessary to mix different materials. Traditionally, peat has been the main component of substrates for plant cultivation. This is due to the fact that peat has a high water retention and cation exchange capacity, is a source of organic substance that slowly undergoes mineralization and therefore releases nutrients available for the plants, and generally does not contain weed seeds. Among the newly introduced alternative materials for cultivation substrates there are also chopped wood and bark that cost relatively little and are a good source of organic matter. However, the material most suitable to replace peat in substrate preparation is the by-product of coconut processing. The production of coconut-based substrates is an environmentally friendly process, renewable and continuous with low or limited environmental impact. In fact, this substrate is a by-product of coconut processing and in the countries of Central America is subject to an entirely mechanical process which ensures consistency in the product features, as a result obtaining a substrate characterised

by excellent properties. Coconut potting soil now represents a viable alternative to traditional peat substrates. In fact, coconut has the same qualities of the best sphagnum peat. The product is obtained from the mesocarp of the coconut. The rotproof fibres that compose it are extracted, selected and dried in a controlled environment, obtaining a product with substantially stable reaction properties (ph between 5.4 and 6.8) and light weight (70-00 g/l): this facilitates transportation and handling. It can also be kept for long periods in bales without risks of deteriorating its physical and chemical properties. Particularly favourable are also its hydrological properties: in addition to good water retention capacity, it also shows high air retention volumes. The root system of plants cultivated in a coconut substrate is thus provided with the right amount of water and is not subjected to asphyxiation. Coconut soil also lends itself to long-cycle cultivations, maintaining constant volume and porosity due to the fact that it keeps its physical and chemical properties for a long time. The long-standing experience of companies that produce coconut soil ensures to growers the supply of several types of substrates suitable for any cultivation requirements. In the preparation phase of the mixture it is possible to vary the fertiliser content of the soil according to the demands of the different

More info:

plant species, guaranteeing the best production results. The coconut soil also poses no problems for its disposal because it is a natural product composed exclusively of biodegradable substances. Given the characteristics of the product it is possible to stock it in large quantities that can be continually replenished to ensure the constant availability of the product on site. It is therefore a substrate with very interesting agronomical characteristics which has a strongly environmentally friendly origin, and is consequently sustainable and renewable over time. In time, all these features will be a vital element in environmentally friendly farming protocols. â–

Pag. 31 • Lineaverde International January 2015



Lineaverde International


Technical-botanical information sheets FICHES TECHNIQUES ET BOTANIQUES DE LINEAVERDE

dr. agr. Renato Ferretti e dr. agr. Silvia Vigé

Introductory remarks These technical-botanical information sheets are born

st up-to-date descriptions of the new varieties present

of a desire to create an instrument able to link our hor-

on the market and of other extremely interesting varie-

ticulturalists’ commercial offers with the design and

ties that tend to be little used because they are not well

planning needs of those who create green solutions,


from landscape architects to agronomists, and from

We have therefore gathered together a wealth of infor-

gardeners to construction companies. The information

mation, ranging from descriptions of the plants, where

sheets are therefore intended to be a source of inspira-

we highlight their botanical and agronomic characteri-

tion for the design and creation of green areas featu-

stics, to criteria for making choices, such as sizes, beha-

ring the widest possible range of species, chosen both

viour and use. This has allowed us to highlight other

for their aesthetic and their agronomic characteristics.

aspects – resistance to pollution, allergenic aspects,

There is, of course, no shortage of books on plants, and

nursery procedures and different types of cultivation.

in recent times excellent descriptions of plants can also

The production of these information sheets depends

be found in nursery trade catalogues, but the present

on the ongoing collaboration of our horticulturalists,

publication is intended to stand out by offering the mo-

whom we wish to thank in advance for their time.



Lineaverde International

Cupressus ‘Totem’ Botanical characteristic

Agronomic characteristics

BOTANICAL NAME: Cupressus sempervirens ‘Totem’

SOIL: sandy

FAMILY: Cupressacee

SITE: full sun or partial shade


HARDINESS: lower than the other

LEAVES COLOUR: brilliant green needles




FRUITS: almost non-existent


Ideaverde s.s.agr. strada Tuderte, 174 06132 Perugia - Italy Tel. +39.075.388569


Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 10 m HABIT: very compact MEASURE: up to 250-300 cm HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: narrow upright habit MARKETING: container PLANTING DISTANCES OR PLANTS/MQ: 2,5-6 m GROWTH-TIME: medium-low

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: appropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: appropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: appropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: inappropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Eugenia ‘Etna Fire’’ Botanical characteristic

Agronomic characteristics


SITE: full sun or partial shade

‘Etna Fire’


FAMILY: Mirtacee


CROWN: pyramidal



COLD TOLERANCE: up to minus 8 degree Celsius

FLOWERING COLOUR: little white




SOIL: all kinds


LEAVES COLOUR: ruby red LEAVES PERSISTANCE: evergreen FRUITS: red berries

Piante Faro Strada p.le 117, n° 26 Carruba di Giarre (Ct) Tel 0957780511

PHYTOSANITARY CHARACTERISTICS: good tolerance to diseases

Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 6-8 m HABIT: conical MEASURE: every dimension from pot 18 to 280 lt OPTIMUM DISTANCE OF THE COMPOSTING PLANT: 1-2 m PLANTING DISTANCES OR PLANTS/MQ: 1 GROWTH-TIME: fast HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: bushy, conical, little tree, medium-sized tree, two balls, tree, cube MARKETING: container

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: appropriate GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: appropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: appropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: appropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: inappropriate TOPIARY ART: appropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Abies nordmanniana Agronomic characteristics

Botanical characteristic BOTANICAL NAME: Abies nordmanniana

SOIL: middle soil type

FAMILY: Pinaceae

SITE: full sun or partial shade







LEAVES COLOUR: needles are deep






FRUITS: cylindrical cones are brown-green (10-15 cm)

Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 25-30 m HABIT: upright MEASURE: height from 1 m to 6-7 m PLANTING DISTANCES: 10 m HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: tree structure MARKETING: root ball and container GROWTH-TIME: medium

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: inappropriate GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: appropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: appropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: inappropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: inappropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate

Marchini Abeti Località Castelvecchio, 51017 Pescia (PT) Tel. 3356858725




Lineaverde International

Magnolia grandiflora Crotonifolia ‘Pistoiese’ Agronomic characteristics

Botanical characteristic BOTANICAL NAME: Magnolia grandiflora

SOIL: all kinds

Crotonifolia ‘Pistoiese’

SITE: full sun or partial shade

FAMILY: Magnoliacea


CROWN: pyramidal


FLOWERING TIME: from 7 years if


unpruned, June-July


FLOWERING COLOUR: white-yellow


LEAVES COLOUR: yellow variegated


leaves LEAVES PERSISTANCE: evergreen FRUITS: capsules

Tesi Ubaldo & Figli Via del Girone, 29 51100 Chiazzano (Pt) Tel. 0573.532318


Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 10 m HABIT: bush MEASURE: from 60-80 cm to 3-3.50m PLANTING DISTANCES: 2-3 m GROWTH-TIME: slow HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: conic bush MARKETING: root ball and container

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: scarcely appropriate GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: partially appropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: inappropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: partially appropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: inappropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Lagerstroemia indica ‘Bianca Grassi’ Agronomic characteristics

Botanical characteristic

SOIL: all kinds except the acid one SITE: full sun

BOTANICAL NAME: Lagerstroemia


indica ‘Bianca Grassi’


FAMILY: Lythraceae


CROWN: spreading






LEAVES COLOUR: bright green


LEAVES PERSISTANCE: deciduous AUTUMN COLOUR: yellow-orange FRUITS: oval or round capsules

Vivaio dei Molini Az. Agr. Porro Savoldi Via Molini, 3 Lonato del Garda (BS) Tel. 030 9130132

Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 4-5 m HABIT: shrubby or arboreal MEASURE: varieties in bush up to 3-4 m, trees with a maximum circumference of 20-25 cm OPTIMUM DISTANCE OF THE COMPOSTING PLANT: 60 cm PLANTING DISTANCES OR PLANTS/MQ: 1 GROWTH-TIME: medium HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: bushy, medium sized tree, tree MARKETING: root ball and container

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: appropriate GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: inappropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: inappropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: appropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: appropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Populus nigra italica ‘San Giorgio’ Botanical characteristic

Use PARK: appropriate

BOTANICAL NAME: Populus nigra italica ‘San Giorgio’

GARDENS: appropriate

FAMILY: Salicacee


CROWN: fastigiate form with assurgent branches

appropriate for rows


GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate

FLOWERING COLOUR: plant with male flowers,


purple red colour


LEAVES COLOUR: intense glossy green colour on


the upper surface, pale green and without fuzz on the




LEAVES PERSISTANCE: until late autumn


FRUITS: male plant without fruits and pappus (fluff)


Agronomic characteristics SOIL: all kinds if fresh and with good water retention also in summer SITE: full sun HARDINESS: yes AIR POLLUTION TOLERANCE: yes LIMESTONE RESISTANCE: yes COLD TOLERANCE: yes WATERLOGGING TOLERANCE: yes SALT TOLERANCE: moderate ALLERGENIC PLANT: do not produce pollen

Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: approximately 20 m HABIT: columnar MEASURE: height from 1 to 4 m, bigger plants available PLANTING DISTANCES: in rows, with a distance between plants according to the purpose: 2 or 3 m to provide a point of contact in the windbreaks among adult plants; 5 or more for ornamental or landscaping purposes GROWTH-TIME: very fast HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: natural habit similar to cypress with narrow crown MARKETING: waiden tree without roots, root ball and container

UmbraFlor Azienda Vivaistica Regionale Via del Castellaccio, 6, 06038 Spello (PG) Tel. 0742.315007

IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: inappropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: especially appropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate VERTICAL GREEN: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Acer buergerianum Botanical characteristic BOTANICAL NAME: Acer buergerianum FAMILY: Aceraceae

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: inappropriate

CROWN: dense foliage

GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate

FLOWERING: inconspicuous LEAVES COLOUR: glossy green divided in three triangular lobes LEAVES PERSISTANCE: deciduous AUTUMN COLOUR: yellow, red and orange FRUITS: two samaras



Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 10 - 12 m HABIT: spreading MEASURE: bushes up to 5 m tall, trees 30/35 m GROWTH-TIME: medium HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: bushy and tree MARKETING: bare root and root ball

Tecnovivai S.S. di Zecchina Felice e Pieremilio Soc. Agr. Km.46 S.S. 343 Via Bizzolano, 6 - 46013 Canneto Sull'Oglio (MN) tel: +39 0376 72.41.37 fax: +39 0376 72.55.74

appropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Platanor ‘Vallis Clausa’ Agronomic characteristics

Botanical characteristic

SOIL: all kinds SITE: full sun



Platanor ‘Vallis Clausa’


FAMILY: Plantanaceae


CROWN: wide-spreading






LEAVES COLOUR: (very large) glossy and bright green LEAVES PERSISTANCE: deciduous AUTUMN COLOUR: orange-yellow FRUITS: globulous and hanging infructescence

ALLERGENIC PLANT: NO Visto da: Piante MATI via Bonellina, 49 - (PT) tel. 0573 380051

Dimensions and habit MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 20-30 meters HABIT: pyramidal MEASURE: circumference from 14/16 cm to 40/50 cm PLANTING DISTANCES OR PLANTS/MQ: minimum distance is 8 m GROWTH-TIME: fast growing and vigorous, requires an automatic drip irrigation system (it suffers in case of manual and irregular wetting) HABIT PROPOSED BY NURSERIES: little tree MARKETING: root ball jute and mesh, pot, tub, Air Pot, Plant-Plast

Use PARK: appropriate GARDENS: appropriate HEDGES AND BORDERS: inappropriate GROUNDCOVERS: inappropriate INDUSTRIAL AREAS: appropriate RIVERBANKS AND WETLANDS: inappropriate SOUNDPROOF SCREENS: inappropriate MARINE COASTAL AREAS: appropriate IN POT PLANT AND TERRACES: inappropriate AGRICULTURAL HEDGES AND LANDSCAPE USE: appropriate TOPIARY ART: inappropriate

PHYTOSANITARY CHARACTERISTICS: resistant to Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. Platani and to antrachnosis, tingidae and oidium


A guide to ALPIFLORA - Como - Ph. 031/951131 - Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants ALTIFLOR - Latina - Ph. 0773/562066 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Flowering, green and annual plants ANTOLOGIA - Milano - Ph. 039/6080518 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial ARIENTI AZIENDA AGRICOLA - Mantova Ph. 0376-723007 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees ARCANGELI GINO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380418 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial AZIENDA BONATO - Montagnana (PD) Ph 347-2552152 - Aromatic plants, Rosemary and Garden Sage BALDI ALFIO & FIGLIO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573380254 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BALDACCI PRIMO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-934279 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BANO LORENZO - Padova - Ph. 049/5566776 Deciduous trees and shrubs BASSIFLOR - Como - Ph. 031-747717 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees BELLINI VIVAI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544397 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BIAGINI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia Ph. 0573/380228 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants

Pag. 42 • Lineaverde International January 2015

italian BONETTI VIVAI - Cremona - Ph. 0375-380208 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees BRAMBILLA VIVAI - Lecco - Ph. 039-508340 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BREDA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70677 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees BRESCHI FRANCO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380157 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art BRUSCHI SANDRO VIVAI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-946400 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art

PAGE 25 CARLESI VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573 545236 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

CATTANEO - Como - Ph. 031-771295 - Cuttings, Young plants, Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees CHIANESE F.LLI - Napoli - Ph. 081-7023081 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants VIVAI DEL CIRCEO - Latina - Ph. 0773-534031 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees

nurseries CAPITANIO VIVAI - Bari - Ph. 080801720 Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAPORALPLANT - Bari - Ph. 0883.614711 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAROBBI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380488 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial COMPAGNIA DEL LAGO - Verbania Ph. 0323/586905 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants CONSORZIO FLOROVIVAISTI COMASCHI Como Ph. 031/269713 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

CUBEDA VIVAI - Catania - Ph. 095/7891947 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CURTOLO VIVAI - Treviso - Ph. 0422 300818 Ornamental plants, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Magnolia and Quercus DAINESE DOMENICO - Padova - Ph. 049-640174 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial D'ANDREIS VIVAI PIANTE - Udine Ph. 0431-59348 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers DEGLI INNOCENTI GUIDO AZ. AGRICOLA Firenze - Ph. 055-2374547 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants DELLA VALLE & C. - Savona - Ph. 0182-548522 Flowering and annual plants

CONSORZIO PROD. VIVAISTI CANNETESI Mantova - Ph. 0376-70558 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

DELL'UCCELLINA AZIENDA AGRICOLA Grosseto - Ph. 0564-407007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants

COPLANT - Mantova - Ph. 0376-723885 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees

EL ROSER - Treviso - Ph. 0423-839376 - Roses, Climbing and perennial

COVILI FRANCO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-479981 - Deciduos trees and shrubs,

Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbling and perennial, Topiary art CRESPI BONSAI - Milano - Ph. 0331-491850 - Bonsai

FIORITALIA - Rovigo - Ph. 0425-475055 Roses, Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants FLOR COOP - Novara - Ph. 0322-589755 - Acidophil plants, Flowering, green and annual plants

IMPORTANT. By “specialisation” we mean the production types that characterise the firm or for which it is best known. The description provided does not exclude the existence of plant groups not mentioned in the guidebook. IMPORTANT. Sous le terme "spécialisation" nous avons essayé de résumer les différents types de production qui caractérisent l'entreprise ou pour lesquels elle est connue. Notre description n'exclue donc pas le fait que sur le prix courant des entreprises vous pouvez trouver des groupes de plantes qui ne sont pas indiqués. WICHTIG. Hinweis: Wir haben versucht, unter dem Begriff “Spezialisierung” die Produktionsarten zusammenzufassen, die das Unternehmen kennzeichnen oder für die es am bekanntesten ist. Daher schließt die von uns gelieferte Beschreibung nicht aus, dass sich auf den Preislisten des Unternehmens nicht erwähnte Pflanzengruppen befinden.

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IDEAVERDE - Perugia Ph.075.388569 Specialist in the production of Italian Cypress trees and mediterranean species IMPERATORE VIVAI - Caserta - Ph. 0823/871350 Young plants, Mediterranean plants, Conifers, Evergreen shrubs and trees

FLORATOSCANA - Pescia (PT) - Ph. 0572 44731 - Cut flowers, mediterranean plants, Proteas in pots. FLORICOLTURA SCALDASOLE - Como - Ph. 031-61803 - Buxus pruning as balls and as hedges FLORMERCATI COOP - Brescia - Ph. 030-9981381 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering, green and annual plants

PAGE 28 FRANCHI COSTANTINO BONSAI Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429262 Fruit and olive trees, Bonsai

GILARDELLI F.LLI - Milano - Ph. 039-653216 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial


INNOCENTI & MANGONI PIANTE Pistoia - Ph. 0573-530364 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

PAGE 1 ROLANDO INNOCENTI & FIGLI Pistoia - Ph. 0573-531222 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art.

JELITTO - Schwarmstedt (Germania) Ph. 0049 50 71/98 29-0 - Perennial seed

LAMBO - Cremona - Ph. 0375/311038 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants LAZZERI - Bolzano - Ph. 0473-246600 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants

GIORGIO TESI VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573/530051 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art

GIUNTOLI FRANCESCO Pistoia - Ph. 3406337387 Horticulture, flowering and annual plants GLIONNA VIVAI - Potenza - Ph. 0972-82043 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Mediterranean plants GUAGNO IVANO VIVAI - Padova - Ph. 049-9300635 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees HORTUS AZ. AGRICOLA - Forlì - Ph. 0543-741389 Young plants Pag. 44 • Lineaverde International January 2015

LEADERPLANT - Acquanegra sul Chiese (MN) Ph. 0376 727112 - fax 0376 790168 mail: - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers LORENZETTO - Savona - Ph. 0182-20158 Flowering and annual plants L'ORTOFRUTTICOLA SOC. COOP - Savona Ph. 0182-50374 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants LOTTO S.S. FLORICOLTURA - Verbania Ph. 0323-571259 - Acidophil plants LUPPI ENZO & FIGLI AZIENDA FLORICOLA Verbania - Ph. 0323-496312 - Acidophil plants MAGNI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380065 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art

MARGHERITI VIVAI - Siena - Ph. 0578-227686 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees

PAGE 9 MATI PIANTE Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380051 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

MATTEINI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544993 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

OASI VIVAI PIANTE DI PRIMIO LUIGI - Chieti Ph. 0871-398006 - Young plants, Cuttings, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees OTTONI STEFANO VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-79197 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees PATRUCCO SERGIO AZ. FLOROVIVAISTICA Imperia - Ph. 0183-429540 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants PEVERELLI VIVAI - Como - Ph. 031-880320 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial


MAURI ALESSANDRO AZ. AGRICOLA - Milano Ph. 039-650447 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees MB PLANT - Savona - Ph +39 0182 586026 -Import - Export MERISTEMA AZ.AGRICOLA - Pisa - Ph. 0587-725168 - Young plants MERLOFLOR - Savona - Ph. 0182-20257 Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants

PIANTE FARO - Catania - Ph. 095-964900 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

MONDELLI - Como - Ph. 031-200296 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial

PIANTE SANTORI AZ. AGRICOLA Ascoli Piceno - Ph. 0735-633395 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants

MONTIVIVAI - Lucca - Ph. 0583-998115-6 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

PISTOIA PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-935307 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art

NICCOLAI MARINO & FIGLIO - Pistoia Ph. 0573-380468 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

PLANTA - Bolzano - Ph. 0472-830000 Flowering and annual plants

NINO SANREMO - Imperia - Ph. 0184-502266 - Roses

PAGE 26 NIPPON TREE - Anzano del Parco (CO) - Ph. 349 4052291 Japanese Garden-Bonsais (niwaki)

POLI F.LLI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380490 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial PORCELLATO - Treviso - Ph. 0423-485421 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial RADICE AZ. ORTICOLA FLOROVIVAISTICA Como - Ph. 031-745332 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees Pag. 45 • Lineaverde International January 2015

RATTI - Verbania - Ph. 0323-59337 Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants

SANTONI - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-4910 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial

RIGHETTI RAFFAELE S.S. - Pistoia Ph. 0573/544073 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants

SCARPELLINI - Bergamo - Ph. 035-517111 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

ROMANO RIGHETTI PIANTE e C. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-545171 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees R.O.M.E. PLANT - Roma - Ph. 06-52272546 - Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Flowering and annual plants

SIMA PLANT GRUP S.L. - Padova - Ph. 049-5793664 Deciduous trees and shrubs TECNOVIVAI S.S. DI ZECCHINA - Mantova Ph. 0376-70377 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees


PAGE 21 ROMITI VIVAI Chiazzano (PT) Ph. 0573-532031 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

PAGE 23 ROSSI LUCIO - Mantova Ph. 0376-723007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

ROSE BARNI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380464 - Roses SABBIONERA VIVAI - Brescia - Ph. 030-660993 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial SALDINI VIVAI S.S. - Milano - Ph. 02-3542441 - Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants

Pag. 46 • Lineaverde International January 2015

TESI UBALDO & FIGLI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/532318 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

TINTORI OSCAR AZ. AGRICOLA Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429191 - Citrus trees TORSANLORENZO VIVAI MARGHERITI Roma - Ph. 06-91019105 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees TOSCOFLORA - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-447011 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants UMBRAFLOR - Perugia - Ph. 0742.315007 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers VAN DEN BORRE - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees


PAG. 15

VANNUCCI PIANTE AZ. AGR. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-735483 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

VIVAIO DEI MOLINI - Brescia Ph. 030/9130132 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Fruit and olive trees

VERIFLOR - Mantova - Ph. 0375 380249 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

ZECCHINA MASSIMILIANO AZ. AGR. Mantova - Ph. 0376-70318 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

PAG. 11

PAGE 30 ZELARI PIANTE EXPORT S.S Pistoia - Ph. 0573-934077 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art VIGNOLI FRANCESCO - Santomato (PT) Ph. 0573-479769 - Young plants, Wisteria

ZILIANI ANDREA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70421 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

VIVAI ASSOCIATI - Padova - Ph.049 644955 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees VIVAI NORD DI A.G. SARTORI & C. - Como Ph. 031-699749 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants

Pag. 47 • Lineaverde International January 2015




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